path: root/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git')
3 files changed, 811 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/ b/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9b7c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+from unittest.mock import patch
+from import ErrorReturnCode, CommandNotFound
+from gitlint.tests.base import BaseTestCase
+from gitlint.git import GitContext, GitContextError, GitNotInstalledError, git_commentchar, git_hooks_dir
+class GitTests(BaseTestCase):
+ # Expected special_args passed to 'sh'
+ expected_sh_special_args = {
+ '_tty_out': False,
+ '_cwd': "fåke/path"
+ }
+ @patch('')
+ def test_get_latest_commit_command_not_found(self, sh):
+ sh.git.side_effect = CommandNotFound("git")
+ expected_msg = "'git' command not found. You need to install git to use gitlint on a local repository. " + \
+ "See on how to install git."
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(GitNotInstalledError, expected_msg):
+ GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path")
+ # assert that commit message was read using git command
+ sh.git.assert_called_once_with("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ @patch('')
+ def test_get_latest_commit_git_error(self, sh):
+ # Current directory not a git repo
+ err = b"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git"
+ sh.git.side_effect = ErrorReturnCode("git log -1 --pretty=%H", b"", err)
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(GitContextError, "fåke/path is not a git repository."):
+ GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path")
+ # assert that commit message was read using git command
+ sh.git.assert_called_once_with("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ sh.git.reset_mock()
+ err = b"fatal: Random git error"
+ sh.git.side_effect = ErrorReturnCode("git log -1 --pretty=%H", b"", err)
+ expected_msg = f"An error occurred while executing 'git log -1 --pretty=%H': {err}"
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(GitContextError, expected_msg):
+ GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path")
+ # assert that commit message was read using git command
+ sh.git.assert_called_once_with("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ @patch('')
+ def test_git_no_commits_error(self, sh):
+ # No commits: returned by 'git log'
+ err = b"fatal: your current branch 'master' does not have any commits yet"
+ sh.git.side_effect = ErrorReturnCode("git log -1 --pretty=%H", b"", err)
+ expected_msg = "Current branch has no commits. Gitlint requires at least one commit to function."
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(GitContextError, expected_msg):
+ GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path")
+ # assert that commit message was read using git command
+ sh.git.assert_called_once_with("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ sh.git.reset_mock()
+ # Unknown reference 'HEAD' commits: returned by 'git rev-parse'
+ err = (b"HEAD"
+ b"fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree."
+ b"Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:"
+ b"'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'")
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ "#\n", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ ErrorReturnCode("rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", b"", err)
+ ]
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(GitContextError, expected_msg):
+ context = GitContext.from_commit_msg("test")
+ context.current_branch
+ # assert that commit message was read using git command
+ sh.git.assert_called_with("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", _tty_out=False, _cwd=None)
+ @patch("gitlint.git._git")
+ def test_git_commentchar(self, git):
+ git.return_value.exit_code = 1
+ self.assertEqual(git_commentchar(), "#")
+ git.return_value.exit_code = 0
+ git.return_value = "ä"
+ self.assertEqual(git_commentchar(), "ä")
+ git.return_value = ';\n'
+ self.assertEqual(git_commentchar(os.path.join("/föo", "bar")), ';')
+ git.assert_called_with("config", "--get", "core.commentchar", _ok_code=[0, 1],
+ _cwd=os.path.join("/föo", "bar"))
+ @patch("gitlint.git._git")
+ def test_git_hooks_dir(self, git):
+ hooks_dir = os.path.join("föo", ".git", "hooks")
+ git.return_value = hooks_dir + "\n"
+ self.assertEqual(git_hooks_dir("/blä"), os.path.abspath(os.path.join("/blä", hooks_dir)))
+ git.assert_called_once_with("rev-parse", "--git-path", "hooks", _cwd="/blä")
diff --git a/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/ b/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02c5795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import copy
+import datetime
+import dateutil
+import arrow
+from unittest.mock import patch, call
+from gitlint.tests.base import BaseTestCase
+from gitlint.git import GitContext, GitCommit, GitContextError, LocalGitCommit, StagedLocalGitCommit, GitCommitMessage
+from import ErrorReturnCode
+class GitCommitTests(BaseTestCase):
+ # Expected special_args passed to 'sh'
+ expected_sh_special_args = {
+ '_tty_out': False,
+ '_cwd': "fåke/path"
+ }
+ @patch('')
+ def test_get_latest_commit(self, sh):
+ sample_sha = "d8ac47e9f2923c7f22d8668e3a1ed04eb4cdbca9"
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ sample_sha,
+ "test åuthor\x00test-emå\x002016-12-03 15:28:15 +0100\x00åbc\n"
+ "cömmit-title\n\ncömmit-body",
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ "file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n",
+ "foöbar\n* hürdur\n"
+ ]
+ context = GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path")
+ # assert that commit info was read using git command
+ expected_calls = [
+ call("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call("log", sample_sha, "-1", "--pretty=%aN%x00%aE%x00%ai%x00%P%n%B", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('config', '--get', 'core.commentchar', _ok_code=[0, 1], **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', '--root', sample_sha,
+ **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('branch', '--contains', sample_sha, **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ ]
+ # Only first 'git log' call should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:1])
+ last_commit = context.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(last_commit, LocalGitCommit)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.sha, sample_sha)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, "cömmit-title")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.body, ["", "cömmit-body"])
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_name, "test åuthor")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_email, "test-emå")
+ self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 3, 15, 28, 15,
+"+0100", 3600)))
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, ["åbc"])
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_revert_commit)
+ # First 2 'git log' calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:3])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", "påth/to/file2.txt"])
+ # 'git diff-tree' should have happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:4])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.branches, ["foöbar", "hürdur"])
+ # All expected calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls)
+ @patch('')
+ def test_from_local_repository_specific_refspec(self, sh):
+ sample_refspec = "åbc123..def456"
+ sample_sha = "åbc123"
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ sample_sha, # git rev-list <sample_refspec>
+ "test åuthor\x00test-emå\x002016-12-03 15:28:15 +0100\x00åbc\n"
+ "cömmit-title\n\ncömmit-body",
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ "file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n",
+ "foöbar\n* hürdur\n"
+ ]
+ context = GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path", refspec=sample_refspec)
+ # assert that commit info was read using git command
+ expected_calls = [
+ call("rev-list", sample_refspec, **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call("log", sample_sha, "-1", "--pretty=%aN%x00%aE%x00%ai%x00%P%n%B", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('config', '--get', 'core.commentchar', _ok_code=[0, 1], **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', '--root', sample_sha,
+ **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('branch', '--contains', sample_sha, **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ ]
+ # Only first 'git log' call should've happened at this point
+ self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:1])
+ last_commit = context.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(last_commit, LocalGitCommit)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.sha, sample_sha)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, "cömmit-title")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.body, ["", "cömmit-body"])
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_name, "test åuthor")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_email, "test-emå")
+ self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 3, 15, 28, 15,
+"+0100", 3600)))
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, ["åbc"])
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_revert_commit)
+ # First 2 'git log' calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:3])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", "påth/to/file2.txt"])
+ # 'git diff-tree' should have happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:4])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.branches, ["foöbar", "hürdur"])
+ # All expected calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls)
+ @patch('')
+ def test_from_local_repository_specific_commit_hash(self, sh):
+ sample_hash = "åbc123"
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ sample_hash, # git log -1 <sample_hash>
+ "test åuthor\x00test-emå\x002016-12-03 15:28:15 +0100\x00åbc\n"
+ "cömmit-title\n\ncömmit-body",
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ "file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n",
+ "foöbar\n* hürdur\n"
+ ]
+ context = GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path", commit_hash=sample_hash)
+ # assert that commit info was read using git command
+ expected_calls = [
+ call("log", "-1", sample_hash, "--pretty=%H", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call("log", sample_hash, "-1", "--pretty=%aN%x00%aE%x00%ai%x00%P%n%B", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('config', '--get', 'core.commentchar', _ok_code=[0, 1], **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', '--root', sample_hash,
+ **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('branch', '--contains', sample_hash, **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ ]
+ # Only first 'git log' call should've happened at this point
+ self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:1])
+ last_commit = context.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(last_commit, LocalGitCommit)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.sha, sample_hash)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, "cömmit-title")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.body, ["", "cömmit-body"])
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_name, "test åuthor")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_email, "test-emå")
+ self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 3, 15, 28, 15,
+"+0100", 3600)))
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, ["åbc"])
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_revert_commit)
+ # First 2 'git log' calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:3])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", "påth/to/file2.txt"])
+ # 'git diff-tree' should have happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:4])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.branches, ["foöbar", "hürdur"])
+ # All expected calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls)
+ @patch('')
+ def test_get_latest_commit_merge_commit(self, sh):
+ sample_sha = "d8ac47e9f2923c7f22d8668e3a1ed04eb4cdbca9"
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ sample_sha,
+ "test åuthor\x00test-emå\x002016-12-03 15:28:15 +0100\x00åbc def\n"
+ "Merge \"foo bår commit\"",
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ "file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n",
+ "foöbar\n* hürdur\n"
+ ]
+ context = GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path")
+ # assert that commit info was read using git command
+ expected_calls = [
+ call("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call("log", sample_sha, "-1", "--pretty=%aN%x00%aE%x00%ai%x00%P%n%B", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('config', '--get', 'core.commentchar', _ok_code=[0, 1], **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', '--root', sample_sha,
+ **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('branch', '--contains', sample_sha, **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ ]
+ # Only first 'git log' call should've happened at this point
+ self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:1])
+ last_commit = context.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(last_commit, LocalGitCommit)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.sha, sample_sha)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, "Merge \"foo bår commit\"")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.body, [])
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_name, "test åuthor")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_email, "test-emå")
+ self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 3, 15, 28, 15,
+"+0100", 3600)))
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, ["åbc", "def"])
+ self.assertTrue(last_commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_revert_commit)
+ # First 2 'git log' calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:3])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", "påth/to/file2.txt"])
+ # 'git diff-tree' should have happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:4])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.branches, ["foöbar", "hürdur"])
+ # All expected calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls)
+ @patch('')
+ def test_get_latest_commit_fixup_squash_commit(self, sh):
+ commit_types = ["fixup", "squash"]
+ for commit_type in commit_types:
+ sample_sha = "d8ac47e9f2923c7f22d8668e3a1ed04eb4cdbca9"
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ sample_sha,
+ "test åuthor\x00test-emå\x002016-12-03 15:28:15 +0100\x00åbc\n"
+ f"{commit_type}! \"foo bår commit\"",
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ "file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n",
+ "foöbar\n* hürdur\n"
+ ]
+ context = GitContext.from_local_repository("fåke/path")
+ # assert that commit info was read using git command
+ expected_calls = [
+ call("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call("log", sample_sha, "-1", "--pretty=%aN%x00%aE%x00%ai%x00%P%n%B", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('config', '--get', 'core.commentchar', _ok_code=[0, 1], **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', '--root', sample_sha,
+ **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('branch', '--contains', sample_sha, **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ ]
+ # Only first 'git log' call should've happened at this point
+ self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:-4])
+ last_commit = context.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(last_commit, LocalGitCommit)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.sha, sample_sha)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, f"{commit_type}! \"foo bår commit\"")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.body, [])
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_name, "test åuthor")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_email, "test-emå")
+ self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 3, 15, 28, 15,
+"+0100", 3600)))
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, ["åbc"])
+ # First 2 'git log' calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:3])
+ # Asserting that squash and fixup are correct
+ for type in commit_types:
+ attr = "is_" + type + "_commit"
+ self.assertEqual(getattr(last_commit, attr), commit_type == type)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_revert_commit)
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", "påth/to/file2.txt"])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", "påth/to/file2.txt"])
+ # 'git diff-tree' should have happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[:4])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.branches, ["foöbar", "hürdur"])
+ # All expected calls should've happened at this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls)
+ sh.git.reset_mock()
+ @patch("gitlint.git.git_commentchar")
+ def test_from_commit_msg_full(self, commentchar):
+ commentchar.return_value = "#"
+ gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample1"))
+ expected_title = "Commit title contåining 'WIP', as well as trailing punctuation."
+ expected_body = ["This line should be empty",
+ "This is the first line of the commit message body and it is meant to test a " +
+ "line that exceeds the maximum line length of 80 characters.",
+ "This line has a tråiling space. ",
+ "This line has a trailing tab.\t"]
+ expected_full = expected_title + "\n" + "\n".join(expected_body)
+ expected_original = expected_full + (
+ "\n# This is a cömmented line\n"
+ "# ------------------------ >8 ------------------------\n"
+ "# Anything after this line should be cleaned up\n"
+ "# this line appears on `git commit -v` command\n"
+ "diff --git a/gitlint/tests/samples/commit_message/sample1 "
+ "b/gitlint/tests/samples/commit_message/sample1\n"
+ "index 82dbe7f..ae71a14 100644\n"
+ "--- a/gitlint/tests/samples/commit_message/sample1\n"
+ "+++ b/gitlint/tests/samples/commit_message/sample1\n"
+ "@@ -1 +1 @@\n"
+ )
+ commit = gitcontext.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(commit, GitCommit)
+ self.assertFalse(isinstance(commit, LocalGitCommit))
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.title, expected_title)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.body, expected_body)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.full, expected_full)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.original, expected_original)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_email, None)
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.parents, [])
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.branches, [])
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_revert_commit)
+ self.assertEqual(len(gitcontext.commits), 1)
+ def test_from_commit_msg_just_title(self):
+ gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample2"))
+ commit = gitcontext.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(commit, GitCommit)
+ self.assertFalse(isinstance(commit, LocalGitCommit))
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.title, "Just a title contåining WIP")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.body, [])
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.full, "Just a title contåining WIP")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.original, "Just a title contåining WIP")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_email, None)
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.parents, [])
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.branches, [])
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_revert_commit)
+ self.assertEqual(len(gitcontext.commits), 1)
+ def test_from_commit_msg_empty(self):
+ gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg("")
+ commit = gitcontext.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(commit, GitCommit)
+ self.assertFalse(isinstance(commit, LocalGitCommit))
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.title, "")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.body, [])
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.full, "")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.original, "")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_email, None)
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.parents, [])
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.branches, [])
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_revert_commit)
+ self.assertEqual(len(gitcontext.commits), 1)
+ @patch("gitlint.git.git_commentchar")
+ def test_from_commit_msg_comment(self, commentchar):
+ commentchar.return_value = "#"
+ gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg("Tïtle\n\nBödy 1\n#Cömment\nBody 2")
+ commit = gitcontext.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(commit, GitCommit)
+ self.assertFalse(isinstance(commit, LocalGitCommit))
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.title, "Tïtle")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.body, ["", "Bödy 1", "Body 2"])
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.full, "Tïtle\n\nBödy 1\nBody 2")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.original, "Tïtle\n\nBödy 1\n#Cömment\nBody 2")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_email, None)
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.parents, [])
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.branches, [])
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_revert_commit)
+ self.assertEqual(len(gitcontext.commits), 1)
+ def test_from_commit_msg_merge_commit(self):
+ commit_msg = "Merge f919b8f34898d9b48048bcd703bc47139f4ff621 into 8b0409a26da6ba8a47c1fd2e746872a8dab15401"
+ gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg(commit_msg)
+ commit = gitcontext.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(commit, GitCommit)
+ self.assertFalse(isinstance(commit, LocalGitCommit))
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.title, commit_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.body, [])
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.full, commit_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.original, commit_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_email, None)
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.parents, [])
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.branches, [])
+ self.assertTrue(commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_revert_commit)
+ self.assertEqual(len(gitcontext.commits), 1)
+ def test_from_commit_msg_revert_commit(self):
+ commit_msg = "Revert \"Prev commit message\"\n\nThis reverts commit a8ad67e04164a537198dea94a4fde81c5592ae9c."
+ gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg(commit_msg)
+ commit = gitcontext.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(commit, GitCommit)
+ self.assertFalse(isinstance(commit, LocalGitCommit))
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.title, "Revert \"Prev commit message\"")
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.body, ["", "This reverts commit a8ad67e04164a537198dea94a4fde81c5592ae9c."])
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.full, commit_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.original, commit_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_email, None)
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.parents, [])
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.branches, [])
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertTrue(commit.is_revert_commit)
+ self.assertEqual(len(gitcontext.commits), 1)
+ def test_from_commit_msg_fixup_squash_commit(self):
+ commit_types = ["fixup", "squash"]
+ for commit_type in commit_types:
+ commit_msg = f"{commit_type}! Test message"
+ gitcontext = GitContext.from_commit_msg(commit_msg)
+ commit = gitcontext.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(commit, GitCommit)
+ self.assertFalse(isinstance(commit, LocalGitCommit))
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.title, commit_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.body, [])
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.full, commit_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.message.original, commit_msg)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(commit.author_email, None)
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.parents, [])
+ self.assertListEqual(commit.branches, [])
+ self.assertEqual(len(gitcontext.commits), 1)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(commit.is_revert_commit)
+ # Asserting that squash and fixup are correct
+ for type in commit_types:
+ attr = "is_" + type + "_commit"
+ self.assertEqual(getattr(commit, attr), commit_type == type)
+ @patch('')
+ @patch('')
+ def test_staged_commit(self, now, sh):
+ # StagedLocalGitCommit()
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ "test åuthor\n", # git config --get
+ "test-emå\n", # git config --get
+ "my-brånch\n", # git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+ "file1.txt\npåth/to/file2.txt\n",
+ ]
+ now.side_effect = [arrow.get("2020-02-19T12:18:46.675182+01:00")]
+ # We use a fixup commit, just to test a non-default path
+ context = GitContext.from_staged_commit("fixup! Foōbar 123\n\ncömmit-body\n", "fåke/path")
+ # git calls we're expexting
+ expected_calls = [
+ call('config', '--get', 'core.commentchar', _ok_code=[0, 1], **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('config', '--get', '', **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call('config', '--get', '', **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call("diff", "--staged", "--name-only", "-r", **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ ]
+ last_commit = context.commits[-1]
+ self.assertIsInstance(last_commit, StagedLocalGitCommit)
+ self.assertIsNone(last_commit.sha, None)
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, "fixup! Foōbar 123")
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.body, ["", "cömmit-body"])
+ # Only `git config --get core.commentchar` should've happened up until this point
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:1])
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_name, "test åuthor")
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:2])
+ self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_email, "test-emå")
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:3])
+ self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 12, 18, 46,
+"+0100", 3600)))
+ now.assert_called_once()
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, [])
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_merge_commit)
+ self.assertTrue(last_commit.is_fixup_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_squash_commit)
+ self.assertFalse(last_commit.is_revert_commit)
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.branches, ["my-brånch"])
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:4])
+ self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", "påth/to/file2.txt"])
+ self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:5])
+ @patch('')
+ def test_staged_commit_with_missing_username(self, sh):
+ # StagedLocalGitCommit()
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ ErrorReturnCode('git config --get', b"", b""),
+ ]
+ expected_msg = "Missing git configuration: please set"
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(GitContextError, expected_msg):
+ ctx = GitContext.from_staged_commit("Foōbar 123\n\ncömmit-body\n", "fåke/path")
+ [str(commit) for commit in ctx.commits]
+ @patch('')
+ def test_staged_commit_with_missing_email(self, sh):
+ # StagedLocalGitCommit()
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ "test åuthor\n", # git config --get
+ ErrorReturnCode('git config --get', b"", b""),
+ ]
+ expected_msg = "Missing git configuration: please set"
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(GitContextError, expected_msg):
+ ctx = GitContext.from_staged_commit("Foōbar 123\n\ncömmit-body\n", "fåke/path")
+ [str(commit) for commit in ctx.commits]
+ def test_gitcommitmessage_equality(self):
+ commit_message1 = GitCommitMessage(GitContext(), "tëst\n\nfoo", "tëst\n\nfoo", "tēst", ["", "föo"])
+ attrs = ['original', 'full', 'title', 'body']
+ self.object_equality_test(commit_message1, attrs, {"context": commit_message1.context})
+ @patch("gitlint.git._git")
+ def test_gitcommit_equality(self, git):
+ # git will be called to setup the context (commentchar and current_branch), just return the same value
+ # This only matters to test gitcontext equality, not gitcommit equality
+ git.return_value = "foöbar"
+ # Test simple equality case
+ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ context1 = GitContext()
+ commit_message1 = GitCommitMessage(context1, "tëst\n\nfoo", "tëst\n\nfoo", "tēst", ["", "föo"])
+ commit1 = GitCommit(context1, commit_message1, "shä", now, "Jöhn Smith", "jö", None,
+ ["föo/bar"], ["brånch1", "brånch2"])
+ context1.commits = [commit1]
+ context2 = GitContext()
+ commit_message2 = GitCommitMessage(context2, "tëst\n\nfoo", "tëst\n\nfoo", "tēst", ["", "föo"])
+ commit2 = GitCommit(context2, commit_message1, "shä", now, "Jöhn Smith", "jö", None,
+ ["föo/bar"], ["brånch1", "brånch2"])
+ context2.commits = [commit2]
+ self.assertEqual(context1, context2)
+ self.assertEqual(commit_message1, commit_message2)
+ self.assertEqual(commit1, commit2)
+ # Check that objects are unequal when changing a single attribute
+ kwargs = {'message': commit1.message, 'sha': commit1.sha, 'date':,
+ 'author_name': commit1.author_name, 'author_email': commit1.author_email, 'parents': commit1.parents,
+ 'changed_files': commit1.changed_files, 'branches': commit1.branches}
+ self.object_equality_test(commit1, kwargs.keys(), {"context": commit1.context})
+ # Check that the is_* attributes that are affected by the commit message affect equality
+ special_messages = {'is_merge_commit': "Merge: foöbar", 'is_fixup_commit': "fixup! foöbar",
+ 'is_squash_commit': "squash! foöbar", 'is_revert_commit': "Revert: foöbar"}
+ for key in special_messages:
+ kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
+ clone1 = GitCommit(context=commit1.context, **kwargs_copy)
+ clone1.message = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(context1, special_messages[key])
+ self.assertTrue(getattr(clone1, key))
+ clone2 = GitCommit(context=commit1.context, **kwargs_copy)
+ clone2.message = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(context1, "foöbar")
+ self.assertNotEqual(clone1, clone2)
+ @patch("gitlint.git.git_commentchar")
+ def test_commit_msg_custom_commentchar(self, patched):
+ patched.return_value = "ä"
+ context = GitContext()
+ message = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(context, "Tïtle\n\nBödy 1\näCömment\nBody 2")
+ self.assertEqual(message.title, "Tïtle")
+ self.assertEqual(message.body, ["", "Bödy 1", "Body 2"])
+ self.assertEqual(message.full, "Tïtle\n\nBödy 1\nBody 2")
+ self.assertEqual(message.original, "Tïtle\n\nBödy 1\näCömment\nBody 2")
diff --git a/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/ b/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb05236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlint-core/gitlint/tests/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from unittest.mock import patch, call
+from gitlint.tests.base import BaseTestCase
+from gitlint.git import GitContext
+class GitContextTests(BaseTestCase):
+ # Expected special_args passed to 'sh'
+ expected_sh_special_args = {
+ '_tty_out': False,
+ '_cwd': "fåke/path"
+ }
+ @patch('')
+ def test_gitcontext(self, sh):
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ "#", # git config --get core.commentchar
+ "\nfoöbar\n"
+ ]
+ expected_calls = [
+ call("config", "--get", "core.commentchar", _ok_code=[0, 1], **self.expected_sh_special_args),
+ call("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", **self.expected_sh_special_args)
+ ]
+ context = GitContext("fåke/path")
+ self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, [])
+ # gitcontext.comment_branch
+ self.assertEqual(context.commentchar, "#")
+ self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:1])
+ # gitcontext.current_branch
+ self.assertEqual(context.current_branch, "foöbar")
+ self.assertEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls)
+ @patch('')
+ def test_gitcontext_equality(self, sh):
+ sh.git.side_effect = [
+ "û\n", # context1: git config --get core.commentchar
+ "û\n", # context2: git config --get core.commentchar
+ "my-brånch\n", # context1: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+ "my-brånch\n", # context2: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+ ]
+ context1 = GitContext("fåke/path")
+ context1.commits = ["fōo", "bår"] # we don't need real commits to check for equality
+ context2 = GitContext("fåke/path")
+ context2.commits = ["fōo", "bår"]
+ self.assertEqual(context1, context2)
+ # Different commits
+ context2.commits = ["hür", "dür"]
+ self.assertNotEqual(context1, context2)
+ # Different repository_path
+ context2.commits = context1.commits
+ context2.repository_path = "ōther/path"
+ self.assertNotEqual(context1, context2)
+ # Different comment_char
+ context3 = GitContext("fåke/path")
+ context3.commits = ["fōo", "bår"]
+ sh.git.side_effect = ([
+ "ç\n", # context3: git config --get core.commentchar
+ "my-brånch\n" # context3: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+ ])
+ self.assertNotEqual(context1, context3)
+ # Different current_branch
+ context4 = GitContext("fåke/path")
+ context4.commits = ["fōo", "bår"]
+ sh.git.side_effect = ([
+ "û\n", # context4: git config --get core.commentchar
+ "different-brånch\n" # context4: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+ ])
+ self.assertNotEqual(context1, context4)