path: root/extensions/45/vertical-workspaces/lib/windowPreview.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/45/vertical-workspaces/lib/windowPreview.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 619 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/45/vertical-workspaces/lib/windowPreview.js b/extensions/45/vertical-workspaces/lib/windowPreview.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3253aa5..0000000
--- a/extensions/45/vertical-workspaces/lib/windowPreview.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,619 +0,0 @@
- * V-Shell (Vertical Workspaces)
- * windowPreview.js
- *
- * @author GdH <>
- * @copyright 2022 - 2024
- * @license GPL-3.0
- *
- */
-'use strict';
-import GLib from 'gi://GLib';
-import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter';
-import St from 'gi://St';
-import Meta from 'gi://Meta';
-import Shell from 'gi://Shell';
-import Pango from 'gi://Pango';
-import Graphene from 'gi://Graphene';
-import Atk from 'gi://Atk';
-import * as Main from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js';
-import * as DND from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/dnd.js';
-import * as OverviewControls from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/overviewControls.js';
-import * as WindowPreview from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/windowPreview.js';
-let Me;
-let opt;
-const WINDOW_SCALE_TIME = 200;
-const WINDOW_DND_SIZE = 256;
-const ControlsState = OverviewControls.ControlsState;
-export const WindowPreviewModule = class {
- constructor(me) {
- Me = me;
- opt = Me.opt;
- this._firstActivation = true;
- this.moduleEnabled = false;
- this._overrides = null;
- }
- cleanGlobals() {
- Me = null;
- opt = null;
- }
- update(reset) {
- this.moduleEnabled = opt.get('windowPreviewModule');
- const conflict = false;
- reset = reset || !this.moduleEnabled || conflict;
- // don't touch the original code if module disabled
- if (reset && !this._firstActivation) {
- this._disableModule();
- } else if (!reset) {
- this._firstActivation = false;
- this._activateModule();
- }
- if (reset && this._firstActivation)
- console.debug(' WindowPreviewModule - Keeping untouched');
- }
- _activateModule() {
- if (!this._overrides)
- this._overrides = new Me.Util.Overrides();
- this._overrides.addOverride('WindowPreview', WindowPreview.WindowPreview.prototype, WindowPreviewCommon);
- // A shorter timeout allows user to quickly cancel the selection by leaving the preview with the mouse pointer
- // WindowPreview.WINDOW_OVERLAY_IDLE_HIDE_TIMEOUT = 150; // incompatible
- console.debug(' WindowPreviewModule - Activated');
- }
- _disableModule() {
- // If WindowPreview._init was injected by another extension (like Burn My Windows)
- // which enables/disables before V-Shell
- // don't restore the original if it's not injected,
- // because it would restore injected _init and recursion would freeze GS when extensions are enabled again.
- // This can happen when all extension re-enabled, not only when screen is locked/unlocked
- // If _init doesn't include "fn.apply(this, args)" when reset === true, some extension already restored the original
- const skipReset = WindowPreview.WindowPreview.prototype._init.toString().includes('fn.apply(this, args)');
- if (this._overrides && skipReset) {
- // skip restoring original _init()
- this._overrides['_init'] = null;
- }
- if (this._overrides)
- this._overrides.removeAll();
- this._overrides = null;
- console.debug(' WindowPreviewModule - Disabled');
- }
-const WindowPreviewCommon = {
- _init(metaWindow, workspace, overviewAdjustment) {
- this.metaWindow = metaWindow;
- this.metaWindow._delegate = this;
- this._windowActor = metaWindow.get_compositor_private();
- this._workspace = workspace;
- this._overviewAdjustment = overviewAdjustment;
- const ICON_OVERLAP = 0.7;
- Shell.WindowPreview.prototype._init.bind(this)({
- reactive: true,
- can_focus: true,
- accessible_role: Atk.Role.PUSH_BUTTON,
- offscreen_redirect: Clutter.OffscreenRedirect.AUTOMATIC_FOR_OPACITY,
- });
- const windowContainer = new Clutter.Actor({
- pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }),
- });
- this.window_container = windowContainer;
- windowContainer.connect('notify::scale-x',
- () => this._adjustOverlayOffsets());
- // gjs currently can't handle setting an actors layout manager during
- // the initialization of the actor if that layout manager keeps track
- // of its container, so set the layout manager after creating the
- // container
- windowContainer.layout_manager = new Shell.WindowPreviewLayout();
- this.add_child(windowContainer);
- this._addWindow(metaWindow);
- this._delegate = this;
- this._stackAbove = null;
- this._cachedBoundingBox = {
- x: windowContainer.layout_manager.bounding_box.x1,
- y: windowContainer.layout_manager.bounding_box.y1,
- width: windowContainer.layout_manager.bounding_box.get_width(),
- height: windowContainer.layout_manager.bounding_box.get_height(),
- };
- windowContainer.layout_manager.connect(
- 'notify::bounding-box', layout => {
- this._cachedBoundingBox = {
- x: layout.bounding_box.x1,
- y: layout.bounding_box.y1,
- width: layout.bounding_box.get_width(),
- height: layout.bounding_box.get_height(),
- };
- // A bounding box of 0x0 means all windows were removed
- if (layout.bounding_box.get_area() > 0)
- this.emit('size-changed');
- });
- this._windowActor.connectObject('destroy', () => this.destroy(), this);
- this._updateAttachedDialogs();
- let clickAction = new Clutter.ClickAction();
- clickAction.connect('clicked', act => {
- const button = act.get_button();
- if (button === Clutter.BUTTON_SECONDARY) {
- if (opt.WIN_PREVIEW_SEC_BTN_ACTION === 1) {
- this._closeWinAction();
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- } else if (opt.WIN_PREVIEW_SEC_BTN_ACTION === 2) {
- this._searchAppWindowsAction();
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- } else if (opt.WIN_PREVIEW_SEC_BTN_ACTION === 3 && global.windowThumbnails) {
- this._removeLaters();
- global.windowThumbnails?.createThumbnail(metaWindow);
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- }
- } else if (button === Clutter.BUTTON_MIDDLE) {
- if (opt.WIN_PREVIEW_MID_BTN_ACTION === 1) {
- this._closeWinAction();
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- } else if (opt.WIN_PREVIEW_MID_BTN_ACTION === 2) {
- this._searchAppWindowsAction();
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- } else if (opt.WIN_PREVIEW_SEC_BTN_ACTION === 3 && global.windowThumbnails) {
- this._removeLaters();
- global.windowThumbnails?.createThumbnail(metaWindow);
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- }
- }
- return this._activate();
- });
- if (this._onLongPress) {
- clickAction.connect('long-press', this._onLongPress.bind(this));
- } else {
- clickAction.connect('long-press', (action, actor, state) => {
- if (state === Clutter.LongPressState.ACTIVATE)
- this.showOverlay(true);
- return true;
- });
- }
- this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this));
- this._draggable = DND.makeDraggable(this, {
- restoreOnSuccess: true,
- manualMode: !!this._onLongPress,
- dragActorMaxSize: WINDOW_DND_SIZE,
- });
- // _draggable.addClickAction is new in GS45
- if (this._draggable.addClickAction)
- this._draggable.addClickAction(clickAction);
- else
- this.add_action(clickAction);
- this._draggable.connect('drag-begin', this._onDragBegin.bind(this));
- this._draggable.connect('drag-cancelled', this._onDragCancelled.bind(this));
- this._draggable.connect('drag-end', this._onDragEnd.bind(this));
- this.inDrag = false;
- this._selected = false;
- this._overlayEnabled = true;
- this._overlayShown = false;
- this._closeRequested = false;
- this._idleHideOverlayId = 0;
- const tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default();
- const app = tracker.get_window_app(this.metaWindow);
- this._icon = app.create_icon_texture(ICON_SIZE);
- this._icon.add_style_class_name('icon-dropshadow');
- this._icon.set({
- reactive: true,
- pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }),
- });
- this._icon.add_constraint(new Clutter.BindConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.POSITION,
- }));
- this._icon.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
- factor: 0.5,
- }));
- this._icon.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.Y_AXIS,
- pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: -1, y: ICON_OVERLAP }),
- factor: 1,
- }));
- const iconClickAction = new Clutter.ClickAction();
- iconClickAction.connect('clicked', act => {
- if (act.get_button() === Clutter.BUTTON_PRIMARY) {
- if (opt.WINDOW_ICON_CLICK_ACTION === 1) {
- this._searchAppWindowsAction();
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- } else if (opt.WINDOW_ICON_CLICK_ACTION === 2 && global.windowThumbnails) {
- this._removeLaters();
- global.windowThumbnails?.createThumbnail(metaWindow);
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- }
- } /* else if (act.get_button() === Clutter.BUTTON_SECONDARY) {
- return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;
- }*/
- return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
- });
- this._icon.add_action(iconClickAction);
- }
- const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage);
- this._title = new St.Label({
- visible: false,
- style_class: 'window-caption',
- text: this._getCaption(),
- reactive: true,
- });
- this._title.clutter_text.single_line_mode = true;
- this._title.add_constraint(new Clutter.BindConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.X,
- }));
- let offset;
- if (opt.WIN_TITLES_POSITION < 2) {
- // we cannot get proper title height before it gets to the stage, so 35 is estimated height + spacing
- offset = -scaleFactor * (ICON_SIZE * ICON_OVERLAP + 35);
- } else {
- offset = scaleFactor * (ICON_SIZE * (1 - ICON_OVERLAP) + 4);
- }
- this._title.add_constraint(new Clutter.BindConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.Y,
- offset,
- }));
- this._title.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
- factor: 0.5,
- }));
- this._title.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.Y_AXIS,
- pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: -1, y: 0 }),
- factor: 1,
- }));
- this._title.clutter_text.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END;
- this.label_actor = this._title;
- this.metaWindow.connectObject(
- 'notify::title', () => (this._title.text = this._getCaption()),
- this);
- const layout = Meta.prefs_get_button_layout();
- this._closeButtonSide =
- layout.left_buttons.includes(Meta.ButtonFunction.CLOSE)
- ? St.Side.LEFT : St.Side.RIGHT;
- this._closeButton = new St.Button({
- visible: false,
- style_class: 'window-close',
- icon_name: 'preview-close-symbolic',
- });
- this._closeButton.add_constraint(new Clutter.BindConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.POSITION,
- }));
- this._closeButton.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.X_AXIS,
- pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: 0.5, y: -1 }),
- factor: this._closeButtonSide === St.Side.LEFT ? 0 : 1,
- }));
- this._closeButton.add_constraint(new Clutter.AlignConstraint({
- source: windowContainer,
- align_axis: Clutter.AlignAxis.Y_AXIS,
- pivot_point: new Graphene.Point({ x: -1, y: 0.5 }),
- factor: 0,
- }));
- this._closeButton.connect('clicked', () => this._deleteAll());
- this.add_child(this._title);
- this.add_child(this._icon);
- this.add_child(this._closeButton);
- this._overviewAdjustment.connectObject(
- 'notify::value', () => this._updateIconScale(), this);
- this._updateIconScale();
- this.connect('notify::realized', () => {
- if (!this.realized)
- return;
- this._title.ensure_style();
- this._icon.ensure_style();
- });
- if (ICON_SIZE < 22) {
- // disable app icon
- this._icon.hide();
- } else {
- this._updateIconScale();
- }
- // if window is created while the overview is shown, icon and title should be visible immediately
- if (Main.overview._overview._controls._stateAdjustment.value < 1) {
- this._icon.scale_x = 0;
- this._icon.scale_y = 0;
- this._title.opacity = 0;
- }
- if (opt.OVERVIEW_MODE === 1) {
- // spread windows on hover
- this._wsStateConId = this.connect('enter-event', () => {
- // don't spread windows if user don't use pointer device at this moment
- if (global.get_pointer()[0] === opt.showingPointerX || Main.overview._overview._controls._stateAdjustment.value < 1)
- return;
- const view = this._workspace.get_parent();
- view.exposeWindows(this._workspace.metaWorkspace.index());
- this.disconnect(this._wsStateConId);
- });
- }
- if (opt.OVERVIEW_MODE) {
- // show window icon and title on ws windows spread
- this._stateAdjustmentSigId = this._workspace.stateAdjustment.connect('notify::value', this._updateIconScale.bind(this));
- }
- const metaWin = this.metaWindow;
- if (opt.DASH_ISOLATE_WS && !metaWin._wsChangedConId) {
- metaWin._wsChangedConId = metaWin.connect('workspace-changed',
- () => Main.overview.dash._queueRedisplay());
- } else if (!opt.DASH_ISOLATE_WS && metaWin._wsChangedConId) {
- metaWin.disconnect(metaWin._wsChangedConId);
- }
- },
- _closeWinAction() {
- this.hide();
- this._deleteAll();
- },
- _removeLaters() {
- if (this._longPressLater) {
- const laters = global.compositor.get_laters();
- laters.remove(this._longPressLater);
- delete this._longPressLater;
- }
- },
- _searchAppWindowsAction() {
- // this action cancels long-press event and the 'long-press-cancel' event is used by the Shell to actually initiate DnD
- // so the dnd initiation needs to be removed
- this._removeLaters();
- const tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default();
- const appName = tracker.get_window_app(this.metaWindow).get_name();
- Me.Util.activateSearchProvider(`${Me.WSP_PREFIX} ${appName}`);
- },
- _updateIconScale() {
- let { currentState, initialState, finalState } =
- this._overviewAdjustment.getStateTransitionParams();
- // Current state - 0 - HIDDEN, 1 - WINDOW_PICKER, 2 - APP_GRID
- const primaryMonitor = this.metaWindow.get_monitor() === global.display.get_primary_monitor();
- const visible =
- (initialState > ControlsState.HIDDEN || finalState > ControlsState.HIDDEN) &&
- !(finalState === ControlsState.APP_GRID && opt.WS_ANIMATION && primaryMonitor);
- let scale = 0;
- if (visible)
- scale = currentState >= 1 ? 1 : currentState % 1;
- if (!primaryMonitor && opt.WORKSPACE_MODE &&
- ((initialState === ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER && finalState === ControlsState.APP_GRID) ||
- (initialState === ControlsState.APP_GRID && finalState === ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER))
- )
- scale = 1;
- else if (!primaryMonitor && opt.OVERVIEW_MODE && !opt.WORKSPACE_MODE)
- scale = 0;
- /* } else if (primaryMonitor && ((initialState === ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER && finalState === ControlsState.APP_GRID) ||
- initialState === ControlsState.APP_GRID && finalState === ControlsState.HIDDEN)) {*/
- else if (primaryMonitor && currentState > ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER)
- scale = 0;
- // in static workspace mode show icon and title on windows expose
- if (opt.OVERVIEW_MODE) {
- if (currentState === 1)
- scale = this._workspace._background._stateAdjustment.value;
- else if ((finalState === 1 && !opt.WORKSPACE_MODE) || (finalState === 0 && !opt.WORKSPACE_MODE))
- return;
- }
- if (!opt.WS_ANIMATION && (Main.overview.searchController.searchActive ||
- ((initialState === ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER && finalState === ControlsState.APP_GRID) ||
- (initialState === ControlsState.APP_GRID && finalState === ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER)))
- )
- return;
- // if titles are in 'always show' mode, we need to add transition between visible/invisible state
- // but the transition is quite expensive,
- // showing the titles at the end of the transition is good enough and workspace preview transition is much smoother
- if (scale === 1) {
- this._icon.set({
- scale_x: 1,
- scale_y: 1,
- });
- this._title.ease({
- duration: 100,
- opacity: 255,
- mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
- });
- } else {
- this._title.opacity = 0;
- this._icon.set({
- scale_x: scale,
- scale_y: scale,
- });
- }
- },
- showOverlay(animate) {
- if (!this._overlayEnabled)
- return;
- if (this._overlayShown)
- return;
- this._overlayShown = true;
- if (opt.WIN_TITLES_POSITION === 2)
- this._restack();
- // If we're supposed to animate and an animation in our direction
- // is already happening, let that one continue
- const ongoingTransition = this._title.get_transition('opacity');
- if (animate &&
- ongoingTransition &&
- ongoingTransition.get_interval().peek_final_value() === 255)
- return;
- const toShow = this._windowCanClose() && opt.SHOW_CLOSE_BUTTON
- ? [this._closeButton]
- : [];
- toShow.push(this._title);
- toShow.forEach(a => {
- a.opacity = 0;
- a.ease({
- opacity: 255,
- duration: animate ? WINDOW_OVERLAY_FADE_TIME : 0,
- mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
- });
- });
- const [width, height] = this.window_container.get_size();
- const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage);
- const activeExtraSize = WINDOW_ACTIVE_SIZE_INC * 2 * scaleFactor;
- const origSize = Math.max(width, height);
- const scale = (origSize + activeExtraSize) / origSize;
- this.window_container.ease({
- scale_x: scale,
- scale_y: scale,
- duration: animate ? WINDOW_SCALE_TIME : 0,
- mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
- });
- this.emit('show-chrome');
- },
- hideOverlay(animate) {
- if (!this._overlayShown)
- return;
- this._overlayShown = false;
- if (opt.ALWAYS_ACTIVATE_SELECTED_WINDOW && Main.overview._overview.controls._stateAdjustment.value < 1)
- this._activateSelected = true;
- if (opt.WIN_TITLES_POSITION === 2)
- this._restack();
- // If we're supposed to animate and an animation in our direction
- // is already happening, let that one continue
- const ongoingTransition = this._title.get_transition('opacity');
- if (animate &&
- ongoingTransition &&
- ongoingTransition.get_interval().peek_final_value() === 0)
- return;
- const toHide = [this._closeButton];
- toHide.push(this._title);
- toHide.forEach(a => {
- a.opacity = 255;
- a.ease({
- opacity: 0,
- duration: animate ? WINDOW_OVERLAY_FADE_TIME : 0,
- mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
- onComplete: () => a.hide(),
- });
- });
- if (this.window_container) {
- this.window_container.ease({
- scale_x: 1,
- scale_y: 1,
- duration: animate ? WINDOW_SCALE_TIME : 0,
- mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
- });
- }
- },
- _onDestroy() {
- if (this._activateSelected)
- this._activate();
- this.metaWindow._delegate = null;
- this._delegate = null;
- this._destroyed = true;
- if (this._longPressLater) {
- const laters = global.compositor.get_laters();
- laters.remove(this._longPressLater);
- delete this._longPressLater;
- }
- if (this._idleHideOverlayId > 0) {
- GLib.source_remove(this._idleHideOverlayId);
- this._idleHideOverlayId = 0;
- }
- if (this.inDrag) {
- this.emit('drag-end');
- this.inDrag = false;
- }
- if (this._stateAdjustmentSigId)
- this._workspace.stateAdjustment.disconnect(this._stateAdjustmentSigId);
- },