path: root/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations')
30 files changed, 0 insertions, 3866 deletions
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f18661d0..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "dev.cpu.0.freq"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# dev.cpu.0.freq
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: dev.cpu.0.freq
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Read current CPU Scaling frequency.
-Current CPU Scaling Frequency
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per dev.cpu.0.freq instance
-The metric shows status of CPU frequency, it is direct affected by system load.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| cpu.scaling_cur_freq | frequency | MHz |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `Config options`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config Config options
-#### Options
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| dev.cpu.0.freq | Enable or disable CPU Scaling frequency metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3736f771..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "dev.cpu.temperature"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# dev.cpu.temperature
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: dev.cpu.temperature
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Get current CPU temperature
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per dev.cpu.temperature instance
-This metric show latest CPU temperature.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| cpu.temperature | a dimension per core | Celsius |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| dev.cpu.temperature | Enable or disable CPU temperature metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d9c6400b..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "devstat"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# devstat
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: devstat
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information per hard disk available on host.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per devstat instance
-These metrics give a general vision about I/O events on disks.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| | io, out | KiB/s |
-### Per disk
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| | reads, writes, frees | KiB/s |
-| disk.ops | reads, writes, other, frees | operations/s |
-| disk.qops | operations | operations |
-| disk.util | utilization | % of time working |
-| disk.iotime | reads, writes, other, frees | milliseconds/s |
-| disk.await | reads, writes, other, frees | milliseconds/operation |
-| disk.avgsz | reads, writes, frees | KiB/operation |
-| disk.svctm | svctm | milliseconds/operation |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ 10min_disk_utilization ]( | disk.util | average percentage of time ${label:device} disk was busy over the last 10 minutes |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:kern.devstat]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| enable new disks detected at runtime | Enable or disable possibility to detect new disks. | auto | no |
-| performance metrics for pass devices | Enable or disable metrics for disks with type `PASS`. | auto | no |
-| total bandwidth for all disks | Enable or disable total bandwidth metric for all disks. | yes | no |
-| bandwidth for all disks | Enable or disable bandwidth for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| operations for all disks | Enable or disable operations for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| queued operations for all disks | Enable or disable queued operations for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| utilization percentage for all disks | Enable or disable utilization percentage for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| i/o time for all disks | Enable or disable I/O time for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| average completed i/o time for all disks | Enable or disable average completed I/O time for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| average completed i/o bandwidth for all disks | Enable or disable average completed I/O bandwidth for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| average service time for all disks | Enable or disable average service time for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| disable by default disks matching | Do not create charts for disks listed. | | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 63c4ce136..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "getifaddrs"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# getifaddrs
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: getifaddrs
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect traffic per network interface.
-The plugin calls `getifaddrs` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per getifaddrs instance
-General overview about network traffic.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| | received, sent | kilobits/s |
-| system.packets | received, sent, multicast_received, multicast_sent | packets/s |
-| system.ipv4 | received, sent | kilobits/s |
-| system.ipv6 | received, sent | kilobits/s |
-### Per network device
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| | received, sent | kilobits/s |
-| net.packets | received, sent, multicast_received, multicast_sent | packets/s |
-| net.errors | inbound, outbound | errors/s |
-| net.drops | inbound, outbound | drops/s |
-| | collisions | events/s |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ interface_speed ]( | | network interface ${label:device} current speed |
-| [ inbound_packets_dropped_ratio ]( | net.drops | ratio of inbound dropped packets for the network interface ${label:device} over the last 10 minutes |
-| [ outbound_packets_dropped_ratio ]( | net.drops | ratio of outbound dropped packets for the network interface ${label:device} over the last 10 minutes |
-| [ 1m_received_packets_rate ]( | net.packets | average number of packets received by the network interface ${label:device} over the last minute |
-| [ 10s_received_packets_storm ]( | net.packets | ratio of average number of received packets for the network interface ${label:device} over the last 10 seconds, compared to the rate over the last minute |
-| [ interface_inbound_errors ]( | net.errors | number of inbound errors for the network interface ${label:device} in the last 10 minutes |
-| [ interface_outbound_errors ]( | net.errors | number of outbound errors for the network interface ${label:device} in the last 10 minutes |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:getifaddrs]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| enable new interfaces detected at runtime | Enable or disable possibility to discover new interface after plugin starts. | auto | no |
-| total bandwidth for physical interfaces | Enable or disable total bandwidth for physical interfaces metric. | auto | no |
-| total packets for physical interfaces | Enable or disable total packets for physical interfaces metric. | auto | no |
-| total bandwidth for ipv4 interface | Enable or disable total bandwidth for IPv4 interface metric. | auto | no |
-| total bandwidth for ipv6 interfaces | Enable or disable total bandwidth for ipv6 interfaces metric. | auto | no |
-| bandwidth for all interfaces | Enable or disable bandwidth for all interfaces metric. | auto | no |
-| packets for all interfaces | Enable or disable packets for all interfaces metric. | auto | no |
-| errors for all interfaces | Enable or disable errors for all interfaces metric. | auto | no |
-| drops for all interfaces | Enable or disable drops for all interfaces metric. | auto | no |
-| collisions for all interface | Enable or disable collisions for all interface metric. | auto | no |
-| disable by default interfaces matching | Do not display data for intterfaces listed. | lo* | no |
-| set physical interfaces for | Do not show network traffic for listed interfaces. | igb* ix* cxl* em* ixl* ixlv* bge* ixgbe* vtnet* vmx* re* igc* dwc* | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index d26ad1c03..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "getmntinfo"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# getmntinfo
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: getmntinfo
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information per mount point.
-The plugin calls `getmntinfo` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per mount point
-These metrics show detailss about mount point usages.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| | avail, used, reserved_for_root | GiB |
-| disk.inodes | avail, used, reserved_for_root | inodes |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ disk_space_usage ]( | | disk ${label:mount_point} space utilization |
-| [ disk_inode_usage ]( | disk.inodes | disk ${label:mount_point} inode utilization |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:getmntinfo]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| enable new mount points detected at runtime | Cheeck new mount points during runtime. | auto | no |
-| space usage for all disks | Enable or disable space usage for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| inodes usage for all disks | Enable or disable inodes usage for all disks metric. | auto | no |
-| exclude space metrics on paths | Do not show metrics for listed paths. | /proc/* | no |
-| exclude space metrics on filesystems | Do not monitor listed filesystems. | autofs procfs subfs devfs none | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 49164c369..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "hw.intrcnt"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# hw.intrcnt
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: hw.intrcnt
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Get total number of interrupts
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per hw.intrcnt instance
-These metrics show system interrupts frequency.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.intr | interrupts | interrupts/s |
-| system.interrupts | a dimension per interrupt | interrupts/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config option</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| hw.intrcnt | Enable or disable Interrupts metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 84e023bdf..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "ipfw"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# ipfw
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: ipfw
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information about FreeBSD firewall.
-The plugin uses RAW socket to communicate with kernel and collect data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per ipfw instance
-Theese metrics show FreeBSD firewall statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| ipfw.mem | dynamic, static | bytes |
-| ipfw.packets | a dimension per static rule | packets/s |
-| ipfw.bytes | a dimension per static rule | bytes/s |
-| | a dimension per dynamic rule | rules |
-| ipfw.expired | a dimension per dynamic rule | rules |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:ipfw]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| counters for static rules | Enable or disable counters for static rules metric. | yes | no |
-| number of dynamic rules | Enable or disable number of dynamic rules metric. | yes | no |
-| allocated memory | Enable or disable allocated memory metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 95bdb8d90..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "kern.cp_time"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# kern.cp_time
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: kern.cp_time
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Total CPU utilization
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per kern.cp_time instance
-These metrics show CPU usage statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.cpu | nice, system, user, interrupt, idle | percentage |
-### Per core
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| cpu.cpu | nice, system, user, interrupt, idle | percentage |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ 10min_cpu_usage ]( | system.cpu | average CPU utilization over the last 10 minutes (excluding iowait, nice and steal) |
-| [ 10min_cpu_iowait ]( | system.cpu | average CPU iowait time over the last 10 minutes |
-| [ 20min_steal_cpu ]( | system.cpu | average CPU steal time over the last 20 minutes |
-| [ 10min_cpu_usage ]( | system.cpu | average CPU utilization over the last 10 minutes (excluding nice) |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-The netdata main configuration file.
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| kern.cp_time | Enable or disable Total CPU usage. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index e7457e0c1..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "kern.ipc.msq"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# kern.ipc.msq
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: kern.ipc.msq
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect number of IPC message Queues
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per kern.ipc.msq instance
-These metrics show statistics IPC messages statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.ipc_msq_queues | queues | queues |
-| system.ipc_msq_messages | messages | messages |
-| system.ipc_msq_size | allocated, used | bytes |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| kern.ipc.msq | Enable or disable IPC message queue metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf7235e6..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "kern.ipc.sem"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# kern.ipc.sem
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: kern.ipc.sem
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information about semaphore.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per kern.ipc.sem instance
-These metrics shows counters for semaphores on host.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.ipc_semaphores | semaphores | semaphores |
-| system.ipc_semaphore_arrays | arrays | arrays |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ semaphores_used ]( | system.ipc_semaphores | IPC semaphore utilization |
-| [ semaphore_arrays_used ]( | system.ipc_semaphore_arrays | IPC semaphore arrays utilization |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| kern.ipc.sem | Enable or disable semaphore metrics. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f10c1e6e..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "kern.ipc.shm"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# kern.ipc.shm
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: kern.ipc.shm
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect shared memory information.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per kern.ipc.shm instance
-These metrics give status about current shared memory segments.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.ipc_shared_mem_segs | segments | segments |
-| system.ipc_shared_mem_size | allocated | KiB |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| kern.ipc.shm | Enable or disable shared memory metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29562bc9a..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "net.inet.icmp.stats"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# net.inet.icmp.stats
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: net.inet.icmp.stats
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information about ICMP traffic.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per net.inet.icmp.stats instance
-These metrics show ICMP connections statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| ipv4.icmp | received, sent | packets/s |
-| ipv4.icmp_errors | InErrors, OutErrors, InCsumErrors | packets/s |
-| ipv4.icmpmsg | InEchoReps, OutEchoReps, InEchos, OutEchos | packets/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:net.inet.icmp.stats]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| IPv4 ICMP packets | Enable or disable IPv4 ICMP packets metric. | yes | no |
-| IPv4 ICMP error | Enable or disable IPv4 ICMP error metric. | yes | no |
-| IPv4 ICMP messages | Enable or disable IPv4 ICMP messages metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 785767e89..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "net.inet.ip.stats"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# net.inet.ip.stats
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: net.inet.ip.stats
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect IP stats
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per net.inet.ip.stats instance
-These metrics show IPv4 connections statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| ipv4.packets | received, sent, forwarded, delivered | packets/s |
-| ipv4.fragsout | ok, failed, created | packets/s |
-| ipv4.fragsin | ok, failed, all | packets/s |
-| ipv4.errors | InDiscards, OutDiscards, InHdrErrors, OutNoRoutes, InAddrErrors, InUnknownProtos | packets/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:net.inet.ip.stats]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| ipv4 packets | Enable or disable IPv4 packets metric. | yes | no |
-| ipv4 fragments sent | Enable or disable IPv4 fragments sent metric. | yes | no |
-| ipv4 fragments assembly | Enable or disable IPv4 fragments assembly metric. | yes | no |
-| ipv4 errors | Enable or disable IPv4 errors metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b4144580..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "net.inet.tcp.states"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# net.inet.tcp.states
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: net.inet.tcp.states
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per net.inet.tcp.states instance
-A counter for TCP connections.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| ipv4.tcpsock | connections | active connections |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ tcp_connections ]( | ipv4.tcpsock | IPv4 TCP connections utilization |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| net.inet.tcp.states | Enable or disable TCP state metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index be779740d..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "net.inet.tcp.stats"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# net.inet.tcp.stats
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: net.inet.tcp.stats
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect overall information about TCP connections.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per net.inet.tcp.stats instance
-These metrics show TCP connections statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| ipv4.tcppackets | received, sent | packets/s |
-| ipv4.tcperrors | InErrs, InCsumErrors, RetransSegs | packets/s |
-| ipv4.tcphandshake | EstabResets, ActiveOpens, PassiveOpens, AttemptFails | events/s |
-| ipv4.tcpconnaborts | baddata, userclosed, nomemory, timeout, linger | connections/s |
-| ipv4.tcpofo | inqueue | packets/s |
-| ipv4.tcpsyncookies | received, sent, failed | packets/s |
-| ipv4.tcplistenissues | overflows | packets/s |
-| ipv4.ecnpkts | InCEPkts, InECT0Pkts, InECT1Pkts, OutECT0Pkts, OutECT1Pkts | packets/s |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ 1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_sent ]( | ipv4.tcphandshake | average number of sent TCP RESETS over the last minute |
-| [ 10s_ipv4_tcp_resets_sent ]( | ipv4.tcphandshake | average number of sent TCP RESETS over the last 10 seconds. This can indicate a port scan, or that a service running on this host has crashed. Netdata will not send a clear notification for this alarm. |
-| [ 1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_received ]( | ipv4.tcphandshake | average number of received TCP RESETS over the last minute |
-| [ 10s_ipv4_tcp_resets_received ]( | ipv4.tcphandshake | average number of received TCP RESETS over the last 10 seconds. This can be an indication that a service this host needs has crashed. Netdata will not send a clear notification for this alarm. |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:net.inet.tcp.stats]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| ipv4 TCP packets | Enable or disable ipv4 TCP packets metric. | yes | no |
-| ipv4 TCP errors | Enable or disable pv4 TCP errors metric. | yes | no |
-| ipv4 TCP handshake issues | Enable or disable ipv4 TCP handshake issue metric. | yes | no |
-| TCP connection aborts | Enable or disable TCP connection aborts metric. | auto | no |
-| TCP out-of-order queue | Enable or disable TCP out-of-order queue metric. | auto | no |
-| TCP SYN cookies | Enable or disable TCP SYN cookies metric. | auto | no |
-| TCP listen issues | Enable or disable TCP listen issues metric. | auto | no |
-| ECN packets | Enable or disable ECN packets metric. | auto | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index d3da40455..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "net.inet.udp.stats"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# net.inet.udp.stats
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: net.inet.udp.stats
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information about UDP connections.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per net.inet.udp.stats instance
-These metrics show UDP connections statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| ipv4.udppackets | received, sent | packets/s |
-| ipv4.udperrors | InErrors, NoPorts, RcvbufErrors, InCsumErrors, IgnoredMulti | events/s |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ 1m_ipv4_udp_receive_buffer_errors ]( | ipv4.udperrors | average number of UDP receive buffer errors over the last minute |
-| [ 1m_ipv4_udp_send_buffer_errors ]( | ipv4.udperrors | average number of UDP send buffer errors over the last minute |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:net.inet.udp.stats]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| ipv4 UDP packets | Enable or disable ipv4 UDP packets metric. | yes | no |
-| ipv4 UDP errors | Enable or disable ipv4 UDP errors metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7344b79b3..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "net.inet6.icmp6.stats"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# net.inet6.icmp6.stats
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: net.inet6.icmp6.stats
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information abou IPv6 ICMP
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per net.inet6.icmp6.stats instance
-Collect IPv6 ICMP traffic statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| ipv6.icmp | received, sent | messages/s |
-| ipv6.icmpredir | received, sent | redirects/s |
-| ipv6.icmperrors | InErrors, OutErrors, InCsumErrors, InDestUnreachs, InPktTooBigs, InTimeExcds, InParmProblems, OutDestUnreachs, OutTimeExcds, OutParmProblems | errors/s |
-| ipv6.icmpechos | InEchos, OutEchos, InEchoReplies, OutEchoReplies | messages/s |
-| ipv6.icmprouter | InSolicits, OutSolicits, InAdvertisements, OutAdvertisements | messages/s |
-| ipv6.icmpneighbor | InSolicits, OutSolicits, InAdvertisements, OutAdvertisements | messages/s |
-| ipv6.icmptypes | InType1, InType128, InType129, InType136, OutType1, OutType128, OutType129, OutType133, OutType135, OutType143 | messages/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:net.inet6.icmp6.stats]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| icmp | Enable or disable ICMP metric. | auto | no |
-| icmp redirects | Enable or disable ICMP redirects metric. | auto | no |
-| icmp errors | Enable or disable ICMP errors metric. | auto | no |
-| icmp echos | Enable or disable ICMP echos metric. | auto | no |
-| icmp router | Enable or disable ICMP router metric. | auto | no |
-| icmp neighbor | Enable or disable ICMP neighbor metric. | auto | no |
-| icmp types | Enable or disable ICMP types metric. | auto | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9128b529..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "net.inet6.ip6.stats"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# net.inet6.ip6.stats
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: net.inet6.ip6.stats
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information abou IPv6 stats.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per net.inet6.ip6.stats instance
-These metrics show general information about IPv6 connections.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| ipv6.packets | received, sent, forwarded, delivers | packets/s |
-| ipv6.fragsout | ok, failed, all | packets/s |
-| ipv6.fragsin | ok, failed, timeout, all | packets/s |
-| ipv6.errors | InDiscards, OutDiscards, InHdrErrors, InAddrErrors, InTruncatedPkts, InNoRoutes, OutNoRoutes | packets/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:net.inet6.ip6.stats]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| ipv6 packets | Enable or disable ipv6 packet metric. | auto | no |
-| ipv6 fragments sent | Enable or disable ipv6 fragments sent metric. | auto | no |
-| ipv6 fragments assembly | Enable or disable ipv6 fragments assembly metric. | auto | no |
-| ipv6 errors | Enable or disable ipv6 errors metric. | auto | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d75b825a..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "net.isr"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# net.isr
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: net.isr
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information about system softnet stat.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per net.isr instance
-These metrics show statistics about softnet stats.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.softnet_stat | dispatched, hybrid_dispatched, qdrops, queued | events/s |
-### Per core
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| cpu.softnet_stat | dispatched, hybrid_dispatched, qdrops, queued | events/s |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ 1min_netdev_backlog_exceeded ]( | system.softnet_stat | average number of dropped packets in the last minute due to exceeded net.core.netdev_max_backlog |
-| [ 1min_netdev_budget_ran_outs ]( | system.softnet_stat | average number of times ksoftirq ran out of sysctl net.core.netdev_budget or net.core.netdev_budget_usecs with work remaining over the last minute (this can be a cause for dropped packets) |
-| [ 10min_netisr_backlog_exceeded ]( | system.softnet_stat | average number of drops in the last minute due to exceeded sysctl net.route.netisr_maxqlen (this can be a cause for dropped packets) |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:net.isr]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| netisr | Enable or disable general vision about softnet stat metrics. | yes | no |
-| netisr per core | Enable or disable softnet stat metric per core. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d4974922..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "system.ram"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# system.ram
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: system.ram
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Show information about system memory usage.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per system.ram instance
-This metric shows RAM usage statistics.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.ram | free, active, inactive, wired, cache, laundry, buffers | MiB |
-| mem.available | avail | MiB |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ ram_in_use ]( | system.ram | system memory utilization |
-| [ ram_in_use ]( | system.ram | system memory utilization |
-| [ ram_available ]( | mem.available | percentage of estimated amount of RAM available for userspace processes, without causing swapping |
-| [ ram_available ]( | mem.available | percentage of estimated amount of RAM available for userspace processes, without causing swapping |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| system.ram | Enable or disable system RAM metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f1db3f1..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "uptime"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# uptime
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: uptime
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Show period of time server is up.
-The plugin calls `clock_gettime` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per uptime instance
-How long the system is running.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.uptime | uptime | seconds |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| vm.loadavg | Enable or disable load average metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c47b7a4..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "vm.loadavg"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# vm.loadavg
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: vm.loadavg
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-System Load Average
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per vm.loadavg instance
-Monitoring for number of threads running or waiting.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.load | load1, load5, load15 | load |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ load_cpu_number ]( | system.load | number of active CPU cores in the system |
-| [ load_average_15 ]( | system.load | system fifteen-minute load average |
-| [ load_average_5 ]( | system.load | system five-minute load average |
-| [ load_average_1 ]( | system.load | system one-minute load average |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| vm.loadavg | Enable or disable load average metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e7466e9..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "vm.stats.sys.v_intr"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# vm.stats.sys.v_intr
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: vm.stats.sys.v_intr
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Device interrupts
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per vm.stats.sys.v_intr instance
-The metric show device interrupt frequency.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.dev_intr | interrupts | interrupts/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config option</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| vm.stats.sys.v_intr | Enable or disable device interrupts metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce914bb50..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "vm.stats.sys.v_soft"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# vm.stats.sys.v_soft
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: vm.stats.sys.v_soft
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Software Interrupt
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per vm.stats.sys.v_soft instance
-This metric shows software interrupt frequency.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.soft_intr | interrupts | interrupts/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config option</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| vm.stats.sys.v_soft | Enable or disable software inerrupts metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index cbcee311f..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "vm.stats.sys.v_swtch"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# vm.stats.sys.v_swtch
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: vm.stats.sys.v_swtch
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-CPU context switch
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per vm.stats.sys.v_swtch instance
-The metric count the number of context switches happening on host.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.ctxt | switches | context switches/s |
-| system.forks | started | processes/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| vm.stats.sys.v_swtch | Enable or disable CPU context switch metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 19230dd56..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "vm.stats.vm.v_pgfaults"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# vm.stats.vm.v_pgfaults
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: vm.stats.vm.v_pgfaults
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect memory page faults events.
-The plugin calls `sysctl` function to collect necessary data
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per vm.stats.vm.v_pgfaults instance
-The number of page faults happened on host.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| mem.pgfaults | memory, io_requiring, cow, cow_optimized, in_transit | page faults/s |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| vm.stats.vm.v_pgfaults | Enable or disable Memory page fault metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6caaa682..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "vm.stats.vm.v_swappgs"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# vm.stats.vm.v_swappgs
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: vm.stats.vm.v_swappgs
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-The metric swap amount of data read from and written to SWAP.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per vm.stats.vm.v_swappgs instance
-This metric shows events happening on SWAP.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| mem.swapio | io, out | KiB/s |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ 30min_ram_swapped_out ]( | mem.swapio | percentage of the system RAM swapped in the last 30 minutes |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| vm.stats.vm.v_swappgs | Enable or disable infoormation about SWAP I/O metric. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index caa22b3dc..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "vm.swap_info"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# vm.swap_info
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: vm.swap_info
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect information about SWAP memory.
-The plugin calls `sysctlnametomib` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per vm.swap_info instance
-This metric shows the SWAP usage.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| mem.swap | free, used | MiB |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ used_swap ]( | mem.swap | swap memory utilization |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| vm.swap_info | Enable or disable SWAP metrics. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index f3f631af6..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "vm.vmtotal"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# vm.vmtotal
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: vm.vmtotal
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect Virtual Memory information from host.
-The plugin calls function `sysctl` to collect data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per vm.vmtotal instance
-These metrics show an overall vision about processes running.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| system.active_processes | active | processes |
-| system.processes | running, blocked | processes |
-| mem.real | used | MiB |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ active_processes ]( | system.active_processes | system process IDs (PID) space utilization |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:vm.vmtotal]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config Options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| enable total processes | Number of active processes. | yes | no |
-| processes running | Show number of processes running or blocked. | yes | no |
-| real memory | Memeory used on host. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.
diff --git a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/ b/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f10026d..000000000
--- a/collectors/freebsd.plugin/integrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "zfs"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Data Collection/FreeBSD"
-most_popular: False
-# zfs
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: freebsd.plugin
-Module: zfs
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-Collect metrics for ZFS filesystem
-The plugin uses `sysctl` function to collect necessary data.
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per zfs instance
-These metrics show detailed information about ZFS filesystem.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| zfs.arc_size | arcsz, target, min, max | MiB |
-| zfs.l2_size | actual, size | MiB |
-| zfs.reads | arc, demand, prefetch, metadata, l2 | reads/s |
-| zfs.bytes | read, write | KiB/s |
-| zfs.hits | hits, misses | percentage |
-| zfs.hits_rate | hits, misses | events/s |
-| zfs.dhits | hits, misses | percentage |
-| zfs.dhits_rate | hits, misses | events/s |
-| zfs.phits | hits, misses | percentage |
-| zfs.phits_rate | hits, misses | events/s |
-| zfs.mhits | hits, misses | percentage |
-| zfs.mhits_rate | hits, misses | events/s |
-| zfs.l2hits | hits, misses | percentage |
-| zfs.l2hits_rate | hits, misses | events/s |
-| zfs.list_hits | mfu, mfu_ghost, mru, mru_ghost | hits/s |
-| zfs.arc_size_breakdown | recent, frequent | percentage |
-| zfs.memory_ops | throttled | operations/s |
-| zfs.important_ops | evict_skip, deleted, mutex_miss, hash_collisions | operations/s |
-| zfs.actual_hits | hits, misses | percentage |
-| zfs.actual_hits_rate | hits, misses | events/s |
-| zfs.demand_data_hits | hits, misses | percentage |
-| zfs.demand_data_hits_rate | hits, misses | events/s |
-| zfs.prefetch_data_hits | hits, misses | percentage |
-| zfs.prefetch_data_hits_rate | hits, misses | events/s |
-| zfs.hash_elements | current, max | elements |
-| zfs.hash_chains | current, max | chains |
-| zfs.trim_bytes | TRIMmed | bytes |
-| zfs.trim_requests | successful, failed, unsupported | requests |
-## Alerts
-The following alerts are available:
-| Alert name | On metric | Description |
-| [ zfs_memory_throttle ]( | zfs.memory_ops | number of times ZFS had to limit the ARC growth in the last 10 minutes |
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-No action required.
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `netdata.conf`.
-Configuration for this specific integration is located in the `[plugin:freebsd:zfs_arcstats]` section within that file.
-The file format is a modified INI syntax. The general structure is:
- option1 = some value
- option2 = some other value
- option3 = some third value
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config netdata.conf
-#### Options
-<details><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| show zero charts | Do not show charts with zero metrics. | no | no |
-#### Examples
-There are no configuration examples.