path: root/comm/chat/protocols/matrix/lib/matrix-sdk/webrtc/groupCall.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'comm/chat/protocols/matrix/lib/matrix-sdk/webrtc/groupCall.js')
1 files changed, 1213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/chat/protocols/matrix/lib/matrix-sdk/webrtc/groupCall.js b/comm/chat/protocols/matrix/lib/matrix-sdk/webrtc/groupCall.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac6da49d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/chat/protocols/matrix/lib/matrix-sdk/webrtc/groupCall.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1213 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+exports.OtherUserSpeakingError = exports.GroupCallUnknownDeviceError = exports.GroupCallType = exports.GroupCallTerminationReason = exports.GroupCallStatsReportEvent = exports.GroupCallState = exports.GroupCallIntent = exports.GroupCallEvent = exports.GroupCallErrorCode = exports.GroupCallError = exports.GroupCall = void 0;
+var _typedEventEmitter = require("../models/typed-event-emitter");
+var _callFeed = require("./callFeed");
+var _call = require("./call");
+var _roomState = require("../models/room-state");
+var _logger = require("../logger");
+var _ReEmitter = require("../ReEmitter");
+var _callEventTypes = require("./callEventTypes");
+var _event = require("../@types/event");
+var _callEventHandler = require("./callEventHandler");
+var _groupCallEventHandler = require("./groupCallEventHandler");
+var _utils = require("../utils");
+var _groupCallStats = require("./stats/groupCallStats");
+var _statsReport = require("./stats/statsReport");
+function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
+function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; }
+function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { key = _toPropertyKey(key); if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
+function _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string"); return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key); }
+function _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || "default"); if (typeof res !== "object") return res; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input); }
+let GroupCallIntent = /*#__PURE__*/function (GroupCallIntent) {
+ GroupCallIntent["Ring"] = "m.ring";
+ GroupCallIntent["Prompt"] = "m.prompt";
+ GroupCallIntent["Room"] = "";
+ return GroupCallIntent;
+exports.GroupCallIntent = GroupCallIntent;
+let GroupCallType = /*#__PURE__*/function (GroupCallType) {
+ GroupCallType["Video"] = "";
+ GroupCallType["Voice"] = "m.voice";
+ return GroupCallType;
+exports.GroupCallType = GroupCallType;
+let GroupCallTerminationReason = /*#__PURE__*/function (GroupCallTerminationReason) {
+ GroupCallTerminationReason["CallEnded"] = "call_ended";
+ return GroupCallTerminationReason;
+exports.GroupCallTerminationReason = GroupCallTerminationReason;
+ * Because event names are just strings, they do need
+ * to be unique over all event types of event emitter.
+ * Some objects could emit more then one set of events.
+ */
+let GroupCallEvent = /*#__PURE__*/function (GroupCallEvent) {
+ GroupCallEvent["GroupCallStateChanged"] = "group_call_state_changed";
+ GroupCallEvent["ActiveSpeakerChanged"] = "active_speaker_changed";
+ GroupCallEvent["CallsChanged"] = "calls_changed";
+ GroupCallEvent["UserMediaFeedsChanged"] = "user_media_feeds_changed";
+ GroupCallEvent["ScreenshareFeedsChanged"] = "screenshare_feeds_changed";
+ GroupCallEvent["LocalScreenshareStateChanged"] = "local_screenshare_state_changed";
+ GroupCallEvent["LocalMuteStateChanged"] = "local_mute_state_changed";
+ GroupCallEvent["ParticipantsChanged"] = "participants_changed";
+ GroupCallEvent["Error"] = "group_call_error";
+ return GroupCallEvent;
+exports.GroupCallEvent = GroupCallEvent;
+let GroupCallStatsReportEvent = /*#__PURE__*/function (GroupCallStatsReportEvent) {
+ GroupCallStatsReportEvent["ConnectionStats"] = "GroupCall.connection_stats";
+ GroupCallStatsReportEvent["ByteSentStats"] = "GroupCall.byte_sent_stats";
+ GroupCallStatsReportEvent["SummaryStats"] = "GroupCall.summary_stats";
+ return GroupCallStatsReportEvent;
+exports.GroupCallStatsReportEvent = GroupCallStatsReportEvent;
+let GroupCallErrorCode = /*#__PURE__*/function (GroupCallErrorCode) {
+ GroupCallErrorCode["NoUserMedia"] = "no_user_media";
+ GroupCallErrorCode["UnknownDevice"] = "unknown_device";
+ GroupCallErrorCode["PlaceCallFailed"] = "place_call_failed";
+ return GroupCallErrorCode;
+exports.GroupCallErrorCode = GroupCallErrorCode;
+class GroupCallError extends Error {
+ constructor(code, msg, err) {
+ // Still don't think there's any way to have proper nested errors
+ if (err) {
+ super(msg + ": " + err);
+ _defineProperty(this, "code", void 0);
+ } else {
+ super(msg);
+ _defineProperty(this, "code", void 0);
+ }
+ this.code = code;
+ }
+exports.GroupCallError = GroupCallError;
+class GroupCallUnknownDeviceError extends GroupCallError {
+ constructor(userId) {
+ super(GroupCallErrorCode.UnknownDevice, "No device found for " + userId);
+ this.userId = userId;
+ }
+exports.GroupCallUnknownDeviceError = GroupCallUnknownDeviceError;
+class OtherUserSpeakingError extends Error {
+ constructor() {
+ super("Cannot unmute: another user is speaking");
+ }
+exports.OtherUserSpeakingError = OtherUserSpeakingError;
+let GroupCallState = /*#__PURE__*/function (GroupCallState) {
+ GroupCallState["LocalCallFeedUninitialized"] = "local_call_feed_uninitialized";
+ GroupCallState["InitializingLocalCallFeed"] = "initializing_local_call_feed";
+ GroupCallState["LocalCallFeedInitialized"] = "local_call_feed_initialized";
+ GroupCallState["Entered"] = "entered";
+ GroupCallState["Ended"] = "ended";
+ return GroupCallState;
+exports.GroupCallState = GroupCallState;
+const DEVICE_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hour
+function getCallUserId(call) {
+ return call.getOpponentMember()?.userId || call.invitee || null;
+class GroupCall extends _typedEventEmitter.TypedEventEmitter {
+ constructor(client, room, type, isPtt, intent, groupCallId, dataChannelsEnabled, dataChannelOptions, isCallWithoutVideoAndAudio) {
+ super();
+ this.client = client;
+ = room;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.isPtt = isPtt;
+ this.intent = intent;
+ this.dataChannelsEnabled = dataChannelsEnabled;
+ this.dataChannelOptions = dataChannelOptions;
+ // Config
+ _defineProperty(this, "activeSpeakerInterval", 1000);
+ _defineProperty(this, "retryCallInterval", 5000);
+ _defineProperty(this, "participantTimeout", 1000 * 15);
+ _defineProperty(this, "pttMaxTransmitTime", 1000 * 20);
+ _defineProperty(this, "activeSpeaker", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "localCallFeed", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "localScreenshareFeed", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "localDesktopCapturerSourceId", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "userMediaFeeds", []);
+ _defineProperty(this, "screenshareFeeds", []);
+ _defineProperty(this, "groupCallId", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "allowCallWithoutVideoAndAudio", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "calls", new Map());
+ // user_id -> device_id -> MatrixCall
+ _defineProperty(this, "callHandlers", new Map());
+ // user_id -> device_id -> ICallHandlers
+ _defineProperty(this, "activeSpeakerLoopInterval", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "retryCallLoopInterval", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "retryCallCounts", new Map());
+ // user_id -> device_id -> count
+ _defineProperty(this, "reEmitter", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "transmitTimer", null);
+ _defineProperty(this, "participantsExpirationTimer", null);
+ _defineProperty(this, "resendMemberStateTimer", null);
+ _defineProperty(this, "initWithAudioMuted", false);
+ _defineProperty(this, "initWithVideoMuted", false);
+ _defineProperty(this, "initCallFeedPromise", void 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "stats", void 0);
+ /**
+ * Configure default webrtc stats collection interval in ms
+ * Disable collecting webrtc stats by setting interval to 0
+ */
+ _defineProperty(this, "statsCollectIntervalTime", 0);
+ _defineProperty(this, "onConnectionStats", report => {
+ this.emit(GroupCallStatsReportEvent.ConnectionStats, {
+ report
+ });
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onByteSentStats", report => {
+ this.emit(GroupCallStatsReportEvent.ByteSentStats, {
+ report
+ });
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onSummaryStats", report => {
+ this.emit(GroupCallStatsReportEvent.SummaryStats, {
+ report
+ });
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "_state", GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedUninitialized);
+ _defineProperty(this, "_participants", new Map());
+ _defineProperty(this, "_creationTs", null);
+ _defineProperty(this, "_enteredViaAnotherSession", false);
+ /*
+ * Call Setup
+ *
+ * There are two different paths for calls to be created:
+ * 1. Incoming calls triggered by the Call.incoming event.
+ * 2. Outgoing calls to the initial members of a room or new members
+ * as they are observed by the RoomState.members event.
+ */
+ _defineProperty(this, "onIncomingCall", newCall => {
+ // The incoming calls may be for another room, which we will ignore.
+ if (newCall.roomId !== {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (newCall.state !== _call.CallState.Ringing) {
+ _logger.logger.warn(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} onIncomingCall() incoming call no longer in ringing state - ignoring`);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!newCall.groupCallId || newCall.groupCallId !== this.groupCallId) {
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} onIncomingCall() ignored because it doesn't match the current group call`);
+ newCall.reject();
+ return;
+ }
+ const opponentUserId = newCall.getOpponentMember()?.userId;
+ if (opponentUserId === undefined) {
+ _logger.logger.warn(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} onIncomingCall() incoming call with no member - ignoring`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const deviceMap = this.calls.get(opponentUserId) ?? new Map();
+ const prevCall = deviceMap.get(newCall.getOpponentDeviceId());
+ if (prevCall?.callId === newCall.callId) return;
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} onIncomingCall() incoming call (userId=${opponentUserId}, callId=${newCall.callId})`);
+ if (prevCall) prevCall.hangup(_call.CallErrorCode.Replaced, false);
+ // We must do this before we start initialising / answering the call as we
+ // need to know it is the active call for this user+deviceId and to not ignore
+ // events from it.
+ deviceMap.set(newCall.getOpponentDeviceId(), newCall);
+ this.calls.set(opponentUserId, deviceMap);
+ this.initCall(newCall);
+ const feeds = this.getLocalFeeds().map(feed => feed.clone());
+ if (!this.callExpected(newCall)) {
+ // Disable our tracks for users not explicitly participating in the
+ // call but trying to receive the feeds
+ for (const feed of feeds) {
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(, false);
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(, false);
+ }
+ }
+ newCall.answerWithCallFeeds(feeds);
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.CallsChanged, this.calls);
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onRetryCallLoop", () => {
+ let needsRetry = false;
+ for (const [{
+ userId
+ }, participantMap] of this.participants) {
+ const callMap = this.calls.get(userId);
+ let retriesMap = this.retryCallCounts.get(userId);
+ for (const [deviceId, participant] of participantMap) {
+ const call = callMap?.get(deviceId);
+ const retries = retriesMap?.get(deviceId) ?? 0;
+ if (call?.getOpponentSessionId() !== participant.sessionId && this.wantsOutgoingCall(userId, deviceId) && retries < 3) {
+ if (retriesMap === undefined) {
+ retriesMap = new Map();
+ this.retryCallCounts.set(userId, retriesMap);
+ }
+ retriesMap.set(deviceId, retries + 1);
+ needsRetry = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (needsRetry) this.placeOutgoingCalls();
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onCallFeedsChanged", call => {
+ const opponentMemberId = getCallUserId(call);
+ const opponentDeviceId = call.getOpponentDeviceId();
+ if (!opponentMemberId) {
+ throw new Error("Cannot change call feeds without user id");
+ }
+ const currentUserMediaFeed = this.getUserMediaFeed(opponentMemberId, opponentDeviceId);
+ const remoteUsermediaFeed = call.remoteUsermediaFeed;
+ const remoteFeedChanged = remoteUsermediaFeed !== currentUserMediaFeed;
+ const deviceMap = this.calls.get(opponentMemberId);
+ const currentCallForUserDevice = deviceMap?.get(opponentDeviceId);
+ if (currentCallForUserDevice?.callId !== call.callId) {
+ // the call in question is not the current call for this user/deviceId
+ // so ignore feed events from it otherwise we'll remove our real feeds
+ return;
+ }
+ if (remoteFeedChanged) {
+ if (!currentUserMediaFeed && remoteUsermediaFeed) {
+ this.addUserMediaFeed(remoteUsermediaFeed);
+ } else if (currentUserMediaFeed && remoteUsermediaFeed) {
+ this.replaceUserMediaFeed(currentUserMediaFeed, remoteUsermediaFeed);
+ } else if (currentUserMediaFeed && !remoteUsermediaFeed) {
+ this.removeUserMediaFeed(currentUserMediaFeed);
+ }
+ }
+ const currentScreenshareFeed = this.getScreenshareFeed(opponentMemberId, opponentDeviceId);
+ const remoteScreensharingFeed = call.remoteScreensharingFeed;
+ const remoteScreenshareFeedChanged = remoteScreensharingFeed !== currentScreenshareFeed;
+ if (remoteScreenshareFeedChanged) {
+ if (!currentScreenshareFeed && remoteScreensharingFeed) {
+ this.addScreenshareFeed(remoteScreensharingFeed);
+ } else if (currentScreenshareFeed && remoteScreensharingFeed) {
+ this.replaceScreenshareFeed(currentScreenshareFeed, remoteScreensharingFeed);
+ } else if (currentScreenshareFeed && !remoteScreensharingFeed) {
+ this.removeScreenshareFeed(currentScreenshareFeed);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onCallStateChanged", (call, state, _oldState) => {
+ if (state === _call.CallState.Ended) return;
+ const audioMuted = this.localCallFeed.isAudioMuted();
+ if (call.localUsermediaStream && call.isMicrophoneMuted() !== audioMuted) {
+ call.setMicrophoneMuted(audioMuted);
+ }
+ const videoMuted = this.localCallFeed.isVideoMuted();
+ if (call.localUsermediaStream && call.isLocalVideoMuted() !== videoMuted) {
+ call.setLocalVideoMuted(videoMuted);
+ }
+ const opponentUserId = call.getOpponentMember()?.userId;
+ if (state === _call.CallState.Connected && opponentUserId) {
+ const retriesMap = this.retryCallCounts.get(opponentUserId);
+ retriesMap?.delete(call.getOpponentDeviceId());
+ if (retriesMap?.size === 0) this.retryCallCounts.delete(opponentUserId);
+ }
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onCallHangup", call => {
+ if (call.hangupReason === _call.CallErrorCode.Replaced) return;
+ const opponentUserId = call.getOpponentMember()?.userId ??;
+ const deviceMap = this.calls.get(opponentUserId);
+ // Sanity check that this call is in fact in the map
+ if (deviceMap?.get(call.getOpponentDeviceId()) === call) {
+ this.disposeCall(call, call.hangupReason);
+ deviceMap.delete(call.getOpponentDeviceId());
+ if (deviceMap.size === 0) this.calls.delete(opponentUserId);
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.CallsChanged, this.calls);
+ }
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onCallReplaced", (prevCall, newCall) => {
+ const opponentUserId = prevCall.getOpponentMember().userId;
+ let deviceMap = this.calls.get(opponentUserId);
+ if (deviceMap === undefined) {
+ deviceMap = new Map();
+ this.calls.set(opponentUserId, deviceMap);
+ }
+ prevCall.hangup(_call.CallErrorCode.Replaced, false);
+ this.initCall(newCall);
+ deviceMap.set(prevCall.getOpponentDeviceId(), newCall);
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.CallsChanged, this.calls);
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onActiveSpeakerLoop", () => {
+ let topAvg = undefined;
+ let nextActiveSpeaker = undefined;
+ for (const callFeed of this.userMediaFeeds) {
+ if (callFeed.isLocal() && this.userMediaFeeds.length > 1) continue;
+ const total = callFeed.speakingVolumeSamples.reduce((acc, volume) => acc + Math.max(volume, _callFeed.SPEAKING_THRESHOLD));
+ const avg = total / callFeed.speakingVolumeSamples.length;
+ if (!topAvg || avg > topAvg) {
+ topAvg = avg;
+ nextActiveSpeaker = callFeed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nextActiveSpeaker && this.activeSpeaker !== nextActiveSpeaker && topAvg && topAvg > _callFeed.SPEAKING_THRESHOLD) {
+ this.activeSpeaker = nextActiveSpeaker;
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.ActiveSpeakerChanged, this.activeSpeaker);
+ }
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onRoomState", () => this.updateParticipants());
+ _defineProperty(this, "onParticipantsChanged", () => {
+ // Re-run setTracksEnabled on all calls, so that participants that just
+ // left get denied access to our media, and participants that just
+ // joined get granted access
+ this.forEachCall(call => {
+ const expected = this.callExpected(call);
+ for (const feed of call.getLocalFeeds()) {
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(, !feed.isAudioMuted() && expected);
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(, !feed.isVideoMuted() && expected);
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.state === GroupCallState.Entered) this.placeOutgoingCalls();
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onStateChanged", (newState, oldState) => {
+ if (newState === GroupCallState.Entered || oldState === GroupCallState.Entered || newState === GroupCallState.Ended) {
+ // We either entered, left, or ended the call
+ this.updateParticipants();
+ this.updateMemberState().catch(e => _logger.logger.error(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} onStateChanged() failed to update member state devices"`, e));
+ }
+ });
+ _defineProperty(this, "onLocalFeedsChanged", () => {
+ if (this.state === GroupCallState.Entered) {
+ this.updateMemberState().catch(e => _logger.logger.error(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} onLocalFeedsChanged() failed to update member state feeds`, e));
+ }
+ });
+ this.reEmitter = new _ReEmitter.ReEmitter(this);
+ this.groupCallId = groupCallId ?? (0, _call.genCallID)();
+ this.creationTs = room.currentState.getStateEvents(_event.EventType.GroupCallPrefix, this.groupCallId)?.getTs() ?? null;
+ this.updateParticipants();
+ room.on(_roomState.RoomStateEvent.Update, this.onRoomState);
+ this.on(GroupCallEvent.ParticipantsChanged, this.onParticipantsChanged);
+ this.on(GroupCallEvent.GroupCallStateChanged, this.onStateChanged);
+ this.on(GroupCallEvent.LocalScreenshareStateChanged, this.onLocalFeedsChanged);
+ this.allowCallWithoutVideoAndAudio = !!isCallWithoutVideoAndAudio;
+ }
+ async create() {
+ this.creationTs =;
+ this.client.groupCallEventHandler.groupCalls.set(, this);
+ this.client.emit(_groupCallEventHandler.GroupCallEventHandlerEvent.Outgoing, this);
+ const groupCallState = {
+ "m.intent": this.intent,
+ "m.type": this.type,
+ "io.element.ptt": this.isPtt,
+ // TODO: Specify data-channels better
+ "dataChannelsEnabled": this.dataChannelsEnabled,
+ "dataChannelOptions": this.dataChannelsEnabled ? this.dataChannelOptions : undefined
+ };
+ await this.client.sendStateEvent(, _event.EventType.GroupCallPrefix, groupCallState, this.groupCallId);
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The group call's state.
+ */
+ get state() {
+ return this._state;
+ }
+ set state(value) {
+ const prevValue = this._state;
+ if (value !== prevValue) {
+ this._state = value;
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.GroupCallStateChanged, value, prevValue);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The current participants in the call, as a map from members to device IDs
+ * to participant info.
+ */
+ get participants() {
+ return this._participants;
+ }
+ set participants(value) {
+ const prevValue = this._participants;
+ const participantStateEqual = (x, y) => x.sessionId === y.sessionId && x.screensharing === y.screensharing;
+ const deviceMapsEqual = (x, y) => (0, _utils.mapsEqual)(x, y, participantStateEqual);
+ // Only update if the map actually changed
+ if (!(0, _utils.mapsEqual)(value, prevValue, deviceMapsEqual)) {
+ this._participants = value;
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.ParticipantsChanged, value);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The timestamp at which the call was created, or null if it has not yet
+ * been created.
+ */
+ get creationTs() {
+ return this._creationTs;
+ }
+ set creationTs(value) {
+ this._creationTs = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Whether the local device has entered this call via another session, such
+ * as a widget.
+ */
+ get enteredViaAnotherSession() {
+ return this._enteredViaAnotherSession;
+ }
+ set enteredViaAnotherSession(value) {
+ this._enteredViaAnotherSession = value;
+ this.updateParticipants();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes the given callback on all calls in this group call.
+ * @param f - The callback.
+ */
+ forEachCall(f) {
+ for (const deviceMap of this.calls.values()) {
+ for (const call of deviceMap.values()) f(call);
+ }
+ }
+ getLocalFeeds() {
+ const feeds = [];
+ if (this.localCallFeed) feeds.push(this.localCallFeed);
+ if (this.localScreenshareFeed) feeds.push(this.localScreenshareFeed);
+ return feeds;
+ }
+ hasLocalParticipant() {
+ return this.participants.get( ?? false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the given call is one that we were expecting to exist
+ * given our knowledge of who is participating in the group call.
+ */
+ callExpected(call) {
+ const userId = getCallUserId(call);
+ const member = userId === null ? null :;
+ const deviceId = call.getOpponentDeviceId();
+ return member !== null && deviceId !== undefined && this.participants.get(member)?.get(deviceId) !== undefined;
+ }
+ async initLocalCallFeed() {
+ if (this.state !== GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedUninitialized) {
+ throw new Error(`Cannot initialize local call feed in the "${this.state}" state.`);
+ }
+ this.state = GroupCallState.InitializingLocalCallFeed;
+ // wraps the real method to serialise calls, because we don't want to try starting
+ // multiple call feeds at once
+ if (this.initCallFeedPromise) return this.initCallFeedPromise;
+ try {
+ this.initCallFeedPromise = this.initLocalCallFeedInternal();
+ await this.initCallFeedPromise;
+ } finally {
+ this.initCallFeedPromise = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ async initLocalCallFeedInternal() {
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} initLocalCallFeedInternal() running`);
+ let stream;
+ try {
+ stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getUserMediaStream(true, this.type === GroupCallType.Video);
+ } catch (error) {
+ // If is allowed to join a call without a media stream, then we
+ // don't throw an error here. But we need an empty Local Feed to establish
+ // a connection later.
+ if (this.allowCallWithoutVideoAndAudio) {
+ stream = new MediaStream();
+ } else {
+ this.state = GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedUninitialized;
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+ // The call could've been disposed while we were waiting, and could
+ // also have been started back up again (hello, React 18) so if we're
+ // still in this 'initializing' state, carry on, otherwise bail.
+ if (this._state !== GroupCallState.InitializingLocalCallFeed) {
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopUserMediaStream(stream);
+ throw new Error("Group call disposed while gathering media stream");
+ }
+ const callFeed = new _callFeed.CallFeed({
+ client: this.client,
+ roomId:,
+ userId: this.client.getUserId(),
+ deviceId: this.client.getDeviceId(),
+ stream,
+ purpose: _callEventTypes.SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia,
+ audioMuted: this.initWithAudioMuted || stream.getAudioTracks().length === 0 || this.isPtt,
+ videoMuted: this.initWithVideoMuted || stream.getVideoTracks().length === 0
+ });
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(stream.getAudioTracks(), !callFeed.isAudioMuted());
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(stream.getVideoTracks(), !callFeed.isVideoMuted());
+ this.localCallFeed = callFeed;
+ this.addUserMediaFeed(callFeed);
+ this.state = GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedInitialized;
+ }
+ async updateLocalUsermediaStream(stream) {
+ if (this.localCallFeed) {
+ const oldStream =;
+ this.localCallFeed.setNewStream(stream);
+ const micShouldBeMuted = this.localCallFeed.isAudioMuted();
+ const vidShouldBeMuted = this.localCallFeed.isVideoMuted();
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} updateLocalUsermediaStream() (oldStreamId=${}, newStreamId=${}, micShouldBeMuted=${micShouldBeMuted}, vidShouldBeMuted=${vidShouldBeMuted})`);
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(stream.getAudioTracks(), !micShouldBeMuted);
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(stream.getVideoTracks(), !vidShouldBeMuted);
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopUserMediaStream(oldStream);
+ }
+ }
+ async enter() {
+ if (this.state === GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedUninitialized) {
+ await this.initLocalCallFeed();
+ } else if (this.state !== GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedInitialized) {
+ throw new Error(`Cannot enter call in the "${this.state}" state`);
+ }
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} enter() running`);
+ this.state = GroupCallState.Entered;
+ this.client.on(_callEventHandler.CallEventHandlerEvent.Incoming, this.onIncomingCall);
+ for (const call of this.client.callEventHandler.calls.values()) {
+ this.onIncomingCall(call);
+ }
+ this.retryCallLoopInterval = setInterval(this.onRetryCallLoop, this.retryCallInterval);
+ this.activeSpeaker = undefined;
+ this.onActiveSpeakerLoop();
+ this.activeSpeakerLoopInterval = setInterval(this.onActiveSpeakerLoop, this.activeSpeakerInterval);
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ if (this.localCallFeed) {
+ this.removeUserMediaFeed(this.localCallFeed);
+ this.localCallFeed = undefined;
+ }
+ if (this.localScreenshareFeed) {
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopScreensharingStream(;
+ this.removeScreenshareFeed(this.localScreenshareFeed);
+ this.localScreenshareFeed = undefined;
+ this.localDesktopCapturerSourceId = undefined;
+ }
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopAllStreams();
+ if (this.transmitTimer !== null) {
+ clearTimeout(this.transmitTimer);
+ this.transmitTimer = null;
+ }
+ if (this.retryCallLoopInterval !== undefined) {
+ clearInterval(this.retryCallLoopInterval);
+ this.retryCallLoopInterval = undefined;
+ }
+ if (this.participantsExpirationTimer !== null) {
+ clearTimeout(this.participantsExpirationTimer);
+ this.participantsExpirationTimer = null;
+ }
+ if (this.state !== GroupCallState.Entered) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.forEachCall(call => call.hangup(_call.CallErrorCode.UserHangup, false));
+ this.activeSpeaker = undefined;
+ clearInterval(this.activeSpeakerLoopInterval);
+ this.retryCallCounts.clear();
+ clearInterval(this.retryCallLoopInterval);
+ this.client.removeListener(_callEventHandler.CallEventHandlerEvent.Incoming, this.onIncomingCall);
+ this.stats?.stop();
+ }
+ leave() {
+ this.dispose();
+ this.state = GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedUninitialized;
+ }
+ async terminate(emitStateEvent = true) {
+ this.dispose();
+, this.onRoomState);
+ this.client.groupCallEventHandler.groupCalls.delete(;
+ this.client.emit(_groupCallEventHandler.GroupCallEventHandlerEvent.Ended, this);
+ this.state = GroupCallState.Ended;
+ if (emitStateEvent) {
+ const existingStateEvent =, this.groupCallId);
+ await this.client.sendStateEvent(, _event.EventType.GroupCallPrefix, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, existingStateEvent.getContent()), {}, {
+ "m.terminated": GroupCallTerminationReason.CallEnded
+ }), this.groupCallId);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Local Usermedia
+ */
+ isLocalVideoMuted() {
+ if (this.localCallFeed) {
+ return this.localCallFeed.isVideoMuted();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ isMicrophoneMuted() {
+ if (this.localCallFeed) {
+ return this.localCallFeed.isAudioMuted();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the mute state of the local participants's microphone.
+ * @param muted - Whether to mute the microphone
+ * @returns Whether muting/unmuting was successful
+ */
+ async setMicrophoneMuted(muted) {
+ // hasAudioDevice can block indefinitely if the window has lost focus,
+ // and it doesn't make much sense to keep a device from being muted, so
+ // we always allow muted = true changes to go through
+ if (!muted && !(await this.client.getMediaHandler().hasAudioDevice())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const sendUpdatesBefore = !muted && this.isPtt;
+ // set a timer for the maximum transmit time on PTT calls
+ if (this.isPtt) {
+ // Set or clear the max transmit timer
+ if (!muted && this.isMicrophoneMuted()) {
+ this.transmitTimer = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.setMicrophoneMuted(true);
+ }, this.pttMaxTransmitTime);
+ } else if (muted && !this.isMicrophoneMuted()) {
+ if (this.transmitTimer !== null) clearTimeout(this.transmitTimer);
+ this.transmitTimer = null;
+ }
+ }
+ this.forEachCall(call => call.localUsermediaFeed?.setAudioVideoMuted(muted, null));
+ const sendUpdates = async () => {
+ const updates = [];
+ this.forEachCall(call => updates.push(call.sendMetadataUpdate()));
+ await Promise.all(updates).catch(e =>`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setMicrophoneMuted() failed to send some metadata updates`, e));
+ };
+ if (sendUpdatesBefore) await sendUpdates();
+ if (this.localCallFeed) {
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setMicrophoneMuted() (streamId=${}, muted=${muted})`);
+ const hasPermission = await this.checkAudioPermissionIfNecessary(muted);
+ if (!hasPermission) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.localCallFeed.setAudioVideoMuted(muted, null);
+ // I don't believe its actually necessary to enable these tracks: they
+ // are the one on the GroupCall's own CallFeed and are cloned before being
+ // given to any of the actual calls, so these tracks don't actually go
+ // anywhere. Let's do it anyway to avoid confusion.
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(, !muted);
+ } else {
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setMicrophoneMuted() no stream muted (muted=${muted})`);
+ this.initWithAudioMuted = muted;
+ }
+ this.forEachCall(call => (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(, !muted && this.callExpected(call)));
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.LocalMuteStateChanged, muted, this.isLocalVideoMuted());
+ if (!sendUpdatesBefore) await sendUpdates();
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * If we allow entering a call without a camera and without video, it can happen that the access rights to the
+ * devices have not yet been queried. If a stream does not yet have an audio track, we assume that the rights have
+ * not yet been checked.
+ *
+ * `this.client.getMediaHandler().getUserMediaStream` clones the current stream, so it only wanted to be called when
+ * not Audio Track exists.
+ * As such, this is a compromise, because, the access rights should always be queried before the call.
+ */
+ async checkAudioPermissionIfNecessary(muted) {
+ // We needed this here to avoid an error in case user join a call without a device.
+ try {
+ if (!muted && this.localCallFeed && !this.localCallFeed.hasAudioTrack) {
+ const stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getUserMediaStream(true, !this.localCallFeed.isVideoMuted());
+ if (stream?.getTracks().length === 0) {
+ // if case permission denied to get a stream stop this here
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setMicrophoneMuted() no device to receive local stream, muted=${muted}`);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setMicrophoneMuted() no device or permission to receive local stream, muted=${muted}`);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the mute state of the local participants's video.
+ * @param muted - Whether to mute the video
+ * @returns Whether muting/unmuting was successful
+ */
+ async setLocalVideoMuted(muted) {
+ // hasAudioDevice can block indefinitely if the window has lost focus,
+ // and it doesn't make much sense to keep a device from being muted, so
+ // we always allow muted = true changes to go through
+ if (!muted && !(await this.client.getMediaHandler().hasVideoDevice())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.localCallFeed) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setLocalVideoMuted() (stream=${}, muted=${muted})`);
+ try {
+ const stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getUserMediaStream(true, !muted);
+ await this.updateLocalUsermediaStream(stream);
+ this.localCallFeed.setAudioVideoMuted(null, muted);
+ (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(, !muted);
+ } catch (_) {
+ // No permission to video device
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setLocalVideoMuted() no device or permission to receive local stream, muted=${muted}`);
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setLocalVideoMuted() no stream muted (muted=${muted})`);
+ this.initWithVideoMuted = muted;
+ }
+ const updates = [];
+ this.forEachCall(call => updates.push(call.setLocalVideoMuted(muted)));
+ await Promise.all(updates);
+ // We setTracksEnabled again, independently from the call doing it
+ // internally, since we might not be expecting the call
+ this.forEachCall(call => (0, _call.setTracksEnabled)(, !muted && this.callExpected(call)));
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.LocalMuteStateChanged, this.isMicrophoneMuted(), muted);
+ return true;
+ }
+ async setScreensharingEnabled(enabled, opts = {}) {
+ if (enabled === this.isScreensharing()) {
+ return enabled;
+ }
+ if (enabled) {
+ try {
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setScreensharingEnabled() is asking for screensharing permissions`);
+ const stream = await this.client.getMediaHandler().getScreensharingStream(opts);
+ for (const track of stream.getTracks()) {
+ const onTrackEnded = () => {
+ this.setScreensharingEnabled(false);
+ track.removeEventListener("ended", onTrackEnded);
+ };
+ track.addEventListener("ended", onTrackEnded);
+ }
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setScreensharingEnabled() granted screensharing permissions. Setting screensharing enabled on all calls`);
+ this.localDesktopCapturerSourceId = opts.desktopCapturerSourceId;
+ this.localScreenshareFeed = new _callFeed.CallFeed({
+ client: this.client,
+ roomId:,
+ userId: this.client.getUserId(),
+ deviceId: this.client.getDeviceId(),
+ stream,
+ purpose: _callEventTypes.SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare,
+ audioMuted: false,
+ videoMuted: false
+ });
+ this.addScreenshareFeed(this.localScreenshareFeed);
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.LocalScreenshareStateChanged, true, this.localScreenshareFeed, this.localDesktopCapturerSourceId);
+ // TODO: handle errors
+ this.forEachCall(call => call.pushLocalFeed(this.localScreenshareFeed.clone()));
+ return true;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (opts.throwOnFail) throw error;
+ _logger.logger.error(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} setScreensharingEnabled() enabling screensharing error`, error);
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.Error, new GroupCallError(GroupCallErrorCode.NoUserMedia, "Failed to get screen-sharing stream: ", error));
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.forEachCall(call => {
+ if (call.localScreensharingFeed) call.removeLocalFeed(call.localScreensharingFeed);
+ });
+ this.client.getMediaHandler().stopScreensharingStream(;
+ this.removeScreenshareFeed(this.localScreenshareFeed);
+ this.localScreenshareFeed = undefined;
+ this.localDesktopCapturerSourceId = undefined;
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.LocalScreenshareStateChanged, false, undefined, undefined);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ isScreensharing() {
+ return !!this.localScreenshareFeed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether a given participant expects us to call them (versus
+ * them calling us).
+ * @param userId - The participant's user ID.
+ * @param deviceId - The participant's device ID.
+ * @returns Whether we need to place an outgoing call to the participant.
+ */
+ wantsOutgoingCall(userId, deviceId) {
+ const localUserId = this.client.getUserId();
+ const localDeviceId = this.client.getDeviceId();
+ return (
+ // If a user's ID is less than our own, they'll call us
+ userId >= localUserId && (
+ // If this is another one of our devices, compare device IDs to tell whether it'll call us
+ userId !== localUserId || deviceId > localDeviceId)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Places calls to all participants that we're responsible for calling.
+ */
+ placeOutgoingCalls() {
+ let callsChanged = false;
+ for (const [{
+ userId
+ }, participantMap] of this.participants) {
+ const callMap = this.calls.get(userId) ?? new Map();
+ for (const [deviceId, participant] of participantMap) {
+ const prevCall = callMap.get(deviceId);
+ if (prevCall?.getOpponentSessionId() !== participant.sessionId && this.wantsOutgoingCall(userId, deviceId)) {
+ callsChanged = true;
+ if (prevCall !== undefined) {
+ _logger.logger.debug(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} placeOutgoingCalls() replacing call (userId=${userId}, deviceId=${deviceId}, callId=${prevCall.callId})`);
+ prevCall.hangup(_call.CallErrorCode.NewSession, false);
+ }
+ const newCall = (0, _call.createNewMatrixCall)(this.client,, {
+ invitee: userId,
+ opponentDeviceId: deviceId,
+ opponentSessionId: participant.sessionId,
+ groupCallId: this.groupCallId
+ });
+ if (newCall === null) {
+ _logger.logger.error(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} placeOutgoingCalls() failed to create call (userId=${userId}, device=${deviceId})`);
+ callMap.delete(deviceId);
+ } else {
+ this.initCall(newCall);
+ callMap.set(deviceId, newCall);
+ _logger.logger.debug(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} placeOutgoingCalls() placing call (userId=${userId}, deviceId=${deviceId}, sessionId=${participant.sessionId})`);
+ newCall.placeCallWithCallFeeds(this.getLocalFeeds().map(feed => feed.clone()), participant.screensharing).then(() => {
+ if (this.dataChannelsEnabled) {
+ newCall.createDataChannel("datachannel", this.dataChannelOptions);
+ }
+ }).catch(e => {
+ _logger.logger.warn(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} placeOutgoingCalls() failed to place call (userId=${userId})`, e);
+ if (e instanceof _call.CallError && e.code === GroupCallErrorCode.UnknownDevice) {
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.Error, e);
+ } else {
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.Error, new GroupCallError(GroupCallErrorCode.PlaceCallFailed, `Failed to place call to ${userId}`));
+ }
+ newCall.hangup(_call.CallErrorCode.SignallingFailed, false);
+ if (callMap.get(deviceId) === newCall) callMap.delete(deviceId);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (callMap.size > 0) {
+ this.calls.set(userId, callMap);
+ } else {
+ this.calls.delete(userId);
+ }
+ }
+ if (callsChanged) this.emit(GroupCallEvent.CallsChanged, this.calls);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Room Member State
+ */
+ getMemberStateEvents(userId) {
+ return userId === undefined ? :, userId);
+ }
+ initCall(call) {
+ const opponentMemberId = getCallUserId(call);
+ if (!opponentMemberId) {
+ throw new Error("Cannot init call without user id");
+ }
+ const onCallFeedsChanged = () => this.onCallFeedsChanged(call);
+ const onCallStateChanged = (state, oldState) => this.onCallStateChanged(call, state, oldState);
+ const onCallHangup = this.onCallHangup;
+ const onCallReplaced = newCall => this.onCallReplaced(call, newCall);
+ let deviceMap = this.callHandlers.get(opponentMemberId);
+ if (deviceMap === undefined) {
+ deviceMap = new Map();
+ this.callHandlers.set(opponentMemberId, deviceMap);
+ }
+ deviceMap.set(call.getOpponentDeviceId(), {
+ onCallFeedsChanged,
+ onCallStateChanged,
+ onCallHangup,
+ onCallReplaced
+ });
+ call.on(_call.CallEvent.FeedsChanged, onCallFeedsChanged);
+ call.on(_call.CallEvent.State, onCallStateChanged);
+ call.on(_call.CallEvent.Hangup, onCallHangup);
+ call.on(_call.CallEvent.Replaced, onCallReplaced);
+ call.isPtt = this.isPtt;
+ this.reEmitter.reEmit(call, Object.values(_call.CallEvent));
+ call.initStats(this.getGroupCallStats());
+ onCallFeedsChanged();
+ }
+ disposeCall(call, hangupReason) {
+ const opponentMemberId = getCallUserId(call);
+ const opponentDeviceId = call.getOpponentDeviceId();
+ if (!opponentMemberId) {
+ throw new Error("Cannot dispose call without user id");
+ }
+ const deviceMap = this.callHandlers.get(opponentMemberId);
+ const {
+ onCallFeedsChanged,
+ onCallStateChanged,
+ onCallHangup,
+ onCallReplaced
+ } = deviceMap.get(opponentDeviceId);
+ call.removeListener(_call.CallEvent.FeedsChanged, onCallFeedsChanged);
+ call.removeListener(_call.CallEvent.State, onCallStateChanged);
+ call.removeListener(_call.CallEvent.Hangup, onCallHangup);
+ call.removeListener(_call.CallEvent.Replaced, onCallReplaced);
+ deviceMap.delete(opponentMemberId);
+ if (deviceMap.size === 0) this.callHandlers.delete(opponentMemberId);
+ if (call.hangupReason === _call.CallErrorCode.Replaced) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const usermediaFeed = this.getUserMediaFeed(opponentMemberId, opponentDeviceId);
+ if (usermediaFeed) {
+ this.removeUserMediaFeed(usermediaFeed);
+ }
+ const screenshareFeed = this.getScreenshareFeed(opponentMemberId, opponentDeviceId);
+ if (screenshareFeed) {
+ this.removeScreenshareFeed(screenshareFeed);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * UserMedia CallFeed Event Handlers
+ */
+ getUserMediaFeed(userId, deviceId) {
+ return this.userMediaFeeds.find(f => f.userId === userId && f.deviceId === deviceId);
+ }
+ addUserMediaFeed(callFeed) {
+ this.userMediaFeeds.push(callFeed);
+ callFeed.measureVolumeActivity(true);
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.UserMediaFeedsChanged, this.userMediaFeeds);
+ }
+ replaceUserMediaFeed(existingFeed, replacementFeed) {
+ const feedIndex = this.userMediaFeeds.findIndex(f => f.userId === existingFeed.userId && f.deviceId === existingFeed.deviceId);
+ if (feedIndex === -1) {
+ throw new Error("Couldn't find user media feed to replace");
+ }
+ this.userMediaFeeds.splice(feedIndex, 1, replacementFeed);
+ existingFeed.dispose();
+ replacementFeed.measureVolumeActivity(true);
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.UserMediaFeedsChanged, this.userMediaFeeds);
+ }
+ removeUserMediaFeed(callFeed) {
+ const feedIndex = this.userMediaFeeds.findIndex(f => f.userId === callFeed.userId && f.deviceId === callFeed.deviceId);
+ if (feedIndex === -1) {
+ throw new Error("Couldn't find user media feed to remove");
+ }
+ this.userMediaFeeds.splice(feedIndex, 1);
+ callFeed.dispose();
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.UserMediaFeedsChanged, this.userMediaFeeds);
+ if (this.activeSpeaker === callFeed) {
+ this.activeSpeaker = this.userMediaFeeds[0];
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.ActiveSpeakerChanged, this.activeSpeaker);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Screenshare Call Feed Event Handlers
+ */
+ getScreenshareFeed(userId, deviceId) {
+ return this.screenshareFeeds.find(f => f.userId === userId && f.deviceId === deviceId);
+ }
+ addScreenshareFeed(callFeed) {
+ this.screenshareFeeds.push(callFeed);
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.ScreenshareFeedsChanged, this.screenshareFeeds);
+ }
+ replaceScreenshareFeed(existingFeed, replacementFeed) {
+ const feedIndex = this.screenshareFeeds.findIndex(f => f.userId === existingFeed.userId && f.deviceId === existingFeed.deviceId);
+ if (feedIndex === -1) {
+ throw new Error("Couldn't find screenshare feed to replace");
+ }
+ this.screenshareFeeds.splice(feedIndex, 1, replacementFeed);
+ existingFeed.dispose();
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.ScreenshareFeedsChanged, this.screenshareFeeds);
+ }
+ removeScreenshareFeed(callFeed) {
+ const feedIndex = this.screenshareFeeds.findIndex(f => f.userId === callFeed.userId && f.deviceId === callFeed.deviceId);
+ if (feedIndex === -1) {
+ throw new Error("Couldn't find screenshare feed to remove");
+ }
+ this.screenshareFeeds.splice(feedIndex, 1);
+ callFeed.dispose();
+ this.emit(GroupCallEvent.ScreenshareFeedsChanged, this.screenshareFeeds);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recalculates and updates the participant map to match the room state.
+ */
+ updateParticipants() {
+ const localMember =;
+ if (!localMember) {
+ // The client hasn't fetched enough of the room state to get our own member
+ // event. This probably shouldn't happen, but sanity check & exit for now.
+ _logger.logger.warn(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} updateParticipants() tried to update participants before local room member is available`);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.participantsExpirationTimer !== null) {
+ clearTimeout(this.participantsExpirationTimer);
+ this.participantsExpirationTimer = null;
+ }
+ if (this.state === GroupCallState.Ended) {
+ this.participants = new Map();
+ return;
+ }
+ const participants = new Map();
+ const now =;
+ const entered = this.state === GroupCallState.Entered || this.enteredViaAnotherSession;
+ let nextExpiration = Infinity;
+ for (const e of this.getMemberStateEvents()) {
+ const member =;
+ const content = e.getContent();
+ const calls = Array.isArray(content["m.calls"]) ? content["m.calls"] : [];
+ const call = calls.find(call => call["m.call_id"] === this.groupCallId);
+ const devices = Array.isArray(call?.["m.devices"]) ? call["m.devices"] : [];
+ // Filter out invalid and expired devices
+ let validDevices = devices.filter(d => typeof d.device_id === "string" && typeof d.session_id === "string" && typeof d.expires_ts === "number" && d.expires_ts > now && Array.isArray(d.feeds));
+ // Apply local echo for the unentered case
+ if (!entered && member?.userId === this.client.getUserId()) {
+ validDevices = validDevices.filter(d => d.device_id !== this.client.getDeviceId());
+ }
+ // Must have a connected device and be joined to the room
+ if (validDevices.length > 0 && member?.membership === "join") {
+ const deviceMap = new Map();
+ participants.set(member, deviceMap);
+ for (const d of validDevices) {
+ deviceMap.set(d.device_id, {
+ sessionId: d.session_id,
+ screensharing: d.feeds.some(f => f.purpose === _callEventTypes.SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare)
+ });
+ if (d.expires_ts < nextExpiration) nextExpiration = d.expires_ts;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply local echo for the entered case
+ if (entered) {
+ let deviceMap = participants.get(localMember);
+ if (deviceMap === undefined) {
+ deviceMap = new Map();
+ participants.set(localMember, deviceMap);
+ }
+ if (!deviceMap.has(this.client.getDeviceId())) {
+ deviceMap.set(this.client.getDeviceId(), {
+ sessionId: this.client.getSessionId(),
+ screensharing: this.getLocalFeeds().some(f => f.purpose === _callEventTypes.SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.participants = participants;
+ if (nextExpiration < Infinity) {
+ this.participantsExpirationTimer = setTimeout(() => this.updateParticipants(), nextExpiration - now);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the local user's member state with the devices returned by the given function.
+ * @param fn - A function from the current devices to the new devices. If it
+ * returns null, the update will be skipped.
+ * @param keepAlive - Whether the request should outlive the window.
+ */
+ async updateDevices(fn, keepAlive = false) {
+ const now =;
+ const localUserId = this.client.getUserId();
+ const event = this.getMemberStateEvents(localUserId);
+ const content = event?.getContent() ?? {};
+ const calls = Array.isArray(content["m.calls"]) ? content["m.calls"] : [];
+ let call = null;
+ const otherCalls = [];
+ for (const c of calls) {
+ if (c["m.call_id"] === this.groupCallId) {
+ call = c;
+ } else {
+ otherCalls.push(c);
+ }
+ }
+ if (call === null) call = {};
+ const devices = Array.isArray(call["m.devices"]) ? call["m.devices"] : [];
+ // Filter out invalid and expired devices
+ const validDevices = devices.filter(d => typeof d.device_id === "string" && typeof d.session_id === "string" && typeof d.expires_ts === "number" && d.expires_ts > now && Array.isArray(d.feeds));
+ const newDevices = fn(validDevices);
+ if (newDevices === null) return;
+ const newCalls = [...otherCalls];
+ if (newDevices.length > 0) {
+ newCalls.push(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, call), {}, {
+ "m.call_id": this.groupCallId,
+ "m.devices": newDevices
+ }));
+ }
+ const newContent = {
+ "m.calls": newCalls
+ };
+ await this.client.sendStateEvent(, _event.EventType.GroupCallMemberPrefix, newContent, localUserId, {
+ keepAlive
+ });
+ }
+ async addDeviceToMemberState() {
+ await this.updateDevices(devices => [...devices.filter(d => d.device_id !== this.client.getDeviceId()), {
+ device_id: this.client.getDeviceId(),
+ session_id: this.client.getSessionId(),
+ expires_ts: + DEVICE_TIMEOUT,
+ feeds: this.getLocalFeeds().map(feed => ({
+ purpose: feed.purpose
+ }))
+ // TODO: Add data channels
+ }]);
+ }
+ async updateMemberState() {
+ // Clear the old update interval before proceeding
+ if (this.resendMemberStateTimer !== null) {
+ clearInterval(this.resendMemberStateTimer);
+ this.resendMemberStateTimer = null;
+ }
+ if (this.state === GroupCallState.Entered) {
+ // Add the local device
+ await this.addDeviceToMemberState();
+ // Resend the state event every so often so it doesn't become stale
+ this.resendMemberStateTimer = setInterval(async () => {
+ _logger.logger.log(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} updateMemberState() resending call member state"`);
+ try {
+ await this.addDeviceToMemberState();
+ } catch (e) {
+ _logger.logger.error(`GroupCall ${this.groupCallId} updateMemberState() failed to resend call member state`, e);
+ }
+ }, DEVICE_TIMEOUT * 3 / 4);
+ } else {
+ // Remove the local device
+ await this.updateDevices(devices => devices.filter(d => d.device_id !== this.client.getDeviceId()), true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cleans up our member state by filtering out logged out devices, inactive
+ * devices, and our own device (if we know we haven't entered).
+ */
+ async cleanMemberState() {
+ const {
+ devices: myDevices
+ } = await this.client.getDevices();
+ const deviceMap = new Map( => [d.device_id, d]));
+ // updateDevices takes care of filtering out inactive devices for us
+ await this.updateDevices(devices => {
+ const newDevices = devices.filter(d => {
+ const device = deviceMap.get(d.device_id);
+ return device?.last_seen_ts !== undefined && !(d.device_id === this.client.getDeviceId() && this.state !== GroupCallState.Entered && !this.enteredViaAnotherSession);
+ });
+ // Skip the update if the devices are unchanged
+ return newDevices.length === devices.length ? null : newDevices;
+ });
+ }
+ getGroupCallStats() {
+ if (this.stats === undefined) {
+ const userID = this.client.getUserId() || "unknown";
+ this.stats = new _groupCallStats.GroupCallStats(this.groupCallId, userID, this.statsCollectIntervalTime);
+ this.stats.reports.on(_statsReport.StatsReport.CONNECTION_STATS, this.onConnectionStats);
+ this.stats.reports.on(_statsReport.StatsReport.BYTE_SENT_STATS, this.onByteSentStats);
+ this.stats.reports.on(_statsReport.StatsReport.SUMMARY_STATS, this.onSummaryStats);
+ }
+ return this.stats;
+ }
+ setGroupCallStatsInterval(interval) {
+ this.statsCollectIntervalTime = interval;
+ if (this.stats !== undefined) {
+ this.stats.stop();
+ this.stats.setInterval(interval);
+ if (interval > 0) {
+ this.stats.start();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+exports.GroupCall = GroupCall; \ No newline at end of file