path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krls.h
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-03-21 17:19:04 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-03-21 17:19:04 +0000
commit310edf444908b09ea6d00c03baceb7925f3bb7a2 (patch)
tree7064577c7fa7a851e2e930beb606ea8237b0bbd2 /ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krls.h
parentReleasing debian version 1.44.3-2. (diff)
Merging upstream version 1.45.0.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krls.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krls.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krls.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c72e45e8..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krls.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#ifndef DLIB_KRLs_
-#define DLIB_KRLs_
-#include <vector>
-#include "krls_abstract.h"
-#include "../matrix.h"
-#include "function.h"
-#include "../std_allocator.h"
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename kernel_type>
- class krls
- {
- /*!
- This is an implementation of the kernel recursive least squares algorithm described in the paper:
- The Kernel Recursive Least Squares Algorithm by Yaakov Engel.
- !*/
- public:
- typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
- explicit krls (
- const kernel_type& kernel_,
- scalar_type tolerance_ = 0.001,
- unsigned long max_dictionary_size_ = 1000000
- ) :
- kernel(kernel_),
- my_tolerance(tolerance_),
- my_max_dictionary_size(max_dictionary_size_)
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(tolerance_ >= 0,
- "\tkrls::krls()"
- << "\n\t You have to give a positive tolerance"
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- << "\n\t tolerance: " << tolerance_
- );
- clear_dictionary();
- }
- scalar_type tolerance() const
- {
- return my_tolerance;
- }
- unsigned long max_dictionary_size() const
- {
- return my_max_dictionary_size;
- }
- const kernel_type& get_kernel (
- ) const
- {
- return kernel;
- }
- void clear_dictionary ()
- {
- dictionary.clear();
- alpha.clear();
- K_inv.set_size(0,0);
- K.set_size(0,0);
- P.set_size(0,0);
- }
- scalar_type operator() (
- const sample_type& x
- ) const
- {
- scalar_type temp = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alpha.size(); ++i)
- temp += alpha[i]*kern(dictionary[i], x);
- return temp;
- }
- void train (
- const sample_type& x,
- scalar_type y
- )
- {
- const scalar_type kx = kern(x,x);
- if (alpha.size() == 0)
- {
- // just ignore this sample if it is the zero vector (or really close to being zero)
- if (std::abs(kx) > std::numeric_limits<scalar_type>::epsilon())
- {
- // set initial state since this is the first training example we have seen
- K_inv.set_size(1,1);
- K_inv(0,0) = 1/kx;
- K.set_size(1,1);
- K(0,0) = kx;
- alpha.push_back(y/kx);
- dictionary.push_back(x);
- P.set_size(1,1);
- P(0,0) = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // fill in k
- k.set_size(alpha.size());
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- k(r) = kern(x,dictionary[r]);
- // compute the error we would have if we approximated the new x sample
- // with the dictionary. That is, do the ALD test from the KRLS paper.
- a = K_inv*k;
- scalar_type delta = kx - trans(k)*a;
- // if this new vector isn't approximately linearly dependent on the vectors
- // in our dictionary.
- if (delta > my_tolerance)
- {
- if (dictionary.size() >= my_max_dictionary_size)
- {
- // We need to remove one of the old members of the dictionary before
- // we proceed with adding a new one. So remove the oldest one.
- remove_dictionary_vector(0);
- // recompute these guys since they were computed with the old
- // kernel matrix
- k = remove_row(k,0);
- a = K_inv*k;
- delta = kx - trans(k)*a;
- }
- // add x to the dictionary
- dictionary.push_back(x);
- // update K_inv by computing the new one in the temp matrix (equation 3.14)
- matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> temp(,;
- // update the middle part of the matrix
- set_subm(temp, get_rect(K_inv)) = K_inv + a*trans(a)/delta;
- // update the right column of the matrix
- set_subm(temp, 0,,,1) = -a/delta;
- // update the bottom row of the matrix
- set_subm(temp,, 0, 1, = trans(-a/delta);
- // update the bottom right corner of the matrix
- temp(, = 1/delta;
- // put temp into K_inv
- temp.swap(K_inv);
- // update K (the kernel matrix)
- temp.set_size(,;
- set_subm(temp, get_rect(K)) = K;
- // update the right column of the matrix
- set_subm(temp, 0,,,1) = k;
- // update the bottom row of the matrix
- set_subm(temp,, 0, 1, = trans(k);
- temp(, = kx;
- // put temp into K
- temp.swap(K);
- // Now update the P matrix (equation 3.15)
- temp.set_size(,;
- set_subm(temp, get_rect(P)) = P;
- // initialize the new sides of P
- set_rowm(temp, = 0;
- set_colm(temp, = 0;
- temp(, = 1;
- temp.swap(P);
- // now update the alpha vector (equation 3.16)
- const scalar_type k_a = (y-trans(k)*mat(alpha))/delta;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alpha.size(); ++i)
- {
- alpha[i] -= a(i)*k_a;
- }
- alpha.push_back(k_a);
- }
- else
- {
- q = P*a/(1+trans(a)*P*a);
- // update P (equation 3.12)
- temp_matrix = trans(a)*P;
- P -= q*temp_matrix;
- // update the alpha vector (equation 3.13)
- const scalar_type k_a = y-trans(k)*mat(alpha);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alpha.size(); ++i)
- {
- alpha[i] += (K_inv*q*k_a)(i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void swap (
- krls& item
- )
- {
- exchange(kernel, item.kernel);
- dictionary.swap(item.dictionary);
- alpha.swap(item.alpha);
- K_inv.swap(item.K_inv);
- K.swap(item.K);
- P.swap(item.P);
- exchange(my_tolerance, item.my_tolerance);
- q.swap(item.q);
- a.swap(item.a);
- k.swap(item.k);
- temp_matrix.swap(item.temp_matrix);
- exchange(my_max_dictionary_size, item.my_max_dictionary_size);
- }
- unsigned long dictionary_size (
- ) const { return dictionary.size(); }
- decision_function<kernel_type> get_decision_function (
- ) const
- {
- return decision_function<kernel_type>(
- mat(alpha),
- -sum(mat(alpha))*tau,
- kernel,
- mat(dictionary)
- );
- }
- friend void serialize(const krls& item, std::ostream& out)
- {
- serialize(item.kernel, out);
- serialize(item.dictionary, out);
- serialize(item.alpha, out);
- serialize(item.K_inv, out);
- serialize(item.K, out);
- serialize(item.P, out);
- serialize(item.my_tolerance, out);
- serialize(item.my_max_dictionary_size, out);
- }
- friend void deserialize(krls& item, std::istream& in)
- {
- deserialize(item.kernel, in);
- deserialize(item.dictionary, in);
- deserialize(item.alpha, in);
- deserialize(item.K_inv, in);
- deserialize(item.K, in);
- deserialize(item.P, in);
- deserialize(item.my_tolerance, in);
- deserialize(item.my_max_dictionary_size, in);
- }
- private:
- inline scalar_type kern (const sample_type& m1, const sample_type& m2) const
- {
- return kernel(m1,m2) + tau;
- }
- void remove_dictionary_vector (
- long i
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - 0 <= i < dictionary.size()
- ensures
- - #dictionary.size() == dictionary.size() - 1
- - #alpha.size() == alpha.size() - 1
- - updates the K_inv matrix so that it is still a proper inverse of the
- kernel matrix
- - also removes the necessary row and column from the K matrix
- - uses the this->a variable so after this function runs that variable
- will contain a different value.
- !*/
- {
- // remove the dictionary vector
- dictionary.erase(dictionary.begin()+i);
- // remove the i'th vector from the inverse kernel matrix. This formula is basically
- // just the reverse of the way K_inv is updated by equation 3.14 during normal training.
- K_inv = removerc(K_inv,i,i) - remove_row(colm(K_inv,i)/K_inv(i,i),i)*remove_col(rowm(K_inv,i),i);
- // now compute the updated alpha values to take account that we just removed one of
- // our dictionary vectors
- a = (K_inv*remove_row(K,i)*mat(alpha));
- // now copy over the new alpha values
- alpha.resize(alpha.size()-1);
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < alpha.size(); ++k)
- {
- alpha[k] = a(k);
- }
- // update the P matrix as well
- P = removerc(P,i,i);
- // update the K matrix as well
- K = removerc(K,i,i);
- }
- kernel_type kernel;
- typedef std_allocator<sample_type, mem_manager_type> alloc_sample_type;
- typedef std_allocator<scalar_type, mem_manager_type> alloc_scalar_type;
- typedef std::vector<sample_type,alloc_sample_type> dictionary_vector_type;
- typedef std::vector<scalar_type,alloc_scalar_type> alpha_vector_type;
- dictionary_vector_type dictionary;
- alpha_vector_type alpha;
- matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> K_inv;
- matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> K;
- matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> P;
- scalar_type my_tolerance;
- unsigned long my_max_dictionary_size;
- // temp variables here just so we don't have to reconstruct them over and over. Thus,
- // they aren't really part of the state of this object.
- matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> q;
- matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> a;
- matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> k;
- matrix<scalar_type,1,0,mem_manager_type> temp_matrix;
- const static scalar_type tau;
- };
- template <typename kernel_type>
- const typename kernel_type::scalar_type krls<kernel_type>::tau = static_cast<typename kernel_type::scalar_type>(0.01);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename kernel_type>
- void swap(krls<kernel_type>& a, krls<kernel_type>& b)
- { a.swap(b); }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#endif // DLIB_KRLs_