path: root/comm/mail/components/cloudfile/test/browser/browser_repeat_upload.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'comm/mail/components/cloudfile/test/browser/browser_repeat_upload.js')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mail/components/cloudfile/test/browser/browser_repeat_upload.js b/comm/mail/components/cloudfile/test/browser/browser_repeat_upload.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7390354a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mail/components/cloudfile/test/browser/browser_repeat_upload.js
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, you can obtain one at */
+/* import-globals-from ../../../../base/content/mailWindowOverlay.js */
+let { cloudFileAccounts } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource:///modules/cloudFileAccounts.jsm"
+const ICON_URL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "files/icon.svg";
+const MANAGEMENT_URL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "files/management.html";
+function getFileFromChromeURL(leafName) {
+ let ChromeRegistry = Cc[";1"].getService(
+ Ci.nsIChromeRegistry
+ );
+ let url =
+ getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "files/" + leafName
+ );
+ let fileURL = ChromeRegistry.convertChromeURL(url).QueryInterface(
+ Ci.nsIFileURL
+ );
+ return fileURL.file;
+add_task(async () => {
+ let uploadedFiles = [];
+ let provider = {
+ type: "Mochitest",
+ displayName: "Mochitest",
+ iconURL: ICON_URL,
+ initAccount(accountKey) {
+ return {
+ accountKey,
+ type: "Mochitest",
+ get displayName() {
+ return Services.prefs.getCharPref(
+ `mail.cloud_files.accounts.${this.accountKey}.displayName`,
+ "Mochitest Account"
+ );
+ },
+ getPreviousUploads() {
+ return uploadedFiles;
+ },
+ urlForFile(file) {
+ return "https://mochi.test/" + file.leafName;
+ },
+ iconURL: ICON_URL,
+ configured: true,
+ managementURL: MANAGEMENT_URL,
+ reuseUploads: true,
+ };
+ },
+ };
+ Assert.equal(
+ cloudFileAccounts.configuredAccounts.length,
+ 0,
+ "Should have no cloudfile accounts starting off."
+ );
+ cloudFileAccounts.registerProvider(provider.type, provider);
+ let account = cloudFileAccounts.createAccount(provider.type);
+ Assert.equal(
+ cloudFileAccounts.configuredAccounts.length,
+ 1,
+ "Should have only the one account we created."
+ );
+ let composeWindowPromise = BrowserTestUtils.domWindowOpened();
+ MsgNewMessage();
+ let composeWindow = await composeWindowPromise;
+ await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(composeWindow, "compose-editor-ready");
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => Services.focus.activeWindow == composeWindow
+ );
+ let composeDocument = composeWindow.document;
+ // Compose window loaded.
+ // Check the attach dropdown has our account as a <menuitem>.
+ let toolbarButton = composeDocument.getElementById("button-attach");
+ let rect = toolbarButton.getBoundingClientRect();
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(
+ toolbarButton,
+ rect.width - 5,
+ 5,
+ { clickCount: 1 },
+ composeWindow
+ );
+ await promiseAnimationFrame(composeWindow);
+ let menu = composeDocument.getElementById(
+ "button-attachPopup_attachCloudMenu"
+ );
+ ok(!BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(menu));
+ let popupshown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(menu, "popupshown");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menu, { clickCount: 1 }, composeWindow);
+ await popupshown;
+ Assert.equal(
+ cloudFileAccounts.configuredAccounts.length,
+ 1,
+ "Should still have one registered account."
+ );
+ let menuitems = menu.menupopup.children;
+ is(menuitems.length, 1);
+ is(menuitems[0].getAttribute("image"), ICON_URL);
+ is(menuitems[0].getAttribute("label"), "Mochitest Account\u2026");
+ composeDocument.getElementById("button-attachPopup").hidePopup();
+ // Pretend we uploaded some files before.
+ uploadedFiles = [
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ name: "green_eggs.txt",
+ path: getFileFromChromeURL("green_eggs.txt").path,
+ size: 30,
+ url: "https://mochi.test/green_eggs.txt",
+ serviceName: "MyCloud",
+ serviceIcon: "chrome://messenger/skin/icons/globe.svg",
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ name: "",
+ path: getFileFromChromeURL("").path,
+ size: 1234,
+ url: "https://mochi.test/",
+ },
+ ];
+ is(account.getPreviousUploads().length, 2);
+ // Check the attach dropdown has our account as a <menu>.
+ await new Promise(resolve => {
+ toolbarButton.addEventListener("popupshown", resolve, { once: true });
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(
+ toolbarButton,
+ rect.width - 5,
+ 5,
+ { clickCount: 1 },
+ composeWindow
+ );
+ });
+ info("toolbar button menu opened");
+ await promiseAnimationFrame(composeWindow);
+ await new Promise(resolve => {
+ menu.menupopup.addEventListener("popupshown", resolve, { once: true });
+ EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(menu, { clickCount: 1 }, composeWindow);
+ });
+ info("file link menu opened");
+ await promiseAnimationFrame(composeWindow);
+ menuitems = menu.menupopup.children;
+ is(menuitems.length, 2);
+ is(menuitems[0].getAttribute("image"), ICON_URL);
+ is(menuitems[0].getAttribute("label"), "Mochitest Account\u2026");
+ is(menuitems[1].localName, "menuitem");
+ is(menuitems[1].getAttribute("image"), "moz-icon://green_eggs.txt");
+ is(menuitems[1].getAttribute("label"), "green_eggs.txt");
+ // TODO: Enable this when we handle files that no longer exist on the filesystem.
+ // is(menuitems[2].localName, "menuitem");
+ // is(menuitems[2].getAttribute("image"), "moz-icon://");
+ // is(menuitems[2].getAttribute("label"), "");
+ // Select one of the previously-uploaded items and check the attachment is added.
+ let bucket = composeDocument.getElementById("attachmentBucket");
+ await new Promise(resolve => {
+ bucket.addEventListener("attachments-added", resolve, { once: true });
+ menu.menupopup.activateItem(menuitems[1]);
+ });
+ info("attachment added");
+ await promiseAnimationFrame(composeWindow);
+ ok( === false);
+ is(bucket.itemCount, 1);
+ let attachment = bucket.itemChildren[0];
+ is(attachment.getAttribute("name"), "green_eggs.txt");
+ ok(attachment.attachment.sendViaCloud);
+ is(attachment.attachment.cloudFileAccountKey, account.accountKey);
+ is(
+ attachment.attachment.contentLocation,
+ "https://mochi.test/green_eggs.txt"
+ );
+ is(
+ attachment.querySelector("img.attachmentcell-icon").src,
+ uploadedFiles[0].serviceIcon,
+ "CloudFile icon should be correct."
+ );
+ // Check the content of the editor for the added template.
+ let editor = composeWindow.GetCurrentEditor();
+ let urls = editor.document.querySelectorAll(
+ "body > #cloudAttachmentListRoot > #cloudAttachmentList"
+ );
+ Assert.equal(urls.length, 1, "Found 1 FileLink template in the document.");
+ // Template is added asynchronously.
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => urls[0].querySelector("li"));
+ Assert.equal(
+ urls[0].querySelector(".cloudfile-name").textContent,
+ "green_eggs.txt",
+ "The name of the cloud file in the template should be correct."
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ urls[0].querySelector(".cloudfile-name").href,
+ "https://mochi.test/green_eggs.txt",
+ "The URL attached to the name of the cloud file in the template should be correct."
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ urls[0].querySelector(".cloudfile-service-name").textContent,
+ "MyCloud",
+ "The used service name in the template should be correct."
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ urls[0].querySelector(".cloudfile-service-icon").src,
+ "The used service icon should be correct."
+ );
+ // clean up
+ cloudFileAccounts.removeAccount(account);
+ cloudFileAccounts.unregisterProvider(provider.type);
+ Assert.equal(
+ cloudFileAccounts.configuredAccounts.length,
+ 0,
+ "Should leave no cloudfile accounts when done"
+ );
+ composeWindow.close();
+ // Request focus on something in the main window so the test doesn't time
+ // out waiting for focus.
+ document.getElementById("button-appmenu").focus();