path: root/gitlint/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gitlint/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/gitlint/tests/ b/gitlint/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index bcdd984..0000000
--- a/gitlint/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # python 2.x
- from StringIO import StringIO
-except ImportError:
- # python 3.x
- from io import StringIO
- # python 2.x
- from mock import patch
-except ImportError:
- # python 3.x
- from unittest.mock import patch # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error
-from gitlint.tests.base import BaseTestCase
-from gitlint.lint import GitLinter
-from gitlint.rules import RuleViolation
-from gitlint.config import LintConfig, LintConfigBuilder
-class LintTests(BaseTestCase):
- def test_lint_sample1(self):
- linter = GitLinter(LintConfig())
- gitcontext = self.gitcontext(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample1"))
- violations = linter.lint(gitcontext.commits[-1])
- expected_errors = [RuleViolation("T3", "Title has trailing punctuation (.)",
- u"Commit title contåining 'WIP', as well as trailing punctuation.", 1),
- RuleViolation("T5", "Title contains the word 'WIP' (case-insensitive)",
- u"Commit title contåining 'WIP', as well as trailing punctuation.", 1),
- RuleViolation("B4", "Second line is not empty", "This line should be empty", 2),
- RuleViolation("B1", "Line exceeds max length (135>80)",
- "This is the first line of the commit message body and it is meant to test " +
- "a line that exceeds the maximum line length of 80 characters.", 3),
- RuleViolation("B2", "Line has trailing whitespace", u"This line has a tråiling space. ", 4),
- RuleViolation("B2", "Line has trailing whitespace", "This line has a trailing tab.\t", 5),
- RuleViolation("B3", "Line contains hard tab characters (\\t)",
- "This line has a trailing tab.\t", 5)]
- self.assertListEqual(violations, expected_errors)
- def test_lint_sample2(self):
- linter = GitLinter(LintConfig())
- gitcontext = self.gitcontext(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample2"))
- violations = linter.lint(gitcontext.commits[-1])
- expected = [RuleViolation("T5", "Title contains the word 'WIP' (case-insensitive)",
- u"Just a title contåining WIP", 1),
- RuleViolation("B6", "Body message is missing", None, 3)]
- self.assertListEqual(violations, expected)
- def test_lint_sample3(self):
- linter = GitLinter(LintConfig())
- gitcontext = self.gitcontext(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample3"))
- violations = linter.lint(gitcontext.commits[-1])
- title = u" Commit title containing 'WIP', \tleading and tråiling whitespace and longer than 72 characters."
- expected = [RuleViolation("T1", "Title exceeds max length (95>72)", title, 1),
- RuleViolation("T3", "Title has trailing punctuation (.)", title, 1),
- RuleViolation("T4", "Title contains hard tab characters (\\t)", title, 1),
- RuleViolation("T5", "Title contains the word 'WIP' (case-insensitive)", title, 1),
- RuleViolation("T6", "Title has leading whitespace", title, 1),
- RuleViolation("B4", "Second line is not empty", "This line should be empty", 2),
- RuleViolation("B1", "Line exceeds max length (101>80)",
- u"This is the first line is meånt to test a line that exceeds the maximum line " +
- "length of 80 characters.", 3),
- RuleViolation("B2", "Line has trailing whitespace", "This line has a trailing space. ", 4),
- RuleViolation("B2", "Line has trailing whitespace", u"This line has a tråiling tab.\t", 5),
- RuleViolation("B3", "Line contains hard tab characters (\\t)",
- u"This line has a tråiling tab.\t", 5)]
- self.assertListEqual(violations, expected)
- def test_lint_sample4(self):
- commit = self.gitcommit(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample4"))
- config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
- config_builder.set_config_from_commit(commit)
- linter = GitLinter(
- violations = linter.lint(commit)
- # expect no violations because sample4 has a 'gitlint: disable line'
- expected = []
- self.assertListEqual(violations, expected)
- def test_lint_sample5(self):
- commit = self.gitcommit(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample5"))
- config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
- config_builder.set_config_from_commit(commit)
- linter = GitLinter(
- violations = linter.lint(commit)
- title = u" Commit title containing 'WIP', \tleading and tråiling whitespace and longer than 72 characters."
- # expect only certain violations because sample5 has a 'gitlint-ignore: T3, T6, body-max-line-length'
- expected = [RuleViolation("T1", "Title exceeds max length (95>72)", title, 1),
- RuleViolation("T4", "Title contains hard tab characters (\\t)", title, 1),
- RuleViolation("T5", "Title contains the word 'WIP' (case-insensitive)", title, 1),
- RuleViolation("B4", "Second line is not empty", u"This line should be ëmpty", 2),
- RuleViolation("B2", "Line has trailing whitespace", u"This line has a tråiling space. ", 4),
- RuleViolation("B2", "Line has trailing whitespace", "This line has a trailing tab.\t", 5),
- RuleViolation("B3", "Line contains hard tab characters (\\t)",
- "This line has a trailing tab.\t", 5)]
- self.assertListEqual(violations, expected)
- def test_lint_meta(self):
- """ Lint sample2 but also add some metadata to the commit so we that get's linted as well """
- linter = GitLinter(LintConfig())
- gitcontext = self.gitcontext(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample2"))
- gitcontext.commits[0].author_email = u"foo bår"
- violations = linter.lint(gitcontext.commits[-1])
- expected = [RuleViolation("M1", "Author email for commit is invalid", u"foo bår", None),
- RuleViolation("T5", "Title contains the word 'WIP' (case-insensitive)",
- u"Just a title contåining WIP", 1),
- RuleViolation("B6", "Body message is missing", None, 3)]
- self.assertListEqual(violations, expected)
- def test_lint_ignore(self):
- lint_config = LintConfig()
- lint_config.ignore = ["T1", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "B1", "B2"]
- linter = GitLinter(lint_config)
- violations = linter.lint(self.gitcommit(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample3")))
- expected = [RuleViolation("B4", "Second line is not empty", "This line should be empty", 2),
- RuleViolation("B3", "Line contains hard tab characters (\\t)",
- u"This line has a tråiling tab.\t", 5)]
- self.assertListEqual(violations, expected)
- def test_lint_configuration_rule(self):
- # Test that all rules are ignored because of matching regex
- lint_config = LintConfig()
- lint_config.set_rule_option("I1", "regex", "^Just a title(.*)")
- linter = GitLinter(lint_config)
- violations = linter.lint(self.gitcommit(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample2")))
- self.assertListEqual(violations, [])
- # Test ignoring only certain rules
- lint_config = LintConfig()
- lint_config.set_rule_option("I1", "regex", "^Just a title(.*)")
- lint_config.set_rule_option("I1", "ignore", "B6")
- linter = GitLinter(lint_config)
- violations = linter.lint(self.gitcommit(self.get_sample("commit_message/sample2")))
- # Normally we'd expect a B6 violation, but that one is skipped because of the specific ignore set above
- expected = [RuleViolation("T5", "Title contains the word 'WIP' (case-insensitive)",
- u"Just a title contåining WIP", 1)]
- self.assertListEqual(violations, expected)
- def test_lint_special_commit(self):
- for commit_type in ["merge", "revert", "squash", "fixup"]:
- commit = self.gitcommit(self.get_sample("commit_message/{0}".format(commit_type)))
- lintconfig = LintConfig()
- linter = GitLinter(lintconfig)
- violations = linter.lint(commit)
- # Even though there are a number of violations in the commit message, they are ignored because
- # we are dealing with a merge commit
- self.assertListEqual(violations, [])
- # Check that we do see violations if we disable 'ignore-merge-commits'
- setattr(lintconfig, "ignore_{0}_commits".format(commit_type), False)
- linter = GitLinter(lintconfig)
- violations = linter.lint(commit)
- self.assertTrue(len(violations) > 0)
- def test_print_violations(self):
- violations = [RuleViolation("RULE_ID_1", u"Error Messåge 1", "Violating Content 1", None),
- RuleViolation("RULE_ID_2", "Error Message 2", u"Violåting Content 2", 2)]
- linter = GitLinter(LintConfig())
- # test output with increasing verbosity
- with patch('gitlint.display.stderr', new=StringIO()) as stderr:
- linter.config.verbosity = 0
- linter.print_violations(violations)
- self.assertEqual("", stderr.getvalue())
- with patch('gitlint.display.stderr', new=StringIO()) as stderr:
- linter.config.verbosity = 1
- linter.print_violations(violations)
- expected = u"-: RULE_ID_1\n2: RULE_ID_2\n"
- self.assertEqual(expected, stderr.getvalue())
- with patch('gitlint.display.stderr', new=StringIO()) as stderr:
- linter.config.verbosity = 2
- linter.print_violations(violations)
- expected = u"-: RULE_ID_1 Error Messåge 1\n2: RULE_ID_2 Error Message 2\n"
- self.assertEqual(expected, stderr.getvalue())
- with patch('gitlint.display.stderr', new=StringIO()) as stderr:
- linter.config.verbosity = 3
- linter.print_violations(violations)
- expected = u"-: RULE_ID_1 Error Messåge 1: \"Violating Content 1\"\n" + \
- u"2: RULE_ID_2 Error Message 2: \"Violåting Content 2\"\n"
- self.assertEqual(expected, stderr.getvalue())