path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/rr_trainer.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/svm/rr_trainer.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/rr_trainer.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/rr_trainer.h
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--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/svm/rr_trainer.h
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-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#ifndef DLIB_RR_TRAInER_Hh_
-#define DLIB_RR_TRAInER_Hh_
-#include "../algs.h"
-#include "function.h"
-#include "kernel.h"
-#include "empirical_kernel_map.h"
-#include "linearly_independent_subset_finder.h"
-#include "../statistics.h"
-#include "rr_trainer_abstract.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace dlib
- template <
- typename K
- >
- class rr_trainer
- {
- public:
- typedef K kernel_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
- typedef decision_function<kernel_type> trained_function_type;
- // You are getting a compiler error on this line because you supplied a non-linear or
- // sparse kernel to the rr_trainer object. You have to use dlib::linear_kernel with this trainer.
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<K, linear_kernel<sample_type> >::value));
- rr_trainer (
- ) :
- verbose(false),
- use_regression_loss(true),
- lambda(0)
- {
- // default lambda search list
- lams = matrix_cast<scalar_type>(logspace(-9, 2, 50));
- }
- void be_verbose (
- )
- {
- verbose = true;
- }
- void be_quiet (
- )
- {
- verbose = false;
- }
- void use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv (
- )
- {
- use_regression_loss = true;
- }
- void use_classification_loss_for_loo_cv (
- )
- {
- use_regression_loss = false;
- }
- bool will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv (
- ) const
- {
- return use_regression_loss;
- }
- const kernel_type get_kernel (
- ) const
- {
- return kernel_type();
- }
- void set_lambda (
- scalar_type lambda_
- )
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(lambda_ >= 0,
- "\t void rr_trainer::set_lambda()"
- << "\n\t lambda must be greater than or equal to 0"
- << "\n\t lambda: " << lambda
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- );
- lambda = lambda_;
- }
- const scalar_type get_lambda (
- ) const
- {
- return lambda;
- }
- template <typename EXP>
- void set_search_lambdas (
- const matrix_exp<EXP>& lambdas
- )
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(is_vector(lambdas) && lambdas.size() > 0 && min(lambdas) > 0,
- "\t void rr_trainer::set_search_lambdas()"
- << "\n\t lambdas must be a non-empty vector of values"
- << "\n\t is_vector(lambdas): " << is_vector(lambdas)
- << "\n\t lambdas.size(): " << lambdas.size()
- << "\n\t min(lambdas): " << min(lambdas)
- << "\n\t this: " << this
- );
- lams = matrix_cast<scalar_type>(lambdas);
- }
- const matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type>& get_search_lambdas (
- ) const
- {
- return lams;
- }
- template <
- typename in_sample_vector_type,
- typename in_scalar_vector_type
- >
- const decision_function<kernel_type> train (
- const in_sample_vector_type& x,
- const in_scalar_vector_type& y
- ) const
- {
- std::vector<scalar_type> temp;
- scalar_type temp2;
- return do_train(mat(x), mat(y), false, temp, temp2);
- }
- template <
- typename in_sample_vector_type,
- typename in_scalar_vector_type
- >
- const decision_function<kernel_type> train (
- const in_sample_vector_type& x,
- const in_scalar_vector_type& y,
- std::vector<scalar_type>& loo_values
- ) const
- {
- scalar_type temp;
- return do_train(mat(x), mat(y), true, loo_values, temp);
- }
- template <
- typename in_sample_vector_type,
- typename in_scalar_vector_type
- >
- const decision_function<kernel_type> train (
- const in_sample_vector_type& x,
- const in_scalar_vector_type& y,
- std::vector<scalar_type>& loo_values,
- scalar_type& lambda_used
- ) const
- {
- return do_train(mat(x), mat(y), true, loo_values, lambda_used);
- }
- private:
- template <
- typename in_sample_vector_type,
- typename in_scalar_vector_type
- >
- const decision_function<kernel_type> do_train (
- const in_sample_vector_type& x,
- const in_scalar_vector_type& y,
- const bool output_loo_values,
- std::vector<scalar_type>& loo_values,
- scalar_type& the_lambda
- ) const
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(is_learning_problem(x,y),
- "\t decision_function rr_trainer::train(x,y)"
- << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function"
- << "\n\t is_vector(x): " << is_vector(x)
- << "\n\t is_vector(y): " << is_vector(y)
- << "\n\t x.size(): " << x.size()
- << "\n\t y.size(): " << y.size()
- );
- if (get_lambda() == 0 && will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv() == false)
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(is_binary_classification_problem(x,y),
- "\t decision_function rr_trainer::train(x,y)"
- << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function"
- );
- }
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1,mem_manager_type> column_matrix_type;
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> general_matrix_type;
- const long dims = x(0).size();
- /*
- Notes on the solution of ridge regression
- Let A = an x.size() by dims matrix which contains all the data samples.
- Let I = an identity matrix
- Let C = trans(A)*A
- Let L = trans(A)*y
- Then the optimal w is given by:
- w = inv(C + lambda*I) * L
- There is a trick to compute leave one out cross validation results for many different
- lambda values quickly. The following paper has a detailed discussion of various
- approaches:
- Notes on Regularized Least Squares by Ryan M. Rifkin and Ross A. Lippert.
- In the implementation of the rr_trainer I'm only using two simple equations
- from the above paper.
- First note that inv(C + lambda*I) can be computed for many different lambda
- values in an efficient way by using an eigen decomposition of C. So we use
- the fact that:
- inv(C + lambda*I) == V*inv(D + lambda*I)*trans(V)
- where V*D*trans(V) == C
- Also, via some simple linear algebra the above paper works out that the leave one out
- value for a sample x(i) is equal to the following:
- Let G = inv(C + lambda*I)
- let val = trans(x(i))*G*x(i);
- leave one out value for sample x(i):
- LOOV = (trans(w)*x(i) - y(i)*val) / (1 - val)
- leave one out error for sample x(i):
- LOOE = loss(y(i), LOOV)
- Finally, note that we will pretend there was a 1 appended to the end of each
- vector in x. We won't actually do that though because we don't want to
- have to make a copy of all the samples. So throughout the following code
- I have explicitly dealt with this.
- */
- general_matrix_type C, tempm, G;
- column_matrix_type L, tempv, w;
- // compute C and L
- for (long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- C += x(i)*trans(x(i));
- L += y(i)*x(i);
- tempv += x(i);
- }
- // Account for the extra 1 that we pretend is appended to x
- // Make C = [C tempv
- // tempv' x.size()]
- C = join_cols(join_rows(C, tempv),
- join_rows(trans(tempv), uniform_matrix<scalar_type>(1,1, x.size())));
- L = join_cols(L, uniform_matrix<scalar_type>(1,1, sum(y)));
- eigenvalue_decomposition<general_matrix_type> eig(make_symmetric(C));
- const general_matrix_type V = eig.get_pseudo_v();
- const column_matrix_type D = eig.get_real_eigenvalues();
- // We can save some work by pre-multiplying the x vectors by trans(V)
- // and saving the result so we don't have to recompute it over and over later.
- matrix<column_matrix_type,0,1,mem_manager_type > Vx;
- if (lambda == 0 || output_loo_values)
- {
- // Save the transpose of V into a temporary because the subsequent matrix
- // vector multiplies will be faster (because of better cache locality).
- const general_matrix_type transV( colm(trans(V),range(0,dims-1)) );
- // Remember the pretend 1 at the end of x(*). We want to multiply trans(V)*x(*)
- // so to do this we pull the last column off trans(V) and store it separately.
- const column_matrix_type lastV = colm(trans(V), dims);
- Vx.set_size(x.size());
- for (long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- Vx(i) = transV*x(i);
- Vx(i) = squared(Vx(i) + lastV);
- }
- }
- the_lambda = lambda;
- // If we need to automatically select a lambda then do so using the LOOE trick described
- // above.
- bool did_loov = false;
- scalar_type best_looe = std::numeric_limits<scalar_type>::max();
- if (lambda == 0)
- {
- did_loov = true;
- // Compute leave one out errors for a bunch of different lambdas and pick the best one.
- for (long idx = 0; idx < lams.size(); ++idx)
- {
- // first compute G
- tempv = 1.0/(D + lams(idx));
- tempm = scale_columns(V,tempv);
- G = tempm*trans(V);
- // compute the solution w for the current lambda
- w = G*L;
- // make w have the same length as the x vectors.
- const scalar_type b = w(dims);
- w = colm(w,0,dims);
- scalar_type looe = 0;
- for (long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- // perform equivalent of: val = trans(x(i))*G*x(i);
- const scalar_type val = dot(tempv, Vx(i));
- const scalar_type temp = (1 - val);
- scalar_type loov;
- if (temp != 0)
- loov = (trans(w)*x(i) + b - y(i)*val) / temp;
- else
- loov = 0;
- looe += loss(loov, y(i));
- }
- // Keep track of the lambda which gave the lowest looe. If two lambdas
- // have the same looe then pick the biggest lambda.
- if (looe < best_looe || (looe == best_looe && lams(idx) > the_lambda))
- {
- best_looe = looe;
- the_lambda = lams(idx);
- }
- }
- best_looe /= x.size();
- }
- // Now perform the main training. That is, find w.
- // first, compute G = inv(C + the_lambda*I)
- tempv = 1.0/(D + the_lambda);
- tempm = scale_columns(V,tempv);
- G = tempm*trans(V);
- w = G*L;
- // make w have the same length as the x vectors.
- const scalar_type b = w(dims);
- w = colm(w,0,dims);
- // If we haven't done this already and we are supposed to then compute the LOO error rate for
- // the current lambda and store the result in best_looe.
- if (output_loo_values)
- {
- loo_values.resize(x.size());
- did_loov = true;
- best_looe = 0;
- for (long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- // perform equivalent of: val = trans(x(i))*G*x(i);
- const scalar_type val = dot(tempv, Vx(i));
- const scalar_type temp = (1 - val);
- scalar_type loov;
- if (temp != 0)
- loov = (trans(w)*x(i) + b - y(i)*val) / temp;
- else
- loov = 0;
- best_looe += loss(loov, y(i));
- loo_values[i] = loov;
- }
- best_looe /= x.size();
- }
- else
- {
- loo_values.clear();
- }
- if (verbose && did_loov)
- {
- using namespace std;
- cout << "Using lambda: " << the_lambda << endl;
- if (use_regression_loss)
- cout << "LOO Mean Squared Error: " << best_looe << endl;
- else
- cout << "LOO Classification Error: " << best_looe << endl;
- }
- // convert w into a proper decision function
- decision_function<kernel_type> df;
- df.alpha.set_size(1);
- df.alpha = 1;
- df.basis_vectors.set_size(1);
- df.basis_vectors(0) = w;
- df.b = -b; // don't forget about the bias we stuck onto all the vectors
- return df;
- }
- inline scalar_type loss (
- const scalar_type& a,
- const scalar_type& b
- ) const
- {
- if (use_regression_loss)
- {
- return (a-b)*(a-b);
- }
- else
- {
- // if a and b have the same sign then no loss
- if (a*b >= 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /*!
- - get_lambda() == lambda
- - get_kernel() == kernel_type()
- - will_use_regression_loss_for_loo_cv() == use_regression_loss
- - get_search_lambdas() == lams
- !*/
- bool verbose;
- bool use_regression_loss;
- scalar_type lambda;
- matrix<scalar_type,0,0,mem_manager_type> lams;
- };
-#endif // DLIB_RR_TRAInER_Hh_