path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krr_trainer_abstract.h
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-03-21 17:19:04 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-03-21 17:19:04 +0000
commit310edf444908b09ea6d00c03baceb7925f3bb7a2 (patch)
tree7064577c7fa7a851e2e930beb606ea8237b0bbd2 /ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krr_trainer_abstract.h
parentReleasing debian version 1.44.3-2. (diff)
Merging upstream version 1.45.0.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krr_trainer_abstract.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 322 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krr_trainer_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krr_trainer_abstract.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 399802f6b..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/krr_trainer_abstract.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../algs.h"
-#include "function_abstract.h"
-#include "kernel_abstract.h"
-#include "empirical_kernel_map_abstract.h"
-namespace dlib
- template <
- typename K
- >
- class krr_trainer
- {
- /*!
- is a kernel function object as defined in dlib/svm/kernel_abstract.h
- - get_lambda() == 0
- - basis_loaded() == false
- - get_max_basis_size() == 400
- - will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv() == true
- - get_search_lambdas() == logspace(-9, 2, 50)
- - this object will not be verbose unless be_verbose() is called
- This object represents a tool for performing kernel ridge regression
- (This basic algorithm is also known my many other names, e.g. regularized
- least squares or least squares SVM).
- The exact definition of what this algorithm does is this:
- Find w and b that minimizes the following (x_i are input samples and y_i are target values):
- lambda*dot(w,w) + sum_over_i( (f(x_i) - y_i)^2 )
- where f(x) == dot(x,w) - b
- Except the dot products are replaced by kernel functions. So this
- algorithm is just regular old least squares regression but with the
- addition of a regularization term which encourages small w and the
- application of the kernel trick.
- It is implemented using the empirical_kernel_map and thus allows you
- to run the algorithm on large datasets and obtain sparse outputs. It is also
- capable of estimating the lambda parameter using leave-one-out cross-validation.
- The leave-one-out cross-validation implementation is based on the techniques
- discussed in this paper:
- Notes on Regularized Least Squares by Ryan M. Rifkin and Ross A. Lippert.
- !*/
- public:
- typedef K kernel_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
- typedef decision_function<kernel_type> trained_function_type;
- krr_trainer (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - This object is properly initialized and ready to be used.
- !*/
- void be_verbose (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - This object will print status messages to standard out.
- !*/
- void be_quiet (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - this object will not print anything to standard out
- !*/
- const kernel_type get_kernel (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns a copy of the kernel function in use by this object
- !*/
- void set_kernel (
- const kernel_type& k
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #get_kernel() == k
- !*/
- template <typename T>
- void set_basis (
- const T& basis_samples
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - T must be a dlib::matrix type or something convertible to a matrix via mat()
- (e.g. a std::vector)
- - is_vector(basis_samples) == true
- - basis_samples.size() > 0
- - get_kernel() must be capable of operating on the elements of basis_samples. That is,
- expressions such as get_kernel()(basis_samples(0), basis_samples(0)) should make sense.
- ensures
- - #basis_loaded() == true
- - training will be carried out in the span of the given basis_samples
- !*/
- bool basis_loaded (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns true if this object has been loaded with user supplied basis vectors and false otherwise.
- !*/
- void clear_basis (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #basis_loaded() == false
- !*/
- unsigned long get_max_basis_size (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the maximum number of basis vectors this object is allowed
- to use. This parameter only matters when the user has not supplied
- a basis via set_basis().
- !*/
- void set_max_basis_size (
- unsigned long max_basis_size
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - max_basis_size > 0
- ensures
- - #get_max_basis_size() == max_basis_size
- !*/
- void set_lambda (
- scalar_type lambda
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - lambda >= 0
- ensures
- - #get_lambda() == lambda
- !*/
- const scalar_type get_lambda (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the regularization parameter. It is the parameter that
- determines the trade off between trying to fit the training data
- exactly or allowing more errors but hopefully improving the
- generalization ability of the resulting function. Smaller values
- encourage exact fitting while larger values of lambda may encourage
- better generalization.
- Note that a lambda of 0 has a special meaning. It indicates to this
- object that it should automatically determine an appropriate lambda
- value. This is done using leave-one-out cross-validation.
- !*/
- void use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv() == true
- !*/
- void use_classification_loss_for_loo_cv (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv() == false
- !*/
- bool will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns true if the automatic lambda estimation will attempt to estimate a lambda
- appropriate for a regression task. Otherwise it will try and find one which
- minimizes the number of classification errors.
- !*/
- template <typename EXP>
- void set_search_lambdas (
- const matrix_exp<EXP>& lambdas
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - is_vector(lambdas) == true
- - lambdas.size() > 0
- - min(lambdas) > 0
- - lambdas must contain floating point numbers
- ensures
- - #get_search_lambdas() == lambdas
- !*/
- const matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type>& get_search_lambdas (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns a matrix M such that:
- - is_vector(M) == true
- - M == a list of all the lambda values which will be tried when performing
- LOO cross-validation for determining the best lambda.
- !*/
- template <
- typename in_sample_vector_type,
- typename in_scalar_vector_type
- >
- const decision_function<kernel_type> train (
- const in_sample_vector_type& x,
- const in_scalar_vector_type& y
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - x == a matrix or something convertible to a matrix via mat().
- Also, x should contain sample_type objects.
- - y == a matrix or something convertible to a matrix via mat().
- Also, y should contain scalar_type objects.
- - is_learning_problem(x,y) == true
- - if (get_lambda() == 0 && will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv() == false) then
- - is_binary_classification_problem(x,y) == true
- (i.e. if you want this algorithm to estimate a lambda appropriate for
- classification functions then you had better give a valid classification
- problem)
- ensures
- - performs kernel ridge regression given the training samples in x and target values in y.
- - returns a decision_function F with the following properties:
- - F(new_x) == predicted y value
- - if (basis_loaded()) then
- - training will be carried out in the span of the user supplied basis vectors
- - else
- - this object will attempt to automatically select an appropriate basis
- - if (get_lambda() == 0) then
- - This object will perform internal leave-one-out cross-validation to determine an
- appropriate lambda automatically. It will compute the LOO error for each lambda
- in get_search_lambdas() and select the best one.
- - if (will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv()) then
- - the lambda selected will be the one that minimizes the mean squared error.
- - else
- - the lambda selected will be the one that minimizes the number classification
- mistakes. We say a point is classified correctly if the output of the
- decision_function has the same sign as its label.
- - #get_lambda() == 0
- (i.e. we don't change the get_lambda() value. If you want to know what the
- automatically selected lambda value was then call the version of train()
- defined below)
- - else
- - The user supplied value of get_lambda() will be used to perform the kernel
- ridge regression.
- !*/
- template <
- typename in_sample_vector_type,
- typename in_scalar_vector_type
- >
- const decision_function<kernel_type> train (
- const in_sample_vector_type& x,
- const in_scalar_vector_type& y,
- std::vector<scalar_type>& loo_values
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - all the requirements for train(x,y) must be satisfied
- ensures
- - returns train(x,y)
- (i.e. executes train(x,y) and returns its result)
- - #loo_values.size() == y.size()
- - for all valid i:
- - #loo_values[i] == leave-one-out prediction for the value of y(i) based
- on all the training samples other than (x(i),y(i)).
- !*/
- template <
- typename in_sample_vector_type,
- typename in_scalar_vector_type
- >
- const decision_function<kernel_type> train (
- const in_sample_vector_type& x,
- const in_scalar_vector_type& y,
- std::vector<scalar_type>& loo_values,
- scalar_type& lambda_used
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - all the requirements for train(x,y) must be satisfied
- ensures
- - returns train(x,y)
- (i.e. executes train(x,y) and returns its result)
- - #loo_values.size() == y.size()
- - for all valid i:
- - #loo_values[i] == leave-one-out prediction for the value of y(i) based
- on all the training samples other than (x(i),y(i)).
- - #lambda_used == the value of lambda used to generate the
- decision_function. Note that this lambda value is always
- equal to get_lambda() if get_lambda() isn't 0.
- !*/
- };