path: root/thunderbird-l10n/es-ES/chrome/es-ES/locale/es-ES/calendar/
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Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/es-ES/chrome/es-ES/locale/es-ES/calendar/')
1 files changed, 696 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/es-ES/chrome/es-ES/locale/es-ES/calendar/ b/thunderbird-l10n/es-ES/chrome/es-ES/locale/es-ES/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47e074622a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/es-ES/chrome/es-ES/locale/es-ES/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Default name for new events
+newEvent=Nuevo evento
+# Titles for the event/task dialog
+newEventDialog=Nuevo evento
+editEventDialog=Editar evento
+newTaskDialog=Nueva tarea
+editTaskDialog=Editar tarea
+# Do you want to save changes?
+askSaveTitleEvent=Guardar evento
+askSaveTitleTask=Guardar tarea
+askSaveMessageEvent=El evento no ha sido guardado. ¿Quiere guardar el evento?
+askSaveMessageTask=La tarea no ha sido guardada. ¿Quiere guardar la tarea?
+# Event Dialog Warnings
+warningEndBeforeStart=La fecha final que ha introducido tiene lugar antes de la de inicio
+warningUntilDateBeforeStart=La fecha final sucede antes de la de inicio
+# The name of the calendar provided with the application by default
+# The name given to a calendar if an opened calendar has an empty filename
+untitledCalendarName=Calendario sin título
+# Event status: Tentative, Confirmed, Cancelled
+# ToDo task status: NeedsAction, InProcess, Completed, Cancelled
+statusTentative =Provisional
+statusConfirmed =Confirmado
+todoStatusCancelled =Cancelado
+statusNeedsAction =Necesita intervención
+statusInProcess =En proceso
+statusCompleted =Completado
+# Task priority, these should match the priority.level.* labels in calendar.dtd
+importPrompt=¿En qué calendario quiere importar estos elementos?
+exportPrompt=¿De qué calendario desea exportar?
+pastePrompt=¿En cuál de sus calendarios actualmente editables quiere pegar?
+publishPrompt=¿Qué calendario quiere publicar?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also a meeting invitation - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventAlso=El contenido que ha pegado incluye un evento
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also several meeting invitations - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventsAlso=El contenido que ha pegado incluye eventos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteTaskAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also an assigned task - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTaskAlso=El contenido que ha pegado incluye una tarea asignada
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteTasksAlso): The users pasting operation include among
+# others also several assigned tasks - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTasksAlso=El contenido que ha pegado incluye tareas asignadas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteItemsAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also assigned task(s) and meeting invitation(s) - this is used as a affix
+# in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteItemsAlso=El contenido que ha pegado incluye eventos y tareas asignadas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventOnly): The users is pasting a meeting -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventOnly=Está pegando un evento
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting several meetings -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventsOnly=Está pegando eventos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventOnly): The users is pasting an assigned task -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTaskOnly=Está pegando una tarea asignada
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting several assigned
+# tasks - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTasksOnly=Está pegando tareas asignadas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting assigned task(s) and
+# meeting(s) - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteItemsOnly=Está pegando eventos y tareas asignadas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteNotifyAbout): Text displayed if pasting an invitation
+# or assigned task
+# %1$S - pasteEvent* or pasteTask*
+pasteNotifyAbout=%1$S - ¿desea enviar una actualización a todos los involucrados?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteAndNotifyLabel): button label used in calendar prompt
+# of the pasted item has attendees
+pasteAndNotifyLabel=Pegar y enviar ahora
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteDontNotifyLabel): button label used in calendar prompt
+# of the pasted item has attendees
+pasteDontNotifyLabel=Pegar sin enviar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (importItemsFailed):
+# %1$S will be replaced with number of failed items
+# %2$S will be replaced with last error code / error string
+importItemsFailed=No se pudieron importar %1$S elementos. El último error ha sido: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noItemsInCalendarFile2):
+# %1$S will be replaced with file path
+noItemsInCalendarFile2=No se puede importar desde %1$S. No hay elementos importables en este archivo.
+#spaces needed at the end of the following lines
+unableToRead=No se puede leer del archivo:
+unableToWrite=No se puede escribir en el archivo:
+HTMLTitle=Calendario de Mozilla
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timezoneError):
+# used for an error message like 'An unknown and undefined timezone was found while reading c:\Mycalendarfile.ics'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the path to a file
+timezoneError=Se ha encontrado una zona horaria desconocida e indefinida mientras se leía %1$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateError):
+# %1$S will be replaced with number of duplicate items
+# %2$S will be replaced with a file path pointing to a calendar
+duplicateError=Se ha(n) ignorado %1$S elemento(s) puesto que ya existen tanto en el calendario de destino como en %2$S.
+unableToCreateProvider=Se ha encontrado un error preparando el calendario situado en %1$S para su uso. No estará disponible.
+# Sample: Unknown timezone "USPacific" in "Dentist Appt". Using the 'floating' local timezone instead: 2008/02/28 14:00:00
+unknownTimezoneInItem=Zona horaria desconocida "%1$S" en "%2$S". Se tratará en su lugar como la zona horaria local 'flotante': %3$S
+TimezoneErrorsAlertTitle=Errores en zonas horarias
+TimezoneErrorsSeeConsole=Ver consola de errores: las zonas horarias desconocidas se tratan como la zona horaria local 'flotante'.
+# The following strings are for the prompt to delete/unsubscribe from the calendar
+removeCalendarTitle=Eliminar calendario
+removeCalendarButtonDelete=Eliminar calendario
+removeCalendarButtonUnsubscribe=Cancelar suscripción
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageDeleteOrUnsubscribe): Shown for
+# calendar where both deleting and unsubscribing is possible.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageDeleteOrUnsubscribe=¿Desea eliminar el calendario "%1$S"? Cancelar la suscripción eliminará el calendario de la lista, vaciarlo también purgará los datos que contiene de forma permanente.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageDelete): Shown for calendar where
+# deleting is the only option.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageDelete=¿Desea eliminar permanentemente el calendario "%1$S"?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageUnsubscribe): Shown for calendar
+# where unsubscribing is the only option.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageUnsubscribe=¿Desea cancelar la suscripción al calendario "%1$S"?
+WeekTitle=Semana %1$S
+# Error strings
+## @name UID_NOT_FOUND
+## @loc none
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooNewSchemaErrorText):
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of the host application, e.g. 'Thunderbird'
+# %2$S will be replaced with the name of the new copy of the file, e.g. 'local-2020-05-11T21-30-17.sqlite'
+tooNewSchemaErrorText=Sus datos de calendario no son compatibles con esta versión de %1$S. Los datos de calendario en su perfil han sido actualizados por una versión más reciente de %1$S. Se ha creado una copia de seguridad del archivo de datos llamada "%2$S". Continuando con un nuevo archivo de datos.
+# List of events or todos (unifinder)
+eventUntitled=Sin título
+# Tooltips of events or todos
+# event date, usually an interval, such as
+# Date: 7:00--8:00 Thu 9 Oct 2011
+# Date: Thu 9 Oct 2000 -- Fri 10 Oct 2000
+# event calendar name
+tooltipCalName=Nombre del calendario:
+# event status: tentative, confirmed, cancelled
+# event organizer
+# task/todo fields
+# start date time, due date time, task priority number, completed date time
+tooltipPercent=% completo:
+#File commands and dialogs
+# Filters for export/import/open file picker. %1$S will be replaced with
+# wildmat used to filter files by extension, such as (*.html; *.htm).
+filterIcs=iCalendar (%1$S)
+filterHtml=Página web (%1$S)
+# Remote calendar errors
+genericErrorTitle=Ha ocurrido un error
+httpPutError=La publicación del archivo de calendario ha fallado.\nCódigo de estado: %1$S: %2$S
+otherPutError=La publicación del archivo de calendario ha fallado.\nCódigo de estado: 0x%1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (readOnlyMode):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. It has been...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+readOnlyMode=Ha habido un error al leer datos del calendario: %1$S. Se ha pasado a modo de sólo lectura, ya que los cambios en este calendario probablemente provocarían pérdida de datos. Puede cambiar esta configuración si elige 'Editar calendario'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (disabledMode):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. It has been...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+disabledMode=Ha habido un error al leer datos del calendario: %1$S. Ha sido desactivado hasta que sea seguro usarlo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (minorError):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. However this...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+minorError=Ha habido un error al leer datos del calendario: %1$S. Sin embargo, este error parece menor, por lo que el programa intentará continuar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stillReadOnlyError):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home.'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+stillReadOnlyError=Ha habido un error al leer datos del calendario: %1$S.
+utf8DecodeError=Ha ocurrido un error al decodificar un archivo iCalendar (ics) como UTF-8. Compruebe que el archivo está codificado usando UTF-8, incluyendo símbolos y letras acentuadas.
+icsMalformedError=La interpretación de un archivo iCalendar (ics) ha fallado. Compruebe que el archivo es conforme a la sintaxis de archivo iCalendar (ics).
+itemModifiedOnServerTitle=Elemento modificado en el servidor
+itemModifiedOnServer=Este elemento ha sido modificado recientemente en el servidor.\n
+modifyWillLoseData=Enviar sus cambios provocará que se sobreescriban los cambios hechos en el servidor.
+deleteWillLoseData=Borrar este elemento hará que se pierdan los cambios en el servidor.
+updateFromServer=Descartar mis cambios y recargar
+proceedModify=Enviar mis cambios de todas formas
+proceedDelete=Borrar de todas formas
+dav_notDav=El recurso en %1$S o no es una colección DAV o no está disponible
+dav_davNotCaldav=El recurso en %1$S es una colección DAV pero no un calendario CalDAV
+itemPutError=Ha sucedido un error al guardar el elemento en el servidor.
+itemDeleteError=Ha sucedido un error al eliminar el elemento del servidor.
+caldavRequestError=Ha ocurrido un error al enviar la invitación.
+caldavResponseError=Ha ocurrido un error al enviar la respuesta.
+caldavRequestStatusCode=Código de estado: %1$S
+caldavRequestStatusCodeStringGeneric=La solicitud no puede ser procesada.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString400=La solicitud contiene errores de sintaxis y no puede ser procesada.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString403=El usuario no tiene los permisos necesario para ejecutar la solicitud.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString404=Recurso no encontrado.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString409=Conflicto de recursos.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString412=Precondición fallida.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString500=Error interno del servidor.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString502=Pasarela errónea (¿configuración del proxy?).
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString503=Error interno del servidor (¿caída temporal del servidor?).
+caldavRedirectTitle=¿Actualizar dirección del calendario %1$S?
+caldavRedirectText=Las solicitudes para %1$S están siendo redirigidas a una nueva dirección. ¿Le gustaría cambiar la dirección al siguiente valor?
+caldavRedirectDisableCalendar=Desactivar calendario
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (likelyTimezone):
+# Translators, please put the most likely timezone(s) where the people using
+# your locale will be. Use the Olson ZoneInfo timezone name *in English*,
+# ie "Europe/Paris", (continent or ocean)/(largest city in timezone).
+# Order does not matter, except if two historically different zones now match,
+# such as America/New_York and America/Toronto, will only find first listed.
+# (Particularly needed to guess the most relevant timezones if there are
+# similar timezones at the same June/December GMT offsets with alphabetically
+# earlier ZoneInfo timezone names. Sample explanations for English below.)
+# for english-US:
+# America/Los_Angeles likelier than America/Dawson
+# America/New_York likelier than America/Detroit (NY for US-EasternTime)
+# for english:
+# Europe/London likelier than Atlantic/Canary
+# Europe/Paris likelier than Africa/Ceuta (for WestEuropeanTime)
+# America/Halifax likelier than America/Glace_Bay (Canada-AtlanticTime)
+# America/Mexico_City likelier than America/Cancun
+# America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires likelier than America/Araguaina
+# America/Sao_Paolo (may not recognize: summer-time dates change every year)
+# Asia/Singapore likelier than Antarctica/Casey
+# Asia/Tokyo likelier than Asia/Dili
+# Africa/Lagos likelier than Africa/Algiers (for WestAfricanTime)
+# Africa/Johannesburg likelier than Africa/Blantyre (for SouthAfricanStdTime)
+# Africa/Nairobi likelier than Africa/Addis_Ababa (for EastAfricanTime)
+# Australia/Brisbane likelier than Antarctica/DumontDUrville
+# Australia/Sydney likelier than Australia/Currie or Australia/Hobart
+# Pacific/Auckland likelier than Antarctica/McMurdo
+likelyTimezone=Europe/Madrid, Africa/Ceuta, Atlantic/Canary, America/Mexico_City, America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires, America/Santiago, America/Tijuana, America/Santo_Domingo, America/Puerto_Rico, America/Panama, America/Merida, America/Montevideo, America/Monterrey, America/La_Paz, America/Lima
+# Guessed Timezone errors and warnings.
+# Testing note:
+# * remove preference for calendar.timezone.default in userprofile/prefs.js
+# * repeat
+# - set OS timezone to a city (windows: click right on clock in taskbar)
+# - restart
+# - observe guess in error console and verify whether guessed timezone city
+# makes sense for OS city.
+# 'Warning: Operating system timezone "E. South America Standard Time"
+# no longer matches ZoneInfo timezone "America/Sao_Paulo".'
+# Testing notes:
+# - Brasil DST change dates are set every year by decree, so likely out of sync.
+# - Only appears on OSes from which timezone can be obtained
+# (windows; or TZ env var, /etc/localtime target path, or line in
+# /etc/timezone or /etc/sysconfig/clock contains ZoneInfo timezone id).
+# - Windows: turning off "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving time"
+# can also trigger this warning.
+WarningOSTZNoMatch=Advertencia: la zona horaria del sistema operativo "%1$S"\nya no coincide con la zona horaria interna ZoneInfo "%2$S".
+# "Skipping Operating System timezone 'Pacific/New_Country'."
+# Testing note: not easily testable. May occur someday if (non-windows)
+# OS uses different version of ZoneInfo database which has a timezone name
+# that is not included in our current ZoneInfo database (or if the mapping
+# mapping from windows to ZoneInfo timezone ids does).
+SkippingOSTimezone=Se ignora la zona horaria '%1$S' del sistema operativo.
+# "Skipping locale timezone 'America/New_Yawk'."
+# Testing note: Skipping occurs if a likelyTimezone id is unknown or misspelled.
+SkippingLocaleTimezone=Se ignora la zona horaria '%1$S' del idioma.
+# Testing note: "No match" timezones include Bucharest on W2k.
+# Brazil timezones may be "No match" (change every year, so often out of date,
+# and changes are often more than a week different).
+warningUsingFloatingTZNoMatch=Advertencia: se usa una zona horaria "flotante".\nNinguna zona horaria ZoneInfo coincide con los datos de la zona horaria del sistema operativo.
+# "Warning: Using guessed timezone
+# America/New York (UTC-0500/-0400).
+# [rfc2445 summer daylight saving shift rules for timezone]
+# This ZoneInfo timezone almost matches/seems to match..."
+# This ZoneInfo timezone was chosen based on ... "
+WarningUsingGuessedTZ=Advertencia: se infiere la zona horaria\n %1$S (UTC%2$S).\n%3$S\n%4$S
+# Testing note: "Almost match" timezones include Cairo on W2k.
+TZAlmostMatchesOSDifferAtMostAWeek=Esta zona horaria ZoneInfo coincide casi por completo con la zona horaria \ndel sistema operativo. Para esta regla, las próximas transiciones entre la \nhora de verano e invierno difieren en, como mucho, una semana respecto de las \n transiciones de la zona horaria del sistema operativo. Puede haber \n discrepancias en los datos, como una fecha de inicio diferente, o una regla\n diferente, o una aproximación a una regla de un calendario no gregoriano.
+TZSeemsToMatchOS=Esta zona horaria ZoneInfo parece coincidir con la zona horaria del sistema operativo este año.
+# used for a display of a chosen timezone
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a timezone
+TZFromOS=Esta zona horaria ZoneInfo se ha elegido basándose en el identificador de \nzona horaria del sistema operativo "%1$S".
+# Localization note (TZFromLocale): Substitute name of your locale language.
+TZFromLocale=Esta zona horaria ZoneInfo se ha elegido por coincidencia entre la zona \nhoraria del sistema operativo con zonas horarias probablemente usadas por los usuarios de \nInternet que utilizan español de España.
+TZFromKnownTimezones=Esta zona horaria ZoneInfo se ha elegido por coincidencia entre la zona horaria \ndel sistema operativo entre una lista de zonas horarias conocidas ordenada \nalfabética de identificador de zona horaria.
+# Print Layout
+tasksWithNoDueDate = Tareas sin fecha límite
+# Providers
+icsName=iCalendar (ICS)
+memoryName=Temporal (memoria)
+storageName=Local (SQLite)
+# Used in created html code for export
+htmlTaskCompleted=%1$S (completada)
+# Categories
+addCategory=Añadir categoría
+multipleCategories=Múltiples categorías
+#Today pane
+eventsandtasks=Eventos y tareas
+# Some languages have different conjugations of 'next' and 'last'. If yours
+# does not, simply repeat the value. This will be used with day names, as in
+# 'next Sunday'.
+# Alarm Dialog
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmWindowTitle.label): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms. See:
+alarmWindowTitle.label=#1 Recordatorio;#1 Recordatorios
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmStarts):
+# used for a display the start of an alarm like 'Starts: Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmStarts=Comienza: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmTodayAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Today at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmTodayAt=Hoy a la(s) %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmTomorrowAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Tomorrow at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmTomorrowAt=Mañana a la(s) %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmYesterdayAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Yesterday at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmYesterdayAt=Ayer a la(s) %1$S
+# Alarm interface strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: These strings do not get displayed. They are only visible
+# when exporting an item with i.e a DISPLAY alarm, that doesn't have a
+# description set, or an EMAIL alarm that doesn't have a summary set.
+alarmDefaultDescription=Descripción predeterminada de Mozilla
+alarmDefaultSummary=Resumen predeterminado de Mozilla
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmSnoozeLimitExceeded): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms.
+alarmSnoozeLimitExceeded=No puede silenciar una alarma durante más de un mes.;No puede silenciar una alarma durante más de #1 meses.
+taskDetailsStatusNeedsAction=Necesita intervención
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDetailsStatusInProgress):
+# used for a display of how much of a task is completed '25% Complete'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the number of percentage completed
+taskDetailsStatusInProgress=%1$S%% completada
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDetailsStatusCompletedOn):
+# used for a display of completion date like 'Completed on Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the completion date-time of the task
+taskDetailsStatusCompletedOn=Completada el %1$S
+gettingCalendarInfoCommon=Comprobando calendarios…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gettingCalendarInfoDetail):
+# used for a progress-display of processed like 'Checking Calendar 5 of 10'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the currently processed calendar
+# %2$S will be replaced with the total numbers of calendars
+gettingCalendarInfoDetail=Comprobando calendario %1$S de %2$S
+# %1$S will be replaced with the number of an error code
+errorCode=Código de error: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorDescription):
+# %1$S will be replaced with the description of an error
+errorDescription=Descripción: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorWriting):
+# used for an message like 'An error occurred when writing to the calendar Home!'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+errorWriting2=¡Ha sucedido un error al escribir en el calendario %1$S! Debajo encontrará más información.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorWritingDetails):
+# This will be displayed in the detail section of the error dialog
+errorWritingDetails=Si ve este mensaje tras posponer u ocultar un recordatorio y es para un calendario en el que no quiere añadir o editar eventos, puede marcar este calendario como de solo lectura para evitar este comportamiento en el futuro. Para ello, acceda a las propiedades del calendario haciendo clic con el botón derecho en este calendario en la lista de las vistas de calendario o tareas.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltipCalendarDisabled):
+# used for an alert-message like 'The calendar Home is momentarily not available'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+tooltipCalendarDisabled=El calendario %1$S está momentáneamente no disponible
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltipCalendarReadOnly):
+# used for an message like 'The calendar Home is readonly'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+tooltipCalendarReadOnly=El calendario %1$S es sólo de lectura
+taskEditInstructions=Pulse aquí para añadir una nueva tarea
+taskEditInstructionsReadonly=Seleccione un calendario en el que sea posible escribir
+taskEditInstructionsCapability=Seleccione un calendario que admita tareas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeWithTimezone):
+# used for a display of a date-time with timezone 'Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21', Europe/Paris
+# %1$S will be replaced with the completion date-time
+# %2$S will be replaced with the name of the timezone
+datetimeWithTimezone=%1$S, %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (singleLongCalendarWeek):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'Calendar Week 43'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the week
+singleLongCalendarWeek=Semana del calendario: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (severalLongCalendarWeeks):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'Calendar Weeks 43 - 45'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the start-week
+# %2$S will be replaced with the index of the end-week
+severalLongCalendarWeeks=Semanas del calendario %1$S-%2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (singleShortCalendarWeek):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'CW 43'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the week
+singleShortCalendarWeek=SC: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (severalShortCalendarWeeks):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'CWs 43 - 45'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the start-week
+# %2$S will be replaced with the index of the end-week
+severalShortCalendarWeeks=Sem: %1$S-%2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (multiweekViewWeek):
+# Used for displaying the week number in the first day box of every week
+# in multiweek and month views.
+# It allows to localize the label with the week number in case your locale
+# requires it.
+# Take into account that this label is placed in the same room of the day label
+# inside the day boxes, exactly on left side, hence a possible string shouldn't
+# be too long otherwise it will create confusion between the week number and
+# the day number other than a possible crop when the window is resized.
+# %1$S is a number from 1 to 53 that represents the week number.
+multiweekViewWeek=Sem. %1$S
+# Task tree, "Due In" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dueInDays, dueInHours): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms. See:
+dueInDays=#1 día;#1 días
+dueInHours=#1 hora;#1 horas
+dueInLessThanOneHour=< 1 hora
+# used for display of Month-dates like 'December 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month
+# %2$S will be replaced with the year
+monthInYear=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthInYear.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (formatDateLong):
+# used for display dates in long format like 'Mon 15 Oct 2008' when it's
+# impossible to retrieve the formatatted date from the OS.
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the day in short format;
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# (depending on the string dayOrdinalSymbol in;
+# %3$S will be replaced with the name of the month in short format;
+# %4$S will be replaced with the year.
+formatDateLong=%1$S %2$S %3$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dayHeaderLabel):
+# used for display the labels in the header of the days in day/week views in short
+# or long format. For example: 'Monday 6 Oct.' or 'Mon. 6 Oct.'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the day in short or long format
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# (depending on the string dayOrdinalSymbol in, plus the name
+# of the month in short format (the day/month order depends on the OS settings).
+dayHeaderLabel=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalInMonth):
+# used for display of intervals in the form of 'March 3 - 9, 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %4$S will be replaced with the common year of both dates
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalInMonth=%1$S %2$S – %3$S, %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalInMonth.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenMonths):
+# used for display of intervals in the form 'September 29 - October 5, 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with name of the month of the end date
+# %4$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %5$S will be replaced with the common year of both dates
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalBetweenMonths=%1$S %2$S – %3$S %4$S, %5$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenMonths.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenYears):
+# used for display of intervals in the form 'December 29, 2008 - January 4, 2009'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with the year of the start date
+# %4$S will be replaced with name of the month of the end date
+# %5$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %6$S will be replaced with the year of the end date
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalBetweenYears=%1$S %2$S, %3$S – %4$S %5$S, %6$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenYears.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSameDateTime):
+# used for intervals where end is equals to start
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+datetimeIntervalOnSameDateTime=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSameDay):
+# used for intervals where end is on the same day as start, so we can leave out the
+# end date but still include end time
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00 - 17:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+# %3$S will be replaced with the time of the end date
+datetimeIntervalOnSameDay=%1$S %2$S – %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSeveralDays):
+# used for intervals spanning multiple days by including date and time
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00 - 7 Jan 2006 9:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+# %3$S will be replaced with the date of the end date
+# %4$S will be replaced with the time of the end date
+datetimeIntervalOnSeveralDays=%1$S %2$S – %3$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDate):
+# used for task without start and due date
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDate= sin fecha de inicio ni final
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDueDate):
+# used for intervals in task with only start date
+# displayed form is 'start date 5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDueDate=con inicio el %1$S a las %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutStartDate):
+# used for intervals in task with only due date
+# displayed form is 'due date 5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the due date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the due date
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutStartDate=finalización prevista el %1$S a las %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dragLabelTasksWithOnlyEntryDate
+# dragLabelTasksWithOnlyDueDate)
+# Labels that appear while dragging a task with only
+# entry date OR due date
+dragLabelTasksWithOnlyEntryDate=Hora de inicio
+dragLabelTasksWithOnlyDueDate=Vence en
+deleteTaskLabel=Eliminar tarea
+deleteEventLabel=Eliminar evento
+calendarPropertiesEveryMinute=Cada minuto;Cada #1 minutos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (extractUsing)
+# Used in message header
+# %1$S will be replaced with language name from
+extractUsing=Usando %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (extractUsingRegion)
+# Used in message header
+# %1$S will be replaced with language name from
+# %2$S will be replaced with region like US in en-US
+extractUsingRegion=Usando %1$S (%2$S)
+# Used to determine the correct plural form of a unit
+unitMinutes=#1 minuto;#1 minutos
+unitHours=#1 hora;#1 horas
+unitDays=#1 día;#1 días
+unitWeeks=#1 semana;#1 semanas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showCalendar)
+# Used in calendar list context menu
+# %1$S will be replaced with the calendar name
+# uses the access key calendar.context.togglevisible.accesskey
+showCalendar=Mostrar %1$S
+hideCalendar=Ocultar %1$S
+# uses the access key calendar.context.showonly.accesskey
+showOnlyCalendar=Mostrar sólo %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (modifyConflict)
+# Used by the event dialog to resolve item modification conflicts.
+modifyConflictPromptTitle=Conflicto en la modificación del elemento.
+modifyConflictPromptMessage=El elemento que se está editando en el diálogo ha sido modificado desde que se abrió.
+modifyConflictPromptButton1=Sobreescribir los otros cambios
+modifyConflictPromptButton2=Descartar estos cambios
+# Accessible description of a grid calendar with no selected date
+minimonthNoSelectedDate=No hay fecha seleccionada