path: root/gitlint/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gitlint/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/gitlint/ b/gitlint/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad83204..0000000
--- a/gitlint/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
-import copy
-import logging
-import re
-from gitlint.options import IntOption, BoolOption, StrOption, ListOption
-from gitlint.utils import sstr
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Rule(object):
- """ Class representing gitlint rules. """
- options_spec = []
- id = None
- name = None
- target = None
- def __init__(self, opts=None):
- if not opts:
- opts = {}
- self.options = {}
- for op_spec in self.options_spec:
- self.options[] = copy.deepcopy(op_spec)
- actual_option = opts.get(
- if actual_option is not None:
- self.options[].set(actual_option)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return == and == and \
- self.options == other.options and == # noqa
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other) # required for py2
- def __str__(self):
- return sstr(self) # pragma: no cover
- def __unicode__(self):
- return u"{0} {1}".format(, # pragma: no cover
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__() # pragma: no cover
-class ConfigurationRule(Rule):
- """ Class representing rules that can dynamically change the configuration of gitlint during runtime. """
- pass
-class CommitRule(Rule):
- """ Class representing rules that act on an entire commit at once """
- pass
-class LineRule(Rule):
- """ Class representing rules that act on a line by line basis """
- pass
-class LineRuleTarget(object):
- """ Base class for LineRule targets. A LineRuleTarget specifies where a given rule will be applied
- (e.g. commit message title, commit message body).
- Each LineRule MUST have a target specified. """
- pass
-class CommitMessageTitle(LineRuleTarget):
- """ Target class used for rules that apply to a commit message title """
- pass
-class CommitMessageBody(LineRuleTarget):
- """ Target class used for rules that apply to a commit message body """
- pass
-class RuleViolation(object):
- """ Class representing a violation of a rule. I.e.: When a rule is broken, the rule will instantiate this class
- to indicate how and where the rule was broken. """
- def __init__(self, rule_id, message, content=None, line_nr=None):
- self.rule_id = rule_id
- self.line_nr = line_nr
- self.message = message
- self.content = content
- def __eq__(self, other):
- equal = self.rule_id == other.rule_id and self.message == other.message
- equal = equal and self.content == other.content and self.line_nr == other.line_nr
- return equal
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other) # required for py2
- def __str__(self):
- return sstr(self) # pragma: no cover
- def __unicode__(self):
- return u"{0}: {1} {2}: \"{3}\"".format(self.line_nr, self.rule_id, self.message,
- self.content) # pragma: no cover
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str__() # pragma: no cover
-class UserRuleError(Exception):
- """ Error used to indicate that an error occurred while trying to load a user rule """
- pass
-class MaxLineLength(LineRule):
- name = "max-line-length"
- id = "R1"
- options_spec = [IntOption('line-length', 80, "Max line length")]
- violation_message = "Line exceeds max length ({0}>{1})"
- def validate(self, line, _commit):
- max_length = self.options['line-length'].value
- if len(line) > max_length:
- return [RuleViolation(, self.violation_message.format(len(line), max_length), line)]
-class TrailingWhiteSpace(LineRule):
- name = "trailing-whitespace"
- id = "R2"
- violation_message = "Line has trailing whitespace"
- def validate(self, line, _commit):
- pattern = re.compile(r"\s$", re.UNICODE)
- if
- return [RuleViolation(, self.violation_message, line)]
-class HardTab(LineRule):
- name = "hard-tab"
- id = "R3"
- violation_message = "Line contains hard tab characters (\\t)"
- def validate(self, line, _commit):
- if "\t" in line:
- return [RuleViolation(, self.violation_message, line)]
-class LineMustNotContainWord(LineRule):
- """ Violation if a line contains one of a list of words (NOTE: using a word in the list inside another word is not
- a violation, e.g: WIPING is not a violation if 'WIP' is a word that is not allowed.) """
- name = "line-must-not-contain"
- id = "R5"
- options_spec = [ListOption('words', [], "Comma separated list of words that should not be found")]
- violation_message = u"Line contains {0}"
- def validate(self, line, _commit):
- strings = self.options['words'].value
- violations = []
- for string in strings:
- regex = re.compile(r"\b%s\b" % string.lower(), re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
- match =
- if match:
- violations.append(RuleViolation(, self.violation_message.format(string), line))
- return violations if violations else None
-class LeadingWhiteSpace(LineRule):
- name = "leading-whitespace"
- id = "R6"
- violation_message = "Line has leading whitespace"
- def validate(self, line, _commit):
- pattern = re.compile(r"^\s", re.UNICODE)
- if
- return [RuleViolation(, self.violation_message, line)]
-class TitleMaxLength(MaxLineLength):
- name = "title-max-length"
- id = "T1"
- target = CommitMessageTitle
- options_spec = [IntOption('line-length', 72, "Max line length")]
- violation_message = "Title exceeds max length ({0}>{1})"
-class TitleTrailingWhitespace(TrailingWhiteSpace):
- name = "title-trailing-whitespace"
- id = "T2"
- target = CommitMessageTitle
- violation_message = "Title has trailing whitespace"
-class TitleTrailingPunctuation(LineRule):
- name = "title-trailing-punctuation"
- id = "T3"
- target = CommitMessageTitle
- def validate(self, title, _commit):
- punctuation_marks = '?:!.,;'
- for punctuation_mark in punctuation_marks:
- if title.endswith(punctuation_mark):
- return [RuleViolation(, u"Title has trailing punctuation ({0})".format(punctuation_mark), title)]
-class TitleHardTab(HardTab):
- name = "title-hard-tab"
- id = "T4"
- target = CommitMessageTitle
- violation_message = "Title contains hard tab characters (\\t)"
-class TitleMustNotContainWord(LineMustNotContainWord):
- name = "title-must-not-contain-word"
- id = "T5"
- target = CommitMessageTitle
- options_spec = [ListOption('words', ["WIP"], "Must not contain word")]
- violation_message = u"Title contains the word '{0}' (case-insensitive)"
-class TitleLeadingWhitespace(LeadingWhiteSpace):
- name = "title-leading-whitespace"
- id = "T6"
- target = CommitMessageTitle
- violation_message = "Title has leading whitespace"
-class TitleRegexMatches(LineRule):
- name = "title-match-regex"
- id = "T7"
- target = CommitMessageTitle
- options_spec = [StrOption('regex', ".*", "Regex the title should match")]
- def validate(self, title, _commit):
- regex = self.options['regex'].value
- pattern = re.compile(regex, re.UNICODE)
- if not
- violation_msg = u"Title does not match regex ({0})".format(regex)
- return [RuleViolation(, violation_msg, title)]
-class BodyMaxLineLength(MaxLineLength):
- name = "body-max-line-length"
- id = "B1"
- target = CommitMessageBody
-class BodyTrailingWhitespace(TrailingWhiteSpace):
- name = "body-trailing-whitespace"
- id = "B2"
- target = CommitMessageBody
-class BodyHardTab(HardTab):
- name = "body-hard-tab"
- id = "B3"
- target = CommitMessageBody
-class BodyFirstLineEmpty(CommitRule):
- name = "body-first-line-empty"
- id = "B4"
- def validate(self, commit):
- if len(commit.message.body) >= 1:
- first_line = commit.message.body[0]
- if first_line != "":
- return [RuleViolation(, "Second line is not empty", first_line, 2)]
-class BodyMinLength(CommitRule):
- name = "body-min-length"
- id = "B5"
- options_spec = [IntOption('min-length', 20, "Minimum body length")]
- def validate(self, commit):
- min_length = self.options['min-length'].value
- body_message_no_newline = "".join([line for line in commit.message.body if line is not None])
- actual_length = len(body_message_no_newline)
- if 0 < actual_length < min_length:
- violation_message = "Body message is too short ({0}<{1})".format(actual_length, min_length)
- return [RuleViolation(, violation_message, body_message_no_newline, 3)]
-class BodyMissing(CommitRule):
- name = "body-is-missing"
- id = "B6"
- options_spec = [BoolOption('ignore-merge-commits', True, "Ignore merge commits")]
- def validate(self, commit):
- # ignore merges when option tells us to, which may have no body
- if self.options['ignore-merge-commits'].value and commit.is_merge_commit:
- return
- if len(commit.message.body) < 2:
- return [RuleViolation(, "Body message is missing", None, 3)]
-class BodyChangedFileMention(CommitRule):
- name = "body-changed-file-mention"
- id = "B7"
- options_spec = [ListOption('files', [], "Files that need to be mentioned")]
- def validate(self, commit):
- violations = []
- for needs_mentioned_file in self.options['files'].value:
- # if a file that we need to look out for is actually changed, then check whether it occurs
- # in the commit msg body
- if needs_mentioned_file in commit.changed_files:
- if needs_mentioned_file not in " ".join(commit.message.body):
- violation_message = u"Body does not mention changed file '{0}'".format(needs_mentioned_file)
- violations.append(RuleViolation(, violation_message, None, len(commit.message.body) + 1))
- return violations if violations else None
-class AuthorValidEmail(CommitRule):
- name = "author-valid-email"
- id = "M1"
- options_spec = [StrOption('regex', r"[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ ]+", "Regex that author email address should match")]
- def validate(self, commit):
- # Note that unicode is allowed in email addresses
- # See
- # /are-email-addresses-allowed-to-contain-non-alphanumeric-characters
- email_regex = re.compile(self.options['regex'].value, re.UNICODE)
- if commit.author_email and not email_regex.match(commit.author_email):
- return [RuleViolation(, "Author email for commit is invalid", commit.author_email)]
-class IgnoreByTitle(ConfigurationRule):
- name = "ignore-by-title"
- id = "I1"
- options_spec = [StrOption('regex', None, "Regex matching the titles of commits this rule should apply to"),
- StrOption('ignore', "all", "Comma-separated list of rules to ignore")]
- def apply(self, config, commit):
- title_regex = re.compile(self.options['regex'].value, re.UNICODE)
- if title_regex.match(commit.message.title):
- config.ignore = self.options['ignore'].value
- message = u"Commit title '{0}' matches the regex '{1}', ignoring rules: {2}"
- message = message.format(commit.message.title, self.options['regex'].value, self.options['ignore'].value)
- LOG.debug("Ignoring commit because of rule '%s': %s",, message)
-class IgnoreByBody(ConfigurationRule):
- name = "ignore-by-body"
- id = "I2"
- options_spec = [StrOption('regex', None, "Regex matching lines of the body of commits this rule should apply to"),
- StrOption('ignore', "all", "Comma-separated list of rules to ignore")]
- def apply(self, config, commit):
- body_line_regex = re.compile(self.options['regex'].value, re.UNICODE)
- for line in commit.message.body:
- if body_line_regex.match(line):
- config.ignore = self.options['ignore'].value
- message = u"Commit message line '{0}' matches the regex '{1}', ignoring rules: {2}"
- message = message.format(line, self.options['regex'].value, self.options['ignore'].value)
- LOG.debug("Ignoring commit because of rule '%s': %s",, message)
- # No need to check other lines if we found a match
- return