path: root/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests')
7 files changed, 1053 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/Breakpoints.spec.js b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/Breakpoints.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..915b812dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/Breakpoints.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at <>. */
+import React from "react";
+import { shallow } from "enzyme";
+import Breakpoints from "../Breakpoints";
+const BreakpointsComponent = Breakpoints.WrappedComponent;
+function generateDefaults(overrides) {
+ const sourceId = "server1.conn1.child1/source1";
+ const matchingBreakpoints = [{ location: { source: { id: sourceId } } }];
+ return {
+ selectedSource: { sourceId, get: () => false },
+ editor: {
+ codeMirror: {
+ setGutterMarker: jest.fn(),
+ },
+ },
+ blackboxedRanges: {},
+ cx: {},
+ breakpointActions: {},
+ editorActions: {},
+ breakpoints: matchingBreakpoints,
+ ...overrides,
+ };
+function render(overrides = {}) {
+ const props = generateDefaults(overrides);
+ const component = shallow(<BreakpointsComponent {...props} />);
+ return { component, props };
+describe("Breakpoints Component", () => {
+ it("should render breakpoints without columns", async () => {
+ const sourceId = "server1.conn1.child1/source1";
+ const breakpoints = [{ location: { source: { id: sourceId } } }];
+ const { component, props } = render({ breakpoints });
+ expect(component.find("Breakpoint")).toHaveLength(props.breakpoints.length);
+ });
+ it("should render breakpoints with columns", async () => {
+ const sourceId = "server1.conn1.child1/source1";
+ const breakpoints = [{ location: { column: 2, source: { id: sourceId } } }];
+ const { component, props } = render({ breakpoints });
+ expect(component.find("Breakpoint")).toHaveLength(props.breakpoints.length);
+ expect(component).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
diff --git a/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/ConditionalPanel.spec.js b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/ConditionalPanel.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05e4dcb727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/ConditionalPanel.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 7] */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at <>. */
+import React from "react";
+import { mount } from "enzyme";
+import { ConditionalPanel } from "../ConditionalPanel";
+import * as mocks from "../../../utils/test-mockup";
+const source = mocks.makeMockSource();
+function generateDefaults(overrides, log, line, column, condition, logValue) {
+ const breakpoint = mocks.makeMockBreakpoint(source, line, column);
+ breakpoint.options.condition = condition;
+ breakpoint.options.logValue = logValue;
+ return {
+ editor: {
+ CodeMirror: {
+ fromTextArea: jest.fn(() => {
+ return {
+ on: jest.fn(),
+ getWrapperElement: jest.fn(() => {
+ return {
+ addEventListener: jest.fn(),
+ };
+ }),
+ focus: jest.fn(),
+ setCursor: jest.fn(),
+ lineCount: jest.fn(),
+ };
+ }),
+ },
+ codeMirror: {
+ addLineWidget: jest.fn(),
+ },
+ },
+ location: breakpoint.location,
+ source,
+ breakpoint,
+ log,
+ getDefaultValue: jest.fn(),
+ openConditionalPanel: jest.fn(),
+ closeConditionalPanel: jest.fn(),
+ ...overrides,
+ };
+function render(log, line, column, condition, logValue, overrides = {}) {
+ const defaults = generateDefaults(
+ overrides,
+ log,
+ line,
+ column,
+ condition,
+ logValue
+ );
+ const props = { ...defaults, ...overrides };
+ const wrapper = mount(<ConditionalPanel {...props} />);
+ return { wrapper, props };
+describe("ConditionalPanel", () => {
+ it("it should render at location of selected breakpoint", () => {
+ const { wrapper } = render(false, 2, 2);
+ expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it("it should render with condition at selected breakpoint location", () => {
+ const { wrapper } = render(false, 3, 3, "I'm a condition", "not a log");
+ expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it("it should render with logpoint at selected breakpoint location", () => {
+ const { wrapper } = render(true, 4, 4, "not a condition", "I'm a log");
+ expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
diff --git a/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/DebugLine.spec.js b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/DebugLine.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7fcb53a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/DebugLine.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 7] */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at <>. */
+import React from "react";
+import { shallow } from "enzyme";
+import DebugLine from "../DebugLine";
+import { setDocument } from "../../../utils/editor";
+function createMockDocument(clear) {
+ const doc = {
+ addLineClass: jest.fn(),
+ removeLineClass: jest.fn(),
+ markText: jest.fn(() => ({ clear })),
+ getLine: line => "",
+ };
+ return doc;
+function generateDefaults(editor, overrides) {
+ return {
+ editor,
+ pauseInfo: {
+ why: { type: "breakpoint" },
+ },
+ frame: null,
+ sourceTextContent: null,
+ ...overrides,
+ };
+function createLocation(line) {
+ return {
+ source: {
+ id: "foo",
+ },
+ sourceId: "foo",
+ line,
+ column: 2,
+ };
+function render(overrides = {}) {
+ const clear = jest.fn();
+ const editor = { codeMirror: {} };
+ const props = generateDefaults(editor, overrides);
+ const doc = createMockDocument(clear);
+ setDocument("foo", doc);
+ const component = shallow(<DebugLine.WrappedComponent {...props} />, {
+ lifecycleExperimental: true,
+ });
+ return { component, props, clear, editor, doc };
+describe("DebugLine Component", () => {
+ describe("pausing at the first location", () => {
+ describe("when there is no selected frame", () => {
+ it("should not set the debug line", () => {
+ const { component, props, doc } = render({ frame: null });
+ const line = 2;
+ const location = createLocation(line);
+ component.setProps({ ...props, location });
+ expect(doc.removeLineClass).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ });
+ describe("when there is a different source", () => {
+ it("should not set the debug line", async () => {
+ const { component, doc } = render();
+ const newSelectedFrame = { location: { sourceId: "bar" } };
+ expect(doc.removeLineClass).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ component.setProps({ frame: newSelectedFrame });
+ expect(doc.removeLineClass).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/Footer.spec.js b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/Footer.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b58ba45cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/Footer.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 7] */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at <>. */
+import React from "react";
+import { shallow } from "enzyme";
+import SourceFooter from "../Footer";
+import { createSourceObject } from "../../../utils/test-head";
+import { setDocument } from "../../../utils/editor";
+function createMockDocument(clear, position) {
+ const doc = {
+ getCursor: jest.fn(() => position),
+ };
+ return doc;
+function generateDefaults(overrides) {
+ return {
+ editor: {
+ codeMirror: {
+ doc: {},
+ cursorActivity: jest.fn(),
+ on: jest.fn(),
+ },
+ },
+ endPanelCollapsed: false,
+ selectedSource: {
+ ...createSourceObject("foo"),
+ content: null,
+ },
+ ...overrides,
+ };
+function render(overrides = {}, position = { line: 0, column: 0 }) {
+ const clear = jest.fn();
+ const props = generateDefaults(overrides);
+ const doc = createMockDocument(clear, position);
+ setDocument(, doc);
+ const component = shallow(<SourceFooter.WrappedComponent {...props} />, {
+ lifecycleExperimental: true,
+ });
+ return { component, props, clear, doc };
+describe("SourceFooter Component", () => {
+ describe("default case", () => {
+ it("should render", () => {
+ const { component } = render();
+ expect(component).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ });
+ describe("move cursor", () => {
+ it("should render new cursor position", () => {
+ const { component } = render();
+ component.setState({ cursorPosition: { line: 5, column: 10 } });
+ expect(component).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/Breakpoints.spec.js.snap b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/Breakpoints.spec.js.snap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48cda915a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/Breakpoints.spec.js.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1,
+exports[`Breakpoints Component should render breakpoints with columns 1`] = `
+ <Breakpoint
+ breakpoint={
+ Object {
+ "location": Object {
+ "column": 2,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "server1.conn1.child1/source1",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ breakpointActions={Object {}}
+ cx={Object {}}
+ editor={
+ Object {
+ "codeMirror": Object {
+ "setGutterMarker": [MockFunction],
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ editorActions={Object {}}
+ key="undefined:undefined:2"
+ selectedSource={
+ Object {
+ "get": [Function],
+ "sourceId": "server1.conn1.child1/source1",
+ }
+ }
+ />
diff --git a/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/ConditionalPanel.spec.js.snap b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/ConditionalPanel.spec.js.snap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2f52bb6e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/ConditionalPanel.spec.js.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1,
+exports[`ConditionalPanel it should render at location of selected breakpoint 1`] = `
+ breakpoint={
+ Object {
+ "disabled": false,
+ "generatedLocation": Object {
+ "column": 2,
+ "line": 2,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ },
+ "id": "breakpoint",
+ "location": Object {
+ "column": 2,
+ "line": 2,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ },
+ "options": Object {
+ "condition": undefined,
+ "logValue": undefined,
+ },
+ "originalText": "text",
+ "text": "text",
+ }
+ }
+ closeConditionalPanel={[MockFunction]}
+ editor={
+ Object {
+ "CodeMirror": Object {
+ "fromTextArea": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ <textarea />,
+ Object {
+ "cursorBlinkRate": 530,
+ "mode": "javascript",
+ "placeholder": "Breakpoint condition, e.g. items.length > 0",
+ "theme": "mozilla",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": Object {
+ "focus": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "getWrapperElement": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": Object {
+ "addEventListener": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ "keydown",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "lineCount": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "on": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ "keydown",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ Array [
+ "blur",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "setCursor": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ undefined,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "codeMirror": Object {
+ "addLineWidget": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ 1,
+ <div>
+ <div
+ class="conditional-breakpoint-panel"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="prompt"
+ >
+ »
+ </div>
+ <textarea />
+ </div>
+ </div>,
+ Object {
+ "coverGutter": true,
+ "noHScroll": true,
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ getDefaultValue={[MockFunction]}
+ location={
+ Object {
+ "column": 2,
+ "line": 2,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ }
+ }
+ log={false}
+ openConditionalPanel={[MockFunction]}
+ source={
+ Object {
+ "displayURL": Object {
+ "fileExtension": "",
+ "filename": "url",
+ "group": "",
+ "path": "url",
+ "search": "",
+ },
+ "extensionName": null,
+ "id": "source",
+ "isExtension": false,
+ "isOriginal": false,
+ "isPrettyPrinted": false,
+ "isWasm": false,
+ "thread": "FakeThread",
+ "url": "url",
+ }
+ }
+exports[`ConditionalPanel it should render with condition at selected breakpoint location 1`] = `
+ breakpoint={
+ Object {
+ "disabled": false,
+ "generatedLocation": Object {
+ "column": 3,
+ "line": 3,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ },
+ "id": "breakpoint",
+ "location": Object {
+ "column": 3,
+ "line": 3,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ },
+ "options": Object {
+ "condition": "I'm a condition",
+ "logValue": "not a log",
+ },
+ "originalText": "text",
+ "text": "text",
+ }
+ }
+ closeConditionalPanel={[MockFunction]}
+ editor={
+ Object {
+ "CodeMirror": Object {
+ "fromTextArea": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ <textarea>
+ I'm a condition
+ </textarea>,
+ Object {
+ "cursorBlinkRate": 530,
+ "mode": "javascript",
+ "placeholder": "Breakpoint condition, e.g. items.length > 0",
+ "theme": "mozilla",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": Object {
+ "focus": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "getWrapperElement": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": Object {
+ "addEventListener": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ "keydown",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "lineCount": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "on": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ "keydown",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ Array [
+ "blur",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "setCursor": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ undefined,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "codeMirror": Object {
+ "addLineWidget": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ 2,
+ <div>
+ <div
+ class="conditional-breakpoint-panel"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="prompt"
+ >
+ »
+ </div>
+ <textarea>
+ I'm a condition
+ </textarea>
+ </div>
+ </div>,
+ Object {
+ "coverGutter": true,
+ "noHScroll": true,
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ getDefaultValue={[MockFunction]}
+ location={
+ Object {
+ "column": 3,
+ "line": 3,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ }
+ }
+ log={false}
+ openConditionalPanel={[MockFunction]}
+ source={
+ Object {
+ "displayURL": Object {
+ "fileExtension": "",
+ "filename": "url",
+ "group": "",
+ "path": "url",
+ "search": "",
+ },
+ "extensionName": null,
+ "id": "source",
+ "isExtension": false,
+ "isOriginal": false,
+ "isPrettyPrinted": false,
+ "isWasm": false,
+ "thread": "FakeThread",
+ "url": "url",
+ }
+ }
+exports[`ConditionalPanel it should render with logpoint at selected breakpoint location 1`] = `
+ breakpoint={
+ Object {
+ "disabled": false,
+ "generatedLocation": Object {
+ "column": 4,
+ "line": 4,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ },
+ "id": "breakpoint",
+ "location": Object {
+ "column": 4,
+ "line": 4,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ },
+ "options": Object {
+ "condition": "not a condition",
+ "logValue": "I'm a log",
+ },
+ "originalText": "text",
+ "text": "text",
+ }
+ }
+ closeConditionalPanel={[MockFunction]}
+ editor={
+ Object {
+ "CodeMirror": Object {
+ "fromTextArea": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ <textarea>
+ I'm a log
+ </textarea>,
+ Object {
+ "cursorBlinkRate": 530,
+ "mode": "javascript",
+ "placeholder": "Log message, e.g. displayName",
+ "theme": "mozilla",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": Object {
+ "focus": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "getWrapperElement": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": Object {
+ "addEventListener": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ "keydown",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "lineCount": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "on": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ "keydown",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ Array [
+ "blur",
+ [Function],
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "setCursor": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ undefined,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ "codeMirror": Object {
+ "addLineWidget": [MockFunction] {
+ "calls": Array [
+ Array [
+ 3,
+ <div>
+ <div
+ class="conditional-breakpoint-panel log-point"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="prompt"
+ >
+ »
+ </div>
+ <textarea>
+ I'm a log
+ </textarea>
+ </div>
+ </div>,
+ Object {
+ "coverGutter": true,
+ "noHScroll": true,
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ "results": Array [
+ Object {
+ "type": "return",
+ "value": undefined,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ getDefaultValue={[MockFunction]}
+ location={
+ Object {
+ "column": 4,
+ "line": 4,
+ "source": Object {
+ "id": "source",
+ },
+ "sourceId": "source",
+ }
+ }
+ log={true}
+ openConditionalPanel={[MockFunction]}
+ source={
+ Object {
+ "displayURL": Object {
+ "fileExtension": "",
+ "filename": "url",
+ "group": "",
+ "path": "url",
+ "search": "",
+ },
+ "extensionName": null,
+ "id": "source",
+ "isExtension": false,
+ "isOriginal": false,
+ "isPrettyPrinted": false,
+ "isWasm": false,
+ "thread": "FakeThread",
+ "url": "url",
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/Footer.spec.js.snap b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/Footer.spec.js.snap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6123d4c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/Editor/tests/__snapshots__/Footer.spec.js.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1,
+exports[`SourceFooter Component default case should render 1`] = `
+ className="source-footer"
+ <div
+ className="source-footer-start"
+ >
+ <div
+ className="commands"
+ >
+ <button
+ aria-label="Ignore source"
+ className="action black-box"
+ key="black-box"
+ onClick={[Function]}
+ title="Ignore source"
+ >
+ <AccessibleImage
+ className="blackBox"
+ />
+ </button>
+ <button
+ className="action prettyPrint"
+ disabled={true}
+ key="prettyPrint"
+ onClick={[Function]}
+ >
+ <AccessibleImage
+ className="prettyPrint"
+ />
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ className="source-footer-end"
+ >
+ <div
+ className="cursor-position"
+ title="(Line 1, column 1)"
+ >
+ (1, 1)
+ </div>
+ <PaneToggleButton
+ collapsed={false}
+ horizontal={false}
+ key="toggle"
+ position="end"
+ />
+ </div>
+exports[`SourceFooter Component move cursor should render new cursor position 1`] = `
+ className="source-footer"
+ <div
+ className="source-footer-start"
+ >
+ <div
+ className="commands"
+ >
+ <button
+ aria-label="Ignore source"
+ className="action black-box"
+ key="black-box"
+ onClick={[Function]}
+ title="Ignore source"
+ >
+ <AccessibleImage
+ className="blackBox"
+ />
+ </button>
+ <button
+ className="action prettyPrint"
+ disabled={true}
+ key="prettyPrint"
+ onClick={[Function]}
+ >
+ <AccessibleImage
+ className="prettyPrint"
+ />
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ className="source-footer-end"
+ >
+ <div
+ className="cursor-position"
+ title="(Line 6, column 11)"
+ >
+ (6, 11)
+ </div>
+ <PaneToggleButton
+ collapsed={false}
+ horizontal={false}
+ key="toggle"
+ position="end"
+ />
+ </div>