path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail
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diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/class.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/class.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff06370fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/class.h
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+ pybind11/detail/class.h: Python C API implementation details for py::class_
+ Copyright (c) 2017 Wenzel Jakob <>
+ All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+ BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#include "../attr.h"
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000
+# define PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(obj, nameobj)
+// In pre-3.3 Python, we still set __qualname__ so that we can produce reliable function type
+// signatures; in 3.3+ this macro expands to nothing:
+# define PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(obj, nameobj) setattr((PyObject *) obj, "__qualname__", nameobj)
+inline PyTypeObject *type_incref(PyTypeObject *type) {
+ Py_INCREF(type);
+ return type;
+#if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
+/// `pybind11_static_property.__get__()`: Always pass the class instead of the instance.
+extern "C" inline PyObject *pybind11_static_get(PyObject *self, PyObject * /*ob*/, PyObject *cls) {
+ return PyProperty_Type.tp_descr_get(self, cls, cls);
+/// `pybind11_static_property.__set__()`: Just like the above `__get__()`.
+extern "C" inline int pybind11_static_set(PyObject *self, PyObject *obj, PyObject *value) {
+ PyObject *cls = PyType_Check(obj) ? obj : (PyObject *) Py_TYPE(obj);
+ return PyProperty_Type.tp_descr_set(self, cls, value);
+/** A `static_property` is the same as a `property` but the `__get__()` and `__set__()`
+ methods are modified to always use the object type instead of a concrete instance.
+ Return value: New reference. */
+inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type() {
+ constexpr auto *name = "pybind11_static_property";
+ auto name_obj = reinterpret_steal<object>(PYBIND11_FROM_STRING(name));
+ /* Danger zone: from now (and until PyType_Ready), make sure to
+ issue no Python C API calls which could potentially invoke the
+ garbage collector (the GC will call type_traverse(), which will in
+ turn find the newly constructed type in an invalid state) */
+ auto heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) PyType_Type.tp_alloc(&PyType_Type, 0);
+ if (!heap_type)
+ pybind11_fail("make_static_property_type(): error allocating type!");
+ heap_type->ht_name = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
+ heap_type->ht_qualname = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
+ auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
+ type->tp_name = name;
+ type->tp_base = type_incref(&PyProperty_Type);
+ type->tp_descr_get = pybind11_static_get;
+ type->tp_descr_set = pybind11_static_set;
+ if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0)
+ pybind11_fail("make_static_property_type(): failure in PyType_Ready()!");
+ setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", str("pybind11_builtins"));
+ PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(type, name_obj);
+ return type;
+#else // PYPY
+/** PyPy has some issues with the above C API, so we evaluate Python code instead.
+ This function will only be called once so performance isn't really a concern.
+ Return value: New reference. */
+inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type() {
+ auto d = dict();
+ PyObject *result = PyRun_String(R"(\
+ class pybind11_static_property(property):
+ def __get__(self, obj, cls):
+ return property.__get__(self, cls, cls)
+ def __set__(self, obj, value):
+ cls = obj if isinstance(obj, type) else type(obj)
+ property.__set__(self, cls, value)
+ )", Py_file_input, d.ptr(), d.ptr()
+ );
+ if (result == nullptr)
+ throw error_already_set();
+ Py_DECREF(result);
+ return (PyTypeObject *) d["pybind11_static_property"].cast<object>().release().ptr();
+#endif // PYPY
+/** Types with static properties need to handle `Type.static_prop = x` in a specific way.
+ By default, Python replaces the `static_property` itself, but for wrapped C++ types
+ we need to call `static_property.__set__()` in order to propagate the new value to
+ the underlying C++ data structure. */
+extern "C" inline int pybind11_meta_setattro(PyObject* obj, PyObject* name, PyObject* value) {
+ // Use `_PyType_Lookup()` instead of `PyObject_GetAttr()` in order to get the raw
+ // descriptor (`property`) instead of calling `tp_descr_get` (`property.__get__()`).
+ PyObject *descr = _PyType_Lookup((PyTypeObject *) obj, name);
+ // The following assignment combinations are possible:
+ // 1. `Type.static_prop = value` --> descr_set: `Type.static_prop.__set__(value)`
+ // 2. `Type.static_prop = other_static_prop` --> setattro: replace existing `static_prop`
+ // 3. `Type.regular_attribute = value` --> setattro: regular attribute assignment
+ const auto static_prop = (PyObject *) get_internals().static_property_type;
+ const auto call_descr_set = descr && PyObject_IsInstance(descr, static_prop)
+ && !PyObject_IsInstance(value, static_prop);
+ if (call_descr_set) {
+ // Call `static_property.__set__()` instead of replacing the `static_property`.
+#if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
+ return Py_TYPE(descr)->tp_descr_set(descr, obj, value);
+ if (PyObject *result = PyObject_CallMethod(descr, "__set__", "OO", obj, value)) {
+ Py_DECREF(result);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Replace existing attribute.
+ return PyType_Type.tp_setattro(obj, name, value);
+ }
+ * Python 3's PyInstanceMethod_Type hides itself via its tp_descr_get, which prevents aliasing
+ * methods via cls.attr("m2") = cls.attr("m1"): instead the tp_descr_get returns a plain function,
+ * when called on a class, or a PyMethod, when called on an instance. Override that behaviour here
+ * to do a special case bypass for PyInstanceMethod_Types.
+ */
+extern "C" inline PyObject *pybind11_meta_getattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name) {
+ PyObject *descr = _PyType_Lookup((PyTypeObject *) obj, name);
+ if (descr && PyInstanceMethod_Check(descr)) {
+ Py_INCREF(descr);
+ return descr;
+ }
+ else {
+ return PyType_Type.tp_getattro(obj, name);
+ }
+/** This metaclass is assigned by default to all pybind11 types and is required in order
+ for static properties to function correctly. Users may override this using `py::metaclass`.
+ Return value: New reference. */
+inline PyTypeObject* make_default_metaclass() {
+ constexpr auto *name = "pybind11_type";
+ auto name_obj = reinterpret_steal<object>(PYBIND11_FROM_STRING(name));
+ /* Danger zone: from now (and until PyType_Ready), make sure to
+ issue no Python C API calls which could potentially invoke the
+ garbage collector (the GC will call type_traverse(), which will in
+ turn find the newly constructed type in an invalid state) */
+ auto heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) PyType_Type.tp_alloc(&PyType_Type, 0);
+ if (!heap_type)
+ pybind11_fail("make_default_metaclass(): error allocating metaclass!");
+ heap_type->ht_name = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
+ heap_type->ht_qualname = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
+ auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
+ type->tp_name = name;
+ type->tp_base = type_incref(&PyType_Type);
+ type->tp_setattro = pybind11_meta_setattro;
+ type->tp_getattro = pybind11_meta_getattro;
+ if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0)
+ pybind11_fail("make_default_metaclass(): failure in PyType_Ready()!");
+ setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", str("pybind11_builtins"));
+ PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(type, name_obj);
+ return type;
+/// For multiple inheritance types we need to recursively register/deregister base pointers for any
+/// base classes with pointers that are difference from the instance value pointer so that we can
+/// correctly recognize an offset base class pointer. This calls a function with any offset base ptrs.
+inline void traverse_offset_bases(void *valueptr, const detail::type_info *tinfo, instance *self,
+ bool (*f)(void * /*parentptr*/, instance * /*self*/)) {
+ for (handle h : reinterpret_borrow<tuple>(tinfo->type->tp_bases)) {
+ if (auto parent_tinfo = get_type_info((PyTypeObject *) h.ptr())) {
+ for (auto &c : parent_tinfo->implicit_casts) {
+ if (c.first == tinfo->cpptype) {
+ auto *parentptr = c.second(valueptr);
+ if (parentptr != valueptr)
+ f(parentptr, self);
+ traverse_offset_bases(parentptr, parent_tinfo, self, f);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline bool register_instance_impl(void *ptr, instance *self) {
+ get_internals().registered_instances.emplace(ptr, self);
+ return true; // unused, but gives the same signature as the deregister func
+inline bool deregister_instance_impl(void *ptr, instance *self) {
+ auto &registered_instances = get_internals().registered_instances;
+ auto range = registered_instances.equal_range(ptr);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
+ if (Py_TYPE(self) == Py_TYPE(it->second)) {
+ registered_instances.erase(it);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+inline void register_instance(instance *self, void *valptr, const type_info *tinfo) {
+ register_instance_impl(valptr, self);
+ if (!tinfo->simple_ancestors)
+ traverse_offset_bases(valptr, tinfo, self, register_instance_impl);
+inline bool deregister_instance(instance *self, void *valptr, const type_info *tinfo) {
+ bool ret = deregister_instance_impl(valptr, self);
+ if (!tinfo->simple_ancestors)
+ traverse_offset_bases(valptr, tinfo, self, deregister_instance_impl);
+ return ret;
+/// Instance creation function for all pybind11 types. It allocates the internal instance layout for
+/// holding C++ objects and holders. Allocation is done lazily (the first time the instance is cast
+/// to a reference or pointer), and initialization is done by an `__init__` function.
+inline PyObject *make_new_instance(PyTypeObject *type) {
+#if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
+ // PyPy gets tp_basicsize wrong (issue 2482) under multiple inheritance when the first inherited
+ // object is a a plain Python type (i.e. not derived from an extension type). Fix it.
+ ssize_t instance_size = static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(instance));
+ if (type->tp_basicsize < instance_size) {
+ type->tp_basicsize = instance_size;
+ }
+ PyObject *self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ auto inst = reinterpret_cast<instance *>(self);
+ // Allocate the value/holder internals:
+ inst->allocate_layout();
+ inst->owned = true;
+ return self;
+/// Instance creation function for all pybind11 types. It only allocates space for the
+/// C++ object, but doesn't call the constructor -- an `__init__` function must do that.
+extern "C" inline PyObject *pybind11_object_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *, PyObject *) {
+ return make_new_instance(type);
+/// An `__init__` function constructs the C++ object. Users should provide at least one
+/// of these using `py::init` or directly with `.def(__init__, ...)`. Otherwise, the
+/// following default function will be used which simply throws an exception.
+extern "C" inline int pybind11_object_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *, PyObject *) {
+ PyTypeObject *type = Py_TYPE(self);
+ std::string msg;
+#if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
+ msg += handle((PyObject *) type).attr("__module__").cast<std::string>() + ".";
+ msg += type->tp_name;
+ msg += ": No constructor defined!";
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, msg.c_str());
+ return -1;
+inline void add_patient(PyObject *nurse, PyObject *patient) {
+ auto &internals = get_internals();
+ auto instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(nurse);
+ auto &current_patients = internals.patients[nurse];
+ instance->has_patients = true;
+ for (auto &p : current_patients)
+ if (p == patient)
+ return;
+ Py_INCREF(patient);
+ current_patients.push_back(patient);
+inline void clear_patients(PyObject *self) {
+ auto instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(self);
+ auto &internals = get_internals();
+ auto pos = internals.patients.find(self);
+ assert(pos != internals.patients.end());
+ // Clearing the patients can cause more Python code to run, which
+ // can invalidate the iterator. Extract the vector of patients
+ // from the unordered_map first.
+ auto patients = std::move(pos->second);
+ internals.patients.erase(pos);
+ instance->has_patients = false;
+ for (PyObject *&patient : patients)
+ Py_CLEAR(patient);
+/// Clears all internal data from the instance and removes it from registered instances in
+/// preparation for deallocation.
+inline void clear_instance(PyObject *self) {
+ auto instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(self);
+ // Deallocate any values/holders, if present:
+ for (auto &v_h : values_and_holders(instance)) {
+ if (v_h) {
+ // We have to deregister before we call dealloc because, for virtual MI types, we still
+ // need to be able to get the parent pointers.
+ if (v_h.instance_registered() && !deregister_instance(instance, v_h.value_ptr(), v_h.type))
+ pybind11_fail("pybind11_object_dealloc(): Tried to deallocate unregistered instance!");
+ if (instance->owned || v_h.holder_constructed())
+ v_h.type->dealloc(v_h);
+ }
+ }
+ // Deallocate the value/holder layout internals:
+ instance->deallocate_layout();
+ if (instance->weakrefs)
+ PyObject_ClearWeakRefs(self);
+ PyObject **dict_ptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
+ if (dict_ptr)
+ Py_CLEAR(*dict_ptr);
+ if (instance->has_patients)
+ clear_patients(self);
+/// Instance destructor function for all pybind11 types. It calls `type_info.dealloc`
+/// to destroy the C++ object itself, while the rest is Python bookkeeping.
+extern "C" inline void pybind11_object_dealloc(PyObject *self) {
+ clear_instance(self);
+ auto type = Py_TYPE(self);
+ type->tp_free(self);
+ // `type->tp_dealloc != pybind11_object_dealloc` means that we're being called
+ // as part of a derived type's dealloc, in which case we're not allowed to decref
+ // the type here. For cross-module compatibility, we shouldn't compare directly
+ // with `pybind11_object_dealloc`, but with the common one stashed in internals.
+ auto pybind11_object_type = (PyTypeObject *) get_internals().instance_base;
+ if (type->tp_dealloc == pybind11_object_type->tp_dealloc)
+ Py_DECREF(type);
+/** Create the type which can be used as a common base for all classes. This is
+ needed in order to satisfy Python's requirements for multiple inheritance.
+ Return value: New reference. */
+inline PyObject *make_object_base_type(PyTypeObject *metaclass) {
+ constexpr auto *name = "pybind11_object";
+ auto name_obj = reinterpret_steal<object>(PYBIND11_FROM_STRING(name));
+ /* Danger zone: from now (and until PyType_Ready), make sure to
+ issue no Python C API calls which could potentially invoke the
+ garbage collector (the GC will call type_traverse(), which will in
+ turn find the newly constructed type in an invalid state) */
+ auto heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) metaclass->tp_alloc(metaclass, 0);
+ if (!heap_type)
+ pybind11_fail("make_object_base_type(): error allocating type!");
+ heap_type->ht_name = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
+ heap_type->ht_qualname = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
+ auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
+ type->tp_name = name;
+ type->tp_base = type_incref(&PyBaseObject_Type);
+ type->tp_basicsize = static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(instance));
+ type->tp_new = pybind11_object_new;
+ type->tp_init = pybind11_object_init;
+ type->tp_dealloc = pybind11_object_dealloc;
+ /* Support weak references (needed for the keep_alive feature) */
+ type->tp_weaklistoffset = offsetof(instance, weakrefs);
+ if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0)
+ pybind11_fail("PyType_Ready failed in make_object_base_type():" + error_string());
+ setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", str("pybind11_builtins"));
+ PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(type, name_obj);
+ assert(!PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC));
+ return (PyObject *) heap_type;
+/// dynamic_attr: Support for `d = instance.__dict__`.
+extern "C" inline PyObject *pybind11_get_dict(PyObject *self, void *) {
+ PyObject *&dict = *_PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
+ if (!dict)
+ dict = PyDict_New();
+ Py_XINCREF(dict);
+ return dict;
+/// dynamic_attr: Support for `instance.__dict__ = dict()`.
+extern "C" inline int pybind11_set_dict(PyObject *self, PyObject *new_dict, void *) {
+ if (!PyDict_Check(new_dict)) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "__dict__ must be set to a dictionary, not a '%.200s'",
+ Py_TYPE(new_dict)->tp_name);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ PyObject *&dict = *_PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
+ Py_INCREF(new_dict);
+ Py_CLEAR(dict);
+ dict = new_dict;
+ return 0;
+/// dynamic_attr: Allow the garbage collector to traverse the internal instance `__dict__`.
+extern "C" inline int pybind11_traverse(PyObject *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) {
+ PyObject *&dict = *_PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
+ Py_VISIT(dict);
+ return 0;
+/// dynamic_attr: Allow the GC to clear the dictionary.
+extern "C" inline int pybind11_clear(PyObject *self) {
+ PyObject *&dict = *_PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
+ Py_CLEAR(dict);
+ return 0;
+/// Give instances of this type a `__dict__` and opt into garbage collection.
+inline void enable_dynamic_attributes(PyHeapTypeObject *heap_type) {
+ auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
+#if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
+ pybind11_fail(std::string(type->tp_name) + ": dynamic attributes are "
+ "currently not supported in "
+ "conjunction with PyPy!");
+ type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC;
+ type->tp_dictoffset = type->tp_basicsize; // place dict at the end
+ type->tp_basicsize += (ssize_t)sizeof(PyObject *); // and allocate enough space for it
+ type->tp_traverse = pybind11_traverse;
+ type->tp_clear = pybind11_clear;
+ static PyGetSetDef getset[] = {
+ {const_cast<char*>("__dict__"), pybind11_get_dict, pybind11_set_dict, nullptr, nullptr},
+ {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
+ };
+ type->tp_getset = getset;
+/// buffer_protocol: Fill in the view as specified by flags.
+extern "C" inline int pybind11_getbuffer(PyObject *obj, Py_buffer *view, int flags) {
+ // Look for a `get_buffer` implementation in this type's info or any bases (following MRO).
+ type_info *tinfo = nullptr;
+ for (auto type : reinterpret_borrow<tuple>(Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_mro)) {
+ tinfo = get_type_info((PyTypeObject *) type.ptr());
+ if (tinfo && tinfo->get_buffer)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (view == nullptr || obj == nullptr || !tinfo || !tinfo->get_buffer) {
+ if (view)
+ view->obj = nullptr;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_BufferError, "pybind11_getbuffer(): Internal error");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::memset(view, 0, sizeof(Py_buffer));
+ buffer_info *info = tinfo->get_buffer(obj, tinfo->get_buffer_data);
+ view->obj = obj;
+ view->ndim = 1;
+ view->internal = info;
+ view->buf = info->ptr;
+ view->itemsize = info->itemsize;
+ view->len = view->itemsize;
+ for (auto s : info->shape)
+ view->len *= s;
+ if ((flags & PyBUF_FORMAT) == PyBUF_FORMAT)
+ view->format = const_cast<char *>(info->format.c_str());
+ if ((flags & PyBUF_STRIDES) == PyBUF_STRIDES) {
+ view->ndim = (int) info->ndim;
+ view->strides = &info->strides[0];
+ view->shape = &info->shape[0];
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(view->obj);
+ return 0;
+/// buffer_protocol: Release the resources of the buffer.
+extern "C" inline void pybind11_releasebuffer(PyObject *, Py_buffer *view) {
+ delete (buffer_info *) view->internal;
+/// Give this type a buffer interface.
+inline void enable_buffer_protocol(PyHeapTypeObject *heap_type) {
+ heap_type->ht_type.tp_as_buffer = &heap_type->as_buffer;
+ heap_type->ht_type.tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_NEWBUFFER;
+ heap_type->as_buffer.bf_getbuffer = pybind11_getbuffer;
+ heap_type->as_buffer.bf_releasebuffer = pybind11_releasebuffer;
+/** Create a brand new Python type according to the `type_record` specification.
+ Return value: New reference. */
+inline PyObject* make_new_python_type(const type_record &rec) {
+ auto name = reinterpret_steal<object>(PYBIND11_FROM_STRING(;
+ auto qualname = name;
+ if (rec.scope && !PyModule_Check(rec.scope.ptr()) && hasattr(rec.scope, "__qualname__")) {
+ qualname = reinterpret_steal<object>(
+ PyUnicode_FromFormat("%U.%U", rec.scope.attr("__qualname__").ptr(), name.ptr()));
+ qualname = str(rec.scope.attr("__qualname__").cast<std::string>() + "." +;
+ }
+ object module;
+ if (rec.scope) {
+ if (hasattr(rec.scope, "__module__"))
+ module = rec.scope.attr("__module__");
+ else if (hasattr(rec.scope, "__name__"))
+ module = rec.scope.attr("__name__");
+ }
+ auto full_name = c_str(
+#if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
+ module ? str(module).cast<std::string>() + "." + :
+ char *tp_doc = nullptr;
+ if (rec.doc && options::show_user_defined_docstrings()) {
+ /* Allocate memory for docstring (using PyObject_MALLOC, since
+ Python will free this later on) */
+ size_t size = strlen(rec.doc) + 1;
+ tp_doc = (char *) PyObject_MALLOC(size);
+ memcpy((void *) tp_doc, rec.doc, size);
+ }
+ auto &internals = get_internals();
+ auto bases = tuple(rec.bases);
+ auto base = (bases.size() == 0) ? internals.instance_base
+ : bases[0].ptr();
+ /* Danger zone: from now (and until PyType_Ready), make sure to
+ issue no Python C API calls which could potentially invoke the
+ garbage collector (the GC will call type_traverse(), which will in
+ turn find the newly constructed type in an invalid state) */
+ auto metaclass = rec.metaclass.ptr() ? (PyTypeObject *) rec.metaclass.ptr()
+ : internals.default_metaclass;
+ auto heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) metaclass->tp_alloc(metaclass, 0);
+ if (!heap_type)
+ pybind11_fail(std::string( + ": Unable to create type object!");
+ heap_type->ht_name = name.release().ptr();
+ heap_type->ht_qualname = qualname.inc_ref().ptr();
+ auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
+ type->tp_name = full_name;
+ type->tp_doc = tp_doc;
+ type->tp_base = type_incref((PyTypeObject *)base);
+ type->tp_basicsize = static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(instance));
+ if (bases.size() > 0)
+ type->tp_bases = bases.release().ptr();
+ /* Don't inherit base __init__ */
+ type->tp_init = pybind11_object_init;
+ /* Supported protocols */
+ type->tp_as_number = &heap_type->as_number;
+ type->tp_as_sequence = &heap_type->as_sequence;
+ type->tp_as_mapping = &heap_type->as_mapping;
+ /* Flags */
+ type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES;
+ if (rec.dynamic_attr)
+ enable_dynamic_attributes(heap_type);
+ if (rec.buffer_protocol)
+ enable_buffer_protocol(heap_type);
+ if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0)
+ pybind11_fail(std::string( + ": PyType_Ready failed (" + error_string() + ")!");
+ assert(rec.dynamic_attr ? PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC)
+ : !PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC));
+ /* Register type with the parent scope */
+ if (rec.scope)
+ setattr(rec.scope,, (PyObject *) type);
+ else
+ Py_INCREF(type); // Keep it alive forever (reference leak)
+ if (module) // Needed by pydoc
+ setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", module);
+ PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(type, qualname);
+ return (PyObject *) type;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d41cd63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
+ pybind11/detail/common.h -- Basic macros
+ Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <>
+ All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+ BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#if !defined(NAMESPACE_BEGIN)
+# define NAMESPACE_BEGIN(name) namespace name {
+#if !defined(NAMESPACE_END)
+# define NAMESPACE_END(name) }
+// Robust support for some features and loading modules compiled against different pybind versions
+// requires forcing hidden visibility on pybind code, so we enforce this by setting the attribute on
+// the main `pybind11` namespace.
+#if !defined(PYBIND11_NAMESPACE)
+# ifdef __GNUG__
+# define PYBIND11_NAMESPACE pybind11 __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
+# else
+# define PYBIND11_NAMESPACE pybind11
+# endif
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+# if __cplusplus >= 201402L
+# define PYBIND11_CPP14
+# if __cplusplus > 201402L /* Temporary: should be updated to >= the final C++17 value once known */
+# define PYBIND11_CPP17
+# endif
+# endif
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+// MSVC sets _MSVC_LANG rather than __cplusplus (supposedly until the standard is fully implemented)
+# if _MSVC_LANG >= 201402L
+# define PYBIND11_CPP14
+# if _MSVC_LANG > 201402L && _MSC_VER >= 1910
+# define PYBIND11_CPP17
+# endif
+# endif
+// Compiler version assertions
+#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+# if __INTEL_COMPILER < 1500
+# error pybind11 requires Intel C++ compiler v15 or newer
+# endif
+#elif defined(__clang__) && !defined(__apple_build_version__)
+# if __clang_major__ < 3 || (__clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ < 3)
+# error pybind11 requires clang 3.3 or newer
+# endif
+#elif defined(__clang__)
+// Apple changes clang version macros to its Xcode version; the first Xcode release based on
+// (upstream) clang 3.3 was Xcode 5:
+# if __clang_major__ < 5
+# error pybind11 requires Xcode/clang 5.0 or newer
+# endif
+#elif defined(__GNUG__)
+# if __GNUC__ < 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 8)
+# error pybind11 requires gcc 4.8 or newer
+# endif
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Pybind hits various compiler bugs in 2015u2 and earlier, and also makes use of some stl features
+// (e.g. std::negation) added in 2015u3:
+# if _MSC_FULL_VER < 190024210
+# error pybind11 requires MSVC 2015 update 3 or newer
+# endif
+#if !defined(PYBIND11_EXPORT)
+# if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
+# define PYBIND11_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+# else
+# define PYBIND11_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+# endif
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# define PYBIND11_NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
+# define PYBIND11_NOINLINE __attribute__ ((noinline))
+#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
+# define PYBIND11_DEPRECATED(reason) [[deprecated(reason)]]
+# define PYBIND11_DEPRECATED(reason) __attribute__((deprecated(reason)))
+/// Include Python header, disable linking to pythonX_d.lib on Windows in debug mode
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# define HAVE_ROUND 1
+# endif
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable: 4510 4610 4512 4005)
+# if defined(_DEBUG)
+# undef _DEBUG
+# endif
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <frameobject.h>
+#include <pythread.h>
+#if defined(_WIN32) && (defined(min) || defined(max))
+# error Macro clash with min and max -- define NOMINMAX when compiling your program on Windows
+#if defined(isalnum)
+# undef isalnum
+# undef isalpha
+# undef islower
+# undef isspace
+# undef isupper
+# undef tolower
+# undef toupper
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# if defined(PYBIND11_DEBUG_MARKER)
+# define _DEBUG
+# endif
+# pragma warning(pop)
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <forward_list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <typeindex>
+#include <type_traits>
+#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 /// Compatibility macros for various Python versions
+#define PYBIND11_INSTANCE_METHOD_NEW(ptr, class_) PyInstanceMethod_New(ptr)
+#define PYBIND11_INSTANCE_METHOD_CHECK PyInstanceMethod_Check
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_CHECK PyBytes_Check
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING PyBytes_FromString
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING_AND_SIZE PyBytes_FromStringAndSize
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE PyBytes_AsStringAndSize
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING PyBytes_AsString
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_SIZE PyBytes_Size
+#define PYBIND11_LONG_CHECK(o) PyLong_Check(o)
+#define PYBIND11_LONG_AS_LONGLONG(o) PyLong_AsLongLong(o)
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_NAME "bytes"
+#define PYBIND11_STRING_NAME "str"
+#define PYBIND11_SLICE_OBJECT PyObject
+#define PYBIND11_FROM_STRING PyUnicode_FromString
+#define PYBIND11_STR_TYPE ::pybind11::str
+#define PYBIND11_BOOL_ATTR "__bool__"
+#define PYBIND11_NB_BOOL(ptr) ((ptr)->nb_bool)
+#define PYBIND11_PLUGIN_IMPL(name) \
+ extern "C" PYBIND11_EXPORT PyObject *PyInit_##name()
+#define PYBIND11_INSTANCE_METHOD_NEW(ptr, class_) PyMethod_New(ptr, nullptr, class_)
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_CHECK PyString_Check
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING PyString_FromString
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING_AND_SIZE PyString_FromStringAndSize
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE PyString_AsStringAndSize
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING PyString_AsString
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_SIZE PyString_Size
+#define PYBIND11_LONG_CHECK(o) (PyInt_Check(o) || PyLong_Check(o))
+#define PYBIND11_LONG_AS_LONGLONG(o) (PyInt_Check(o) ? (long long) PyLong_AsLong(o) : PyLong_AsLongLong(o))
+#define PYBIND11_BYTES_NAME "str"
+#define PYBIND11_STRING_NAME "unicode"
+#define PYBIND11_SLICE_OBJECT PySliceObject
+#define PYBIND11_FROM_STRING PyString_FromString
+#define PYBIND11_STR_TYPE ::pybind11::bytes
+#define PYBIND11_BOOL_ATTR "__nonzero__"
+#define PYBIND11_NB_BOOL(ptr) ((ptr)->nb_nonzero)
+#define PYBIND11_PLUGIN_IMPL(name) \
+ static PyObject *pybind11_init_wrapper(); \
+ extern "C" PYBIND11_EXPORT void init##name() { \
+ (void)pybind11_init_wrapper(); \
+ } \
+ PyObject *pybind11_init_wrapper()
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03050000 && PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03050200
+extern "C" {
+ struct _Py_atomic_address { void *value; };
+ PyAPI_DATA(_Py_atomic_address) _PyThreadState_Current;
+#define PYBIND11_TRY_NEXT_OVERLOAD ((PyObject *) 1) // special failure return code
+#define PYBIND11_STRINGIFY(x) #x
+#define PYBIND11_CONCAT(first, second) first##second
+/** \rst
+ ***Deprecated in favor of PYBIND11_MODULE***
+ This macro creates the entry point that will be invoked when the Python interpreter
+ imports a plugin library. Please create a `module` in the function body and return
+ the pointer to its underlying Python object at the end.
+ .. code-block:: cpp
+ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(example) {
+ pybind11::module m("example", "pybind11 example plugin");
+ /// Set up bindings here
+ return m.ptr();
+ }
+\endrst */
+#define PYBIND11_PLUGIN(name) \
+ static PyObject *pybind11_init(); \
+ PYBIND11_PLUGIN_IMPL(name) { \
+ int major, minor; \
+ if (sscanf(Py_GetVersion(), "%i.%i", &major, &minor) != 2) { \
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "Can't parse Python version."); \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } else if (major != PY_MAJOR_VERSION || minor != PY_MINOR_VERSION) { \
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError, \
+ "Python version mismatch: module was compiled for " \
+ "version %i.%i, while the interpreter is running " \
+ "version %i.%i.", PY_MAJOR_VERSION, PY_MINOR_VERSION, \
+ major, minor); \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } \
+ try { \
+ return pybind11_init(); \
+ } catch (pybind11::error_already_set &e) { \
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, e.what()); \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } catch (const std::exception &e) { \
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, e.what()); \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ PyObject *pybind11_init()
+/** \rst
+ This macro creates the entry point that will be invoked when the Python interpreter
+ imports an extension module. The module name is given as the fist argument and it
+ should not be in quotes. The second macro argument defines a variable of type
+ `py::module` which can be used to initialize the module.
+ .. code-block:: cpp
+ PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
+ m.doc() = "pybind11 example module";
+ // Add bindings here
+ m.def("foo", []() {
+ return "Hello, World!";
+ });
+ }
+\endrst */
+#define PYBIND11_MODULE(name, variable) \
+ static void PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(pybind11::module &); \
+ PYBIND11_PLUGIN_IMPL(name) { \
+ int major, minor; \
+ if (sscanf(Py_GetVersion(), "%i.%i", &major, &minor) != 2) { \
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "Can't parse Python version."); \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } else if (major != PY_MAJOR_VERSION || minor != PY_MINOR_VERSION) { \
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError, \
+ "Python version mismatch: module was compiled for " \
+ "version %i.%i, while the interpreter is running " \
+ "version %i.%i.", PY_MAJOR_VERSION, PY_MINOR_VERSION, \
+ major, minor); \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } \
+ auto m = pybind11::module(PYBIND11_TOSTRING(name)); \
+ try { \
+ PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(m); \
+ return m.ptr(); \
+ } catch (pybind11::error_already_set &e) { \
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, e.what()); \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } catch (const std::exception &e) { \
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, e.what()); \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ void PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(pybind11::module &variable)
+using ssize_t = Py_ssize_t;
+using size_t = std::size_t;
+/// Approach used to cast a previously unknown C++ instance into a Python object
+enum class return_value_policy : uint8_t {
+ /** This is the default return value policy, which falls back to the policy
+ return_value_policy::take_ownership when the return value is a pointer.
+ Otherwise, it uses return_value::move or return_value::copy for rvalue
+ and lvalue references, respectively. See below for a description of what
+ all of these different policies do. */
+ automatic = 0,
+ /** As above, but use policy return_value_policy::reference when the return
+ value is a pointer. This is the default conversion policy for function
+ arguments when calling Python functions manually from C++ code (i.e. via
+ handle::operator()). You probably won't need to use this. */
+ automatic_reference,
+ /** Reference an existing object (i.e. do not create a new copy) and take
+ ownership. Python will call the destructor and delete operator when the
+ object’s reference count reaches zero. Undefined behavior ensues when
+ the C++ side does the same.. */
+ take_ownership,
+ /** Create a new copy of the returned object, which will be owned by
+ Python. This policy is comparably safe because the lifetimes of the two
+ instances are decoupled. */
+ copy,
+ /** Use std::move to move the return value contents into a new instance
+ that will be owned by Python. This policy is comparably safe because the
+ lifetimes of the two instances (move source and destination) are
+ decoupled. */
+ move,
+ /** Reference an existing object, but do not take ownership. The C++ side
+ is responsible for managing the object’s lifetime and deallocating it
+ when it is no longer used. Warning: undefined behavior will ensue when
+ the C++ side deletes an object that is still referenced and used by
+ Python. */
+ reference,
+ /** This policy only applies to methods and properties. It references the
+ object without taking ownership similar to the above
+ return_value_policy::reference policy. In contrast to that policy, the
+ function or property’s implicit this argument (called the parent) is
+ considered to be the the owner of the return value (the child).
+ pybind11 then couples the lifetime of the parent to the child via a
+ reference relationship that ensures that the parent cannot be garbage
+ collected while Python is still using the child. More advanced
+ variations of this scheme are also possible using combinations of
+ return_value_policy::reference and the keep_alive call policy */
+ reference_internal
+inline static constexpr int log2(size_t n, int k = 0) { return (n <= 1) ? k : log2(n >> 1, k + 1); }
+// Returns the size as a multiple of sizeof(void *), rounded up.
+inline static constexpr size_t size_in_ptrs(size_t s) { return 1 + ((s - 1) >> log2(sizeof(void *))); }
+ * The space to allocate for simple layout instance holders (see below) in multiple of the size of
+ * a pointer (e.g. 2 means 16 bytes on 64-bit architectures). The default is the minimum required
+ * to holder either a std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr (which is almost always
+ * sizeof(std::shared_ptr<T>)).
+ */
+constexpr size_t instance_simple_holder_in_ptrs() {
+ static_assert(sizeof(std::shared_ptr<int>) >= sizeof(std::unique_ptr<int>),
+ "pybind assumes std::shared_ptrs are at least as big as std::unique_ptrs");
+ return size_in_ptrs(sizeof(std::shared_ptr<int>));
+// Forward declarations
+struct type_info;
+struct value_and_holder;
+struct nonsimple_values_and_holders {
+ void **values_and_holders;
+ uint8_t *status;
+/// The 'instance' type which needs to be standard layout (need to be able to use 'offsetof')
+struct instance {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /// Storage for pointers and holder; see simple_layout, below, for a description
+ union {
+ void *simple_value_holder[1 + instance_simple_holder_in_ptrs()];
+ nonsimple_values_and_holders nonsimple;
+ };
+ /// Weak references (needed for keep alive):
+ PyObject *weakrefs;
+ /// If true, the pointer is owned which means we're free to manage it with a holder.
+ bool owned : 1;
+ /**
+ * An instance has two possible value/holder layouts.
+ *
+ * Simple layout (when this flag is true), means the `simple_value_holder` is set with a pointer
+ * and the holder object governing that pointer, i.e. [val1*][holder]. This layout is applied
+ * whenever there is no python-side multiple inheritance of bound C++ types *and* the type's
+ * holder will fit in the default space (which is large enough to hold either a std::unique_ptr
+ * or std::shared_ptr).
+ *
+ * Non-simple layout applies when using custom holders that require more space than `shared_ptr`
+ * (which is typically the size of two pointers), or when multiple inheritance is used on the
+ * python side. Non-simple layout allocates the required amount of memory to have multiple
+ * bound C++ classes as parents. Under this layout, `nonsimple.values_and_holders` is set to a
+ * pointer to allocated space of the required space to hold a a sequence of value pointers and
+ * holders followed `status`, a set of bit flags (1 byte each), i.e.
+ * [val1*][holder1][val2*][holder2]...[bb...] where each [block] is rounded up to a multiple of
+ * `sizeof(void *)`. `nonsimple.holder_constructed` is, for convenience, a pointer to the
+ * beginning of the [bb...] block (but not independently allocated).
+ *
+ * Status bits indicate whether the associated holder is constructed (&
+ * status_holder_constructed) and whether the value pointer is registered (&
+ * status_instance_registered) in `registered_instances`.
+ */
+ bool simple_layout : 1;
+ /// For simple layout, tracks whether the holder has been constructed
+ bool simple_holder_constructed : 1;
+ /// For simple layout, tracks whether the instance is registered in `registered_instances`
+ bool simple_instance_registered : 1;
+ /// If true, get_internals().patients has an entry for this object
+ bool has_patients : 1;
+ /// Initializes all of the above type/values/holders data (but not the instance values themselves)
+ void allocate_layout();
+ /// Destroys/deallocates all of the above
+ void deallocate_layout();
+ /// Returns the value_and_holder wrapper for the given type (or the first, if `find_type`
+ /// omitted). Returns a default-constructed (with `.inst = nullptr`) object on failure if
+ /// `throw_if_missing` is false.
+ value_and_holder get_value_and_holder(const type_info *find_type = nullptr, bool throw_if_missing = true);
+ /// Bit values for the non-simple status flags
+ static constexpr uint8_t status_holder_constructed = 1;
+ static constexpr uint8_t status_instance_registered = 2;
+static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<instance>::value, "Internal error: `pybind11::detail::instance` is not standard layout!");
+/// from __cpp_future__ import (convenient aliases from C++14/17)
+#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14) && (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1910)
+using std::enable_if_t;
+using std::conditional_t;
+using std::remove_cv_t;
+using std::remove_reference_t;
+template <bool B, typename T = void> using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type;
+template <bool B, typename T, typename F> using conditional_t = typename std::conditional<B, T, F>::type;
+template <typename T> using remove_cv_t = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type;
+template <typename T> using remove_reference_t = typename std::remove_reference<T>::type;
+/// Index sequences
+#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
+using std::index_sequence;
+using std::make_index_sequence;
+template<size_t ...> struct index_sequence { };
+template<size_t N, size_t ...S> struct make_index_sequence_impl : make_index_sequence_impl <N - 1, N - 1, S...> { };
+template<size_t ...S> struct make_index_sequence_impl <0, S...> { typedef index_sequence<S...> type; };
+template<size_t N> using make_index_sequence = typename make_index_sequence_impl<N>::type;
+/// Make an index sequence of the indices of true arguments
+template <typename ISeq, size_t, bool...> struct select_indices_impl { using type = ISeq; };
+template <size_t... IPrev, size_t I, bool B, bool... Bs> struct select_indices_impl<index_sequence<IPrev...>, I, B, Bs...>
+ : select_indices_impl<conditional_t<B, index_sequence<IPrev..., I>, index_sequence<IPrev...>>, I + 1, Bs...> {};
+template <bool... Bs> using select_indices = typename select_indices_impl<index_sequence<>, 0, Bs...>::type;
+/// Backports of std::bool_constant and std::negation to accommodate older compilers
+template <bool B> using bool_constant = std::integral_constant<bool, B>;
+template <typename T> struct negation : bool_constant<!T::value> { };
+template <typename...> struct void_t_impl { using type = void; };
+template <typename... Ts> using void_t = typename void_t_impl<Ts...>::type;
+/// Compile-time all/any/none of that check the boolean value of all template types
+#ifdef __cpp_fold_expressions
+template <class... Ts> using all_of = bool_constant<(Ts::value && ...)>;
+template <class... Ts> using any_of = bool_constant<(Ts::value || ...)>;
+#elif !defined(_MSC_VER)
+template <bool...> struct bools {};
+template <class... Ts> using all_of = std::is_same<
+ bools<Ts::value..., true>,
+ bools<true, Ts::value...>>;
+template <class... Ts> using any_of = negation<all_of<negation<Ts>...>>;
+// MSVC has trouble with the above, but supports std::conjunction, which we can use instead (albeit
+// at a slight loss of compilation efficiency).
+template <class... Ts> using all_of = std::conjunction<Ts...>;
+template <class... Ts> using any_of = std::disjunction<Ts...>;
+template <class... Ts> using none_of = negation<any_of<Ts...>>;
+template <class T, template<class> class... Predicates> using satisfies_all_of = all_of<Predicates<T>...>;
+template <class T, template<class> class... Predicates> using satisfies_any_of = any_of<Predicates<T>...>;
+template <class T, template<class> class... Predicates> using satisfies_none_of = none_of<Predicates<T>...>;
+/// Strip the class from a method type
+template <typename T> struct remove_class { };
+template <typename C, typename R, typename... A> struct remove_class<R (C::*)(A...)> { typedef R type(A...); };
+template <typename C, typename R, typename... A> struct remove_class<R (C::*)(A...) const> { typedef R type(A...); };
+/// Helper template to strip away type modifiers
+template <typename T> struct intrinsic_type { typedef T type; };
+template <typename T> struct intrinsic_type<const T> { typedef typename intrinsic_type<T>::type type; };
+template <typename T> struct intrinsic_type<T*> { typedef typename intrinsic_type<T>::type type; };
+template <typename T> struct intrinsic_type<T&> { typedef typename intrinsic_type<T>::type type; };
+template <typename T> struct intrinsic_type<T&&> { typedef typename intrinsic_type<T>::type type; };
+template <typename T, size_t N> struct intrinsic_type<const T[N]> { typedef typename intrinsic_type<T>::type type; };
+template <typename T, size_t N> struct intrinsic_type<T[N]> { typedef typename intrinsic_type<T>::type type; };
+template <typename T> using intrinsic_t = typename intrinsic_type<T>::type;
+/// Helper type to replace 'void' in some expressions
+struct void_type { };
+/// Helper template which holds a list of types
+template <typename...> struct type_list { };
+/// Compile-time integer sum
+#ifdef __cpp_fold_expressions
+template <typename... Ts> constexpr size_t constexpr_sum(Ts... ns) { return (0 + ... + size_t{ns}); }
+constexpr size_t constexpr_sum() { return 0; }
+template <typename T, typename... Ts>
+constexpr size_t constexpr_sum(T n, Ts... ns) { return size_t{n} + constexpr_sum(ns...); }
+/// Implementation details for constexpr functions
+constexpr int first(int i) { return i; }
+template <typename T, typename... Ts>
+constexpr int first(int i, T v, Ts... vs) { return v ? i : first(i + 1, vs...); }
+constexpr int last(int /*i*/, int result) { return result; }
+template <typename T, typename... Ts>
+constexpr int last(int i, int result, T v, Ts... vs) { return last(i + 1, v ? i : result, vs...); }
+/// Return the index of the first type in Ts which satisfies Predicate<T>. Returns sizeof...(Ts) if
+/// none match.
+template <template<typename> class Predicate, typename... Ts>
+constexpr int constexpr_first() { return constexpr_impl::first(0, Predicate<Ts>::value...); }
+/// Return the index of the last type in Ts which satisfies Predicate<T>, or -1 if none match.
+template <template<typename> class Predicate, typename... Ts>
+constexpr int constexpr_last() { return constexpr_impl::last(0, -1, Predicate<Ts>::value...); }
+/// Return the Nth element from the parameter pack
+template <size_t N, typename T, typename... Ts>
+struct pack_element { using type = typename pack_element<N - 1, Ts...>::type; };
+template <typename T, typename... Ts>
+struct pack_element<0, T, Ts...> { using type = T; };
+/// Return the one and only type which matches the predicate, or Default if none match.
+/// If more than one type matches the predicate, fail at compile-time.
+template <template<typename> class Predicate, typename Default, typename... Ts>
+struct exactly_one {
+ static constexpr auto found = constexpr_sum(Predicate<Ts>::value...);
+ static_assert(found <= 1, "Found more than one type matching the predicate");
+ static constexpr auto index = found ? constexpr_first<Predicate, Ts...>() : 0;
+ using type = conditional_t<found, typename pack_element<index, Ts...>::type, Default>;
+template <template<typename> class P, typename Default>
+struct exactly_one<P, Default> { using type = Default; };
+template <template<typename> class Predicate, typename Default, typename... Ts>
+using exactly_one_t = typename exactly_one<Predicate, Default, Ts...>::type;
+/// Defer the evaluation of type T until types Us are instantiated
+template <typename T, typename... /*Us*/> struct deferred_type { using type = T; };
+template <typename T, typename... Us> using deferred_t = typename deferred_type<T, Us...>::type;
+/// Like is_base_of, but requires a strict base (i.e. `is_strict_base_of<T, T>::value == false`,
+/// unlike `std::is_base_of`)
+template <typename Base, typename Derived> using is_strict_base_of = bool_constant<
+ std::is_base_of<Base, Derived>::value && !std::is_same<Base, Derived>::value>;
+template <template<typename...> class Base>
+struct is_template_base_of_impl {
+ template <typename... Us> static std::true_type check(Base<Us...> *);
+ static std::false_type check(...);
+/// Check if a template is the base of a type. For example:
+/// `is_template_base_of<Base, T>` is true if `struct T : Base<U> {}` where U can be anything
+template <template<typename...> class Base, typename T>
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
+using is_template_base_of = decltype(is_template_base_of_impl<Base>::check((intrinsic_t<T>*)nullptr));
+#else // MSVC2015 has trouble with decltype in template aliases
+struct is_template_base_of : decltype(is_template_base_of_impl<Base>::check((intrinsic_t<T>*)nullptr)) { };
+/// Check if T is an instantiation of the template `Class`. For example:
+/// `is_instantiation<shared_ptr, T>` is true if `T == shared_ptr<U>` where U can be anything.
+template <template<typename...> class Class, typename T>
+struct is_instantiation : std::false_type { };
+template <template<typename...> class Class, typename... Us>
+struct is_instantiation<Class, Class<Us...>> : std::true_type { };
+/// Check if T is std::shared_ptr<U> where U can be anything
+template <typename T> using is_shared_ptr = is_instantiation<std::shared_ptr, T>;
+/// Check if T looks like an input iterator
+template <typename T, typename = void> struct is_input_iterator : std::false_type {};
+template <typename T>
+struct is_input_iterator<T, void_t<decltype(*std::declval<T &>()), decltype(++std::declval<T &>())>>
+ : std::true_type {};
+template <typename T> using is_function_pointer = bool_constant<
+ std::is_pointer<T>::value && std::is_function<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value>;
+template <typename F> struct strip_function_object {
+ using type = typename remove_class<decltype(&F::operator())>::type;
+// Extracts the function signature from a function, function pointer or lambda.
+template <typename Function, typename F = remove_reference_t<Function>>
+using function_signature_t = conditional_t<
+ std::is_function<F>::value,
+ F,
+ typename conditional_t<
+ std::is_pointer<F>::value || std::is_member_pointer<F>::value,
+ std::remove_pointer<F>,
+ strip_function_object<F>
+ >::type
+/// Returns true if the type looks like a lambda: that is, isn't a function, pointer or member
+/// pointer. Note that this can catch all sorts of other things, too; this is intended to be used
+/// in a place where passing a lambda makes sense.
+template <typename T> using is_lambda = satisfies_none_of<remove_reference_t<T>,
+ std::is_function, std::is_pointer, std::is_member_pointer>;
+/// Ignore that a variable is unused in compiler warnings
+inline void ignore_unused(const int *) { }
+/// Apply a function over each element of a parameter pack
+#ifdef __cpp_fold_expressions
+using expand_side_effects = bool[];
+#define PYBIND11_EXPAND_SIDE_EFFECTS(PATTERN) pybind11::detail::expand_side_effects{ ((PATTERN), void(), false)..., false }
+/// C++ bindings of builtin Python exceptions
+class builtin_exception : public std::runtime_error {
+ using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
+ /// Set the error using the Python C API
+ virtual void set_error() const = 0;
+#define PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(name, type) \
+ class name : public builtin_exception { public: \
+ using builtin_exception::builtin_exception; \
+ name() : name("") { } \
+ void set_error() const override { PyErr_SetString(type, what()); } \
+ };
+PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(stop_iteration, PyExc_StopIteration)
+PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(index_error, PyExc_IndexError)
+PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(key_error, PyExc_KeyError)
+PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(value_error, PyExc_ValueError)
+PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(type_error, PyExc_TypeError)
+PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(cast_error, PyExc_RuntimeError) /// Thrown when pybind11::cast or handle::call fail due to a type casting error
+PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(reference_cast_error, PyExc_RuntimeError) /// Used internally
+[[noreturn]] PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline void pybind11_fail(const char *reason) { throw std::runtime_error(reason); }
+[[noreturn]] PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline void pybind11_fail(const std::string &reason) { throw std::runtime_error(reason); }
+template <typename T, typename SFINAE = void> struct format_descriptor { };
+// Returns the index of the given type in the type char array below, and in the list in numpy.h
+// The order here is: bool; 8 ints ((signed,unsigned)x(8,16,32,64)bits); float,double,long double;
+// complex float,double,long double. Note that the long double types only participate when long
+// double is actually longer than double (it isn't under MSVC).
+// NB: not only the string below but also complex.h and numpy.h rely on this order.
+template <typename T, typename SFINAE = void> struct is_fmt_numeric { static constexpr bool value = false; };
+template <typename T> struct is_fmt_numeric<T, enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>> {
+ static constexpr bool value = true;
+ static constexpr int index = std::is_same<T, bool>::value ? 0 : 1 + (
+ std::is_integral<T>::value ? detail::log2(sizeof(T))*2 + std::is_unsigned<T>::value : 8 + (
+ std::is_same<T, double>::value ? 1 : std::is_same<T, long double>::value ? 2 : 0));
+template <typename T> struct format_descriptor<T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>> {
+ static constexpr const char c = "?bBhHiIqQfdg"[detail::is_fmt_numeric<T>::index];
+ static constexpr const char value[2] = { c, '\0' };
+ static std::string format() { return std::string(1, c); }
+template <typename T> constexpr const char format_descriptor<
+ T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>>::value[2];
+/// RAII wrapper that temporarily clears any Python error state
+struct error_scope {
+ PyObject *type, *value, *trace;
+ error_scope() { PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &trace); }
+ ~error_scope() { PyErr_Restore(type, value, trace); }
+/// Dummy destructor wrapper that can be used to expose classes with a private destructor
+struct nodelete { template <typename T> void operator()(T*) { } };
+// overload_cast requires variable templates: C++14
+#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
+template <typename... Args>
+struct overload_cast_impl {
+ constexpr overload_cast_impl() {} // MSVC 2015 needs this
+ template <typename Return>
+ constexpr auto operator()(Return (*pf)(Args...)) const noexcept
+ -> decltype(pf) { return pf; }
+ template <typename Return, typename Class>
+ constexpr auto operator()(Return (Class::*pmf)(Args...), std::false_type = {}) const noexcept
+ -> decltype(pmf) { return pmf; }
+ template <typename Return, typename Class>
+ constexpr auto operator()(Return (Class::*pmf)(Args...) const, std::true_type) const noexcept
+ -> decltype(pmf) { return pmf; }
+/// Syntax sugar for resolving overloaded function pointers:
+/// - regular: static_cast<Return (Class::*)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2)>(&Class::func)
+/// - sweet: overload_cast<Arg0, Arg1, Arg2>(&Class::func)
+template <typename... Args>
+static constexpr detail::overload_cast_impl<Args...> overload_cast = {};
+// MSVC 2015 only accepts this particular initialization syntax for this variable template.
+/// Const member function selector for overload_cast
+/// - regular: static_cast<Return (Class::*)(Arg) const>(&Class::func)
+/// - sweet: overload_cast<Arg>(&Class::func, const_)
+static constexpr auto const_ = std::true_type{};
+#else // no overload_cast: providing something that static_assert-fails:
+template <typename... Args> struct overload_cast {
+ static_assert(detail::deferred_t<std::false_type, Args...>::value,
+ "pybind11::overload_cast<...> requires compiling in C++14 mode");
+#endif // overload_cast
+// Adaptor for converting arbitrary container arguments into a vector; implicitly convertible from
+// any standard container (or C-style array) supporting std::begin/std::end, any singleton
+// arithmetic type (if T is arithmetic), or explicitly constructible from an iterator pair.
+template <typename T>
+class any_container {
+ std::vector<T> v;
+ any_container() = default;
+ // Can construct from a pair of iterators
+ template <typename It, typename = enable_if_t<is_input_iterator<It>::value>>
+ any_container(It first, It last) : v(first, last) { }
+ // Implicit conversion constructor from any arbitrary container type with values convertible to T
+ template <typename Container, typename = enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<decltype(*std::begin(std::declval<const Container &>())), T>::value>>
+ any_container(const Container &c) : any_container(std::begin(c), std::end(c)) { }
+ // initializer_list's aren't deducible, so don't get matched by the above template; we need this
+ // to explicitly allow implicit conversion from one:
+ template <typename TIn, typename = enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<TIn, T>::value>>
+ any_container(const std::initializer_list<TIn> &c) : any_container(c.begin(), c.end()) { }
+ // Avoid copying if given an rvalue vector of the correct type.
+ any_container(std::vector<T> &&v) : v(std::move(v)) { }
+ // Moves the vector out of an rvalue any_container
+ operator std::vector<T> &&() && { return std::move(v); }
+ // Dereferencing obtains a reference to the underlying vector
+ std::vector<T> &operator*() { return v; }
+ const std::vector<T> &operator*() const { return v; }
+ // -> lets you call methods on the underlying vector
+ std::vector<T> *operator->() { return &v; }
+ const std::vector<T> *operator->() const { return &v; }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/descr.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/descr.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3bf2ba97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/descr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ pybind11/detail/descr.h: Helper type for concatenating type signatures
+ either at runtime (C++11) or compile time (C++14)
+ Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <>
+ All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+ BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#include "common.h"
+/* Concatenate type signatures at compile time using C++14 */
+#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
+template <size_t Size1, size_t Size2> class descr {
+ template <size_t Size1_, size_t Size2_> friend class descr;
+ constexpr descr(char const (&text) [Size1+1], const std::type_info * const (&types)[Size2+1])
+ : descr(text, types,
+ make_index_sequence<Size1>(),
+ make_index_sequence<Size2>()) { }
+ constexpr const char *text() const { return m_text; }
+ constexpr const std::type_info * const * types() const { return m_types; }
+ template <size_t OtherSize1, size_t OtherSize2>
+ constexpr descr<Size1 + OtherSize1, Size2 + OtherSize2> operator+(const descr<OtherSize1, OtherSize2> &other) const {
+ return concat(other,
+ make_index_sequence<Size1>(),
+ make_index_sequence<Size2>(),
+ make_index_sequence<OtherSize1>(),
+ make_index_sequence<OtherSize2>());
+ }
+ template <size_t... Indices1, size_t... Indices2>
+ constexpr descr(
+ char const (&text) [Size1+1],
+ const std::type_info * const (&types) [Size2+1],
+ index_sequence<Indices1...>, index_sequence<Indices2...>)
+ : m_text{text[Indices1]..., '\0'},
+ m_types{types[Indices2]..., nullptr } {}
+ template <size_t OtherSize1, size_t OtherSize2, size_t... Indices1,
+ size_t... Indices2, size_t... OtherIndices1, size_t... OtherIndices2>
+ constexpr descr<Size1 + OtherSize1, Size2 + OtherSize2>
+ concat(const descr<OtherSize1, OtherSize2> &other,
+ index_sequence<Indices1...>, index_sequence<Indices2...>,
+ index_sequence<OtherIndices1...>, index_sequence<OtherIndices2...>) const {
+ return descr<Size1 + OtherSize1, Size2 + OtherSize2>(
+ { m_text[Indices1]..., other.m_text[OtherIndices1]..., '\0' },
+ { m_types[Indices2]..., other.m_types[OtherIndices2]..., nullptr }
+ );
+ }
+ char m_text[Size1 + 1];
+ const std::type_info * m_types[Size2 + 1];
+template <size_t Size> constexpr descr<Size - 1, 0> _(char const(&text)[Size]) {
+ return descr<Size - 1, 0>(text, { nullptr });
+template <size_t Rem, size_t... Digits> struct int_to_str : int_to_str<Rem/10, Rem%10, Digits...> { };
+template <size_t...Digits> struct int_to_str<0, Digits...> {
+ static constexpr auto digits = descr<sizeof...(Digits), 0>({ ('0' + Digits)..., '\0' }, { nullptr });
+// Ternary description (like std::conditional)
+template <bool B, size_t Size1, size_t Size2>
+constexpr enable_if_t<B, descr<Size1 - 1, 0>> _(char const(&text1)[Size1], char const(&)[Size2]) {
+ return _(text1);
+template <bool B, size_t Size1, size_t Size2>
+constexpr enable_if_t<!B, descr<Size2 - 1, 0>> _(char const(&)[Size1], char const(&text2)[Size2]) {
+ return _(text2);
+template <bool B, size_t SizeA1, size_t SizeA2, size_t SizeB1, size_t SizeB2>
+constexpr enable_if_t<B, descr<SizeA1, SizeA2>> _(descr<SizeA1, SizeA2> d, descr<SizeB1, SizeB2>) { return d; }
+template <bool B, size_t SizeA1, size_t SizeA2, size_t SizeB1, size_t SizeB2>
+constexpr enable_if_t<!B, descr<SizeB1, SizeB2>> _(descr<SizeA1, SizeA2>, descr<SizeB1, SizeB2> d) { return d; }
+template <size_t Size> auto constexpr _() -> decltype(int_to_str<Size / 10, Size % 10>::digits) {
+ return int_to_str<Size / 10, Size % 10>::digits;
+template <typename Type> constexpr descr<1, 1> _() {
+ return descr<1, 1>({ '%', '\0' }, { &typeid(Type), nullptr });
+inline constexpr descr<0, 0> concat() { return _(""); }
+template <size_t Size1, size_t Size2, typename... Args> auto constexpr concat(descr<Size1, Size2> descr) { return descr; }
+template <size_t Size1, size_t Size2, typename... Args> auto constexpr concat(descr<Size1, Size2> descr, Args&&... args) { return descr + _(", ") + concat(args...); }
+template <size_t Size1, size_t Size2> auto constexpr type_descr(descr<Size1, Size2> descr) { return _("{") + descr + _("}"); }
+#define PYBIND11_DESCR constexpr auto
+#else /* Simpler C++11 implementation based on run-time memory allocation and copying */
+class descr {
+ PYBIND11_NOINLINE descr(const char *text, const std::type_info * const * types) {
+ size_t nChars = len(text), nTypes = len(types);
+ m_text = new char[nChars];
+ m_types = new const std::type_info *[nTypes];
+ memcpy(m_text, text, nChars * sizeof(char));
+ memcpy(m_types, types, nTypes * sizeof(const std::type_info *));
+ }
+ PYBIND11_NOINLINE descr operator+(descr &&d2) && {
+ descr r;
+ size_t nChars1 = len(m_text), nTypes1 = len(m_types);
+ size_t nChars2 = len(d2.m_text), nTypes2 = len(d2.m_types);
+ r.m_text = new char[nChars1 + nChars2 - 1];
+ r.m_types = new const std::type_info *[nTypes1 + nTypes2 - 1];
+ memcpy(r.m_text, m_text, (nChars1-1) * sizeof(char));
+ memcpy(r.m_text + nChars1 - 1, d2.m_text, nChars2 * sizeof(char));
+ memcpy(r.m_types, m_types, (nTypes1-1) * sizeof(std::type_info *));
+ memcpy(r.m_types + nTypes1 - 1, d2.m_types, nTypes2 * sizeof(std::type_info *));
+ delete[] m_text; delete[] m_types;
+ delete[] d2.m_text; delete[] d2.m_types;
+ return r;
+ }
+ char *text() { return m_text; }
+ const std::type_info * * types() { return m_types; }
+ PYBIND11_NOINLINE descr() { }
+ template <typename T> static size_t len(const T *ptr) { // return length including null termination
+ const T *it = ptr;
+ while (*it++ != (T) 0)
+ ;
+ return static_cast<size_t>(it - ptr);
+ }
+ const std::type_info **m_types = nullptr;
+ char *m_text = nullptr;
+/* The 'PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline' combinations below are intentional to get the desired linkage while producing as little object code as possible */
+PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline descr _(const char *text) {
+ const std::type_info *types[1] = { nullptr };
+ return descr(text, types);
+template <bool B> PYBIND11_NOINLINE enable_if_t<B, descr> _(const char *text1, const char *) { return _(text1); }
+template <bool B> PYBIND11_NOINLINE enable_if_t<!B, descr> _(char const *, const char *text2) { return _(text2); }
+template <bool B> PYBIND11_NOINLINE enable_if_t<B, descr> _(descr d, descr) { return d; }
+template <bool B> PYBIND11_NOINLINE enable_if_t<!B, descr> _(descr, descr d) { return d; }
+template <typename Type> PYBIND11_NOINLINE descr _() {
+ const std::type_info *types[2] = { &typeid(Type), nullptr };
+ return descr("%", types);
+template <size_t Size> PYBIND11_NOINLINE descr _() {
+ const std::type_info *types[1] = { nullptr };
+ return descr(std::to_string(Size).c_str(), types);
+PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline descr concat() { return _(""); }
+PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline descr concat(descr &&d) { return d; }
+template <typename... Args> PYBIND11_NOINLINE descr concat(descr &&d, Args&&... args) { return std::move(d) + _(", ") + concat(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
+PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline descr type_descr(descr&& d) { return _("{") + std::move(d) + _("}"); }
+#define PYBIND11_DESCR ::pybind11::detail::descr
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/init.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/init.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82f740760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/init.h
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ pybind11/detail/init.h: init factory function implementation and support code.
+ Copyright (c) 2017 Jason Rhinelander <>
+ All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+ BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#include "class.h"
+template <>
+class type_caster<value_and_holder> {
+ bool load(handle h, bool) {
+ value = reinterpret_cast<value_and_holder *>(h.ptr());
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename> using cast_op_type = value_and_holder &;
+ operator value_and_holder &() { return *value; }
+ static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return type_descr(_<value_and_holder>()); }
+ value_and_holder *value = nullptr;
+inline void no_nullptr(void *ptr) {
+ if (!ptr) throw type_error("pybind11::init(): factory function returned nullptr");
+// Implementing functions for all forms of py::init<...> and py::init(...)
+template <typename Class> using Cpp = typename Class::type;
+template <typename Class> using Alias = typename Class::type_alias;
+template <typename Class> using Holder = typename Class::holder_type;
+template <typename Class> using is_alias_constructible = std::is_constructible<Alias<Class>, Cpp<Class> &&>;
+// Takes a Cpp pointer and returns true if it actually is a polymorphic Alias instance.
+template <typename Class, enable_if_t<Class::has_alias, int> = 0>
+bool is_alias(Cpp<Class> *ptr) {
+ return dynamic_cast<Alias<Class> *>(ptr) != nullptr;
+// Failing fallback version of the above for a no-alias class (always returns false)
+template <typename /*Class*/>
+constexpr bool is_alias(void *) { return false; }
+// Constructs and returns a new object; if the given arguments don't map to a constructor, we fall
+// back to brace aggregate initiailization so that for aggregate initialization can be used with
+// py::init, e.g. `py::init<int, int>` to initialize a `struct T { int a; int b; }`. For
+// non-aggregate types, we need to use an ordinary T(...) constructor (invoking as `T{...}` usually
+// works, but will not do the expected thing when `T` has an `initializer_list<T>` constructor).
+template <typename Class, typename... Args, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<Class, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
+inline Class *construct_or_initialize(Args &&...args) { return new Class(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
+template <typename Class, typename... Args, detail::enable_if_t<!std::is_constructible<Class, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
+inline Class *construct_or_initialize(Args &&...args) { return new Class{std::forward<Args>(args)...}; }
+// Attempts to constructs an alias using a `Alias(Cpp &&)` constructor. This allows types with
+// an alias to provide only a single Cpp factory function as long as the Alias can be
+// constructed from an rvalue reference of the base Cpp type. This means that Alias classes
+// can, when appropriate, simply define a `Alias(Cpp &&)` constructor rather than needing to
+// inherit all the base class constructors.
+template <typename Class>
+void construct_alias_from_cpp(std::true_type /*is_alias_constructible*/,
+ value_and_holder &v_h, Cpp<Class> &&base) {
+ v_h.value_ptr() = new Alias<Class>(std::move(base));
+template <typename Class>
+[[noreturn]] void construct_alias_from_cpp(std::false_type /*!is_alias_constructible*/,
+ value_and_holder &, Cpp<Class> &&) {
+ throw type_error("pybind11::init(): unable to convert returned instance to required "
+ "alias class: no `Alias<Class>(Class &&)` constructor available");
+// Error-generating fallback for factories that don't match one of the below construction
+// mechanisms.
+template <typename Class>
+void construct(...) {
+ static_assert(!std::is_same<Class, Class>::value /* always false */,
+ "pybind11::init(): init function must return a compatible pointer, "
+ "holder, or value");
+// Pointer return v1: the factory function returns a class pointer for a registered class.
+// If we don't need an alias (because this class doesn't have one, or because the final type is
+// inherited on the Python side) we can simply take over ownership. Otherwise we need to try to
+// construct an Alias from the returned base instance.
+template <typename Class>
+void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Cpp<Class> *ptr, bool need_alias) {
+ no_nullptr(ptr);
+ if (Class::has_alias && need_alias && !is_alias<Class>(ptr)) {
+ // We're going to try to construct an alias by moving the cpp type. Whether or not
+ // that succeeds, we still need to destroy the original cpp pointer (either the
+ // moved away leftover, if the alias construction works, or the value itself if we
+ // throw an error), but we can't just call `delete ptr`: it might have a special
+ // deleter, or might be shared_from_this. So we construct a holder around it as if
+ // it was a normal instance, then steal the holder away into a local variable; thus
+ // the holder and destruction happens when we leave the C++ scope, and the holder
+ // class gets to handle the destruction however it likes.
+ v_h.value_ptr() = ptr;
+ v_h.set_instance_registered(true); // To prevent init_instance from registering it
+ v_h.type->init_instance(v_h.inst, nullptr); // Set up the holder
+ Holder<Class> temp_holder(std::move(v_h.holder<Holder<Class>>())); // Steal the holder
+ v_h.type->dealloc(v_h); // Destroys the moved-out holder remains, resets value ptr to null
+ v_h.set_instance_registered(false);
+ construct_alias_from_cpp<Class>(is_alias_constructible<Class>{}, v_h, std::move(*ptr));
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise the type isn't inherited, so we don't need an Alias
+ v_h.value_ptr() = ptr;
+ }
+// Pointer return v2: a factory that always returns an alias instance ptr. We simply take over
+// ownership of the pointer.
+template <typename Class, enable_if_t<Class::has_alias, int> = 0>
+void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Alias<Class> *alias_ptr, bool) {
+ no_nullptr(alias_ptr);
+ v_h.value_ptr() = static_cast<Cpp<Class> *>(alias_ptr);
+// Holder return: copy its pointer, and move or copy the returned holder into the new instance's
+// holder. This also handles types like std::shared_ptr<T> and std::unique_ptr<T> where T is a
+// derived type (through those holder's implicit conversion from derived class holder constructors).
+template <typename Class>
+void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Holder<Class> holder, bool need_alias) {
+ auto *ptr = holder_helper<Holder<Class>>::get(holder);
+ // If we need an alias, check that the held pointer is actually an alias instance
+ if (Class::has_alias && need_alias && !is_alias<Class>(ptr))
+ throw type_error("pybind11::init(): construction failed: returned holder-wrapped instance "
+ "is not an alias instance");
+ v_h.value_ptr() = ptr;
+ v_h.type->init_instance(v_h.inst, &holder);
+// return-by-value version 1: returning a cpp class by value. If the class has an alias and an
+// alias is required the alias must have an `Alias(Cpp &&)` constructor so that we can construct
+// the alias from the base when needed (i.e. because of Python-side inheritance). When we don't
+// need it, we simply move-construct the cpp value into a new instance.
+template <typename Class>
+void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Cpp<Class> &&result, bool need_alias) {
+ static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<Cpp<Class>>::value,
+ "pybind11::init() return-by-value factory function requires a movable class");
+ if (Class::has_alias && need_alias)
+ construct_alias_from_cpp<Class>(is_alias_constructible<Class>{}, v_h, std::move(result));
+ else
+ v_h.value_ptr() = new Cpp<Class>(std::move(result));
+// return-by-value version 2: returning a value of the alias type itself. We move-construct an
+// Alias instance (even if no the python-side inheritance is involved). The is intended for
+// cases where Alias initialization is always desired.
+template <typename Class>
+void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Alias<Class> &&result, bool) {
+ static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<Alias<Class>>::value,
+ "pybind11::init() return-by-alias-value factory function requires a movable alias class");
+ v_h.value_ptr() = new Alias<Class>(std::move(result));
+// Implementing class for py::init<...>()
+template <typename... Args>
+struct constructor {
+ template <typename Class, typename... Extra, enable_if_t<!Class::has_alias, int> = 0>
+ static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) {
+ cl.def("__init__", [](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
+ v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Cpp<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
+ }
+ template <typename Class, typename... Extra,
+ enable_if_t<Class::has_alias &&
+ std::is_constructible<Cpp<Class>, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
+ static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) {
+ cl.def("__init__", [](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
+ if (Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) == v_h.type->type)
+ v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Cpp<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ else
+ v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
+ }
+ template <typename Class, typename... Extra,
+ enable_if_t<Class::has_alias &&
+ !std::is_constructible<Cpp<Class>, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
+ static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) {
+ cl.def("__init__", [](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
+ v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
+ }
+// Implementing class for py::init_alias<...>()
+template <typename... Args> struct alias_constructor {
+ template <typename Class, typename... Extra,
+ enable_if_t<Class::has_alias && std::is_constructible<Alias<Class>, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
+ static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) {
+ cl.def("__init__", [](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
+ v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
+ }
+// Implementation class for py::init(Func) and py::init(Func, AliasFunc)
+template <typename CFunc, typename AFunc = void_type (*)(),
+ typename = function_signature_t<CFunc>, typename = function_signature_t<AFunc>>
+struct factory;
+// Specialization for py::init(Func)
+template <typename Func, typename Return, typename... Args>
+struct factory<Func, void_type (*)(), Return(Args...)> {
+ remove_reference_t<Func> class_factory;
+ factory(Func &&f) : class_factory(std::forward<Func>(f)) { }
+ // The given class either has no alias or has no separate alias factory;
+ // this always constructs the class itself. If the class is registered with an alias
+ // type and an alias instance is needed (i.e. because the final type is a Python class
+ // inheriting from the C++ type) the returned value needs to either already be an alias
+ // instance, or the alias needs to be constructible from a `Class &&` argument.
+ template <typename Class, typename... Extra>
+ void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) && {
+ #if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
+ cl.def("__init__", [func = std::move(class_factory)]
+ #else
+ auto &func = class_factory;
+ cl.def("__init__", [func]
+ #endif
+ (value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
+ construct<Class>(v_h, func(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
+ Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) != v_h.type->type);
+ }, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
+ }
+// Specialization for py::init(Func, AliasFunc)
+template <typename CFunc, typename AFunc,
+ typename CReturn, typename... CArgs, typename AReturn, typename... AArgs>
+struct factory<CFunc, AFunc, CReturn(CArgs...), AReturn(AArgs...)> {
+ static_assert(sizeof...(CArgs) == sizeof...(AArgs),
+ "pybind11::init(class_factory, alias_factory): class and alias factories "
+ "must have identical argument signatures");
+ static_assert(all_of<std::is_same<CArgs, AArgs>...>::value,
+ "pybind11::init(class_factory, alias_factory): class and alias factories "
+ "must have identical argument signatures");
+ remove_reference_t<CFunc> class_factory;
+ remove_reference_t<AFunc> alias_factory;
+ factory(CFunc &&c, AFunc &&a)
+ : class_factory(std::forward<CFunc>(c)), alias_factory(std::forward<AFunc>(a)) { }
+ // The class factory is called when the `self` type passed to `__init__` is the direct
+ // class (i.e. not inherited), the alias factory when `self` is a Python-side subtype.
+ template <typename Class, typename... Extra>
+ void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) && {
+ static_assert(Class::has_alias, "The two-argument version of `py::init()` can "
+ "only be used if the class has an alias");
+ #if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
+ cl.def("__init__", [class_func = std::move(class_factory), alias_func = std::move(alias_factory)]
+ #else
+ auto &class_func = class_factory;
+ auto &alias_func = alias_factory;
+ cl.def("__init__", [class_func, alias_func]
+ #endif
+ (value_and_holder &v_h, CArgs... args) {
+ if (Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) == v_h.type->type)
+ // If the instance type equals the registered type we don't have inheritance, so
+ // don't need the alias and can construct using the class function:
+ construct<Class>(v_h, class_func(std::forward<CArgs>(args)...), false);
+ else
+ construct<Class>(v_h, alias_func(std::forward<CArgs>(args)...), true);
+ }, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
+ }
+/// Set just the C++ state. Same as `__init__`.
+template <typename Class, typename T>
+void setstate(value_and_holder &v_h, T &&result, bool need_alias) {
+ construct<Class>(v_h, std::forward<T>(result), need_alias);
+/// Set both the C++ and Python states
+template <typename Class, typename T, typename O,
+ enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<O, handle>::value, int> = 0>
+void setstate(value_and_holder &v_h, std::pair<T, O> &&result, bool need_alias) {
+ construct<Class>(v_h, std::move(result.first), need_alias);
+ setattr((PyObject *) v_h.inst, "__dict__", result.second);
+/// Implementation for py::pickle(GetState, SetState)
+template <typename Get, typename Set,
+ typename = function_signature_t<Get>, typename = function_signature_t<Set>>
+struct pickle_factory;
+template <typename Get, typename Set,
+ typename RetState, typename Self, typename NewInstance, typename ArgState>
+struct pickle_factory<Get, Set, RetState(Self), NewInstance(ArgState)> {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<intrinsic_t<RetState>, intrinsic_t<ArgState>>::value,
+ "The type returned by `__getstate__` must be the same "
+ "as the argument accepted by `__setstate__`");
+ remove_reference_t<Get> get;
+ remove_reference_t<Set> set;
+ pickle_factory(Get get, Set set)
+ : get(std::forward<Get>(get)), set(std::forward<Set>(set)) { }
+ template <typename Class, typename... Extra>
+ void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) && {
+ cl.def("__getstate__", std::move(get));
+#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
+ cl.def("__setstate__", [func = std::move(set)]
+ auto &func = set;
+ cl.def("__setstate__", [func]
+ (value_and_holder &v_h, ArgState state) {
+ setstate<Class>(v_h, func(std::forward<ArgState>(state)),
+ Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) != v_h.type->type);
+ }, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
+ }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/internals.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/internals.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e39f38695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/internals.h
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ pybind11/detail/internals.h: Internal data structure and related functions
+ Copyright (c) 2017 Wenzel Jakob <>
+ All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+ BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#include "../pytypes.h"
+// Forward declarations
+inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type();
+inline PyTypeObject *make_default_metaclass();
+inline PyObject *make_object_base_type(PyTypeObject *metaclass);
+// Python loads modules by default with dlopen with the RTLD_LOCAL flag; under libc++ and possibly
+// other STLs, this means `typeid(A)` from one module won't equal `typeid(A)` from another module
+// even when `A` is the same, non-hidden-visibility type (e.g. from a common include). Under
+// libstdc++, this doesn't happen: equality and the type_index hash are based on the type name,
+// which works. If not under a known-good stl, provide our own name-based hash and equality
+// functions that use the type name.
+#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
+inline bool same_type(const std::type_info &lhs, const std::type_info &rhs) { return lhs == rhs; }
+using type_hash = std::hash<std::type_index>;
+using type_equal_to = std::equal_to<std::type_index>;
+inline bool same_type(const std::type_info &lhs, const std::type_info &rhs) {
+ return == || std::strcmp(, == 0;
+struct type_hash {
+ size_t operator()(const std::type_index &t) const {
+ size_t hash = 5381;
+ const char *ptr =;
+ while (auto c = static_cast<unsigned char>(*ptr++))
+ hash = (hash * 33) ^ c;
+ return hash;
+ }
+struct type_equal_to {
+ bool operator()(const std::type_index &lhs, const std::type_index &rhs) const {
+ return == || std::strcmp(, == 0;
+ }
+template <typename value_type>
+using type_map = std::unordered_map<std::type_index, value_type, type_hash, type_equal_to>;
+struct overload_hash {
+ inline size_t operator()(const std::pair<const PyObject *, const char *>& v) const {
+ size_t value = std::hash<const void *>()(v.first);
+ value ^= std::hash<const void *>()(v.second) + 0x9e3779b9 + (value<<6) + (value>>2);
+ return value;
+ }
+/// Internal data structure used to track registered instances and types.
+/// Whenever binary incompatible changes are made to this structure,
+/// `PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION` must be incremented.
+struct internals {
+ type_map<type_info *> registered_types_cpp; // std::type_index -> pybind11's type information
+ std::unordered_map<PyTypeObject *, std::vector<type_info *>> registered_types_py; // PyTypeObject* -> base type_info(s)
+ std::unordered_multimap<const void *, instance*> registered_instances; // void * -> instance*
+ std::unordered_set<std::pair<const PyObject *, const char *>, overload_hash> inactive_overload_cache;
+ type_map<std::vector<bool (*)(PyObject *, void *&)>> direct_conversions;
+ std::unordered_map<const PyObject *, std::vector<PyObject *>> patients;
+ std::forward_list<void (*) (std::exception_ptr)> registered_exception_translators;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, void *> shared_data; // Custom data to be shared across extensions
+ std::vector<PyObject *> loader_patient_stack; // Used by `loader_life_support`
+ std::forward_list<std::string> static_strings; // Stores the std::strings backing detail::c_str()
+ PyTypeObject *static_property_type;
+ PyTypeObject *default_metaclass;
+ PyObject *instance_base;
+#if defined(WITH_THREAD)
+ decltype(PyThread_create_key()) tstate = 0; // Usually an int but a long on Cygwin64 with Python 3.x
+ PyInterpreterState *istate = nullptr;
+/// Additional type information which does not fit into the PyTypeObject.
+/// Changes to this struct also require bumping `PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION`.
+struct type_info {
+ PyTypeObject *type;
+ const std::type_info *cpptype;
+ size_t type_size, holder_size_in_ptrs;
+ void *(*operator_new)(size_t);
+ void (*init_instance)(instance *, const void *);
+ void (*dealloc)(value_and_holder &v_h);
+ std::vector<PyObject *(*)(PyObject *, PyTypeObject *)> implicit_conversions;
+ std::vector<std::pair<const std::type_info *, void *(*)(void *)>> implicit_casts;
+ std::vector<bool (*)(PyObject *, void *&)> *direct_conversions;
+ buffer_info *(*get_buffer)(PyObject *, void *) = nullptr;
+ void *get_buffer_data = nullptr;
+ void *(*module_local_load)(PyObject *, const type_info *) = nullptr;
+ /* A simple type never occurs as a (direct or indirect) parent
+ * of a class that makes use of multiple inheritance */
+ bool simple_type : 1;
+ /* True if there is no multiple inheritance in this type's inheritance tree */
+ bool simple_ancestors : 1;
+ /* for base vs derived holder_type checks */
+ bool default_holder : 1;
+ /* true if this is a type registered with py::module_local */
+ bool module_local : 1;
+/// Tracks the `internals` and `type_info` ABI version independent of the main library version
+#if defined(WITH_THREAD)
+# define PYBIND11_INTERNALS_KIND "_without_thread"
+#define PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID "__pybind11_internals_v" \
+#define PYBIND11_MODULE_LOCAL_ID "__pybind11_module_local_v" \
+/// Each module locally stores a pointer to the `internals` data. The data
+/// itself is shared among modules with the same `PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID`.
+inline internals **&get_internals_pp() {
+ static internals **internals_pp = nullptr;
+ return internals_pp;
+/// Return a reference to the current `internals` data
+PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline internals &get_internals() {
+ auto **&internals_pp = get_internals_pp();
+ if (internals_pp && *internals_pp)
+ return **internals_pp;
+ constexpr auto *id = PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID;
+ auto builtins = handle(PyEval_GetBuiltins());
+ if (builtins.contains(id) && isinstance<capsule>(builtins[id])) {
+ internals_pp = static_cast<internals **>(capsule(builtins[id]));
+ // We loaded builtins through python's builtins, which means that our `error_already_set`
+ // and `builtin_exception` may be different local classes than the ones set up in the
+ // initial exception translator, below, so add another for our local exception classes.
+ //
+ // libstdc++ doesn't require this (types there are identified only by name)
+#if !defined(__GLIBCXX__)
+ (*internals_pp)->registered_exception_translators.push_front(
+ [](std::exception_ptr p) -> void {
+ try {
+ if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
+ } catch (error_already_set &e) { e.restore(); return;
+ } catch (const builtin_exception &e) { e.set_error(); return;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ if (!internals_pp) internals_pp = new internals*();
+ auto *&internals_ptr = *internals_pp;
+ internals_ptr = new internals();
+#if defined(WITH_THREAD)
+ PyEval_InitThreads();
+ PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
+ internals_ptr->tstate = PyThread_create_key();
+ PyThread_set_key_value(internals_ptr->tstate, tstate);
+ internals_ptr->istate = tstate->interp;
+ builtins[id] = capsule(internals_pp);
+ internals_ptr->registered_exception_translators.push_front(
+ [](std::exception_ptr p) -> void {
+ try {
+ if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
+ } catch (error_already_set &e) { e.restore(); return;
+ } catch (const builtin_exception &e) { e.set_error(); return;
+ } catch (const std::bad_alloc &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, e.what()); return;
+ } catch (const std::domain_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
+ } catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
+ } catch (const std::length_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
+ } catch (const std::out_of_range &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, e.what()); return;
+ } catch (const std::range_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
+ } catch (const std::exception &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.what()); return;
+ } catch (...) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Caught an unknown exception!");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ internals_ptr->static_property_type = make_static_property_type();
+ internals_ptr->default_metaclass = make_default_metaclass();
+ internals_ptr->instance_base = make_object_base_type(internals_ptr->default_metaclass);
+ }
+ return **internals_pp;
+/// Works like `internals.registered_types_cpp`, but for module-local registered types:
+inline type_map<type_info *> &registered_local_types_cpp() {
+ static type_map<type_info *> locals{};
+ return locals;
+/// Constructs a std::string with the given arguments, stores it in `internals`, and returns its
+/// `c_str()`. Such strings objects have a long storage duration -- the internal strings are only
+/// cleared when the program exits or after interpreter shutdown (when embedding), and so are
+/// suitable for c-style strings needed by Python internals (such as PyTypeObject's tp_name).
+template <typename... Args>
+const char *c_str(Args &&...args) {
+ auto &strings = get_internals().static_strings;
+ strings.emplace_front(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ return strings.front().c_str();
+/// Returns a named pointer that is shared among all extension modules (using the same
+/// pybind11 version) running in the current interpreter. Names starting with underscores
+/// are reserved for internal usage. Returns `nullptr` if no matching entry was found.
+inline PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *get_shared_data(const std::string &name) {
+ auto &internals = detail::get_internals();
+ auto it = internals.shared_data.find(name);
+ return it != internals.shared_data.end() ? it->second : nullptr;
+/// Set the shared data that can be later recovered by `get_shared_data()`.
+inline PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *set_shared_data(const std::string &name, void *data) {
+ detail::get_internals().shared_data[name] = data;
+ return data;
+/// Returns a typed reference to a shared data entry (by using `get_shared_data()`) if
+/// such entry exists. Otherwise, a new object of default-constructible type `T` is
+/// added to the shared data under the given name and a reference to it is returned.
+template<typename T>
+T &get_or_create_shared_data(const std::string &name) {
+ auto &internals = detail::get_internals();
+ auto it = internals.shared_data.find(name);
+ T *ptr = (T *) (it != internals.shared_data.end() ? it->second : nullptr);
+ if (!ptr) {
+ ptr = new T();
+ internals.shared_data[name] = ptr;
+ }
+ return *ptr;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/typeid.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/typeid.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f36aab75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/external/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/typeid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ pybind11/detail/typeid.h: Compiler-independent access to type identifiers
+ Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <>
+ All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+ BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#if defined(__GNUG__)
+#include <cxxabi.h>
+/// Erase all occurrences of a substring
+inline void erase_all(std::string &string, const std::string &search) {
+ for (size_t pos = 0;;) {
+ pos = string.find(search, pos);
+ if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
+ string.erase(pos, search.length());
+ }
+PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline void clean_type_id(std::string &name) {
+#if defined(__GNUG__)
+ int status = 0;
+ std::unique_ptr<char, void (*)(void *)> res {
+ abi::__cxa_demangle(name.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, &status), std::free };
+ if (status == 0)
+ name = res.get();
+ detail::erase_all(name, "class ");
+ detail::erase_all(name, "struct ");
+ detail::erase_all(name, "enum ");
+ detail::erase_all(name, "pybind11::");
+/// Return a string representation of a C++ type
+template <typename T> static std::string type_id() {
+ std::string name(typeid(T).name());
+ detail::clean_type_id(name);
+ return name;