path: root/comm/suite/installer/windows/nsis/installer.nsi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'comm/suite/installer/windows/nsis/installer.nsi')
1 files changed, 942 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comm/suite/installer/windows/nsis/installer.nsi b/comm/suite/installer/windows/nsis/installer.nsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9ffd78069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comm/suite/installer/windows/nsis/installer.nsi
@@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Also requires:
+# AppAssocReg
+# CityHash
+# ShellLink plugin
+# UAC
+; Set verbosity to 3 (e.g. no script) to lessen the noise in the build logs
+!verbose 3
+; 7-Zip provides better compression than the lzma from NSIS so we add the files
+; uncompressed and use 7-Zip to create a SFX archive of it
+SetDatablockOptimize on
+SetCompress off
+CRCCheck on
+RequestExecutionLevel user
+Unicode true
+ManifestSupportedOS all
+ManifestDPIAware true
+!addplugindir ./
+Var TmpVal
+Var StartMenuDir
+Var InstallType
+Var AddStartMenuSC
+Var AddTaskbarSC
+Var AddQuickLaunchSC
+Var AddDesktopSC
+Var InstallMaintenanceService
+Var InstallOptionalExtensions
+Var RegisterDefaultAgent
+; Other included files may depend upon these includes!
+; The following includes are provided by NSIS.
+!include FileFunc.nsh
+!include LogicLib.nsh
+!include WinMessages.nsh
+!include WinVer.nsh
+!include WordFunc.nsh
+!include MUI.nsh
+!insertmacro StrFilter
+!insertmacro GetOptions
+!insertmacro GetParameters
+!insertmacro GetSize
+!insertmacro WordFind
+; The following includes are custom.
+!include branding.nsi
+!include defines.nsi
+!include common.nsh
+!include locales.nsi
+!include custom.nsi
+VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "${BrandShortName} Installer"
+VIAddVersionKey "OriginalFilename" "setup.exe"
+; Must be inserted before other macros that use logging
+!insertmacro _LoggingCommon
+; Most commonly used macros for managing shortcuts
+!insertmacro _LoggingShortcutsCommon
+!insertmacro AddDisabledDDEHandlerValues
+!insertmacro AddHandlerValues
+!insertmacro ChangeMUIHeaderImage
+!insertmacro CheckForFilesInUse
+!insertmacro CheckIfRegistryKeyExists
+!insertmacro CleanUpdateDirectories
+!insertmacro CopyFilesFromDir
+!insertmacro CreateRegKey
+!insertmacro FindSMProgramsDir
+!insertmacro GetPathFromString
+!insertmacro GetParent
+!insertmacro InitHashAppModelId
+!insertmacro IsHandlerForInstallDir
+!insertmacro ManualCloseAppPrompt
+!insertmacro RegCleanMain
+!insertmacro RegCleanUninstall
+!insertmacro SetBrandNameVars
+!insertmacro UnloadUAC
+!insertmacro WriteRegStr2
+!insertmacro WriteRegDWORD2
+!include shared.nsh
+; Helper macros for ui callbacks. Insert these after shared.nsh
+!insertmacro CheckCustomCommon
+!insertmacro InstallEndCleanupCommon
+!insertmacro InstallOnInitCommon
+!insertmacro InstallStartCleanupCommon
+!insertmacro LeaveDirectoryCommon
+!insertmacro LeaveOptionsCommon
+!insertmacro OnEndCommon
+!insertmacro PreDirectoryCommon
+Name "${BrandFullName}"
+OutFile "setup.exe"
+!ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
+ InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\${BrandFullName}\"
+ InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES32\${BrandFullName}\"
+ShowInstDetails nevershow
+# Modern User Interface - MUI
+!define MUI_ICON setup.ico
+!define MUI_UNICON setup.ico
+!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP wizWatermark.bmp
+; Use a right to left header image when the language is right to left
+!ifdef ${AB_CD}_rtl
+!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP wizHeader.bmp
+ * Installation Pages
+ */
+; Welcome Page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
+; License Page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE license.txt
+; Custom Options Page
+Page custom preOptions leaveOptions
+; Custom Components Page
+Page custom preComponents leaveComponents
+; Select Install Directory Page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
+; Custom Shortcuts Page
+Page custom preShortcuts leaveShortcuts
+; Start Menu Folder Page Configuration
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $StartMenuDir
+; Custom Summary Page
+Page custom preSummary leaveSummary
+; Install Files Page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
+; Finish Page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
+; Use the default dialog for IDD_VERIFY for a simple Banner
+ChangeUI IDD_VERIFY "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\default.exe"
+; Cleanup operations to perform at the start of the installation.
+Section "-InstallStartCleanup"
+ SetDetailsPrint both
+ DetailPrint $(STATUS_CLEANUP)
+ SetDetailsPrint none
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
+ ${StartInstallLog} "${BrandFullName}" "${AB_CD}" "${AppVersion}" "${GREVersion}"
+ ; Delete the app exe to prevent launching the app while we are installing.
+ ClearErrors
+ ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ ${If} ${Errors}
+ ; If the user closed the application it can take several seconds for it to
+ ; shut down completely. If the application is being used by another user we
+ ; can rename the file and then delete is when the system is restarted.
+ Sleep 5000
+ ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ ClearErrors
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${If} $InstallType == ${INSTALLTYPE_CUSTOM}
+ ; Custom installs.
+ ; If DebugQA is installed and this install includes DebugQA remove it
+ ; from the installation directory. This will remove it if the user
+ ; deselected DebugQA on the components page.
+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\optional\extensions\"
+ ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\extensions\"
+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\extensions\"
+ RmDir /r "$INSTDIR\extensions\"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${EndIf}
+ ; setup the application model id registration value
+ ${InitHashAppModelId} "$INSTDIR" "Software\Mozilla\${AppName}\TaskBarIDs"
+ ; Remove the updates directory for Windows 7 and above
+ ${CleanUpdateDirectories} "Mozilla\SeaMonkey" "Mozilla\updates"
+ ${RemoveDeprecatedFiles}
+ ${InstallStartCleanupCommon}
+Section "-Application" APP_IDX
+ ${StartUninstallLog}
+ SetDetailsPrint both
+ SetDetailsPrint none
+ ${LogHeader} "Installing Main Files"
+ ${CopyFilesFromDir} "$EXEDIR\core" "$INSTDIR" \
+ ; The MAPI DLL's are copied and the copies are then registered to lessen
+ ; file in use errors on application update.
+ ClearErrors
+ ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\MapiProxy_InUse.dll"
+ ${If} ${Errors}
+ ; Clear the way for the new file and delete the old file on reboot
+ Rename "$INSTDIR\MapiProxy_InUse.dll" "$INSTDIR\MapiProxy_InUse.dll.moz-delete"
+ Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\MapiProxy_InUse.dll.moz-delete"
+ ${EndIf}
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\core\MapiProxy.dll" "$INSTDIR\MapiProxy_InUse.dll"
+ ${LogMsg} "Installed File: $INSTDIR\MapiProxy_InUse.dll"
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \MapiProxy_InUse.dll"
+ ClearErrors
+ ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\mozMapi32_InUse.dll"
+ ${If} ${Errors}
+ ; Clear the way for the new file and delete the old file on reboot
+ Rename "$INSTDIR\mozMapi32_InUse.dll" "$INSTDIR\mozMapi32_InUse.dll.moz-delete"
+ Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\mozMapi32_InUse.dll.moz-delete"
+ ${EndIf}
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\core\mozMapi32.dll" "$INSTDIR\mozMapi32_InUse.dll"
+ ${LogMsg} "Installed File: $INSTDIR\mozMapi32_InUse.dll"
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \mozMapi32_InUse.dll"
+ ; Register DLLs
+ ; XXXrstrong - AccessibleMarshal.dll can be used by multiple applications but
+ ; is only registered for the last application installed. When the last
+ ; application installed is uninstalled AccessibleMarshal.dll will no longer be
+ ; registered. bug 338878
+ ${LogHeader} "DLL Registration"
+ ClearErrors
+ ${RegisterDLL} "$INSTDIR\AccessibleMarshal.dll"
+ ${If} ${Errors}
+ ${LogMsg} "** ERROR Registering: $INSTDIR\AccessibleMarshal.dll **"
+ ${Else}
+ ${LogUninstall} "DLLReg: \AccessibleMarshal.dll"
+ ${LogMsg} "Registered: $INSTDIR\AccessibleMarshal.dll"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ClearErrors
+ ${RegisterDLL} "$INSTDIR\AccessibleHandler.dll"
+ ${If} ${Errors}
+ ${LogMsg} "** ERROR Registering: $INSTDIR\AccessibleHandler.dll **"
+ ${Else}
+ ${LogUninstall} "DLLReg: \AccessibleHandler.dll"
+ ${LogMsg} "Registered: $INSTDIR\AccessibleHandler.dll"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ; Write extra files created by the application to the uninstall log so they
+ ; will be removed when the application is uninstalled. To remove an empty
+ ; directory write a bogus filename to the deepest directory and all empty
+ ; parent directories will be removed.
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \components\compreg.dat"
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \components\xpti.dat"
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \active-update.xml"
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \install.log"
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \install_status.log"
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \install_wizard.log"
+ ${LogUninstall} "File: \updates.xml"
+ ; Default for creating Start Menu folder and shortcuts
+ ; (1 = create, 0 = don't create)
+ ${If} $AddStartMenuSC == ""
+ StrCpy $AddStartMenuSC "1"
+ ${EndIf}
+; Default for creating Task Bar shortcuts
+ ; (1 = create, 0 = don't create)
+ ${If} $AddTaskbarSC == ""
+ StrCpy $AddTaskbarSC "1"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ; Default for creating Quick Launch shortcut (1 = create, 0 = don't create)
+ ${If} $AddQuickLaunchSC == ""
+ StrCpy $AddQuickLaunchSC "1"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ; Default for creating Desktop shortcut (1 = create, 0 = don't create)
+ ${If} $AddDesktopSC == ""
+ StrCpy $AddDesktopSC "1"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${LogHeader} "Adding Registry Entries"
+ SetShellVarContext current ; Set SHCTX to HKCU
+ ${RegCleanMain} "Software\Mozilla"
+ ${RegCleanUninstall}
+ ${UpdateProtocolHandlers}
+ ClearErrors
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Mozilla" "${BrandShortName}InstallerTest" "Write Test"
+ ${If} ${Errors}
+ StrCpy $TmpVal "HKCU" ; used primarily for logging
+ ${Else}
+ SetShellVarContext all ; Set SHCTX to HKLM
+ DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Mozilla" "${BrandShortName}InstallerTest"
+ StrCpy $TmpVal "HKLM" ; used primarily for logging
+ ${RegCleanMain} "Software\Mozilla"
+ ${RegCleanUninstall}
+ ${UpdateProtocolHandlers}
+ ${EndIf}
+ ; The previous installer adds several registry values to both HKLM and HKCU.
+ ; We now try to add to HKLM and if that fails to HKCU
+ ; The order that reg keys and values are added is important if you use the
+ ; uninstall log to remove them on uninstall. When using the uninstall log you
+ ; MUST add children first so they will be removed first on uninstall so they
+ ; will be empty when the key is deleted. This allows the uninstaller to
+ ; specify that only empty keys will be deleted.
+ ${SetAppKeys}
+ ${FixClassKeys}
+ StrCpy $1 "$\"$8$\" -requestPending -osint -url $\"%1$\""
+ StrCpy $2 "$\"%1$\",,0,0,,,,"
+ StrCpy $3 "$\"$8$\" -url $\"%1$\""
+ ${GetLongPath} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" $8
+ ; An empty string is used for the 5th param because SeaMonkeyHTML is not a
+ ; protocol handler
+ ${AddHandlerValues} "SOFTWARE\Classes\SeaMonkeyHTML" "$3" \
+ "$INSTDIR\chrome\icons\default\html-file.ico,0" \
+ "${AppRegName} Document" "" ""
+ ${AddDisabledDDEHandlerValues} "SeaMonkeyURL" "$1" "$8,0" \
+ "${AppRegName} URL" ""
+ ${FixShellIconHandler}
+ ; The following keys should only be set if we can write to HKLM
+ ${If} $TmpVal == "HKLM"
+ ; Uninstall keys can only exist under HKLM on some versions of windows.
+ ${SetUninstallKeys}
+ ; Set the Start Menu Internet and Windows 7 Registered App HKLM registry keys.
+ ${SetStartMenuInternet}
+ ${SetClientsMail}
+ ; If we are writing to HKLM and create the quick launch and the desktop
+ ; shortcuts set IconsVisible to 1 otherwise to 0.
+ ; Taskbar shortcuts imply having a start menu shortcut.
+ ${StrFilter} "${FileMainEXE}" "+" "" "" $R9
+ ${If} $AddQuickLaunchSC == 1
+ ${OrIf} $AddDesktopSC == 1
+ ${OrIf} $AddTaskbarSC == 1
+ StrCpy $0 "Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet\$R9\InstallInfo"
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "$0" "IconsVisible" 1
+ StrCpy $0 "Software\Clients\Mail\${BrandFullNameInternal}\InstallInfo"
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "$0" "IconsVisible" 1
+ ${Else}
+ StrCpy $0 "Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet\$R9\InstallInfo"
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "$0" "IconsVisible" 0
+ StrCpy $0 "Software\Clients\Mail\${BrandFullNameInternal}\InstallInfo"
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "$0" "IconsVisible" 0
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${EndIf}
+ ; These need special handling on uninstall since they may be overwritten by
+ ; an install into a different location.
+ StrCpy $0 "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\${FileMainEXE}"
+ ${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" 0
+ ${WriteRegStr2} $TmpVal "$0" "Path" "$INSTDIR" 0
+ StrCpy $0 "Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\ShimInclusionList\$R9"
+ ${CreateRegKey} "$TmpVal" "$0" 0
+ StrCpy $0 "Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\ShimInclusionList\plugin-container.exe"
+ ${CreateRegKey} "$TmpVal" "$0" 0
+ !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application
+ ; Create shortcuts
+ ${LogHeader} "Adding Shortcuts"
+ ; Always add the relative path to the application's Start Menu directory and
+ ; the application's shortcuts to the shortcuts log ini file. The
+ ; DeleteShortcuts macro will do the right thing on uninstall if they don't
+ ; exist.
+ ${LogSMProgramsDirRelPath} "$StartMenuDir"
+ ${LogSMProgramsShortcut} "${BrandFullName}.lnk"
+ ${LogSMProgramsShortcut} "${BrandFullName} ($(SAFE_MODE)).lnk"
+ ${LogSMProgramsShortcut} "${BrandFullNameInternal} $(MAILNEWS_TEXT).lnk"
+ ${LogSMProgramsShortcut} "$(PROFILE_TEXT).lnk"
+ ${LogQuickLaunchShortcut} "${BrandFullName}.lnk"
+ ${LogDesktopShortcut} "${BrandFullName}.lnk"
+ ${If} $AddStartMenuSC == 1
+ ${Unless} ${FileExists} "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir"
+ CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir"
+ ${LogMsg} "Added Start Menu Directory: $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir"
+ ${EndUnless}
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\${BrandFullName}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" 0
+ ${If} "$AppUserModelID" != ""
+ ApplicationID::Set "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\${BrandFullName}.lnk" "$AppUserModelID"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${LogMsg} "Added Shortcut: $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\${BrandFullName}.lnk"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\${BrandFullName} ($(SAFE_MODE)).lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "-safe-mode" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" 0
+ ${If} "$AppUserModelID" != ""
+ ApplicationID::Set "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\${BrandFullName} ($(SAFE_MODE)).lnk" "$AppUserModelID"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${LogMsg} "Added Shortcut: $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\${BrandFullName} ($(SAFE_MODE)).lnk"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\${BrandFullName} $(MAILNEWS_TEXT).lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "-mail" "$INSTDIR\chrome\icons\default\messengerWindow.ico" 0
+ ${LogMsg} "Added Shortcut: $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\${BrandFullName} $(MAILNEWS_TEXT).lnk"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\$(PROFILE_TEXT).lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "-profileManager" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" 0
+ ${LogMsg} "Added Shortcut: $SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuDir\$(PROFILE_TEXT).lnk"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${If} $AddQuickLaunchSC == 1
+ CreateShortCut "$QUICKLAUNCH\${BrandFullName}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" 0
+ ${If} "$AppUserModelID" != ""
+ ApplicationID::Set "$QUICKLAUNCH\${BrandFullName}.lnk" "$AppUserModelID"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${LogMsg} "Added Shortcut: $QUICKLAUNCH\${BrandFullName}.lnk"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${If} $AddDesktopSC == 1
+ CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${BrandFullName}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" 0
+ ${If} "$AppUserModelID" != ""
+ ApplicationID::Set "$DESKTOP\${BrandFullName}.lnk" "$AppUserModelID"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${LogMsg} "Added Shortcut: $DESKTOP\${BrandFullName}.lnk"
+ ${EndIf}
+Section /o "Debug and QA Tools" DEBUG_IDX
+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\optional\extensions\"
+ SetDetailsPrint both
+ SetDetailsPrint none
+ ${RemoveDir} "$INSTDIR\extensions\"
+ ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\extensions\"
+ ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\distribution\extensions\"
+ ClearErrors
+ ${LogHeader} "Installing Debug and QA Tools"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\optional\extensions\" \
+ "$INSTDIR\extensions\"
+ ${EndIf}
+; Cleanup operations to perform at the end of the installation.
+Section "-InstallEndCleanup"
+ SetDetailsPrint both
+ DetailPrint "$(STATUS_CLEANUP)"
+ SetDetailsPrint none
+ ; Refresh desktop icons
+ System::Call "shell32::SHChangeNotify(i, i, i, i) v (0x08000000, 0, 0, 0)"
+ ${InstallEndCleanupCommon}
+ ; If we have to reboot give SHChangeNotify time to finish the refreshing
+ ; the icons so the OS doesn't display the icons from helper.exe
+ ${If} ${RebootFlag}
+ Sleep 10000
+ ${LogHeader} "Reboot Required To Finish Installation"
+ ; ${FileMainEXE}.moz-upgrade should never exist but just in case...
+ ${Unless} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}.moz-upgrade"
+ Rename "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}.moz-upgrade"
+ ${EndUnless}
+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ ClearErrors
+ Rename "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}.moz-delete"
+ ${Unless} ${Errors}
+ Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}.moz-delete"
+ ${EndUnless}
+ ${EndUnless}
+ ${Unless} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\uninstall\helper.exe" "$INSTDIR"
+ FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}" w
+ FileWrite $0 "Will be deleted on restart"
+ Rename /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}.moz-upgrade" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ FileClose $0
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ Rename "$INSTDIR\helper.exe" "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ ${EndUnless}
+ ${EndIf}
+Function CheckExistingInstall
+ ; If there is a pending file copy from a previous uninstall don't allow
+ ; installing until after the system has rebooted.
+ IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}.moz-upgrade" +1 +4
+ Reboot
+ Quit
+ ; If there is a pending file deletion from a previous uninstall don't allow
+ ; installing until after the system has rebooted.
+ IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}.moz-delete" +1 +4
+ Reboot
+ Quit
+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ ${If} "$TmpVal" == "FoundMessageWindow"
+ Sleep 5000
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${PushFilesToCheck}
+ ; Store the return value in $TmpVal so it is less likely to be accidentally
+ ; overwritten elsewhere.
+ ${CheckForFilesInUse} $TmpVal
+ Banner::destroy
+ ${If} "$TmpVal" == "true"
+ StrCpy $TmpVal "FoundMessageWindow"
+ ${ManualCloseAppPrompt} "${WindowClass}" "$(WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_INSTALL)"
+ StrCpy $TmpVal "true"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${EndIf}
+Function LaunchApp
+ GetFunctionAddress $0 LaunchAppFromElevatedProcess
+ UAC::ExecCodeSegment $0
+Function LaunchAppFromElevatedProcess
+ ${ManualCloseAppPrompt} "${WindowClass}" "$(WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_LAUNCH)"
+ ; Find the installation directory when launching using GetFunctionAddress
+ ; from an elevated installer since $INSTDIR will not be set in this installer
+ ${StrFilter} "${FileMainEXE}" "+" "" "" $R9
+ ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet\$R9\DefaultIcon" ""
+ ${GetPathFromString} "$0" $0
+ ${GetParent} "$0" $1
+ ; Set our current working directory to the application's install directory
+ ; otherwise the 7-Zip temp directory will be in use and won't be deleted.
+ SetOutPath "$1"
+ Exec "$\"$0$\""
+# Language
+!insertmacro MOZ_MUI_LANGUAGE 'baseLocale'
+!verbose push
+!verbose 3
+!include "overrideLocale.nsh"
+!include "customLocale.nsh"
+!verbose pop
+; Set this after the locale files to override it if it is in the locale
+; using " " for BrandingText will hide the "Nullsoft Install System..." branding
+BrandingText " "
+# Page pre and leave functions
+Function preWelcome
+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\core\distribution\modern-wizard.bmp"
+ Delete "$PLUGINSDIR\modern-wizard.bmp"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\core\distribution\modern-wizard.bmp" "$PLUGINSDIR\modern-wizard.bmp"
+ ${EndIf}
+Function showLicense
+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\core\distribution\modern-header.bmp"
+ ${AndIf} $hHeaderBitmap == ""
+ Delete "$PLUGINSDIR\modern-header.bmp"
+ CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\core\distribution\modern-header.bmp" "$PLUGINSDIR\modern-header.bmp"
+ ${ChangeMUIHeaderImage} "$PLUGINSDIR\modern-header.bmp"
+ ${EndIf}
+Function preOptions
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "options.ini"
+Function leaveOptions
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $0 "options.ini" "Settings" "State"
+ ${If} $0 != 0
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $R0 "options.ini" "Field 2" "State"
+ StrCmp $R0 "1" +1 +2
+ StrCpy $InstallType ${INSTALLTYPE_BASIC}
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $R0 "options.ini" "Field 3" "State"
+ StrCmp $R0 "1" +1 +2
+ StrCpy $InstallType ${INSTALLTYPE_CUSTOM}
+ ${LeaveOptionsCommon}
+ ${If} $InstallType == ${INSTALLTYPE_BASIC}
+ Call CheckExistingInstall
+ ${EndIf}
+Function preComponents
+ ${CheckCustomCommon}
+ !insertmacro checkSuiteComponents
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "components.ini"
+Function leaveComponents
+ ; If debugQA exists then it will be Field 2.
+ StrCpy $R1 2
+ ${If} ${FileExists} "$EXEDIR\optional\extensions\"
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $R0 "components.ini" "Field $R1" "State"
+ ; State will be 1 for checked and 0 for unchecked so we can use that to set
+ ; the section flags for installation.
+ SectionSetFlags ${DEBUG_IDX} $R0
+ IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
+ ${Else}
+ SectionSetFlags ${DEBUG_IDX} 0 ; Disable install for debugQA
+ ${EndIf}
+Function preDirectory
+ ${PreDirectoryCommon}
+Function leaveDirectory
+ ${If} $InstallType == ${INSTALLTYPE_BASIC}
+ Call CheckExistingInstall
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${LeaveDirectoryCommon} "$(WARN_DISK_SPACE)" "$(WARN_WRITE_ACCESS)"
+Function preShortcuts
+ ${CheckCustomCommon}
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "shortcuts.ini"
+Function leaveShortcuts
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $0 "shortcuts.ini" "Settings" "State"
+ ${If} $0 != 0
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $AddDesktopSC "shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" "State"
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $AddStartMenuSC "shortcuts.ini" "Field 3" "State"
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $AddQuickLaunchSC "shortcuts.ini" "Field 4" "State"
+ ; If Start Menu shortcuts won't be created call CheckExistingInstall here
+ ; since leaveStartMenu will not be called.
+ ${If} $AddStartMenuSC != 1
+ ${AndIf} $InstallType == ${INSTALLTYPE_CUSTOM}
+ Call CheckExistingInstall
+ ${EndIf}
+Function preStartMenu
+ ; With the Unicode installer the path to the application's Start Menu
+ ; directory relative to the Start Menu's Programs directory is written to the
+ ; shortcuts log ini file and is used to set the default Start Menu directory.
+ ${GetSMProgramsDirRelPath} $0
+ ${If} "$0" != ""
+ StrCpy $StartMenuDir "$0"
+ ${Else}
+ ; Prior to the Unicode installer the path to the application's Start Menu
+ ; directory relative to the Start Menu's Programs directory was written to
+ ; the registry and use this value to set the default Start Menu directory.
+ ClearErrors
+ ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Mozilla\${BrandFullNameInternal}\${AppVersion} (${AB_CD})\Main" "Start Menu Folder"
+ ${If} ${Errors}
+ ; Use the FindSMProgramsDir macro to find a previously used path to the
+ ; application's Start Menu directory relative to the Start Menu's Programs
+ ; directory in the uninstall log and use this value to set the default
+ ; Start Menu directory.
+ ${FindSMProgramsDir} $0
+ ${If} "$0" != ""
+ StrCpy $StartMenuDir "$0"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${Else}
+ StrCpy $StartMenuDir "$0"
+ ${EndUnless}
+ ${EndIf}
+ ${CheckCustomCommon}
+ ${If} $AddStartMenuSC != 1
+ Abort
+ ${EndIf}
+Function leaveStartMenu
+ ${If} $InstallType == ${INSTALLTYPE_CUSTOM}
+ Call CheckExistingInstall
+ ${EndIf}
+Function preSummary
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Settings" NumFields "3"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 1" Type "label"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 1" Text "$(SUMMARY_INSTALLED_TO)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 1" Left "0"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 1" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 1" Top "5"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 1" Bottom "15"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 2" Type "text"
+ ; The contents of this control must be set as follows in the pre function
+ ; ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $1 "summary.ini" "Field 2" "HWND"
+ ; SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$INSTDIR"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 2" state ""
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 2" Left "0"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 2" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 2" Top "17"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 2" Bottom "30"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 2" flags "READONLY"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 3" Type "label"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 3" Text "$(SUMMARY_CLICK)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 3" Left "0"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 3" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 3" Top "130"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 3" Bottom "150"
+ ${If} "$TmpVal" == "true"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 4" Type "label"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 4" Text "$(SUMMARY_REBOOT_REQUIRED_INSTALL)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 4" Left "0"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 4" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 4" Top "35"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Field 4" Bottom "45"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\summary.ini" "Settings" NumFields "4"
+ ${EndIf}
+ ; The Summary custom page has a textbox that will automatically receive
+ ; focus. This sets the focus to the Install button instead.
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_INITDIALOG "summary.ini"
+ GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1
+ System::Call "user32::SetFocus(i r0, i 0x0007, i,i)i"
+ ${MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ} $1 "summary.ini" "Field 2" "HWND"
+ SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$INSTDIR"
+Function leaveSummary
+ ; Try to delete the app executable and if we can't delete it try to find the
+ ; app's message window and prompt the user to close the app. This allows
+ ; running an instance that is located in another directory. If for whatever
+ ; reason there is no message window we will just rename the app's files and
+ ; then remove them on restart.
+ ClearErrors
+ ${DeleteFile} "$INSTDIR\${FileMainEXE}"
+ ${If} ${Errors}
+ ${ManualCloseAppPrompt} "${WindowClass}" "$(WARN_MANUALLY_CLOSE_APP_INSTALL)"
+ ${EndIf}
+; When we add an optional action to the finish page the cancel button is
+; enabled. This disables it and leaves the finish button as the only choice.
+Function preFinish
+ ${EndInstallLog} "${BrandFullName}"
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioSpecial.ini" "settings" "cancelenabled" "0"
+# Initialization Functions
+Function .onInit
+ StrCpy $LANGUAGE 0
+ ${SetBrandNameVars} "$EXEDIR\core\distribution\setup.ini"
+ ; Don't install on systems that don't support SSE2. The parameter value of
+ ; 10 is for PF_XMMI64_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE which will check whether the
+ ; SSE2 instruction set is available. Result returned in $R7.
+ System::Call "kernel32::IsProcessorFeaturePresent(i 10)i .R7"
+ ; Windows NT 6.0 (Vista/Server 2008) and lower are not supported.
+ ${Unless} ${AtLeastWin7}
+ ${If} "$R7" == "0"
+ ${Else}
+ ${EndIf}
+ ExecShell "open" "${URLSystemRequirements}"
+ Quit
+ ${EndUnless}
+ ; SSE2 CPU support
+ ${If} "$R7" == "0"
+ ExecShell "open" "${URLSystemRequirements}"
+ Quit
+ ${EndIf}
+!ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
+ ${Unless} ${RunningX64}
+ ExecShell "open" "${URLSystemRequirements}"
+ Quit
+ ${EndUnless}
+ SetRegView 64
+ ${InstallOnInitCommon} "$(WARN_MIN_SUPPORTED_OSVER_CPU_MSG)"
+ !insertmacro InitInstallOptionsFile "options.ini"
+ !insertmacro InitInstallOptionsFile "components.ini"
+ !insertmacro InitInstallOptionsFile "shortcuts.ini"
+ !insertmacro InitInstallOptionsFile "summary.ini"
+ ; Setup the options.ini file for the Custom Options Page
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Settings" NumFields "5"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 1" Type "label"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 1" Text "$(OPTIONS_SUMMARY)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 1" Left "0"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 1" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 1" Top "0"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 1" Bottom "10"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 2" Type "RadioButton"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 2" Text "$(OPTION_STANDARD_RADIO)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 2" Left "15"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 2" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 2" Top "25"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 2" Bottom "35"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 2" State "1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 2" Flags "GROUP"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 3" Type "RadioButton"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 3" Text "$(OPTION_CUSTOM_RADIO)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 3" Left "15"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 3" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 3" Top "55"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 3" Bottom "65"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 3" State "0"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 4" Type "label"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 4" Text "$(OPTION_STANDARD_DESC)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 4" Left "30"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 4" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 4" Top "37"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 4" Bottom "57"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 5" Type "label"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 5" Text "$(OPTION_CUSTOM_DESC)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 5" Left "30"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 5" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 5" Top "67"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\options.ini" "Field 5" Bottom "87"
+ ; Setup the components.ini file for the Components page
+ !insertmacro createSuiteComponentsINI
+ ; Setup the shortcuts.ini file for the Custom Shortcuts Page
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Settings" NumFields "4"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 1" Type "label"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 1" Text "$(CREATE_ICONS_DESC)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 1" Left "0"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 1" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 1" Top "5"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 1" Bottom "15"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" Type "checkbox"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" Text "$(ICONS_DESKTOP)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" Left "15"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" Top "20"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" Bottom "30"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" State "1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 2" Flags "GROUP"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 3" Type "checkbox"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 3" Text "$(ICONS_STARTMENU)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 3" Left "15"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 3" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 3" Top "40"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 3" Bottom "50"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 3" State "1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 4" Type "checkbox"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 4" Text "$(ICONS_QUICKLAUNCH)"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 4" Left "15"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 4" Right "-1"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 4" Top "60"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 4" Bottom "70"
+ WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\shortcuts.ini" "Field 4" State "1"
+ ; There must always be a core directory
+ ${GetSize} "$EXEDIR\core\" "/S=0K" $R5 $R7 $R8
+ ; Add 1024 Kb to the diskspace requirement since the installer makes a copy
+ ; of the MAPI dll's (around 20 Kb)... also, see Bug 434338.
+ IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1024
+ SectionSetSize ${APP_IDX} $R5
+ ; Initialize $hHeaderBitmap to prevent redundant changing of the bitmap if
+ ; the user clicks the back button
+ StrCpy $hHeaderBitmap ""
+Function .onGUIEnd
+ ${OnEndCommon}