path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts
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Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 3309 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/find_max_factor_graph_potts.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/find_max_factor_graph_potts.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f035442bf..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/find_max_factor_graph_potts.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,959 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "find_max_factor_graph_potts_abstract.h"
-#include "../matrix.h"
-#include "min_cut.h"
-#include "general_potts_problem.h"
-#include "../algs.h"
-#include "../graph_utils.h"
-#include "../array2d.h"
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace impl
- {
- template <
- typename potts_problem,
- typename T = void
- >
- class flows_container
- {
- /*
- This object notionally represents a matrix of flow values. It's
- overloaded to represent this matrix efficiently though. In this case
- it represents the matrix using a sparse representation.
- */
- typedef typename potts_problem::value_type edge_type;
- std::vector<std::vector<edge_type> > flows;
- public:
- void setup(
- const potts_problem& p
- )
- {
- flows.resize(p.number_of_nodes());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < flows.size(); ++i)
- {
- flows[i].resize(p.number_of_neighbors(i));
- }
- }
- edge_type& operator() (
- const long r,
- const long c
- ) { return flows[r][c]; }
- const edge_type& operator() (
- const long r,
- const long c
- ) const { return flows[r][c]; }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_problem
- >
- class flows_container<potts_problem,
- typename enable_if_c<potts_problem::max_number_of_neighbors!=0>::type>
- {
- /*
- This object notionally represents a matrix of flow values. It's
- overloaded to represent this matrix efficiently though. In this case
- it represents the matrix using a dense representation.
- */
- typedef typename potts_problem::value_type edge_type;
- const static unsigned long max_number_of_neighbors = potts_problem::max_number_of_neighbors;
- matrix<edge_type,0,max_number_of_neighbors> flows;
- public:
- void setup(
- const potts_problem& p
- )
- {
- flows.set_size(p.number_of_nodes(), max_number_of_neighbors);
- }
- edge_type& operator() (
- const long r,
- const long c
- ) { return flows(r,c); }
- const edge_type& operator() (
- const long r,
- const long c
- ) const { return flows(r,c); }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_problem
- >
- class potts_flow_graph
- {
- public:
- typedef typename potts_problem::value_type edge_type;
- private:
- /*!
- This is a utility class used by dlib::min_cut to convert a potts_problem
- into the kind of flow graph expected by the min_cut object's main block
- of code.
- Within this object, we will use the convention that one past
- potts_problem::number_of_nodes() is the source node and two past is
- the sink node.
- !*/
- potts_problem& g;
- // flows(i,j) == the flow from node id i to it's jth neighbor
- flows_container<potts_problem> flows;
- // source_flows(i,0) == flow from source to node i,
- // source_flows(i,1) == flow from node i to source
- matrix<edge_type,0,2> source_flows;
- // sink_flows(i,0) == flow from sink to node i,
- // sink_flows(i,1) == flow from node i to sink
- matrix<edge_type,0,2> sink_flows;
- node_label source_label, sink_label;
- public:
- potts_flow_graph(
- potts_problem& g_
- ) : g(g_)
- {
- flows.setup(g);
- source_flows.set_size(g.number_of_nodes(), 2);
- sink_flows.set_size(g.number_of_nodes(), 2);
- source_flows = 0;
- sink_flows = 0;
- source_label = FREE_NODE;
- sink_label = FREE_NODE;
- // setup flows based on factor potentials
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- const edge_type temp = g.factor_value(i);
- if (temp < 0)
- source_flows(i,0) = -temp;
- else
- sink_flows(i,1) = temp;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_neighbors(i); ++j)
- {
- flows(i,j) = g.factor_value_disagreement(i, g.get_neighbor(i,j));
- }
- }
- }
- class out_edge_iterator
- {
- friend class potts_flow_graph;
- unsigned long idx; // base node idx
- unsigned long cnt; // count over the neighbors of idx
- public:
- out_edge_iterator(
- ):idx(0),cnt(0){}
- out_edge_iterator(
- unsigned long idx_,
- unsigned long cnt_
- ):idx(idx_),cnt(cnt_)
- {}
- bool operator!= (
- const out_edge_iterator& item
- ) const { return cnt != item.cnt; }
- out_edge_iterator& operator++(
- )
- {
- ++cnt;
- return *this;
- }
- };
- class in_edge_iterator
- {
- friend class potts_flow_graph;
- unsigned long idx; // base node idx
- unsigned long cnt; // count over the neighbors of idx
- public:
- in_edge_iterator(
- ):idx(0),cnt(0)
- {}
- in_edge_iterator(
- unsigned long idx_,
- unsigned long cnt_
- ):idx(idx_),cnt(cnt_)
- {}
- bool operator!= (
- const in_edge_iterator& item
- ) const { return cnt != item.cnt; }
- in_edge_iterator& operator++(
- )
- {
- ++cnt;
- return *this;
- }
- };
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const { return g.number_of_nodes() + 2; }
- out_edge_iterator out_begin(
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const { return out_edge_iterator(it, 0); }
- in_edge_iterator in_begin(
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const { return in_edge_iterator(it, 0); }
- out_edge_iterator out_end(
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const
- {
- if (it >= g.number_of_nodes())
- return out_edge_iterator(it, g.number_of_nodes());
- else
- return out_edge_iterator(it, g.number_of_neighbors(it)+2);
- }
- in_edge_iterator in_end(
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const
- {
- if (it >= g.number_of_nodes())
- return in_edge_iterator(it, g.number_of_nodes());
- else
- return in_edge_iterator(it, g.number_of_neighbors(it)+2);
- }
- template <typename iterator_type>
- unsigned long node_id (
- const iterator_type& it
- ) const
- {
- // if this isn't an iterator over the source or sink nodes
- if (it.idx < g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- const unsigned long num = g.number_of_neighbors(it.idx);
- if (it.cnt < num)
- return g.get_neighbor(it.idx, it.cnt);
- else if (it.cnt == num)
- return g.number_of_nodes();
- else
- return g.number_of_nodes()+1;
- }
- else
- {
- return it.cnt;
- }
- }
- edge_type get_flow (
- const unsigned long& it1,
- const unsigned long& it2
- ) const
- {
- if (it1 >= g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- // if it1 is the source
- if (it1 == g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- return source_flows(it2,0);
- }
- else // if it1 is the sink
- {
- return sink_flows(it2,0);
- }
- }
- else if (it2 >= g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- // if it2 is the source
- if (it2 == g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- return source_flows(it1,1);
- }
- else // if it2 is the sink
- {
- return sink_flows(it1,1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return flows(it1, g.get_neighbor_idx(it1, it2));
- }
- }
- edge_type get_flow (
- const out_edge_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- if (it.idx < g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- const unsigned long num = g.number_of_neighbors(it.idx);
- if (it.cnt < num)
- return flows(it.idx, it.cnt);
- else if (it.cnt == num)
- return source_flows(it.idx,1);
- else
- return sink_flows(it.idx,1);
- }
- else
- {
- // if it.idx is the source
- if (it.idx == g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- return source_flows(it.cnt,0);
- }
- else // if it.idx is the sink
- {
- return sink_flows(it.cnt,0);
- }
- }
- }
- edge_type get_flow (
- const in_edge_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- return get_flow(node_id(it), it.idx);
- }
- void adjust_flow (
- const unsigned long& it1,
- const unsigned long& it2,
- const edge_type& value
- )
- {
- if (it1 >= g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- // if it1 is the source
- if (it1 == g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- source_flows(it2,0) += value;
- source_flows(it2,1) -= value;
- }
- else // if it1 is the sink
- {
- sink_flows(it2,0) += value;
- sink_flows(it2,1) -= value;
- }
- }
- else if (it2 >= g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- // if it2 is the source
- if (it2 == g.number_of_nodes())
- {
- source_flows(it1,1) += value;
- source_flows(it1,0) -= value;
- }
- else // if it2 is the sink
- {
- sink_flows(it1,1) += value;
- sink_flows(it1,0) -= value;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- flows(it1, g.get_neighbor_idx(it1, it2)) += value;
- flows(it2, g.get_neighbor_idx(it2, it1)) -= value;
- }
- }
- void set_label (
- const unsigned long& it,
- node_label value
- )
- {
- if (it < g.number_of_nodes())
- g.set_label(it, value);
- else if (it == g.number_of_nodes())
- source_label = value;
- else
- sink_label = value;
- }
- node_label get_label (
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const
- {
- if (it < g.number_of_nodes())
- return g.get_label(it);
- if (it == g.number_of_nodes())
- return source_label;
- else
- return sink_label;
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename label_image_type,
- typename image_potts_model
- >
- class potts_grid_problem
- {
- label_image_type& label_img;
- long nc;
- long num_nodes;
- unsigned char* labels;
- const image_potts_model& model;
- public:
- const static unsigned long max_number_of_neighbors = 4;
- potts_grid_problem (
- label_image_type& label_img_,
- const image_potts_model& image_potts_model_
- ) :
- label_img(label_img_),
- model(image_potts_model_)
- {
- num_nodes =*;
- nc =;
- labels = &label_img[0][0];
- }
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const { return num_nodes; }
- unsigned long number_of_neighbors (
- unsigned long
- ) const
- {
- return 4;
- }
- unsigned long get_neighbor_idx (
- long node_id1,
- long node_id2
- ) const
- {
- long diff = node_id2-node_id1;
- if (diff > nc)
- diff -= (long)number_of_nodes();
- else if (diff < -nc)
- diff += (long)number_of_nodes();
- if (diff == 1)
- return 0;
- else if (diff == -1)
- return 1;
- else if (diff == nc)
- return 2;
- else
- return 3;
- }
- unsigned long get_neighbor (
- long node_id,
- long idx
- ) const
- {
- switch(idx)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- long temp = node_id+1;
- if (temp < (long)number_of_nodes())
- return temp;
- else
- return temp - (long)number_of_nodes();
- }
- case 1:
- {
- long temp = node_id-1;
- if (node_id >= 1)
- return temp;
- else
- return temp + (long)number_of_nodes();
- }
- case 2:
- {
- long temp = node_id+nc;
- if (temp < (long)number_of_nodes())
- return temp;
- else
- return temp - (long)number_of_nodes();
- }
- case 3:
- {
- long temp = node_id-nc;
- if (node_id >= nc)
- return temp;
- else
- return temp + (long)number_of_nodes();
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void set_label (
- const unsigned long& idx,
- node_label value
- )
- {
- *(labels+idx) = value;
- }
- node_label get_label (
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const
- {
- return *(labels+idx);
- }
- typedef typename image_potts_model::value_type value_type;
- value_type factor_value (unsigned long idx) const
- {
- return model.factor_value(idx);
- }
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (unsigned long idx1, unsigned long idx2) const
- {
- return model.factor_value_disagreement(idx1,idx2);
- }
- };
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_model
- >
- typename potts_model::value_type potts_model_score (
- const potts_model& prob
- )
- {
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long jj = 0; jj < prob.number_of_neighbors(i); ++jj)
- {
- unsigned long j = prob.get_neighbor(i,jj);
- DLIB_ASSERT(prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0,
- "\t value_type potts_model_score(prob)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t i: " << i
- << "\n\t j: " << j
- << "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j)
- );
- DLIB_ASSERT(prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i),
- "\t value_type potts_model_score(prob)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t i: " << i
- << "\n\t j: " << j
- << "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j)
- << "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- );
- }
- }
- typename potts_model::value_type score = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- const bool label = (prob.get_label(i)!=0);
- if (label)
- score += prob.factor_value(i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long n = 0; n < prob.number_of_neighbors(i); ++n)
- {
- const unsigned long idx2 = prob.get_neighbor(i,n);
- const bool label_i = (prob.get_label(i)!=0);
- const bool label_idx2 = (prob.get_label(idx2)!=0);
- if (label_i != label_idx2 && i < idx2)
- score -= prob.factor_value_disagreement(i, idx2);
- }
- }
- return score;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename graph_type
- >
- typename graph_type::edge_type potts_model_score (
- const graph_type& g,
- const std::vector<node_label>& labels
- )
- {
- DLIB_ASSERT(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false,
- "\t edge_type potts_model_score(g,labels)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- );
- typedef typename graph_type::edge_type edge_type;
- typedef typename graph_type::type type;
- // The edges and node's have to use the same type to represent factor weights!
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<edge_type, type>::value == true));
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long jj = 0; jj < g.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++jj)
- {
- unsigned long j = g.node(i).neighbor(jj).index();
- DLIB_ASSERT(edge(g,i,j) >= 0,
- "\t edge_type potts_model_score(g,labels)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t i: " << i
- << "\n\t j: " << j
- << "\n\t edge(g,i,j): " << edge(g,i,j)
- );
- }
- }
- typename graph_type::edge_type score = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- const bool label = (labels[i]!=0);
- if (label)
- score += g.node(i).data;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long n = 0; n < g.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++n)
- {
- const unsigned long idx2 = g.node(i).neighbor(n).index();
- const bool label_i = (labels[i]!=0);
- const bool label_idx2 = (labels[idx2]!=0);
- if (label_i != label_idx2 && i < idx2)
- score -= g.node(i).edge(n);
- }
- }
- return score;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_grid_problem,
- typename mem_manager
- >
- typename potts_grid_problem::value_type potts_model_score (
- const potts_grid_problem& prob,
- const array2d<node_label,mem_manager>& labels
- )
- {
- DLIB_ASSERT( == && ==,
- "\t value_type potts_model_score(prob,labels)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t " <<
- << "\n\t " <<
- );
- typedef array2d<node_label,mem_manager> image_type;
- // This const_cast is ok because the model object won't actually modify labels
- dlib::impl::potts_grid_problem<image_type,potts_grid_problem> model(const_cast<image_type&>(labels),prob);
- return potts_model_score(model);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_model
- >
- void find_max_factor_graph_potts (
- potts_model& prob
- )
- {
- for (unsigned long node_i = 0; node_i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++node_i)
- {
- for (unsigned long jj = 0; jj < prob.number_of_neighbors(node_i); ++jj)
- {
- unsigned long node_j = prob.get_neighbor(node_i,jj);
- DLIB_ASSERT(prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_j,node_i) < prob.number_of_neighbors(node_j),
- "\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob)"
- << "\n\t The supplied potts problem defines an invalid graph."
- << "\n\t node_i: " << node_i
- << "\n\t node_j: " << node_j
- << "\n\t prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_j,node_i): " << prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_j,node_i)
- << "\n\t prob.number_of_neighbors(node_j): " << prob.number_of_neighbors(node_j)
- );
- DLIB_ASSERT(prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_i,prob.get_neighbor(node_i,jj)) == jj,
- "\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob)"
- << "\n\t The get_neighbor_idx() and get_neighbor() functions must be inverses of each other."
- << "\n\t node_i: " << node_i
- << "\n\t jj: " << jj
- << "\n\t prob.get_neighbor(node_i,jj): " << prob.get_neighbor(node_i,jj)
- << "\n\t prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_i,prob.get_neighbor(node_i,jj)): " << prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_i,node_j)
- );
- DLIB_ASSERT(prob.get_neighbor(node_j,prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_j,node_i))==node_i,
- "\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob)"
- << "\n\t The get_neighbor_idx() and get_neighbor() functions must be inverses of each other."
- << "\n\t node_i: " << node_i
- << "\n\t node_j: " << node_j
- << "\n\t prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_j,node_i): " << prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_j,node_i)
- << "\n\t prob.get_neighbor(node_j,prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_j,node_i)): " << prob.get_neighbor(node_j,prob.get_neighbor_idx(node_j,node_i))
- );
- DLIB_ASSERT(prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_i,node_j) >= 0,
- "\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t node_i: " << node_i
- << "\n\t node_j: " << node_j
- << "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_i,node_j): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_i,node_j)
- );
- DLIB_ASSERT(prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_i,node_j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_j,node_i),
- "\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t node_i: " << node_i
- << "\n\t node_j: " << node_j
- << "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_i,node_j): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_i,node_j)
- << "\n\t prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_j,node_i): " << prob.factor_value_disagreement(node_j,node_i)
- );
- }
- }
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<typename potts_model::value_type>::value);
- min_cut mc;
- dlib::impl::potts_flow_graph<potts_model> pfg(prob);
- mc(pfg, prob.number_of_nodes(), prob.number_of_nodes()+1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename graph_type
- >
- void find_max_factor_graph_potts (
- const graph_type& g,
- std::vector<node_label>& labels
- )
- {
- DLIB_ASSERT(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false,
- "\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(g,labels)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- );
- typedef typename graph_type::edge_type edge_type;
- typedef typename graph_type::type type;
- // The edges and node's have to use the same type to represent factor weights!
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<edge_type, type>::value == true));
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<edge_type>::value);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long jj = 0; jj < g.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++jj)
- {
- unsigned long j = g.node(i).neighbor(jj).index();
- DLIB_ASSERT(edge(g,i,j) >= 0,
- "\t void find_max_factor_graph_potts(g,labels)"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t i: " << i
- << "\n\t j: " << j
- << "\n\t edge(g,i,j): " << edge(g,i,j)
- );
- }
- }
- dlib::impl::general_potts_problem<graph_type> gg(g, labels);
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(gg);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_grid_problem,
- typename mem_manager
- >
- void find_max_factor_graph_potts (
- const potts_grid_problem& prob,
- array2d<node_label,mem_manager>& labels
- )
- {
- typedef array2d<node_label,mem_manager> image_type;
- labels.set_size(,;
- dlib::impl::potts_grid_problem<image_type,potts_grid_problem> model(labels,prob);
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(model);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace impl
- {
- template <
- typename pixel_type1,
- typename pixel_type2,
- typename model_type
- >
- struct potts_grid_image_pair_model
- {
- const pixel_type1* data1;
- const pixel_type2* data2;
- const model_type& model;
- const long nr_;
- const long nc_;
- template <typename image_type1, typename image_type2>
- potts_grid_image_pair_model(
- const model_type& model_,
- const image_type1& img1,
- const image_type2& img2
- ) :
- model(model_),
- nr_(,
- nc_(
- {
- data1 = &img1[0][0];
- data2 = &img2[0][0];
- }
- typedef typename model_type::value_type value_type;
- long nr() const { return nr_; }
- long nc() const { return nc_; }
- value_type factor_value (
- unsigned long idx
- ) const
- {
- return model.factor_value(*(data1 + idx), *(data2 + idx));
- }
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (
- unsigned long idx1,
- unsigned long idx2
- ) const
- {
- return model.factor_value_disagreement(*(data1 + idx1), *(data1 + idx2));
- }
- };
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename image_type,
- typename model_type
- >
- struct potts_grid_image_single_model
- {
- const typename image_type::type* data1;
- const model_type& model;
- const long nr_;
- const long nc_;
- potts_grid_image_single_model(
- const model_type& model_,
- const image_type& img1
- ) :
- model(model_),
- nr_(,
- nc_(
- {
- data1 = &img1[0][0];
- }
- typedef typename model_type::value_type value_type;
- long nr() const { return nr_; }
- long nc() const { return nc_; }
- value_type factor_value (
- unsigned long idx
- ) const
- {
- return model.factor_value(*(data1 + idx));
- }
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (
- unsigned long idx1,
- unsigned long idx2
- ) const
- {
- return model.factor_value_disagreement(*(data1 + idx1), *(data1 + idx2));
- }
- };
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename pair_image_model,
- typename pixel_type1,
- typename pixel_type2,
- typename mem_manager
- >
- impl::potts_grid_image_pair_model<pixel_type1, pixel_type2, pair_image_model> make_potts_grid_problem (
- const pair_image_model& model,
- const array2d<pixel_type1,mem_manager>& img1,
- const array2d<pixel_type2,mem_manager>& img2
- )
- {
- DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img1) == get_rect(img2),
- "\t potts_grid_problem make_potts_grid_problem()"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t get_rect(img1): " << get_rect(img1)
- << "\n\t get_rect(img2): " << get_rect(img2)
- );
- typedef impl::potts_grid_image_pair_model<pixel_type1, pixel_type2, pair_image_model> potts_type;
- return potts_type(model,img1,img2);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename single_image_model,
- typename pixel_type,
- typename mem_manager
- >
- impl::potts_grid_image_single_model<array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>, single_image_model> make_potts_grid_problem (
- const single_image_model& model,
- const array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>& img
- )
- {
- typedef impl::potts_grid_image_single_model<array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>, single_image_model> potts_type;
- return potts_type(model,img);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/find_max_factor_graph_potts_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/find_max_factor_graph_potts_abstract.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 69aa59256..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/find_max_factor_graph_potts_abstract.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../matrix.h"
-#include "min_cut_abstract.h"
-#include "../graph_utils.h"
-#include "../array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h"
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class potts_problem
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a boolean valued factor graph or graphical model
- that can be efficiently operated on using graph cuts. In particular, this
- object defines the interface a MAP problem on a factor graph must
- implement if it is to be solved using the find_max_factor_graph_potts()
- routine defined at the bottom of this file.
- Note that there is no dlib::potts_problem object. What you are looking
- at here is simply the interface definition for a Potts problem. You must
- implement your own version of this object for the problem you wish to
- solve and then pass it to the find_max_factor_graph_potts() routine.
- Note also that a factor graph should not have any nodes which are
- neighbors with themselves. Additionally, the graph is undirected. This
- mean that if A is a neighbor of B then B must be a neighbor of A for
- the MAP problem to be valid.
- !*/
- public:
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the number of nodes in the factor graph. Or in other words,
- returns the number of variables in the MAP problem/Potts model.
- !*/
- unsigned long number_of_neighbors (
- unsigned long idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - returns the number of neighbors of node idx.
- !*/
- // This is an optional variable which specifies a number that is always
- // greater than or equal to number_of_neighbors(idx). If you don't know
- // the value at compile time then either don't include max_number_of_neighbors
- // in your potts_problem object or set it to 0.
- const static unsigned long max_number_of_neighbors = 0;
- unsigned long get_neighbor (
- unsigned long idx,
- unsigned long n
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- - n < number_of_neighbors(idx)
- ensures
- - returns the node index value of the n-th neighbor of
- the node with index value idx.
- - The neighbor relationship is reciprocal. That is, if
- get_neighbor(A,i)==B then there is a value of j such
- that get_neighbor(B,j)==A.
- - A node is never its own neighbor. That is, there is
- no i such that get_neighbor(idx,i)==idx.
- !*/
- unsigned long get_neighbor_idx (
- unsigned long idx1,
- unsigned long idx2
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx1 < number_of_nodes()
- - idx2 < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - This function is basically the inverse of get_neighbor().
- - returns a number IDX such that:
- - get_neighbor(idx1,IDX) == idx2
- - IDX < number_of_neighbors(idx1)
- !*/
- void set_label (
- const unsigned long& idx,
- node_label value
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - #get_label(idx) == value
- !*/
- node_label get_label (
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - returns the current label for the idx-th node. This is a value which is
- 0 if the node's label is false and is any other value if it is true.
- Note that this value is not used by factor_value() or factor_value_disagreement().
- It is simply here to provide a mechanism for find_max_factor_graph_potts()
- to return its labeled result. Additionally, the reason it returns a
- node_label rather than a bool is because doing it this way facilitates
- use of a graph cut algorithm for the solution of the MAP problem. For
- more of an explanation you should read the paper referenced by the min_cut
- object.
- !*/
- // This typedef should be for a type like int or double. It
- // must also be capable of representing signed values.
- typedef an_integer_or_real_type value_type;
- value_type factor_value (
- unsigned long idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - returns a value which indicates how "good" it is to assign the idx-th
- node the label of true. The larger the value, the more desirable it is
- to give it this label. Similarly, a negative value indicates that it is
- better to give the node a label of false.
- - It is valid for the returned value to be positive or negative infinity.
- A value of positive infinity indicates that the idx-th node must be labeled
- true while negative infinity means it must be labeled false.
- !*/
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (
- unsigned long idx1,
- unsigned long idx2
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx1 < number_of_nodes()
- - idx2 < number_of_nodes()
- - idx1 != idx2
- - the idx1-th node and idx2-th node are neighbors in the graph. That is,
- get_neighbor(idx1,i)==idx2 for some value of i.
- ensures
- - returns a number >= 0. This is the penalty for giving node idx1 and idx2
- different labels. Larger values indicate a larger penalty.
- - this function is symmetric. That is, it is true that:
- factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- - It is valid for the returned value to be positive infinity. Returning
- infinity indicates that the idx1-th and idx2-th nodes must share the same
- label.
- !*/
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class potts_grid_problem
- {
- /*!
- This object is a specialization of a potts_problem to the case where
- the graph is a regular grid where each node is connected to its four
- neighbors. An example of this is an image where each pixel is a node
- and is connected to its four immediate neighboring pixels. Therefore,
- this object defines the interface this special kind of MAP problem
- must implement if it is to be solved by the find_max_factor_graph_potts(potts_grid_problem,array2d)
- routine defined at the end of this file.
- Note that all nodes always have four neighbors, even nodes on the edge
- of the graph. This is because these border nodes are connected to
- the border nodes on the other side of the graph. That is, the graph
- "wraps" around at the borders.
- !*/
- public:
- // This typedef should be for a type like int or double. It
- // must also be capable of representing signed values.
- typedef an_integer_or_real_type value_type;
- long nr(
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the number of rows in the grid
- !*/
- long nc(
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the number of columns in the grid
- !*/
- value_type factor_value (
- unsigned long idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < nr()*nc()
- ensures
- - The grid is represented in row-major-order format. Therefore, idx
- identifies a node according to its position in the row-major-order
- representation of the grid graph. Or in other words, idx corresponds
- to the following row and column location in the graph:
- - row == idx/nc()
- - col == idx%nc()
- - returns a value which indicates how "good" it is to assign the idx-th
- node the label of true. The larger the value, the more desirable it is
- to give it this label. Similarly, a negative value indicates that it is
- better to give the node a label of false.
- - It is valid for the returned value to be positive or negative infinity.
- A value of positive infinity indicates that the idx-th node must be labeled
- true while negative infinity means it must be labeled false.
- !*/
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (
- unsigned long idx1,
- unsigned long idx2
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx1 < nr()*nc()
- - idx2 < nr()*nc()
- - idx1 != idx2
- - the idx1-th node and idx2-th node are neighbors in the grid graph.
- ensures
- - The grid is represented in row-major-order format. Therefore, idx1 and
- idx2 identify nodes according to their positions in the row-major-order
- representation of the grid graph. For example, idx1 corresponds
- to the following row and column location in the graph:
- - row == idx1/nc()
- - col == idx1%nc()
- - returns a number >= 0. This is the penalty for giving node idx1 and idx2
- different labels. Larger values indicate a larger penalty.
- - this function is symmetric. That is, it is true that:
- factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- - It is valid for the returned value to be positive infinity. Returning
- infinity indicates that the idx1-th and idx2-th nodes must share the same
- label.
- !*/
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_problem
- >
- typename potts_problem::value_type potts_model_score (
- const potts_problem& prob
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - potts_problem == an object with an interface compatible with the potts_problem
- object defined at the top of this file.
- - for all valid i and j:
- - prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- - prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- ensures
- - computes the model score for the given potts_problem. We define this
- precisely below:
- - let L(i) == the boolean label of the i-th variable in prob. Or in other
- words, L(i) == (prob.get_label(i) != 0).
- - let F == the sum of values of prob.factor_value(i) for only i values
- where L(i) == true.
- - Let D == the sum of values of prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j)
- for only i and j values which meet the following conditions:
- - i and j are neighbors in the graph defined by prob, that is,
- it is valid to call prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j).
- - L(i) != L(j)
- - i < j
- (i.e. We want to make sure to only count the edge between i and j once)
- - Then this function returns F - D
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename graph_type
- >
- typename graph_type::edge_type potts_model_score (
- const graph_type& g,
- const std::vector<node_label>& labels
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - graph_type is an implementation of dlib/graph/graph_kernel_abstract.h
- - graph_type::edge_type is some signed type such as int or double
- - graph_type::type must be the same type as graph_type::edge_type
- - graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false
- - for all valid i and j:
- - edge(g,i,j) >= 0
- ensures
- - This function does the same thing as the version of potts_model_score()
- defined above, except that this version operates on a dlib::graph
- instead of a potts_problem object.
- - computes the model score for the given graph and labeling. We define this
- precisely below:
- - let L(i) == the boolean label of the i-th variable in g. Or in other
- words, L(i) == (labels[i] != 0).
- - let F == the sum of values of g.node(i).data for only i values
- where L(i) == true.
- - Let D == the sum of values of edge(g,i,j) for only i and j
- values which meet the following conditions:
- - i and j are neighbors in the graph defined by g, that is,
- it is valid to call edge(g,i,j).
- - L(i) != L(j)
- - i < j
- (i.e. We want to make sure to only count the edge between i and j once)
- - Then this function returns F - D
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_grid_problem,
- typename mem_manager
- >
- typename potts_grid_problem::value_type potts_model_score (
- const potts_grid_problem& prob,
- const array2d<node_label,mem_manager>& labels
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - ==
- - ==
- - potts_grid_problem == an object with an interface compatible with the
- potts_grid_problem object defined above.
- - for all valid i and j:
- - prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- - prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- ensures
- - computes the model score for the given potts_grid_problem. We define this
- precisely below:
- - let L(i) == the boolean label of the i-th variable in prob. Or in other
- words, L(i) == (labels[i/][] != 0).
- - let F == the sum of values of prob.factor_value(i) for only i values
- where L(i) == true.
- - Let D == the sum of values of prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j)
- for only i and j values which meet the following conditions:
- - i and j are neighbors in the graph defined by prob, that is,
- it is valid to call prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j).
- - L(i) != L(j)
- - i < j
- (i.e. We want to make sure to only count the edge between i and j once)
- - Then this function returns F - D
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_problem
- >
- void find_max_factor_graph_potts (
- potts_problem& prob
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - potts_problem == an object with an interface compatible with the potts_problem
- object defined at the top of this file.
- - for all valid i and j:
- - prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- - prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- ensures
- - This function is a tool for exactly solving the MAP problem in a Potts
- model. In particular, this means that this function finds the assignments
- to all the labels in prob which maximizes potts_model_score(#prob).
- - The optimal labels are stored in #prob.
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename graph_type
- >
- void find_max_factor_graph_potts (
- const graph_type& g,
- std::vector<node_label>& labels
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - graph_type is an implementation of dlib/graph/graph_kernel_abstract.h
- - graph_type::edge_type is some signed type such as int or double
- - graph_type::type must be the same type as graph_type::edge_type
- - graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false
- - for all valid i and j:
- - edge(g,i,j) >= 0
- ensures
- - This routine simply converts g into a potts_problem and calls the
- version of find_max_factor_graph_potts() defined above on it. Therefore,
- this routine is just a convenience wrapper that lets you use a dlib::graph
- to represent a potts problem. This means that this function maximizes
- the value of potts_model_score(g, #labels).
- - #labels.size() == g.number_of_nodes()
- - for all valid i:
- - #labels[i] == the optimal label for g.node(i)
- - The correspondence between g and a potts_problem is the following:
- - the factor_value() for a node is stored in g.node(i).data.
- - the factor_value_disagreement(i,j) is stored in edge(g,i,j).
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename potts_grid_problem,
- typename mem_manager
- >
- void find_max_factor_graph_potts (
- const potts_grid_problem& prob,
- array2d<node_label,mem_manager>& labels
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - potts_grid_problem == an object with an interface compatible with the
- potts_grid_problem object defined above.
- - for all valid i and j:
- - prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- - prob.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == prob.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- ensures
- - This routine solves a version of a potts problem where the graph is a
- regular grid where each node is connected to its four immediate neighbors.
- In particular, this means that this function finds the assignments
- to all the labels in prob which maximizes potts_model_score(prob,#labels).
- - The optimal labels are stored in #labels.
- - ==
- - ==
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The following functions and interface definitions are convenience routines for use
-// with the potts grid problem version of find_max_factor_graph_potts() defined above.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct single_image_model
- {
- /*!
- This object defines a slightly more convenient interface for creating
- potts_grid_problems which operate on an image. In this case, the goal
- is to assign a binary label to each pixel in an image. In particular,
- this object defines the interface used by the make_potts_grid_problem()
- routine defined below.
- In the following comments, we will refer to the image supplied to
- make_potts_grid_problem() as IMG.
- !*/
- // This typedef should be for a type like int or double. It
- // must also be capable of representing signed values.
- typedef an_integer_or_real_type value_type;
- template <typename pixel_type>
- value_type factor_value (
- const pixel_type& v
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - v is a pixel value from IMG.
- ensures
- - returns a value which indicates how "good" it is to assign the location
- in IMG corresponding to v with the label of true. The larger the value,
- the more desirable it is to give it this label. Similarly, a negative
- value indicates that it is better to give the node a label of false.
- - It is valid for the returned value to be positive or negative infinity.
- A value of positive infinity indicates that the pixel must be labeled
- true while negative infinity means it must be labeled false.
- !*/
- template <typename pixel_type>
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (
- const pixel_type& v1,
- const pixel_type& v2
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - v1 and v2 are pixel values from neighboring pixels in the IMG image.
- ensures
- - returns a number >= 0. This is the penalty for giving neighboring pixels
- with values v1 and v2 different labels. Larger values indicate a larger
- penalty.
- - this function is symmetric. That is, it is true that:
- factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- - It is valid for the returned value to be positive infinity. Returning
- infinity indicates that the idx1-th and idx2-th nodes must share the same
- label.
- !*/
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct pair_image_model
- {
- /*!
- This object defines a slightly more convenient interface for creating
- potts_grid_problems which operate on a pair of identically sized images.
- In this case, the goal is to assign a label to each pixel in the first
- image of the pair. In particular, this object defines the interface
- used by the make_potts_grid_problem() routine defined below.
- In the following comments, we will refer to the two images supplied to
- make_potts_grid_problem() as IMG1 and IMG2. The goal of the potts
- problem will be to assign labels to each pixel in IMG1 (IMG2 is
- not labeled, it is simply used as a place to keep auxiliary data).
- !*/
- // This typedef should be for a type like int or double. It
- // must also be capable of representing signed values.
- typedef an_integer_or_real_type value_type;
- template <typename pixel_type1, typename pixel_type2>
- value_type factor_value (
- const pixel_type1& v1,
- const pixel_type2& v2
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - v1 and v2 are corresponding pixels from IMG1 and IMG2 respectively.
- That is, both pixel values have the same coordinates in the images.
- So for example, if v1 is the value of IMG1[4][5] then v2 is the value
- of IMG2[4][5].
- ensures
- - returns a value which indicates how "good" it is to assign the location
- in IMG1 corresponding to v1 with the label of true. The larger the value,
- the more desirable it is to give it this label. Similarly, a negative
- value indicates that it is better to give the node a label of false.
- - It is valid for the returned value to be positive or negative infinity.
- A value of positive infinity indicates that the pixel must be labeled
- true while negative infinity means it must be labeled false.
- !*/
- template <typename pixel_type>
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (
- const pixel_type& v1,
- const pixel_type& v2
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - v1 and v2 are pixel values from neighboring pixels in the IMG1 image.
- ensures
- - returns a number >= 0. This is the penalty for giving neighboring pixels
- with values v1 and v2 different labels. Larger values indicate a larger
- penalty.
- - this function is symmetric. That is, it is true that:
- factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- - It is valid for the returned value to be positive infinity. Returning
- infinity indicates that the idx1-th and idx2-th nodes must share the same
- label.
- !*/
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename single_image_model,
- typename pixel_type,
- typename mem_manager
- >
- potts_grid_problem make_potts_grid_problem (
- const single_image_model& model,
- const array2d<pixel_type,mem_manager>& img
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - single_image_model == an object with an interface compatible with the
- single_image_model object defined above.
- - for all valid i and j:
- - model.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- - model.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == model.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- ensures
- - returns a potts_grid_problem which can be solved using the
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob,array2d) routine defined above. That is,
- given an image to store the labels, the following statement would solve the
- potts problem defined by the given model and image:
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(make_potts_grid_problem(model,img),labels);
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename pair_image_model,
- typename pixel_type1,
- typename pixel_type2,
- typename mem_manager
- >
- potts_grid_problem make_potts_grid_problem (
- const pair_image_model& model,
- const array2d<pixel_type1,mem_manager>& img1,
- const array2d<pixel_type2,mem_manager>& img2
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - get_rect(img1) == get_rect(img2)
- (i.e. img1 and img2 have the same dimensions)
- - pair_image_model == an object with an interface compatible with the
- pair_image_model object defined above.
- - for all valid i and j:
- - model.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) >= 0
- - model.factor_value_disagreement(i,j) == model.factor_value_disagreement(j,i)
- ensures
- - returns a potts_grid_problem which can be solved using the
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob,array2d) routine defined above. That is,
- given an image to store the labels, the following statement would solve the
- potts problem defined by the given model and pair of images:
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(make_potts_grid_problem(model,img1,img2),labels);
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/general_flow_graph.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/general_flow_graph.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d0b93e311..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/general_flow_graph.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../graph_utils.h"
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace impl
- {
- template <
- typename directed_graph_type
- >
- class general_flow_graph
- {
- /*!
- this is a utility class used by dlib::min_cut to convert a directed_graph
- into the kind of flow graph expected by the min_cut object's main block
- of code.
- !*/
- directed_graph_type& g;
- typedef typename directed_graph_type::node_type node_type;
- typedef typename directed_graph_type::type node_label;
- public:
- general_flow_graph(
- directed_graph_type& g_
- ) : g(g_)
- {
- }
- class out_edge_iterator
- {
- friend class general_flow_graph;
- unsigned long idx; // base node idx
- unsigned long cnt; // count over the neighbors of idx
- public:
- out_edge_iterator(
- ):idx(0),cnt(0) {}
- out_edge_iterator(
- unsigned long idx_,
- unsigned long cnt_
- ):idx(idx_),cnt(cnt_)
- {}
- bool operator!= (
- const out_edge_iterator& item
- ) const { return cnt != item.cnt; }
- out_edge_iterator& operator++(
- )
- {
- ++cnt;
- return *this;
- }
- };
- class in_edge_iterator
- {
- friend class general_flow_graph;
- unsigned long idx; // base node idx
- unsigned long cnt; // count over the neighbors of idx
- public:
- in_edge_iterator(
- ):idx(0),cnt(0) {}
- in_edge_iterator(
- unsigned long idx_,
- unsigned long cnt_
- ):idx(idx_),cnt(cnt_)
- {}
- bool operator!= (
- const in_edge_iterator& item
- ) const { return cnt != item.cnt; }
- in_edge_iterator& operator++(
- )
- {
- ++cnt;
- return *this;
- }
- };
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const { return g.number_of_nodes(); }
- out_edge_iterator out_begin(
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const { return out_edge_iterator(it, 0); }
- in_edge_iterator in_begin(
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const { return in_edge_iterator(it, 0); }
- out_edge_iterator out_end(
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const { return out_edge_iterator(it, g.node(it).number_of_children()); }
- in_edge_iterator in_end(
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const { return in_edge_iterator(it, g.node(it).number_of_parents()); }
- unsigned long node_id (
- const out_edge_iterator& it
- ) const { return g.node(it.idx).child(it.cnt).index(); }
- unsigned long node_id (
- const in_edge_iterator& it
- ) const { return g.node(it.idx).parent(it.cnt).index(); }
- typedef typename directed_graph_type::edge_type edge_type;
- edge_type get_flow (const unsigned long& it1, const unsigned long& it2) const
- {
- return edge(g, it1, it2);
- }
- edge_type get_flow (const out_edge_iterator& it) const
- {
- return g.node(it.idx).child_edge(it.cnt);
- }
- edge_type get_flow (const in_edge_iterator& it) const
- {
- return g.node(it.idx).parent_edge(it.cnt);
- }
- void adjust_flow (
- const unsigned long& it1,
- const unsigned long& it2,
- const edge_type& value
- )
- {
- edge(g, it1, it2) += value;
- edge(g, it2, it1) -= value;
- }
- void set_label (
- const unsigned long& it,
- node_label value
- )
- {
- g.node(it).data = value;
- }
- node_label get_label (
- const unsigned long& it
- ) const
- {
- return g.node(it).data;
- }
- };
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/general_potts_problem.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/general_potts_problem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ebedbc572..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/general_potts_problem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../graph_utils.h"
-#include "min_cut.h"
-#include <vector>
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace impl
- {
- template <
- typename graph_type
- >
- class general_potts_problem
- {
- const graph_type& g;
- std::vector<node_label>& labels;
- public:
- general_potts_problem (
- const graph_type& g_,
- std::vector<node_label>& labels_
- ) : g(g_), labels(labels_)
- {
- labels.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- }
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const { return g.number_of_nodes(); }
- unsigned long number_of_neighbors (
- unsigned long idx
- ) const { return g.node(idx).number_of_neighbors(); }
- unsigned long get_neighbor (
- unsigned long idx,
- unsigned long n
- ) const { return g.node(idx).neighbor(n).index(); }
- unsigned long get_neighbor_idx (
- unsigned long idx1,
- unsigned long idx2
- ) const
- {
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.node(idx1).number_of_neighbors(); ++i)
- {
- if (g.node(idx1).neighbor(i).index() == idx2)
- return i;
- }
- // This should never ever execute
- return 0;
- }
- void set_label (
- const unsigned long& idx,
- node_label value
- )
- {
- labels[idx] = value;
- }
- node_label get_label (
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const { return labels[idx]; }
- typedef typename graph_type::edge_type value_type;
- value_type factor_value (
- unsigned long idx
- ) const
- {
- return g.node(idx).data;
- }
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (
- unsigned long idx1,
- unsigned long idx2
- ) const
- {
- return edge(g, idx1, idx2);
- }
- };
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/graph_labeler.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/graph_labeler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c3fcb5e..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/graph_labeler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "graph_labeler_abstract.h"
-#include "../matrix.h"
-#include "../string.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "find_max_factor_graph_potts.h"
-#include "../svm/sparse_vector.h"
-#include "../graph.h"
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename vector_type
- >
- class graph_labeler
- {
- public:
- typedef std::vector<bool> label_type;
- typedef label_type result_type;
- graph_labeler()
- {
- }
- graph_labeler(
- const vector_type& edge_weights_,
- const vector_type& node_weights_
- ) :
- edge_weights(edge_weights_),
- node_weights(node_weights_)
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(edge_weights.size() == 0 || min(edge_weights) >= 0,
- "\t graph_labeler::graph_labeler()"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t min(edge_weights): " << min(edge_weights)
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- );
- }
- const vector_type& get_edge_weights (
- ) const { return edge_weights; }
- const vector_type& get_node_weights (
- ) const { return node_weights; }
- template <typename graph_type>
- void operator() (
- const graph_type& sample,
- std::vector<bool>& labels
- ) const
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(sample) == false,
- "\t void graph_labeler::operator()"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t get_edge_weights().size(): " << get_edge_weights().size()
- << "\n\t get_node_weights().size(): " << get_node_weights().size()
- << "\n\t graph_contains_length_one_cycle(sample): " << graph_contains_length_one_cycle(sample)
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- );
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < sample.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- if (is_matrix<vector_type>::value &&
- is_matrix<typename graph_type::type>::value)
- {
- // check that dot() is legal.
- DLIB_ASSERT((unsigned long)get_node_weights().size() == (unsigned long)sample.node(i).data.size(),
- "\t void graph_labeler::operator()"
- << "\n\t The size of the node weight vector must match the one in the node."
- << "\n\t get_node_weights().size(): " << get_node_weights().size()
- << "\n\t sample.node(i).data.size(): " << sample.node(i).data.size()
- << "\n\t i: " << i
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- );
- }
- for (unsigned long n = 0; n < sample.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++n)
- {
- if (is_matrix<vector_type>::value &&
- is_matrix<typename graph_type::edge_type>::value)
- {
- // check that dot() is legal.
- DLIB_ASSERT((unsigned long)get_edge_weights().size() == (unsigned long)sample.node(i).edge(n).size(),
- "\t void graph_labeler::operator()"
- << "\n\t The size of the edge weight vector must match the one in graph's edge."
- << "\n\t get_edge_weights().size(): " << get_edge_weights().size()
- << "\n\t sample.node(i).edge(n).size(): " << sample.node(i).edge(n).size()
- << "\n\t i: " << i
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- );
- }
- DLIB_ASSERT(sample.node(i).edge(n).size() == 0 || min(sample.node(i).edge(n)) >= 0,
- "\t void graph_labeler::operator()"
- << "\n\t No edge vectors are allowed to have negative elements."
- << "\n\t min(sample.node(i).edge(n)): " << min(sample.node(i).edge(n))
- << "\n\t i: " << i
- << "\n\t n: " << n
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- );
- }
- }
- graph<double,double>::kernel_1a g;
- copy_graph_structure(sample, g);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- g.node(i).data = dot(node_weights, sample.node(i).data);
- for (unsigned long n = 0; n < g.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++n)
- {
- const unsigned long j = g.node(i).neighbor(n).index();
- // Don't compute an edge weight more than once.
- if (i < j)
- {
- g.node(i).edge(n) = dot(edge_weights, sample.node(i).edge(n));
- }
- }
- }
- labels.clear();
- std::vector<node_label> temp;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, temp);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (temp[i] != 0)
- labels.push_back(true);
- else
- labels.push_back(false);
- }
- }
- template <typename graph_type>
- std::vector<bool> operator() (
- const graph_type& sample
- ) const
- {
- std::vector<bool> temp;
- (*this)(sample, temp);
- return temp;
- }
- private:
- vector_type edge_weights;
- vector_type node_weights;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename vector_type
- >
- void serialize (
- const graph_labeler<vector_type>& item,
- std::ostream& out
- )
- {
- int version = 1;
- serialize(version, out);
- serialize(item.get_edge_weights(), out);
- serialize(item.get_node_weights(), out);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename vector_type
- >
- void deserialize (
- graph_labeler<vector_type>& item,
- std::istream& in
- )
- {
- int version = 0;
- deserialize(version, in);
- if (version != 1)
- {
- throw dlib::serialization_error("While deserializing graph_labeler, found unexpected version number of " +
- cast_to_string(version) + ".");
- }
- vector_type edge_weights, node_weights;
- deserialize(edge_weights, in);
- deserialize(node_weights, in);
- item = graph_labeler<vector_type>(edge_weights, node_weights);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#endif // DLIB_GRAPH_LaBELER_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/graph_labeler_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/graph_labeler_abstract.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0821b696..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/graph_labeler_abstract.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "find_max_factor_graph_potts_abstract.h"
-#include "../graph/graph_kernel_abstract.h"
-#include "../matrix/matrix_abstract.h"
-#include <vector>
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename vector_type
- >
- class graph_labeler
- {
- /*!
- REQUIREMENTS ON vector_type
- - vector_type is a dlib::matrix capable of representing column
- vectors or it is a sparse vector type as defined in dlib/svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h.
- This object is a tool for labeling each node in a graph with a value
- of true or false, subject to a labeling consistency constraint between
- nodes that share an edge. In particular, this object is useful for
- representing a graph labeling model learned via some machine learning
- method.
- To elaborate, suppose we have a graph we want to label. Moreover,
- suppose we can assign a score to each node which represents how much
- we want to label the node as true, and we also have scores for each
- edge which represent how much we wanted the nodes sharing the edge to
- have the same label. If we could do this then we could find the optimal
- labeling using the find_max_factor_graph_potts() routine. Therefore,
- the graph_labeler is just an object which contains the necessary data
- to compute these score functions and then call find_max_factor_graph_potts().
- Additionally, this object uses linear functions to represent these score
- functions.
- It is always safe to use distinct instances of this object in different
- threads. However, when a single instance is shared between threads then
- the following rules apply:
- It is safe to call the const members of this object from multiple
- threads. This is because the const members are purely read-only
- operations. However, any operation that modifies a graph_labeler is
- not threadsafe.
- !*/
- public:
- typedef std::vector<bool> label_type;
- typedef label_type result_type;
- graph_labeler(
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - this object is properly initialized
- - #get_node_weights() == an initial value of type vector_type.
- - #get_edge_weights() == an initial value of type vector_type.
- !*/
- graph_labeler(
- const vector_type& edge_weights,
- const vector_type& node_weights
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - min(edge_weights) >= 0
- ensures
- - #get_edge_weights() == edge_weights
- - #get_node_weights() == node_weights
- !*/
- const vector_type& get_edge_weights (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - Recall that the score function for an edge is a linear function of
- the vector stored at that edge. This means there is some vector, E,
- which we dot product with the vector in the graph to compute the
- score. Therefore, this function returns that E vector which defines
- the edge score function.
- !*/
- const vector_type& get_node_weights (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - Recall that the score function for a node is a linear function of
- the vector stored in that node. This means there is some vector, W,
- which we dot product with the vector in the graph to compute the score.
- Therefore, this function returns that W vector which defines the node
- score function.
- !*/
- template <typename graph_type>
- void operator() (
- const graph_type& sample,
- std::vector<bool>& labels
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - graph_type is an implementation of dlib/graph/graph_kernel_abstract.h
- - graph_type::type and graph_type::edge_type must be either matrix objects
- capable of representing column vectors or some kind of sparse vector
- type as defined in dlib/svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h.
- - graph_contains_length_one_cycle(sample) == false
- - for all valid i and j:
- - min(edge(sample,i,j)) >= 0
- - it must be legal to call dot(edge(sample,i,j), get_edge_weights())
- - it must be legal to call dot(sample.node(i).data, get_node_weights())
- ensures
- - Computes a labeling for each node in the given graph and stores the result
- in #labels.
- - #labels.size() == sample.number_of_nodes()
- - for all valid i:
- - #labels[i] == the label of the node sample.node(i).
- - The labels are computed by creating a graph, G, with scalar values on each node
- and edge. The scalar values are calculated according to the following:
- - for all valid i:
- - G.node(i).data == dot(get_node_weights(), sample.node(i).data)
- - for all valid i and j:
- - edge(G,i,j) == dot(get_edge_weights(), edge(sample,i,j))
- Then the labels are computed by calling find_max_factor_graph_potts(G,#labels).
- !*/
- template <typename graph_type>
- std::vector<bool> operator() (
- const graph_type& sample
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - graph_type is an implementation of dlib/graph/graph_kernel_abstract.h
- - graph_contains_length_one_cycle(sample) == false
- - for all valid i and j:
- - min(edge(sample,i,j)) >= 0
- - it must be legal to call dot(edge(sample,i,j), get_edge_weights())
- - it must be legal to call dot(sample.node(i).data, get_node_weights())
- ensures
- - Performs (*this)(sample, labels); return labels;
- (i.e. This is just another version of the above operator() routine
- but instead of returning the labels via the second argument, it
- returns them as the normal return value).
- !*/
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename vector_type
- >
- void serialize (
- const graph_labeler<vector_type>& item,
- std::ostream& out
- );
- /*!
- provides serialization support
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename vector_type
- >
- void deserialize (
- graph_labeler<vector_type>& item,
- std::istream& in
- );
- /*!
- provides deserialization support
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/min_cut.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/min_cut.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bbb57608..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/min_cut.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#ifndef DLIB_MIN_CuT_Hh_
-#define DLIB_MIN_CuT_Hh_
-#include "min_cut_abstract.h"
-#include "../matrix.h"
-#include "general_flow_graph.h"
-#include "../is_kind.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <deque>
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace dlib
- typedef unsigned char node_label;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const node_label SOURCE_CUT = 0;
- const node_label SINK_CUT = 254;
- const node_label FREE_NODE = 255;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename flow_graph>
- typename disable_if<is_directed_graph<flow_graph>,typename flow_graph::edge_type>::type
- graph_cut_score (
- const flow_graph& g
- )
- {
- typedef typename flow_graph::edge_type edge_weight_type;
- edge_weight_type score = 0;
- typedef typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- if (g.get_label(i) != SOURCE_CUT)
- continue;
- for (out_edge_iterator n = g.out_begin(i); n != g.out_end(i); ++n)
- {
- if (g.get_label(g.node_id(n)) != SOURCE_CUT)
- {
- score += g.get_flow(n);
- }
- }
- }
- return score;
- }
- template <typename directed_graph>
- typename enable_if<is_directed_graph<directed_graph>,typename directed_graph::edge_type>::type
- graph_cut_score (
- const directed_graph& g
- )
- {
- return graph_cut_score(dlib::impl::general_flow_graph<const directed_graph>(g));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class min_cut
- {
- public:
- min_cut()
- {
- }
- min_cut( const min_cut& )
- {
- // Intentionally left empty since all the member variables
- // don't logically contribute to the state of this object.
- // This copy constructor is here to explicitly avoid the overhead
- // of copying these transient variables.
- }
- template <
- typename directed_graph
- >
- typename enable_if<is_directed_graph<directed_graph> >::type operator() (
- directed_graph& g,
- const unsigned long source_node,
- const unsigned long sink_node
- ) const
- {
- DLIB_ASSERT(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false,
- "\t void min_cut::operator()"
- << "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function."
- );
- DLIB_ASSERT(graph_has_symmetric_edges(g) == true,
- "\t void min_cut::operator()"
- << "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function."
- );
- dlib::impl::general_flow_graph<directed_graph> temp(g);
- (*this)(temp, source_node, sink_node);
- }
- template <
- typename flow_graph
- >
- typename disable_if<is_directed_graph<flow_graph> >::type operator() (
- flow_graph& g,
- const unsigned long source_node,
- const unsigned long sink_node
- ) const
- {
- DLIB_ASSERT(source_node != sink_node &&
- source_node < g.number_of_nodes() &&
- sink_node < g.number_of_nodes(),
- "\t void min_cut::operator()"
- << "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function."
- << "\n\t g.number_of_nodes(): " << g.number_of_nodes()
- << "\n\t source_node: " << source_node
- << "\n\t sink_node: " << sink_node
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- );
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator j, end = g.out_end(i);
- for (j = g.out_begin(i); j != end; ++j)
- {
- const unsigned long jj = g.node_id(j);
- DLIB_ASSERT(g.get_flow(i,jj) >= 0,
- "\t void min_cut::operator()"
- << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
- << "\n\t i: "<< i
- << "\n\t jj: "<< jj
- << "\n\t g.get_flow(i,jj): "<< g.get_flow(i,jj)
- << "\n\t this: "<< this
- );
- }
- }
- parent.clear();
- active.clear();
- orphans.clear();
- typedef typename flow_graph::edge_type edge_type;
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<edge_type>::value);
- typedef typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
- typedef typename flow_graph::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator;
- // initialize labels
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- g.set_label(i, FREE_NODE);
- g.set_label(source_node, SOURCE_CUT);
- g.set_label(sink_node, SINK_CUT);
- // used to indicate "no parent"
- const unsigned long no_parent = g.number_of_nodes();
- parent.assign(g.number_of_nodes(), no_parent);
- time = 1;
- dist.assign(g.number_of_nodes(), 0);
- ts.assign(g.number_of_nodes(), time);
- active.push_back(source_node);
- active.push_back(sink_node);
- in_edge_iterator in_begin = g.in_begin(active[0]);
- out_edge_iterator out_begin = g.out_begin(active[0]);
- unsigned long source_side, sink_side;
- while (grow(g,source_side,sink_side, in_begin, out_begin))
- {
- ++time;
- ts[source_node] = time;
- ts[sink_node] = time;
- augment(g, source_node, sink_node, source_side, sink_side);
- adopt(g, source_node, sink_node);
- }
- }
- private:
- unsigned long distance_to_origin (
- const unsigned long no_parent,
- unsigned long p,
- unsigned long
- ) const
- {
- unsigned long start = p;
- unsigned long count = 0;
- while (p != no_parent)
- {
- if (ts[p] == time)
- {
- count += dist[p];
- unsigned long count_down = count;
- // adjust the dist and ts for the nodes on this path.
- while (start != p)
- {
- ts[start] = time;
- dist[start] = count_down;
- --count_down;
- start = parent[start];
- }
- return count;
- }
- p = parent[p];
- ++count;
- }
- return std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max();
- }
- template <typename flow_graph>
- void adopt (
- flow_graph& g,
- const unsigned long source,
- const unsigned long sink
- ) const
- {
- typedef typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
- typedef typename flow_graph::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator;
- // used to indicate "no parent"
- const unsigned long no_parent = g.number_of_nodes();
- while (orphans.size() > 0)
- {
- const unsigned long p = orphans.back();
- orphans.pop_back();
- const unsigned char label_p = g.get_label(p);
- // Try to find a valid parent for p.
- if (label_p == SOURCE_CUT)
- {
- const in_edge_iterator begin(g.in_begin(p));
- const in_edge_iterator end(g.in_end(p));
- unsigned long best_dist = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max();
- unsigned long best_node = 0;
- for(in_edge_iterator q = begin; q != end; ++q)
- {
- const unsigned long id = g.node_id(q);
- if (g.get_label(id) != label_p || g.get_flow(q) <= 0 )
- continue;
- unsigned long temp = distance_to_origin(no_parent, id,source);
- if (temp < best_dist)
- {
- best_dist = temp;
- best_node = id;
- }
- }
- if (best_dist != std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max())
- {
- parent[p] = best_node;
- dist[p] = dist[best_node] + 1;
- ts[p] = time;
- }
- // if we didn't find a parent for p
- if (parent[p] == no_parent)
- {
- for(in_edge_iterator q = begin; q != end; ++q)
- {
- const unsigned long id = g.node_id(q);
- if (g.get_label(id) != SOURCE_CUT)
- continue;
- if (g.get_flow(q) > 0)
- active.push_back(id);
- if (parent[id] == p)
- {
- parent[id] = no_parent;
- orphans.push_back(id);
- }
- }
- g.set_label(p, FREE_NODE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned long best_node = 0;
- unsigned long best_dist = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max();
- const out_edge_iterator begin(g.out_begin(p));
- const out_edge_iterator end(g.out_end(p));
- for(out_edge_iterator q = begin; q != end; ++q)
- {
- const unsigned long id = g.node_id(q);
- if (g.get_label(id) != label_p || g.get_flow(q) <= 0)
- continue;
- unsigned long temp = distance_to_origin(no_parent, id,sink);
- if (temp < best_dist)
- {
- best_dist = temp;
- best_node = id;
- }
- }
- if (best_dist != std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max())
- {
- parent[p] = best_node;
- dist[p] = dist[best_node] + 1;
- ts[p] = time;
- }
- // if we didn't find a parent for p
- if (parent[p] == no_parent)
- {
- for(out_edge_iterator q = begin; q != end; ++q)
- {
- const unsigned long id = g.node_id(q);
- if (g.get_label(id) != SINK_CUT)
- continue;
- if (g.get_flow(q) > 0)
- active.push_back(id);
- if (parent[id] == p)
- {
- parent[id] = no_parent;
- orphans.push_back(id);
- }
- }
- g.set_label(p, FREE_NODE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename flow_graph>
- void augment (
- flow_graph& g,
- const unsigned long& source,
- const unsigned long& sink,
- const unsigned long& source_side,
- const unsigned long& sink_side
- ) const
- {
- typedef typename flow_graph::edge_type edge_type;
- // used to indicate "no parent"
- const unsigned long no_parent = g.number_of_nodes();
- unsigned long s = source_side;
- unsigned long t = sink_side;
- edge_type min_cap = g.get_flow(s,t);
- // find the bottleneck capacity on the current path.
- // check from source_side back to the source for the min capacity link.
- t = s;
- while (t != source)
- {
- s = parent[t];
- const edge_type temp = g.get_flow(s, t);
- if (temp < min_cap)
- {
- min_cap = temp;
- }
- t = s;
- }
- // check from sink_side back to the sink for the min capacity link
- s = sink_side;
- while (s != sink)
- {
- t = parent[s];
- const edge_type temp = g.get_flow(s, t);
- if (temp < min_cap)
- {
- min_cap = temp;
- }
- s = t;
- }
- // now push the max possible amount of flow though the path
- s = source_side;
- t = sink_side;
- g.adjust_flow(t,s, min_cap);
- // trace back towards the source
- t = s;
- while (t != source)
- {
- s = parent[t];
- g.adjust_flow(t,s, min_cap);
- if (g.get_flow(s,t) <= 0)
- {
- parent[t] = no_parent;
- orphans.push_back(t);
- }
- t = s;
- }
- // trace back towards the sink
- s = sink_side;
- while (s != sink)
- {
- t = parent[s];
- g.adjust_flow(t,s, min_cap);
- if (g.get_flow(s,t) <= 0)
- {
- parent[s] = no_parent;
- orphans.push_back(s);
- }
- s = t;
- }
- }
- template <typename flow_graph>
- bool grow (
- flow_graph& g,
- unsigned long& source_side,
- unsigned long& sink_side,
- typename flow_graph::in_edge_iterator& in_begin,
- typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator& out_begin
- ) const
- /*!
- ensures
- - if (an augmenting path was found) then
- - returns true
- - (#source_side, #sink_side) == the point where the two trees meet.
- #source_side is part of the source tree and #sink_side is part of
- the sink tree.
- - else
- - returns false
- !*/
- {
- typedef typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
- typedef typename flow_graph::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator;
- while (active.size() != 0)
- {
- // pick an active node
- const unsigned long A = active[0];
- const unsigned char label_A = g.get_label(A);
- // process its neighbors
- if (label_A == SOURCE_CUT)
- {
- const out_edge_iterator out_end = g.out_end(A);
- for(out_edge_iterator& i = out_begin; i != out_end; ++i)
- {
- if (g.get_flow(i) > 0)
- {
- const unsigned long id = g.node_id(i);
- const unsigned char label_i = g.get_label(id);
- if (label_i == FREE_NODE)
- {
- active.push_back(id);
- g.set_label(id,SOURCE_CUT);
- parent[id] = A;
- ts[id] = ts[A];
- dist[id] = dist[A] + 1;
- }
- else if (label_A != label_i)
- {
- source_side = A;
- sink_side = id;
- return true;
- }
- else if (is_closer(A, id))
- {
- parent[id] = A;
- ts[id] = ts[A];
- dist[id] = dist[A] + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (label_A == SINK_CUT)
- {
- const in_edge_iterator in_end = g.in_end(A);
- for(in_edge_iterator& i = in_begin; i != in_end; ++i)
- {
- if (g.get_flow(i) > 0)
- {
- const unsigned long id = g.node_id(i);
- const unsigned char label_i = g.get_label(id);
- if (label_i == FREE_NODE)
- {
- active.push_back(id);
- g.set_label(id,SINK_CUT);
- parent[id] = A;
- ts[id] = ts[A];
- dist[id] = dist[A] + 1;
- }
- else if (label_A != label_i)
- {
- sink_side = A;
- source_side = id;
- return true;
- }
- else if (is_closer(A, id))
- {
- parent[id] = A;
- ts[id] = ts[A];
- dist[id] = dist[A] + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- active.pop_front();
- if (active.size() != 0)
- {
- in_begin = g.in_begin(active[0]);
- out_begin = g.out_begin(active[0]);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- inline bool is_closer (
- unsigned long p,
- unsigned long q
- ) const
- {
- // return true if p is closer to a terminal than q
- return ts[q] <= ts[p] && dist[q] > dist[p];
- }
- mutable std::vector<uint32> dist;
- mutable std::vector<uint32> ts;
- mutable uint32 time;
- mutable std::vector<unsigned long> parent;
- mutable std::deque<unsigned long> active;
- mutable std::vector<unsigned long> orphans;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#endif // DLIB_MIN_CuT_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/min_cut_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/min_cut_abstract.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 748aca950..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/graph_cuts/min_cut_abstract.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../graph_utils.h"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace dlib
- /*!A node_label
- The node_label type is the type used to label which part of a graph cut
- a node is on. It is used by all the graph cut tools. The three possible
- values of a node label are SOURCE_CUT, SINK_CUT, or FREE_NODE.
- !*/
- typedef unsigned char node_label;
- const node_label SOURCE_CUT = 0;
- const node_label SINK_CUT = 254;
- const node_label FREE_NODE = 255;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class flow_graph
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a flow capacity graph for use with the
- min_cut algorithm defined below. In particular, this object
- is a kind of directed graph where the edge weights specify the
- flow capacities.
- Note that there is no dlib::flow_graph object. What you are
- looking at here is simply the interface definition for a graph
- which can be used with the min_cut algorithm. You must implement
- your own version of this object for the graph you wish to work with
- and then pass it to the min_cut::operator() routine.
- It's also worth pointing out that this graph has symmetric edge
- connections. That is, if there is an edge from node A to node B
- then there must also be an edge from node B to node A.
- !*/
- public:
- class out_edge_iterator
- {
- /*!
- This is a simple forward iterator for iterating over the neighbors
- of a node in the graph. It also represents the fact that the neighbors
- are on the end of an outgoing edge. That is, the edge represents
- the amount of flow which can flow towards the neighbor.
- !*/
- public:
- out_edge_iterator(
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - constructs an iterator in an undefined state. It can't
- be used until assigned with a valid iterator.
- !*/
- out_edge_iterator(
- const out_edge_iterator& item
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #*this is a copy of item
- !*/
- out_edge_iterator& operator=(
- const out_edge_iterator& item
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #*this is a copy of item
- - returns #*this
- !*/
- bool operator!= (
- const out_edge_iterator& item
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - *this and item are iterators over the neighbors for the
- same node.
- ensures
- - returns false if *this and item both reference the same
- node in the graph and true otherwise.
- !*/
- out_edge_iterator& operator++(
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - advances *this to the next neighbor node.
- - returns a reference to the updated *this
- (i.e. this is the ++object form of the increment operator)
- !*/
- };
- class in_edge_iterator
- {
- /*!
- This is a simple forward iterator for iterating over the neighbors
- of a node in the graph. It also represents the fact that the neighbors
- are on the end of an incoming edge. That is, the edge represents
- the amount of flow which can flow out of the neighbor node.
- !*/
- public:
- in_edge_iterator(
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - constructs an iterator in an undefined state. It can't
- be used until assigned with a valid iterator.
- !*/
- in_edge_iterator(
- const in_edge_iterator& item
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #*this is a copy of item
- !*/
- in_edge_iterator& operator=(
- const in_edge_iterator& item
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #*this is a copy of item
- - returns #*this
- !*/
- bool operator!= (
- const in_edge_iterator& item
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - *this and item are iterators over the neighbors for the
- same node.
- ensures
- - returns false if *this and item both reference the same
- node in the graph and true otherwise.
- !*/
- in_edge_iterator& operator++(
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - advances *this to the next neighbor node.
- - returns a reference to the updated *this
- (i.e. this is the ++object form of the increment operator)
- !*/
- };
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the number of nodes in the graph.
- !*/
- out_edge_iterator out_begin(
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - returns an iterator pointing to the first neighboring node of
- the idx-th node. If no such node exists then returns out_end(idx).
- - The returned iterator also represents the directed edge going from
- node idx to the neighbor.
- !*/
- in_edge_iterator in_begin(
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - returns an iterator pointing to the first neighboring node of
- the idx-th node. If no such node exists then returns in_end(idx).
- - The returned iterator also represents the directed edge going from
- the neighbor to node idx.
- !*/
- out_edge_iterator out_end(
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - returns an iterator to one past the last neighboring node of
- the idx-th node.
- !*/
- in_edge_iterator in_end(
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - returns an iterator to one past the last neighboring node of
- the idx-th node.
- !*/
- unsigned long node_id (
- const out_edge_iterator& it
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - it == a valid iterator (i.e. it must be in the range [out_begin(idx), out_end(idx))
- for some valid idx)
- ensures
- - returns a number IDX such that:
- - 0 <= IDX < number_of_nodes()
- - IDX == The index which uniquely identifies the node pointed to by the
- iterator it. This number can be used with any member function in this
- object which expect a node index. (e.g. get_label(IDX) == the label for the
- node pointed to by it)
- !*/
- unsigned long node_id (
- const in_edge_iterator& it
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - it == a valid iterator (i.e. it must be in the range [in_begin(idx), in_end(idx))
- for some valid idx)
- ensures
- - returns a number IDX such that:
- - 0 <= IDX < number_of_nodes()
- - IDX == The index which uniquely identifies the node pointed to by the
- iterator it. This number can be used with any member function in this
- object which expect a node index. (e.g. get_label(IDX) == the label for the
- node pointed to by it)
- !*/
- // This typedef should be for a type like int or double. It
- // must also be capable of representing signed values.
- typedef an_integer_or_real_type edge_type;
- edge_type get_flow (
- const unsigned long& idx1,
- const unsigned long& idx2
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx1 < number_of_nodes()
- - idx2 < number_of_nodes()
- - idx1 and idx2 are neighbors in the graph
- ensures
- - returns the residual flow capacity from the idx1-th node to the idx2-th node.
- - It is valid for this function to return a floating point value of infinity.
- This value means this edge has an unlimited capacity.
- !*/
- edge_type get_flow (
- const out_edge_iterator& it
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - it == a valid iterator (i.e. it must be in the range [out_begin(idx), out_end(idx))
- for some valid idx)
- ensures
- - let IDX = node_id(it)
- - it represents the directed edge from a node, call it H, to the node IDX. Therefore,
- this function returns get_flow(H,IDX)
- - It is valid for this function to return a floating point value of infinity.
- This value means this edge has an unlimited capacity.
- !*/
- edge_type get_flow (
- const in_edge_iterator& it
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - it == a valid iterator (i.e. it must be in the range [in_begin(idx), in_end(idx))
- for some valid idx)
- ensures
- - let IDX = node_id(it)
- - it represents the directed edge from node IDX to another node, call it H. Therefore,
- this function returns get_flow(IDX,H)
- - It is valid for this function to return a floating point value of infinity.
- This value means this edge has an unlimited capacity.
- !*/
- void adjust_flow (
- const unsigned long& idx1,
- const unsigned long& idx2,
- const edge_type& value
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - idx1 < number_of_nodes()
- - idx2 < number_of_nodes()
- - idx1 and idx2 are neighbors in the graph
- ensures
- - #get_flow(idx1,idx2) == get_flow(idx1,idx2) + value
- - #get_flow(idx2,idx1) == get_flow(idx2,idx1) - value
- !*/
- void set_label (
- const unsigned long& idx,
- node_label value
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - #get_label(idx) == value
- !*/
- node_label get_label (
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - idx < number_of_nodes()
- ensures
- - returns the label for the idx-th node in the graph.
- !*/
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename flow_graph
- >
- typename flow_graph::edge_type graph_cut_score (
- const flow_graph& g
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - flow_graph == an object with an interface compatible with the flow_graph
- object defined at the top of this file, or, an implementation of
- dlib/directed_graph/directed_graph_kernel_abstract.h.
- ensures
- - returns the sum of the outgoing flows from nodes with a label of SOURCE_CUT
- to nodes with a label != SOURCE_CUT. Note that for a directed_graph object,
- the labels are stored in the node's data field.
- !*/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class min_cut
- {
- /*!
- This is a function object which can be used to find the min cut
- on a graph.
- The implementation is based on the method described in the following
- paper:
- An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for
- Energy Minimization in Vision, by Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov,
- in PAMI 2004.
- !*/
- public:
- min_cut(
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - this object is properly initialized
- !*/
- template <
- typename flow_graph
- >
- void operator() (
- flow_graph& g,
- const unsigned long source_node,
- const unsigned long sink_node
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - flow_graph == an object with an interface compatible with the flow_graph
- object defined at the top of this file.
- - source_node != sink_node
- - source_node < g.number_of_nodes()
- - sink_node < g.number_of_nodes()
- - for all valid i and j:
- - g.get_flow(i,j) >= 0
- (i.e. all the flow capacities/edge weights are non-negative)
- - g does not contain any self loops. That is, no nodes are neighbors with
- themselves.
- ensures
- - Finds the minimum cut on the given graph. That is, this function finds
- a labeling of nodes in g such that graph_cut_score(g) would be minimized. Note
- that the flow values in #g are modified by this algorithm so if you want
- to obtain the min cut score you must call min_cut::operator(), then copy
- the flow values back into #g, and then call graph_cut_score(#g). But in most
- cases you don't care about the value of the min cut score, rather, you
- just want the labels in #g.
- - #g.get_label(source_node) == SOURCE_CUT
- - #g.get_label(sink_node) == SINK_CUT
- - for all valid i:
- - #g.get_label(i) == SOURCE_CUT, SINK_CUT, or FREE_NODE
- - if (#g.get_label(i) == SOURCE_CUT) then
- - The minimum cut of g places node i into the source side of the cut.
- - if (#g.get_label(i) == SINK_CUT) then
- - The minimum cut of g places node i into the sink side of the cut.
- - if (#g.get_label(i) == FREE_NODE) then
- - Node i can be labeled SOURCE_CUT or SINK_CUT. Both labelings
- result in the same cut score.
- - When interpreting g as a graph of flow capacities from the source_node
- to the sink_node we can say that the min cut problem is equivalent to
- the max flow problem. This equivalent problem is to find out how to push
- as much "flow" from the source node to the sink node as possible.
- Upon termination, #g will contain the final flow residuals in addition to
- the graph cut labels. That is, for all valid i and j:
- - #g.get_flow(i,j) == the residual flow capacity left after the max
- possible amount of flow is passing from the source node to the sink
- node. For example, this means that #g.get_flow(i,j) == 0 whenever
- node i is in the SOURCE_CUT and j is in the SINK_CUT.
- - #g.get_flow(i,j) >= 0
- !*/
- template <
- typename directed_graph
- >
- void operator() (
- directed_graph& g,
- const unsigned long source_node,
- const unsigned long sink_node
- ) const;
- /*!
- requires
- - directed_graph == an implementation of dlib/directed_graph/directed_graph_kernel_abstract.h
- - directed_graph::type == node_label
- - directed_graph::edge_type == and integer or double type
- - source_node != sink_node
- - source_node < g.number_of_nodes()
- - sink_node < g.number_of_nodes()
- - for all valid i and j:
- - edge(g,i,j) >= 0
- (i.e. all the flow capacities/edge weights are positive)
- - graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false
- - graph_has_symmetric_edges(g) == true
- ensures
- - This routine simply converts g into a flow graph and calls the version
- of operator() defined above. Note that the conversion is done in O(1)
- time, it's just an interface adaptor.
- - edge weights in g correspond to network flows while the .data field of
- each node in g corresponds to the graph node labels.
- - upon termination, the flows and labels in g will have been modified
- as described in the above operator() routine.
- !*/
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#endif // DLIB_MIN_CuT_ABSTRACT_Hh_