path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/gtest/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/gtest/')
1 files changed, 627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/gtest/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/gtest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5800992b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/gtest/
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+import threading
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+import six
+from import apk_helper
+from pylib import constants
+from pylib.constants import host_paths
+from pylib.base import base_test_result
+from pylib.base import test_instance
+from pylib.symbols import stack_symbolizer
+from pylib.utils import test_filter
+with host_paths.SysPath(host_paths.BUILD_COMMON_PATH):
+ import unittest_util # pylint: disable=import-error
+ 'android_browsertests',
+ 'android_sync_integration_tests',
+ 'components_browsertests',
+ 'content_browsertests',
+ 'hybrid_browsertest',
+ 'weblayer_browsertests',
+# The max number of tests to run on a shard during the test run.
+ # Multiprocess tests should be run outside of the main thread.
+ 'base_unittests', # uses a child process.
+ 'gwp_asan_unittests',
+ 'ipc_perftests',
+ 'ipc_tests',
+ 'mojo_perftests',
+ 'mojo_unittests',
+ 'net_unittests'
+# Used for filtering large data deps at a finer grain than what's allowed in
+# isolate files since pushing deps to devices is expensive.
+# Wildcards are allowed.
+ 'chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test',
+ 'chrome/test/data/extensions/secure_shell',
+ 'chrome/test/data/firefox*',
+ 'chrome/test/data/gpu',
+ 'chrome/test/data/image_decoding',
+ 'chrome/test/data/import',
+ 'chrome/test/data/page_cycler',
+ 'chrome/test/data/perf',
+ 'chrome/test/data/pyauto_private',
+ 'chrome/test/data/safari_import',
+ 'chrome/test/data/scroll',
+ 'chrome/test/data/third_party',
+ 'third_party/hunspell_dictionaries/*.dic',
+ #
+ 'webkit/data/bmp_decoder',
+ 'webkit/data/ico_decoder',
+ 'org.chromium.native_test.NativeTestInstrumentationTestRunner.'
+ 'NativeTestActivity')
+ 'org.chromium.native_test.NativeTest.RunInSubThread')
+ 'org.chromium.native_test.NativeTestInstrumentationTestRunner.'
+ 'ShardNanoTimeout')
+ 'org.chromium.native_test.NativeTestInstrumentationTestRunner.'
+ 'ShardSizeLimit')
+# TODO(jbudorick): Remove these once we're no longer parsing stdout to generate
+# results.
+_RE_TEST_STATUS = re.compile(
+ # Test state.
+ r'\[ +((?:RUN)|(?:FAILED)|(?:OK)|(?:CRASHED)|(?:SKIPPED)) +\] ?'
+ # Test name.
+ r'([^ ]+)?'
+ # Optional parameters.
+ r'(?:, where'
+ # Type parameter
+ r'(?: TypeParam = [^()]*(?: and)?)?'
+ # Value parameter
+ r'(?: GetParam\(\) = [^()]*)?'
+ # End of optional parameters.
+ ')?'
+ # Optional test execution time.
+ r'(?: \((\d+) ms\))?$')
+# Crash detection constants.
+_RE_TEST_ERROR = re.compile(r'FAILURES!!! Tests run: \d+,'
+ r' Failures: \d+, Errors: 1')
+ r'\[ERROR:.*?\] Currently running: (.*)')
+_RE_TEST_DCHECK_FATAL = re.compile(r'\[.*:FATAL:.*\] (.*)')
+_RE_DISABLED = re.compile(r'DISABLED_')
+_RE_FLAKY = re.compile(r'FLAKY_')
+# Detect stack line in stdout.
+_STACK_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'\s*#\d+')
+def ParseGTestListTests(raw_list):
+ """Parses a raw test list as provided by --gtest_list_tests.
+ Args:
+ raw_list: The raw test listing with the following format:
+ IPCChannelTest.
+ SendMessageInChannelConnected
+ IPCSyncChannelTest.
+ Simple
+ DISABLED_SendWithTimeoutMixedOKAndTimeout
+ Returns:
+ A list of all tests. For the above raw listing:
+ [IPCChannelTest.SendMessageInChannelConnected, IPCSyncChannelTest.Simple,
+ IPCSyncChannelTest.DISABLED_SendWithTimeoutMixedOKAndTimeout]
+ """
+ ret = []
+ current = ''
+ for test in raw_list:
+ if not test:
+ continue
+ if not test.startswith(' '):
+ test_case = test.split()[0]
+ if test_case.endswith('.'):
+ current = test_case
+ else:
+ test = test.strip()
+ if test and not 'YOU HAVE' in test:
+ test_name = test.split()[0]
+ ret += [current + test_name]
+ return ret
+def ParseGTestOutput(output, symbolizer, device_abi):
+ """Parses raw gtest output and returns a list of results.
+ Args:
+ output: A list of output lines.
+ symbolizer: The symbolizer used to symbolize stack.
+ device_abi: Device abi that is needed for symbolization.
+ Returns:
+ A list of base_test_result.BaseTestResults.
+ """
+ duration = 0
+ fallback_result_type = None
+ log = []
+ stack = []
+ result_type = None
+ results = []
+ test_name = None
+ def symbolize_stack_and_merge_with_log():
+ log_string = '\n'.join(log or [])
+ if not stack:
+ stack_string = ''
+ else:
+ stack_string = '\n'.join(
+ symbolizer.ExtractAndResolveNativeStackTraces(
+ stack, device_abi))
+ return '%s\n%s' % (log_string, stack_string)
+ def handle_possibly_unknown_test():
+ if test_name is not None:
+ results.append(
+ base_test_result.BaseTestResult(
+ TestNameWithoutDisabledPrefix(test_name),
+ # If we get here, that means we started a test, but it did not
+ # produce a definitive test status output, so assume it crashed.
+ # crbug/1191716
+ fallback_result_type or base_test_result.ResultType.CRASH,
+ duration,
+ log=symbolize_stack_and_merge_with_log()))
+ for l in output:
+ matcher = _RE_TEST_STATUS.match(l)
+ if matcher:
+ if == 'RUN':
+ handle_possibly_unknown_test()
+ duration = 0
+ fallback_result_type = None
+ log = []
+ stack = []
+ result_type = None
+ elif == 'OK':
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.PASS
+ elif == 'SKIPPED':
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.SKIP
+ elif == 'FAILED':
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.FAIL
+ elif == 'CRASHED':
+ fallback_result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.CRASH
+ # Be aware that test name and status might not appear on same line.
+ test_name = if else test_name
+ duration = int( if else 0
+ else:
+ # Can possibly add more matchers, such as different results from DCHECK.
+ currently_running_matcher = _RE_TEST_CURRENTLY_RUNNING.match(l)
+ dcheck_matcher = _RE_TEST_DCHECK_FATAL.match(l)
+ if currently_running_matcher:
+ test_name =
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.CRASH
+ duration = None # Don't know. Not using 0 as this is unknown vs 0.
+ elif dcheck_matcher:
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.CRASH
+ duration = None # Don't know. Not using 0 as this is unknown vs 0.
+ if log is not None:
+ if not matcher and _STACK_LINE_RE.match(l):
+ stack.append(l)
+ else:
+ log.append(l)
+ if result_type and test_name:
+ # Don't bother symbolizing output if the test passed.
+ if result_type == base_test_result.ResultType.PASS:
+ stack = []
+ results.append(base_test_result.BaseTestResult(
+ TestNameWithoutDisabledPrefix(test_name), result_type, duration,
+ log=symbolize_stack_and_merge_with_log()))
+ test_name = None
+ handle_possibly_unknown_test()
+ return results
+def ParseGTestXML(xml_content):
+ """Parse gtest XML result."""
+ results = []
+ if not xml_content:
+ return results
+ html = six.moves.html_parser.HTMLParser()
+ testsuites = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(xml_content)
+ for testsuite in testsuites:
+ suite_name = testsuite.attrib['name']
+ for testcase in testsuite:
+ case_name = testcase.attrib['name']
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.PASS
+ log = []
+ for failure in testcase:
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.FAIL
+ log.append(html.unescape(failure.attrib['message']))
+ results.append(base_test_result.BaseTestResult(
+ '%s.%s' % (suite_name, TestNameWithoutDisabledPrefix(case_name)),
+ result_type,
+ int(float(testcase.attrib['time']) * 1000),
+ log=('\n'.join(log) if log else '')))
+ return results
+def ParseGTestJSON(json_content):
+ """Parse results in the JSON Test Results format."""
+ results = []
+ if not json_content:
+ return results
+ json_data = json.loads(json_content)
+ openstack = list(json_data['tests'].items())
+ while openstack:
+ name, value = openstack.pop()
+ if 'expected' in value and 'actual' in value:
+ if value['actual'] == 'PASS':
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.PASS
+ elif value['actual'] == 'SKIP':
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.SKIP
+ elif value['actual'] == 'CRASH':
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.CRASH
+ elif value['actual'] == 'TIMEOUT':
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.TIMEOUT
+ else:
+ result_type = base_test_result.ResultType.FAIL
+ results.append(base_test_result.BaseTestResult(name, result_type))
+ else:
+ openstack += [("%s.%s" % (name, k), v) for k, v in six.iteritems(value)]
+ return results
+def TestNameWithoutDisabledPrefix(test_name):
+ """Modify the test name without disabled prefix if prefix 'DISABLED_' or
+ 'FLAKY_' presents.
+ Args:
+ test_name: The name of a test.
+ Returns:
+ A test name without prefix 'DISABLED_' or 'FLAKY_'.
+ """
+ disabled_prefixes = [_RE_DISABLED, _RE_FLAKY]
+ for dp in disabled_prefixes:
+ test_name = dp.sub('', test_name)
+ return test_name
+class GtestTestInstance(test_instance.TestInstance):
+ def __init__(self, args, data_deps_delegate, error_func):
+ super(GtestTestInstance, self).__init__()
+ # TODO(jbudorick): Support multiple test suites.
+ if len(args.suite_name) > 1:
+ raise ValueError('Platform mode currently supports only 1 gtest suite')
+ self._coverage_dir = args.coverage_dir
+ self._exe_dist_dir = None
+ self._external_shard_index = args.test_launcher_shard_index
+ self._extract_test_list_from_filter = args.extract_test_list_from_filter
+ self._filter_tests_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self._gs_test_artifacts_bucket = args.gs_test_artifacts_bucket
+ self._isolated_script_test_output = args.isolated_script_test_output
+ self._isolated_script_test_perf_output = (
+ args.isolated_script_test_perf_output)
+ self._render_test_output_dir = args.render_test_output_dir
+ self._shard_timeout = args.shard_timeout
+ self._store_tombstones = args.store_tombstones
+ self._suite = args.suite_name[0]
+ self._symbolizer = stack_symbolizer.Symbolizer(None)
+ self._total_external_shards = args.test_launcher_total_shards
+ self._wait_for_java_debugger = args.wait_for_java_debugger
+ self._use_existing_test_data = args.use_existing_test_data
+ # GYP:
+ if args.executable_dist_dir:
+ self._exe_dist_dir = os.path.abspath(args.executable_dist_dir)
+ else:
+ # TODO(agrieve): Remove auto-detection once recipes pass flag explicitly.
+ exe_dist_dir = os.path.join(constants.GetOutDirectory(),
+ '%s__dist' % self._suite)
+ if os.path.exists(exe_dist_dir):
+ self._exe_dist_dir = exe_dist_dir
+ incremental_part = ''
+ if args.test_apk_incremental_install_json:
+ incremental_part = '_incremental'
+ self._test_launcher_batch_limit = MAX_SHARDS
+ if (args.test_launcher_batch_limit
+ and 0 < args.test_launcher_batch_limit < MAX_SHARDS):
+ self._test_launcher_batch_limit = args.test_launcher_batch_limit
+ apk_path = os.path.join(
+ constants.GetOutDirectory(), '%s_apk' % self._suite,
+ '%s-debug%s.apk' % (self._suite, incremental_part))
+ self._test_apk_incremental_install_json = (
+ args.test_apk_incremental_install_json)
+ if not os.path.exists(apk_path):
+ self._apk_helper = None
+ else:
+ self._apk_helper = apk_helper.ApkHelper(apk_path)
+ self._extras = {
+ _EXTRA_NATIVE_TEST_ACTIVITY: self._apk_helper.GetActivityName(),
+ }
+ if self._suite in RUN_IN_SUB_THREAD_TEST_SUITES:
+ self._extras[_EXTRA_RUN_IN_SUB_THREAD] = 1
+ if self._suite in BROWSER_TEST_SUITES:
+ self._extras[_EXTRA_SHARD_SIZE_LIMIT] = 1
+ self._extras[EXTRA_SHARD_NANO_TIMEOUT] = int(1e9 * self._shard_timeout)
+ self._shard_timeout = 10 * self._shard_timeout
+ if args.wait_for_java_debugger:
+ self._extras[EXTRA_SHARD_NANO_TIMEOUT] = int(1e15) # Forever
+ if not self._apk_helper and not self._exe_dist_dir:
+ error_func('Could not find apk or executable for %s' % self._suite)
+ self._data_deps = []
+ self._gtest_filter = test_filter.InitializeFilterFromArgs(args)
+ self._run_disabled = args.run_disabled
+ self._data_deps_delegate = data_deps_delegate
+ self._runtime_deps_path = args.runtime_deps_path
+ if not self._runtime_deps_path:
+ logging.warning('No data dependencies will be pushed.')
+ if args.app_data_files:
+ self._app_data_files = args.app_data_files
+ if args.app_data_file_dir:
+ self._app_data_file_dir = args.app_data_file_dir
+ else:
+ self._app_data_file_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ logging.critical('Saving app files to %s', self._app_data_file_dir)
+ else:
+ self._app_data_files = None
+ self._app_data_file_dir = None
+ self._flags = None
+ self._initializeCommandLineFlags(args)
+ # TODO(jbudorick): Remove this once it's deployed.
+ self._enable_xml_result_parsing = args.enable_xml_result_parsing
+ def _initializeCommandLineFlags(self, args):
+ self._flags = []
+ if args.command_line_flags:
+ self._flags.extend(args.command_line_flags)
+ if args.device_flags_file:
+ with open(args.device_flags_file) as f:
+ stripped_lines = (l.strip() for l in f)
+ self._flags.extend(flag for flag in stripped_lines if flag)
+ if args.run_disabled:
+ self._flags.append('--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests')
+ @property
+ def activity(self):
+ return self._apk_helper and self._apk_helper.GetActivityName()
+ @property
+ def apk(self):
+ return self._apk_helper and self._apk_helper.path
+ @property
+ def apk_helper(self):
+ return self._apk_helper
+ @property
+ def app_file_dir(self):
+ return self._app_data_file_dir
+ @property
+ def app_files(self):
+ return self._app_data_files
+ @property
+ def coverage_dir(self):
+ return self._coverage_dir
+ @property
+ def enable_xml_result_parsing(self):
+ return self._enable_xml_result_parsing
+ @property
+ def exe_dist_dir(self):
+ return self._exe_dist_dir
+ @property
+ def external_shard_index(self):
+ return self._external_shard_index
+ @property
+ def extract_test_list_from_filter(self):
+ return self._extract_test_list_from_filter
+ @property
+ def extras(self):
+ return self._extras
+ @property
+ def flags(self):
+ return self._flags
+ @property
+ def gs_test_artifacts_bucket(self):
+ return self._gs_test_artifacts_bucket
+ @property
+ def gtest_filter(self):
+ return self._gtest_filter
+ @property
+ def isolated_script_test_output(self):
+ return self._isolated_script_test_output
+ @property
+ def isolated_script_test_perf_output(self):
+ return self._isolated_script_test_perf_output
+ @property
+ def render_test_output_dir(self):
+ return self._render_test_output_dir
+ @property
+ def package(self):
+ return self._apk_helper and self._apk_helper.GetPackageName()
+ @property
+ def permissions(self):
+ return self._apk_helper and self._apk_helper.GetPermissions()
+ @property
+ def runner(self):
+ return self._apk_helper and self._apk_helper.GetInstrumentationName()
+ @property
+ def shard_timeout(self):
+ return self._shard_timeout
+ @property
+ def store_tombstones(self):
+ return self._store_tombstones
+ @property
+ def suite(self):
+ return self._suite
+ @property
+ def symbolizer(self):
+ return self._symbolizer
+ @property
+ def test_apk_incremental_install_json(self):
+ return self._test_apk_incremental_install_json
+ @property
+ def test_launcher_batch_limit(self):
+ return self._test_launcher_batch_limit
+ @property
+ def total_external_shards(self):
+ return self._total_external_shards
+ @property
+ def wait_for_java_debugger(self):
+ return self._wait_for_java_debugger
+ @property
+ def use_existing_test_data(self):
+ return self._use_existing_test_data
+ #override
+ def TestType(self):
+ return 'gtest'
+ #override
+ def GetPreferredAbis(self):
+ if not self._apk_helper:
+ return None
+ return self._apk_helper.GetAbis()
+ #override
+ def SetUp(self):
+ """Map data dependencies via isolate."""
+ self._data_deps.extend(
+ self._data_deps_delegate(self._runtime_deps_path))
+ def GetDataDependencies(self):
+ """Returns the test suite's data dependencies.
+ Returns:
+ A list of (host_path, device_path) tuples to push. If device_path is
+ None, the client is responsible for determining where to push the file.
+ """
+ return self._data_deps
+ def FilterTests(self, test_list, disabled_prefixes=None):
+ """Filters |test_list| based on prefixes and, if present, a filter string.
+ Args:
+ test_list: The list of tests to filter.
+ disabled_prefixes: A list of test prefixes to filter. Defaults to
+ Returns:
+ A filtered list of tests to run.
+ """
+ gtest_filter_strings = [
+ self._GenerateDisabledFilterString(disabled_prefixes)]
+ if self._gtest_filter:
+ gtest_filter_strings.append(self._gtest_filter)
+ filtered_test_list = test_list
+ # This lock is required because on older versions of Python
+ # |unittest_util.FilterTestNames| use of |fnmatch| is not threadsafe.
+ with self._filter_tests_lock:
+ for gtest_filter_string in gtest_filter_strings:
+ logging.debug('Filtering tests using: %s', gtest_filter_string)
+ filtered_test_list = unittest_util.FilterTestNames(
+ filtered_test_list, gtest_filter_string)
+ if self._run_disabled and self._gtest_filter:
+ out_filtered_test_list = list(set(test_list)-set(filtered_test_list))
+ for test in out_filtered_test_list:
+ test_name_no_disabled = TestNameWithoutDisabledPrefix(test)
+ if test_name_no_disabled != test and unittest_util.FilterTestNames(
+ [test_name_no_disabled], self._gtest_filter):
+ filtered_test_list.append(test)
+ return filtered_test_list
+ def _GenerateDisabledFilterString(self, disabled_prefixes):
+ disabled_filter_items = []
+ if disabled_prefixes is None:
+ disabled_prefixes = ['FAILS_', 'PRE_']
+ if '--run-manual' not in self._flags:
+ disabled_prefixes += ['MANUAL_']
+ if not self._run_disabled:
+ disabled_prefixes += ['DISABLED_', 'FLAKY_']
+ disabled_filter_items += ['%s*' % dp for dp in disabled_prefixes]
+ disabled_filter_items += ['*.%s*' % dp for dp in disabled_prefixes]
+ disabled_tests_file_path = os.path.join(
+ host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'build', 'android', 'pylib', 'gtest',
+ 'filter', '%s_disabled' % self._suite)
+ if disabled_tests_file_path and os.path.exists(disabled_tests_file_path):
+ with open(disabled_tests_file_path) as disabled_tests_file:
+ disabled_filter_items += [
+ '%s' % l for l in (line.strip() for line in disabled_tests_file)
+ if l and not l.startswith('#')]
+ return '*-%s' % ':'.join(disabled_filter_items)
+ #override
+ def TearDown(self):
+ """Do nothing."""
+ pass