path: root/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools')
16 files changed, 6277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b3f2a3e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,884 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+## @
+# This script convert DSC or BSF format file into YAML format
+# Copyright(c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from datetime import date
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from functools import reduce
+from GenCfgOpt import CGenCfgOpt
+__copyright_tmp__ = """## @file
+# YAML CFGDATA %s File.
+# Copyright(c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+__copyright_dsc__ = """## @file
+# Copyright (c) %04d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+ #
+ # Global definitions in BSF
+ # !BSF BLOCK:{NAME:"FSP UPD Configuration", VER:"0.1"}
+ #
+def Bytes2Val(Bytes):
+ return reduce(lambda x, y: (x << 8) | y, Bytes[::-1])
+def Str2Bytes(Value, Blen):
+ Result = bytearray(Value[1:-1], 'utf-8') # Excluding quotes
+ if len(Result) < Blen:
+ Result.extend(b'\x00' * (Blen - len(Result)))
+ return Result
+class CFspBsf2Dsc:
+ def __init__(self, bsf_file):
+ self.cfg_list = CFspBsf2Dsc.parse_bsf(bsf_file)
+ def get_dsc_lines(self):
+ return CFspBsf2Dsc.generate_dsc(self.cfg_list)
+ def save_dsc(self, dsc_file):
+ return CFspBsf2Dsc.generate_dsc(self.cfg_list, dsc_file)
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_bsf(bsf_file):
+ fd = open(bsf_file, 'r')
+ bsf_txt =
+ fd.close()
+ find_list = []
+ regex = re.compile(r'\s+Find\s+"(.*?)"(.*?)^\s+\$(.*?)\s+', re.S | re.MULTILINE)
+ for match in regex.finditer(bsf_txt):
+ find =
+ name =
+ if not name.endswith('_Revision'):
+ raise Exception("Unexpected CFG item following 'Find' !")
+ find_list.append((name, find))
+ idx = 0
+ count = 0
+ prefix = ''
+ chk_dict = {}
+ cfg_list = []
+ cfg_temp = {'find': '', 'cname': '', 'length': 0, 'value': '0', 'type': 'Reserved',
+ 'embed': '', 'page': '', 'option': '', 'instance': 0}
+ regex = re.compile(r'^\s+(\$(.*?)|Skip)\s+(\d+)\s+bytes(\s+\$_DEFAULT_\s+=\s+(.+?))?$',
+ re.S | re.MULTILINE)
+ for match in regex.finditer(bsf_txt):
+ dlen = int(
+ if == 'Skip':
+ key = 'gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_BsfSkip%d' % idx
+ val = ', '.join(['%02X' % ord(i) for i in '\x00' * dlen])
+ idx += 1
+ option = '$SKIP'
+ else:
+ key =
+ val =
+ option = ''
+ cfg_item = dict(cfg_temp)
+ finds = [i for i in find_list if i[0] == key]
+ if len(finds) > 0:
+ if count >= 1:
+ # Append a dummy one
+ cfg_item['cname'] = 'Dummy'
+ cfg_list.append(dict(cfg_item))
+ cfg_list[-1]['embed'] = '%s:TAG_%03X:END' % (prefix, ord(prefix[-1]))
+ prefix = finds[0][1]
+ cfg_item['embed'] = '%s:TAG_%03X:START' % (prefix, ord(prefix[-1]))
+ cfg_item['find'] = prefix
+ cfg_item['cname'] = 'Signature'
+ cfg_item['length'] = len(finds[0][1])
+ str2byte = Str2Bytes("'" + finds[0][1] + "'", len(finds[0][1]))
+ cfg_item['value'] = '0x%X' % Bytes2Val(str2byte)
+ cfg_list.append(dict(cfg_item))
+ cfg_item = dict(cfg_temp)
+ find_list.pop(0)
+ count = 0
+ cfg_item['cname'] = key
+ cfg_item['length'] = dlen
+ cfg_item['value'] = val
+ cfg_item['option'] = option
+ if key not in chk_dict.keys():
+ chk_dict[key] = 0
+ else:
+ chk_dict[key] += 1
+ cfg_item['instance'] = chk_dict[key]
+ cfg_list.append(cfg_item)
+ count += 1
+ if prefix:
+ cfg_item = dict(cfg_temp)
+ cfg_item['cname'] = 'Dummy'
+ cfg_item['embed'] = '%s:%03X:END' % (prefix, ord(prefix[-1]))
+ cfg_list.append(cfg_item)
+ option_dict = {}
+ selreg = re.compile(r'\s+Selection\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*"(.*?)"$', re.S | re.MULTILINE)
+ regex = re.compile(r'^List\s&(.+?)$(.+?)^EndList$', re.S | re.MULTILINE)
+ for match in regex.finditer(bsf_txt):
+ key =
+ option_dict[key] = []
+ for select in selreg.finditer(
+ option_dict[key].append((int(, 0),
+ chk_dict = {}
+ pagereg = re.compile(r'^Page\s"(.*?)"$(.+?)^EndPage$', re.S | re.MULTILINE)
+ for match in pagereg.finditer(bsf_txt):
+ page =
+ for line in
+ match = re.match(r'\s+(Combo|EditNum)\s\$(.+?),\s"(.*?)",\s(.+?),$', line)
+ if match:
+ cname =
+ if cname not in chk_dict.keys():
+ chk_dict[cname] = 0
+ else:
+ chk_dict[cname] += 1
+ instance = chk_dict[cname]
+ cfg_idxs = [i for i, j in enumerate(cfg_list) if j['cname'] == cname and j['instance'] == instance]
+ if len(cfg_idxs) != 1:
+ raise Exception("Multiple CFG item '%s' found !" % cname)
+ cfg_item = cfg_list[cfg_idxs[0]]
+ cfg_item['page'] = page
+ cfg_item['type'] =
+ cfg_item['prompt'] =
+ cfg_item['range'] = None
+ if cfg_item['type'] == 'Combo':
+ cfg_item['option'] = option_dict[[1:]]
+ elif cfg_item['type'] == 'EditNum':
+ cfg_item['option'] =
+ match = re.match(r'\s+ Help\s"(.*?)"$', line)
+ if match:
+ cfg_item['help'] =
+ match = re.match(r'\s+"Valid\srange:\s(.*)"$', line)
+ if match:
+ parts =
+ cfg_item['option'] = (
+ (int(parts[0], 0), int(parts[2], 0), cfg_item['option']))
+ return cfg_list
+ @staticmethod
+ def generate_dsc(option_list, dsc_file=None):
+ dsc_lines = []
+ header = '%s' % (__copyright_dsc__ %
+ dsc_lines.extend(header.splitlines())
+ pages = []
+ for cfg_item in option_list:
+ if cfg_item['page'] and (cfg_item['page'] not in pages):
+ pages.append(cfg_item['page'])
+ page_id = 0
+ for page in pages:
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF PAGES:{PG%02X::"%s"}' % (page_id, page))
+ page_id += 1
+ dsc_lines.append('')
+ last_page = ''
+ for option in option_list:
+ dsc_lines.append('')
+ default = option['value']
+ pos = option['cname'].find('_')
+ name = option['cname'][pos + 1:]
+ if option['find']:
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF FIND:{%s}' % option['find'])
+ dsc_lines.append('')
+ if option['instance'] > 0:
+ name = name + '_%s' % option['instance']
+ if option['embed']:
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !HDR EMBED:{%s}' % option['embed'])
+ if option['type'] == 'Reserved':
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF NAME:{Reserved} TYPE:{Reserved}')
+ if option['option'] == '$SKIP':
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF OPTION:{$SKIP}')
+ else:
+ prompt = option['prompt']
+ if last_page != option['page']:
+ last_page = option['page']
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF PAGE:{PG%02X}' % (pages.index(option['page'])))
+ if option['type'] == 'Combo':
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF NAME:{%s} TYPE:{%s}' %
+ (prompt, option['type']))
+ ops = []
+ for val, text in option['option']:
+ ops.append('0x%x:%s' % (val, text))
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF OPTION:{%s}' % (', '.join(ops)))
+ elif option['type'] == 'EditNum':
+ cfg_len = option['length']
+ if ',' in default and cfg_len > 8:
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF NAME:{%s} TYPE:{Table}' % (prompt))
+ if cfg_len > 16:
+ cfg_len = 16
+ ops = []
+ for i in range(cfg_len):
+ ops.append('%X:1:HEX' % i)
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF OPTION:{%s}' % (', '.join(ops)))
+ else:
+ dsc_lines.append(
+ ' # !BSF NAME:{%s} TYPE:{%s, %s,(0x%X, 0x%X)}' %
+ (prompt, option['type'], option['option'][2],
+ option['option'][0], option['option'][1]))
+ dsc_lines.append(' # !BSF HELP:{%s}' % option['help'])
+ if ',' in default:
+ default = '{%s}' % default
+ dsc_lines.append(' gCfgData.%-30s | * | 0x%04X | %s' %
+ (name, option['length'], default))
+ if dsc_file:
+ fd = open(dsc_file, 'w')
+ fd.write('\n'.join(dsc_lines))
+ fd.close()
+ return dsc_lines
+class CFspDsc2Yaml():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._Hdr_key_list = ['EMBED', 'STRUCT']
+ self._Bsf_key_list = ['NAME', 'HELP', 'TYPE', 'PAGE', 'PAGES', 'OPTION',
+ self.gen_cfg_data = None
+ self.cfg_reg_exp = re.compile(r"^([_a-zA-Z0-9$\(\)]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+|\*)\s*\|"
+ + r"\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)")
+ self.bsf_reg_exp = re.compile(r"(%s):{(.+?)}(?:$|\s+)" % '|'.join(self._Bsf_key_list))
+ self.hdr_reg_exp = re.compile(r"(%s):{(.+?)}" % '|'.join(self._Hdr_key_list))
+ self.prefix = ''
+ self.unused_idx = 0
+ self.offset = 0
+ self.base_offset = 0
+ def load_config_data_from_dsc(self, file_name):
+ """
+ Load and parse a DSC CFGDATA file.
+ """
+ gen_cfg_data = CGenCfgOpt('FSP')
+ if file_name.endswith('.dsc'):
+ # if gen_cfg_data.ParseDscFileYaml(file_name, '') != 0:
+ if gen_cfg_data.ParseDscFile(file_name, '') != 0:
+ raise Exception('DSC file parsing error !')
+ if gen_cfg_data.CreateVarDict() != 0:
+ raise Exception('DSC variable creation error !')
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Unsupported file "%s" !' % file_name)
+ self.gen_cfg_data = gen_cfg_data
+ def print_dsc_line(self):
+ """
+ Debug function to print all DSC lines.
+ """
+ for line in self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines:
+ print(line)
+ def format_value(self, field, text, indent=''):
+ """
+ Format a CFGDATA item into YAML format.
+ """
+ if(not text.startswith('!expand')) and (': ' in text):
+ tgt = ':' if field == 'option' else '- '
+ text = text.replace(': ', tgt)
+ lines = text.splitlines()
+ if len(lines) == 1 and field != 'help':
+ return text
+ else:
+ return '>\n ' + '\n '.join([indent + i.lstrip() for i in lines])
+ def reformat_pages(self, val):
+ # Convert XXX:YYY into XXX::YYY format for page definition
+ parts = val.split(',')
+ if len(parts) <= 1:
+ return val
+ new_val = []
+ for each in parts:
+ nodes = each.split(':')
+ if len(nodes) == 2:
+ each = '%s::%s' % (nodes[0], nodes[1])
+ new_val.append(each)
+ ret = ','.join(new_val)
+ return ret
+ def reformat_struct_value(self, utype, val):
+ # Convert DSC UINT16/32/64 array into new format by
+ # adding prefix 0:0[WDQ] to provide hint to the array format
+ if utype in ['UINT16', 'UINT32', 'UINT64']:
+ if val and val[0] == '{' and val[-1] == '}':
+ if utype == 'UINT16':
+ unit = 'W'
+ elif utype == 'UINT32':
+ unit = 'D'
+ else:
+ unit = 'Q'
+ val = '{ 0:0%s, %s }' % (unit, val[1:-1])
+ return val
+ def process_config(self, cfg):
+ if 'page' in cfg:
+ cfg['page'] = self.reformat_pages(cfg['page'])
+ if 'struct' in cfg:
+ cfg['value'] = self.reformat_struct_value(cfg['struct'], cfg['value'])
+ def parse_dsc_line(self, dsc_line, config_dict, init_dict, include):
+ """
+ Parse a line in DSC and update the config dictionary accordingly.
+ """
+ init_dict.clear()
+ match = re.match(r'g(CfgData|\w+FspPkgTokenSpaceGuid)\.(.+)', dsc_line)
+ if match:
+ match = self.cfg_reg_exp.match(
+ if not match:
+ return False
+ config_dict['cname'] = self.prefix +
+ value =
+ length =
+ config_dict['length'] = length
+ config_dict['value'] = value
+ if == '*':
+ self.offset += int(length, 0)
+ else:
+ org_offset = int(, 0)
+ if org_offset == 0:
+ self.base_offset = self.offset
+ offset = org_offset + self.base_offset
+ if self.offset != offset:
+ if offset > self.offset:
+ init_dict['padding'] = offset - self.offset
+ self.offset = offset + int(length, 0)
+ return True
+ match = re.match(r"^\s*#\s+!([<>])\s+include\s+(.+)", dsc_line)
+ if match and len(config_dict) == 0:
+ # !include should not be inside a config field
+ # if so, do not convert include into YAML
+ init_dict = dict(config_dict)
+ config_dict.clear()
+ config_dict['cname'] = '$ACTION'
+ if == '<':
+ config_dict['include'] =
+ else:
+ config_dict['include'] = ''
+ return True
+ match = re.match(r"^\s*#\s+(!BSF|!HDR)\s+(.+)", dsc_line)
+ if not match:
+ return False
+ remaining =
+ if == '!BSF':
+ result = self.bsf_reg_exp.findall(remaining)
+ if not result:
+ return False
+ for each in result:
+ key = each[0].lower()
+ val = each[1]
+ if key == 'field':
+ name = each[1]
+ if ':' not in name:
+ raise Exception('Incorrect bit field format !')
+ parts = name.split(':')
+ config_dict['length'] = parts[1]
+ config_dict['cname'] = '@' + parts[0]
+ return True
+ elif key in ['pages', 'page', 'find']:
+ init_dict = dict(config_dict)
+ config_dict.clear()
+ config_dict['cname'] = '$ACTION'
+ if key == 'find':
+ config_dict['find'] = val
+ else:
+ config_dict['page'] = val
+ return True
+ elif key == 'subt':
+ config_dict.clear()
+ parts = each[1].split(':')
+ tmp_name = parts[0][:-5]
+ if tmp_name == 'CFGHDR':
+ cfg_tag = '_$FFF_'
+ sval = '!expand { %s_TMPL : [ ' % tmp_name + '%s, %s, ' % (parts[1], cfg_tag) \
+ + ', '.join(parts[2:]) + ' ] }'
+ else:
+ sval = '!expand { %s_TMPL : [ ' % tmp_name + ', '.join(parts[1:]) + ' ] }'
+ config_dict.clear()
+ config_dict['cname'] = tmp_name
+ config_dict['expand'] = sval
+ return True
+ else:
+ if key in ['name', 'help', 'option'] and val.startswith('+'):
+ val = config_dict[key] + '\n' + val[1:]
+ if val.strip() == '':
+ val = "''"
+ config_dict[key] = val
+ else:
+ match = self.hdr_reg_exp.match(remaining)
+ if not match:
+ return False
+ key =
+ remaining =
+ if key == 'EMBED':
+ parts = remaining.split(':')
+ names = parts[0].split(',')
+ if parts[-1] == 'END':
+ prefix = '>'
+ else:
+ prefix = '<'
+ skip = False
+ if parts[1].startswith('TAG_'):
+ tag_txt = '%s:%s' % (names[0], parts[1])
+ else:
+ tag_txt = names[0]
+ if parts[2] in ['START', 'END']:
+ if names[0] == 'PCIE_RP_PIN_CTRL[]':
+ skip = True
+ else:
+ tag_txt = '%s:%s' % (names[0], parts[1])
+ if not skip:
+ config_dict.clear()
+ config_dict['cname'] = prefix + tag_txt
+ return True
+ if key == 'STRUCT':
+ text = remaining.strip()
+ config_dict[key.lower()] = text
+ return False
+ def process_template_lines(self, lines):
+ """
+ Process a line in DSC template section.
+ """
+ template_name = ''
+ bsf_temp_dict = OrderedDict()
+ temp_file_dict = OrderedDict()
+ include_file = ['.']
+ for line in lines:
+ match = re.match(r"^\s*#\s+!([<>])\s+include\s+(.+)", line)
+ if match:
+ if == '<':
+ include_file.append(
+ else:
+ include_file.pop()
+ match = re.match(r"^\s*#\s+(!BSF)\s+DEFT:{(.+?):(START|END)}", line)
+ if match:
+ if == 'START' and not template_name:
+ template_name =
+ temp_file_dict[template_name] = list(include_file)
+ bsf_temp_dict[template_name] = []
+ if == 'END' and (template_name == \
+ and template_name:
+ template_name = ''
+ else:
+ if template_name:
+ bsf_temp_dict[template_name].append(line)
+ return bsf_temp_dict, temp_file_dict
+ def process_option_lines(self, lines):
+ """
+ Process a line in DSC config section.
+ """
+ cfgs = []
+ struct_end = False
+ config_dict = dict()
+ init_dict = dict()
+ include = ['']
+ for line in lines:
+ ret = self.parse_dsc_line(line, config_dict, init_dict, include)
+ if ret:
+ if 'padding' in init_dict:
+ num = init_dict['padding']
+ init_dict.clear()
+ padding_dict = {}
+ cfgs.append(padding_dict)
+ padding_dict['cname'] = 'UnusedUpdSpace%d' % self.unused_idx
+ padding_dict['length'] = '0x%x' % num
+ padding_dict['value'] = '{ 0 }'
+ self.unused_idx += 1
+ if cfgs and cfgs[-1]['cname'][0] != '@' and config_dict['cname'][0] == '@':
+ # it is a bit field, mark the previous one as virtual
+ cname = cfgs[-1]['cname']
+ new_cfg = dict(cfgs[-1])
+ new_cfg['cname'] = '@$STRUCT'
+ cfgs[-1].clear()
+ cfgs[-1]['cname'] = cname
+ cfgs.append(new_cfg)
+ if cfgs and cfgs[-1]['cname'] == 'CFGHDR' and config_dict['cname'][0] == '<':
+ # swap CfgHeader and the CFG_DATA order
+ if ':' in config_dict['cname']:
+ # replace the real TAG for CFG_DATA
+ cfgs[-1]['expand'] = cfgs[-1]['expand'].replace(
+ '_$FFF_', '0x%s' %
+ config_dict['cname'].split(':')[1][4:])
+ cfgs.insert(-1, config_dict)
+ else:
+ self.process_config(config_dict)
+ if struct_end:
+ struct_end = False
+ cfgs.insert(-1, config_dict)
+ else:
+ cfgs.append(config_dict)
+ if config_dict['cname'][0] == '>':
+ struct_end = True
+ config_dict = dict(init_dict)
+ return cfgs
+ def variable_fixup(self, each):
+ """
+ Fix up some variable definitions for SBL.
+ """
+ key = each
+ val = self.gen_cfg_data._MacroDict[each]
+ return key, val
+ def template_fixup(self, tmp_name, tmp_list):
+ """
+ Fix up some special config templates for SBL
+ """
+ return
+ def config_fixup(self, cfg_list):
+ """
+ Fix up some special config items for SBL.
+ """
+ # Insert FSPT_UPD/FSPM_UPD/FSPS_UPD tag so as to create C strcture
+ idxs = []
+ for idx, cfg in enumerate(cfg_list):
+ if cfg['cname'].startswith('<FSP_UPD_HEADER'):
+ idxs.append(idx)
+ if len(idxs) != 3:
+ return
+ # Handle insert backwards so that the index does not change in the loop
+ fsp_comp = 'SMT'
+ idx_comp = 0
+ for idx in idxs[::-1]:
+ # Add current FSP?_UPD start tag
+ cfgfig_dict = {}
+ cfgfig_dict['cname'] = '<FSP%s_UPD' % fsp_comp[idx_comp]
+ cfg_list.insert(idx, cfgfig_dict)
+ if idx_comp < 2:
+ # Add previous FSP?_UPD end tag
+ cfgfig_dict = {}
+ cfgfig_dict['cname'] = '>FSP%s_UPD' % fsp_comp[idx_comp + 1]
+ cfg_list.insert(idx, cfgfig_dict)
+ idx_comp += 1
+ # Add final FSPS_UPD end tag
+ cfgfig_dict = {}
+ cfgfig_dict['cname'] = '>FSP%s_UPD' % fsp_comp[0]
+ cfg_list.append(cfgfig_dict)
+ return
+ def get_section_range(self, section_name):
+ """
+ Extract line number range from config file for a given section name.
+ """
+ start = -1
+ end = -1
+ for idx, line in enumerate(self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines):
+ if start < 0 and line.startswith('[%s]' % section_name):
+ start = idx
+ elif start >= 0 and line.startswith('['):
+ end = idx
+ break
+ if start == -1:
+ start = 0
+ if end == -1:
+ end = len(self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines)
+ return start, end
+ def normalize_file_name(self, file, is_temp=False):
+ """
+ Normalize file name convention so that it is consistent.
+ """
+ if file.endswith('.dsc'):
+ file = file[:-4] + '.yaml'
+ dir_name = os.path.dirname(file)
+ base_name = os.path.basename(file)
+ if is_temp:
+ if 'Template_' not in file:
+ base_name = base_name.replace('Template', 'Template_')
+ else:
+ if 'CfgData_' not in file:
+ base_name = base_name.replace('CfgData', 'CfgData_')
+ if dir_name:
+ path = dir_name + '/' + base_name
+ else:
+ path = base_name
+ return path
+ def output_variable(self):
+ """
+ Output variable block into a line list.
+ """
+ lines = []
+ for each in self.gen_cfg_data._MacroDict:
+ key, value = self.variable_fixup(each)
+ lines.append('%-30s : %s' % (key, value))
+ return lines
+ def output_template(self):
+ """
+ Output template block into a line list.
+ """
+ self.offset = 0
+ self.base_offset = 0
+ start, end = self.get_section_range('PcdsDynamicVpd.Tmp')
+ bsf_temp_dict, temp_file_dict = self.process_template_lines(self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines[start:end])
+ template_dict = dict()
+ lines = []
+ file_lines = {}
+ last_file = '.'
+ file_lines[last_file] = []
+ for tmp_name in temp_file_dict:
+ temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-1] = self.normalize_file_name(temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-1], True)
+ if len(temp_file_dict[tmp_name]) > 1:
+ temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-2] = self.normalize_file_name(temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-2], True)
+ for tmp_name in bsf_temp_dict:
+ file = temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-1]
+ if last_file != file and len(temp_file_dict[tmp_name]) > 1:
+ inc_file = temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-2]
+ file_lines[inc_file].extend(['', '- !include %s' % temp_file_dict[tmp_name][-1], ''])
+ last_file = file
+ if file not in file_lines:
+ file_lines[file] = []
+ lines = file_lines[file]
+ text = bsf_temp_dict[tmp_name]
+ tmp_list = self.process_option_lines(text)
+ self.template_fixup(tmp_name, tmp_list)
+ template_dict[tmp_name] = tmp_list
+ lines.append('%s: >' % tmp_name)
+ lines.extend(self.output_dict(tmp_list, False)['.'])
+ lines.append('\n')
+ return file_lines
+ def output_config(self):
+ """
+ Output config block into a line list.
+ """
+ self.offset = 0
+ self.base_offset = 0
+ start, end = self.get_section_range('PcdsDynamicVpd.Upd')
+ cfgs = self.process_option_lines(self.gen_cfg_data._DscLines[start:end])
+ self.config_fixup(cfgs)
+ file_lines = self.output_dict(cfgs, True)
+ return file_lines
+ def output_dict(self, cfgs, is_configs):
+ """
+ Output one config item into a line list.
+ """
+ file_lines = {}
+ level = 0
+ file = '.'
+ for each in cfgs:
+ if 'length' in each and int(each['length'], 0) == 0:
+ continue
+ if 'include' in each:
+ if each['include']:
+ each['include'] = self.normalize_file_name(each['include'])
+ file_lines[file].extend(['', '- !include %s' % each['include'], ''])
+ file = each['include']
+ else:
+ file = '.'
+ continue
+ if file not in file_lines:
+ file_lines[file] = []
+ lines = file_lines[file]
+ name = each['cname']
+ prefix = name[0]
+ if prefix == '<':
+ level += 1
+ padding = ' ' * level
+ if prefix not in '<>@':
+ padding += ' '
+ else:
+ name = name[1:]
+ if prefix == '@':
+ padding += ' '
+ if ':' in name:
+ parts = name.split(':')
+ name = parts[0]
+ padding = padding[2:] if is_configs else padding
+ if prefix != '>':
+ if 'expand' in each:
+ lines.append('%s- %s' % (padding, each['expand']))
+ else:
+ lines.append('%s- %-12s :' % (padding, name))
+ for field in each:
+ if field in ['cname', 'expand', 'include']:
+ continue
+ value_str = self.format_value(field, each[field], padding + ' ' * 16)
+ full_line = ' %s %-12s : %s' % (padding, field, value_str)
+ lines.extend(full_line.splitlines())
+ if prefix == '>':
+ level -= 1
+ if level == 0:
+ lines.append('')
+ return file_lines
+def bsf_to_dsc(bsf_file, dsc_file):
+ fsp_dsc = CFspBsf2Dsc(bsf_file)
+ dsc_lines = fsp_dsc.get_dsc_lines()
+ fd = open(dsc_file, 'w')
+ fd.write('\n'.join(dsc_lines))
+ fd.close()
+ return
+def dsc_to_yaml(dsc_file, yaml_file):
+ dsc2yaml = CFspDsc2Yaml()
+ dsc2yaml.load_config_data_from_dsc(dsc_file)
+ cfgs = {}
+ for cfg in ['Template', 'Option']:
+ if cfg == 'Template':
+ file_lines = dsc2yaml.output_template()
+ else:
+ file_lines = dsc2yaml.output_config()
+ for file in file_lines:
+ lines = file_lines[file]
+ if file == '.':
+ cfgs[cfg] = lines
+ else:
+ if('/' in file or '\\' in file):
+ continue
+ file = os.path.basename(file)
+ fo = open(os.path.join(file), 'w')
+ fo.write(__copyright_tmp__ % (cfg, + '\n\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ fo.write(line + '\n')
+ fo.close()
+ variables = dsc2yaml.output_variable()
+ fo = open(yaml_file, 'w')
+ fo.write(__copyright_tmp__ % ('Default',
+ if len(variables) > 0:
+ fo.write('\n\nvariable:\n')
+ for line in variables:
+ fo.write(' ' + line + '\n')
+ fo.write('\n\ntemplate:\n')
+ for line in cfgs['Template']:
+ if line != '':
+ fo.write(' ' + line + '\n')
+ fo.write('\n\nconfigs:\n')
+ for line in cfgs['Option']:
+ if line != '':
+ fo.write(' ' + line + '\n')
+ fo.close()
+def get_fsp_name_from_path(bsf_file):
+ name = ''
+ parts = bsf_file.split(os.sep)
+ for part in parts:
+ if part.endswith('FspBinPkg'):
+ name = part[:-9]
+ break
+ if not name:
+ raise Exception('Could not get FSP name from file path!')
+ return name
+def usage():
+ print('\n'.join([
+ "FspDscBsf2Yaml Version 0.10",
+ "Usage:",
+ " FspDscBsf2Yaml BsfFile|DscFile YamlFile"
+ ]))
+def main():
+ #
+ # Parse the options and args
+ #
+ argc = len(sys.argv)
+ if argc < 3:
+ usage()
+ return 1
+ bsf_file = sys.argv[1]
+ yaml_file = sys.argv[2]
+ if os.path.isdir(yaml_file):
+ yaml_file = os.path.join(yaml_file, get_fsp_name_from_path(bsf_file) + '.yaml')
+ if bsf_file.endswith('.dsc'):
+ dsc_file = bsf_file
+ bsf_file = ''
+ else:
+ dsc_file = os.path.splitext(yaml_file)[0] + '.dsc'
+ bsf_to_dsc(bsf_file, dsc_file)
+ dsc_to_yaml(dsc_file, yaml_file)
+ print("'%s' was created successfully!" % yaml_file)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..34484c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,1791 @@
+## @
+# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import struct
+from datetime import date
+from functools import reduce
+# Generated file copyright header
+__copyright_txt__ = """## @file
+# This file lists all VPD informations for a platform collected by build.exe.
+# Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# This program and the accompanying materials
+# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+__copyright_bsf__ = """/** @file
+ Boot Setting File for Platform Configuration.
+ Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ This program and the accompanying materials
+ are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+ which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+ This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!!
+__copyright_h__ = """/** @file
+Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+ other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may
+ be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+ specific prior written permission.
+ This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!!
+BuildOptionPcd = []
+class CLogicalExpression:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.index = 0
+ self.string = ''
+ def errExit(self, err = ''):
+ print ("ERROR: Express parsing for:")
+ print (" %s" % self.string)
+ print (" %s^" % (' ' * self.index))
+ if err:
+ print ("INFO : %s" % err)
+ raise SystemExit
+ def getNonNumber (self, n1, n2):
+ if not n1.isdigit():
+ return n1
+ if not n2.isdigit():
+ return n2
+ return None
+ def getCurr(self, lens = 1):
+ try:
+ if lens == -1:
+ return self.string[self.index :]
+ else:
+ if self.index + lens > len(self.string):
+ lens = len(self.string) - self.index
+ return self.string[self.index : self.index + lens]
+ except Exception:
+ return ''
+ def isLast(self):
+ return self.index == len(self.string)
+ def moveNext(self, len = 1):
+ self.index += len
+ def skipSpace(self):
+ while not self.isLast():
+ if self.getCurr() in ' \t':
+ self.moveNext()
+ else:
+ return
+ def normNumber (self, val):
+ return True if val else False
+ def getNumber(self, var):
+ var = var.strip()
+ if re.match('^0x[a-fA-F0-9]+$', var):
+ value = int(var, 16)
+ elif re.match('^[+-]?\d+$', var):
+ value = int(var, 10)
+ else:
+ value = None
+ return value
+ def parseValue(self):
+ self.skipSpace()
+ var = ''
+ while not self.isLast():
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ if re.match('^[\w.]', char):
+ var += char
+ self.moveNext()
+ else:
+ break
+ val = self.getNumber(var)
+ if val is None:
+ value = var
+ else:
+ value = "%d" % val
+ return value
+ def parseSingleOp(self):
+ self.skipSpace()
+ if re.match('^NOT\W', self.getCurr(-1)):
+ self.moveNext(3)
+ op = self.parseBrace()
+ val = self.getNumber (op)
+ if val is None:
+ self.errExit ("'%s' is not a number" % op)
+ return "%d" % (not self.normNumber(int(op)))
+ else:
+ return self.parseValue()
+ def parseBrace(self):
+ self.skipSpace()
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ if char == '(':
+ self.moveNext()
+ value = self.parseExpr()
+ self.skipSpace()
+ if self.getCurr() != ')':
+ self.errExit ("Expecting closing brace or operator")
+ self.moveNext()
+ return value
+ else:
+ value = self.parseSingleOp()
+ return value
+ def parseCompare(self):
+ value = self.parseBrace()
+ while True:
+ self.skipSpace()
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ if char in ['<', '>']:
+ self.moveNext()
+ next = self.getCurr()
+ if next == '=':
+ op = char + next
+ self.moveNext()
+ else:
+ op = char
+ result = self.parseBrace()
+ test = self.getNonNumber(result, value)
+ if test is None:
+ value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval (value + op + result))
+ else:
+ self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid number for comparision" % test)
+ elif char in ['=', '!']:
+ op = self.getCurr(2)
+ if op in ['==', '!=']:
+ self.moveNext(2)
+ result = self.parseBrace()
+ test = self.getNonNumber(result, value)
+ if test is None:
+ value = "%d" % self.normNumber((eval (value + op + result)))
+ else:
+ value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval ("'" + value + "'" + op + "'" + result + "'"))
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ return value
+ def parseAnd(self):
+ value = self.parseCompare()
+ while True:
+ self.skipSpace()
+ if re.match('^AND\W', self.getCurr(-1)):
+ self.moveNext(3)
+ result = self.parseCompare()
+ test = self.getNonNumber(result, value)
+ if test is None:
+ value = "%d" % self.normNumber(int(value) & int(result))
+ else:
+ self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid op number for AND" % test)
+ else:
+ break
+ return value
+ def parseOrXor(self):
+ value = self.parseAnd()
+ op = None
+ while True:
+ self.skipSpace()
+ op = None
+ if re.match('^XOR\W', self.getCurr(-1)):
+ self.moveNext(3)
+ op = '^'
+ elif re.match('^OR\W', self.getCurr(-1)):
+ self.moveNext(2)
+ op = '|'
+ else:
+ break
+ if op:
+ result = self.parseAnd()
+ test = self.getNonNumber(result, value)
+ if test is None:
+ value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval (value + op + result))
+ else:
+ self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid op number for XOR/OR" % test)
+ return value
+ def parseExpr(self):
+ return self.parseOrXor()
+ def getResult(self):
+ value = self.parseExpr()
+ self.skipSpace()
+ if not self.isLast():
+ self.errExit ("Unexpected character found '%s'" % self.getCurr())
+ test = self.getNumber(value)
+ if test is None:
+ self.errExit ("Result '%s' is not a number" % value)
+ return int(value)
+ def evaluateExpress (self, Expr):
+ self.index = 0
+ self.string = Expr
+ if self.getResult():
+ Result = True
+ else:
+ Result = False
+ return Result
+class CGenCfgOpt:
+ def __init__(self, Mode = ''):
+ self.Debug = False
+ self.Error = ''
+ self.Mode = Mode
+ self._GlobalDataDef = """
+ self._BuidinOptionTxt = """
+List &EN_DIS
+ Selection 0x1 , "Enabled"
+ Selection 0x0 , "Disabled"
+ self._HdrKeyList = ['HEADER','STRUCT', 'EMBED', 'COMMENT']
+ self._BuidinOption = {'$EN_DIS' : 'EN_DIS'}
+ self._MacroDict = {}
+ self._VarDict = {}
+ self._PcdsDict = {}
+ self._CfgBlkDict = {}
+ self._CfgPageDict = {}
+ self._BsfTempDict = {}
+ self._CfgItemList = []
+ self._DscLines = []
+ self._DscFile = ''
+ self._MapVer = 0
+ self._DscTime = 0
+ def ParseMacros (self, MacroDefStr):
+ # ['-DABC=1', '-D', 'CFG_DEBUG=1', '-D', 'CFG_OUTDIR=Build']
+ self._MacroDict = {}
+ IsExpression = False
+ for Macro in MacroDefStr:
+ if Macro.startswith('-D'):
+ IsExpression = True
+ if len(Macro) > 2:
+ Macro = Macro[2:]
+ else :
+ continue
+ if IsExpression:
+ IsExpression = False
+ Match = re.match("(\w+)=(.+)", Macro)
+ if Match:
+ self._MacroDict[] =
+ else:
+ Match = re.match("(\w+)", Macro)
+ if Match:
+ self._MacroDict[] = ''
+ if len(self._MacroDict) == 0:
+ Error = 1
+ else:
+ Error = 0
+ if self.Debug:
+ print ("INFO : Macro dictionary:")
+ for Each in self._MacroDict:
+ print (" $(%s) = [ %s ]" % (Each , self._MacroDict[Each]))
+ return Error
+ def EvaulateIfdef (self, Macro):
+ Result = Macro in self._MacroDict
+ if self.Debug:
+ print ("INFO : Eval Ifdef [%s] : %s" % (Macro, Result))
+ return Result
+ def ExpandMacros (self, Input, Preserve = False):
+ Line = Input
+ Match = re.findall("\$\(\w+\)", Input)
+ if Match:
+ for Each in Match:
+ Variable = Each[2:-1]
+ if Variable in self._MacroDict:
+ Line = Line.replace(Each, self._MacroDict[Variable])
+ else:
+ if self.Debug:
+ print ("WARN : %s is not defined" % Each)
+ if not Preserve:
+ Line = Line.replace(Each, Each[2:-1])
+ return Line
+ def ExpandPcds (self, Input):
+ Line = Input
+ Match = re.findall("(\w+\.\w+)", Input)
+ if Match:
+ for PcdName in Match:
+ if PcdName in self._PcdsDict:
+ Line = Line.replace(PcdName, self._PcdsDict[PcdName])
+ else:
+ if self.Debug:
+ print ("WARN : %s is not defined" % PcdName)
+ return Line
+ def EvaluateExpress (self, Expr):
+ ExpExpr = self.ExpandPcds(Expr)
+ ExpExpr = self.ExpandMacros(ExpExpr)
+ LogExpr = CLogicalExpression()
+ Result = LogExpr.evaluateExpress (ExpExpr)
+ if self.Debug:
+ print ("INFO : Eval Express [%s] : %s" % (Expr, Result))
+ return Result
+ def ValueToByteArray (self, ValueStr, Length):
+ Match = re.match("\{\s*FILE:(.+)\}", ValueStr)
+ if Match:
+ FileList =',')
+ Result = bytearray()
+ for File in FileList:
+ File = File.strip()
+ BinPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._DscFile), File)
+ Result.extend(bytearray(open(BinPath, 'rb').read()))
+ else:
+ try:
+ Result = bytearray(self.ValueToList(ValueStr, Length))
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise Exception ("Bytes in '%s' must be in range 0~255 !" % ValueStr)
+ if len(Result) < Length:
+ Result.extend(b'\x00' * (Length - len(Result)))
+ elif len(Result) > Length:
+ raise Exception ("Value '%s' is too big to fit into %d bytes !" % (ValueStr, Length))
+ return Result[:Length]
+ def ValueToList (self, ValueStr, Length):
+ if ValueStr[0] == '{':
+ Result = []
+ BinList = ValueStr[1:-1].split(',')
+ InBitField = False
+ LastInBitField = False
+ Value = 0
+ BitLen = 0
+ for Element in BinList:
+ InBitField = False
+ Each = Element.strip()
+ if len(Each) == 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if Each[0] in ['"', "'"]:
+ Result.extend(list(bytearray(Each[1:-1], 'utf-8')))
+ elif ':' in Each:
+ Match = re.match("(.+):(\d+)b", Each)
+ if Match is None:
+ raise Exception("Invald value list format '%s' !" % Each)
+ InBitField = True
+ CurrentBitLen = int(
+ CurrentValue = ((self.EvaluateExpress( & (1<<CurrentBitLen) - 1)) << BitLen
+ else:
+ Result.append(self.EvaluateExpress(Each.strip()))
+ if InBitField:
+ Value += CurrentValue
+ BitLen += CurrentBitLen
+ if LastInBitField and ((not InBitField) or (Element == BinList[-1])):
+ if BitLen % 8 != 0:
+ raise Exception("Invald bit field length!")
+ Result.extend(Val2Bytes(Value, BitLen // 8))
+ Value = 0
+ BitLen = 0
+ LastInBitField = InBitField
+ elif ValueStr.startswith("'") and ValueStr.endswith("'"):
+ Result = Str2Bytes (ValueStr, Length)
+ elif ValueStr.startswith('"') and ValueStr.endswith('"'):
+ Result = Str2Bytes (ValueStr, Length)
+ else:
+ Result = Val2Bytes (self.EvaluateExpress(ValueStr), Length)
+ return Result
+ def FormatListValue(self, ConfigDict):
+ Struct = ConfigDict['struct']
+ if Struct not in ['UINT8','UINT16','UINT32','UINT64']:
+ return
+ dataarray = []
+ binlist = ConfigDict['value'][1:-1].split(',')
+ for each in binlist:
+ each = each.strip()
+ if each.startswith('0x'):
+ value = int(each, 16)
+ else:
+ value = int(each)
+ dataarray.append(value)
+ unit = int(Struct[4:]) / 8
+ if int(ConfigDict['length']) != unit * len(dataarray):
+ raise Exception("Array size is not proper for '%s' !" % ConfigDict['cname'])
+ bytearray = []
+ for each in dataarray:
+ value = each
+ for loop in range(int(unit)):
+ bytearray.append("0x%02X" % (value & 0xFF))
+ value = value >> 8
+ newvalue = '{' + ','.join(bytearray) + '}'
+ ConfigDict['value'] = newvalue
+ return ""
+ def ParseDscFile (self, DscFile, FvDir):
+ Hardcode = False
+ AutoAlign = False
+ self._CfgItemList = []
+ self._CfgPageDict = {}
+ self._CfgBlkDict = {}
+ self._DscFile = DscFile
+ self._FvDir = FvDir
+ self._DscLines = []
+ self._BsfTempDict = {}
+ # Initial DSC time is parent DSC time.
+ self._DscTime = os.path.getmtime(DscFile)
+ CfgDict = {}
+ IsDefSect = False
+ IsPcdSect = False
+ IsUpdSect = False
+ IsVpdSect = False
+ IsTmpSect = False
+ TemplateName = ''
+ IfStack = []
+ ElifStack = []
+ Error = 0
+ ConfigDict = {}
+ if type(DscFile) is list:
+ # it is DSC lines already
+ DscLines = DscFile
+ self._DscFile = '.'
+ else:
+ DscFd = open(DscFile, "r")
+ DscLines = DscFd.readlines()
+ DscFd.close()
+ self._DscFile = DscFile
+ SkipLines = 0
+ MaxAlign = 32 #Default align to 32, but if there are 64 bit unit, align to 64
+ SizeAlign = 0 #record the struct max align
+ Base = 0 #Starting offset of sub-structure.
+ while len(DscLines):
+ DscLine = DscLines.pop(0).strip()
+ if SkipLines == 0:
+ self._DscLines.append (DscLine)
+ else:
+ SkipLines = SkipLines - 1
+ if len(DscLine) == 0:
+ continue
+ Handle = False
+ Match = re.match("^\[(.+)\]", DscLine)
+ if Match is not None:
+ IsDefSect = False
+ IsPcdSect = False
+ IsVpdSect = False
+ IsUpdSect = False
+ IsTmpSect = False
+ SectionName =
+ if SectionName == "Defines".lower():
+ IsDefSect = True
+ if (SectionName == "PcdsFeatureFlag".lower() or SectionName == "PcdsFixedAtBuild".lower()):
+ IsPcdSect = True
+ elif SectionName == "PcdsDynamicVpd.Tmp".lower():
+ IsTmpSect = True
+ elif SectionName == "PcdsDynamicVpd.Upd".lower():
+ ConfigDict = {}
+ ConfigDict['header'] = 'ON'
+ ConfigDict['region'] = 'UPD'
+ ConfigDict['order'] = -1
+ ConfigDict['page'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['name'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['find'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['marker'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['struct'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['embed'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['comment'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['subreg'] = []
+ ConfigDict['condition'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['option'] = ''
+ IsUpdSect = True
+ Offset = 0
+ else:
+ if IsDefSect or IsPcdSect or IsUpdSect or IsVpdSect or IsTmpSect:
+ Match = False if DscLine[0] != '!' else True
+ if Match:
+ Match = re.match("^!(else|endif|ifdef|ifndef|if|elseif|include)\s*(.+)?$", DscLine.split("#")[0])
+ Keyword = if Match else ''
+ Remaining = if Match else ''
+ Remaining = '' if Remaining is None else Remaining.strip()
+ if Keyword in ['if', 'elseif', 'ifdef', 'ifndef', 'include'] and not Remaining:
+ raise Exception ("ERROR: Expression is expected after '!if' or !elseif' for line '%s'" % DscLine)
+ if Keyword == 'else':
+ if IfStack:
+ IfStack[-1] = not IfStack[-1]
+ else:
+ raise Exception ("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!else' for line '%s'" % DscLine)
+ elif Keyword == 'endif':
+ if IfStack:
+ IfStack.pop()
+ Level = ElifStack.pop()
+ if Level > 0:
+ del IfStack[-Level:]
+ else:
+ raise Exception ("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!endif' for line '%s'" % DscLine)
+ elif Keyword == 'ifdef' or Keyword == 'ifndef':
+ Result = self.EvaulateIfdef (Remaining)
+ if Keyword == 'ifndef':
+ Result = not Result
+ IfStack.append(Result)
+ ElifStack.append(0)
+ elif Keyword == 'if' or Keyword == 'elseif':
+ Result = self.EvaluateExpress(Remaining)
+ if Keyword == "if":
+ ElifStack.append(0)
+ IfStack.append(Result)
+ else: #elseif
+ if IfStack:
+ IfStack[-1] = not IfStack[-1]
+ IfStack.append(Result)
+ ElifStack[-1] = ElifStack[-1] + 1
+ else:
+ raise Exception ("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!elif' for line '%s'" % DscLine)
+ else:
+ if IfStack:
+ Handle = reduce(lambda x,y: x and y, IfStack)
+ else:
+ Handle = True
+ if Handle:
+ Match = re.match("!include\s+(.+)", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ IncludeFilePath =
+ IncludeFilePath = self.ExpandMacros(IncludeFilePath)
+ PackagesPath = os.getenv("PACKAGES_PATH")
+ if PackagesPath:
+ for PackagePath in PackagesPath.split(os.pathsep):
+ IncludeFilePathAbs = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(PackagePath), os.path.normpath(IncludeFilePath))
+ if os.path.exists(IncludeFilePathAbs):
+ IncludeDsc = open(IncludeFilePathAbs, "r")
+ break
+ else:
+ IncludeDsc = open(IncludeFilePath, "r")
+ if IncludeDsc == None:
+ print("ERROR: Cannot open file '%s'" % IncludeFilePath)
+ raise SystemExit
+ # Update DscTime when newer DSC time found.
+ CurrentDscTime = os.path.getmtime(os.path.realpath(
+ if CurrentDscTime > self._DscTime:
+ self._DscTime = CurrentDscTime
+ NewDscLines = IncludeDsc.readlines()
+ IncludeDsc.close()
+ DscLines = NewDscLines + DscLines
+ del self._DscLines[-1]
+ Offset = 0
+ else:
+ if DscLine.startswith('!'):
+ print("ERROR: Unrecognized directive for line '%s'" % DscLine)
+ raise SystemExit
+ if not Handle:
+ del self._DscLines[-1]
+ continue
+ if IsDefSect:
+ #DEFINE UPD_TOOL_GUID = 8C3D856A-9BE6-468E-850A-24F7A8D38E09
+ #DEFINE FSP_T_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 34686CA3-34F9-4901-B82A-BA630F0714C6
+ #DEFINE FSP_S_UPD_TOOL_GUID = CAE3605B-5B34-4C85-B3D7-27D54273C40F
+ Match = re.match("^\s*(?:DEFINE\s+)*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ self._MacroDict[] = self.ExpandMacros(
+ if self.Debug:
+ print ("INFO : DEFINE %s = [ %s ]" % (, self.ExpandMacros(
+ elif IsPcdSect:
+ #gSiPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTxtEnable|FALSE
+ #gSiPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdOverclockEnable|TRUE
+ Match = re.match("^\s*([\w\.]+)\s*\|\s*(\w+)", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ self._PcdsDict[] =
+ if self.Debug:
+ print ("INFO : PCD %s = [ %s ]" % (,
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(BuildOptionPcd):
+ Match = re.match("\s*([\w\.]+)\s*\=\s*(\w+)", BuildOptionPcd[i])
+ if Match:
+ self._PcdsDict[] =
+ i += 1
+ elif IsTmpSect:
+ Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+(!BSF)\s+DEFT:{(.+?):(START|END)}", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ if == 'START' and not TemplateName:
+ TemplateName =
+ self._BsfTempDict[TemplateName] = []
+ if == 'END' and (TemplateName == and TemplateName:
+ TemplateName = ''
+ else:
+ if TemplateName:
+ Match = re.match("^!include\s*(.+)?$", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ continue
+ self._BsfTempDict[TemplateName].append(DscLine)
+ else:
+ Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+(!BSF|@Bsf|!HDR)\s+(.+)", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ Remaining =
+ if == '!BSF' or == '@Bsf':
+ Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)PAGES:{(.+?)}", Remaining)
+ if Match:
+ # !BSF PAGES:{HSW:"Haswell System Agent", LPT:"Lynx Point PCH"}
+ PageList =',')
+ for Page in PageList:
+ Page = Page.strip()
+ Match = re.match("(\w+):\"(.+)\"", Page)
+ if Match != None:
+ self._CfgPageDict[] =
+ Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)BLOCK:{NAME:\"(.+)\"\s*,\s*VER:\"(.+)\"\s*}", Remaining)
+ if Match:
+ self._CfgBlkDict['name'] =
+ self._CfgBlkDict['ver'] =
+ for Key in self._BsfKeyList:
+ Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)%s:{(.+?)}" % Key, Remaining)
+ if Match:
+ if Key in ['NAME', 'HELP', 'OPTION'] and'+'):
+ ConfigDict[Key.lower()] +=[1:]
+ else:
+ ConfigDict[Key.lower()] =
+ else:
+ for Key in self._HdrKeyList:
+ Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)%s:{(.+?)}" % Key, Remaining)
+ if Match:
+ ConfigDict[Key.lower()] =
+ Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+@Prompt\s+(.+)", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ ConfigDict['name'] =
+ Match = re.match("^\s*#\s*@ValidList\s*(.+)\s*\|\s*(.+)\s*\|\s*(.+)\s*", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ if in self._BuidinOption:
+ ConfigDict['option'] =
+ else:
+ OptionValueList =',')
+ OptionStringList =',')
+ Index = 0
+ for Option in OptionValueList:
+ Option = Option.strip()
+ ConfigDict['option'] = ConfigDict['option'] + str(Option) + ':' + OptionStringList[Index].strip()
+ Index += 1
+ if Index in range(len(OptionValueList)):
+ ConfigDict['option'] += ', '
+ ConfigDict['type'] = "Combo"
+ Match = re.match("^\s*#\s*@ValidRange\s*(.+)\s*\|\s*(.+)\s*-\s*(.+)\s*", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ if "0x" in or "0x" in
+ ConfigDict['type'] = "EditNum, HEX, (%s,%s)" % (,
+ else:
+ ConfigDict['type'] = "EditNum, DEC, (%s,%s)" % (,
+ Match = re.match("^\s*##\s+(.+)", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ ConfigDict['help'] =
+ # Check VPD/UPD
+ if IsUpdSect:
+ Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+|\*)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)",DscLine)
+ else:
+ Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)(?:\s*\|\s*(.+))?", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ ConfigDict['space'] =
+ ConfigDict['cname'] =
+ if != '*':
+ Hardcode = True
+ Offset = int (, 16)
+ else:
+ AutoAlign = True
+ if Hardcode and AutoAlign:
+ print("Hardcode and auto-align mixed mode is not supported by GenCfgOpt")
+ raise SystemExit
+ ConfigDict['offset'] = Offset
+ if ConfigDict['order'] == -1:
+ ConfigDict['order'] = ConfigDict['offset'] << 8
+ else:
+ (Major, Minor) = ConfigDict['order'].split('.')
+ ConfigDict['order'] = (int (Major, 16) << 8 ) + int (Minor, 16)
+ if IsUpdSect:
+ Value =
+ if"0x"):
+ Length = int (, 16)
+ else :
+ Length = int (
+ Offset += Length
+ else:
+ Value =
+ if Value is None:
+ Value = ''
+ Value = Value.strip()
+ if '|' in Value:
+ Match = re.match("^.+\s*\|\s*(.+)", Value)
+ if Match:
+ Value =
+ Length = -1
+ ConfigDict['length'] = Length
+ Match = re.match("\$\((\w+)\)", Value)
+ if Match:
+ if in self._MacroDict:
+ Value = self._MacroDict[]
+ ConfigDict['value'] = Value
+ if (len(Value) > 0) and (Value[0] == '{'):
+ Value = self.FormatListValue(ConfigDict)
+ if ConfigDict['name'] == '':
+ # Clear BSF specific items
+ ConfigDict['bsfname'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['help'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['type'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['option'] = ''
+ if IsUpdSect and AutoAlign:
+ ItemLength = int(ConfigDict['length'])
+ ItemOffset = int(ConfigDict['offset'])
+ ItemStruct = ConfigDict['struct']
+ Unit = 1
+ if ItemLength in [1, 2, 4, 8] and not ConfigDict['value'].startswith('{'):
+ Unit = ItemLength
+ # If there are 64 bit unit, align to 64
+ if Unit == 8:
+ MaxAlign = 64
+ SizeAlign = 8
+ if ItemStruct != '':
+ UnitDict = {'UINT8':1, 'UINT16':2, 'UINT32':4, 'UINT64':8}
+ if ItemStruct in ['UINT8', 'UINT16', 'UINT32', 'UINT64']:
+ Unit = UnitDict[ItemStruct]
+ # If there are 64 bit unit, align to 64
+ if Unit == 8:
+ MaxAlign = 64
+ SizeAlign = max(SizeAlign, Unit)
+ if (ConfigDict['embed'].find(':START') != -1):
+ Base = ItemOffset
+ SubOffset = ItemOffset - Base
+ SubRemainder = SubOffset % Unit
+ if SubRemainder:
+ Diff = Unit - SubRemainder
+ Offset = Offset + Diff
+ ItemOffset = ItemOffset + Diff
+ if (ConfigDict['embed'].find(':END') != -1):
+ Remainder = Offset % (MaxAlign/8) # MaxAlign is either 32 or 64
+ if Remainder:
+ Diff = int((MaxAlign/8) - Remainder)
+ Offset = Offset + Diff
+ ItemOffset = ItemOffset + Diff
+ MaxAlign = 32 # Reset to default 32 align when struct end
+ if (ConfigDict['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator'):
+ # ItemLength is the size of UpdTerminator
+ # Itemlength might be 16, 32, or 64
+ # Struct align to 64 if UpdTerminator
+ # or struct size is 64 bit, else align to 32
+ Remainder = Offset % max(ItemLength/8, 4, SizeAlign)
+ Offset = Offset + ItemLength
+ if Remainder:
+ Diff = int(max(ItemLength/8, 4, SizeAlign) - Remainder)
+ ItemOffset = ItemOffset + Diff
+ ConfigDict['offset'] = ItemOffset
+ self._CfgItemList.append(ConfigDict.copy())
+ ConfigDict['name'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['find'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['struct'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['embed'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['comment'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['marker'] = ''
+ ConfigDict['order'] = -1
+ ConfigDict['subreg'] = []
+ ConfigDict['option'] = ''
+ else:
+ # It could be a virtual item as below
+ # !BSF FIELD:{SerialDebugPortAddress0:1}
+ # or
+ # @Bsf FIELD:{SerialDebugPortAddress0:1b}
+ Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+(!BSF|@Bsf)\s+FIELD:{(.+):(\d+)([Bb])?}", DscLine)
+ if Match:
+ SubCfgDict = ConfigDict.copy()
+ if ( == None) or ( == 'B'):
+ UnitBitLen = 8
+ elif == 'b':
+ UnitBitLen = 1
+ else:
+ print("ERROR: Invalide BSF FIELD length for line '%s'" % DscLine)
+ raise SystemExit
+ SubCfgDict['cname'] =
+ SubCfgDict['bitlength'] = int ( * UnitBitLen
+ if SubCfgDict['bitlength'] > 0:
+ LastItem = self._CfgItemList[-1]
+ if len(LastItem['subreg']) == 0:
+ SubOffset = 0
+ else:
+ SubOffset = LastItem['subreg'][-1]['bitoffset'] + LastItem['subreg'][-1]['bitlength']
+ SubCfgDict['bitoffset'] = SubOffset
+ LastItem['subreg'].append (SubCfgDict.copy())
+ ConfigDict['name'] = ''
+ return Error
+ def GetBsfBitFields (self, subitem, bytes):
+ start = subitem['bitoffset']
+ end = start + subitem['bitlength']
+ bitsvalue = ''.join('{0:08b}'.format(i) for i in bytes[::-1])
+ bitsvalue = bitsvalue[::-1]
+ bitslen = len(bitsvalue)
+ if start > bitslen or end > bitslen:
+ raise Exception ("Invalid bits offset [%d,%d] %d for %s" % (start, end, bitslen, subitem['name']))
+ return '0x%X' % (int(bitsvalue[start:end][::-1], 2))
+ def UpdateSubRegionDefaultValue (self):
+ Error = 0
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if len(Item['subreg']) == 0:
+ continue
+ bytearray = []
+ if Item['value'][0] == '{':
+ binlist = Item['value'][1:-1].split(',')
+ for each in binlist:
+ each = each.strip()
+ if each.startswith('0x'):
+ value = int(each, 16)
+ else:
+ value = int(each)
+ bytearray.append(value)
+ else:
+ if Item['value'].startswith('0x'):
+ value = int(Item['value'], 16)
+ else:
+ value = int(Item['value'])
+ idx = 0
+ while idx < Item['length']:
+ bytearray.append(value & 0xFF)
+ value = value >> 8
+ idx = idx + 1
+ for SubItem in Item['subreg']:
+ valuestr = self.GetBsfBitFields(SubItem, bytearray)
+ SubItem['value'] = valuestr
+ return Error
+ def NoDscFileChange (self, OutPutFile):
+ NoFileChange = True
+ if not os.path.exists(OutPutFile):
+ NoFileChange = False
+ else:
+ OutputTime = os.path.getmtime(OutPutFile)
+ if self._DscTime > OutputTime:
+ NoFileChange = False
+ return NoFileChange
+ def CreateSplitUpdTxt (self, UpdTxtFile):
+ SignatureList = ['0x545F', '0x4D5F','0x535F'] # _T, _M, and _S signature for FSPT, FSPM, FSPS
+ for Index in range(len(GuidList)):
+ UpdTxtFile = ''
+ FvDir = self._FvDir
+ if GuidList[Index] not in self._MacroDict:
+ self.Error = "%s definition is missing in DSC file" % (GuidList[Index])
+ return 1
+ if UpdTxtFile == '':
+ UpdTxtFile = os.path.join(FvDir, self._MacroDict[GuidList[Index]] + '.txt')
+ if (self.NoDscFileChange (UpdTxtFile)):
+ # DSC has not been modified yet
+ # So don't have to re-generate other files
+ self.Error = 'No DSC file change, skip to create UPD TXT file'
+ return 256
+ TxtFd = open(UpdTxtFile, "w")
+ TxtFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_txt__ %
+ NextOffset = 0
+ SpaceIdx = 0
+ StartAddr = 0
+ EndAddr = 0
+ Default = 'DEFAULT|'
+ InRange = False
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if Item['cname'] == 'Signature' and str(Item['value'])[0:6] == SignatureList[Index]:
+ StartAddr = Item['offset']
+ NextOffset = StartAddr
+ InRange = True
+ if Item['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator' and InRange == True:
+ EndAddr = Item['offset']
+ InRange = False
+ InRange = False
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if Item['cname'] == 'Signature' and str(Item['value'])[0:6] == SignatureList[Index]:
+ InRange = True
+ if InRange != True:
+ continue
+ if Item['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator':
+ InRange = False
+ if Item['region'] != 'UPD':
+ continue
+ Offset = Item['offset']
+ if StartAddr > Offset or EndAddr < Offset:
+ continue
+ if NextOffset < Offset:
+ # insert one line
+ TxtFd.write("%s.UnusedUpdSpace%d|%s0x%04X|0x%04X|{0}\n" % (Item['space'], SpaceIdx, Default, NextOffset - StartAddr, Offset - NextOffset))
+ SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx + 1
+ NextOffset = Offset + Item['length']
+ TxtFd.write("%s.%s|%s0x%04X|%s|%s\n" % (Item['space'],Item['cname'],Default,Item['offset'] - StartAddr,Item['length'],Item['value']))
+ TxtFd.close()
+ return 0
+ def CreateVarDict (self):
+ Error = 0
+ self._VarDict = {}
+ if len(self._CfgItemList) > 0:
+ Item = self._CfgItemList[-1]
+ self._VarDict['_LENGTH_'] = '%d' % (Item['offset'] + Item['length'])
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ Embed = Item['embed']
+ Match = re.match("^(\w+):(\w+):(START|END)", Embed)
+ if Match:
+ StructName =
+ VarName = '_%s_%s_' % (, StructName)
+ if == 'END':
+ self._VarDict[VarName] = Item['offset'] + Item['length']
+ self._VarDict['_LENGTH_%s_' % StructName] = \
+ self._VarDict['_END_%s_' % StructName] - self._VarDict['_START_%s_' % StructName]
+ if'TAG_'):
+ if (self.Mode != 'FSP') and (self._VarDict['_LENGTH_%s_' % StructName] % 4):
+ raise Exception("Size of structure '%s' is %d, not DWORD aligned !" % (StructName, self._VarDict['_LENGTH_%s_' % StructName]))
+ self._VarDict['_TAG_%s_' % StructName] = int ([4:], 16) & 0xFFF
+ else:
+ self._VarDict[VarName] = Item['offset']
+ if Item['marker']:
+ self._VarDict['_OFFSET_%s_' % Item['marker'].strip()] = Item['offset']
+ return Error
+ def UpdateBsfBitUnit (self, Item):
+ BitTotal = 0
+ BitOffset = 0
+ StartIdx = 0
+ Unit = None
+ UnitDec = {1:'BYTE', 2:'WORD', 4:'DWORD', 8:'QWORD'}
+ for Idx, SubItem in enumerate(Item['subreg']):
+ if Unit is None:
+ Unit = SubItem['bitunit']
+ BitLength = SubItem['bitlength']
+ BitTotal += BitLength
+ BitOffset += BitLength
+ if BitOffset > 64 or BitOffset > Unit * 8:
+ break
+ if BitOffset == Unit * 8:
+ for SubIdx in range (StartIdx, Idx + 1):
+ Item['subreg'][SubIdx]['bitunit'] = Unit
+ BitOffset = 0
+ StartIdx = Idx + 1
+ Unit = None
+ if BitOffset > 0:
+ raise Exception ("Bit fields cannot fit into %s for '%s.%s' !" % (UnitDec[Unit], Item['cname'], SubItem['cname']))
+ ExpectedTotal = Item['length'] * 8
+ if Item['length'] * 8 != BitTotal:
+ raise Exception ("Bit fields total length (%d) does not match length (%d) of '%s' !" % (BitTotal, ExpectedTotal, Item['cname']))
+ def UpdateDefaultValue (self):
+ Error = 0
+ for Idx, Item in enumerate(self._CfgItemList):
+ if len(Item['subreg']) == 0:
+ Value = Item['value']
+ if (len(Value) > 0) and (Value[0] == '{' or Value[0] == "'" or Value[0] == '"'):
+ # {XXX} or 'XXX' strings
+ self.FormatListValue(self._CfgItemList[Idx])
+ else:
+ Match = re.match("(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+)", Value)
+ if not Match:
+ NumValue = self.EvaluateExpress (Value)
+ Item['value'] = '0x%X' % NumValue
+ else:
+ ValArray = self.ValueToByteArray (Item['value'], Item['length'])
+ for SubItem in Item['subreg']:
+ SubItem['value'] = self.GetBsfBitFields(SubItem, ValArray)
+ self.UpdateBsfBitUnit (Item)
+ return Error
+ def ProcessMultilines (self, String, MaxCharLength):
+ Multilines = ''
+ StringLength = len(String)
+ CurrentStringStart = 0
+ StringOffset = 0
+ BreakLineDict = []
+ if len(String) <= MaxCharLength:
+ while (StringOffset < StringLength):
+ if StringOffset >= 1:
+ if String[StringOffset - 1] == '\\' and String[StringOffset] == 'n':
+ BreakLineDict.append (StringOffset + 1)
+ StringOffset += 1
+ if BreakLineDict != []:
+ for Each in BreakLineDict:
+ Multilines += " %s\n" % String[CurrentStringStart:Each].lstrip()
+ CurrentStringStart = Each
+ if StringLength - CurrentStringStart > 0:
+ Multilines += " %s\n" % String[CurrentStringStart:].lstrip()
+ else:
+ Multilines = " %s\n" % String
+ else:
+ NewLineStart = 0
+ NewLineCount = 0
+ FoundSpaceChar = False
+ while (StringOffset < StringLength):
+ if StringOffset >= 1:
+ if NewLineCount >= MaxCharLength - 1:
+ if String[StringOffset] == ' ' and StringLength - StringOffset > 10:
+ BreakLineDict.append (NewLineStart + NewLineCount)
+ NewLineStart = NewLineStart + NewLineCount
+ NewLineCount = 0
+ FoundSpaceChar = True
+ elif StringOffset == StringLength - 1 and FoundSpaceChar == False:
+ BreakLineDict.append (0)
+ if String[StringOffset - 1] == '\\' and String[StringOffset] == 'n':
+ BreakLineDict.append (StringOffset + 1)
+ NewLineStart = StringOffset + 1
+ NewLineCount = 0
+ StringOffset += 1
+ NewLineCount += 1
+ if BreakLineDict != []:
+ BreakLineDict.sort ()
+ for Each in BreakLineDict:
+ if Each > 0:
+ Multilines += " %s\n" % String[CurrentStringStart:Each].lstrip()
+ CurrentStringStart = Each
+ if StringLength - CurrentStringStart > 0:
+ Multilines += " %s\n" % String[CurrentStringStart:].lstrip()
+ return Multilines
+ def CreateField (self, Item, Name, Length, Offset, Struct, BsfName, Help, Option, BitsLength = None):
+ PosName = 28
+ PosComment = 30
+ NameLine=''
+ HelpLine=''
+ OptionLine=''
+ if Length == 0 and Name == 'Dummy':
+ return '\n'
+ IsArray = False
+ if Length in [1,2,4,8]:
+ Type = "UINT%d" % (Length * 8)
+ if Name.startswith("UnusedUpdSpace") and Length != 1:
+ IsArray = True
+ Type = "UINT8"
+ else:
+ IsArray = True
+ Type = "UINT8"
+ if Item and Item['value'].startswith('{'):
+ Type = "UINT8"
+ IsArray = True
+ if Struct != '':
+ Type = Struct
+ if Struct in ['UINT8','UINT16','UINT32','UINT64']:
+ IsArray = True
+ Unit = int(Type[4:]) / 8
+ Length = Length / Unit
+ else:
+ IsArray = False
+ if IsArray:
+ Name = Name + '[%d]' % Length
+ if len(Type) < PosName:
+ Space1 = PosName - len(Type)
+ else:
+ Space1 = 1
+ if BsfName != '':
+ NameLine=" - %s\n" % BsfName
+ else:
+ NameLine="\n"
+ if Help != '':
+ HelpLine = self.ProcessMultilines (Help, 80)
+ if Option != '':
+ OptionLine = self.ProcessMultilines (Option, 80)
+ if Offset is None:
+ OffsetStr = '????'
+ else:
+ OffsetStr = '0x%04X' % Offset
+ if BitsLength is None:
+ BitsLength = ''
+ else:
+ BitsLength = ' : %d' % BitsLength
+ return "\n/** Offset %s%s%s%s**/\n %s%s%s%s;\n" % (OffsetStr, NameLine, HelpLine, OptionLine, Type, ' ' * Space1, Name, BitsLength)
+ def PostProcessBody (self, TextBody):
+ NewTextBody = []
+ OldTextBody = []
+ IncludeLine = False
+ StructName = ''
+ VariableName = ''
+ IsUpdHdrDefined = False
+ IsUpdHeader = False
+ for Line in TextBody:
+ SplitToLines = Line.splitlines()
+ MatchComment = re.match("^/\*\sCOMMENT:(\w+):([\w|\W|\s]+)\s\*/\s([\s\S]*)", SplitToLines[0])
+ if MatchComment:
+ if == 'FSP_UPD_HEADER':
+ IsUpdHeader = True
+ else:
+ IsUpdHeader = False
+ if IsUpdHdrDefined != True or IsUpdHeader != True:
+ CommentLine = " " + + "\n"
+ NewTextBody.append("/**" + CommentLine + "**/\n")
+ Line = Line[(len(SplitToLines[0]) + 1):]
+ Match = re.match("^/\*\sEMBED_STRUCT:(\w+):(\w+):(START|END)\s\*/\s([\s\S]*)", Line)
+ if Match:
+ Line =
+ if == 'FSP_UPD_HEADER':
+ IsUpdHeader = True
+ else:
+ IsUpdHeader = False
+ if Match and == 'START':
+ if IsUpdHdrDefined != True or IsUpdHeader != True:
+ NewTextBody.append ('typedef struct {\n')
+ StructName =
+ VariableName =
+ MatchOffset ='/\*\*\sOffset\s0x([a-fA-F0-9]+)', Line)
+ if MatchOffset:
+ Offset = int(, 16)
+ else:
+ Offset = None
+ Line
+ IncludeLine = True
+ OldTextBody.append (self.CreateField (None, VariableName, 0, Offset, StructName, '', '', ''))
+ if IncludeLine:
+ if IsUpdHdrDefined != True or IsUpdHeader != True:
+ NewTextBody.append (Line)
+ else:
+ OldTextBody.append (Line)
+ if Match and == 'END':
+ if (StructName != or (VariableName !=
+ print ("Unmatched struct name '%s' and '%s' !" % (StructName,
+ else:
+ if IsUpdHdrDefined != True or IsUpdHeader != True:
+ NewTextBody.append ('} %s;\n\n' % StructName)
+ IsUpdHdrDefined = True
+ IncludeLine = False
+ NewTextBody.extend(OldTextBody)
+ return NewTextBody
+ def WriteLinesWithoutTailingSpace (self, HeaderFd, Line):
+ TxtBody2 = Line.splitlines(True)
+ for Line2 in TxtBody2:
+ Line2 = Line2.rstrip()
+ Line2 += '\n'
+ HeaderFd.write (Line2)
+ return 0
+ def CreateHeaderFile (self, InputHeaderFile):
+ FvDir = self._FvDir
+ HeaderFileName = 'FspUpd.h'
+ HeaderFile = os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderFileName)
+ # Check if header needs to be recreated
+ if (self.NoDscFileChange (HeaderFile)):
+ # DSC has not been modified yet
+ # So don't have to re-generate other files
+ self.Error = 'No DSC file change, skip to create UPD header file'
+ return 256
+ TxtBody = []
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if str(Item['cname']) == 'Signature' and Item['length'] == 8:
+ Value = int(Item['value'], 16)
+ Chars = []
+ while Value != 0x0:
+ Chars.append(chr(Value & 0xFF))
+ Value = Value >> 8
+ SignatureStr = ''.join(Chars)
+ # Signature will be _T / _M / _S for FSPT / FSPM / FSPS accordingly
+ if '_T' in SignatureStr[6:6+2]:
+ TxtBody.append("#define FSPT_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr))
+ elif '_M' in SignatureStr[6:6+2]:
+ TxtBody.append("#define FSPM_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr))
+ elif '_S' in SignatureStr[6:6+2]:
+ TxtBody.append("#define FSPS_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr))
+ TxtBody.append("\n")
+ for Region in ['UPD']:
+ UpdOffsetTable = []
+ UpdSignature = ['0x545F', '0x4D5F', '0x535F'] #['_T', '_M', '_S'] signature for FSPT, FSPM, FSPS
+ UpdStructure = ['FSPT_UPD', 'FSPM_UPD', 'FSPS_UPD']
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if Item["cname"] == 'Signature' and Item["value"][0:6] in UpdSignature:
+ Item["offset"] = 0 # re-initialize offset to 0 when new UPD structure starting
+ UpdOffsetTable.append (Item["offset"])
+ for UpdIdx in range(len(UpdOffsetTable)):
+ CommentLine = ""
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if Item["comment"] != '' and Item["offset"] >= UpdOffsetTable[UpdIdx]:
+ MatchComment = re.match("^(U|V)PD_DATA_REGION:([\w|\W|\s]+)", Item["comment"])
+ if MatchComment and == Region[0]:
+ CommentLine = " " + + "\n"
+ TxtBody.append("/**" + CommentLine + "**/\n")
+ elif Item["offset"] >= UpdOffsetTable[UpdIdx] and Item["comment"] == '':
+ Match = re.match("^FSP([\w|\W|\s])_UPD", UpdStructure[UpdIdx])
+ if Match:
+ TxtBody.append("/** Fsp " + + " UPD Configuration\n**/\n")
+ TxtBody.append("typedef struct {\n")
+ NextOffset = 0
+ SpaceIdx = 0
+ Offset = 0
+ LastVisible = True
+ ResvOffset = 0
+ ResvIdx = 0
+ LineBuffer = []
+ InRange = False
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if Item['cname'] == 'Signature' and str(Item['value'])[0:6] == UpdSignature[UpdIdx] or Region[0] == 'V':
+ InRange = True
+ if InRange != True:
+ continue
+ if Item['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator':
+ InRange = False
+ if Item['region'] != Region:
+ continue
+ if Item["offset"] < UpdOffsetTable[UpdIdx]:
+ continue
+ NextVisible = LastVisible
+ if LastVisible and (Item['header'] == 'OFF'):
+ NextVisible = False
+ ResvOffset = Item['offset']
+ elif (not LastVisible) and Item['header'] == 'ON':
+ NextVisible = True
+ Name = "Reserved" + Region[0] + "pdSpace%d" % ResvIdx
+ ResvIdx = ResvIdx + 1
+ TxtBody.append(self.CreateField (Item, Name, Item["offset"] - ResvOffset, ResvOffset, '', '', '', ''))
+ if Offset < Item["offset"]:
+ if LastVisible:
+ Name = "Unused" + Region[0] + "pdSpace%d" % SpaceIdx
+ LineBuffer.append(self.CreateField (Item, Name, Item["offset"] - Offset, Offset, '', '', '', ''))
+ SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx + 1
+ Offset = Item["offset"]
+ LastVisible = NextVisible
+ Offset = Offset + Item["length"]
+ if LastVisible:
+ for Each in LineBuffer:
+ TxtBody.append (Each)
+ LineBuffer = []
+ Comment = Item["comment"]
+ Embed = Item["embed"].upper()
+ if Embed.endswith(':START') or Embed.endswith(':END'):
+ if not Comment == '' and Embed.endswith(':START'):
+ Marker = '/* COMMENT:%s */ \n' % Item["comment"]
+ Marker = Marker + '/* EMBED_STRUCT:%s */ ' % Item["embed"]
+ else:
+ Marker = '/* EMBED_STRUCT:%s */ ' % Item["embed"]
+ else:
+ if Embed == '':
+ Marker = ''
+ else:
+ self.Error = "Invalid embedded structure format '%s'!\n" % Item["embed"]
+ return 4
+ Line = Marker + self.CreateField (Item, Item["cname"], Item["length"], Item["offset"], Item['struct'], Item['name'], Item['help'], Item['option'])
+ TxtBody.append(Line)
+ if Item['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator':
+ break
+ TxtBody.append("} " + UpdStructure[UpdIdx] + ";\n\n")
+ # Handle the embedded data structure
+ TxtBody = self.PostProcessBody (TxtBody)
+ HeaderTFileName = 'FsptUpd.h'
+ HeaderMFileName = 'FspmUpd.h'
+ HeaderSFileName = 'FspsUpd.h'
+ UpdRegionCheck = ['FSPT', 'FSPM', 'FSPS'] # FSPX_UPD_REGION
+ ExcludedSpecificUpd = ['FSPT_ARCH_UPD', 'FSPM_ARCH_UPD', 'FSPS_ARCH_UPD']
+ IncLines = []
+ if InputHeaderFile != '':
+ if not os.path.exists(InputHeaderFile):
+ self.Error = "Input header file '%s' does not exist" % InputHeaderFile
+ return 6
+ InFd = open(InputHeaderFile, "r")
+ IncLines = InFd.readlines()
+ InFd.close()
+ for item in range(len(UpdRegionCheck)):
+ if UpdRegionCheck[item] == 'FSPT':
+ HeaderFd = open(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderTFileName), "w")
+ FileBase = os.path.basename(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderTFileName))
+ elif UpdRegionCheck[item] == 'FSPM':
+ HeaderFd = open(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderMFileName), "w")
+ FileBase = os.path.basename(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderMFileName))
+ elif UpdRegionCheck[item] == 'FSPS':
+ HeaderFd = open(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderSFileName), "w")
+ FileBase = os.path.basename(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderSFileName))
+ FileName = FileBase.replace(".", "_").upper()
+ HeaderFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_h__ %
+ HeaderFd.write("#ifndef __%s__\n" % FileName)
+ HeaderFd.write("#define __%s__\n\n" % FileName)
+ HeaderFd.write("#include <%s>\n\n" % HeaderFileName)
+ HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack(1)\n\n")
+ Export = False
+ for Line in IncLines:
+ if Match:
+ if == "BEGIN" and == UpdRegionCheck[item]:
+ Export = True
+ continue
+ else:
+ Export = False
+ continue
+ if Export:
+ HeaderFd.write(Line)
+ HeaderFd.write("\n")
+ Index = 0
+ StartIndex = 0
+ EndIndex = 0
+ StructStart = []
+ StructStartWithComment = []
+ StructEnd = []
+ for Line in TxtBody:
+ Index += 1
+ Match = re.match("(typedef struct {)", Line)
+ if Match:
+ StartIndex = Index - 1
+ Match = re.match("}\s([_A-Z0-9]+);", Line)
+ if Match and (UpdRegionCheck[item] in or UpdConfigCheck[item] in and (ExcludedSpecificUpd[item] not in
+ EndIndex = Index
+ StructStart.append(StartIndex)
+ StructEnd.append(EndIndex)
+ Index = 0
+ for Line in TxtBody:
+ Index += 1
+ for Item in range(len(StructStart)):
+ if Index == StructStart[Item]:
+ Match = re.match("^(/\*\*\s*)", Line)
+ if Match:
+ StructStartWithComment.append(StructStart[Item])
+ else:
+ StructStartWithComment.append(StructStart[Item] + 1)
+ Index = 0
+ for Line in TxtBody:
+ Index += 1
+ for Item in range(len(StructStart)):
+ if Index >= StructStartWithComment[Item] and Index <= StructEnd[Item]:
+ self.WriteLinesWithoutTailingSpace(HeaderFd, Line)
+ HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack()\n\n")
+ HeaderFd.write("#endif\n")
+ HeaderFd.close()
+ HeaderFd = open(HeaderFile, "w")
+ FileBase = os.path.basename(HeaderFile)
+ FileName = FileBase.replace(".", "_").upper()
+ HeaderFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_h__ %
+ HeaderFd.write("#ifndef __%s__\n" % FileName)
+ HeaderFd.write("#define __%s__\n\n" % FileName)
+ HeaderFd.write("#include <FspEas.h>\n\n")
+ HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack(1)\n\n")
+ for item in range(len(UpdRegionCheck)):
+ Index = 0
+ StartIndex = 0
+ EndIndex = 0
+ StructStart = []
+ StructStartWithComment = []
+ StructEnd = []
+ for Line in TxtBody:
+ Index += 1
+ Match = re.match("(typedef struct {)", Line)
+ if Match:
+ StartIndex = Index - 1
+ Match = re.match("#define\s([_A-Z0-9]+)\s*", Line)
+ if Match and (UpdSignatureCheck[item] in or UpdSignatureCheck[item] in
+ StructStart.append(Index - 1)
+ StructEnd.append(Index)
+ Index = 0
+ for Line in TxtBody:
+ Index += 1
+ for Item in range(len(StructStart)):
+ if Index == StructStart[Item]:
+ Match = re.match("^(/\*\*\s*)", Line)
+ if Match:
+ StructStartWithComment.append(StructStart[Item])
+ else:
+ StructStartWithComment.append(StructStart[Item] + 1)
+ Index = 0
+ for Line in TxtBody:
+ Index += 1
+ for Item in range(len(StructStart)):
+ if Index >= StructStartWithComment[Item] and Index <= StructEnd[Item]:
+ self.WriteLinesWithoutTailingSpace(HeaderFd, Line)
+ HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack()\n\n")
+ HeaderFd.write("#endif\n")
+ HeaderFd.close()
+ return 0
+ def WriteBsfStruct (self, BsfFd, Item):
+ LogExpr = CLogicalExpression()
+ if Item['type'] == "None":
+ Space = "gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid"
+ else:
+ Space = Item['space']
+ Line = " $%s_%s" % (Space, Item['cname'])
+ Match = re.match("\s*\{([x0-9a-fA-F,\s]+)\}\s*", Item['value'])
+ if Match:
+ DefaultValue =
+ else:
+ DefaultValue = Item['value'].strip()
+ if 'bitlength' in Item:
+ BsfFd.write(" %s%s%4d bits $_DEFAULT_ = %s\n" % (Line, ' ' * (64 - len(Line)), Item['bitlength'], DefaultValue))
+ else:
+ BsfFd.write(" %s%s%4d bytes $_DEFAULT_ = %s\n" % (Line, ' ' * (64 - len(Line)), Item['length'], DefaultValue))
+ TmpList = []
+ if Item['type'] == "Combo":
+ if not Item['option'] in self._BuidinOption:
+ OptList = Item['option'].split(',')
+ for Option in OptList:
+ Option = Option.strip()
+ (OpVal, OpStr) = Option.split(':')
+ test = LogExpr.getNumber (OpVal)
+ if test is None:
+ raise Exception("Selection Index '%s' is not a number" % OpVal)
+ TmpList.append((OpVal, OpStr))
+ return TmpList
+ def WriteBsfOption (self, BsfFd, Item):
+ PcdName = Item['space'] + '_' + Item['cname']
+ WriteHelp = 0
+ if Item['type'] == "Combo":
+ if Item['option'] in self._BuidinOption:
+ Options = self._BuidinOption[Item['option']]
+ else:
+ Options = PcdName
+ BsfFd.write(' %s $%s, "%s", &%s,\n' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name'], Options))
+ WriteHelp = 1
+ elif Item['type'].startswith("EditNum"):
+ Match = re.match("EditNum\s*,\s*(HEX|DEC)\s*,\s*\((\d+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*,\s*(\d+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\)", Item['type'])
+ if Match:
+ BsfFd.write(' EditNum $%s, "%s", %s,\n' % (PcdName, Item['name'],
+ WriteHelp = 2
+ elif Item['type'].startswith("EditText"):
+ BsfFd.write(' %s $%s, "%s",\n' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name']))
+ WriteHelp = 1
+ elif Item['type'] == "Table":
+ Columns = Item['option'].split(',')
+ if len(Columns) != 0:
+ BsfFd.write(' %s $%s "%s",' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name']))
+ for Col in Columns:
+ Fmt = Col.split(':')
+ if len(Fmt) != 3:
+ raise Exception("Column format '%s' is invalid !" % Fmt)
+ try:
+ Dtype = int(Fmt[1].strip())
+ except:
+ raise Exception("Column size '%s' is invalid !" % Fmt[1])
+ BsfFd.write('\n Column "%s", %d bytes, %s' % (Fmt[0].strip(), Dtype, Fmt[2].strip()))
+ BsfFd.write(',\n')
+ WriteHelp = 1
+ if WriteHelp > 0:
+ HelpLines = Item['help'].split('\\n\\r')
+ FirstLine = True
+ for HelpLine in HelpLines:
+ if FirstLine:
+ FirstLine = False
+ BsfFd.write(' Help "%s"\n' % (HelpLine))
+ else:
+ BsfFd.write(' "%s"\n' % (HelpLine))
+ if WriteHelp == 2:
+ BsfFd.write(' "Valid range: %s ~ %s"\n' % (,
+ def GenerateBsfFile (self, BsfFile):
+ if BsfFile == '':
+ self.Error = "BSF output file '%s' is invalid" % BsfFile
+ return 1
+ if (self.NoDscFileChange (BsfFile)):
+ # DSC has not been modified yet
+ # So don't have to re-generate other files
+ self.Error = 'No DSC file change, skip to create UPD BSF file'
+ return 256
+ Error = 0
+ OptionDict = {}
+ BsfFd = open(BsfFile, "w")
+ BsfFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_bsf__ %
+ BsfFd.write("%s\n" % self._GlobalDataDef)
+ BsfFd.write("StructDef\n")
+ NextOffset = -1
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if Item['find'] != '':
+ BsfFd.write('\n Find "%s"\n' % Item['find'])
+ NextOffset = Item['offset'] + Item['length']
+ if Item['name'] != '':
+ if NextOffset != Item['offset']:
+ BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bytes\n" % (Item['offset'] - NextOffset))
+ if len(Item['subreg']) > 0:
+ NextOffset = Item['offset']
+ BitsOffset = NextOffset * 8
+ for SubItem in Item['subreg']:
+ BitsOffset += SubItem['bitlength']
+ if SubItem['name'] == '':
+ if 'bitlength' in SubItem:
+ BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bits\n" % (SubItem['bitlength']))
+ else:
+ BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bytes\n" % (SubItem['length']))
+ else:
+ Options = self.WriteBsfStruct(BsfFd, SubItem)
+ if len(Options) > 0:
+ OptionDict[SubItem['space']+'_'+SubItem['cname']] = Options
+ NextBitsOffset = (Item['offset'] + Item['length']) * 8
+ if NextBitsOffset > BitsOffset:
+ BitsGap = NextBitsOffset - BitsOffset
+ BitsRemain = BitsGap % 8
+ if BitsRemain:
+ BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bits\n" % BitsRemain)
+ BitsGap -= BitsRemain
+ BytesRemain = int(BitsGap / 8)
+ if BytesRemain:
+ BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bytes\n" % BytesRemain)
+ NextOffset = Item['offset'] + Item['length']
+ else:
+ NextOffset = Item['offset'] + Item['length']
+ Options = self.WriteBsfStruct(BsfFd, Item)
+ if len(Options) > 0:
+ OptionDict[Item['space']+'_'+Item['cname']] = Options
+ BsfFd.write("\nEndStruct\n\n")
+ BsfFd.write("%s" % self._BuidinOptionTxt)
+ for Each in OptionDict:
+ BsfFd.write("List &%s\n" % Each)
+ for Item in OptionDict[Each]:
+ BsfFd.write(' Selection %s , "%s"\n' % (Item[0], Item[1]))
+ BsfFd.write("EndList\n\n")
+ BsfFd.write("BeginInfoBlock\n")
+ BsfFd.write(' PPVer "%s"\n' % (self._CfgBlkDict['ver']))
+ BsfFd.write(' Description "%s"\n' % (self._CfgBlkDict['name']))
+ BsfFd.write("EndInfoBlock\n\n")
+ for Each in self._CfgPageDict:
+ BsfFd.write('Page "%s"\n' % self._CfgPageDict[Each])
+ BsfItems = []
+ for Item in self._CfgItemList:
+ if Item['name'] != '':
+ if Item['page'] != Each:
+ continue
+ if len(Item['subreg']) > 0:
+ for SubItem in Item['subreg']:
+ if SubItem['name'] != '':
+ BsfItems.append(SubItem)
+ else:
+ BsfItems.append(Item)
+ BsfItems.sort(key=lambda x: x['order'])
+ for Item in BsfItems:
+ self.WriteBsfOption (BsfFd, Item)
+ BsfFd.write("EndPage\n\n")
+ BsfFd.close()
+ return Error
+def Usage():
+ print ("GenCfgOpt Version 0.56")
+ print ("Usage:")
+ print (" GenCfgOpt UPDTXT PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir [-D Macros]")
+ print (" GenCfgOpt HEADER PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir InputHFile [-D Macros]")
+ print (" GenCfgOpt GENBSF PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir BsfOutFile [-D Macros]")
+def Main():
+ #
+ # Parse the options and args
+ #
+ i = 1
+ GenCfgOpt = CGenCfgOpt()
+ while i < len(sys.argv):
+ if sys.argv[i].strip().lower() == "--pcd":
+ BuildOptionPcd.append(sys.argv[i+1])
+ i += 1
+ i += 1
+ argc = len(sys.argv)
+ if argc < 4:
+ Usage()
+ return 1
+ else:
+ DscFile = sys.argv[2]
+ if not os.path.exists(DscFile):
+ print ("ERROR: Cannot open DSC file '%s' !" % DscFile)
+ return 2
+ OutFile = ''
+ if argc > 4:
+ if sys.argv[4][0] == '-':
+ Start = 4
+ else:
+ OutFile = sys.argv[4]
+ Start = 5
+ if argc > Start:
+ if GenCfgOpt.ParseMacros(sys.argv[Start:]) != 0:
+ print ("ERROR: Macro parsing failed !")
+ return 3
+ FvDir = sys.argv[3]
+ if not os.path.exists(FvDir):
+ os.makedirs(FvDir)
+ if GenCfgOpt.ParseDscFile(DscFile, FvDir) != 0:
+ print ("ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error)
+ return 5
+ if GenCfgOpt.UpdateSubRegionDefaultValue() != 0:
+ print ("ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error)
+ return 7
+ if sys.argv[1] == "UPDTXT":
+ Ret = GenCfgOpt.CreateSplitUpdTxt(OutFile)
+ if Ret != 0:
+ # No change is detected
+ if Ret == 256:
+ print ("INFO: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error))
+ else :
+ print ("ERROR: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error))
+ return Ret
+ elif sys.argv[1] == "HEADER":
+ Ret = GenCfgOpt.CreateHeaderFile(OutFile)
+ if Ret != 0:
+ # No change is detected
+ if Ret == 256:
+ print ("INFO: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error))
+ else :
+ print ("ERROR: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error))
+ return 8
+ return Ret
+ elif sys.argv[1] == "GENBSF":
+ Ret = GenCfgOpt.GenerateBsfFile(OutFile)
+ if Ret != 0:
+ # No change is detected
+ if Ret == 256:
+ print ("INFO: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error))
+ else :
+ print ("ERROR: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error))
+ return 9
+ return Ret
+ else:
+ if argc < 5:
+ Usage()
+ return 1
+ print ("ERROR: Unknown command '%s' !" % sys.argv[1])
+ Usage()
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(Main())
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..adec12ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,954 @@
+## @
+# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+# Read data from file
+# param [in] binfile Binary file
+# param [in] offset Offset
+# param [in] len Length
+# retval value Value
+def readDataFromFile (binfile, offset, len=1):
+ fd = open(binfile, "r+b")
+ fsize = os.path.getsize(binfile)
+ offval = offset & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ if (offval & 0x80000000):
+ offval = fsize - (0xFFFFFFFF - offval + 1)
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ bytearray = [ord(b) for b in]
+ else:
+ bytearray = [b for b in]
+ value = 0
+ idx = len - 1
+ while idx >= 0:
+ value = value << 8 | bytearray[idx]
+ idx = idx - 1
+ fd.close()
+ return value
+# Check FSP header is valid or not
+# param [in] binfile Binary file
+# retval boolean True: valid; False: invalid
+def IsFspHeaderValid (binfile):
+ fd = open (binfile, "rb")
+ bindat = # only read first 0x200 bytes
+ fd.close()
+ HeaderList = [b'FSPH' , b'FSPP' , b'FSPE'] # Check 'FSPH', 'FSPP', and 'FSPE' in the FSP header
+ OffsetList = []
+ for each in HeaderList:
+ if each in bindat:
+ idx = bindat.index(each)
+ else:
+ idx = 0
+ OffsetList.append(idx)
+ if not OffsetList[0] or not OffsetList[1]: # If 'FSPH' or 'FSPP' is missing, it will return false
+ return False
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ Revision = ord(bindat[OffsetList[0] + 0x0B])
+ else:
+ Revision = bindat[OffsetList[0] + 0x0B]
+ #
+ # if revision is bigger than 1, it means it is FSP v1.1 or greater revision, which must contain 'FSPE'.
+ #
+ if Revision > 1 and not OffsetList[2]:
+ return False # If FSP v1.1 or greater without 'FSPE', then return false
+ return True
+# Patch data in file
+# param [in] binfile Binary file
+# param [in] offset Offset
+# param [in] value Patch value
+# param [in] len Length
+# retval len Length
+def patchDataInFile (binfile, offset, value, len=1):
+ fd = open(binfile, "r+b")
+ fsize = os.path.getsize(binfile)
+ offval = offset & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ if (offval & 0x80000000):
+ offval = fsize - (0xFFFFFFFF - offval + 1)
+ bytearray = []
+ idx = 0
+ while idx < len:
+ bytearray.append(value & 0xFF)
+ value = value >> 8
+ idx = idx + 1
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ fd.write("".join(chr(b) for b in bytearray))
+ else:
+ fd.write(bytes(bytearray))
+ fd.close()
+ return len
+class Symbols:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.dictSymbolAddress = {}
+ self.dictGuidNameXref = {}
+ self.dictFfsOffset = {}
+ self.dictVariable = {}
+ self.dictModBase = {}
+ self.fdFile = None
+ self.string = ""
+ self.fdBase = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ self.fdSize = 0
+ self.index = 0
+ self.fvList = []
+ self.parenthesisOpenSet = '([{<'
+ self.parenthesisCloseSet = ')]}>'
+ #
+ # Get FD file
+ #
+ # retval self.fdFile Retrieve FD file
+ #
+ def getFdFile (self):
+ return self.fdFile
+ #
+ # Get FD size
+ #
+ # retval self.fdSize Retrieve the size of FD file
+ #
+ def getFdSize (self):
+ return self.fdSize
+ def parseFvInfFile (self, infFile):
+ fvInfo = {}
+ fvFile = infFile[0:-4] + ".Fv"
+ fvInfo['Name'] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infFile))[0]
+ fvInfo['Offset'] = self.getFvOffsetInFd(fvFile)
+ fvInfo['Size'] = readDataFromFile (fvFile, 0x20, 4)
+ fdIn = open(infFile, "r")
+ rptLines = fdIn.readlines()
+ fdIn.close()
+ fvInfo['Base'] = 0
+ for rptLine in rptLines:
+ match = re.match("^EFI_BASE_ADDRESS\s*=\s*(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)", rptLine)
+ if match:
+ fvInfo['Base'] = int(, 16)
+ break
+ self.fvList.append(dict(fvInfo))
+ return 0
+ #
+ # Create dictionaries
+ #
+ # param [in] fvDir FV's directory
+ # param [in] fvNames All FV's names
+ #
+ # retval 0 Created dictionaries successfully
+ #
+ def createDicts (self, fvDir, fvNames):
+ #
+ # If the fvDir is not a directory, then raise an exception
+ #
+ if not os.path.isdir(fvDir):
+ raise Exception ("'%s' is not a valid directory!" % fvDir)
+ #
+ # If the Guid.xref is not existing in fvDir, then raise an exception
+ #
+ xrefFile = os.path.join(fvDir, "Guid.xref")
+ if not os.path.exists(xrefFile):
+ raise Exception("Cannot open GUID Xref file '%s'!" % xrefFile)
+ #
+ # Add GUID reference to dictionary
+ #
+ self.dictGuidNameXref = {}
+ self.parseGuidXrefFile(xrefFile)
+ #
+ # Split up each FV from fvNames and get the fdBase
+ #
+ fvList = fvNames.split(":")
+ fdBase = fvList.pop()
+ if len(fvList) == 0:
+ fvList.append(fdBase)
+ #
+ # If the FD file is not existing, then raise an exception
+ #
+ fdFile = os.path.join(fvDir, fdBase.strip() + ".fd")
+ if not os.path.exists(fdFile):
+ raise Exception("Cannot open FD file '%s'!" % fdFile)
+ #
+ # Get the size of the FD file
+ #
+ self.fdFile = fdFile
+ self.fdSize = os.path.getsize(fdFile)
+ #
+ # If the INF file, which is the first element of fvList, is not existing, then raise an exception
+ #
+ infFile = os.path.join(fvDir, fvList[0].strip()) + ".inf"
+ if not os.path.exists(infFile):
+ raise Exception("Cannot open INF file '%s'!" % infFile)
+ #
+ # Parse INF file in order to get fdBase and then assign those values to dictVariable
+ #
+ self.parseInfFile(infFile)
+ self.dictVariable = {}
+ self.dictVariable["FDSIZE"] = self.fdSize
+ self.dictVariable["FDBASE"] = self.fdBase
+ #
+ # Collect information from FV MAP file and FV TXT file then
+ # put them into dictionaries
+ #
+ self.fvList = []
+ self.dictSymbolAddress = {}
+ self.dictFfsOffset = {}
+ for file in fvList:
+ #
+ # If the file is not existing, then raise an exception.
+ # Otherwise, parse FV MAP file
+ #
+ fvFile = os.path.join(fvDir, file.strip()) + ".Fv"
+ mapFile = fvFile + ".map"
+ if not os.path.exists(mapFile):
+ raise Exception("Cannot open MAP file '%s'!" % mapFile)
+ infFile = fvFile[0:-3] + ".inf"
+ self.parseFvInfFile(infFile)
+ self.parseFvMapFile(mapFile)
+ #
+ # If the .Fv.txt file is not existing, then raise an exception.
+ # Otherwise, parse FV TXT file
+ #
+ fvTxtFile = fvFile + ".txt"
+ if not os.path.exists(fvTxtFile):
+ raise Exception("Cannot open FV TXT file '%s'!" % fvTxtFile)
+ self.parseFvTxtFile(fvTxtFile)
+ for fv in self.fvList:
+ self.dictVariable['_BASE_%s_' % fv['Name']] = fv['Base']
+ #
+ # Search all MAP files in FFS directory if it exists then parse MOD MAP file
+ #
+ ffsDir = os.path.join(fvDir, "Ffs")
+ if (os.path.isdir(ffsDir)):
+ for item in os.listdir(ffsDir):
+ if len(item) <= 0x24:
+ continue
+ mapFile =os.path.join(ffsDir, item, "" % item[0:0x24])
+ if not os.path.exists(mapFile):
+ continue
+ self.parseModMapFile(item[0x24:], mapFile)
+ return 0
+ #
+ # Get FV offset in FD file
+ #
+ # param [in] fvFile FV file
+ #
+ # retval offset Got FV offset successfully
+ #
+ def getFvOffsetInFd(self, fvFile):
+ #
+ # Check if the first 0x70 bytes of fvFile can be found in fdFile
+ #
+ fvHandle = open(fvFile, "r+b")
+ fdHandle = open(self.fdFile, "r+b")
+ offset =
+ fvHandle.close()
+ fdHandle.close()
+ if offset == -1:
+ raise Exception("Could not locate FV file %s in FD!" % fvFile)
+ return offset
+ #
+ # Parse INF file
+ #
+ # param [in] infFile INF file
+ #
+ # retval 0 Parsed INF file successfully
+ #
+ def parseInfFile(self, infFile):
+ #
+ # Get FV offset and search EFI_BASE_ADDRESS in the FD file
+ # then assign the value of EFI_BASE_ADDRESS to fdBase
+ #
+ fvOffset = self.getFvOffsetInFd(infFile[0:-4] + ".Fv")
+ fdIn = open(infFile, "r")
+ rptLine = fdIn.readline()
+ self.fdBase = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ while (rptLine != "" ):
+ match = re.match("^EFI_BASE_ADDRESS\s*=\s*(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)", rptLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ self.fdBase = int(, 16) - fvOffset
+ rptLine = fdIn.readline()
+ fdIn.close()
+ if self.fdBase == 0xFFFFFFFF:
+ raise Exception("Could not find EFI_BASE_ADDRESS in INF file!" % fvFile)
+ return 0
+ #
+ # Parse FV TXT file
+ #
+ # param [in] fvTxtFile .Fv.txt file
+ #
+ # retval 0 Parsed FV TXT file successfully
+ #
+ def parseFvTxtFile(self, fvTxtFile):
+ fvName = os.path.basename(fvTxtFile)[0:-7].upper()
+ #
+ # Get information from .Fv.txt in order to create a dictionary
+ # For example,
+ # self.dictFfsOffset[912740BE-2284-4734-B971-84B027353F0C] = 0x000D4078
+ #
+ fvOffset = self.getFvOffsetInFd(fvTxtFile[0:-4])
+ fdIn = open(fvTxtFile, "r")
+ rptLine = fdIn.readline()
+ while (rptLine != "" ):
+ match = re.match("(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\s([0-9a-fA-F\-]+)", rptLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ if in self.dictFfsOffset:
+ self.dictFfsOffset[fvName + ':' +] = "0x%08X" % (int(, 16) + fvOffset)
+ else:
+ self.dictFfsOffset[] = "0x%08X" % (int(, 16) + fvOffset)
+ rptLine = fdIn.readline()
+ fdIn.close()
+ return 0
+ #
+ # Parse FV MAP file
+ #
+ # param [in] mapFile file
+ #
+ # retval 0 Parsed FV MAP file successfully
+ #
+ def parseFvMapFile(self, mapFile):
+ #
+ # Get information from in order to create dictionaries
+ # For example,
+ # self.dictModBase[FspSecCore:BASE] = 4294592776 (0xfffa4908)
+ # self.dictModBase[FspSecCore:ENTRY] = 4294606552 (0xfffa7ed8)
+ # self.dictModBase[FspSecCore:TEXT] = 4294593080 (0xfffa4a38)
+ # self.dictModBase[FspSecCore:DATA] = 4294612280 (0xfffa9538)
+ # self.dictSymbolAddress[FspSecCore:_SecStartup] = 0x00fffa4a38
+ #
+ fdIn = open(mapFile, "r")
+ rptLine = fdIn.readline()
+ modName = ""
+ foundModHdr = False
+ while (rptLine != "" ):
+ if rptLine[0] != ' ':
+ #DxeIpl (Fixed Flash Address, BaseAddress=0x00fffb4310, EntryPoint=0x00fffb4958,Type=PE)
+ match = re.match("([_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s\(.+BaseAddress=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+),\s+EntryPoint=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+),\s*Type=\w+\)", rptLine)
+ if match is None:
+ #DxeIpl (Fixed Flash Address, BaseAddress=0x00fffb4310, EntryPoint=0x00fffb4958)
+ match = re.match("([_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s\(.+BaseAddress=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+),\s+EntryPoint=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\)", rptLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ foundModHdr = True
+ modName =
+ if len(modName) == 36:
+ modName = self.dictGuidNameXref[modName.upper()]
+ self.dictModBase['%s:BASE' % modName] = int (, 16)
+ self.dictModBase['%s:ENTRY' % modName] = int (, 16)
+ #(GUID=86D70125-BAA3-4296-A62F-602BEBBB9081 .textbaseaddress=0x00fffb4398 .databaseaddress=0x00fffb4178)
+ match = re.match("\(GUID=([A-Z0-9\-]+)\s+\.textbaseaddress=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+\.databaseaddress=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\)", rptLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ if foundModHdr:
+ foundModHdr = False
+ else:
+ modName =
+ if len(modName) == 36:
+ modName = self.dictGuidNameXref[modName.upper()]
+ self.dictModBase['%s:TEXT' % modName] = int (, 16)
+ self.dictModBase['%s:DATA' % modName] = int (, 16)
+ else:
+ # 0x00fff8016c __ModuleEntryPoint
+ foundModHdr = False
+ match = re.match("^\s+(0x[a-z0-9]+)\s+([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)", rptLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ self.dictSymbolAddress["%s:%s"%(modName,] =
+ rptLine = fdIn.readline()
+ fdIn.close()
+ return 0
+ #
+ # Parse MOD MAP file
+ #
+ # param [in] moduleName Module name
+ # param [in] mapFile file
+ #
+ # retval 0 Parsed MOD MAP file successfully
+ # retval 1 There is no moduleEntryPoint in modSymbols
+ #
+ def parseModMapFile(self, moduleName, mapFile):
+ #
+ # Get information from mapFile by moduleName in order to create a dictionary
+ # For example,
+ # self.dictSymbolAddress[FspSecCore:___guard_fids_count] = 0x00fffa4778
+ #
+ modSymbols = {}
+ fdIn = open(mapFile, "r")
+ reportLines = fdIn.readlines()
+ fdIn.close()
+ moduleEntryPoint = "__ModuleEntryPoint"
+ reportLine = reportLines[0]
+ if reportLine.strip().find("Archive member included") != -1:
+ #GCC
+ # 0x0000000000001d55 IoRead8
+ patchMapFileMatchString = "\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]{16})\s+([^\s][^0x][_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s"
+ matchKeyGroupIndex = 2
+ matchSymbolGroupIndex = 1
+ prefix = '_'
+ else:
+ #0003:00000190 _gComBase 00007a50 SerialPo
+ patchMapFileMatchString = "^\s[0-9a-fA-F]{4}:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\s+(\w+)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\s+)"
+ matchKeyGroupIndex = 1
+ matchSymbolGroupIndex = 2
+ prefix = ''
+ for reportLine in reportLines:
+ match = re.match(patchMapFileMatchString, reportLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ modSymbols[prefix +] =
+ # Handle extra module patchable PCD variable in Linux map since it might have different format
+ # .data._gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdVpdBaseAddress
+ # 0x0000000000003714 0x4 /tmp/ccmytayk.ltrans1.ltrans.o
+ handleNext = False
+ if matchSymbolGroupIndex == 1:
+ for reportLine in reportLines:
+ if handleNext:
+ handleNext = False
+ pcdName =
+ match = re.match("\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]{16})\s+", reportLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ modSymbols[prefix + pcdName] =
+ else:
+ match = re.match("^\s\.data\.(_gPcd_BinaryPatch[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)", reportLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ handleNext = True
+ continue
+ if not moduleEntryPoint in modSymbols:
+ return 1
+ modEntry = '%s:%s' % (moduleName,moduleEntryPoint)
+ if not modEntry in self.dictSymbolAddress:
+ modKey = '%s:ENTRY' % moduleName
+ if modKey in self.dictModBase:
+ baseOffset = self.dictModBase['%s:ENTRY' % moduleName] - int(modSymbols[moduleEntryPoint], 16)
+ else:
+ return 2
+ else:
+ baseOffset = int(self.dictSymbolAddress[modEntry], 16) - int(modSymbols[moduleEntryPoint], 16)
+ for symbol in modSymbols:
+ fullSym = "%s:%s" % (moduleName, symbol)
+ if not fullSym in self.dictSymbolAddress:
+ self.dictSymbolAddress[fullSym] = "0x00%08x" % (baseOffset+ int(modSymbols[symbol], 16))
+ return 0
+ #
+ # Parse Guid.xref file
+ #
+ # param [in] xrefFile the full directory of Guid.xref file
+ #
+ # retval 0 Parsed Guid.xref file successfully
+ #
+ def parseGuidXrefFile(self, xrefFile):
+ #
+ # Get information from Guid.xref in order to create a GuidNameXref dictionary
+ # The dictGuidNameXref, for example, will be like
+ # dictGuidNameXref [1BA0062E-C779-4582-8566-336AE8F78F09] = FspSecCore
+ #
+ fdIn = open(xrefFile, "r")
+ rptLine = fdIn.readline()
+ while (rptLine != "" ):
+ match = re.match("([0-9a-fA-F\-]+)\s([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)", rptLine)
+ if match is not None:
+ self.dictGuidNameXref[] =
+ rptLine = fdIn.readline()
+ fdIn.close()
+ return 0
+ #
+ # Get current character
+ #
+ # retval elf.string[self.index]
+ # retval '' Exception
+ #
+ def getCurr(self):
+ try:
+ return self.string[self.index]
+ except Exception:
+ return ''
+ #
+ # Check to see if it is last index
+ #
+ # retval self.index
+ #
+ def isLast(self):
+ return self.index == len(self.string)
+ #
+ # Move to next index
+ #
+ def moveNext(self):
+ self.index += 1
+ #
+ # Skip space
+ #
+ def skipSpace(self):
+ while not self.isLast():
+ if self.getCurr() in ' \t':
+ self.moveNext()
+ else:
+ return
+ #
+ # Parse value
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def parseValue(self):
+ self.skipSpace()
+ var = ''
+ while not self.isLast():
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ if char.lower() in '_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789:-':
+ var += char
+ self.moveNext()
+ else:
+ break
+ if ':' in var:
+ partList = var.split(':')
+ lenList = len(partList)
+ if lenList != 2 and lenList != 3:
+ raise Exception("Unrecognized expression %s" % var)
+ modName = partList[lenList-2]
+ modOff = partList[lenList-1]
+ if ('-' not in modName) and (modOff[0] in '0123456789'):
+ var = self.getModGuid(modName) + ":" + modOff
+ if '-' in var: # GUID:OFFSET
+ value = self.getGuidOff(var)
+ else:
+ value = self.getSymbols(var)
+ self.synUsed = True
+ else:
+ if var[0] in '0123456789':
+ value = self.getNumber(var)
+ else:
+ value = self.getVariable(var)
+ return int(value)
+ #
+ # Parse single operation
+ #
+ # retval ~self.parseBrace() or self.parseValue()
+ #
+ def parseSingleOp(self):
+ self.skipSpace()
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ if char == '~':
+ self.moveNext()
+ return ~self.parseBrace()
+ else:
+ return self.parseValue()
+ #
+ # Parse symbol of Brace([, {, <)
+ #
+ # retval value or self.parseSingleOp()
+ #
+ def parseBrace(self):
+ self.skipSpace()
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ parenthesisType = self.parenthesisOpenSet.find(char)
+ if parenthesisType >= 0:
+ self.moveNext()
+ value = self.parseExpr()
+ self.skipSpace()
+ if self.getCurr() != self.parenthesisCloseSet[parenthesisType]:
+ raise Exception("No closing brace")
+ self.moveNext()
+ if parenthesisType == 1: # [ : Get content
+ value = self.getContent(value)
+ elif parenthesisType == 2: # { : To address
+ value = self.toAddress(value)
+ elif parenthesisType == 3: # < : To offset
+ value = self.toOffset(value)
+ return value
+ else:
+ return self.parseSingleOp()
+ #
+ # Parse symbol of Multiplier(*)
+ #
+ # retval value or self.parseSingleOp()
+ #
+ def parseMul(self):
+ values = [self.parseBrace()]
+ while True:
+ self.skipSpace()
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ if char == '*':
+ self.moveNext()
+ values.append(self.parseBrace())
+ else:
+ break
+ value = 1
+ for each in values:
+ value *= each
+ return value
+ #
+ # Parse symbol of And(&) and Or(|)
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def parseAndOr(self):
+ value = self.parseMul()
+ op = None
+ while True:
+ self.skipSpace()
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ if char == '&':
+ self.moveNext()
+ value &= self.parseMul()
+ elif char == '|':
+ div_index = self.index
+ self.moveNext()
+ value |= self.parseMul()
+ else:
+ break
+ return value
+ #
+ # Parse symbol of Add(+) and Minus(-)
+ #
+ # retval sum(values)
+ #
+ def parseAddMinus(self):
+ values = [self.parseAndOr()]
+ while True:
+ self.skipSpace()
+ char = self.getCurr()
+ if char == '+':
+ self.moveNext()
+ values.append(self.parseAndOr())
+ elif char == '-':
+ self.moveNext()
+ values.append(-1 * self.parseAndOr())
+ else:
+ break
+ return sum(values)
+ #
+ # Parse expression
+ #
+ # retval self.parseAddMinus()
+ #
+ def parseExpr(self):
+ return self.parseAddMinus()
+ #
+ # Get result
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def getResult(self):
+ value = self.parseExpr()
+ self.skipSpace()
+ if not self.isLast():
+ raise Exception("Unexpected character found '%s'" % self.getCurr())
+ return value
+ #
+ # Get module GUID
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def getModGuid(self, var):
+ guid = (guid for guid,name in self.dictGuidNameXref.items() if name==var)
+ try:
+ value =
+ except Exception:
+ raise Exception("Unknown module name %s !" % var)
+ return value
+ #
+ # Get variable
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def getVariable(self, var):
+ value = self.dictVariable.get(var, None)
+ if value == None:
+ raise Exception("Unrecognized variable '%s'" % var)
+ return value
+ #
+ # Get number
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def getNumber(self, var):
+ var = var.strip()
+ if var.startswith('0x'): # HEX
+ value = int(var, 16)
+ else:
+ value = int(var, 10)
+ return value
+ #
+ # Get content
+ #
+ # param [in] value
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def getContent(self, value):
+ return readDataFromFile (self.fdFile, self.toOffset(value), 4)
+ #
+ # Change value to address
+ #
+ # param [in] value
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def toAddress(self, value):
+ if value < self.fdSize:
+ value = value + self.fdBase
+ return value
+ #
+ # Change value to offset
+ #
+ # param [in] value
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def toOffset(self, value):
+ offset = None
+ for fvInfo in self.fvList:
+ if (value >= fvInfo['Base']) and (value < fvInfo['Base'] + fvInfo['Size']):
+ offset = value - fvInfo['Base'] + fvInfo['Offset']
+ if not offset:
+ if (value >= self.fdBase) and (value < self.fdBase + self.fdSize):
+ offset = value - self.fdBase
+ else:
+ offset = value
+ if offset >= self.fdSize:
+ raise Exception("Invalid file offset 0x%08x !" % value)
+ return offset
+ #
+ # Get GUID offset
+ #
+ # param [in] value
+ #
+ # retval value
+ #
+ def getGuidOff(self, value):
+ # GUID:Offset
+ symbolName = value.split(':')
+ if len(symbolName) == 3:
+ fvName = symbolName[0].upper()
+ keyName = '%s:%s' % (fvName, symbolName[1])
+ offStr = symbolName[2]
+ elif len(symbolName) == 2:
+ keyName = symbolName[0]
+ offStr = symbolName[1]
+ if keyName in self.dictFfsOffset:
+ value = (int(self.dictFfsOffset[keyName], 16) + int(offStr, 16)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unknown GUID %s !" % value)
+ return value
+ #
+ # Get symbols
+ #
+ # param [in] value
+ #
+ # retval ret
+ #
+ def getSymbols(self, value):
+ if value in self.dictSymbolAddress:
+ # Module:Function
+ ret = int (self.dictSymbolAddress[value], 16)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unknown symbol %s !" % value)
+ return ret
+ #
+ # Evaluate symbols
+ #
+ # param [in] expression
+ # param [in] isOffset
+ #
+ # retval value & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ #
+ def evaluate(self, expression, isOffset):
+ self.index = 0
+ self.synUsed = False
+ self.string = expression
+ value = self.getResult()
+ if isOffset:
+ if self.synUsed:
+ # Consider it as an address first
+ value = self.toOffset(value)
+ if value & 0x80000000:
+ # Consider it as a negative offset next
+ offset = (~value & 0xFFFFFFFF) + 1
+ if offset < self.fdSize:
+ value = self.fdSize - offset
+ if value >= self.fdSize:
+ raise Exception("Invalid offset expression !")
+ return value & 0xFFFFFFFF
+# Print out the usage
+def Usage():
+ print ("PatchFv Version 0.50")
+ print ("Usage: \n\tPatchFv FvBuildDir [FvFileBaseNames:]FdFileBaseNameToPatch \"Offset, Value\"")
+def main():
+ #
+ # Parse the options and args
+ #
+ symTables = Symbols()
+ #
+ # If the arguments are less than 4, then return an error.
+ #
+ if len(sys.argv) < 4:
+ Usage()
+ return 1
+ #
+ # If it fails to create dictionaries, then return an error.
+ #
+ if symTables.createDicts(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) != 0:
+ print ("ERROR: Failed to create symbol dictionary!!")
+ return 2
+ #
+ # Get FD file and size
+ #
+ fdFile = symTables.getFdFile()
+ fdSize = symTables.getFdSize()
+ try:
+ #
+ # Check to see if FSP header is valid
+ #
+ ret = IsFspHeaderValid(fdFile)
+ if ret == False:
+ raise Exception ("The FSP header is not valid. Stop patching FD.")
+ comment = ""
+ for fvFile in sys.argv[3:]:
+ #
+ # Check to see if it has enough arguments
+ #
+ items = fvFile.split(",")
+ if len (items) < 2:
+ raise Exception("Expect more arguments for '%s'!" % fvFile)
+ comment = ""
+ command = ""
+ params = []
+ for item in items:
+ item = item.strip()
+ if item.startswith("@"):
+ comment = item[1:]
+ elif item.startswith("$"):
+ command = item[1:]
+ else:
+ if len(params) == 0:
+ isOffset = True
+ else :
+ isOffset = False
+ #
+ # Parse symbols then append it to params
+ #
+ params.append (symTables.evaluate(item, isOffset))
+ #
+ # Patch a new value into FD file if it is not a command
+ #
+ if command == "":
+ # Patch a DWORD
+ if len (params) == 2:
+ offset = params[0]
+ value = params[1]
+ oldvalue = readDataFromFile(fdFile, offset, 4)
+ ret = patchDataInFile (fdFile, offset, value, 4) - 4
+ else:
+ raise Exception ("Patch command needs 2 parameters !")
+ if ret:
+ raise Exception ("Patch failed for offset 0x%08X" % offset)
+ else:
+ print ("Patched offset 0x%08X:[%08X] with value 0x%08X # %s" % (offset, oldvalue, value, comment))
+ elif command == "COPY":
+ #
+ # Copy binary block from source to destination
+ #
+ if len (params) == 3:
+ src = symTables.toOffset(params[0])
+ dest = symTables.toOffset(params[1])
+ clen = symTables.toOffset(params[2])
+ if (dest + clen <= fdSize) and (src + clen <= fdSize):
+ oldvalue = readDataFromFile(fdFile, src, clen)
+ ret = patchDataInFile (fdFile, dest, oldvalue, clen) - clen
+ else:
+ raise Exception ("Copy command OFFSET or LENGTH parameter is invalid !")
+ else:
+ raise Exception ("Copy command needs 3 parameters !")
+ if ret:
+ raise Exception ("Copy failed from offset 0x%08X to offset 0x%08X!" % (src, dest))
+ else :
+ print ("Copied %d bytes from offset 0x%08X ~ offset 0x%08X # %s" % (clen, src, dest, comment))
+ else:
+ raise Exception ("Unknown command %s!" % command)
+ return 0
+ except Exception as ex:
+ print ("ERROR: %s" % ex)
+ return 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fe90f90b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+## @
+# Copyright (c) 2015 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import os
+import sys
+import uuid
+import copy
+import struct
+import argparse
+from ctypes import *
+from functools import reduce
+This utility supports some operations for Intel FSP 1.x/2.x image.
+It supports:
+ - Display FSP 1.x/2.x information header
+ - Split FSP 2.x image into individual FSP-T/M/S/O component
+ - Rebase FSP 1.x/2.x components to a different base address
+ - Generate FSP 1.x/2.x mapping C header file
+CopyRightHeaderFile = """/*
+ *
+ * Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
+ * FSP mapping file
+ *
+ */
+class c_uint24(Structure):
+ """Little-Endian 24-bit Unsigned Integer"""
+ _pack_ = 1
+ _fields_ = [('Data', (c_uint8 * 3))]
+ def __init__(self, val=0):
+ self.set_value(val)
+ def __str__(self, indent=0):
+ return '0x%.6x' % self.value
+ def __int__(self):
+ return self.get_value()
+ def set_value(self, val):
+ self.Data[0:3] = Val2Bytes(val, 3)
+ def get_value(self):
+ return Bytes2Val(self.Data[0:3])
+ value = property(get_value, set_value)
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('ZeroVector', ARRAY(c_uint8, 16)),
+ ('FileSystemGuid', ARRAY(c_uint8, 16)),
+ ('FvLength', c_uint64),
+ ('Signature', ARRAY(c_char, 4)),
+ ('Attributes', c_uint32),
+ ('HeaderLength', c_uint16),
+ ('Checksum', c_uint16),
+ ('ExtHeaderOffset', c_uint16),
+ ('Reserved', c_uint8),
+ ('Revision', c_uint8)
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('FvName', ARRAY(c_uint8, 16)),
+ ('ExtHeaderSize', c_uint32)
+ ]
+class EFI_FFS_INTEGRITY_CHECK(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Header', c_uint8),
+ ('File', c_uint8)
+ ]
+class EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Name', ARRAY(c_uint8, 16)),
+ ('IntegrityCheck', EFI_FFS_INTEGRITY_CHECK),
+ ('Type', c_uint8),
+ ('Attributes', c_uint8),
+ ('Size', c_uint24),
+ ('State', c_uint8)
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Size', c_uint24),
+ ('Type', c_uint8)
+ ]
+class FSP_COMMON_HEADER(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Signature', ARRAY(c_char, 4)),
+ ('HeaderLength', c_uint32)
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Signature', ARRAY(c_char, 4)),
+ ('HeaderLength', c_uint32),
+ ('Reserved1', c_uint16),
+ ('SpecVersion', c_uint8),
+ ('HeaderRevision', c_uint8),
+ ('ImageRevision', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageId', ARRAY(c_char, 8)),
+ ('ImageSize', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageBase', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageAttribute', c_uint16),
+ ('ComponentAttribute', c_uint16),
+ ('CfgRegionOffset', c_uint32),
+ ('CfgRegionSize', c_uint32),
+ ('Reserved2', c_uint32),
+ ('TempRamInitEntryOffset', c_uint32),
+ ('Reserved3', c_uint32),
+ ('NotifyPhaseEntryOffset', c_uint32),
+ ('FspMemoryInitEntryOffset', c_uint32),
+ ('TempRamExitEntryOffset', c_uint32),
+ ('FspSiliconInitEntryOffset', c_uint32)
+ ]
+class FSP_PATCH_TABLE(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Signature', ARRAY(c_char, 4)),
+ ('HeaderLength', c_uint16),
+ ('HeaderRevision', c_uint8),
+ ('Reserved', c_uint8),
+ ('PatchEntryNum', c_uint32)
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('VirtualAddress', c_uint32),
+ ('Size', c_uint32)
+ ]
+class EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Signature', ARRAY(c_char, 2)),
+ ('Machine', c_uint16),
+ ('NumberOfSections', c_uint8),
+ ('Subsystem', c_uint8),
+ ('StrippedSize', c_uint16),
+ ('AddressOfEntryPoint', c_uint32),
+ ('BaseOfCode', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageBase', c_uint64),
+ ('DataDirectoryBaseReloc', EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY),
+ ('DataDirectoryDebug', EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY)
+ ]
+class EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('e_magic', c_uint16),
+ ('e_cblp', c_uint16),
+ ('e_cp', c_uint16),
+ ('e_crlc', c_uint16),
+ ('e_cparhdr', c_uint16),
+ ('e_minalloc', c_uint16),
+ ('e_maxalloc', c_uint16),
+ ('e_ss', c_uint16),
+ ('e_sp', c_uint16),
+ ('e_csum', c_uint16),
+ ('e_ip', c_uint16),
+ ('e_cs', c_uint16),
+ ('e_lfarlc', c_uint16),
+ ('e_ovno', c_uint16),
+ ('e_res', ARRAY(c_uint16, 4)),
+ ('e_oemid', c_uint16),
+ ('e_oeminfo', c_uint16),
+ ('e_res2', ARRAY(c_uint16, 10)),
+ ('e_lfanew', c_uint16)
+ ]
+class EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Machine', c_uint16),
+ ('NumberOfSections', c_uint16),
+ ('TimeDateStamp', c_uint32),
+ ('PointerToSymbolTable', c_uint32),
+ ('NumberOfSymbols', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfOptionalHeader', c_uint16),
+ ('Characteristics', c_uint16)
+ ]
+class PE_RELOC_BLOCK_HEADER(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('PageRVA', c_uint32),
+ ('BlockSize', c_uint32)
+ ]
+class EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Magic', c_uint16),
+ ('MajorLinkerVersion', c_uint8),
+ ('MinorLinkerVersion', c_uint8),
+ ('SizeOfCode', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfInitializedData', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfUninitializedData', c_uint32),
+ ('AddressOfEntryPoint', c_uint32),
+ ('BaseOfCode', c_uint32),
+ ('BaseOfData', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageBase', c_uint32),
+ ('SectionAlignment', c_uint32),
+ ('FileAlignment', c_uint32),
+ ('MajorOperatingSystemVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MinorOperatingSystemVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MajorImageVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MinorImageVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MajorSubsystemVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MinorSubsystemVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('Win32VersionValue', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfImage', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfHeaders', c_uint32),
+ ('CheckSum' , c_uint32),
+ ('Subsystem', c_uint16),
+ ('DllCharacteristics', c_uint16),
+ ('SizeOfStackReserve', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfStackCommit' , c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfHeapReserve', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfHeapCommit' , c_uint32),
+ ('LoaderFlags' , c_uint32),
+ ('NumberOfRvaAndSizes', c_uint32),
+ ('DataDirectory', ARRAY(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY, 16))
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Magic', c_uint16),
+ ('MajorLinkerVersion', c_uint8),
+ ('MinorLinkerVersion', c_uint8),
+ ('SizeOfCode', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfInitializedData', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfUninitializedData', c_uint32),
+ ('AddressOfEntryPoint', c_uint32),
+ ('BaseOfCode', c_uint32),
+ ('ImageBase', c_uint64),
+ ('SectionAlignment', c_uint32),
+ ('FileAlignment', c_uint32),
+ ('MajorOperatingSystemVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MinorOperatingSystemVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MajorImageVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MinorImageVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MajorSubsystemVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('MinorSubsystemVersion', c_uint16),
+ ('Win32VersionValue', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfImage', c_uint32),
+ ('SizeOfHeaders', c_uint32),
+ ('CheckSum' , c_uint32),
+ ('Subsystem', c_uint16),
+ ('DllCharacteristics', c_uint16),
+ ('SizeOfStackReserve', c_uint64),
+ ('SizeOfStackCommit' , c_uint64),
+ ('SizeOfHeapReserve', c_uint64),
+ ('SizeOfHeapCommit' , c_uint64),
+ ('LoaderFlags' , c_uint32),
+ ('NumberOfRvaAndSizes', c_uint32),
+ ('DataDirectory', ARRAY(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY, 16))
+ ]
+ _fields_ = [
+ ]
+class EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('Signature', c_uint32),
+ ('FileHeader', EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER),
+ ]
+ EXPORT = 0
+ IMPORT = 1
+ DEBUG = 6
+ TLS = 9
+ ALL = 0x00
+ RAW = 0x01
+ FREEFORM = 0x02
+ PEI_CORE = 0x04
+ DXE_CORE = 0x05
+ PEIM = 0x06
+ DRIVER = 0x07
+ SMM = 0x0a
+ SMM_CORE = 0x0d
+ OEM_MIN = 0xc0
+ OEM_MAX = 0xdf
+ DEBUG_MIN = 0xe0
+ DEBUG_MAX = 0xef
+ FFS_MIN = 0xf0
+ FFS_MAX = 0xff
+ FFS_PAD = 0xf0
+ """Enumeration of all valid firmware file section types."""
+ ALL = 0x00
+ PE32 = 0x10
+ PIC = 0x11
+ TE = 0x12
+ DXE_DEPEX = 0x13
+ VERSION = 0x14
+ RAW = 0x19
+ PEI_DEPEX = 0x1b
+ SMM_DEPEX = 0x1c
+def AlignPtr (offset, alignment = 8):
+ return (offset + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1)
+def Bytes2Val (bytes):
+ return reduce(lambda x,y: (x<<8)|y, bytes[::-1] )
+def Val2Bytes (value, blen):
+ return [(value>>(i*8) & 0xff) for i in range(blen)]
+def IsIntegerType (val):
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ if type(val) in (int, long):
+ return True
+ else:
+ if type(val) is int:
+ return True
+ return False
+def IsStrType (val):
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ if type(val) is str:
+ return True
+ else:
+ if type(val) is bytes:
+ return True
+ return False
+def HandleNameStr (val):
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ rep = "0x%X ('%s')" % (Bytes2Val (bytearray (val)), val)
+ else:
+ rep = "0x%X ('%s')" % (Bytes2Val (bytearray (val)), str (val, 'utf-8'))
+ return rep
+def OutputStruct (obj, indent = 0, plen = 0):
+ if indent:
+ body = ''
+ else:
+ body = (' ' * indent + '<%s>:\n') % obj.__class__.__name__
+ if plen == 0:
+ plen = sizeof(obj)
+ max_key_len = 26
+ pstr = (' ' * (indent + 1) + '{0:<%d} = {1}\n') % max_key_len
+ for field in obj._fields_:
+ key = field[0]
+ val = getattr(obj, key)
+ rep = ''
+ if not isinstance(val, c_uint24) and isinstance(val, Structure):
+ body += pstr.format(key, val.__class__.__name__)
+ body += OutputStruct (val, indent + 1)
+ plen -= sizeof(val)
+ else:
+ if IsStrType (val):
+ rep = HandleNameStr (val)
+ elif IsIntegerType (val):
+ rep = '0x%X' % val
+ elif isinstance(val, c_uint24):
+ rep = '0x%X' % val.get_value()
+ elif 'c_ubyte_Array' in str(type(val)):
+ if sizeof(val) == 16:
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ rep = str(bytearray(val))
+ else:
+ rep = bytes(val)
+ rep = str(uuid.UUID(bytes_le = rep)).upper()
+ else:
+ res = ['0x%02X'%i for i in bytearray(val)]
+ rep = '[%s]' % (','.join(res))
+ else:
+ rep = str(val)
+ plen -= sizeof(field[1])
+ body += pstr.format(key, rep)
+ if plen <= 0:
+ break
+ return body
+class Section:
+ def __init__(self, offset, secdata):
+ self.SecHdr = EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER.from_buffer (secdata, 0)
+ self.SecData = secdata[0:int(self.SecHdr.Size)]
+ self.Offset = offset
+class FirmwareFile:
+ def __init__(self, offset, filedata):
+ self.FfsHdr = EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER.from_buffer (filedata, 0)
+ self.FfsData = filedata[0:int(self.FfsHdr.Size)]
+ self.Offset = offset
+ self.SecList = []
+ def ParseFfs(self):
+ ffssize = len(self.FfsData)
+ offset = sizeof(self.FfsHdr)
+ if self.FfsHdr.Name != '\xff' * 16:
+ while offset < (ffssize - sizeof (EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER)):
+ sechdr = EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FfsData, offset)
+ sec = Section (offset, self.FfsData[offset:offset + int(sechdr.Size)])
+ self.SecList.append(sec)
+ offset += int(sechdr.Size)
+ offset = AlignPtr(offset, 4)
+class FirmwareVolume:
+ def __init__(self, offset, fvdata):
+ self.FvHdr = EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER.from_buffer (fvdata, 0)
+ self.FvData = fvdata[0 : self.FvHdr.FvLength]
+ self.Offset = offset
+ if self.FvHdr.ExtHeaderOffset > 0:
+ self.FvExtHdr = EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FvData, self.FvHdr.ExtHeaderOffset)
+ else:
+ self.FvExtHdr = None
+ self.FfsList = []
+ def ParseFv(self):
+ fvsize = len(self.FvData)
+ if self.FvExtHdr:
+ offset = self.FvHdr.ExtHeaderOffset + self.FvExtHdr.ExtHeaderSize
+ else:
+ offset = self.FvHdr.HeaderLength
+ offset = AlignPtr(offset)
+ while offset < (fvsize - sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER)):
+ ffshdr = EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FvData, offset)
+ if (ffshdr.Name == '\xff' * 16) and (int(ffshdr.Size) == 0xFFFFFF):
+ offset = fvsize
+ else:
+ ffs = FirmwareFile (offset, self.FvData[offset:offset + int(ffshdr.Size)])
+ ffs.ParseFfs()
+ self.FfsList.append(ffs)
+ offset += int(ffshdr.Size)
+ offset = AlignPtr(offset)
+class FspImage:
+ def __init__(self, offset, fih, fihoff, patch):
+ self.Fih = fih
+ self.FihOffset = fihoff
+ self.Offset = offset
+ self.FvIdxList = []
+ self.Type = "XTMSXXXXOXXXXXXX"[(fih.ComponentAttribute >> 12) & 0x0F]
+ self.PatchList = patch
+ self.PatchList.append(fihoff + 0x1C)
+ def AppendFv(self, FvIdx):
+ self.FvIdxList.append(FvIdx)
+ def Patch(self, delta, fdbin):
+ count = 0
+ applied = 0
+ for idx, patch in enumerate(self.PatchList):
+ ptype = (patch>>24) & 0x0F
+ if ptype not in [0x00, 0x0F]:
+ raise Exception('ERROR: Invalid patch type %d !' % ptype)
+ if patch & 0x80000000:
+ patch = self.Fih.ImageSize - (0x1000000 - (patch & 0xFFFFFF))
+ else:
+ patch = patch & 0xFFFFFF
+ if (patch < self.Fih.ImageSize) and (patch + sizeof(c_uint32) <= self.Fih.ImageSize):
+ offset = patch + self.Offset
+ value = Bytes2Val(fdbin[offset:offset+sizeof(c_uint32)])
+ value += delta
+ fdbin[offset:offset+sizeof(c_uint32)] = Val2Bytes(value, sizeof(c_uint32))
+ applied += 1
+ count += 1
+ # Don't count the FSP base address patch entry appended at the end
+ if count != 0:
+ count -= 1
+ applied -= 1
+ return (count, applied)
+class FirmwareDevice:
+ def __init__(self, offset, fdfile):
+ self.FvList = []
+ self.FspList = []
+ self.FdFile = fdfile
+ self.Offset = 0
+ hfsp = open (self.FdFile, 'rb')
+ self.FdData = bytearray(
+ hfsp.close()
+ def ParseFd(self):
+ offset = 0
+ fdsize = len(self.FdData)
+ self.FvList = []
+ while offset < (fdsize - sizeof (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER)):
+ fvh = EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FdData, offset)
+ if b'_FVH' != fvh.Signature:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid FV header !")
+ fv = FirmwareVolume (offset, self.FdData[offset:offset + fvh.FvLength])
+ fv.ParseFv ()
+ self.FvList.append(fv)
+ offset += fv.FvHdr.FvLength
+ def CheckFsp (self):
+ if len(self.FspList) == 0:
+ return
+ fih = None
+ for fsp in self.FspList:
+ if not fih:
+ fih = fsp.Fih
+ else:
+ newfih = fsp.Fih
+ if (newfih.ImageId != fih.ImageId) or (newfih.ImageRevision != fih.ImageRevision):
+ raise Exception("ERROR: Inconsistent FSP ImageId or ImageRevision detected !")
+ def ParseFsp(self):
+ flen = 0
+ for idx, fv in enumerate(self.FvList):
+ # Check if this FV contains FSP header
+ if flen == 0:
+ if len(fv.FfsList) == 0:
+ continue
+ ffs = fv.FfsList[0]
+ if len(ffs.SecList) == 0:
+ continue
+ sec = ffs.SecList[0]
+ if sec.SecHdr.Type != EFI_SECTION_TYPE.RAW:
+ continue
+ fihoffset = ffs.Offset + sec.Offset + sizeof(sec.SecHdr)
+ fspoffset = fv.Offset
+ offset = fspoffset + fihoffset
+ fih = FSP_INFORMATION_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FdData, offset)
+ if b'FSPH' != fih.Signature:
+ continue
+ offset += fih.HeaderLength
+ offset = AlignPtr(offset, 4)
+ plist = []
+ while True:
+ fch = FSP_COMMON_HEADER.from_buffer (self.FdData, offset)
+ if b'FSPP' != fch.Signature:
+ offset += fch.HeaderLength
+ offset = AlignPtr(offset, 4)
+ else:
+ fspp = FSP_PATCH_TABLE.from_buffer (self.FdData, offset)
+ offset += sizeof(fspp)
+ pdata = (c_uint32 * fspp.PatchEntryNum).from_buffer(self.FdData, offset)
+ plist = list(pdata)
+ break
+ fsp = FspImage (fspoffset, fih, fihoffset, plist)
+ fsp.AppendFv (idx)
+ self.FspList.append(fsp)
+ flen = fsp.Fih.ImageSize - fv.FvHdr.FvLength
+ else:
+ fsp.AppendFv (idx)
+ flen -= fv.FvHdr.FvLength
+ if flen < 0:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: Incorrect FV size in image !")
+ self.CheckFsp ()
+class PeTeImage:
+ def __init__(self, offset, data):
+ self.Offset = offset
+ tehdr = EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER.from_buffer (data, 0)
+ if tehdr.Signature == b'VZ': # TE image
+ self.TeHdr = tehdr
+ elif tehdr.Signature == b'MZ': # PE image
+ self.TeHdr = None
+ self.DosHdr = EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.from_buffer (data, 0)
+ self.PeHdr = EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32.from_buffer (data, self.DosHdr.e_lfanew)
+ if self.PeHdr.Signature != 0x4550:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid PE32 header !")
+ if self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PeOptHdr.Magic == 0x10b: # PE32 image
+ if self.PeHdr.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader < EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.DataDirectory.offset:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: Unsupported PE32 image !")
+ if self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PeOptHdr.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY.BASERELOC:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: No relocation information available !")
+ elif self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PeOptHdr.Magic == 0x20b: # PE32+ image
+ if self.PeHdr.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader < EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32_PLUS.DataDirectory.offset:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: Unsupported PE32+ image !")
+ if self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PePlusOptHdr.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY.BASERELOC:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: No relocation information available !")
+ else:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid PE32 optional header !")
+ self.Offset = offset
+ self.Data = data
+ self.RelocList = []
+ def IsTeImage(self):
+ return self.TeHdr is not None
+ def ParseReloc(self):
+ if self.IsTeImage():
+ rsize = self.TeHdr.DataDirectoryBaseReloc.Size
+ roffset = sizeof(self.TeHdr) - self.TeHdr.StrippedSize + self.TeHdr.DataDirectoryBaseReloc.VirtualAddress
+ else:
+ # Assuming PE32 image type (self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PeOptHdr.Magic == 0x10b)
+ rsize = self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PeOptHdr.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY.BASERELOC].Size
+ roffset = self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PeOptHdr.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY.BASERELOC].VirtualAddress
+ if self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PePlusOptHdr.Magic == 0x20b: # PE32+ image
+ rsize = self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PePlusOptHdr.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY.BASERELOC].Size
+ roffset = self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PePlusOptHdr.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY.BASERELOC].VirtualAddress
+ alignment = 4
+ offset = roffset
+ while offset < roffset + rsize:
+ offset = AlignPtr(offset, 4)
+ blkhdr = PE_RELOC_BLOCK_HEADER.from_buffer(self.Data, offset)
+ offset += sizeof(blkhdr)
+ # Read relocation type,offset pairs
+ rlen = blkhdr.BlockSize - sizeof(PE_RELOC_BLOCK_HEADER)
+ rnum = int (rlen/sizeof(c_uint16))
+ rdata = (c_uint16 * rnum).from_buffer(self.Data, offset)
+ for each in rdata:
+ roff = each & 0xfff
+ rtype = each >> 12
+ if rtype == 0: # IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE:
+ continue
+ if ((rtype != 3) and (rtype != 10)): # IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW and IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64
+ raise Exception("ERROR: Unsupported relocation type %d!" % rtype)
+ # Calculate the offset of the relocation
+ aoff = blkhdr.PageRVA + roff
+ if self.IsTeImage():
+ aoff += sizeof(self.TeHdr) - self.TeHdr.StrippedSize
+ self.RelocList.append((rtype, aoff))
+ offset += sizeof(rdata)
+ def Rebase(self, delta, fdbin):
+ count = 0
+ if delta == 0:
+ return count
+ for (rtype, roff) in self.RelocList:
+ if rtype == 3: # IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW
+ offset = roff + self.Offset
+ value = Bytes2Val(fdbin[offset:offset+sizeof(c_uint32)])
+ value += delta
+ fdbin[offset:offset+sizeof(c_uint32)] = Val2Bytes(value, sizeof(c_uint32))
+ count += 1
+ elif rtype == 10: # IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64
+ offset = roff + self.Offset
+ value = Bytes2Val(fdbin[offset:offset+sizeof(c_uint64)])
+ value += delta
+ fdbin[offset:offset+sizeof(c_uint64)] = Val2Bytes(value, sizeof(c_uint64))
+ count += 1
+ else:
+ raise Exception('ERROR: Unknown relocation type %d !' % rtype)
+ if self.IsTeImage():
+ offset = self.Offset + EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER.ImageBase.offset
+ size = EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER.ImageBase.size
+ else:
+ offset = self.Offset + self.DosHdr.e_lfanew
+ offset += EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32.OptionalHeader.offset
+ if self.PeHdr.OptionalHeader.PePlusOptHdr.Magic == 0x20b: # PE32+ image
+ offset += EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32_PLUS.ImageBase.offset
+ size = EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32_PLUS.ImageBase.size
+ else:
+ offset += EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.ImageBase.offset
+ size = EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.ImageBase.size
+ value = Bytes2Val(fdbin[offset:offset+size]) + delta
+ fdbin[offset:offset+size] = Val2Bytes(value, size)
+ return count
+def ShowFspInfo (fspfile):
+ fd = FirmwareDevice(0, fspfile)
+ fd.ParseFd ()
+ fd.ParseFsp ()
+ print ("\nFound the following %d Firmware Volumes in FSP binary:" % (len(fd.FvList)))
+ for idx, fv in enumerate(fd.FvList):
+ name = fv.FvExtHdr.FvName
+ if not name:
+ name = '\xff' * 16
+ else:
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ name = str(bytearray(name))
+ else:
+ name = bytes(name)
+ guid = uuid.UUID(bytes_le = name)
+ print ("FV%d:" % idx)
+ print (" GUID : %s" % str(guid).upper())
+ print (" Offset : 0x%08X" % fv.Offset)
+ print (" Length : 0x%08X" % fv.FvHdr.FvLength)
+ print ("\n")
+ for fsp in fd.FspList:
+ fvlist = map(lambda x : 'FV%d' % x, fsp.FvIdxList)
+ print ("FSP_%s contains %s" % (fsp.Type, ','.join(fvlist)))
+ print ("%s" % (OutputStruct(fsp.Fih, 0, fsp.Fih.HeaderLength)))
+def GenFspHdr (fspfile, outdir, hfile):
+ fd = FirmwareDevice(0, fspfile)
+ fd.ParseFd ()
+ fd.ParseFsp ()
+ if not hfile:
+ hfile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fspfile))[0] + '.h'
+ fspname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hfile))
+ filename = os.path.join(outdir, fspname + ext)
+ hfsp = open(filename, 'w')
+ hfsp.write ('%s\n\n' % CopyRightHeaderFile)
+ firstfv = True
+ for fsp in fd.FspList:
+ fih = fsp.Fih
+ if firstfv:
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ hfsp.write("#define FSP_IMAGE_ID 0x%016X /* '%s' */\n" % (Bytes2Val(bytearray(fih.ImageId)), fih.ImageId))
+ else:
+ hfsp.write("#define FSP_IMAGE_ID 0x%016X /* '%s' */\n" % (Bytes2Val(bytearray(fih.ImageId)), str (fih.ImageId, 'utf-8')))
+ hfsp.write("#define FSP_IMAGE_REV 0x%08X \n\n" % fih.ImageRevision)
+ firstfv = False
+ fv = fd.FvList[fsp.FvIdxList[0]]
+ hfsp.write ('#define FSP%s_BASE 0x%08X\n' % (fsp.Type, fih.ImageBase))
+ hfsp.write ('#define FSP%s_OFFSET 0x%08X\n' % (fsp.Type, fv.Offset))
+ hfsp.write ('#define FSP%s_LENGTH 0x%08X\n\n' % (fsp.Type, fih.ImageSize))
+ hfsp.close()
+def SplitFspBin (fspfile, outdir, nametemplate):
+ fd = FirmwareDevice(0, fspfile)
+ fd.ParseFd ()
+ fd.ParseFsp ()
+ for fsp in fd.FspList:
+ if fsp.Fih.HeaderRevision < 3:
+ raise Exception("ERROR: FSP 1.x is not supported by the split command !")
+ ftype = fsp.Type
+ if not nametemplate:
+ nametemplate = fspfile
+ fspname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(nametemplate))
+ filename = os.path.join(outdir, fspname + '_' + fsp.Type + ext)
+ hfsp = open(filename, 'wb')
+ print ("Create FSP component file '%s'" % filename)
+ for fvidx in fsp.FvIdxList:
+ fv = fd.FvList[fvidx]
+ hfsp.write(fv.FvData)
+ hfsp.close()
+def RebaseFspBin (FspBinary, FspComponent, FspBase, OutputDir, OutputFile):
+ fd = FirmwareDevice(0, FspBinary)
+ fd.ParseFd ()
+ fd.ParseFsp ()
+ numcomp = len(FspComponent)
+ baselist = FspBase
+ if numcomp != len(baselist):
+ print ("ERROR: Required number of base does not match number of FSP component !")
+ return
+ newfspbin = fd.FdData[:]
+ for idx, fspcomp in enumerate(FspComponent):
+ found = False
+ for fsp in fd.FspList:
+ # Is this FSP 1.x single binary?
+ if fsp.Fih.HeaderRevision < 3:
+ found = True
+ ftype = 'X'
+ break
+ ftype = fsp.Type.lower()
+ if ftype == fspcomp:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ print ("ERROR: Could not find FSP_%c component to rebase !" % fspcomp.upper())
+ return
+ fspbase = baselist[idx]
+ if fspbase.startswith('0x'):
+ newbase = int(fspbase, 16)
+ else:
+ newbase = int(fspbase)
+ oldbase = fsp.Fih.ImageBase
+ delta = newbase - oldbase
+ print ("Rebase FSP-%c from 0x%08X to 0x%08X:" % (ftype.upper(),oldbase,newbase))
+ imglist = []
+ for fvidx in fsp.FvIdxList:
+ fv = fd.FvList[fvidx]
+ for ffs in fv.FfsList:
+ for sec in ffs.SecList:
+ if sec.SecHdr.Type in [EFI_SECTION_TYPE.TE, EFI_SECTION_TYPE.PE32]: # TE or PE32
+ offset = fd.Offset + fv.Offset + ffs.Offset + sec.Offset + sizeof(sec.SecHdr)
+ imglist.append ((offset, len(sec.SecData) - sizeof(sec.SecHdr)))
+ fcount = 0
+ pcount = 0
+ for (offset, length) in imglist:
+ img = PeTeImage(offset, fd.FdData[offset:offset + length])
+ img.ParseReloc()
+ pcount += img.Rebase(delta, newfspbin)
+ fcount += 1
+ print (" Patched %d entries in %d TE/PE32 images." % (pcount, fcount))
+ (count, applied) = fsp.Patch(delta, newfspbin)
+ print (" Patched %d entries using FSP patch table." % applied)
+ if count != applied:
+ print (" %d invalid entries are ignored !" % (count - applied))
+ if OutputFile == '':
+ filename = os.path.basename(FspBinary)
+ base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ OutputFile = base + "_%08X" % newbase + ext
+ fspname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(OutputFile))
+ filename = os.path.join(OutputDir, fspname + ext)
+ fd = open(filename, "wb")
+ fd.write(newfspbin)
+ fd.close()
+def main ():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest="which")
+ parser_rebase = subparsers.add_parser('rebase', help='rebase a FSP into a new base address')
+ parser_rebase.set_defaults(which='rebase')
+ parser_rebase.add_argument('-f', '--fspbin' , dest='FspBinary', type=str, help='FSP binary file path', required = True)
+ parser_rebase.add_argument('-c', '--fspcomp', choices=['t','m','s','o'], nargs='+', dest='FspComponent', type=str, help='FSP component to rebase', default = "['t']", required = True)
+ parser_rebase.add_argument('-b', '--newbase', dest='FspBase', nargs='+', type=str, help='Rebased FSP binary file name', default = '', required = True)
+ parser_rebase.add_argument('-o', '--outdir' , dest='OutputDir', type=str, help='Output directory path', default = '.')
+ parser_rebase.add_argument('-n', '--outfile', dest='OutputFile', type=str, help='Rebased FSP binary file name', default = '')
+ parser_split = subparsers.add_parser('split', help='split a FSP into multiple components')
+ parser_split.set_defaults(which='split')
+ parser_split.add_argument('-f', '--fspbin' , dest='FspBinary', type=str, help='FSP binary file path', required = True)
+ parser_split.add_argument('-o', '--outdir' , dest='OutputDir', type=str, help='Output directory path', default = '.')
+ parser_split.add_argument('-n', '--nametpl', dest='NameTemplate', type=str, help='Output name template', default = '')
+ parser_genhdr = subparsers.add_parser('genhdr', help='generate a header file for FSP binary')
+ parser_genhdr.set_defaults(which='genhdr')
+ parser_genhdr.add_argument('-f', '--fspbin' , dest='FspBinary', type=str, help='FSP binary file path', required = True)
+ parser_genhdr.add_argument('-o', '--outdir' , dest='OutputDir', type=str, help='Output directory path', default = '.')
+ parser_genhdr.add_argument('-n', '--hfile', dest='HFileName', type=str, help='Output header file name', default = '')
+ parser_info = subparsers.add_parser('info', help='display FSP information')
+ parser_info.set_defaults(which='info')
+ parser_info.add_argument('-f', '--fspbin' , dest='FspBinary', type=str, help='FSP binary file path', required = True)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.which in ['rebase', 'split', 'genhdr', 'info']:
+ if not os.path.exists(args.FspBinary):
+ raise Exception ("ERROR: Could not locate FSP binary file '%s' !" % args.FspBinary)
+ if hasattr(args, 'OutputDir') and not os.path.exists(args.OutputDir):
+ raise Exception ("ERROR: Invalid output directory '%s' !" % args.OutputDir)
+ if args.which == 'rebase':
+ RebaseFspBin (args.FspBinary, args.FspComponent, args.FspBase, args.OutputDir, args.OutputFile)
+ elif args.which == 'split':
+ SplitFspBin (args.FspBinary, args.OutputDir, args.NameTemplate)
+ elif args.which == 'genhdr':
+ GenFspHdr (args.FspBinary, args.OutputDir, args.HFileName)
+ elif args.which == 'info':
+ ShowFspInfo (args.FspBinary)
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspUpd.h b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspUpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfc89e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspUpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#ifndef __FSPUPD_H__
+#define __FSPUPD_H__
+#include <FspEas.h>
+#pragma pack(1)
+#define FSPT_UPD_SIGNATURE 0x545F4450554D4551 /* 'QEMUPD_T' */
+#define FSPM_UPD_SIGNATURE 0x4D5F4450554D4551 /* 'QEMUPD_M' */
+#define FSPS_UPD_SIGNATURE 0x535F4450554D4551 /* 'QEMUPD_S' */
+#pragma pack()
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspmUpd.h b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspmUpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b88c9be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspmUpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#ifndef __FSPMUPD_H__
+#define __FSPMUPD_H__
+#include <FspUpd.h>
+#pragma pack(1)
+/** Fsp M Configuration
+typedef struct {
+/** Offset 0x00C8 - Debug Serial Port Base address
+ Debug serial port base address. This option will be used only when the 'Serial Port
+ Debug Device' option is set to 'External Device'. 0x00000000(Default).
+ UINT32 SerialDebugPortAddress;
+/** Offset 0x00CC - Debug Serial Port Type
+ 16550 compatible debug serial port resource type. NONE means no serial port support.
+ 0x02:MMIO(Default).
+ 0:NONE, 1:I/O, 2:MMIO
+ UINT8 SerialDebugPortType;
+/** Offset 0x00CD - Serial Port Debug Device
+ Select active serial port device for debug.For SOC UART devices,'Debug Serial Port
+ Base' options will be ignored. 0x02:SOC UART2(Default).
+ 0:SOC UART0, 1:SOC UART1, 2:SOC UART2, 3:External Device
+ UINT8 SerialDebugPortDevice;
+/** Offset 0x00CE - Debug Serial Port Stride Size
+ Debug serial port register map stride size in bytes. 0x00:1, 0x02:4(Default).
+ 0:1, 2:4
+ UINT8 SerialDebugPortStrideSize;
+/** Offset 0x00CF
+ UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace2[1];
+/** Offset 0x00D0
+ UINT8 ReservedFspmUpd[4];
+/** Fsp M UPD Configuration
+typedef struct {
+/** Offset 0x0000
+ FSP_UPD_HEADER FspUpdHeader;
+/** Offset 0x00A8
+ FSPM_ARCH_UPD FspmArchUpd;
+/** Offset 0x00C8
+ FSP_M_CONFIG FspmConfig;
+/** Offset 0x00D4
+ UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace3[2];
+/** Offset 0x00D6
+ UINT16 UpdTerminator;
+#pragma pack()
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspsUpd.h b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspsUpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e859d827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFspsUpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#ifndef __FSPSUPD_H__
+#define __FSPSUPD_H__
+#include <FspUpd.h>
+#pragma pack(1)
+/** Fsp S Configuration
+typedef struct {
+/** Offset 0x0118 - BMP Logo Data Size
+ BMP logo data buffer size. 0x00000000(Default).
+ UINT32 LogoSize;
+/** Offset 0x011C - BMP Logo Data Pointer
+ BMP logo data pointer to a BMP format buffer. 0x00000000(Default).
+ UINT32 LogoPtr;
+/** Offset 0x0120 - Graphics Configuration Data Pointer
+ Graphics configuration data used for initialization. 0x00000000(Default).
+ UINT32 GraphicsConfigPtr;
+/** Offset 0x0124 - PCI GFX Temporary MMIO Base
+ PCI Temporary PCI GFX Base used before full PCI enumeration. 0x80000000(Default).
+ UINT32 PciTempResourceBase;
+/** Offset 0x0128
+ UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace1[3];
+/** Offset 0x012B
+ UINT8 ReservedFspsUpd;
+/** Fsp S UPD Configuration
+typedef struct {
+/** Offset 0x0000
+ FSP_UPD_HEADER FspUpdHeader;
+/** Offset 0x00F8
+ FSPS_ARCH_UPD FspsArchUpd;
+/** Offset 0x0118
+ FSP_S_CONFIG FspsConfig;
+/** Offset 0x012C
+ UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace2[2];
+/** Offset 0x012E
+ UINT16 UpdTerminator;
+#pragma pack()
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFsptUpd.h b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFsptUpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..979ac324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedFsptUpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#ifndef __FSPTUPD_H__
+#define __FSPTUPD_H__
+#include <FspUpd.h>
+#pragma pack(1)
+/** Fsp T Common UPD
+typedef struct {
+/** Offset 0x0040
+ UINT8 Revision;
+/** Offset 0x0041
+ UINT8 Reserved[3];
+/** Offset 0x0044
+ UINT32 MicrocodeRegionBase;
+/** Offset 0x0048
+ UINT32 MicrocodeRegionLength;
+/** Offset 0x004C
+ UINT32 CodeRegionBase;
+/** Offset 0x0050
+ UINT32 CodeRegionLength;
+/** Offset 0x0054
+ UINT8 Reserved1[12];
+/** Fsp T Configuration
+typedef struct {
+/** Offset 0x0060 - Chicken bytes to test Hex config
+ This option shows how to present option for 4 bytes data
+ UINT32 ChickenBytes;
+/** Offset 0x0064
+ UINT8 ReservedFsptUpd1[28];
+/** Fsp T UPD Configuration
+typedef struct {
+/** Offset 0x0000
+ FSP_UPD_HEADER FspUpdHeader;
+/** Offset 0x0020
+ FSPT_ARCH_UPD FsptArchUpd;
+/** Offset 0x0040
+ FSPT_COMMON_UPD FsptCommonUpd;
+/** Offset 0x0060
+ FSP_T_CONFIG FsptConfig;
+/** Offset 0x0080
+ UINT8 UnusedUpdSpace0[6];
+/** Offset 0x0086
+ UINT16 UpdTerminator;
+#pragma pack()
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedOutput.bsf b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedOutput.bsf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4a041dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedOutput.bsf
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ Find "QEMUPD_T"
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_Revision 1 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x01
+ Skip 87 bytes
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_ChickenBytes 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00000000
+ Find "QEMUPD_M"
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_Revision 1 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x01
+ Skip 35 bytes
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_StackBase 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00070000
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_StackSize 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00010000
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_BootLoaderTolumSize 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00000000
+ $gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_Bootmode 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00000000
+ Skip 8 bytes
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortAddress 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00000000
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortType 1 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x02
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortDevice 1 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x02
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortStrideSize 1 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x02
+ Find "QEMUPD_S"
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_Revision 1 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x01
+ Skip 55 bytes
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_LogoSize 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00000000
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_LogoPtr 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00000000
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_GraphicsConfigPtr 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x00000000
+ $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PciTempResourceBase 4 bytes $_DEFAULT_ = 0x80000000
+List &EN_DIS
+ Selection 0x1 , "Enabled"
+ Selection 0x0 , "Disabled"
+List &gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortType
+ Selection 0 , "NONE"
+ Selection 1 , "I/O"
+ Selection 2 , "MMIO"
+List &gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortDevice
+ Selection 0 , "SOC UART0"
+ Selection 1 , "SOC UART1"
+ Selection 2 , "SOC UART2"
+ Selection 3 , "External Device"
+List &gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortStrideSize
+ Selection 0 , "1"
+ Selection 2 , "4"
+ PPVer "0.1"
+ Description "QEMU Platform"
+Page "FSP T"
+ EditNum $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_ChickenBytes, "Chicken bytes to test Hex config", HEX,
+ Help "This option shows how to present option for 4 bytes data"
+ "Valid range: 0x00000000 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF"
+Page "FSP MemoryInit Settings"
+ EditNum $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortAddress, "Debug Serial Port Base address", HEX,
+ Help "Debug serial port base address. This option will be used only when the 'Serial Port Debug Device' option is set to 'External Device'. 0x00000000(Default)."
+ "Valid range: 0x00000000 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF"
+ Combo $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortType, "Debug Serial Port Type", &gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortType,
+ Help "16550 compatible debug serial port resource type. NONE means no serial port support. 0x02:MMIO(Default)."
+ Combo $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortDevice, "Serial Port Debug Device", &gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortDevice,
+ Help "Select active serial port device for debug.For SOC UART devices,'Debug Serial Port Base' options will be ignored. 0x02:SOC UART2(Default)."
+ Combo $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortStrideSize, "Debug Serial Port Stride Size", &gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_SerialDebugPortStrideSize,
+ Help "Debug serial port register map stride size in bytes. 0x00:1, 0x02:4(Default)."
+Page "FSP SiliconInit Settings"
+ EditNum $gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PciTempResourceBase, "PCI GFX Temporary MMIO Base", HEX,
+ Help "PCI Temporary PCI GFX Base used before full PCI enumeration. 0x80000000(Default)."
+ "Valid range: 0x80000000 ~ 0xDFFFFFFF"
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedOutput.yaml b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedOutput.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db0513f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ExpectedOutput.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ PLATFORM_GUID : 1BEDB57A-7904-406e-8486-C89FC7FB39EE
+ DSC_SPECIFICATION : 0x00010005
+ FLASH_DEFINITION : QemuFspPkg/QemuFspPkg.fdf
+ FSP_T_UPD_TOOL_GUID : 34686CA3-34F9-4901-B82A-BA630F0714C6
+ FSP_V_UPD_TOOL_GUID : 4E2F4725-734A-4399-BAF5-B4E16348EB2F
+ FSP_M_UPD_TOOL_GUID : 39A250DB-E465-4DD1-A2AC-E2BD3C0E2385
+ FSP_S_UPD_TOOL_GUID : CAE3605B-5B34-4C85-B3D7-27D54273C40F
+ FSP_V_UPD_FFS_GUID : 0197EF5E-2FFC-4089-8E55-F70400B18146
+ FSP_M_UPD_FFS_GUID : D5B86AEA-6AF7-40D4-8014-982301BC3D89
+ FSP_S_UPD_FFS_GUID : E3CD9B18-998C-4F76-B65E-98B154E5446F
+ FSP_PACKAGE : QemuFspPkg
+ FSP_IMAGE_ID : 0x245053464D455124 # $QEMFSP$
+ FSP_IMAGE_REV : 0x00001010
+ CAR_BASE_ADDRESS : 0x00000000
+ CAR_REGION_SIZE : 0x00080000
+ CAR_BLD_REGION_SIZE : 0x00070000
+ CAR_FSP_REGION_SIZE : 0x00010000
+ FSP_ARCH : X64
+ - $ACTION :
+ page : TMP::"FSP T", MEM::"FSP MemoryInit Settings", SIL::"FSP SiliconInit Settings"
+ - $ACTION :
+ find : QEMUPD_T
+ - FSPT_UPD :
+ - Signature :
+ length : 0x08
+ value : 0x545F4450554D4551
+ - Revision :
+ name : FsptUpdRevision
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x01
+ - Reserved :
+ length : 0x17
+ value : {0x00}
+ - Revision :
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x01
+ - Reserved :
+ length : 0x03
+ value : {0x00}
+ - Length :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000020
+ - FspDebugHandler :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - Reserved1 :
+ length : 0x14
+ value : {0x00}
+ - Revision :
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x01
+ - Reserved :
+ length : 0x03
+ value : {0x00}
+ - MicrocodeRegionBase :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - MicrocodeRegionLength :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - CodeRegionBase :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - CodeRegionLength :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - Reserved1 :
+ length : 0x0C
+ value : {0x00}
+ - $ACTION :
+ page : TMP
+ - ChickenBytes :
+ name : Chicken bytes to test Hex config
+ type : EditNum, HEX, (0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)
+ help : >
+ This option shows how to present option for 4 bytes data
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - ReservedFsptUpd1 :
+ length : 0x1C
+ value : {0x00}
+ - UpdTerminator :
+ length : 0x02
+ value : 0x55AA
+ - $ACTION :
+ find : QEMUPD_M
+ - FSPM_UPD :
+ - Signature :
+ length : 0x08
+ value : 0x4D5F4450554D4551
+ - Revision :
+ name : FspmUpdRevision
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x01
+ - Reserved :
+ length : 0x17
+ value : {0x00}
+ - Revision :
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x01
+ - Reserved :
+ length : 0x03
+ value : {0x00}
+ - NvsBufferPtr :
+ struct : VOID*
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - StackBase :
+ struct : VOID*
+ name : StackBase
+ help : >
+ Stack base for FSP use. Default- 0xFEF16000
+ length : 0x04
+ value : $(CAR_BLD_REGION_SIZE)
+ - StackSize :
+ name : StackSize
+ help : >
+ To pass the stack size for FSP use. Bootloader can programmatically get the FSP requested StackSize by using the defaults in the FSP-M component. This is the minimum stack size expected by this revision of FSP. Default- 0x2A000
+ length : 0x04
+ value : $(CAR_FSP_REGION_SIZE)
+ - BootLoaderTolumSize :
+ name : BootLoaderTolumSize
+ help : >
+ To pass Bootloader Tolum size.
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - Bootmode :
+ name : Bootmode
+ help : >
+ To maintain Bootmode details.
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - Reserved1 :
+ length : 0x08
+ value : {0x00}
+ - $ACTION :
+ page : MEM
+ - SerialDebugPortAddress :
+ name : Debug Serial Port Base address
+ type : EditNum, HEX, (0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)
+ help : >
+ Debug serial port base address. This option will be used only when the 'Serial Port Debug Device'
+ option is set to 'External Device'. 0x00000000(Default).
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - SerialDebugPortType :
+ name : Debug Serial Port Type
+ type : Combo
+ option : 0:NONE, 1:I/O, 2:MMIO
+ help : >
+ 16550 compatible debug serial port resource type. NONE means no serial port support. 0x02:MMIO(Default).
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x02
+ - SerialDebugPortDevice :
+ name : Serial Port Debug Device
+ type : Combo
+ option : 0:SOC UART0, 1:SOC UART1, 2:SOC UART2, 3:External Device
+ help : >
+ Select active serial port device for debug.
+ For SOC UART devices,'Debug Serial Port Base' options will be ignored. 0x02:SOC UART2(Default).
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x02
+ - SerialDebugPortStrideSize :
+ name : Debug Serial Port Stride Size
+ type : Combo
+ option : 0:1, 2:4
+ help : >
+ Debug serial port register map stride size in bytes. 0x00:1, 0x02:4(Default).
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x02
+ - ReservedFspmUpd :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : {0x00}
+ - UpdTerminator :
+ length : 0x02
+ value : 0x55AA
+ - $ACTION :
+ find : QEMUPD_S
+ - FSPS_UPD :
+ - Signature :
+ length : 0x08
+ value : 0x535F4450554D4551
+ - Revision :
+ name : FspsUpdRevision
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x01
+ - Reserved :
+ length : 0x17
+ value : {0x00}
+ - Revision :
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x01
+ - Reserved :
+ length : 0x03
+ value : {0x00}
+ - Length :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000020
+ - FspEventHandler :
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - EnableMultiPhaseSiliconInit :
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x00
+ - Reserved1 :
+ length : 0x13
+ value : {0x00}
+ - $ACTION :
+ page : SIL
+ - LogoSize :
+ name : BMP Logo Data Size
+ type : Reserved
+ help : >
+ BMP logo data buffer size. 0x00000000(Default).
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - LogoPtr :
+ name : BMP Logo Data Pointer
+ type : Reserved
+ help : >
+ BMP logo data pointer to a BMP format buffer. 0x00000000(Default).
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - GraphicsConfigPtr :
+ name : Graphics Configuration Data Pointer
+ type : Reserved
+ help : >
+ Graphics configuration data used for initialization. 0x00000000(Default).
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x00000000
+ - PciTempResourceBase :
+ name : PCI GFX Temporary MMIO Base
+ type : EditNum, HEX, (0x80000000,0xDFFFFFFF)
+ help : >
+ PCI Temporary PCI GFX Base used before full PCI enumeration. 0x80000000(Default).
+ length : 0x04
+ value : 0x80000000
+ - ReservedFspsUpd :
+ length : 0x01
+ value : 0x00
+ - UpdTerminator :
+ length : 0x02
+ value : 0x55AA
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/QemuFspPkg.dsc b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/QemuFspPkg.dsc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25d51783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/QemuFspPkg.dsc
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+## @file
+# FSP DSC build file for QEMU platform
+# Copyright (c) 2017 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# This program and the accompanying materials
+# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+# Defines Section - statements that will be processed to create a Makefile.
+ PLATFORM_GUID = 1BEDB57A-7904-406e-8486-C89FC7FB39EE
+ DSC_SPECIFICATION = 0x00010005
+ FLASH_DEFINITION = QemuFspPkg/QemuFspPkg.fdf
+ #
+ # UPD tool definition
+ #
+ FSP_T_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 34686CA3-34F9-4901-B82A-BA630F0714C6
+ FSP_V_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 4E2F4725-734A-4399-BAF5-B4E16348EB2F
+ FSP_M_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 39A250DB-E465-4DD1-A2AC-E2BD3C0E2385
+ FSP_S_UPD_TOOL_GUID = CAE3605B-5B34-4C85-B3D7-27D54273C40F
+ FSP_V_UPD_FFS_GUID = 0197EF5E-2FFC-4089-8E55-F70400B18146
+ FSP_M_UPD_FFS_GUID = D5B86AEA-6AF7-40D4-8014-982301BC3D89
+ FSP_S_UPD_FFS_GUID = E3CD9B18-998C-4F76-B65E-98B154E5446F
+ #
+ # Set platform specific package/folder name, same as passed from PREBUILD script.
+ # PLATFORM_PACKAGE would be the same as PLATFORM_NAME as well as package build folder
+ # DEFINE only takes effect at R9 DSC and FDF.
+ #
+ DEFINE FSP_IMAGE_ID = 0x245053464D455124 # $QEMFSP$
+ DEFINE FSP_IMAGE_REV = 0x00001010
+# SKU Identification section - list of all SKU IDs supported by this
+# Platform.
+ 0|DEFAULT # The entry: 0|DEFAULT is reserved and always required.
+# Library Class section - list of all Library Classes needed by this Platform.
+!include MdePkg/
+ PeiCoreEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/PeiCoreEntryPoint/PeiCoreEntryPoint.inf
+ PeimEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/PeimEntryPoint/PeimEntryPoint.inf
+ DebugPrintErrorLevelLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib.inf
+ BaseLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf
+ IoLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseIoLibIntrinsic/BaseIoLibIntrinsic.inf
+ PciLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciLibPciExpress/BasePciLibPciExpress.inf
+ PciCf8Lib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciCf8Lib/BasePciCf8Lib.inf
+ PciExpressLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciExpressLib/BasePciExpressLib.inf
+ BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibRepStr/BaseMemoryLibRepStr.inf
+ PrintLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib.inf
+ PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/PeiPcdLib.inf
+ HobLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiHobLib/PeiHobLib.inf
+ PeiServicesTablePointerLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesTablePointerLibIdt/PeiServicesTablePointerLibIdt.inf
+ PeiServicesLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf
+ MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiMemoryAllocationLib/PeiMemoryAllocationLib.inf
+ PeCoffGetEntryPointLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib.inf
+ ReportStatusCodeLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiReportStatusCodeLib/PeiReportStatusCodeLib.inf
+ CacheMaintenanceLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib.inf
+ PeCoffLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffLib/BasePeCoffLib.inf
+ PeCoffExtraActionLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull.inf
+ UefiDecompressLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseUefiDecompressLib/BaseUefiDecompressLib.inf
+ SynchronizationLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseSynchronizationLib/BaseSynchronizationLib.inf
+ CpuLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseCpuLib/BaseCpuLib.inf
+ ExtractGuidedSectionLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiExtractGuidedSectionLib/PeiExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf
+ CacheLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseCacheLib/BaseCacheLib.inf
+ CacheAsRamLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseCacheAsRamLibNull/BaseCacheAsRamLibNull.inf
+ FspSwitchStackLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseFspSwitchStackLib/BaseFspSwitchStackLib.inf
+ FspCommonLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseFspCommonLib/BaseFspCommonLib.inf
+ FspPlatformLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseFspPlatformLib/BaseFspPlatformLib.inf
+ PlatformHookLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/BasePlatformHookLibNull/BasePlatformHookLibNull.inf
+ PerformanceLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePerformanceLibNull/BasePerformanceLibNull.inf
+ OemHookStatusCodeLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/OemHookStatusCodeLibNull/OemHookStatusCodeLibNull.inf
+ UefiCpuLib|UefiCpuPkg/Library/BaseUefiCpuLib/BaseUefiCpuLib.inf
+!if $(TARGET) == DEBUG
+ DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibSerialPort/BaseDebugLibSerialPort.inf
+ SerialPortLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/BaseSerialPortLib16550/BaseSerialPortLib16550.inf
+ DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf
+ SerialPortLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseSerialPortLibNull/BaseSerialPortLibNull.inf
+# Pcd Section - list of all EDK II PCD Entries defined by this Platform
+ gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdShadowPeimOnS3Boot | TRUE
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspHeaderRevision | 0x03
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspImageIdString | $(FSP_IMAGE_ID)
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspImageRevision | $(FSP_IMAGE_REV)
+ #
+ #
+ gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTemporaryRamBase | $(CAR_BASE_ADDRESS)
+ gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTemporaryRamSize | $(CAR_REGION_SIZE)
+ gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspTemporaryRamSize | $(CAR_FSP_REGION_SIZE)
+ gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspReservedBufferSize | 0x0100
+ # This defines how much space will be used for heap in FSP temporary memory
+ # x % of FSP temporary memory will be used for heap
+ # (100 - x) % of FSP temporary memory will be used for stack
+ gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspHeapSizePercentage | 65
+ # This is a platform specific global pointer used by FSP
+ gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdGlobalDataPointerAddress | 0xFED00148
+ gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspReservedMemoryLength | 0x00100000
+ gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0x00000000
+ gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask | 0
+ gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0x80000047
+ gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask | 0x27
+ gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciExpressBaseAddress | 0xE0000000
+ #
+ # This entry will be patched during the build process
+ #
+ gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdVpdBaseAddress | 0x12345678
+ gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0
+ gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0x80000047
+ #
+ # This section is not used by the normal build process
+ # However, FSP will use dedicated tool to handle it and generate a
+ # VPD similar binary block (User Configuration Data). This block will
+ # be accessed through a generated data structure directly rather than
+ # PCD services. This is for size consideration.
+ # Format:
+ # gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Updxxxxxxxxxxxxn | OFFSET | LENGTH | VALUE
+ # Only simple data type is supported
+ #
+ #
+ # Comments with !BSF will be used to generate BSF file
+ # Comments with !HDR will be used to generate H header file
+ #
+ # Global definitions in BSF
+ # !BSF PAGES:{TMP:"FSP T", MEM:"FSP MemoryInit Settings", SIL:"FSP SiliconInit Settings"}
+ # !BSF BLOCK:{NAME:"QEMU Platform", VER:"0.1"}
+ # FsptUpdSignature: {QEMUPD_T}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Signature | * | 0x08 | 0x545F4450554D4551
+ # !BSF NAME:{FsptUpdRevision}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x17 | {0x00}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x03 | {0x00}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Length | * | 0x04 | 0x00000020
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.FspDebugHandler | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved1 | * | 0x14 | {0x00}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x03 | {0x00}
+ # Base address of the microcode region.
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.MicrocodeRegionBase | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # Length of the microcode region.
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.MicrocodeRegionLength | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # Base address of the cacheable flash region.
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.CodeRegionBase | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # Length of the cacheable flash region.
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.CodeRegionLength | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved1 | * | 0x0C | {0x00}
+ # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_T_CONFIG:Fsp T Configuration}
+ # !BSF NAME:{Chicken bytes to test Hex config}
+ # !BSF TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)}
+ # !BSF HELP:{This option shows how to present option for 4 bytes data}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.ChickenBytes | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.ReservedFsptUpd1 | * | 0x1C | {0x00}
+ # Note please keep "UpdTerminator" at the end of each UPD region.
+ # The tool will use this field to determine the actual end of the UPD data
+ # structure.
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.UpdTerminator | * | 0x02 | 0x55AA
+ ################################################################################
+ #
+ # UPDs consumed in FspMemoryInit Api
+ #
+ ################################################################################
+ # FspmUpdSignature: {QEMUPD_M}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Signature | * | 0x08 | 0x4D5F4450554D4551
+ # !BSF NAME:{FspmUpdRevision}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x17 | {0x00}
+ # !HDR COMMENT:{FSPM_ARCH_UPD:Fsp M Architectural UPD}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x03 | {0x00}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.NvsBufferPtr | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # !BSF NAME:{StackBase}
+ # !BSF HELP:{Stack base for FSP use. Default: 0xFEF16000}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.StackBase | * | 0x04 | $(CAR_BLD_REGION_SIZE)
+ # !BSF NAME:{StackSize}
+ # !BSF HELP:{To pass the stack size for FSP use. Bootloader can programmatically get the FSP requested StackSize by using the defaults in the FSP-M component. This is the minimum stack size expected by this revision of FSP. Default: 0x2A000}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.StackSize | * | 0x04 | $(CAR_FSP_REGION_SIZE)
+ # !BSF NAME:{BootLoaderTolumSize}
+ # !BSF HELP:{To pass Bootloader Tolum size.}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.BootLoaderTolumSize | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # !BSF NAME:{Bootmode}
+ # !BSF HELP:{To maintain Bootmode details.}
+ gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Bootmode | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved1 | * | 0x08 | {0x00}
+ # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_M_CONFIG:Fsp M Configuration}
+ # !BSF NAME:{Debug Serial Port Base address}
+ # !BSF TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)}
+ # !BSF HELP:{Debug serial port base address. This option will be used only when the 'Serial Port Debug Device'}
+ # !BSF HELP:{+ option is set to 'External Device'. 0x00000000(Default).}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.SerialDebugPortAddress | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # !BSF NAME:{Debug Serial Port Type} TYPE:{Combo}
+ # !BSF OPTION:{0:NONE, 1:I/O, 2:MMIO}
+ # !BSF HELP:{16550 compatible debug serial port resource type. NONE means no serial port support. 0x02:MMIO(Default).}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.SerialDebugPortType | * | 0x01 | 0x02
+ # !BSF NAME:{Serial Port Debug Device} TYPE:{Combo}
+ # !BSF OPTION:{0:SOC UART0, 1:SOC UART1, 2:SOC UART2, 3:External Device}
+ # !BSF HELP:{Select active serial port device for debug.}
+ # !BSF HELP:{+For SOC UART devices,'Debug Serial Port Base' options will be ignored. 0x02:SOC UART2(Default).}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.SerialDebugPortDevice | * | 0x01 | 0x02
+ # !BSF NAME:{Debug Serial Port Stride Size} TYPE:{Combo}
+ # !BSF OPTION:{0:1, 2:4}
+ # !BSF HELP:{Debug serial port register map stride size in bytes. 0x00:1, 0x02:4(Default).}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.SerialDebugPortStrideSize | * | 0x01 | 0x02
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.ReservedFspmUpd | * | 0x04 | {0x00}
+ # Note please keep "UpdTerminator" at the end of each UPD region.
+ # The tool will use this field to determine the actual end of the UPD data
+ # structure.
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.UpdTerminator | * | 0x02 | 0x55AA
+ ################################################################################
+ #
+ # UPDs consumed in FspSiliconInit Api
+ #
+ ################################################################################
+ # FspsUpdSignature: {QEMUPD_S}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Signature | * | 0x08 | 0x535F4450554D4551
+ # !BSF NAME:{FspsUpdRevision}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x17 | {0x00}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x03 | {0x00}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Length | * | 0x04 | 0x00000020
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.FspEventHandler | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.EnableMultiPhaseSiliconInit | * | 0x01 | 0x00
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved1 | * | 0x13 | {0x00}
+ # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_S_CONFIG:Fsp S Configuration}
+ # !BSF NAME:{BMP Logo Data Size}
+ # !BSF TYPE:{Reserved}
+ # !BSF HELP:{BMP logo data buffer size. 0x00000000(Default).}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.LogoSize | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # !BSF NAME:{BMP Logo Data Pointer}
+ # !BSF TYPE:{Reserved}
+ # !BSF HELP:{BMP logo data pointer to a BMP format buffer. 0x00000000(Default).}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.LogoPtr | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # !BSF NAME:{Graphics Configuration Data Pointer}
+ # !BSF TYPE:{Reserved}
+ # !BSF HELP:{Graphics configuration data used for initialization. 0x00000000(Default).}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.GraphicsConfigPtr | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000
+ # !BSF NAME:{PCI GFX Temporary MMIO Base}
+ # !BSF TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x80000000,0xDFFFFFFF)}
+ # !BSF HELP:{PCI Temporary PCI GFX Base used before full PCI enumeration. 0x80000000(Default).}
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PciTempResourceBase | * | 0x04 | 0x80000000
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.ReservedFspsUpd | * | 0x01 | 0x00
+ # Note please keep "UpdTerminator" at the end of each UPD region.
+ # The tool will use this field to determine the actual end of the UPD data
+ # structure.
+ gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.UpdTerminator | * | 0x02 | 0x55AA
+# Components Section - list of the modules and components that will be processed by compilation
+# tools and the EDK II tools to generate PE32/PE32+/Coff image files.
+# Note: The EDK II DSC file is not used to specify how compiled binary images get placed
+# into firmware volume images. This section is just a list of modules to compile from
+# source into UEFI-compliant binaries.
+# It is the FDF file that contains information on combining binary files into firmware
+# volume images, whose concept is beyond UEFI and is described in PI specification.
+# Binary modules do not need to be listed in this section, as they should be
+# specified in the FDF file. For example: Shell binary (Shell_Full.efi), FAT binary (Fat.efi),
+# Logo (Logo.bmp), and etc.
+# There may also be modules listed in this section that are not required in the FDF file,
+# When a module listed here is excluded from FDF file, then UEFI-compliant binary will be
+# generated for it, but the binary will not be put into any firmware volume.
+ #
+ # FSP Binary Components
+ #
+ $(FSP_PACKAGE)/FspHeader/FspHeader.inf
+ #
+ # SEC
+ #
+ IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/FspSecCoreT.inf {
+ <LibraryClasses>
+ FspSecPlatformLib|$(FSP_PACKAGE)/Library/PlatformSecLib/Vtf0PlatformSecTLib.inf
+ }
+ IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/FspSecCoreV.inf {
+ <LibraryClasses>
+ FspSecPlatformLib|$(FSP_PACKAGE)/Library/PlatformSecLib/Vtf0PlatformSecVLib.inf
+ }
+ IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/FspSecCoreM.inf {
+ <LibraryClasses>
+ FspSecPlatformLib|$(FSP_PACKAGE)/Library/PlatformSecLib/Vtf0PlatformSecMLib.inf
+ }
+ IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/FspSecCoreS.inf {
+ <LibraryClasses>
+ FspSecPlatformLib|$(FSP_PACKAGE)/Library/PlatformSecLib/Vtf0PlatformSecSLib.inf
+ }
+ #
+ # PEI Core
+ #
+ MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/PeiMain.inf
+ #
+ # PCD
+ #
+ MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Pei/Pcd.inf {
+ <LibraryClasses>
+ DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf
+ PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf
+ }
+ $(FSP_PACKAGE)/FspvInit/FspvInit.inf
+ $(FSP_PACKAGE)/FspmInit/FspmInit.inf
+ $(FSP_PACKAGE)/FspsInit/FspsInit.inf
+ $(FSP_PACKAGE)/QemuVideo/QemuVideo.inf
+ MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/DxeIpl.inf {
+ <LibraryClasses>
+ DebugAgentLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DebugAgentLibNull/DebugAgentLibNull.inf
+ ResetSystemLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/BaseResetSystemLibNull/BaseResetSystemLibNull.inf
+ }
+ IntelFsp2Pkg/FspNotifyPhase/FspNotifyPhasePeim.inf
+# BuildOptions Section - Define the module specific tool chain flags that should be used as
+# the default flags for a module. These flags are appended to any
+# standard flags that are defined by the build process. They can be
+# applied for any modules or only those modules with the specific
+# module style (EDK or EDKII) specified in [Components] section.
+# Append build options for EDK and EDKII drivers (= is Append, == is Replace)
+ # Enable link-time optimization when building with GCC49
+ *_GCC49_IA32_CC_FLAGS = -flto
+ *_GCC49_IA32_DLINK_FLAGS = -flto
+ *_GCC5_IA32_CC_FLAGS = -fno-pic
+ *_GCC5_IA32_DLINK_FLAGS = -no-pie
+ *_GCC5_IA32_ASLCC_FLAGS = -fno-pic
+ *_GCC5_IA32_ASLDLINK_FLAGS = -no-pie
diff --git a/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a71073ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# @file
+# Split a file into two pieces at the request offset.
+# Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+import unittest
+import tempfile
+import os
+import shutil
+import struct as st
+import filecmp
+import os, sys
+currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
+import FspDscBsf2Yaml
+YamlHeaderLineLength = 10
+HdrFileHeaderLineLength = 32
+BsfFileHeaderLineLength = 19
+def GenFileWithoutHdr(inputfile, numLineToStrip):
+ yaml_file = open(inputfile, "r")
+ lines = yaml_file.readlines()
+ yaml_file.close()
+ del lines[:numLineToStrip]
+ noHdrOutputFileName = "no-header-" + inputfile
+ stripped_file = open(noHdrOutputFileName, "w")
+ for line in lines:
+ stripped_file.write(line)
+ stripped_file.close()
+ return noHdrOutputFileName
+class TestFspScripts(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_generateFspHeader_fromDsc(self):
+ # Generate HEADER
+ cmd = '{} {} HEADER {} {} {}'.format(
+ 'python',
+ '..\',
+ 'QemuFspPkg.dsc',
+ '.',
+ "")
+ os.system(cmd)
+ noHdrOutputFileName = GenFileWithoutHdr("FspUpd.h", HdrFileHeaderLineLength)
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(noHdrOutputFileName,
+ 'ExpectedFspUpd.h'))
+ def test_generateFspsHeader_fromDsc(self):
+ noHdrOutputFileName = GenFileWithoutHdr("FspsUpd.h", HdrFileHeaderLineLength)
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(noHdrOutputFileName,
+ 'ExpectedFspsUpd.h'))
+ def test_generateFsptHeader_fromDsc(self):
+ noHdrOutputFileName = GenFileWithoutHdr("FsptUpd.h", HdrFileHeaderLineLength)
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(noHdrOutputFileName,
+ 'ExpectedFsptUpd.h'))
+ def test_generateFspmHeader_fromDsc(self):
+ noHdrOutputFileName = GenFileWithoutHdr("FspmUpd.h", HdrFileHeaderLineLength)
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(noHdrOutputFileName,
+ 'ExpectedFspmUpd.h'))
+ def test_generateBsf_fromDsc(self):
+ # Generate BSF
+ cmd = '{} {} GENBSF {} {} {}'.format(
+ 'python',
+ '..\',
+ 'QemuFspPkg.dsc',
+ '.',
+ "Output.bsf")
+ os.system(cmd)
+ noHdrOutputFileName = GenFileWithoutHdr("Output.bsf", BsfFileHeaderLineLength)
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(noHdrOutputFileName,
+ 'ExpectedOutput.bsf'))
+ def test_generateYaml_fromDsc(self):
+ # Generate YAML
+ cmd = '{} {} {} {}'.format(
+ 'python',
+ '..\',
+ 'QemuFspPkg.dsc',
+ "Output.yaml")
+ os.system(cmd)
+ noHdrOutputFileName = GenFileWithoutHdr("Output.yaml", YamlHeaderLineLength)
+ self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(noHdrOutputFileName,
+ 'ExpectedOutput.yaml'))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
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+**** The python script that generates YAML file for
+the Boot Settings from an EDK II Platform Description (**DSC**) file
+or from a Boot Settings File (**BSF**). It is created to help
+transitioning FSP Updateable Product Data (**UPD**) file format to
+new standardized YAML format so that it can be configured through
+open source tools.
+FspDscBsf2Yaml DscFile|BsfFile YamlFile
+**** is a script that generates configuration options from an
+**EDK II Platform Description (DSC)** file or **a Boot Settings File (BSF)** file.
+It generates a **YAML file** that can be used by the **Config Editor** to provide
+a graphical user interface for manipulating settings in the UPD regions.
+The following sections explain the usage of this script.
+## 1. DscFile YamlFile
+The **DscFile** option is an input DSC file.
+The **YamlFile** option is an output YAML file.
+The script takes the FSP DSC file consisting BSF syntax and generates a YAML
+output file describing the boot settings.
+## 2. BsfFile YamlFile
+The **BsfFile** option is an input BSF file.
+The **YamlFile** option is an output YAML file.
+The script generates a YAML output file from a BSF file. The BSF file
+can be generated using GenCfgOpt tool.
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+**** The python script that generates UPD text (**.txt**) files for
+the compiler, header files for the UPD regions, and generates a Boot Settings
+File (**BSF**), all from an EDK II Platform Description (**DSC**) file.
+GenCfgOpt UPDTXT PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir [TxtOutFile] [-D Macros]
+GenCfgOpt HEADER PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir [InputHFile] [-D Macros]
+GenCfgOpt GENBSF PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir BsfOutFile [-D Macros]
+**** is a script that generates configuration options from an
+**EDK II Platform Description (DSC)** file. It has three functions.
+ 1. It produces a **.txt** file that is used by the compiler that summarizes
+ the UPD section in the DSC file.
+ 2. It generates header files for the UPD regions.
+ 3. It generates a **Boot Settings File (BSF)** that can be used by the
+ **Binary Configuration Tool (BCT)** to provide a graphical user
+ interface for manipulating settings in the UPD regions.
+The **** script generates important files that are vital parts of
+your build process. The **UPDTXT** and **HEADER** use cases must be done before
+the **'build'** command; the **GENBSF** use case may be done at any time.
+The following sections explain the three use cases.
+## 1. UPDTXT
+The **UPDTXT** option creates a text file with all the UPD entries, offsets,
+size in bytes, and values. **GenCfgOpt** reads this information from the
+**[PcdsDynamicVpd.Upd]** section of the project's DSC file. The DSC file allows
+you to specify offsets and sizes for each entry, opening up the possibility of
+introducing gaps between entries. **GenCfgOpt** fills in these gaps with UPD
+entries that have the generic names **UnusedUpdSpaceN** where N begins with 0
+and increments. The command signature for **UPDTXT** is:
+GenCfgOpt UPDTXT PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir [TxtOutFile] [-D Macros]
+**PlatformDscFile** must be the location of the DSC file for the platform you're
+building. **BuildFvDir** is the location where the binary will be stored. The
+optional **TxtOutFile** is a name and location for the output of **GenCfgOpt**.
+The default name and location is the ```<UPD_TOOL_GUID>.txt``` in the directory
+specified by **BuildFvDir**. The macro ```UPD_TOOL_GUID``` must be defined in
+the DSC file or in the optional Macros arguments. Each optional macro argument
+must follow the form ```?D <MACRO_NAME>=<VALUE>```.
+**GenCfgOpt** checks to see if the UPD txt file has already been created and
+will only re-create it if the DSC was modified after it was created.
+## 2. HEADER
+The **HEADER** option creates header files in the build folder. Both header
+files define the ```_UPD_DATA_REGION``` data structures in FspUpd.h, FsptUpd.h,
+FspmUpd.h and FspsUpd.h. In these header files any undefined elements of
+structures will be added as **ReservedUpdSpaceN** beginning with N=0. The
+command signature for **HEADER** is
+```GenCfgOpt HEADER PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir [InputHFile] [-D Macros]```
+**PlatformDscFile** and **BuildFvDir** are described in the previous section.
+The optional **InputHFile** is a header file that may contain data definitions
+that are used by variables in the UPD regions. This header file must contain
+the special keywords ```!EXPORT EXTERNAL_BOOTLOADER_STRUCT_BEGIN``` and
+```!EXPORT EXTERNAL_BOOTLOADER_STRUCT_END``` in comments. Everything between
+these two keywords will be included in the generated header file.
+The mechanism to specify whether a variable appears as **ReservedUpdSpaceN** in
+the FspUpd.h header file is in special commands that appear in the comments of
+the DSC file. The special commands begin with ```!HDR```, for header. The
+following table summarizes the two command options.
+Use the **HEADER** command to hide specific variables in the public header file.
+In your project DSC file, use ```!HDR HEADER:{OFF}``` at the beginning of the
+section you wish to hide and ```!HDR HEADER:{ON}``` at the end.
+The **STRUCT** command allows you to specify a specific data type for a
+variable. You can specify a pointer to a data struct, for example. You define
+the data structure in the **InputHFile** between
+You then define ```MY_DATA_STRUCT``` in **InputHFile**.
+### EMBED
+The **EMBED** command allows you to put one or more UPD data into a specify data
+structure. You can utilize it as a group of UPD for example. You must specify a
+start and an end for the specify data structure.
+ gTokenSpaceGuid.Upd1 | 0x0020 | 0x01 | 0x00
+ gTokenSpaceGuid.Upd2 | 0x0021 | 0x01 | 0x00
+ gTokenSpaceGuid.UpdN | 0x0022 | 0x01 | 0x00
+ typedef struct {
+ /** Offset 0x0020
+ **/
+ UINT8 Upd1;
+ /** Offset 0x0021
+ **/
+ UINT8 Upd2;
+ /** Offset 0x0022
+ **/
+ UINT8 UpdN;
+ typedef struct _UPD_DATA_REGION {
+ ...
+ /** Offset 0x0020
+ **/
+ MY_DATA_STRUCT MyDataStruct;
+ ...
+## 3. GenCfgOpt .py GENBSF
+The **GENBSF** option generates a BSF from the UPD entries in a package's DSC
+file. It does this by parsing special commands found in the comments of the DSC
+file. They roughly match the keywords that define the different sections of the
+The command signature for **GENBSF** is
+```GenCfgOpt GENBSF PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir BsfOutFile [-D Macros]```
+In this case, the **BsfOutFile** parameter is required; it should be the
+relative path to where the BSF should be stored.
+Every BSF command in the DSC file begins with **!BSF** or **@Bsf**. The
+following table summarizes the options that come after **!BSF** or **@Bsf**:
+# BSF Commands Description
+**PAGES** maps abbreviations to friendly-text descriptions of the pages in a BSF.
+```!BSF PAGES:{PG1:?Page 1?, PG2:?Page 2?}``` or
+```@Bsf PAGES:{PG1:?Page 1?, PG2:?Page 2?}```
+This marks the beginning of a page. Use the abbreviation specified in **PAGES**
+```!BSF PAGE:{PG1}``` or
+```@Bsf PAGE:{PG1}```
+All the entries that come after this command are assumed to be on that page,
+until the next **PAGE** command
+FIND maps to the BSF **Find** command. It will be placed in the **StructDef**
+region of the BSF and should come at the beginning of the UPD sections of the
+DSC, immediately before the signatures that mark the beginning of these
+sections. The content should be the plain-text equivalent of the signature. The
+signature is usually 8 characters.
+```!BSF FIND:{PROJSIG1}``` or
+```@Bsf FIND:{PROJSIG1}```
+The BLOCK command maps to the **BeginInfoBlock** section of the BSF. There are
+two elements: a version number and a plain-text description.
+```!BSF BLOCK:{NAME:"My platform name", VER:"0.1"}``` or
+```@Bsf BLOCK:{NAME:"My platform name", VER:"0.1"}```
+**NAME** gives a plain-text for a variable. This is the text label that will
+appear next to the control in **BCT**.
+```!BSF NAME:{Variable 0}``` or
+```@Bsf NAME:{Variable 0}```
+If the **!BSF NAME** or **@Bsf NAME** command does not appear before an entry
+in the UPD region of the DSC file, then that entry will not appear in the BSF.
+The **TYPE** command is used either by itself or with the **NAME** command. It
+is usually used by itself when defining an **EditNum** field for the BSF. You
+specify the type of data in the second parameter and the range of valid values
+in the third.
+```!BSF TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x00,0xFF)}``` or
+```@Bsf TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x00,0xFF)}```
+**TYPE** appears on the same line as the **NAME** command when using a combo-box.
+```!BSF NAME:{Variable 1} TYPE:{Combo}``` or
+```@Bsf NAME:{Variable 1} TYPE:{Combo}```
+There is a special **None** type that puts the variable in the **StructDef**
+region of the BSF, but doesn't put it in any **Page** section. This makes the
+variable visible to BCT, but not to the end user.
+The **HELP** command defines what will appear in the help text for each control
+in BCT.
+```!BSF HELP:{Enable/disable LAN controller.}``` or
+```@Bsf HELP:{Enable/disable LAN controller.}```
+The **OPTION** command allows you to custom-define combo boxes and map integer
+or hex values to friendly-text options.
+```!BSF OPTION:{0:IDE, 1:AHCI, 2:RAID}```
+```!BSF OPTION:{0x00:0 MB, 0x01:32 MB, 0x02:64 MB}```
+```@Bsf OPTION:{0:IDE, 1:AHCI, 2:RAID}```
+```@Bsf OPTION:{0x00:0 MB, 0x01:32 MB, 0x02:64 MB}```
+The **FIELD** command can be used to define a section of a consolidated PCD
+such that the PCD will be displayed in several fields via BCT interface instead
+of one long entry.
+```!BSF FIELD:{PcdDRAMSpeed:1}``` or
+```@Bsf FIELD:{PcdDRAMSpeed:1}```
+The **ORDER** command can be used to adjust the display order for the BSF items.
+By default the order value for a BSF item is assigned to be the UPD item
+```(Offset * 256)```. It can be overridden by declaring **ORDER** command using
+format ORDER: ```{HexMajor.HexMinor}```. In this case the order value will be
+```(HexMajor*256+HexMinor)```. The item order value will be used as the sort key
+during the BSF item display.
+```!BSF ORDER:{0x0040.01}``` or
+```@Bsf ORDER:{0x0040.01}```
+For **OPTION** and **HELP** commands, it allows to split the contents into
+multiple lines by adding multiple **OPTION** and **HELP** command lines. The
+lines except for the very first line need to start with **+** in the content to
+tell the tool to append this string to the previous one.
+For example, the statement
+```!BSF OPTION:{0x00:0 MB, 0x01:32 MB, 0x02:64 MB}```
+is equivalent to:
+```!BSF OPTION:{0x00:0 MB, 0x01:32 MB,}```
+```!BSF OPTION:{+ 0x02:64 MB}```
+```@Bsf OPTION:{0x00:0 MB, 0x01:32 MB, 0x02:64 MB}```
+is equivalent to:
+```@Bsf OPTION:{0x00:0 MB, 0x01:32 MB,}```
+```@Bsf OPTION:{+ 0x02:64 MB}```
+The **NAME**, **OPTION**, **TYPE**, and **HELP** commands can all appear on the
+same line following the **!BSF** or **@Bsf** keyword or they may appear on
+separate lines to improve readability.
+There are four alternative ways to replace current BSF commands.
+### 1. ```# @Prompt```
+An alternative way replacing **NAME** gives a plain-text for a
+variable. This is the text label that will appear next to the control in BCT.
+```# @Prompt Variable 0```
+The above example can replace the two methods as below.
+```!BSF NAME:{Variable 0}``` or
+```@Bsf NAME:{Variable 0}```
+If the ```# @Prompt``` command does not appear before an entry in the UPD region
+of the DSC file, then that entry will not appear in the BSF.
+### 2. ```##```
+An alternative way replacing **HELP** command defines what will appear in the
+help text for each control in BCT.
+```## Enable/disable LAN controller.```
+The above example can replace the two methods as below.
+```!BSF HELP:{Enable/disable LAN controller.}``` or
+```@Bsf HELP:{Enable/disable LAN controller.}```
+### 3. ```# @ValidList```
+An alternative way replacing **OPTION** command allows you to custom-define
+combo boxes and map integer or hex values to friendly-text options.
+``` # @ValidList 0x80000003 | 0, 1, 2 | IDE, AHCI, RAID
+ Error Code | Options | Descriptions
+The above example can replace the two methods as below.
+```!BSF OPTION:{0:IDE, 1:AHCI, 2:RAID}``` or
+```@Bsf OPTION:{0:IDE, 1:AHCI, 2:RAID}```
+### 4. ```# @ValidRange```
+An alternative way replace **EditNum** field for the BSF.
+```# @ValidRange 0x80000001 | 0x0 ? 0xFF
+ Error Code | Range
+The above example can replace the two methods as below.
+```!BSF TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x00,0xFF)}``` or
+```@Bsf TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x00,0xFF)}```
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+**_PatchFv.py_** - The python script that patches the firmware volumes (**FV**)
+with in the flash device (**FD**) file post FSP build.
+PatchFv FvBuildDir [FvFileBaseNames:]FdFileBaseNameToPatch ["Offset, Value"]+
+ | ["Offset, Value, @Comment"]+
+ | ["Offset, Value, $Command"]+
+ | ["Offset, Value, $Command, @Comment"]+
+The **_PatchFv.py_** tool allows the developer to fix up FD images to follow the
+Intel FSP Architecture specification. It also makes the FD image relocatable.
+The tool is written in Python and uses Python 2.7 or later to run.
+Consider using the tool in a build script.
+#FvBuildDir (Argument 1)
+This is the first argument that **_PatchFv.py_** requires. It is the build
+directory for all firmware volumes created during the FSP build. The path must
+be either an absolute path or a relevant path, relevant to the top level of the
+FSP tree.
+####Example usage:
+ Build\YouPlatformFspPkg\%BD_TARGET%_%VS_VERSION%%VS_X86%\FV
+The example used contains Windows batch script %VARIABLES%.
+#FvFileBaseNames (Argument 2: Optional Part 1)
+The firmware volume file base names (**_FvFileBaseNames_**) are the independent
+Fv?s that are to be patched within the FD. (0 or more in the form
+**FVFILEBASENAME:**) The colon **:** is used for delimiting the single
+argument and must be appended to the end of each (**_FvFileBaseNames_**).
+####Example usage:
+In the example **STAGE1** is **STAGE1.Fv** in **YOURPLATFORM.fd**.
+# FdFileNameToPatch (Argument 2: Mandatory Part 2)
+Firmware device file name to patch (**_FdFileNameToPatch_**) is the base name of
+the FD file that is to be patched. (1 only, in the form **YOURPLATFORM**)
+####Example usage:
+In the example **YOURPLATFORM** is from **_YOURPLATFORM.fd_**
+#"Offset, Value[, Command][, Comment]" (Argument 3)
+The **_Offset_** can be a positive or negative number and represents where the
+**_Value_** to be patched is located within the FD. The **_Value_** is what
+will be written at the given **_Offset_** in the FD. Constants may be used for
+both offsets and values. Also, this argument handles expressions for both
+offsets and values using these operators:
+ = - * & | ~ ( ) [ ] { } < >
+The entire argument includes the quote marks like in the example argument below:
+0xFFFFFFC0, SomeCore:__EntryPoint - [0x000000F0],@SomeCore Entry
+ Hexadecimal (use **0x** as prefix) | Decimal
+| **Positive Hex** | **Negative Hex** | **Positive Decimal** | **Negative Decimal** |
+| ---------------: | ---------------: | -------------------: | -------------------: |
+| 0x000000BC | 0xFFFFFFA2 | 188 | -94 |
+ModuleName:FunctionName | ModuleName:GlobalVariableName
+ + Addition
+ - Subtraction
+ * Multiplication
+ & Logical and
+ | Logical or
+ ~ Complement
+ ( ) Evaluation control
+ [ ] Get a DWord value at the specified offset expression from [expr]
+ { } Convert an offset {expr} into an absolute address (FSP_BASE + expr)
+ < > Convert absolute address <expr> into an image offset (expr & FSP_SIZE)
+###Special Commands:
+Special commands must use the **$** symbol as a prefix to the command itself.
+There is only one command available at this time.
+$COPY ? Copy a binary block from source to destination.
+0x94, [PlatformInit:__gPcd_BinPatch_FvRecOffset] + 0x94, [0x98], $COPY, @Sync up 2nd FSP Header
+Comments are allowed in the **Offset, Value [, Comment]** argument. Comments
+must use the **@** symbol as a prefix. The comment will output to the build
+window upon successful completion of patching along with the offset and value data.
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+# is a python script to support some operations on Intel FSP 1.x/2.x image.
+It supports:
+- Split Intel FSP 2.x image into individual FSP-T/M/S/O component
+- Rebase Intel FSP 1.x/2.x components to different base addresses
+- Generate Intel FSP 1.x/2.x C header file
+- Display Intel FSP 1.x/2.x information header for each FSP component
+## Split Intel FSP 2.x image
+FSP 1.x image is not supported by split command.
+To split individual FSP component in Intel FSP 2.x image, the following
+command can be used:
+ **python split [-h] -f FSPBINARY [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-n NAMETEMPLATE]**
+For example:
+ `python split -f FSP.bin`
+ It will create FSP_T.bin, FSP_M.bin and FSP_S.bin in current directory.
+## Rebase Intel FSP 1.x/2.x components
+To rebase one or multiple FSP components in Intel FSP 1.x/2.x image, the following
+command can be used:
+ **python rebase [-h] -f FSPBINARY -c {t,m,s,o} [{t,m,s,o} ...] -b FSPBASE [FSPBASE ...] [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-n OUTPUTFILE]**
+For example:
+ `python rebase -f FSP.bin -c t -b 0xFFF00000 -n FSP_new.bin`
+ It will rebase FSP-T component inside FSP.bin to new base 0xFFF00000 and save the
+ rebased Intel FSP 2.x image into file FSP_new.bin.
+ For FSP 1.x image there is only one component in binary so above command also
+ works for FSP 1.x image.
+ `python rebase -f FSP.bin -c t m -b 0xFFF00000 0xFEF80000 -n FSP_new.bin`
+ It will rebase FSP-T and FSP-M components inside FSP.bin to new base 0xFFF00000
+ and 0xFEF80000 respectively, and save the rebased Intel FSP 2.x image into file
+ FSP_new.bin file.
+## Generate Intel FSP 1.x/2.x C header file
+To generate Intel FSP 1.x/2.x C header file, the following command can be used:
+ **Python genhdr [-h] -f FSPBINARY [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-n HFILENAME]**
+For example:
+ `python genhdr -f FSP.bin -n FSP.h`
+ It will create the C header file FSP.h containing the image ID, revision, offset
+ and size for each individual FSP component.
+## Display Intel FSP 1.x/2.x information header
+To display Intel FSP 1.x/2.x information headers, the following command can be used:
+ **Python info [-h] -f FSPBINARY**
+For example:
+ `python info -f FSP.bin`
+ It will print out the FSP information header for each FSP component.