path: root/gitlint/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gitlint/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/gitlint/tests/ b/gitlint/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c17226..0000000
--- a/gitlint/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-from gitlint.tests.base import BaseTestCase
-from gitlint.options import IntOption, BoolOption, StrOption, ListOption, PathOption, RuleOptionError
-class RuleOptionTests(BaseTestCase):
- def test_option_equality(self):
- # 2 options are equal if their name, value and description match
- option1 = IntOption("test-option", 123, u"Test Dëscription")
- option2 = IntOption("test-option", 123, u"Test Dëscription")
- self.assertEqual(option1, option2)
- # Not equal: name, description, value are different
- self.assertNotEqual(option1, IntOption("test-option1", 123, u"Test Dëscription"))
- self.assertNotEqual(option1, IntOption("test-option", 1234, u"Test Dëscription"))
- self.assertNotEqual(option1, IntOption("test-option", 123, u"Test Dëscription2"))
- def test_int_option(self):
- # normal behavior
- option = IntOption("test-name", 123, "Test Description")
- self.assertEqual(option.value, 123)
- self.assertEqual(, "test-name")
- self.assertEqual(option.description, "Test Description")
- # re-set value
- option.set(456)
- self.assertEqual(option.value, 456)
- # error on negative int when not allowed
- expected_error = u"Option 'test-name' must be a positive integer (current value: '-123')"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, expected_error):
- option.set(-123)
- # error on non-int value
- expected_error = u"Option 'test-name' must be a positive integer (current value: 'foo')"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, expected_error):
- option.set("foo")
- # no error on negative value when allowed and negative int is passed
- option = IntOption("test-name", 123, "Test Description", allow_negative=True)
- option.set(-456)
- self.assertEqual(option.value, -456)
- # error on non-int value when negative int is allowed
- expected_error = u"Option 'test-name' must be an integer (current value: 'foo')"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, expected_error):
- option.set("foo")
- def test_str_option(self):
- # normal behavior
- option = StrOption("test-name", u"föo", "Test Description")
- self.assertEqual(option.value, u"föo")
- self.assertEqual(, "test-name")
- self.assertEqual(option.description, "Test Description")
- # re-set value
- option.set(u"bår")
- self.assertEqual(option.value, u"bår")
- # conversion to str
- option.set(123)
- self.assertEqual(option.value, "123")
- # conversion to str
- option.set(-123)
- self.assertEqual(option.value, "-123")
- def test_boolean_option(self):
- # normal behavior
- option = BoolOption("test-name", "true", "Test Description")
- self.assertEqual(option.value, True)
- # re-set value
- option.set("False")
- self.assertEqual(option.value, False)
- # Re-set using actual boolean
- option.set(True)
- self.assertEqual(option.value, True)
- # error on incorrect value
- incorrect_values = [1, -1, "foo", u"bår", ["foo"], {'foo': "bar"}]
- for value in incorrect_values:
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, "Option 'test-name' must be either 'true' or 'false'"):
- option.set(value)
- def test_list_option(self):
- # normal behavior
- option = ListOption("test-name", u"å,b,c,d", "Test Description")
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, [u"å", u"b", u"c", u"d"])
- # re-set value
- option.set(u"1,2,3,4")
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, [u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4"])
- # set list
- option.set([u"foo", u"bår", u"test"])
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, [u"foo", u"bår", u"test"])
- # empty string
- option.set("")
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, [])
- # whitespace string
- option.set(" \t ")
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, [])
- # empty list
- option.set([])
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, [])
- # trailing comma
- option.set(u"ë,f,g,")
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, [u"ë", u"f", u"g"])
- # leading and trailing whitespace should be trimmed, but only deduped within text
- option.set(" abc , def , ghi \t , jkl mno ")
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl mno"])
- # Also strip whitespace within a list
- option.set(["\t foo", "bar \t ", " test 123 "])
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, ["foo", "bar", "test 123"])
- # conversion to string before split
- option.set(123)
- self.assertListEqual(option.value, ["123"])
- def test_path_option(self):
- option = PathOption("test-directory", ".", u"Test Description", type=u"dir")
- self.assertEqual(option.value, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(, "test-directory")
- self.assertEqual(option.description, u"Test Description")
- self.assertEqual(option.type, u"dir")
- # re-set value
- option.set(self.SAMPLES_DIR)
- self.assertEqual(option.value, self.SAMPLES_DIR)
- # set to int
- expected = u"Option test-directory must be an existing directory (current value: '1234')"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, expected):
- option.set(1234)
- # set to non-existing directory
- non_existing_path = os.path.join(u"/föo", u"bar")
- expected = u"Option test-directory must be an existing directory (current value: '{0}')"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, expected.format(non_existing_path)):
- option.set(non_existing_path)
- # set to a file, should raise exception since option.type = dir
- sample_path = self.get_sample_path(os.path.join("commit_message", "sample1"))
- expected = u"Option test-directory must be an existing directory (current value: '{0}')".format(sample_path)
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, expected):
- option.set(sample_path)
- # set option.type = file, file should now be accepted, directories not
- option.type = u"file"
- option.set(sample_path)
- self.assertEqual(option.value, sample_path)
- expected = u"Option test-directory must be an existing file (current value: '{0}')".format(
- self.get_sample_path())
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, expected):
- option.set(self.get_sample_path())
- # set option.type = both, files and directories should now be accepted
- option.type = u"both"
- option.set(sample_path)
- self.assertEqual(option.value, sample_path)
- option.set(self.get_sample_path())
- self.assertEqual(option.value, self.get_sample_path())
- # Expect exception if path type is invalid
- option.type = u'föo'
- expected = u"Option test-directory type must be one of: 'file', 'dir', 'both' (current: 'föo')"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuleOptionError, expected):
- option.set("haha")