path: root/gitlint-core/gitlint/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gitlint-core/gitlint/')
1 files changed, 510 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gitlint-core/gitlint/ b/gitlint-core/gitlint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6612a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlint-core/gitlint/
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import arrow
+from gitlint import shell as sh
+from gitlint.cache import PropertyCache, cache
+from gitlint.exception import GitlintError
+# import exceptions separately, this makes it a little easier to mock them out in the unit tests
+from import CommandNotFound, ErrorReturnCode
+# For now, the git date format we use is fixed, but technically this format is determined by `git config`
+# We should fix this at some point :-)
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class GitContextError(GitlintError):
+ """Exception indicating there is an issue with the git context"""
+class GitNotInstalledError(GitContextError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__(
+ "'git' command not found. You need to install git to use gitlint on a local repository. "
+ "See on how to install git."
+ )
+class GitExitCodeError(GitContextError):
+ def __init__(self, command, stderr):
+ self.command = command
+ self.stderr = stderr
+ super().__init__(f"An error occurred while executing '{command}': {stderr}")
+def _git(*command_parts, **kwargs):
+ """Convenience function for running git commands. Automatically deals with exceptions and unicode."""
+ git_kwargs = {"_tty_out": False}
+ git_kwargs.update(kwargs)
+ try:
+ LOG.debug(command_parts)
+ result = sh.git(*command_parts, **git_kwargs)
+ # If we reach this point and the result has an exit_code that is larger than 0, this means that we didn't
+ # get an exception (which is the default sh behavior for non-zero exit codes) and so the user is expecting
+ # a non-zero exit code -> just return the entire result
+ if hasattr(result, "exit_code") and result.exit_code > 0:
+ return result
+ return str(result)
+ except CommandNotFound as e:
+ raise GitNotInstalledError from e
+ except ErrorReturnCode as e: # Something went wrong while executing the git command
+ error_msg = e.stderr.strip()
+ error_msg_lower = error_msg.lower()
+ if "_cwd" in git_kwargs and b"not a git repository" in error_msg_lower:
+ raise GitContextError(f"{git_kwargs['_cwd']} is not a git repository.") from e
+ if (
+ b"does not have any commits yet" in error_msg_lower
+ or b"ambiguous argument 'head': unknown revision" in error_msg_lower
+ ):
+ msg = "Current branch has no commits. Gitlint requires at least one commit to function."
+ raise GitContextError(msg) from e
+ raise GitExitCodeError(e.full_cmd, error_msg) from e
+def git_version():
+ """Determine the git version installed on this host by calling git --version"""
+ return _git("--version").replace("\n", "")
+def git_commentchar(repository_path=None):
+ """Shortcut for retrieving comment char from git config"""
+ commentchar = _git("config", "--get", "core.commentchar", _cwd=repository_path, _ok_code=[0, 1])
+ # git will return an exit code of 1 if it can't find a config value, in this case we fall-back to # as commentchar
+ if hasattr(commentchar, "exit_code") and commentchar.exit_code == 1:
+ commentchar = "#"
+ return commentchar.replace("\n", "")
+def git_hooks_dir(repository_path):
+ """Determine hooks directory for a given target dir"""
+ hooks_dir = _git("rev-parse", "--git-path", "hooks", _cwd=repository_path)
+ hooks_dir = hooks_dir.replace("\n", "")
+ return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(repository_path, hooks_dir))
+def _parse_git_changed_file_stats(changed_files_stats_raw):
+ """Parse the output of git diff --numstat and return a dict of:
+ dict[filename: GitChangedFileStats(filename, additions, deletions)]"""
+ changed_files_stats_lines = changed_files_stats_raw.split("\n")
+ changed_files_stats = {}
+ for line in changed_files_stats_lines[:-1]: # drop last empty line
+ line_stats = line.split()
+ # If the file is binary, numstat will show "-"
+ # See
+ additions = int(line_stats[0]) if line_stats[0] != "-" else None
+ deletions = int(line_stats[1]) if line_stats[1] != "-" else None
+ changed_file_stat = GitChangedFileStats(line_stats[2], additions, deletions)
+ changed_files_stats[line_stats[2]] = changed_file_stat
+ return changed_files_stats
+class GitCommitMessage:
+ """Class representing a git commit message. A commit message consists of the following:
+ - context: The `GitContext` this commit message is part of
+ - original: The actual commit message as returned by `git log`
+ - full: original, but stripped of any comments
+ - title: the first line of full
+ - body: all lines following the title
+ """
+ def __init__(self, context, original=None, full=None, title=None, body=None):
+ self.context = context
+ self.original = original
+ self.full = full
+ self.title = title
+ self.body = body
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_full_message(context, commit_msg_str):
+ """Parses a full git commit message by parsing a given string into the different parts of a commit message"""
+ all_lines = commit_msg_str.splitlines()
+ cutline = f"{context.commentchar} ------------------------ >8 ------------------------"
+ try:
+ cutline_index = all_lines.index(cutline)
+ except ValueError:
+ cutline_index = None
+ lines = [line for line in all_lines[:cutline_index] if not line.startswith(context.commentchar)]
+ full = "\n".join(lines)
+ title = lines[0] if lines else ""
+ body = lines[1:] if len(lines) > 1 else []
+ return GitCommitMessage(context=context, original=commit_msg_str, full=full, title=title, body=body)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.full
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (
+ isinstance(other, GitCommitMessage)
+ and self.original == other.original
+ and self.full == other.full
+ and self.title == other.title
+ and self.body == other.body
+ )
+class GitChangedFileStats:
+ """Class representing the stats for a changed file in git"""
+ def __init__(self, filepath, additions, deletions):
+ self.filepath = Path(filepath)
+ self.additions = additions
+ self.deletions = deletions
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (
+ isinstance(other, GitChangedFileStats)
+ and self.filepath == other.filepath
+ and self.additions == other.additions
+ and self.deletions == other.deletions
+ )
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{self.filepath}: {self.additions} additions, {self.deletions} deletions"
+class GitCommit:
+ """Class representing a git commit.
+ A commit consists of: context, message, author name, author email, date, list of parent commit shas,
+ list of changed files, list of branch names.
+ In the context of gitlint, only the git context and commit message are required.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ context,
+ message,
+ sha=None,
+ date=None,
+ author_name=None,
+ author_email=None,
+ parents=None,
+ changed_files_stats=None,
+ branches=None,
+ ):
+ self.context = context
+ self.message = message
+ self.sha = sha
+ = date
+ self.author_name = author_name
+ self.author_email = author_email
+ self.parents = parents or [] # parent commit hashes
+ self.changed_files_stats = changed_files_stats or {}
+ self.branches = branches or []
+ @property
+ def is_merge_commit(self):
+ return self.message.title.startswith("Merge")
+ @property
+ def is_fixup_commit(self):
+ return self.message.title.startswith("fixup!")
+ @property
+ def is_squash_commit(self):
+ return self.message.title.startswith("squash!")
+ @property
+ def is_fixup_amend_commit(self):
+ return self.message.title.startswith("amend!")
+ @property
+ def is_revert_commit(self):
+ return self.message.title.startswith("Revert")
+ @property
+ def changed_files(self):
+ return list(self.changed_files_stats.keys())
+ def __str__(self):
+ date_str = arrow.get( if else None
+ if len(self.changed_files_stats) > 0:
+ changed_files_stats_str = "\n " + "\n ".join([str(stats) for stats in self.changed_files_stats.values()])
+ else:
+ changed_files_stats_str = " {}"
+ return (
+ f"--- Commit Message ----\n{self.message}\n"
+ "--- Meta info ---------\n"
+ f"Author: {self.author_name} <{self.author_email}>\n"
+ f"Date: {date_str}\n"
+ f"is-merge-commit: {self.is_merge_commit}\n"
+ f"is-fixup-commit: {self.is_fixup_commit}\n"
+ f"is-fixup-amend-commit: {self.is_fixup_amend_commit}\n"
+ f"is-squash-commit: {self.is_squash_commit}\n"
+ f"is-revert-commit: {self.is_revert_commit}\n"
+ f"Parents: {self.parents}\n"
+ f"Branches: {self.branches}\n"
+ f"Changed Files: {self.changed_files}\n"
+ f"Changed Files Stats:{changed_files_stats_str}\n"
+ "-----------------------"
+ )
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ # skip checking the context as context refers back to this obj, this will trigger a cyclic dependency
+ return (
+ isinstance(other, GitCommit)
+ and self.message == other.message
+ and self.sha == other.sha
+ and self.author_name == other.author_name
+ and self.author_email == other.author_email
+ and ==
+ and self.parents == other.parents
+ and self.is_merge_commit == other.is_merge_commit
+ and self.is_fixup_commit == other.is_fixup_commit
+ and self.is_fixup_amend_commit == other.is_fixup_amend_commit
+ and self.is_squash_commit == other.is_squash_commit
+ and self.is_revert_commit == other.is_revert_commit
+ and self.changed_files == other.changed_files
+ and self.changed_files_stats == other.changed_files_stats
+ and self.branches == other.branches
+ )
+class LocalGitCommit(GitCommit, PropertyCache):
+ """Class representing a git commit that exists in the local git repository.
+ This class uses lazy loading: it defers reading information from the local git repository until the associated
+ property is accessed for the first time. Properties are then cached for subsequent access.
+ This approach ensures that we don't do 'expensive' git calls when certain properties are not actually used.
+ In addition, reading the required info when it's needed rather than up front avoids adding delay during gitlint
+ startup time and reduces gitlint's memory footprint.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, context, sha):
+ PropertyCache.__init__(self)
+ self.context = context
+ self.sha = sha
+ def _log(self):
+ """Does a call to `git log` to determine a bunch of information about the commit."""
+ long_format = "--pretty=%aN%x00%aE%x00%ai%x00%P%n%B"
+ raw_commit = _git("log", self.sha, "-1", long_format, _cwd=self.context.repository_path).split("\n")
+ (name, email, date, parents), commit_msg = raw_commit[0].split("\x00"), "\n".join(raw_commit[1:])
+ commit_parents = [] if parents == "" else parents.split(" ")
+ commit_is_merge_commit = len(commit_parents) > 1
+ # "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z" -> ISO 8601-like format
+ # Use arrow for datetime parsing, because apparently python is quirky around ISO-8601 dates:
+ #
+ commit_date = arrow.get(date, GIT_TIMEFORMAT).datetime
+ # Create Git commit object with the retrieved info
+ commit_msg_obj = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(self.context, commit_msg)
+ self._cache.update(
+ {
+ "message": commit_msg_obj,
+ "author_name": name,
+ "author_email": email,
+ "date": commit_date,
+ "parents": commit_parents,
+ "is_merge_commit": commit_is_merge_commit,
+ }
+ )
+ @property
+ def message(self):
+ return self._try_cache("message", self._log)
+ @property
+ def author_name(self):
+ return self._try_cache("author_name", self._log)
+ @property
+ def author_email(self):
+ return self._try_cache("author_email", self._log)
+ @property
+ def date(self):
+ return self._try_cache("date", self._log)
+ @property
+ def parents(self):
+ return self._try_cache("parents", self._log)
+ @property
+ def branches(self):
+ def cache_branches():
+ # We have to parse 'git branch --contains <sha>' instead of 'git for-each-ref' to be compatible with
+ # git versions < 2.7.0
+ #
+ branches = _git("branch", "--contains", self.sha, _cwd=self.context.repository_path).split("\n")
+ # This means that we need to remove any leading * that indicates the current branch. Note that we can
+ # safely do this since git branches cannot contain '*' anywhere, so if we find an '*' we know it's output
+ # from the git CLI and not part of the branch name. See
+ # We also drop the last empty line from the output.
+ self._cache["branches"] = [branch.replace("*", "").strip() for branch in branches[:-1]]
+ return self._try_cache("branches", cache_branches)
+ @property
+ def is_merge_commit(self):
+ return self._try_cache("is_merge_commit", self._log)
+ @property
+ def changed_files_stats(self):
+ def cache_changed_files_stats():
+ changed_files_stats_raw = _git(
+ "diff-tree", "--no-commit-id", "--numstat", "-r", "--root", self.sha, _cwd=self.context.repository_path
+ )
+ self._cache["changed_files_stats"] = _parse_git_changed_file_stats(changed_files_stats_raw)
+ return self._try_cache("changed_files_stats", cache_changed_files_stats)
+class StagedLocalGitCommit(GitCommit, PropertyCache):
+ """Class representing a git commit that has been staged, but not committed.
+ Other than the commit message itself (and changed files), a lot of information is actually not known at staging
+ time, since the commit hasn't happened yet. However, we can make educated guesses based on existing repository
+ information.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, context, commit_message):
+ PropertyCache.__init__(self)
+ self.context = context
+ self.message = commit_message
+ self.sha = None
+ self.parents = [] # Not really possible to determine before a commit
+ @property
+ @cache
+ def author_name(self):
+ try:
+ return _git("config", "--get", "", _cwd=self.context.repository_path).strip()
+ except GitExitCodeError as e:
+ raise GitContextError("Missing git configuration: please set") from e
+ @property
+ @cache
+ def author_email(self):
+ try:
+ return _git("config", "--get", "", _cwd=self.context.repository_path).strip()
+ except GitExitCodeError as e:
+ raise GitContextError("Missing git configuration: please set") from e
+ @property
+ @cache
+ def date(self):
+ # We don't know the actual commit date yet, but we make a pragmatic trade-off here by providing the current date
+ # We get current date from arrow, reformat in git date format, then re-interpret it as a date.
+ # This ensure we capture the same precision and timezone information that git does.
+ return arrow.get(, GIT_TIMEFORMAT).datetime
+ @property
+ @cache
+ def branches(self):
+ # We don't know the branch this commit will be part of yet, but we're pragmatic here and just return the
+ # current branch, as for all intents and purposes, this will be what the user is looking for.
+ return [self.context.current_branch]
+ @property
+ def changed_files_stats(self):
+ def cache_changed_files_stats():
+ changed_files_stats_raw = _git("diff", "--staged", "--numstat", "-r", _cwd=self.context.repository_path)
+ self._cache["changed_files_stats"] = _parse_git_changed_file_stats(changed_files_stats_raw)
+ return self._try_cache("changed_files_stats", cache_changed_files_stats)
+class GitContext(PropertyCache):
+ """Class representing the git context in which gitlint is operating: a data object storing information about
+ the git repository that gitlint is linting.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, repository_path=None):
+ PropertyCache.__init__(self)
+ self.commits = []
+ self.repository_path = repository_path
+ @property
+ @cache
+ def commentchar(self):
+ return git_commentchar(self.repository_path)
+ @property
+ @cache
+ def current_branch(self):
+ try:
+ current_branch = _git("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", _cwd=self.repository_path).strip()
+ except GitContextError:
+ # Maybe there is no commit. Try another way to get current branch (need Git 2.22+)
+ current_branch = _git("branch", "--show-current", _cwd=self.repository_path).strip()
+ return current_branch
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_commit_msg(commit_msg_str):
+ """Determines git context based on a commit message.
+ :param commit_msg_str: Full git commit message.
+ """
+ context = GitContext()
+ commit_msg_obj = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(context, commit_msg_str)
+ commit = GitCommit(context, commit_msg_obj)
+ context.commits.append(commit)
+ return context
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_staged_commit(commit_msg_str, repository_path):
+ """Determines git context based on a commit message that is a staged commit for a local git repository.
+ :param commit_msg_str: Full git commit message.
+ :param repository_path: Path to the git repository to retrieve the context from
+ """
+ context = GitContext(repository_path=repository_path)
+ commit_msg_obj = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(context, commit_msg_str)
+ commit = StagedLocalGitCommit(context, commit_msg_obj)
+ context.commits.append(commit)
+ return context
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_local_repository(repository_path, refspec=None, commit_hashes=None):
+ """Retrieves the git context from a local git repository.
+ :param repository_path: Path to the git repository to retrieve the context from
+ :param refspec: The commit(s) to retrieve (mutually exclusive with `commit_hash`)
+ :param commit_hash: Hash of the commit to retrieve (mutually exclusive with `refspec`)
+ """
+ context = GitContext(repository_path=repository_path)
+ if refspec:
+ sha_list = _git("rev-list", refspec, _cwd=repository_path).split()
+ elif commit_hashes: # One or more commit hashes, just pass it to `git log -1`
+ # Even though we have already been passed the commit hash, we ask git to retrieve this hash and
+ # return it to us. This way we verify that the passed hash is a valid hash for the target repo and we
+ # also convert it to the full hash format (we might have been passed a short hash).
+ sha_list = []
+ for commit_hash in commit_hashes:
+ sha_list.append(_git("log", "-1", commit_hash, "--pretty=%H", _cwd=repository_path).replace("\n", ""))
+ else: # If no refspec is defined, fallback to the last commit on the current branch
+ # We tried many things here e.g.: defaulting to e.g. HEAD or HEAD^... (incl. dealing with
+ # repos that only have a single commit - HEAD^... doesn't work there), but then we still get into
+ # problems with e.g. merge commits. Easiest solution is just taking the SHA from `git log -1`.
+ sha_list = [_git("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", _cwd=repository_path).replace("\n", "")]
+ for sha in sha_list:
+ commit = LocalGitCommit(context, sha)
+ context.commits.append(commit)
+ return context
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (
+ isinstance(other, GitContext)
+ and self.commits == other.commits
+ and self.repository_path == other.repository_path
+ and self.commentchar == other.commentchar
+ and self.current_branch == other.current_branch
+ )