path: root/dom/media/platforms/wmf/MFMediaEngineStream.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/media/platforms/wmf/MFMediaEngineStream.h')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/platforms/wmf/MFMediaEngineStream.h b/dom/media/platforms/wmf/MFMediaEngineStream.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa3bf7e65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/platforms/wmf/MFMediaEngineStream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include <mfidl.h>
+#include <wrl.h>
+#include <queue>
+#include "BlankDecoderModule.h"
+#include "MediaQueue.h"
+#include "PlatformDecoderModule.h"
+#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
+#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
+#include "mozilla/SPSCQueue.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+class MFMediaEngineVideoStream;
+class MFMediaSource;
+ * MFMediaEngineStream represents a track which would be responsible to provide
+ * encoded data into the media engine. The media engine can access this stream
+ * by the presentation descriptor which was acquired from the custom media
+ * source.
+ */
+class MFMediaEngineStream
+ : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<
+ Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassFlags<
+ Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassType::ClassicCom>,
+ IMFMediaStream> {
+ public:
+ MFMediaEngineStream();
+ ~MFMediaEngineStream();
+ virtual nsCString GetDescriptionName() const = 0;
+ virtual nsCString GetCodecName() const = 0;
+ HRESULT RuntimeClassInitialize(uint64_t aStreamId, const TrackInfo& aInfo,
+ MFMediaSource* aParentSource);
+ // Called by MFMediaSource.
+ HRESULT Start(const PROPVARIANT* aPosition);
+ HRESULT Seek(const PROPVARIANT* aPosition);
+ HRESULT Stop();
+ HRESULT Pause();
+ void Shutdown();
+ void SetSelected(bool aSelected);
+ bool IsSelected() const { return mIsSelected; }
+ DWORD DescriptorId() const { return mStreamDescriptorId; }
+ // Methods for IMFMediaStream
+ IFACEMETHODIMP GetMediaSource(IMFMediaSource** aMediaSource) override;
+ IFACEMETHODIMP GetStreamDescriptor(
+ IMFStreamDescriptor** aStreamDescriptor) override;
+ IFACEMETHODIMP RequestSample(IUnknown* aToken) override;
+ // Methods for IMFMediaEventGenerator, IMFMediaStream derives from
+ // IMFMediaEventGenerator.
+ IFACEMETHODIMP GetEvent(DWORD aFlags, IMFMediaEvent** aEvent) override;
+ IFACEMETHODIMP BeginGetEvent(IMFAsyncCallback* aCallback,
+ IUnknown* aState) override;
+ IFACEMETHODIMP EndGetEvent(IMFAsyncResult* aResult,
+ IMFMediaEvent** aEvent) override;
+ IFACEMETHODIMP QueueEvent(MediaEventType aType, REFGUID aExtendedType,
+ HRESULT aStatus,
+ const PROPVARIANT* aValue) override;
+ TaskQueue* GetTaskQueue() { return mTaskQueue; }
+ void NotifyEndOfStream() {
+ Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<MFMediaEngineStream> self = this;
+ Unused << mTaskQueue->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction(
+ "MFMediaEngineStream::NotifyEndOfStream",
+ [self]() { self->NotifyEndOfStreamInternal(); }));
+ }
+ // Return the type of the track, the result should be either audio or video.
+ virtual TrackInfo::TrackType TrackType() = 0;
+ RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder::FlushPromise> Flush();
+ MediaEventProducer<TrackInfo::TrackType>& EndedEvent() { return mEndedEvent; }
+ // True if the stream has been shutdown, it's a thread safe method.
+ bool IsShutdown() const { return mIsShutdown; }
+ virtual MFMediaEngineVideoStream* AsVideoStream() { return nullptr; }
+ RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder::DecodePromise> OutputData(
+ RefPtr<MediaRawData> aSample);
+ virtual RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder::DecodePromise> Drain();
+ virtual MediaDataDecoder::ConversionRequired NeedsConversion() const {
+ return MediaDataDecoder::ConversionRequired::kNeedNone;
+ }
+ virtual bool IsEncrypted() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ HRESULT GenerateStreamDescriptor(
+ Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaType>& aMediaType);
+ // Create a IMFMediaType which includes the details about the stream.
+ //
+ virtual HRESULT CreateMediaType(const TrackInfo& aInfo,
+ IMFMediaType** aMediaType) = 0;
+ // True if the stream already has enough raw data.
+ virtual bool HasEnoughRawData() const = 0;
+ HRESULT CreateInputSample(IMFSample** aSample);
+ void ReplySampleRequestIfPossible();
+ bool ShouldServeSamples() const;
+ void NotifyNewData(MediaRawData* aSample);
+ void NotifyEndOfStreamInternal();
+ virtual bool IsEnded() const;
+ // Overwrite this method if inherited class needs to perform clean up on the
+ // task queue when the stream gets shutdowned.
+ virtual void ShutdownCleanUpOnTaskQueue(){};
+ // Inherited class must implement this method to return decoded data. it
+ // should uses `mRawDataQueueForGeneratingOutput` to generate output.
+ virtual already_AddRefed<MediaData> OutputDataInternal() = 0;
+ void SendRequestSampleEvent(bool aIsEnough);
+ HRESULT AddEncryptAttributes(IMFSample* aSample,
+ const CryptoSample& aCryptoConfig);
+ void AssertOnTaskQueue() const;
+ void AssertOnMFThreadPool() const;
+ // IMFMediaEventQueue is thread-safe.
+ Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaEventQueue> mMediaEventQueue;
+ Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFStreamDescriptor> mStreamDescriptor;
+ Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<MFMediaSource> mParentSource;
+ // This an unique ID retrieved from the IMFStreamDescriptor.
+ DWORD mStreamDescriptorId = 0;
+ // A unique ID assigned by MFMediaSource, which won't be changed after first
+ // assignment.
+ uint64_t mStreamId = 0;
+ RefPtr<TaskQueue> mTaskQueue;
+ // This class would be run on three threads, MF thread pool, the source's
+ // task queue and MediaPDecoder (wrapper thread). Following members would be
+ // used across both threads so they need to be thread-safe.
+ // Modify on the MF thread pool, access from any threads.
+ Atomic<bool> mIsShutdown;
+ // True if the stream is selected by the media source.
+ // Modify on MF thread pool, access from any threads.
+ Atomic<bool> mIsSelected;
+ // A thread-safe queue storing input samples, which provides samples to the
+ // media engine.
+ MediaQueue<MediaRawData> mRawDataQueueForFeedingEngine;
+ // A thread-safe queue storing input samples, which would be used to generate
+ // decoded data.
+ MediaQueue<MediaRawData> mRawDataQueueForGeneratingOutput;
+ // Thread-safe members END
+ // Store sample request token, one token should be related with one output
+ // data. It's used on the task queue only.
+ std::queue<Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IUnknown>> mSampleRequestTokens;
+ // Notify when playback reachs the end for this track.
+ MediaEventProducer<TrackInfo::TrackType> mEndedEvent;
+ // True if the stream has received the last data, but it could be reset if the
+ // stream starts delivering more data. Used on the task queue only.
+ bool mReceivedEOS;
+ * This wrapper helps to dispatch task onto the stream's task queue. Its methods
+ * are not thread-safe and would only be called on the IPC decoder manager
+ * thread.
+ */
+class MFMediaEngineStreamWrapper final : public MediaDataDecoder {
+ public:
+ MFMediaEngineStreamWrapper(MFMediaEngineStream* aStream,
+ TaskQueue* aTaskQueue,
+ const CreateDecoderParams& aParams)
+ : mStream(aStream), mTaskQueue(aTaskQueue) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mStream);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mTaskQueue);
+ }
+ // Methods for MediaDataDecoder, they are all called on the remote
+ // decoder manager thread.
+ RefPtr<InitPromise> Init() override;
+ RefPtr<DecodePromise> Decode(MediaRawData* aSample) override;
+ RefPtr<DecodePromise> Drain() override;
+ RefPtr<FlushPromise> Flush() override;
+ RefPtr<ShutdownPromise> Shutdown() override;
+ nsCString GetDescriptionName() const override;
+ nsCString GetCodecName() const override;
+ ConversionRequired NeedsConversion() const override;
+ private:
+ ~MFMediaEngineStreamWrapper() = default;
+ Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<MFMediaEngineStream> mStream;
+ RefPtr<TaskQueue> mTaskQueue;
+} // namespace mozilla