path: root/configure.vbs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'configure.vbs')
1 files changed, 2250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configure.vbs b/configure.vbs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d229eb19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure.vbs
@@ -0,0 +1,2250 @@
+' $Id: configure.vbs $
+'' @file
+' The purpose of this script is to check for all external tools, headers, and
+' libraries VBox OSE depends on.
+' The script generates the build configuration file 'AutoConfig.kmk' and the
+' environment setup script 'env.bat'. A log of what has been done is
+' written to 'configure.log'.
+' Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
+' available from
+' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+' modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+' as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
+' License.
+' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+' WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' General Public License for more details.
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+' along with this program; if not, see <>.
+' SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+' Header Files
+' Includes a vbscript file relative to the script.
+sub IncludeFile(strFilename)
+ dim objFile, objFileSys
+ set objFileSys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
+ dim strPath : strPath = objFileSys.BuildPath(objFileSys.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName), strFilename)
+ set objFile = objFileSys.openTextFile(strPath)
+ executeglobal objFile.readAll()
+ objFile.close
+ set objFileSys = nothing
+end sub
+IncludeFile "tools\win\vbscript\helpers.vbs"
+' Global Variables '
+dim g_strPath, g_strEnvFile, g_strLogFile, g_strCfgFile
+g_strPath = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, Len(Wscript.ScriptFullName) - Len("\configure.vbs"))
+g_strEnvFile = g_strPath & "\env.bat"
+g_strCfgFile = g_strPath & "\AutoConfig.kmk"
+g_strLogFile = g_strPath & "\configure.log"
+'g_strTmpFile = g_strPath & "\configure.tmp"
+' kBuild stuff.
+dim g_strPathkBuild, g_strPathkBuildBin, g_strPathDev, g_arrPathDev
+g_strPathkBuild = ""
+g_strPathkBuildBin = ""
+g_strPathDev = ""
+g_arrPathDev = Array(":placeholder:")
+dim g_strTargetArch, g_StrTargetArchWin
+g_strTargetArch = ""
+g_StrTargetArchWin = ""
+dim g_strHostArch, g_strHostArchWin
+g_strHostArch = ""
+g_strHostArchWin = ""
+' Visual C++ info.
+dim g_strPathVCC, g_strVCCVersion
+g_strPathVCC = ""
+g_strVCCVersion = ""
+' SDK and DDK.
+dim g_strPathSDK10, g_strPathPSDK, g_strVerPSDK, g_strPathDDK
+g_strPathSDK10 = ""
+g_strPathPSDK = ""
+g_strVerPSDK = ""
+g_strPathDDK = ""
+' COM disabling.
+dim g_blnDisableCOM, g_strDisableCOM
+g_blnDisableCOM = False
+g_strDisableCOM = ""
+' Whether to try the internal stuff first or last.
+dim g_blnInternalFirst
+g_blnInternalFirst = True
+' List of program files locations.
+dim g_arrProgramFiles
+if EnvGet("ProgramFiles(x86)") <> "" then
+ g_arrProgramFiles = Array(EnvGet("ProgramFiles"), EnvGet("ProgramFiles(x86)"))
+ g_arrProgramFiles = Array(EnvGet("ProgramFiles"))
+end if
+' Helpers: Logging and Logged operations '
+' Write a log header with some basic info.
+sub LogInit
+ FileDelete g_strLogFile
+ LogPrint "# Log file generated by " & Wscript.ScriptFullName
+ for i = 1 to WScript.Arguments.Count
+ LogPrint "# Arg #" & i & ": " & WScript.Arguments.Item(i - 1)
+ next
+ if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0 then
+ LogPrint "# No arguments given"
+ end if
+ LogPrint "# Reconstructed command line: " & GetCommandline()
+ ' some Wscript stuff
+ LogPrint "# Wscript properties:"
+ LogPrint "# ScriptName: " & Wscript.ScriptName
+ LogPrint "# Version: " & Wscript.Version
+ LogPrint "# Build: " & Wscript.BuildVersion
+ LogPrint "# Name: " & Wscript.Name
+ LogPrint "# Full Name: " & Wscript.FullName
+ LogPrint "# Path: " & Wscript.Path
+ LogPrint "#"
+ ' the environment
+ LogPrint "# Environment:"
+ dim objEnv
+ for each strVar in g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")
+ LogPrint "# " & strVar
+ next
+ LogPrint "#"
+end sub
+' Append text to the log file.
+sub LogPrint(str)
+ FileAppendLine g_strLogFile, str
+ 'Wscript.Echo "dbg: " & str
+end sub
+' Debug output.
+sub DbgPrint(str)
+ 'FileAppendLine g_strLogFile, str
+ 'Wscript.Echo "dbg: " & str
+end sub
+' Checks if the file exists and logs failures.
+function LogFileExists(strPath, strFilename)
+ LogFileExists = FileExists(strPath & "/" & strFilename)
+ if LogFileExists = False then
+ LogPrint "Testing '" & strPath & "': " & strFilename & " not found"
+ end if
+end function
+' Checks if the file exists and logs failures.
+function LogFileExists1(strPath)
+ LogFileExists1 = FileExists(strPath)
+ if LogFileExists1 = False then
+ LogPrint "Testing '" & strPath & "': file not found"
+ end if
+end function
+' Checks if the directory exists and logs failures.
+function LogDirExists(strPath)
+ LogDirExists = DirExists(strPath)
+ if LogDirExists = False then
+ LogPrint "Testing '" & strPath & "': not found (or not dir)"
+ end if
+end function
+' Finds the first file matching the pattern.
+' If no file is found, log the failure.
+function LogFindFile(strPath, strPattern)
+ dim str, strOutput
+ '
+ ' Yes, there are some facy database kinda interface to the filesystem
+ ' however, breaking down the path and constructing a usable query is
+ ' too much hassle. So, we'll do it the unix way...
+ '
+ if Shell("dir /B """ & DosSlashes(strPath) & "\" & DosSlashes(strPattern) & """", True, strOutput) = 0 _
+ And InStr(1, strOutput, Chr(13)) > 1 _
+ then
+ ' return the first word.
+ LogFindFile = Left(strOutput, InStr(1, strOutput, Chr(13)) - 1)
+ else
+ LogPrint "Testing '" & strPath & "': " & strPattern & " not found"
+ LogFindFile = ""
+ end if
+end function
+' Finds the first directory matching the pattern.
+' If no directory is found, log the failure,
+' else return the complete path to the found directory.
+function LogFindDir(strPath, strPattern)
+ dim str, strOutput
+ '
+ ' Yes, there are some facy database kinda interface to the filesystem
+ ' however, breaking down the path and constructing a usable query is
+ ' too much hassle. So, we'll do it the unix way...
+ '
+ ' List the alphabetically last names as first entries (with /O-N).
+ if Shell("dir /B /AD /O-N """ & DosSlashes(strPath) & "\" & DosSlashes(strPattern) & """", True, strOutput) = 0 _
+ And InStr(1, strOutput, Chr(13)) > 1 _
+ then
+ ' return the first word.
+ LogFindDir = strPath & "/" & Left(strOutput, InStr(1, strOutput, Chr(13)) - 1)
+ else
+ LogPrint "Testing '" & strPath & "': " & strPattern & " not found"
+ LogFindDir = ""
+ end if
+end function
+' Wrapper around RegGetString that logs successes.
+function LogRegGetString(strName)
+ LogRegGetString = RegGetString(strName)
+ if LogRegGetString <> "" then LogPrint "RegGetString(" & strName & ") -> " & LogRegGetString
+end function
+' Helpers: Configuration and Batch Script Writers '
+' Initializes the config file.
+sub CfgInit
+ FileDelete g_strCfgFile
+ CfgPrint "# -*- Makefile -*-"
+ CfgPrint "#"
+ CfgPrint "# Build configuration generated by " & GetCommandline()
+ CfgPrint "#"
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_OSE", "1"
+ CfgPrintAssignRecursive "VBOX_VCC_WERR", "$(NO_SUCH_VARIABLE)"
+end sub
+' Prints a string to the config file.
+sub CfgPrint(str)
+ FileAppendLine g_strCfgFile, str
+end sub
+' Prints a simple assignment to the config file.
+sub CfgPrintAssign(strVar, strValue)
+ if strValue = "" then
+ FileAppendLine g_strCfgFile, RightPad(strVar, 23) & " :="
+ else
+ FileAppendLine g_strCfgFile, RightPad(strVar, 23) & " := " & strValue
+ end if
+end sub
+' Prints a recursive assignment to the config file.
+sub CfgPrintAssignRecursive(strVar, strValue)
+ FileAppendLine g_strCfgFile, RightPad(strVar, 23) & " = " & strValue
+end sub
+' Initializes the environment batch script.
+sub EnvInit
+ FileDelete g_strEnvFile
+ EnvPrint "@echo off"
+ EnvPrint "rem"
+ EnvPrint "rem Environment setup script generated by " & GetCommandline()
+ EnvPrint "rem"
+end sub
+' Prints a string to the environment batch script.
+sub EnvPrint(str)
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, str
+end sub
+' Helper for EnvPrintPrepend and EnvPrintAppend.
+sub EnvPrintCleanup(strEnv, strValue, strSep)
+ dim cchValueAndSep
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "set " & strEnv & "=%" & strEnv & ":" & strSep & strValue & strSep & "=" & strSep & "%"
+ cchValueAndSep = Len(strValue) + Len(strSep)
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "if ""%" & strEnv & "%""==""" & strValue & """ set " & strEnv & "="
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "if ""%" & strEnv & ":~0," & cchValueAndSep & "%""==""" & strValue & strSep & """ set " & strEnv & "=%" & strEnv & ":~" & cchValueAndSep & "%"
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "if ""%" & strEnv & ":~-" & cchValueAndSep & "%""==""" & strSep & strValue & """ set " & strEnv & "=%" & strEnv & ":~0,-" & cchValueAndSep & "%"
+end sub
+'' Use by EnvPrintPrepend to skip ';' stripping.
+dim g_strPrependCleanEnvVars
+' Print a statement prepending strValue to strEnv, removing duplicate values.
+sub EnvPrintPrepend(strEnv, strValue, strSep)
+ ' Remove old values and any leading separators.
+ EnvPrintCleanup strEnv, strValue, strSep
+ if InStr(1, g_strPrependCleanEnvVars, "|" & strEnv & "|") = 0 then
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "if ""%" & strEnv & ":~0,1%""==""" & strSep & """ set " & strEnv & "=%" & strEnv & ":~1%"
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "if ""%" & strEnv & ":~0,1%""==""" & strSep & """ set " & strEnv & "=%" & strEnv & ":~1%"
+ g_strPrependCleanEnvVars = g_strPrependCleanEnvVars & "|" & strEnv & "|"
+ end if
+ ' Do the setting
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "set " & strEnv & "=" & strValue & strSep & "%" & strEnv & "%"
+end sub
+'' Use by EnvPrintPrepend to skip ';' stripping.
+dim g_strAppendCleanEnvVars
+' Print a statement appending strValue to strEnv, removing duplicate values.
+sub EnvPrintAppend(strEnv, strValue, strSep)
+ ' Remove old values and any trailing separators.
+ EnvPrintCleanup strEnv, strValue, strSep
+ if InStr(1, g_strAppendCleanEnvVars, "|" & strEnv & "|") = 0 then
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "if ""%" & strEnv & ":~-1%""==""" & strSep & """ set " & strEnv & "=%" & strEnv & ":~0,-1%"
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "if ""%" & strEnv & ":~-1%""==""" & strSep & """ set " & strEnv & "=%" & strEnv & ":~0,-1%"
+ g_strAppendCleanEnvVars = g_strAppendCleanEnvVars & "|" & strEnv & "|"
+ end if
+ ' Do the setting.
+ FileAppendLine g_strEnvFile, "set " & strEnv & "=%" & strEnv & "%" & strSep & strValue
+end sub
+' Feature disabling '
+' No COM
+sub DisableCOM(strReason)
+ if g_blnDisableCOM = False then
+ LogPrint "Disabled COM components: " & strReason
+ g_blnDisableCOM = True
+ g_strDisableCOM = strReason
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_MAIN", ""
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_QTGUI", ""
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_VBOXSDL", ""
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER_GUI", ""
+ end if
+end sub
+' No UDPTunnel
+sub DisableUDPTunnel(strReason)
+ if g_blnDisableUDPTunnel = False then
+ LogPrint "Disabled UDPTunnel network transport: " & strReason
+ g_blnDisableUDPTunnel = True
+ g_strDisableUDPTunnel = strReason
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_UDPTUNNEL", ""
+ end if
+end sub
+' No SDL
+sub DisableSDL(strReason)
+ if g_blnDisableSDL = False then
+ LogPrint "Disabled SDL frontend: " & strReason
+ g_blnDisableSDL = True
+ g_strDisableSDL = strReason
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_VBOXSDL", ""
+ end if
+end sub
+' Tool/Library Locating and Checking '
+' Generic helper for looking for a tools under g_strPathDev.
+' The callback function takes the '.../tools/win.arch/tool/version' dir and
+' varUser as arguments, returning an non-empty string if it was found suitable.
+function SearchToolsEx(strTool, strVerPrefix, ByRef fnCallback, ByRef varUser, ByRef arrToolsDirs)
+ dim strToolsDir, arrDirs, strDir
+ SearchToolsEx = ""
+ for each strToolsDir in arrToolsDirs
+ arrDirs = GetSubdirsStartingWithRVerSorted(strToolsDir, strVerPrefix)
+ for each strDir in arrDirs
+ SearchToolsEx = fnCallback(strToolsDir & "/" & strDir, varUser)
+ if SearchToolsEx <> "" then
+ exit function
+ end if
+ next
+ next
+end function
+'' Search under g_strPathDev for a tool, target arch only.
+function SearchTargetTools(strTool, strVerPrefix, ByRef fnCallback, ByRef varUser)
+ dim i
+ redim arrToolsDirs(ArraySize(g_arrPathDev) - 1)
+ for i = 0 to UBound(g_arrPathDev)
+ arrToolsDirs(i) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win." & g_strTargetArch & "/" & strTool
+ next
+ SearchTargetTools = SearchToolsEx(strTool, strVerPrefix, fnCallback, varUser, arrToolsDirs)
+end function
+'' Search under g_strPathDev for a tool, target arch and alternative arches.
+function SearchTargetPlusTools(strTool, strVerPrefix, ByRef fnCallback, ByRef varUser)
+ dim i
+ redim arrToolsDirs(ArraySize(g_arrPathDev)*3 - 1)
+ for i = 0 to UBound(g_arrPathDev)
+ arrToolsDirs(i*3 + 0) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win." & g_strTargetArch & "/" & strTool
+ arrToolsDirs(i*3 + 1) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win.x86/" & strTool
+ arrToolsDirs(i*3 + 2) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win.amd64/" & strTool
+ next
+ SearchTargetPlusTools = SearchToolsEx(strTool, strVerPrefix, fnCallback, varUser, arrToolsDirs)
+end function
+'' Search under g_strPathDev for a tool, host arch first.
+function SearchHostTools(strTool, strVerPrefix, ByRef fnCallback, ByRef varUser)
+ dim i
+ redim arrToolsDirs(ArraySize(g_arrPathDev) * 3 - 1)
+ for i = 0 to UBound(g_arrPathDev)
+ arrToolsDirs(i*3 + 0) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win." & g_strHostArch & "/" & strTool
+ arrToolsDirs(i*3 + 1) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win.x86/" & strTool
+ arrToolsDirs(i*3 + 2) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win.amd64/" & strTool
+ next
+ SearchHostTools = SearchToolsEx(strTool, strVerPrefix, fnCallback, varUser, arrToolsDirs)
+end function
+'' Search under g_strPathDev for a tool, common dir first.
+function SearchCommonTools(strTool, strVerPrefix, ByRef fnCallback, ByRef varUser)
+ dim i
+ redim arrToolsDirs(ArraySize(g_arrPathDev) * 4 - 1)
+ for i = 0 to UBound(g_arrPathDev)
+ arrToolsDirs(i*4 + 0) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win.common/" & strTool
+ arrToolsDirs(i*4 + 1) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win." & g_strTargetArch & "/" & strTool
+ arrToolsDirs(i*4 + 2) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win.x86/" & strTool
+ arrToolsDirs(i*4 + 3) = g_arrPathDev(i) & "/win.amd64/" & strTool
+ next
+ SearchCommonTools = SearchToolsEx(strTool, strVerPrefix, fnCallback, varUser, arrToolsDirs)
+end function
+' Checks the the path doesn't contain characters the tools cannot deal with.
+sub CheckSourcePath
+ dim sPwd
+ sPwd = PathAbsLong(g_strPath) ' Must check the long version.
+ if InStr(1, sPwd, " ") > 0 then
+ MsgError "Source path contains spaces! Please move it. (" & sPwd & ")"
+ end if
+ if InStr(1, sPwd, "$") > 0 then
+ MsgError "Source path contains the '$' char! Please move it. (" & sPwd & ")"
+ end if
+ if InStr(1, sPwd, "%") > 0 then
+ MsgError "Source path contains the '%' char! Please move it. (" & sPwd & ")"
+ end if
+ if InStr(1, sPwd, Chr(10)) > 0 _
+ or InStr(1, sPwd, Chr(13)) > 0 _
+ or InStr(1, sPwd, Chr(9)) > 0 _
+ then
+ MsgError "Source path contains control characters! Please move it. (" & sPwd & ")"
+ end if
+ Print "Source path: OK"
+end sub
+' Checks for kBuild - very simple :)
+sub CheckForkBuild(strOptkBuild)
+ dim blnNeedEnvVars, strOutput
+ PrintHdr "kBuild"
+ '
+ ' Check if there is a 'kmk' in the path somewhere without
+ ' any KBUILD_*PATH stuff around.
+ '
+ blnNeedEnvVars = True
+ g_strPathkBuild = strOptkBuild
+ g_strPathkBuildBin = ""
+ if (g_strPathkBuild = "") _
+ And (EnvGetFirst("KBUILD_PATH", "PATH_KBUILD") = "") _
+ And (EnvGetFirst("KBUILD_BIN_PATH", "PATH_KBUILD_BIN") = "") _
+ And (Shell("kmk.exe --version", True, strOutput) = 0) _
+ And (InStr(1,strOutput, "kBuild Make 0.1") > 0) _
+ And (InStr(1,strOutput, "KBUILD_PATH") > 0) _
+ And (InStr(1,strOutput, "KBUILD_BIN_PATH") > 0) then
+ '' @todo Need to parse out the KBUILD_PATH and KBUILD_BIN_PATH values to complete the other tests.
+ 'blnNeedEnvVars = False
+ MsgWarning "You've installed kBuild it seems. configure.vbs hasn't been updated to " _
+ & "deal with that yet and will use the one it ships with. Sorry."
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Check for the KBUILD_PATH env.var. and fall back on root/kBuild otherwise.
+ '
+ if g_strPathkBuild = "" then
+ g_strPathkBuild = EnvGetFirst("KBUILD_PATH", "PATH_KBUILD")
+ if (g_strPathkBuild <> "") and (FileExists(g_strPathkBuild & "/footer.kmk") = False) then
+ MsgWarning "Ignoring incorrect kBuild path (KBUILD_PATH=" & g_strPathkBuild & ")"
+ g_strPathkBuild = ""
+ end if
+ if g_strPathkBuild = "" then
+ g_strPathkBuild = g_strPath & "/kBuild"
+ end if
+ end if
+ g_strPathkBuild = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(g_strPathkBuild))
+ '
+ ' Check for env.vars that kBuild uses (do this early to set g_strTargetArch).
+ '
+ str = EnvGetFirst("KBUILD_TYPE", "BUILD_TYPE")
+ if (str <> "") _
+ And (InStr(1, "|release|debug|profile|kprofile", str) <= 0) then
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_TYPE=release"
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_TYPE", "release"
+ MsgWarning "Found unknown KBUILD_TYPE value '" & str &"' in your environment. Setting it to 'release'."
+ end if
+ str = EnvGetFirst("KBUILD_TARGET", "BUILD_TARGET")
+ if (str <> "") _
+ And (InStr(1, "win|win32|win64", str) <= 0) then '' @todo later only 'win' will be valid. remember to fix this check!
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_TARGET=win"
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_TARGET", "win"
+ MsgWarning "Found unknown KBUILD_TARGET value '" & str &"' in your environment. Setting it to 'win32'."
+ end if
+ if (str <> "") _
+ And (InStr(1, "x86|amd64", str) <= 0) then
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH=x86"
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH", "x86"
+ MsgWarning "Found unknown KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH value '" & str &"' in your environment. Setting it to 'x86'."
+ str = "x86"
+ end if
+ if g_strTargetArch = "" then '' command line parameter --target-arch=x86|amd64 has priority
+ if str <> "" then
+ g_strTargetArch = str
+ elseif (EnvGet("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432") = "AMD64" ) _
+ Or (EnvGet("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") = "AMD64" ) then
+ g_strTargetArch = "amd64"
+ else
+ g_strTargetArch = "x86"
+ end if
+ else
+ if InStr(1, "x86|amd64", g_strTargetArch) <= 0 then
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH=x86"
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH", "x86"
+ MsgWarning "Unknown --target-arch=" & str &". Setting it to 'x86'."
+ end if
+ end if
+ LogPrint " Target architecture: " & g_strTargetArch & "."
+ Wscript.Echo " Target architecture: " & g_strTargetArch & "."
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH=" & g_strTargetArch
+ ' Windows variant of the arch name.
+ g_strTargetArchWin = g_strTargetArch
+ if g_strTargetArchWin = "amd64" then g_strTargetArchWin = "x64"
+ ' perhaps a bit pedantic this since this isn't clearly define nor used much...
+ if (str <> "") _
+ And (InStr(1, "i386|i486|i686|i786|i868|k5|k6|k7|k8", str) <= 0) then
+ EnvPrint "set BUILD_TARGET_CPU=i386"
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_TARGET_CPU", "i386"
+ MsgWarning "Found unknown KBUILD_TARGET_CPU value '" & str &"' in your environment. Setting it to 'i386'."
+ end if
+ str = EnvGetFirst("KBUILD_HOST", "BUILD_PLATFORM")
+ if (str <> "") _
+ And (InStr(1, "win|win32|win64", str) <= 0) then '' @todo later only 'win' will be valid. remember to fix this check!
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_HOST=win"
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_HOST", "win"
+ MsgWarning "Found unknown KBUILD_HOST value '" & str &"' in your environment. Setting it to 'win32'."
+ end if
+ if str <> "" then
+ if InStr(1, "x86|amd64", str) <= 0 then
+ str = "x86"
+ MsgWarning "Found unknown KBUILD_HOST_ARCH value '" & str &"' in your environment. Setting it to 'x86'."
+ end if
+ elseif (EnvGet("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432") = "AMD64" ) _
+ Or (EnvGet("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") = "AMD64" ) then
+ str = "amd64"
+ else
+ str = "x86"
+ end if
+ LogPrint " Host architecture: " & str & "."
+ Wscript.Echo " Host architecture: " & str & "."
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_HOST_ARCH=" & str
+ g_strHostArch = str
+ ' Windows variant of the arch name.
+ g_strHostArchWin = g_strHostArch
+ if g_strHostArchWin = "amd64" then g_strHostArchWin = "x64"
+ ' perhaps a bit pedantic this since this isn't clearly define nor used much...
+ if (str <> "") _
+ And (InStr(1, "i386|i486|i686|i786|i868|k5|k6|k7|k8", str) <= 0) then
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_HOST_CPU=i386"
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_HOST_CPU", "i386"
+ MsgWarning "Found unknown KBUILD_HOST_CPU value '" & str &"' in your environment. Setting it to 'i386'."
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Determin the location of the kBuild binaries.
+ '
+ if g_strPathkBuildBin = "" then
+ g_strPathkBuildBin = g_strPathkBuild & "/bin/win." & g_strHostArch
+ if FileExists(g_strPathkBuildBin & "/kmk.exe") = False then
+ g_strPathkBuildBin = g_strPathkBuild & "/bin/win.x86"
+ end if
+ end if
+ g_strPathkBuildBin = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(g_strPathkBuildBin))
+ '
+ ' Perform basic validations of the kBuild installation.
+ '
+ if (FileExists(g_strPathkBuild & "/footer.kmk") = False) _
+ Or (FileExists(g_strPathkBuild & "/header.kmk") = False) _
+ Or (FileExists(g_strPathkBuild & "/rules.kmk") = False) then
+ MsgFatal "Can't find valid kBuild at '" & g_strPathkBuild & "'. Either there is an " _
+ & "incorrect KBUILD_PATH in the environment or the checkout didn't succeed."
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ if (FileExists(g_strPathkBuildBin & "/kmk.exe") = False) _
+ Or (FileExists(g_strPathkBuildBin & "/kmk_ash.exe") = False) then
+ MsgFatal "Can't find valid kBuild binaries at '" & g_strPathkBuildBin & "'. Either there is an " _
+ & "incorrect KBUILD_PATH in the environment or the checkout didn't succeed."
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ if (Shell(DosSlashes(g_strPathkBuildBin & "/kmk.exe") & " --version", True, strOutput) <> 0) then
+ MsgFatal "Can't execute '" & g_strPathkBuildBin & "/kmk.exe --version'. check configure.log for the out."
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ '
+ ' If KBUILD_DEVTOOLS is set, check that it's pointing to something useful.
+ '
+ str = UnixSlashes(EnvGet("KBUILD_DEVTOOLS"))
+ g_strPathDev = str
+ if str <> "" _
+ and LogDirExists(str & "/bin") _
+ and LogDirExists(str & "/win.amd64/bin") _
+ and LogDirExists(str & "/win.x86/bin") _
+ then
+ LogPrint "Found KBUILD_DEVTOOLS='" & str & "'."
+ elseif str <> "" then
+ MsgWarning "Ignoring bogus KBUILD_DEVTOOLS='" & str &"' in your environment!"
+ g_strPathDev = strNew
+ end if
+ if g_strPathDev = "" then
+ g_strPathDev = UnixSlashes(g_strPath & "/tools")
+ LogPrint "Using KBUILD_DEVTOOLS='" & g_strPathDev & "'."
+ if str <> "" then
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_DEVTOOLS=" & g_strPathDev
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_DEVTOOLS", g_strPathDev
+ end if
+ end if
+ g_arrPathDev(ArrayFindString(g_arrPathDev, ":placeholder:")) = g_strPathDev
+ '
+ ' Write KBUILD_PATH and updated PATH to the environment script if necessary.
+ '
+ if blnNeedEnvVars = True then
+ EnvPrint "set KBUILD_PATH=" & g_strPathkBuild
+ EnvSet "KBUILD_PATH", g_strPathkBuild
+ if Right(g_strPathkBuildBin, 7) = "win.x86" then
+ EnvPrintCleanup "PATH", DosSlashes(Left(g_strPathkBuildBin, Len(g_strPathkBuildBin) - 7) & "win.amd64"), ";"
+ end if
+ if Right(g_strPathkBuildBin, 9) = "win.amd64" then
+ EnvPrintCleanup "PATH", DosSlashes(Left(g_strPathkBuildBin, Len(g_strPathkBuildBin) - 9) & "win.x86"), ";"
+ end if
+ EnvPrintPrepend "PATH", DosSlashes(g_strPathkBuildBin), ";"
+ EnvPrependPathItem "PATH", g_strPathkBuildBin, ";"
+ end if
+ PrintResult "kBuild", g_strPathkBuild
+ PrintResult "kBuild binaries", g_strPathkBuildBin
+end sub
+' Checks for Visual C++ version 16 (2019), 15 (2017), 14 (2015), 12 (2013), 11 (2012) or 10 (2010).
+sub CheckForVisualCPP(strOptVC, strOptVCCommon)
+ PrintHdr "Visual C++"
+ '
+ ' Try find it...
+ '
+ dim objState, strProgFiles
+ set objState = new VisualCPPState
+ objState.check strOptVC, strOptVCCommon
+ if g_blnInternalFirst = True then objState.checkInternal
+ objState.checkProgItems "2019"
+ objState.checkProgFiles "Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC"
+ objState.checkProgFiles "Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC"
+ objState.checkProgFiles "Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC"
+ objState.checkRegistry "Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7\16.0", "VC", "" ' doesn't work.
+ objState.checkProgItems "2017"
+ objState.checkProgFiles "Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\VC"
+ objState.checkProgFiles "Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC"
+ objState.checkProgFiles "Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC"
+ objState.checkProgFiles "Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Express\VC"
+ objState.checkRegistry "Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7\15.0", "VC", ""
+ objState.checkRegistry "Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7\14.0", "VC", "Common7"
+ objState.checkRegistry "Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7\12.0", "VC", "Common7" '?
+ objState.checkRegistry "Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7\11.0", "VC", "Common7" '?
+ objState.checkProg "cl.exe"
+ objState.checkRegistry "Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Setup\VS\ProductDir", "VC", "Common7"
+ if g_blnInternalFirst = False then objState.checkInternal
+ if objState.m_blnFound = False then
+ MsgError "Cannot find cl.exe (Visual C++) anywhere on your system. Check the build requirements."
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ g_strPathVCC = objState.m_strPathVC
+ g_strVCCVersion = objState.m_strVersion
+ '
+ ' Ok, emit build config variables.
+ '
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_VCC_TOOL_STEM", objState.m_strVersion
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_TOOL_" & objState.m_strVersion, g_strPathVCC
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_TOOL_" & objState.m_strVersion & "X86", "$(PATH_TOOL_" & objState.m_strVersion & ")"
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_TOOL_" & objState.m_strVersion & "AMD64", "$(PATH_TOOL_" & objState.m_strVersion & ")"
+ if objState.m_strVersion = "VCC100" _
+ or objState.m_strVersion = "VCC110" _
+ or objState.m_strVersion = "VCC120" _
+ or objState.m_strVersion = "VCC140" _
+ then
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_NEW_VCC", "" '?? for VCC110+
+ else
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_NEW_VCC", "1"
+ end if
+ PrintResult "Visual C++ " & objState.m_strVersion, g_strPathVCC
+ ' And the env.bat path fix.
+ if objState.m_strPathVCCommon <> "" then
+ EnvPrintAppend "PATH", DosSlashes(objState.m_strPathVCCommon) & "\IDE", ";"
+ end if
+end sub
+'' Class we use for detecting Visual C++
+class VisualCPPState
+ public m_blnFound
+ public m_strPathVC
+ public m_strPathVCCommon
+ public m_strVersion
+ public m_strClVersion
+ public m_blnNewLayout
+ private sub Class_Initialize
+ m_blnFound = False
+ m_strPathVC = ""
+ m_strPathVCCommon = ""
+ m_strVersion = ""
+ m_strClVersion = ""
+ m_blnNewLayout = false
+ end sub
+ public function checkClExe(strClExe)
+ ' We'll have to make sure mspdbXX.dll is somewhere in the PATH.
+ dim strSavedPath, rcExit, strOutput
+ strSavedPath = EnvGet("PATH")
+ if (m_strPathVCCommon <> "") then
+ EnvAppendPathItem "PATH", m_strPathVCCommon & "/IDE", ";"
+ end if
+ rcExit = Shell(DosSlashes(strClExe), True, strOutput)
+ EnvSet "PATH", strSavedPath
+ checkClExe = False
+ if rcExit = 0 then
+ ' Extract the ' Version for arch' bit.
+ dim offVer, offEol, strVer
+ strVer = ""
+ offVer = InStr(1, strOutput, " Version ")
+ if offVer > 0 then
+ offVer = offVer + Len(" Version ")
+ offEol = InStr(offVer, strOutput, Chr(13))
+ if offEol > 0 then
+ strVer = Trim(Mid(strOutput, offVer, offEol - offVer))
+ end if
+ end if
+ ' Check that it's a supported version
+ checkClExe = True
+ if InStr(1, strVer, "16.") = 1 then
+ m_strVersion = "VCC100"
+ elseif InStr(1, strVer, "17.") = 1 then
+ m_strVersion = "VCC110"
+ LogPrint "The Visual C++ compiler ('" & strClExe & "') version isn't really supported, but may work: " & strVer
+ elseif InStr(1, strVer, "18.") = 1 then
+ m_strVersion = "VCC120"
+ LogPrint "The Visual C++ compiler ('" & strClExe & "') version isn't really supported, but may work: " & strVer
+ elseif InStr(1, strVer, "19.0") = 1 then
+ m_strVersion = "VCC140"
+ LogPrint "The Visual C++ compiler ('" & strClExe & "') version isn't really supported, but may work: " & strVer
+ elseif InStr(1, strVer, "19.1") = 1 then
+ m_strVersion = "VCC141"
+ LogPrint "The Visual C++ compiler ('" & strClExe & "') version isn't really supported, but may work: " & strVer
+ elseif InStr(1, strVer, "19.2") = 1 then
+ m_strVersion = "VCC142"
+ else
+ LogPrint "The Visual C++ compiler we found ('" & strClExe & "') isn't in the 10.0-19.2x range (" & strVer & ")."
+ LogPrint "Check the build requirements and select the appropriate compiler version."
+ checkClExe = False
+ exit function
+ end if
+ LogPrint "'" & strClExe & "' = " & m_strVersion & " (" & strVer & ")"
+ else
+ LogPrint "Executing '" & strClExe & "' (which we believe to be the Visual C++ compiler driver) failed (rcExit=" & rcExit & ")."
+ end if
+ end function
+ public function checkInner(strPathVC) ' For the new layout only
+ if m_blnFound = False then
+ if LogDirExists(strPathVC & "/bin") _
+ and LogDirExists(strPathVC & "/lib") _
+ and LogDirExists(strPathVC & "/include") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathVC, "include/stdarg.h") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathVC, "lib/x64/libcpmt.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathVC, "lib/x86/libcpmt.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathVC, "bin/Host" & g_strHostArchWin & "/" & g_strTargetArchWin & "/cl.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathVC, "bin/Host" & g_strHostArchWin & "/" & g_strHostArchWin & "/cl.exe") _
+ then
+ LogPrint " => seems okay. new layout."
+ m_blnFound = checkClExe(strPathVC & "/bin/Host" & g_strHostArchWin & "/" & g_strTargetArchWin & "/cl.exe")
+ if m_blnFound then
+ m_strPathVC = strPathVC
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ checkInner = m_blnFound
+ end function
+ public function check(strPathVC, strPathVCommon)
+ if (m_blnFound = False) and (strPathVC <> "") then
+ m_strPathVC = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathVC))
+ m_strPathVCCommon = strPathVCCommon
+ m_strVersion = ""
+ LogPrint "Trying: strPathVC=" & m_strPathVC & " strPathVCCommon=" & m_strPathVCCommon
+ if LogDirExists(m_strPathVC) then
+ ' 15.0+ layout? This is fun because of the multiple CL versions (/tools/msvc/xx.yy.bbbbb/).
+ ' OTOH, the user may have pointed us directly to one of them.
+ if LogDirExists(m_strPathVC & "/Tools/MSVC") then
+ m_blnNewLayout = True
+ LogPrint " => seems okay. new layout."
+ dim arrFolders, i
+ arrFolders = GetSubdirsStartingWithVerSorted(m_strPathVC & "/Tools/MSVC", "14.2")
+ if UBound(arrFolders) < 0 then arrFolders = GetSubdirsStartingWithVerSorted(m_strPathVC & "/Tools/MSVC", "14.1")
+ if UBound(arrFolders) < 0 then arrFolders = GetSubdirsStartingWithVerSorted(m_strPathVC & "/Tools/MSVC", "1")
+ for i = UBound(arrFolders) to LBound(arrFolders) step -1
+ if checkInner(m_strPathVC & "/Tools/MSVC/" & arrFolders(i)) then exit for ' modifies m_strPathVC on success
+ next
+ elseif LogDirExists(m_strPathVC & "/bin/HostX64") _
+ or LogDirExists(m_strPathVC & "/bin/HostX86") then
+ checkInner(m_strPathVC)
+ ' 14.0 and older layout?
+ elseif LogFileExists(m_strPathVC, "/bin/cl.exe") then
+ m_blnNewLayout = False
+ if LogFileExists(m_strPathVC, "bin/link.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(m_strPathVC, "include/string.h") _
+ and LogFileExists(m_strPathVC, "lib/libcmt.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(m_strPathVC, "lib/msvcrt.lib") _
+ then
+ LogPrint " => seems okay. old layout."
+ m_blnFound = checkClExe(m_strPathVC & "/bin/cl.exe")
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ check = m_bldFound
+ end function
+ public function checkProg(strProg)
+ if m_blnFound = False then
+ dim str, i, offNewLayout
+ str = Which(strProg)
+ if str <> "" then
+ LogPrint "checkProg: '" & strProg & "' -> '" & str & "'"
+ if FileExists(PathStripFilename(str) & "/build.exe") then
+ Warning "Ignoring DDK cl.exe (" & str & ")." ' don't know how to deal with this cl.
+ else
+ ' Assume we've got cl.exe from somewhere under the 'bin' directory..
+ m_strPathVC = PathParent(PathStripFilename(str))
+ for i = 1 To 5
+ if LogDirExists(m_strPathVC & "/include") then
+ m_strPathVCCommon = PathParent(m_strPathVC) & "/Common7"
+ if DirExists(m_strPathVCCommon) = False then
+ m_strPathVCCommon = ""
+ ' New layout?
+ offNewLayout = InStr(1, LCase(DosSlashes(m_strPathVC)), "\tools\msvc\")
+ if offNewLayout > 0 then m_strPathVC = Left(m_strPathVC, offNewLayout)
+ end if
+ check m_strPathVC, m_strPathVCCommon
+ exit for
+ end if
+ m_strPathVC = PathParent(m_strPathVC)
+ next
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ checkProg = m_bldFound
+ end function
+ public function checkProgFiles(strSubdir)
+ if m_blnFound = False then
+ dim strProgFiles
+ for each strProgFiles in g_arrProgramFiles
+ check strProgFiles & "/" & strSubdir, ""
+ next
+ end if
+ checkProgFiles = m_blnFound
+ end function
+ public function checkRegistry(strValueNm, strVCSubdir, strVCommonSubdir)
+ if m_blnFound = False then
+ dim str, strPrefix, arrPrefixes
+ arrPrefixes = Array("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\", "HKLM\SOFTWARE\", "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\", "HKCU\SOFTWARE\")
+ for each strPrefix in arrPrefixes
+ str = LogRegGetString(strPrefix & strValueNm)
+ if str <> "" then
+ LogPrint "checkRegistry: '" & strPrefix & strValueNm & "' -> '" & str & "'"
+ if check(str & strVCSubdir, str & strVCommonSubdir) = True then
+ exit for
+ end if
+ end if
+ next
+ end if
+ checkRegistry = m_bldFound
+ end function
+ public function checkProgItems(strVersionYear)
+ if m_blnFound = False then
+ dim strCandidate
+ for each strCandidate in CollectFromProgramItemLinks(GetRef("VisualCPPCallback"), strVersionYear)
+ check strCandidate, ""
+ next
+ end if
+ checkProgItems = m_blnFound
+ end function
+ public function checkInternal
+ dim strPathDev
+ for each strPathDev in g_arrPathDev : check strPathDev & "/win.amd64/vcc/v14.2", "" : next
+ for each strPathDev in g_arrPathDev : check strPathDev & "/win.amd64/vcc/v14.2", "" : next
+ for each strPathDev in g_arrPathDev : check strPathDev & "/win.amd64/vcc/v14.1", "" : next
+ for each strPathDev in g_arrPathDev : check strPathDev & "/win.amd64/vcc/v14.0", "" : next
+ for each strPathDev in g_arrPathDev : check strPathDev & "/win.amd64/vcc/v10sp1", "" : next
+ for each strPathDev in g_arrPathDev : check strPathDev & "/win.x86/vcc/v10sp1", "" : next
+ checkInternal = m_blnFound
+ end function
+end class
+' See checkProgItems()
+function VisualCPPCallback(ByRef arrStrings, cStrings, ByRef strVersionYear)
+ VisualCPPCallback = ""
+ ' We're looking for items with three strings like this:
+ ' C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Visual Studio 2019\Visual Studio Tools\VC\x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019.lnk
+ ' C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
+ ' /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
+ if cStrings >= 3 then
+ if InStr(1, arrStrings(0), strVersionYear) > 0 then
+ dim strTail : strTail = "\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"""
+ dim str : str = arrStrings(UBound(arrStrings))
+ if StrComp(Right(str, Len(strTail)), strTail, vbTextCompare) = 0 then
+ dim offColon : offColon = InStr(1, str, ":")
+ if offColon > 1 then
+ VisualCPPCallback = Mid(str, offColon - 1, Len(str) - (offColon - 2) - Len(strTail))
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Checks for a windows 10 SDK (later also WDK).
+sub CheckForSDK10(strOptSDK10, strOptSDK10Version)
+ dim strPathSDK10, strSDK10Version, str
+ PrintHdr "Windows 10 SDK/WDK"
+ '' @todo implement strOptSDK10Version
+ '
+ ' Try find the Windows 10 kit.
+ '
+ strSDK10Version = ""
+ strPathSDK10 = CheckForSDK10Sub(strOptSDK10, strSDK10Version)
+ if strPathSDK10 = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = true then
+ strPathSDK10 = SearchTargetPlusTools("sdk", "v10.", GetRef("CheckForSDK10Sub"), strSDK10Version)
+ end if
+ if strPathSDK10 = "" then
+ str = LogRegGetString("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots\KitsRoot10")
+ strPathSDK10 = CheckForSDK10Sub(str, strSDK10Version)
+ end if
+ if strPathSDK10 = "" then
+ for each str in g_arrProgramFiles
+ strPathSDK10 = CheckForSDK10Sub(str & "/Windows Kits/10", strSDK10Version)
+ if strPathSDK10 <> "" then exit for
+ next
+ end if
+ if strPathSDK10 = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = true then
+ strPathSDK10 = SearchTargetPlusTools("sdk", "v10.", GetRef("CheckForSDK10Sub"), strSDK10Version)
+ end if
+ if strPathSDK10 = "" then
+ MsgError "Cannot find a suitable Windows 10 SDK. Check configure.log and the build requirements."
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Emit the config.
+ '
+ strPathSDK10 = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathSDK10))
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_SDK_WINSDK10", strPathSDK10
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_WINSDK10_VERSION", strSDK10Version
+ PrintResult "Windows 10 SDK", strPathSDK10
+ PrintResultMsg "Windows 10 SDK version", strSDK10Version
+ g_strPathSDK10 = strPathSDK10
+end sub
+'' Checks if the specified path points to a usable Windows 10 SDK/WDK.
+function CheckForSDK10Sub(strPathSDK10, ByRef strSDK10Version)
+ CheckForSDK10Sub = ""
+ if strPathSDK10 <> "" then
+ LogPrint "Trying: strPathSDK10=" & strPathSDK10
+ if LogDirExists(strPathSDK10) then
+ if LogDirExists(strPathSDK10 & "/Bin") _
+ and LogDirExists(strPathSDK10 & "/Include") _
+ and LogDirExists(strPathSDK10 & "/Lib") _
+ and LogDirExists(strPathSDK10 & "/Redist") _
+ then
+ ' Only testing the highest one, for now. '' @todo incorporate strOptSDK10Version
+ dim arrVersions
+ arrVersions = GetSubdirsStartingWithVerSorted(strPathSDK10 & "/Include", "10.0.")
+ if UBound(arrVersions) >= 0 then
+ dim strVersion
+ strVersion = arrVersions(UBound(arrVersions))
+ LogPrint "Trying version: " & strVersion
+ if LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "include/" & strVersion & "/um/Windows.h") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "include/" & strVersion & "/ucrt/malloc.h") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "include/" & strVersion & "/ucrt/stdio.h") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "lib/" & strVersion & "/um/" & g_strTargetArchWin & "/kernel32.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "lib/" & strVersion & "/um/" & g_strTargetArchWin & "/user32.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "lib/" & strVersion & "/ucrt/" & g_strTargetArchWin & "/libucrt.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "lib/" & strVersion & "/ucrt/" & g_strTargetArchWin & "/ucrt.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "bin/" & strVersion & "/" & g_strHostArchWin & "/rc.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathSDK10, "bin/" & strVersion & "/" & g_strHostArchWin & "/midl.exe") _
+ then
+ if StrComp(strVersion, "10.0.17134.0") >= 0 then
+ strSDK10Version = strVersion
+ CheckForSDK10Sub = strPathSDK10
+ else
+ LogPrint "Version " & strVersion & " is too low, minimum: 10.0.17134.0"
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ LogPrint "Found no 10.0.* subdirectories under '" & strPathSDK10 & "/Include'!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Locating a Windows 7 Driver Kit.
+sub CheckForWinDDK(strOptDDK)
+ dim strPathDDK, str, strSubKeys
+ PrintHdr "Windows DDK v7.1"
+ '
+ ' Find the DDK.
+ '
+ strPathDDK = CheckForWinDDKSub(strOptDDK, True)
+ ' The tools location (first).
+ if strPathDDK = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = true then
+ for each str in g_arrPathDev
+ strPathDDK = CheckForWinDDKSub(str & "/win.x86/ddk/7600.16385.1", False)
+ if strPathDDK <> "" then exit for
+ next
+ end if
+ ' Check the environment
+ if strPathDDK = "" then strPathDDK = CheckForWinDDKSub(PathParent(PathParent(EnvGet("DDK_INC_PATH"))), True)
+ if strPathDDK = "" then strPathDDK = CheckForWinDDKSub(EnvGet("BASEDIR"), True)
+ ' Some array constants to ease the work.
+ arrSoftwareKeys = array("SOFTWARE", "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node")
+ arrRoots = array("HKLM", "HKCU")
+ ' Windows 7 WDK.
+ if strPathDDK = "" then
+ arrLocations = array()
+ for each strSoftwareKey in arrSoftwareKeys
+ for each strSubKey in RegEnumSubKeysFull("HKLM", strSoftwareKey & "\Microsoft\KitSetup\configured-kits")
+ for each strSubKey2 in RegEnumSubKeysFull("HKLM", strSubKey)
+ str = LogRegGetString("HKLM\" & strSubKey2 & "\setup-install-location")
+ if str <> "" then
+ arrLocations = ArrayAppend(arrLocations, PathAbsLong(str))
+ end if
+ next
+ next
+ next
+ arrLocations = ArrayRVerSortStrings(arrLocations)
+ ' Check the locations we've gathered.
+ for each str in arrLocations
+ strPathDDK = CheckForWinDDKSub(str, True)
+ if strPathDDK <> "" then exit for
+ next
+ end if
+ ' The tools location (post).
+ if strPathDDK = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = false then
+ for each str in g_arrPathDev
+ strPathDDK = CheckForWinDDKSub(str & "/win.x86/ddk/7600.16385.1", False)
+ if strPathDDK <> "" then exit for
+ next
+ end if
+ ' Give up.
+ if strPathDDK = "" then
+ MsgError "Cannot find the Windows DDK v7.1. Check configure.log and the build requirements."
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Emit the config.
+ '
+ strPathDDK = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathDDK))
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_SDK_WINDDK71", strPathDDK
+ PrintResult "Windows DDK v7.1", strPathDDK
+ g_strPathDDK = strPathDDK
+end sub
+'' Quick check if the DDK is in the specified directory or not.
+function CheckForWinDDKSub(strPathDDK, blnCheckBuild)
+ CheckForWinDDKSub = ""
+ if strPathDDK <> "" then
+ dim strOutput
+ LogPrint "Trying: strPathDDK=" & strPathDDK & " blnCheckBuild=" & blnCheckBuild
+ if LogFileExists(strPathDDK, "inc/api/ntdef.h") _
+ And LogFileExists(strPathDDK, "lib/win7/i386/int64.lib") _
+ And LogFileExists(strPathDDK, "lib/wlh/i386/int64.lib") _
+ And LogFileExists(strPathDDK, "lib/wnet/i386/int64.lib") _
+ And LogFileExists(strPathDDK, "lib/wxp/i386/int64.lib") _
+ And Not LogFileExists(strPathDDK, "lib/win8/i386/int64.lib") _
+ And LogFileExists(strPathDDK, "bin/x86/rc.exe") _
+ then
+ if Not blnCheckBuild then
+ CheckForWinDDKSub = strPathDDK
+ '' @todo Find better build check.
+ elseif Shell("""" & DosSlashes(strPathDDK & "/bin/x86/rc.exe") & """" , True, strOutput) <> 0 _
+ and InStr(1, strOutput, "Resource Compiler Version 6.1.") > 0 _
+ then
+ CheckForWinDDKSub = strPathDDK
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Locating midl.exe
+sub CheckForMidl(strOptMidl)
+ dim strMidl, str
+ PrintHdr "Midl.exe"
+ ' Skip if no COM/ATL.
+ if g_blnDisableCOM then
+ PrintResultMsg "Midl.exe", "Skipped (" & g_strDisableCOM & ")"
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(strOptMidl)
+ if strMidl = "" then strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(g_strPathSDK10 & "/bin/" & g_strHostArchWin & "/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl = "" then strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(g_strPathSDK10 & "/bin/x86/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl = "" then strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(g_strPathPSDK & "/bin/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl = "" then strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(g_strPathVCC & "/Common7/Tools/Bin/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl = "" then strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(g_strPathDDK & "/bin/" & g_strHostArchWin & "/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl = "" then strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(g_strPathDDK & "/bin/x86/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl = "" then strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(g_strPathDDK & "/bin/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl = "" then
+ for each str in g_arrPathDev
+ strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(str & "/win." & g_strHostArchWin & "/bin/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl <> "" then exit for
+ strMidl = CheckForMidlSub(str & "/win.x86/bin/Midl.exe")
+ if strMidl <> "" then exit for
+ next
+ end if
+ if strMidl = "" then
+ PrintResultMsg "Midl.exe", "not found"
+ else
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_MAIN_IDL", strMidl
+ PrintResult "Midl.exe", strMidl
+ end if
+end sub
+function CheckForMidlSub(strMidl)
+ CheckForMidlSub = ""
+ if strMidl <> "" then
+ if LogFileExists1(strMidl) then
+ CheckForMidlSub = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strMidl))
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Locating yasm.exe
+sub CheckForYasm(strOptYasm)
+ dim strPathYasm, strVersion
+ PrintHdr "yasm"
+ strVersion = ""
+ strPathYasm = CheckForYasmSub(strOptYasm, strVersion)
+ if strPathYasm = "" then strPathYasm = CheckForYasmSub(PathStripFilename(strOptYasm), strVersion)
+ if strPathYasm = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = true then
+ strPathYasm = SearchHostTools("yasm", "v", GetRef("CheckForYasmSub"), strVersion)
+ end if
+ if strPathYasm = "" then strPathYasm = CheckForYasmSub(PathStripFilename(Which("yasm.exe")), strVersion)
+ if strPathYasm = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = false then
+ strPathYasm = SearchHostTools("yasm", "v", GetRef("CheckForYasmSub"), strVersion)
+ end if
+ if strPathYasm = "" then
+ PrintResultMsg "yasm", "not found"
+ MsgError "Unable to locate yasm!"
+ else
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_TOOL_YASM", strPathYasm
+ PrintResult "yasm v" & strVersion, strPathYasm
+ end if
+end sub
+function CheckForYasmSub(strPathYasm, ByRef strVersion)
+ CheckForYasmSub = ""
+ if strPathYasm <> "" then
+ if LogFileExists(strPathYasm, "yasm.exe") then
+ dim strOutput
+ if Shell("""" & DosSlashes(strPathYasm & "\yasm.exe") & """ --version", True, strOutput) = 0 then
+ dim strPreamble : strPreamble = "yasm"
+ dim strVer : strVer = Trim(StrGetFirstLine(strOutput))
+ if StrComp(Left(strVer, Len(strPreamble)), strPreamble, vbTextCompare) = 0 then
+ strVersion = StrGetFirstWord(Trim(Mid(strVer, Len(strPreamble) + 1)))
+ if StrVersionCompare(strVersion, "1.3.0") >= 0 and strVersion <> "" then
+ LogPrint "Found yasm version: " & strVer
+ CheckForYasmSub = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathYasm))
+ else
+ LogPrint "yasm version is older than 1.3.0: " & strVersion
+ end if
+ else
+ LogPrint "Not yasm: " & strVer
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Locating nasm.exe
+sub CheckForNasm(strOptNasm)
+ dim strPathNasm, strVersion
+ PrintHdr "nasm"
+ strPathNasm = CheckForNasmSub(strOptNasm, strVersion)
+ if strPathNasm = "" then strPathNasm = CheckForNasmSub(PathStripFilename(strOptNasm), strVersion)
+ if strPathNasm = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = true then
+ strPathNasm = SearchHostTools("nasm", "v", GetRef("CheckForNasmSub"), strVersion)
+ end if
+ if strPathNasm = "" then strPathNasm = CheckForNasmSub(LogRegGetString("HKLM\SOFTWARE\nasm\"), strVersion)
+ if strPathNasm = "" then strPathNasm = CheckForNasmSub(LogRegGetString("HKCU\SOFTWARE\nasm\"), strVersion)
+ if strPathNasm = "" then
+ for each strCandidate in CollectFromProgramItemLinks(GetRef("NasmProgramItemCallback"), strPathNasm)
+ strPathNasm = CheckForNasmSub(strCandidate, strVersion)
+ next
+ end if
+ if strPathNasm = "" then strPathNasm = CheckForNasmSub(PathStripFilename(Which("nasm.exe")), strVersion)
+ if strPathNasm = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = false then
+ strPathNasm = SearchHostTools("nasm", "v", GetRef("CheckForNasmSub"), strVersion)
+ end if
+ if strPathNasm = "" then
+ PrintResultMsg "nasm", "not found"
+ else
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_TOOL_NASM", strPathNasm
+ PrintResult "nasm v" & strVersion, strPathNasm
+ end if
+end sub
+function NasmProgramItemCallback(ByRef arrStrings, cStrings, ByRef strUnused)
+ dim str, off
+ NasmProgramItemCallback = ""
+ if cStrings > 1 then
+ str = arrStrings(1)
+ off = InStr(1, str, "\nasm.exe", vbTextCompare)
+ if off > 0 then
+ NasmProgramItemCallback = Left(str, off - 1)
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+function CheckForNasmSub(strPathNasm, ByRef strVersion)
+ CheckForNasmSub = ""
+ if strPathNasm <> "" then
+ if LogFileExists(strPathNasm, "nasm.exe") then
+ dim strOutput
+ if Shell("""" & DosSlashes(strPathNasm & "\nasm.exe") & """ -version", True, strOutput) = 0 then
+ dim strPreamble : strPreamble = "NASM version"
+ dim strVer : strVer = Trim(StrGetFirstLine(strOutput))
+ if StrComp(Left(strVer, Len(strPreamble)), strPreamble, vbTextCompare) = 0 then
+ strVersion = StrGetFirstWord(Trim(Mid(strVer, Len(strPreamble) + 1)))
+ if StrVersionCompare(strVersion, "2.12.0") >= 0 and strVersion <> "" then
+ LogPrint "Found nasm version: " & strVersion
+ CheckForNasmSub = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathNasm))
+ else
+ LogPrint "nasm version is older than 2.12.0: " & strVersion
+ end if
+ else
+ LogPrint "Not nasm: " & strVer
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Locating OpenWatcom 1.9
+sub CheckForOpenWatcom(strOptOpenWatcom)
+ dim strPathOW, strCandidate, strVersion
+ PrintHdr "OpenWatcom"
+ strPathOW = CheckForOpenWatcomSub(strOptOpenWatcom, strVersion)
+ if strPathOW = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = true then
+ strPathOW = SearchCommonTools("openwatcom", "v", GetRef("CheckForOpenWatcomSub"), strVersion)
+ end if
+ if strPathOW = "" then
+ for each strCandidate in CollectFromProgramItemLinks(GetRef("OpenWatcomProgramItemCallback"), strPathOW)
+ if strPathOW = "" then strPathOW = CheckForOpenWatcomSub(strCandidate, strVersion)
+ next
+ end if
+ if strPathOW = "" then strPathOW = CheckForOpenWatcomSub(EnvGet("WATCOM"), strVersion)
+ if strPathOW = "" then strPathOW = CheckForOpenWatcomSub(PathParent(PathStripFilename(Which("wcc386.exe"))), strVersion)
+ if strPathOW = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = false then
+ strPathOW = SearchCommonTools("openwatcom", "v", GetRef("CheckForOpenWatcomSub"), strVersion)
+ end if
+ if strPathOW = "" then
+ PrintResultMsg "OpenWatcom", "not found"
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_OPEN_WATCOM", ""
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_OPEN_WATCOM", "1"
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_TOOL_OPENWATCOM", strPathOW
+ PrintResult "OpenWatcom v" & strVersion, strPathOW
+ if StrVersionCompare(strVersion, "2.0") >= 0 then
+ MsgWarning "We only test building with OpenWatcom 1.9."
+ end if
+end sub
+function OpenWatcomProgramItemCallback(ByRef arrStrings, cStrings, ByRef strUnused)
+ dim str, off
+ OpenWatcomProgramItemCallback = ""
+ if cStrings > 1 then
+ str = arrStrings(1)
+ off = InStr(1, str, "\binnt\", vbTextCompare)
+ if off > 0 then
+ OpenWatcomProgramItemCallback = Left(str, off - 1)
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+function CheckForOpenWatcomSub(strPathOW, ByRef strVersion)
+ CheckForOpenWatcomSub = ""
+ if strPathOW <> "" then
+ LogPrint "Trying: " & strPathOW
+ if LogDirExists(strPathOW) then
+ if LogDirExists(strPathOW & "/binnt") _
+ and LogDirExists(strPathOW & "/h") _
+ and LogDirExists(strPathOW & "/eddat") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathOW, "binnt/wcc386.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathOW, "binnt/wcc.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathOW, "binnt/wlink.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathOW, "binnt/wcl386.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathOW, "binnt/wcl.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathOW, "binnt/wlib.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathOW, "binnt/wasm.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathOW, "h/stdarg.h") _
+ then
+ ' Some wcl/wcl386 option parsing quirk allows us to specify /whatever
+ ' and just get the logo text and exit code 0. We use /y as it's a valid option.
+ dim strOutput
+ if Shell("""" & DosSlashes(strPathOW & "\binnt\wcl.exe") & """ /y", True, strOutput) = 0 then
+ dim strPreamble : strPreamble = "Open Watcom C/C++16 Compile and Link Utility Version"
+ strOutput = StrGetFirstLine(strOutput)
+ if StrStartsWithI(strOutput, strPreamble) then
+ strVersion = StrGetFirstWord(Trim(Mid(strOutput, Len(strPreamble) + 1)))
+ if StrVersionCompare(strVersion, "1.9") >= 0 then
+ CheckForOpenWatcomSub = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathOW))
+ else
+ LogPrint "OpenWatcom version id older than 1.9: " & strVersion
+ end if
+ else
+ LogPrint "Not OpenWatcom: " & strOutput
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Checks for any libSDL binaries.
+sub CheckForlibSDL(strOptlibSDL)
+ dim strPathLibSDL, strVersion
+ PrintHdr "libSDL"
+ '
+ ' Try find some SDL library.
+ '
+ strPathLibSDL = CheckForLibSDLSub(strOptlibSDL, strVersion)
+ if strPathlibSDL = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = true then
+ strPathLibSDL = SearchTargetTools("libsdl", "v", GetRef("CheckForLibSDLSub"), strVersion)
+ end if
+ ' Poke about in the LIB and PATH env.vars.
+ if strPathlibSDL = "" then strPathLibSDL = CheckForlibSDLSub(PathParent(PathStripFilename(WhichEx("LIB", "SDLmain.lib"))), strVersion)
+ if strPathlibSDL = "" then strPathLibSDL = CheckForlibSDLSub(PathParent(PathStripFilename(Which("..\lib\SDLmain.lib"))), strVersion)
+ if strPathlibSDL = "" then strPathLibSDL = CheckForlibSDLSub(PathParent(PathStripFilename(Which("SDLmain.lib"))), strVersion)
+ if strPathlibSDL = "" then strPathLibSDL = CheckForlibSDLSub(PathParent(PathStripFilename(Which("SDL.dll"))), strVersion)
+ ' The tools again.
+ if strPathlibSDL = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = false then
+ strPathLibSDL = SearchTargetTools("libsdl", "v", GetRef("CheckForLibSDLSub"), strVersion)
+ end if
+ ' Success?
+ if strPathlibSDL = "" then
+ if strOptlibSDL = "" then
+ MsgError "Can't locate libSDL. Try specify the path with the --with-libSDL=<path> argument. " _
+ & "If still no luck, consult the configure.log and the build requirements."
+ else
+ MsgError "Can't locate libSDL. Please consult the configure.log and the build requirements."
+ end if
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ strPathLibSDL = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathLibSDL))
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_SDK_LIBSDL", strPathlibSDL
+ PrintResult "libSDL", strPathlibSDL
+end sub
+'' Checks if the specified path points to an usable libSDL or not.
+function CheckForLibSDLSub(strPathlibSDL, strVersion)
+ CheckForlibSDLSub = ""
+ if strPathLibSDL <> "" then
+ LogPrint "Trying: strPathLibSDL=" & strPathLibSDL
+ if LogFileExists(strPathLibSDL, "lib/SDL.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathLibSDL, "lib/SDLmain.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathLibSDL, "lib/SDL.dll") _
+ then
+ dim strIncSub : strIncSub = "include"
+ if DirExists(strPathlibSDL & "/include/SDL") then strIncSub = "include/SDL"
+ if LogFileExists(strPathLibSDL, strIncSub & "/SDL.h") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathLibSDL, strIncSub & "/SDL_syswm.h") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathLibSDL, strIncSub & "/SDL_version.h") _
+ then
+ strVersion = ""
+ CheckForLibSDLSub = strPathLibSDL
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Checks for libxml2.
+sub CheckForXml2(strOptXml2)
+ dim strPathXml2, str
+ PrintHdr "libxml2"
+ '
+ ' Part of tarball / svn, so we can exit immediately if no path was specified.
+ '
+ if (strOptXml2 = "") then
+ PrintResultMsg "libxml2", "src/lib/libxml2-*"
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ ' Skip if no COM/ATL.
+ if g_blnDisableCOM then
+ PrintResultMsg "libxml2", "Skipped (" & g_strDisableCOM & ")"
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Try find some xml2 dll/lib.
+ '
+ strPathXml2 = ""
+ if (strPathXml2 = "") And (strOptXml2 <> "") then
+ if CheckForXml2Sub(strOptXml2) then strPathXml2 = strOptXml2
+ end if
+ if strPathXml2 = "" then
+ str = Which("libxml2.lib")
+ if str <> "" then
+ str = PathParent(PathStripFilename(str))
+ if CheckForXml2Sub(str) then strPathXml2 = str
+ end if
+ end if
+ ' Success?
+ if strPathXml2 = "" then
+ if strOptXml2 = "" then
+ MsgError "Can't locate libxml2. Try specify the path with the --with-libxml2=<path> argument. " _
+ & "If still no luck, consult the configure.log and the build requirements."
+ else
+ MsgError "Can't locate libxml2. Please consult the configure.log and the build requirements."
+ end if
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ strPathXml2 = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathXml2))
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_LIBXML2_INCS", strPathXml2 & "/include"
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_LIBXML2_LIBS", strPathXml2 & "/lib/libxml2.lib"
+ PrintResult "libxml2", strPathXml2
+end sub
+'' Checks if the specified path points to an usable libxml2 or not.
+function CheckForXml2Sub(strPathXml2)
+ dim str
+ CheckForXml2Sub = False
+ LogPrint "trying: strPathXml2=" & strPathXml2
+ if LogFileExists(strPathXml2, "include/libxml/xmlexports.h") _
+ And LogFileExists(strPathXml2, "include/libxml/xmlreader.h") _
+ then
+ str = LogFindFile(strPathXml2, "bin/libxml2.dll")
+ if str <> "" then
+ if LogFindFile(strPathXml2, "lib/libxml2.lib") <> "" then
+ CheckForXml2Sub = True
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+'' Checks for openssl
+sub CheckForSsl(strOptSsl, bln32Bit)
+ dim strPathSsl, str
+ PrintHdr "openssl"
+ strOpenssl = "openssl"
+ if bln32Bit = True then
+ strOpenssl = "openssl32"
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Part of tarball / svn, so we can exit immediately if no path was specified.
+ '
+ if (strOptSsl = "") then
+ PrintResult strOpenssl, "src/libs/openssl-*"
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Try find some openssl dll/lib.
+ '
+ strPathSsl = ""
+ if (strPathSsl = "") And (strOptSsl <> "") then
+ if CheckForSslSub(strOptSsl) then strPathSsl = strOptSsl
+ end if
+ if strPathSsl = "" then
+ str = Which("libssl.lib")
+ if str <> "" then
+ str = PathParent(PathStripFilename(str))
+ if CheckForSslSub(str) then strPathSsl = str
+ end if
+ end if
+ ' Success?
+ if strPathSsl = "" then
+ if strOptSsl = "" then
+ MsgError "Can't locate " & strOpenssl & ". " _
+ & "Try specify the path with the --with-" & strOpenssl & "=<path> argument. " _
+ & "If still no luck, consult the configure.log and the build requirements."
+ else
+ MsgError "Can't locate " & strOpenssl & ". " _
+ & "Please consult the configure.log and the build requirements."
+ end if
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ strPathSsl = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathSsl))
+ if bln32Bit = True then
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_OPENSSL-x86_INCS", strPathSsl & "/include"
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_OPENSSL-x86_LIBS", strPathSsl & "/lib/libcrypto.lib" & " " & strPathSsl & "/lib/libssl.lib"
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_BLD_OPENSSL-x86_LIBS", strPathSsl & "/lib/libcrypto.lib" & " " & strPathSsl & "/lib/libssl.lib"
+ else
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_OPENSSL_INCS", strPathSsl & "/include"
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_OPENSSL_LIBS", strPathSsl & "/lib/libcrypto.lib" & " " & strPathSsl & "/lib/libssl.lib"
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_BLD_OPENSSL_LIBS", strPathSsl & "/lib/libcrypto.lib" & " " & strPathSsl & "/lib/libssl.lib"
+ end if
+ PrintResult strOpenssl, strPathSsl
+end sub
+'' Checks if the specified path points to an usable openssl or not.
+function CheckForSslSub(strPathSsl)
+ CheckForSslSub = False
+ LogPrint "trying: strPathSsl=" & strPathSsl
+ if LogFileExists(strPathSsl, "include/openssl/md5.h") _
+ And LogFindFile(strPathSsl, "lib/libssl.lib") <> "" _
+ then
+ CheckForSslSub = True
+ end if
+end function
+' Checks for libcurl
+sub CheckForCurl(strOptCurl, bln32Bit)
+ dim strPathCurl, str
+ PrintHdr "libcurl"
+ strCurl = "libcurl"
+ if bln32Bit = True then
+ strCurl = "libcurl32"
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Part of tarball / svn, so we can exit immediately if no path was specified.
+ '
+ if (strOptCurl = "") then
+ PrintResult strCurl, "src/libs/curl-*"
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ '
+ ' Try find some cURL dll/lib.
+ '
+ strPathCurl = ""
+ if (strPathCurl = "") And (strOptCurl <> "") then
+ if CheckForCurlSub(strOptCurl) then strPathCurl = strOptCurl
+ end if
+ if strPathCurl = "" then
+ str = Which("libcurl.lib")
+ if str <> "" then
+ str = PathParent(PathStripFilename(str))
+ if CheckForCurlSub(str) then strPathCurl = str
+ end if
+ end if
+ ' Success?
+ if strPathCurl = "" then
+ if strOptCurl = "" then
+ MsgError "Can't locate " & strCurl & ". " _
+ & "Try specify the path with the --with-" & strCurl & "=<path> argument. " _
+ & "If still no luck, consult the configure.log and the build requirements."
+ else
+ MsgError "Can't locate " & strCurl & ". " _
+ & "Please consult the configure.log and the build requirements."
+ end if
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ strPathCurl = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathCurl))
+ if bln32Bit = True then
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_LIBCURL-x86_INCS", strPathCurl & "/include"
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_LIBCURL-x86_LIBS.x86", strPathCurl & "/libcurl.lib"
+ else
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_LIBCURL_INCS", strPathCurl & "/include"
+ CfgPrintAssign "SDK_VBOX_LIBCURL_LIBS", strPathCurl & "/libcurl.lib"
+ end if
+ PrintResult strCurl, strPathCurl
+end sub
+'' Checks if the specified path points to an usable libcurl or not.
+function CheckForCurlSub(strPathCurl)
+ CheckForCurlSub = False
+ LogPrint "trying: strPathCurl=" & strPathCurl
+ if LogFileExists(strPathCurl, "include/curl/curl.h") _
+ And LogFindFile(strPathCurl, "libcurl.dll") <> "" _
+ And LogFindFile(strPathCurl, "libcurl.lib") <> "" _
+ then
+ CheckForCurlSub = True
+ end if
+end function
+' Checks for any Qt5 binaries.
+sub CheckForQt(strOptQt5, strOptInfix)
+ dim strPathQt5, strInfixQt5, arrFolders, arrVccInfixes, strVccInfix, strPathDev
+ PrintHdr "Qt5"
+ '
+ ' Try to find the Qt5 installation (user specified path with --with-qt5)
+ '
+ LogPrint "Checking for user specified path of Qt5 ... "
+ strPathQt5 = CheckForQt5Sub(UnixSlashes(strOptQt5), strOptInfix, strInfixQt5)
+ if strPathQt5 = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = true then strPathQt5 = CheckForQt5Internal(strOptInfix, strInfixQt5)
+ if strPathQt5 = "" then
+ '
+ ' Collect links from "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UFH\SHC"
+ '
+ ' Typical string list:
+ ' C:\Users\someuser\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Qt\5.x.y\MSVC 20zz (64-bit)\Qt 5.x.y (MSVC 20zz 64-bit).lnk
+ ' C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
+ ' /A /Q /K E:\qt\installed\5.x.y\msvc20zz_64\bin\qtenv2.bat
+ '
+ dim arrCandidates, strCandidate
+ arrCandidates = CollectFromProgramItemLinks(GetRef("Qt5ProgramItemCallback"), strPathQt5)
+ LogPrint "Testing qtenv2.bat links (" & ArraySize(arrCandidates) & ") ..."
+ ' VC infixes/subdir names to consider (ASSUMES 64bit)
+ if g_strVCCVersion = "VCC142" or g_strVCCVersion = "" then
+ arrVccInfixes = Array("msvc2019_64", "msvc2017_64", "msvc2015_64")
+ elseif g_strVCCVersion = "VCC141" then
+ arrVccInfixes = Array("msvc2017_64", "msvc2015_64", "msvc2019_64")
+ elseif g_strVCCVersion = "VCC140" then
+ arrVccInfixes = Array("msvc2015_64", "msvc2017_64", "msvc2019_64")
+ elseif g_strVCCVersion = "VCC120" then
+ arrVccInfixes = Array("msvc2013_64")
+ elseif g_strVCCVersion = "VCC110" then
+ arrVccInfixes = Array("msvc2012_64")
+ elseif g_strVCCVersion = "VCC100" then
+ arrVccInfixes = Array("msvc2010_64")
+ else
+ MsgFatal "Unexpected VC version: " & g_strVCCVersion
+ arrVccInfixes = Array()
+ end if
+ for each strVccInfix in arrVccInfixes
+ for each strCandidate in arrCandidates
+ if InStr(1, LCase(strCandidate), strVccInfix) > 0 then
+ strPathQt5 = CheckForQt5Sub(strCandidate, strOptInfix, strInfixQt5)
+ if strPathQt5 <> "" then exit for
+ end if
+ next
+ if strPathQt5 <> "" then exit for
+ next
+ end if
+ ' Check the dev tools - prefer ones matching the compiler.
+ if strPathQt5 = "" and g_blnInternalFirst = false then strPathQt5 = CheckForQt5Internal(strOptInfix, strInfixQt5)
+ '
+ ' Display the result and output the config.
+ '
+ if strPathQt5 <> "" then
+ PrintResult "Qt5", strPathQt5
+ PrintResultMsg "Qt5 infix", strInfixQt5
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_SDK_QT5", strPathQt5
+ CfgPrintAssign "PATH_TOOL_QT5", "$(PATH_SDK_QT5)"
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_PATH_QT", "$(PATH_SDK_QT5)"
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_QT_INFIX", strInfixQt5
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_QT_PAYLOAD", "1"
+ else
+ PrintResultMsg "Qt5", "not found"
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_QTGUI", ""
+ end if
+end sub
+function CheckForQt5Internal(strOptInfix, ByRef strInfixQt5)
+ dim strPathDev, arrFolders, arrVccInfixes, strVccInfix, i
+ CheckForQt5Internal = ""
+ for each strPathDev in g_arrPathDev
+ LogPrint "Testing tools dir (" & strPathDev & "/win." & g_strTargetArch & "/qt/v5*) ..."
+ arrFolders = GetSubdirsStartingWithVerSorted(strPathDev & "/win." & g_strTargetArch & "/qt", "v5")
+ arrVccInfixes = Array(LCase(g_strVCCVersion), Left(LCase(g_strVCCVersion), Len(g_strVCCVersion) - 1), "")
+ for each strVccInfix in arrVccInfixes
+ for i = UBound(arrFolders) to LBound(arrFolders) step -1
+ if strVccInfix = "" or InStr(1, LCase(arrFolders(i)), strVccInfix) > 0 then
+LogPrint "i="&i&" strVccInfix="&strVccInfix
+ strPathQt5 = CheckForQt5Sub(strPathDev & "/win." & g_strTargetArch & "/qt/" & arrFolders(i), strOptInfix, strInfixQt5)
+ if strPathQt5 <> "" then
+ CheckForQt5Internal = strPathQt5
+ exit function
+ end if
+ end if
+ next
+ next
+ next
+end function
+function Qt5ProgramItemCallback(ByRef arrStrings, cStrings, ByRef strUnused)
+ dim str, off
+ Qt5ProgramItemCallback = ""
+ if cStrings >= 3 then
+ str = Trim(arrStrings(UBound(arrStrings)))
+ if LCase(Right(str, Len("\bin\qtenv2.bat"))) = "\bin\qtenv2.bat" _
+ and InStr(1, LCase(str), "\msvc20") > 0 _
+ and InStr(1, str, ":") > 0 _
+ then
+ off = InStr(1, str, ":") - 1
+ Qt5ProgramItemCallback = Mid(str, off, Len(str) - off - Len("\bin\qtenv2.bat") + 1)
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+function CheckForQt5Sub(strPathQt5, strOptInfix, ByRef strInfixQt5)
+ CheckForQt5Sub = ""
+ if strPathQt5 <> "" then
+ LogPrint "Trying: strPathQt5=" & strPathQt5
+ if LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "bin/moc.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "bin/uic.exe") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "include/QtWidgets/qwidget.h") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "include/QtWidgets/QApplication") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "include/QtGui/QImage") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "include/QtNetwork/QHostAddress") _
+ then
+ ' Infix testing.
+ if LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "lib/Qt5Core.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "lib/Qt5Network.lib") then
+ LogPrint "found it w/o infix"
+ strInfixQt5 = ""
+ CheckForQt5Sub = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathQt5))
+ elseif LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "lib/Qt5Core" & strOptInfix & ".lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "lib/Qt5Network" & strOptInfix & ".lib") then
+ LogPrint "found it w/ infix: " & strOptInfix & " (option)"
+ strInfixQt5 = strOptInfix
+ CheckForQt5Sub = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathQt5))
+ elseif LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "lib/Qt5CoreVBox.lib") _
+ and LogFileExists(strPathQt5, "lib/Qt5NetworkVBox.lib") then
+ LogPrint "found it w/ infix: VBox"
+ strInfixQt5 = "VBox"
+ CheckForQt5Sub = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathQt5))
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Checks for python.
+function CheckForPython(strOptPython)
+ dim strPathPython, arrVersions, strVer, str
+ PrintHdr "Python"
+ CheckForPython = False
+ '
+ ' Locate it.
+ '
+ strPathPython = CheckForPythonSub(strOptPython)
+ if strPathPython = "" then
+ arrVersions = Array("3.12", "3.11", "3.10", "3.9", "3.8", "3.7", "3.6", "3.5", "2.7")
+ for each strVer in arrVersions
+ strPathPython = CheckForPythonSub(LogRegGetString("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\" & strVer & "\InstallPath\"))
+ if strPathPython <> "" then exit for
+ next
+ end if
+ if strPathPython = "" then strPathPython = CheckForPythonSub(PathStripFilename(Which("python.exe")))
+ '
+ ' Output config & result.
+ '
+ CheckForPython = strPathPython <> ""
+ if CheckForPython then
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_BLD_PYTHON", strPathPython
+ PrintResult "Python", strPathPython
+ else
+ PrintResultMsg "Python", "not found"
+ end if
+end function
+function CheckForPythonSub(strPathPython)
+ CheckForPythonSub = ""
+ if strPathPython <> "" then
+ if LogFileExists(strPathPython, "python.exe") _
+ then
+ CheckForPythonSub = UnixSlashes(PathAbs(strPathPython & "/python.exe"))
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+' Main function and usage '
+' Show usage.
+sub usage
+ Print "Usage: cscript configure.vbs [options]"
+ Print ""
+ Print "Configuration:"
+ Print " -h, --help Display this."
+ Print " --target-arch=x86|amd64 The target architecture."
+ Print " --continue-on-error Do not stop on errors."
+ Print " --internal-last Check internal tools (tools/win.*) last."
+ Print " --internal-first Check internal tools (tools/win.*) first (default)."
+ Print ""
+ Print "Components:"
+ Print " --disable-COM Disables all frontends and API."
+ Print " --disable-SDL Disables the SDL frontend."
+ Print " --disable-UDPTunnel"
+ Print " --disable-pylint Disable use of pylint."
+ Print ""
+ Print "Locations:"
+ Print " --with-kBuild=PATH Where kBuild is to be found."
+ Print " --with-libSDL=PATH Where libSDL is to be found."
+ Print " --with-Qt5=PATH Where Qt5 is to be found (optional)."
+ Print " --with-DDK=PATH Where the WDK is to be found."
+ Print " --with-SDK=PATH Where the Windows SDK is to be found."
+ Print " --with-SDK10=PATH Where the Windows 10 SDK/WDK is to be found."
+ Print " --with-VC=PATH Where the Visual C++ compiler is to be found."
+ Print " (Expecting bin, include and lib subdirs.)"
+ Print " --with-VC-Common=PATH Maybe needed for 2015 and older to"
+ Print " locate the Common7 directory."
+ Print " --with-python=PATH The python to use."
+ Print " --with-midl=PATH Where midl.exe is to be found."
+ Print " --with-yasm=PATH Where YASM is to be found."
+ Print " --with-nasm=PATH Where NASM is to be found (optional)"
+ Print " --with-openwatcom=PATH Where OpenWatcom 1.9 is to be found (optional)."
+ Print " --with-libxml2=PATH To use a libxml2 other than the VBox one (opt)."
+ Print " --with-openssl=PATH To use an openssl other than the VBox one (opt)."
+ Print " --with-openssl32=PATH The 32-bit variant of openssl (optional)."
+ Print " --with-libcurl=PATH To use a cURL other than the VBox one (optional)."
+ Print " --with-libcurl32=PATH The 32-bit variant of cURL (optional)."
+ Print ""
+ Print " --append-tools-dir=PATH, --prepend-tools-dir=PATH"
+ Print " Adds an alternative tools directory to search."
+ Print " --append-tools-dir=PATH, --prepend-prog-files=PATH"
+ Print " Adds an alternative Program Files dir to search."
+ Print " --append-ewdk-drive=DRIVE, --prepend-ewdk-drive=DRIVE"
+ Print " Adds an EWDK drive the search list."
+end sub
+' The main() like function.
+function Main
+ dim strOutput
+ '
+ ' Write the log header and check that we're not using wscript.
+ '
+ LogInit
+ if UCase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 11)) = "WSCRIPT.EXE" then
+ Wscript.Echo "This script must be run under CScript."
+ Main = 1
+ exit function
+ end if
+ SelfTest
+ '
+ ' Parse arguments.
+ '
+ strOptDDK = ""
+ strOptkBuild = ""
+ strOptlibSDL = ""
+ strOptQt5 = ""
+ strOptQt5Infix = ""
+ strOptSDK10 = ""
+ strOptSDK10Version = ""
+ strOptVC = ""
+ strOptVCCommon = ""
+ strOptMidl = ""
+ strOptYasm = ""
+ strOptNasm = ""
+ strOptOpenWatcom = ""
+ strOptXml2 = ""
+ strOptSsl = ""
+ strOptSsl32 = ""
+ strOptCurl = ""
+ strOptCurl32 = ""
+ strOptPython = ""
+ blnOptDisableCOM = False
+ blnOptDisableUDPTunnel = False
+ blnOptDisableSDL = False
+ for i = 1 to Wscript.Arguments.Count
+ dim str, strArg, strPath
+ ' Separate argument and path value
+ str = Wscript.Arguments.item(i - 1)
+ if InStr(1, str, "=") > 0 then
+ strArg = Mid(str, 1, InStr(1, str, "=") - 1)
+ strPath = Mid(str, InStr(1, str, "=") + 1)
+ if strPath = "" then MsgFatal "Syntax error! Argument #" & i & " is missing the path."
+ else
+ strArg = str
+ strPath = ""
+ end if
+ ' Process the argument
+ select case LCase(strArg)
+ ' --with-something:
+ case "--with-ddk"
+ strOptDDK = strPath
+ case "--with-dxsdk"
+ MsgWarning "Ignoring --with-dxsdk (the DirectX SDK is no longer required)."
+ case "--with-kbuild"
+ strOptkBuild = strPath
+ case "--with-libsdl"
+ strOptlibSDL = strPath
+ case "--with-mingw32"
+ ' ignore
+ case "--with-mingw-w64"
+ ' ignore
+ case "--with-qt5"
+ strOptQt5 = strPath
+ case "--with-qt5-infix"
+ strOptQt5Infix = strPath
+ case "--with-sdk"
+ MsgWarning "Ignoring --with-sdk (the legacy Platform SDK is no longer required)."
+ case "--with-sdk10"
+ strOptSDK10 = strPath
+ case "--with-sdk10-version"
+ strOptSDK10Version = strPath
+ case "--with-vc"
+ strOptVC = strPath
+ case "--with-vc-common"
+ strOptVCCommon = strPath
+ case "--with-vc-express-edition"
+ ' ignore
+ case "--with-w32api"
+ ' ignore
+ case "--with-midl"
+ strOptMidl = strPath
+ case "--with-yasm"
+ strOptYasm = strPath
+ case "--with-nasm"
+ strOptNasm = strPath
+ case "--with-openwatcom"
+ strOptOpenWatcom = strPath
+ case "--with-libxml2"
+ strOptXml2 = strPath
+ case "--with-openssl"
+ strOptSsl = strPath
+ case "--with-openssl32"
+ strOptSsl32 = strPath
+ case "--with-libcurl"
+ strOptCurl = strPath
+ case "--with-libcurl32"
+ strOptCurl32 = strPath
+ case "--with-python"
+ strOptPython = strPath
+ ' Search lists.
+ case "--append-tools-dir"
+ g_arrToolsDirs = ArrayAppend(g_arrPathDev, strPath)
+ case "--prepend-tools-dir"
+ g_arrToolsDirs = ArrayPrepend(g_arrPathDev, strPath)
+ case "--append-prog-files"
+ g_arrProgramFiles = ArrayAppend(g_arrProgramFiles, strPath)
+ case "--prepend-prog-files"
+ g_arrProgramFiles = ArrayPrepend(g_arrProgramFiles, strPath)
+ case "--append-ewdk-drive"
+ g_arrProgramFiles = ArrayAppend(g_arrProgramFiles, strPath & "\Program Files")
+ case "--prepend-ewdk-drive"
+ g_arrProgramFiles = ArrayPrepend(g_arrProgramFiles, strPath & "\Program Files")
+ ' --disable-something/--enable-something
+ case "--disable-com"
+ blnOptDisableCOM = True
+ case "--enable-com"
+ blnOptDisableCOM = False
+ case "--disable-udptunnel"
+ blnOptDisableUDPTunnel = True
+ case "--enable-udptunnel"
+ blnOptDisableUDPTunnel = False
+ case "--disable-sdl"
+ blnOptDisableSDL = True
+ case "--endable-sdl"
+ blnOptDisableSDL = False
+ case "--disable-pylint"
+ blnOptDisablePylint = True
+ case "--enable-pylint"
+ blnOptDisablePylint = False
+ ' Other stuff.
+ case "--continue-on-error"
+ g_blnContinueOnError = True
+ case "--internal-first"
+ g_blnInternalFirst = True
+ case "--internal-last"
+ g_blnInternalFirst = False
+ case "--target-arch"
+ g_strTargetArch = strPath
+ case "-h", "--help", "-?"
+ usage
+ Main = 0
+ exit function
+ case else
+ Wscript.echo "syntax error: Unknown option '" & str &"'."
+ usage
+ Main = 2
+ exit function
+ end select
+ next
+ '
+ ' Initialize output files.
+ '
+ CfgInit
+ EnvInit
+ '
+ ' Check that the Shell function is sane.
+ '
+ g_objShell.Environment("PROCESS")("TESTING_ENVIRONMENT_INHERITANCE") = "This works"
+ if Shell("set TESTING_ENVIRONMENT_INHERITANC", False, strOutput) <> 0 then ' The 'E' is missing on purpose (4nt).
+ MsgFatal "shell execution test failed!"
+ end if
+ if strOutput <> "TESTING_ENVIRONMENT_INHERITANCE=This works" & CHR(13) & CHR(10) then
+ Print "Shell test Test -> '" & strOutput & "'"
+ MsgFatal "shell inheritance or shell execution isn't working right. Make sure you use cmd.exe."
+ end if
+ Print "Shell inheritance test: OK"
+ '
+ ' Do the checks.
+ '
+ if blnOptDisableCOM = True then
+ DisableCOM "--disable-com"
+ end if
+ if blnOptDisableUDPTunnel = True then
+ DisableUDPTunnel "--disable-udptunnel"
+ end if
+ if blnOptDisablePylint = True then
+ CfgPrintAssign "override VBOX_WITH_PYLINT", ""
+ end if
+ CheckSourcePath
+ CheckForkBuild strOptkBuild
+ CheckForWinDDK strOptDDK
+ CheckForVisualCPP strOptVC, strOptVCCommon
+ CheckForSDK10 strOptSDK10, strOptSDK10Version
+ CheckForMidl strOptMidl
+ CheckForYasm strOptYasm
+ CheckForNasm strOptNasm
+ CheckForOpenWatcom strOptOpenWatcom
+ if blnOptDisableSDL = True then
+ DisableSDL "--disable-sdl"
+ else
+ CheckForlibSDL strOptlibSDL
+ end if
+ CheckForXml2 strOptXml2
+ CheckForSsl strOptSsl, False
+ if g_strTargetArch = "amd64" then
+ ' 32-bit openssl required as well
+ CheckForSsl strOptSsl32, True
+ end if
+ CheckForCurl strOptCurl, False
+ if g_strTargetArch = "amd64" then
+ ' 32-bit Curl required as well
+ CheckForCurl strOptCurl32, True
+ end if
+ CheckForQt strOptQt5, strOptQt5Infix
+ CheckForPython strOptPython
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX", "" '' @todo look for libvpx 1.1.0+
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_LIBOGG", "" '' @todo look for libogg 1.3.5+
+ CfgPrintAssign "VBOX_WITH_LIBVORBIS", "" '' @todo look for libvorbis 1.3.7+
+ EnvPrintAppend "PATH", DosSlashes(g_strPath & "\tools\win." & g_strHostArch & "\bin"), ";"
+ if g_strHostArch = "amd64" then
+ EnvPrintAppend "PATH", DosSlashes(g_strPath & "\tools\win.x86\bin"), ";"
+ else
+ EnvPrintCleanup "PATH", DosSlashes(g_strPath & "\tools\win.amd64\bin"), ";"
+ end if
+ Print ""
+ Print "Execute env.bat once before you start to build VBox:"
+ Print ""
+ Print " env.bat"
+ Print " kmk"
+ Print ""
+ if g_rcScript <> 0 then
+ Print "Warning: ignored errors. See above or in configure.log."
+ end if
+ Main = g_rcScript
+end function
+' What crt0.o typically does: