path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/image_processing/scan_fhog_pyramid_abstract.h
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diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/image_processing/scan_fhog_pyramid_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/image_processing/scan_fhog_pyramid_abstract.h
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+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/image_processing/scan_fhog_pyramid_abstract.h
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+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <vector>
+#include "../image_transforms/fhog_abstract.h"
+#include "object_detector_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename Pyramid_type,
+ typename feature_extractor_type
+ >
+ matrix<unsigned char> draw_fhog (
+ const object_detector<scan_fhog_pyramid<Pyramid_type,feature_extractor_type> >& detector,
+ const unsigned long weight_index = 0,
+ const long cell_draw_size = 15
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - cell_draw_size > 0
+ - weight_index < detector.num_detectors()
+ - detector.get_w(weight_index).size() >= detector.get_scanner().get_num_dimensions()
+ (i.e. the detector must have been populated with a HOG filter)
+ ensures
+ - Converts the HOG filters in the given detector (specifically, the filters in
+ detector.get_w(weight_index)) into an image suitable for display on the
+ screen. In particular, we draw all the HOG cells into a grayscale image in a
+ way that shows the magnitude and orientation of the gradient energy in each
+ cell. The resulting image is then returned.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename Pyramid_type,
+ typename feature_extractor_type
+ >
+ unsigned long num_separable_filters (
+ const object_detector<scan_fhog_pyramid<Pyramid_type,feature_extractor_type> >& detector,
+ const unsigned long weight_index = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - weight_index < detector.num_detectors()
+ - detector.get_w(weight_index).size() >= detector.get_scanner().get_num_dimensions()
+ (i.e. the detector must have been populated with a HOG filter)
+ ensures
+ - Returns the number of separable filters necessary to represent the HOG
+ filters in the given detector's weight_index'th filter. This is the filter
+ defined by detector.get_w(weight_index).
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename Pyramid_type,
+ typename feature_extractor_type
+ >
+ object_detector<scan_fhog_pyramid<Pyramid_type,feature_extractor_type> > threshold_filter_singular_values (
+ const object_detector<scan_fhog_pyramid<Pyramid_type,feature_extractor_type> >& detector,
+ double thresh,
+ const unsigned long weight_index = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - thresh >= 0
+ - weight_index < detector.num_detectors()
+ - detector.get_w(weight_index).size() >= detector.get_scanner().get_num_dimensions()
+ (i.e. the detector must have been populated with a HOG filter)
+ ensures
+ - Removes all components of the filters in the given detector that have
+ singular values that are smaller than the given threshold. Therefore, this
+ function allows you to control how many separable filters are in a detector.
+ In particular, as thresh gets larger the quantity
+ num_separable_filters(threshold_filter_singular_values(detector,thresh,weight_index),weight_index)
+ will generally get smaller and therefore give a faster running detector.
+ However, note that at some point a large enough thresh will drop too much
+ information from the filters and their accuracy will suffer.
+ - returns the updated detector
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class default_fhog_feature_extractor
+ {
+ /*!
+ The scan_fhog_pyramid object defined below is primarily meant to be used
+ with the feature extraction technique implemented by extract_fhog_features().
+ This technique can generally be understood as taking an input image and
+ outputting a multi-planed output image of floating point numbers that
+ somehow describe the image contents. Since there are many ways to define
+ how this feature mapping is performed, the scan_fhog_pyramid allows you to
+ replace the extract_fhog_features() method with a customized method of your
+ choosing. To do this you implement a class with the same interface as
+ default_fhog_feature_extractor.
+ Therefore, the point of default_fhog_feature_extractor is two fold. First,
+ it provides the default FHOG feature extraction method used by scan_fhog_pyramid.
+ Second, it serves to document the interface you need to implement to define
+ your own custom HOG style feature extraction.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ rectangle image_to_feats (
+ const rectangle& rect,
+ int cell_size,
+ int filter_rows_padding,
+ int filter_cols_padding
+ ) const { return image_to_fhog(rect, cell_size, filter_rows_padding, filter_cols_padding); }
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - cell_size > 0
+ - filter_rows_padding > 0
+ - filter_cols_padding > 0
+ ensures
+ - Maps a rectangle from the coordinates in an input image to the corresponding
+ area in the output feature image.
+ !*/
+ rectangle feats_to_image (
+ const rectangle& rect,
+ int cell_size,
+ int filter_rows_padding,
+ int filter_cols_padding
+ ) const { return fhog_to_image(rect, cell_size, filter_rows_padding, filter_cols_padding); }
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - cell_size > 0
+ - filter_rows_padding > 0
+ - filter_cols_padding > 0
+ ensures
+ - Maps a rectangle from the coordinates of the hog feature image back to
+ the input image.
+ - Mapping from feature space to image space is an invertible
+ transformation. That is, for any rectangle R we have:
+ R == image_to_feats(feats_to_image(R,cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding),
+ cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding).
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename image_type
+ >
+ void operator()(
+ const image_type& img,
+ dlib::array<array2d<float> >& hog,
+ int cell_size,
+ int filter_rows_padding,
+ int filter_cols_padding
+ ) const { extract_fhog_features(img,hog,cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding); }
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - image_type == is an implementation of array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h
+ - img contains some kind of pixel type.
+ (i.e. pixel_traits<typename image_type::type> is defined)
+ ensures
+ - Extracts FHOG features by calling extract_fhog_features(). The results are
+ stored into #hog. Note that if you are implementing your own feature extractor you can
+ pretty much do whatever you want in terms of feature extraction so long as the following
+ conditions are met:
+ - #hog.size() == get_num_planes()
+ - Each image plane in #hog has the same dimensions.
+ - for all valid i, r, and c:
+ - #hog[i][r][c] == a feature value describing the image content centered at the
+ following pixel location in img:
+ feats_to_image(point(c,r),cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding)
+ !*/
+ inline unsigned long get_num_planes (
+ ) const { return 31; }
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of planes in the hog image output by the operator()
+ method.
+ !*/
+ };
+ inline void serialize (const default_fhog_feature_extractor&, std::ostream&) {}
+ inline void deserialize (default_fhog_feature_extractor&, std::istream&) {}
+ /*!
+ Provides serialization support. Note that there is no state in the default hog
+ feature extractor so these functions do nothing. But if you define a custom
+ feature extractor then make sure you remember to serialize any state in your
+ feature extractor.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename Pyramid_type,
+ typename Feature_extractor_type = default_fhog_feature_extractor
+ >
+ class scan_fhog_pyramid : noncopyable
+ {
+ /*!
+ REQUIREMENTS ON Pyramid_type
+ - Must be one of the pyramid_down objects defined in
+ dlib/image_transforms/image_pyramid_abstract.h or an object with a
+ compatible interface
+ REQUIREMENTS ON Feature_extractor_type
+ - Must be a type with an interface compatible with the
+ default_fhog_feature_extractor.
+ - get_padding() == 1
+ - get_cell_size() == 8
+ - get_detection_window_width() == 64
+ - get_detection_window_height() == 64
+ - get_max_pyramid_levels() == 1000
+ - get_min_pyramid_layer_width() == 64
+ - get_min_pyramid_layer_height() == 64
+ - get_nuclear_norm_regularization_strength() == 0
+ This object is a tool for running a fixed sized sliding window classifier
+ over an image pyramid. In particular, it slides a linear classifier over
+ a HOG pyramid as discussed in the paper:
+ Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection by Navneet Dalal
+ and Bill Triggs, CVPR 2005
+ However, we augment the method slightly to use the version of HOG features
+ from:
+ Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models by
+ P. Felzenszwalb, R. Girshick, D. McAllester, D. Ramanan
+ IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 32, No. 9, Sep. 2010
+ Since these HOG features have been shown to give superior performance.
+ Concurrent access to an instance of this object is not safe and should be
+ protected by a mutex lock except for the case where you are copying the
+ configuration (via copy_configuration()) of a scan_fhog_pyramid object to
+ many other threads. In this case, it is safe to copy the configuration of
+ a shared object so long as no other operations are performed on it.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef matrix<double,0,1> feature_vector_type;
+ typedef Pyramid_type pyramid_type;
+ typedef Feature_extractor_type feature_extractor_type;
+ scan_fhog_pyramid (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ explicit scan_fhog_pyramid (
+ const feature_extractor_type& fe
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ - #get_feature_extractor() == fe
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename image_type
+ >
+ void load (
+ const image_type& img
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - image_type == is an implementation of array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h
+ - img contains some kind of pixel type.
+ (i.e. pixel_traits<typename image_type::type> is defined)
+ ensures
+ - #is_loaded_with_image() == true
+ - This object is ready to run a classifier over img to detect object
+ locations. Call detect() to do this.
+ !*/
+ const feature_extractor_type& get_feature_extractor(
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a const reference to the feature extractor used by this object.
+ !*/
+ bool is_loaded_with_image (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns true if this object has been loaded with an image to process and
+ false otherwise.
+ !*/
+ void copy_configuration (
+ const scan_fhog_pyramid& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Copies all the state information of item into *this, except for state
+ information populated by load(). More precisely, given two scan_fhog_pyramid
+ objects S1 and S2, the following sequence of instructions should always
+ result in both of them having the exact same state:
+ S2.copy_configuration(S1);
+ S1.load(img);
+ S2.load(img);
+ !*/
+ void set_detection_window_size (
+ unsigned long window_width,
+ unsigned long window_height
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - window_width > 0
+ - window_height > 0
+ ensures
+ - When detect() is called, this object scans a window that is of the given
+ width and height (in pixels) over each layer in an image pyramid. This
+ means that the rectangle detections which come out of detect() will have
+ a width to height ratio approximately equal to window_width/window_height
+ and will be approximately window_width*window_height pixels in area or
+ larger. Therefore, the smallest object that can be detected is roughly
+ window_width by window_height pixels in size.
+ - #get_detection_window_width() == window_width
+ - #get_detection_window_height() == window_height
+ - Since we use a HOG feature representation, the detection procedure works
+ as follows:
+ Step 1. Make an image pyramid.
+ Step 2. Convert each layer of the image pyramid into a multi-planed HOG "image".
+ (the number of bands is given by get_feature_extractor().get_num_planes())
+ Step 3. Scan a linear classifier over each HOG image in the pyramid.
+ Moreover, the HOG features quantize the input image into a grid of cells,
+ each cell being get_cell_size() by get_cell_size() pixels in size. So
+ when we scan the object detector over the pyramid we are scanning an
+ appropriately sized window over these smaller quantized HOG features. In
+ particular, the size of the window we scan over the HOG feature pyramid
+ is #get_fhog_window_width() by #get_fhog_window_height() HOG cells in
+ size.
+ - #is_loaded_with_image() == false
+ !*/
+ unsigned long get_detection_window_width (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the width, in pixels, of the detection window that is scanned
+ over the image when detect() is called.
+ !*/
+ inline unsigned long get_detection_window_height (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the height, in pixels, of the detection window that is scanned
+ over the image when detect() is called.
+ !*/
+ unsigned long get_fhog_window_width (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Returns the width of the HOG scanning window in terms of HOG cell blocks.
+ Note that this is a function of get_detection_window_width(), get_cell_size(),
+ and get_padding() and is therefore not something you set directly.
+ - #get_fhog_window_width() is approximately equal to the number of HOG cells
+ that fit into get_detection_window_width() pixels plus 2*get_padding()
+ since we include additional padding around each window to add context.
+ !*/
+ unsigned long get_fhog_window_height (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Returns the height of the HOG scanning window in terms of HOG cell blocks.
+ Note that this is a function of get_detection_window_height(), get_cell_size(),
+ and get_padding() and is therefore not something you set directly.
+ - #get_fhog_window_height() is approximately equal to the number of HOG cells
+ that fit into get_detection_window_height() pixels plus 2*get_padding()
+ since we include additional padding around each window to add context.
+ !*/
+ void set_padding (
+ unsigned long new_padding
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #get_padding() == new_padding
+ - #is_loaded_with_image() == false
+ !*/
+ unsigned long get_padding (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - The HOG windows scanned over the HOG pyramid can include additional HOG
+ cells outside the detection window. This can help add context and
+ improve detection accuracy. This function returns the number of extra
+ HOG cells added onto the border of the HOG windows which are scanned by
+ detect().
+ !*/
+ unsigned long get_cell_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Returns the size of the HOG cells. Each HOG cell is square and contains
+ get_cell_size()*get_cell_size() pixels.
+ !*/
+ void set_cell_size (
+ unsigned long new_cell_size
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - new_cell_size > 0
+ ensures
+ - #get_cell_size() == new_cell_size
+ - #is_loaded_with_image() == false
+ !*/
+ inline long get_num_dimensions (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns get_fhog_window_width()*get_fhog_window_height()*get_feature_extractor().get_num_planes()
+ (i.e. The number of features is equal to the size of the HOG window times
+ the number of planes output by the feature extractor. )
+ !*/
+ inline unsigned long get_num_detection_templates (
+ ) const { return 1; }
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns 1. Note that this function is here only for compatibility with
+ the scan_image_pyramid object. Notionally, its return value indicates
+ that a scan_fhog_pyramid object is always ready to detect objects once
+ an image has been loaded.
+ !*/
+ inline unsigned long get_num_movable_components_per_detection_template (
+ ) const { return 0; }
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns 0. Note that this function is here only for compatibility with
+ the scan_image_pyramid object. Its return value means that this object
+ does not support using movable part models.
+ !*/
+ unsigned long get_max_pyramid_levels (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the maximum number of image pyramid levels this object will use.
+ Note that #get_max_pyramid_levels() == 1 indicates that no image pyramid
+ will be used at all. That is, only the original image will be processed
+ and no lower scale versions will be created.
+ !*/
+ void set_max_pyramid_levels (
+ unsigned long max_levels
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - max_levels > 0
+ ensures
+ - #get_max_pyramid_levels() == max_levels
+ !*/
+ void set_min_pyramid_layer_size (
+ unsigned long width,
+ unsigned long height
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - width > 0
+ - height > 0
+ ensures
+ - #get_min_pyramid_layer_width() == width
+ - #get_min_pyramid_layer_height() == height
+ !*/
+ inline unsigned long get_min_pyramid_layer_width (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the smallest allowable width of an image in the image pyramid.
+ All pyramids will always include the original input image, however, no
+ pyramid levels will be created which have a width smaller than the
+ value returned by this function.
+ !*/
+ inline unsigned long get_min_pyramid_layer_height (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the smallest allowable height of an image in the image pyramid.
+ All pyramids will always include the original input image, however, no
+ pyramid levels will be created which have a height smaller than the
+ value returned by this function.
+ !*/
+ fhog_filterbank build_fhog_filterbank (
+ const feature_vector_type& weights
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - weights.size() >= get_num_dimensions()
+ ensures
+ - Creates and then returns a fhog_filterbank object FB such that:
+ - FB.get_num_dimensions() == get_num_dimensions()
+ - FB.get_filters() == the values in weights unpacked into get_feature_extractor().get_num_planes() filters.
+ - FB.num_separable_filters() == the number of separable filters necessary to
+ represent all the filters in FB.get_filters().
+ !*/
+ class fhog_filterbank
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object represents a HOG filter bank. That is, the classifier that is
+ slid over a HOG pyramid is a set of get_feature_extractor().get_num_planes()
+ linear filters, each get_fhog_window_width() rows by get_fhog_window_height()
+ columns in size. This object contains that set of filters.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ long get_num_dimensions(
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Returns the total number of values in the filters.
+ !*/
+ const std::vector<matrix<float> >& get_filters(
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the set of HOG filters in this object.
+ !*/
+ unsigned long num_separable_filters(
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of separable filters necessary to represent all
+ the filters in get_filters().
+ !*/
+ };
+ void detect (
+ const fhog_filterbank& w,
+ std::vector<std::pair<double, rectangle> >& dets,
+ const double thresh
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - w.get_num_dimensions() == get_num_dimensions()
+ - is_loaded_with_image() == true
+ ensures
+ - Scans the HOG filter defined by w over the HOG pyramid that was populated
+ by the last call to load() and stores all object detections into #dets.
+ - for all valid i:
+ - #dets[i].second == The object box which produced this detection. This rectangle gives
+ the location of the detection. Note that the rectangle will have been converted back into
+ the original image input space. That is, if this detection was made at a low level in the
+ image pyramid then the object box will have been automatically mapped up the pyramid layers
+ to the original image space. Or in other words, if you plot #dets[i].second on top of the
+ image given to load() it will show up in the right place.
+ - #dets[i].first == The score for this detection. This value is equal to dot(w, feature vector
+ for this sliding window location).
+ - #dets[i].first >= thresh
+ - #dets will be sorted in descending order. (i.e. #dets[i].first >= #dets[j].first for all i, and j>i)
+ - Elements of w beyond index get_num_dimensions()-1 are ignored. I.e. only the first
+ get_num_dimensions() are used.
+ - Note that no form of non-max suppression is performed. If a window has a score >= thresh
+ then it is reported in #dets.
+ !*/
+ void detect (
+ const feature_vector_type& w,
+ std::vector<std::pair<double, rectangle> >& dets,
+ const double thresh
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - w.size() >= get_num_dimensions()
+ - is_loaded_with_image() == true
+ ensures
+ - performs: detect(build_fhog_filterbank(w), dets, thresh)
+ !*/
+ void get_feature_vector (
+ const full_object_detection& obj,
+ feature_vector_type& psi
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - obj.num_parts() == 0
+ - is_loaded_with_image() == true
+ - psi.size() >= get_num_dimensions()
+ (i.e. psi must have preallocated its memory before this function is called)
+ ensures
+ - This function allows you to determine the feature vector used for an
+ object detection output from detect(). Note that this vector is
+ added to psi. Note also that you can use get_full_object_detection() to
+ convert a rectangle from detect() into the needed full_object_detection.
+ - The dimensionality of the vector added to psi is get_num_dimensions(). This
+ means that elements of psi after psi(get_num_dimensions()-1) are not modified.
+ - Since scan_fhog_pyramid only searches a limited set of object locations,
+ not all possible rectangles can be output by detect(). So in the case
+ where obj.get_rect() could not arise from a call to detect(), this
+ function will map obj.get_rect() to the nearest possible rectangle and
+ then add the feature vector for the mapped rectangle into #psi.
+ - get_best_matching_rect(obj.get_rect()) == the rectangle obj.get_rect()
+ gets mapped to for feature extraction.
+ !*/
+ full_object_detection get_full_object_detection (
+ const rectangle& rect,
+ const feature_vector_type& w
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns full_object_detection(rect)
+ (This function is here only for compatibility with the scan_image_pyramid
+ object)
+ !*/
+ const rectangle get_best_matching_rect (
+ const rectangle& rect
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Since scan_fhog_pyramid only searches a limited set of object locations,
+ not all possible rectangles can be represented. Therefore, this function
+ allows you to supply a rectangle and obtain the nearest possible
+ candidate object location rectangle.
+ !*/
+ double get_nuclear_norm_regularization_strength (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - If the number of separable filters in a fhog_filterbank is small then the
+ filter bank can be scanned over an image much faster than a normal set of
+ filters. Therefore, this object provides the option to encourage
+ machine learning methods that learn a HOG filter bank (i.e.
+ structural_object_detection_trainer) to select filter banks that have
+ this beneficial property. In particular, the value returned by
+ get_nuclear_norm_regularization_strength() is a multiplier on a nuclear
+ norm regularizer which will encourage the selection of filters that use a
+ small number of separable components. Larger values encourage tend to
+ give a smaller number of separable filters.
+ - if (get_nuclear_norm_regularization_strength() == 0) then
+ - This feature is disabled
+ - else
+ - A nuclear norm regularizer will be added when
+ structural_object_detection_trainer is used to learn a HOG filter
+ bank. Note that this can make the training process take
+ significantly longer (but can result in faster object detectors).
+ !*/
+ void set_nuclear_norm_regularization_strength (
+ double strength
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - strength >= 0
+ ensures
+ - #get_nuclear_norm_regularization_strength() == strength
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void serialize (
+ const scan_fhog_pyramid<T>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void deserialize (
+ scan_fhog_pyramid<T>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides deserialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename pyramid_type,
+ typename image_type
+ >
+ void evaluate_detectors (
+ const std::vector<object_detector<scan_fhog_pyramid<pyramid_type>>>& detectors,
+ const image_type& img,
+ std::vector<rect_detection>& dets,
+ const double adjust_threshold = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - image_type == is an implementation of array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h
+ - img contains some kind of pixel type.
+ (i.e. pixel_traits<typename image_type::type> is defined)
+ ensures
+ - This function runs each of the provided object_detector objects over img and
+ stores the resulting detections into #dets. Importantly, this function is
+ faster than running each detector individually because it computes the HOG
+ features only once and then reuses them for each detector. However, it is
+ important to note that this speedup is only possible if all the detectors use
+ the same cell_size parameter that determines how HOG features are computed.
+ If different cell_size values are used then this function will not be any
+ faster than running the detectors individually.
+ - This function applies non-max suppression individually to the output of each
+ detector. Therefore, the output is the same as if you ran each detector
+ individually and then concatenated the results.
+ - To be precise, this function performs object detection on the given image and
+ stores the detected objects into #dets. In particular, we will have that:
+ - #dets is sorted such that the highest confidence detections come first.
+ E.g. element 0 is the best detection, element 1 the next best, and so on.
+ - #dets.size() == the number of detected objects.
+ - #dets[i].detection_confidence == The strength of the i-th detection.
+ Larger values indicate that the detector is more confident that #dets[i]
+ is a correct detection rather than being a false alarm. Moreover, the
+ detection_confidence is equal to the detection value output by the
+ scanner minus the threshold value stored at the end of the weight vector.
+ - #dets[i].rect == the bounding box for the i-th detection.
+ - The detection #dets[i].rect was produced by detectors[#dets[i].weight_index].
+ - The detection threshold is adjusted by having adjust_threshold added to it.
+ Therefore, an adjust_threshold value > 0 makes detecting objects harder while
+ a negative value makes it easier. Moreover, the following will be true for
+ all valid i:
+ - #dets[i].detection_confidence >= adjust_threshold
+ This means that, for example, you can obtain the maximum possible number of
+ detections by setting adjust_threshold equal to negative infinity.
+ - This function is threadsafe in the sense that multiple threads can call
+ evaluate_detectors() with the same instances of detectors and img without
+ requiring a mutex lock.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename pyramid_type,
+ typename image_type
+ >
+ std::vector<rectangle> evaluate_detectors (
+ const std::vector<object_detector<scan_fhog_pyramid<pyramid_type>>>& detectors,
+ const image_type& img,
+ const double adjust_threshold = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - image_type == is an implementation of array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h
+ - img contains some kind of pixel type.
+ (i.e. pixel_traits<typename image_type::type> is defined)
+ ensures
+ - This function just calls the above evaluate_detectors() routine and copies
+ the output dets into a vector<rectangle> object and returns it. Therefore,
+ this function is provided for convenience.
+ - This function is threadsafe in the sense that multiple threads can call
+ evaluate_detectors() with the same instances of detectors and img without
+ requiring a mutex lock.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------