path: root/libnetdata/libjudy/src/JudyHS
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 771 deletions
diff --git a/libnetdata/libjudy/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.c b/libnetdata/libjudy/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 21191babc..000000000
--- a/libnetdata/libjudy/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,771 +0,0 @@
-// @(#) $Revision: 4.1 $ $Source: /judy/src/JudyHS/JudyHS.c
-// Author Douglas L. Baskins, Dec 2003.
-// Permission to use this code is freely granted, provided that this
-// statement is retained.
-// email - -or-
-#include <string.h> // for memcmp(), memcpy()
-#include <Judy.h> // for JudyL* routines/macros
- This routine is a very fast "string" version of an ADT that stores
- (JudyHSIns()), retrieves (JudyHSGet()), deletes (JudyHSDel()) and
- frees the entire ADT (JudyHSFreeArray()) strings. It uses the "Judy
- arrays" JudyL() API as the main workhorse. The length of the string
- is included in the calling parameters so that strings with embedded
- \0s can be used. The string lengths can be from 0 bytes to whatever
- malloc() can handle (~2GB).
- Compile:
- cc -O JudyHS.c -c needs to link with -lJudy (libJudy.a)
- Note: in gcc version 3.3.1, -O2 generates faster code than -O
- Note: in gcc version 3.3.2, -O3 generates faster code than -O2
-1) There may be some performance issues with 64 bit machines, because I
- have not characterized that it yet.
-2) It appears that a modern CPU (>2Ghz) that the instruction times are
- much faster that a RAM access, so building up a word from bytes takes
- no longer that a whole word access. I am taking advantage of this to
- make this code endian neutral. A side effect of this is strings do
- not need to be aligned, nor tested to be on to a word boundry. In
- older and in slow (RISC) machines, this may be a performance issue.
- I have given up trying to optimize for machines that have very slow
- mpy, mod, variable shifts and call returns.
-3) JudyHS is very scalable from 1 string to billions (with enough RAM).
- The memory usage is also scales with population. I have attempted to
- combine the best characteristics of JudyL arrays with Hashing methods
- and well designed modern processors (such as the 1.3Ghz Intel
- Centrino this is being written on).
- HOW JudyHS WORKS: ( 4[8] means 4 bytes in 32 bit machine and 8 in 64)
- A) A JudyL array is used to separate strings of equal lengths into
- their own structures (a different hash table is used for each length
- of string). The additional time overhead is very near zero because
- of the CPU cache. The space efficiency is improved because the
- length need not be stored with the string (ls_t). The "JLHash" ADT
- in the test program "StringCompare" is verification of both these
- assumptions.
- B) A 32 bit hash value is produced from the string. Many thanks to
- the Internet and the author (Bob Jenkins) for coming up with a very
- good and fast universal string hash. Next the 32 bit hash number is
- used as an Index to another JudyL array. Notice that one (1) JudyL
- array is used as a hash table per each string length. If there are
- no hash collisions (normally) then the string is copied to a
- structure (ls_t) along with room for storing a Value. A flag is
- added to the pointer to note it is pointing to a ls_t structure.
- Since the lengths of the strings are the same, there is no need to
- stored length of string in the ls_t structure. This saves about a
- word per string of memory.
- C) When there is a hashing collision (very rare), a JudyL array is
- used to decode the next 4[8] bytes of the string. That is, the next
- 4[8] bytes of the string are used as the Index. This process is
- repeated until the remaining string is unique. The remaining string
- (if any) is stored in a (now smaller) ls_t structure. If the
- remaining string is less or equal to 4[8] bytes, then the ls_t
- structure is not needed and the Value area in the JudyL array is
- used. A compile option -DDONOTUSEHASH is available to test this
- structure without using hashing (only the JudyL tree is used). This
- is equivalent to having all strings hashed to the same bucket. The
- speed is still better than all other tree based ADTs I have tested.
- An added benefit of this is a very fast "hash collision" resolving.
- It could foil hackers that exploit the slow synonym (linked-list)
- collision handling property used with most hashing algorithms. If
- this is not a necessary property, then a simpler ADT "JLHash" that is
- documented the the test program "StringCompare.c" may be used with a
- little loss of memory efficiency (because it includes the string
- length with the ls_t structure). JudyHS was written to be the
- fastest, very scalable, memory efficient, general purpose string ADT
- possible. (However, I would like to eat those words someday). (dlb)
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <Judy.h>
-//#include "JudyHS.h" // for Judy.h without JudyHS*()
-// By Doug Baskins Apr 2004 - for JudyHS man page
-#define MAXLINE 1000000 /* max length of line */
-char Index[MAXLINE]; // string to check
-int // Usage: CheckDupLines < file
- Pvoid_t PJArray = (PWord_t)NULL; // Judy array.
- PWord_t PValue; // ^ Judy array element.
- Word_t Bytes; // size of JudyHS array.
- Word_t LineNumb = 0; // current line number
- Word_t Dups = 0; // number of duplicate lines
- while (fgets(Index, MAXLINE, stdin) != (char *)NULL)
- {
- LineNumb++; // line number
-// store string into array
- JHSI(PValue, PJArray, Index, strlen(Index));
- if (*PValue) // check if duplicate
- {
- Dups++; // count duplicates
- printf("Duplicate lines %lu:%lu:%s", *PValue, LineNumb, Index);
- }
- else
- {
- *PValue = LineNumb; // store Line number
- }
- }
- printf("%lu Duplicates, free JudyHS array of %lu Lines\n",
- Dups, LineNumb - Dups);
- JHSFA(Bytes, PJArray); // free array
- printf("The JudyHS array allocated %lu bytes of memory\n", Bytes);
- return (0);
-#endif // EXAMPLE_CODE
-// Note: Use JLAP_INVALID, which is non-zero, to mark pointers to a ls_t
-// This makes it compatable with previous versions of JudyL()
-#define IS_PLS(PLS) (((Word_t) (PLS)) & JLAP_INVALID)
-#define CLEAR_PLS(PLS) (((Word_t) (PLS)) & (~JLAP_INVALID))
-#define SET_PLS(PLS) (((Word_t) (PLS)) | JLAP_INVALID)
-#define WORDSIZE (sizeof(Word_t))
-// this is the struct used for "leaf" strings. Note that
-// the Value is followed by a "variable" length ls_String array.
-typedef struct L_EAFSTRING
- Word_t ls_Value; // Value area (cannot change size)
- uint8_t ls_String[WORDSIZE]; // to fill out to a Word_t size
-} ls_t , *Pls_t;
-#define LS_STRUCTOVD (sizeof(ls_t) - WORDSIZE)
-// Calculate size of ls_t including the string of length of LEN.
-// Copy from 0..4[8] bytes from string to a Word_t
-// NOTE: the copy in in little-endian order to take advantage of improved
-// memory efficiency of JudyLIns() with smaller numbers
-{ \
- WORD = 0; \
- switch(LEN) \
- { \
- default: /* four and greater */ \
- case 4: \
- WORD += (Word_t)(((uint8_t *)(STR))[3] << 24); \
- case 3: \
- WORD += (Word_t)(((uint8_t *)(STR))[2] << 16); \
- case 2: \
- WORD += (Word_t)(((uint8_t *)(STR))[1] << 8); \
- case 1: \
- WORD += (Word_t)(((uint8_t *)(STR))[0]); \
- case 0: break; \
- } \
-#ifdef JU_64BIT
-// copy from 0..8 bytes from string to Word_t
-{ \
- WORD = 0UL; \
- switch(LEN) \
- { \
- default: /* eight and greater */ \
- case 8: \
- WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[7] << 56); \
- case 7: \
- WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[6] << 48); \
- case 6: \
- WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[5] << 40); \
- case 5: \
- WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[4] << 32); \
- case 4: \
- WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[3] << 24); \
- case 3: \
- WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[2] << 16); \
- case 2: \
- WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[1] << 8); \
- case 1: \
- WORD += ((Word_t)((uint8_t *)(STR))[0]); \
- case 0: break; \
- } \
-#else // JU_32BIT
-#endif // JU_32BIT
-// set JError_t locally
-{ \
- if (PJERROR != (PJError_t) NULL) \
- { \
- if (JERRNO) \
- JU_ERRNO(PJError) = (JERRNO); \
- } \
-// This routine must hash string to 24..32 bits. The "goodness" of
-// the hash is not as important as its speed.
-// hash to no more than 32 bits
-// extern Word_t gHmask; for hash bits experiments
-{ \
- uint8_t *p_ = (uint8_t *)(STRING); \
- uint8_t *q_ = p_ + (LENGTH); \
- uint32_t c_ = 0; \
- for (; p_ != q_; ++p_) \
- { \
- c_ = (c_ * 31) + *p_; \
- } \
-/* c_ &= gHmask; see above */ \
- (HVALUE) = c_; \
-// Find String of Len in JudyHS structure, return pointer to associated Value
-JudyHSGet(Pcvoid_t PArray, // pointer (^) to structure
- void * Str, // pointer to string
- Word_t Len // length of string
- )
- uint8_t *String = (uint8_t *)Str;
- PPvoid_t PPValue; // pointer to Value
- Word_t Index; // 4[8] bytes of String
- JLG(PPValue, PArray, Len); // find hash table for strings of Len
- if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL)
- return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // no strings of this Len
-// check for caller error (null pointer)
- if ((String == (void *) NULL) && (Len != 0))
- return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // avoid null-pointer dereference
- if (Len > WORDSIZE) // Hash table not necessary with short
- {
- uint32_t HValue; // hash of input string
- JUDYHASHSTR(HValue, String, Len); // hash to no more than 32 bits
- JLG(PPValue, *PPValue, (Word_t)HValue); // get ^ to hash bucket
- if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL)
- return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // no entry in Hash table
- }
- Each JudyL array decodes 4[8] bytes of the string. Since the hash
- collisions occur very infrequently, the performance is not important.
- However, even if the Hash code is not used this method still is
- significantly faster than common tree methods (AVL, Red-Black, Splay,
- b-tree, etc..). You can compare it yourself with #define DONOTUSEHASH
- 1 or putting -DDONOTUSEHASH in the cc line. Use the "StringCompare.c"
- code to compare (9Dec2003 dlb).
- while (Len > WORDSIZE) // traverse tree of JudyL arrays
- {
- if (IS_PLS(*PPValue)) // ^ to JudyL array or ls_t struct?
- {
- Pls_t Pls; // ls_t struct, termination of tree
- Pls = (Pls_t) CLEAR_PLS(*PPValue); // remove flag from ^
-// if remaining string matches, return ^ to Value, else NULL
- if (memcmp(String, Pls->ls_String, Len) == 0)
- return ((PPvoid_t) (&(Pls->ls_Value)));
- else
- return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // string does not match
- }
- else
- {
- JLG(PPValue, *PPValue, Index); // decode next 4[8] bytes
- if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // if NULL array, bail out
- return ((PPvoid_t) NULL); // string does not match
- String += WORDSIZE; // advance
- Len -= WORDSIZE;
- }
- }
-// Get remaining 1..4[8] bytes left in string
- COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, Len);
- JLG(PPValue, *PPValue, Index); // decode last 1-4[8] bytes
- return (PPValue);
-// Add string to a tree of JudyL arrays (all lengths must be same)
-static PPvoid_t
-insStrJudyLTree(uint8_t * String, // string to add to tree of JudyL arrays
- Word_t Len, // length of string
- PPvoid_t PPValue, // pointer to root pointer
- PJError_t PJError // for returning error info
- )
- Word_t Index; // next 4[8] bytes of String
- while (Len > WORDSIZE) // add to JudyL tree
- {
-// CASE 1, pointer is to a NULL, make a new ls_t leaf
- if (*PPValue == (Pvoid_t)NULL)
- {
- Pls_t Pls; // memory for a ls_t
- Pls = (Pls_t) JudyMalloc(LS_WORDLEN(Len));
- if (Pls == NULL)
- {
- return (PPJERR);
- }
- Pls->ls_Value = 0; // clear Value word
- memcpy(Pls->ls_String, String, Len); // copy to new struct
- *PPValue = (Pvoid_t)SET_PLS(Pls); // mark pointer
- return ((PPvoid_t) (&Pls->ls_Value)); // return ^ to Value
- } // no exit here
-// CASE 2: is a ls_t, free (and shorten), then decode into JudyL tree
- if (IS_PLS(*PPValue)) // pointer to a ls_t? (leaf)
- {
- Pls_t Pls; // ^ to ls_t
- uint8_t *String0; // ^ to string in ls_t
- Word_t Index0; // 4[8] bytes in string
- Word_t FreeLen; // length of ls_t
- PPvoid_t PPsplit;
- FreeLen = LS_WORDLEN(Len); // length of ls_t
- Pls = (Pls_t) CLEAR_PLS(*PPValue); // demangle ^ to ls_t
- String0 = Pls->ls_String;
- if (memcmp(String, String0, Len) == 0) // check if match?
- {
- return ((PPvoid_t) (&Pls->ls_Value)); // yes, duplicate
- }
- *PPValue = NULL; // clear ^ to ls_t and make JudyL
-// This do loop is technically not required, saves multiple JudyFree()
-// when storing already sorted strings into structure
- do // decode next 4[8] bytes of string
- { // with a JudyL array
-// Note: string0 is always aligned
- String0 += WORDSIZE;
- String += WORDSIZE;
- Len -= WORDSIZE;
- PPsplit = PPValue; // save for split below
- PPValue = JudyLIns(PPValue, Index0, PJError);
- if (PPValue == PPJERR)
- {
- JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0);
- return (PPJERR);
- }
- } while ((Index0 == Index) && (Len > WORDSIZE));
-// finish storing remainder of string that was in the ls_t
- PPValue = insStrJudyLTree(String0, Len, PPValue, PJError);
- if (PPValue == PPJERR)
- {
- return (PPJERR);
- }
-// copy old Value to Value in new struct
- *(PWord_t)PPValue = Pls->ls_Value;
-// free the string buffer (ls_t)
- JudyFree((Pvoid_t)Pls, FreeLen);
- PPValue = JudyLIns(PPsplit, Index, PJError);
- if (PPValue == PPJERR)
- {
- JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0);
- return (PPValue);
- }
-// finish remainder of newly inserted string
- PPValue = insStrJudyLTree(String, Len, PPValue, PJError);
- return (PPValue);
- } // no exit here
-// CASE 3, more JudyL arrays, decode to next tree
- Len -= WORDSIZE;
- String += WORDSIZE;
- PPValue = JudyLIns(PPValue, Index, PJError); // next 4[8] bytes
- if (PPValue == PPJERR)
- {
- JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0);
- return (PPValue);
- }
- }
-// this is done outside of loop so "Len" can be an unsigned number
- COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, Len);
- PPValue = JudyLIns(PPValue, Index, PJError); // remaining 4[8] bytes
- return (PPValue);
-// Insert string to JudyHS structure, return pointer to associated Value
-JudyHSIns(PPvoid_t PPArray, // ^ to JudyHashArray name
- void * Str, // pointer to string
- Word_t Len, // length of string
- PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info
- )
- uint8_t * String = (uint8_t *)Str;
- PPvoid_t PPValue;
-// string can only be NULL if Len is 0.
- if ((String == (uint8_t *) NULL) && (Len != 0UL))
- {
- return (PPJERR);
- }
- JLG(PPValue, *PPArray, Len); // JudyL hash table for strings of Len
- if (PPValue == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // make new if missing, (very rare)
- {
- PPValue = JudyLIns(PPArray, Len, PJError);
- if (PPValue == PPJERR)
- {
- JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0);
- return (PPJERR);
- }
- }
- if (Len > WORDSIZE)
- {
- uint32_t HValue; // hash of input string
- JUDYHASHSTR(HValue, String, Len); // hash to no more than 32 bits
- PPValue = JudyLIns(PPValue, (Word_t)HValue, PJError);
- if (PPValue == PPJERR)
- {
- JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0);
- return (PPJERR);
- }
- }
- PPValue = insStrJudyLTree(String, Len, PPValue, PJError); // add string
- return (PPValue); // ^ to Value
-// Delete string from tree of JudyL arrays (all Lens must be same)
-static int
-delStrJudyLTree(uint8_t * String, // delete from tree of JudyL arrays
- Word_t Len, // length of string
- PPvoid_t PPValue, // ^ to hash bucket
- PJError_t PJError // for returning error info
- )
- PPvoid_t PPValueN; // next pointer
- Word_t Index;
- int Ret; // -1=failed, 1=success, 2=quit del
- if (IS_PLS(*PPValue)) // is pointer to ls_t?
- {
- Pls_t Pls;
- Pls = (Pls_t) CLEAR_PLS(*PPValue); // demangle pointer
- JudyFree((Pvoid_t)Pls, LS_WORDLEN(Len)); // free the ls_t
- *PPValue = (Pvoid_t)NULL; // clean pointer
- return (1); // successfully deleted
- }
- if (Len > WORDSIZE) // delete from JudyL tree, not leaf
- {
- COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, WORDSIZE); // get Index
- JLG(PPValueN, *PPValue, Index); // get pointer to next JudyL array
- String += WORDSIZE; // advance to next 4[8] bytes
- Len -= WORDSIZE;
- Ret = delStrJudyLTree(String, Len, PPValueN, PJError);
- if (Ret != 1) return(Ret);
- if (*PPValueN == (PPvoid_t) NULL)
- {
-// delete JudyL element from tree
- Ret = JudyLDel(PPValue, Index, PJError);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- COPYSTRINGtoWORD(Index, String, Len); // get leaf element
-// delete last 1-4[8] bytes from leaf element
- Ret = JudyLDel(PPValue, Index, PJError);
- }
- return (Ret);
-// Delete string from JHS structure
-JudyHSDel(PPvoid_t PPArray, // ^ to JudyHashArray struct
- void * Str, // pointer to string
- Word_t Len, // length of string
- PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info
- )
- uint8_t * String = (uint8_t *)Str;
- PPvoid_t PPBucket, PPHtble;
- int Ret; // return bool from Delete routine
- uint32_t HValue = 0; // hash value of input string
- if (PPArray == NULL)
- return (0); // no pointer, return not found
-// This is a little slower than optimum method, but not much in new CPU
-// Verify that string is in the structure -- simplifies future assumptions
- if (JudyHSGet(*PPArray, String, Len) == (PPvoid_t) NULL)
- return (0); // string not found, return
-// string is in structure, so testing for absence is not necessary
- JLG(PPHtble, *PPArray, Len); // JudyL hash table for strings of Len
- PPBucket = PPHtble; // simulate below code
-#else // USEHASH
- if (Len > WORDSIZE)
- {
- JUDYHASHSTR(HValue, String, Len); // hash to no more than 32 bits
-// get pointer to hash bucket
- JLG(PPBucket, *PPHtble, (Word_t)HValue);
- }
- else
- {
- PPBucket = PPHtble; // no bucket to JLGet
- }
-#endif // USEHASH
-// delete from JudyL tree
- Ret = delStrJudyLTree(String, Len, PPBucket, PJError);
- if (Ret != 1)
- {
- JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0);
- return(-1);
- }
-// handle case of missing JudyL array from hash table and length table
- if (*PPBucket == (Pvoid_t)NULL) // if JudyL tree gone
- {
- if (Len > WORDSIZE)
- {
-// delete entry in Hash table
- Ret = JudyLDel(PPHtble, (Word_t)HValue, PJError);
- if (Ret != 1)
- {
- JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0);
- return(-1);
- }
- }
-#endif // USEHASH
- if (*PPHtble == (PPvoid_t) NULL) // if Hash table gone
- {
-// delete entry from the String length table
- Ret = JudyLDel(PPArray, Len, PJError);
- if (Ret != 1)
- {
- JU_SET_ERRNO(PJError, 0);
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- return (1); // success
-static Word_t
-delJudyLTree(PPvoid_t PPValue, // ^ to JudyL root pointer
- Word_t Len, // length of string
- PJError_t PJError) // for returning error info
- Word_t bytes_freed = 0; // bytes freed at point
- Word_t bytes_total = 0; // accumulated bytes freed
- PPvoid_t PPValueN;
-// Pointer is to another tree of JudyL arrays or ls_t struct
- if (Len > WORDSIZE) // more depth to tree
- {
- Word_t NEntry;
-// Pointer is to a ls_t struct
- if (IS_PLS(*PPValue))
- {
- Pls_t Pls;
- Word_t freewords;
- freewords = LS_WORDLEN(Len); // calculate length
- Pls = (Pls_t)CLEAR_PLS(*PPValue); // demangle pointer
-// *PPValue = (Pvoid_t)NULL; // clean pointer
- JudyFree((Pvoid_t)Pls, freewords); // free the ls_t
- return(freewords * WORDSIZE);
- }
-// else
-// Walk all the entrys in the JudyL array
- NEntry = 0; // start at beginning
- for (PPValueN = JudyLFirst(*PPValue, &NEntry, PJError);
- (PPValueN != (PPvoid_t) NULL) && (PPValueN != PPJERR);
- PPValueN = JudyLNext(*PPValue, &NEntry, PJError))
- {
-// recurse to the next level in the tree of arrays
- bytes_freed = delJudyLTree(PPValueN, Len - WORDSIZE, PJError);
- if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR);
- bytes_total += bytes_freed;
- }
- if (PPValueN == PPJERR) return(JERR);
-// now free this JudyL array
- bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPValue, PJError);
- if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR);
- bytes_total += bytes_freed;
- return(bytes_total); // return amount freed
- }
-// else
-// Pointer to simple JudyL array
- bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPValue, PJError);
- return(bytes_freed);
-Word_t // bytes freed
-JudyHSFreeArray(PPvoid_t PPArray, // ^ to JudyHashArray struct
- PJError_t PJError // optional, for returning error info
- )
- Word_t Len; // start at beginning
- Word_t bytes_freed; // bytes freed at this level.
- Word_t bytes_total; // bytes total at all levels.
- PPvoid_t PPHtble;
- if (PPArray == NULL)
- return (0); // no pointer, return none
-// Walk the string length table for subsidary hash structs
-// NOTE: This is necessary to determine the depth of the tree
- bytes_freed = 0;
- bytes_total = 0;
- Len = 0; // walk to length table
- for (PPHtble = JudyLFirst(*PPArray, &Len, PJError);
- (PPHtble != (PPvoid_t) NULL) && (PPHtble != PPJERR);
- PPHtble = JudyLNext(*PPArray, &Len, PJError))
- {
- PPvoid_t PPValueH;
- if (Len > WORDSIZE)
- {
- Word_t HEntry = 0; // walk the hash tables
- for (PPValueH = JudyLFirst(*PPHtble, &HEntry, PJError);
- (PPValueH != (PPvoid_t) NULL) && (PPValueH != PPJERR);
- PPValueH = JudyLNext(*PPHtble, &HEntry, PJError))
- {
- bytes_freed = delJudyLTree(PPValueH, Len, PJError);
- if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR);
- bytes_total += bytes_freed;
- }
- if (PPValueH == PPJERR) return(JERR);
-// free the Hash table for this length of string
- bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPHtble, PJError);
- if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR);
- bytes_total += bytes_freed;
- }
- else
- {
- PPValueH = PPHtble; // simulate hash table
- bytes_freed = delJudyLTree(PPValueH, Len, PJError);
- if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR);
- bytes_total += bytes_freed;
- }
- }
- if (PPHtble == PPJERR) return(JERR);
-// free the length table
- bytes_freed = JudyLFreeArray(PPArray, PJError);
- if (bytes_freed == JERR) return(JERR);
- bytes_total += bytes_freed;
- return(bytes_total); // return bytes freed