path: root/comm/calendar/test/browser/eventDialog/browser_attendeesDialogAdd.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'comm/calendar/test/browser/eventDialog/browser_attendeesDialogAdd.js')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/calendar/test/browser/eventDialog/browser_attendeesDialogAdd.js b/comm/calendar/test/browser/eventDialog/browser_attendeesDialogAdd.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1f2778118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/calendar/test/browser/eventDialog/browser_attendeesDialogAdd.js
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, you can obtain one at */
+/* globals openAttendeesWindow, closeAttendeesWindow, findAndEditMatchingRow */
+const { CalEvent } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/CalEvent.jsm");
+add_setup(async function () {
+ await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "day");
+ CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2023, 2, 18);
+add_task(async function testAddAttendeeToEventWithNone() {
+ const calendar = CalendarTestUtils.createCalendar();
+ calendar.setProperty("organizerId", "");
+ calendar.setProperty("organizerCN", "Foo Fooson");
+ // Create an event which currently has no attendees or organizer.
+ const event = await calendar.addItem(
+ new CalEvent(CalendarTestUtils.dedent`
+ SUMMARY:An event
+ DTSTART:20230218T100000Z
+ DTEND:20230218T110000Z
+ `)
+ );
+ // Remember event details so we can refetch it after editing.
+ const eventId =;
+ const eventModified = event.lastModifiedTime;
+ // Sanity check.
+ Assert.equal(event.organizer, null, "event should not have an organizer");
+ Assert.equal(event.getAttendees().length, 0, "event should not have any attendees");
+ // Open our event for editing.
+ const { dialogWindow: eventWindow } = await CalendarTestUtils.dayView.editEventAt(window, 1);
+ const attendeesWindow = await openAttendeesWindow(eventWindow);
+ // Set text in the empty row to create a new attendee.
+ findAndEditMatchingRow(
+ attendeesWindow,
+ "",
+ "there should an empty input",
+ value => value === ""
+ );
+ // Save and close the event.
+ await closeAttendeesWindow(attendeesWindow);
+ await CalendarTestUtils.items.saveAndCloseItemDialog(eventWindow);
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(async () => {
+ const item = await calendar.getItem(eventId);
+ return item.lastModifiedTime != eventModified;
+ });
+ const editedEvent = await calendar.getItem(eventId);
+ // Verify that the organizer was set on the event.
+ const organizer = editedEvent.organizer;
+ Assert.ok(organizer, "there should be an organizer for the event after editing");
+ Assert.equal(
+ "",
+ "organizer ID should match calendar property"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(organizer.commonName, "Foo Fooson", "organizer name should match calendar property");
+ const attendees = editedEvent.getAttendees();
+ Assert.equal(attendees.length, 2, "there should be two attendees of the event after editing");
+ // Verify that the organizer was added as an attendee.
+ const fooFooson = attendees.find(attendee => == "");
+ Assert.ok(fooFooson, "the organizer should have been added as an attendee");
+ Assert.equal(fooFooson.commonName, "Foo Fooson", "attendee name should match organizer's");
+ Assert.equal(
+ fooFooson.participationStatus,
+ "organizer attendee should have automatically accepted"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(fooFooson.role, "REQ-PARTICIPANT", "organizer attendee should be required");
+ // Verify that the attendee we added to the list is represented on the event.
+ const barBarrington = attendees.find(attendee => == "");
+ Assert.ok(barBarrington, "an attendee should have the address");
+ Assert.equal(barBarrington.commonName, null, "new attendee name should not be set");
+ Assert.equal(
+ barBarrington.participationStatus,
+ "new attendee should have default participation status"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(barBarrington.role, "REQ-PARTICIPANT", "new attendee should have default role");
+ CalendarTestUtils.removeCalendar(calendar);
+add_task(async function testAddAttendeeToEventWithoutOrganizerAsAttendee() {
+ const calendar = CalendarTestUtils.createCalendar();
+ calendar.setProperty("organizerId", "");
+ calendar.setProperty("organizerCN", "Foo Fooson");
+ // Create an event which has an organizer and attendees, but no attendee
+ // matching the organizer.
+ const event = await calendar.addItem(
+ new CalEvent(CalendarTestUtils.dedent`
+ SUMMARY:An event
+ DTSTART:20230218T100000Z
+ DTEND:20230218T110000Z
+ ORGANIZER;CN="Foo Fooson"
+ ATTENDEE;CN="Bar Barrington";PARTSTAT=DECLINED;ROLE=CHAIR:mailto:bar@examp
+ `)
+ );
+ // Remember event details so we can refetch it after editing.
+ const eventId =;
+ const eventModified = event.lastModifiedTime;
+ // Sanity check. Note that order of attendees is not significant and thus not
+ // guaranteed.
+ const organizer = event.organizer;
+ Assert.ok(organizer, "the organizer should be set");
+ Assert.equal(, "", "organizer ID should match");
+ Assert.equal(organizer.commonName, "Foo Fooson", "organizer name should match");
+ const attendees = event.getAttendees();
+ Assert.equal(attendees.length, 2, "there should be two attendees of the event");
+ const fooFooson = attendees.find(attendee => == "");
+ Assert.ok(!fooFooson, "there should be no attendee matching the organizer");
+ const barBarrington = attendees.find(attendee => == "");
+ Assert.ok(barBarrington, "an attendee should have the address");
+ Assert.equal(barBarrington.commonName, "Bar Barrington", "attendee name should match");
+ Assert.equal(barBarrington.participationStatus, "DECLINED", "attendee should have declined");
+ Assert.equal(barBarrington.role, "CHAIR", "attendee should be the meeting chair");
+ const bazLuhrmann = attendees.find(attendee => == "");
+ Assert.ok(bazLuhrmann, "an attendee should have the address");
+ Assert.equal(bazLuhrmann.commonName, "Baz Luhrmann", "attendee name should match");
+ Assert.equal(
+ bazLuhrmann.participationStatus,
+ "attendee should not have responded yet"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(bazLuhrmann.role, "OPT-PARTICIPANT", "attendee should be optional");
+ Assert.equal(, "TRUE", "attendee should be expected to RSVP");
+ // Open our event for editing.
+ const { dialogWindow: eventWindow } = await CalendarTestUtils.dayView.editEventAt(window, 1);
+ const attendeesWindow = await openAttendeesWindow(eventWindow);
+ // Verify that we don't display an attendee for the organizer if there is no
+ // attendee on the event for them.
+ const attendeeList = attendeesWindow.document.getElementById("attendee-list");
+ const attendeeInput = Array.from(attendeeList.children)
+ .map(child => child.querySelector("input"))
+ .find(input => {
+ return input ? input.value.includes("") : false;
+ });
+ Assert.ok(!attendeeInput, "there should be no row in the dialog for the organizer");
+ // Set text in the empty row to create a new attendee.
+ findAndEditMatchingRow(
+ attendeesWindow,
+ "Jim James <>",
+ "there should an empty input",
+ value => value === ""
+ );
+ // Save and close the event.
+ await closeAttendeesWindow(attendeesWindow);
+ await CalendarTestUtils.items.saveAndCloseItemDialog(eventWindow);
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(async () => {
+ const item = await calendar.getItem(eventId);
+ return item.lastModifiedTime != eventModified;
+ });
+ const editedEvent = await calendar.getItem(eventId);
+ // Verify that the organizer hasn't changed.
+ const editedOrganizer = editedEvent.organizer;
+ Assert.ok(editedOrganizer, "the organizer should still be set on the event after editing");
+ Assert.equal(
+ "",
+ "organizer ID should not have changed"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(editedOrganizer.commonName, "Foo Fooson", "organizer name should not have changed");
+ const editedAttendees = editedEvent.getAttendees();
+ Assert.equal(
+ editedAttendees.length,
+ 3,
+ "there should be three attendees of the event after editing"
+ );
+ // Verify that no attendee matching the organizer was added.
+ const editedFooFooson = editedAttendees.find(attendee => == "");
+ Assert.ok(!editedFooFooson, "there should still be no attendee matching the organizer");
+ // Verify that a new attendee was added.
+ const jimJames = editedAttendees.find(attendee => == "");
+ Assert.ok(jimJames, "an attendee should have the address");
+ Assert.equal(jimJames.commonName, "Jim James", "new attendee name should be set");
+ Assert.equal(
+ jimJames.participationStatus,
+ "new attendee should have default participation status"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(jimJames.role, "REQ-PARTICIPANT", "new attendee should have default role");
+ // Verify that the original first attendee's properties remain untouched.
+ const editedBarBarrington = editedAttendees.find(
+ attendee => == ""
+ );
+ Assert.ok(editedBarBarrington, "an attendee should have the address");
+ Assert.equal(editedBarBarrington.commonName, "Bar Barrington", "attendee name should match");
+ Assert.equal(
+ editedBarBarrington.participationStatus,
+ "attendee should have declined"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(editedBarBarrington.role, "CHAIR", "attendee should be the meeting chair");
+ // Verify that the original second attendee's properties remain untouched.
+ const editedBazLuhrmann = editedAttendees.find(
+ attendee => == ""
+ );
+ Assert.ok(editedBazLuhrmann, "an attendee should have the address");
+ Assert.equal(editedBazLuhrmann.commonName, "Baz Luhrmann", "attendee name should match");
+ Assert.equal(
+ editedBazLuhrmann.participationStatus,
+ "attendee should not have responded yet"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(editedBazLuhrmann.role, "OPT-PARTICIPANT", "attendee should be optional");
+ Assert.equal(, "TRUE", "attendee should be expected to RSVP");
+ CalendarTestUtils.removeCalendar(calendar);