path: root/src/fluent-bit/lib/luajit-3065c9/dynasm/dasm_arm64.lua
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-05 12:08:03 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-05 12:08:18 +0000
commit5da14042f70711ea5cf66e034699730335462f66 (patch)
tree0f6354ccac934ed87a2d555f45be4c831cf92f4a /src/fluent-bit/lib/luajit-3065c9/dynasm/dasm_arm64.lua
parentReleasing debian version 1.44.3-2. (diff)
Merging upstream version 1.45.3+dfsg.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fluent-bit/lib/luajit-3065c9/dynasm/dasm_arm64.lua')
1 files changed, 1219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/fluent-bit/lib/luajit-3065c9/dynasm/dasm_arm64.lua b/src/fluent-bit/lib/luajit-3065c9/dynasm/dasm_arm64.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f581ba05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fluent-bit/lib/luajit-3065c9/dynasm/dasm_arm64.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1219 @@
+-- DynASM ARM64 module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- See dynasm.lua for full copyright notice.
+-- Module information:
+local _info = {
+ arch = "arm",
+ description = "DynASM ARM64 module",
+ version = "1.5.0",
+ vernum = 10500,
+ release = "2021-05-02",
+ author = "Mike Pall",
+ license = "MIT",
+-- Exported glue functions for the arch-specific module.
+local _M = { _info = _info }
+-- Cache library functions.
+local type, tonumber, pairs, ipairs = type, tonumber, pairs, ipairs
+local assert, setmetatable, rawget = assert, setmetatable, rawget
+local _s = string
+local format, byte, char = _s.format, _s.byte, _s.char
+local match, gmatch, gsub = _s.match, _s.gmatch, _s.gsub
+local concat, sort, insert = table.concat, table.sort, table.insert
+local bit = bit or require("bit")
+local band, shl, shr, sar =, bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift
+local ror, tohex, tobit = bit.ror, bit.tohex, bit.tobit
+-- Inherited tables and callbacks.
+local g_opt, g_arch
+local wline, werror, wfatal, wwarn
+-- Action name list.
+-- CHECK: Keep this in sync with the C code!
+local action_names = {
+ "REL_PC", "LABEL_PC", "REL_A",
+ "IMM", "IMM6", "IMM12", "IMM13W", "IMM13X", "IMML", "IMMV",
+ "VREG",
+-- Maximum number of section buffer positions for dasm_put().
+-- CHECK: Keep this in sync with the C code!
+local maxsecpos = 25 -- Keep this low, to avoid excessively long C lines.
+-- Action name -> action number.
+local map_action = {}
+for n,name in ipairs(action_names) do
+ map_action[name] = n-1
+-- Action list buffer.
+local actlist = {}
+-- Argument list for next dasm_put(). Start with offset 0 into action list.
+local actargs = { 0 }
+-- Current number of section buffer positions for dasm_put().
+local secpos = 1
+-- Dump action names and numbers.
+local function dumpactions(out)
+ out:write("DynASM encoding engine action codes:\n")
+ for n,name in ipairs(action_names) do
+ local num = map_action[name]
+ out:write(format(" %-10s %02X %d\n", name, num, num))
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
+-- Write action list buffer as a huge static C array.
+local function writeactions(out, name)
+ local nn = #actlist
+ if nn == 0 then nn = 1; actlist[0] = map_action.STOP end
+ out:write("static const unsigned int ", name, "[", nn, "] = {\n")
+ for i = 1,nn-1 do
+ assert(out:write("0x", tohex(actlist[i]), ",\n"))
+ end
+ assert(out:write("0x", tohex(actlist[nn]), "\n};\n\n"))
+-- Add word to action list.
+local function wputxw(n)
+ assert(n >= 0 and n <= 0xffffffff and n % 1 == 0, "word out of range")
+ actlist[#actlist+1] = n
+-- Add action to list with optional arg. Advance buffer pos, too.
+local function waction(action, val, a, num)
+ local w = assert(map_action[action], "bad action name `"..action.."'")
+ wputxw(w * 0x10000 + (val or 0))
+ if a then actargs[#actargs+1] = a end
+ if a or num then secpos = secpos + (num or 1) end
+-- Flush action list (intervening C code or buffer pos overflow).
+local function wflush(term)
+ if #actlist == actargs[1] then return end -- Nothing to flush.
+ if not term then waction("STOP") end -- Terminate action list.
+ wline(format("dasm_put(Dst, %s);", concat(actargs, ", ")), true)
+ actargs = { #actlist } -- Actionlist offset is 1st arg to next dasm_put().
+ secpos = 1 -- The actionlist offset occupies a buffer position, too.
+-- Put escaped word.
+local function wputw(n)
+ if n <= 0x000fffff then waction("ESC") end
+ wputxw(n)
+-- Reserve position for word.
+local function wpos()
+ local pos = #actlist+1
+ actlist[pos] = ""
+ return pos
+-- Store word to reserved position.
+local function wputpos(pos, n)
+ assert(n >= 0 and n <= 0xffffffff and n % 1 == 0, "word out of range")
+ if n <= 0x000fffff then
+ insert(actlist, pos+1, n)
+ n = map_action.ESC * 0x10000
+ end
+ actlist[pos] = n
+-- Global label name -> global label number. With auto assignment on 1st use.
+local next_global = 20
+local map_global = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, name)
+ if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then werror("bad global label") end
+ local n = next_global
+ if n > 2047 then werror("too many global labels") end
+ next_global = n + 1
+ t[name] = n
+ return n
+-- Dump global labels.
+local function dumpglobals(out, lvl)
+ local t = {}
+ for name, n in pairs(map_global) do t[n] = name end
+ out:write("Global labels:\n")
+ for i=20,next_global-1 do
+ out:write(format(" %s\n", t[i]))
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
+-- Write global label enum.
+local function writeglobals(out, prefix)
+ local t = {}
+ for name, n in pairs(map_global) do t[n] = name end
+ out:write("enum {\n")
+ for i=20,next_global-1 do
+ out:write(" ", prefix, t[i], ",\n")
+ end
+ out:write(" ", prefix, "_MAX\n};\n")
+-- Write global label names.
+local function writeglobalnames(out, name)
+ local t = {}
+ for name, n in pairs(map_global) do t[n] = name end
+ out:write("static const char *const ", name, "[] = {\n")
+ for i=20,next_global-1 do
+ out:write(" \"", t[i], "\",\n")
+ end
+ out:write(" (const char *)0\n};\n")
+-- Extern label name -> extern label number. With auto assignment on 1st use.
+local next_extern = 0
+local map_extern_ = {}
+local map_extern = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, name)
+ -- No restrictions on the name for now.
+ local n = next_extern
+ if n > 2047 then werror("too many extern labels") end
+ next_extern = n + 1
+ t[name] = n
+ map_extern_[n] = name
+ return n
+-- Dump extern labels.
+local function dumpexterns(out, lvl)
+ out:write("Extern labels:\n")
+ for i=0,next_extern-1 do
+ out:write(format(" %s\n", map_extern_[i]))
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
+-- Write extern label names.
+local function writeexternnames(out, name)
+ out:write("static const char *const ", name, "[] = {\n")
+ for i=0,next_extern-1 do
+ out:write(" \"", map_extern_[i], "\",\n")
+ end
+ out:write(" (const char *)0\n};\n")
+-- Arch-specific maps.
+-- Ext. register name -> int. name.
+local map_archdef = { xzr = "@x31", wzr = "@w31", lr = "x30", }
+-- Int. register name -> ext. name.
+local map_reg_rev = { ["@x31"] = "xzr", ["@w31"] = "wzr", x30 = "lr", }
+local map_type = {} -- Type name -> { ctype, reg }
+local ctypenum = 0 -- Type number (for Dt... macros).
+-- Reverse defines for registers.
+function _M.revdef(s)
+ return map_reg_rev[s] or s
+local map_shift = { lsl = 0, lsr = 1, asr = 2, }
+local map_extend = {
+ uxtb = 0, uxth = 1, uxtw = 2, uxtx = 3,
+ sxtb = 4, sxth = 5, sxtw = 6, sxtx = 7,
+local map_cond = {
+ eq = 0, ne = 1, cs = 2, cc = 3, mi = 4, pl = 5, vs = 6, vc = 7,
+ hi = 8, ls = 9, ge = 10, lt = 11, gt = 12, le = 13, al = 14,
+ hs = 2, lo = 3,
+local parse_reg_type
+local function parse_reg(expr, shift, no_vreg)
+ if not expr then werror("expected register name") end
+ local tname, ovreg = match(expr, "^([%w_]+):(@?%l%d+)$")
+ if not tname then
+ tname, ovreg = match(expr, "^([%w_]+):(R[xwqdshb]%b())$")
+ end
+ local tp = map_type[tname or expr]
+ if tp then
+ local reg = ovreg or tp.reg
+ if not reg then
+ werror("type `"..(tname or expr).."' needs a register override")
+ end
+ expr = reg
+ end
+ local ok31, rt, r = match(expr, "^(@?)([xwqdshb])([123]?[0-9])$")
+ if r then
+ r = tonumber(r)
+ if r <= 30 or (r == 31 and ok31 ~= "" or (rt ~= "w" and rt ~= "x")) then
+ if not parse_reg_type then
+ parse_reg_type = rt
+ elseif parse_reg_type ~= rt then
+ werror("register size mismatch")
+ end
+ return shl(r, shift), tp
+ end
+ end
+ local vrt, vreg = match(expr, "^R([xwqdshb])(%b())$")
+ if vreg then
+ if not parse_reg_type then
+ parse_reg_type = vrt
+ elseif parse_reg_type ~= vrt then
+ werror("register size mismatch")
+ end
+ if not no_vreg then waction("VREG", shift, vreg) end
+ return 0
+ end
+ werror("bad register name `"..expr.."'")
+local function parse_reg_base(expr)
+ if expr == "sp" then return 0x3e0 end
+ local base, tp = parse_reg(expr, 5)
+ if parse_reg_type ~= "x" then werror("bad register type") end
+ parse_reg_type = false
+ return base, tp
+local parse_ctx = {}
+local loadenv = setfenv and function(s)
+ local code = loadstring(s, "")
+ if code then setfenv(code, parse_ctx) end
+ return code
+end or function(s)
+ return load(s, "", nil, parse_ctx)
+-- Try to parse simple arithmetic, too, since some basic ops are aliases.
+local function parse_number(n)
+ local x = tonumber(n)
+ if x then return x end
+ local code = loadenv("return "..n)
+ if code then
+ local ok, y = pcall(code)
+ if ok and type(y) == "number" then return y end
+ end
+ return nil
+local function parse_imm(imm, bits, shift, scale, signed)
+ imm = match(imm, "^#(.*)$")
+ if not imm then werror("expected immediate operand") end
+ local n = parse_number(imm)
+ if n then
+ local m = sar(n, scale)
+ if shl(m, scale) == n then
+ if signed then
+ local s = sar(m, bits-1)
+ if s == 0 then return shl(m, shift)
+ elseif s == -1 then return shl(m + shl(1, bits), shift) end
+ else
+ if sar(m, bits) == 0 then return shl(m, shift) end
+ end
+ end
+ werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
+ else
+ waction("IMM", (signed and 32768 or 0)+scale*1024+bits*32+shift, imm)
+ return 0
+ end
+local function parse_imm12(imm)
+ imm = match(imm, "^#(.*)$")
+ if not imm then werror("expected immediate operand") end
+ local n = parse_number(imm)
+ if n then
+ if shr(n, 12) == 0 then
+ return shl(n, 10)
+ elseif band(n, 0xff000fff) == 0 then
+ return shr(n, 2) + 0x00400000
+ end
+ werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
+ else
+ waction("IMM12", 0, imm)
+ return 0
+ end
+local function parse_imm13(imm)
+ imm = match(imm, "^#(.*)$")
+ if not imm then werror("expected immediate operand") end
+ local n = parse_number(imm)
+ local r64 = parse_reg_type == "x"
+ if n and n % 1 == 0 and n >= 0 and n <= 0xffffffff then
+ local inv = false
+ if band(n, 1) == 1 then n = bit.bnot(n); inv = true end
+ local t = {}
+ for i=1,32 do t[i] = band(n, 1); n = shr(n, 1) end
+ local b = table.concat(t)
+ b = b..(r64 and (inv and "1" or "0"):rep(32) or b)
+ local p0, p1, p0a, p1a = b:match("^(0+)(1+)(0*)(1*)")
+ if p0 then
+ local w = p1a == "" and (r64 and 64 or 32) or #p1+#p0a
+ if band(w, w-1) == 0 and b == b:sub(1, w):rep(64/w) then
+ local s = band(-2*w, 0x3f) - 1
+ if w == 64 then s = s + 0x1000 end
+ if inv then
+ return shl(w-#p1-#p0, 16) + shl(s+w-#p1, 10)
+ else
+ return shl(w-#p0, 16) + shl(s+#p1, 10)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
+ elseif r64 then
+ waction("IMM13X", 0, format("(unsigned int)(%s)", imm))
+ actargs[#actargs+1] = format("(unsigned int)((unsigned long long)(%s)>>32)", imm)
+ return 0
+ else
+ waction("IMM13W", 0, imm)
+ return 0
+ end
+local function parse_imm6(imm)
+ imm = match(imm, "^#(.*)$")
+ if not imm then werror("expected immediate operand") end
+ local n = parse_number(imm)
+ if n then
+ if n >= 0 and n <= 63 then
+ return shl(band(n, 0x1f), 19) + (n >= 32 and 0x80000000 or 0)
+ end
+ werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
+ else
+ waction("IMM6", 0, imm)
+ return 0
+ end
+local function parse_imm_load(imm, scale)
+ local n = parse_number(imm)
+ if n then
+ local m = sar(n, scale)
+ if shl(m, scale) == n and m >= 0 and m < 0x1000 then
+ return shl(m, 10) + 0x01000000 -- Scaled, unsigned 12 bit offset.
+ elseif n >= -256 and n < 256 then
+ return shl(band(n, 511), 12) -- Unscaled, signed 9 bit offset.
+ end
+ werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
+ else
+ waction("IMML", scale, imm)
+ return 0
+ end
+local function parse_fpimm(imm)
+ imm = match(imm, "^#(.*)$")
+ if not imm then werror("expected immediate operand") end
+ local n = parse_number(imm)
+ if n then
+ local m, e = math.frexp(n)
+ local s, e2 = 0, band(e-2, 7)
+ if m < 0 then m = -m; s = 0x00100000 end
+ m = m*32-16
+ if m % 1 == 0 and m >= 0 and m <= 15 and sar(shl(e2, 29), 29)+2 == e then
+ return s + shl(e2, 17) + shl(m, 13)
+ end
+ werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
+ else
+ werror("NYI fpimm action")
+ end
+local function parse_shift(expr)
+ local s, s2 = match(expr, "^(%S+)%s*(.*)$")
+ s = map_shift[s]
+ if not s then werror("expected shift operand") end
+ return parse_imm(s2, 6, 10, 0, false) + shl(s, 22)
+local function parse_lslx16(expr)
+ local n = match(expr, "^lsl%s*#(%d+)$")
+ n = tonumber(n)
+ if not n then werror("expected shift operand") end
+ if band(n, parse_reg_type == "x" and 0xffffffcf or 0xffffffef) ~= 0 then
+ werror("bad shift amount")
+ end
+ return shl(n, 17)
+local function parse_extend(expr)
+ local s, s2 = match(expr, "^(%S+)%s*(.*)$")
+ if s == "lsl" then
+ s = parse_reg_type == "x" and 3 or 2
+ else
+ s = map_extend[s]
+ end
+ if not s then werror("expected extend operand") end
+ return (s2 == "" and 0 or parse_imm(s2, 3, 10, 0, false)) + shl(s, 13)
+local function parse_cond(expr, inv)
+ local c = map_cond[expr]
+ if not c then werror("expected condition operand") end
+ return shl(bit.bxor(c, inv), 12)
+local function parse_load(params, nparams, n, op)
+ if params[n+2] then werror("too many operands") end
+ local scale = shr(op, 30)
+ local pn, p2 = params[n], params[n+1]
+ local p1, wb = match(pn, "^%[%s*(.-)%s*%](!?)$")
+ if not p1 then
+ if not p2 then
+ local reg, tailr = match(pn, "^([%w_:]+)%s*(.*)$")
+ if reg and tailr ~= "" then
+ local base, tp = parse_reg_base(reg)
+ if tp then
+ waction("IMML", scale, format(tp.ctypefmt, tailr))
+ return op + base
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ werror("expected address operand")
+ end
+ if p2 then
+ if wb == "!" then werror("bad use of '!'") end
+ op = op + parse_reg_base(p1) + parse_imm(p2, 9, 12, 0, true) + 0x400
+ elseif wb == "!" then
+ local p1a, p2a = match(p1, "^([^,%s]*)%s*,%s*(.*)$")
+ if not p1a then werror("bad use of '!'") end
+ op = op + parse_reg_base(p1a) + parse_imm(p2a, 9, 12, 0, true) + 0xc00
+ else
+ local p1a, p2a = match(p1, "^([^,%s]*)%s*(.*)$")
+ op = op + parse_reg_base(p1a)
+ if p2a ~= "" then
+ local imm = match(p2a, "^,%s*#(.*)$")
+ if imm then
+ op = op + parse_imm_load(imm, scale)
+ else
+ local p2b, p3b, p3s = match(p2a, "^,%s*([^,%s]*)%s*,?%s*(%S*)%s*(.*)$")
+ op = op + parse_reg(p2b, 16) + 0x00200800
+ if parse_reg_type ~= "x" and parse_reg_type ~= "w" then
+ werror("bad index register type")
+ end
+ if p3b == "" then
+ if parse_reg_type ~= "x" then werror("bad index register type") end
+ op = op + 0x6000
+ else
+ if p3s == "" or p3s == "#0" then
+ elseif p3s == "#"..scale then
+ op = op + 0x1000
+ else
+ werror("bad scale")
+ end
+ if parse_reg_type == "x" then
+ if p3b == "lsl" and p3s ~= "" then op = op + 0x6000
+ elseif p3b == "sxtx" then op = op + 0xe000
+ else
+ werror("bad extend/shift specifier")
+ end
+ else
+ if p3b == "uxtw" then op = op + 0x4000
+ elseif p3b == "sxtw" then op = op + 0xc000
+ else
+ werror("bad extend/shift specifier")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if wb == "!" then werror("bad use of '!'") end
+ op = op + 0x01000000
+ end
+ end
+ return op
+local function parse_load_pair(params, nparams, n, op)
+ if params[n+2] then werror("too many operands") end
+ local pn, p2 = params[n], params[n+1]
+ local scale = shr(op, 30) == 0 and 2 or 3
+ local p1, wb = match(pn, "^%[%s*(.-)%s*%](!?)$")
+ if not p1 then
+ if not p2 then
+ local reg, tailr = match(pn, "^([%w_:]+)%s*(.*)$")
+ if reg and tailr ~= "" then
+ local base, tp = parse_reg_base(reg)
+ if tp then
+ waction("IMM", 32768+7*32+15+scale*1024, format(tp.ctypefmt, tailr))
+ return op + base + 0x01000000
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ werror("expected address operand")
+ end
+ if p2 then
+ if wb == "!" then werror("bad use of '!'") end
+ op = op + 0x00800000
+ else
+ local p1a, p2a = match(p1, "^([^,%s]*)%s*,%s*(.*)$")
+ if p1a then p1, p2 = p1a, p2a else p2 = "#0" end
+ op = op + (wb == "!" and 0x01800000 or 0x01000000)
+ end
+ return op + parse_reg_base(p1) + parse_imm(p2, 7, 15, scale, true)
+local function parse_label(label, def)
+ local prefix = label:sub(1, 2)
+ -- =>label (pc label reference)
+ if prefix == "=>" then
+ return "PC", 0, label:sub(3)
+ end
+ -- ->name (global label reference)
+ if prefix == "->" then
+ return "LG", map_global[label:sub(3)]
+ end
+ if def then
+ -- [1-9] (local label definition)
+ if match(label, "^[1-9]$") then
+ return "LG", 10+tonumber(label)
+ end
+ else
+ -- [<>][1-9] (local label reference)
+ local dir, lnum = match(label, "^([<>])([1-9])$")
+ if dir then -- Fwd: 1-9, Bkwd: 11-19.
+ return "LG", lnum + (dir == ">" and 0 or 10)
+ end
+ -- extern label (extern label reference)
+ local extname = match(label, "^extern%s+(%S+)$")
+ if extname then
+ return "EXT", map_extern[extname]
+ end
+ -- &expr (pointer)
+ if label:sub(1, 1) == "&" then
+ return "A", 0, format("(ptrdiff_t)(%s)", label:sub(2))
+ end
+ end
+local function branch_type(op)
+ if band(op, 0x7c000000) == 0x14000000 then return 0 -- B, BL
+ elseif shr(op, 24) == 0x54 or band(op, 0x7e000000) == 0x34000000 or
+ band(op, 0x3b000000) == 0x18000000 then
+ return 0x800 -- B.cond, CBZ, CBNZ, LDR* literal
+ elseif band(op, 0x7e000000) == 0x36000000 then return 0x1000 -- TBZ, TBNZ
+ elseif band(op, 0x9f000000) == 0x10000000 then return 0x2000 -- ADR
+ elseif band(op, 0x9f000000) == band(0x90000000) then return 0x3000 -- ADRP
+ else
+ assert(false, "unknown branch type")
+ end
+local map_op, op_template
+local function op_alias(opname, f)
+ return function(params, nparams)
+ if not params then return "-> "..opname:sub(1, -3) end
+ f(params, nparams)
+ op_template(params, map_op[opname], nparams)
+ end
+local function alias_bfx(p)
+ p[4] = "#("..p[3]:sub(2)..")+("..p[4]:sub(2)..")-1"
+local function alias_bfiz(p)
+ parse_reg(p[1], 0, true)
+ if parse_reg_type == "w" then
+ p[3] = "#(32-("..p[3]:sub(2).."))%32"
+ p[4] = "#("..p[4]:sub(2)..")-1"
+ else
+ p[3] = "#(64-("..p[3]:sub(2).."))%64"
+ p[4] = "#("..p[4]:sub(2)..")-1"
+ end
+local alias_lslimm = op_alias("ubfm_4", function(p)
+ parse_reg(p[1], 0, true)
+ local sh = p[3]:sub(2)
+ if parse_reg_type == "w" then
+ p[3] = "#(32-(""))%32"
+ p[4] = "#31-("")"
+ else
+ p[3] = "#(64-(""))%64"
+ p[4] = "#63-("")"
+ end
+-- Template strings for ARM instructions.
+map_op = {
+ -- Basic data processing instructions.
+ add_3 = "0b000000DNMg|11000000pDpNIg|8b206000pDpNMx",
+ add_4 = "0b000000DNMSg|0b200000DNMXg|8b200000pDpNMXx|8b200000pDpNxMwX",
+ adds_3 = "2b000000DNMg|31000000DpNIg|ab206000DpNMx",
+ adds_4 = "2b000000DNMSg|2b200000DNMXg|ab200000DpNMXx|ab200000DpNxMwX",
+ cmn_2 = "2b00001fNMg|3100001fpNIg|ab20601fpNMx",
+ cmn_3 = "2b00001fNMSg|2b20001fNMXg|ab20001fpNMXx|ab20001fpNxMwX",
+ sub_3 = "4b000000DNMg|51000000pDpNIg|cb206000pDpNMx",
+ sub_4 = "4b000000DNMSg|4b200000DNMXg|cb200000pDpNMXx|cb200000pDpNxMwX",
+ subs_3 = "6b000000DNMg|71000000DpNIg|eb206000DpNMx",
+ subs_4 = "6b000000DNMSg|6b200000DNMXg|eb200000DpNMXx|eb200000DpNxMwX",
+ cmp_2 = "6b00001fNMg|7100001fpNIg|eb20601fpNMx",
+ cmp_3 = "6b00001fNMSg|6b20001fNMXg|eb20001fpNMXx|eb20001fpNxMwX",
+ neg_2 = "4b0003e0DMg",
+ neg_3 = "4b0003e0DMSg",
+ negs_2 = "6b0003e0DMg",
+ negs_3 = "6b0003e0DMSg",
+ adc_3 = "1a000000DNMg",
+ adcs_3 = "3a000000DNMg",
+ sbc_3 = "5a000000DNMg",
+ sbcs_3 = "7a000000DNMg",
+ ngc_2 = "5a0003e0DMg",
+ ngcs_2 = "7a0003e0DMg",
+ and_3 = "0a000000DNMg|12000000pDNig",
+ and_4 = "0a000000DNMSg",
+ orr_3 = "2a000000DNMg|32000000pDNig",
+ orr_4 = "2a000000DNMSg",
+ eor_3 = "4a000000DNMg|52000000pDNig",
+ eor_4 = "4a000000DNMSg",
+ ands_3 = "6a000000DNMg|72000000DNig",
+ ands_4 = "6a000000DNMSg",
+ tst_2 = "6a00001fNMg|7200001fNig",
+ tst_3 = "6a00001fNMSg",
+ bic_3 = "0a200000DNMg",
+ bic_4 = "0a200000DNMSg",
+ orn_3 = "2a200000DNMg",
+ orn_4 = "2a200000DNMSg",
+ eon_3 = "4a200000DNMg",
+ eon_4 = "4a200000DNMSg",
+ bics_3 = "6a200000DNMg",
+ bics_4 = "6a200000DNMSg",
+ movn_2 = "12800000DWg",
+ movn_3 = "12800000DWRg",
+ movz_2 = "52800000DWg",
+ movz_3 = "52800000DWRg",
+ movk_2 = "72800000DWg",
+ movk_3 = "72800000DWRg",
+ -- TODO: this doesn't cover all valid immediates for mov reg, #imm.
+ mov_2 = "2a0003e0DMg|52800000DW|320003e0pDig|11000000pDpNg",
+ mov_3 = "2a0003e0DMSg",
+ mvn_2 = "2a2003e0DMg",
+ mvn_3 = "2a2003e0DMSg",
+ adr_2 = "10000000DBx",
+ adrp_2 = "90000000DBx",
+ csel_4 = "1a800000DNMCg",
+ csinc_4 = "1a800400DNMCg",
+ csinv_4 = "5a800000DNMCg",
+ csneg_4 = "5a800400DNMCg",
+ cset_2 = "1a9f07e0Dcg",
+ csetm_2 = "5a9f03e0Dcg",
+ cinc_3 = "1a800400DNmcg",
+ cinv_3 = "5a800000DNmcg",
+ cneg_3 = "5a800400DNmcg",
+ ccmn_4 = "3a400000NMVCg|3a400800N5VCg",
+ ccmp_4 = "7a400000NMVCg|7a400800N5VCg",
+ madd_4 = "1b000000DNMAg",
+ msub_4 = "1b008000DNMAg",
+ mul_3 = "1b007c00DNMg",
+ mneg_3 = "1b00fc00DNMg",
+ smaddl_4 = "9b200000DxNMwAx",
+ smsubl_4 = "9b208000DxNMwAx",
+ smull_3 = "9b207c00DxNMw",
+ smnegl_3 = "9b20fc00DxNMw",
+ smulh_3 = "9b407c00DNMx",
+ umaddl_4 = "9ba00000DxNMwAx",
+ umsubl_4 = "9ba08000DxNMwAx",
+ umull_3 = "9ba07c00DxNMw",
+ umnegl_3 = "9ba0fc00DxNMw",
+ umulh_3 = "9bc07c00DNMx",
+ udiv_3 = "1ac00800DNMg",
+ sdiv_3 = "1ac00c00DNMg",
+ -- Bit operations.
+ sbfm_4 = "13000000DN12w|93400000DN12x",
+ bfm_4 = "33000000DN12w|b3400000DN12x",
+ ubfm_4 = "53000000DN12w|d3400000DN12x",
+ extr_4 = "13800000DNM2w|93c00000DNM2x",
+ sxtb_2 = "13001c00DNw|93401c00DNx",
+ sxth_2 = "13003c00DNw|93403c00DNx",
+ sxtw_2 = "93407c00DxNw",
+ uxtb_2 = "53001c00DNw",
+ uxth_2 = "53003c00DNw",
+ sbfx_4 = op_alias("sbfm_4", alias_bfx),
+ bfxil_4 = op_alias("bfm_4", alias_bfx),
+ ubfx_4 = op_alias("ubfm_4", alias_bfx),
+ sbfiz_4 = op_alias("sbfm_4", alias_bfiz),
+ bfi_4 = op_alias("bfm_4", alias_bfiz),
+ ubfiz_4 = op_alias("ubfm_4", alias_bfiz),
+ lsl_3 = function(params, nparams)
+ if params and params[3]:byte() == 35 then
+ return alias_lslimm(params, nparams)
+ else
+ return op_template(params, "1ac02000DNMg", nparams)
+ end
+ end,
+ lsr_3 = "1ac02400DNMg|53007c00DN1w|d340fc00DN1x",
+ asr_3 = "1ac02800DNMg|13007c00DN1w|9340fc00DN1x",
+ ror_3 = "1ac02c00DNMg|13800000DNm2w|93c00000DNm2x",
+ clz_2 = "5ac01000DNg",
+ cls_2 = "5ac01400DNg",
+ rbit_2 = "5ac00000DNg",
+ rev_2 = "5ac00800DNw|dac00c00DNx",
+ rev16_2 = "5ac00400DNg",
+ rev32_2 = "dac00800DNx",
+ -- Loads and stores.
+ ["strb_*"] = "38000000DwL",
+ ["ldrb_*"] = "38400000DwL",
+ ["ldrsb_*"] = "38c00000DwL|38800000DxL",
+ ["strh_*"] = "78000000DwL",
+ ["ldrh_*"] = "78400000DwL",
+ ["ldrsh_*"] = "78c00000DwL|78800000DxL",
+ ["str_*"] = "b8000000DwL|f8000000DxL|bc000000DsL|fc000000DdL",
+ ["ldr_*"] = "18000000DwB|58000000DxB|1c000000DsB|5c000000DdB|b8400000DwL|f8400000DxL|bc400000DsL|fc400000DdL",
+ ["ldrsw_*"] = "98000000DxB|b8800000DxL",
+ -- NOTE: ldur etc. are handled by ldr et al.
+ ["stp_*"] = "28000000DAwP|a8000000DAxP|2c000000DAsP|6c000000DAdP",
+ ["ldp_*"] = "28400000DAwP|a8400000DAxP|2c400000DAsP|6c400000DAdP",
+ ["ldpsw_*"] = "68400000DAxP",
+ -- Branches.
+ b_1 = "14000000B",
+ bl_1 = "94000000B",
+ blr_1 = "d63f0000Nx",
+ br_1 = "d61f0000Nx",
+ ret_0 = "d65f03c0",
+ ret_1 = "d65f0000Nx",
+ -- b.cond is added below.
+ cbz_2 = "34000000DBg",
+ cbnz_2 = "35000000DBg",
+ tbz_3 = "36000000DTBw|36000000DTBx",
+ tbnz_3 = "37000000DTBw|37000000DTBx",
+ -- Miscellaneous instructions.
+ -- TODO: hlt, hvc, smc, svc, eret, dcps[123], drps, mrs, msr
+ -- TODO: sys, sysl, ic, dc, at, tlbi
+ -- TODO: hint, yield, wfe, wfi, sev, sevl
+ -- TODO: clrex, dsb, dmb, isb
+ nop_0 = "d503201f",
+ brk_0 = "d4200000",
+ brk_1 = "d4200000W",
+ -- Floating point instructions.
+ fmov_2 = "1e204000DNf|1e260000DwNs|1e270000DsNw|9e660000DxNd|9e670000DdNx|1e201000DFf",
+ fabs_2 = "1e20c000DNf",
+ fneg_2 = "1e214000DNf",
+ fsqrt_2 = "1e21c000DNf",
+ fcvt_2 = "1e22c000DdNs|1e624000DsNd",
+ -- TODO: half-precision and fixed-point conversions.
+ fcvtas_2 = "1e240000DwNs|9e240000DxNs|1e640000DwNd|9e640000DxNd",
+ fcvtau_2 = "1e250000DwNs|9e250000DxNs|1e650000DwNd|9e650000DxNd",
+ fcvtms_2 = "1e300000DwNs|9e300000DxNs|1e700000DwNd|9e700000DxNd",
+ fcvtmu_2 = "1e310000DwNs|9e310000DxNs|1e710000DwNd|9e710000DxNd",
+ fcvtns_2 = "1e200000DwNs|9e200000DxNs|1e600000DwNd|9e600000DxNd",
+ fcvtnu_2 = "1e210000DwNs|9e210000DxNs|1e610000DwNd|9e610000DxNd",
+ fcvtps_2 = "1e280000DwNs|9e280000DxNs|1e680000DwNd|9e680000DxNd",
+ fcvtpu_2 = "1e290000DwNs|9e290000DxNs|1e690000DwNd|9e690000DxNd",
+ fcvtzs_2 = "1e380000DwNs|9e380000DxNs|1e780000DwNd|9e780000DxNd",
+ fcvtzu_2 = "1e390000DwNs|9e390000DxNs|1e790000DwNd|9e790000DxNd",
+ scvtf_2 = "1e220000DsNw|9e220000DsNx|1e620000DdNw|9e620000DdNx",
+ ucvtf_2 = "1e230000DsNw|9e230000DsNx|1e630000DdNw|9e630000DdNx",
+ frintn_2 = "1e244000DNf",
+ frintp_2 = "1e24c000DNf",
+ frintm_2 = "1e254000DNf",
+ frintz_2 = "1e25c000DNf",
+ frinta_2 = "1e264000DNf",
+ frintx_2 = "1e274000DNf",
+ frinti_2 = "1e27c000DNf",
+ fadd_3 = "1e202800DNMf",
+ fsub_3 = "1e203800DNMf",
+ fmul_3 = "1e200800DNMf",
+ fnmul_3 = "1e208800DNMf",
+ fdiv_3 = "1e201800DNMf",
+ fmadd_4 = "1f000000DNMAf",
+ fmsub_4 = "1f008000DNMAf",
+ fnmadd_4 = "1f200000DNMAf",
+ fnmsub_4 = "1f208000DNMAf",
+ fmax_3 = "1e204800DNMf",
+ fmaxnm_3 = "1e206800DNMf",
+ fmin_3 = "1e205800DNMf",
+ fminnm_3 = "1e207800DNMf",
+ fcmp_2 = "1e202000NMf|1e202008NZf",
+ fcmpe_2 = "1e202010NMf|1e202018NZf",
+ fccmp_4 = "1e200400NMVCf",
+ fccmpe_4 = "1e200410NMVCf",
+ fcsel_4 = "1e200c00DNMCf",
+ -- TODO: crc32*, aes*, sha*, pmull
+ -- TODO: SIMD instructions.
+for cond,c in pairs(map_cond) do
+ map_op["b"..cond.."_1"] = tohex(0x54000000+c).."B"
+-- Handle opcodes defined with template strings.
+local function parse_template(params, template, nparams, pos)
+ local op = tonumber(template:sub(1, 8), 16)
+ local n = 1
+ local rtt = {}
+ parse_reg_type = false
+ -- Process each character.
+ for p in gmatch(template:sub(9), ".") do
+ local q = params[n]
+ if p == "D" then
+ op = op + parse_reg(q, 0); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "N" then
+ op = op + parse_reg(q, 5); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "M" then
+ op = op + parse_reg(q, 16); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "A" then
+ op = op + parse_reg(q, 10); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "m" then
+ op = op + parse_reg(params[n-1], 16)
+ elseif p == "p" then
+ if q == "sp" then params[n] = "@x31" end
+ elseif p == "g" then
+ if parse_reg_type == "x" then
+ op = op + 0x80000000
+ elseif parse_reg_type ~= "w" then
+ werror("bad register type")
+ end
+ parse_reg_type = false
+ elseif p == "f" then
+ if parse_reg_type == "d" then
+ op = op + 0x00400000
+ elseif parse_reg_type ~= "s" then
+ werror("bad register type")
+ end
+ parse_reg_type = false
+ elseif p == "x" or p == "w" or p == "d" or p == "s" then
+ if parse_reg_type ~= p then
+ werror("register size mismatch")
+ end
+ parse_reg_type = false
+ elseif p == "L" then
+ op = parse_load(params, nparams, n, op)
+ elseif p == "P" then
+ op = parse_load_pair(params, nparams, n, op)
+ elseif p == "B" then
+ local mode, v, s = parse_label(q, false); n = n + 1
+ if not mode then werror("bad label `"..q.."'") end
+ local m = branch_type(op)
+ if mode == "A" then
+ waction("REL_"..mode, v+m, format("(unsigned int)(%s)", s))
+ actargs[#actargs+1] = format("(unsigned int)((%s)>>32)", s)
+ else
+ waction("REL_"..mode, v+m, s, 1)
+ end
+ elseif p == "I" then
+ op = op + parse_imm12(q); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "i" then
+ op = op + parse_imm13(q); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "W" then
+ op = op + parse_imm(q, 16, 5, 0, false); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "T" then
+ op = op + parse_imm6(q); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "1" then
+ op = op + parse_imm(q, 6, 16, 0, false); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "2" then
+ op = op + parse_imm(q, 6, 10, 0, false); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "5" then
+ op = op + parse_imm(q, 5, 16, 0, false); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "V" then
+ op = op + parse_imm(q, 4, 0, 0, false); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "F" then
+ op = op + parse_fpimm(q); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "Z" then
+ if q ~= "#0" and q ~= "#0.0" then werror("expected zero immediate") end
+ n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "S" then
+ op = op + parse_shift(q); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "X" then
+ op = op + parse_extend(q); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "R" then
+ op = op + parse_lslx16(q); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "C" then
+ op = op + parse_cond(q, 0); n = n + 1
+ elseif p == "c" then
+ op = op + parse_cond(q, 1); n = n + 1
+ else
+ assert(false)
+ end
+ end
+ wputpos(pos, op)
+function op_template(params, template, nparams)
+ if not params then return template:gsub("%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") end
+ -- Limit number of section buffer positions used by a single dasm_put().
+ -- A single opcode needs a maximum of 4 positions.
+ if secpos+4 > maxsecpos then wflush() end
+ local pos = wpos()
+ local lpos, apos, spos = #actlist, #actargs, secpos
+ local ok, err
+ for t in gmatch(template, "[^|]+") do
+ ok, err = pcall(parse_template, params, t, nparams, pos)
+ if ok then return end
+ secpos = spos
+ actlist[lpos+1] = nil
+ actlist[lpos+2] = nil
+ actlist[lpos+3] = nil
+ actlist[lpos+4] = nil
+ actargs[apos+1] = nil
+ actargs[apos+2] = nil
+ actargs[apos+3] = nil
+ actargs[apos+4] = nil
+ end
+ error(err, 0)
+map_op[".template__"] = op_template
+-- Pseudo-opcode to mark the position where the action list is to be emitted.
+map_op[".actionlist_1"] = function(params)
+ if not params then return "cvar" end
+ local name = params[1] -- No syntax check. You get to keep the pieces.
+ wline(function(out) writeactions(out, name) end)
+-- Pseudo-opcode to mark the position where the global enum is to be emitted.
+map_op[".globals_1"] = function(params)
+ if not params then return "prefix" end
+ local prefix = params[1] -- No syntax check. You get to keep the pieces.
+ wline(function(out) writeglobals(out, prefix) end)
+-- Pseudo-opcode to mark the position where the global names are to be emitted.
+map_op[".globalnames_1"] = function(params)
+ if not params then return "cvar" end
+ local name = params[1] -- No syntax check. You get to keep the pieces.
+ wline(function(out) writeglobalnames(out, name) end)
+-- Pseudo-opcode to mark the position where the extern names are to be emitted.
+map_op[".externnames_1"] = function(params)
+ if not params then return "cvar" end
+ local name = params[1] -- No syntax check. You get to keep the pieces.
+ wline(function(out) writeexternnames(out, name) end)
+-- Label pseudo-opcode (converted from trailing colon form).
+map_op[".label_1"] = function(params)
+ if not params then return "[1-9] | ->global | =>pcexpr" end
+ if secpos+1 > maxsecpos then wflush() end
+ local mode, n, s = parse_label(params[1], true)
+ if not mode or mode == "EXT" then werror("bad label definition") end
+ waction("LABEL_"..mode, n, s, 1)
+-- Pseudo-opcodes for data storage.
+local function op_data(params)
+ if not params then return "imm..." end
+ local sz = params.op == ".long" and 4 or 8
+ for _,p in ipairs(params) do
+ local imm = parse_number(p)
+ if imm then
+ local n = tobit(imm)
+ if n == imm or (n < 0 and n + 2^32 == imm) then
+ wputw(n < 0 and n + 2^32 or n)
+ if sz == 8 then
+ wputw(imm < 0 and 0xffffffff or 0)
+ end
+ elseif sz == 4 then
+ werror("bad immediate `"..p.."'")
+ else
+ imm = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if not imm then
+ local mode, v, s = parse_label(p, false)
+ if sz == 4 then
+ if mode then werror("label does not fit into .long") end
+ waction("IMMV", 0, p)
+ elseif mode and mode ~= "A" then
+ waction("REL_"..mode, v+0x8000, s, 1)
+ else
+ if mode == "A" then p = s end
+ waction("IMMV", 0, format("(unsigned int)(%s)", p))
+ waction("IMMV", 0, format("(unsigned int)((unsigned long long)(%s)>>32)", p))
+ end
+ end
+ if secpos+2 > maxsecpos then wflush() end
+ end
+map_op[".long_*"] = op_data
+map_op[".quad_*"] = op_data
+map_op[".addr_*"] = op_data
+-- Alignment pseudo-opcode.
+map_op[".align_1"] = function(params)
+ if not params then return "numpow2" end
+ if secpos+1 > maxsecpos then wflush() end
+ local align = tonumber(params[1])
+ if align then
+ local x = align
+ -- Must be a power of 2 in the range (2 ... 256).
+ for i=1,8 do
+ x = x / 2
+ if x == 1 then
+ waction("ALIGN", align-1, nil, 1) -- Action byte is 2**n-1.
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ werror("bad alignment")
+-- Pseudo-opcode for (primitive) type definitions (map to C types).
+map_op[".type_3"] = function(params, nparams)
+ if not params then
+ return nparams == 2 and "name, ctype" or "name, ctype, reg"
+ end
+ local name, ctype, reg = params[1], params[2], params[3]
+ if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then
+ werror("bad type name `""'")
+ end
+ local tp = map_type[name]
+ if tp then
+ werror("duplicate type `""'")
+ end
+ -- Add #type to defines. A bit unclean to put it in map_archdef.
+ map_archdef["#"] = "sizeof("..ctype..")"
+ -- Add new type and emit shortcut define.
+ local num = ctypenum + 1
+ map_type[name] = {
+ ctype = ctype,
+ ctypefmt = format("Dt%X(%%s)", num),
+ reg = reg,
+ }
+ wline(format("#define Dt%X(_V) (int)(ptrdiff_t)&(((%s *)0)_V)", num, ctype))
+ ctypenum = num
+map_op[".type_2"] = map_op[".type_3"]
+-- Dump type definitions.
+local function dumptypes(out, lvl)
+ local t = {}
+ for name in pairs(map_type) do t[#t+1] = name end
+ sort(t)
+ out:write("Type definitions:\n")
+ for _,name in ipairs(t) do
+ local tp = map_type[name]
+ local reg = tp.reg or ""
+ out:write(format(" %-20s %-20s %s\n", name, tp.ctype, reg))
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
+-- Set the current section.
+function _M.section(num)
+ waction("SECTION", num)
+ wflush(true) -- SECTION is a terminal action.
+-- Dump architecture description.
+function _M.dumparch(out)
+ out:write(format("DynASM %s version %s, released %s\n\n",
+ _info.arch, _info.version, _info.release))
+ dumpactions(out)
+-- Dump all user defined elements.
+function _M.dumpdef(out, lvl)
+ dumptypes(out, lvl)
+ dumpglobals(out, lvl)
+ dumpexterns(out, lvl)
+-- Pass callbacks from/to the DynASM core.
+function _M.passcb(wl, we, wf, ww)
+ wline, werror, wfatal, wwarn = wl, we, wf, ww
+ return wflush
+-- Setup the arch-specific module.
+function _M.setup(arch, opt)
+ g_arch, g_opt = arch, opt
+-- Merge the core maps and the arch-specific maps.
+function _M.mergemaps(map_coreop, map_def)
+ setmetatable(map_op, { __index = map_coreop })
+ setmetatable(map_def, { __index = map_archdef })
+ return map_op, map_def
+return _M