path: root/thunderbird-l10n/eu/chrome/eu/locale/eu/messenger/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/eu/chrome/eu/locale/eu/messenger/')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/chrome/eu/locale/eu/messenger/ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/chrome/eu/locale/eu/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79f2250643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/chrome/eu/locale/eu/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the imap code to display progress/status/error messages
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(imapAlertDialogTile): Do not translate the word "%S"
+# below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear.
+imapAlertDialogTitle=Alerta %S kontuarentzat
+# Status - opening folder
+imapStatusSelectingMailbox=%S karpeta irekitzen…
+# Status - create folder
+imapStatusCreatingMailbox=Karpeta sortzen…
+# Status - deleting a folder
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusDeletingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being deleted.
+imapStatusDeletingMailbox=%S karpeta ezabatzen…
+# Status - renaming mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusRenamingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being renamed.
+imapStatusRenamingMailbox=%S karpetari izena aldatzen…
+# Status - looking for mailboxes
+imapStatusLookingForMailbox=Karpetak bilatzen…
+# Status - subscribing to mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being subscribed to.
+imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox=%S karpetara harpidetzen…
+# Status - unsubscribing from mailbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated.
+# Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name
+# of the folder being unsubscribed from.
+imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox=%S karpetako harpidetza kentzen…
+# Status - searching imap folder
+imapStatusSearchMailbox=Karpeta bilatzen…
+# Status - closing a folder
+imapStatusCloseMailbox=Karpeta ixten…
+# Status - compacting a folder
+imapStatusExpungingMailbox=Karpeta trinkotzen…
+# Status - logging out
+imapStatusLoggingOut=Saioa amaitzen…
+# Status - checking server capabilities
+imapStatusCheckCompat=Posta-zerbitzariaren gaitasunak egiaztatzen…
+# Status - logging on
+imapStatusSendingLogin=Saio-hasiera informazioa bidaltzen…
+# Status - auth logon
+imapStatusSendingAuthLogin=Saio-hasiera informazioa bidaltzen…
+imapDownloadingMessage=Mezua deskargatzen…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapGettingACLForFolder): Do not translate the word "ACL" below.
+imapGettingACLForFolder=Karpetaren ACLa jasotzen…
+imapGettingServerInfo=Zerbitzariaren konfigurazio-informazioa jasotzen…
+imapGettingMailboxInfo=Postontziaren konfigurazio-informazioa jasotzen…
+imapEmptyMimePart=Gorputzaren zati hau eskatzen denean deskargatuko da.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageHeaders3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the header being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of headers to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Joe's Account: Downloading message header 100 of 1000 in Drafts…"
+imapReceivingMessageHeaders3=Mezu-goiburuak jaisten %3$S karpetara %1$S / %2$S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageFlags3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the flag being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of flags to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Jim's Account: Downloading message flag 100 of 1000 in INBOX…"
+imapReceivingMessageFlags3=Mezu-markak jaisten %3$S karpetara %1$S / %2$S…
+imapDeletingMessages=Mezuak ezabatzen…
+imapDeletingMessage=Mezua ezabatzen…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapMovingMessages=Mezuak %S karpetara lekuz aldatzen…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapMovingMessage=Mezua %S karpetara lekuz aldatzen…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapCopyingMessages=Mezuak %S karpetara kopiatzen…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapCopyingMessage=Mezua %S karpetara kopiatzen…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the message being downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of messages to be downloaded should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear.
+# Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message.
+# Example: "Juan's Account: Downloading message 100 of 1000 in Sent…"
+imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3=Mezuak jaisten %3$S karpetara %1$S / %2$S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDiscoveringMailbox): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+imapDiscoveringMailbox=Karpeta aurkitua: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the username should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the servername should appear.
+imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt=Sartu %1$S erabiltzailearen %2$S(e)ko pasahitza:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerNotImap4): Do not translate the word "IMAP4" below.
+imapServerNotImap4=%S posta-zerbitzaria ez da IMAP4 posta-zerbitzaria.
+# This is intentionally left blank.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithUsername): Do not translate the
+# word %1$S. Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear.
+imapEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithUsername=Sartu pasahitza %1$S(r)entzako
+imapUnknownHostError=Huts egin du %S zerbitzarira konektatzeak.
+imapOAuth2Error=Autentifikazioak huts egin du %S zerbitzarira konektatzean.
+imapConnectionRefusedError=Ezin izan da %S zerbitzariarekin konektatu; konexioa ukatu egin da.
+imapNetTimeoutError=%S zerbitzarirako konexioa denboraz kanpo gelditu da.
+imapTlsError=Baliogabetu ezin den TLS errorea eman da. Esku-emate errorea edo ziurrenik TLS bertsioa edo %S zerbitzariak erabilitako ziurtagiria bateraezina da.
+# Status - no messages to download
+imapNoNewMessages=Ez dago mezu berririk zerbitzarian.
+imapDefaultAccountName=%S(r)entzat posta
+imapSpecialChar2=%S karakterea imap zerbitzari honetan galarazita dago. Aukeratu beste izen bat.
+imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeName=Karpeta pertsonala
+imapPublicFolderTypeName=Karpeta publikoa
+imapOtherUsersFolderTypeName=Beste erabiltzaileen karpetak
+imapPersonalFolderTypeDescription=Posta-karpeta pertsonala da hau. Ez dago partekatuta.
+imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeDescription=Posta-karpeta pertsonala da hau. Partekatuta dago.
+imapPublicFolderTypeDescription=Karpeta hau publikoa da.
+imapOtherUsersFolderTypeDescription=Posta-karpeta hau '%S' erabiltzaileak partekatua da.
+imapAclFullRights=Kontrol osoa
+imapAclSeenRight=Ezarri irakurrita/irakurri gabeko gisa
+imapAclInsertRight=Txertatu (kopiatu barruan)
+imapAclCreateRight=Sortu azpikarpeta
+imapAclDeleteRight=Ezabatu mezuak
+imapAclAdministerRight=Kudeatu karpeta
+imapServerDoesntSupportAcl=Zerbitzari honek ez du partekatutako karpetarik onartzen.
+imapAclExpungeRight=Ezabatu betiko
+imapServerDisconnected= %S zerbitzaria deskonektatu egin da. Agian zerbitzarian sareko arazoak daude edo itzali egin da.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the imap folder.
+imapSubscribePrompt=%1$S berri-taldera harpidetu nahi duzu?
+imapServerDroppedConnection=Ezin da zure IMAP zerbitzarira konektatu. Agian zerbitzariak onartzen duen gehieneko konexio kopurua gainditu duzu. Hala bada, erabili IMAP zerbitzariaren ezarpen aurreratuen elkarrizketa katxeatutako konexio kopurua murrizteko.
+# This will occur when a folder that has never been imap selected or opened
+# (left-clicked) is first right-clicked to access quota properties.
+imapQuotaStatusFolderNotOpen=Kuota-informazioa ezin da eskuratu karpeta ireki gabe dagoelako.
+# The imap capability response reports that QUOTA is not supported.
+imapQuotaStatusNotSupported=Zerbitzari honek ez du kuotaren euskarririk.
+# The getqutaroot command succeeded but reported no quota information.
+imapQuotaStatusNoQuota2=Karpeta honek ez du kuota informaziorik ematen.
+# Folder properties were requested by the user (right-click) before the getquotaroot
+# command was sent.
+imapQuotaStatusInProgress=Kuota informazioa ez dago eskuragarri.
+# Out of memory
+imapOutOfMemory=Aplikazioak ez dauka memoria librerik.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessageOf2): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the destination folder should appear.
+# Place the word %1$S where the currently copying message should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages should appear.
+imapCopyingMessageOf2=Mezuak kopiatzen %3$S karpetara: %1$S / %2$S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the the name of the folder.
+imapMoveFolderToTrash=Ziur zaude '%S' karpeta ezabatu nahi duzula?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDeleteNoTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the the name of the folder.
+imapDeleteNoTrash=Karpeta hau ezabatzea ezin da desegin eta dauzkan mezu guztiak ezabatuko ditu, baita azpikarpetak ere. Ziur zaude '%S' karpeta ezabatu nahi duzula?
+imapDeleteFolderDialogTitle=Ezabatu karpeta
+imapDeleteFolderButtonLabel=&Ezabatu karpeta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL=Ez dirudi %S IMAP zerbitzariak zifratutako pasahitzak onartzen dituenik. Kontu hau besterik gabe konfiguratu baduzu, saiatu 'Autentifikazio-metodoa' aldatzen 'Pasahitza normala' aukerara, 'Kontu-ezarpenak | Zerbitzariaren ezarpenak' atalean. Aurretik ondo bazebilen eta bat-batean huts egiten badu, jar zaitez harremanetan zure e-posta kudeatzailearekin edo hornitzailearekin.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt=%S IMAP zerbitzariak ez du testu arrunteko pasahitzik onartzen. Saiatu 'Autentifikazio-metodoa' aldatzen 'Zifratutako pasahitza' aukerara, 'Kontu-ezarpenak | Zerbitzariaren ezarpenak' atalean.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL=Ez dirudi %S IMAP zerbitzariak zifratutako pasahitzak onartzen dituenik. Kontu hau besterik gabe konfiguratu baduzu, saiatu 'Autentifikazio-metodoa' aldatzen 'Pasahitza, modu ez-seguruan igorria' aukerara, 'Kontu-ezarpenak | Zerbitzariaren ezarpenak' atalean. Aurretik ondo bazebilen eta bat-batean huts egiten badu, baten batek zure pasahitza ostu lezakeen egoera da hau.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthMechNotSupported=%S IMAP zerbitzariak ez du hautatutako autentifikazio-metodoa onartzen. Aldatu 'Autentifikazio-metodoa' aukera 'Kontu-ezarpenak | Zerbitzariaren ezarpenak' atalean.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthGssapiFailed): %S is the server hostname
+imapAuthGssapiFailed=Kerberos/GSSAPI tiketa ez du onartu %S IMAP zerbitzariak. Egiaztatu Kerberos/GSSAPI domeinuan saioa hasi duzula.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerCommandFailed):
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account name should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the server response should appear.
+imapServerCommandFailed=Uneko komandoak huts egin du. %1$S kontuaren posta-zerbitzariak erantzun du: %2$S\u0020
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderCommandFailed): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear.
+# Place the word %3$S in your translation where the server response should appear.
+imapFolderCommandFailed='%2$S' karpetaren gaineko uneko uneko eragiketak huts egin du. %1$S kontuaren posta-zerbitzariak erantzun du: %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerAlert):
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the alert from the server should appear.
+imapServerAlert=%1$S kontuaren abisua: %2$S