path: root/intl/icu/source/tools/gennorm2/norms.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'intl/icu/source/tools/gennorm2/norms.h')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/intl/icu/source/tools/gennorm2/norms.h b/intl/icu/source/tools/gennorm2/norms.h
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index 0000000000..f2778d9509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intl/icu/source/tools/gennorm2/norms.h
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+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// norms.h
+// created: 2017jun04 Markus W. Scherer
+// (pulled out of n2builder.cpp)
+// Storing & manipulating Normalizer2 builder data.
+#ifndef __NORMS_H__
+#define __NORMS_H__
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/errorcode.h"
+#include "unicode/umutablecptrie.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+#include "normalizer2impl.h"
+#include "toolutil.h"
+#include "uvectr32.h"
+class BuilderReorderingBuffer {
+ BuilderReorderingBuffer() : fLength(0), fLastStarterIndex(-1), fDidReorder(false) {}
+ void reset() {
+ fLength=0;
+ fLastStarterIndex=-1;
+ fDidReorder=false;
+ }
+ int32_t length() const { return fLength; }
+ UBool isEmpty() const { return fLength==0; }
+ int32_t lastStarterIndex() const { return fLastStarterIndex; }
+ UChar32 charAt(int32_t i) const { return fArray[i]>>8; }
+ uint8_t ccAt(int32_t i) const { return (uint8_t)fArray[i]; }
+ UBool didReorder() const { return fDidReorder; }
+ void append(UChar32 c, uint8_t cc);
+ void toString(UnicodeString &dest) const;
+ int32_t fArray[Normalizer2Impl::MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK];
+ int32_t fLength;
+ int32_t fLastStarterIndex;
+ UBool fDidReorder;
+struct CompositionPair {
+ CompositionPair(UChar32 t, UChar32 c) : trail(t), composite(c) {}
+ UChar32 trail, composite;
+struct Norm {
+ enum MappingType { NONE, REMOVED, ROUND_TRIP, ONE_WAY };
+ UBool hasMapping() const { return mappingType>REMOVED; }
+ // Requires hasMapping() and well-formed mapping.
+ void setMappingCP() {
+ UChar32 c;
+ if(!mapping->isEmpty() && mapping->length()==U16_LENGTH(c=mapping->char32At(0))) {
+ mappingCP=c;
+ } else {
+ mappingCP=U_SENTINEL;
+ }
+ }
+ const CompositionPair *getCompositionPairs(int32_t &length) const {
+ if(compositions==nullptr) {
+ length=0;
+ return nullptr;
+ } else {
+ length=compositions->size()/2;
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CompositionPair *>(compositions->getBuffer());
+ }
+ }
+ UChar32 combine(UChar32 trail) const;
+ UnicodeString *mapping;
+ UnicodeString *rawMapping; // non-nullptr if the mapping is further decomposed
+ UChar32 mappingCP; // >=0 if mapping to 1 code point
+ int32_t mappingPhase;
+ MappingType mappingType;
+ UVector32 *compositions; // (trail, composite) pairs
+ uint8_t cc, leadCC, trailCC;
+ UBool combinesBack;
+ UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore, hasCompBoundaryAfter;
+ /**
+ * Overall type of normalization properties.
+ * Set after most processing is done.
+ *
+ * Corresponds to the rows in the chart on
+ *
+ * in numerical (but reverse visual) order.
+ *
+ * YES_NO means composition quick check=yes, decomposition QC=no -- etc.
+ */
+ enum Type {
+ /** Initial value until most processing is done. */
+ /** No mapping, does not combine, ccc=0. */
+ /** Starter, no mapping, has compositions. */
+ /** Starter with a round-trip mapping and compositions. */
+ /** Starter with a round-trip mapping but no compositions. */
+ /** Has a one-way mapping which is comp-normalized. */
+ /** Has a one-way mapping which is not comp-normalized but has a comp boundary before. */
+ /** Has a one-way mapping which does not have a comp boundary before. */
+ /** Has a one-way mapping to the empty string. */
+ /** Has an algorithmic one-way mapping to a single code point. */
+ /**
+ * Combines both backward and forward, has compositions.
+ * Allowed, but not normally used.
+ */
+ /** Combines only backward. */
+ /** Non-zero ccc but does not combine backward. */
+ } type;
+ /** Offset into the type's part of the extra data, or the algorithmic-mapping delta. */
+ int32_t offset;
+ /**
+ * Error string set by processing functions that do not have access
+ * to the code point, deferred for readable reporting.
+ */
+ const char *error;
+class Norms {
+ Norms(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+ ~Norms();
+ int32_t length() const { return utm_countItems(normMem); }
+ const Norm &getNormRefByIndex(int32_t i) const { return norms[i]; }
+ Norm &getNormRefByIndex(int32_t i) { return norms[i]; }
+ Norm *allocNorm();
+ /** Returns an existing Norm unit, or nullptr if c has no data. */
+ Norm *getNorm(UChar32 c);
+ const Norm *getNorm(UChar32 c) const;
+ /** Returns a Norm unit, creating a new one if necessary. */
+ Norm *createNorm(UChar32 c);
+ /** Returns an existing Norm unit, or an immutable empty object if c has no data. */
+ const Norm &getNormRef(UChar32 c) const;
+ uint8_t getCC(UChar32 c) const { return getNormRef(c).cc; }
+ UBool combinesBack(UChar32 c) const {
+ return Hangul::isJamoV(c) || Hangul::isJamoT(c) || getNormRef(c).combinesBack;
+ }
+ void reorder(UnicodeString &mapping, BuilderReorderingBuffer &buffer) const;
+ // int32_t highCC not uint8_t so that we can pass in 256 as the upper limit.
+ UBool combinesWithCCBetween(const Norm &norm, uint8_t lowCC, int32_t highCC) const;
+ class Enumerator {
+ public:
+ Enumerator(Norms &n) : norms(n) {}
+ virtual ~Enumerator();
+ /** Called for enumerated value!=0. */
+ virtual void rangeHandler(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, Norm &norm) = 0;
+ protected:
+ Norms &norms;
+ };
+ void enumRanges(Enumerator &e);
+ UnicodeSet ccSet, mappingSet;
+ Norms(const Norms &other) = delete;
+ Norms &operator=(const Norms &other) = delete;
+ UMutableCPTrie *normTrie;
+ UToolMemory *normMem;
+ Norm *norms;
+class CompositionBuilder : public Norms::Enumerator {
+ CompositionBuilder(Norms &n) : Norms::Enumerator(n) {}
+ /** Adds a composition mapping for the first character in a round-trip mapping. */
+ void rangeHandler(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, Norm &norm) override;
+class Decomposer : public Norms::Enumerator {
+ Decomposer(Norms &n) : Norms::Enumerator(n), didDecompose(false) {}
+ /** Decomposes each character of the current mapping. Sets didDecompose if any. */
+ void rangeHandler(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, Norm &norm) override;
+ UBool didDecompose;
+#endif // __NORMS_H__