path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics
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Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/statistics')
20 files changed, 7913 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/average_precision.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/average_precision.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c2e7e0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/average_precision.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "average_precision_abstract.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace dlib
+ namespace impl
+ {
+ inline bool get_bool_part (
+ const bool& b
+ ) { return b; }
+ template <typename T>
+ bool get_bool_part(const std::pair<T,bool>& item) { return item.second; }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T, typename alloc>
+ double average_precision (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& items,
+ unsigned long missing_relevant_items = 0
+ )
+ {
+ using namespace dlib::impl;
+ double relevant_count = 0;
+ // find the precision values
+ std::vector<double> precision;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (get_bool_part(items[i]))
+ {
+ ++relevant_count;
+ precision.push_back(relevant_count / (i+1));
+ }
+ }
+ double precision_sum = 0;
+ double max_val = 0;
+ // now sum over the interpolated precision values
+ for (std::vector<double>::reverse_iterator i = precision.rbegin(); i != precision.rend(); ++i)
+ {
+ max_val = std::max(max_val, *i);
+ precision_sum += max_val;
+ }
+ relevant_count += missing_relevant_items;
+ if (relevant_count != 0)
+ return precision_sum/relevant_count;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/average_precision_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/average_precision_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76c2c702a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/average_precision_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <vector>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double average_precision (
+ const std::vector<bool,alloc>& items,
+ unsigned long missing_relevant_items = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Interprets items as a list of relevant and non-relevant items in a response
+ from an information retrieval system. In particular, items with a true value
+ are relevant and false items are non-relevant. This function then returns
+ the average precision of the ranking of the given items. For, example, the
+ ranking [true, true, true, true, false] would have an average precision of 1.
+ On the other hand, the ranking of [true false false true] would have an
+ average precision of 0.75 (because the first true has a precision of 1 and
+ the second true has a precision of 0.5, giving an average of 0.75).
+ - As a special case, if item contains no true elements then the average
+ precision is considered to be 1.
+ - Note that we use the interpolated precision. That is, the interpolated
+ precision at a recall value r is set to the maximum precision obtained at any
+ higher recall value. Or in other words, we interpolate the precision/recall
+ curve so that precision is monotonically decreasing. Therefore, the average
+ precision value returned by this function is the area under this interpolated
+ precision/recall curve.
+ - This function will add in missing_relevant_items number of items with a
+ precision of zero into the average value returned. For example, the average
+ precision of the ranking [true, true] if there are 2 missing relevant items
+ is 0.5.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double average_precision (
+ const std::vector<std::pair<T,bool>,alloc>& items,
+ unsigned long missing_relevant_items = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this function is equivalent to copying the bool values from items into a
+ std::vector<bool> and then calling the above average_precision() routine on
+ it and returning the result.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/cca.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/cca.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21300ea8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/cca.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_CCA_hh_
+#define DLIB_CCA_hh_
+#include "cca_abstract.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include "../sparse_vector.h"
+#include "random_subset_selector.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ matrix<typename T::type,0,1> compute_correlations (
+ const matrix_exp<T>& L,
+ const matrix_exp<T>& R
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT( L.size() > 0 && R.size() > 0 && ==,
+ "\t matrix compute_correlations()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t L.size(): " << L.size()
+ << "\n\t R.size(): " << R.size()
+ << "\n\t " <<
+ << "\n\t " <<
+ );
+ typedef typename T::type type;
+ matrix<type> A, B, C;
+ A = diag(trans(R)*L);
+ B = sqrt(diag(trans(L)*L));
+ C = sqrt(diag(trans(R)*R));
+ A = pointwise_multiply(A , reciprocal(pointwise_multiply(B,C)));
+ return A;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type,
+ typename T
+ >
+ matrix<T,0,1> impl_cca (
+ const matrix_type& L,
+ const matrix_type& R,
+ matrix<T>& Ltrans,
+ matrix<T>& Rtrans,
+ unsigned long num_correlations,
+ unsigned long extra_rank,
+ unsigned long q,
+ unsigned long num_output_correlations,
+ double regularization
+ )
+ {
+ matrix<T> Ul, Vl;
+ matrix<T> Ur, Vr;
+ matrix<T> U, V;
+ matrix<T,0,1> Dr, Dl, D;
+ // Note that we add a few more singular vectors in because it helps improve the
+ // final results if we run this part with a little higher rank than the final SVD.
+ svd_fast(L, Ul, Dl, Vl, num_correlations+extra_rank, q);
+ svd_fast(R, Ur, Dr, Vr, num_correlations+extra_rank, q);
+ // Zero out singular values that are essentially zero so they don't cause numerical
+ // difficulties in the code below.
+ const double eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()*std::max(max(Dr),max(Dl))*100;
+ Dl = round_zeros(Dl+regularization,eps);
+ Dr = round_zeros(Dr+regularization,eps);
+ // This matrix is really small so we can do a normal full SVD on it. Note that we
+ // also throw away the columns of Ul and Ur corresponding to zero singular values.
+ svd3(diagm(Dl>0)*tmp(trans(Ul)*Ur)*diagm(Dr>0), U, D, V);
+ // now throw away extra columns of the transformations. We do this in a way
+ // that keeps the directions that have the highest correlations.
+ matrix<T,0,1> temp = D;
+ rsort_columns(U, temp);
+ rsort_columns(V, D);
+ U = colm(U, range(0, num_output_correlations-1));
+ V = colm(V, range(0, num_output_correlations-1));
+ D = rowm(D, range(0, num_output_correlations-1));
+ Ltrans = Vl*inv(diagm(Dl))*U;
+ Rtrans = Vr*inv(diagm(Dr))*V;
+ // Note that the D matrix contains the correlation values for the transformed
+ // vectors. However, when the L and R matrices have rank higher than
+ // num_correlations+extra_rank then the values in D become only approximate.
+ return D;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ matrix<T,0,1> cca (
+ const matrix<T>& L,
+ const matrix<T>& R,
+ matrix<T>& Ltrans,
+ matrix<T>& Rtrans,
+ unsigned long num_correlations,
+ unsigned long extra_rank = 5,
+ unsigned long q = 2,
+ double regularization = 0
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT( num_correlations > 0 && L.size() > 0 && R.size() > 0 && == &&
+ regularization >= 0,
+ "\t matrix cca()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t num_correlations: " << num_correlations
+ << "\n\t regularization: " << regularization
+ << "\n\t L.size(): " << L.size()
+ << "\n\t R.size(): " << R.size()
+ << "\n\t " <<
+ << "\n\t " <<
+ );
+ using std::min;
+ const unsigned long n = min(num_correlations, (unsigned long)min(,min(,;
+ return impl_cca(L,R,Ltrans, Rtrans, num_correlations, extra_rank, q, n, regularization);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename sparse_vector_type, typename T>
+ matrix<T,0,1> cca (
+ const std::vector<sparse_vector_type>& L,
+ const std::vector<sparse_vector_type>& R,
+ matrix<T>& Ltrans,
+ matrix<T>& Rtrans,
+ unsigned long num_correlations,
+ unsigned long extra_rank = 5,
+ unsigned long q = 2,
+ double regularization = 0
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT( num_correlations > 0 && L.size() == R.size() &&
+ max_index_plus_one(L) > 0 && max_index_plus_one(R) > 0 &&
+ regularization >= 0,
+ "\t matrix cca()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t num_correlations: " << num_correlations
+ << "\n\t regularization: " << regularization
+ << "\n\t L.size(): " << L.size()
+ << "\n\t R.size(): " << R.size()
+ << "\n\t max_index_plus_one(L): " << max_index_plus_one(L)
+ << "\n\t max_index_plus_one(R): " << max_index_plus_one(R)
+ );
+ using std::min;
+ const unsigned long n = min(max_index_plus_one(L), max_index_plus_one(R));
+ const unsigned long num_output_correlations = min(num_correlations, std::min<unsigned long>(R.size(),n));
+ return impl_cca(L,R,Ltrans, Rtrans, num_correlations, extra_rank, q, num_output_correlations, regularization);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename sparse_vector_type, typename Rand_type, typename T>
+ matrix<T,0,1> cca (
+ const random_subset_selector<sparse_vector_type,Rand_type>& L,
+ const random_subset_selector<sparse_vector_type,Rand_type>& R,
+ matrix<T>& Ltrans,
+ matrix<T>& Rtrans,
+ unsigned long num_correlations,
+ unsigned long extra_rank = 5,
+ unsigned long q = 2
+ )
+ {
+ return cca(L.to_std_vector(), R.to_std_vector(), Ltrans, Rtrans, num_correlations, extra_rank, q);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_CCA_hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/cca_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/cca_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e0b4e742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/cca_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "../matrix/matrix_la_abstract.h"
+#include "random_subset_selector_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ matrix<typename T::type,0,1> compute_correlations (
+ const matrix_exp<T>& L,
+ const matrix_exp<T>& R
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - L.size() > 0
+ - R.size() > 0
+ - ==
+ ensures
+ - This function treats L and R as sequences of paired row vectors. It
+ then computes the correlation values between the elements of these
+ row vectors. In particular, we return a vector COR such that:
+ - COR.size() ==
+ - for all valid i:
+ - COR(i) == the correlation coefficient between the following sequence
+ of paired numbers: (L(k,i), R(k,i)) for k: 0 <= k <
+ Therefore, COR(i) is a value between -1 and 1 inclusive where 1
+ indicates perfect correlation and -1 perfect anti-correlation. Note
+ that this function assumes the input data vectors have been centered
+ (i.e. made to have zero mean). If this is not the case then it will
+ report inaccurate results.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ matrix<T,0,1> cca (
+ const matrix<T>& L,
+ const matrix<T>& R,
+ matrix<T>& Ltrans,
+ matrix<T>& Rtrans,
+ unsigned long num_correlations,
+ unsigned long extra_rank = 5,
+ unsigned long q = 2,
+ double regularization = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - num_correlations > 0
+ - L.size() > 0
+ - R.size() > 0
+ - ==
+ - regularization >= 0
+ ensures
+ - This function performs a canonical correlation analysis between the row
+ vectors in L and R. That is, it finds two transformation matrices, Ltrans
+ and Rtrans, such that row vectors in the transformed matrices L*Ltrans and
+ R*Rtrans are as correlated as possible. That is, we try to find two transforms
+ such that the correlation values returned by compute_correlations(L*Ltrans, R*Rtrans)
+ would be maximized.
+ - Let N == min(num_correlations, min(,min(,
+ (This is the actual number of elements in the transformed vectors.
+ Therefore, note that you can't get more outputs than there are rows or
+ columns in the input matrices.)
+ - ==
+ - == N
+ - ==
+ - == N
+ - This function assumes the data vectors in L and R have already been centered
+ (i.e. we assume the vectors have zero means). However, in many cases it is
+ fine to use uncentered data with cca(). But if it is important for your
+ problem then you should center your data before passing it to cca().
+ - This function works with reduced rank approximations of the L and R matrices.
+ This makes it fast when working with large matrices. In particular, we use
+ the svd_fast() routine to find reduced rank representations of the input
+ matrices by calling it as follows: svd_fast(L, U,D,V, num_correlations+extra_rank, q)
+ and similarly for R. This means that you can use the extra_rank and q
+ arguments to cca() to influence the accuracy of the reduced rank
+ approximation. However, the default values should work fine for most
+ problems.
+ - returns an estimate of compute_correlations(L*#Ltrans, R*#Rtrans). The
+ returned vector should exactly match the output of compute_correlations()
+ when the reduced rank approximation to L and R is accurate and regularization
+ is set to 0. However, if this is not the case then the return value of this
+ function will deviate from compute_correlations(L*#Ltrans, R*#Rtrans). This
+ deviation can be used to check if the reduced rank approximation is working
+ or you need to increase extra_rank.
+ - The dimensions of the output vectors produced by L*#Ltrans or R*#Rtrans are
+ ordered such that the dimensions with the highest correlations come first.
+ That is, after applying the transforms produced by cca() to a set of vectors
+ you will find that dimension 0 has the highest correlation, then dimension 1
+ has the next highest, and so on. This also means that the list of numbers
+ returned from cca() will always be listed in decreasing order.
+ - This function performs the ridge regression version of Canonical Correlation
+ Analysis when regularization is set to a value > 0. In particular, larger
+ values indicate the solution should be more heavily regularized. This can be
+ useful when the dimensionality of the data is larger than the number of
+ samples.
+ - A good discussion of CCA can be found in the paper "Canonical Correlation
+ Analysis" by David Weenink. In particular, this function is implemented
+ using equations 29 and 30 from his paper. We also use the idea of doing CCA
+ on a reduced rank approximation of L and R as suggested by Paramveer S.
+ Dhillon in his paper "Two Step CCA: A new spectral method for estimating
+ vector models of words".
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename sparse_vector_type,
+ typename T
+ >
+ matrix<T,0,1> cca (
+ const std::vector<sparse_vector_type>& L,
+ const std::vector<sparse_vector_type>& R,
+ matrix<T>& Ltrans,
+ matrix<T>& Rtrans,
+ unsigned long num_correlations,
+ unsigned long extra_rank = 5,
+ unsigned long q = 2,
+ double regularization = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - num_correlations > 0
+ - L.size() == R.size()
+ - max_index_plus_one(L) > 0 && max_index_plus_one(R) > 0
+ (i.e. L and R can't represent empty matrices)
+ - L and R must contain sparse vectors (see the top of dlib/svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h
+ for a definition of sparse vector)
+ - regularization >= 0
+ ensures
+ - This is just an overload of the cca() function defined above. Except in this
+ case we take a sparse representation of the input L and R matrices rather than
+ dense matrices. Therefore, in this case, we interpret L and R as matrices
+ with L.size() rows, where each row is defined by a sparse vector. So this
+ function does exactly the same thing as the above cca().
+ - Note that you can apply the output transforms to a sparse vector with the
+ following code:
+ sparse_matrix_vector_multiply(trans(Ltrans), your_sparse_vector)
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename sparse_vector_type,
+ typename Rand_type,
+ typename T
+ >
+ matrix<T,0,1> cca (
+ const random_subset_selector<sparse_vector_type,Rand_type>& L,
+ const random_subset_selector<sparse_vector_type,Rand_type>& R,
+ matrix<T>& Ltrans,
+ matrix<T>& Rtrans,
+ unsigned long num_correlations,
+ unsigned long extra_rank = 5,
+ unsigned long q = 2,
+ double regularization = 0
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - num_correlations > 0
+ - L.size() == R.size()
+ - max_index_plus_one(L) > 0 && max_index_plus_one(R) > 0
+ (i.e. L and R can't represent empty matrices)
+ - L and R must contain sparse vectors (see the top of dlib/svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h
+ for a definition of sparse vector)
+ - regularization >= 0
+ ensures
+ - returns cca(L.to_std_vector(), R.to_std_vector(), Ltrans, Rtrans, num_correlations, extra_rank, q)
+ (i.e. this is just a convenience function for calling the cca() routine when
+ your sparse vectors are contained inside a random_subset_selector rather than
+ a std::vector)
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_CCA_AbSTRACT_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/dpca.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/dpca.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cae784682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/dpca.h
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_DPCA_h_
+#define DLIB_DPCA_h_
+#include "dpca_abstract.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include <iostream>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class discriminant_pca
+ {
+ /*!
+ - vect_size == 0
+ - total_count == 0
+ - between_count == 0
+ - within_count == 0
+ - between_weight == 1
+ - within_weight == 1
+ - vect_size == in_vector_size()
+ - total_count == the number of times add_to_total_variance() has been called.
+ - within_count == the number of times add_to_within_class_variance() has been called.
+ - between_count == the number of times add_to_between_class_variance() has been called.
+ - between_weight == between_class_weight()
+ - within_weight == within_class_weight()
+ - if (total_count != 0)
+ - total_sum == the sum of all vectors given to add_to_total_variance()
+ - the covariance of all the elements given to add_to_total_variance() is given
+ by:
+ - let avg == total_sum/total_count
+ - covariance == total_cov/total_count - avg*trans(avg)
+ - if (within_count != 0)
+ - within_cov/within_count == the normalized within class scatter matrix
+ - if (between_count != 0)
+ - between_cov/between_count == the normalized between class scatter matrix
+ !*/
+ public:
+ struct discriminant_pca_error : public error
+ {
+ discriminant_pca_error(const std::string& message): error(message) {}
+ };
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::layout_type layout_type;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> column_matrix;
+ discriminant_pca (
+ )
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void clear(
+ )
+ {
+ total_count = 0;
+ between_count = 0;
+ within_count = 0;
+ vect_size = 0;
+ between_weight = 1;
+ within_weight = 1;
+ total_sum.set_size(0);
+ between_cov.set_size(0,0);
+ total_cov.set_size(0,0);
+ within_cov.set_size(0,0);
+ }
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return vect_size;
+ }
+ void set_within_class_weight (
+ scalar_type weight
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(weight >= 0,
+ "\t void discriminant_pca::set_within_class_weight()"
+ << "\n\t You can't use negative weight values"
+ << "\n\t weight: " << weight
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ within_weight = weight;
+ }
+ scalar_type within_class_weight (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return within_weight;
+ }
+ void set_between_class_weight (
+ scalar_type weight
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(weight >= 0,
+ "\t void discriminant_pca::set_between_class_weight()"
+ << "\n\t You can't use negative weight values"
+ << "\n\t weight: " << weight
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ between_weight = weight;
+ }
+ scalar_type between_class_weight (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return between_weight;
+ }
+ template <typename EXP1, typename EXP2>
+ void add_to_within_class_variance(
+ const matrix_exp<EXP1>& x,
+ const matrix_exp<EXP2>& y
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(x) && is_col_vector(y) &&
+ x.size() == y.size() &&
+ (in_vector_size() == 0 || x.size() == in_vector_size()),
+ "\t void discriminant_pca::add_to_within_class_variance()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(x): " << is_col_vector(x)
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(y): " << is_col_vector(y)
+ << "\n\t x.size(): " << x.size()
+ << "\n\t y.size(): " << y.size()
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ vect_size = x.size();
+ if (within_count == 0)
+ {
+ within_cov = (x-y)*trans(x-y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ within_cov += (x-y)*trans(x-y);
+ }
+ ++within_count;
+ }
+ template <typename EXP1, typename EXP2>
+ void add_to_between_class_variance(
+ const matrix_exp<EXP1>& x,
+ const matrix_exp<EXP2>& y
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(x) && is_col_vector(y) &&
+ x.size() == y.size() &&
+ (in_vector_size() == 0 || x.size() == in_vector_size()),
+ "\t void discriminant_pca::add_to_between_class_variance()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(x): " << is_col_vector(x)
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(y): " << is_col_vector(y)
+ << "\n\t x.size(): " << x.size()
+ << "\n\t y.size(): " << y.size()
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ vect_size = x.size();
+ if (between_count == 0)
+ {
+ between_cov = (x-y)*trans(x-y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ between_cov += (x-y)*trans(x-y);
+ }
+ ++between_count;
+ }
+ template <typename EXP>
+ void add_to_total_variance(
+ const matrix_exp<EXP>& x
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(x) && (in_vector_size() == 0 || x.size() == in_vector_size()),
+ "\t void discriminant_pca::add_to_total_variance()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(x): " << is_col_vector(x)
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t x.size(): " << x.size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ vect_size = x.size();
+ if (total_count == 0)
+ {
+ total_cov = x*trans(x);
+ total_sum = x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ total_cov += x*trans(x);
+ total_sum += x;
+ }
+ ++total_count;
+ }
+ const general_matrix dpca_matrix (
+ const double eps = 0.99
+ ) const
+ {
+ general_matrix dpca_mat;
+ general_matrix eigenvalues;
+ dpca_matrix(dpca_mat, eigenvalues, eps);
+ return dpca_mat;
+ }
+ const general_matrix dpca_matrix_of_size (
+ const long num_rows
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0 < num_rows && num_rows <= in_vector_size(),
+ "\t general_matrix discriminant_pca::dpca_matrix_of_size()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t num_rows: " << num_rows
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ general_matrix dpca_mat;
+ general_matrix eigenvalues;
+ dpca_matrix_of_size(dpca_mat, eigenvalues, num_rows);
+ return dpca_mat;
+ }
+ void dpca_matrix (
+ general_matrix& dpca_mat,
+ general_matrix& eigenvalues,
+ const double eps = 0.99
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0 < eps && eps <= 1 && in_vector_size() != 0,
+ "\t void discriminant_pca::dpca_matrix()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t eps: " << eps
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ compute_dpca_matrix(dpca_mat, eigenvalues, eps, 0);
+ }
+ void dpca_matrix_of_size (
+ general_matrix& dpca_mat,
+ general_matrix& eigenvalues,
+ const long num_rows
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0 < num_rows && num_rows <= in_vector_size(),
+ "\t general_matrix discriminant_pca::dpca_matrix_of_size()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t num_rows: " << num_rows
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ compute_dpca_matrix(dpca_mat, eigenvalues, 1, num_rows);
+ }
+ void swap (
+ discriminant_pca& item
+ )
+ {
+ using std::swap;
+ swap(total_cov, item.total_cov);
+ swap(total_sum, item.total_sum);
+ swap(total_count, item.total_count);
+ swap(vect_size, item.vect_size);
+ swap(between_cov, item.between_cov);
+ swap(between_count, item.between_count);
+ swap(between_weight, item.between_weight);
+ swap(within_cov, item.within_cov);
+ swap(within_count, item.within_count);
+ swap(within_weight, item.within_weight);
+ }
+ friend void deserialize (
+ discriminant_pca& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ )
+ {
+ deserialize( item.total_cov, in);
+ deserialize( item.total_sum, in);
+ deserialize( item.total_count, in);
+ deserialize( item.vect_size, in);
+ deserialize( item.between_cov, in);
+ deserialize( item.between_count, in);
+ deserialize( item.between_weight, in);
+ deserialize( item.within_cov, in);
+ deserialize( item.within_count, in);
+ deserialize( item.within_weight, in);
+ }
+ friend void serialize (
+ const discriminant_pca& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ )
+ {
+ serialize( item.total_cov, out);
+ serialize( item.total_sum, out);
+ serialize( item.total_count, out);
+ serialize( item.vect_size, out);
+ serialize( item.between_cov, out);
+ serialize( item.between_count, out);
+ serialize( item.between_weight, out);
+ serialize( item.within_cov, out);
+ serialize( item.within_count, out);
+ serialize( item.within_weight, out);
+ }
+ discriminant_pca operator+ (
+ const discriminant_pca& item
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT((in_vector_size() == 0 || item.in_vector_size() == 0 || in_vector_size() == item.in_vector_size()) &&
+ between_class_weight() == item.between_class_weight() &&
+ within_class_weight() == item.within_class_weight(),
+ "\t discriminant_pca discriminant_pca::operator+()"
+ << "\n\t The two discriminant_pca objects being added must have compatible parameters"
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t item.in_vector_size(): " << item.in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t between_class_weight(): " << between_class_weight()
+ << "\n\t item.between_class_weight(): " << item.between_class_weight()
+ << "\n\t within_class_weight(): " << within_class_weight()
+ << "\n\t item.within_class_weight(): " << item.within_class_weight()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ discriminant_pca temp(item);
+ // We need to make sure to ignore empty matrices. That's what these if statements
+ // are for.
+ if (total_count != 0 && temp.total_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.total_cov += total_cov;
+ temp.total_sum += total_sum;
+ temp.total_count += total_count;
+ }
+ else if (total_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.total_cov = total_cov;
+ temp.total_sum = total_sum;
+ temp.total_count = total_count;
+ }
+ if (between_count != 0 && temp.between_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.between_cov += between_cov;
+ temp.between_count += between_count;
+ }
+ else if (between_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.between_cov = between_cov;
+ temp.between_count = between_count;
+ }
+ if (within_count != 0 && temp.within_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.within_cov += within_cov;
+ temp.within_count += within_count;
+ }
+ else if (within_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.within_cov = within_cov;
+ temp.within_count = within_count;
+ }
+ return temp;
+ }
+ discriminant_pca& operator+= (
+ const discriminant_pca& rhs
+ )
+ {
+ (*this + rhs).swap(*this);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ void compute_dpca_matrix (
+ general_matrix& dpca_mat,
+ general_matrix& eigenvalues,
+ const double eps,
+ long num_rows
+ ) const
+ {
+ general_matrix cov;
+ // now combine the three measures of variance into a single matrix by using the
+ // within_weight and between_weight weights.
+ cov = get_total_covariance_matrix();
+ if (within_count != 0)
+ cov -= within_weight*within_cov/within_count;
+ if (between_count != 0)
+ cov += between_weight*between_cov/between_count;
+ eigenvalue_decomposition<general_matrix> eig(make_symmetric(cov));
+ eigenvalues = eig.get_real_eigenvalues();
+ dpca_mat = eig.get_pseudo_v();
+ // sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors so that the biggest eigenvalues come first
+ rsort_columns(dpca_mat, eigenvalues);
+ long num_vectors = 0;
+ if (num_rows == 0)
+ {
+ // Some of the eigenvalues might be negative. So first lets zero those out
+ // so they won't get considered.
+ eigenvalues = pointwise_multiply(eigenvalues > 0, eigenvalues);
+ // figure out how many eigenvectors we want in our dpca matrix
+ const double thresh = sum(eigenvalues)*eps;
+ double total = 0;
+ for (long r = 0; r < eigenvalues.size() && total < thresh; ++r)
+ {
+ // Don't even think about looking at eigenvalues that are 0. If we go this
+ // far then we have all we need.
+ if (eigenvalues(r) == 0)
+ break;
+ ++num_vectors;
+ total += eigenvalues(r);
+ }
+ if (num_vectors == 0)
+ throw discriminant_pca_error("While performing discriminant_pca, all eigenvalues were negative or 0");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ num_vectors = num_rows;
+ }
+ // So now we know we want to use num_vectors of the first eigenvectors. So
+ // pull those out and discard the rest.
+ dpca_mat = trans(colm(dpca_mat,range(0,num_vectors-1)));
+ // also clip off the eigenvalues we aren't using
+ eigenvalues = rowm(eigenvalues, range(0,num_vectors-1));
+ }
+ general_matrix get_total_covariance_matrix (
+ ) const
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the covariance matrix of all the data given to the add_to_total_variance()
+ !*/
+ {
+ // if we don't even know the dimensionality of the vectors we are dealing
+ // with then just return an empty matrix
+ if (vect_size == 0)
+ return general_matrix();
+ // we know the vector size but we have zero total covariance.
+ if (total_count == 0)
+ {
+ general_matrix temp(vect_size,vect_size);
+ temp = 0;
+ return temp;
+ }
+ // In this case we actually have something to make a total covariance matrix out of.
+ // So do that.
+ column_matrix avg = total_sum/total_count;
+ return total_cov/total_count - avg*trans(avg);
+ }
+ general_matrix total_cov;
+ column_matrix total_sum;
+ scalar_type total_count;
+ long vect_size;
+ general_matrix between_cov;
+ scalar_type between_count;
+ scalar_type between_weight;
+ general_matrix within_cov;
+ scalar_type within_count;
+ scalar_type within_weight;
+ };
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ discriminant_pca<matrix_type>& a,
+ discriminant_pca<matrix_type>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_DPCA_h_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/dpca_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/dpca_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9eef635b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/dpca_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <limits>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "../matrix/matrix_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class discriminant_pca
+ {
+ /*!
+ REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type
+ Must be some type of dlib::matrix.
+ - in_vector_size() == 0
+ - between_class_weight() == 1
+ - within_class_weight() == 1
+ This object implements the Discriminant PCA technique described in the paper:
+ A New Discriminant Principal Component Analysis Method with Partial Supervision (2009)
+ by Dan Sun and Daoqiang Zhang
+ This algorithm is basically a straightforward generalization of the classical PCA
+ technique to handle partially labeled data. It is useful if you want to learn a linear
+ dimensionality reduction rule using a bunch of data that is partially labeled.
+ It functions by estimating three different scatter matrices. The first is the total scatter
+ matrix St (i.e. the total data covariance matrix), the second is the between class scatter
+ matrix Sb (basically a measure of the variance between data of different classes) and the
+ third is the within class scatter matrix Sw (a measure of the variance of data within the
+ same classes).
+ Once these three matrices are estimated they are combined according to the following equation:
+ S = St + a*Sb - b*Sw
+ Where a and b are user supplied weights. Then the largest eigenvalues of the S matrix are
+ computed and their associated eigenvectors are returned as the output of this algorithm.
+ That is, the desired linear dimensionality reduction is given by the matrix with these
+ eigenvectors stored in its rows.
+ Note that if a and b are set to 0 (or no labeled data is provided) then the output transformation
+ matrix is the same as the one produced by the classical PCA algorithm.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ struct discriminant_pca_error : public error;
+ /*!
+ This exception is thrown if there is some error that prevents us from creating
+ a DPCA matrix.
+ !*/
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::layout_type layout_type;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> column_matrix;
+ discriminant_pca (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ void clear(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this has its initial value
+ !*/
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (this object has been presented with any input vectors) then
+ - returns the dimension of the column vectors used with this object
+ - else
+ - returns 0
+ !*/
+ void set_within_class_weight (
+ scalar_type weight
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - weight >= 0
+ ensures
+ - #within_class_weight() == weight
+ !*/
+ scalar_type within_class_weight (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the weight used when combining the within class scatter matrix with
+ the other scatter matrices.
+ !*/
+ void set_between_class_weight (
+ scalar_type weight
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - weight >= 0
+ ensures
+ - #between_class_weight() == weight
+ !*/
+ scalar_type between_class_weight (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the weight used when combining the between class scatter matrix with
+ the other scatter matrices.
+ !*/
+ void add_to_within_class_variance(
+ const matrix_exp& x,
+ const matrix_exp& y
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_col_vector(x) == true
+ - is_col_vector(y) == true
+ - x.size() == y.size()
+ - if (in_vector_size() != 0) then
+ - x.size() == y.size() == in_vector_size()
+ ensures
+ - #in_vector_size() == x.size()
+ - Adds (x-y)*trans(x-y) to the within class scatter matrix.
+ (i.e. the direction given by (x-y) is recorded as being a direction associated
+ with within class variance and is therefore unimportant and will be weighted
+ less in the final dimensionality reduction)
+ !*/
+ void add_to_between_class_variance(
+ const matrix_exp& x,
+ const matrix_exp& y
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_col_vector(x) == true
+ - is_col_vector(y) == true
+ - x.size() == y.size()
+ - if (in_vector_size() != 0) then
+ - x.size() == y.size() == in_vector_size()
+ ensures
+ - #in_vector_size() == x.size()
+ - Adds (x-y)*trans(x-y) to the between class scatter matrix.
+ (i.e. the direction given by (x-y) is recorded as being a direction associated
+ with between class variance and is therefore important and will be weighted
+ higher in the final dimensionality reduction)
+ !*/
+ void add_to_total_variance(
+ const matrix_exp& x
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_col_vector(x) == true
+ - if (in_vector_size() != 0) then
+ - x.size() == in_vector_size()
+ ensures
+ - #in_vector_size() == x.size()
+ - let M denote the centroid (or mean) of all the data. Then this function
+ Adds (x-M)*trans(x-M) to the total scatter matrix.
+ (i.e. the direction given by (x-M) is recorded as being a direction associated
+ with unlabeled variance and is therefore of default importance and will be weighted
+ as described in the discriminant_pca class description.)
+ !*/
+ const general_matrix dpca_matrix (
+ const double eps = 0.99
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - 0 < eps <= 1
+ - in_vector_size() != 0
+ (i.e. you have to have given this object some data)
+ ensures
+ - computes and returns the matrix MAT given by dpca_matrix(MAT,eigen,eps).
+ That is, this function returns the dpca_matrix computed by the function
+ defined below.
+ - Note that MAT is the desired linear transformation matrix. That is,
+ multiplying a vector by MAT performs the desired linear dimensionality reduction.
+ throws
+ - discriminant_pca_error
+ This exception is thrown if we are unable to create the dpca_matrix for some
+ reason. For example, if only within class examples have been given or
+ within_class_weight() is very large then all eigenvalues will be negative and
+ that prevents this algorithm from working properly.
+ !*/
+ void dpca_matrix (
+ general_matrix& dpca_mat,
+ general_matrix& eigenvalues,
+ const double eps = 0.99
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - 0 < eps <= 1
+ - in_vector_size() != 0
+ (i.e. you have to have given this object some data)
+ ensures
+ - is_col_vector(#eigenvalues) == true
+ - == eigenvalues.size()
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - rowm(#dpca_mat,i) represents the ith eigenvector of the S matrix described
+ in the class description and its eigenvalue is given by eigenvalues(i).
+ - all values in #eigenvalues are > 0. Moreover, the eigenvalues are in
+ sorted order with the largest eigenvalue stored at eigenvalues(0).
+ - (#dpca_mat)*trans(#dpca_mat) == identity_matrix.
+ (i.e. the rows of the dpca_matrix are all unit length vectors and are mutually
+ orthogonal)
+ - Note that #dpca_mat is the desired linear transformation matrix. That is,
+ multiplying a vector by #dpca_mat performs the desired linear dimensionality
+ reduction.
+ - sum(#eigenvalues) will be equal to about eps times the total sum of all
+ positive eigenvalues in the S matrix described in this class's description.
+ This means that eps is a number that controls how "lossy" the dimensionality
+ reduction will be. Large values of eps result in more output dimensions
+ while smaller values result in fewer.
+ throws
+ - discriminant_pca_error
+ This exception is thrown if we are unable to create the dpca_matrix for some
+ reason. For example, if only within class examples have been given or
+ within_class_weight() is very large then all eigenvalues will be negative and
+ that prevents this algorithm from working properly.
+ !*/
+ const general_matrix dpca_matrix_of_size (
+ const long num_rows
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - 0 < num_rows <= in_vector_size()
+ ensures
+ - computes and returns the matrix MAT given by dpca_matrix_of_size(MAT,eigen,num_rows).
+ That is, this function returns the dpca_matrix computed by the function
+ defined below.
+ - Note that MAT is the desired linear transformation matrix. That is,
+ multiplying a vector by MAT performs the desired linear dimensionality
+ reduction to num_rows dimensions.
+ !*/
+ void dpca_matrix_of_size (
+ general_matrix& dpca_mat,
+ general_matrix& eigenvalues,
+ const long num_rows
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - 0 < num_rows <= in_vector_size()
+ ensures
+ - is_col_vector(#eigenvalues) == true
+ - == eigenvalues.size()
+ - == num_rows
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - rowm(#dpca_mat,i) represents the ith eigenvector of the S matrix described
+ in the class description and its eigenvalue is given by eigenvalues(i).
+ - The values in #eigenvalues might be positive or negative. Additionally, the
+ eigenvalues are in sorted order with the largest eigenvalue stored at
+ eigenvalues(0).
+ - (#dpca_mat)*trans(#dpca_mat) == identity_matrix.
+ (i.e. the rows of the dpca_matrix are all unit length vectors and are mutually
+ orthogonal)
+ - Note that #dpca_mat is the desired linear transformation matrix. That is,
+ multiplying a vector by #dpca_mat performs the desired linear dimensionality
+ reduction to num_rows dimensions.
+ !*/
+ discriminant_pca operator+ (
+ const discriminant_pca& item
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - in_vector_size() == 0 || item.in_vector_size() == 0 || in_vector_size() == item.in_vector_size()
+ (i.e. the in_vector_size() of *this and item must match or one must be zero)
+ - between_class_weight() == item.between_class_weight()
+ - within_class_weight() == item.within_class_weight()
+ ensures
+ - returns a new discriminant_pca object that represents the combination of all
+ the measurements given to *this and item. That is, this function returns a
+ discriminant_pca object, R, that is equivalent to what you would obtain if all
+ modifying calls (e.g. the add_to_*() functions) to *this and item had instead
+ been done to R.
+ !*/
+ discriminant_pca& operator+= (
+ const discriminant_pca& rhs
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - in_vector_size() == 0 || rhs.in_vector_size() == 0 || in_vector_size() == rhs.in_vector_size()
+ (i.e. the in_vector_size() of *this and rhs must match or one must be zero)
+ - between_class_weight() == rhs.between_class_weight()
+ - within_class_weight() == rhs.within_class_weight()
+ ensures
+ - #*this == *item + rhs
+ - returns #*this
+ !*/
+ void swap (
+ discriminant_pca& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - swaps *this and item
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ discriminant_pca<matrix_type>& a,
+ discriminant_pca<matrix_type>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+ /*!
+ provides a global swap function
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type,
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ discriminant_pca<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides deserialization support
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type,
+ >
+ void serialize (
+ const discriminant_pca<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_DPCA_ABSTRaCT_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/image_feature_sampling.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/image_feature_sampling.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f04f9926e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/image_feature_sampling.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "image_feature_sampling_abstract.h"
+#include "../statistics.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename image_array_type,
+ typename feature_extractor_type,
+ typename pyramid_type
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<typename feature_extractor_type::descriptor_type> randomly_sample_image_features (
+ const image_array_type& images,
+ const pyramid_type& pyr,
+ const feature_extractor_type& fe_,
+ unsigned long num
+ )
+ {
+ feature_extractor_type fe;
+ fe.copy_configuration(fe_);
+ random_subset_selector<typename feature_extractor_type::descriptor_type> basis;
+ basis.set_max_size(num);
+ typedef typename image_array_type::type image_type;
+ image_type temp_img, temp_img2;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ bool at_pyramid_top = true;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (at_pyramid_top)
+ fe.load(images[i]);
+ else
+ fe.load(temp_img);
+ if (fe.size() == 0)
+ break;
+ for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
+ {
+ for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
+ {
+ if (basis.next_add_accepts())
+ {
+ basis.add(fe(r,c));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ basis.add();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (at_pyramid_top)
+ {
+ at_pyramid_top = false;
+ pyr(images[i], temp_img);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pyr(temp_img, temp_img2);
+ swap(temp_img2,temp_img);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return basis;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/image_feature_sampling_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/image_feature_sampling_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b51ef5423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/image_feature_sampling_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "random_subset_selector_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename image_array_type,
+ typename feature_extractor_type,
+ typename pyramid_type
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<typename feature_extractor_type::descriptor_type> randomly_sample_image_features (
+ const image_array_type& images,
+ const pyramid_type& pyr,
+ const feature_extractor_type& fe,
+ unsigned long num
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - pyramid_type == a type compatible with the image pyramid objects defined
+ in dlib/image_transforms/image_pyramid_abstract.h
+ - feature_extractor_type == a local image feature extractor type such as the
+ dlib::hog_image
+ - image_array_type == an implementation of dlib/array/array_kernel_abstract.h
+ and it must contain image objects which can be passed to pyr() and fe.load()
+ and are swappable by global swap().
+ ensures
+ - creates an image pyramid for each image in images and performs feature
+ extraction on each pyramid level. Then selects a random subsample of at
+ most num local feature vectors and returns it.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/lda.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/lda.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38de3fd1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/lda.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_LDA_Hh_
+#define DLIB_LDA_Hh_
+#include "lda_abstract.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include <map>
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace impl
+ {
+ inline std::map<unsigned long,unsigned long> make_class_labels(
+ const std::vector<unsigned long>& row_labels
+ )
+ {
+ std::map<unsigned long,unsigned long> class_labels;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < row_labels.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned long next = class_labels.size();
+ if (class_labels.count(row_labels[i]) == 0)
+ class_labels[row_labels[i]] = next;
+ }
+ return class_labels;
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ matrix<T,0,1> center_matrix (
+ matrix<T>& X
+ )
+ {
+ matrix<T,1> mean;
+ for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
+ mean += rowm(X,r);
+ mean /=;
+ for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
+ set_rowm(X,r) -= mean;
+ return trans(mean);
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ void compute_lda_transform (
+ matrix<T>& X,
+ matrix<T,0,1>& mean,
+ const std::vector<unsigned long>& row_labels,
+ unsigned long lda_dims = 500,
+ unsigned long extra_pca_dims = 200
+ )
+ {
+ std::map<unsigned long,unsigned long> class_labels = impl::make_class_labels(row_labels);
+ // LDA can only give out at most class_labels.size()-1 dimensions so don't try to
+ // compute more than that.
+ lda_dims = std::min<unsigned long>(lda_dims, class_labels.size()-1);
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_CASSERT(class_labels.size() > 1,
+ "\t void compute_lda_transform()"
+ << "\n\t You can't call this function if the number of distinct class labels is less than 2."
+ );
+ DLIB_CASSERT(X.size() != 0 && (long)row_labels.size() == && lda_dims != 0,
+ "\t void compute_lda_transform()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t X.size(): " << X.size()
+ << "\n\t row_labels.size(): " << row_labels.size()
+ << "\n\t lda_dims: " << lda_dims
+ );
+ mean = impl::center_matrix(X);
+ // Do PCA to reduce dims
+ matrix<T> pu,pw,pv;
+ svd_fast(X, pu, pw, pv, lda_dims+extra_pca_dims, 4);
+ pu.set_size(0,0); // free RAM, we don't need pu.
+ X = X*pv;
+ matrix<T> class_means(class_labels.size(),;
+ class_means = 0;
+ matrix<T,0,1> class_counts(class_labels.size());
+ class_counts = 0;
+ // First compute the means of each class
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < row_labels.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned long class_idx = class_labels[row_labels[i]];
+ set_rowm(class_means,class_idx) += rowm(X,i);
+ class_counts(class_idx)++;
+ }
+ class_means = inv(diagm(class_counts))*class_means;
+ // subtract means from the data
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < row_labels.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned long class_idx = class_labels[row_labels[i]];
+ set_rowm(X,i) -= rowm(class_means,class_idx);
+ }
+ // Note that we are using the formulas from the paper Using Discriminant
+ // Eigenfeatures for Image Retrieval by Swets and Weng.
+ matrix<T> Sw = trans(X)*X;
+ matrix<T> Sb = trans(class_means)*class_means;
+ matrix<T> A, H;
+ matrix<T,0,1> W;
+ svd3(Sw, A, W, H);
+ W = sqrt(W);
+ W = reciprocal(lowerbound(W,max(W)*1e-5));
+ A = trans(H*diagm(W))*Sb*H*diagm(W);
+ matrix<T> v,s,u;
+ svd3(A, v, s, u);
+ matrix<T> tform = H*diagm(W)*u;
+ // pick out only the number of dimensions we are supposed to for the output, unless
+ // we should just keep them all, then don't do anything.
+ if ((long)lda_dims <=
+ {
+ rsort_columns(tform, s);
+ tform = colm(tform, range(0, lda_dims-1));
+ }
+ X = trans(pv*tform);
+ mean = X*mean;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline std::pair<double,double> equal_error_rate (
+ const std::vector<double>& low_vals,
+ const std::vector<double>& high_vals
+ )
+ {
+ std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > temp;
+ temp.reserve(low_vals.size()+high_vals.size());
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < low_vals.size(); ++i)
+ temp.push_back(std::make_pair(low_vals[i], -1));
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < high_vals.size(); ++i)
+ temp.push_back(std::make_pair(high_vals[i], +1));
+ std::sort(temp.begin(), temp.end());
+ if (temp.size() == 0)
+ return std::make_pair(0,0);
+ double thresh = temp[0].first;
+ unsigned long num_low_wrong = low_vals.size();
+ unsigned long num_high_wrong = 0;
+ double low_error = num_low_wrong/(double)low_vals.size();
+ double high_error = num_high_wrong/(double)high_vals.size();
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.size() && high_error < low_error; ++i)
+ {
+ thresh = temp[i].first;
+ if (temp[i].second > 0)
+ {
+ num_high_wrong++;
+ high_error = num_high_wrong/(double)high_vals.size();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ num_low_wrong--;
+ low_error = num_low_wrong/(double)low_vals.size();
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_pair((low_error+high_error)/2, thresh);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ struct roc_point
+ {
+ double true_positive_rate;
+ double false_positive_rate;
+ double detection_threshold;
+ };
+ inline std::vector<roc_point> compute_roc_curve (
+ const std::vector<double>& true_detections,
+ const std::vector<double>& false_detections
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_CASSERT(true_detections.size() != 0);
+ DLIB_CASSERT(false_detections.size() != 0);
+ std::vector<std::pair<double,int> > temp;
+ temp.reserve(true_detections.size()+false_detections.size());
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < true_detections.size(); ++i)
+ temp.push_back(std::make_pair(true_detections[i], +1));
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < false_detections.size(); ++i)
+ temp.push_back(std::make_pair(false_detections[i], -1));
+ std::sort(temp.rbegin(), temp.rend());
+ std::vector<roc_point> roc_curve;
+ roc_curve.reserve(temp.size());
+ double num_false_included = 0;
+ double num_true_included = 0;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (temp[i].second > 0)
+ num_true_included++;
+ else
+ num_false_included++;
+ roc_point p;
+ p.true_positive_rate = num_true_included/true_detections.size();
+ p.false_positive_rate = num_false_included/false_detections.size();
+ p.detection_threshold = temp[i].first;
+ roc_curve.push_back(p);
+ }
+ return roc_curve;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_LDA_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/lda_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/lda_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab9fd7a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/lda_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <map>
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ void compute_lda_transform (
+ matrix<T>& X,
+ matrix<T,0,1>& M,
+ const std::vector<unsigned long>& row_labels,
+ unsigned long lda_dims = 500,
+ unsigned long extra_pca_dims = 200
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - X.size() != 0
+ - row_labels.size() ==
+ - The number of distinct values in row_labels > 1
+ - lda_dims != 0
+ ensures
+ - We interpret X as a collection of input vectors, where each row of X
+ is one of the vectors.
+ - We interpret row_labels[i] as the label of the vector rowm(X,i).
+ - This function performs the dimensionality reducing version of linear
+ discriminant analysis. That is, you give it a set of labeled vectors and it
+ returns a linear transform that maps the input vectors into a new space that
+ is good for distinguishing between the different classes. In particular,
+ this function finds matrices Z and M such that:
+ - Given an input vector x, Z*x-M, is the transformed version of x. That is,
+ Z*x-M maps x into a space where x vectors that share the same class label
+ are near each other.
+ - Z*x-M results in the transformed vectors having zero expected mean.
+ - <= lda_dims
+ (it might be less than lda_dims if there are not enough distinct class
+ labels to support lda_dims dimensions).
+ - ==
+ - We overwrite the input matrix X and store Z in it. Therefore, the
+ outputs of this function are in X and M.
+ - In order to deal with very high dimensional inputs, we perform PCA internally
+ to map the input vectors into a space of at most lda_dims+extra_pca_dims
+ prior to performing LDA.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::pair<double,double> equal_error_rate (
+ const std::vector<double>& low_vals,
+ const std::vector<double>& high_vals
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - This function finds a threshold T that best separates the elements of
+ low_vals from high_vals by selecting the threshold with equal error rate. In
+ particular, we try to pick a threshold T such that:
+ - for all valid i:
+ - high_vals[i] >= T
+ - for all valid i:
+ - low_vals[i] < T
+ Where the best T is determined such that the fraction of low_vals >= T is the
+ same as the fraction of high_vals < T.
+ - Let ERR == the equal error rate. I.e. the fraction of times low_vals >= T
+ and high_vals < T. Note that 0 <= ERR <= 1.
+ - returns make_pair(ERR,T)
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ struct roc_point
+ {
+ double true_positive_rate;
+ double false_positive_rate;
+ double detection_threshold;
+ };
+ std::vector<roc_point> compute_roc_curve (
+ const std::vector<double>& true_detections,
+ const std::vector<double>& false_detections
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - true_detections.size() != 0
+ - false_detections.size() != 0
+ ensures
+ - This function computes the ROC curve (receiver operating characteristic)
+ curve of the given data. Therefore, we interpret true_detections as
+ containing detection scores for a bunch of true detections and
+ false_detections as detection scores from a bunch of false detections. A
+ perfect detector would always give higher scores to true detections than to
+ false detections, resulting in a true positive rate of 1 and a false positive
+ rate of 0, for some appropriate detection threshold.
+ - Returns an array, ROC, such that:
+ - ROC.size() == true_detections.size()+false_detections.size()
+ - for all valid i:
+ - If you were to accept all detections with a score >= ROC[i].detection_threshold
+ then you would obtain a true positive rate of ROC[i].true_positive_rate and a
+ false positive rate of ROC[i].false_positive_rate.
+ - ROC is ordered such that low detection rates come first. That is, the
+ curve is swept from a high detection threshold to a low threshold.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_LDA_ABSTRACT_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/random_subset_selector.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/random_subset_selector.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17492363d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/random_subset_selector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "random_subset_selector_abstract.h"
+#include "../rand.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../string.h"
+#include "../serialize.h"
+#include "../matrix/matrix_mat.h"
+#include <iostream>
+namespace dlib
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename Rand_type = dlib::rand
+ >
+ class random_subset_selector
+ {
+ /*!
+ - _max_size == 0
+ - items.size() == 0
+ - count == 0
+ - _next_add_accepts == false
+ - count == the number of times add() has been called since the last
+ time this object was empty.
+ - items.size() == size()
+ - max_size() == _max_size
+ - next_add_accepts() == _next_add_accepts
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef T type;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
+ typedef Rand_type rand_type;
+ typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ random_subset_selector (
+ )
+ {
+ _max_size = 0;
+ make_empty();
+ }
+ void set_seed(const std::string& value)
+ {
+ rnd.set_seed(value);
+ }
+ void make_empty (
+ )
+ {
+ items.resize(0);
+ count = 0;
+ update_next_add_accepts();
+ }
+ const std::vector<T>& to_std_vector(
+ ) const { return items; }
+ size_t size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return items.size();
+ }
+ void set_max_size (
+ unsigned long new_max_size
+ )
+ {
+ items.reserve(new_max_size);
+ make_empty();
+ _max_size = new_max_size;
+ update_next_add_accepts();
+ }
+ unsigned long max_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return _max_size;
+ }
+ T& operator[] (
+ unsigned long idx
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(idx < size(),
+ "\tvoid random_subset_selector::operator[]()"
+ << "\n\t idx is out of range"
+ << "\n\t idx: " << idx
+ << "\n\t size(): " << size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return items[idx];
+ }
+ const T& operator[] (
+ unsigned long idx
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(idx < size(),
+ "\tvoid random_subset_selector::operator[]()"
+ << "\n\t idx is out of range"
+ << "\n\t idx: " << idx
+ << "\n\t size(): " << size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return items[idx];
+ }
+ iterator begin() { return items.begin(); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return items.begin(); }
+ iterator end() { return items.end(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return items.end(); }
+ bool next_add_accepts (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return _next_add_accepts;
+ }
+ void add (
+ const T& new_item
+ )
+ {
+ if (items.size() < _max_size)
+ {
+ items.push_back(new_item);
+ // swap into a random place
+ exchange(items[rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%items.size()], items.back());
+ }
+ else if (_next_add_accepts)
+ {
+ // pick a random element of items and replace it.
+ items[rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%items.size()] = new_item;
+ }
+ update_next_add_accepts();
+ ++count;
+ }
+ void add (
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(next_add_accepts() == false,
+ "\tvoid random_subset_selector::add()"
+ << "\n\t You should be calling the version of add() that takes an argument"
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ update_next_add_accepts();
+ ++count;
+ }
+ void swap (
+ random_subset_selector& a
+ )
+ {
+ items.swap(a.items);
+ std::swap(_max_size, a._max_size);
+ std::swap(count, a.count);
+ rnd.swap(a.rnd);
+ std::swap(_next_add_accepts, a._next_add_accepts);
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ friend void serialize (
+ const random_subset_selector<T1,T2>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ friend void deserialize (
+ random_subset_selector<T1,T2>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ private:
+ void update_next_add_accepts (
+ )
+ {
+ if (items.size() < _max_size)
+ {
+ _next_add_accepts = true;
+ }
+ else if (_max_size == 0)
+ {
+ _next_add_accepts = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // At this point each element of items has had an equal chance of being in this object.
+ // In particular, the probability that each arrived here is currently items.size()/count.
+ // We need to be able to say that, after this function ends, the probability of any
+ // particular object ending up in items is items.size()/(count+1). So this means that
+ // we should decide to add a new item into items with this probability. Also, if we do
+ // so then we pick one of the current items and replace it at random with the new item.
+ // Make me a random 64 bit number. This might seem excessive but I want this object
+ // to be able to handle an effectively infinite number of calls to add(). So count
+ // might get very large and we need to deal with that properly.
+ const unsigned long num1 = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
+ const unsigned long num2 = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
+ uint64 num = num1;
+ num <<= 32;
+ num |= num2;
+ num %= (count+1);
+ _next_add_accepts = (num < items.size());
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<T> items;
+ unsigned long _max_size;
+ uint64 count;
+ rand_type rnd;
+ bool _next_add_accepts;
+ };
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename rand_type
+ >
+ void swap (
+ random_subset_selector<T,rand_type>& a,
+ random_subset_selector<T,rand_type>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ void serialize (
+ const random_subset_selector<T1,T2>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ )
+ {
+ serialize(item.items, out);
+ serialize(item._max_size, out);
+ serialize(item.count, out);
+ serialize(item.rnd, out);
+ serialize(item._next_add_accepts, out);
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ void deserialize (
+ random_subset_selector<T1,T2>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ )
+ {
+ deserialize(item.items, in);
+ deserialize(item._max_size, in);
+ deserialize(item.count, in);
+ deserialize(item.rnd, in);
+ deserialize(item._next_add_accepts, in);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<T> randomly_subsample (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& samples,
+ unsigned long num
+ )
+ {
+ random_subset_selector<T> subset;
+ subset.set_max_size(num);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ subset.add(samples[i]);
+ return subset;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc,
+ typename U
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<T> randomly_subsample (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& samples,
+ unsigned long num,
+ const U& random_seed
+ )
+ {
+ random_subset_selector<T> subset;
+ subset.set_seed(cast_to_string(random_seed));
+ subset.set_max_size(num);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ subset.add(samples[i]);
+ return subset;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<T> randomly_subsample (
+ const random_subset_selector<T>& samples,
+ unsigned long num
+ )
+ {
+ random_subset_selector<T> subset;
+ subset.set_max_size(num);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ subset.add(samples[i]);
+ return subset;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename U
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<T> randomly_subsample (
+ const random_subset_selector<T>& samples,
+ unsigned long num,
+ const U& random_seed
+ )
+ {
+ random_subset_selector<T> subset;
+ subset.set_seed(cast_to_string(random_seed));
+ subset.set_max_size(num);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ subset.add(samples[i]);
+ return subset;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ const matrix_op<op_array_to_mat<random_subset_selector<T> > > mat (
+ const random_subset_selector<T>& m
+ )
+ {
+ typedef op_array_to_mat<random_subset_selector<T> > op;
+ return matrix_op<op>(op(m));
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/random_subset_selector_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/random_subset_selector_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96f8b545d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/random_subset_selector_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <vector>
+#include "../rand/rand_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../string.h"
+namespace dlib
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename Rand_type = dlib::rand
+ >
+ class random_subset_selector
+ {
+ /*!
+ T must be a copyable type
+ must be an implementation of dlib/rand/rand_kernel_abstract.h
+ - size() == 0
+ - max_size() == 0
+ - next_add_accepts() == false
+ This object is a tool to help you select a random subset of a large body of data.
+ In particular, it is useful when the body of data is too large to fit into memory.
+ So for example, suppose you have 1000000 data samples and you want to select a
+ random subset of size 1000. Then you could do that as follows:
+ random_subset_selector<sample_type> rand_subset;
+ rand_subset.set_max_size(1000)
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)
+ rand_subset.add( get_next_data_sample());
+ At the end of the for loop you will have your random subset of 1000 samples. And by
+ random I mean that each of the 1000000 data samples has an equal chance of ending
+ up in the rand_subset object.
+ Note that the above example calls get_next_data_sample() for each data sample. This
+ may be inefficient since most of the data samples are just ignored. An alternative
+ method that doesn't require you to load each sample can also be used. Consider the
+ following:
+ random_subset_selector<sample_type> rand_subset;
+ rand_subset.set_max_size(1000)
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)
+ if (rand_subset.next_add_accepts())
+ rand_subset.add(get_data_sample(i));
+ else
+ rand_subset.add()
+ In the above example we only actually fetch the data sample into memory if we
+ know that the rand_subset would include it into the random subset. Otherwise,
+ we can just call the empty add().
+ Finally, note that the random_subset_selector uses a deterministic pseudo-random
+ number generator under the hood. Moreover, the default constructor always seeds
+ the random number generator in the same way. So unless you call set_seed()
+ each instance of the random_subset_selector will function identically.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef T type;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
+ typedef Rand_type rand_type;
+ typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ random_subset_selector (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ void set_seed(
+ const std::string& value
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - sets the seed of the random number generator that is embedded in
+ this object to the given value.
+ !*/
+ void make_empty (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #size() == 0
+ !*/
+ size_t size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of items of type T currently contained in this object
+ !*/
+ void set_max_size (
+ unsigned long new_max_size
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #max_size() == new_max_size
+ - #size() == 0
+ !*/
+ unsigned long max_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the maximum allowable size for this object
+ !*/
+ T& operator[] (
+ unsigned long idx
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - idx < size()
+ ensures
+ - returns a non-const reference to the idx'th element of this object
+ !*/
+ const T& operator[] (
+ unsigned long idx
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - idx < size()
+ ensures
+ - returns a const reference to the idx'th element of this object
+ !*/
+ bool next_add_accepts (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (the next call to add(item) will result in item being included
+ into *this) then
+ - returns true
+ - Note that the next item will always be accepted if size() < max_size().
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ - Note that the next item will never be accepted if max_size() == 0.
+ !*/
+ void add (
+ const T& new_item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (next_add_accepts()) then
+ - places new_item into *this object at a random location
+ - if (size() < max_size()) then
+ - #size() == size() + 1
+ - #next_add_accepts() == The updated information about the acceptance
+ of the next call to add()
+ !*/
+ void add (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - next_add_accepts() == false
+ ensures
+ - This function does nothing but update the value of #next_add_accepts()
+ !*/
+ iterator begin(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (size() > 0) then
+ - returns an iterator referring to the first element in
+ this container.
+ - else
+ - returns end()
+ !*/
+ const_iterator begin(
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (size() > 0) then
+ - returns a const_iterator referring to the first element in
+ this container.
+ - else
+ - returns end()
+ !*/
+ iterator end(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns an iterator that represents one past the end of
+ this container
+ !*/
+ const_iterator end(
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns an iterator that represents one past the end of
+ this container
+ !*/
+ const std::vector<T>& to_std_vector(
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a const reference to the underlying std::vector<T> that contains
+ all elements in this object. That is, this function returns a vector, V,
+ which has the following properties:
+ - V.size() == this->size()
+ - V.begin() == this->begin()
+ - V.end() == this->end()
+ !*/
+ void swap (
+ random_subset_selector& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - swaps *this and item
+ !*/
+ };
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename rand_type
+ >
+ void swap (
+ random_subset_selector<T,rand_type>& a,
+ random_subset_selector<T,rand_type>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+ /*!
+ provides global swap support
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename rand_type
+ >
+ void serialize (
+ const random_subset_selector<T,rand_type>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename rand_type
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ random_subset_selector<T,rand_type>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides deserialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<T> randomly_subsample (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& samples,
+ unsigned long num
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a random subset R such that:
+ - R contains a random subset of the given samples
+ - R.size() == min(num, samples.size())
+ - R.max_size() == num
+ - The random number generator used by this function will always be
+ initialized in the same way. I.e. this function will always pick
+ the same random subsample if called multiple times.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc,
+ typename U
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<T> randomly_subsample (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& samples,
+ unsigned long num,
+ const U& random_seed
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - random_seed must be convertible to a string by dlib::cast_to_string()
+ ensures
+ - returns a random subset R such that:
+ - R contains a random subset of the given samples
+ - R.size() == min(num, samples.size())
+ - R.max_size() == num
+ - The given random_seed will be used to initialize the random number
+ generator used by this function.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<T> randomly_subsample (
+ const random_subset_selector<T>& samples,
+ unsigned long num
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a random subset R such that:
+ - R contains a random subset of the given samples
+ - R.size() == min(num, samples.size())
+ - R.max_size() == num
+ - The random number generator used by this function will always be
+ initialized in the same way. I.e. this function will always pick
+ the same random subsample if called multiple times.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename U
+ >
+ random_subset_selector<T> randomly_subsample (
+ const random_subset_selector<T>& samples,
+ unsigned long num,
+ const U& random_seed
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - random_seed must be convertible to a string by dlib::cast_to_string()
+ ensures
+ - returns a random subset R such that:
+ - R contains a random subset of the given samples
+ - R.size() == min(num, samples.size())
+ - R.max_size() == num
+ - The given random_seed will be used to initialize the random number
+ generator used by this function.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ const matrix_exp mat (
+ const random_subset_selector<T>& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a matrix R such that:
+ - is_col_vector(R) == true
+ - R.size() == m.size()
+ - for all valid r:
+ R(r) == m[r]
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/running_gradient.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/running_gradient.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3f1b3ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/running_gradient.h
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "running_gradient_abstract.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../serialize.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace dlib
+ class running_gradient
+ {
+ public:
+ running_gradient (
+ )
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void clear(
+ )
+ {
+ n = 0;
+ R = identity_matrix<double>(2)*1e6;
+ w = 0;
+ residual_squared = 0;
+ }
+ double current_n (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return n;
+ }
+ void add(
+ double y
+ )
+ {
+ matrix<double,2,1> x;
+ x = n, 1;
+ // Do recursive least squares computations
+ const double temp = 1 + trans(x)*R*x;
+ matrix<double,2,1> tmp = R*x;
+ R = R - (tmp*trans(tmp))/temp;
+ // R should always be symmetric. This line improves numeric stability of this algorithm.
+ R = 0.5*(R + trans(R));
+ w = w + R*x*(y - trans(x)*w);
+ // Also, recursively keep track of the residual error between the given value
+ // and what our linear predictor outputs.
+ residual_squared = residual_squared + std::pow((y - trans(x)*w),2.0)*temp;
+ ++n;
+ }
+ double gradient (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\t double running_gradient::gradient()"
+ << "\n\t You must add more values into this object before calling this function."
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return w(0);
+ }
+ double intercept (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 0,
+ "\t double running_gradient::intercept()"
+ << "\n\t You must add more values into this object before calling this function."
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return w(1);
+ }
+ double standard_error (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 2,
+ "\t double running_gradient::standard_error()"
+ << "\n\t You must add more values into this object before calling this function."
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ const double s = residual_squared/(n-2);
+ const double adjust = 12.0/(std::pow(current_n(),3.0) - current_n());
+ return std::sqrt(s*adjust);
+ }
+ double probability_gradient_less_than (
+ double thresh
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 2,
+ "\t double running_gradient::probability_gradient_less_than()"
+ << "\n\t You must add more values into this object before calling this function."
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return normal_cdf(thresh, gradient(), standard_error());
+ }
+ double probability_gradient_greater_than (
+ double thresh
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 2,
+ "\t double running_gradient::probability_gradient_greater_than()"
+ << "\n\t You must add more values into this object before calling this function."
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return 1-probability_gradient_less_than(thresh);
+ }
+ friend void serialize (const running_gradient& item, std::ostream& out)
+ {
+ int version = 1;
+ serialize(version, out);
+ serialize(item.n, out);
+ serialize(item.R, out);
+ serialize(item.w, out);
+ serialize(item.residual_squared, out);
+ }
+ friend void deserialize (running_gradient& item, std::istream& in)
+ {
+ int version = 0;
+ deserialize(version, in);
+ if (version != 1)
+ throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::running_gradient.");
+ deserialize(item.n, in);
+ deserialize(item.R, in);
+ deserialize(item.w, in);
+ deserialize(item.residual_squared, in);
+ }
+ private:
+ static double normal_cdf(double value, double mean, double stddev)
+ {
+ if (stddev == 0)
+ {
+ if (value < mean)
+ return 0;
+ else if (value > mean)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0.5;
+ }
+ value = (value-mean)/stddev;
+ return 0.5 * std::erfc(-value / std::sqrt(2.0));
+ }
+ double n;
+ matrix<double,2,2> R;
+ matrix<double,2,1> w;
+ double residual_squared;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ double probability_gradient_less_than (
+ const T& container,
+ double thresh
+ )
+ {
+ running_gradient g;
+ for(auto&& v : container)
+ g.add(v);
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(g.current_n() > 2,
+ "\t double probability_gradient_less_than()"
+ << "\n\t You need more than 2 elements in the given container to call this function."
+ );
+ return g.probability_gradient_less_than(thresh);
+ }
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ double probability_gradient_greater_than (
+ const T& container,
+ double thresh
+ )
+ {
+ running_gradient g;
+ for(auto&& v : container)
+ g.add(v);
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(g.current_n() > 2,
+ "\t double probability_gradient_greater_than()"
+ << "\n\t You need more than 2 elements in the given container to call this function."
+ );
+ return g.probability_gradient_greater_than(thresh);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ double find_upper_quantile (
+ const T& container_,
+ double quantile
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_CASSERT(0 <= quantile && quantile <= 1.0);
+ // copy container into a std::vector
+ std::vector<double> container(container_.begin(), container_.end());
+ DLIB_CASSERT(container.size() > 0);
+ size_t idx_upper = std::round((container.size()-1)*(1-quantile));
+ std::nth_element(container.begin(), container.begin()+idx_upper, container.end());
+ auto upper_q = *(container.begin()+idx_upper);
+ return upper_q;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ size_t count_steps_without_decrease (
+ const T& container,
+ double probability_of_decrease = 0.51
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0.5 < probability_of_decrease && probability_of_decrease < 1,
+ "\t size_t count_steps_without_decrease()"
+ << "\n\t probability_of_decrease: "<< probability_of_decrease
+ );
+ running_gradient g;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ size_t j = 0;
+ for (auto i = container.rbegin(); i != container.rend(); ++i)
+ {
+ ++j;
+ g.add(*i);
+ if (g.current_n() > 2)
+ {
+ // Note that this only looks backwards because we are looping over the
+ // container backwards. So here we are really checking if the gradient isn't
+ // decreasing.
+ double prob_decreasing = g.probability_gradient_greater_than(0);
+ // If we aren't confident things are decreasing.
+ if (prob_decreasing < probability_of_decrease)
+ count = j;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ size_t count_steps_without_decrease_robust (
+ const T& container,
+ double probability_of_decrease = 0.51,
+ double quantile_discard = 0.10
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0 <= quantile_discard && quantile_discard <= 1);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0.5 < probability_of_decrease && probability_of_decrease < 1,
+ "\t size_t count_steps_without_decrease_robust()"
+ << "\n\t probability_of_decrease: "<< probability_of_decrease
+ );
+ if (container.size() == 0)
+ return 0;
+ const auto quantile_thresh = find_upper_quantile(container, quantile_discard);
+ running_gradient g;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ size_t j = 0;
+ for (auto i = container.rbegin(); i != container.rend(); ++i)
+ {
+ ++j;
+ // ignore values that are too large
+ if (*i <= quantile_thresh)
+ g.add(*i);
+ if (g.current_n() > 2)
+ {
+ // Note that this only looks backwards because we are looping over the
+ // container backwards. So here we are really checking if the gradient isn't
+ // decreasing.
+ double prob_decreasing = g.probability_gradient_greater_than(0);
+ // If we aren't confident things are decreasing.
+ if (prob_decreasing < probability_of_decrease)
+ count = j;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ size_t count_steps_without_increase (
+ const T& container,
+ double probability_of_increase = 0.51
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0.5 < probability_of_increase && probability_of_increase < 1,
+ "\t size_t count_steps_without_increase()"
+ << "\n\t probability_of_increase: "<< probability_of_increase
+ );
+ running_gradient g;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ size_t j = 0;
+ for (auto i = container.rbegin(); i != container.rend(); ++i)
+ {
+ ++j;
+ g.add(*i);
+ if (g.current_n() > 2)
+ {
+ // Note that this only looks backwards because we are looping over the
+ // container backwards. So here we are really checking if the gradient isn't
+ // increasing.
+ double prob_increasing = g.probability_gradient_less_than(0);
+ // If we aren't confident things are increasing.
+ if (prob_increasing < probability_of_increase)
+ count = j;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/running_gradient_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/running_gradient_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a42e1c152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/running_gradient_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+namespace dlib
+ class running_gradient
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object is a tool for estimating if a noisy sequence of numbers is
+ trending up or down and by how much. It does this by finding the least
+ squares fit of a line to the data and then allows you to perform a
+ statistical test on the slope of that line.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ running_gradient (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #current_n() == 0
+ !*/
+ void clear(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #current_n() == 0
+ - this object has its initial value
+ - clears all memory of any previous data points
+ !*/
+ double current_n (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of values given to this object by add().
+ !*/
+ void add(
+ double y
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Updates the gradient() and standard_error() estimates in this object
+ based on the new y value.
+ - #current_n() == current_n() + 1
+ !*/
+ double gradient (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - If we consider the values given to add() as time series data, we can
+ estimate the rate-of-change of those values. That is, how much,
+ typically, do those values change from sample to sample? The gradient()
+ function returns the current estimate. It does this by finding the least
+ squares fit of a line to the data given to add() and returning the slope
+ of this line.
+ !*/
+ double intercept (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 0
+ ensures
+ - This class fits a line to the time series data given to add(). This
+ function returns the intercept of that line while gradient() returns the
+ slope of that line. This means that, for example, the next point that
+ add() will see, as predicted by this best fit line, is the value
+ intercept() + current_n()*gradient().
+ !*/
+ double standard_error (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 2
+ ensures
+ - returns the standard deviation of the estimate of gradient().
+ !*/
+ double probability_gradient_less_than (
+ double thresh
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 2
+ ensures
+ - If we can assume the values given to add() are linearly related to each
+ other and corrupted by Gaussian additive noise then our estimate of
+ gradient() is a random variable with a mean value of gradient() and a
+ standard deviation of standard_error(). This lets us compute the
+ probability that the true gradient of the data is less than thresh, which
+ is what this function returns.
+ !*/
+ double probability_gradient_greater_than (
+ double thresh
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 2
+ ensures
+ - returns 1-probability_gradient_less_than(thresh)
+ !*/
+ };
+ void serialize (
+ const running_gradient& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+ void deserialize (
+ running_gradient& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ double probability_gradient_less_than (
+ const T& container,
+ double thresh
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - container must be a container of double values that can be enumerated with a
+ range based for loop.
+ - The container must contain more than 2 elements.
+ ensures
+ - Puts all the elements of container into a running_gradient object, R, and
+ then returns R.probability_gradient_less_than(thresh).
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ double probability_gradient_greater_than (
+ const T& container,
+ double thresh
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - container must be a container of double values that can be enumerated with a
+ range based for loop.
+ - The container must contain more than 2 elements.
+ ensures
+ - Puts all the elements of container into a running_gradient object, R, and
+ then returns R.probability_gradient_greater_than(thresh).
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ size_t count_steps_without_decrease (
+ const T& container,
+ double probability_of_decrease = 0.51
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - container must be a container of double values that can be enumerated with
+ .rbegin() and .rend().
+ - 0.5 < probability_of_decrease < 1
+ ensures
+ - If you think of the contents of container as a potentially noisy time series,
+ then this function returns a count of how long the time series has gone
+ without noticeably decreasing in value. It does this by adding the
+ elements into a running_gradient object and counting how many elements,
+ starting with container.back(), that you need to examine before you are
+ confident that the series has been decreasing in value. Here, "confident of
+ decrease" means that the probability of decrease is >= probability_of_decrease.
+ - Setting probability_of_decrease to 0.51 means we count until we see even a
+ small hint of decrease, whereas a larger value of 0.99 would return a larger
+ count since it keeps going until it is nearly certain the time series is
+ decreasing.
+ - The max possible output from this function is container.size().
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ size_t count_steps_without_decrease_robust (
+ const T& container,
+ double probability_of_decrease = 0.51,
+ double quantile_discard = 0.10
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - container must be a container of double values that can be enumerated with
+ .begin() and .end() as well as .rbegin() and .rend().
+ - 0.5 < probability_of_decrease < 1
+ - 0 <= quantile_discard <= 1
+ ensures
+ - This function behaves just like
+ count_steps_without_decrease(container,probability_of_decrease) except that
+ it ignores values in container that are in the upper quantile_discard
+ quantile. So for example, if the quantile discard is 0.1 then the 10%
+ largest values in container are ignored.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ size_t count_steps_without_increase (
+ const T& container,
+ double probability_of_increase = 0.51
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - container must be a container of double values that can be enumerated with
+ .rbegin() and .rend().
+ - 0.5 < probability_of_increase < 1
+ ensures
+ - If you think of the contents of container as a potentially noisy time series,
+ then this function returns a count of how long the time series has gone
+ without noticeably increasing in value. It does this by adding the
+ elements into a running_gradient object and counting how many elements,
+ starting with container.back(), that you need to examine before you are
+ confident that the series has been increasing in value. Here, "confident of
+ increase" means that the probability of increase is >= probability_of_increase.
+ - Setting probability_of_increase to 0.51 means we count until we see even a
+ small hint of increase, whereas a larger value of 0.99 would return a larger
+ count since it keeps going until it is nearly certain the time series is
+ increasing.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ double find_upper_quantile (
+ const T& container,
+ double quantile
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - container must be a container of double values that can be enumerated with
+ .begin() and .end().
+ - 0 <= quantile <= 1
+ - container.size() > 0
+ ensures
+ - Finds and returns the value such that quantile percent of the values in
+ container are greater than it. For example, 0.5 would find the median value
+ in container while 0.1 would find the value that lower bounded the 10%
+ largest values in container.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/sammon.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/sammon.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a3eb72a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/sammon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012 Emanuele Cesena (, Davis E. King
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_SAMMoN_Hh_
+#define DLIB_SAMMoN_Hh_
+#include "sammon_abstract.h"
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "dpca.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace dlib
+ class sammon_projection
+ {
+ public:
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename matrix_type>
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > operator() (
+ const std::vector<matrix_type>& data,
+ const long num_dims
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(num_dims > 0,
+ "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t num_dims: " << num_dims
+ );
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > result; // projections
+ if (data.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return result;
+ }
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0 < num_dims && num_dims <= data[0].size(),
+ "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t data.size(): " << data.size()
+ << "\n\t num_dims: " << num_dims
+ << "\n\t data[0].size(): " << data[0].size()
+ );
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(data[i]) && data[i].size() == data[0].size(),
+ "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t data["<<i<<"].size(): " << data[i].size()
+ << "\n\t data[0].size(): " << data[0].size()
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(data["<<i<<"]): " << is_col_vector(data[i])
+ );
+ }
+ double err; // error (discarded)
+ do_sammon_projection(data, num_dims, result, err);
+ return result;
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename matrix_type>
+ void operator() (
+ const std::vector<matrix_type>& data,
+ const long num_dims,
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> >& result,
+ double &err,
+ const unsigned long num_iters = 1000,
+ const double err_delta = 1.0e-9
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(num_dims > 0 && num_iters > 0 && err_delta > 0.0,
+ "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t data.size(): " << data.size()
+ << "\n\t num_dims: " << num_dims
+ << "\n\t num_iters: " << num_iters
+ << "\n\t err_delta: " << err_delta
+ );
+ if (data.size() == 0)
+ {
+ result.clear();
+ err = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0 < num_dims && num_dims <= data[0].size(),
+ "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t data.size(): " << data.size()
+ << "\n\t num_dims: " << num_dims
+ << "\n\t data[0].size(): " << data[0].size()
+ );
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(data[i]) && data[i].size() == data[0].size(),
+ "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t data["<<i<<"].size(): " << data[i].size()
+ << "\n\t data[0].size(): " << data[0].size()
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(data["<<i<<"]): " << is_col_vector(data[i])
+ );
+ }
+ do_sammon_projection(data, num_dims, result, err, num_iters, err_delta);
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private:
+ void compute_relative_distances(
+ matrix<double,0,1>& dist, // relative distances (output)
+ matrix<double,0,0>& data, // input data (matrix whose columns are the input vectors)
+ double eps_ratio = 1.0e-7 // to compute the minimum distance eps
+ )
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - == comb(, 2 ), preallocated
+ - eps_ratio > 0
+ ensures
+ - dist[k] == lenght(data[i] - data[j]) for k = j(j-1)/2 + i
+ !*/
+ {
+ const long N =; // num of points
+ double eps; // minimum distance, forced to avoid vectors collision
+ // computed at runtime as eps_ration * mean(vectors distances)
+ for (int k = 0, i = 1; i < N; ++i)
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
+ dist(k++) = length(colm(data, i) - colm(data, j));
+ eps = eps_ratio * mean(dist);
+ dist = lowerbound(dist, eps);
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename matrix_type>
+ void do_sammon_projection(
+ const std::vector<matrix_type>& data, // input data
+ unsigned long num_dims, // dimension of the reduced space
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> >& result, // projections (output)
+ double &err, // error (output)
+ unsigned long num_iters = 1000, // max num of iterations: stop condition
+ const double err_delta = 1.0e-9 // delta error: stop condition
+ )
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - matrix_type should be a kind of dlib::matrix<double,N,1>
+ - num_dims > 0
+ - num_iters > 0
+ - err_delta > 0
+ ensures
+ - result == a set of matrix<double,num_dims,1> objects that represent
+ the Sammon's projections of data vectors.
+ - err == the estimated error done in the projection, with the extra
+ property that err(at previous iteration) - err < err_delta
+ !*/
+ {
+ // other params
+ const double mf = 0.3; // magic factor
+ matrix<double> mdata; // input data as matrix
+ matrix<double> projs; // projected vectors, i.e. output data as matrix
+ // std::vector<matrix> -> matrix
+ mdata.set_size(data[0].size(), data.size());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
+ set_colm(mdata, i) = data[i];
+ const long N =; // num of points
+ const long d = num_dims; // size of the reduced space
+ const long nd = N * (N - 1) / 2; // num of pairs of points = size of the distances vectors
+ matrix<double, 0, 1> dsij, inv_dsij; // d*_ij: pair-wise distances in the input space (and inverses)
+ dsij.set_size(nd, 1);
+ inv_dsij.set_size(nd, 1);
+ double ic; // 1.0 / sum of dsij
+ matrix<double, 0, 1> dij; // d_ij: pair-wise distances in the reduced space
+ dij.set_size(nd, 1);
+ matrix<double, 0, 0> dE, dE2, dtemp; // matrices representing error partial derivatives
+ dE.set_size(d, N);
+ dE2.set_size(d, N);
+ dtemp.set_size(d, N);
+ matrix<double, 0, 1> inv_dij, alpha; // utility vectors used to compute the partial derivatives
+ inv_dij.set_size(N, 1); // inv_dij is 1.0/dij, but we only need it column-wise
+ alpha.set_size(N, 1); // (slightly wasting a bit of computation)
+ // alpha = 1.0/dij - 1.0/dsij, again column-wise
+ // initialize projs with PCA
+ discriminant_pca<matrix<double> > dpca;
+ for (int i = 0; i <; ++i)
+ {
+ dpca.add_to_total_variance(colm(mdata, i));
+ }
+ matrix<double> mat = dpca.dpca_matrix_of_size(num_dims);
+ projs = mat * mdata;
+ // compute dsij, inv_dsij and ic
+ compute_relative_distances(dsij, mdata);
+ inv_dsij = 1.0 / dsij;
+ ic = 1.0 / sum(dsij);
+ // compute dij and err
+ compute_relative_distances(dij, projs);
+ err = ic * sum(pointwise_multiply(squared(dij - dsij), inv_dsij));
+ // start iterating
+ while (num_iters--)
+ {
+ // compute dE, dE2 progressively column by column
+ for (int p = 0; p < N; ++p)
+ {
+ // compute
+ // - alpha_p, the column vector with 1/d_pj - 1/d*_pj
+ // - dtemp, the matrix with the p-th column repeated all along
+ //TODO: optimize constructions
+ for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ {
+ int pos = (i < p) ? p * (p - 1) / 2 + i : i * (i - 1) / 2 + p;
+ inv_dij(i) = (i == p) ? 0.0 : 1.0 / dij(pos);
+ alpha(i) = (i == p) ? 0.0 : inv_dij(i) - inv_dsij(pos);
+ set_colm(dtemp, i) = colm(projs, p);
+ }
+ dtemp -= projs;
+ set_colm(dE, p) = dtemp * alpha;
+ double sum_alpha = sum(alpha);
+ set_colm(dE2, p) = abs( sum_alpha + squared(dtemp) * cubed(inv_dij) );
+ }
+ // compute the update projections
+ projs += pointwise_multiply(dE, mf * reciprocal(dE2));
+ // compute new dij and error
+ compute_relative_distances(dij, projs);
+ double err_new = ic * sum( pointwise_multiply(squared(dij - dsij), inv_dsij) );
+ if (err - err_new < err_delta)
+ break;
+ err = err_new;
+ }
+ // matrix -> std::vector<matrix>
+ result.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i <; ++i)
+ result.push_back(colm(projs, i));
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace dlib
+#endif // DLIB_SAMMoN_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/sammon_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/sammon_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e009729c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/sammon_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012 Emanuele Cesena (, Davis E. King
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "../matrix/matrix_abstract.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace dlib
+ class sammon_projection
+ {
+ /*!
+ This is a function object that computes the Sammon projection of a set
+ of N points in a L-dimensional vector space onto a d-dimensional space
+ (d < L), according to the paper:
+ A Nonlinear Mapping for Data Structure Analysis (1969) by J.W. Sammon
+ The current implementation is a vectorized version of the original algorithm.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ sammon_projection(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ template <typename matrix_type>
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > operator() (
+ const std::vector<matrix_type>& data,
+ const long num_dims
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - num_dims > 0
+ - matrix_type should be a kind of dlib::matrix of doubles capable
+ of representing column vectors.
+ - for all valid i:
+ - is_col_vector(data[i]) == true
+ - data[0].size() == data[i].size()
+ (i.e. all the vectors in data must have the same dimensionality)
+ - if (data.size() != 0) then
+ - 0 < num_dims <= data[0].size()
+ (i.e. you can't project into a higher dimension than the input data,
+ only to a lower dimension.)
+ ensures
+ - This routine computes Sammon's dimensionality reduction method based on the
+ given input data. It will attempt to project the contents of data into a
+ num_dims dimensional space that preserves relative distances between the
+ input data points.
+ - This function returns a std::vector, OUT, such that:
+ - OUT == a set of column vectors that represent the Sammon projection of
+ the input data vectors.
+ - OUT.size() == data.size()
+ - for all valid i:
+ - OUT[i].size() == num_dims
+ - OUT[i] == the Sammon projection of the input vector data[i]
+ !*/
+ template <typename matrix_type>
+ void operator() (
+ const std::vector<matrix_type>& data,
+ const long num_dims,
+ std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> >& result,
+ double &err,
+ const unsigned long num_iters = 1000,
+ const double err_delta = 1.0e-9
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - num_iters > 0
+ - err_delta > 0
+ - num_dims > 0
+ - matrix_type should be a kind of dlib::matrix of doubles capable
+ of representing column vectors.
+ - for all valid i:
+ - is_col_vector(data[i]) == true
+ - data[0].size() == data[i].size()
+ (i.e. all the vectors in data must have the same dimensionality)
+ - if (data.size() != 0) then
+ - 0 < num_dims <= data[0].size()
+ (i.e. you can't project into a higher dimension than the input data,
+ only to a lower dimension.)
+ ensures
+ - This routine computes Sammon's dimensionality reduction method based on the
+ given input data. It will attempt to project the contents of data into a
+ num_dims dimensional space that preserves relative distances between the
+ input data points.
+ - #err == the final error value at the end of the algorithm. The goal of Sammon's
+ algorithm is to find a lower dimensional projection of the input data that
+ preserves the relative distances between points. The value in #err is a measure
+ of the total error at the end of the algorithm. So smaller values indicate
+ a better projection was found than if a large value is returned via #err.
+ - Sammon's algorithm will run until either num_iters iterations has executed
+ or the change in error from one iteration to the next is less than err_delta.
+ - Upon completion, the output of Sammon's projection is stored into #result, in
+ particular, we will have:
+ - #result == a set of column vectors that represent the Sammon projection of
+ the input data vectors.
+ - #result.size() == data.size()
+ - for all valid i:
+ - #result[i].size() == num_dims
+ - #result[i] == the Sammon projection of the input vector data[i]
+ !*/
+ };
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/statistics.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/statistics.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dee7006b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/statistics.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (, Steve Taylor
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "statistics_abstract.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include "../sparse_vector.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class running_stats
+ {
+ public:
+ running_stats()
+ {
+ clear();
+ is_same_type<float,T>::value ||
+ is_same_type<double,T>::value ||
+ is_same_type<long double,T>::value
+ ));
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ sum = 0;
+ sum_sqr = 0;
+ sum_cub = 0;
+ sum_four = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ min_value = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
+ max_value = -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
+ }
+ void add (
+ const T& val
+ )
+ {
+ sum += val;
+ sum_sqr += val*val;
+ sum_cub += cubed(val);
+ sum_four += quaded(val);
+ if (val < min_value)
+ min_value = val;
+ if (val > max_value)
+ max_value = val;
+ ++n;
+ }
+ T current_n (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return n;
+ }
+ T mean (
+ ) const
+ {
+ if (n != 0)
+ return sum/n;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T max (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 0,
+ "\tT running_stats::max"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return max_value;
+ }
+ T min (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 0,
+ "\tT running_stats::min"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return min_value;
+ }
+ T variance (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_stats::variance"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = 1/(n-1);
+ temp = temp*(sum_sqr - sum*sum/n);
+ // make sure the variance is never negative. This might
+ // happen due to numerical errors.
+ if (temp >= 0)
+ return temp;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T stddev (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_stats::stddev"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return std::sqrt(variance());
+ }
+ T skewness (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 2,
+ "\tT running_stats::skewness"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = 1/n;
+ T temp1 = std::sqrt(n*(n-1))/(n-2);
+ temp = temp1*temp*(sum_cub - 3*sum_sqr*sum*temp + 2*cubed(sum)*temp*temp)/
+ (std::sqrt(std::pow(temp*(sum_sqr-sum*sum*temp),3)));
+ return temp;
+ }
+ T ex_kurtosis (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 3,
+ "\tT running_stats::kurtosis"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = 1/n;
+ T m4 = temp*(sum_four - 4*sum_cub*sum*temp+6*sum_sqr*sum*sum*temp*temp
+ -3*quaded(sum)*cubed(temp));
+ T m2 = temp*(sum_sqr-sum*sum*temp);
+ temp = (n-1)*((n+1)*m4/(m2*m2)-3*(n-1))/((n-2)*(n-3));
+ return temp;
+ }
+ T scale (
+ const T& val
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_stats::variance"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return (val-mean())/std::sqrt(variance());
+ }
+ running_stats operator+ (
+ const running_stats& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ running_stats temp(*this);
+ temp.sum += rhs.sum;
+ temp.sum_sqr += rhs.sum_sqr;
+ temp.sum_cub += rhs.sum_cub;
+ temp.sum_four += rhs.sum_four;
+ temp.n += rhs.n;
+ temp.min_value = std::min(rhs.min_value, min_value);
+ temp.max_value = std::max(rhs.max_value, max_value);
+ return temp;
+ }
+ template <typename U>
+ friend void serialize (
+ const running_stats<U>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ template <typename U>
+ friend void deserialize (
+ running_stats<U>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ private:
+ T sum;
+ T sum_sqr;
+ T sum_cub;
+ T sum_four;
+ T n;
+ T min_value;
+ T max_value;
+ T cubed (const T& val) const {return val*val*val; }
+ T quaded (const T& val) const {return val*val*val*val; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ void serialize (
+ const running_stats<T>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ )
+ {
+ int version = 2;
+ serialize(version, out);
+ serialize(item.sum, out);
+ serialize(item.sum_sqr, out);
+ serialize(item.sum_cub, out);
+ serialize(item.sum_four, out);
+ serialize(item.n, out);
+ serialize(item.min_value, out);
+ serialize(item.max_value, out);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void deserialize (
+ running_stats<T>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ )
+ {
+ int version = 0;
+ deserialize(version, in);
+ if (version != 2)
+ throw dlib::serialization_error("Unexpected version number found while deserializing dlib::running_stats object.");
+ deserialize(item.sum, in);
+ deserialize(item.sum_sqr, in);
+ deserialize(item.sum_cub, in);
+ deserialize(item.sum_four, in);
+ deserialize(item.n, in);
+ deserialize(item.min_value, in);
+ deserialize(item.max_value, in);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class running_scalar_covariance
+ {
+ public:
+ running_scalar_covariance()
+ {
+ clear();
+ is_same_type<float,T>::value ||
+ is_same_type<double,T>::value ||
+ is_same_type<long double,T>::value
+ ));
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ sum_xy = 0;
+ sum_x = 0;
+ sum_y = 0;
+ sum_xx = 0;
+ sum_yy = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ }
+ void add (
+ const T& x,
+ const T& y
+ )
+ {
+ sum_xy += x*y;
+ sum_xx += x*x;
+ sum_yy += y*y;
+ sum_x += x;
+ sum_y += y;
+ n += 1;
+ }
+ T current_n (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return n;
+ }
+ T mean_x (
+ ) const
+ {
+ if (n != 0)
+ return sum_x/n;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T mean_y (
+ ) const
+ {
+ if (n != 0)
+ return sum_y/n;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T covariance (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance::covariance()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return 1/(n-1) * (sum_xy - sum_y*sum_x/n);
+ }
+ T correlation (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance::correlation()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return covariance() / std::sqrt(variance_x()*variance_y());
+ }
+ T variance_x (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance::variance_x()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = 1/(n-1) * (sum_xx - sum_x*sum_x/n);
+ // make sure the variance is never negative. This might
+ // happen due to numerical errors.
+ if (temp >= 0)
+ return temp;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T variance_y (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance::variance_y()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = 1/(n-1) * (sum_yy - sum_y*sum_y/n);
+ // make sure the variance is never negative. This might
+ // happen due to numerical errors.
+ if (temp >= 0)
+ return temp;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T stddev_x (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance::stddev_x()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return std::sqrt(variance_x());
+ }
+ T stddev_y (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance::stddev_y()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return std::sqrt(variance_y());
+ }
+ running_scalar_covariance operator+ (
+ const running_scalar_covariance& rhs
+ ) const
+ {
+ running_scalar_covariance temp(rhs);
+ temp.sum_xy += sum_xy;
+ temp.sum_x += sum_x;
+ temp.sum_y += sum_y;
+ temp.sum_xx += sum_xx;
+ temp.sum_yy += sum_yy;
+ temp.n += n;
+ return temp;
+ }
+ private:
+ T sum_xy;
+ T sum_x;
+ T sum_y;
+ T sum_xx;
+ T sum_yy;
+ T n;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class running_scalar_covariance_decayed
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit running_scalar_covariance_decayed(
+ T decay_halflife = 1000
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(decay_halflife > 0);
+ sum_xy = 0;
+ sum_x = 0;
+ sum_y = 0;
+ sum_xx = 0;
+ sum_yy = 0;
+ forget = std::pow(0.5, 1/decay_halflife);
+ n = 0;
+ is_same_type<float,T>::value ||
+ is_same_type<double,T>::value ||
+ is_same_type<long double,T>::value
+ ));
+ }
+ T forget_factor (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return forget;
+ }
+ void add (
+ const T& x,
+ const T& y
+ )
+ {
+ sum_xy = sum_xy*forget + x*y;
+ sum_xx = sum_xx*forget + x*x;
+ sum_yy = sum_yy*forget + y*y;
+ sum_x = sum_x*forget + x;
+ sum_y = sum_y*forget + y;
+ n = n*forget + 1;
+ }
+ T current_n (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return n;
+ }
+ T mean_x (
+ ) const
+ {
+ if (n != 0)
+ return sum_x/n;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T mean_y (
+ ) const
+ {
+ if (n != 0)
+ return sum_y/n;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T covariance (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance_decayed::covariance()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return 1/(n-1) * (sum_xy - sum_y*sum_x/n);
+ }
+ T correlation (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance_decayed::correlation()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = std::sqrt(variance_x()*variance_y());
+ if (temp != 0)
+ return covariance() / temp;
+ else
+ return 0; // just say it's zero if there isn't any variance in x or y.
+ }
+ T variance_x (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance_decayed::variance_x()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = 1/(n-1) * (sum_xx - sum_x*sum_x/n);
+ // make sure the variance is never negative. This might
+ // happen due to numerical errors.
+ if (temp >= 0)
+ return temp;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T variance_y (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance_decayed::variance_y()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = 1/(n-1) * (sum_yy - sum_y*sum_y/n);
+ // make sure the variance is never negative. This might
+ // happen due to numerical errors.
+ if (temp >= 0)
+ return temp;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T stddev_x (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance_decayed::stddev_x()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return std::sqrt(variance_x());
+ }
+ T stddev_y (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_scalar_covariance_decayed::stddev_y()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return std::sqrt(variance_y());
+ }
+ private:
+ T sum_xy;
+ T sum_x;
+ T sum_y;
+ T sum_xx;
+ T sum_yy;
+ T n;
+ T forget;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class running_stats_decayed
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit running_stats_decayed(
+ T decay_halflife = 1000
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(decay_halflife > 0);
+ sum_x = 0;
+ sum_xx = 0;
+ forget = std::pow(0.5, 1/decay_halflife);
+ n = 0;
+ is_same_type<float,T>::value ||
+ is_same_type<double,T>::value ||
+ is_same_type<long double,T>::value
+ ));
+ }
+ T forget_factor (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return forget;
+ }
+ void add (
+ const T& x
+ )
+ {
+ sum_xx = sum_xx*forget + x*x;
+ sum_x = sum_x*forget + x;
+ n = n*forget + 1;
+ }
+ T current_n (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return n;
+ }
+ T mean (
+ ) const
+ {
+ if (n != 0)
+ return sum_x/n;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T variance (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_stats_decayed::variance()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ T temp = 1/(n-1) * (sum_xx - sum_x*sum_x/n);
+ // make sure the variance is never negative. This might
+ // happen due to numerical errors.
+ if (temp >= 0)
+ return temp;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ T stddev (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(current_n() > 1,
+ "\tT running_stats_decayed::stddev()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to add some numbers to this object first"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return std::sqrt(variance());
+ }
+ template <typename U>
+ friend void serialize (
+ const running_stats_decayed<U>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ template <typename U>
+ friend void deserialize (
+ running_stats_decayed<U>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ private:
+ T sum_x;
+ T sum_xx;
+ T n;
+ T forget;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ void serialize (
+ const running_stats_decayed<T>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ )
+ {
+ int version = 1;
+ serialize(version, out);
+ serialize(item.sum_x, out);
+ serialize(item.sum_xx, out);
+ serialize(item.n, out);
+ serialize(item.forget, out);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void deserialize (
+ running_stats_decayed<T>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ )
+ {
+ int version = 0;
+ deserialize(version, in);
+ if (version != 1)
+ throw dlib::serialization_error("Unexpected version number found while deserializing dlib::running_stats_decayed object.");
+ deserialize(item.sum_x, in);
+ deserialize(item.sum_xx, in);
+ deserialize(item.n, in);
+ deserialize(item.forget, in);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double mean_sign_agreement (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(a.size() == b.size(),
+ "\t double mean_sign_agreement(a,b)"
+ << "\n\t a and b must be the same length."
+ << "\n\t a.size(): " << a.size()
+ << "\n\t b.size(): " << b.size()
+ );
+ double temp = 0;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if ((a[i] >= 0 && b[i] >= 0) ||
+ (a[i] < 0 && b[i] < 0))
+ {
+ temp += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return temp/a.size();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double correlation (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(a.size() == b.size() && a.size() > 1,
+ "\t double correlation(a,b)"
+ << "\n\t a and b must be the same length and have more than one element."
+ << "\n\t a.size(): " << a.size()
+ << "\n\t b.size(): " << b.size()
+ );
+ running_scalar_covariance<double> rs;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ rs.add(a[i], b[i]);
+ }
+ return rs.correlation();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double covariance (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(a.size() == b.size() && a.size() > 1,
+ "\t double covariance(a,b)"
+ << "\n\t a and b must be the same length and have more than one element."
+ << "\n\t a.size(): " << a.size()
+ << "\n\t b.size(): " << b.size()
+ );
+ running_scalar_covariance<double> rs;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ rs.add(a[i], b[i]);
+ }
+ return rs.covariance();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double r_squared (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(a.size() == b.size() && a.size() > 1,
+ "\t double r_squared(a,b)"
+ << "\n\t a and b must be the same length and have more than one element."
+ << "\n\t a.size(): " << a.size()
+ << "\n\t b.size(): " << b.size()
+ );
+ return std::pow(correlation(a,b),2.0);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double mean_squared_error (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(a.size() == b.size(),
+ "\t double mean_squared_error(a,b)"
+ << "\n\t a and b must be the same length."
+ << "\n\t a.size(): " << a.size()
+ << "\n\t b.size(): " << b.size()
+ );
+ return mean(squared(matrix_cast<double>(mat(a))-matrix_cast<double>(mat(b))));
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class running_covariance
+ {
+ /*!
+ - vect_size == 0
+ - total_count == 0
+ - vect_size == in_vector_size()
+ - total_count == current_n()
+ - if (total_count != 0)
+ - total_sum == the sum of all vectors given to add()
+ - the covariance of all the elements given to add() is given
+ by:
+ - let avg == total_sum/total_count
+ - covariance == total_cov/total_count - avg*trans(avg)
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::layout_type layout_type;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> column_matrix;
+ running_covariance(
+ )
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void clear(
+ )
+ {
+ total_count = 0;
+ vect_size = 0;
+ total_sum.set_size(0);
+ total_cov.set_size(0,0);
+ }
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return vect_size;
+ }
+ long current_n (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return static_cast<long>(total_count);
+ }
+ void set_dimension (
+ long size
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( size > 0,
+ "\t void running_covariance::set_dimension()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t size: " << size
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ clear();
+ vect_size = size;
+ total_sum.set_size(size);
+ total_cov.set_size(size,size);
+ total_sum = 0;
+ total_cov = 0;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ typename disable_if<is_matrix<T> >::type add (
+ const T& val
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(((long)max_index_plus_one(val) <= in_vector_size() && in_vector_size() > 0),
+ "\t void running_covariance::add()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t max_index_plus_one(val): " << max_index_plus_one(val)
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ for (typename T::const_iterator i = val.begin(); i != val.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ total_sum(i->first) += i->second;
+ for (typename T::const_iterator j = val.begin(); j != val.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ total_cov(i->first, j->first) += i->second*j->second;
+ }
+ }
+ ++total_count;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if<is_matrix<T> >::type add (
+ const T& val
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(val) && (in_vector_size() == 0 || val.size() == in_vector_size()),
+ "\t void running_covariance::add()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(val): " << is_col_vector(val)
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t val.size(): " << val.size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ vect_size = val.size();
+ if (total_count == 0)
+ {
+ total_cov = val*trans(val);
+ total_sum = val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ total_cov += val*trans(val);
+ total_sum += val;
+ }
+ ++total_count;
+ }
+ const column_matrix mean (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( in_vector_size() != 0,
+ "\t running_covariance::mean()"
+ << "\n\t This object can not execute this function in its current state."
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t current_n(): " << current_n()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return total_sum/total_count;
+ }
+ const general_matrix covariance (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( in_vector_size() != 0 && current_n() > 1,
+ "\t running_covariance::covariance()"
+ << "\n\t This object can not execute this function in its current state."
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t current_n(): " << current_n()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return (total_cov - total_sum*trans(total_sum)/total_count)/(total_count-1);
+ }
+ const running_covariance operator+ (
+ const running_covariance& item
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT((in_vector_size() == 0 || item.in_vector_size() == 0 || in_vector_size() == item.in_vector_size()),
+ "\t running_covariance running_covariance::operator+()"
+ << "\n\t The two running_covariance objects being added must have compatible parameters"
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t item.in_vector_size(): " << item.in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ running_covariance temp(item);
+ // make sure we ignore empty matrices
+ if (total_count != 0 && temp.total_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.total_cov += total_cov;
+ temp.total_sum += total_sum;
+ temp.total_count += total_count;
+ }
+ else if (total_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.total_cov = total_cov;
+ temp.total_sum = total_sum;
+ temp.total_count = total_count;
+ }
+ return temp;
+ }
+ private:
+ general_matrix total_cov;
+ column_matrix total_sum;
+ scalar_type total_count;
+ long vect_size;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class running_cross_covariance
+ {
+ /*!
+ - x_vect_size == 0
+ - y_vect_size == 0
+ - total_count == 0
+ - x_vect_size == x_vector_size()
+ - y_vect_size == y_vector_size()
+ - total_count == current_n()
+ - if (total_count != 0)
+ - sum_x == the sum of all x vectors given to add()
+ - sum_y == the sum of all y vectors given to add()
+ - total_cov == sum of all x*trans(y) given to add()
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::layout_type layout_type;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> column_matrix;
+ running_cross_covariance(
+ )
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void clear(
+ )
+ {
+ total_count = 0;
+ x_vect_size = 0;
+ y_vect_size = 0;
+ sum_x.set_size(0);
+ sum_y.set_size(0);
+ total_cov.set_size(0,0);
+ }
+ long x_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return x_vect_size;
+ }
+ long y_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return y_vect_size;
+ }
+ void set_dimensions (
+ long x_size,
+ long y_size
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( x_size > 0 && y_size > 0,
+ "\t void running_cross_covariance::set_dimensions()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t x_size: " << x_size
+ << "\n\t y_size: " << y_size
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ clear();
+ x_vect_size = x_size;
+ y_vect_size = y_size;
+ sum_x.set_size(x_size);
+ sum_y.set_size(y_size);
+ total_cov.set_size(x_size,y_size);
+ sum_x = 0;
+ sum_y = 0;
+ total_cov = 0;
+ }
+ long current_n (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return static_cast<long>(total_count);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename U>
+ typename enable_if_c<!is_matrix<T>::value && !is_matrix<U>::value>::type add (
+ const T& x,
+ const U& y
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( ((long)max_index_plus_one(x) <= x_vector_size() && x_vector_size() > 0) &&
+ ((long)max_index_plus_one(y) <= y_vector_size() && y_vector_size() > 0) ,
+ "\t void running_cross_covariance::add()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t max_index_plus_one(x): " << max_index_plus_one(x)
+ << "\n\t max_index_plus_one(y): " << max_index_plus_one(y)
+ << "\n\t x_vector_size(): " << x_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t y_vector_size(): " << y_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ for (typename T::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != x.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ sum_x(i->first) += i->second;
+ for (typename U::const_iterator j = y.begin(); j != y.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ total_cov(i->first, j->first) += i->second*j->second;
+ }
+ }
+ // do sum_y += y
+ for (typename U::const_iterator j = y.begin(); j != y.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ sum_y(j->first) += j->second;
+ }
+ ++total_count;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename U>
+ typename enable_if_c<is_matrix<T>::value && !is_matrix<U>::value>::type add (
+ const T& x,
+ const U& y
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( (is_col_vector(x) && x.size() == x_vector_size() && x_vector_size() > 0) &&
+ ((long)max_index_plus_one(y) <= y_vector_size() && y_vector_size() > 0) ,
+ "\t void running_cross_covariance::add()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(x): " << is_col_vector(x)
+ << "\n\t x.size(): " << x.size()
+ << "\n\t max_index_plus_one(y): " << max_index_plus_one(y)
+ << "\n\t x_vector_size(): " << x_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t y_vector_size(): " << y_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ sum_x += x;
+ for (long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ for (typename U::const_iterator j = y.begin(); j != y.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ total_cov(i, j->first) += x(i)*j->second;
+ }
+ }
+ // do sum_y += y
+ for (typename U::const_iterator j = y.begin(); j != y.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ sum_y(j->first) += j->second;
+ }
+ ++total_count;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename U>
+ typename enable_if_c<!is_matrix<T>::value && is_matrix<U>::value>::type add (
+ const T& x,
+ const U& y
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( ((long)max_index_plus_one(x) <= x_vector_size() && x_vector_size() > 0) &&
+ (is_col_vector(y) && y.size() == (long)y_vector_size() && y_vector_size() > 0) ,
+ "\t void running_cross_covariance::add()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t max_index_plus_one(x): " << max_index_plus_one(x)
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(y): " << is_col_vector(y)
+ << "\n\t y.size(): " << y.size()
+ << "\n\t x_vector_size(): " << x_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t y_vector_size(): " << y_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ for (typename T::const_iterator i = x.begin(); i != x.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ sum_x(i->first) += i->second;
+ for (long j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ total_cov(i->first, j) += i->second*y(j);
+ }
+ }
+ sum_y += y;
+ ++total_count;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename U>
+ typename enable_if_c<is_matrix<T>::value && is_matrix<U>::value>::type add (
+ const T& x,
+ const U& y
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(x) && (x_vector_size() == 0 || x.size() == x_vector_size()) &&
+ is_col_vector(y) && (y_vector_size() == 0 || y.size() == y_vector_size()) &&
+ x.size() != 0 &&
+ y.size() != 0,
+ "\t void running_cross_covariance::add()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(x): " << is_col_vector(x)
+ << "\n\t x_vector_size(): " << x_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t x.size(): " << x.size()
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(y): " << is_col_vector(y)
+ << "\n\t y_vector_size(): " << y_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t y.size(): " << y.size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ x_vect_size = x.size();
+ y_vect_size = y.size();
+ if (total_count == 0)
+ {
+ total_cov = x*trans(y);
+ sum_x = x;
+ sum_y = y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ total_cov += x*trans(y);
+ sum_x += x;
+ sum_y += y;
+ }
+ ++total_count;
+ }
+ const column_matrix mean_x (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( current_n() != 0,
+ "\t running_cross_covariance::mean()"
+ << "\n\t This object can not execute this function in its current state."
+ << "\n\t current_n(): " << current_n()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return sum_x/total_count;
+ }
+ const column_matrix mean_y (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( current_n() != 0,
+ "\t running_cross_covariance::mean()"
+ << "\n\t This object can not execute this function in its current state."
+ << "\n\t current_n(): " << current_n()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return sum_y/total_count;
+ }
+ const general_matrix covariance_xy (
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( current_n() > 1,
+ "\t running_cross_covariance::covariance()"
+ << "\n\t This object can not execute this function in its current state."
+ << "\n\t x_vector_size(): " << x_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t y_vector_size(): " << y_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t current_n(): " << current_n()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ return (total_cov - sum_x*trans(sum_y)/total_count)/(total_count-1);
+ }
+ const running_cross_covariance operator+ (
+ const running_cross_covariance& item
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT((x_vector_size() == 0 || item.x_vector_size() == 0 || x_vector_size() == item.x_vector_size()) &&
+ (y_vector_size() == 0 || item.y_vector_size() == 0 || y_vector_size() == item.y_vector_size()),
+ "\t running_cross_covariance running_cross_covariance::operator+()"
+ << "\n\t The two running_cross_covariance objects being added must have compatible parameters"
+ << "\n\t x_vector_size(): " << x_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t item.x_vector_size(): " << item.x_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t y_vector_size(): " << y_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t item.y_vector_size(): " << item.y_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ running_cross_covariance temp(item);
+ // make sure we ignore empty matrices
+ if (total_count != 0 && temp.total_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.total_cov += total_cov;
+ temp.sum_x += sum_x;
+ temp.sum_y += sum_y;
+ temp.total_count += total_count;
+ }
+ else if (total_count != 0)
+ {
+ temp.total_cov = total_cov;
+ temp.sum_x = sum_x;
+ temp.sum_y = sum_y;
+ temp.total_count = total_count;
+ }
+ return temp;
+ }
+ private:
+ general_matrix total_cov;
+ column_matrix sum_x;
+ column_matrix sum_y;
+ scalar_type total_count;
+ long x_vect_size;
+ long y_vect_size;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class vector_normalizer
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef matrix_type result_type;
+ template <typename vector_type>
+ void train (
+ const vector_type& samples
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(samples.size() > 0,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer::train()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to give a nonempty set of samples to this function"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ m = mean(mat(samples));
+ sd = reciprocal(sqrt(variance(mat(samples))));
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_finite(m), "Some of the input vectors to vector_normalizer::train() have infinite or NaN values");
+ }
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ long out_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const matrix_type& means (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return m;
+ }
+ const matrix_type& std_devs (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return sd;
+ }
+ const result_type& operator() (
+ const matrix_type& x
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( == in_vector_size() && == 1,
+ "\tmatrix vector_normalizer::operator()"
+ << "\n\t you have given invalid arguments to this function"
+ << "\n\t " <<
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t " <<
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ temp_out = pointwise_multiply(x-m, sd);
+ return temp_out;
+ }
+ void swap (
+ vector_normalizer& item
+ )
+ {
+ m.swap(item.m);
+ sd.swap(;
+ temp_out.swap(item.temp_out);
+ }
+ template <typename mt>
+ friend void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer<mt>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ template <typename mt>
+ friend void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer<mt>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ private:
+ // ------------------- private data members -------------------
+ matrix_type m, sd;
+ // This is just a temporary variable that doesn't contribute to the
+ // state of this object.
+ mutable matrix_type temp_out;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& a,
+ vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ )
+ {
+ deserialize(item.m, in);
+ deserialize(, in);
+ // Keep deserializing the pca matrix for backwards compatibility.
+ matrix<double> pca;
+ deserialize(pca, in);
+ if (pca.size() != 0)
+ throw serialization_error("Error deserializing object of type vector_normalizer\n"
+ "It looks like a serialized vector_normalizer_pca was accidentally deserialized into \n"
+ "a vector_normalizer object.");
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ )
+ {
+ serialize(item.m, out);
+ serialize(, out);
+ // Keep serializing the pca matrix for backwards compatibility.
+ matrix<double> pca;
+ serialize(pca, out);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class vector_normalizer_pca
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> result_type;
+ template <typename vector_type>
+ void train (
+ const vector_type& samples,
+ const double eps = 0.99
+ )
+ {
+ // You are getting an error here because you are trying to apply PCA
+ // to a vector of fixed length. But PCA is going to try and do
+ // dimensionality reduction so you can't use a vector with a fixed dimension.
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(matrix_type::NR == 0);
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(samples.size() > 0,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_pca::train_pca()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to give a nonempty set of samples to this function"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ DLIB_ASSERT(0 < eps && eps <= 1,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_pca::train_pca()"
+ << "\n\tyou have to give a nonempty set of samples to this function"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ train_pca_impl(mat(samples),eps);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_finite(m), "Some of the input vectors to vector_normalizer_pca::train() have infinite or NaN values");
+ }
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ long out_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type>& means (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return m;
+ }
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type>& std_devs (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return sd;
+ }
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type>& pca_matrix (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return pca;
+ }
+ const result_type& operator() (
+ const matrix_type& x
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT( == in_vector_size() && == 1,
+ "\tmatrix vector_normalizer_pca::operator()"
+ << "\n\t you have given invalid arguments to this function"
+ << "\n\t " <<
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t " <<
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ // If we have a pca transform matrix on hand then
+ // also apply that.
+ temp_out = pca*pointwise_multiply(x-m, sd);
+ return temp_out;
+ }
+ void swap (
+ vector_normalizer_pca& item
+ )
+ {
+ m.swap(item.m);
+ sd.swap(;
+ pca.swap(item.pca);
+ temp_out.swap(item.temp_out);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ friend void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer_pca<T>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ template <typename T>
+ friend void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer_pca<T>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ private:
+ template <typename mat_type>
+ void train_pca_impl (
+ const mat_type& samples,
+ const double eps
+ )
+ {
+ m = mean(samples);
+ sd = reciprocal(sqrt(variance(samples)));
+ // fill x with the normalized version of the input samples
+ matrix<typename mat_type::type,0,1,mem_manager_type> x(samples);
+ for (long r = 0; r < x.size(); ++r)
+ x(r) = pointwise_multiply(x(r)-m, sd);
+ matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> temp, eigen;
+ matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> eigenvalues;
+ // Compute the svd of the covariance matrix of the normalized inputs
+ svd(covariance(x), temp, eigen, pca);
+ eigenvalues = diag(eigen);
+ rsort_columns(pca, eigenvalues);
+ // figure out how many eigenvectors we want in our pca matrix
+ const double thresh = sum(eigenvalues)*eps;
+ long num_vectors = 0;
+ double total = 0;
+ for (long r = 0; r < eigenvalues.size() && total < thresh; ++r)
+ {
+ ++num_vectors;
+ total += eigenvalues(r);
+ }
+ // So now we know we want to use num_vectors of the first eigenvectors. So
+ // pull those out and discard the rest.
+ pca = trans(colm(pca,range(0,num_vectors-1)));
+ // Apply the pca transform to the data in x. Then we will normalize the
+ // pca matrix below.
+ for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
+ {
+ x(r) = pca*x(r);
+ }
+ // Here we just scale the output features from the pca transform so
+ // that the variance of each feature is 1. So this doesn't really change
+ // what the pca is doing, it just makes sure the output features are
+ // normalized.
+ pca = trans(scale_columns(trans(pca), reciprocal(sqrt(variance(x)))));
+ }
+ // ------------------- private data members -------------------
+ matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> m, sd;
+ matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> pca;
+ // This is just a temporary variable that doesn't contribute to the
+ // state of this object.
+ mutable result_type temp_out;
+ };
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& a,
+ vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ )
+ {
+ deserialize(item.m, in);
+ deserialize(, in);
+ deserialize(item.pca, in);
+ if ( !=
+ throw serialization_error("Error deserializing object of type vector_normalizer_pca\n"
+ "It looks like a serialized vector_normalizer was accidentally deserialized into \n"
+ "a vector_normalizer_pca object.");
+ }
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ )
+ {
+ serialize(item.m, out);
+ serialize(, out);
+ serialize(item.pca, out);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline double binomial_random_vars_are_different (
+ uint64_t k1,
+ uint64_t n1,
+ uint64_t k2,
+ uint64_t n2
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(k1 <= n1, "k1: "<< k1 << " n1: "<< n1);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(k2 <= n2, "k2: "<< k2 << " n2: "<< n2);
+ const double p1 = k1/(double)n1;
+ const double p2 = k2/(double)n2;
+ const double p = (k1+k2)/(double)(n1+n2);
+ auto ll = [](double p, uint64_t k, uint64_t n) {
+ if (p == 0 || p == 1)
+ return 0.0;
+ return k*std::log(p) + (n-k)*std::log(1-p);
+ };
+ auto logll = ll(p1,k1,n1) + ll(p2,k2,n2) - ll(p,k1,n1) - ll(p,k2,n2);
+ // The basic statistic only tells you if the random variables are different. But
+ // it's nice to know which way they are different, i.e., which one is bigger. So
+ // stuff that information into the sign bit of the return value.
+ if (p1>=p2)
+ return logll;
+ else
+ return -logll;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline double event_correlation (
+ uint64_t A_count,
+ uint64_t B_count,
+ uint64_t AB_count,
+ uint64_t total_num_observations
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(AB_count <= A_count && A_count <= total_num_observations,
+ "AB_count: " << AB_count << ", A_count: "<< A_count << ", total_num_observations: " << total_num_observations);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(AB_count <= B_count && B_count <= total_num_observations,
+ "AB_count: " << AB_count << ", B_count: "<< B_count << ", total_num_observations: " << total_num_observations);
+ if (total_num_observations == 0)
+ return 0;
+ DLIB_ASSERT(A_count + B_count - AB_count <= total_num_observations,
+ "AB_count: " << AB_count << " A_count: " << A_count << ", B_count: "<< B_count << ", total_num_observations: " << total_num_observations);
+ const auto AnotB_count = A_count - AB_count;
+ const auto notB_count = total_num_observations - B_count;
+ // How likely is it that the odds of A happening is different when conditioned on
+ // whether or not B happened?
+ return binomial_random_vars_are_different(
+ AB_count, B_count, // A conditional on the presence of B
+ AnotB_count, notB_count // A conditional on the absence of B
+ );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_STATISTICs_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/statistics_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/statistics_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef8f13802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/statistics_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1387 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (, Steve Taylor
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <limits>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "../matrix/matrix_abstract.h"
+#include "../svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double mean_sign_agreement (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - a.size() == b.size()
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of times a[i] has the same sign as b[i] divided by
+ a.size(). So we return the probability that elements of a and b have
+ the same sign.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double correlation (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - a.size() == b.size()
+ - a.size() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the correlation coefficient between all the elements of a and b.
+ (i.e. how correlated is a(i) with b(i))
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double covariance (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - a.size() == b.size()
+ - a.size() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the covariance between all the elements of a and b.
+ (i.e. how does a(i) vary with b(i))
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double r_squared (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - a.size() == b.size()
+ - a.size() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the R^2 coefficient of determination between all the elements of a and b.
+ This value is just the square of correlation(a,b).
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename alloc
+ >
+ double mean_squared_error (
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& a,
+ const std::vector<T,alloc>& b
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - a.size() == b.size()
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean squared error between all the elements of a and b.
+ (i.e. mean(squared(mat(a)-mat(b))))
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ double binomial_random_vars_are_different (
+ uint64_t k1,
+ uint64_t n1,
+ uint64_t k2,
+ uint64_t n2
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - k1 <= n1
+ - k2 <= n2
+ ensures
+ - Given two binomially distributed random variables, X1 and X2, we want to know
+ if these variables have the same parameter (i.e. the chance of "success").
+ So assume that:
+ - You observed X1 to give k1 successes out of n1 trials.
+ - You observed X2 to give k2 successes out of n2 trials.
+ - This function performs a simple likelihood ratio test to determine if X1 and
+ X2 have the same parameter. The return value of this function will be:
+ - Close to 0 if they are probably the same.
+ - Larger than 0 if X1 probably has a higher "success" rate than X2.
+ - Smaller than 0 if X2 probably has a higher "success" rate than X1.
+ Moreover, the larger the absolute magnitude of the return value the more
+ likely it is that X1 and X2 have different distributions.
+ - For a discussion of the technique and applications see:
+ Dunning, Ted. "Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and
+ coincidence." Computational linguistics 19.1 (1993): 61-74.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ double event_correlation (
+ uint64_t A_count,
+ uint64_t B_count,
+ uint64_t AB_count,
+ uint64_t total_num_observations
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - AB_count <= A_count <= total_num_observations
+ - AB_count <= B_count <= total_num_observations
+ - A_count + B_count - AB_count <= total_num_observations
+ ensures
+ - This function does a statistical test to determine if two events co-occur in
+ a statistically significant way. In particular, we assume you performed
+ total_num_observations measurements and during those measurements you:
+ - Observed event A to happen A_count times.
+ - Observed event B to happen B_count times.
+ - Observed AB_count co-occurrences of the events. That is, AB_count is the
+ number of times the events happened together during the same measurement.
+ - This function returns a number, COR, which can take any real value. It has
+ the following interpretations:
+ - COR == 0: there is no evidence of correlation between the two events.
+ They appear to be unrelated.
+ - COR > 0: There is evidence that A and B co-occur together. That is,
+ they happen at the same times more often than you would expect if they
+ were independent events. The larger the magnitude of COR the more
+ evidence we have for the correlation.
+ - COR < 0: There is evidence that A and B are anti-correlated. That is,
+ when A happens B is unlikely to happen and vise versa. The larger the
+ magnitude of COR the more evidence we have for the anti-correlation.
+ - This function implements the simple likelihood ratio test discussed in the
+ following paper:
+ Dunning, Ted. "Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and
+ coincidence." Computational linguistics 19.1 (1993): 61-74.
+ So for an extended discussion of the method see the above paper.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class running_stats
+ {
+ /*!
+ - T must be a float, double, or long double type
+ - mean() == 0
+ - current_n() == 0
+ This object represents something that can compute the running mean,
+ variance, skewness, and excess kurtosis of a stream of real numbers.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ running_stats(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ void clear(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object has its initial value
+ - clears all memory of any previous data points
+ !*/
+ T current_n (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of points given to this object so far.
+ !*/
+ void add (
+ const T& val
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - updates the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis stored in this object
+ so that the new value is factored into them.
+ - #mean() == mean()*current_n()/(current_n()+1) + val/(current_n()+1).
+ (i.e. the updated mean value that takes the new value into account)
+ - #variance() == the updated variance that takes this new value into account.
+ - #skewness() == the updated skewness that takes this new value into account.
+ - #ex_kurtosis() == the updated kurtosis that takes this new value into account.
+ - #current_n() == current_n() + 1
+ !*/
+ T mean (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean of all the values presented to this object
+ so far.
+ !*/
+ T variance (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample variance of all the values presented to this
+ object so far.
+ !*/
+ T stddev (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sampled standard deviation of all the values
+ presented to this object so far.
+ !*/
+ T skewness (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 2
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample skewness of all the values presented
+ to this object so far.
+ !*/
+ T ex_kurtosis(
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 3
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample kurtosis of all the values presented
+ to this object so far.
+ !*/
+ T max (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the largest value presented to this object so far.
+ !*/
+ T min (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the smallest value presented to this object so far.
+ !*/
+ T scale (
+ const T& val
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - return (val-mean())/stddev();
+ !*/
+ running_stats operator+ (
+ const running_stats& rhs
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a new running_stats object that represents the combination of all
+ the values given to *this and rhs. That is, this function returns a
+ running_stats object, R, that is equivalent to what you would obtain if
+ all calls to this->add() and rhs.add() had instead been done to R.
+ !*/
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ void serialize (
+ const running_stats<T>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+ template <typename T>
+ void deserialize (
+ running_stats<T>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class running_scalar_covariance
+ {
+ /*!
+ - T must be a float, double, or long double type
+ - mean_x() == 0
+ - mean_y() == 0
+ - current_n() == 0
+ This object represents something that can compute the running covariance
+ of a stream of real number pairs.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ running_scalar_covariance(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ void clear(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object has its initial value
+ - clears all memory of any previous data points
+ !*/
+ void add (
+ const T& x,
+ const T& y
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - updates the statistics stored in this object so that
+ the new pair (x,y) is factored into them.
+ - #current_n() == current_n() + 1
+ !*/
+ T current_n (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of points given to this object so far.
+ !*/
+ T mean_x (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean value of all x samples presented to this object
+ via add().
+ !*/
+ T mean_y (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean value of all y samples presented to this object
+ via add().
+ !*/
+ T covariance (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the covariance between all the x and y samples presented
+ to this object via add()
+ !*/
+ T correlation (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the correlation coefficient between all the x and y samples
+ presented to this object via add()
+ !*/
+ T variance_x (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample variance value of all x samples presented
+ to this object via add().
+ !*/
+ T variance_y (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample variance value of all y samples presented
+ to this object via add().
+ !*/
+ T stddev_x (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample standard deviation of all x samples
+ presented to this object via add().
+ !*/
+ T stddev_y (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample standard deviation of all y samples
+ presented to this object via add().
+ !*/
+ running_scalar_covariance operator+ (
+ const running_covariance& rhs
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a new running_scalar_covariance object that represents the
+ combination of all the values given to *this and rhs. That is, this
+ function returns a running_scalar_covariance object, R, that is
+ equivalent to what you would obtain if all calls to this->add() and
+ rhs.add() had instead been done to R.
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class running_scalar_covariance_decayed
+ {
+ /*!
+ - T must be a float, double, or long double type
+ - mean_x() == 0
+ - mean_y() == 0
+ - current_n() == 0
+ This object represents something that can compute the running covariance of
+ a stream of real number pairs. It is essentially the same as
+ running_scalar_covariance except that it forgets about data it has seen
+ after a certain period of time. It does this by exponentially decaying old
+ statistics.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ running_scalar_covariance_decayed(
+ T decay_halflife = 1000
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - decay_halflife > 0
+ ensures
+ - #forget_factor() == std::pow(0.5, 1/decay_halflife);
+ (i.e. after decay_halflife calls to add() the data given to the first add
+ will be down weighted by 0.5 in the statistics stored in this object).
+ !*/
+ T forget_factor (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the exponential forget factor used to forget old statistics when
+ add() is called.
+ !*/
+ void add (
+ const T& x,
+ const T& y
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - updates the statistics stored in this object so that
+ the new pair (x,y) is factored into them.
+ - #current_n() == current_n()*forget_factor() + forget_factor()
+ - Down weights old statistics by a factor of forget_factor().
+ !*/
+ T current_n (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the effective number of points given to this object. As add()
+ is called this value will converge to a constant, the value of which is
+ based on the decay_halflife supplied to the constructor.
+ !*/
+ T mean_x (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean value of all x samples presented to this object
+ via add().
+ !*/
+ T mean_y (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean value of all y samples presented to this object
+ via add().
+ !*/
+ T covariance (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the covariance between all the x and y samples presented
+ to this object via add()
+ !*/
+ T correlation (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the correlation coefficient between all the x and y samples
+ presented to this object via add()
+ !*/
+ T variance_x (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the sample variance value of all x samples presented
+ to this object via add().
+ !*/
+ T variance_y (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the sample variance value of all y samples presented
+ to this object via add().
+ !*/
+ T stddev_x (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the sample standard deviation of all x samples
+ presented to this object via add().
+ !*/
+ T stddev_y (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the sample standard deviation of all y samples
+ presented to this object via add().
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class running_stats_decayed
+ {
+ /*!
+ - T must be a float, double, or long double type
+ - mean() == 0
+ - current_n() == 0
+ This object represents something that can compute the running mean and
+ variance of a stream of real numbers. It is similar to running_stats
+ except that it forgets about data it has seen after a certain period of
+ time. It does this by exponentially decaying old statistics.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ running_stats_decayed(
+ T decay_halflife = 1000
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - decay_halflife > 0
+ ensures
+ - #forget_factor() == std::pow(0.5, 1/decay_halflife);
+ (i.e. after decay_halflife calls to add() the data given to the first add
+ will be down weighted by 0.5 in the statistics stored in this object).
+ !*/
+ T forget_factor (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the exponential forget factor used to forget old statistics when
+ add() is called.
+ !*/
+ void add (
+ const T& x
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - updates the statistics stored in this object so that x is factored into
+ them.
+ - #current_n() == current_n()*forget_factor() + forget_factor()
+ - Down weights old statistics by a factor of forget_factor().
+ !*/
+ T current_n (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the effective number of points given to this object. As add()
+ is called this value will converge to a constant, the value of which is
+ based on the decay_halflife supplied to the constructor.
+ !*/
+ T mean (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean value of all x samples presented to this object
+ via add().
+ !*/
+ T variance (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the sample variance value of all x samples presented to this
+ object via add().
+ !*/
+ T stddev (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the sample standard deviation of all x samples presented to this
+ object via add().
+ !*/
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ void serialize (
+ const running_stats_decayed<T>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+ template <typename T>
+ void deserialize (
+ running_stats_decayed<T>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class running_covariance
+ {
+ /*!
+ REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type
+ Must be some type of dlib::matrix.
+ - in_vector_size() == 0
+ - current_n() == 0
+ This object is a simple tool for computing the mean and
+ covariance of a sequence of vectors.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::layout_type layout_type;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> column_matrix;
+ running_covariance(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ void clear(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object has its initial value
+ - clears all memory of any previous data points
+ !*/
+ long current_n (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of samples that have been presented to this object
+ !*/
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (this object has been presented with any input vectors or
+ set_dimension() has been called) then
+ - returns the dimension of the column vectors used with this object
+ - else
+ - returns 0
+ !*/
+ void set_dimension (
+ long size
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - size > 0
+ ensures
+ - #in_vector_size() == size
+ - #current_n() == 0
+ !*/
+ template <typename T>
+ void add (
+ const T& val
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - val must represent a column vector. It can either be a dlib::matrix
+ object or some kind of unsorted sparse vector type. See the top of
+ dlib/svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h for a definition of unsorted sparse vector.
+ - val must have a number of dimensions which is compatible with the current
+ setting of in_vector_size(). In particular, this means that the
+ following must hold:
+ - if (val is a dlib::matrix) then
+ - in_vector_size() == 0 || val.size() == val_vector_size()
+ - else
+ - max_index_plus_one(val) <= in_vector_size()
+ - in_vector_size() > 0
+ (i.e. you must call set_dimension() prior to calling add() if
+ you want to use sparse vectors.)
+ ensures
+ - updates the mean and covariance stored in this object so that
+ the new value is factored into them.
+ - if (val is a dlib::matrix) then
+ - #in_vector_size() == val.size()
+ !*/
+ const column_matrix mean (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - in_vector_size() != 0
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean of all the vectors presented to this object
+ so far.
+ !*/
+ const general_matrix covariance (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - in_vector_size() != 0
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample covariance matrix for all the vectors
+ presented to this object so far.
+ !*/
+ const running_covariance operator+ (
+ const running_covariance& item
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - in_vector_size() == 0 || item.in_vector_size() == 0 || in_vector_size() == item.in_vector_size()
+ (i.e. the in_vector_size() of *this and item must match or one must be zero)
+ ensures
+ - returns a new running_covariance object that represents the combination of all
+ the vectors given to *this and item. That is, this function returns a
+ running_covariance object, R, that is equivalent to what you would obtain if all
+ calls to this->add() and item.add() had instead been done to R.
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class running_cross_covariance
+ {
+ /*!
+ REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type
+ Must be some type of dlib::matrix.
+ - x_vector_size() == 0
+ - y_vector_size() == 0
+ - current_n() == 0
+ This object is a simple tool for computing the mean and cross-covariance
+ matrices of a sequence of pairs of vectors.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::layout_type layout_type;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type,layout_type> general_matrix;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type,layout_type> column_matrix;
+ running_cross_covariance(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ void clear(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - This object has its initial value.
+ - Clears all memory of any previous data points.
+ !*/
+ long x_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (this object has been presented with any input vectors or
+ set_dimensions() has been called) then
+ - returns the dimension of the x vectors given to this object via add().
+ - else
+ - returns 0
+ !*/
+ long y_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (this object has been presented with any input vectors or
+ set_dimensions() has been called) then
+ - returns the dimension of the y vectors given to this object via add().
+ - else
+ - returns 0
+ !*/
+ void set_dimensions (
+ long x_size,
+ long y_size
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - x_size > 0
+ - y_size > 0
+ ensures
+ - #x_vector_size() == x_size
+ - #y_vector_size() == y_size
+ - #current_n() == 0
+ !*/
+ long current_n (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of samples that have been presented to this object.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T, typename U>
+ void add (
+ const T& x,
+ const U& y
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - x and y must represent column vectors. They can either be dlib::matrix
+ objects or some kind of unsorted sparse vector type. See the top of
+ dlib/svm/sparse_vector_abstract.h for a definition of unsorted sparse vector.
+ - x and y must have a number of dimensions which is compatible with the
+ current setting of x_vector_size() and y_vector_size(). In particular,
+ this means that the following must hold:
+ - if (x or y is a sparse vector type) then
+ - x_vector_size() > 0 && y_vector_size() > 0
+ (i.e. you must call set_dimensions() prior to calling add() if
+ you want to use sparse vectors.)
+ - if (x is a dlib::matrix) then
+ - x_vector_size() == 0 || x.size() == x_vector_size()
+ - else
+ - max_index_plus_one(x) <= x_vector_size()
+ - if (y is a dlib::matrix) then
+ - y_vector_size() == 0 || y.size() == y_vector_size()
+ - else
+ - max_index_plus_one(y) <= y_vector_size()
+ ensures
+ - updates the mean and cross-covariance matrices stored in this object so
+ that the new (x,y) vector pair is factored into them.
+ - if (x is a dlib::matrix) then
+ - #x_vector_size() == x.size()
+ - if (y is a dlib::matrix) then
+ - #y_vector_size() == y.size()
+ !*/
+ const column_matrix mean_x (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() != 0
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean of all the x vectors presented to this object so far.
+ - The returned vector will have x_vector_size() dimensions.
+ !*/
+ const column_matrix mean_y (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() != 0
+ ensures
+ - returns the mean of all the y vectors presented to this object so far.
+ - The returned vector will have y_vector_size() dimensions.
+ !*/
+ const general_matrix covariance_xy (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - current_n() > 1
+ ensures
+ - returns the unbiased sample cross-covariance matrix for all the vector
+ pairs presented to this object so far. In particular, returns a matrix
+ M such that:
+ - == x_vector_size()
+ - == y_vector_size()
+ - M == the cross-covariance matrix of the data given to add().
+ !*/
+ const running_cross_covariance operator+ (
+ const running_cross_covariance& item
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - x_vector_size() == 0 || item.x_vector_size() == 0 || x_vector_size() == item.x_vector_size()
+ (i.e. the x_vector_size() of *this and item must match or one must be zero)
+ - y_vector_size() == 0 || item.y_vector_size() == 0 || y_vector_size() == item.y_vector_size()
+ (i.e. the y_vector_size() of *this and item must match or one must be zero)
+ ensures
+ - returns a new running_cross_covariance object that represents the
+ combination of all the vectors given to *this and item. That is, this
+ function returns a running_cross_covariance object, R, that is equivalent
+ to what you would obtain if all calls to this->add() and item.add() had
+ instead been done to R.
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class vector_normalizer
+ {
+ /*!
+ REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type
+ - must be a dlib::matrix object capable of representing column
+ vectors
+ - in_vector_size() == 0
+ - out_vector_size() == 0
+ - means().size() == 0
+ - std_devs().size() == 0
+ This object represents something that can learn to normalize a set
+ of column vectors. In particular, normalized column vectors should
+ have zero mean and a variance of one.
+ Also, if desired, this object can use principal component
+ analysis for the purposes of reducing the number of elements in a
+ vector.
+ Note that this object contains a cached matrix object it uses
+ to store intermediate results for normalization. This avoids
+ needing to reallocate it every time this object performs normalization
+ but also makes it non-thread safe. So make sure you don't share
+ instances of this object between threads.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef matrix_type result_type;
+ template <typename vector_type>
+ void train (
+ const vector_type& samples
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - samples.size() > 0
+ - samples == a column matrix or something convertible to a column
+ matrix via mat(). Also, x should contain
+ matrix_type objects that represent nonempty column vectors.
+ - samples does not contain any infinite or NaN values
+ ensures
+ - #in_vector_size() == samples(0).nr()
+ - #out_vector_size() == samples(0).nr()
+ - This object has learned how to normalize vectors that look like
+ vectors in the given set of samples.
+ - #means() == mean(samples)
+ - #std_devs() == reciprocal(sqrt(variance(samples)));
+ !*/
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of rows that input vectors are
+ required to contain if they are to be normalized by
+ this object.
+ !*/
+ long out_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of rows in the normalized vectors
+ that come out of this object.
+ !*/
+ const matrix_type& means (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a matrix M such that:
+ - == 1
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - M(i) == the mean of the ith input feature shown to train()
+ !*/
+ const matrix_type& std_devs (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a matrix SD such that:
+ - == 1
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - SD(i) == the reciprocal of the standard deviation of the ith
+ input feature shown to train()
+ !*/
+ const result_type& operator() (
+ const matrix_type& x
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - == 1
+ ensures
+ - returns a normalized version of x, call it Z, that has the
+ following properties:
+ - == out_vector_size()
+ - == 1
+ - the mean of each element of Z is 0
+ - the variance of each element of Z is 1
+ - Z == pointwise_multiply(x-means(), std_devs());
+ !*/
+ void swap (
+ vector_normalizer& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - swaps *this and item
+ !*/
+ };
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& a,
+ vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+ /*!
+ provides a global swap function
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type,
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides deserialization support
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type,
+ >
+ void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class vector_normalizer_pca
+ {
+ /*!
+ REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type
+ - must be a dlib::matrix object capable of representing column
+ vectors
+ - in_vector_size() == 0
+ - out_vector_size() == 0
+ - means().size() == 0
+ - std_devs().size() == 0
+ - pca_matrix().size() == 0
+ This object represents something that can learn to normalize a set
+ of column vectors. In particular, normalized column vectors should
+ have zero mean and a variance of one.
+ Also, this object uses principal component analysis for the purposes
+ of reducing the number of elements in a vector.
+ Note that this object contains a cached matrix object it uses
+ to store intermediate results for normalization. This avoids
+ needing to reallocate it every time this object performs normalization
+ but also makes it non-thread safe. So make sure you don't share
+ instances of this object between threads.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> result_type;
+ template <typename vector_type>
+ void train (
+ const vector_type& samples,
+ const double eps = 0.99
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - 0 < eps <= 1
+ - samples.size() > 0
+ - samples == a column matrix or something convertible to a column
+ matrix via mat(). Also, x should contain
+ matrix_type objects that represent nonempty column vectors.
+ - samples does not contain any infinite or NaN values
+ ensures
+ - This object has learned how to normalize vectors that look like
+ vectors in the given set of samples.
+ - Principal component analysis is performed to find a transform
+ that might reduce the number of output features.
+ - #in_vector_size() == samples(0).nr()
+ - 0 < #out_vector_size() <= samples(0).nr()
+ - eps is a number that controls how "lossy" the pca transform will be.
+ Large values of eps result in #out_vector_size() being larger and
+ smaller values of eps result in #out_vector_size() being smaller.
+ - #means() == mean(samples)
+ - #std_devs() == reciprocal(sqrt(variance(samples)));
+ - #pca_matrix() == the PCA transform matrix that is out_vector_size()
+ rows by in_vector_size() columns.
+ !*/
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of rows that input vectors are
+ required to contain if they are to be normalized by
+ this object.
+ !*/
+ long out_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of rows in the normalized vectors
+ that come out of this object.
+ !*/
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type>& means (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a matrix M such that:
+ - == 1
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - M(i) == the mean of the ith input feature shown to train()
+ !*/
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type>& std_devs (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a matrix SD such that:
+ - == 1
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - SD(i) == the reciprocal of the standard deviation of the ith
+ input feature shown to train()
+ !*/
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type>& pca_matrix (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a matrix PCA such that:
+ - == out_vector_size()
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - PCA == the principal component analysis transformation
+ matrix
+ !*/
+ const result_type& operator() (
+ const matrix_type& x
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - == in_vector_size()
+ - == 1
+ ensures
+ - returns a normalized version of x, call it Z, that has the
+ following properties:
+ - == out_vector_size()
+ - == 1
+ - the mean of each element of Z is 0
+ - the variance of each element of Z is 1
+ - Z == pca_matrix()*pointwise_multiply(x-means(), std_devs());
+ !*/
+ void swap (
+ vector_normalizer_pca& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - swaps *this and item
+ !*/
+ };
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ inline void swap (
+ vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& a,
+ vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& b
+ ) { a.swap(b); }
+ /*!
+ provides a global swap function
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type,
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides deserialization support
+ !*/
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type,
+ >
+ void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer_pca<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/vector_normalizer_frobmetric.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/vector_normalizer_frobmetric.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..690370f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/vector_normalizer_frobmetric.h
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "vector_normalizer_frobmetric_abstract.h"
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include "../optimization.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ struct frobmetric_training_sample
+ {
+ matrix_type anchor_vect;
+ std::vector<matrix_type> near_vects;
+ std::vector<matrix_type> far_vects;
+ unsigned long num_triples (
+ ) const { return near_vects.size() * far_vects.size(); }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ near_vects.clear();
+ far_vects.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void serialize(const frobmetric_training_sample<matrix_type>& item, std::ostream& out)
+ {
+ int version = 1;
+ serialize(version, out);
+ serialize(item.anchor_vect, out);
+ serialize(item.near_vects, out);
+ serialize(item.far_vects, out);
+ }
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void deserialize(frobmetric_training_sample<matrix_type>& item, std::istream& in)
+ {
+ int version = 0;
+ deserialize(version, in);
+ if (version != 1)
+ throw serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::frobmetric_training_sample.");
+ deserialize(item.anchor_vect, in);
+ deserialize(item.near_vects, in);
+ deserialize(item.far_vects, in);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class vector_normalizer_frobmetric
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef matrix_type result_type;
+ private:
+ struct compact_frobmetric_training_sample
+ {
+ std::vector<matrix_type> near_vects;
+ std::vector<matrix_type> far_vects;
+ };
+ struct objective
+ {
+ objective (
+ const std::vector<compact_frobmetric_training_sample>& samples_,
+ matrix<double,0,0,mem_manager_type>& Aminus_,
+ const matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type>& bias_
+ ) : samples(samples_), Aminus(Aminus_), bias(bias_) {}
+ double operator()(const matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type>& u) const
+ {
+ long idx = 0;
+ const long dims = samples[0].far_vects[0].size();
+ // Here we compute \hat A from the paper, which we refer to as just A in
+ // the code.
+ matrix<double,0,0,mem_manager_type> A(dims,dims);
+ A = 0;
+ std::vector<double> ufar, unear;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ufar.assign(samples[i].far_vects.size(),0);
+ unear.assign(samples[i].near_vects.size(),0);
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < unear.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ for (unsigned long k = 0; k < ufar.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ const double val = u(idx++);
+ ufar[k] -= val;
+ unear[j] += val;
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < unear.size(); ++j)
+ A += unear[j]*samples[i].near_vects[j]*trans(samples[i].near_vects[j]);
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < ufar.size(); ++j)
+ A += ufar[j]*samples[i].far_vects[j]*trans(samples[i].far_vects[j]);
+ }
+ eigenvalue_decomposition<matrix<double,0,0,mem_manager_type> > ed(make_symmetric(A));
+ Aminus = ed.get_pseudo_v()*diagm(upperbound(ed.get_real_eigenvalues(),0))*trans(ed.get_pseudo_v());
+ // Do this to avoid numeric instability later on since the above
+ // computation can make Aminus slightly non-symmetric.
+ Aminus = make_symmetric(Aminus);
+ return dot(u,bias) - 0.5*sum(squared(Aminus));
+ }
+ private:
+ const std::vector<compact_frobmetric_training_sample>& samples;
+ matrix<double,0,0,mem_manager_type>& Aminus;
+ const matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type>& bias;
+ };
+ struct derivative
+ {
+ derivative (
+ unsigned long num_triples_,
+ const std::vector<compact_frobmetric_training_sample>& samples_,
+ matrix<double,0,0,mem_manager_type>& Aminus_,
+ const matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type>& bias_
+ ) : num_triples(num_triples_), samples(samples_), Aminus(Aminus_), bias(bias_) {}
+ matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type> operator()(const matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type>& ) const
+ {
+ // Note that Aminus is a function of u (the argument to this function), but
+ // since Aminus will have been computed already by the most recent call to
+ // the objective function we don't need to do anything with u. We can just
+ // use Aminus right away.
+ matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type> grad(num_triples);
+ long idx = 0;
+ std::vector<double> ufar, unear;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ufar.resize(samples[i].far_vects.size());
+ unear.resize(samples[i].near_vects.size());
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < unear.size(); ++j)
+ unear[j] = sum(pointwise_multiply(Aminus, samples[i].near_vects[j]*trans(samples[i].near_vects[j])));
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < ufar.size(); ++j)
+ ufar[j] = sum(pointwise_multiply(Aminus, samples[i].far_vects[j]*trans(samples[i].far_vects[j])));
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples[i].near_vects.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ for (unsigned long k = 0; k < samples[i].far_vects.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ grad(idx) = bias(idx) + ufar[k]-unear[j];
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return grad;
+ }
+ private:
+ const unsigned long num_triples;
+ const std::vector<compact_frobmetric_training_sample>& samples;
+ matrix<double,0,0,mem_manager_type>& Aminus;
+ const matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type>& bias;
+ };
+ class custom_stop_strategy
+ {
+ public:
+ custom_stop_strategy(
+ double C_,
+ double eps_,
+ bool be_verbose_,
+ unsigned long max_iter_
+ )
+ {
+ _c = C_;
+ _cur_iter = 0;
+ _gradient_thresh = eps_;
+ _max_iter = max_iter_;
+ _verbose = be_verbose_;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ bool should_continue_search (
+ const T& u,
+ const double ,
+ const T& grad
+ )
+ {
+ ++_cur_iter;
+ double max_gradient = 0;
+ for (long i = 0; i < grad.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const bool at_lower_bound = (0 >= u(i) && grad(i) > 0);
+ const bool at_upper_bound = (_c/grad.size() <= u(i) && grad(i) < 0);
+ if (!at_lower_bound && !at_upper_bound)
+ max_gradient = std::max(std::abs(grad(i)), max_gradient);
+ }
+ if (_verbose)
+ {
+ std::cout << "iteration: " << _cur_iter << " max_gradient: "<< max_gradient << std::endl;
+ }
+ // Only stop when the largest non-bound-constrained element of the gradient
+ // is lower than the threshold.
+ if (max_gradient < _gradient_thresh)
+ return false;
+ // Check if we have hit the max allowable number of iterations.
+ if (_cur_iter > _max_iter)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool _verbose;
+ unsigned long _max_iter;
+ unsigned long _cur_iter;
+ double _c;
+ double _gradient_thresh;
+ };
+ public:
+ vector_normalizer_frobmetric (
+ )
+ {
+ verbose = false;
+ eps = 0.1;
+ C = 1;
+ max_iter = 5000;
+ _use_identity_matrix_prior = false;
+ }
+ bool uses_identity_matrix_prior (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return _use_identity_matrix_prior;
+ }
+ void set_uses_identity_matrix_prior (
+ bool use_prior
+ )
+ {
+ _use_identity_matrix_prior = use_prior;
+ }
+ void be_verbose(
+ )
+ {
+ verbose = true;
+ }
+ void set_epsilon (
+ double eps_
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(eps_ > 0,
+ "\t void vector_normalizer_frobmetric::set_epsilon(eps_)"
+ << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t eps: " << eps_
+ );
+ eps = eps_;
+ }
+ double get_epsilon (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return eps;
+ }
+ void set_c (
+ double C_
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ "\t void vector_normalizer_frobmetric::set_c()"
+ << "\n\t C_ must be greater than 0"
+ << "\n\t C_: " << C_
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ C = C_;
+ }
+ void set_max_iterations (
+ unsigned long max_iterations
+ )
+ {
+ max_iter = max_iterations;
+ }
+ unsigned long get_max_iterations (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return max_iter;
+ }
+ double get_c (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return C;
+ }
+ void be_quiet (
+ )
+ {
+ verbose = false;
+ }
+ void train (
+ const std::vector<frobmetric_training_sample<matrix_type> >& samples
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(samples.size() > 0,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t you have to give a nonempty set of samples to this function"
+ );
+ {
+ const long dims = samples[0].anchor_vect.size();
+ DLIB_ASSERT(dims != 0,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t The dimension of the input vectors can't be zero."
+ );
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(samples[i].anchor_vect),
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t i: " << i
+ );
+ DLIB_ASSERT(samples[i].anchor_vect.size() == dims,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t i: " << i
+ << "\n\t dims: " << dims
+ << "\n\t samples[i].anchor_vect.size(): " << samples[i].anchor_vect.size()
+ );
+ DLIB_ASSERT(samples[i].num_triples() != 0,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t It is illegal for a training sample to have no data in it"
+ << "\n\t i: " << i
+ );
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples[i].near_vects.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(samples[i].near_vects[j]),
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t i: " << i
+ << "\n\t j: " << j
+ );
+ DLIB_ASSERT(samples[i].near_vects[j].size() == dims,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t i: " << i
+ << "\n\t j: " << j
+ << "\n\t dims: " << dims
+ << "\n\t samples[i].near_vects[j].size(): " << samples[i].near_vects[j].size()
+ );
+ }
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples[i].far_vects.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(samples[i].far_vects[j]),
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t i: " << i
+ << "\n\t j: " << j
+ );
+ DLIB_ASSERT(samples[i].far_vects[j].size() == dims,
+ "\tvoid vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
+ << "\n\t i: " << i
+ << "\n\t j: " << j
+ << "\n\t dims: " << dims
+ << "\n\t samples[i].far_vects[j].size(): " << samples[i].far_vects[j].size()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // end ENABLE_ASSERTS
+ // compute the mean sample
+ m = 0;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ m += samples[i].anchor_vect;
+ m /= samples.size();
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_finite(m), "Some of the input vectors to vector_normalizer_frobmetric::train() have infinite or NaN values");
+ // Now we need to find tform. So we setup the optimization problem and run it
+ // over the next few lines of code.
+ unsigned long num_triples = 0;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
+ num_triples += samples[i].near_vects.size()*samples[i].far_vects.size();
+ matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type> u(num_triples);
+ matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type> bias(num_triples);
+ u = 0;
+ bias = 1;
+ // precompute all the anchor_vect to far_vects/near_vects pairs
+ std::vector<compact_frobmetric_training_sample> data(samples.size());
+ unsigned long cnt = 0;
+ std::vector<double> far_norm, near_norm;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ far_norm.clear();
+ near_norm.clear();
+ data[i].far_vects.reserve(samples[i].far_vects.size());
+ data[i].near_vects.reserve(samples[i].near_vects.size());
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples[i].far_vects.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ data[i].far_vects.push_back(samples[i].anchor_vect - samples[i].far_vects[j]);
+ if (_use_identity_matrix_prior)
+ far_norm.push_back(length_squared(data[i].far_vects.back()));
+ }
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples[i].near_vects.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ data[i].near_vects.push_back(samples[i].anchor_vect - samples[i].near_vects[j]);
+ if (_use_identity_matrix_prior)
+ near_norm.push_back(length_squared(data[i].near_vects.back()));
+ }
+ // Note that this loop only executes if _use_identity_matrix_prior == true.
+ for (unsigned long j = 0; j < near_norm.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ for (unsigned long k = 0; k < far_norm.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ bias(cnt++) = 1 - (far_norm[k] - near_norm[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now run the main part of the algorithm
+ matrix<double,0,0,mem_manager_type> Aminus;
+ find_max_box_constrained(lbfgs_search_strategy(10),
+ custom_stop_strategy(C, eps, verbose, max_iter),
+ objective(data, Aminus, bias),
+ derivative(num_triples, data, Aminus, bias),
+ u, 0, C/num_triples);
+ // What we need is the optimal Aminus which is a function of u. So we already
+ // have what we need and just need to put it into tform.
+ eigenvalue_decomposition<matrix<double,0,0,mem_manager_type> > ed(make_symmetric(-Aminus));
+ matrix<double,0,1,mem_manager_type> eigs = ed.get_real_eigenvalues();
+ // But first, discard the components that are zero to within the machine epsilon.
+ const double tol = max(eigs)*std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
+ for (long i = 0; i < eigs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (eigs(i) < tol)
+ eigs(i) = 0;
+ }
+ if (_use_identity_matrix_prior)
+ tform = matrix_cast<scalar_type>(identity_matrix(Aminus) + diagm(sqrt(eigs))*trans(ed.get_pseudo_v()));
+ else
+ tform = matrix_cast<scalar_type>(diagm(sqrt(eigs))*trans(ed.get_pseudo_v()));
+ // Pre-apply the transform to m so we don't have to do it inside operator()
+ // every time it's called.
+ m = tform*m;
+ }
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ long out_vector_size (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type>& transformed_means (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return m;
+ }
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type>& transform (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return tform;
+ }
+ const result_type& operator() (
+ const matrix_type& x
+ ) const
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(in_vector_size() != 0 && in_vector_size() == x.size() &&
+ is_col_vector(x) == true,
+ "\tmatrix vector_normalizer_frobmetric::operator()"
+ << "\n\t you have given invalid arguments to this function"
+ << "\n\t in_vector_size(): " << in_vector_size()
+ << "\n\t x.size(): " << x.size()
+ << "\n\t is_col_vector(x): " << is_col_vector(x)
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ temp_out = tform*x-m;
+ return temp_out;
+ }
+ template <typename mt>
+ friend void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer_frobmetric<mt>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ template <typename mt>
+ friend void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer_frobmetric<mt>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ private:
+ // ------------------- private data members -------------------
+ matrix_type m;
+ matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> tform;
+ bool verbose;
+ double eps;
+ double C;
+ unsigned long max_iter;
+ bool _use_identity_matrix_prior;
+ // This is just a temporary variable that doesn't contribute to the
+ // state of this object.
+ mutable matrix_type temp_out;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer_frobmetric<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ )
+ {
+ const int version = 2;
+ serialize(version, out);
+ serialize(item.m, out);
+ serialize(item.tform, out);
+ serialize(item.verbose, out);
+ serialize(item.eps, out);
+ serialize(item.C, out);
+ serialize(item.max_iter, out);
+ serialize(item._use_identity_matrix_prior, out);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer_frobmetric<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ )
+ {
+ int version = 0;
+ deserialize(version, in);
+ if (version != 1 && version != 2)
+ throw serialization_error("Unsupported version found while deserializing dlib::vector_normalizer_frobmetric.");
+ deserialize(item.m, in);
+ deserialize(item.tform, in);
+ deserialize(item.verbose, in);
+ deserialize(item.eps, in);
+ deserialize(item.C, in);
+ deserialize(item.max_iter, in);
+ if (version == 2)
+ deserialize(item._use_identity_matrix_prior, in);
+ else
+ item._use_identity_matrix_prior = false;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/vector_normalizer_frobmetric_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/vector_normalizer_frobmetric_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..302628330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/statistics/vector_normalizer_frobmetric_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "../matrix.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ struct frobmetric_training_sample
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object represents a training data sample for the
+ vector_normalizer_frobmetric object. It defines a set of training triplets
+ relative to a single anchor_vect vector. That is, it specifies that the
+ learned distance metric should satisfy num_triples() constraints which are,
+ for all valid i and j:
+ length(T*anchor_vect-T*near_vects[i]) + 1 < length(T*anchor_vect - T*far_vects[j])
+ for some appropriate linear transformation T which will be learned by
+ vector_normalizer_frobmetric.
+ !*/
+ matrix_type anchor_vect;
+ std::vector<matrix_type> near_vects;
+ std::vector<matrix_type> far_vects;
+ unsigned long num_triples (
+ ) const { return near_vects.size() * far_vects.size(); }
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of training triplets defined by this object.
+ !*/
+ void clear()
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #near_vects.size() == 0
+ - #far_vects.size() == 0
+ !*/
+ };
+ template < typename matrix_type >
+ void serialize(const frobmetric_training_sample<matrix_type>& item, std::ostream& out)
+ template < typename matrix_type >
+ void deserialize(frobmetric_training_sample<matrix_type>& item, std::istream& in)
+ /*!
+ provides serialisation support.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ class vector_normalizer_frobmetric
+ {
+ /*!
+ REQUIREMENTS ON matrix_type
+ - must be a dlib::matrix object capable of representing column
+ vectors
+ - in_vector_size() == 0
+ - out_vector_size() == 0
+ - get_epsilon() == 0.1
+ - get_c() == 1
+ - get_max_iterations() == 5000
+ - This object is not verbose
+ - uses_identity_matrix_prior() == false
+ This object is a tool for performing the FrobMetric distance metric
+ learning algorithm described in the following paper:
+ A Scalable Dual Approach to Semidefinite Metric Learning
+ By Chunhua Shen, Junae Kim, Lei Wang, in CVPR 2011
+ Therefore, this object is a tool that takes as input training triplets
+ (anchor_vect, near, far) of vectors and attempts to learn a linear
+ transformation T such that:
+ length(T*anchor_vect-T*near) + 1 < length(T*anchor_vect - T*far)
+ That is, you give a bunch of anchor_vect vectors and for each anchor_vect
+ you specify some vectors which should be near to it and some that should be
+ far form it. This object then tries to find a transformation matrix that
+ makes the "near" vectors close to their anchors while the "far" vectors are
+ farther away.
+ Note that this object contains a cached matrix object it uses
+ to store intermediate results for normalization. This avoids
+ needing to reallocate it every time this object performs normalization
+ but also makes it non-thread safe. So make sure you don't share
+ instances of this object between threads.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
+ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
+ typedef matrix_type result_type;
+ vector_normalizer_frobmetric (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ bool uses_identity_matrix_prior (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Normally this object will try and find a matrix transform() that
+ minimizes sum(squared(transform())) but also fits the training data.
+ However, if #uses_identity_matrix_prior() == true then it will instead
+ try to find the transformation matrix that minimizes
+ sum(squared(identity_matrix()-transform())). That is, it will try to
+ find the matrix most similar to the identity matrix that best fits the
+ training data.
+ !*/
+ void set_uses_identity_matrix_prior (
+ bool use_prior
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #uses_identity_matrix_prior() == use_prior
+ !*/
+ void be_verbose(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - This object will print status messages to standard out so the user can
+ observe the progress of the train() routine.
+ !*/
+ void be_quiet (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - this object will not print anything to standard out.
+ !*/
+ void set_epsilon (
+ double eps
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - eps > 0
+ ensures
+ - #get_epsilon() == eps
+ !*/
+ double get_epsilon (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the error epsilon that determines when training should stop.
+ Smaller values may result in a more accurate solution but take longer to
+ execute.
+ !*/
+ void set_c (
+ double C
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - C > 0
+ ensures
+ - #set_c() == C
+ !*/
+ double get_c (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the regularization parameter. It is the parameter that
+ determines the trade-off between trying to fit the training data exactly
+ or allowing more errors but hopefully improving the generalization of the
+ resulting distance metric. Larger values encourage exact fitting while
+ smaller values of C may encourage better generalization.
+ !*/
+ void set_max_iterations (
+ unsigned long max_iterations
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #get_max_iterations() == max_iterations
+ !*/
+ unsigned long get_max_iterations (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - The train() routine uses an iterative numerical solver to find the best
+ distance metric. This function returns the maximum allowable number of
+ iterations it will use before terminating. Note that typically the
+ solver terminates prior to the max iteration count limit due to the error
+ dropping below get_epsilon().
+ !*/
+ void train (
+ const std::vector<frobmetric_training_sample<matrix_type> >& samples
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - samples.size() != 0
+ - All matrices inside samples (i.e. anchors and elements of near_vects and far_vects)
+ are column vectors with the same non-zero dimension.
+ - All the vectors in samples contain finite values.
+ - All elements of samples contain data, specifically, for all valid i:
+ - samples[i].num_triples() != 0
+ ensures
+ - learns a distance metric from the given training samples. After train
+ finishes you can use this object's operator() to transform vectors
+ according to the learned distance metric. In particular, we will have:
+ - #transform() == The linear transformation learned by the FrobMetric
+ learning procedure.
+ - #in_vector_size() == samples[0].anchor_vect.size()
+ - You can call (*this)(x) to transform a vector according to the learned
+ distance metric. That is, it should generally be the case that:
+ - length((*this)(anchor_vect) - (*this)(near)) + 1 < length((*this)(anchor_vect) - (*this)(far))
+ for the anchor_vect, near, and far vectors in the training data.
+ - #transformed_means() == the mean of the input anchor_vect vectors
+ after being transformed by #transform()
+ !*/
+ long in_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of rows that input vectors are required to contain if
+ they are to be normalized by this object.
+ !*/
+ long out_vector_size (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of rows in the normalized vectors that come out of
+ this object.
+ - The value returned is always in_vector_size(). So out_vector_size() is
+ just provided to maintain interface consistency with other vector
+ normalizer objects. That is, the transformations applied by this object
+ do not change the dimensionality of the vectors.
+ !*/
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type>& transformed_means (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a column vector V such that:
+ - V.size() == in_vector_size()
+ - V is a vector such that subtracting it from transformed vectors
+ results in them having an expected value of 0. Therefore, it is
+ equal to transform() times the mean of the input anchor_vect vectors
+ given to train().
+ !*/
+ const matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type>& transform (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a copy of the transformation matrix we learned during the last
+ call to train().
+ - The returned matrix is square and has in_vector_size() by in_vector_size()
+ dimensions.
+ !*/
+ const result_type& operator() (
+ const matrix_type& x
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - in_vector_size() != 0
+ - in_vector_size() == x.size()
+ - is_col_vector(x) == true
+ ensures
+ - returns a normalized version of x, call it Z, that has the following
+ properties:
+ - Z == The result of applying the linear transform we learned during
+ train() to the input vector x.
+ - Z == transform()*x-transformed_means()
+ - is_col_vector(Z) == true
+ - Z.size() == x.size()
+ - The expected value of each element of Z is 0.
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void serialize (
+ const vector_normalizer_frobmetric<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::ostream& out
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides serialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename matrix_type
+ >
+ void deserialize (
+ vector_normalizer_frobmetric<matrix_type>& item,
+ std::istream& in
+ );
+ /*!
+ provides deserialization support
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------