path: root/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1226 deletions
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/.gitignore b/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 981fe8fb6..000000000
--- a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# ignore UCD files
-# ignore generated files
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/Makefile b/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cca6e732c..000000000
--- a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/Blocks.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/DerivedAge.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/DerivedCoreProperties.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/PropertyAliases.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/PropertyValueAliases.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/PropList.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/Scripts.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/UnicodeData.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/emoji-data.txt
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/CaseFolding.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/UnicodeData.txt \
- $(UNICODE_VERSION)/SpecialCasing.txt
-update: update-unicode-header update-jis-header update-doc
-update-unicode-header: casefold.h name2ctype.h
- cp casefold.h name2ctype.h ../enc/unicode
-update-jis-header: ../enc/jis/props.kwd
- cd .. && ./tool/ enc/jis/props.kwd enc/jis/props.h && cd -
-update-doc: $(PROP_FILES)
- $(PYTHON) ./ $(UNICODE_VERSION) > ../doc/UnicodeProps.txt
-casefold.h: $(CASEFOLD_FILES) case-folding.rb
- $(RUBY) ./case-folding.rb -m $(UNICODE_VERSION) -o casefold.h
-name2ctype.h: $(PROP_FILES) enc-unicode.rb
- $(RUBY) ./enc-unicode.rb --header $(UNICODE_VERSION) > name2ctype.h || rm -f name2ctype.h
- -rm -f casefold.h name2ctype.kwd name2ctype.h
- -rm -f GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
- -rmdir $(UNICODE_VERSION)/auxiliary
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/case-folding.rb b/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/case-folding.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index c299074f0..000000000
--- a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/case-folding.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-require 'stringio'
-# Usage (for case folding only):
-# $ wget
-# $ ruby case-folding.rb CaseFolding.txt -o casefold.h
-# or (for case folding and case mapping):
-# $ wget
-# $ wget
-# $ wget
-# $ ruby case-folding.rb -m . -o casefold.h
-# using -d or --debug will include UTF-8 characters in comments for debugging
-class CaseFolding
- module Util
- module_function
- def hex_seq(v)
- { |i| "0x%04x" % i }.join(", ")
- end
- def print_table_1(dest, type, mapping_data, data)
- for k, v in data = data.sort
- sk = (Array === k and k.length > 1) ? "{#{hex_seq(k)}}" : ("0x%04x" % k)
- if type=='CaseUnfold_11' and v.length>1
- # reorder CaseUnfold_11 entries to avoid special treatment for U+03B9/U+03BC/U+A64B
- item ="%04X" % k[0])
- upper = item.upper if item
- v = v.sort_by { |i| ("%04X"%i) == upper ? 0 : 1 }
- end
- ck = @debug ? ' /* ' + Array(k).pack("U*") + ' */' : ''
- cv = @debug ? ' /* ' + Array(v).map{|c|[c].pack("U*")}.join(", ") + ' */' : ''
- dest.print(" {#{sk}#{ck}, {#{v.length}#{mapping_data.flags(k, type, v)}, {#{hex_seq(v)}#{cv}}}},\n")
- end
- data
- end
- def print_table(dest, type, mapping_data, data)
- dest.print("static const #{type}_Type #{type}_Table[] = {\n")
- i = 0
- ret = data.inject([]) do |a, (n, d)|
- dest.print("#define #{n} (*(#{type}_Type (*)[#{d.size}])(#{type}_Table+#{i}))\n")
- i += d.size
- a.concat(print_table_1(dest, type, mapping_data, d))
- end
- dest.print("};\n\n")
- ret
- end
- end
- include Util
- attr_reader :fold, :fold_locale, :unfold, :unfold_locale, :version
- def load(filename)
- pattern = /([0-9A-F]{4,6}); ([CFT]); ([0-9A-F]{4,6})(?: ([0-9A-F]{4,6}))?(?: ([0-9A-F]{4,6}))?;/
- @fold = fold = {}
- @unfold = unfold = [{}, {}, {}]
- @debug = false
- @version = nil
- turkic = []
- IO.foreach(filename, mode: "rb") do |line|
- @version ||= line[/-([0-9.]+).txt/, 1]
- next unless res = pattern.match(line)
- ch_from = res[1].to_i(16)
- if res[2] == 'T'
- # Turkic case folding
- turkic << ch_from
- next
- end
- # store folding data
- ch_to = res[3..6].inject([]) do |a, i|
- break a unless i
- a << i.to_i(16)
- end
- fold[ch_from] = ch_to
- # store unfolding data
- i = ch_to.length - 1
- (unfold[i][ch_to] ||= []) << ch_from
- end
- # move locale dependent data to (un)fold_locale
- @fold_locale = fold_locale = {}
- @unfold_locale = unfold_locale = [{}, {}]
- for ch_from in turkic
- key = fold[ch_from]
- i = key.length - 1
- unfold_locale[i][i == 0 ? key[0] : key] = unfold[i].delete(key)
- fold_locale[ch_from] = fold.delete(ch_from)
- end
- self
- end
- def range_check(code)
- "#{code} <= MAX_CODE_VALUE && #{code} >= MIN_CODE_VALUE"
- end
- def lookup_hash(key, type, data)
- hash = "onigenc_unicode_#{key}_hash"
- lookup = "onigenc_unicode_#{key}_lookup"
- arity = Array(data[0][0]).size
- gperf = %W"gperf -7 -k#{[*1..(arity*3)].join(',')} -F,-1 -c -j1 -i1 -t -T -E -C -H #{hash} -N #{lookup} -n"
- argname = arity > 1 ? "codes" : "code"
- argdecl = "const OnigCodePoint #{arity > 1 ? "*": ""}#{argname}"
- n = 7
- m = (1 << n) - 1
- min, max = {|c, *|c}.flatten.minmax
- src = IO.popen(gperf, "r+") {|f|
- f << "short\n%%\n"
- data.each_with_index {|(k, _), i|
- k = Array(k)
- ks = {|j| [(j >> n*2) & m, (j >> n) & m, (j) & m]} {|c| "\\x%.2x" % c}.join("")
- f.printf "\"%s\", ::::/*%s*/ %d\n", ks, {|c| "0x%.4x" % c}.join(","), i
- }
- f << "%%\n"
- f.close_write
- }
- src.sub!(/^(#{hash})\s*\(.*?\).*?\n\{\n(.*)^\}/m) {
- name = $1
- body = $2
- body.gsub!(/\(unsigned char\)str\[(\d+)\]/, "bits_#{arity > 1 ? 'at' : 'of'}(#{argname}, \\1)")
- "#{name}(#{argdecl})\n{\n#{body}}"
- }
- src.sub!(/const short *\*\n^(#{lookup})\s*\(.*?\).*?\n\{\n(.*)^\}/m) {
- name = $1
- body = $2
- body.sub!(/\benum\s+\{(\n[ \t]+)/, "\\&MIN_CODE_VALUE = 0x#{min.to_s(16)},\\1""MAX_CODE_VALUE = 0x#{max.to_s(16)},\\1")
- body.gsub!(/(#{hash})\s*\(.*?\)/, "\\1(#{argname})")
- body.gsub!(/\{"",-1}/, "-1")
- body.gsub!(/\{"(?:[^"]|\\")+", *::::(.*)\}/, '\1')
- body.sub!(/(\s+if\s)\(len\b.*\)/) do
- "#$1(" <<
- (arity > 1 ? (0...arity).map {|i| range_check("#{argname}[#{i}]")}.join(" &&\n ") : range_check(argname)) <<
- ")"
- end
- v = nil
- body.sub!(/(if\s*\(.*MAX_HASH_VALUE.*\)\n([ \t]*))\{(.*?)\n\2\}/m) {
- pre = $1
- indent = $2
- s = $3
- s.sub!(/const char *\* *(\w+)( *= *wordlist\[\w+\]).\w+/, 'short \1 = wordlist[key]')
- v = $1
- s.sub!(/\bif *\(.*\)/, "if (#{v} >= 0 && code#{arity}_equal(#{argname}, #{key}_Table[#{v}].from))")
- "#{pre}{#{s}\n#{indent}}"
- }
- body.sub!(/\b(return\s+&)([^;]+);/, '\1'"#{key}_Table[#{v}].to;")
- "static const #{type} *\n#{name}(#{argdecl})\n{\n#{body}}"
- }
- src
- end
- def display(dest, mapping_data)
- # print the header
- dest.print("/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. */\n")
- dest.print("/* Generated by tool/case-folding.rb */\n\n")
- versions = version.scan(/\d+/)
- dest.print("#if defined ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_STRING && !( \\\n")
- %w[MAJOR MINOR TEENY].zip(versions) do |n, v|
- dest.print(" ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_#{n} == #{v} && \\\n")
- end
- dest.print(" 1)\n")
- dest.print("# error ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_STRING mismatch\n")
- dest.print("#endif\n")
- dest.print("#define ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_STRING #{version.dump}\n")
- %w[MAJOR MINOR TEENY].zip(versions) do |n, v|
- dest.print("#define ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_#{n} #{v}\n")
- end
- dest.print("\n")
- # print folding data
- # CaseFold + CaseFold_Locale
- name = "CaseFold_11"
- data = print_table(dest, name, mapping_data, "CaseFold"=>fold, "CaseFold_Locale"=>fold_locale)
- dest.print lookup_hash(name, "CodePointList3", data)
- # print unfolding data
- # CaseUnfold_11 + CaseUnfold_11_Locale
- name = "CaseUnfold_11"
- data = print_table(dest, name, mapping_data, name=>unfold[0], "#{name}_Locale"=>unfold_locale[0])
- dest.print lookup_hash(name, "CodePointList3", data)
- # CaseUnfold_12 + CaseUnfold_12_Locale
- name = "CaseUnfold_12"
- data = print_table(dest, name, mapping_data, name=>unfold[1], "#{name}_Locale"=>unfold_locale[1])
- dest.print lookup_hash(name, "CodePointList2", data)
- # CaseUnfold_13
- name = "CaseUnfold_13"
- data = print_table(dest, name, mapping_data, name=>unfold[2])
- dest.print lookup_hash(name, "CodePointList2", data)
- # TitleCase
- dest.print mapping_data.specials_output
- end
- def debug!
- @debug = true
- end
- def self.load(*args)
- new.load(*args)
- end
-class MapItem
- attr_accessor :upper, :lower, :title, :code
- def initialize(code, upper, lower, title)
- @code = code
- @upper = upper unless upper == ''
- @lower = lower unless lower == ''
- @title = title unless title == ''
- end
-class CaseMapping
- attr_reader :filename, :version
- def initialize(mapping_directory)
- @mappings = {}
- @specials = []
- @specials_length = 0
- @version = nil
- IO.foreach(File.join(mapping_directory, 'UnicodeData.txt'), mode: "rb") do |line|
- next if line =~ /^</
- code, __1,__2,__3,__4,__5,__6,__7,__8,__9,__10,__11, upper, lower, title = line.chomp.split ';'
- unless upper and lower and title and (upper+lower+title)==''
- @mappings[code] =, upper, lower, title)
- end
- end
- @filename = File.join(mapping_directory, 'SpecialCasing.txt')
- IO.foreach(@filename, mode: "rb") do |line|
- @version ||= line[/-([0-9.]+).txt/, 1]
- line.chomp!
- line, comment = line.split(/ *#/)
- next if not line or line == ''
- code, lower, title, upper, conditions = line.split(/ *; */)
- unless conditions
- item = @mappings[code]
- item.lower = lower
- item.title = title
- item.upper = upper
- end
- end
- end
- def map (from)
- @mappings[from]
- end
- def flags(from, type, to)
- # types: CaseFold_11, CaseUnfold_11, CaseUnfold_12, CaseUnfold_13
- flags = ""
- from = Array(from).map {|i| "%04X" % i}.join(" ")
- to = Array(to).map {|i| "%04X" % i}.join(" ")
- item = map(from)
- specials = []
- case type
- when 'CaseFold_11'
- flags += '|F'
- if item
- flags += '|U' if to==item.upper
- flags += '|D' if to==item.lower
- unless item.upper == item.title
- if item.code == item.title
- flags += '|IT'
- swap = case item.code
- when '01C5' then '0064 017D'
- when '01C8' then '006C 004A'
- when '01CB' then '006E 004A'
- when '01F2' then '0064 005A'
- else # Greek
- to.split(' ').first + ' 0399'
- end
- specials << swap
- else
- flags += '|ST'
- specials << item.title
- end
- end
- unless item.lower.nil? or item.lower==from or item.lower==to
- specials << item.lower
- flags += '|SL'
- end
- unless item.upper.nil? or item.upper==from or item.upper==to
- specials << item.upper
- flags += '|SU'
- end
- end
- when 'CaseUnfold_11'
- to = to.split(/ /)
- if item
- case to.first
- when item.upper then flags += '|U'
- when item.lower then flags += '|D'
- else
- raise "Unpredicted case 0 in enc/unicode/case_folding.rb. Please contact"
- end
- unless item.upper == item.title
- if item.code == item.title
- flags += '|IT' # was unpredicted case 1
- elsif item.title==to[1]
- flags += '|ST'
- else
- raise "Unpredicted case 2 in enc/unicode/case_folding.rb. Please contact"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- unless specials.empty?
- flags += "|I(#{@specials_length})"
- @specials_length += { |s| s.split(/ /).length }.reduce(:+)
- @specials << specials
- end
- flags
- end
- def debug!
- @debug = true
- end
- def specials_output
- "static const OnigCodePoint CaseMappingSpecials[] = {\n" +
- do |sps|
- ' ' + do |sp|
- chars = sp.split(/ /)
- ct = ' /* ' + Array(chars).map{|c|[c.to_i(16)].pack("U*")}.join(", ") + ' */' if @debug
- " L(#{chars.length})|#{ {|c| "0x"+c }.join(', ')}#{ct},"
- end.join + "\n"
- end.join + "};\n"
- end
- def self.load(*args)
- new(*args)
- end
-class CaseMappingDummy
- def flags(from, type, to)
- ""
- end
- def titlecase_output() '' end
- def debug!() end
-if $0 == __FILE__
- require 'optparse'
- dest = nil
- mapping_directory = nil
- mapping_data = nil
- debug = false
- fold_1 = false
- ARGV.options do |opt|
- opt.banner << " [INPUT]"
- opt.on("--output-file=FILE", "-o", "output to the FILE instead of STDOUT") {|output|
- dest = (output unless output == '-')
- }
- opt.on('--mapping-data-directory=DIRECTORY', '-m', 'data DIRECTORY of mapping files') { |directory|
- mapping_directory = directory
- }
- opt.on('--debug', '-d') {
- debug = true
- }
- opt.parse!
- abort(opt.to_s) if ARGV.size > 1
- end
- if mapping_directory
- if ARGV[0]
- warn "Either specify directory or individual file, but not both."
- exit
- end
- filename = File.join(mapping_directory, 'CaseFolding.txt')
- mapping_data = CaseMapping.load(mapping_directory)
- end
- filename ||= ARGV[0] || 'CaseFolding.txt'
- data = CaseFolding.load(filename)
- if mapping_data and data.version != mapping_data.version
- abort "Unicode data version mismatch\n" \
- " #{filename} = #{data.version}\n" \
- " #{mapping_data.filename} = #{mapping_data.version}"
- end
- mapping_data ||=
- if debug
- data.debug!
- mapping_data.debug!
- end
- f =
- begin
- data.display(f, mapping_data)
- rescue Errno::ENOENT => e
- raise unless /gperf/ =~ e.message
- warn e.message
- abort unless dest
- File.utime(nil, nil, dest) # assume existing file is OK
- exit
- else
- s = f.string
- end
- if dest
- open(dest, "wb") do |file|
- file.print(s)
- end
- else
- STDOUT.print(s)
- end
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/ b/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/
deleted file mode 100755
index 476a5a532..000000000
--- a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Convert props.kwd to props.h using GNU gperf.
-# Usage:
-# ./tool/ enc/jis/props.kwd enc/jis/props.h
-GPERF_VERSION=`gperf -v | head -n1 | sed -e 's/^GNU gperf \([0-9]\+\)\.\([0-9]\+.*\)$/\1 \2/' | xargs printf '%02d%02d'`
-if [ $GPERF_VERSION -ge '0301' ]; then
- # static const struct enc_property *onig_jis_property(const char *str, unsigned int len);
- GPERF_REPLACE='s/\(onig_jis_property([^,]\+, \).\+\( len)\)/\1size_t\2/'
-JIS_PROPS_OPTIONS='-k1,3 -7 -c -j1 -i1 -t -C -P -t --ignore-case -H onig_jis_property_hash -Q onig_jis_property_pool -N onig_jis_property'
-gperf $JIS_PROPS_OPTIONS $1 | sed "$GPERF_REPLACE" | \
- sed 's/(int)(\(long\|size_t\))&((\([a-zA-Z_0-9 ]*[a-zA-Z_0-9]\) *\*)0)->\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\),/(char)offsetof(\2, \3),/g' > $2
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/ b/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/
deleted file mode 100755
index b6b46581f..000000000
--- a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-files='Blocks.txt CaseFolding.txt DerivedAge.txt DerivedCoreProperties.txt PropertyAliases.txt PropertyValueAliases.txt PropList.txt Scripts.txt SpecialCasing.txt UnicodeData.txt auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt'
-if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then
- exit 1
-# remove old files
-if [ -d $UNICODE_VERSION ]; then
- rm -f $files $emoji_files
- rm -f GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
- cd -
-mkdir -p $UNICODE_VERSION/auxiliary
-for i in $files; do
- echo${UNICODE_VERSION}/ucd/$i
-done | xargs wget
-mv GraphemeBreakProperty.txt auxiliary
-for i in $emoji_files; do
- echo${EMOJI_VERSION}/ucd/emoji/$i
-done | xargs wget
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/enc-unicode.rb b/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/enc-unicode.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 84f494e8d..000000000
--- a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/enc-unicode.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Creates the data structures needed by Oniguruma to map Unicode codepoints to
-# property names and POSIX character classes
-# To use this, get UnicodeData.txt, Scripts.txt, PropList.txt,
-# PropertyAliases.txt, PropertyValueAliases.txt, DerivedCoreProperties.txt,
-# DerivedAge.txt and Blocks.txt from
-# ( And run following command.
-# ruby1.9 tool/enc-unicode.rb data_dir > enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd
-# You can get source file for gperf. After this, simply make ruby.
-if ARGV[0] == "--header"
- header = true
- ARGV.shift
-unless ARGV.size == 1
- abort "Usage: #{$0} data_directory"
-$unicode_version = File.basename(ARGV[0])[/\A[.\d]+\z/]
-POSIX_NAMES = %w[NEWLINE Alpha Blank Cntrl Digit Graph Lower Print XPosixPunct Space Upper XDigit Word Alnum ASCII Punct]
-GPERF_VERSION = `gperf -v`.split("\n").first # /^GNU gperf (.+)$/
- .split.last
-def pair_codepoints(codepoints)
- # We have a sorted Array of codepoints that we wish to partition into
- # ranges such that the start- and endpoints form an inclusive set of
- # codepoints with property _property_. Note: It is intended that some ranges
- # will begin with the value with which they end, e.g. 0x0020 -> 0x0020
- codepoints.sort!
- last_cp = codepoints.first
- pairs = [[last_cp, nil]]
- codepoints[1..-1].each do |codepoint|
- next if last_cp == codepoint
- # If the current codepoint does not follow directly on from the last
- # codepoint, the last codepoint represents the end of the current range,
- # and the current codepoint represents the start of the next range.
- if != codepoint
- pairs[-1][-1] = last_cp
- pairs << [codepoint, nil]
- end
- last_cp = codepoint
- end
- # The final pair has as its endpoint the last codepoint for this property
- pairs[-1][-1] = codepoints.last
- pairs
-def parse_unicode_data(file)
- last_cp = 0
- data = {'Any' => (0x0000..0x10ffff).to_a, 'Assigned' => [],
- 'ASCII' => (0..0x007F).to_a, 'NEWLINE' => [0x0a], 'Cn' => []}
- beg_cp = nil
- IO.foreach(file) do |line|
- fields = line.split(';')
- cp = fields[0].to_i(16)
- case fields[1]
- when /\A<(.*),\s*First>\z/
- beg_cp = cp
- next
- when /\A<(.*),\s*Last>\z/
- cps = (beg_cp..cp).to_a
- else
- beg_cp = cp
- cps = [cp]
- end
- # The Cn category represents unassigned characters. These are not listed in
- # UnicodeData.txt so we must derive them by looking for 'holes' in the range
- # of listed codepoints. We increment the last codepoint seen and compare it
- # with the current codepoint. If the current codepoint is less than
- # we have found a hole, so we add the missing codepoint to the
- # Cn category.
- data['Cn'].concat((
- # Assigned - Defined in unicode.c; interpreted as every character in the
- # Unicode range minus the unassigned characters
- data['Assigned'].concat(cps)
- # The third field denotes the 'General' category, e.g. Lu
- (data[fields[2]] ||= []).concat(cps)
- # The 'Major' category is the first letter of the 'General' category, e.g.
- # 'Lu' -> 'L'
- (data[fields[2][0,1]] ||= []).concat(cps)
- last_cp = cp
- end
- # The last Cn codepoint should be 0x10ffff. If it's not, append the missing
- # codepoints to Cn and C
- cn_remainder = (
- data['Cn'] += cn_remainder
- data['C'] += data['Cn']
- # Special case for LC (Cased_Letter). LC = Ll + Lt + Lu
- data['LC'] = data['Ll'] + data['Lt'] + data['Lu']
- # Define General Category properties
- gcps = data.keys.sort - POSIX_NAMES
- # Returns General Category Property names and the data
- [gcps, data]
-def define_posix_props(data)
- # We now derive the character classes (POSIX brackets), e.g. [[:alpha:]]
- #
- data['Alpha'] = data['Alphabetic']
- data['Upper'] = data['Uppercase']
- data['Lower'] = data['Lowercase']
- data['Punct'] = data['Punctuation']
- data['XPosixPunct'] = data['Punctuation'] + [0x24, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x7c, 0x7e]
- data['Digit'] = data['Decimal_Number']
- data['XDigit'] = (0x0030..0x0039).to_a + (0x0041..0x0046).to_a +
- (0x0061..0x0066).to_a
- data['Alnum'] = data['Alpha'] + data['Digit']
- data['Space'] = data['White_Space']
- data['Blank'] = data['Space_Separator'] + [0x0009]
- data['Cntrl'] = data['Cc']
- data['Word'] = data['Alpha'] + data['Mark'] + data['Digit'] + data['Connector_Punctuation']
- data['Graph'] = data['Any'] - data['Space'] - data['Cntrl'] -
- data['Surrogate'] - data['Unassigned']
- data['Print'] = data['Graph'] + data['Space_Separator']
-def parse_scripts(data, categories)
- files = [
- {:fn => 'DerivedCoreProperties.txt', :title => 'Derived Property'},
- {:fn => 'Scripts.txt', :title => 'Script'},
- {:fn => 'PropList.txt', :title => 'Binary Property'},
- {:fn => 'emoji-data.txt', :title => 'Emoji'}
- ]
- current = nil
- cps = []
- names = {}
- files.each do |file|
- data_foreach(file[:fn]) do |line|
- if /^# Total (?:code points|elements): / =~ line
- data[current] = cps
- categories[current] = file[:title]
- (names[file[:title]] ||= []) << current
- cps = []
- elsif /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+))?\s*;\s*(\w+)/ =~ line
- current = $3
- $2 ? cps.concat(($1.to_i(16)..$2.to_i(16)).to_a) : cps.push($1.to_i(16))
- end
- end
- end
- # All code points not explicitly listed for Script
- # have the value Unknown (Zzzz).
- data['Unknown'] = (0..0x10ffff).to_a - data.values_at(*names['Script']).flatten
- categories['Unknown'] = 'Script'
- names.values.flatten << 'Unknown'
-def parse_aliases(data)
- kv = {}
- data_foreach('PropertyAliases.txt') do |line|
- next unless /^(\w+)\s*; (\w+)/ =~ line
- data[$1] = data[$2]
- kv[normalize_propname($1)] = normalize_propname($2)
- end
- data_foreach('PropertyValueAliases.txt') do |line|
- next unless /^(sc|gc)\s*; (\w+)\s*; (\w+)(?:\s*; (\w+))?/ =~ line
- if $1 == 'gc'
- data[$3] = data[$2]
- data[$4] = data[$2]
- kv[normalize_propname($3)] = normalize_propname($2)
- kv[normalize_propname($4)] = normalize_propname($2) if $4
- else
- data[$2] = data[$3]
- data[$4] = data[$3]
- kv[normalize_propname($2)] = normalize_propname($3)
- kv[normalize_propname($4)] = normalize_propname($3) if $4
- end
- end
- kv
-# According to Unicode6.0.0/ch03.pdf, Section 3.1, "An update version
-# never involves any additions to the character repertoire." Versions
-# in DerivedAge.txt should always be /\d+\.\d+/
-def parse_age(data)
- current = nil
- last_constname = nil
- cps = []
- ages = []
- data_foreach('DerivedAge.txt') do |line|
- if /^# Total code points: / =~ line
- constname = constantize_agename(current)
- # each version matches all previous versions
- cps.concat(data[last_constname]) if last_constname
- data[constname] = cps
- make_const(constname, cps, "Derived Age #{current}")
- ages << current
- last_constname = constname
- cps = []
- elsif /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+))?\s*;\s*(\d+\.\d+)/ =~ line
- current = $3
- $2 ? cps.concat(($1.to_i(16)..$2.to_i(16)).to_a) : cps.push($1.to_i(16))
- end
- end
- ages
-def parse_GraphemeBreakProperty(data)
- current = nil
- cps = []
- ages = []
- data_foreach('auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt') do |line|
- if /^# Total code points: / =~ line
- constname = constantize_Grapheme_Cluster_Break(current)
- data[constname] = cps
- make_const(constname, cps, "Grapheme_Cluster_Break=#{current}")
- ages << current
- cps = []
- elsif /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+))?\s*;\s*(\w+)/ =~ line
- current = $3
- $2 ? cps.concat(($1.to_i(16)..$2.to_i(16)).to_a) : cps.push($1.to_i(16))
- end
- end
- ages
-def parse_block(data)
- cps = []
- blocks = []
- data_foreach('Blocks.txt') do |line|
- if /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+);\s*(.*)/ =~ line
- cps = ($1.to_i(16)..$2.to_i(16)).to_a
- constname = constantize_blockname($3)
- data[constname] = cps
- make_const(constname, cps, "Block")
- blocks << constname
- end
- end
- # All code points not belonging to any of the named blocks
- # have the value No_Block.
- no_block = (0..0x10ffff).to_a - data.values_at(*blocks).flatten
- constname = constantize_blockname("No_Block")
- make_const(constname, no_block, "Block")
- blocks << constname
-# shim for Ruby 1.8
-unless {}.respond_to?(:key)
- class Hash
- alias key index
- end
-$const_cache = {}
-# make_const(property, pairs, name): Prints a 'static const' structure for a
-# given property, group of paired codepoints, and a human-friendly name for
-# the group
-def make_const(prop, data, name)
- if name.empty?
- puts "\n/* '#{prop}' */"
- else
- puts "\n/* '#{prop}': #{name} */"
- end
- if origprop = $const_cache.key(data)
- puts "#define CR_#{prop} CR_#{origprop}"
- else
- $const_cache[prop] = data
- pairs = pair_codepoints(data)
- puts "static const OnigCodePoint CR_#{prop}[] = {"
- # The first element of the constant is the number of pairs of codepoints
- puts "\t#{pairs.size},"
- pairs.each do |pair|
-! { |c| c == 0 ? '0x0000' : sprintf("%0#6x", c) }
- puts "\t#{pair.first}, #{pair.last},"
- end
- puts "}; /* CR_#{prop} */"
- end
-def normalize_propname(name)
- name = name.downcase
- name.delete!('- _')
- name
-def constantize_agename(name)
- "Age_#{name.sub(/\./, '_')}"
-def constantize_Grapheme_Cluster_Break(name)
- "Grapheme_Cluster_Break_#{name}"
-def constantize_blockname(name)
- "In_#{name.gsub(/\W/, '_')}"
-def get_file(name)
- File.join(ARGV[0], name)
-def data_foreach(name, &block)
- fn = get_file(name)
- warn "Reading #{name}"
- pat = /^# #{File.basename(name).sub(/\./, '-([\\d.]+)\\.')}/
-, 'rb') do |f|
- line = f.gets
- unless /^emoji-/ =~ name
- unless pat =~ line
- raise ArgumentError, "#{name}: no Unicode version"
- end
- if !$unicode_version
- $unicode_version = $1
- elsif $unicode_version != $1
- raise ArgumentError, "#{name}: Unicode version mismatch: #$1"
- end
- end
- f.each(&block)
- end
-# Write Data
-class Unifdef
- attr_accessor :output, :top, :stack, :stdout, :kwdonly
- def initialize(out)
- @top = @output = []
- @stack = []
- $stdout, @stdout = self, out
- end
- def restore
- $stdout = @stdout
- end
- def ifdef(sym)
- if @kwdonly
- @stdout.puts "#ifdef #{sym}"
- else
- @stack << @top
- @top << tmp = [sym]
- @top = tmp
- end
- if block_given?
- begin
- return yield
- ensure
- endif(sym)
- end
- end
- end
- def endif(sym)
- if @kwdonly
- @stdout.puts "#endif /* #{sym} */"
- else
- unless sym == @top[0]
- restore
- raise ArgumentError, "#{sym} unmatch to #{@top[0]}"
- end
- @top = @stack.pop
- end
- end
- def show(dest, *syms)
- _show(dest, @output, syms)
- end
- def _show(dest, ary, syms)
- if Symbol === (sym = ary[0])
- unless syms.include?(sym)
- return
- end
- end
- ary.each do |e|
- case e
- when Array
- _show(dest, e, syms)
- when String
- dest.print e
- end
- end
- end
- def write(str)
- if @kwdonly
- @stdout.write(str)
- else
- @top << str
- end
- self
- end
- alias << write
-output =$stdout)
-output.kwdonly = !header
-puts '%{'
-props, data = parse_unicode_data(get_file('UnicodeData.txt'))
-categories = {}
-props.concat parse_scripts(data, categories)
-aliases = parse_aliases(data)
-ages = blocks = graphemeBreaks = nil
-POSIX_NAMES.each do |name|
- if name == 'XPosixPunct'
- make_const(name, data[name], "[[:Punct:]]")
- elsif name == 'Punct'
- make_const(name, data[name], "")
- else
- make_const(name, data[name], "[[:#{name}:]]")
- end
-output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES do
- props.each do |name|
- category = categories[name] ||
- case name.size
- when 1 then 'Major Category'
- when 2 then 'General Category'
- else '-'
- end
- make_const(name, data[name], category)
- end
- ages = parse_age(data)
- end
- graphemeBreaks = parse_GraphemeBreakProperty(data)
- blocks = parse_block(data)
-static const OnigCodePoint* const CodeRanges[] = {
-POSIX_NAMES.each{|name|puts" CR_#{name},"}
-output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES do
- props.each{|name| puts" CR_#{name},"}
- ages.each{|name| puts" CR_#{constantize_agename(name)},"}
- end
- graphemeBreaks.each{|name| puts" CR_#{constantize_Grapheme_Cluster_Break(name)},"}
- blocks.each{|name|puts" CR_#{name},"}
-struct uniname2ctype_struct {
- short name;
- unsigned short ctype;
-#define uniname2ctype_offset(str) offsetof(struct uniname2ctype_pool_t, uniname2ctype_pool_##str)
-static const struct uniname2ctype_struct *uniname2ctype_p(const char *, #{ GPERF_VERSION >= '3.1' ? 'size_t' : 'unsigned int' });
-struct uniname2ctype_struct;
-i = -1
-name_to_index = {}
-POSIX_NAMES.each do |name|
- i += 1
- next if name == 'NEWLINE'
- name = normalize_propname(name)
- name_to_index[name] = i
- puts"%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i]
-output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES do
- props.each do |name|
- i += 1
- name = normalize_propname(name)
- name_to_index[name] = i
- puts "%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i]
- end
- aliases.each_pair do |k, v|
- next if name_to_index[k]
- next unless v = name_to_index[v]
- puts "%-40s %3d" % [k + ',', v]
- end
- ages.each do |name|
- i += 1
- name = "age=#{name}"
- name_to_index[name] = i
- puts "%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i]
- end
- end
- graphemeBreaks.each do |name|
- i += 1
- name = "graphemeclusterbreak=#{name.delete('_').downcase}"
- name_to_index[name] = i
- puts "%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i]
- end
- blocks.each do |name|
- i += 1
- name = normalize_propname(name)
- name_to_index[name] = i
- puts "%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i]
- end
-static int
-uniname2ctype(const UChar *name, unsigned int len)
- const struct uniname2ctype_struct *p = uniname2ctype_p((const char *)name, len);
- if (p) return p->ctype;
- return -1;
-versions = $unicode_version.scan(/\d+/)
-print("#if defined ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_STRING && !( \\\n")
-%w[MAJOR MINOR TEENY].zip(versions) do |n, v|
- print(" ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_#{n} == #{v} && \\\n")
-print(" 1)\n")
-print("# error ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_STRING mismatch\n")
-print("#define ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_STRING #{$unicode_version.dump}\n")
-%w[MAJOR MINOR TEENY].zip(versions) do |n, v|
- print("#define ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_#{n} #{v}\n")
-if header
- require 'tempfile'
- NAME2CTYPE = %w[gperf -7 -c -j1 -i1 -t -C -P -T -H uniname2ctype_hash -Q uniname2ctype_pool -N uniname2ctype_p]
- fds = []
- begin
- fds << (tmp ="name2ctype .h"))
- IO.popen([*NAME2CTYPE, out: tmp], "w") {|f|, *syms)}
- end while syms.pop
- fds.each(&:close)
- IO.popen(%W[diff -DUSE_UNICODE_AGE_PROPERTIES #{fds[1].path} #{fds[0].path}], "r") {|age|
- IO.popen(%W[diff -DUSE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES #{fds[2].path} -], "r", in: age) {|f|
- f.each {|line|
- line.gsub!(/\(int\)\((?:long|size_t)\)&\(\(struct uniname2ctype_pool_t \*\)0\)->uniname2ctype_pool_(str\d+),\s+/,
- 'uniname2ctype_offset(\1), ')
- puts line
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/ b/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4126adff4..000000000
--- a/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/tool/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Usage:
-# $ python UCD_DIR > ../doc/UnicodeProps.txt
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import datetime
-onig_ver = "6.2.2"
-ucddir = "."
-def print_list(arr, title):
- print()
- print("*", title)
- for i in arr:
- print(" " + i)
-def output_header():
- d =
- print("Onigmo (Oniguruma-mod) Unicode Properties Version %s %04d/%02d/%02d"
- % (onig_ver, d.year, d.month,
- posix_brackets = [
- "Alpha", "Blank", "Cntrl", "Digit", "Graph", "Lower", "Print",
- "Punct", "Space", "Upper", "XDigit", "Word", "Alnum", "ASCII",
- "XPosixPunct"
- ]
- specials = ["Any", "Assigned"]
- print_list(posix_brackets, "POSIX brackets")
- print_list(specials, "Special")
- return set(posix_brackets) | set(specials)
-def output_categories():
- categories = set(["LC", "Cn"])
- pattern = re.compile('^.*?;.*?;(..);')
- with open(ucddir + os.sep + 'UnicodeData.txt', 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- res = pattern.match(line)
- if not res:
- continue
- categories.add(
- categories.add([0]) # Major category
- print_list(sorted(categories), "Major and General Categories")
- return categories
-def output_scripts(filename, title, add=[]):
- scripts = set(add)
- pattern = re.compile('^[0-9a-fA-F]+(?:\.\.[0-9a-fA-F]+)? *; (\w+) +# ')
- with open(filename, 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- res = pattern.match(line)
- if not res:
- continue
- scripts.add(
- print_list(sorted(scripts), title)
- return scripts
-def output_aliases(scripts):
- aliases = set()
- pattern = re.compile('^(\w+) *; (\w+)')
- with open(ucddir + os.sep + 'PropertyAliases.txt', 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- res = pattern.match(line)
- if not res:
- continue
- if ( in scripts) and ( not in scripts):
- aliases.add(
- print_list(sorted(aliases), "PropertyAliases")
- return aliases
-def output_valuealiases(scripts):
- scripts |= set(["cntrl", "digit", "punct"]) # exclude them
- aliases = list()
- aliases_sc = list()
- pattern = re.compile('^(gc|sc) ; (\w+) *; (\w+)(?: *; (\w+))?')
- with open(ucddir + os.sep + 'PropertyValueAliases.txt', 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- res = pattern.match(line)
- if not res:
- continue
- if ( == "gc"):
- if in scripts:
- if not in scripts:
- aliases.append(
- if and ( not in scripts):
- aliases.append(
- else:
- if in scripts:
- if not in scripts:
- aliases_sc.append(
- if and ( not in scripts):
- aliases_sc.append(
- print_list(aliases, "PropertyValueAliases (General_Category)")
- print_list(aliases_sc, "PropertyValueAliases (Script)")
- return set(aliases) | set(aliases_sc)
-def output_ages():
- ages = set()
- pattern = re.compile('^[\dA-F.]+ *; ([\d.]+)')
- with open(ucddir + os.sep + 'DerivedAge.txt', 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- res = pattern.match(line)
- if not res:
- continue
- ages.add("Age=" +
- print_list(sorted(ages), "DerivedAges")
- return ages
-def output_blocks():
- blocks = list()
- pattern = re.compile('^[\dA-F.]+ *; ([-\w ]+)')
- with open(ucddir + os.sep + 'Blocks.txt', 'r') as f:
- for line in f:
- res = pattern.match(line)
- if not res:
- continue
- blocks.append("In_" + re.sub('\W', '_',
- blocks.append("In_No_Block")
- print_list(blocks, "Blocks")
- return set(blocks)
-def main():
- global ucddir
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- ucddir = sys.argv[1]
- scripts = set()
- scripts |= output_header()
- scripts |= output_categories()
- scripts |= output_scripts(ucddir + os.sep + 'Scripts.txt', 'Scripts', ["Unknown"])
- scripts |= output_scripts(ucddir + os.sep + 'DerivedCoreProperties.txt', 'DerivedCoreProperties')
- scripts |= output_scripts(ucddir + os.sep + 'PropList.txt', 'PropList')
- scripts |= output_scripts(ucddir + os.sep + 'emoji-data.txt', 'Emoji')
- output_aliases(scripts)
- output_valuealiases(scripts)
- output_ages()
- output_blocks()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()