path: root/dom/media/test/test_capture_stream_av_sync.html
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1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/test/test_capture_stream_av_sync.html b/dom/media/test/test_capture_stream_av_sync.html
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+<title>A/V sync test for stream capturing</title>
+<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
+<p>Following canvas will capture and show the video frame when the video becomes audible</p><br>
+<canvas id="canvas" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
+<script type="application/javascript">
+ * This test will capture stream before the video starts playing, and check if
+ * A/V sync will keep sync during playing.
+ */
+add_task(async function testAVSyncForStreamCapturing() {
+ createVideo();
+ captureStreamFromVideo();
+ await playMedia();
+ await testAVSync();
+ destroyVideo();
+ * This test will check if A/V is still on sync after we switch the media sink
+ * from playback-based sink to mediatrack-based sink.
+ */
+add_task(async function testAVSyncWhenSwitchingMediaSink() {
+ createVideo();
+ await playMedia({resolveAfterReceivingTimeupdate : 5});
+ captureStreamFromVideo();
+ await testAVSync();
+ destroyVideo();
+ * This test will check if A/V is still on sync after we change the playback
+ * rate on the captured stream.
+ */
+add_task(async function testAVSyncWhenChangingPlaybackRate() {
+ createVideo();
+ captureStreamFromVideo();
+ await playMedia();
+ const playbackRates = [0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0];
+ for (let rate of playbackRates) {
+ setPlaybackRate(rate);
+ // TODO : when playback rate set to 1.5+x, the A/V will become less stable
+ // in testing so we raise the fuzzy frames for that, but also increase the
+ // test times. As at that speed, precise A/V becomes trivial because we
+ // can't really tell the difference. But it would be good for us to
+ // investigate if we could make A/V sync work better at that extreme high
+ // rate.
+ if (rate >= 1.5) {
+ await testAVSync({ expectedAVSyncTestTimes : 4, fuzzyFrames : 10});
+ } else {
+ await testAVSync({ expectedAVSyncTestTimes : 2 });
+ }
+ }
+ destroyVideo();
+ * Following are helper functions
+ */
+const DEBUG = false;
+function info_debug(msg) {
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ info(msg);
+ }
+function createVideo() {
+ const video = document.createElement("video");
+ // This video is special for testing A/V sync, it only produce audible sound
+ // once per second, and when the sound comes out, you can check the position
+ // of the square to know if the A/V keeps sync.
+ video.src = "sync.webm";
+ video.loop = true;
+ video.controls = true;
+ video.width = 640;
+ video.height = 480;
+ = "video";
+ document.body.appendChild(video);
+function destroyVideo() {
+ const video = document.getElementById("video");
+ video.src = null;
+ video.remove();
+async function playMedia({ resolveAfterReceivingTimeupdate } = {}) {
+ const video = document.getElementById("video");
+ ok(await>true,_=>false), "video started playing");
+ if (resolveAfterReceivingTimeupdate > 0) {
+ // Play it for a while to ensure the clock growing on the normal audio sink.
+ for (let idx = 0; idx < resolveAfterReceivingTimeupdate; idx++) {
+ await new Promise(r => video.ontimeupdate = r);
+ }
+ }
+async function captureStreamFromVideo() {
+ const video = document.getElementById("video");
+ let ac = new AudioContext();
+ let analyser = ac.createAnalyser();
+ analyser.frequencyBuf = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
+ analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0;
+ analyser.fftSize = 2048; // 1024 bins
+ let sourceNode = ac.createMediaElementSource(video);
+ sourceNode.connect(analyser);
+ analyser.connect(ac.destination);
+ video.analyser = analyser;
+// This method will capture the stream from the video element, and check if A/V
+// keeps sync during capturing. `callback` parameter will be executed after
+// finishing capturing.
+// @param [optional] expectedAVSyncTestTimes
+// The amount of times that A/V sync test performs.
+// @param [optional] fuzzyFrames
+// This will fuzz the result from +0 (perfect sync) to -X to +X frames.
+async function testAVSync({ expectedAVSyncTestTimes = 5, fuzzyFrames = 5} = {}) {
+ return new Promise(r => {
+ const analyser = document.getElementById("video").analyser;
+ let testIdx = 0;
+ let hasDetectedAudibleFrame = false;
+ // As we only want to detect the audible frame at the first moment when
+ // sound becomes audible, so we always skip the first audible frame because
+ // it might not be the start, but the tail part (where audio is being
+ // decaying to silence) when we start detecting.
+ let hasSkippedFirstFrame = false;
+ analyser.notifyAnalysis = () => {
+ let {frequencyBuf} = analyser;
+ analyser.getFloatFrequencyData(frequencyBuf);
+ if (checkIfBufferIsSilent(frequencyBuf)) {
+ info_debug("no need to paint the silent frame");
+ hasDetectedAudibleFrame = false;
+ requestAnimationFrame(analyser.notifyAnalysis);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hasDetectedAudibleFrame) {
+ info_debug("detected audible frame already");
+ requestAnimationFrame(analyser.notifyAnalysis);
+ return;
+ }
+ hasDetectedAudibleFrame = true;
+ if (!hasSkippedFirstFrame) {
+ info("skip the first audible frame");
+ hasSkippedFirstFrame = true;
+ requestAnimationFrame(analyser.notifyAnalysis);
+ return;
+ }
+ const video = document.getElementById("video");
+ info(`paint audible frame`);
+ const cvs = document.getElementById("canvas");
+ let context = cvs.getContext('2d');
+ context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 640, 480);
+ if (checkIfAVIsOnSyncFuzzy(context, fuzzyFrames)) {
+ ok(true, `test ${testIdx++} times, a/v is in sync!`);
+ } else {
+ ok(false, `test ${testIdx++} times, a/v is out of sync!`);
+ }
+ if (testIdx == expectedAVSyncTestTimes) {
+ r();
+ return;
+ }
+ requestAnimationFrame(analyser.notifyAnalysis);
+ }
+ analyser.notifyAnalysis();
+ });
+function checkIfBufferIsSilent(buffer) {
+ for (let data of buffer) {
+ // when sound is audible, its values are around -200 and the silence values
+ // are around -800.
+ if (data > -200) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// This function will check the pixel data from the `context` to see if the
+// square appears in the right place. As we can't control the exact timing
+// of rendering video frames in the compositor, so the result would be fuzzy.
+function checkIfAVIsOnSyncFuzzy(context, fuzzyFrames) {
+ const squareLength = 48;
+ // Canvas is 640*480, so perfect sync is the left-top corner when the square
+ // shows up in the middle.
+ const perfectSync =
+ { x: 320 - squareLength/2.0 ,
+ y: 240 - squareLength/2.0 };
+ let isAVSyncFuzzy = false;
+ // Get the whole partial section of image and detect where the square is.
+ let imageData = context.getImageData(0, perfectSync.y, 640, squareLength);
+ for (let i = 0; i <; i += 4) {
+ // If the pixel's color is red, then this position will be the left-top
+ // corner of the square.
+ if (isPixelColorRed([i],[i+1],
+[i+2])) {
+ const pos = ImageIdxToRelativeCoordinate(imageData, i);
+ let diff = calculateFrameDiffenceInXAxis(pos.x, perfectSync.x);
+ info(`find the square in diff=${diff}`);
+ // Maybe we check A/V sync too early or too late, try to adjust the diff
+ // to guess the previous correct position where the square should be.
+ if (diff > fuzzyFrames) {
+ diff = adjustFrameDiffBasedOnMediaTime(diff);
+ const video = document.getElementById("video");
+ info(`adjusted diff to ${diff} (time=${video.currentTime})`);
+ }
+ if (diff <= fuzzyFrames) {
+ isAVSyncFuzzy = true;
+ }
+ context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isAVSyncFuzzy) {
+ const ctx = document.getElementById('canvas');
+ info(ctx.toDataURL());
+ }
+ return isAVSyncFuzzy;
+// Input an imageData and its idx, then return a relative coordinate on the
+// range of given imageData.
+function ImageIdxToRelativeCoordinate(imageData, idx) {
+ const offset = idx / 4; // RGBA
+ return { x: offset % imageData.width, y: offset / imageData.width };
+function calculateFrameDiffenceInXAxis(squareX, targetX) {
+ const offsetX = Math.abs(targetX - squareX);
+ const xSpeedPerFrame = 640 / 60; // video is 60fps
+ return offsetX / xSpeedPerFrame;
+function isPixelColorRed(r, g, b) {
+ // As the rendering color would vary in the screen on different platforms, so
+ // we won't strict the R should be 255, just check if it's larger than a
+ // certain threshold.
+ return r > 200 && g < 10 && b < 10;
+function setPlaybackRate(rate) {
+ const video = document.getElementById("video");
+ info(`change playback rate from ${video.playbackRate} to ${rate}`);
+ document.getElementById("video").playbackRate = rate;
+function adjustFrameDiffBasedOnMediaTime(currentDiff) {
+ // The audio wave can be simply regarded as being composed by "start", "peak"
+ // and "tail". The "start" part is the sound gradually becoming louder and the
+ // "tail" is gradually becoming silent. We want to check the "peak" part which
+ // should happn on evert second regularly (1s, 2s, 3s ...) However, this check
+ // is triggered by `requestAnimationFrame()` and we can't guarantee that
+ // we're checking the peak part while the function is being called. Therefore,
+ // we have to do an adjustment by the video time, to know if we're checking
+ // the audio wave too early or too late in order to get a consistent result.
+ const video = document.getElementById("video");
+ const videoCurrentTimeFloatPortion = video.currentTime % 1;
+ const timeOffset =
+ videoCurrentTimeFloatPortion > 0.5 ?
+ 1 - videoCurrentTimeFloatPortion : // too early
+ videoCurrentTimeFloatPortion; // too late
+ const frameOffset = timeOffset / 0.016; // 60fps, 1 frame=0.016s
+ info(`timeOffset=${timeOffset}, frameOffset=${frameOffset}`);
+ return Math.abs(currentDiff - frameOffset);