path: root/iredis/data/commands/
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Diffstat (limited to 'iredis/data/commands/')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/iredis/data/commands/ b/iredis/data/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..550dd0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iredis/data/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+`CLUSTER INFO` provides `INFO` style information about Redis Cluster vital
+parameters. The following is a sample output, followed by the description of
+each field reported.
+- `cluster_state`: State is `ok` if the node is able to receive queries. `fail`
+ if there is at least one hash slot which is unbound (no node associated), in
+ error state (node serving it is flagged with FAIL flag), or if the majority of
+ masters can't be reached by this node.
+- `cluster_slots_assigned`: Number of slots which are associated to some node
+ (not unbound). This number should be 16384 for the node to work properly,
+ which means that each hash slot should be mapped to a node.
+- `cluster_slots_ok`: Number of hash slots mapping to a node not in `FAIL` or
+ `PFAIL` state.
+- `cluster_slots_pfail`: Number of hash slots mapping to a node in `PFAIL`
+ state. Note that those hash slots still work correctly, as long as the `PFAIL`
+ state is not promoted to `FAIL` by the failure detection algorithm. `PFAIL`
+ only means that we are currently not able to talk with the node, but may be
+ just a transient error.
+- `cluster_slots_fail`: Number of hash slots mapping to a node in `FAIL` state.
+ If this number is not zero the node is not able to serve queries unless
+ `cluster-require-full-coverage` is set to `no` in the configuration.
+- `cluster_known_nodes`: The total number of known nodes in the cluster,
+ including nodes in `HANDSHAKE` state that may not currently be proper members
+ of the cluster.
+- `cluster_size`: The number of master nodes serving at least one hash slot in
+ the cluster.
+- `cluster_current_epoch`: The local `Current Epoch` variable. This is used in
+ order to create unique increasing version numbers during fail overs.
+- `cluster_my_epoch`: The `Config Epoch` of the node we are talking with. This
+ is the current configuration version assigned to this node.
+- `cluster_stats_messages_sent`: Number of messages sent via the cluster
+ node-to-node binary bus.
+- `cluster_stats_messages_received`: Number of messages received via the cluster
+ node-to-node binary bus.
+More information about the Current Epoch and Config Epoch variables are
+available in the Redis Cluster specification document.
+@bulk-string-reply: A map between named fields and values in the form of
+`<field>:<value>` lines separated by newlines composed by the two bytes `CRLF`.