path: root/comm/mailnews/test/fakeserver/Maild.jsm
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Diffstat (limited to 'comm/mailnews/test/fakeserver/Maild.jsm')
1 files changed, 566 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/mailnews/test/fakeserver/Maild.jsm b/comm/mailnews/test/fakeserver/Maild.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30647e1d56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/mailnews/test/fakeserver/Maild.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Much of the original code is taken from netwerk's httpserver implementation
+ "nsMailServer",
+ "gThreadManager", // TODO: kill this export
+ "fsDebugNone",
+ "fsDebugAll",
+ "fsDebugRecv",
+ "fsDebugRecvSend",
+var CC = Components.Constructor;
+ * The XPCOM thread manager. This declaration is obsolete and exists only
+ * because deleting it breaks several dozen tests at the moment.
+ */
+var gThreadManager =;
+var fsDebugNone = 0;
+var fsDebugRecv = 1;
+var fsDebugRecvSend = 2;
+var fsDebugAll = 3;
+ * JavaScript constructors for commonly-used classes; precreating these is a
+ * speedup over doing the same from base principles. See the docs at
+ * for details.
+ */
+var ServerSocket = CC(
+ ";1",
+ "nsIServerSocket",
+ "init"
+var BinaryInputStream = CC(
+ ";1",
+ "nsIBinaryInputStream",
+ "setInputStream"
+// Time out after 3 minutes
+var TIMEOUT = 3 * 60 * 1000;
+ * The main server handling class. A fake server consists of three parts, this
+ * server implementation (which handles the network communication), the handler
+ * (which handles the state for a connection), and the daemon (which handles
+ * the state for the logical server). To make a new server, one needs to pass
+ * in a function to create handlers--not the handlers themselves--and the
+ * backend daemon. Since each handler presumably needs access to the logical
+ * server daemon, that is passed into the handler creation function. A new
+ * handler will be constructed for every connection made.
+ *
+ * As the core code is inherently single-threaded, it is guaranteed that all of
+ * the calls to the daemon will be made on the same thread, so you do not have
+ * to worry about reentrancy in daemon calls.
+ *
+ * Typical usage:
+ *
+ * function createHandler(daemon) {
+ * return new handler(daemon);
+ * }
+ * do_test_pending();
+ * var server = new nsMailServer(createHandler, serverDaemon);
+ * // Port to use. I tend to like using 1024 + default port number myself.
+ * server.start(port);
+ *
+ * // Set up a connection the server...
+ * server.performTest();
+ * transaction = server.playTransaction();
+ * // Verify that the transaction is correct...
+ *
+ * server.resetTest();
+ * // Set up second test...
+ * server.performTest();
+ * transaction = server.playTransaction();
+ *
+ * // Finished with tests
+ * server.stop();
+ *
+ * var thread =;
+ * while (thread.hasPendingEvents())
+ * thread.processNextEvent(true);
+ *
+ * do_test_finished();
+ */
+class nsMailServer {
+ constructor(handlerCreator, daemon) {
+ this._debug = fsDebugNone;
+ /** The port on which this server listens. */
+ this._port = -1;
+ /** The socket associated with this. */
+ this._socket = null;
+ /**
+ * True if the socket in this is closed (and closure notifications have been
+ * sent and processed if the socket was ever opened), false otherwise.
+ */
+ this._socketClosed = true;
+ /**
+ * Should we log transactions? This only matters if you want to inspect the
+ * protocol traffic. Defaults to true because this was written for protocol
+ * testing.
+ */
+ this._logTransactions = true;
+ this._handlerCreator = handlerCreator;
+ this._daemon = daemon;
+ this._readers = [];
+ this._test = false;
+ this._watchWord = undefined;
+ /**
+ * An array to hold refs to all the input streams below, so that they don't
+ * get GCed
+ */
+ this._inputStreams = [];
+ }
+ onSocketAccepted(socket, trans) {
+ if (this._debug != fsDebugNone) {
+ dump("Received Connection from " + + ":" + trans.port + "\n");
+ }
+ const SEGMENT_SIZE = 1024;
+ const SEGMENT_COUNT = 1024;
+ var input = trans
+ .openInputStream(0, SEGMENT_SIZE, SEGMENT_COUNT)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ this._inputStreams.push(input);
+ var handler = this._handlerCreator(this._daemon);
+ var reader = new nsMailReader(
+ this,
+ handler,
+ trans,
+ this._debug,
+ this._logTransactions
+ );
+ this._readers.push(reader);
+ // Note: must use main thread here, or we might get a GC that will cause
+ // threadsafety assertions. We really need to fix XPConnect so that
+ // you can actually do things in multi-threaded JS. :-(
+ input.asyncWait(reader, 0, 0,;
+ this._test = true;
+ }
+ onStopListening(socket, status) {
+ if (this._debug != fsDebugNone) {
+ dump("Connection Lost " + status + "\n");
+ }
+ this._socketClosed = true;
+ // We've been killed or we've stopped, reset the handler to the original
+ // state (e.g. to require authentication again).
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._readers.length; i++) {
+ this._readers[i]._handler.resetTest();
+ this._readers[i]._realCloseSocket();
+ }
+ }
+ setDebugLevel(debug) {
+ this._debug = debug;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._readers.length; i++) {
+ this._readers[i].setDebugLevel(debug);
+ }
+ }
+ start(port = -1) {
+ if (this._socket) {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED);
+ }
+ if (port > 0) {
+ this._port = port;
+ }
+ this._socketClosed = false;
+ var socket = new ServerSocket(
+ this._port,
+ true, // loopback only
+ -1
+ ); // default number of pending connections
+ socket.asyncListen(this);
+ this._socket = socket;
+ }
+ stop() {
+ if (!this._socket) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._socket.close();
+ this._socket = null;
+ for (let reader of this._readers) {
+ reader._realCloseSocket();
+ }
+ if (this._readers.some(e => {
+ return;
+ }
+ // spin an event loop and wait for the socket-close notification
+ let thr =;
+ while (!this._socketClosed) {
+ // Don't wait for the next event, just in case there isn't one.
+ thr.processNextEvent(false);
+ }
+ }
+ stopTest() {
+ this._test = false;
+ }
+ get port() {
+ if (this._port == -1) {
+ this._port = this._socket.port;
+ }
+ return this._port;
+ }
+ //
+ // see nsISupports.QueryInterface
+ //
+ QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIServerSocketListener"]);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this server is not running (and is not in the process of
+ * serving any requests still to be processed when the server was last
+ * stopped after being run).
+ */
+ isStopped() {
+ return this._socketClosed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs the test. It will not exit until the test has finished.
+ */
+ performTest(watchWord) {
+ this._watchWord = watchWord;
+ let thread =;
+ while (!this.isTestFinished()) {
+ thread.processNextEvent(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the current processing test has finished.
+ */
+ isTestFinished() {
+ return this._readers.length > 0 && !this._test;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the commands run between the server and client.
+ * The return is an object with two variables (us and them), both of which
+ * are arrays returning the commands given by each server.
+ */
+ playTransaction() {
+ if (this._readers.some(e => {
+ throw new Error("Server timed out!");
+ }
+ if (this._readers.length == 1) {
+ return this._readers[0].transaction;
+ }
+ return => e.transaction);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepares for the next test.
+ */
+ resetTest() {
+ this._readers = this._readers.filter(function (reader) {
+ return reader._isRunning;
+ });
+ this._test = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._readers.length; i++) {
+ this._readers[i]._handler.resetTest();
+ }
+ }
+function readTo(input, count, arr) {
+ var old = new BinaryInputStream(input).readByteArray(count);
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(arr, old);
+ * The nsMailReader service, which reads and handles the lines.
+ * All specific handling is passed off to the handler, which is responsible
+ * for maintaining its own state. The following commands are required for the
+ * handler object:
+ * onError Called when handler[command] does not exist with both the
+ * command and rest-of-line as arguments
+ * onStartup Called on initialization with no arguments
+ * onMultiline Called when in multiline with the entire line as an argument
+ * postCommand Called after every command with this reader as the argument
+ * [command] An untranslated command with the rest of the line as the
+ * argument. Defined as everything to the first space
+ *
+ * All functions, except onMultiline and postCommand, treat the
+ * returned value as the text to be sent to the client; a newline at the end
+ * may be added if it does not exist, and all lone newlines are converted to
+ * CRLF sequences.
+ *
+ * The return of postCommand is ignored. The return of onMultiline is a bit
+ * complicated: it may or may not return a response string (returning one is
+ * necessary to trigger the postCommand handler).
+ *
+ * This object has the following supplemental functions for use by handlers:
+ * closeSocket Performs a server-side socket closing
+ * setMultiline Sets the multiline mode based on the argument
+ */
+class nsMailReader {
+ constructor(server, handler, transport, debug, logTransaction) {
+ this._debug = debug;
+ this._server = server;
+ this._buffer = [];
+ this._lines = [];
+ this._handler = handler;
+ this._transport = transport;
+ // We don't seem to properly handle large streams when the buffer gets
+ // exhausted, which causes issues trying to test large messages. So just
+ // allow a really big buffer.
+ var output = transport.openOutputStream(
+ Ci.nsITransport.OPEN_BLOCKING,
+ 1024,
+ 4096
+ );
+ this._output = output;
+ if (logTransaction) {
+ this.transaction = { us: [], them: [] };
+ } else {
+ this.transaction = null;
+ }
+ // Send response line
+ var response = this._handler.onStartup();
+ response = response.replace(/([^\r])\n/g, "$1\r\n");
+ if (!response.endsWith("\n")) {
+ response = response + "\r\n";
+ }
+ if (this.transaction) {
+ }
+ this._output.write(response, response.length);
+ this._output.flush();
+ this._multiline = false;
+ this._isRunning = true;
+ = {
+ server,
+ forced: false,
+ notify(timer) {
+ this.forced = true;
+ this.server.stopTest();
+ this.server.stop();
+ },
+ QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsITimerCallback"]),
+ };
+ this.timer = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance()
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsITimer);
+ this.timer.initWithCallback(
+ );
+ }
+ _findLines() {
+ var buf = this._buffer;
+ for (
+ var crlfLoc = buf.indexOf(13);
+ crlfLoc >= 0;
+ crlfLoc = buf.indexOf(13, crlfLoc + 1)
+ ) {
+ if (buf[crlfLoc + 1] == 10) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (crlfLoc == -1) {
+ // We failed to find a newline
+ return;
+ }
+ var line = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buf.slice(0, crlfLoc));
+ this._buffer = buf.slice(crlfLoc + 2);
+ this._lines.push(line);
+ this._findLines();
+ }
+ onInputStreamReady(stream) {
+ if ( {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.timer.cancel();
+ try {
+ var bytes = stream.available();
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Someone, not us, has closed the stream. This means we can't get any
+ // more data from the stream, so we'll just go and close our socket.
+ this._realCloseSocket();
+ return;
+ }
+ readTo(stream, bytes, this._buffer);
+ this._findLines();
+ while (this._lines.length > 0) {
+ var line = this._lines.shift();
+ if (this._debug != fsDebugNone) {
+ dump("RECV: " + line + "\n");
+ }
+ var response;
+ try {
+ let command;
+ if (this._multiline) {
+ response = this._handler.onMultiline(line);
+ if (response === undefined) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Record the transaction
+ if (this.transaction) {
+ this.transaction.them.push(line);
+ }
+ // Find the command and splice it out...
+ var splitter = line.indexOf(" ");
+ command = splitter == -1 ? line : line.substring(0, splitter);
+ let args = splitter == -1 ? "" : line.substring(splitter + 1);
+ // By convention, commands are uppercase
+ command = command.toUpperCase();
+ if (this._debug == fsDebugAll) {
+ dump("Received command " + command + "\n");
+ }
+ if (command in this._handler) {
+ response = this._handler[command](args);
+ } else {
+ response = this._handler.onError(command, args);
+ }
+ }
+ this._preventLFMunge = false;
+ this._handler.postCommand(this);
+ if (this.watchWord && command == this.watchWord) {
+ this.stopTest();
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ response = this._handler.onServerFault(e);
+ if (e instanceof Error) {
+ dump( + ": " + e.message + "\n");
+ dump("File: " + e.fileName + " Line: " + e.lineNumber + "\n");
+ dump("Stack trace:\n" + e.stack);
+ } else {
+ dump("Exception caught: " + e + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this._preventLFMunge) {
+ response = response.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n").replaceAll("\n", "\r\n");
+ }
+ if (!response.endsWith("\n")) {
+ response = response + "\r\n";
+ }
+ if (this._debug == fsDebugRecvSend) {
+ dump("SEND: " + response.split(" ", 1)[0] + "\n");
+ } else if (this._debug == fsDebugAll) {
+ var responses = response.split("\n");
+ responses.forEach(function (line) {
+ dump("SEND: " + line + "\n");
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.transaction) {
+ }
+ try {
+ this._output.write(response, response.length);
+ this._output.flush();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (ex.result == Cr.NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED) {
+ dump("Stream closed whilst sending, this may be expected\n");
+ this._realCloseSocket();
+ } else {
+ // Some other issue, let the test see it.
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._signalStop) {
+ this._realCloseSocket();
+ this._signalStop = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._isRunning) {
+ stream.asyncWait(this, 0, 0,;
+ this.timer.initWithCallback(
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ closeSocket() {
+ this._signalStop = true;
+ }
+ _realCloseSocket() {
+ this._isRunning = false;
+ this._output.close();
+ this._transport.close(Cr.NS_OK);
+ this._server.stopTest();
+ }
+ setMultiline(multi) {
+ this._multiline = multi;
+ }
+ setDebugLevel(debug) {
+ this._debug = debug;
+ }
+ preventLFMunge() {
+ this._preventLFMunge = true;
+ }
+ get watchWord() {
+ return this._server._watchWord;
+ }
+ stopTest() {
+ this._server.stopTest();
+ }
+ QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIInputStreamCallback"]);