path: root/third_party/rust/headers/src/common/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/headers/src/common/')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/headers/src/common/ b/third_party/rust/headers/src/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2237ae8e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/headers/src/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+//! A Collection of Header implementations for common HTTP Headers.
+//! ## Mime
+//! Several header fields use MIME values for their contents. Keeping with the
+//! strongly-typed theme, the [mime]( crate
+//! is used, such as `ContentType(pub Mime)`.
+//pub use self::accept_charset::AcceptCharset;
+//pub use self::accept_encoding::AcceptEncoding;
+//pub use self::accept_language::AcceptLanguage;
+pub use self::accept_ranges::AcceptRanges;
+//pub use self::accept::Accept;
+pub use self::access_control_allow_credentials::AccessControlAllowCredentials;
+pub use self::access_control_allow_headers::AccessControlAllowHeaders;
+pub use self::access_control_allow_methods::AccessControlAllowMethods;
+pub use self::access_control_allow_origin::AccessControlAllowOrigin;
+pub use self::access_control_expose_headers::AccessControlExposeHeaders;
+pub use self::access_control_max_age::AccessControlMaxAge;
+pub use self::access_control_request_headers::AccessControlRequestHeaders;
+pub use self::access_control_request_method::AccessControlRequestMethod;
+pub use self::age::Age;
+pub use self::allow::Allow;
+pub use self::authorization::Authorization;
+pub use self::cache_control::CacheControl;
+pub use self::connection::Connection;
+pub use self::content_disposition::ContentDisposition;
+pub use self::content_encoding::ContentEncoding;
+//pub use self::content_language::ContentLanguage;
+pub use self::content_length::ContentLength;
+pub use self::content_location::ContentLocation;
+pub use self::content_range::ContentRange;
+pub use self::content_type::ContentType;
+pub use self::cookie::Cookie;
+pub use self::date::Date;
+pub use self::etag::ETag;
+pub use self::expect::Expect;
+pub use self::expires::Expires;
+//pub use self::from::From;
+pub use self::host::Host;
+pub use self::if_match::IfMatch;
+pub use self::if_modified_since::IfModifiedSince;
+pub use self::if_none_match::IfNoneMatch;
+pub use self::if_range::IfRange;
+pub use self::if_unmodified_since::IfUnmodifiedSince;
+//pub use self::last_event_id::LastEventId;
+pub use self::last_modified::LastModified;
+//pub use self::link::{Link, LinkValue, RelationType, MediaDesc};
+pub use self::location::Location;
+pub use self::origin::Origin;
+pub use self::pragma::Pragma;
+//pub use self::prefer::{Prefer, Preference};
+//pub use self::preference_applied::PreferenceApplied;
+pub use self::proxy_authorization::ProxyAuthorization;
+pub use self::range::Range;
+pub use self::referer::Referer;
+pub use self::referrer_policy::ReferrerPolicy;
+pub use self::retry_after::RetryAfter;
+pub use self::sec_websocket_accept::SecWebsocketAccept;
+pub use self::sec_websocket_key::SecWebsocketKey;
+pub use self::sec_websocket_version::SecWebsocketVersion;
+pub use self::server::Server;
+pub use self::set_cookie::SetCookie;
+pub use self::strict_transport_security::StrictTransportSecurity;
+pub use self::te::Te;
+pub use self::transfer_encoding::TransferEncoding;
+pub use self::upgrade::Upgrade;
+pub use self::user_agent::UserAgent;
+pub use self::vary::Vary;
+//pub use self::warning::Warning;
+fn test_decode<T: ::Header>(values: &[&str]) -> Option<T> {
+ use HeaderMapExt;
+ let mut map = ::http::HeaderMap::new();
+ for val in values {
+ map.append(T::name(), val.parse().unwrap());
+ }
+ map.typed_get()
+fn test_encode<T: ::Header>(header: T) -> ::http::HeaderMap {
+ use HeaderMapExt;
+ let mut map = ::http::HeaderMap::new();
+ map.typed_insert(header);
+ map
+macro_rules! bench_header {
+ ($mod:ident, $ty:ident, $value:expr) => {
+ #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
+ mod $mod {
+ use super::$ty;
+ use HeaderMapExt;
+ #[bench]
+ fn bench_decode(b: &mut ::test::Bencher) {
+ let mut map = ::http::HeaderMap::new();
+ map.append(
+ <$ty as ::Header>::name(),
+ $value.parse().expect("HeaderValue::from_str($value)"),
+ );
+ b.bytes = $value.len() as u64;
+ b.iter(|| {
+ map.typed_get::<$ty>().unwrap();
+ });
+ }
+ #[bench]
+ fn bench_encode(b: &mut ::test::Bencher) {
+ let mut map = ::http::HeaderMap::new();
+ map.append(
+ <$ty as ::Header>::name(),
+ $value.parse().expect("HeaderValue::from_str($value)"),
+ );
+ let typed = map.typed_get::<$ty>().unwrap();
+ b.bytes = $value.len() as u64;
+ b.iter(|| {
+ map.typed_insert(typed.clone());
+ map.clear();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+//mod accept;
+//mod accept_charset;
+//mod accept_encoding;
+//mod accept_language;
+mod accept_ranges;
+mod access_control_allow_credentials;
+mod access_control_allow_headers;
+mod access_control_allow_methods;
+mod access_control_allow_origin;
+mod access_control_expose_headers;
+mod access_control_max_age;
+mod access_control_request_headers;
+mod access_control_request_method;
+mod age;
+mod allow;
+pub mod authorization;
+mod cache_control;
+mod connection;
+mod content_disposition;
+mod content_encoding;
+//mod content_language;
+mod content_length;
+mod content_location;
+mod content_range;
+mod content_type;
+mod cookie;
+mod date;
+mod etag;
+mod expect;
+mod expires;
+//mod from;
+mod host;
+mod if_match;
+mod if_modified_since;
+mod if_none_match;
+mod if_range;
+mod if_unmodified_since;
+//mod last_event_id;
+mod last_modified;
+//mod link;
+mod location;
+mod origin;
+mod pragma;
+//mod prefer;
+//mod preference_applied;
+mod proxy_authorization;
+mod range;
+mod referer;
+mod referrer_policy;
+mod retry_after;
+mod sec_websocket_accept;
+mod sec_websocket_key;
+mod sec_websocket_version;
+mod server;
+mod set_cookie;
+mod strict_transport_security;
+mod te;
+mod transfer_encoding;
+mod upgrade;
+mod user_agent;
+mod vary;
+//mod warning;