path: root/dom/media/test/test_video_low_power_telemetry.html
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diff --git a/dom/media/test/test_video_low_power_telemetry.html b/dom/media/test/test_video_low_power_telemetry.html
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/test/test_video_low_power_telemetry.html
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+This is a test of the macOS video low power telemetry, defined as GFX_MACOS_VIDEO_LOW_POWER
+enums in Histograms.json. The test will load some video media files, play them for some
+number of frames, then check that appropriate telemetry has been recorded. Since the
+telemetry fires based on the number of frames painted, the test is structured around
+the `media.video_stats.enabled` pref, which allows us to monitor the number of frames
+that have been shown. The telemetry fires every 600 frames. To make sure we have enough
+painted frames to trigger telemetry, we run the media for many frames and then check
+that the expected telemetry value has been recorded at least once.
+The tests are run via the MediaTestManager, which loads and plays the video sequentially.
+Since we want to test different telemetry outcomes, we have some special setup and teardown
+steps we run before each video. We keep track of which test we are running with a simple
+1-based index, `testIndex`. So our test structure is:
+1) Set some initial preferences that need to be set for the whole test series.
+2) Start MediaTestManager with a set of media to play.
+3) When a video arrives, increment testIndex and call preTest.
+4) Run the video for PAINTED_FRAMES frames, then call postTest, which checks telemetry
+ and cleans up.
+5) Tell the MediaTestManager we've finished with that video, which triggers the next.
+ <title>Test of macOS video low power telemetry</title>
+ <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="manifest.js"></script>
+<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 1737682</a>
+<pre id="test">
+<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
+ // Parallel test must be disabled for media.video_stats.enabled is a global setting
+ // to prevent the setting from changing unexpectedly in the middle of the test.
+ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
+ // How many frames do we run? Must be more than the value set by the
+ // gfx.core-animation.low-power-telemetry-frames pref, because that's how
+ // many frames must be shown before telemetry is emitted. We present for
+ // longer than that to ensure that the telemetry is emitted at least once.
+ // This also has to be enough frames to overcome the animated "<video> is
+ // now fullscreen." popup that appears over the video. While that modal
+ // is visible and animating away, it will register as an overlay and
+ // prevent low power mode. As an estimate, we need at least 200 frames to
+ // ensure that animation has finished and there has been time to fire the
+ // telemetry at least once after it has finished.
+ const TELEMETRY_FRAMES = SpecialPowers.getIntPref("gfx.core-animation.low-power-telemetry-frames");
+ const PAINTED_FRAMES = Math.max(Math.floor(TELEMETRY_FRAMES * 1.1), 200 + TELEMETRY_FRAMES);
+ info(`Running each video for ${PAINTED_FRAMES} frames.`);
+ // Taken from TelemetryHistogramEnums.h
+ const GFX_MACOS_VIDEO_LOW_POWER_LowPower = 1;
+ const GFX_MACOS_VIDEO_LOW_POWER_FailWindowed = 3;
+ var manager = new MediaTestManager;
+ // Define some state variables that we'll use to manage multiple setup,
+ // check, and teardown steps using the same preTest and postTest functions.
+ var testIndex = 0;
+ var testsComplete = false;
+ async function retrieveSnapshotAndClearTelemetry() {
+ return SpecialPowers.spawnChrome([], () => {
+ let hist = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("GFX_MACOS_VIDEO_LOW_POWER");
+ let snap = hist.snapshot();
+ hist.clear();
+ return snap;
+ });
+ }
+ function checkSnapshot(snap, category) {
+ if (!snap) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // For debugging purposes, build a string of the snapshot values hashmap.
+ let valuesString = '';
+ let keys = Object.keys(snap.values);
+ keys.forEach(k => {
+ valuesString += `[${k}] = ${snap.values[k]}, `;
+ });
+ info(`Test ${testIndex} telemetry values are ${valuesString}`);
+ // Since we've run the media for more frames than the telemetry needs to
+ // fire, we should have at least 1 of the expected value.
+ let val = snap.values[category];
+ if (!val) {
+ val = 0;
+ }
+ ok(val > 0, `Test ${testIndex} enum ${category} should have at least 1 occurrence; found ${val}.`);
+ }
+ async function doPreTest(v) {
+ if (testsComplete) {
+ manager.finished(v.token);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (testIndex) {
+ case 1: {
+ // Test 1 (FailWindowed): No special setup.
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2: {
+ // Test 2 (LowPower): Enter fullscreen.
+ // Wait one frame to ensure the old video is no longer in the layer tree, which
+ // causes problems with the telemetry.
+ await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
+ info("Attempting to enter fullscreen.");
+ ok(document.fullscreenEnabled, "Document should permit fullscreen-ing of elements.");
+ await SpecialPowers.wrap(v).requestFullscreen();
+ ok(document.fullscreenElement, "Document should have one element in fullscreen.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async function doPostTest(v) {
+ info(`Test ${testIndex} attempting to retrieve telemetry.`);
+ let snap = await retrieveSnapshotAndClearTelemetry();
+ ok(snap, `Test ${testIndex} should have telemetry.`);
+ switch (testIndex) {
+ case 1: {
+ // Test 1 (FailWindowed): Just check.
+ checkSnapshot(snap, GFX_MACOS_VIDEO_LOW_POWER_FailWindowed);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2: {
+ // Test 2 (LowPower): Check, then exit fullscreen.
+ checkSnapshot(snap, GFX_MACOS_VIDEO_LOW_POWER_LowPower);
+ info("Attempting to exit fullscreen.");
+ await SpecialPowers.wrap(document).exitFullscreen();
+ ok(!document.fullscreenElement, "Document should be out of fullscreen.");
+ // This is the last test.
+ testsComplete = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function ontimeupdate(event) {
+ let v =;
+ // Count painted frames to see when we should hit some telemetry threshholds.
+ if (v.mozPaintedFrames >= PAINTED_FRAMES) {
+ v.pause();
+ v.removeEventListener("timeupdate", ontimeupdate);
+ doPostTest(v).then(() => {
+ let token = v.token;
+ removeNodeAndSource(v);
+ manager.finished(token);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function startTest(test, token) {
+ manager.started(token);
+ testIndex++;
+ info(`Starting test ${testIndex} video ${}.`);
+ let v = document.createElement('video');
+ v.addEventListener("timeupdate", ontimeupdate);
+ v.token = token;
+ v.src =;
+ v.loop = true;
+ document.body.appendChild(v);
+ doPreTest(v).then(() => {
+ info(`Playing test ${testIndex}.`);
+ });
+ }
+ SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [
+ ["media.video_stats.enabled", true],
+ ["gfx.core-animation.specialize-video", true],
+ ]},
+ async function() {
+ // Clear out existing telemetry in case previous tests were displaying
+ // video.
+ info("Clearing initial telemetry.");
+ await retrieveSnapshotAndClearTelemetry();
+ ok(gVideoLowPowerTests.length >= 2, "Should have enough videos to test.");
+ manager.runTests(gVideoLowPowerTests, startTest);
+ });