path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/server
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Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/server')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 2433 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e3051a43..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "server_http.h"
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace http_impl
- {
- inline unsigned char to_hex( unsigned char x )
- {
- return x + (x > 9 ? ('A'-10) : '0');
- }
- const std::string urlencode( const std::string& s )
- {
- std::ostringstream os;
- for ( std::string::const_iterator ci = s.begin(); ci != s.end(); ++ci )
- {
- if ( (*ci >= 'a' && *ci <= 'z') ||
- (*ci >= 'A' && *ci <= 'Z') ||
- (*ci >= '0' && *ci <= '9') )
- { // allowed
- os << *ci;
- }
- else if ( *ci == ' ')
- {
- os << '+';
- }
- else
- {
- os << '%' << to_hex(*ci >> 4) << to_hex(*ci % 16);
- }
- }
- return os.str();
- }
- inline unsigned char from_hex (
- unsigned char ch
- )
- {
- if (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0')
- ch -= '0';
- else if (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a')
- ch -= 'a' - 10;
- else if (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A')
- ch -= 'A' - 10;
- else
- ch = 0;
- return ch;
- }
- const std::string urldecode (
- const std::string& str
- )
- {
- using namespace std;
- string result;
- string::size_type i;
- for (i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (str[i] == '+')
- {
- result += ' ';
- }
- else if (str[i] == '%' && str.size() > i+2)
- {
- const unsigned char ch1 = from_hex(str[i+1]);
- const unsigned char ch2 = from_hex(str[i+2]);
- const unsigned char ch = (ch1 << 4) | ch2;
- result += ch;
- i += 2;
- }
- else
- {
- result += str[i];
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- void parse_url(
- std::string word,
- key_value_map& queries
- )
- /*!
- Parses the query string of a URL. word should be the stuff that comes
- after the ? in the query URL.
- !*/
- {
- std::string::size_type pos;
- for (pos = 0; pos < word.size(); ++pos)
- {
- if (word[pos] == '&')
- word[pos] = ' ';
- }
- std::istringstream sin(word);
- sin >> word;
- while (sin)
- {
- pos = word.find_first_of("=");
- if (pos != std::string::npos)
- {
- std::string key = urldecode(word.substr(0,pos));
- std::string value = urldecode(word.substr(pos+1));
- queries[key] = value;
- }
- sin >> word;
- }
- }
- void read_with_limit(
- std::istream& in,
- std::string& buffer,
- int delim = '\n'
- )
- {
- using namespace std;
- const size_t max = 64*1024;
- buffer.clear();
- buffer.reserve(300);
- while (in.peek() != delim && in.peek() != '\n' && in.peek() != EOF && buffer.size() < max)
- {
- buffer += (char)in.get();
- }
- // if we quit the loop because the data is longer than expected or we hit EOF
- if (in.peek() == EOF)
- throw http_parse_error("HTTP field from client terminated incorrectly", 414);
- if (buffer.size() == max)
- throw http_parse_error("HTTP field from client is too long", 414);
- in.get();
- // eat any remaining whitespace
- if (delim == ' ')
- {
- while (in.peek() == ' ')
- in.get();
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned long parse_http_request (
- std::istream& in,
- incoming_things& incoming,
- unsigned long max_content_length
- )
- {
- using namespace std;
- using namespace http_impl;
- read_with_limit(in, incoming.request_type, ' ');
- // get the path
- read_with_limit(in, incoming.path, ' ');
- // Get the HTTP/1.1 - Ignore for now...
- read_with_limit(in, incoming.protocol);
- key_value_map_ci& incoming_headers = incoming.headers;
- key_value_map& cookies = incoming.cookies;
- std::string& path = incoming.path;
- std::string& content_type = incoming.content_type;
- unsigned long content_length = 0;
- string line;
- read_with_limit(in, line);
- string first_part_of_header;
- string::size_type position_of_double_point;
- // now loop over all the incoming_headers
- while (line != "\r")
- {
- position_of_double_point = line.find_first_of(':');
- if ( position_of_double_point != string::npos )
- {
- first_part_of_header = dlib::trim(line.substr(0, position_of_double_point));
- if ( !incoming_headers[first_part_of_header].empty() )
- incoming_headers[ first_part_of_header ] += " ";
- incoming_headers[first_part_of_header] += dlib::trim(line.substr(position_of_double_point+1));
- // look for Content-Type:
- if (line.size() > 14 && strings_equal_ignore_case(line, "Content-Type:", 13))
- {
- content_type = line.substr(14);
- if (content_type[content_type.size()-1] == '\r')
- content_type.erase(content_type.size()-1);
- }
- // look for Content-Length:
- else if (line.size() > 16 && strings_equal_ignore_case(line, "Content-Length:", 15))
- {
- istringstream sin(line.substr(16));
- sin >> content_length;
- if (!sin)
- {
- throw http_parse_error("Invalid Content-Length of '" + line.substr(16) + "'", 411);
- }
- if (content_length > max_content_length)
- {
- std::ostringstream sout;
- sout << "Content-Length of post back is too large. It must be less than " << max_content_length;
- throw http_parse_error(sout.str(), 413);
- }
- }
- // look for any cookies
- else if (line.size() > 6 && strings_equal_ignore_case(line, "Cookie:", 7))
- {
- string::size_type pos = 6;
- string key, value;
- bool seen_key_start = false;
- bool seen_equal_sign = false;
- while (pos + 1 < line.size())
- {
- ++pos;
- // ignore whitespace between cookies
- if (!seen_key_start && line[pos] == ' ')
- continue;
- seen_key_start = true;
- if (!seen_equal_sign)
- {
- if (line[pos] == '=')
- {
- seen_equal_sign = true;
- }
- else
- {
- key += line[pos];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (line[pos] == ';')
- {
- cookies[urldecode(key)] = urldecode(value);
- seen_equal_sign = false;
- seen_key_start = false;
- key.clear();
- value.clear();
- }
- else
- {
- value += line[pos];
- }
- }
- }
- if (key.size() > 0)
- {
- cookies[urldecode(key)] = urldecode(value);
- key.clear();
- value.clear();
- }
- }
- } // no ':' in it!
- read_with_limit(in, line);
- } // while (line != "\r")
- // If there is data being posted back to us as a query string then
- // pick out the queries using parse_url.
- if ((strings_equal_ignore_case(incoming.request_type, "POST") ||
- strings_equal_ignore_case(incoming.request_type, "PUT")) &&
- strings_equal_ignore_case(left_substr(content_type,";"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
- {
- if (content_length > 0)
- {
- incoming.body.resize(content_length);
- }
- parse_url(incoming.body, incoming.queries);
- }
- string::size_type pos = path.find_first_of("?");
- if (pos != string::npos)
- {
- parse_url(path.substr(pos+1), incoming.queries);
- }
- if (!in)
- throw http_parse_error("Error parsing HTTP request", 500);
- return content_length;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void read_body (
- std::istream& in,
- incoming_things& incoming
- )
- {
- // if the body hasn't already been loaded and there is data to load
- if (incoming.body.size() == 0 &&
- incoming.headers.count("Content-Length") != 0)
- {
- const unsigned long content_length = string_cast<unsigned long>(incoming.headers["Content-Length"]);
- incoming.body.resize(content_length);
- if (content_length > 0)
- {
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- outgoing_things outgoing,
- const std::string& result
- )
- {
- using namespace http_impl;
- key_value_map& new_cookies = outgoing.cookies;
- key_value_map_ci& response_headers = outgoing.headers;
- // only send this header if the user hasn't told us to send another kind
- bool has_content_type = false, has_location = false;
- for(key_value_map_ci::const_iterator ci = response_headers.begin(); ci != response_headers.end(); ++ci )
- {
- if ( !has_content_type && strings_equal_ignore_case(ci->first , "content-type") )
- {
- has_content_type = true;
- }
- else if ( !has_location && strings_equal_ignore_case(ci->first , "location") )
- {
- has_location = true;
- }
- }
- if ( has_location )
- {
- outgoing.http_return = 302;
- }
- if ( !has_content_type )
- {
- response_headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html";
- }
- response_headers["Content-Length"] = cast_to_string(result.size());
- out << "HTTP/1.0 " << outgoing.http_return << " " << outgoing.http_return_status << "\r\n";
- // Set any new headers
- for(key_value_map_ci::const_iterator ci = response_headers.begin(); ci != response_headers.end(); ++ci )
- {
- out << ci->first << ": " << ci->second << "\r\n";
- }
- // set any cookies
- for(key_value_map::const_iterator ci = new_cookies.begin(); ci != new_cookies.end(); ++ci )
- {
- out << "Set-Cookie: " << urlencode(ci->first) << '=' << urlencode(ci->second) << "\r\n";
- }
- out << "\r\n" << result;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- const http_parse_error& e
- )
- {
- outgoing_things outgoing;
- outgoing.http_return = e.http_error_code;
- outgoing.http_return_status = e.what();
- write_http_response(out, outgoing, std::string("Error processing request: ") + e.what());
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::exception& e
- )
- {
- outgoing_things outgoing;
- outgoing.http_return = 500;
- outgoing.http_return_status = e.what();
- write_http_response(out, outgoing, std::string("Error processing request: ") + e.what());
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const logger server_http::dlog("dlib.server_http");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#endif // DLIB_SERVER_HTTP_CPp_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e95f679f..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (, Steven Van Ingelgem
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#ifndef DLIB_SERVER_HTTp_1_
-#define DLIB_SERVER_HTTp_1_
-#include "server_http_abstract.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cctype>
-#include <map>
-#include "../logger.h"
-#include "../string.h"
-#include "server_iostream.h"
-// ignore the bogus warning about hiding on_connect()
-#pragma warning (disable: 1125)
-#if _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning( disable: 4503 )
-#endif // _MSC_VER
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class http_parse_error : public error
- {
- public:
- http_parse_error(const std::string& str, int http_error_code_):
- error(str),http_error_code(http_error_code_) {}
- const int http_error_code;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Comparer = std::less<Key> >
- class constmap : public std::map<Key, Value, Comparer>
- {
- public:
- const Value& operator[](const Key& k) const
- {
- static const Value dummy = Value();
- typename std::map<Key, Value, Comparer>::const_iterator ci = std::map<Key, Value, Comparer>::find(k);
- if ( ci == this->end() )
- return dummy;
- else
- return ci->second;
- }
- Value& operator[](const Key& k)
- {
- return std::map<Key, Value, Comparer>::operator [](k);
- }
- };
- class less_case_insensitive
- {
- public:
- bool operator()(const std::string& a, const std::string& b) const
- {
- unsigned long i = 0;
- while (i < a.size() && i < b.size())
- {
- const int cha = std::tolower(a[i]);
- const int chb = std::tolower(b[i]);
- if (cha < chb)
- return true;
- else if (cha > chb)
- return false;
- ++i;
- }
- if (a.size() < b.size())
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- };
- typedef constmap< std::string, std::string, less_case_insensitive > key_value_map_ci;
- typedef constmap< std::string, std::string > key_value_map;
- struct incoming_things
- {
- incoming_things (
- const std::string& foreign_ip_,
- const std::string& local_ip_,
- unsigned short foreign_port_,
- unsigned short local_port_
- ):
- foreign_ip(foreign_ip_),
- foreign_port(foreign_port_),
- local_ip(local_ip_),
- local_port(local_port_)
- {}
- std::string path;
- std::string request_type;
- std::string content_type;
- std::string protocol;
- std::string body;
- key_value_map queries;
- key_value_map cookies;
- key_value_map_ci headers;
- std::string foreign_ip;
- unsigned short foreign_port;
- std::string local_ip;
- unsigned short local_port;
- };
- struct outgoing_things
- {
- outgoing_things() : http_return(200), http_return_status("OK") { }
- key_value_map cookies;
- key_value_map_ci headers;
- unsigned short http_return;
- std::string http_return_status;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned long parse_http_request (
- std::istream& in,
- incoming_things& incoming,
- unsigned long max_content_length
- );
- void read_body (
- std::istream& in,
- incoming_things& incoming
- );
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- outgoing_things outgoing,
- const std::string& result
- );
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- const http_parse_error& e
- );
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::exception& e
- );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class server_http : public server_iostream
- {
- public:
- server_http()
- {
- max_content_length = 10*1024*1024; // 10MB
- }
- unsigned long get_max_content_length (
- ) const
- {
- auto_mutex lock(http_class_mutex);
- return max_content_length;
- }
- void set_max_content_length (
- unsigned long max_length
- )
- {
- auto_mutex lock(http_class_mutex);
- max_content_length = max_length;
- }
- private:
- virtual const std::string on_request (
- const incoming_things& incoming,
- outgoing_things& outgoing
- ) = 0;
- virtual void on_connect (
- std::istream& in,
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::string& foreign_ip,
- const std::string& local_ip,
- unsigned short foreign_port,
- unsigned short local_port,
- uint64
- )
- {
- try
- {
- incoming_things incoming(foreign_ip, local_ip, foreign_port, local_port);
- outgoing_things outgoing;
- parse_http_request(in, incoming, get_max_content_length());
- read_body(in, incoming);
- const std::string& result = on_request(incoming, outgoing);
- write_http_response(out, outgoing, result);
- }
- catch (http_parse_error& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "Error processing request from: " << foreign_ip << " - " << e.what();
- write_http_response(out, e);
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "Error processing request from: " << foreign_ip << " - " << e.what();
- write_http_response(out, e);
- }
- }
- mutex http_class_mutex;
- unsigned long max_content_length;
- const static logger dlog;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "server_http.cpp"
-#endif // DLIB_SERVER_HTTp_1_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http_abstract.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bebfb61d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_http_abstract.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (, Steven Van Ingelgem
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "server_iostream_abstract.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-namespace dlib
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename Key,
- typename Value,
- typename Comparer = std::less<Key>
- >
- class constmap : public std::map<Key, Value, Comparer>
- {
- /*!
- This is simply an extension to the std::map that allows you
- to use the operator[] accessor with a constant map.
- !*/
- public:
- const Value& operator[](
- const Key& k
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - if (this->find(k) != this->end()) then
- - This map contains the given key
- - return the value associated with the given key
- - else
- - return a default initialized Value object
- !*/
- Value& operator[](
- const Key& k
- ) { return std::map<Key, Value>::operator [](k); }
- /*!
- ensures
- - This function does the same thing as the normal std::map operator[]
- function.
- - if (this->find(k) != this->end()) then
- - This map contains the given key
- - return the value associated with the given key
- - else
- - Adds a new entry into the map that is associated with the
- given key. The new entry will be default initialized and
- this function returns a reference to it.
- !*/
- };
- typedef constmap<std::string, std::string> key_value_map;
- // This version of key_value_map treats the key string as being case-insensitive.
- // For example, a key string of "Content-Type" would access the same element as a key
- // of "content-type".
- typedef constmap<std::string, std::string, less_case_insensitive> key_value_map_ci;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct incoming_things
- {
- /*!
- This object contains all the various bits of information that describe a
- HTTP request that comes into a web server.
- For a detailed discussion of the fields of this object, see the
- server_http::on_request() method defined later in this file.
- !*/
- incoming_things (
- const std::string& foreign_ip_,
- const std::string& local_ip_,
- unsigned short foreign_port_,
- unsigned short local_port_
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #foreign_ip = foreign_ip_
- - #foreign_port = foreign_port_
- - #local_ip = local_ip_
- - #local_port = local_port_
- !*/
- std::string path;
- std::string request_type;
- std::string content_type;
- std::string protocol;
- std::string body;
- key_value_map queries;
- key_value_map cookies;
- key_value_map_ci headers;
- std::string foreign_ip;
- unsigned short foreign_port;
- std::string local_ip;
- unsigned short local_port;
- };
- struct outgoing_things
- {
- /*!
- This object contains all the various bits of information that describe a
- HTTP response from a web server.
- For a detailed discussion of the fields of this object, see the
- server_http::on_request() method defined later in this file.
- !*/
- outgoing_things(
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #http_return == 200
- - #http_return_status == "OK"
- !*/
- key_value_map cookies;
- key_value_map_ci headers;
- unsigned short http_return;
- std::string http_return_status;
- };
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class http_parse_error : public error
- {
- /*!
- This is an exception thrown by the parse_http_request() routine if
- there is a problem.
- !*/
- };
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned long parse_http_request (
- std::istream& in,
- incoming_things& incoming,
- unsigned long max_content_length
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - Attempts to read a HTTP GET, POST, or PUT request from the given input
- stream.
- - Reads all headers of the request and puts them into #incoming. In particular,
- this function populates the following fields:
- - #incoming.path
- - #incoming.request_type
- - #incoming.content_type
- - #incoming.protocol
- - #incoming.queries
- - #incoming.cookies
- - #incoming.headers
- - This function also populates the #incoming.body field if and only if the
- Content-Type field is equal to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
- Otherwise, the content is not read from the stream.
- throws
- - http_parse_error
- This exception is thrown if the Content-Length coming from the web
- browser is greater than max_content_length or if any other problem
- is detected with the request.
- !*/
- void read_body (
- std::istream& in,
- incoming_things& incoming
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - parse_http_request(in,incoming,max_content_length) has already been called
- and therefore populated the fields of incoming.
- ensures
- - if (incoming.body has already been populated with the content of an HTTP
- request) then
- - this function does nothing
- - else
- - reads the body of the HTTP request into #incoming.body.
- !*/
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- outgoing_things outgoing,
- const std::string& result
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - Writes an HTTP response, defined by the data in outgoing, to the given output
- stream.
- - The result variable is written out as the content of the response.
- !*/
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- const http_parse_error& e
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - Writes an HTTP error response based on the information in the exception
- object e.
- !*/
- void write_http_response (
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::exception& e
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - Writes an HTTP error response based on the information in the exception
- object e.
- !*/
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class server_http : public server_iostream
- {
- /*!
- This extension turns the server object into a simple HTTP server. It only
- handles HTTP GET, PUT and POST requests and each incoming request triggers
- the on_request() callback.
- The strings returned in the cookies key_value_map should be of the following form:
- key: cookie_name
- value: cookie contents; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2010 23:59:59 GMT; path=/;
- You don't have to supply all the extra cookie arguments. So if you just want to
- set a cookie that will expire when the client's browser is closed you can
- just say something like incoming.cookies["cookie_name"] = "cookie contents";
- The HTTP headers in the incoming.headers and outgoing.headers are the name/value pairs
- of HTTP headers. For example, the HTTP header "Content-Type: text/html" would be
- encoded such that outgoing.headers["Content-Type"] == "text/html".
- Also note that if you wish to change the content type of your response to the
- client you may do so by setting the "Content-Type" header to whatever you like.
- However, setting this field manually is not necessary as it will default to
- "text/html" if you don't explicitly set it to something.
- !*/
- public:
- server_http (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #get_max_content_length() == 10*1024*1024
- !*/
- unsigned long get_max_content_length (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the max allowable content length, in bytes, of the post back to
- the web server. If a client attempts to send more data than this then an
- error number 413 is returned back to the client and the request is not
- processed by the web server.
- !*/
- void set_max_content_length (
- unsigned long max_length
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #get_max_content_length() == max_length
- !*/
- private:
- virtual const std::string on_request (
- const incoming_things& incoming,
- outgoing_things& outgoing
- ) = 0;
- /*!
- requires
- - on_request() is called when there is an HTTP GET or POST request to be serviced
- - on_request() is run in its own thread
- - is_running() == true
- - the number of current on_request() functions running < get_max_connection()
- - in incoming:
- - incoming.path == the path being requested by this request
- - incoming.request_type == the type of request, GET or POST
- - incoming.content_type == the content type associated with this request
- - incoming.protocol == The protocol being used by the web browser (e.g. HTTP/1.1)
- - incoming.body == a string that contains the data that was posted back to the
- web server by the client (e.g. The string has the length specified by the
- Content-Length header).
- - incoming.body.size() < get_max_content_length()
- - incoming.queries == a map that contains all the key/value pairs in the query
- string of this request. The key and value strings of the query string will
- have been decoded back into their original form before being sent to this
- function (i.e. '+' decoded back to ' ' and "%hh" into its corresponding
- ascii value. So the URL-encoding is decoded automatically)
- - incoming.cookies == The set of cookies that came from the client along with
- this request. The cookies will have been decoded back to normal form
- from the URL-encoding.
- - incoming.headers == a map that contains all the incoming HTTP headers
- from the client web browser.
- - incoming.foreign_ip == the foreign ip address for this request
- - incoming.foreign_port == the foreign port number for this request
- - incoming.local_ip == the IP of the local interface this request is coming in on
- - incoming.local_port == the local port number this request is coming in on
- - in outgoing:
- - outgoing.cookies.size() == 0
- - outgoing.headers.size() == 0
- - outgoing.http_return == 200
- - outgoing.http_return_status == "OK"
- ensures
- - This function returns the HTML page to be displayed as the response to this request.
- - this function will not call clear()
- - #outgoing.cookies == a set of new cookies to pass back to the client along
- with the result of this request. (Note that URL-encoding is automatically applied
- so you don't have to do it yourself)
- - #outgoing.headers == a set of additional headers you wish to appear in the
- HTTP response to this request. (This may be empty, the minimum needed headers
- will be added automatically if you don't set them)
- - outgoing.http_return and outgoing.http_return_status may be set to override the
- default HTTP return code of 200 OK
- throws
- - throws only exceptions derived from std::exception. If an exception is thrown
- then the error string from the exception is returned to the web browser.
- !*/
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Implementation Notes
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void on_connect (
- std::istream& in,
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::string& foreign_ip,
- const std::string& local_ip,
- unsigned short foreign_port,
- unsigned short local_port,
- uint64
- )
- /*!
- on_connect() is the function defined by server_iostream which is overloaded by
- server_http. In particular, the server_http's implementation is shown below.
- In it you can see how the server_http parses the incoming http request, gets a
- response by calling on_request(), and sends it back using the helper routines
- defined at the top of this file.
- Therefore, if you want to modify the behavior of the HTTP server, for example,
- to do some more complex data streaming requiring direct access to the
- iostreams, then you can do so by defining your own on_connect() routine. In
- particular, the default implementation shown below is a good starting point.
- !*/
- {
- try
- {
- incoming_things incoming(foreign_ip, local_ip, foreign_port, local_port);
- outgoing_things outgoing;
- parse_http_request(in, incoming, get_max_content_length());
- read_body(in, incoming);
- const std::string& result = on_request(incoming, outgoing);
- write_http_response(out, outgoing, result);
- }
- catch (http_parse_error& e)
- {
- write_http_response(out, e);
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- write_http_response(out, e);
- }
- }
- };
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fd49b67c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "server_iostream.h"
-namespace dlib
- const logger server_iostream::_dLog("dlib.server_iostream");
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eed349015..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <iostream>
-#include "server_iostream_abstract.h"
-#include "../logger.h"
-#include "../uintn.h"
-#include "server_kernel.h"
-#include "../sockstreambuf.h"
-#include "../map.h"
-namespace dlib
- class server_iostream : public server
- {
- /*!
- - next_id == 0
- - con_map.size() == 0
- - next_id == the id of the next connection
- - for all current connections
- - con_map[id] == the connection object with the given id
- - m == the mutex that protects the members of this object
- !*/
- typedef map<uint64,connection*,memory_manager<char>::kernel_2a>::kernel_1b id_map;
- public:
- server_iostream(
- ) :
- next_id(0)
- {}
- ~server_iostream(
- )
- {
- server::clear();
- }
- protected:
- void shutdown_connection (
- uint64 id
- )
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- if (con_map.is_in_domain(id))
- {
- con_map[id]->shutdown();
- }
- }
- private:
- virtual void on_connect (
- std::istream& in,
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::string& foreign_ip,
- const std::string& local_ip,
- unsigned short foreign_port,
- unsigned short local_port,
- uint64 connection_id
- )=0;
- void on_connect (
- connection& con
- )
- {
- bool my_fault = true;
- uint64 this_con_id=0;
- try
- {
- sockstreambuf buf(&con);
- std::istream in(&buf);
- std::ostream out(&buf);
- in.tie(&out);
- // add this connection to the con_map
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- this_con_id = next_id;
- connection* this_con = &con;
- con_map.add(this_con_id,this_con);
- this_con_id = next_id;
- ++next_id;
- }
- my_fault = false;
- on_connect(
- in,
- out,
- con.get_foreign_ip(),
- con.get_local_ip(),
- con.get_foreign_port(),
- con.get_local_port(),
- this_con_id
- );
- // remove this connection from the con_map
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- connection* this_con;
- uint64 junk;
- con_map.remove(this_con_id,junk,this_con);
- }
- }
- catch (std::bad_alloc&)
- {
- // make sure we remove this connection from the con_map
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- if (con_map.is_in_domain(this_con_id))
- {
- connection* this_con;
- uint64 junk;
- con_map.remove(this_con_id,junk,this_con);
- }
- }
- _dLog << LERROR << "We ran out of memory in server_iostream::on_connect()";
- // if this is an escaped exception from on_connect then let it fly!
- // Seriously though, this way it is obvious to the user that something bad happened
- // since they probably won't have the dlib logger enabled.
- if (!my_fault)
- throw;
- }
- }
- uint64 next_id;
- id_map con_map;
- const static logger _dLog;
- mutex m;
- };
-#include "server_iostream.cpp"
-#endif // DLIB_SERVER_IOSTREAm_1_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream_abstract.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86cd460bf..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_iostream_abstract.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "server_kernel_abstract.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "../uintn.h"
-namespace dlib
- class server_iostream : public server
- {
- /*!
- This extension redefines the on_connect() function so that
- instead of giving you a connection object you get an istream
- and ostream object.
- Note that in on_connect() the input stream in is tied to the output stream
- out. This means that when you read from in it will modify out and thus
- it is not safe to touch in and out concurrently from different threads
- unless you untie them (which you do by saying in.tie(0);)
- !*/
- protected:
- void shutdown_connection (
- uint64 id
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - if (there is a connection currently being serviced with the given id) then
- - the specified connection is shutdown. (i.e. connection::shutdown() is
- called on it so the iostreams operating on it will return EOF)
- !*/
- private:
- virtual void on_connect (
- std::istream& in,
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::string& foreign_ip,
- const std::string& local_ip,
- unsigned short foreign_port,
- unsigned short local_port,
- uint64 connection_id
- )=0;
- /*!
- requires
- - on_connect() is called when there is a new TCP connection that needs
- to be serviced.
- - in == the input stream that reads data from the new connection
- - out == the output stream that writes data to the new connection
- - in.tie() == &out (i.e. when you read from in it automatically calls out.flush())
- - foreign_ip == the foreign ip address for this connection
- - foreign_port == the foreign port number for this connection
- - local_ip == the IP of the local interface this connection is using
- - local_port == the local port number for this connection
- - on_connect() is run in its own thread
- - is_running() == true
- - the number of current connections < get_max_connection()
- - connection_id == an integer that uniquely identifies this connection.
- It can be used by shutdown_connection() to terminate this connection.
- ensures
- - when the iostreams hit EOF on_connect() will terminate.
- (because this is how clear() signals you the server is shutting down)
- - this function will not call clear()
- throws
- - does not throw any exceptions
- !*/
- };
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e8130e78..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "server_kernel.h"
-#include "../string.h"
-namespace dlib
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- server::
- server (
- ) :
- listening_port(0),
- running(false),
- shutting_down(false),
- running_signaler(running_mutex),
- thread_count(0),
- thread_count_signaler(thread_count_mutex),
- max_connections(1000),
- thread_count_zero(thread_count_mutex),
- graceful_close_timeout(500)
- {
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- server::
- ~server (
- )
- {
- clear();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned long server::
- get_graceful_close_timeout (
- ) const
- {
- auto_mutex lock(max_connections_mutex);
- return graceful_close_timeout;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- set_graceful_close_timeout (
- unsigned long timeout
- )
- {
- auto_mutex lock(max_connections_mutex);
- graceful_close_timeout = timeout;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int server::
- get_max_connections (
- ) const
- {
- max_connections_mutex.lock();
- int temp = max_connections;
- max_connections_mutex.unlock();
- return temp;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- set_max_connections (
- int max
- )
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- max >= 0 ,
- "\tvoid server::set_max_connections"
- << "\n\tmax == " << max
- << "\n\tthis: " << this
- );
- max_connections_mutex.lock();
- max_connections = max;
- max_connections_mutex.unlock();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- clear (
- )
- {
- // signal that we are shutting down
- shutting_down_mutex.lock();
- shutting_down = true;
- shutting_down_mutex.unlock();
- max_connections_mutex.lock();
- listening_port_mutex.lock();
- listening_ip_mutex.lock();
- listening_ip = "";
- listening_port = 0;
- max_connections = 1000;
- graceful_close_timeout = 500;
- listening_port_mutex.unlock();
- listening_ip_mutex.unlock();
- max_connections_mutex.unlock();
- // tell all the connections to shut down
- cons_mutex.lock();
- connection* temp;
- while (cons.size() > 0)
- {
- cons.remove_any(temp);
- temp->shutdown();
- }
- cons_mutex.unlock();
- // wait for all the connections to shut down
- thread_count_mutex.lock();
- while (thread_count > 0)
- {
- thread_count_zero.wait();
- }
- thread_count_mutex.unlock();
- // wait for the listener to close
- running_mutex.lock();
- while (running == true)
- {
- running_signaler.wait();
- }
- running_mutex.unlock();
- // signal that the shutdown is complete
- shutting_down_mutex.lock();
- shutting_down = false;
- shutting_down_mutex.unlock();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- start_async_helper (
- )
- {
- try
- {
- start_accepting_connections();
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- sdlog << LERROR << e.what();
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- start_async (
- )
- {
- auto_mutex lock(running_mutex);
- if (running)
- return;
- // Any exceptions likely to be thrown by the server are going to be
- // thrown when trying to bind the port. So calling this here rather
- // than in the thread we are about to make will cause start_async()
- // to report errors back to the user in a very straight forward way.
- open_listening_socket();
- async_start_thread.reset(new thread_function(make_mfp(*this,&server::start_async_helper)));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- open_listening_socket (
- )
- {
- if (!sock)
- {
- int status = create_listener(sock,listening_port,listening_ip);
- const int port_used = listening_port;
- // if there was an error then clear this object
- if (status < 0)
- {
- max_connections_mutex.lock();
- listening_port_mutex.lock();
- listening_ip_mutex.lock();
- listening_ip = "";
- listening_port = 0;
- max_connections = 1000;
- graceful_close_timeout = 500;
- listening_port_mutex.unlock();
- listening_ip_mutex.unlock();
- max_connections_mutex.unlock();
- }
- // throw an exception for the error
- if (status == PORTINUSE)
- {
- throw dlib::socket_error(
- "error occurred in server::start()\nport " + cast_to_string(port_used) + " already in use"
- );
- }
- else if (status == OTHER_ERROR)
- {
- throw dlib::socket_error(
- "error occurred in server::start()\nunable to create listener"
- );
- }
- }
- running_mutex.lock();
- running = true;
- running_mutex.unlock();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- start (
- )
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- this->is_running() == false,
- "\tvoid server::start"
- << "\n\tis_running() == " << this->is_running()
- << "\n\tthis: " << this
- );
- start_accepting_connections();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- start_accepting_connections (
- )
- {
- open_listening_socket();
- // determine the listening port
- bool port_assigned = false;
- listening_port_mutex.lock();
- if (listening_port == 0)
- {
- port_assigned = true;
- listening_port = sock->get_listening_port();
- }
- listening_port_mutex.unlock();
- if (port_assigned)
- on_listening_port_assigned();
- int status = 0;
- connection* client;
- bool exit = false;
- while ( true )
- {
- // accept the next connection
- status = sock->accept(client,1000);
- // if there was an error then quit the loop
- if (status == OTHER_ERROR)
- {
- break;
- }
- shutting_down_mutex.lock();
- // if we are shutting down then signal that we should quit the loop
- exit = shutting_down;
- shutting_down_mutex.unlock();
- // if we should be shutting down
- if (exit)
- {
- // if a connection was opened then close it
- if (status == 0)
- delete client;
- break;
- }
- // if the accept timed out
- if (status == TIMEOUT)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // add this new connection to cons
- cons_mutex.lock();
- connection* client_temp = client;
- try{cons.add(client_temp);}
- catch(...)
- {
- sock.reset();
- delete client;
- cons_mutex.unlock();
- // signal that we are not running start() anymore
- running_mutex.lock();
- running = false;
- running_signaler.broadcast();
- running_mutex.unlock();
- clear();
- throw;
- }
- cons_mutex.unlock();
- // make a param structure
- param* temp = 0;
- try{
- temp = new param (
- *this,
- *client,
- get_graceful_close_timeout()
- );
- } catch (...)
- {
- sock.reset();
- delete client;
- running_mutex.lock();
- running = false;
- running_signaler.broadcast();
- running_mutex.unlock();
- clear();
- throw;
- }
- // if create_new_thread failed
- if (!create_new_thread(service_connection,temp))
- {
- delete temp;
- // close the listening socket
- sock.reset();
- // close the new connection and remove it from cons
- cons_mutex.lock();
- connection* ctemp;
- if (cons.is_member(client))
- {
- cons.remove(client,ctemp);
- }
- delete client;
- cons_mutex.unlock();
- // signal that the listener has closed
- running_mutex.lock();
- running = false;
- running_signaler.broadcast();
- running_mutex.unlock();
- // make sure the object is cleared
- clear();
- // throw the exception
- throw dlib::thread_error(
- "error occurred in server::start()\nunable to start thread"
- );
- }
- // if we made the new thread then update thread_count
- else
- {
- // increment the thread count
- thread_count_mutex.lock();
- ++thread_count;
- if (thread_count == 0)
- thread_count_zero.broadcast();
- thread_count_mutex.unlock();
- }
- // check if we have hit the maximum allowed number of connections
- max_connections_mutex.lock();
- // if max_connections is zero or the loop is ending then skip this
- if (max_connections != 0)
- {
- // wait for thread_count to be less than max_connections
- thread_count_mutex.lock();
- while (thread_count >= max_connections)
- {
- max_connections_mutex.unlock();
- thread_count_signaler.wait();
- max_connections_mutex.lock();
- // if we are shutting down the quit the loop
- shutting_down_mutex.lock();
- exit = shutting_down;
- shutting_down_mutex.unlock();
- if (exit)
- break;
- }
- thread_count_mutex.unlock();
- }
- max_connections_mutex.unlock();
- if (exit)
- {
- break;
- }
- } //while ( true )
- // close the socket
- sock.reset();
- // signal that the listener has closed
- running_mutex.lock();
- running = false;
- running_signaler.broadcast();
- running_mutex.unlock();
- // if there was an error with accept then throw an exception
- if (status == OTHER_ERROR)
- {
- // make sure the object is cleared
- clear();
- // throw the exception
- throw dlib::socket_error(
- "error occurred in server::start()\nlistening socket returned error"
- );
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool server::
- is_running (
- ) const
- {
- running_mutex.lock();
- bool temp = running;
- running_mutex.unlock();
- return temp;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const std::string server::
- get_listening_ip (
- ) const
- {
- listening_ip_mutex.lock();
- std::string ip(listening_ip);
- listening_ip_mutex.unlock();
- return ip;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int server::
- get_listening_port (
- ) const
- {
- listening_port_mutex.lock();
- int port = listening_port;
- listening_port_mutex.unlock();
- return port;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- set_listening_port (
- int port
- )
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- ( port >= 0 &&
- this->is_running() == false ),
- "\tvoid server::set_listening_port"
- << "\n\tport == " << port
- << "\n\tis_running() == " << this->is_running()
- << "\n\tthis: " << this
- );
- listening_port_mutex.lock();
- listening_port = port;
- listening_port_mutex.unlock();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void server::
- set_listening_ip (
- const std::string& ip
- )
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- ( ( is_ip_address(ip) || ip == "" ) &&
- this->is_running() == false ),
- "\tvoid server::set_listening_ip"
- << "\n\tip == " << ip
- << "\n\tis_running() == " << this->is_running()
- << "\n\tthis: " << this
- );
- listening_ip_mutex.lock();
- listening_ip = ip;
- listening_ip_mutex.unlock();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // static member function definitions
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const logger server::sdlog("dlib.server");
- void server::
- service_connection(
- void* item
- )
- {
- param& p = *static_cast<param*>(item);
- p.the_server.on_connect(p.new_connection);
- // remove this connection from cons and close it
- p.the_server.cons_mutex.lock();
- connection* temp;
- if (p.the_server.cons.is_member(&p.new_connection))
- p.the_server.cons.remove(&p.new_connection,temp);
- p.the_server.cons_mutex.unlock();
- try{ close_gracefully(&p.new_connection, p.graceful_close_timeout); }
- catch (...) { sdlog << LERROR << "close_gracefully() threw"; }
- // decrement the thread count and signal if it is now zero
- p.the_server.thread_count_mutex.lock();
- --p.the_server.thread_count;
- p.the_server.thread_count_signaler.broadcast();
- if (p.the_server.thread_count == 0)
- p.the_server.thread_count_zero.broadcast();
- p.the_server.thread_count_mutex.unlock();
- delete &p;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4232ff343..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "server_kernel_abstract.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "../threads.h"
-#include "../sockets.h"
-#include "../algs.h"
-#include "../set.h"
-#include "../logger.h"
-namespace dlib
- // These forward declarations are here so we can use them in the typedefs in the server
- // class. The reason for this is for backwards compatibility with previous versions of
- // dlib.
- class server_http;
- class server_iostream;
- class server
- {
- /*!
- listening_port == 0
- listening_ip == ""
- running == false
- shutting_down == false
- cons.size() == 0
- listening_port_mutex == a mutex
- listening_ip_mutex == a mutex
- running_mutex == a mutex
- running_signaler == a signaler associated with running_mutex
- shutting_down_mutex == a mutex
- cons_mutex == a mutex
- thread_count == 0
- thread_count_mutex == a mutex
- thread_count_signaler == a signaler associated with thread_count_mutex
- thread_count_zero == a signaler associated with thread_count_mutex
- max_connections == 1000
- max_connections_mutex == a mutex for max_connections and graceful_close_timeout
- graceful_close_timeout == 500
- listening_port == get_listening_port()
- listening_ip == get_listening_ip()
- running == is_running()
- shutting_down == true while clear() is running. this
- bool is used to tell the thread blocked on
- accept that it should terminate
- cons == a set containing all open connections
- listening_port_mutex == a mutex for listening_port
- listening_ip_mutex == a mutex for listening_ip
- running_mutex == a mutex for running
- running_signaler == a signaler for running and
- is associated with running_mutex. it is
- used to signal when running is false
- shutting_down_mutex == a mutex for shutting_down
- cons_mutex == a mutex for cons
- thread_count == the number of threads currently running
- thread_count_mutex == a mutex for thread_count
- thread_count_signaler == a signaler for thread_count and
- is associated with thread_count_mutex. it
- is used to signal when thread_count is
- decremented
- thread_count_zero == a signaler for thread_count and
- is associated with thread_count_mutex. it
- is used to signal when thread_count becomes
- zero
- max_connections == get_max_connections()
- max_connections_mutex == a mutex for max_connections
- !*/
- typedef set<connection*>::kernel_1a set_of_connections;
- // this structure is used to pass parameters to new threads
- struct param
- {
- param (
- server& server_,
- connection& new_connection_,
- unsigned long graceful_close_timeout_
- ) :
- the_server(server_),
- new_connection(new_connection_),
- graceful_close_timeout(graceful_close_timeout_)
- {}
- server& the_server;
- connection& new_connection;
- unsigned long graceful_close_timeout;
- };
- public:
- // These typedefs are here for backward compatibility with previous versions of dlib
- typedef server kernel_1a;
- typedef server kernel_1a_c;
- typedef server_iostream iostream_1a;
- typedef server_iostream iostream_1a_c;
- typedef server_http http_1a;
- typedef server_http http_1a_c;
- server(
- );
- virtual ~server(
- );
- void clear(
- );
- void start (
- );
- bool is_running (
- ) const;
- const std::string get_listening_ip (
- ) const;
- int get_listening_port (
- ) const;
- void set_listening_port (
- int port
- );
- void set_listening_ip (
- const std::string& ip
- );
- void set_max_connections (
- int max
- );
- int get_max_connections (
- ) const;
- void start_async (
- );
- void set_graceful_close_timeout (
- unsigned long timeout
- );
- unsigned long get_graceful_close_timeout (
- ) const;
- private:
- void start_async_helper (
- );
- void start_accepting_connections (
- );
- void open_listening_socket (
- );
- virtual void on_connect (
- connection& new_connection
- )=0;
- virtual void on_listening_port_assigned (
- ) {}
- const static logger sdlog;
- static void service_connection(
- void* item
- );
- /*!
- requires
- item is a pointer to a param struct
- ensures
- services the new connection
- will take care of closing the connection and
- adding the connection to cons when it first starts and
- remove the connection from cons and signal that it has
- done so when it ends
- !*/
- // data members
- int listening_port;
- std::string listening_ip;
- bool running;
- bool shutting_down;
- set_of_connections cons;
- mutex listening_port_mutex;
- mutex listening_ip_mutex;
- rmutex running_mutex;
- rsignaler running_signaler;
- mutex shutting_down_mutex;
- mutex cons_mutex;
- int thread_count;
- mutex thread_count_mutex;
- signaler thread_count_signaler;
- int max_connections;
- mutex max_connections_mutex;
- signaler thread_count_zero;
- std::unique_ptr<thread_function> async_start_thread;
- std::unique_ptr<listener> sock;
- unsigned long graceful_close_timeout;
- // restricted functions
- server(server&);
- server& operator= (
- server&
- );
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "server_kernel.cpp"
-#endif // DLIB_SERVER_KERNEL_1_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel_abstract.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f7860d26c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/server/server_kernel_abstract.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../threads/threads_kernel_abstract.h"
-#include "../sockets/sockets_kernel_abstract.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace dlib
- class server
- {
- /*!
- get_listening_ip() == ""
- get_listening_port() == 0
- is_running() == false
- get_max_connections() == 1000
- get_graceful_close_timeout() == 500
- on_connect():
- To use this object inherit from it and define the pure virtual function
- on_connect. Inside this function is where you will handle each new
- connection. Note that the connection object passed to on_connect() should
- NOT be closed, just let the function end and it will be gracefully closed
- for you. Also note that each call to on_connect() is run in its own
- thread. Also note that on_connect() should NOT throw any exceptions,
- all exceptions must be dealt with inside on_connect() and cannot be
- allowed to leave.
- on_listening_port_assigned():
- This function is called to let the client know that the operating
- system has assigned a port number to the listening port. This
- happens if a port number of zero was given. Note that this
- function does not need to be defined. If you don't care then
- don't define it and it will do nothing. Note also that this function
- is NOT called in its own thread. Thus, making it block might hang the
- server.
- This object represents a server that listens on a port and spawns new
- threads to handle each new connection.
- Note that the clear() function does not return until all calls to
- on_connect() have finished and the start() function has been shutdown.
- Also note that when clear() is called all open connection objects
- will be shutdown().
- A note about get_max_connections(): when the maximum number of connections
- has been reached accept() will simply not be called until the number of
- open connections drops below get_max_connections(). This means connections
- will just wait to be serviced, rather than being outright refused.
- All member functions are thread-safe.
- !*/
- public:
- server(
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #*this is properly initialized
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- - dlib::thread_error
- !*/
- virtual ~server(
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - is not called from any of server's callbacks
- ensures
- - all resources associated with *this have been released
- !*/
- void clear(
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - is not called from any of server's callbacks
- ensures
- - #*this has its initial value
- - all open connection objects passed to on_connect() are shutdown()
- - blocks until all calls to on_connect() have finished
- - blocks until the start() function has released all its resources
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- if this exception is thrown then the server object is unusable
- until clear() is called and succeeds
- !*/
- void start (
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - is_running() == false
- ensures
- - starts listening on the port and ip specified by get_listening_ip()
- and #get_listening_port() for new connections.
- - if (get_listening_port() == 0) then
- - a port to listen on will be automatically selected
- - #get_listening_port() == the selected port being used
- - if (get_listening_ip() == "" ) then
- - all local IPs will be listened on
- - blocks until clear() is called or an error occurs
- throws
- - dlib::socket_error
- start() will throw this exception if there is some problem binding
- ports and/or starting the server or if there is a problem
- accepting new connections while it's running.
- If this happens then
- - All open connection objects passed to on_connect() are shutdown()
- and the exception will not be thrown until all on_connect() calls
- have terminated.
- - The server will be cleared and returned to its initial value.
- - dlib::thread_error
- start() will throw this exception if there is a problem
- creating new threads. Or it may throw this exception if there
- is a problem creating threading objects.
- If this happens then
- - All open connection objects passed to on_connect() are shutdown()
- and the exception will not be thrown until all on_connect() calls
- have terminated.
- - The server will be cleared and returned to its initial value.
- - std::bad_alloc
- start() may throw this exception and if it does then the object
- will be unusable until clear() is called and succeeds
- !*/
- void start_async (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - starts listening on the port and ip specified by get_listening_ip()
- and #get_listening_port() for new connections.
- - if (get_listening_port() == 0) then
- - a port to listen on will be automatically selected
- - #get_listening_port() == the selected port being used
- - if (get_listening_ip() == "" ) then
- - all local IPs will be listened on
- - does NOT block. That is, this function will return right away and
- the server will run on a background thread until clear() or this
- object's destructor is called (or until some kind of fatal error
- occurs).
- - if an error occurs in the background thread while the server is
- running then it will shut itself down, set is_running() to false, and
- log the error to a dlib::logger object.
- - calling start_async() on a running server has no effect.
- throws
- - dlib::socket_error
- start_async() will throw this exception if there is some problem binding
- ports and/or starting the server.
- If this happens then
- - The server will be cleared and returned to its initial value.
- !*/
- bool is_running (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns true if start() is running
- - returns false if start() is not running or has released all
- its resources and is about to terminate
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- !*/
- int get_max_connections (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the maximum number of connections the server will accept
- at a time.
- - returns 0 if the server will accept any number of connections
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- !*/
- const std::string get_listening_ip (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the local ip to listen for new connections on
- - returns "" if ALL local ips are to be listened on
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- !*/
- int get_listening_port (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the local port number to listen for new connections on
- - returns 0 if the local port number has not yet been set
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- !*/
- void set_listening_port (
- int port
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - port >= 0
- - is_running() == false
- ensures
- - #get_listening_port() == port
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- !*/
- void set_listening_ip (
- const std::string& ip
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - is_ip_address(ip) == true or ip == ""
- - is_running() == false
- ensures
- - #get_listening_ip() == ip
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- !*/
- void set_max_connections (
- int max
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - max >= 0
- ensures
- - #get_max_connections() == max
- throws
- - std::bad_alloc
- !*/
- void set_graceful_close_timeout (
- unsigned long timeout
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - #get_graceful_close_timeout() == timeout
- !*/
- unsigned long get_graceful_close_timeout (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - When on_connect() terminates, it will close the connection using
- close_gracefully(). This is done so that any data still in the
- operating system's output buffers gets a chance to be properly
- transmitted to the remote host. Part of this involves waiting for
- the remote host to close their end of the connection. Therefore,
- get_graceful_close_timeout() returns the timeout, in milliseconds,
- that we wait for the remote host to close their end of the
- connection. This is the timeout value given to close_gracefully().
- !*/
- private:
- virtual void on_connect (
- connection& new_connection
- )=0;
- /*!
- requires
- - on_connect() is run in its own thread
- - is_running() == true
- - the number of current connections < get_max_connection()
- - new_connection == the new connection to the server which is
- to be serviced by this call to on_connect()
- ensures
- - when new_connection is shutdown() on_connect() will terminate
- - this function will not call clear()
- throws
- - does not throw any exceptions
- !*/
- // do nothing by default
- virtual void on_listening_port_assigned (
- ) {}
- /*!
- requires
- - is called if a listening port of zero was specified and
- an actual port number has just been assigned to the server
- ensures
- - this function will not block
- - this function will not call clear()
- throws
- - does not throw any exceptions
- !*/
- // restricted functions
- server(server&); // copy constructor
- server& operator=(server&); // assignment operator
- };