path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..978b173403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Allots libraries to modules to be packaged into.
+All libraries that are depended on by a single module will be allotted to this
+module. All other libraries will be allotted to the closest ancestor.
+ Given the module dependency structure
+ c
+ / \
+ b d
+ / \
+ a e
+ and libraries assignment
+ a: ['']
+ e: ['', '']
+ will make the allotment decision
+ c: ['']
+ e: ['']
+ The above example is invoked via:
+ ./allot_native_libraries \
+ --libraries 'a,[""]' \
+ --libraries 'e,["", ""]' \
+ --dep c:b \
+ --dep b:a \
+ --dep c:d \
+ --dep d:e \
+ --output <output JSON>
+import argparse
+import collections
+import json
+import sys
+from util import build_utils
+def _ModuleLibrariesPair(arg):
+ pos = arg.find(',')
+ assert pos > 0
+ return (arg[:pos], arg[pos + 1:])
+def _DepPair(arg):
+ parent, child = arg.split(':')
+ return (parent, child)
+def _PathFromRoot(module_tree, module):
+ """Computes path from root to a module.
+ Parameters:
+ module_tree: Dictionary mapping each module to its parent.
+ module: Module to which to compute the path.
+ Returns:
+ Path from root the the module.
+ """
+ path = [module]
+ while module_tree.get(module):
+ module = module_tree[module]
+ path = [module] + path
+ return path
+def _ClosestCommonAncestor(module_tree, modules):
+ """Computes the common ancestor of a set of modules.
+ Parameters:
+ module_tree: Dictionary mapping each module to its parent.
+ modules: Set of modules for which to find the closest common ancestor.
+ Returns:
+ The closest common ancestor.
+ """
+ paths = [_PathFromRoot(module_tree, m) for m in modules]
+ assert len(paths) > 0
+ ancestor = None
+ for level in zip(*paths):
+ if len(set(level)) != 1:
+ return ancestor
+ ancestor = level[0]
+ return ancestor
+def _AllotLibraries(module_tree, libraries_map):
+ """Allot all libraries to a module.
+ Parameters:
+ module_tree: Dictionary mapping each module to its parent. Modules can map
+ to None, which is considered the root of the tree.
+ libraries_map: Dictionary mapping each library to a set of modules, which
+ depend on the library.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping mapping each module name to a set of libraries allotted
+ to the module such that libraries with multiple dependees are allotted to
+ the closest ancestor.
+ Raises:
+ Exception if some libraries can only be allotted to the None root.
+ """
+ allotment_map = collections.defaultdict(set)
+ for library, modules in libraries_map.items():
+ ancestor = _ClosestCommonAncestor(module_tree, modules)
+ if not ancestor:
+ raise Exception('Cannot allot libraries for given dependency tree')
+ allotment_map[ancestor].add(library)
+ return allotment_map
+def main(args):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--libraries',
+ action='append',
+ type=_ModuleLibrariesPair,
+ required=True,
+ help='A pair of module name and GN list of libraries a module depends '
+ 'on. Can be specified multiple times.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--output',
+ required=True,
+ help='A JSON file with a key for each module mapping to a list of '
+ 'libraries, which should be packaged into this module.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--dep',
+ action='append',
+ type=_DepPair,
+ dest='deps',
+ default=[],
+ help='A pair of parent module name and child module name '
+ '(format: "<parent>:<child>"). Can be specified multiple times.')
+ options = parser.parse_args(build_utils.ExpandFileArgs(args))
+ options.libraries = [(m, build_utils.ParseGnList(l))
+ for m, l in options.libraries]
+ # Parse input creating libraries and dependency tree.
+ libraries_map = collections.defaultdict(set) # Maps each library to its
+ # dependee modules.
+ module_tree = {} # Maps each module name to its parent.
+ for module, libraries in options.libraries:
+ module_tree[module] = None
+ for library in libraries:
+ libraries_map[library].add(module)
+ for parent, child in options.deps:
+ if module_tree.get(child):
+ raise Exception('%s cannot have multiple parents' % child)
+ module_tree[child] = parent
+ module_tree[parent] = module_tree.get(parent)
+ # Allot all libraries to a module such that libraries with multiple dependees
+ # are allotted to the closest ancestor.
+ allotment_map = _AllotLibraries(module_tree, libraries_map)
+ # The build system expects there to be a set of libraries even for the modules
+ # that don't have any libraries allotted.
+ for module in module_tree:
+ # Creates missing sets because of defaultdict.
+ allotment_map[module] = allotment_map[module]
+ with open(options.output, 'w') as f:
+ # Write native libraries config and ensure the output is deterministic.
+ json.dump({m: sorted(l)
+ for m, l in allotment_map.items()},
+ f,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))