path: root/comm/calendar/base/public/calIDateTime.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'comm/calendar/base/public/calIDateTime.idl')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/calendar/base/public/calIDateTime.idl b/comm/calendar/base/public/calIDateTime.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4da295843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/calendar/base/public/calIDateTime.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "nsISupports.idl"
+interface calIDuration;
+interface calITimezone;
+[scriptable, uuid(fe3e9a58-2938-4b2c-9085-4989d5f7244f)]
+interface calIDateTime : nsISupports
+ /**
+ * isMutable is true if this instance is modifiable.
+ * If isMutable is false, any attempts to modify
+ * the object will throw NS_ERROR_OBJECT_IS_IMMUTABLE.
+ */
+ readonly attribute boolean isMutable;
+ /**
+ * Make this calIDateTime instance immutable.
+ */
+ void makeImmutable();
+ /**
+ * Clone this calIDateTime instance into a new
+ * mutable object.
+ */
+ calIDateTime clone();
+ /**
+ * valid is true if this object contains a valid
+ * time/date.
+ */
+ // true if this thing is set/valid
+ readonly attribute boolean isValid;
+ /**
+ * nativeTime contains this instance's PRTime value relative
+ * to the UTC epoch, regardless of the timezone that's set
+ * on this instance. If nativeTime is set, the given UTC PRTime
+ * value is exploded into year/month/etc, forcing the timezone
+ * setting to UTC.
+ *
+ * @warning: When the timezone is set to 'floating', this will return
+ * the nativeTime as-if the timezone was UTC. Take this into account
+ * when comparing values.
+ *
+ * @note on objects that are pinned to a timezone and have isDate set,
+ * nativeTime will be 00:00:00 in the timezone of that date, not 00:00:00 in
+ * UTC.
+ */
+ attribute PRTime nativeTime;
+ /**
+ * Full 4-digit year value (e.g. "1989", "2004")
+ */
+ attribute short year;
+ /**
+ * Month, 0-11, 0 = January
+ */
+ attribute short month;
+ /**
+ * Day of month, 1-[28,29,30,31]
+ */
+ attribute short day;
+ /**
+ * Hour, 0-23
+ */
+ attribute short hour;
+ /**
+ * Minute, 0-59
+ */
+ attribute short minute;
+ /**
+ * Second, 0-59
+ */
+ attribute short second;
+ /**
+ * Gets or sets the timezone of this calIDateTime instance.
+ * Setting the timezone does not change the actual date/time components;
+ * to convert between timezones, use getInTimezone().
+ *
+ * @throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if null is passed in.
+ */
+ attribute calITimezone timezone;
+ /**
+ * Resets the datetime object.
+ *
+ * @param year full 4-digit year value (e.g. "1989", "2004")
+ * @param month month, 0-11, 0 = January
+ * @param day day of month, 1-[28,29,31]
+ * @param hour hour, 0-23
+ * @param minute minute, 0-59
+ * @param second second, 0-59
+ * @param timezone timezone
+ *
+ * The passed datetime will be normalized, e.g. a minute value of 60 will
+ * increase the hour.
+ *
+ * @throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if no timezone is passed in.
+ */
+ void resetTo(in short year,
+ in short month,
+ in short day,
+ in short hour,
+ in short minute,
+ in short second,
+ in calITimezone timezone);
+ /**
+ * The offset of the timezone this datetime is in, relative to UTC, in
+ * seconds. A positive number means that the timezone is ahead of UTC.
+ */
+ readonly attribute long timezoneOffset;
+ /**
+ * isDate indicates that this calIDateTime instance represents a date
+ * (a whole day), and not a specific time on that day. If isDate is set,
+ * accessing the hour/minute/second fields will return 0, and and setting
+ * them is an illegal operation.
+ */
+ attribute boolean isDate;
+ /*
+ * computed values
+ */
+ /**
+ * Day of the week. 0-6, with Sunday = 0.
+ */
+ readonly attribute short weekday;
+ /**
+ * Day of the year, 1-[365,366].
+ */
+ readonly attribute short yearday;
+ /*
+ * Methods
+ */
+ /**
+ * Resets this instance to Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
+ */
+ void reset();
+ /**
+ * Return a string representation of this instance.
+ */
+ AUTF8String toString();
+ /**
+ * Returns a string representation of this instance suitable for JSON.
+ */
+ AUTF8String toJSON();
+ /**
+ * Return a new calIDateTime instance that's the result of
+ * converting this one into the given timezone. Valid values
+ * for aTimezone are the same as the timezone field. If
+ * the "floating" timezone is given, then this object
+ * is just cloned, and the timezone is set to floating.
+ */
+ calIDateTime getInTimezone(in calITimezone aTimezone);
+ // add the given calIDateTime, treating it as a duration, to
+ // this item.
+ // XXX will change
+ void addDuration (in calIDuration aDuration);
+ // Subtract two dates and return a duration
+ // returns duration of this - aOtherDate
+ // if aOtherDate is > this the duration will be negative
+ calIDuration subtractDate (in calIDateTime aOtherDate);
+ /**
+ * Compare this calIDateTime instance to aOther. Returns -1, 0, 1 to
+ * indicate if this < aOther, this == aOther, or this > aOther,
+ * respectively.
+ *
+ * This comparison is timezone-aware; the given values are converted
+ * to a common timezone before comparing. If either this or aOther is
+ * floating, both objects are treated as floating for the comparison.
+ *
+ * If either this or aOther has isDate set, then only the date portion is
+ * compared.
+ *
+ * @exception calIErrors.INVALID_TIMEZONE bad timezone on this object
+ * (not the argument object)
+ */
+ long compare (in calIDateTime aOther);
+ //
+ // Some helper getters for calculating useful ranges
+ //
+ /**
+ * Returns SUNDAY of the given datetime object's week.
+ */
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime startOfWeek;
+ /**
+ * Returns SATURDAY of the datetime object's week.
+ */
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime endOfWeek;
+ // the start/end of the current object's month
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime startOfMonth;
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime endOfMonth;
+ // the start/end of the current object's year
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime startOfYear;
+ readonly attribute calIDateTime endOfYear;
+ /**
+ * This object as either an iCalendar DATE or DATETIME string, as
+ * appropriate and sets the timezone to either UTC or floating.
+ */
+ attribute ACString icalString;