path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/symbols/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/symbols/')
1 files changed, 813 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/symbols/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/symbols/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b6ec8bb29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/pylib/symbols/
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import bisect
+import collections
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+from pylib.constants import host_paths
+from pylib.symbols import elf_symbolizer
+def _AndroidAbiToCpuArch(android_abi):
+ """Return the Chromium CPU architecture name for a given Android ABI."""
+ _ARCH_MAP = {
+ 'armeabi': 'arm',
+ 'armeabi-v7a': 'arm',
+ 'arm64-v8a': 'arm64',
+ 'x86_64': 'x64',
+ }
+ return _ARCH_MAP.get(android_abi, android_abi)
+def _HexAddressRegexpFor(android_abi):
+ """Return a regexp matching hexadecimal addresses for a given Android ABI."""
+ if android_abi in ['x86_64', 'arm64-v8a', 'mips64']:
+ width = 16
+ else:
+ width = 8
+ return '[0-9a-f]{%d}' % width
+class HostLibraryFinder(object):
+ """Translate device library path to matching host unstripped library path.
+ Usage is the following:
+ 1) Create instance.
+ 2) Call AddSearchDir() once or more times to add host directory path to
+ look for unstripped native libraries.
+ 3) Call Find(device_libpath) repeatedly to translate a device-specific
+ library path into the corresponding host path to the unstripped
+ version.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize instance."""
+ self._search_dirs = []
+ self._lib_map = {} # Map of library name to host file paths.
+ def AddSearchDir(self, lib_dir):
+ """Add a directory to the search path for host native shared libraries.
+ Args:
+ lib_dir: host path containing native libraries.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(lib_dir):
+ logging.warning('Ignoring missing host library directory: %s', lib_dir)
+ return
+ if not os.path.isdir(lib_dir):
+ logging.warning('Ignoring invalid host library directory: %s', lib_dir)
+ return
+ self._search_dirs.append(lib_dir)
+ self._lib_map = {} # Reset the map.
+ def Find(self, device_libpath):
+ """Find the host file path matching a specific device library path.
+ Args:
+ device_libpath: device-specific file path to library or executable.
+ Returns:
+ host file path to the unstripped version of the library, or None.
+ """
+ host_lib_path = None
+ lib_name = os.path.basename(device_libpath)
+ host_lib_path = self._lib_map.get(lib_name)
+ if not host_lib_path:
+ for search_dir in self._search_dirs:
+ lib_path = os.path.join(search_dir, lib_name)
+ if os.path.exists(lib_path):
+ host_lib_path = lib_path
+ break
+ if not host_lib_path:
+ logging.debug('Could not find host library for: %s', lib_name)
+ self._lib_map[lib_name] = host_lib_path
+ return host_lib_path
+class SymbolResolver(object):
+ """A base class for objets that can symbolize library (path, offset)
+ pairs into symbol information strings. Usage is the following:
+ 1) Create new instance (by calling the constructor of a derived
+ class, since this is only the base one).
+ 2) Call SetAndroidAbi() before any call to FindSymbolInfo() in order
+ to set the Android CPU ABI used for symbolization.
+ 3) Before the first call to FindSymbolInfo(), one can call
+ AddLibraryOffset(), or AddLibraryOffsets() to record a set of offsets
+ that you will want to symbolize later through FindSymbolInfo(). Doing
+ so allows some SymbolResolver derived classes to work faster (e.g. the
+ one that invokes the 'addr2line' program, since the latter works faster
+ if the offsets provided as inputs are sorted in increasing order).
+ 3) Call FindSymbolInfo(path, offset) to return the corresponding
+ symbol information string, or None if this doesn't correspond
+ to anything the instance can handle.
+ Note that whether the path is specific to the device or to the
+ host depends on the derived class implementation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._android_abi = None
+ self._lib_offsets_map = collections.defaultdict(set)
+ def SetAndroidAbi(self, android_abi):
+ """Set the Android ABI value for this instance.
+ Calling this function before FindSymbolInfo() is required by some
+ derived class implementations.
+ Args:
+ android_abi: Native Android CPU ABI name (e.g. 'armeabi-v7a').
+ Raises:
+ Exception if the ABI was already set with a different value.
+ """
+ if self._android_abi and self._android_abi != android_abi:
+ raise Exception('Cannot reset Android ABI to new value %s, already set '
+ 'to %s' % (android_abi, self._android_abi))
+ self._android_abi = android_abi
+ def AddLibraryOffset(self, lib_path, offset):
+ """Associate a single offset to a given device library.
+ This must be called before FindSymbolInfo(), otherwise its input arguments
+ will be ignored.
+ Args:
+ lib_path: A library path.
+ offset: An integer offset within the corresponding library that will be
+ symbolized by future calls to FindSymbolInfo.
+ """
+ self._lib_offsets_map[lib_path].add(offset)
+ def AddLibraryOffsets(self, lib_path, lib_offsets):
+ """Associate a set of wanted offsets to a given device library.
+ This must be called before FindSymbolInfo(), otherwise its input arguments
+ will be ignored.
+ Args:
+ lib_path: A library path.
+ lib_offsets: An iterable of integer offsets within the corresponding
+ library that will be symbolized by future calls to FindSymbolInfo.
+ """
+ self._lib_offsets_map[lib_path].update(lib_offsets)
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use
+ def FindSymbolInfo(self, lib_path, lib_offset):
+ """Symbolize a device library path and offset.
+ Args:
+ lib_path: Library path (device or host specific, depending on the
+ derived class implementation).
+ lib_offset: Integer offset within the library.
+ Returns:
+ Corresponding symbol information string, or None.
+ """
+ # The base implementation cannot symbolize anything.
+ return None
+ # pylint: enable=unused-argument,no-self-use
+class ElfSymbolResolver(SymbolResolver):
+ """A SymbolResolver that can symbolize host path + offset values using
+ an elf_symbolizer.ELFSymbolizer instance.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, addr2line_path_for_tests=None):
+ super(ElfSymbolResolver, self).__init__()
+ self._addr2line_path = addr2line_path_for_tests
+ # Used to cache one ELFSymbolizer instance per library path.
+ self._elf_symbolizer_cache = {}
+ # Used to cache FindSymbolInfo() results. Maps host library paths
+ # to (offset -> symbol info string) dictionaries.
+ self._symbol_info_cache = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ self._allow_symbolizer = True
+ def _CreateSymbolizerFor(self, host_path):
+ """Create the ELFSymbolizer instance associated with a given lib path."""
+ addr2line_path = self._addr2line_path
+ if not addr2line_path:
+ if not self._android_abi:
+ raise Exception(
+ 'Android CPU ABI must be set before calling FindSymbolInfo!')
+ cpu_arch = _AndroidAbiToCpuArch(self._android_abi)
+ self._addr2line_path = host_paths.ToolPath('addr2line', cpu_arch)
+ return elf_symbolizer.ELFSymbolizer(
+ elf_file_path=host_path, addr2line_path=self._addr2line_path,
+ callback=ElfSymbolResolver._Callback, inlines=True)
+ def DisallowSymbolizerForTesting(self):
+ """Disallow FindSymbolInfo() from using a symbolizer.
+ This is used during unit-testing to ensure that the offsets that were
+ recorded via AddLibraryOffset()/AddLibraryOffsets() are properly
+ symbolized, but not anything else.
+ """
+ self._allow_symbolizer = False
+ def FindSymbolInfo(self, host_path, offset):
+ """Override SymbolResolver.FindSymbolInfo.
+ Args:
+ host_path: Host-specific path to the native shared library.
+ offset: Integer offset within the native library.
+ Returns:
+ A symbol info string, or None.
+ """
+ offset_map = self._symbol_info_cache[host_path]
+ symbol_info = offset_map.get(offset)
+ if symbol_info:
+ return symbol_info
+ # Create symbolizer on demand.
+ symbolizer = self._elf_symbolizer_cache.get(host_path)
+ if not symbolizer:
+ symbolizer = self._CreateSymbolizerFor(host_path)
+ self._elf_symbolizer_cache[host_path] = symbolizer
+ # If there are pre-recorded offsets for this path, symbolize them now.
+ offsets = self._lib_offsets_map.get(host_path)
+ if offsets:
+ offset_map = {}
+ for pre_offset in offsets:
+ symbolizer.SymbolizeAsync(
+ pre_offset, callback_arg=(offset_map, pre_offset))
+ symbolizer.WaitForIdle()
+ self._symbol_info_cache[host_path] = offset_map
+ symbol_info = offset_map.get(offset)
+ if symbol_info:
+ return symbol_info
+ if not self._allow_symbolizer:
+ return None
+ # Symbolize single offset. Slower if addresses are not provided in
+ # increasing order to addr2line.
+ symbolizer.SymbolizeAsync(offset,
+ callback_arg=(offset_map, offset))
+ symbolizer.WaitForIdle()
+ return offset_map.get(offset)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _Callback(sym_info, callback_arg):
+ offset_map, offset = callback_arg
+ offset_map[offset] = str(sym_info)
+class DeviceSymbolResolver(SymbolResolver):
+ """A SymbolResolver instance that accepts device-specific path.
+ Usage is the following:
+ 1) Create new instance, passing a parent SymbolResolver instance that
+ accepts host-specific paths, and a HostLibraryFinder instance.
+ 2) Optional: call AddApkOffsets() to add offsets from within an APK
+ that contains uncompressed native shared libraries.
+ 3) Use it as any SymbolResolver instance.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host_resolver, host_lib_finder):
+ """Initialize instance.
+ Args:
+ host_resolver: A parent SymbolResolver instance that will be used
+ to resolve symbols from host library paths.
+ host_lib_finder: A HostLibraryFinder instance used to locate
+ unstripped libraries on the host.
+ """
+ super(DeviceSymbolResolver, self).__init__()
+ self._host_lib_finder = host_lib_finder
+ self._bad_device_lib_paths = set()
+ self._host_resolver = host_resolver
+ def SetAndroidAbi(self, android_abi):
+ super(DeviceSymbolResolver, self).SetAndroidAbi(android_abi)
+ self._host_resolver.SetAndroidAbi(android_abi)
+ def AddLibraryOffsets(self, device_lib_path, lib_offsets):
+ """Associate a set of wanted offsets to a given device library.
+ This must be called before FindSymbolInfo(), otherwise its input arguments
+ will be ignored.
+ Args:
+ device_lib_path: A device-specific library path.
+ lib_offsets: An iterable of integer offsets within the corresponding
+ library that will be symbolized by future calls to FindSymbolInfo.
+ want to symbolize.
+ """
+ if device_lib_path in self._bad_device_lib_paths:
+ return
+ host_lib_path = self._host_lib_finder.Find(device_lib_path)
+ if not host_lib_path:
+ # NOTE: self._bad_device_lib_paths is only used to only print this
+ # warning once per bad library.
+ logging.warning('Could not find host library matching device path: %s',
+ device_lib_path)
+ self._bad_device_lib_paths.add(device_lib_path)
+ return
+ self._host_resolver.AddLibraryOffsets(host_lib_path, lib_offsets)
+ def AddApkOffsets(self, device_apk_path, apk_offsets, apk_translator):
+ """Associate a set of wanted offsets to a given device APK path.
+ This converts the APK-relative offsets into offsets relative to the
+ uncompressed libraries it contains, then calls AddLibraryOffsets()
+ for each one of the libraries.
+ Must be called before FindSymbolInfo() as well, otherwise input arguments
+ will be ignored.
+ Args:
+ device_apk_path: Device-specific APK path.
+ apk_offsets: Iterable of offsets within the APK file.
+ apk_translator: An ApkLibraryPathTranslator instance used to extract
+ library paths from the APK.
+ """
+ libraries_map = collections.defaultdict(set)
+ for offset in apk_offsets:
+ lib_path, lib_offset = apk_translator.TranslatePath(device_apk_path,
+ offset)
+ libraries_map[lib_path].add(lib_offset)
+ for lib_path, lib_offsets in libraries_map.items():
+ self.AddLibraryOffsets(lib_path, lib_offsets)
+ def FindSymbolInfo(self, device_path, offset):
+ """Overrides SymbolResolver.FindSymbolInfo.
+ Args:
+ device_path: Device-specific library path (e.g.
+ '/data/app/')
+ offset: Offset in device library path.
+ Returns:
+ Corresponding symbol information string, or None.
+ """
+ host_path = self._host_lib_finder.Find(device_path)
+ if not host_path:
+ return None
+ return self._host_resolver.FindSymbolInfo(host_path, offset)
+class MemoryMap(object):
+ """Models the memory map of a given process. Usage is:
+ 1) Create new instance, passing the Android ABI.
+ 2) Call TranslateLine() whenever you want to detect and translate any
+ memory map input line.
+ 3) Otherwise, it is possible to parse the whole memory map input with
+ ParseLines(), then call FindSectionForAddress() repeatedly in order
+ to translate a memory address into the corresponding mapping and
+ file information tuple (e.g. to symbolize stack entries).
+ """
+ # A named tuple describing interesting memory map line items.
+ # Fields:
+ # addr_start: Mapping start address in memory.
+ # file_offset: Corresponding file offset.
+ # file_size: Corresponding mapping size in bytes.
+ # file_path: Input file path.
+ # match: Corresponding regular expression match object.
+ LineTuple = collections.namedtuple('MemoryMapLineTuple',
+ 'addr_start,file_offset,file_size,'
+ 'file_path, match')
+ # A name tuple describing a memory map section.
+ # Fields:
+ # address: Memory address.
+ # size: Size in bytes in memory
+ # offset: Starting file offset.
+ # path: Input file path.
+ SectionTuple = collections.namedtuple('MemoryMapSection',
+ 'address,size,offset,path')
+ def __init__(self, android_abi):
+ """Initializes instance.
+ Args:
+ android_abi: Android CPU ABI name (e.g. 'armeabi-v7a')
+ """
+ hex_addr = _HexAddressRegexpFor(android_abi)
+ # pylint: disable=line-too-long
+ # A regular expression used to match memory map entries which look like:
+ # b278c000-b2790fff r-- 4fda000 5000 /data/app/
+ # pylint: enable=line-too-long
+ self._re_map_section = re.compile(
+ r'\s*(?P<addr_start>' + hex_addr + r')-(?P<addr_end>' + hex_addr + ')' +
+ r'\s+' +
+ r'(?P<perm>...)\s+' +
+ r'(?P<file_offset>[0-9a-f]+)\s+' +
+ r'(?P<file_size>[0-9a-f]+)\s*' +
+ r'(?P<file_path>[^ \t]+)?')
+ self._addr_map = [] # Sorted list of (address, size, path, offset) tuples.
+ self._sorted_addresses = [] # Sorted list of address fields in _addr_map.
+ self._in_section = False
+ def TranslateLine(self, line, apk_path_translator):
+ """Try to translate a memory map input line, if detected.
+ This only takes care of converting mapped APK file path and offsets
+ into a corresponding uncompressed native library file path + new offsets,
+ e.g. '..... <offset> <size> /data/.../base.apk' gets
+ translated into '.... <new-offset> <size> /data/.../base.apk!lib/'
+ This function should always work, even if ParseLines() was not called
+ previously.
+ Args:
+ line: Input memory map / tombstone line.
+ apk_translator: An ApkLibraryPathTranslator instance, used to map
+ APK offsets into uncompressed native libraries + new offsets.
+ Returns:
+ Translated memory map line, if relevant, or unchanged input line
+ otherwise.
+ """
+ t = self._ParseLine(line.rstrip())
+ if not t:
+ return line
+ new_path, new_offset = apk_path_translator.TranslatePath(
+ t.file_path, t.file_offset)
+ if new_path == t.file_path:
+ return line
+ pos = t.match.start('file_path')
+ return '%s%s (offset 0x%x)%s' % (line[0:pos], new_path, new_offset,
+ line[t.match.end('file_path'):])
+ def ParseLines(self, input_lines, in_section=False):
+ """Parse a list of input lines and extract the APK memory map out of it.
+ Args:
+ input_lines: list, or iterable, of input lines.
+ in_section: Optional. If true, considers that the input lines are
+ already part of the memory map. Otherwise, wait until the start of
+ the section appears in the input before trying to record data.
+ Returns:
+ True iff APK-related memory map entries were found. False otherwise.
+ """
+ addr_list = [] # list of (address, size, file_path, file_offset) tuples.
+ self._in_section = in_section
+ for line in input_lines:
+ t = self._ParseLine(line.rstrip())
+ if not t:
+ continue
+ addr_list.append(t)
+ self._addr_map = sorted(addr_list, key=lambda x: x.addr_start)
+ self._sorted_addresses = [e.addr_start for e in self._addr_map]
+ return bool(self._addr_map)
+ def _ParseLine(self, line):
+ """Used internally to recognized memory map input lines.
+ Args:
+ line: Input logcat or tomstone line.
+ Returns:
+ A LineTuple instance on success, or None on failure.
+ """
+ if not self._in_section:
+ self._in_section = line.startswith('memory map:')
+ return None
+ m = self._re_map_section.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ self._in_section = False # End of memory map section
+ return None
+ # Only accept .apk and .so files that are not from the system partitions.
+ file_path ='file_path')
+ if not file_path:
+ return None
+ if file_path.startswith('/system') or file_path.startswith('/vendor'):
+ return None
+ if not (file_path.endswith('.apk') or file_path.endswith('.so')):
+ return None
+ addr_start = int('addr_start'), 16)
+ file_offset = int('file_offset'), 16)
+ file_size = int('file_size'), 16)
+ return self.LineTuple(addr_start, file_offset, file_size, file_path, m)
+ def Dump(self):
+ """Print memory map for debugging."""
+ print('MEMORY MAP [')
+ for t in self._addr_map:
+ print('[%08x-%08x %08x %08x %s]' %
+ (t.addr_start, t.addr_start + t.file_size, t.file_size,
+ t.file_offset, t.file_path))
+ print('] MEMORY MAP')
+ def FindSectionForAddress(self, addr):
+ """Find the map section corresponding to a specific memory address.
+ Call this method only after using ParseLines() was called to extract
+ relevant information from the memory map.
+ Args:
+ addr: Memory address
+ Returns:
+ A SectionTuple instance on success, or None on failure.
+ """
+ pos = bisect.bisect_right(self._sorted_addresses, addr)
+ if pos > 0:
+ # All values in [0,pos) are <= addr, just ensure that the last
+ # one contains the address as well.
+ entry = self._addr_map[pos - 1]
+ if entry.addr_start + entry.file_size > addr:
+ return self.SectionTuple(entry.addr_start, entry.file_size,
+ entry.file_offset, entry.file_path)
+ return None
+class BacktraceTranslator(object):
+ """Translates backtrace-related lines in a tombstone or crash report.
+ Usage is the following:
+ 1) Create new instance with appropriate arguments.
+ 2) If the tombstone / logcat input is available, one can call
+ FindLibraryOffsets() in order to detect which library offsets
+ will need to be symbolized during a future parse. Doing so helps
+ speed up the ELF symbolizer.
+ 3) For each tombstone/logcat input line, call TranslateLine() to
+ try to detect and symbolize backtrace lines.
+ """
+ # A named tuple for relevant input backtrace lines.
+ # Fields:
+ # rel_pc: Instruction pointer, relative to offset in library start.
+ # location: Library or APK file path.
+ # offset: Load base of executable code in library or apk file path.
+ # match: The corresponding regular expression match object.
+ # Note:
+ # The actual instruction pointer always matches the position at
+ # |offset + rel_pc| in |location|.
+ LineTuple = collections.namedtuple('BacktraceLineTuple',
+ 'rel_pc,location,offset,match')
+ def __init__(self, android_abi, apk_translator):
+ """Initialize instance.
+ Args:
+ android_abi: Android CPU ABI name (e.g. 'armeabi-v7a').
+ apk_translator: ApkLibraryPathTranslator instance used to convert
+ mapped APK file offsets into uncompressed library file paths with
+ new offsets.
+ """
+ hex_addr = _HexAddressRegexpFor(android_abi)
+ # A regular expression used to match backtrace lines.
+ self._re_backtrace = re.compile(
+ r'.*#(?P<frame>[0-9]{2})\s+' +
+ r'(..)\s+' +
+ r'(?P<rel_pc>' + hex_addr + r')\s+' +
+ r'(?P<location>[^ \t]+)' +
+ r'(\s+\(offset 0x(?P<offset>[0-9a-f]+)\))?')
+ # In certain cases, offset will be provided as <location>+0x<offset>
+ # instead of <location> (offset 0x<offset>). This is a regexp to detect
+ # this.
+ self._re_location_offset = re.compile(
+ r'.*\+0x(?P<offset>[0-9a-f]+)$')
+ self._apk_translator = apk_translator
+ self._in_section = False
+ def _ParseLine(self, line):
+ """Used internally to detect and decompose backtrace input lines.
+ Args:
+ line: input tombstone line.
+ Returns:
+ A LineTuple instance on success, None on failure.
+ """
+ if not self._in_section:
+ self._in_section = line.startswith('backtrace:')
+ return None
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ m = self._re_backtrace.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ self._in_section = False
+ return None
+ location ='location')
+ offset ='offset')
+ if not offset:
+ m2 = self._re_location_offset.match(location)
+ if m2:
+ offset ='offset')
+ location = location[0:m2.start('offset') - 3]
+ if not offset:
+ return None
+ offset = int(offset, 16)
+ rel_pc = int('rel_pc'), 16)
+ # Two cases to consider here:
+ #
+ # * If this is a library file directly mapped in memory, then |rel_pc|
+ # if the direct offset within the library, and doesn't need any kind
+ # of adjustement.
+ #
+ # * If this is a library mapped directly from an .apk file, then
+ # |rel_pc| is the offset in the APK, and |offset| happens to be the
+ # load base of the corresponding library.
+ #
+ if location.endswith('.so'):
+ # For a native library directly mapped from the file system,
+ return self.LineTuple(rel_pc, location, offset, m)
+ if location.endswith('.apk'):
+ # For a native library inside an memory-mapped APK file,
+ new_location, new_offset = self._apk_translator.TranslatePath(
+ location, offset)
+ return self.LineTuple(rel_pc, new_location, new_offset, m)
+ # Ignore anything else (e.g. .oat or .odex files).
+ return None
+ def FindLibraryOffsets(self, input_lines, in_section=False):
+ """Parse a tombstone's backtrace section and find all library offsets in it.
+ Args:
+ input_lines: List or iterables of intput tombstone lines.
+ in_section: Optional. If True, considers that the stack section has
+ already started.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping device library paths to sets of offsets within
+ then.
+ """
+ self._in_section = in_section
+ result = collections.defaultdict(set)
+ for line in input_lines:
+ t = self._ParseLine(line)
+ if not t:
+ continue
+ result[t.location].add(t.offset + t.rel_pc)
+ return result
+ def TranslateLine(self, line, symbol_resolver):
+ """Symbolize backtrace line if recognized.
+ Args:
+ line: input backtrace line.
+ symbol_resolver: symbol resolver instance to use. This method will
+ call its FindSymbolInfo(device_lib_path, lib_offset) method to
+ convert offsets into symbol informations strings.
+ Returns:
+ Translated line (unchanged if not recognized as a back trace).
+ """
+ t = self._ParseLine(line)
+ if not t:
+ return line
+ symbol_info = symbol_resolver.FindSymbolInfo(t.location,
+ t.offset + t.rel_pc)
+ if not symbol_info:
+ symbol_info = 'offset 0x%x' % t.offset
+ pos = t.match.start('location')
+ pos2 = t.match.end('offset') + 1
+ if pos2 <= 0:
+ pos2 = t.match.end('location')
+ return '%s%s (%s)%s' % (line[:pos], t.location, symbol_info, line[pos2:])
+class StackTranslator(object):
+ """Translates stack-related lines in a tombstone or crash report."""
+ # A named tuple describing relevant stack input lines.
+ # Fields:
+ # address: Address as it appears in the stack.
+ # lib_path: Library path where |address| is mapped.
+ # lib_offset: Library load base offset. for |lib_path|.
+ # match: Corresponding regular expression match object.
+ LineTuple = collections.namedtuple('StackLineTuple',
+ 'address, lib_path, lib_offset, match')
+ def __init__(self, android_abi, memory_map, apk_translator):
+ """Initialize instance."""
+ hex_addr = _HexAddressRegexpFor(android_abi)
+ # pylint: disable=line-too-long
+ # A regular expression used to recognize stack entries like:
+ #
+ # #05 bf89a180 bf89a1e4 [stack]
+ # bf89a1c8 a0c01c51 /data/app/
+ # bf89a080 00000000
+ # ........ ........
+ # pylint: enable=line-too-long
+ self._re_stack_line = re.compile(
+ r'\s+(?P<frame_number>#[0-9]+)?\s*' +
+ r'(?P<stack_addr>' + hex_addr + r')\s+' +
+ r'(?P<stack_value>' + hex_addr + r')' +
+ r'(\s+(?P<location>[^ \t]+))?')
+ self._re_stack_abbrev = re.compile(r'\s+[.]+\s+[.]+')
+ self._memory_map = memory_map
+ self._apk_translator = apk_translator
+ self._in_section = False
+ def _ParseLine(self, line):
+ """Check a given input line for a relevant _re_stack_line match.
+ Args:
+ line: input tombstone line.
+ Returns:
+ A LineTuple instance on success, None on failure.
+ """
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ if not self._in_section:
+ self._in_section = line.startswith('stack:')
+ return None
+ m = self._re_stack_line.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ if not self._re_stack_abbrev.match(line):
+ self._in_section = False
+ return None
+ location ='location')
+ if not location:
+ return None
+ if not location.endswith('.apk') and not location.endswith('.so'):
+ return None
+ addr = int('stack_value'), 16)
+ t = self._memory_map.FindSectionForAddress(addr)
+ if t is None:
+ return None
+ lib_path = t.path
+ lib_offset = t.offset + (addr - t.address)
+ if lib_path.endswith('.apk'):
+ lib_path, lib_offset = self._apk_translator.TranslatePath(
+ lib_path, lib_offset)
+ return self.LineTuple(addr, lib_path, lib_offset, m)
+ def FindLibraryOffsets(self, input_lines, in_section=False):
+ """Parse a tombstone's stack section and find all library offsets in it.
+ Args:
+ input_lines: List or iterables of intput tombstone lines.
+ in_section: Optional. If True, considers that the stack section has
+ already started.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping device library paths to sets of offsets within
+ then.
+ """
+ result = collections.defaultdict(set)
+ self._in_section = in_section
+ for line in input_lines:
+ t = self._ParseLine(line)
+ if t:
+ result[t.lib_path].add(t.lib_offset)
+ return result
+ def TranslateLine(self, line, symbol_resolver=None):
+ """Try to translate a line of the stack dump."""
+ t = self._ParseLine(line)
+ if not t:
+ return line
+ symbol_info = symbol_resolver.FindSymbolInfo(t.lib_path, t.lib_offset)
+ if not symbol_info:
+ return line
+ pos = t.match.start('location')
+ pos2 = t.match.end('location')
+ return '%s%s (%s)%s' % (line[:pos], t.lib_path, symbol_info, line[pos2:])