path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map
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Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map')
3 files changed, 983 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_1.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_1.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8b1d6d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_HASH_MAP_KERNEl_1_
+#define DLIB_HASH_MAP_KERNEl_1_
+#include "hash_map_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../general_hash/general_hash.h"
+#include "../interfaces/enumerable.h"
+#include "../interfaces/map_pair.h"
+#include "../interfaces/remover.h"
+#include "../assert.h"
+#include "../serialize.h"
+namespace dlib
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager = default_memory_manager
+ >
+ class hash_map_kernel_1 : public enumerable<map_pair<domain,range> >,
+ public pair_remover<domain,range>
+ {
+ /*!
+ REQUIREMENTS ON hash_table
+ hash_table is instantiated with domain and range and
+ T_is_POD must be set to false and
+ implements hash_table/hash_table_kernel_abstract.h
+ table.size() == 0
+ table.size() = size() == the number of elements in the map
+ the elements in this hash_map are stored in table
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef domain domain_type;
+ typedef range range_type;
+ typedef typename hash_table::compare_type compare_type;
+ typedef mem_manager mem_manager_type;
+ hash_map_kernel_1(
+ ) :
+ table(expnum)
+ {
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(expnum < 32);
+ }
+ virtual ~hash_map_kernel_1(
+ )
+ {}
+ inline void clear(
+ );
+ void add (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ );
+ inline bool is_in_domain (
+ const domain& d
+ ) const;
+ void remove (
+ const domain& d,
+ domain& d_copy,
+ range& r
+ );
+ void destroy (
+ const domain& d
+ );
+ range& operator[] (
+ const domain& d
+ );
+ const range& operator[] (
+ const domain& d
+ ) const;
+ inline void swap (
+ hash_map_kernel_1& item
+ );
+ // functions from the remover interface
+ inline void remove_any (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ );
+ // functions from the enumerable interface
+ inline size_t size (
+ ) const;
+ inline bool at_start (
+ ) const;
+ inline void reset (
+ ) const;
+ inline bool current_element_valid (
+ ) const;
+ inline const map_pair<domain,range>& element (
+ ) const;
+ inline map_pair<domain,range>& element (
+ );
+ inline bool move_next (
+ ) const;
+ private:
+ hash_table table;
+ // restricted functions
+ hash_map_kernel_1(hash_map_kernel_1&);
+ hash_map_kernel_1& operator= ( hash_map_kernel_1&);
+ };
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>& a,
+ hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ item.clear();
+ unsigned long size;
+ deserialize(size,in);
+ domain d;
+ range r;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ deserialize(d,in);
+ deserialize(r,in);
+ item.add(d,r);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (serialization_error e)
+ {
+ item.clear();
+ throw serialization_error( + "\n while deserializing object of type hash_map_kernel_1");
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // member function definitions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ clear (
+ )
+ {
+ table.clear();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ add (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ )
+ {
+ table.add(d,r);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ bool hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ is_in_domain(
+ const domain& d
+ ) const
+ {
+ return (table[d] != 0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ remove_any (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ )
+ {
+ table.remove_any(d,r);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ remove(
+ const domain& d,
+ domain& d_copy,
+ range& r
+ )
+ {
+ table.remove(d,d_copy,r);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ destroy(
+ const domain& d
+ )
+ {
+ table.destroy(d);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ range& hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ operator[](
+ const domain& d
+ )
+ {
+ return *table[d];
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ const range& hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ operator[](
+ const domain& d
+ ) const
+ {
+ return *table[d];
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ size_t hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return table.size();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ swap (
+ hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>& item
+ )
+ {
+ table.swap(item.table);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // enumerable function definitions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ bool hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ at_start (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return table.at_start();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ reset (
+ ) const
+ {
+ table.reset();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ bool hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ current_element_valid (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return table.current_element_valid();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ const map_pair<domain,range>& hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ element (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return table.element();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ map_pair<domain,range>& hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ element (
+ )
+ {
+ return table.element();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename hash_table,
+ typename mem_manager
+ >
+ bool hash_map_kernel_1<domain,range,expnum,hash_table,mem_manager>::
+ move_next (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return table.move_next();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_HASH_MAP_KERNEl_1_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cee404f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "../general_hash/general_hash.h"
+#include "../interfaces/enumerable.h"
+#include "../interfaces/remover.h"
+#include "../interfaces/map_pair.h"
+#include "../serialize.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include <functional>
+namespace dlib
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename mem_manager = default_memory_manager,
+ typename compare = std::less<T>
+ >
+ class hash_map : public enumerable<map_pair<domain,range> >,
+ public pair_remover<domain,range>
+ {
+ /*!
+ domain must be comparable by compare where compare is a functor compatible with std::less and
+ domain must be hashable by general_hash
+ (general_hash is defined in dlib/general_hash) and
+ domain must be swappable by a global swap() and
+ domain must have a default constructor
+ range must be swappable by a global swap() and
+ range must have a default constructor
+ expnum < 32
+ 2^expnum is the number of buckets to hash items of type T into.
+ Note that this is really just a suggestion to the hash table.
+ Implementations are free to manage the table size however is most
+ appropriate.
+ REQUIREMENTS ON mem_manager
+ must be an implementation of memory_manager/memory_manager_kernel_abstract.h or
+ must be an implementation of memory_manager_global/memory_manager_global_kernel_abstract.h or
+ must be an implementation of memory_manager_stateless/memory_manager_stateless_kernel_abstract.h
+ mem_manager::type can be set to anything.
+ swap(), is_in_domain(), and operator[] functions do
+ not invalidate pointers or references to internal data.
+ All other functions have no such guarantees.
+ size() == 0
+ No order is specified. Only that each element will be visited once
+ and only once.
+ hash_map contains items of type domain and range
+ This object is similar an array. It maps items of type domain on to
+ items of type range.
+ Also note that unless specified otherwise, no member functions
+ of this object throw exceptions.
+ definition of equivalent:
+ a is equivalent to b if
+ a < b == false and
+ b < a == false
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef domain domain_type;
+ typedef range range_type;
+ typedef compare compare_type;
+ typedef mem_manager mem_manager_type;
+ hash_map(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or any exception thrown by domain's or range's
+ constructor.
+ !*/
+ virtual ~hash_map(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all memory associated with *this has been released
+ !*/
+ void clear(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this has its initial value
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or any exception thrown by domain's or range's
+ constructor.
+ if this exception is thrown then *this is unusable
+ until clear() is called and succeeds
+ !*/
+ void add (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - &d != &r (i.e. d and r cannot be the same variable)
+ - is_in_domain(d) == false
+ ensures
+ - #is_in_domain(d) == true
+ - #operator[](d) == r
+ - #d and #r have initial values for their types
+ - #size() == size() + 1
+ - #at_start() == true
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or any exception thrown by domain's or range's
+ constructor.
+ if add() throws then it has no effect
+ !*/
+ bool is_in_domain (
+ const domain& d
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns whether or not an element equivalent to d is in the
+ domain of *this
+ !*/
+ void remove (
+ const domain& d,
+ domain& d_copy,
+ range& r
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - &d != &r (i.e. d and r cannot be the same variable)
+ - &d != &d_copy (i.e. d and d_copy cannot be the same variable)
+ - &r != &d_copy (i.e. r and d_copy cannot be the same variable)
+ - is_in_domain(d) == true
+ ensures
+ - #is_in_domain(d) == false
+ - #d_copy is equivalent to d
+ - the element in the range of *this associated with #d_copy has
+ been swapped into #r
+ - #size() == size() - 1
+ - #at_start() == true
+ !*/
+ void destroy (
+ const domain& d
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_in_domain(d) == true
+ ensures
+ - #is_in_domain(d) == false
+ - #size() == size() - 1
+ - #at_start() == true
+ !*/
+ range& operator[] (
+ const domain& d
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_in_domain(d) == true
+ ensures
+ - returns a non-const reference to the element in the range of *this
+ associated with the element equivalent to d
+ !*/
+ const range& operator[] (
+ const domain& d
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_in_domain(d) == true
+ ensures
+ - returns a const reference to the element in the range of *this
+ associated with the element equivalent to d
+ !*/
+ void swap (
+ hash_map& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - swaps *this and item
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ hash_map(hash_map&);
+ hash_map& operator=(hash_map&);
+ };
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename mem_manager,
+ typename compare
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ hash_map<domain,range,expnum,mem_manager,compare>& a,
+ hash_map<domain,range,expnum,mem_manager,compare>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+ /*!
+ provides a global swap function
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename domain,
+ typename range,
+ unsigned long expnum,
+ typename mem_manager,
+ typename compare
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ hash_map<domain,range,expnum,mem_manager,compare>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides deserialization support
+ !*/
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_c.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_c.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4db937249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/hash_map/hash_map_kernel_c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "hash_map_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../assert.h"
+namespace dlib
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ class hash_map_kernel_c : public hash_map_base
+ {
+ typedef typename hash_map_base::domain_type domain;
+ typedef typename hash_map_base::range_type range;
+ public:
+ void add (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ );
+ void remove_any (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ );
+ void remove (
+ const domain& d,
+ domain& d_copy,
+ range& r
+ );
+ void destroy (
+ const domain& d
+ );
+ range& operator[] (
+ const domain& d
+ );
+ const range& operator[] (
+ const domain& d
+ ) const;
+ const map_pair<domain,range>& element (
+ ) const;
+ map_pair<domain,range>& element (
+ );
+ };
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>& a,
+ hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // member function definitions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>::
+ add (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT( (!this->is_in_domain(d)) &&
+ (static_cast<void*>(&d) != static_cast<void*>(&r)),
+ "\tvoid hash_map::add"
+ << "\n\tdomain element being added must not already be in the hash_map"
+ << "\n\tand d and r must not be the same variable"
+ << "\n\tis_in_domain(d): " << (this->is_in_domain(d) ? "true" : "false")
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ << "\n\t&d: " << static_cast<void*>(&d)
+ << "\n\t&r: " << static_cast<void*>(&r)
+ );
+ // call the real function
+ hash_map_base::add(d,r);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>::
+ remove_any (
+ domain& d,
+ range& r
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT( (this->size() > 0) &&
+ (static_cast<void*>(&d) != static_cast<void*>(&r)),
+ "\tvoid hash_map::remove_any"
+ << "\n\tsize() must be greater than zero if something is going to be removed"
+ << "\n\tand d and r must not be the same variable."
+ << "\n\tsize(): " << this->size()
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ << "\n\t&d: " << static_cast<void*>(&d)
+ << "\n\t&r: " << static_cast<void*>(&r)
+ );
+ // call the real function
+ hash_map_base::remove_any(d,r);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>::
+ remove (
+ const domain& d,
+ domain& d_copy,
+ range& r
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT( (this->is_in_domain(d)) &&
+ (static_cast<const void*>(&d) != static_cast<void*>(&r)) &&
+ (static_cast<void*>(&r) != static_cast<void*>(&d_copy)) &&
+ (static_cast<const void*>(&d) != static_cast<void*>(&d_copy)),
+ "\tvoid hash_map::remove"
+ << "\n\tcan't remove something that isn't in the hash_map or if the paremeters"
+ << "\n\tare actually the same variable. Either way can't remove."
+ << "\n\tis_in_domain(d): " << (this->is_in_domain(d) ? "true" : "false")
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ << "\n\t&d: " << static_cast<const void*>(&d)
+ << "\n\t&r: " << static_cast<void*>(&r)
+ << "\n\t&d_copy: " << static_cast<void*>(&d_copy)
+ );
+ // call the real function
+ hash_map_base::remove(d,d_copy,r);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ void hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>::
+ destroy (
+ const domain& d
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT( this->is_in_domain(d),
+ "\tvoid hash_map::destroy"
+ << "\n\tcan't remove something that isn't in the hash_map"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ << "\n\t&d: " << static_cast<const void*>(&d)
+ );
+ // call the real function
+ hash_map_base::destroy(d);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ typename hash_map_base::range_type& hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>::
+ operator[] (
+ const domain& d
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT( this->is_in_domain(d),
+ "\trange& hash_map::operator[]"
+ << "\n\td must be in the domain of the hash_map"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ // call the real function
+ return hash_map_base::operator[](d);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ const typename hash_map_base::range_type& hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>::
+ operator[] (
+ const domain& d
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT( this->is_in_domain(d),
+ "\tconst range& hash_map::operator[]"
+ << "\n\td must be in the domain of the hash_map"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ // call the real function
+ return hash_map_base::operator[](d);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ const map_pair<typename hash_map_base::domain_type,typename hash_map_base::range_type>& hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>::
+ element (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT(this->current_element_valid() == true,
+ "\tconst map_pair<domain,range>& hash_map::element"
+ << "\n\tyou can't access the current element if it doesn't exist"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ // call the real function
+ return hash_map_base::element();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename hash_map_base
+ >
+ map_pair<typename hash_map_base::domain_type,typename hash_map_base::range_type>& hash_map_kernel_c<hash_map_base>::
+ element (
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT(this->current_element_valid() == true,
+ "\tmap_pair<domain,range>& hash_map::element"
+ << "\n\tyou can't access the current element if it doesn't exist"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ // call the real function
+ return hash_map_base::element();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_HASH_MAP_KERNEl_C_