path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/test/pc/e2e/g3doc/
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+<!-- go/cmark -->
+<!--* freshness: {owner: 'titovartem' reviewed: '2021-02-21'} *-->
+# DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer
+## Audience
+This document is for users of
+## Overview
+`DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer` implements
+[`webrtc::VideoQualityAnalyzerInterface`][2] and is a main
+implementation of video quality analyzer for WebRTC. To operate correctly it
+requires to receive video frame on each step:
+1. On frame captured - analyzer will generate a unique ID for the frame, that
+ caller should attach to the it.
+2. Immediately before frame enter the encoder.
+3. Immediately after the frame was encoded.
+4. After the frame was received and immediately before it entered the decoder.
+5. Immediately after the frame was decoded.
+6. When the frame was rendered.
+![VideoQualityAnalyzerInterface pipeline](video_quality_analyzer_pipeline.png "VideoQualityAnalyzerInterface pipeline")
+The analyzer updates its internal metrics per frame when it was rendered and
+reports all of them after it was stopped through
+[WebRTC perf results reporting system][10].
+To properly inject `DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer` into pipeline the following helpers can be used:
+### VideoQualityAnalyzerInjectionHelper
+[`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e::VideoQualityAnalyzerInjectionHelper`][3] provides
+factory methods for components, that will be used to inject
+`VideoQualityAnalyzerInterface` into the `PeerConnection` pipeline:
+* Wrappers for [`webrtc::VideoEncoderFactory`][4] and
+ [`webrtc::VideoDecodeFactory`][5] which will properly pass
+ [`webrtc::VideoFrame`][6] and [`webrtc::EncodedImage`][7] into analyzer
+ before and after real video encode and decoder.
+* [`webrtc::test::TestVideoCapturer::FramePreprocessor`][8] which is used to
+ pass generated frames into analyzer on capturing and then set the returned
+ frame ID. It also configures dumping of captured frames if requried.
+* [`rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>`][9] which is used to pass frames to
+ the analyzer before they will be rendered to compute per frame metrics. It
+ also configures dumping of rendered video if requried.
+Besides factories `VideoQualityAnalyzerInjectionHelper` has method to
+orchestrate `VideoQualityAnalyzerInterface` workflow:
+* `Start` - to start video analyzer, so it will be able to receive and analyze
+ video frames.
+* `RegisterParticipantInCall` - to add new participants after analyzer was
+ started.
+* `Stop` - to stop analyzer, compute all metrics for frames that were recevied
+ before and report them.
+Also `VideoQualityAnalyzerInjectionHelper` implements
+[`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e::StatsObserverInterface`][11] to propagate WebRTC stats
+to `VideoQualityAnalyzerInterface`.
+### EncodedImageDataInjector and EncodedImageDataExtractor
+[`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e::EncodedImageDataInjector`][14] and
+[`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e::EncodedImageDataInjector`][15] are used to inject and
+extract data into `webrtc::EncodedImage` to propagate frame ID and other
+required information through the network.
+By default [`webrtc::webrtc_pc_e2e::SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector`][16]
+is used. It assumes `webrtc::EncodedImage` payload as black box which is
+remaining unchanged from encoder to decoder and stores the information required
+for its work in the last 3 bytes of the payload, replacing the original data
+during injection and restoring it back during extraction. Also
+`SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector` requires that sender and receiver were
+inside single process.
+![SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector](single_process_encoded_image_data_injector.png "SingleProcessEncodedImageDataInjector")
+## Exported metrics
+Exported metrics are reported to WebRTC perf results reporting system.
+### General
+* *`cpu_usage`* - CPU usage excluding video analyzer
+### Video
+* *`psnr`* - peak signal-to-noise ratio:
+ [wikipedia](
+* *`ssim`* - structural similarity:
+ [wikipedia](
+* *`min_psnr`* - minimum value of psnr across all frames of video stream.
+* *`encode_time`* - time to encode a single frame.
+* *`decode_time`* - time to decode a single frame.
+* *`transport_time`* - time from frame encoded to frame received for decoding.
+* *`receive_to_render_time`* - time from frame received for decoding to frame
+ rendered.
+* *`total_delay_incl_transport`* - time from frame was captured on device to
+ time when frame was displayed on device.
+* *`encode_frame_rate`* - frame rate after encoder.
+* *`harmonic_framerate`* - video duration divided on squared sum of interframe
+ delays. Reflects render frame rate penalized by freezes.
+* *`time_between_rendered_frames`* - time between frames out to renderer.
+* *`dropped_frames`* - amount of frames that were sent, but weren't rendered
+ and are known not to be “on the way” from sender to receiver.
+Freeze is a pause when no new frames from decoder arrived for 150ms + avg time
+between frames or 3 * avg time between frames.
+* *`time_between_freezes`* - mean time from previous freeze end to new freeze
+ start.
+* *`freeze_time_ms`* - total freeze time in ms.
+* *`max_skipped`* - frames skipped between two nearest rendered.
+* *`pixels_per_frame`* - amount of pixels on frame (width * height).
+* *`target_encode_bitrate`* - target encode bitrate provided by BWE to
+ encoder.
+* *`actual_encode_bitrate -`* - actual encode bitrate produced by encoder.
+* *`available_send_bandwidth -`* - available send bandwidth estimated by BWE.
+* *`transmission_bitrate`* - bitrate of media in the emulated network, not
+ counting retransmissions FEC, and RTCP messages
+* *`retransmission_bitrate`* - bitrate of retransmission streams only.
+### Framework stability
+* *`frames_in_flight`* - amount of frames that were captured but wasn't seen
+ on receiver.
+## Debug metrics
+Debug metrics are not reported to WebRTC perf results reporting system, but are
+available through `DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer` API.
+### [FrameCounters][12]
+Frame counters consist of next counters:
+* *`captured`* - count of frames, that were passed into WebRTC pipeline by
+ video stream source
+* *`pre_encoded`* - count of frames that reached video encoder.
+* *`encoded`* - count of encoded images that were produced by encoder for all
+ requested spatial layers and simulcast streams.
+* *`received`* - count of encoded images received in decoder for all requested
+ spatial layers and simulcast streams.
+* *`decoded`* - count of frames that were produced by decoder.
+* *`rendered`* - count of frames that went out from WebRTC pipeline to video
+ sink.
+* *`dropped`* - count of frames that were dropped in any point between
+ capturing and rendering.
+`DefaultVideoQualityAnalyzer` exports these frame counters:
+* *`GlobalCounters`* - frame counters for frames met on each stage of analysis
+ for all media streams.
+* *`PerStreamCounters`* - frame counters for frames met on each stage of
+ analysis separated per individual video track (single media section in the
+ SDP offer).
+### [AnalyzerStats][13]
+Contains metrics about internal state of video analyzer during its work
+* *`comparisons_queue_size`* - size of analyzer internal queue used to perform
+ captured and rendered frames comparisons measured when new element is added
+ to the queue.
+* *`comparisons_done`* - number of performed comparisons of 2 video frames
+ from captured and rendered streams.
+* *`cpu_overloaded_comparisons_done`* - number of cpu overloaded comparisons.
+ Comparison is cpu overloaded if it is queued when there are too many not
+ processed comparisons in the queue. Overloaded comparison doesn't include
+ metrics like SSIM and PSNR that require heavy computations.
+* *`memory_overloaded_comparisons_done`* - number of memory overloaded
+ comparisons. Comparison is memory overloaded if it is queued when its
+ captured frame was already removed due to high memory usage for that video
+ stream.
+* *`frames_in_flight_left_count`* - count of frames in flight in analyzer
+ measured when new comparison is added and after analyzer was stopped.