path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/test')
165 files changed, 0 insertions, 64370 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/CMakeLists.txt b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d6147cb0e..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# This is a CMake makefile. You can find the cmake utility and
-# information about it at
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
-# create a variable called target_name and set it to the string "dtest"
-set (target_name dtest)
-# compile the dlib/all/source.cpp file into its own object just to make sure it compiles
-add_subdirectory(.. dlib_build)
-# This variable contains a list of all the tests we are building
-# into the regression test suite.
-set (tests
- example.cpp
- active_learning.cpp
- any.cpp
- any_function.cpp
- array2d.cpp
- array.cpp
- assignment_learning.cpp
- base64.cpp
- bayes_nets.cpp
- bigint.cpp
- binary_search_tree_kernel_1a.cpp
- binary_search_tree_kernel_2a.cpp
- binary_search_tree_mm1.cpp
- binary_search_tree_mm2.cpp
- bridge.cpp
- bsp.cpp
- byte_orderer.cpp
- cca.cpp
- clustering.cpp
- cmd_line_parser.cpp
- cmd_line_parser_wchar_t.cpp
- compress_stream.cpp
- conditioning_class_c.cpp
- conditioning_class.cpp
- config_reader.cpp
- correlation_tracker.cpp
- crc32.cpp
- create_iris_datafile.cpp
- data_io.cpp
- directed_graph.cpp
- discriminant_pca.cpp
- disjoint_subsets.cpp
- disjoint_subsets_sized.cpp
- ekm_and_lisf.cpp
- empirical_kernel_map.cpp
- entropy_coder.cpp
- entropy_encoder_model.cpp
- example_args.cpp
- face.cpp
- fft.cpp
- fhog.cpp
- filtering.cpp
- find_max_factor_graph_nmplp.cpp
- find_max_factor_graph_viterbi.cpp
- geometry.cpp
- graph.cpp
- graph_cuts.cpp
- graph_labeler.cpp
- hash.cpp
- hash_map.cpp
- hash_set.cpp
- hash_table.cpp
- hog_image.cpp
- image.cpp
- iosockstream.cpp
- is_same_object.cpp
- isotonic_regression.cpp
- kcentroid.cpp
- kernel_matrix.cpp
- kmeans.cpp
- learning_to_track.cpp
- least_squares.cpp
- linear_manifold_regularizer.cpp
- lspi.cpp
- lz77_buffer.cpp
- map.cpp
- matrix2.cpp
- matrix3.cpp
- matrix4.cpp
- matrix_chol.cpp
- matrix.cpp
- matrix_eig.cpp
- matrix_lu.cpp
- matrix_qr.cpp
- max_cost_assignment.cpp
- max_sum_submatrix.cpp
- md5.cpp
- member_function_pointer.cpp
- metaprogramming.cpp
- mpc.cpp
- multithreaded_object.cpp
- numerical_integration.cpp
- object_detector.cpp
- oca.cpp
- one_vs_all_trainer.cpp
- one_vs_one_trainer.cpp
- optimization.cpp
- optimization_test_functions.cpp
- global_optimization.cpp
- opt_qp_solver.cpp
- parallel_for.cpp
- parse.cpp
- pipe.cpp
- pixel.cpp
- probabilistic.cpp
- pyramid_down.cpp
- queue.cpp
- rand.cpp
- ranking.cpp
- read_write_mutex.cpp
- reference_counter.cpp
- rls.cpp
- random_forest.cpp
- sammon.cpp
- scan_image.cpp
- sequence.cpp
- sequence_labeler.cpp
- sequence_segmenter.cpp
- serialize.cpp
- set.cpp
- sldf.cpp
- sliding_buffer.cpp
- sockets2.cpp
- sockets.cpp
- sockstreambuf.cpp
- sparse_vector.cpp
- stack.cpp
- static_map.cpp
- static_set.cpp
- statistics.cpp
- std_vector_c.cpp
- string.cpp
- svm_c_linear.cpp
- svm_c_linear_dcd.cpp
- svm.cpp
- svm_multiclass_linear.cpp
- svm_struct.cpp
- svr_linear_trainer.cpp
- symmetric_matrix_cache.cpp
- thread_pool.cpp
- threads.cpp
- timer.cpp
- tokenizer.cpp
- trust_region.cpp
- tuple.cpp
- type_safe_union.cpp
- vectorstream.cpp
- dnn.cpp
- cublas.cpp
- find_optimal_parameters.cpp
- elastic_net.cpp
- )
-# add all the cpp files we want to compile to this list. This tells
-# cmake that they are part of our target (which is the executable named dtest)
-ADD_EXECUTABLE(${target_name} main.cpp tester.cpp ${tests})
-# Turn on all warnings when using gcc.
- add_definitions("-W -Wall")
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${target_name} dlib::dlib )
- add_subdirectory(gui)
- add_subdirectory(examples)
- add_subdirectory(tools)
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/WINDOWS_build_and_run_all_unit_tests.bat b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/WINDOWS_build_and_run_all_unit_tests.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cacfa631..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/WINDOWS_build_and_run_all_unit_tests.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-date /T > test_log.txt
-time /T >> test_log.txt
-rem the pings are to wait between builds so visual studio doesn't get in a funk.
-echo testing python >> test_log.txt
-rmdir /S /Q build_python
-mkdir build_python
-cd build_python
-cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ../../../tools/python -DPYTHON3=ON
-cmake --build . --config Release --target install || exit /B
-ping -n 5 -w 1000 > null
-cd ..
-echo testing vc2015 >> test_log.txt
-rmdir /S /Q build_vc2015_64
-mkdir build_vc2015_64
-cd build_vc2015_64
-cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
-cmake --build . --config Release || exit /B
-ping -n 5 -w 1000 > null
-cmake --build . --config Debug || exit /B
-ping -n 5 -w 1000 > null
-cd Release
-dtest --runall -d || exit /B
-cd ..
-cd ..
-del null
-type test_log.txt
-date /T
-time /T
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/active_learning.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/active_learning.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dc0013a5..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/active_learning.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.active_learning");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef matrix<double, 0, 1> sample_type;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_dataset (
- std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- std::vector<double>& labels
- )
- {
- for (int r = -10; r <= 10; ++r)
- {
- for (int c = -10; c <= 10; ++c)
- {
- sample_type samp(2);
- samp(0) = r;
- samp(1) = c;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- // if this point is less than 10 from the origin
- if (sqrt((double)r*r + c*c) <= 8)
- labels.push_back(+1);
- else
- labels.push_back(-1);
- }
- }
- vector_normalizer<sample_type> normalizer;
- normalizer.train(samples);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- samples[i] = normalizer(samples[i]);
- randomize_samples(samples, labels);
- /*
- cout << "samples.size(): " << samples.size() << endl;
- cout << "num +1 samples: "<< sum(mat(labels) > 0) << endl;
- cout << "num -1 samples: "<< sum(mat(labels) < 0) << endl;
- */
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm;
- ekm.load(kernel_type(0.15), samples);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- samples[i] = ekm.project(samples[i]);
- //cout << "dims: "<< ekm.out_vector_size() << endl;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- const std::vector<double>& labels,
- active_learning_mode mode,
- int iterations,
- bool pick_front
- )
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> s;
- s = sum(mat(labels) > 0), sum(mat(labels) < 0);
- s /= labels.size();
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<linear_kernel<sample_type> > trainer;
- trainer.set_c(25);
- const unsigned long initial_size = 1;
- std::vector<sample_type> tsamples(samples.begin(), samples.begin()+initial_size);
- std::vector<double> tlabels(labels.begin(), labels.begin()+initial_size);
- decision_function<linear_kernel<sample_type> > df;
- double random_score = 0;
- double active_learning_score = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
- {
- print_spinner();
- random_subset_selector<sample_type> sss = randomly_subsample(samples,50,i);
- random_subset_selector<double> ssl = randomly_subsample(labels,50,i);
- std::vector<unsigned long> results;
- results = rank_unlabeled_training_samples(trainer, tsamples, tlabels, sss, mode);
- const unsigned long idx = pick_front ? results.front() : results.back();
- tsamples.push_back(sss[idx]);
- tlabels.push_back(ssl[idx]);
- df = trainer.train(tsamples, tlabels);
- //cout << "tsamples.size(): " << tsamples.size() << endl;
- const unsigned long num = tsamples.size();
- const double active = test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels)*s;
- //cout << "test: "<< active;
- df = trainer.train(randomly_subsample(samples,num,i), randomly_subsample(labels,num,i));
- const double random = test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels)*s;
- //cout << "test: "<< random << endl;
- active_learning_score += active;
- random_score += random;
- //cout << "\n\n***********\n\n" << flush;
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "pick_front: " << pick_front << " mode: "<< mode;
- dlog << LINFO << "active_learning_score: "<< active_learning_score;
- dlog << LINFO << "random_score: "<< random_score;
- return active_learning_score / random_score;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_active_learning : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_active_learning (
- ) :
- tester ("test_active_learning",
- "Runs tests on the active learning components.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- print_spinner();
- make_dataset(samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "samples.size(): "<< samples.size();
- // When we pick the best/front ranked element then the active learning method
- // shouldn't do much worse than random selection (and often much better).
- DLIB_TEST(test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples(samples, labels, max_min_margin, 35, true) >= 0.97);
- DLIB_TEST(test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples(samples, labels, ratio_margin, 25, true) >= 0.96);
- // However, picking the worst ranked element should do way worse than random
- // selection.
- DLIB_TEST(test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples(samples, labels, max_min_margin, 25, false) < 0.8);
- DLIB_TEST(test_rank_unlabeled_training_samples(samples, labels, ratio_margin, 25, false) < 0.8);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/any.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/any.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 355d00b31..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/any.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/any.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.any");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_contains_4(
- const any a
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(any_cast<int>(a) == 4);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_test()
- {
- any a, b, c;
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty());
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<string>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty());
- a = b;
- swap(a,b);
- a.swap(b);
- a = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(any_cast<int>(a) == 4);
- test_contains_4(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(any_cast<int>(a) == 4);
- bool error = false;
- try
- {
- any_cast<double>(a);
- }
- catch (bad_any_cast&)
- {
- error = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error);
- swap(a,b);
- test_contains_4(b);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty());
- a = b;
- test_contains_4(a);
- c.get<string>() = "test string";
- DLIB_TEST(c.get<string>() == "test string");
- a = c;
- DLIB_TEST(a.cast_to<string>() == "test string");
- a.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty());
- error = false;
- try
- {
- any_cast<string>(a);
- }
- catch (bad_any_cast&)
- {
- error = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error);
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- int* a_ptr = &a.get<int>();
- int* b_ptr = &b.get<int>();
- swap(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a_ptr == &b.get<int>());
- DLIB_TEST(b_ptr == &a.get<int>());
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class any_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- any_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_any",
- "Runs tests on the any component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- run_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/any_function.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/any_function.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8defb5988..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/any_function.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/any.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.any_function");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int add ( int a, int b) { return a + b; }
- string cat ( string a, string b) { return a + b; }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void set_vals1( int& a) { a = 1; }
- void set_vals2( int& a, int& b) { a = 1; b = 2; }
- void set_vals3( int& a, int& b, int& c) { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; }
- void set_vals4( int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d) { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; }
- void set_vals5( int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d, int& e) { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; e = 5; }
- void set_vals6( int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d, int& e, int& f) { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; e = 5; f = 6; }
- void set_vals7( int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d, int& e, int& f, int& g) { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; e = 5; f = 6; g = 7; }
- void set_vals8( int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d, int& e, int& f, int& g, int& h)
- { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; e = 5; f = 6; g = 7; h = 8; }
- void set_vals9( int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d, int& e, int& f, int& g, int& h, int& i)
- { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; e = 5; f = 6; g = 7; h = 8; i = 9;}
- void set_vals10( int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d, int& e, int& f, int& g, int& h, int& i, int& j)
- { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; e = 5; f = 6; g = 7; h = 8; i = 9; j = 10;}
- void zero_vals( int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d, int& e, int& f, int& g, int& h, int& i, int& j)
- { a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; d = 0; e = 0; f = 0; g = 0; h = 0; i = 0; j = 0;}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct test
- {
- int operator()() const { return 4; }
- };
- struct test2
- {
- int v;
- test2() : v(0) {}
- test2(int val) : v(val) {}
- int operator()() const { return v; }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_contains_4(
- const any_function<int()> a
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<test>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int(*)()>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(any_cast<test>(a)() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(a() == 4);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_test()
- {
- any_function<int()> a, b, c;
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty());
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_set()==false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int(*)()>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<test>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty());
- a = b;
- swap(a,b);
- a.swap(b);
- a = test();
- test_contains_4(a);
- bool error = false;
- try
- {
- any_cast<int(*)()>(a);
- }
- catch (bad_any_cast&)
- {
- error = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error);
- swap(a,b);
- test_contains_4(b);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty());
- a = b;
- test_contains_4(a);
- c.get<test2>() = test2(10);
- DLIB_TEST(c.get<test2>().v == 10);
- a = c;
- DLIB_TEST(a.cast_to<test2>().v == 10);
- a.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty());
- error = false;
- try
- {
- any_cast<test>(a);
- }
- catch (bad_any_cast&)
- {
- error = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_test2()
- {
- any_function<int(int,int)> f = &add;
- DLIB_TEST(f(1,3) == 4);
- any_function<string(string,string)> g(&cat);
- DLIB_TEST(g("one", "two") == "onetwo");
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_test3()
- {
- any_function<void(int&)> f1;
- any_function<void(int&,int&)> f2;
- any_function<void(int&,int&,int&)> f3;
- any_function<void(int&,int&,int&,int&)> f4;
- any_function<void(int&,int&,int&,int&,int&)> f5;
- any_function<void(int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&)> f6;
- any_function<void(int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&)> f7;
- any_function<void(int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&)> f8;
- any_function<void(int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&)> f9;
- any_function<void(int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&)> f10;
- f1 = set_vals1;
- f2 = set_vals2;
- f3 = set_vals3;
- f4 = set_vals4;
- f5 = set_vals5;
- f6 = set_vals6;
- f7 = set_vals7;
- f8 = set_vals8;
- f9 = set_vals9;
- f10 = set_vals10;
- int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f1(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f2(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f3(a,b,c);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2 && c==3);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f4(a,b,c,d);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2 && c==3 && d==4);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f5(a,b,c,d,e);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2 && c==3 && d==4 && e==5);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f6(a,b,c,d,e,f);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2 && c==3 && d==4 && e==5 && f==6);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2 && c==3 && d==4 && e==5 && f==6 && g==7);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2 && c==3 && d==4 && e==5 && f==6 && g==7 && h==8);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f9(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2 && c==3 && d==4 && e==5 && f==6 && g==7 && h==8 && i==9);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- f10(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1 && b==2 && c==3 && d==4 && e==5 && f==6 && g==7 && h==8 && i==9 && j==10);
- zero_vals(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_any_function : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_any_function (
- ) :
- tester ("test_any_function",
- "Runs tests on the any_function component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- run_test();
- print_spinner();
- run_test2();
- print_spinner();
- run_test3();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/array.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/array.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 55ba1a724..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/array.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/interfaces/enumerable.h>
-#include <dlib/array.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- using dlib::array;
- logger dlog("test.array");
- template <
- typename array
- >
- void array_expand_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - array is an implementation of array/array_sort_abstract.h
- array is instantiated with unsigned long
- ensures
- - runs tests on array for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::is_array<array>::value == true);
- array a1, a2;
- {
- array a4(4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4.size() == 4);
- }
- {
- array a1, a2;
- for (int k = 1; k < 100000; k += 1000)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- a1.clear();
- a1.set_max_size(500+k);
- a1.set_size(500+k);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < a1.size(); ++j)
- {
- a1[j] = j;
- DLIB_TEST(a1[j] == j);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.max_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- swap(a1,a2);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- a1.reset();
- a2.reset();
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- swap(a1,a2);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- a1.clear();
- a2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- swap(a1,a2);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- a1.clear();
- a2.clear();
- a1.set_max_size(100000);
- a2.set_max_size(100000);
- a1.set_size(10000);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 10000);
- a2.set_size(10000);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 10000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size(); ++i)
- {
- unsigned long a = static_cast<unsigned long>(rnd.get_random_32bit_number());
- a1[i] = a;
- a2[i] = i;
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == a);
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- a1.sort();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- a2.sort();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 10000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (i+1 < a1.size())
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a1[i] <= a1[i+1],
- "a1[i]: " << a1[i] << " a1[i+1]: " << a1[i+1]
- << " i: " << i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a2[i] == i,"i: " << i << " a2[i]: " << a2[i]);
- }
- unsigned long last = 0;
- unsigned long count = 0;
- while (a1.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a1.element());
- last = a1.element();
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == a1.size());
- last = 0;
- count = 0;
- while (a2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a2.element());
- last = a2.element();
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == a2.size());
- a2.set_size(15000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (i+1 < a1.size())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] <= a1[i+1]);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10000; i < a2.size(); ++i)
- {
- a2[i] = i;
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a2.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- a2.reset();
- last = 0;
- while (a2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a2.element());
- last = a2.element();
- }
- a1.reset();
- last = 0;
- while (a1.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a1.element());
- last = a1.element();
- }
- a1.sort();
- last = 0;
- while (a1.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a1.element());
- last = a1.element();
- }
- swap(a2,a1);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 15000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- a1.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 0);
- a1.clear();
- a2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- a1.set_max_size(100000);
- a2.set_max_size(100000);
- a1.set_size(10000);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 10000);
- a2.set_size(10000);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 10000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size(); ++i)
- {
- unsigned long a = static_cast<unsigned long>(rnd.get_random_32bit_number());
- a1[i] = a;
- a2[i] = i;
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == a);
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- a1.sort();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- a2.sort();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 10000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (i+1 < a1.size())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] <= a1[i+1]);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- last = 0;
- while (a1.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a1.element());
- last = a1.element();
- }
- last = 0;
- while (a2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a2.element());
- last = a2.element();
- }
- a2.set_size(15000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (i+1 < a1.size())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] <= a1[i+1]);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10000; i < a2.size(); ++i)
- {
- a2[i] = i;
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a2.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] == i);
- }
- a2.reset();
- last = 0;
- while (a2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a2.element());
- last = a2.element();
- }
- a1.reset();
- last = 0;
- while (a1.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a1.element());
- last = a1.element();
- }
- a1.sort();
- last = 0;
- while (a1.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a1.element());
- last = a1.element();
- }
- swap(a2,a1);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 15000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- a1.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 0);
- a2.clear();
- print_spinner();
- }
- a1.set_max_size(2000000);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 2000000);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- a1.set_size(2000000);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 2000000);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 2000000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size(); ++i)
- {
- a1[i] = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- }
- print_spinner();
- a1.sort();
- print_spinner();
- // serialize the state of a1, then clear a1, then
- // load the state back into a1.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(a1,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- a1.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 0);
- deserialize(a1,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 2000000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size()-1; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] <= a1[i+1]);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 2000000);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 2000000);
- swap(a1,a2);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 2000000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a2.size()-1; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a2[i] <= a2[i+1]);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a2.max_size() == 2000000);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 2000000);
- swap(a1,a2);
- a1.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 0);
- a1.resize(10);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 10);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a1.size(); ++i)
- {
- a1[i] = i;
- }
- print_spinner();
- a1.resize(100);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 100);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 100);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- a1.resize(50);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 100);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- a1.resize(10);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 100);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- a1.resize(20);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 20);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 100);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- a1.resize(100);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 100);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.max_size() == 100);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- {
- a1.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long a = i;
- a1.push_back(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == i+1);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.back() == i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long a = 0;
- a1.pop_back(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 99-i);
- }
- }
- {
- a1.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long a = i;
- a1.push_back(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == i+1);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.back() == i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1[i] == i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- a1.pop_back();
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- }
- }
- struct stuff
- {
- int whatever;
- };
- void another_array_test()
- {
- array<stuff> a;
- a.resize(5);
- a[0].whatever = 0;
- stuff temp;
- temp.whatever = 99;
- a.push_back(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(a[5].whatever == 99);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::is_array<array<stuff> >::value == true);
- }
- void test_array_split()
- {
- array<int> temp(5);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i)
- temp[i] = i;
- array<int> b;
- split_array(temp, b, 0.5);
- DLIB_TEST(temp.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(temp[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(temp[1] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b[0] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b[1] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b[2] == 4);
- }
- class array_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- array_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_array",
- "Runs tests on the array component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- another_array_test();
- // test a checking version first for good measure
- print_spinner();
- array_expand_test<array<unsigned long> >();
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::is_array<int>::value == false);
- test_array_split();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/array2d.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/array2d.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b8b586a..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/array2d.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/interfaces/enumerable.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/pixel.h>
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.array2d");
- template <
- typename array2d
- >
- void array2d_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - array2d is an implementation of array2d/array2d_kernel_abstract.h
- is instantiated with unsigned long
- ensures
- - runs tests on array2d for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- array2d test,test2;
- long nc, nr;
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(test).is_empty());
- enumerable<unsigned long>& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(e.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(e.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (e.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (e.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (e.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (e.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (e.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (e.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.current_element_valid() == false);
- e.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(e.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(e.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(test).is_empty());
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- test.set_size(0,0);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(test).is_empty());
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test.move_next() == false);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST (test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- for (int j = 0; j < 30; ++j)
- {
- test2.clear();
- switch (j)
- {
- case 0:
- nc = 10;
- nr = 11;
- break;
- case 1:
- nc = 1;
- nr = 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- nc = 100;
- nr = 1;
- break;
- case 3:
- nc = 1;
- nr = 100;
- break;
- default:
- nc = ::rand()%100 + 1;
- nr = ::rand()%100 + 1;
- break;
- }
- test.set_size(nr,nc);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(test).left() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(test).top() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(test).right() == nc-1);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(test).bottom() == nr-1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == static_cast<unsigned long>(nc*nr));
- DLIB_TEST( == nr);
- DLIB_TEST( == nc);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- unsigned long i = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.element() = i;
- DLIB_TEST(const_cast<const array2d&>(test).element() == i);
- ++i;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(i == test.size());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST( == nr);
- DLIB_TEST( == nc);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == static_cast<unsigned long>(nc*nr));
- i = 0;
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test[row][col] == i,
- "\n\trow: " << row <<
- "\n\tcol: " << col <<
- "\n\ti: " << i <<
- "\n\ttest[row][col]: " << test[row][col]);
- DLIB_TEST(test[row].nc() ==;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST( == nr);
- DLIB_TEST( == nc);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == static_cast<unsigned long>(nc*nr));
- ++i;
- }
- }
- test.reset();
- i = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == i);
- ++i;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(i == test.size());
- test.reset();
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == static_cast<unsigned long>(nc*nr));
- DLIB_TEST( == nr);
- DLIB_TEST( == nc);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- i = 0;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- test2.element() = i;
- ++i;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(i == test2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST( == nr);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( == nc);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == static_cast<unsigned long>(nc*nr));
- i = 0;
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2[row][col] == i);
- DLIB_TEST(const_cast<const array2d&>(test2)[row][col] == i);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[row].nc() ==;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST( == nr);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( == nc);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == static_cast<unsigned long>(nc*nr));
- ++i;
- }
- }
- test2.reset();
- i = 0;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == i);
- DLIB_TEST(const_cast<const array2d&>(test2).element() == i);
- ++i;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(i == test2.size());
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- test.set_size(nr,nc);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == static_cast<unsigned long>(nc*nr));
- DLIB_TEST( == nc);
- DLIB_TEST( == nr);
- }
- // test the serialization
- istringstream sin;
- ostringstream sout;
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- test.set_size(10,10);
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- test[row][col] = row*col;
- }
- }
- serialize(test,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(test2,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == test.size());
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 100);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test[row][col] == static_cast<unsigned long>(row*col));
- DLIB_TEST(test2[row][col] == static_cast<unsigned long>(row*col));
- }
- }
- test.set_size(10,11);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 11);
- test.set_size(0,0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- }
- void test_serialization()
- {
- // Do these tests because there are overloads of the serialize routines
- // specifically for these types of pixel (except for unsigned short,
- // we do that because you can never have too many tests).
- {
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,2);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 5);
- img[1][1].red = 9;
- img[1][1].green = 8;
- img[1][1].blue = 7;
- img[1][1].alpha = 3;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(img2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == img2[r][c].red);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == img2[r][c].green);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == img2[r][c].blue);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].alpha == img2[r][c].alpha);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<hsi_pixel> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,2);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 5);
- img[1][1].h = 9;
- img[1][1].s = 2;
- img[1][1].i = 3;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(img2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].h == img2[r][c].h);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].s == img2[r][c].s);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].i == img2[r][c].i);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,2);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 5);
- img[1][1].red = 1;
- img[1][1].green = 2;
- img[1][1].blue = 3;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(img2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == img2[r][c].red);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == img2[r][c].green);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == img2[r][c].blue);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,2);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 5);
- img[1][1].red = 1;
- img[1][1].green = 2;
- img[1][1].blue = 3;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(img2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == img2[r][c].red);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == img2[r][c].green);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == img2[r][c].blue);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned short> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,2);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 5);
- img[1][1] = 9;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(img2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == img2[r][c]);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,2);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 5);
- img[1][1] = 9;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(img2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == img2[r][c]);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST((char*)&img[0][0] + img.width_step() == (char*)&img[1][0]);
- }
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_array2d<array2d<unsigned char> >::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_array2d<array2d<float> >::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_array2d<float>::value == false);
- }
- class array2d_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- array2d_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_array2d",
- "Runs tests on the array2d component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- array2d_kernel_test<array2d<unsigned long> >();
- print_spinner();
- test_serialization();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/assignment_learning.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/assignment_learning.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bba47db3d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/assignment_learning.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-typedef dlib::matrix<double,3,1> lhs_element;
-typedef dlib::matrix<double,3,1> rhs_element;
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.assignment_learning");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct feature_extractor_dense
- {
- typedef matrix<double,3,1> feature_vector_type;
- typedef ::lhs_element lhs_element;
- typedef ::rhs_element rhs_element;
- unsigned long num_features() const
- {
- return 3;
- }
- void get_features (
- const lhs_element& left,
- const rhs_element& right,
- feature_vector_type& feats
- ) const
- {
- feats = squared(left - right);
- }
- };
- void serialize (const feature_extractor_dense& , std::ostream& ) {}
- void deserialize (feature_extractor_dense& , std::istream& ) {}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct feature_extractor_sparse
- {
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > feature_vector_type;
- typedef ::lhs_element lhs_element;
- typedef ::rhs_element rhs_element;
- unsigned long num_features() const
- {
- return 3;
- }
- void get_features (
- const lhs_element& left,
- const rhs_element& right,
- feature_vector_type& feats
- ) const
- {
- feats.clear();
- feats.push_back(make_pair(0,squared(left-right)(0)));
- feats.push_back(make_pair(1,squared(left-right)(1)));
- feats.push_back(make_pair(2,squared(left-right)(2)));
- }
- };
- void serialize (const feature_extractor_sparse& , std::ostream& ) {}
- void deserialize (feature_extractor_sparse& , std::istream& ) {}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef std::pair<std::vector<lhs_element>, std::vector<rhs_element> > sample_type;
- typedef std::vector<long> label_type;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_data (
- std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- std::vector<label_type>& labels
- )
- {
- lhs_element a, b, c, d;
- a = 1,0,0;
- b = 0,1,0;
- c = 0,0,1;
- d = 0,1,1;
- std::vector<lhs_element> lhs;
- std::vector<rhs_element> rhs;
- label_type label;
- lhs.push_back(a);
- lhs.push_back(b);
- lhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(b);
- rhs.push_back(a);
- rhs.push_back(c);
- label.push_back(1);
- label.push_back(0);
- label.push_back(2);
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- lhs.clear();
- rhs.clear();
- label.clear();
- lhs.push_back(a);
- lhs.push_back(b);
- lhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(b);
- rhs.push_back(a);
- rhs.push_back(d);
- label.push_back(2);
- label.push_back(1);
- label.push_back(0);
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- lhs.clear();
- rhs.clear();
- label.clear();
- lhs.push_back(a);
- lhs.push_back(b);
- lhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(a);
- rhs.push_back(d);
- label.push_back(1);
- label.push_back(-1);
- label.push_back(0);
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- lhs.clear();
- rhs.clear();
- label.clear();
- lhs.push_back(d);
- lhs.push_back(b);
- lhs.push_back(c);
- label.push_back(-1);
- label.push_back(-1);
- label.push_back(-1);
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- lhs.clear();
- rhs.clear();
- label.clear();
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_data_force (
- std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- std::vector<label_type>& labels
- )
- {
- lhs_element a, b, c, d;
- a = 1,0,0;
- b = 0,1,0;
- c = 0,0,1;
- d = 0,1,1;
- std::vector<lhs_element> lhs;
- std::vector<rhs_element> rhs;
- label_type label;
- lhs.push_back(a);
- lhs.push_back(b);
- lhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(b);
- rhs.push_back(a);
- rhs.push_back(c);
- label.push_back(1);
- label.push_back(0);
- label.push_back(2);
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- lhs.clear();
- rhs.clear();
- label.clear();
- lhs.push_back(a);
- lhs.push_back(b);
- lhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(b);
- rhs.push_back(a);
- rhs.push_back(d);
- label.push_back(2);
- label.push_back(1);
- label.push_back(0);
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- lhs.clear();
- rhs.clear();
- label.clear();
- lhs.push_back(a);
- lhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(c);
- rhs.push_back(a);
- label.push_back(1);
- label.push_back(0);
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- lhs.clear();
- rhs.clear();
- label.clear();
- samples.push_back(make_pair(lhs,rhs));
- labels.push_back(label);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename fe_type, typename F>
- void test1(F make_data, bool force_assignment)
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<label_type> labels;
- make_data(samples, labels);
- make_data(samples, labels);
- make_data(samples, labels);
- randomize_samples(samples, labels);
- structural_assignment_trainer<fe_type> trainer;
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.forces_assignment() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.get_c() == 100);
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.get_num_threads() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.get_max_cache_size() == 5);
- trainer.set_forces_assignment(force_assignment);
- trainer.set_num_threads(3);
- trainer.set_c(50);
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.get_c() == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.get_num_threads() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.forces_assignment() == force_assignment);
- assignment_function<fe_type> ass = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- std::vector<long> out = ass(samples[i]);
- dlog << LINFO << "true labels: " << trans(mat(labels[i]));
- dlog << LINFO << "pred labels: " << trans(mat(out));
- DLIB_TEST(trans(mat(labels[i])) == trans(mat(out)));
- }
- double accuracy;
- dlog << LINFO << "samples.size(): "<< samples.size();
- accuracy = test_assignment_function(ass, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: "<< accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(accuracy == 1);
- accuracy = cross_validate_assignment_trainer(trainer, samples, labels, 3);
- dlog << LINFO << "cv accuracy: "<< accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(accuracy == 1);
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(ass, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- assignment_function<fe_type> ass2;
- deserialize(ass2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(ass2.forces_assignment() == ass.forces_assignment());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ass2.get_weights() - ass.get_weights()) < 1e-10);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- std::vector<long> out = ass2(samples[i]);
- dlog << LINFO << "true labels: " << trans(mat(labels[i]));
- dlog << LINFO << "pred labels: " << trans(mat(out));
- DLIB_TEST(trans(mat(labels[i])) == trans(mat(out)));
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_assignment_learning : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_assignment_learning (
- ) :
- tester ("test_assignment_learning",
- "Runs tests on the assignment learning code.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test1<feature_extractor_dense>(make_data, false);
- test1<feature_extractor_sparse>(make_data, false);
- test1<feature_extractor_dense>(make_data_force, false);
- test1<feature_extractor_sparse>(make_data_force, false);
- test1<feature_extractor_dense>(make_data_force, true);
- test1<feature_extractor_sparse>(make_data_force, true);
- }
- } a;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/base64.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/base64.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d478018..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/base64.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/base64.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.base64");
- template <
- typename base64
- >
- void base64_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - base64 is an implementation of base64/base64_kernel_abstract.h
- ensures
- - runs tests on base64 for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- const unsigned int seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0));
- try
- {
- srand(seed);
- base64 test;
- const string wiki_normal = "\
-Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from other \
-animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in the continued \
-and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal pleasure.";
- const string wiki_encoded = "\
- string str;
- istringstream sin;
- ostringstream sout;
- sin.str(wiki_encoded);
- test.decode(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sout.str() == wiki_normal,
- "sout.str(): " << sout.str() <<
- "\nwiki_normal: " << wiki_normal);
- sout.str("");
- sin.str(wiki_normal);
- sin.clear();
- test.encode(sin,sout);
- string a(sout.str()), b(wiki_encoded);
- // we want to strip all the whitespace from a and b now
- sin.str(a);
- a.clear();
- sin >> str;
- while (sin)
- {
- a += str;
- sin >> str;
- }
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(b);
- b.clear();
- sin >> str;
- while (sin)
- {
- b += str;
- sin >> str;
- }
- sin.clear();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a == b,
- "a: \n" << a <<
- "\n\nb: \n" << b);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str("");
- sout.str("");
- test.encode(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decode(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == "");
- sin.clear();
- sin.str("a");
- sout.str("");
- test.encode(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decode(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == "a");
- sin.clear();
- sin.str("da");
- sout.str("");
- test.encode(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decode(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == "da");
- sin.clear();
- sin.str("dav");
- sout.str("");
- test.encode(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decode(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == "dav");
- sin.clear();
- sin.str("davi");
- sout.str("");
- test.encode(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decode(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == "davi");
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- str.clear();
- sin.clear();
- sout.str("");
- sin.str("");
- // fill str with random garbage
- const int size = rand()%2000;
- for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
- {
- unsigned char ch = rand()&0xFF;
- str += ch;
- }
- sin.str(str);
- test.encode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decode(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(str == sout.str());
- }
- }
- catch (typename base64::decode_error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,
- "decode_error thrown when it shouldn't have been (" << seed << "):\n "
- <<;
- }
- }
- class base64_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- base64_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_base64",
- "Runs tests on the base64 component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- base64_kernel_test<base64>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bayes_nets.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bayes_nets.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a3035762..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bayes_nets.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "dlib/graph_utils.h"
-#include "dlib/graph.h"
-#include "dlib/directed_graph.h"
-#include "dlib/bayes_utils.h"
-#include "dlib/set.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.bayes_nets");
- enum nodes
- {
- A, T, S, L, O, B, D, X
- };
- template <typename gtype>
- void setup_simple_network (
- gtype& bn
- )
- {
- /*
- A
- / \
- T S
- */
- using namespace bayes_node_utils;
- bn.set_number_of_nodes(3);
- bn.add_edge(A, T);
- bn.add_edge(A, S);
- set_node_num_values(bn, A, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, T, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, S, 2);
- assignment parents;
- // set probabilities for node A
- set_node_probability(bn, A, 1, parents, 0.1);
- set_node_probability(bn, A, 0, parents, 1-0.1);
- // set probabilities for node T
- parents.add(A, 1);
- set_node_probability(bn, T, 1, parents, 0.5);
- set_node_probability(bn, T, 0, parents, 1-0.5);
- parents[A] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, T, 1, parents, 0.5);
- set_node_probability(bn, T, 0, parents, 1-0.5);
- // set probabilities for node S
- parents[A] = 1;
- set_node_probability(bn, S, 1, parents, 0.5);
- set_node_probability(bn, S, 0, parents, 1-0.5);
- parents[A] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, S, 1, parents, 0.5);
- set_node_probability(bn, S, 0, parents, 1-0.5);
- // test the serialization code here by pushing this network though it
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(bn, sout);
- bn.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(bn.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(bn, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(bn.number_of_nodes() == 3);
- }
- template <typename gtype>
- void setup_dyspnea_network (
- gtype& bn,
- bool deterministic_o_node = true
- )
- {
- /*
- This is the example network used by David Zaret in his
- reasoning under uncertainty class at Johns Hopkins
- */
- using namespace bayes_node_utils;
- bn.set_number_of_nodes(8);
- bn.add_edge(A, T);
- bn.add_edge(T, O);
- bn.add_edge(O, D);
- bn.add_edge(O, X);
- bn.add_edge(S, B);
- bn.add_edge(S, L);
- bn.add_edge(L, O);
- bn.add_edge(B, D);
- set_node_num_values(bn, A, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, T, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, O, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, X, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, L, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, S, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, B, 2);
- set_node_num_values(bn, D, 2);
- assignment parents;
- // set probabilities for node A
- set_node_probability(bn, A, 1, parents, 0.01);
- set_node_probability(bn, A, 0, parents, 1-0.01);
- // set probabilities for node S
- set_node_probability(bn, S, 1, parents, 0.5);
- set_node_probability(bn, S, 0, parents, 1-0.5);
- // set probabilities for node T
- parents.add(A, 1);
- set_node_probability(bn, T, 1, parents, 0.05);
- set_node_probability(bn, T, 0, parents, 1-0.05);
- parents[A] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, T, 1, parents, 0.01);
- set_node_probability(bn, T, 0, parents, 1-0.01);
- // set probabilities for node L
- parents.clear();
- parents.add(S,1);
- set_node_probability(bn, L, 1, parents, 0.1);
- set_node_probability(bn, L, 0, parents, 1-0.1);
- parents[S] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, L, 1, parents, 0.01);
- set_node_probability(bn, L, 0, parents, 1-0.01);
- // set probabilities for node B
- parents[S] = 1;
- set_node_probability(bn, B, 1, parents, 0.6);
- set_node_probability(bn, B, 0, parents, 1-0.6);
- parents[S] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, B, 1, parents, 0.3);
- set_node_probability(bn, B, 0, parents, 1-0.3);
- // set probabilities for node O
- double v;
- if (deterministic_o_node)
- v = 1;
- else
- v = 0.99;
- parents.clear();
- parents.add(T,1);
- parents.add(L,1);
- set_node_probability(bn, O, 1, parents, v);
- set_node_probability(bn, O, 0, parents, 1-v);
- parents[T] = 0; parents[L] = 1;
- set_node_probability(bn, O, 1, parents, v);
- set_node_probability(bn, O, 0, parents, 1-v);
- parents[T] = 1; parents[L] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, O, 1, parents, v);
- set_node_probability(bn, O, 0, parents, 1-v);
- parents[T] = 0; parents[L] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, O, 1, parents, 1-v);
- set_node_probability(bn, O, 0, parents, v);
- // set probabilities for node D
- parents.clear();
- parents.add(O,1);
- parents.add(B,1);
- set_node_probability(bn, D, 1, parents, 0.9);
- set_node_probability(bn, D, 0, parents, 1-0.9);
- parents[O] = 1; parents[B] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, D, 1, parents, 0.7);
- set_node_probability(bn, D, 0, parents, 1-0.7);
- parents[O] = 0; parents[B] = 1;
- set_node_probability(bn, D, 1, parents, 0.8);
- set_node_probability(bn, D, 0, parents, 1-0.8);
- parents[O] = 0; parents[B] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, D, 1, parents, 0.1);
- set_node_probability(bn, D, 0, parents, 1-0.1);
- // set probabilities for node X
- parents.clear();
- parents.add(O,1);
- set_node_probability(bn, X, 1, parents, 0.98);
- set_node_probability(bn, X, 0, parents, 1-0.98);
- parents[O] = 0;
- set_node_probability(bn, X, 1, parents, 0.05);
- set_node_probability(bn, X, 0, parents, 1-0.05);
- // test the serialization code here by pushing this network though it
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(bn, sout);
- bn.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(bn.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(bn, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(bn.number_of_nodes() == 8);
- }
- void bayes_nets_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the bayesian network objects and functions for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- directed_graph<bayes_node>::kernel_1a_c bn;
- setup_dyspnea_network(bn);
- using namespace bayes_node_utils;
- graph<dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c, dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c>::kernel_1a_c join_tree;
- create_moral_graph(bn, join_tree);
- create_join_tree(join_tree, join_tree);
- bayesian_network_join_tree solution(bn, join_tree);
- matrix<double,1,2> dist;
- dist = solution.probability(A);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.01 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(T);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.0104) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(O);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.064828) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(X);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.11029004) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(L);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.055) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(S);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.5) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(B);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.4499999) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(D);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.4359706 ) < 1e-5);
- // now lets modify the probabilities of the bayesian network by making O
- // not a deterministic node anymore but otherwise leave the network alone
- setup_dyspnea_network(bn, false);
- set_node_value(bn, A, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, X, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, S, 1);
- // lets also make some of these nodes evidence nodes
- set_node_as_evidence(bn, A);
- set_node_as_evidence(bn, X);
- set_node_as_evidence(bn, S);
- // reload the solution now that we have changed the probabilities of node O
- bayesian_network_join_tree(bn, join_tree).swap(solution);
- DLIB_TEST(solution.number_of_nodes() == bn.number_of_nodes());
- dist = solution.probability(A);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 1.0 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(T);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.253508694039 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(O);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.77856184024 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(X);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 1.0 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(L);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.5070173880 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(S);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 1.0 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(B);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.6 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(D);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.7535685520 ) < 1e-5);
- // now lets test the bayesian_network_gibbs_sampler
- set_node_value(bn, A, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, T, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, O, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, X, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, S, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, L, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, B, 1);
- set_node_value(bn, D, 1);
- bayesian_network_gibbs_sampler sampler;
- matrix<double,1,8> counts;
- set_all_elements(counts, 0);
- const unsigned long rounds = 500000;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < rounds; ++i)
- {
- sampler.sample_graph(bn);
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if (node_value(bn, c) == 1)
- counts(c) += 1;
- }
- if ((i&0x3FF) == 0)
- {
- print_spinner();
- }
- }
- counts /= rounds;
- DLIB_TEST(abs(counts(A) - 1.0 ) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(counts(T) - 0.253508694039 ) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(counts(O) - 0.77856184024 ) < 1e-2,abs(counts(O) - 0.77856184024 ) );
- DLIB_TEST(abs(counts(X) - 1.0 ) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(counts(L) - 0.5070173880 ) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(counts(S) - 1.0 ) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(counts(B) - 0.6 ) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(counts(D) - 0.7535685520 ) < 1e-2);
- setup_simple_network(bn);
- create_moral_graph(bn, join_tree);
- create_join_tree(join_tree, join_tree);
- bayesian_network_join_tree(bn, join_tree).swap(solution);
- DLIB_TEST(solution.number_of_nodes() == bn.number_of_nodes());
- dist = solution.probability(A);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.1 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(T);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.5 ) < 1e-5);
- dist = solution.probability(S);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(dist) - 1.0) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dist(1) - 0.5 ) < 1e-5);
- }
- class bayes_nets_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- bayes_nets_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_bayes_nets",
- "Runs tests on the bayes_nets objects and functions.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- bayes_nets_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bigint.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bigint.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ddc631b4..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bigint.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <dlib/bigint.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.bigint");
- namespace bigint_kernel_test_helpers
- {
- template <
- typename bint
- >
- bint short_fact (unsigned short value)
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the factorial of value
- !*/
- {
- using namespace relational_operators;
- bint a = 1;
- for (unsigned short i = 2; i <= value; ++i)
- a *= i;
- return a;
- }
- template <
- typename bint
- >
- bint short_fact_squared (unsigned short value)
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the square of the factorial of value
- !*/
- {
- using namespace relational_operators;
- bint a = 1;
- for (unsigned short i = 2; i <= value; ++i)
- {
- a *= i;
- a *= i;
- }
- return a;
- }
- template <
- typename bint
- >
- bint big_fact (unsigned short value)
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the factorial of value
- !*/
- {
- using namespace relational_operators;
- bint a = 1;
- int k = 0;
- for (bint i = 2; i <= value; ++i)
- {
- ++k;
- if (k%10 == 0)
- print_spinner();
- a *= i;
- }
- return a;
- }
- }
- template <
- typename bint
- >
- void bigint_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - bint is an implementation of bigint/bigint_kernel_abstract.h
- ensures
- - runs tests on bint for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- using namespace bigint_kernel_test_helpers;
- using namespace relational_operators;
- istringstream sin;
- ostringstream sout;
- bint i = 0;
- bint a(5), b, c(0);
- DLIB_TEST(5 - a == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a - 5 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(0 - c == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(c - 0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(0 + c == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(c + 0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(0 + a == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(a + 0 == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(0 - b == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b - 0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(0 + b == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b + 0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(i == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 0);
- a -= 5;
- DLIB_TEST(a == 0);
- for (int k = 0; k < 100; ++k)
- {
- // compute the factorial of k using the O(n) multiplication algorithm
- a = short_fact<bint>(k);
- // compute the factorial of k using the full blown big int
- // multiplication algorithm.
- b = big_fact<bint>(k);
- // compute the square of the factorial of k using the full blown
- // big int multiplication algorithm.
- c = a*b;
- // make sure a and b ended up being the same number
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a == b,
- "k: " << k << "\n"
- "short_fact: " << a << "\n"
- "big_fact: " << b
- );
- // make sure c really is the square of the factorial of k
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(short_fact_squared<bint>(k) == c,"k: " << k);
- print_spinner();
- }
- // do the same thing as the last loop but do it with way bigger numbers
- for (int k = 1000; k < 10000; k += 2000)
- {
- bint a = short_fact<bint>(k);
- bint b = big_fact<bint>(k);
- bint c = a*b;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a == b,
- "k: " << k << "\n"
- "short_fact: " << a << "\n"
- "big_fact: " << b
- );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(short_fact_squared<bint>(k) == c,"k: " << k);
- print_spinner();
- }
- // test the << and >> operators a little
- a = big_fact<bint>(20);
- sout << a;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( sout.str() == "2432902008176640000","was: " << a);
- sin.str("684626312793279327952039475203945");
- sin >> a;
- sout.str("");
- sout << a;
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == "684626312793279327952039475203945");
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(a > 0);
- // make sure that when you try to read something that isn't a number
- // into a bigint you get an error
- DLIB_TEST( == false);
- sin.str("the cat ate some cheese");
- sin >> a;
- DLIB_TEST( == true);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str("");
- sin.str("3628913");
- sin >> i;
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(10) + short_fact<bint>(5) - 7 == i);
- sin.str("2432902008173011193");
- sin >> i;
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(20) - short_fact<bint>(10) - 7 == i);
- // test the serialization stuff
- sout.str("");
- serialize(i,sout);
- i = 0;
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(i,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(20) - short_fact<bint>(10) - 7 == i);
- print_spinner();
- sin.str("100000");
- sin >> b;
- a = b;
- ++b;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG ( a + 1 == b,"a==" << a << endl << "b==" << b << endl);
- // compute some stuff and see if you get the right value
- a = 0;
- b = 0;
- sin.str("1000000");
- sin >> b;
- int mel = 0;
- for (i = a; i <= b; ++i)
- {
- // switch it up on em
- if (i%2 == 0)
- a = a + i;
- else
- a += i;
- ++mel;
- if ((mel&0xFFF) == 0)
- print_spinner();
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a == b*(b+1)/2, "a==" << a << endl << "b*(b+1)/2==" << b*(b+1)/2 << endl);
- print_spinner();
- // compute some stuff and see if you get the right value
- // this time going the other way using operator--
- a = 0;
- b = 0;
- sin.str("100000");
- sin >> b;
- i = b;
- DLIB_TEST(i == b);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(i > 0,"i==" << i);
- mel = 0;
- for (i = b; i > 0; --i)
- {
- // switch it up on em
- if (i%2 == 0)
- a = a + i;
- else
- a += i;
- ++mel;
- if ((mel&0xFF) == 0)
- print_spinner();
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a == b*(b+1)/2, "a==" << a << endl << "b*(b+1)/2==" << b*(b+1)/2 << endl);
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(10)/short_fact<bint>(5) == 30240);
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(10)/(short_fact<bint>(5)+1) == 29990);
- sin.str("221172909834240000");
- sin >> a;
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(20)/(short_fact<bint>(5)+1) == a/11);
- sin.str("670442388044");
- sin >> b;
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(20)/(short_fact<bint>(10)+1) == b);
- print_spinner();
- sin.str("1860479");
- sin >> i;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(short_fact<bint>(20)/(short_fact<bint>(15)+1) == i,short_fact<bint>(20)/(short_fact<bint>(15)+1));
- // test the serialization stuff
- sout.str("");
- serialize(i,sout);
- i = 0;
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(i,sin);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(short_fact<bint>(20)/(short_fact<bint>(15)+1) == i,short_fact<bint>(20)/(short_fact<bint>(15)+1));
- print_spinner();
- // test the serialization stuff
- sout.str("");
- i = 0;
- serialize(i,sout);
- i = 1234;
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(i,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(i == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(10000)/short_fact<bint>(9999) == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(bint(5)%bint(1) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(bint(5)%bint(6) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(bint(25)%bint(6) == 1);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(bint(354)%bint(123) == 108);
- DLIB_TEST(bint(20)%(bint(10)) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(bint(20)%(bint(10)+1) == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(bint(20)%(bint(15)+1) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(10)%(short_fact<bint>(5)+2) == 32);
- sin.str("2908082");
- sin >> i;
- DLIB_TEST(short_fact<bint>(15)%(short_fact<bint>(10)+2) == i);
- // same as some of the above stuff but using big_fact
- DLIB_TEST(big_fact<bint>(10)%(big_fact<bint>(5)+2) == 32);
- sin.str("2908082");
- sin >> i;
- DLIB_TEST(big_fact<bint>(15)%(big_fact<bint>(10)+2) == i);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(big_fact<bint>(10)/big_fact<bint>(5) == 30240);
- DLIB_TEST(big_fact<bint>(10)/(big_fact<bint>(5)+1) == 29990);
- sin.str("221172909834240000");
- sin >> a;
- DLIB_TEST(big_fact<bint>(20)/(big_fact<bint>(5)+1) == a/11);
- sin.str("670442388044");
- sin >> b;
- DLIB_TEST(big_fact<bint>(20)/(big_fact<bint>(10)+1) == b);
- sin.str("1860479");
- sin >> i;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(big_fact<bint>(20)/(big_fact<bint>(15)+1) == i,big_fact<bint>(20)/(big_fact<bint>(15)+1));
- DLIB_TEST(big_fact<bint>(100)/big_fact<bint>(99) == 100);
- sout.str("");
- sout << "148571596448176149730952273362082573788556996128468876694221686370498539309";
- sout << "4065876545992131370884059645617234469978112000000000000000000000";
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sin >> a;
- sout.str("");
- sout << "933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929638952175999932";
- sout << "299156089414639761565182862536979208272237582511852109168640000000000000000";
- sout << "000000";
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sin >> b;
- sout.str("");
- sout << "138656248189732152054159609718432247180282092567575172939636909224427929240";
- sout << "834642263988043338170905744175653189424779336521852536242160190545537133916";
- sout << "649622615351174407746524657461692702500613722228638559932561661493048332720";
- sout << "6050692647868232055316807680000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sin >> c;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a*b == c,
- "a*b: " << a*b <<
- "\nc: " << c);
- print_spinner();
- i = 0;
- mel = 0;
- unsigned long j;
- for (j = 0; i < bint(100000); ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(i++ == bint(j));
- ++mel;
- if((mel&0xFF) == 0)
- print_spinner();
- }
- DLIB_TEST(j == 100000);
- i = 1234;
- DLIB_TEST(i == 1234);
- DLIB_TEST(i < 2345 );
- DLIB_TEST(i > 0 );
- DLIB_TEST(i > 123 );
- DLIB_TEST(i != 1334);
- DLIB_TEST(i <= 2345);
- DLIB_TEST(i >= 0 );
- DLIB_TEST(i >= 123 );
- DLIB_TEST(i >= 1234);
- DLIB_TEST(i <= 1234);
- DLIB_TEST(1234 == i);
- DLIB_TEST(2345 > i);
- DLIB_TEST(0 < i);
- DLIB_TEST(123 < i);
- DLIB_TEST(1334 != i);
- DLIB_TEST(2345 >= i);
- DLIB_TEST(0 <= i);
- DLIB_TEST(123 <= i);
- DLIB_TEST(1234 <= i);
- DLIB_TEST(1234 >= i);
- a = big_fact<bint>(200);
- b = big_fact<bint>(100);
- DLIB_TEST(a > b);
- DLIB_TEST(a != b);
- DLIB_TEST(b < a);
- DLIB_TEST(b != a);
- DLIB_TEST(b <= a);
- DLIB_TEST(a >= b);
- a = 10000;
- a = a*a*a*a; a = a*a; a = a*a;
- b = 2;
- DLIB_TEST((a/b)*b == a);
- a = 10000*5;
- a = a*a*a*a; a = a*a; a = a*a;
- b = 5;
- DLIB_TEST((a/b)*b == a);
- }
- class bigint_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- bigint_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_bigint",
- "Runs tests on the bigint component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- bigint_kernel_test<bigint::kernel_1a>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- bigint_kernel_test<bigint::kernel_1a_c>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a";
- bigint_kernel_test<bigint::kernel_2a>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a_c";
- bigint_kernel_test<bigint::kernel_2a_c>();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 18bdff70d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,889 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_global.h>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/binary_search_tree.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.binary_search_tree");
- template <
- typename bst
- >
- void binary_search_tree_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - bst is an implementation of
- binary_search_tree/binary_search_tree_kernel_abstract.h is instantiated
- to map int to int
- ensures
- - runs tests on bst for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- bst test, test2;
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- enumerable<map_pair<int,int> >& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[5] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- test.clear();
- test.position_enumerator(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.position_enumerator(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.position_enumerator(9);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.clear();
- test.position_enumerator(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.position_enumerator(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.position_enumerator(9);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[5] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(const_cast<const bst&>(test)[5] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(const_cast<const bst&>(test)[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- int a = 0, b = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()%1000;
- int temp = a;
- unsigned long count = test.count(a);
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(temp) == count+1);
- }
- {
- unsigned long count = test.count(3);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- }
- test.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- b = 0;
- int temp = a;
- unsigned long count = test.count(a);
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(temp) == count+1);
- }
- // serialize the state of test, then clear test, then
- // load the state back into test.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(test,sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test.clear();
- deserialize(test,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.height() > 13 && test.height() <= 26,"this is somewhat of an implementation dependent "
- << "but really it should be in this range or the implementation is just crap");
- a = 0;
- unsigned long count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a <= test.element().key(),"the numers are out of order but they should be in order");
- a = test.element().key();
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.height() > 13 && test.height() <= 26,"this is somewhat of an implementation dependent "
- << "but really it should be in this range or the implementation is just crap");
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- swap(test,test2);
- test2.reset();
- count = 0;
- a = 0;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a <= test2.element().key(),"the numers are out of order but they should be in order");
- a = test2.element().key();
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- if (count == 5000)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == true);
- test2.reset();
- count = 0;
- a = 0;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a <= test2.element().key(),"the numers are out of order but they should be in order");
- a = test2.element().key();
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- int last = 0;
- asc_pair_remover<int,int,typename bst::compare_type>& asdf = test2;
- DLIB_TEST(asdf.size() > 0);
- while (asdf.size() > 0)
- {
- asdf.remove_any(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(last <= a);
- last = a;
- --count;
- DLIB_TEST(asdf.size() == count);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.height() ==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- b = i;
- test2.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == (unsigned int)(i +1));
- DLIB_TEST(test2.count(i) == 1);
- }
- a = 0;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == a);
- a = 0;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == a);
- a = 8;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == a);
- a = 1;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == a);
- a = -29;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == 0);
- a = 10000;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- a = -29;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == 0);
- a = 8;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == a);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == a);
- test2.reset();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test2.height() > 13 && test2.height() <= 26,"this is somewhat of an implementation dependent "
- << "but really it should be in this range or the implementation is just crap");
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test2.height() > 13 && test2.height() <= 26,"this is somewhat of an implementation dependent "
- << "but really it should be in this range or the implementation is just crap");
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- a = 3;
- test2.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.count(3) == 2);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- test2.remove(i,a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(i == a);
- }
- test2.remove(3,a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.height() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- test2.clear();
- int m = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- m = max(a,m);
- test2.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0xFFFF;
- test2.position_enumerator(a);
- if (test2[a])
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == a);
- }
- else if (a <= m)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() > a);
- }
- }
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.height() == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- b = a;
- test2.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 20000);
- // remove a bunch of elements randomly
- int c;
- for (int i = 0; i < 50000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- if (test2[a] != 0)
- {
- test2.remove(a,b,c);
- DLIB_TEST(a == b);
- }
- }
- // now add a bunch more
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- b = a;
- test2.add(a,b);
- }
- // now iterate over it all and then remove all elements
- {
- int* array = new int[test2.size()];
- int* tmp = array;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- *tmp = test2.element().key();
- ++tmp;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- tmp = array;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(*const_cast<const bst&>(test2)[*tmp] == *tmp);
- ++tmp;
- }
- tmp = array;
- while (test2.size() > 0)
- {
- unsigned long count = test2.count(*tmp);
- test2.destroy(*tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.count(*tmp)+1 == count);
- ++tmp;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- test.swap(test2);
- test.reset();
- delete [] array;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 0);
- for (unsigned long i = 1; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- a = 1234;
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(1234) == i);
- }
- test.clear();
- for (int m = 0; m < 3; ++m)
- {
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.height() == 0);
- int counter = 0;
- while (counter < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- b = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- if (test2[a] == 0)
- {
- test2.add(a,b);
- ++counter;
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- // remove a bunch of elements randomly
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- if (test2[a] != 0)
- {
- test2.remove(a,b,c);
- DLIB_TEST(a == b);
- }
- }
- // now add a bunch more
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- b = ::rand()&0x7FFF;
- if (test2[a] == 0)
- test2.add(a,b);
- }
- // now iterate over it all and then remove all elements
- {
- int* array = new int[test2.size()];
- int* array_val = new int[test2.size()];
- int* tmp = array;
- int* tmp_val = array_val;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- int count = 0;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- *tmp = test2.element().key();
- ++tmp;
- *tmp_val = test2.element().value();
- ++tmp_val;
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*(tmp-1)] == *(tmp_val-1));
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == (int)test2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- tmp = array;
- tmp_val = array_val;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < test2.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp_val,i);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp_val);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp_val);
- DLIB_TEST(*const_cast<const bst&>(test2)[*tmp] == *tmp_val);
- ++tmp;
- ++tmp_val;
- }
- // out << "\nsize: " << test2.size() << endl;
- // out << "height: " << test2.height() << endl;
- tmp = array;
- while (test2.size() > 0)
- {
- unsigned long count = test2.count(*tmp);
- test2.destroy(*tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.count(*tmp)+1 == count);
- ++tmp;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- test.swap(test2);
- test.reset();
- delete [] array;
- delete [] array_val;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 0);
- for (unsigned long i = 1; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- a = 1234;
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(1234) == i);
- }
- test.clear();
- }
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- test.add(a,b);
- test.position_enumerator(0);
- a = 0;
- b = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 1);
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- test.add(a,b);
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- test.add(a,b);
- test.position_enumerator(0);
- a = 0;
- b = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 2);
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- b = i;
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 100);
- test.remove_last_in_order(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 99);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 99);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 99);
- test.remove_last_in_order(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 98);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 98);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 98);
- test.position_enumerator(-10);
- for (int i = 0; i < 97; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == i);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == i);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next());
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- test.position_enumerator(10);
- for (int i = 10; i < 97; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == i);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == i);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next());
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- for (int i = 0; i < 98; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == i);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.size() == 98, test.size());
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- test.position_enumerator(98);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.position_enumerator(50);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(test[50] != 0);
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test[50] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.size() == 97, test.size());
- DLIB_TEST(a == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == 51);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == 51);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid());
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.size() == 96, test.size());
- DLIB_TEST(a == 51);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 51);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().key() == 52,test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().value() == 52,test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid());
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.size() == 95, test.size());
- DLIB_TEST(a == 52);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 52);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().key() == 53,test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().value() == 53,test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid());
- test.position_enumerator(50);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().key() == 53,test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().value() == 53,test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid());
- test.position_enumerator(51);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().key() == 53,test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().value() == 53,test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid());
- test.position_enumerator(52);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().key() == 53,test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().value() == 53,test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid());
- test.position_enumerator(53);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().key() == 53,test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.element().value() == 53,test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid());
- test.reset();
- test.move_next();
- int lasta = -1, lastb = -1;
- count = 0;
- while (test.current_element_valid() )
- {
- ++count;
- int c = test.element().key();
- int d = test.element().value();
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(c == a);
- DLIB_TEST(d == a);
- DLIB_TEST(lasta < a);
- DLIB_TEST(lastb < b);
- lasta = a;
- lastb = b;
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 95, count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.height() == 0);
- test.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- a = 1;
- b = 1;
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
- {
- int num = ::rand()%800 + 1;
- test.reset();
- for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next());
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.current_element_valid(),"size: " << test.size() << " num: " << num);
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.current_element_valid(),"size: " << test.size() << " num: " << num);
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- test.position_enumerator(1);
- if (test.current_element_valid())
- test.remove_current_element(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 1);
- }
- test.clear();
- }
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_kernel_1a.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_kernel_1a.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b7e0b3a1a..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_kernel_1a.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_global.h>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/binary_search_tree.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include "binary_search_tree.h"
- class binary_search_tree_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- binary_search_tree_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_binary_search_tree_kernel_1a",
- "Runs tests on the binary_search_tree_kernel_1a component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- binary_search_tree_kernel_test<binary_search_tree<int,int>::kernel_1a>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- binary_search_tree_kernel_test<binary_search_tree<int,int>::kernel_1a_c>();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_kernel_2a.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_kernel_2a.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e2be4b143..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_kernel_2a.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_global.h>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/binary_search_tree.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include "binary_search_tree.h"
- class binary_search_tree_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- binary_search_tree_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_binary_search_tree_kernel_2a",
- "Runs tests on the binary_search_tree_kernel_2a component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a";
- binary_search_tree_kernel_test<binary_search_tree<int,int>::kernel_2a>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a_c";
- binary_search_tree_kernel_test<binary_search_tree<int,int>::kernel_2a_c>();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_mm1.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_mm1.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a9693bd15..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_mm1.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_global.h>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/binary_search_tree.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include "binary_search_tree.h"
- class binary_search_tree_tester : public tester
- {
- struct factory
- {
- template <typename U>
- struct return_type {
- typedef typename memory_manager<U>::kernel_1c type;
- };
- template <typename U>
- static typename return_type<U>::type* get_instance (
- )
- {
- static typename return_type<U>::type instance;
- return &instance;
- }
- };
- public:
- binary_search_tree_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_binary_search_tree_mm1",
- "Runs tests on the binary_search_tree component with memory managers.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a /w memory_manager_global";
- binary_search_tree_kernel_test<binary_search_tree<int,int,
- memory_manager_global<char,factory>::kernel_1a>::kernel_1a>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a /w memory_manager_stateless";
- binary_search_tree_kernel_test<binary_search_tree<int,int,
- memory_manager_stateless<char>::kernel_1a>::kernel_1a>();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_mm2.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_mm2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 354b1f91c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/binary_search_tree_mm2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_global.h>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/binary_search_tree.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include "binary_search_tree.h"
- class binary_search_tree_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- binary_search_tree_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_binary_search_tree_mm2",
- "Runs tests on the binary_search_tree component with memory managers.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a /w memory_manager_stateless_2";
- binary_search_tree_kernel_test<binary_search_tree<int,int,
- memory_manager_stateless<char>::kernel_2_2c>::kernel_1a>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a /w memory_manager_3";
- binary_search_tree_kernel_test<binary_search_tree<int,int,
- memory_manager<char>::kernel_3b>::kernel_1a>();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/CMakeLists.txt b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5deddee04..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# This is a CMake makefile. You can find the cmake utility and
-# information about it at
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
-# This variable contains a list of all the tests we are building
-# into the regression test suite.
-set (tests
- blas_bindings_gemm.cpp
- blas_bindings_gemv.cpp
- blas_bindings_ger.cpp
- blas_bindings_dot.cpp
- blas_bindings_scal_axpy.cpp
- vector.cpp
- )
-# create a variable called target_name and set it to the string "test"
-set (target_name dtest)
-# add all the cpp files we want to compile to this list. This tells
-# cmake that they are part of our target (which is the executable named test)
-ADD_EXECUTABLE(${target_name} ../main.cpp ../tester.cpp ${tests})
-# Tell cmake to link our target executable to dlib
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${target_name} dlib )
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_dot.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_dot.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0571b0685..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_dot.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../tester.h"
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#ifndef DLIB_USE_BLAS
-#error "BLAS bindings must be used for this test to make any sense"
-namespace dlib
- namespace blas_bindings
- {
- // This is a little screwy. This function is used inside the BLAS
- // bindings to count how many times each of the BLAS functions get called.
- int& counter_dot() { static int counter = 0; return counter; }
- }
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("");
- class blas_bindings_dot_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- blas_bindings_dot_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_dot", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests for DOT routines.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {}
- void test_mat_bindings()
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- matrix<double,1,0> rv(10);
- matrix<double,0,1> cv(10);
- double val;
- rv = 1; cv = 1;
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = rv*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(val == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- rv = 1; cv = 1;
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = rv*mat(&cv(0),cv.size());
- DLIB_TEST(val == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- rv = 1; cv = 1;
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(mat(&rv(0),rv.size()))*mat(&cv(0),cv.size());
- DLIB_TEST(val == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- std::vector<double> sv(10,1);
- rv = 1;
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(mat(&rv(0),rv.size()))*mat(sv);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(mat(sv))*mat(sv);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- std_vector_c<double> svc(10,1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(mat(svc))*mat(svc);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- dlib::array<double> arr(10);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i)
- arr[i] = 1;
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(mat(arr))*mat(arr);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- }
- template <typename matrix_type, typename cv_type, typename rv_type>
- void test_dot_stuff(
- matrix_type& m,
- rv_type& rv,
- cv_type& cv
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- rv_type rv2;
- cv_type cv2;
- matrix_type m2;
- typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
- scalar_type val;
- counter_dot() = 0;
- m2 = rv*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = rv*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = rv*3*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = rv*trans(rv)*3;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(rv*trans(rv)*3 + trans(cv)*cv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 2);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(cv)*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(cv)*trans(rv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = dot(rv,cv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = dot(rv,colm(cv,0));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = dot(cv,cv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = dot(colm(cv,0,cv.size()),colm(cv,0));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = dot(rv,rv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = dot(rv,trans(rv));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = dot(trans(cv),cv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = dot(trans(cv),trans(rv));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- // This does one dot and one gemv
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(cv)*m*trans(rv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_dot() == 1, counter_dot());
- // This does one dot and two gemv
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = (trans(cv)*m)*(m*trans(rv));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_dot() == 1, counter_dot());
- // This does one dot and two gemv
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(cv)*m*trans(m)*trans(rv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_dot() == 1, counter_dot());
- }
- template <typename matrix_type, typename cv_type, typename rv_type>
- void test_dot_stuff_conj(
- matrix_type& ,
- rv_type& rv,
- cv_type& cv
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- rv_type rv2;
- cv_type cv2;
- matrix_type m2;
- typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
- scalar_type val;
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = conj(rv)*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(conj(cv))*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(conj(cv))*trans(rv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- counter_dot() = 0;
- val = trans(conj(cv))*3*trans(rv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_dot() == 1);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- typedef dlib::memory_manager<char>::kernel_1a mm;
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
- {
- matrix<double> m = randm(4,4);
- matrix<double,1,0> rv = randm(1,4);
- matrix<double,0,1> cv = randm(4,1);
- test_dot_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
- {
- matrix<float> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
- matrix<float,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));
- test_dot_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>";
- {
- matrix<complex<double> > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,1,0> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,0,1> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));
- test_dot_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- test_dot_stuff_conj(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>";
- {
- matrix<complex<float> > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));
- test_dot_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- test_dot_stuff_conj(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double, column major";
- {
- matrix<double,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = randm(4,4);
- matrix<double,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = randm(1,4);
- matrix<double,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = randm(4,1);
- test_dot_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float, column major";
- {
- matrix<float,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
- matrix<float,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));
- test_dot_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>, column major";
- {
- matrix<complex<double>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));
- test_dot_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- test_dot_stuff_conj(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>, column major";
- {
- matrix<complex<float>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));
- test_dot_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- test_dot_stuff_conj(m,rv,cv);
- }
- test_mat_bindings();
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- blas_bindings_dot_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_gemm.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_gemm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 83d41edd1..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_gemm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../tester.h"
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#ifndef DLIB_USE_BLAS
-#error "BLAS bindings must be used for this test to make any sense"
-namespace dlib
- namespace blas_bindings
- {
- // This is a little screwy. This function is used inside the BLAS
- // bindings to count how many times each of the BLAS functions get called.
- int& counter_gemm() { static int counter = 0; return counter; }
- }
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("test.gemm");
- class blas_bindings_gemm_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- blas_bindings_gemm_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_gemm", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests for GEMM routines.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {}
- template <typename matrix_type>
- void test_gemm_stuff(
- const matrix_type& c
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- matrix_type b, a;
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = a*a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = a/2*a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = a*trans(a) + a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = (a+a)*(a+a);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = a*(a-a);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = trans(a)*trans(a) + a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = trans(trans(trans(a)*a + a));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = a*a*a*a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 3);
- b = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = a*a*a*a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 3);
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = (b + a*trans(a)*a*3*a)*trans(b);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 4);
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = trans((trans(b) + trans(a)*trans(a)*a*3*a)*trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 4);
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = trans((trans(b) + trans(a)*(a)*trans(a)*3*a)*trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 4);
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = trans((trans(b) + trans(a)*(a + b)*trans(a)*3*a)*trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_gemm() == 4, counter_gemm());
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = trans((trans(b) + trans(a)*(a*8 + b+b+b+b)*trans(a)*3*a)*trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_gemm() == 4, counter_gemm());
- a = c;
- }
- template <typename matrix_type>
- void test_gemm_stuff_conj(
- const matrix_type& c
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- matrix_type b, a;
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = a*conj(a);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = a*trans(conj(a)) + a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = conj(trans(a))*trans(a) + a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = trans(trans(trans(a)*conj(a) + conj(a)));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- b = a*a*conj(a)*a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 3);
- b = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = a*trans(conj(a))*a*a;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 3);
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = (b + a*trans(conj(a))*a*3*a)*trans(b);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 4);
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = (trans((conj(trans(b)) + trans(a)*conj(trans(a))*a*3*a)*trans(b)));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 4);
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = ((trans(b) + trans(a)*(a)*trans(a)*3*a)*trans(conj(b)));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 4);
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = trans((trans(b) + trans(a)*conj(a + b)*trans(a)*3*a)*trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_gemm() == 4, counter_gemm());
- a = c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- a = trans((trans(b) + trans(a)*(a*8 + b+b+b+b)*trans(a)*3*conj(a))*trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_gemm() == 4, counter_gemm());
- a = c;
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- typedef dlib::memory_manager<char>::kernel_1a mm;
- print_spinner();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
- {
- matrix<double> a = randm(4,4);
- test_gemm_stuff(a);
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
- {
- matrix<float> a = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- test_gemm_stuff(a);
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>";
- {
- matrix<float> a = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float> b = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<float> > c = complex_matrix(a,b);
- test_gemm_stuff(c);
- test_gemm_stuff_conj(c);
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>";
- {
- matrix<double> a = matrix_cast<double>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<double> b = matrix_cast<double>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double> > c = complex_matrix(a,b);
- test_gemm_stuff(c);
- test_gemm_stuff_conj(c);
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double, column major";
- {
- matrix<double,100,100,mm,column_major_layout> a = randm(100,100);
- test_gemm_stuff(a);
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float, column major";
- {
- matrix<float,100,100,mm,column_major_layout> a = matrix_cast<float>(randm(100,100));
- test_gemm_stuff(a);
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>, column major";
- {
- matrix<double,100,100,mm,column_major_layout> a = matrix_cast<double>(randm(100,100));
- matrix<double,100,100,mm,column_major_layout> b = matrix_cast<double>(randm(100,100));
- matrix<complex<double>,100,100,mm,column_major_layout > c = complex_matrix(a,b);
- test_gemm_stuff(c);
- test_gemm_stuff_conj(c);
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>, column major";
- {
- matrix<float,100,100,mm,column_major_layout> a = matrix_cast<float>(randm(100,100));
- matrix<float,100,100,mm,column_major_layout> b = matrix_cast<float>(randm(100,100));
- matrix<complex<float>,100,100,mm,column_major_layout > c = complex_matrix(a,b);
- test_gemm_stuff(c);
- test_gemm_stuff_conj(c);
- }
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- array2d<double> a(100,100);
- array2d<double> b(100,100);
- matrix<double> c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- c = mat(a)*mat(b);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- c = trans(2*mat(a)*mat(b));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- }
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- array2d<double> a(100,100);
- array2d<double> b(100,100);
- matrix<double> aa(100,100);
- matrix<double> bb(100,100);
- matrix<double> c;
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- c = mat(&a[0][0],100,100)*mat(&b[0][0],100,100);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- set_ptrm(&c(0,0),100,100) = mat(&a[0][0],100,100)*mat(&b[0][0],100,100);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 2);
- set_ptrm(&c(0,0),100,100) = aa*bb;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 3);
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- c = trans(2*mat(&a[0][0],100,100)*mat(&b[0][0],100,100));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 1);
- set_ptrm(&c(0,0),100,100) = trans(2*mat(&a[0][0],100,100)*mat(&b[0][0],100,100));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 2);
- set_ptrm(&c(0,0),100,100) = trans(2*mat(a)*mat(b));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 3);
- }
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- blas_bindings_gemm_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_gemv.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_gemv.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 322438313..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_gemv.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../tester.h"
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#ifndef DLIB_USE_BLAS
-#error "BLAS bindings must be used for this test to make any sense"
-namespace dlib
- namespace blas_bindings
- {
- // This is a little screwy. This function is used inside the BLAS
- // bindings to count how many times each of the BLAS functions get called.
- int& counter_gemv() { static int counter = 0; return counter; }
- }
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("test.gemv");
- class blas_bindings_gemv_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- blas_bindings_gemv_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_gemv", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests for GEMV routines.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {}
- template <typename matrix_type, typename rv_type, typename cv_type>
- void test_gemv_stuff(
- matrix_type& m,
- cv_type& cv,
- rv_type& rv
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- cv_type cv2;
- rv_type rv2;
- typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
- scalar_type val;
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- cv2 = m*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- cv2 = m*2*cv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- cv2 = m*2*trans(rv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- rv2 = trans(m*2*cv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- rv2 = rv*m;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- rv2 = (rv + rv)*m;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- rv2 = trans(cv)*m;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- dlog << dlib::LTRACE << 1;
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- rv2 = trans(cv)*trans(m) + rv*trans(m);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 2);
- dlog << dlib::LTRACE << 2;
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- cv2 = m*trans(trans(cv)*trans(m) + 3*rv*trans(m));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 3);
- // This does one dot and one gemv
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- val = trans(cv)*m*trans(rv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_gemv() == 1, counter_gemv());
- // This does one dot and two gemv
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- val = (trans(cv)*m)*(m*trans(rv));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_gemv() == 2, counter_gemv());
- // This does one dot and two gemv
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- val = trans(cv)*m*trans(m)*trans(rv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_gemv() == 2, counter_gemv());
- }
- template <typename matrix_type, typename rv_type, typename cv_type>
- void test_gemv_stuff_conj(
- matrix_type& m,
- cv_type& cv,
- rv_type& rv
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- cv_type cv2;
- rv_type rv2;
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- cv2 = trans(cv)*conj(m);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- cv2 = conj(trans(m))*rv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- cv2 = conj(trans(m))*trans(cv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 1);
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- cv2 = trans(trans(cv)*conj(2*m) + conj(3*trans(m))*rv + conj(trans(m)*3)*trans(cv));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemv() == 3);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- typedef dlib::memory_manager<char>::kernel_1a mm;
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
- {
- matrix<double> m = randm(4,4);
- matrix<double,0,1> cv = randm(4,1);
- matrix<double,1,0> rv = randm(1,4);
- test_gemv_stuff(m,cv,rv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
- {
- matrix<float> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));
- matrix<float,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
- test_gemv_stuff(m,cv,rv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>";
- {
- matrix<complex<double> > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,0,1> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));
- matrix<complex<double>,1,0> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
- test_gemv_stuff(m,cv,rv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>";
- {
- matrix<complex<float> > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));
- matrix<complex<float>,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
- test_gemv_stuff(m,cv,rv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
- {
- matrix<double,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = randm(4,4);
- matrix<double,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = randm(4,1);
- matrix<double,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = randm(1,4);
- test_gemv_stuff(m,cv,rv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
- {
- matrix<float,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));
- matrix<float,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
- test_gemv_stuff(m,cv,rv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>";
- {
- matrix<complex<double>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));
- matrix<complex<double>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
- test_gemv_stuff(m,cv,rv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>";
- {
- matrix<complex<float>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));
- matrix<complex<float>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
- test_gemv_stuff(m,cv,rv);
- }
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- blas_bindings_gemv_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_ger.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_ger.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aac834d2..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_ger.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../tester.h"
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#ifndef DLIB_USE_BLAS
-#error "BLAS bindings must be used for this test to make any sense"
-namespace dlib
- namespace blas_bindings
- {
- // This is a little screwy. This function is used inside the BLAS
- // bindings to count how many times each of the BLAS functions get called.
- int& counter_ger() { static int counter = 0; return counter; }
- }
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("test.ger");
- class blas_bindings_ger_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- blas_bindings_ger_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_ger", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests for GER routines.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {}
- template <typename matrix_type, typename cv_type, typename rv_type>
- void test_ger_stuff(
- matrix_type& m,
- rv_type& rv,
- cv_type& cv
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- rv_type rv2;
- cv_type cv2;
- matrix_type m2;
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m2 = m + cv*rv;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_ger() == 1, counter_ger());
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += trans(rv)*rv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_ger() == 1);
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += trans(rv)*trans(cv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_ger() == 1);
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += cv*trans(cv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_ger() == 1);
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += trans(rv)*rv + trans(cv*3*rv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_ger() == 2);
- }
- template <typename matrix_type, typename cv_type, typename rv_type>
- void test_ger_stuff_conj(
- matrix_type& m,
- rv_type& rv,
- cv_type& cv
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- rv_type rv2;
- cv_type cv2;
- matrix_type m2;
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += cv*conj(rv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter_ger() == 1, counter_ger());
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += trans(rv)*conj(rv);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_ger() == 1);
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += trans(rv)*conj(trans(cv));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_ger() == 1);
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += cv*trans(conj(cv));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_ger() == 1);
- counter_ger() = 0;
- m += trans(rv)*rv + trans(cv*3*conj(rv));
- DLIB_TEST(counter_ger() == 2);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- typedef dlib::memory_manager<char>::kernel_1a mm;
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
- {
- matrix<double> m = randm(4,4);
- matrix<double,1,0> rv = randm(1,4);
- matrix<double,0,1> cv = randm(4,1);
- test_ger_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
- {
- matrix<float> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
- matrix<float,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));
- test_ger_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>";
- {
- matrix<complex<double> > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,1,0> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,0,1> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));
- test_ger_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- test_ger_stuff_conj(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>";
- {
- matrix<complex<float> > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));
- test_ger_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- test_ger_stuff_conj(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
- {
- matrix<double,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = randm(4,4);
- matrix<double,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = randm(1,4);
- matrix<double,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = randm(4,1);
- test_ger_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
- {
- matrix<float,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
- matrix<float,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));
- test_ger_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>";
- {
- matrix<complex<double>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));
- test_ger_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- test_ger_stuff_conj(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>";
- {
- matrix<complex<float>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));
- test_ger_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- test_ger_stuff_conj(m,rv,cv);
- }
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- blas_bindings_ger_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_scal_axpy.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_scal_axpy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a7b99e4..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/blas_bindings_scal_axpy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../tester.h"
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#ifndef DLIB_USE_BLAS
-#error "BLAS bindings must be used for this test to make any sense"
-namespace dlib
- namespace blas_bindings
- {
- // This is a little screwy. This function is used inside the BLAS
- // bindings to count how many times each of the BLAS functions get called.
- int& counter_axpy() { static int counter = 0; return counter; }
- int& counter_scal() { static int counter = 0; return counter; }
- }
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("test.scal_axpy");
- class blas_bindings_scal_axpy_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- blas_bindings_scal_axpy_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_scal_axpy", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests for DOT routines.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {}
- template <typename matrix_type, typename cv_type, typename rv_type>
- void test_scal_axpy_stuff(
- matrix_type& m,
- rv_type& rv,
- cv_type& cv
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- rv_type rv2 = rv;
- cv_type cv2 = cv;
- matrix_type m2 = m;
- typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
- scalar_type val;
- counter_scal() = 0;
- m = 5*m;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);
- counter_scal() = 0;
- rv = 5*rv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);
- counter_scal() = 0;
- rv = 5*rv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- m2 += 5*m;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- rv2 += 5*rv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- rv2 += 5*rv;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_scal() = 0;
- m = m*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);
- counter_scal() = 0;
- rv = rv*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);
- counter_scal() = 0;
- cv = cv*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- m2 += m*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- rv2 += rv*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- cv2 += cv*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- m2 = m2 + m*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- rv2 = rv2 + rv*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- cv2 = cv2 + cv*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- cv2 = 1;
- cv = 1;
- cv2 = 2*cv2 + cv*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(cv2 - 7)) == 0);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- rv2 = 1;
- rv = 1;
- rv2 = 2*rv2 + rv*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rv2 - 7)) == 0);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- m2 = 1;
- m = 1;
- m2 = 2*m2 + m*5;
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2 - 7)) == 0);
- if (is_same_type<typename matrix_type::layout_type, row_major_layout>::value)
- {
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- m2 = 1;
- m = 1;
- set_ptrm(&m2(0,0),, = 2*m2 + m*5;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2 - 7)) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- m2 = 1;
- m = 1;
- set_ptrm(&m2(0,0),, = 2*mat(&m2(0,0),, + mat(&m(0,0),,*5;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2 - 7)) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- counter_axpy() = 0;
- m2 = 1;
- m = 1;
- m2 = 2*mat(&m2(0,0),, + mat(&m(0,0),,*5;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2 - 7)) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
- }
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- typedef dlib::memory_manager<char>::kernel_1a mm;
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
- {
- matrix<double> m = randm(4,4);
- matrix<double,1,0> rv = randm(1,4);
- matrix<double,0,1> cv = randm(4,1);
- test_scal_axpy_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
- {
- matrix<float> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
- matrix<float,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));
- test_scal_axpy_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>";
- {
- matrix<complex<double> > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,1,0> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,0,1> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));
- test_scal_axpy_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>";
- {
- matrix<complex<float> > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));
- test_scal_axpy_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double, column major";
- {
- matrix<double,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = randm(4,4);
- matrix<double,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = randm(1,4);
- matrix<double,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = randm(4,1);
- test_scal_axpy_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float, column major";
- {
- matrix<float,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
- matrix<float,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
- matrix<float,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));
- test_scal_axpy_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>, column major";
- {
- matrix<complex<double>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
- matrix<complex<double>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));
- test_scal_axpy_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>, column major";
- {
- matrix<complex<float>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
- matrix<complex<float>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));
- test_scal_axpy_stuff(m,rv,cv);
- }
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- blas_bindings_scal_axpy_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/vector.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/vector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a6f5f301..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/blas_bindings/vector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "../tester.h"
-#include <dlib/geometry.h>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#ifndef DLIB_USE_BLAS
-#error "BLAS bindings must be used for this test to make any sense"
-namespace dlib
- namespace blas_bindings
- {
- extern int& counter_gemm();
- extern int& counter_gemv();
- extern int& counter_ger();
- extern int& counter_dot();
- }
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("test.vector");
- class vector_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- vector_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_vector", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on dlib::vector.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {}
- template <typename type>
- void test_vector(
- ) const
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;
- dlib::vector<type,2> a2, b2, c2;
- dlib::vector<type,3> a3, b3, c3;
- matrix<type> mat2(2,2), mat3(3,3);
- mat2 = 0;
- mat3 = 0;
- type var = 0;
- // We want to make sure that the BLAS bindings are being called for the 2D and 3D vectors. That would
- // be very slow.
- counter_gemm() = 0;
- counter_gemv() = 0;
- counter_ger() = 0;
- counter_dot() = 0;
- var = trans(a2)*(a2);
- var = dot(a2,a2);
- a2 = mat2*b2;
- var = trans(b2)*mat2*b2;
- var = trans(a3)*(a3);
- var = dot(a3,a3);
- a3 = mat3*b3;
- var = trans(b3)*mat3*b3;
- mat3 = c3*trans(a3);
- mat2 = c2*trans(a2);
- DLIB_TEST(counter_gemm() == 0 && counter_gemv() == 0 && counter_ger() == 0 && counter_dot() == 0);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- using namespace dlib;
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
- test_vector<double>();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
- test_vector<float>();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test int";
- test_vector<int>();
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test short";
- test_vector<short>();
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- vector_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bridge.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bridge.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 36d270c74..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bridge.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/bridge.h>
-#include <dlib/type_safe_union.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.bridge");
- const unsigned short testing_port = 41238;
- void do_test1()
- {
- dlib::pipe<int> in(0), out(0);
- bridge b1(connect_to_ip_and_port("",testing_port), receive(in));
- bridge b2(listen_on_port(testing_port), transmit(out));
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int val = i;
- out.enqueue(val);
- val = 0;
- in.dequeue(val);
- DLIB_TEST(val == i);
- }
- }
- void do_test2()
- {
- dlib::pipe<int> in(0), out(0), echo_pipe(0);
- bridge b2(listen_on_port(testing_port), transmit(out), receive(in));
- bridge echo(connect_to_ip_and_port("",testing_port), receive(echo_pipe), transmit(echo_pipe));
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int val = i;
- out.enqueue(val);
- val = 0;
- in.dequeue(val);
- DLIB_TEST(val == i);
- }
- }
- void do_test3()
- {
- dlib::pipe<int> in(10), out(10), echo_pipe(10);
- bridge b2(listen_on_port(testing_port), transmit(out), receive(in));
- bridge echo(connect_to_ip_and_port("",testing_port), receive(echo_pipe), transmit(echo_pipe));
- b2.reconfigure(listen_on_port(testing_port), transmit(out), receive(in));
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int val = i;
- out.enqueue(val);
- val = 0;
- in.dequeue(val);
- DLIB_TEST(val == i);
- }
- }
- void do_test4()
- {
- dlib::pipe<int> in(0), out(0), echo_pipe(0);
- bridge b2, echo;
- b2.reconfigure(listen_on_port(testing_port), receive(in), transmit(out));
- echo.reconfigure(connect_to_ip_and_port("",testing_port), transmit(echo_pipe), receive(echo_pipe));
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int val = i;
- out.enqueue(val);
- val = 0;
- in.dequeue(val);
- DLIB_TEST(val == i);
- }
- }
- void do_test5(int pipe_size)
- {
- typedef type_safe_union<int, bridge_status> tsu_type;
- dlib::pipe<tsu_type> out(pipe_size);
- dlib::pipe<tsu_type> in(pipe_size);
- dlib::pipe<bridge_status> out_status(pipe_size);
- bridge b1(connect_to_ip_and_port("",testing_port), receive(in));
- tsu_type msg;
- msg = b1.get_bridge_status();
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<bridge_status>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().is_connected == false);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_ip == "");
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_port == 0);
- {
- bridge b2(listen_on_port(testing_port), transmit(out), receive(out_status));
- in.dequeue(msg);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<bridge_status>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().is_connected == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_ip == "");
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_port == testing_port);
- msg = b1.get_bridge_status();
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<bridge_status>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().is_connected == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_ip == "");
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_port == testing_port);
- bridge_status temp;
- out_status.dequeue(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp.is_connected == true);
- DLIB_TEST(temp.foreign_ip == "");
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- msg = i;
- out.enqueue(msg);
- msg.get<int>() = 0;
- in.dequeue(msg);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<int>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<int>() == i);
- }
- }
- in.dequeue(msg);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<bridge_status>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().is_connected == false);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_ip == "");
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_port == testing_port);
- }
- void do_test5_5(int pipe_size)
- {
- typedef type_safe_union<int, bridge_status> tsu_type;
- dlib::pipe<tsu_type> out(pipe_size);
- dlib::pipe<tsu_type> in(pipe_size);
- dlib::pipe<bridge_status> out_status(pipe_size);
- bridge b1(connect_to_ip_and_port("",testing_port), receive(in));
- tsu_type msg;
- bridge b2(listen_on_port(testing_port), transmit(out), receive(out_status));
- in.dequeue(msg);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<bridge_status>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().is_connected == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_ip == "");
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_port == testing_port);
- bridge_status temp;
- out_status.dequeue(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp.is_connected == true);
- DLIB_TEST(temp.foreign_ip == "");
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- msg = i;
- out.enqueue(msg);
- msg.get<int>() = 0;
- in.dequeue(msg);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<int>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<int>() == i);
- }
- b2.clear();
- msg = b2.get_bridge_status();
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<bridge_status>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().is_connected == false);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_ip == "");
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_port == 0);
- in.dequeue(msg);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.contains<bridge_status>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().is_connected == false);
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_ip == "");
- DLIB_TEST(msg.get<bridge_status>().foreign_port == testing_port);
- }
- void do_test6()
- {
- dlib::pipe<int> in(0), out(300);
- bridge b1(connect_to_ip_and_port("",testing_port), receive(in));
- bridge b2(listen_on_port(testing_port), transmit(out));
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int val = i;
- out.enqueue(val);
- }
- int val = 10;
- in.dequeue(val);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 0);
- dlib::sleep(100);
- in.dequeue(val);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 1);
- dlib::sleep(100);
- }
- class test_bridge : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_bridge (
- ) :
- tester ("test_bridge",
- "Runs tests on the bridge component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing bridge, using local port number of " << testing_port;
- print_spinner();
- do_test1();
- print_spinner();
- do_test2();
- print_spinner();
- do_test3();
- print_spinner();
- do_test4();
- print_spinner();
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- do_test5(i);
- do_test5_5(1);
- print_spinner();
- do_test6();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bsp.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bsp.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 04367c1d3..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/bsp.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/bsp.h>
-#include <dlib/threads.h>
-#include <dlib/pipe.h>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.bsp");
- template <typename funct>
- struct callfunct_helper
- {
- callfunct_helper (
- funct f_,
- int port_,
- bool& error_occurred_
- ) :f(f_), port(port_), error_occurred(error_occurred_) {}
- funct f;
- int port;
- bool& error_occurred;
- void operator() (
- ) const
- {
- try
- {
- bsp_listen(port, f);
- }
- catch (exception& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "error calling bsp_listen(): " << e.what();
- error_occurred = true;
- }
- }
- };
- template <typename funct>
- callfunct_helper<funct> callfunct(funct f, int port, bool& error_occurred)
- {
- return callfunct_helper<funct>(f,port,error_occurred);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename funct>
- struct callfunct_helper_pn
- {
- callfunct_helper_pn (
- funct f_,
- int port_,
- bool& error_occurred_,
- dlib::pipe<unsigned short>& port_pipe_
- ) :f(f_), port(port_), error_occurred(error_occurred_), port_pipe(port_pipe_) {}
- funct f;
- int port;
- bool& error_occurred;
- dlib::pipe<unsigned short>& port_pipe;
- struct helper
- {
- helper (
- dlib::pipe<unsigned short>& port_pipe_
- ) : port_pipe(port_pipe_) {}
- dlib::pipe<unsigned short>& port_pipe;
- void operator() (unsigned short p) { port_pipe.enqueue(p); }
- };
- void operator() (
- ) const
- {
- try
- {
- bsp_listen_dynamic_port(port, helper(port_pipe), f);
- }
- catch (exception& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "error calling bsp_listen_dynamic_port(): " << e.what();
- error_occurred = true;
- }
- }
- };
- template <typename funct>
- callfunct_helper_pn<funct> callfunct(funct f, int port, bool& error_occurred, dlib::pipe<unsigned short>& port_pipe)
- {
- return callfunct_helper_pn<funct>(f,port,error_occurred,port_pipe);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void sum_array_driver (
- bsp_context& obj,
- const std::vector<int>& v,
- int& result
- )
- {
- obj.broadcast(v);
- result = 0;
- int val;
- while(obj.try_receive(val))
- result += val;
- }
- void sum_array_other (
- bsp_context& obj
- )
- {
- std::vector<int> v;
- obj.receive(v);
- int sum = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
- sum += v[i];
- obj.send(sum, 0);
- }
- void dotest1()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "start dotest1()";
- print_spinner();
- bool error_occurred = false;
- {
- thread_function t1(callfunct(sum_array_other, 12345, error_occurred));
- thread_function t2(callfunct(sum_array_other, 12346, error_occurred));
- thread_function t3(callfunct(sum_array_other, 12347, error_occurred));
- std::vector<int> v;
- int true_value = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- v.push_back(i);
- true_value += i;
- }
- // wait a little bit for the threads to start up
- dlib::sleep(200);
- try
- {
- int result;
- std::vector<network_address> hosts;
- hosts.push_back("");
- hosts.push_back("localhost:12346");
- hosts.push_back("");
- bsp_connect(hosts, sum_array_driver, dlib::ref(v), dlib::ref(result));
- dlog << LINFO << "result: "<< result;
- dlog << LINFO << "should be: "<< 3*true_value;
- DLIB_TEST(result == 3*true_value);
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what();
- DLIB_TEST(false);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <unsigned long id>
- void test2_job(bsp_context& obj)
- {
- if (obj.node_id() == id)
- dlib::sleep(100);
- }
- template <unsigned long id>
- void dotest2()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "start dotest2()";
- print_spinner();
- bool error_occurred = false;
- {
- thread_function t1(callfunct(test2_job<id>, 12345, error_occurred));
- thread_function t2(callfunct(test2_job<id>, 12346, error_occurred));
- thread_function t3(callfunct(test2_job<id>, 12347, error_occurred));
- // wait a little bit for the threads to start up
- dlib::sleep(200);
- try
- {
- std::vector<network_address> hosts;
- hosts.push_back("");
- hosts.push_back("");
- hosts.push_back("");
- bsp_connect(hosts, test2_job<id>);
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what();
- DLIB_TEST(false);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test3_job_driver(bsp_context& obj, int& result)
- {
- obj.broadcast(obj.node_id());
- int accum = 0;
- int temp = 0;
- while(obj.try_receive(temp))
- accum += temp;
- // send to node 1 so it can sum everything
- if (obj.node_id() != 1)
- obj.send(accum, 1);
- while(obj.try_receive(temp))
- accum += temp;
- // Now hop the accum values along the nodes until the value from node 1 gets to
- // node 0.
- obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes());
- obj.receive(accum);
- obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes());
- obj.receive(accum);
- obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes());
- obj.receive(accum);
- // this whole block is a noop since it doesn't end up doing anything.
- for (int k = 0; k < 100; ++k)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "k: " << k;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes());
- obj.receive(accum);
- }
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "TERMINATE";
- if (obj.node_id() == 0)
- result = accum;
- }
- void test3_job(bsp_context& obj)
- {
- int junk;
- test3_job_driver(obj, junk);
- }
- void dotest3()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "start dotest3()";
- print_spinner();
- bool error_occurred = false;
- {
- dlib::pipe<unsigned short> ports(5);
- thread_function t1(callfunct(test3_job, 12345, error_occurred, ports));
- thread_function t2(callfunct(test3_job, 0, error_occurred, ports));
- thread_function t3(callfunct(test3_job, 12347, error_occurred, ports));
- try
- {
- std::vector<network_address> hosts;
- unsigned short port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- int result = 0;
- const int expected = 1+2+3 + 0+2+3 + 0+1+3 + 0+1+2;
- bsp_connect(hosts, test3_job_driver, dlib::ref(result));
- dlog << LINFO << "result: " << result;
- dlog << LINFO << "should be: " << expected;
- DLIB_TEST(result == expected);
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what();
- DLIB_TEST(false);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test4_job_driver(bsp_context& obj, int& result)
- {
- obj.broadcast(obj.node_id());
- int accum = 0;
- int temp = 0;
- while(obj.try_receive(temp))
- accum += temp;
- // send to node 1 so it can sum everything
- if (obj.node_id() != 1)
- obj.send(accum, 1);
- while(obj.try_receive(temp))
- accum += temp;
- // Now hop the accum values along the nodes until the value from node 1 gets to
- // node 0.
- obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes());
- obj.receive(accum);
- obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes());
- obj.receive(accum);
- obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes());
- obj.receive(accum);
- // this whole block is a noop since it doesn't end up doing anything.
- for (int k = 0; k < 40; ++k)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "k: " << k;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- obj.send(accum, (obj.node_id()+1)%obj.number_of_nodes());
- obj.receive(accum);
- obj.receive();
- }
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "TERMINATE";
- if (obj.node_id() == 0)
- result = accum;
- }
- void test4_job(bsp_context& obj)
- {
- int junk;
- test4_job_driver(obj, junk);
- }
- void dotest4()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "start dotest4()";
- print_spinner();
- bool error_occurred = false;
- {
- dlib::pipe<unsigned short> ports(5);
- thread_function t1(callfunct(test4_job, 0, error_occurred, ports));
- thread_function t2(callfunct(test4_job, 0, error_occurred, ports));
- thread_function t3(callfunct(test4_job, 0, error_occurred, ports));
- try
- {
- std::vector<network_address> hosts;
- unsigned short port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- int result = 0;
- const int expected = 1+2+3 + 0+2+3 + 0+1+3 + 0+1+2;
- bsp_connect(hosts, test4_job_driver, dlib::ref(result));
- dlog << LINFO << "result: " << result;
- dlog << LINFO << "should be: " << expected;
- DLIB_TEST(result == expected);
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what();
- DLIB_TEST(false);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test5_job(
- bsp_context& ,
- int& val
- )
- {
- val = 25;
- }
- void dotest5()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "start dotest5()";
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<network_address> hosts;
- int val = 0;
- bsp_connect(hosts, test5_job, dlib::ref(val));
- DLIB_TEST(val == 25);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double f ( double x)
- {
- return std::pow(x-2.0, 2.0);
- }
- void bsp_job_node_0 (
- bsp_context& context,
- double& min_value,
- double& optimal_x
- )
- {
- double left = -100;
- double right = 100;
- min_value = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- double interval_width = std::abs(right-left);
- // This is doing a BSP based grid search for the minimum of f(). Here we
- // do 100 iterations where we keep shrinking the grid size.
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- context.broadcast(left);
- context.broadcast(right);
- for (unsigned int k = 1; k < context.number_of_nodes(); ++k)
- {
- std::pair<double,double> val;
- context.receive(val);
- if (val.second < min_value)
- {
- min_value = val.second;
- optimal_x = val.first;
- }
- }
- interval_width *= 0.5;
- left = optimal_x - interval_width/2;
- right = optimal_x + interval_width/2;
- }
- }
- void bsp_job_other_nodes (
- bsp_context& context
- )
- {
- double left, right;
- while (context.try_receive(left))
- {
- context.receive(right);
- const double l = (context.node_id()-1)/(context.number_of_nodes()-1.0);
- const double r = context.node_id() /(context.number_of_nodes()-1.0);
- const double width = right-left;
- matrix<double> values_to_check = linspace(left +l*width, left + r*width, 100);
- double best_x = 0;
- double best_val = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- for (long j = 0; j < values_to_check.size(); ++j)
- {
- double temp = f(values_to_check(j));
- if (temp < best_val)
- {
- best_val = temp;
- best_x = values_to_check(j);
- }
- }
- context.send(make_pair(best_x, best_val), 0);
- }
- }
- void dotest6()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "start dotest6()";
- print_spinner();
- bool error_occurred = false;
- {
- dlib::pipe<unsigned short> ports(5);
- thread_function t1(callfunct(bsp_job_other_nodes, 0, error_occurred, ports));
- thread_function t2(callfunct(bsp_job_other_nodes, 0, error_occurred, ports));
- thread_function t3(callfunct(bsp_job_other_nodes, 0, error_occurred, ports));
- try
- {
- std::vector<network_address> hosts;
- unsigned short port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- ports.dequeue(port); hosts.push_back(network_address("",port)); dlog << LINFO << "PORT: " << port;
- double min_value = 10, optimal_x = 0;
- bsp_connect(hosts, bsp_job_node_0, dlib::ref(min_value), dlib::ref(optimal_x));
- dlog << LINFO << "min_value: " << min_value;
- dlog << LINFO << "optimal_x: " << optimal_x;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(min_value - 0) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(optimal_x - 2) < 1e-14);
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- dlog << LERROR << "error during bsp_context: " << e.what();
- DLIB_TEST(false);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error_occurred == false);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class bsp_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- bsp_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_bsp",
- "Runs tests on the BSP components.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- dotest1();
- dotest2<0>();
- dotest2<1>();
- dotest2<2>();
- dotest3();
- dotest4();
- dotest5();
- dotest6();
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/byte_orderer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/byte_orderer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7200c1b4a..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/byte_orderer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <dlib/byte_orderer.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.byte_orderer");
- class byte_orderer_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- byte_orderer_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_byte_orderer",
- "Runs tests on the byte_orderer component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- byte_orderer bo;
- union data
- {
- unsigned char b[4];
- dlib::uint32 val;
- };
- data a;
- a.val = 1;
- if (bo.host_is_little_endian())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[0] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[3] == 0);
- bo.host_to_big(a.val);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[3] == 1);
- bo.big_to_host(a.val);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[0] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.val == 1);
- bo.host_to_network(a.val);
- DLIB_TEST(a.val == 0x01000000);
- bo.network_to_host(a.val);
- DLIB_TEST(a.val == 1);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[3] == 1);
- bo.host_to_little(a.val);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[0] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[3] == 0);
- bo.little_to_host(a.val);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.b[3] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.val == 1);
- bo.network_to_host(a.val);
- DLIB_TEST(a.val == 1);
- bo.host_to_network(a.val);
- DLIB_TEST(a.val == 1);
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cca.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cca.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a2014121d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cca.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include <dlib/sparse_vector.h>
-#include <dlib/timing.h>
-#include <map>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.cca");
- dlib::rand rnd;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- std::vector<std::map<unsigned long, double> > make_really_big_test_matrix (
- )
- {
- std::vector<std::map<unsigned long,double> > temp(30000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (int k = 0; k < 30; ++k)
- temp[i][rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10000] = 1;
- }
- return temp;
- }
- */
- template <typename T>
- std::vector<std::map<unsigned long, T> > mat_to_sparse (
- const matrix<T>& A
- )
- {
- std::vector<std::map<unsigned long,T> > temp(;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- temp[r][c] = A(r,c);
- }
- }
- return temp;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename EXP>
- matrix<typename EXP::type> rm_zeros (
- const matrix_exp<EXP>& m
- )
- {
- // Do this to avoid trying to correlate super small numbers that are really just
- // zero. Doing this avoids some potential false alarms in the unit tests below.
- return round_zeros(m, max(abs(m))*1e-14);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- void check_correlation (
- matrix<double> L,
- matrix<double> R,
- const matrix<double>& Ltrans,
- const matrix<double>& Rtrans,
- const matrix<double,0,1>& correlations
- )
- {
- // apply the transforms
- L = L*Ltrans;
- R = R*Rtrans;
- // compute the real correlation values. Store them in A.
- matrix<double> A = compute_correlations(L, R);
- for (long i = 0; i < correlations.size(); ++i)
- {
- // compare what the measured correlation values are (in A) to the
- // predicted values.
- cout << "error: "<< A(i) - correlations(i);
- }
- }
- */
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_cca3()
- {
- print_spinner();
- const unsigned long rank = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10 + 1;
- const unsigned long m = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15;
- const unsigned long n = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15;
- const unsigned long n2 = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15;
- const unsigned long rank2 = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%5;
- dlog << LINFO << "m: " << m;
- dlog << LINFO << "n: " << n;
- dlog << LINFO << "n2: " << n2;
- dlog << LINFO << "rank: " << rank;
- dlog << LINFO << "rank2: " << rank2;
- matrix<double> L = randm(m,rank, rnd)*randm(rank,n, rnd);
- //matrix<double> R = randm(m,rank, rnd)*randm(rank,n2, rnd);
- matrix<double> R = L*randm(n,n2, rnd);
- //matrix<double> L = randm(m,n, rnd);
- //matrix<double> R = randm(m,n2, rnd);
- matrix<double> Ltrans, Rtrans;
- matrix<double,0,1> correlations;
- {
- correlations = cca(L, R, Ltrans, Rtrans, min(m,n), max(n,n2));
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- dlog << LINFO << "correlations: "<< trans(correlations);
- const double corr_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*Ltrans), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans)) - correlations));
- dlog << LINFO << "correlation error: "<< corr_error;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(corr_error < 1e-13, Ltrans << "\n\n" << Rtrans);
- const double trans_error = max(abs(L*Ltrans - R*Rtrans));
- dlog << LINFO << "trans_error: "<< trans_error;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(trans_error < 1e-9, trans_error);
- }
- {
- correlations = cca(mat_to_sparse(L), mat_to_sparse(R), Ltrans, Rtrans, min(m,n), max(n,n2)+6, 4);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- dlog << LINFO << "correlations: "<< trans(correlations);
- dlog << LINFO << "computed cors: " << trans(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*Ltrans), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans)));
- const double trans_error = max(abs(L*Ltrans - R*Rtrans));
- dlog << LINFO << "trans_error: "<< trans_error;
- const double corr_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*Ltrans), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans)) - correlations));
- dlog << LINFO << "correlation error: "<< corr_error;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(corr_error < 1e-13, Ltrans << "\n\n" << Rtrans);
- DLIB_TEST(trans_error < 2e-9);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "*****************************************************";
- }
- void test_cca2()
- {
- print_spinner();
- const unsigned long rank = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10 + 1;
- const unsigned long m = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15;
- const unsigned long n = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15;
- const unsigned long n2 = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15;
- dlog << LINFO << "m: " << m;
- dlog << LINFO << "n: " << n;
- dlog << LINFO << "n2: " << n2;
- dlog << LINFO << "rank: " << rank;
- matrix<double> L = randm(m,n, rnd);
- matrix<double> R = randm(m,n2, rnd);
- matrix<double> Ltrans, Rtrans;
- matrix<double,0,1> correlations;
- {
- correlations = cca(L, R, Ltrans, Rtrans, min(n,n2), max(n,n2)-min(n,n2));
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- dlog << LINFO << "correlations: "<< trans(correlations);
- if ( > 1)
- {
- // The CCA projection directions are supposed to be uncorrelated for
- // non-matching pairs of projections.
- const double corr_rot1_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*rotate<0,1>(Ltrans)), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans))));
- dlog << LINFO << "corr_rot1_error: "<< corr_rot1_error;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(corr_rot1_error) < 1e-10);
- }
- // Matching projection directions should be correlated with the amount of
- // correlation indicated by the return value of cca().
- const double corr_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*Ltrans), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans)) - correlations));
- dlog << LINFO << "correlation error: "<< corr_error;
- DLIB_TEST(corr_error < 1e-13);
- }
- {
- correlations = cca(mat_to_sparse(L), mat_to_sparse(R), Ltrans, Rtrans, min(n,n2), max(n,n2)-min(n,n2));
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- dlog << LINFO << "correlations: "<< trans(correlations);
- if ( > 1)
- {
- // The CCA projection directions are supposed to be uncorrelated for
- // non-matching pairs of projections.
- const double corr_rot1_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*rotate<0,1>(Ltrans)), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans))));
- dlog << LINFO << "corr_rot1_error: "<< corr_rot1_error;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(corr_rot1_error) < 1e-10);
- }
- // Matching projection directions should be correlated with the amount of
- // correlation indicated by the return value of cca().
- const double corr_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*Ltrans), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans)) - correlations));
- dlog << LINFO << "correlation error: "<< corr_error;
- DLIB_TEST(corr_error < 1e-13);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "*****************************************************";
- }
- void test_cca1()
- {
- print_spinner();
- const unsigned long rank = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10 + 1;
- const unsigned long m = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15;
- const unsigned long n = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15;
- dlog << LINFO << "m: " << m;
- dlog << LINFO << "n: " << n;
- dlog << LINFO << "rank: " << rank;
- matrix<double> T = randm(n,n, rnd);
- matrix<double> L = randm(m,rank, rnd)*randm(rank,n, rnd);
- //matrix<double> L = randm(m,n, rnd);
- matrix<double> R = L*T;
- matrix<double> Ltrans, Rtrans;
- matrix<double,0,1> correlations;
- {
- correlations = cca(L, R, Ltrans, Rtrans, rank);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- if ( > 1)
- {
- // The CCA projection directions are supposed to be uncorrelated for
- // non-matching pairs of projections.
- const double corr_rot1_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*rotate<0,1>(Ltrans)), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans))));
- dlog << LINFO << "corr_rot1_error: "<< corr_rot1_error;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(corr_rot1_error) < 2e-9);
- }
- // Matching projection directions should be correlated with the amount of
- // correlation indicated by the return value of cca().
- const double corr_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*Ltrans), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans)) - correlations));
- dlog << LINFO << "correlation error: "<< corr_error;
- DLIB_TEST(corr_error < 1e-13);
- const double trans_error = max(abs(L*Ltrans - R*Rtrans));
- dlog << LINFO << "trans_error: "<< trans_error;
- DLIB_TEST(trans_error < 2e-9);
- dlog << LINFO << "correlations: "<< trans(correlations);
- }
- {
- correlations = cca(mat_to_sparse(L), mat_to_sparse(R), Ltrans, Rtrans, rank);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- if ( > 1)
- {
- // The CCA projection directions are supposed to be uncorrelated for
- // non-matching pairs of projections.
- const double corr_rot1_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*rotate<0,1>(Ltrans)), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans))));
- dlog << LINFO << "corr_rot1_error: "<< corr_rot1_error;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(corr_rot1_error) < 2e-9);
- }
- // Matching projection directions should be correlated with the amount of
- // correlation indicated by the return value of cca().
- const double corr_error = max(abs(compute_correlations(rm_zeros(L*Ltrans), rm_zeros(R*Rtrans)) - correlations));
- dlog << LINFO << "correlation error: "<< corr_error;
- DLIB_TEST(corr_error < 1e-13);
- const double trans_error = max(abs(L*Ltrans - R*Rtrans));
- dlog << LINFO << "trans_error: "<< trans_error;
- DLIB_TEST(trans_error < 2e-9);
- dlog << LINFO << "correlations: "<< trans(correlations);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "*****************************************************";
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_svd_fast(
- long rank,
- long m,
- long n
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double> A = randm(m,rank,rnd)*randm(rank,n,rnd);
- matrix<double> u,v;
- matrix<double,0,1> w;
- dlog << LINFO << "rank: "<< rank;
- dlog << LINFO << "m: "<< m;
- dlog << LINFO << "n: "<< n;
- svd_fast(A, u, w, v, rank, 2);
- DLIB_TEST( == m);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == n);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(u)*u - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(v)*v - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))) < 1e-13);
- svd_fast(mat_to_sparse(A), u, w, v, rank, 2);
- DLIB_TEST( == m);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == n);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(u)*u - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(v)*v - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))) < 1e-13);
- svd_fast(A, u, w, v, rank, 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == m);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == n);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(u)*u - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(v)*v - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))) < 1e-9,max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))));
- svd_fast(mat_to_sparse(A), u, w, v, rank, 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == m);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == n);
- DLIB_TEST( == rank);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(u)*u - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(v)*v - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))) < 1e-10);
- svd_fast(A, u, w, v, rank+5, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(u)*u - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(v)*v - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))) < 1e-11);
- svd_fast(mat_to_sparse(A), u, w, v, rank+5, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(u)*u - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(v)*v - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))) < 1e-11);
- svd_fast(A, u, w, v, rank+5, 1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(u)*u - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(v)*v - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))) < 1e-12);
- svd_fast(mat_to_sparse(A), u, w, v, rank+5, 1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(u)*u - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trans(v)*v - identity_matrix<double>( < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(tmp(A - u*diagm(w)*trans(v)))) < 1e-12);
- }
- void test_svd_fast()
- {
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter)
- {
- const unsigned long rank = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10 + 1;
- const unsigned long m = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- const unsigned long n = rank + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- test_svd_fast(rank, m, n);
- }
- test_svd_fast(1, 1, 1);
- test_svd_fast(1, 2, 2);
- test_svd_fast(1, 1, 2);
- test_svd_fast(1, 2, 1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, float>> sv;
- sv rand_sparse_vector()
- {
- static dlib::rand rnd;
- sv v;
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
- v.push_back(make_pair(rnd.get_integer(400000), rnd.get_random_gaussian()*100));
- make_sparse_vector_inplace(v);
- return v;
- }
- sv rand_basis_combo(const std::vector<sv>& basis)
- {
- static dlib::rand rnd;
- sv result;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- sv temp = basis[rnd.get_integer(basis.size())];
- scale_by(temp, rnd.get_random_gaussian());
- result = add(result,temp);
- }
- return result;
- }
- void big_sparse_speed_test()
- {
- cout << "making A" << endl;
- std::vector<sv> basis;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- basis.emplace_back(rand_sparse_vector());
- std::vector<sv> A;
- for (int i = 0; i < 500000; ++i)
- A.emplace_back(rand_basis_combo(basis));
- cout << "done making A" << endl;
- matrix<float> u,v;
- matrix<float,0,1> w;
- {
- timing::block aosijdf(0,"call it");
- svd_fast(A, u,w,v, 100, 5);
- }
- timing::print();
- }
- */
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_cca : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_cca (
- ) :
- tester ("test_cca",
- "Runs tests on the cca() and svd_fast() routines.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- //big_sparse_speed_test();
- for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i)
- {
- test_cca1();
- test_cca2();
- test_cca3();
- }
- test_svd_fast();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/checkerboard.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/checkerboard.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c8f0cb8..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/checkerboard.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-namespace dlib
- template <typename scalar_type>
- void get_checkerboard_problem (
- std::vector<matrix<scalar_type,2,1> >& x,
- std::vector<scalar_type>& y,
- const long num_samples,
- const long board_dimension = 8
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - num_samples > 0
- - board_dimension > 0
- ensures
- - #x.size() == y.size() == num_samples
- - is_binary_classification_problem(#x,#y) == true
- - #x will contain points and #y labels that were
- sampled randomly from a checkers board that has
- board_dimension squares on each side.
- !*/
- {
- static dlib::rand rnd;
- x.clear();
- y.clear();
- matrix<scalar_type,2,1> sample;
- for (long i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
- {
- sample(0) = rnd.get_random_double();
- sample(1) = rnd.get_random_double();
- sample *= board_dimension;
- x.push_back(sample);
- if (((int)sum(floor(sample)) %2) == 0)
- y.push_back(+1);
- else
- y.push_back(-1);
- }
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/clustering.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/clustering.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a784c57c0..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/clustering.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/clustering.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.clustering");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_test_graph(
- dlib::rand& rnd,
- std::vector<sample_pair>& edges,
- std::vector<unsigned long>& labels,
- const int groups,
- const int group_size,
- const int noise_level,
- const double missed_edges
- )
- {
- labels.resize(groups*group_size);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
- {
- labels[i] = i/group_size;
- }
- edges.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < groups; ++i)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < group_size; ++j)
- {
- for (int k = 0; k < group_size; ++k)
- {
- if (j == k)
- continue;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < missed_edges)
- continue;
- edges.push_back(sample_pair(j+group_size*i, k+group_size*i, 1));
- }
- }
- }
- for (int k = 0; k < groups*noise_level; ++k)
- {
- const int i = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%labels.size();
- const int j = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%labels.size();
- edges.push_back(sample_pair(i,j,1));
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_modularity_matrices (
- const std::vector<sample_pair>& edges,
- matrix<double>& A,
- matrix<double>& P,
- double& m
- )
- {
- const unsigned long num_nodes = max_index_plus_one(edges);
- A.set_size(num_nodes, num_nodes);
- P.set_size(num_nodes, num_nodes);
- A = 0;
- P = 0;
- std::vector<double> k(num_nodes,0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
- {
- const unsigned long n1 = edges[i].index1();
- const unsigned long n2 = edges[i].index2();
- k[n1] += edges[i].distance();
- if (n1 != n2)
- {
- k[n2] += edges[i].distance();
- A(n2,n1) += edges[i].distance();
- }
- A(n1,n2) += edges[i].distance();
- }
- m = sum(A)/2;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- P(r,c) = k[r]*k[c]/(2*m);
- }
- }
- }
- double compute_modularity_simple (
- const std::vector<sample_pair>& edges,
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels
- )
- {
- double m;
- matrix<double> A,P;
- make_modularity_matrices(edges, A, P, m);
- matrix<double> B = A - P;
- double Q = 0;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if (labels[r] == labels[c])
- {
- Q += B(r,c);
- }
- }
- }
- return 1.0/(2*m) * Q;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_modularity(dlib::rand& rnd)
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- std::vector<ordered_sample_pair> oedges;
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels;
- make_test_graph(rnd, edges, labels, 10, 30, 3, 0.10);
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- remove_duplicate_edges(edges);
- convert_unordered_to_ordered(edges, oedges);
- const double m1 = modularity(edges, labels);
- const double m2 = compute_modularity_simple(edges, labels);
- const double m3 = modularity(oedges, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(m1-m2) < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(m2-m3) < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(m3-m1) < 1e-12);
- }
- void test_newman_clustering(dlib::rand& rnd)
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels;
- make_test_graph(rnd, edges, labels, 5, 30, 3, 0.10);
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- remove_duplicate_edges(edges);
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels2;
- unsigned long num_clusters = newman_cluster(edges, labels2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == labels2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(num_clusters == 5);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < labels.size(); ++j)
- {
- if (labels[i] == labels[j])
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels2[i] == labels2[j]);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels2[i] != labels2[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_chinese_whispers(dlib::rand& rnd)
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels;
- make_test_graph(rnd, edges, labels, 5, 30, 3, 0.10);
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- remove_duplicate_edges(edges);
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels2;
- unsigned long num_clusters;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- num_clusters = chinese_whispers(edges, labels2, 200, rnd);
- else
- num_clusters = chinese_whispers(edges, labels2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == labels2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(num_clusters == 5);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < labels.size(); ++j)
- {
- if (labels[i] == labels[j])
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels2[i] == labels2[j]);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels2[i] != labels2[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_bottom_up_clustering()
- {
- std::vector<dpoint> pts;
- pts.push_back(dpoint(0.0,0.0));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(0.5,0.0));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(0.5,0.5));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(0.0,0.5));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(3.0,3.0));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(3.5,3.0));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(3.5,3.5));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(3.0,3.5));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(7.0,7.0));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(7.5,7.0));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(7.5,7.5));
- pts.push_back(dpoint(7.0,7.5));
- matrix<double> dists(pts.size(), pts.size());
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- dists(r,c) = length(pts[r]-pts[c]);
- matrix<unsigned long,0,1> truth(12);
- truth = 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 2, 2, 2, 2;
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels;
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 3) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(labels) == truth);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1, 4.0) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(labels) == truth);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1, 4.95) == 2);
- truth = 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 1, 1, 1, 1;
- DLIB_TEST(mat(labels) == truth);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1) == 1);
- truth = 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0;
- DLIB_TEST(mat(labels) == truth);
- dists.set_size(0,0);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 0);
- dists.set_size(1,1);
- dists = 1;
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 3) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1, 0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- dists.set_size(2,2);
- dists = 1;
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 3) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1, 1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(bottom_up_cluster(dists, labels, 1, 0.999) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 1);
- }
- void test_segment_number_line()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- std::vector<double> x;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- x.push_back(rnd.get_double_in_range(-1.5, -1.01));
- x.push_back(rnd.get_double_in_range(-0.99, -0.01));
- x.push_back(rnd.get_double_in_range(0.01, 1));
- }
- auto r = segment_number_line(x,1);
- std::sort(r.begin(), r.end());
- DLIB_TEST(r.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(-1.5 <= r[0].lower && r[0].lower < r[0].upper && r[0].upper <= -1.01);
- DLIB_TEST(-0.99 <= r[1].lower && r[1].lower < r[1].upper && r[1].upper <= -0.01);
- DLIB_TEST(0.01 <= r[2].lower && r[2].lower < r[2].upper && r[2].upper <= 1);
- x.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- x.push_back(rnd.get_double_in_range(-2, 1));
- x.push_back(rnd.get_double_in_range(-2, 1));
- x.push_back(rnd.get_double_in_range(-2, 1));
- }
- r = segment_number_line(x,1);
- DLIB_TEST(r.size() == 3);
- r = segment_number_line(x,1.5);
- DLIB_TEST(r.size() == 2);
- r = segment_number_line(x,10.5);
- DLIB_TEST(r.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(-2 <= r[0].lower && r[0].lower < r[0].upper && r[0].upper <= 1);
- }
- class test_clustering : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_clustering (
- ) :
- tester ("test_clustering",
- "Runs tests on the clustering routines.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_bottom_up_clustering();
- test_segment_number_line();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels;
- DLIB_TEST(newman_cluster(edges, labels) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(chinese_whispers(edges, labels) == 0);
- edges.push_back(sample_pair(0,1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(newman_cluster(edges, labels) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(chinese_whispers(edges, labels) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- edges.clear();
- edges.push_back(sample_pair(0,0,1));
- DLIB_TEST(newman_cluster(edges, labels) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(chinese_whispers(edges, labels) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 1);
- edges.clear();
- edges.push_back(sample_pair(1,1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(newman_cluster(edges, labels) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(chinese_whispers(edges, labels) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- edges.push_back(sample_pair(0,0,1));
- DLIB_TEST(newman_cluster(edges, labels) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(chinese_whispers(edges, labels) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 2);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- test_modularity(rnd);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- test_newman_clustering(rnd);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- test_chinese_whispers(rnd);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9216a76cc..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <string>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <dlib/cmd_line_parser.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include "cmd_line_parser.h"
- class cmd_line_parser_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- cmd_line_parser_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_cmd_line_parser_char",
- "Runs tests on the cmd_line_parser component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a with char";
- cmd_line_parser_kernel_test<cmd_line_parser<char>::kernel_1a>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c with char";
- cmd_line_parser_kernel_test<cmd_line_parser<char>::kernel_1a_c>();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f8e411a4..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,901 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <string>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <dlib/cmd_line_parser.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.cmd_line_parser");
- template <
- typename clp
- >
- void cmd_line_parser_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - clp is an implementation of cmd_line_parser_kernel_abstract.h
- ensures
- - runs tests on clp for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- typedef typename clp::char_type ct;
- int argc;
- const ct* argv[100];
- bool ok;
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
- {
- clp test, test2;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.parsed_line() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(_dT(ct,"a")) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(_dT(ct,"a")) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(_dT(ct,"a")) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.parsed_line() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(_dT(ct,"a")) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(_dT(ct,"b")) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(_dT(ct,"\0")) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- // program arg1 --davis arg2 -cZzarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"-cZzarg");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 6;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).name() == _dT(ct,"davis"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).name() == _dT(ct,"c"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).name() == _dT(ct,"Z"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == _dT(ct,"arg1"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == _dT(ct,"arg2"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==1,test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count());
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"zarg"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"asdf"));
- }
- swap(test,test2);
- // program arg1 --davis arg2 -cZ zarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"-cZ");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"zarg");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 7;
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- try { test2.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).name() == _dT(ct,"davis"));
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"c")).name() == _dT(ct,"c"));
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).name() == _dT(ct,"Z"));
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"c")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[0] == _dT(ct,"arg1"));
- DLIB_TEST(test2[1] == _dT(ct,"arg2"));
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"d")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"asdf"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test2.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"zarg"),
- narrow(_dT(ct,"*") + test2.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) + _dT(ct,"*")));
- }
- // program arg1 --davis= darg darg2 arg2 -cZzarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis=");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"darg");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"darg2");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"-cZzarg");
- argv[7] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 8;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 2);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.parsed_line());
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- if (test.element().name() == _dT(ct,"d"))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 1);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 4,count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).name() == _dT(ct,"davis"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).name() == _dT(ct,"c"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).name() == _dT(ct,"Z"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == _dT(ct,"arg1"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == _dT(ct,"arg2"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"zarg"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"asdf"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"darg"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"darg2"),
- narrow(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument(1,0)));
- }
- test.clear();
- // program arg1 --dav-is=darg darg2 arg2 -cZzarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--dav-is=darg");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"darg2");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"-cZzarg");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 7;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"dav-is"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 2);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.parsed_line());
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- if (test.element().name() == _dT(ct,"d"))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 1);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 4,count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"dav-is")).name() == _dT(ct,"dav-is"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).name() == _dT(ct,"c"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).name() == _dT(ct,"Z"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"dav-is")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == _dT(ct,"arg1"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == _dT(ct,"arg2"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"dav-is")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"zarg"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"asdf"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"dav-is")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"darg"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.option(_dT(ct,"dav-is")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"darg2"),
- narrow(test.option(_dT(ct,"dav-is")).argument(1,0)));
- }
- test.clear();
- // program arg1 --davis=darg darg2 arg2 -cZzarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis=darg");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"darg2");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"-cZzarg");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 7;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 2);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.parsed_line());
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- if (test.element().name() == _dT(ct,"d"))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 1);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 4,count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).name() == _dT(ct,"davis"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).name() == _dT(ct,"c"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).name() == _dT(ct,"Z"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == _dT(ct,"arg1"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == _dT(ct,"arg2"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"zarg"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"asdf"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"darg"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"darg2"),
- narrow(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument(1,0)));
- }
- test.clear();
- // program arg1 --davis=darg arg2 -cZzarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis=darg");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"-cZzarg");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 6;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 1);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.parsed_line());
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- if (test.element().name() == _dT(ct,"d"))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 1);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 4,count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).name() == _dT(ct,"davis"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).name() == _dT(ct,"c"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).name() == _dT(ct,"Z"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).number_of_arguments() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == _dT(ct,"arg1"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == _dT(ct,"arg2"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"zarg"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(1,0) == _dT(ct,"asdf"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"darg"));
- }
- test.clear();
- // program arg1 --davis darg arg2 -cZzarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"darg");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"-cZzarg");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 7;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 1);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.parsed_line());
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- if (test.element().name() == _dT(ct,"d"))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 1);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 4,count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).name() == _dT(ct,"davis"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).name() == _dT(ct,"c"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).name() == _dT(ct,"Z"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).number_of_arguments() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).number_of_arguments() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.number_of_arguments() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == _dT(ct,"arg1"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == _dT(ct,"arg2"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"zarg"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(1) == _dT(ct,"asdf"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"darg"));
- }
- test.clear();
- // this string is incorrect because there is no avis option
- // program arg1 --avis darg arg2 -cZzarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--avis");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"darg");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"-cZzarg");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 7;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 1);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- ok = false;
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (typename clp::cmd_line_parse_error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(e.item == _dT(ct,"avis"));
- ok = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(ok);
- }
- test.clear();
- // the c argument appears twice. make sure its count is correct
- // program arg1 --davis darg arg2 -ccZzarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"darg");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"-ccZ");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"zarg");
- argv[7] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 8;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 1);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- ok = false;
- test.parse(argc,argv);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==2);
- }
- test.clear();
- // this is a bad line because the davis argument requires 2 arguments but
- // only gets one.
- // program arg1 --davis darg darg2 --davis zarg
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"darg");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"darg2");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"zarg");
- argc = 7;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 2);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"b"),_dT(ct,"b option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).description() == _dT(ct,"davis option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"b")).description() == _dT(ct,"b option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).description() == _dT(ct,"d option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).description() == _dT(ct,"Z option"));
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- ok = false;
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (typename clp::cmd_line_parse_error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(e.num == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(e.item == _dT(ct,"davis"));
- ok = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(ok);
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(test.element().name()));
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 4,count);
- }
- test.clear();
- // this is a bad line because the davis argument is not defined
- // program arg1 --davis darg arg2 -davis zarg asdf
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"darg");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"zarg");
- argv[7] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 8;
- DLIB_TEST(std::basic_string<ct>(argv[0]) == _dT(ct,"program"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"mavis"),_dT(ct,"mavis option"), 1);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"b"),_dT(ct,"b option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"mavis")).description() == _dT(ct,"mavis option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"b")).description() == _dT(ct,"b option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).description() == _dT(ct,"d option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).description() == _dT(ct,"Z option"));
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- ok = false;
- try { test.parse(argc,argv); }
- catch (typename clp::cmd_line_parse_error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(e.item == _dT(ct,"davis"));
- ok = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(ok);
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(test.element().name()));
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 4,count);
- }
- test.clear();
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argc = 1;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 1);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).description() == _dT(ct,"davis option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).description() == _dT(ct,"c option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).description() == _dT(ct,"d option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).description() == _dT(ct,"Z option"));
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- test.parse(argc,argv);
- DLIB_TEST(test.number_of_arguments() == 0);
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option_is_defined(test.element().name()));
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 4,count);
- }
- test.clear();
- // this is to make sure the -- command works right
- // program arg1 --davis -darg -- arg2 -c asdf -Zeat -Zat -Zjoe's
- argv[0] = _dT(ct,"program");
- argv[1] = _dT(ct,"arg1");
- argv[2] = _dT(ct,"--davis");
- argv[3] = _dT(ct,"-darg");
- argv[4] = _dT(ct,"-Zeat");
- argv[5] = _dT(ct,"-Zat");
- argv[6] = _dT(ct,"-Zjoe's");
- argv[7] = _dT(ct,"--");
- argv[8] = _dT(ct,"arg2");
- argv[9] = _dT(ct,"-c");
- argv[10] = _dT(ct,"asdf");
- argc = 11;
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"davis"),_dT(ct,"davis option"), 1);
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"c"),_dT(ct,"c option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"d"),_dT(ct,"d option"));
- test.add_option(_dT(ct,"Z"),_dT(ct,"Z option"),1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).description() == _dT(ct,"davis option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).description() == _dT(ct,"c option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).description() == _dT(ct,"d option"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).description() == _dT(ct,"Z option"));
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- test.parse(argc,argv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.number_of_arguments() == 4,test.number_of_arguments());
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == _dT(ct,"arg1"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == _dT(ct,"arg2"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == _dT(ct,"-c"));
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == _dT(ct,"asdf"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).count()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"davis")).argument() == _dT(ct,"-darg"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"c")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"d")).count()==0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).count()==3);
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,0) == _dT(ct,"eat"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,1) == _dT(ct,"at"));
- DLIB_TEST(test.option(_dT(ct,"Z")).argument(0,2) == _dT(ct,"joe's"));
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser_wchar_t.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser_wchar_t.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f771eeedb..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cmd_line_parser_wchar_t.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <string>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <dlib/cmd_line_parser.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include "cmd_line_parser.h"
- class cmd_line_parser_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- cmd_line_parser_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_cmd_line_parser_wchar_t",
- "Runs tests on the cmd_line_parser<wchar_t> component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a with wchar_t";
- cmd_line_parser_kernel_test<cmd_line_parser<wchar_t>::kernel_1a>();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c with wchar_t";
- cmd_line_parser_kernel_test<cmd_line_parser<wchar_t>::kernel_1a_c>();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/compress_stream.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/compress_stream.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fbc57dd4c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/compress_stream.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.compress_stream");
- template <
- typename cs
- >
- void compress_stream_kernel_test (
- unsigned long seed
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - cs is an implementation of compress_stream/compress_stream_kernel_abstract.h
- the alphabet_size for cc is 256
- ensures
- - runs tests on cs for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(seed);
- cs test;
- dlog << LTRACE << 1;
- int count = 0;
- while (count < 2)
- {
- print_spinner();
- istringstream sin;
- ostringstream sout;
- string buffer;
- buffer.reserve(10000);
- // fill sin with a bunch of random data in the range 0 to 63
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- char temp = static_cast<char>(::rand()&0x3f);
- buffer.push_back(temp);
- }
- print_spinner();
- sin.str(buffer);
- string old_buffer = buffer;
- test.compress(sin,sout);
- buffer = sout.str();
- print_spinner();
- // corrput the data in buffer
- buffer[buffer.size()/2]++;
- sin.str(buffer);
- sout.str("");
- bool detected_error = false;
- try {
- test.decompress(sin,sout);
- } catch ( typename cs::decompression_error e )
- {
- detected_error = true;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(detected_error || sout.str() == old_buffer,(unsigned int)sout.str().size());
- } /**/
- dlog << LTRACE << 2;
- for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- istringstream sin;
- ostringstream sout;
- string buffer;
- buffer.reserve(10);
- // make sure a single char can be compressed and decompressed
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
- {
- sin.str("");
- sout.str("");
- char ch = static_cast<char>(i);
- buffer = ch;
- sin.str(buffer);
- test.compress(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decompress(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == buffer);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // make sure you can compress a single char, then append a new
- // compressed single char. and make sure you can decode the
- // two streams. Just to make sure the decoder doesn't leave
- // extra bytes behind or eat more than it should.
- for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i)
- {
- sin.str("");
- sin.clear();
- sout.str("");
- sout.clear();
- char ch = static_cast<char>(::rand()%256);
- char ch2 = static_cast<char>(::rand()%256);
- buffer = ch;
- sin.str(buffer);
- test.compress(sin,sout);
- buffer = ch2;
- sin.str(buffer);
- test.compress(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decompress(sin,sout);
- buffer = ch;
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == buffer);
- sout.str("");
- test.decompress(sin,sout);
- buffer = ch2;
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == buffer);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // make sure you can compress and decompress the empty string
- sout.str("");
- sin.str("");
- test.compress(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- test.decompress(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sout.str() == "",sout.str());
- print_spinner();
- sin.str("");
- sout.str("");
- buffer = "";
- buffer.reserve(20000);
- // fill buffer with a bunch of random data in the range 0 to 63
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- char temp = static_cast<char>(::rand()&0x3f);
- buffer.push_back(temp);
- }
- sin.str(buffer);
- print_spinner();
- test.compress(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- print_spinner();
- test.decompress(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == buffer);
- print_spinner();
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << 3;
- // this block will try to compress a bunch of 'a' chars
- {
- istringstream sin;
- ostringstream sout;
- string buffer;
- print_spinner();
- sin.str("");
- sout.str("");
- buffer = "";
- buffer.reserve(50000);
- // fill buffer with a bunch of 'a' chars
- for (int i = 0; i < 50000; ++i)
- {
- char temp = 'a';
- buffer.push_back(temp);
- }
- sin.str(buffer);
- print_spinner();
- test.compress(sin,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- print_spinner();
- test.decompress(sin,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(sout.str() == buffer);
- print_spinner();
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << 4;
- }
- class compress_stream_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- compress_stream_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_compress_stream",
- "Runs tests on the compress_stream component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- const unsigned int seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0));
- dlog << LINFO << "using seed: " << seed;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_1a>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1b";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_1b>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1c";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_1c>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1da";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_1da>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1db";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_1db>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1ea";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_1ea>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1eb";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_1eb>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1ec";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_1ec>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_2a>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_3a";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_3a>(seed);
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_3b";
- compress_stream_kernel_test<compress_stream::kernel_3b>(seed);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b4415eafd..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/conditioning_class.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include "conditioning_class.h"
- class conditioning_class_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- conditioning_class_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_conditioning_class",
- "Runs tests on the conditioning_class component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_1a,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_1a
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_2a,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_2a
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_3a";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_3a,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_3a
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4a";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_4a,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_4a
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4b";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_4b,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_4b
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4c";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_4c,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_4c
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4d";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_4d,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_4d
- >();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6c88b8d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/conditioning_class.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.conditioning_class");
- template <
- typename cc,
- typename cc2
- >
- void conditioning_class_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - cc is an implementation of conditioning_class/conditioning_class_kernel_abstract.h
- the alphabet_size for cc is 256
- - cc2 is an implementation of conditioning_class/conditioning_class_kernel_abstract.h
- the alphabet_size for cc2 is 2
- ensures
- - runs tests on cc for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- typename cc::global_state_type gs;
- typename cc2::global_state_type gs2;
- for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- {
- print_spinner();
- unsigned long amount=g+1;
- cc2 test(gs2);
- cc2 test2(gs2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_memory_usage() != 0);
- const unsigned long alphabet_size = 2;
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(alphabet_size-1)==1);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size-1; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long low_count, high_count, total_count;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_range(i,low_count,high_count,total_count) == 0,i);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == 1);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- test.increment_count(i,static_cast<unsigned short>(amount));
- unsigned long low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- if (i ==alphabet_size-1)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(i,low_count,high_count,total_count) == 1+amount);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count == low_count+1+amount);
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == 1+amount);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(i,low_count,high_count,total_count) == amount);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count == low_count+amount);
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == amount);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == (i+1)*amount + 1);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long temp = static_cast<unsigned long>(::rand()%40);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp; ++j)
- {
- test.increment_count(i,static_cast<unsigned short>(amount));
- if (i == alphabet_size-1)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == (j+1)*amount + 1 + amount);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == (j+1)*amount + amount);
- }
- }
- unsigned long target = test.get_total()/2;
- unsigned long symbol = i, low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- if (i == alphabet_size-1)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(symbol,low_count,high_count,total_count)==temp*amount+1+amount);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count-low_count == temp*amount+1+amount);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(symbol,low_count,high_count,total_count)==temp*amount + amount);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count-low_count == temp*amount + amount);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == test.get_total());
- test.get_symbol(target,symbol,low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count <= target);
- DLIB_TEST(target < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- }
- test.clear();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size-1; ++i)
- {
- test.increment_count(i);
- unsigned long low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(i,low_count,high_count,total_count) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count == low_count+1);
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == i+2);
- }
- unsigned long counts[alphabet_size];
- print_spinner();
- for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)
- {
- unsigned long range = ::rand()%50000 + 2;
- test.clear();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size-1; ++i)
- counts[i] = 0;
- unsigned long total = 1;
- counts[alphabet_size-1] = 1;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long temp = static_cast<unsigned long>(::rand()%range);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp; ++j)
- {
- test.increment_count(i);
- if (total >= 65535)
- {
- total = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- counts[i] >>= 1;
- total += counts[i];
- }
- if (counts[alphabet_size-1]==0)
- {
- counts[alphabet_size-1] = 1;
- ++total;
- }
- }
- counts[i] = counts[i] + 1;
- ++total;
- }
- unsigned long temp_total = 0;
- for (unsigned long a = 0; a < alphabet_size; ++a)
- {
- temp_total += test.get_count(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp_total == test.get_total(),
- "temp_total == " << temp_total << endl <<
- "test.get_total() == " << test.get_total()
- );
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(alphabet_size-1) == counts[alphabet_size-1]);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_total() == total,
- "test.get_total() == " << test.get_total() << endl <<
- "total == " << total
- );
- unsigned long target = test.get_total()/2;
- unsigned long symbol = i, low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(symbol,low_count,high_count,total_count)==counts[symbol]);
- if (counts[symbol] != 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == total);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= total);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- }
- if (target < total)
- {
- test.get_symbol(target,symbol,low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= total);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == counts[symbol]);
- }
- }
- }
- print_spinner();
- for (unsigned long h = 0; h < 10; ++h)
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == 1);
- // fill out test with some numbers
- unsigned long temp = ::rand()%30000 + 50000;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp; ++j)
- {
- unsigned long symbol = (unsigned long)::rand()%alphabet_size;
- test.increment_count(symbol);
- }
- // make sure all symbols have a count of at least one
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < alphabet_size; ++j)
- {
- if (test.get_count(j) == 0)
- test.increment_count(j);
- }
- unsigned long temp_total = 0;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < alphabet_size; ++j)
- {
- temp_total += test.get_count(j);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(temp_total == test.get_total());
- unsigned long low_counts[alphabet_size];
- unsigned long high_counts[alphabet_size];
- // iterate over all the symbols
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < alphabet_size; ++j)
- {
- unsigned long total;
- unsigned long count = test.get_range(j,low_counts[j],high_counts[j],total);
- DLIB_TEST(count == test.get_count(j));
- DLIB_TEST(count == high_counts[j] - low_counts[j]);
- }
- // make sure get_symbol() matches what get_range() told us
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < alphabet_size; ++j)
- {
- for (unsigned long k = low_counts[j]; k < high_counts[j]; ++k)
- {
- unsigned long symbol, low_count, high_count;
- test.get_symbol(k,symbol,low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count - low_count == test.get_count(symbol));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(j == symbol,
- "j == " << j << endl <<
- "k == " << k << endl <<
- "symbol == " << symbol << endl <<
- "low_counts[j] == " << low_counts[j] << endl <<
- "high_counts[j] == " << high_counts[j] << endl <<
- "low_counts[symbol] == " << low_counts[symbol] << endl <<
- "high_counts[symbol] == " << high_counts[symbol] << endl <<
- "low_count == " << low_count << endl <<
- "high_count == " << high_count << endl <<
- "temp.count(j) == " << test.get_count(j)
- );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(low_count == low_counts[j],
- "symbol: " << j << "\n" <<
- "target: " << k << "\n" <<
- "low_count: " << low_count << "\n" <<
- "low_counts[j]: " << low_counts[j]);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count == high_counts[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- print_spinner();
- for (int h = 0; h < 10; ++h)
- {
- test.clear();
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < alphabet_size-1; ++k)
- {
- counts[k] = 0;
- }
- counts[alphabet_size-1] = 1;
- unsigned long total = 1;
- unsigned long i = ::rand()%alphabet_size;
- unsigned long temp = 65536;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp; ++j)
- {
- test.increment_count(i);
- if (total >= 65535)
- {
- total = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- counts[i] >>= 1;
- total += counts[i];
- }
- if (counts[alphabet_size-1] == 0)
- {
- ++total;
- counts[alphabet_size-1] = 1;
- }
- }
- counts[i] = counts[i] + 1;
- ++total;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == total);
- unsigned long target = test.get_total()/2;
- unsigned long symbol = i, low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(symbol,low_count,high_count,total_count)==counts[symbol]);
- if (counts[symbol] != 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == total);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= total);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- }
- test.get_symbol(target,symbol,low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= total);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == counts[symbol]);
- }
- } // for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- {
- print_spinner();
- unsigned long amount=g+1;
- cc test(gs);
- cc test2(gs);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_memory_usage() != 0);
- const unsigned long alphabet_size = 256;
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(alphabet_size-1)==1);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size-1; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long low_count, high_count, total_count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(i,low_count,high_count,total_count) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == 1);
- }
- bool oom = false;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- bool status = test.increment_count(i,static_cast<unsigned short>(amount));
- unsigned long low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- if (!status)
- oom = true;
- if (status)
- {
- if (i ==alphabet_size-1)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(i,low_count,high_count,total_count) == 1+amount);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count == low_count+1+amount);
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == 1+amount);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(i,low_count,high_count,total_count) == amount);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count == low_count+amount);
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == amount);
- }
- if (!oom)
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == (i+1)*amount + 1);
- }
- }
- oom = false;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long temp = static_cast<unsigned long>(::rand()%40);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp; ++j)
- {
- bool status = test.increment_count(i,static_cast<unsigned short>(amount));
- if (!status)
- oom = true;
- if (status)
- {
- if (i == alphabet_size-1)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == (j+1)*amount + 1 + amount);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == (j+1)*amount + amount);
- }
- }
- }
- unsigned long target = test.get_total()/2;
- unsigned long symbol = i, low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- if (!oom)
- {
- if (i == alphabet_size-1)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(symbol,low_count,high_count,total_count)==temp*amount+1+amount);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count-low_count == temp*amount+1+amount);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(symbol,low_count,high_count,total_count)==temp*amount + amount);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count-low_count == temp*amount + amount);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == test.get_total());
- test.get_symbol(target,symbol,low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count <= target);
- DLIB_TEST(target < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- }
- }
- test.clear();
- oom = false;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size-1; ++i)
- {
- if(!test.increment_count(i))
- oom = true;
- unsigned long low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- if (!oom)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(i,low_count,high_count,total_count) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count == low_count+1);
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(i) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == i+2);
- }
- }
- unsigned long counts[alphabet_size];
- for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)
- {
- unsigned long range = ::rand()%50000 + 2;
- test.clear();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size-1; ++i)
- counts[i] = 0;
- unsigned long total = 1;
- counts[alphabet_size-1] = 1;
- oom = false;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long temp = static_cast<unsigned long>(::rand()%range);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp; ++j)
- {
- if (!test.increment_count(i))
- oom = true;
- if (total >= 65535)
- {
- total = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- counts[i] >>= 1;
- total += counts[i];
- }
- if (counts[alphabet_size-1]==0)
- {
- counts[alphabet_size-1] = 1;
- ++total;
- }
- }
- counts[i] = counts[i] + 1;
- ++total;
- }
- unsigned long temp_total = 0;
- for (unsigned long a = 0; a < alphabet_size; ++a)
- {
- temp_total += test.get_count(a);
- }
- if (!oom)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp_total == test.get_total(),
- "temp_total == " << temp_total << endl <<
- "test.get_total() == " << test.get_total()
- );
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(alphabet_size-1) == counts[alphabet_size-1]);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_total() == total,
- "test.get_total() == " << test.get_total() << endl <<
- "total == " << total
- );
- }
- unsigned long target = test.get_total()/2;
- unsigned long symbol = i, low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- if (!oom)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(symbol,low_count,high_count,total_count)==counts[symbol]);
- if (counts[symbol] != 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == total);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= total);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- }
- if (target < total)
- {
- test.get_symbol(target,symbol,low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= total);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == counts[symbol]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- oom = false;
- for (unsigned long h = 0; h < 10; ++h)
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == 1);
- // fill out test with some numbers
- unsigned long temp = ::rand()%30000 + 50000;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp; ++j)
- {
- unsigned long symbol = (unsigned long)::rand()%alphabet_size;
- if (!test.increment_count(symbol))
- oom = true;
- }
- // make sure all symbols have a count of at least one
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < alphabet_size; ++j)
- {
- if (test.get_count(j) == 0)
- test.increment_count(j);
- }
- unsigned long temp_total = 0;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < alphabet_size; ++j)
- {
- temp_total += test.get_count(j);
- }
- if (!oom)
- DLIB_TEST(temp_total == test.get_total());
- unsigned long low_counts[alphabet_size];
- unsigned long high_counts[alphabet_size];
- if (!oom)
- {
- // iterate over all the symbols
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < alphabet_size; ++j)
- {
- unsigned long total;
- unsigned long count = test.get_range(j,low_counts[j],high_counts[j],total);
- DLIB_TEST(count == test.get_count(j));
- DLIB_TEST(count == high_counts[j] - low_counts[j]);
- }
- // make sure get_symbol() matches what get_range() told us
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < alphabet_size; ++j)
- {
- for (unsigned long k = low_counts[j]; k < high_counts[j]; ++k)
- {
- unsigned long symbol, low_count, high_count;
- test.get_symbol(k,symbol,low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count - low_count == test.get_count(symbol));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(j == symbol,
- "j == " << j << endl <<
- "k == " << k << endl <<
- "symbol == " << symbol << endl <<
- "low_counts[j] == " << low_counts[j] << endl <<
- "high_counts[j] == " << high_counts[j] << endl <<
- "low_counts[symbol] == " << low_counts[symbol] << endl <<
- "high_counts[symbol] == " << high_counts[symbol] << endl <<
- "low_count == " << low_count << endl <<
- "high_count == " << high_count << endl <<
- "temp.count(j) == " << test.get_count(j)
- );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(low_count == low_counts[j],
- "symbol: " << j << "\n" <<
- "target: " << k << "\n" <<
- "low_count: " << low_count << "\n" <<
- "low_counts[j]: " << low_counts[j]);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count == high_counts[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (int h = 0; h < 10; ++h)
- {
- test.clear();
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < alphabet_size-1; ++k)
- {
- counts[k] = 0;
- }
- counts[alphabet_size-1] = 1;
- unsigned long total = 1;
- unsigned long i = ::rand()%alphabet_size;
- unsigned long temp = 65536;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp; ++j)
- {
- test.increment_count(i);
- if (total >= 65535)
- {
- total = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i)
- {
- counts[i] >>= 1;
- total += counts[i];
- }
- if (counts[alphabet_size-1] == 0)
- {
- ++total;
- counts[alphabet_size-1] = 1;
- }
- }
- counts[i] = counts[i] + 1;
- ++total;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_total() == total);
- unsigned long target = test.get_total()/2;
- unsigned long symbol = i, low_count = 0, high_count = 0, total_count = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_range(symbol,low_count,high_count,total_count)==counts[symbol]);
- if (counts[symbol] != 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(total_count == total);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= total);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- }
- test.get_symbol(target,symbol,low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= total);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count < high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(high_count <= test.get_total());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == high_count-low_count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_count(symbol) == counts[symbol]);
- }
- } // for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class_c.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class_c.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bfd9f32a..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/conditioning_class_c.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/conditioning_class.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include "conditioning_class.h"
- class conditioning_class_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- conditioning_class_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_conditioning_class_c",
- "Runs tests on the conditioning_class checked components.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_1a_c,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_1a_c
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a_c";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_2a_c,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_2a_c
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_3a_c";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_3a_c,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_3a_c
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4a_c";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_4a_c,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_4a_c
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4b_c";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_4b_c,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_4b_c
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4c_c";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_4c_c,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_4c_c
- >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4d_c";
- conditioning_class_kernel_test<
- conditioning_class<256>::kernel_4d_c,
- conditioning_class<2>::kernel_4d_c
- >();
- print_spinner();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/config_reader.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/config_reader.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 20b5215f3..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/config_reader.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/config_reader.h>
-#include <dlib/cmd_line_parser.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-// This is called an unnamed-namespace and it has the effect of making everything inside this file "private"
-// so that everything you declare will have static linkage. Thus we won't have any multiply
-// defined symbol errors coming out of the linker when we try to compile the test suite.
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the tester
- // should start with "test."
- logger dlog("test.config_reader");
- template <
- typename config_reader
- >
- void do_the_tests (
- config_reader& cr
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST(cr.is_key_defined("global"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.is_block_defined("all"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.is_key_defined("globalasfd") == false);
- DLIB_TEST(cr.is_block_defined("all!") == false);
- DLIB_TEST(cr["global"] == "hmm");
- DLIB_TEST(cr["global2"] == "hmm2");
- std_vector_c<string> blocks;
- cr.block("all").get_blocks(blocks);
- DLIB_TEST(blocks.size() == 4);
- cr.block("all").block("block1").get_blocks(blocks); DLIB_TEST(blocks.size() == 0);
- cr.block("all").block("block2").get_blocks(blocks); DLIB_TEST(blocks.size() == 0);
- cr.block("all").block("block3").get_blocks(blocks); DLIB_TEST(blocks.size() == 0);
- cr.block("all").block("block4").get_blocks(blocks); DLIB_TEST(blocks.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block1").is_key_defined("name"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block2").is_key_defined("name"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block3").is_key_defined("name"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block4").is_key_defined("name"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block1").is_key_defined("age"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block2").is_key_defined("age"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block3").is_key_defined("age"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block4").is_key_defined("age"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block1")["name"] == "davis king");
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block2")["name"] == "joel");
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block3")["name"] == "john");
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block4")["name"] == "dude");
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block1")["age"] == "24");
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block2")["age"] == "24");
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block3")["age"] == "24");
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block("block4")["age"] == "53");
- int count2 = 0;
- cr.get_blocks(blocks);
- DLIB_TEST(blocks.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(blocks[0] == "all");
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").is_key_defined("global") == false);
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").is_key_defined("global2") == false);
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").is_key_defined("name") == false);
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").is_key_defined("age") == false);
- cr.block("all").get_blocks(blocks);
- DLIB_TEST(blocks.size() == 4);
- std::vector<string> temp_blocks;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i)
- {
- ++count2;
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << "block" << count2;
- DLIB_TEST(blocks[i] == sout.str());
- cr.block("all").block(blocks[i]).get_blocks(temp_blocks);
- DLIB_TEST(temp_blocks.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block(blocks[i]).is_key_defined("name"));
- DLIB_TEST(cr.block("all").block(blocks[i]).is_key_defined("age"));
- }
- bool found_error = false;
- try
- {
- cr.block("bogus_block");
- }
- catch (typename config_reader::config_reader_access_error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(e.block_name == "bogus_block");
- DLIB_TEST(e.key_name == "");
- found_error = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(found_error);
- found_error = false;
- try
- {
- cr["bogus_key"];
- }
- catch (typename config_reader::config_reader_access_error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(e.block_name == "");
- DLIB_TEST(e.key_name == "bogus_key");
- found_error = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(found_error);
- found_error = false;
- try
- {
- cr.block("all").block("block10");
- }
- catch (typename config_reader::config_reader_access_error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(e.block_name == "block10");
- DLIB_TEST(e.key_name == "");
- found_error = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(found_error);
- found_error = false;
- try
- {
- cr.block("all")["msdofg"];
- }
- catch (typename config_reader::config_reader_access_error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(e.block_name == "");
- DLIB_TEST(e.key_name == "msdofg");
- found_error = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(found_error);
- }
- template <
- typename config_reader
- >
- void config_reader_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - config_reader is an implementation of config_reader/config_reader_kernel_abstract.h
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on config_reader for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << "all#comment { { } \n";
- sout << "{ \n";
- sout << " block1 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name = davis king \n";
- sout << " age = 24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " block2 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name= joel \n";
- sout << " age =24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " block3 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name = john \n";
- sout << " age = 24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " #comment \n";
- sout << "#comment \n";
- sout << " block4{ # comment";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " name = dude \n";
- sout << " age = 53}\n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "} \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "global=hmm#comment \n";
- sout << "global2=hmm2 \n";
- sout << " # comment \n";
- string data = sout.str();
- config_reader cr2;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- istringstream sin;
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(data);
- config_reader cr(sin);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(data);
- cr2.load_from(sin);
- do_the_tests(cr);
- do_the_tests(cr2);
- cr.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(cr.is_key_defined("global") == false);
- }
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- {
- sout << "all#comment { { } \n";
- sout << "{ \n";
- sout << " block1 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name = davis king \n";
- sout << " age = 24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " block2 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name= joel \n";
- sout << " age =24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " block3 \n";
- sout << " {{ \n"; // error on this line
- sout << " name = john \n";
- sout << " age = 24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " #comment \n";
- sout << "#comment \n";
- sout << " block4{ # comment";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " name = dude \n";
- sout << " age = 53}\n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "} \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "global=hmm#comment \n";
- sout << "global2=hmm2 \n";
- sout << " # comment \n";
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- bool error_found = false;
- try
- {
- cr2.load_from(sin);
- }
- catch (typename config_reader::config_reader_error& e)
- {
- error_found = true;
- DLIB_TEST(e.line_number == 16);
- DLIB_TEST(e.redefinition == false);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error_found);
- }
- {
- sout.str("");
- sout.clear();
- sout << "all#comment { { } \n";
- sout << "{ \n";
- sout << " block1 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name = davis king \n";
- sout << " age = 24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " block2 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name= joel \n";
- sout << " age =24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " block3 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name = john \n";
- sout << " age = 24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " #comment \n";
- sout << "#comment \n";
- sout << " block4{ # comment";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " name = dude \n";
- sout << " age = 53}\n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "} \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "global=hmm#comment \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "global=hmm2 \n"; // error on this line
- sout << " # comment \n";
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- bool error_found = false;
- try
- {
- cr2.load_from(sin);
- }
- catch (typename config_reader::config_reader_error& e)
- {
- error_found = true;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(e.line_number == 31,e.line_number);
- DLIB_TEST(e.redefinition == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error_found);
- }
- {
- sout.str("");
- sout.clear();
- sout << "all#comment { { } \n";
- sout << "{ \n";
- sout << " block1 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name = davis king \n";
- sout << " age = 24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " block2 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name= joel \n";
- sout << " age =24 \n";
- sout << " } block2{} \n"; // error on this line
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " block3 \n";
- sout << " { \n";
- sout << " name = john \n";
- sout << " age = 24 \n";
- sout << " } \n";
- sout << " #comment \n";
- sout << "#comment \n";
- sout << " block4{ # comment";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " name = dude \n";
- sout << " age = 53}\n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "} \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "global=hmm#comment \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " # comment \n";
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- bool error_found = false;
- try
- {
- cr2.load_from(sin);
- }
- catch (typename config_reader::config_reader_error& e)
- {
- error_found = true;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(e.line_number == 13,e.line_number);
- DLIB_TEST(e.redefinition == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(error_found);
- }
- }
- void test_get_option()
- {
- const char* argv[100];
- int argc;
- // program --opt 4 -d dude
- argv[0] = "program";
- argv[1] = "--opt";
- argv[2] = "4";
- argv[3] = "-d";
- argv[4] = "dude";
- argc = 5;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- sout << "block#comment { { } \n";
- sout << "{ \n";
- sout << " opt = 5 \n";
- sout << " a = 6 \n";
- sout << " d = joel \n";
- sout << " subblock {} \n";
- sout << "} \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << " \n";
- sout << "opt = 8 \n";
- sout << "d = davis \n";
- sout << "a = 50 \n";
- sout << " # comment \n";
- std::istringstream sin(sout.str());
- config_reader cr(sin);
- dlib::cmd_line_parser<char>::kernel_1a_c parser;
- parser.add_option("opt","",1);
- parser.add_option("d","",1);
- parser.add_option("a","",1);
- parser.add_option("b","",1);
- parser.parse(argc, argv);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "d", "default") == "davis");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "opt", "default") == "8");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "opt", 1) == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "optasdf", 1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "optasdf", 1.1) == 1.1);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block"), "d", "default") == "joel");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block"), "opt", "default") == "5");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block"), "opt", 1) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block").block("subblock"), "d", "default") == "default");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block").block("subblock"), "opt", "default") == "default");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block").block("subblock"), "opt", 1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.d", "default") == "joel");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.opt", "default") == "5");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.opt", 1) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.asdf.d", "default") == "default");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.asdf.opt", "default") == "default");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.asdf.opt", 2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.subblock.d", "default") == "default");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.subblock.opt", "default") == "default");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, "block.subblock.opt", 2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, "opt", 99) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, "d", "stuff") == "dude");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, "a", "stuff") == "stuff");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, "a", 99) == 99);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr, "d", "default") == "dude");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, parser, "d", "default") == "dude");
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr, "a", 2) == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, parser, "a", 2) == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr, "opt", 2) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, parser, "opt", 2) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr, "b", 2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr, parser, "b", 2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(parser, cr.block("block"), "a", 2) == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(get_option(cr.block("block"), parser, "a", 2) == 6);
- }
- class config_reader_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a test for the config_reader object. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework. The command line switch is
- specified as test_config_reader by passing that string to the tester constructor.
- !*/
- public:
- config_reader_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_config_reader",
- "Runs tests on the config_reader component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing config_reader";
- print_spinner();
- config_reader_test<config_reader>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing config_reader_thread_safe";
- print_spinner();
- config_reader_test<config_reader_thread_safe>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing get_option()";
- print_spinner();
- test_get_option();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/correlation_tracker.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/correlation_tracker.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ccf61c57..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/correlation_tracker.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,955 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2016 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/image_processing.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include <dlib/base64.h>
-#include <dlib/image_io.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.correlation_tracker");
- class correlation_tracker_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- correlation_tracker_tester(
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_correlation_tracker", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the correlation_tracker functions.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "perform_test()";
- typedef const std::string(*frame_fn_type)();
- // frames from examples folder
- frame_fn_type frames[] = { &get_decoded_string_frame_000100,
- &get_decoded_string_frame_000101,
- &get_decoded_string_frame_000102,
- &get_decoded_string_frame_000103
- };
- // correct tracking rectangles - recorded by successful runs
- drectangle correct_rects[] = {drectangle(74, 67, 111, 152),
- drectangle(76.025, 72.634, 112.799, 157.114),
- drectangle(78.6849, 78.504, 115.413, 162.88),
- drectangle(82.7572, 83.6035, 120.319, 169.895)
- };
- // correct update results - recorded by successful runs
- double correct_update_results[] = { 0, 18.3077, 16.8406, 13.1716 };
- correlation_tracker tracker;
- std::istringstream sin(frames[0]());
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- load_bmp(img, sin);
- tracker.start_track(img, centered_rect(point(93, 110), 38, 86));
- for (unsigned i = 1; i < sizeof(frames) / sizeof(frames[0]); ++i)
- {
- std::istringstream sin(frames[i]());
- load_bmp(img, sin);
- double res = tracker.update(img);
- double correct_res = correct_update_results[i];
- double res_diff = abs(correct_res - res);
- drectangle pos = tracker.get_position();
- drectangle correct_pos = correct_rects[i];
- drectangle pos_intresect = pos.intersect(correct_pos);
- double pos_area = pos.area();
- double intersect_area = pos_intresect.area();
- double rect_confidence = intersect_area / pos_area;
- dlog << LINFO << "Frame #" << i << " res: " << res << " correct res: " << correct_res << " pos: " << pos
- << " correct pos: " << correct_pos << " rect confidence: " << rect_confidence;
- // small error possible due to rounding and different optimization options
- DLIB_TEST(res_diff <= 1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect_confidence >= 0.97);
- print_spinner();
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'frame_000100.bmp'
- static const std::string get_decoded_string_frame_000100()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file '..\..\examples\video_frames\frame_000100.bmp' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "Qld+lmlZhXVX5NDRWIFG1T4+OGdJbkmxAXXdHZEtpDf6knVTlRWyAhgv85Tf11KJZbhKv1dcsKtQ";
- sout << "fX3y/9RxoGwtXxs/KaBv3IrfvBK5WFRWzOM7H11xVin5AjxdzyzgU28fRgEasu0Jvk3SaMBNM1cI";
- sout << "ZAK+MA+qEKwBn+rkuLbptS4sUNNC8PWaqLqNQ577TiMbsEgoa1FGkZX4feP8EfvV7w8H4FvbS+Cl";
- sout << "yJCj0Q0Bx2fqFCDaAVtlm41VIJUFS7AePKmSnVnAlYYOQ35XxWS2sjAlWZHXiEfKmWmSOTt3x9/u";
- sout << "5l78aPB0FvrUgF5RrvyVIOSgsC250JwINl8uulOOsykmhUUjRCw81dAITDr/d2EAYmPyiYNZWbvl";
- sout << "0Iy4f9sOJr0HnaPdCSvojI9/xdQVT3MVjHhu82UtpJ2cuc1MjUooCZdQmTn1mksdAdZtsn78aRMw";
- sout << "P97MKVgFmYMmG+yekaN6+nYFgTXnuEnatHDszyavB3+73iWTYiYs+CDRqEJ7XUkp+F97W/hUuvFr";
- sout << "DwePerItRkWZN8Nmnjx0Jibv2wu37zkFVnFIAydvV9GzaFDd75hUwQE5rjGN8jp4dBMNwcK6l7kt";
- sout << "xLm5hYF2eo9sESGJqR+8uAhGsQZESUpdBvLmf/+28MVfY7Li0lmeq+bz+JxvIa/jF5ptffuTRtZd";
- sout << "WLbJK+EXlfeorbfh+6di5CPp5/50W5zrOepXHeDfrzCIpz6XTCw4k749ajiMk5y5XUAk/gObe1bG";
- sout << "JZeGfMezy6bNcosolf5mmg5yDk07bK0JTLGFvYALT8aZFfUTHR8+47krp43r6XxaalqH3JFy3pYz";
- sout << "3t1IQPC2wz9FiCGBpn+UdULDwpBt0oqbGJYGEHDWgzwv8dv31NEbqez+G+HSEfF7CWs80SH3yYzL";
- sout << "9EjKo7ANmcYWtr8+3/SpUl0Yyzn/7zDL7191rWglr3N06+bB+bdQy7J1yGueGtTsO5XMqfUEQL5n";
- sout << "xQ2FOU9c39cruW0Fp8TDkEKM6gowBRTelXMA1w84+L9Dynheg1iLE8MSrzvA0/TlXoFD7Wt1cC/6";
- sout << "EoYPulG3BRy/3ugzUeiHm4ZWh95YOflbH2p8Ix+5/sBZ+W5xSr/37NRYi1nQ1jFwqPdAHx/OGvfW";
- sout << "BKhz+PF3146JpvuVbq9fTqjqYeM+qcAu1mS+VqDyJTw3IlvRUsixyJu7/eN01m08yumXP2mm4SwC";
- sout << "Q0j4aPKRzl4rRx5PJE4qnKxmrxSa5DavIO6ik+DKR+leGGk29zEqY+UcsqcJQLKWVy3k40wL8ouF";
- sout << "ihEPUISSZDTE/iU/4wntqVXCP9vRNYnrnXVbh6EFFA6nr4dBrj+qnkkpDxrt3tGA0Dml1u68hNhI";
- sout << "aI2bAca+a1TXb9mn18JTJqK6tkoJmE4JP/T5W03PSGYhRDa0ddNEt06eVPuCrSyDwQ2lQVjHiF7N";
- sout << "iHVbLJOQ49//SmXdeId3+sJ4NwRM0jquqURHrBAYwuEImtqZDgJ9Ac7iC5FDMuigc3KJ6Y3MRAI9";
- sout << "irrbcei2XbALqQH4hsHiOvplAaUwqE2f8iaHHQrzSKdNoRpl/0rWgEU4eWcKVl7JmmwLRWqRDg6x";
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- sout << "ZAJLPDlnhevjsz+0vEuLeqGnsX5yjbmtZzpkDvh+R6eZAJiBVq9uOLHbKqplwbjU31y2OO+Gf2Sg";
- sout << "C8nczxwSt6JT8ktG3CuGhuEIGi4l5LAjIjYd4LpQVcsUM/vP5cbzaC7/XyLmSY92KfBD8OuUL6FJ";
- sout << "kMNyHHEtawNcKlUWsW6N7ybRpvZEwRXhQP+5Q3QXHDbiQ9YJhvnnLWHFJx1TmMlhAQlyJBnuGD9q";
- sout << "Re5kqVi5ztXFHLY+yHAFHgCVbGq7WS3xxwQD+jeuLEnvbtNF5qUePj7u7psaPpYkQEj2DvRBoBGm";
- sout << "eEheol5Gc8NcW8wRw0hLr3Syw/8b+1uMl7c/Sxx08yvnB7e8JNQ4kQMkxVWFCWE+OXKul5nI5mBN";
- sout << "HRbSO5bBCuYU/9P7DvvK2U/WmcnOvNuFFax6mmBc7E8nqao9wKmpypDvddWJ+aStllc1xZt875G+";
- sout << "xrYOX7Iv0MSfk41j+VwrawGyVYKLrssBQoft2lbeDqOsJBgxS1wFmxQXgFl5pW2ynnye7GuR9A+t";
- sout << "pbgKYqFhYg8v2ZIYJ/SDJey5H6TImYlPNriXZv/ocn888rvlfOBjDcG9KiJ/CJDLs6RdMMI67EOE";
- sout << "5VBRISu61OMlhv/zp2bOsyvONztlHXERM+N6zViIlmbewanZ7ujo969A8Edx1YiD7eBR9AkB2VxW";
- sout << "nlnX2RzojsFbKIQjuE5NoFZdE49PsauvRhzYBid47XuPLu48IGlVWuX8dUENwWe8d3jUb3c8BPUv";
- sout << "2E2TUEOcbEx/b+q5ex28LRk3CL2AolCUHMhw/aFKOj+P+AJMC2qAgzhEkVUWLfD5oHnN0gFzIr28";
- sout << "EONuinHzkLIW/FcvxqVjNBn9O6svsz1RGQ7dOUStEjwpKDyYWboawNC12lNgh6+JO5uA9jGqmSyF";
- sout << "uBacrq7GoETHISP5/7Mc6PkdsT3IQ7iy+suT5vTybsqlATrvJCR2/6S+M8kZCJdkIN3tVrbKqKHf";
- sout << "O5sHBb6MgPVWotsXQyZ5m5t5x2bquGfonmlEdOcjBpYJSEM9Gd+8zvt36NgjRRr7Zgs8DU691FOE";
- sout << "eoOOYDfc5yzjHClH/b2k5po2saebjyh6Zf2/EC5mQuqkHEeLtRbxSDSa0u5jbh80vEZ//J/3nhsr";
- sout << "lL7Am8nXsj6aqyEFVYnomyDo9Uk+KLWD11PqLqJiCNTnxZbsCwiqZDo6qo4JngJbvdbGZBQMpgzU";
- sout << "kj5cDYxSZLDARNLr+/M49l7esBKTtJUVtgJX2+nejrlgeNAc2BwGQPecI9Zx9v7qHOhxSsCwSrGG";
- sout << "ZrHrTT3Pb08AKSzLQLmuijTWBRw9SmApDxTcUnSCI3RGTmqueOtpq8hGzD07OFhFU62SAdx8cW8w";
- sout << "oB/FAeZGOpIHY3hi47JXjZGTw3oGMtUkbq6RN6wQ5NJzij/HHjLzXyXKpd6CveDuxM24zzyvhEwY";
- sout << "Q3FNWhhgi8RcIFb5VutGDNZ4cd+jqf/veLh9Q1110CuDpR7MUUWm+MlG//rMcScEZDOZORL/qMuw";
- sout << "+aKT4+x2LXKb8G5uWwNovb3eZOJDTnb7Mvp4RfFql4X38BUjUgjZEAO5QXRPv+OfUi3PeeZBDQO9";
- sout << "yjqeCNsecLNlu4cf222h7Et1rdp8zYPwMbdfLrI3pH69VxM5eSJ81OtprdbsO36svGkPOOB8/rNq";
- sout << "Lu/xFCLKvWnHCPoGT5ng1vmcUl6Lkz3r+yD3+Uy0X96++sXHnOVdiWxKyRhew+3/gSQuM6zoPumc";
- sout << "xzAkEjOiKghShOmqPKQzrsEUi+sZ3NnCBwRyUwlaFw7/Fp1pi/N/9bCX30AEfaD7ucsxJGtC78W1";
- sout << "jWxi5K4qPpgaM+qU9VORlnJRFpYFBgu/nqvd8LkFrLkLsFDxkEO7bQDjEKX6xTltM7nbF/KVSasE";
- sout << "OXiMk4x9aOa8buelZrRiANp56cidcnJ8Ayv1GGAaA+hNYC+BNmTXZUal3NyMvxJOzFlKfaSUbgNB";
- sout << "EsYQusXQuVqkD6lW2Odx1Lt3hHzF0MYgMY3cuw5oeMKzarQoA97JDf74Lnp63MeuU+pjBanY5pNF";
- sout << "9D3/l1UIsrFh2ZyC0vS4i+5SGDI0Fza9ZsopX14fbUOG5FFSkrHPL1ArMvIXAG7B3OPSRF9ChX1u";
- sout << "uPCaRK+0JYxLdACdJB4x+Mhnv3fS8w5dDetUO2zy6swM2OonEXqln7lETWsBk5yQpXBo9sR8RamA";
- sout << "nt4HQhwaK0IAX4L6p2LMKJ27YUq2F3Xe2PWf9gMXdrUQPTvpq+MdEnDIJYf7sTkT+lyqLJJZap2y";
- sout << "jmuv5U6uQyaeJ2ayTd2TcvryYtrYg4dUEfTvjdlE1QdJPxUPCzjbkM/y9/SrfPCXsWVlDZDtytup";
- sout << "tSK5GBlCH8JOpiiwgyBR5nAHNZ8SKP/e0K2Ps+mDx6xcSz4WL6loJUN5+lPuMHYxXbT53LPOqwNX";
- sout << "nS+OCDPFclYZO/0TxEerFNvxvjXLU9VxB87zLZRV24VAztABk3d5zrY48iSZ8WDUudPF0mf39geE";
- sout << "4j9zhG2/3+rc1yYFhAQFN0ch0G+Gu/mEEkSkxSZy/PK/v+ITne9JIqao8JfEVgwmQY2VCSyy4Rj/";
- sout << "KHb5SOY6CDIWIRMRj7GsqxI=";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'frame_000101.bmp'
- static const std::string get_decoded_string_frame_000101()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file '..\..\examples\video_frames\frame_000101.bmp' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "Qld+lmlZhXVX5NDRWIFG1T4+OGdJbkmxAXXdHZEtpDf6knVTlRWyAhgv85Tf11KJZbhKv1dcsKtQ";
- sout << "fX3y/9RxoGs2WfSxuQ88PN3jZemvW7PfY1s1vwY1Govp+hD6LGyg6qbJF5iSr2edUHLWGq/00D7J";
- sout << "dhKHu/QsLpEM3w0yjnufc6hORX4GNjJ2a/k5xFnHf29G4ztGVp6OAlsQa4tcLsh3cOK/eyCjevG6";
- sout << "7GaMl/sfkK4TsjNfqdXM8sWxBCw/r6JTLrvlzVxDTmu6Sm2MpQ+IrRXFn4gK5vwPmc/mEp6etj4w";
- sout << "YeFI6w2jGVTFIg3R3ixaPUtvv+gaIOtPsF+4StbI3AlmD1kDBt0t2xEyPOsmjOBuh+oy/si3xWt7";
- sout << "RlCBakbDZnIihbzDMrLwTJvgoiQDgT3U4JRpH+5cL8E/3M5JAOuKWJU9nfdtNVIf1NuHCd1Ajsvt";
- sout << "LjRLI3+rqQErHsKre5sId70rx+sYSqTWaiiGi0Nwg+JdCRuA1OwFmK4rahCAEjFr55py0iZxFuo/";
- sout << "r9DLOVGqKKIWDX2HQQrQ8N1gATa5Wh9ypd1RWKz0s1wghRS8nzIpFqtvXxJxYz39gjai7qUOP25M";
- sout << "zEL4RlnFsqP7GJaT7YnpV4PLkKAzYoq2SMTq4nlK2MGohKoPNj1JCfVcq3syGMJNYtNNOtN1m/E2";
- sout << "3AKUnpPX0CAEgA43Y5yMLR5ca4+KGlvO/qWwex/bcU6uZSc6uEh2pcVaFvlnyUYdZlBg5huymL56";
- sout << "HojkUQWiv48vxAoYtiEc2xsgsD/HeJxF7z+kWJ5nDeyxLhCLpDZfrc0g76TVEOVy68CtdGLuhDe0";
- sout << "dhFhj+tlkmbNse+X7PlhhnI3Oq8kt8tFJly0YH9RXYd2eQDSK3Wz88jGhe9wcBEwcFir1foxdRa/";
- sout << "rj6qz9DeAo6bVEZkIEXPSXL9EmiyTxwqjHgIySK1il+csxW2Gpwb1hwlKQWr2x7bRf826W/DGplc";
- sout << "XNLAy0HLzQh+8E1iJZhpCwYthe751RQLrYaBxlFNZtlHDKIfuGg6ByiFdr8y3T9dx1e4xJHHAEhE";
- sout << "Aem48B79Zp5xD/ZZOgAmJx/hrXJCnYXdH1/5FNhTyySNQKG2fChxHwALxDoOsB5BwFP77RkEuXkO";
- sout << "QWLOWFUtu8XYAvf2re0ZafPDonS/GoPZkMBWo4S6KNoczfDskSXQ4PqKAW2stt1K3BoxO5LXfQYG";
- sout << "qepdQBcZfL1Ir2WmA0L2HC3UmFr4bPwVkzaYCs4uQJqivpw1lD7CcNKi4BfBqWFTs0uWXQrwY1Yv";
- sout << "rmhEavMquYjJRdo2QnufXkSjrW8VpVEthiQK895ABfggCWg4F3yiqBlCR+aGcCetNoJZ9pS3sb3Z";
- sout << "32tmtN4rrQ4jMb02QNnXPQ+vAavQaWok/dELaGYCG7PefjjcFqX48WNVmHQx+wLW4m0xo0mqXSxz";
- sout << "SQakpCGETfxuzyIlmYVRh41QcDdd/NH/CIwIMFVyga44Ewpcuew5mbz7bXP3k+FlxzXJ4e0ABVn9";
- sout << "hO2sOG1V8teDymKMNPQOBuec5AenB+kchCtCDL8ZtglpBBqmijUCegyxiVpjnCzdGQvIq1XdfVmg";
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- sout << "OOItYP1RQmG942DKVwW+QQV/fvK8BFpRP5yuNgmzjGZI8gP5cqIOkW+D4eBFBb8PYsa15fOF9AWB";
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- sout << "5CpLkspGnHs66pvrLeByoDMCpkt56bXRlcvFhjRo5nljY+GjBh6Ux3ZJnMdUG4Qded7oVaY65JVX";
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- sout << "QBhuD/mTI2q+6spFLWlZk9PmCWTBkQGsWouyZMuVQqr56sP0UEKANEGwpq+h3pq9t4+eN8WcGhyd";
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- sout << "rQwpnngQ9oNoREpNnGlZGtBr97bvWTw3UWwiEkqDJWTTbgoDSzjEroYV3RjVyVKu7BZRTvWDFz+/";
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- sout << "9mnT+89BXF+oSahu0YO8TKgNMqIDQ0d5GVrc/lakm/jQpZ3nl2tVbN5vLMtCuwbkeYRiFuaQKt8n";
- sout << "+0HpFoECCJZdk6vyVFpIHNPSP7bfnsrZJHRiprvhz41LowOajR20mGW/+mlqo5K5eVxrW4I2Uumc";
- sout << "Xxp+DK5yhhIdYxY1SkRYi4CynSNUPLqoD3RaTFKfo+aGwd+N1abtMJpWmE/Xp5k3NNHXWi95ltoF";
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- sout << "V9l7eNcD6XJrvSe+6yBEJKD7srWbyC3MPSzfl7cFEZPbVzfkjSP8H7AnZl9mFnEv8AbuLvHJTVzq";
- sout << "LdwmDV35e4jFpDbf61+kzeO0F9ABrphKOY2YP01f0sKoIicMWOcXyBVIMCtB/9Bav/Pn6bH0pyn9";
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- sout << "NnW4TD+CbdPYFH7kgXAkoFveAOIKcZZhTUD3FLbarLFqwcU37NSuqM841MlPW4Koa5Jrc5ySoL2U";
- sout << "FU/Xu07j/PvrpxdVHbok0aRtPgNm44+vPDAWmuG8zuxqluSW2xxzPi/YVo7nsWPvJoDKjZA1aRMr";
- sout << "LehSLFoQa66fCq39/XXbQp83pL9b3tFGRndFnP8FxvMcCaYkG/SDevUg+cG1ysNbBSBJ1plCJe4S";
- sout << "loGs/jQUQCNIX2/mR9L9PHM7FS+KfQn0tHgjipj5DRGiFInscy8cXn/44uYSHLvZUTvdcg3+I9hi";
- sout << "qdV0luQoUCZm9ooT/SBeEo4VzB6+L+fsuOlYCQloHNtmJ3KrHtRtbk3caJcrbTcoQETMbSGN5awK";
- sout << "XueIC5Ar7zL30I4/DTjrhho+/6Kf4nRhplqPpt+0lyLOSk9KjeNxWktMwnnplhggnxLqb9laXNAM";
- sout << "juhmMFkTHN21kH6F3TDmBE6rl8iMHHn1+kSKhhYjDeb+n35qu3kYYEg651ow0NVdq+aPC4YYCvt8";
- sout << "44xqYd6LxPeXF66jNdNl+oOBdds5MLOyW8uIFdQbmh514Q41qZ3TEMieqT08Rp7qW4/mqiPjRzp8";
- sout << "DZgOaUXJnQnUKkVbqqaiBv+ot+ArYe5JB+e7nvzgyf2zxCZLk9/Szpqn+JbGGEHFixV99XjJQRTU";
- sout << "q5DcOkzNjd2/Da4VEXCfjQPWgYlYu1u4hSgasO4GVpGFnyuj76gnzPGbkSVq5GMJ4KzYtl7/sta6";
- sout << "sijpcScgVlvvL6ff7fhEVnwQfa4mCZn9/umsDB5ZbG+VJufprMVSb5CMYcMyOU2KYDyvWHE6jSP3";
- sout << "Za1W9Fjo1Fkzx99+pV5Hex/GeiEOxyYCPjNEvCNpn9xJWjU8fx6/6BbN2mGET9hO18lol0OFeBio";
- sout << "88h5F6msca4plFbxu7eLv1Mx4kyQNmvupkPaufis95NgiPhNwOUSPsGffK8WGIaJJx7+g/SkgN1h";
- sout << "RqaZGgxZdrnY9nOOB4TsqNd1dG4p8ybarjysGHg0JQEFRcxj22DlC2PoAMEEILAjYb3cIX0xxy18";
- sout << "D6TPca+XaHi6LoYixk1zz+S8FdUGweRHS43IaWzBa9KDJ5vEIxAAXpyJ5Uv5PRcBhAfdjqjeT8DN";
- sout << "bVN0R0D5QQA=";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin, sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin, sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'frame_000102.bmp'
- static const std::string get_decoded_string_frame_000102()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file '..\..\examples\video_frames\frame_000102.bmp' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "Qld+lmlZhXVX5NDRWIFG1T4+OGdJbkmxAXXdHZEtpDf6knVTlRWyAhgv85Tf11KJZbhKv1dcsKtQ";
- sout << "fX3y/9RxoGwtXxwFXCxbBrLRaklamboDoK5N06vzzd+CS5m2gEc6/c0nITY0hfeRURvJI6cvb8OM";
- sout << "W3UbsFYtU1ntq1umGkQDDu2ukl7sV9LfHj5eh+n3zjy7VIX/RAghwQA44rcpnh2d9icwDh3G2dCo";
- sout << "KxHo3W4qqxVLis7IIGg0dzwguoB8ZGmlvOg7hdMz20beAel/LlU8TMghQk2Aj+4NTKQRVwcfXfdd";
- sout << "AyOhcT9wYaLabnDZgL+7yq8Ji3VHvlGqgVD14WJj87s83dgMGikK03QgTzhyY4dwADT1aQ+xqeec";
- sout << "K5d37u4xE+btNpcqFhHx1YCp1r6+O9kjWRE08rfb1qWZB4qyCwTkxc1C5buXaeNRrw6pHHqSLWd0";
- sout << "9IFAbB0ukrEWmdHr8lVKAfBzL+fTFrAO8gjgT/vf15asPfqSIl+zJyHK+YJ1p0F/UwIzPkKl5nx2";
- sout << "O3u06yBtIHKdflKGjRSXomDYGjrjeoLNjqF//7zBBXyNXXv9TsWwekzsX7A+qRdm/j/C0lCHU+sL";
- sout << "g6wWh7L0kL4ARqClFQfanO+87/EPhnu9LuovQzTY8PhLB7a0R2fhAncpTEPCHBm/0bTEL5F7V+W3";
- sout << "8yzUfcgi1NOCAUBN1tVwWBDsVv/NUIl1x+FTKd1BFAsN7a0LLZO3IGnCikPyU/Tn+TCslyvvnU7C";
- sout << "SxgTwVZIeDC4sq0l7kk3Jc3UWrDI77EQHjxNFKG+lnJxMLXrNMy/lJ621WGz8uVPvpkcTajH/YdN";
- sout << "eaRRgbdqnkqmoSyX7cJeaZG4NE0n+isv3j7WU3cM6N8WKhYCH0ReG7XjbdBgrPHaUdFD1dV20eC1";
- sout << "2PSv5D2jEJkDUVNdMZSmwOtF/UDg4WRMY80YLGSKhxqLqoszhKWXltFdm1M2+WPtSFOdr4i3wZRs";
- sout << "W1At1+bmMTFCM18KnBg0mQv6zyjKRjzBPHLiQZQVBmv3al6bQnyLsbpNDM79oVd4cdEv+l6Cze9Q";
- sout << "gPwotlVgN8hi9gcF3lH+KTQ3Nmd7WK3+125inZjFasNLUVJZNLshz0DVnKWeaO4RGLx/Nb2ceMwG";
- sout << "YknvrhsARhzLZe8ZFcdvQs8JnlXwuNpN9OKtBNQMpQHf6ytCWCV/ZCsrFCT+GnKMQxCvR4/LNIFU";
- sout << "vWKvSIe1iIDoOhUCgJknwUH1M1Ug/VLDpOxT4ylapmV+YoKSYnJANOQ3+3FhqHRc2KG8vGMTNzab";
- sout << "3rs5TEQVOdP+fEtU8oynfcb/0WK1BAKgmDRhKcz8XG28EX15aWyr6uJkAxqYE8UXHOr+kn27TuWA";
- sout << "49KqCFNsNcjhvnjWQEBvwTwGRKofE4ASdnQi/fF6Ozk321H0GJYpXETW69XJiNzT0f6lDUYWR+Bd";
- sout << "HC1sW256R9dn/MBAcSH2FRUf0Mv7z0yhkb4aUwHNvGhHPX5g0Bhy6x1TCOqHtjubkHkxcq6YpwW0";
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- sout << "Y4SesPr5KhQtUvkrHHQAAmQDWALzA7w0fKLi2unHSsRmteT1ctL4lGwVdEb/YFmNzxiD7BM3Zqvq";
- sout << "JtEDUScoB94K8R2BBOy/CQqEcln+DCoukLW8BdLAJ6b3mDaw8tLIevYutQwrQln0pc6HwXKmVTeb";
- sout << "AKKBMmZaAAClk5amuEkyI5YPen9gSZDX45yRohZcef7NSVOmI1ma3mc0rFYJYkJkC7T9bcpcHqAb";
- sout << "WONeENewbaLz1onBbrVYBdqPeBWjrGt4kOi+YSXtjm6WdZRtLf0cy2uRq1gvzg5oNIDGer12uAAA";
- sout << "AIqr189l1IrG/3MtrYrKK/Km9wuukr7dJe5Qf/96FXuft+BUsbt8WYQKOxeMZJgWfoZVUzKwkzEN";
- sout << "/+uWsF3fYne2EclBulQem6566qaX95eQMQv+mzrBVL7+PG6lweDQ6r6ZETzX5ogxLqyeqLSue8qJ";
- sout << "xmVPMI9fr4rDFcRrt5XgwH2j/QB8ymhsIsqPVnZKbq9+jrPUoRJDs1X6VCycaMS9bG36PFJwxW9y";
- sout << "Be+LAmVi2N4wlBCmNwXclqK1URJRvocKWAKrt0Kn4dILU1Y7hXNPjcUx/0oG5Ffoh0f12glRsyva";
- sout << "FJjtV7ePY1hClgBK9v7owd1YZUz9e10XcWOzS6L8HOpX9pocEiBdfO/oTDYBPd6LNk/E5V032Usw";
- sout << "XdqReOtJL/zOBPW1vJ5xc1UMRyGxDeqUQFxCKLkFAQj46cG89dM3bhj+Dh4U5J5MPhQltLLhIVbZ";
- sout << "qHvKkLr8cCYqSS5h/SOF9HWJKjNfXOgpRbR2l3/m8t71h6sSi5XR5o0NCi5V3/VCgAs/CfXCYH/O";
- sout << "WEDkfZKw1IgO15FUghj5y1vzejXv1logti/MHvh3WqMlQ5i6B6SgaGmIbOdqNHdYUbQnNg41m+8u";
- sout << "k5VPCiPWtGkbzzuzaYSx/Na14VdvAbZXDztFPbN3l1fMrAolDKlexOXohzVZhYOsqyu0xdGka67Q";
- sout << "i/Bz6DbYM/U4rF1lWoX1Xh9eslMlBlJjaAPdicvaJF7YArjzLKOHB9p+EZ5tfrotIKGfdGIbt/Yt";
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- sout << "5ksG2XT2sPxBM3TjQE3DAtnS/Y3psQUGsXUuY8oGNF/PgRWd8e+Ek9IoAnMLuvW7S4D4MP/wmWTX";
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- sout << "yuBnOIDJNY7BG1n0q/YoDIU/YuM09fyzW4tAHNqfbxaYif2QldKZWbxUEiiOWaItpW4QTsQe0MaC";
- sout << "h6ppkigA6/7DUgUy3PKon+JB/jdrUdW/2Q1qgLqV22zBLHJoq76n4QYZFmpLN7FkLFtabiXZigdm";
- sout << "7y4GEh33CQIlETdes59sn/0qIUj36ICMh1T/ujQOe8hlG1EIruBdZk9CtprIsVYdpuiftqJHRLmz";
- sout << "271Lti8HdM/KSVqrupdYb1GO00XOGVU4/kujCa/nzhCukpCpESV65sKSuIaW+VQlvYFATzX74WWL";
- sout << "bKfIvaa0TLR8pMz30JVDT7f+I568gRLEMsBdtMnLyJ8bgkPGdngpnz4G9FBOqkDeZdb/Ji0aKN8v";
- sout << "gwRZxrwUrjBE4EjfcRQy886hvReIP6GvKax4bwVcGfmYGdNuliSsCsPC6pLXSH3fnmYBHD8DbGct";
- sout << "Q7dlu1Z/aFTO/uY3yup3clLe89WTrPTK/N1lsUDULj/gPNwbWY5l3ay7YRoTFt49EjYPmx6wz3kc";
- sout << "YXYzOroiVWGspN9WfmHL4XN6pXWhiCOrMRG2Z43vbdUnqNk1992xy1q/ZHTw2ikxIwKy77wygWfx";
- sout << "28l1Iqj1k8Km2Ci8sBy/QCLnql6olazxv2fxn6vj+4QNrOcJb3sDuLbEm6BkUHIoiFzZEpc5nIpw";
- sout << "5YBSARDuvqMt+01+ed7yBUTms08EFh6EwPIsJ5R/6YE/Qt1aP/hfB7nGWlpGb+yqycdZbUw5XyZm";
- sout << "pOEHQHvW1j30bk27jCRHzktRYXRXQ3BpP+gVcAlXgxeoARjFfC3hYPFtKSQsmKpGKOFFMdvdO+qI";
- sout << "lwrru0fgpd0ctBiPsWR4loLRLpt/GHedyVRF29GtPPfP+JekSMDzQj4/73RZfIdHlc2b7zX+JdLz";
- sout << "Jk/4yNb2NmUnum55ezFqq7sv4HPFvMBuOth14QPJsrT1f0NyUBP3qYocsTAY7yo/fg2gYqLFMBHK";
- sout << "+N9IvtHqxyn4actl6t8DIHeBTsM48AJVza+LkOrmuK6k1x61G5r/qyEVTbWVMqKagbySMYtIyJxd";
- sout << "G87XVnI5bbsfSdTdTSQ2EOry9U2H3HIrKIFzxOcj2NxJ+dNqpiLtreoN8XsfLvfM/46NeNaynG17";
- sout << "jIqcV8TL7MVqJ74/OYv6Mek/0vjLysUDQwPniEkka91ZCJboXzsuW41M5QkSfU/nxsD05TvQVbFj";
- sout << "GBNApTN8Oe8miBahONkbfBB2ks536yBwG8RXWGSHR5Jdl6yhUIw4mWb0WupVEd90sZmXEYeP1q4K";
- sout << "MvdHRuEQbNZfyXLskOtwKsFAqa9ebN6yVdM2tIOOp12Km3mabcUct0nOq///UyfEclOfrC5km0on";
- sout << "WWXFk++6vwChLbG+5WCZl5SNeuxEWu1odbh2XZ5ng+XSz/T2P2l3Fa7ujEKilHAYYbS3foWHO+ev";
- sout << "sZlG35o8e5wuKiqnf7gGs8tAIFFyONtfRZuGzH1qy5W7BysZaohtU3ihEzJdomSI1xKHE7+Dn94W";
- sout << "ZDi7S+Qp6VKbepW6JcdWctmtXyncC5AW+UzquyYuJzjoDRdVe7uEAA44Fhc7nHFHx7snTuZpaYcE";
- sout << "OfIBgzr61aCpVMKX7YJ6NOzRNgfTBIMl24JybjFG9Mcbk2qQVzKQ+w1StjfGTEexWIfYRDxhoUzB";
- sout << "I+2cAA==";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin, sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin, sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'frame_000103.bmp'
- static const std::string get_decoded_string_frame_000103()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file '..\..\examples\video_frames\frame_000103.bmp' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "Qld+lmlZhXVX5NDRWIFG1T4+OGdJbkmxAXXdHZEtpDf6knVTlRWyAhgv85Tf11KJZbhKv1dcsKtQ";
- sout << "fX3y/9RxoGwtXxwFXCxbBrLRaklZ0wCJRoLkFEbV5T2V0aJZQJTKWkAqP6JwJ7zPTyCiJkDRbGA9";
- sout << "1cIxGeLInzTUAlhbGO8eexmWzXHz6KhgZ87K5c4n+YcRjVfwTo3Bl2AB4QPv/bs5da4g6jZd7iwv";
- sout << "PYnF6pRCiwuiCobwvi8eG43pWnNEX2bIUtfMVGP2zA3e9Qg7Q7w6/KNILIYSXeI4KjLlnmC9YPB2";
- sout << "2qPH0Q7DVlBLBBUHO8lZaFg1gR2Jb+4rgSvuUg6JaoUbqAUMaFFnQCjw9bwdN4bJ1GFXCu4G2afO";
- sout << "/izIyq+QxXHIy/Ez1TZWTtkJfWRkKAjj59IBD7fRSqyvL2tSatSiYQffAcsyQJzcPMTHahKq3XeO";
- sout << "pFu5XOr3OsyxVr7ME4/GAOcUjNpdW5pAMPNddRfL6/Jy6S9ICHxppdwhMAtbxsaHiKv2xgcc/t3I";
- sout << "J0t4NPThn/QTNed+F4iFR30+lwrS1EyOUiqRT7q51LFDQE+/ZyqCrq8vEGp+BRAxMEoL0ekA2B9W";
- sout << "vceyzfAlymEivr89KSSC9L+VZjE8qylGshgeXM30qladBEU4CKtcTlfJFWSHZX9Gm8qDXmp/5bX1";
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- sout << "O2PI0ZVRWenZjLzXtSefvwSXCG1G2u5sjq45P4Uk35wtetzV+N2WzVinM3yYtcABa51N3Se2nDWP";
- sout << "huxbCEVYT0c5sfaNCy7XRQ0ijcrMdqMDbecOuTMSlE8FEu12Z0cNFQqao0R8q3601D39vmJoxIPM";
- sout << "wRIiHH6qVcCMBV3oVPWIiD8T96pUZoN3V9BpyQx43MEC6ZdVFqUVQtiYu/PgWqK2pwk4Lh4vpou3";
- sout << "Jad9ENAsLdoVKZrtHlD8k70MVFOXNXJELqJarxwDy35JAha1+dHBvcgU3q/8pOnhS6xZ6judsmXX";
- sout << "LVBdUnKu4w/tbXgJA7lkLtwtODiXCL6edRCSkuXmTRLqXhrzUYzOVO3lZQSNWLLagHa73ce5B6Wu";
- sout << "rVTjMEVaNC3Guz5/cOkZrveG7MTk/eKR56x7MhkDS3H9pbNiCoqO7Ub52x7j/aicE48SYYkXFTrM";
- sout << "ETpxS8VFa1i5VpaiDxhfZKKV03S/fA0QoUcakVISiSN3VgSrhYsu9KvVjD3kjW9IMKGMlcVH040t";
- sout << "1cs0rHtLRVh/FjpMZlQxWxhI9ZMH0Ccfzpr7SbTN0Y4WfKaO1O/JfqYkzCnFTThvkrUMAeA1+zHJ";
- sout << "1HS44rFnT06RSAGFX6KaqrRFBOC3V3ljXEHyyrGJJe0OHWTUAwov+JzoXuB8onm10lcxUpV2Wd5R";
- sout << "RZ3dx/u9pEYgBolzQIXVkcE0YBYmkXMJfgXK3Rp6V+1pIR9bTWUU76/0CgMHqVBKZOtpl1ykTQ90";
- sout << "h/n2Mcjhmo9BtRIi+R7rBhr2a+oNj7GZHVPaaItTcdSvns42OxGjc8R6ZdzLHzNNPYx0NkbVeKnU";
- sout << "FSV4qd+iYq+N5hiPeTRfwdLU1wRL84Gvm+JfR3Y6eK8dBmMGCp0skspHGgpf8xTXXpYmOuZ1FmXV";
- sout << "YMKmrYMuTm0IigxtpmCmHPmRZ8U9xbe4Oc8UDxkkmCUvcuvMLS9SJKFOQiUJwxuXgf2IzzzePLcx";
- sout << "ePs3jrlOoD5GzQzSvDrJRIeSxjwTrVFiFT+qwMIIAR7TyTjBOWV51+kM0+5mU9g89OwLmO4yxXes";
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- sout << "MzIZ1ASN4a7lrfvv4cD+Uxovvt1s8Kck2wmIiWg95RiLdnopqSg8qZY/3U5u6XmXCqnEFTYuKKVY";
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- sout << "qM3lBgjEYl4CvDzL5HbmqBV1gTOZrzkrEdr00ChKzRURvTBn7NlvPZewMhL+Hc0SVXYtzCLSl+p4";
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- sout << "CJ4FBcpn1BFWEY6E4Q+UeOlU1rv//LgKYxgNC2GX64oLOAoPGgEOG6dTKmnad/7y42k+kmQnvLvT";
- sout << "YNkffPIcqqBvhZCmvIg4eMR+cB5Kw5IN1tik/XNmrI2FP8y+7OhNlFah1F+slgX9oHVKoRLtJFPT";
- sout << "e4rQDWqAnWMAoSqsITbHCq9Em1lP6Cq3anR7zsCNH79KJCsbZOZ+J9ccoLm7uLJQUl9BW4irlZH8";
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- sout << "1A6JahmxkTYcJVOnVWG6LvfHYCIJ6hwDV4J23P+tNZtLCzfHPnDDdyJCmBExsOV1xXzNeGhqZhb3";
- sout << "kSWXntkMAstuTSdgb8vPGYSyEMsTx+pTeXFGv3TN+YCdQTQIovV2f0KTZMxmjoTmlZKueVeFwzSP";
- sout << "S+G65EMEcgQUGloWsFPdIaRzPLYHUktOcJc4bqEDvwIUDLqfjH4zr7kgF6i0KfRUMP4Jrje78S9G";
- sout << "C7o9XJLGWbS32yrdKVlIG+9f+2YQRrZECzhex6WjV69/JSe0jbilwXwsJSKtY6jFik8eE6RCZqN9";
- sout << "c1vOxMcd+5twMMkmnu4yvBEV6Y207UtegGSHaESpEW1MTvbDk/75X46WMSECbeEe8lzlmNaaWyWY";
- sout << "C+siHamjyTgHAvJLEwiNlQ26LS3mJr4HmpOVizbTykoe2WGV/jmUrhhUg2AN0CrS2LqriZolW/JX";
- sout << "jJeehNlJ9Jy4e4NZE2Xn/Q5UC3zVJm3bpbC3JKre7sALksQSQInLf7OoYArfwgYmAdMWhgxRakIv";
- sout << "0M0acqOuNUxmW0k4YEzEncfjSAQ3cAUkaL1XS55I5vm3o1RPiKBjjypzdi8GI7migOK5dRrIctP4";
- sout << "U0S4L6uojFipn9VGhIjGiv0Rg6OcaZO2FDq9SOGmLZ4b92sE7v4rtEt8oxlbbxPdgT6CLQkVCCJh";
- sout << "uvjCIeAmV0wwhaKYzE2TpSkPFrtCPWhBjSulx5OwEGvdgzUq1NAnHBqlc6Oazt+6Hb/b+zpziei2";
- sout << "huprTtScOqJcYzqJYGIwYebjxpVM0f/05a3LodBUWUNUIRNyzJpyEZluHCupDqfEgF7ObUDvtTDO";
- sout << "Zl1aCRWbztt2W0JE7SSCAZbzY+3Dq+m0VUJj1L7NZkg5py0mUHHnz2lDveZjtHr9UBqETzN2xCuw";
- sout << "8LQqbhDKR5I5ThHilGjZjxSN4VUKgBiBNUHXu8D2VN9RHr9xjQzmnSOJPHtcFuf9ioGO43OVtV+I";
- sout << "DvE3YjEt53F37uZBmvTQD3zcBvgRoNF24j6jjTeHE3I/MROKotCIBkxk5AZTF9Awzha4XwP3xOAI";
- sout << "FyhCle92a3102sdU/azu+1n3Jq0ZeifCSicBjrAHgQpVM7afn/yha/YKXqiwingX4pvrN6IRKADv";
- sout << "edJG6C4OttSovas7ayKdaTWURKwQWQ2NQF/24DUEmfGkWgk3e1uFjfdBNFez7/omGkRqvSAoT5pe";
- sout << "rXpbWzb7nigtdMRUdVMdzAHooSObROsbHc7ngUn6sJ6rD88EJZH94kk3adWN6plDDTyRe/eu5Ah0";
- sout << "XnBPmYIgVSYSZ/X6BvS5AZDElImmABuvuLEjOQ3Ydqc1NQIGOgMzWhn/Dc94YMxSOdmHCo5RyGjo";
- sout << "Zn0wntZDa+gKaR8PwzsIi+Q7RvReVKP4xKNPbI3W47v3sh1PeidJXt75OoHyKpoxJJcjwB8me4iZ";
- sout << "ctKBz0QZ5ZBuywtn2Lq69I5nmjHQbpIB+zmPqIxEJOworB7Qg6thkda97KcHsRbMJAA=";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin, sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin, sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- };
- correlation_tracker_tester a;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/crc32.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/crc32.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 32f67ed3a..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/crc32.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <dlib/crc32.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.crc32");
- class crc32_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- crc32_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_crc32",
- "Runs tests on the crc32 component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST(crc32("davis").get_checksum() == 0x0445527C);
- crc32 c, c2;
- DLIB_TEST(c.get_checksum() == 0);
- c.add("davis");
- DLIB_TEST(c.get_checksum() == 0x0445527C);
- DLIB_TEST(c2.get_checksum() == 0);
- c2 = c;
- DLIB_TEST(c2.get_checksum() == 0x0445527C);
- crc32 c3(c);
- DLIB_TEST(c3.get_checksum() == 0x0445527C);
- c.add('a');
- c2.add('a');
- c3.add('a');
- DLIB_TEST(c.get_checksum() == 0xB100C606);
- DLIB_TEST(c2.get_checksum() == 0xB100C606);
- DLIB_TEST(c3.get_checksum() == 0xB100C606);
- crc32::kernel_1a cold;
- DLIB_TEST(cold.get_checksum() == 0);
- cold.add("davis");
- DLIB_TEST(cold.get_checksum() == 0x0445527C);
- c.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(c.get_checksum() == 0);
- c.add("davis");
- DLIB_TEST(c.get_checksum() == 0x0445527C);
- std::vector<char> buf;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4000; ++i)
- buf.push_back(i);
- DLIB_TEST(crc32(buf) == 492662731);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/create_iris_datafile.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/create_iris_datafile.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e19d2aac..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/create_iris_datafile.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include <dlib/base64.h>
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'iris.scale'
- const std::string get_decoded_string()
- {
- dlib::base64::kernel_1a base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'iris.scale' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "MU66cCmT9lCXWJXwhdfOGELwlyExClbHEF1s9XoqxNDV7o8AdVVHws/C9oIKO5EShH1lI/QFTWk3";
- sout << "8EUdVpSw/NpZCUa7O9nq5uO6SE0gfRAyryH+pfIVL9jPiQi8rBdagDf4kUd4eggz9glwYnKEE+US";
- sout << "K4GUBnW33YDf/jMF2GIBLNvz69yGJj8RC5rOUeJxR4mlHrDmnEfgRSdFIfXk4OQ4V/XbOsE1bnhG";
- sout << "fmACcu7nYv6M/043Z6o8oaBeoJ2XK/9UqOWGFOwfVpQ46fz1a0oTlOzyDbbzMiniLr8z5P/VYwYd";
- sout << "iAE70MwxHXs6Ga3zMmD/h1WxB/uRRph39B1lPN1UXC7U6SIatmtGWY+JYpwBk6raAnR3sblTFBNs";
- sout << "UdPW+1a7AxinR0NZO6YEiCFy8lbpfPRZNAr5ENqPbD2DZtkHk3L8ARxSoFBgqPa8aO3fFow7rVxF";
- sout << "xIJ2TxcHS84+BtH7KvtWfH7kUPOZLQ+Ohqghn9I57IeMl7E3aoTRTiVv3P2twAbP5Y+ZaAUoU7CK";
- sout << "c9FptjKgMClUkuWxA7tGUEp069PqGT8NbI+yxorh/iVhkVhuGAzgjjXYS/D26OGj4bzF6mtRbnms";
- sout << "Y2OYlF7QqhawZaHLtmZ6xLhR2F8p/0nrbpAz2brQLNKgQAMvU9rTZ0XYpuJNbRSsARkRDorPopDO";
- sout << "kKNUORfkh2zfIytVToQ9tZ9W2LkfGZdWjJu/wEKjPDAU55q3bCfKOUk12tjq0sq/7qjUWJRcLSCu";
- sout << "bqo8EzaKJj3cTXVgXXLHP6WEOPZ9vShuxQUu1JWkh8YEinjwFSyA6UnAKqPtN/HsBgv8YbnfnY/q";
- sout << "e5JvUYWbs3Lk9enlhcI0vEVTV5f0GMjdkW87l3cWgmXJqiljJDREWEdKZJQ0rGBU/gW5kO3SAS1W";
- sout << "OETVJG2kJD8Ib7hT15Mu2lOVNQYFri6O3yWtp5/NLHsYXoDKIYrxoJtM9+GkprVwRuhDcwxE+eQa";
- sout << "pp5nC8qj38ameQHaJR2hJCuW2nvr4Wwm0ploF00ZP9cS9YznCO52cueUQX0+zil7bU++jghqSGP5";
- sout << "+JyRzWUWWbDhnCyanej2Y3sqfZ3o2kuUjaAgZFz5pLqK64uACjztp4bQFsaMRdc+OCV2uItqoaRg";
- sout << "a6u7/VrvS+ZigwcGWDjXSKev334f8ZqQQIR5hljdeseGuw7/5XySzUrgc8lCOvMa0pKNn9Nl8W/W";
- sout << "vbKz1VwA";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
-namespace dlib
- void create_iris_datafile (
- )
- {
- std::ofstream fout("iris.scale");
- fout << get_decoded_string();
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/create_iris_datafile.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/create_iris_datafile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 805291f07..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/create_iris_datafile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-namespace dlib
- void create_iris_datafile (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - Creates a local file called iris.scale that contains the
- 150 samples from the 3-class Iris dataset from the UCI
- repository. The file will be in LIBSVM format (it was
- originally downloaded from the LIBSVM website).
- !*/
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cublas.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cublas.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3cb09dc..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/cublas.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2015 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../dnn/tensor_tools.h"
-#include "tester.h"
-// We only do these tests if CUDA is available to test in the first place.
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.cublas");
- void test_inv()
- {
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- dlib::tt::inv tinv;
- dlib::cuda::inv cinv;
- resizable_tensor minv1, minv2;
- for (int n = 1; n < 20; ++n)
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor m(n,n);
- rnd.fill_uniform(m);
- tinv(m, minv1);
- cinv(m, minv2);
- matrix<float> mref = inv(mat(m));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(abs(mref-mat(minv1)))/mean(abs(mref)) < 1e-5, mean(abs(mref-mat(minv1)))/mean(abs(mref)) <<" n: " << n);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(abs(mref-mat(minv2)))/mean(abs(mref)) < 1e-5, mean(abs(mref-mat(minv2)))/mean(abs(mref)) <<" n: " << n);
- }
- }
- class cublas_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- cublas_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_cublas",
- "Runs tests on the cuBLAS bindings.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_inv();
- {
- resizable_tensor a(4,3), b(3,4), c(3,3);
- c = 1;
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = 2*mat(c)+trans(mat(a))*trans(mat(b));
- a.async_copy_to_device(); b.async_copy_to_device(); c.async_copy_to_device();
- cuda::gemm(2, c, 1, a, true, b, true);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(4,3), b(4,3), c(3,3);
- c = 1;
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = 2*mat(c)+trans(mat(a))*mat(b);
- a.async_copy_to_device(); b.async_copy_to_device(); c.async_copy_to_device();
- cuda::gemm(2, c, 1, a, true, b, false);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(3,4), b(3,4), c(3,3);
- c = 1;
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = 2*mat(c)+mat(a)*trans(mat(b));
- a.async_copy_to_device(); b.async_copy_to_device(); c.async_copy_to_device();
- cuda::gemm(2, c, 1, a, false, b, true);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(3,4), b(3,4), c(3,3);
- c = 1;
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = mat(c)+mat(a)*trans(mat(b));
- a.async_copy_to_device(); b.async_copy_to_device(); c.async_copy_to_device();
- cuda::gemm(1, c, 1, a, false, b, true);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(3,4), b(4,3), c(3,3);
- c = 1;
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = 2*mat(c)+mat(a)*mat(b);
- a.async_copy_to_device(); b.async_copy_to_device(); c.async_copy_to_device();
- cuda::gemm(2, c, 1, a, false, b, false);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(3,4), b(4,3), c(3,3);
- c = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- a.async_copy_to_device(); b.async_copy_to_device(); c.async_copy_to_device();
- matrix<float> truth = mat(a)*mat(b);
- cuda::gemm(0, c, 1, a, false, b, false);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(3,4), b(4,4), c(3,4);
- c = 1;
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = 2*mat(c)+mat(a)*mat(b);
- cuda::gemm(2, c, 1, a, false, b, false);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(truth) == get_rect(mat(c)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(4,3), b(4,4), c(3,4);
- c = 1;
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = 2*mat(c)+trans(mat(a))*mat(b);
- cuda::gemm(2, c, 1, a, true, b, false);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(truth) == get_rect(mat(c)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(4,3), b(4,5), c(3,5);
- c = 1;
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = 2*mat(c)+trans(mat(a))*mat(b);
- cuda::gemm(2, c, 1, a, true, b, false);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(truth) == get_rect(mat(c)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(4,3), b(4,5), c(3,5);
- c = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
- a = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(a.num_samples(),a.size()/a.num_samples()));
- b = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(b.num_samples(),b.size()/b.num_samples()));
- matrix<float> truth = trans(mat(a))*mat(b);
- cuda::gemm(0, c, 1, a, true, b, false);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(truth) == get_rect(mat(c)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-mat(c))) < 1e-6);
- }
- }
- } a;
-#endif // DLIB_USE_CUDA
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/data_io.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/data_io.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ced88008..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/data_io.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/data_io.h>
-#include <dlib/sparse_vector.h>
-#include "create_iris_datafile.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.data_io");
- class test_data_io : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- test_data_io (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_data_io", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the data_io stuff.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- template <typename sample_type>
- void run_test()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef typename sample_type::value_type::second_type scalar_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<scalar_type> labels;
- load_libsvm_formatted_data("iris.scale",samples, labels);
- save_libsvm_formatted_data("iris.scale2", samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(samples.size() == 150);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 150);
- DLIB_TEST(max_index_plus_one(samples) == 5);
- fix_nonzero_indexing(samples);
- DLIB_TEST(max_index_plus_one(samples) == 4);
- load_libsvm_formatted_data("iris.scale2",samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(samples.size() == 150);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 150);
- DLIB_TEST(max_index_plus_one(samples) == 5);
- fix_nonzero_indexing(samples);
- DLIB_TEST(max_index_plus_one(samples) == 4);
- one_vs_one_trainer<any_trainer<sample_type,scalar_type>,scalar_type> trainer;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- trainer.set_trainer(krr_trainer<kernel_type>());
- randomize_samples(samples, labels);
- matrix<double> cv = cross_validate_multiclass_trainer(trainer, samples, labels, 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "confusion matrix: \n" << cv;
- const scalar_type cv_accuracy = sum(diag(cv))/sum(cv);
- dlog << LINFO << "cv accuracy: " << cv_accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(cv_accuracy > 0.97);
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1> dsample_type;
- std::vector<dsample_type> dsamples = sparse_to_dense(samples);
- DLIB_TEST(dsamples.size() == 150);
- DLIB_TEST(dsamples[0].size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(max_index_plus_one(dsamples) == 4);
- one_vs_one_trainer<any_trainer<dsample_type,scalar_type>,scalar_type> trainer;
- typedef linear_kernel<dsample_type> kernel_type;
- trainer.set_trainer(rr_trainer<kernel_type>());
- cv = cross_validate_multiclass_trainer(trainer, dsamples, labels, 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense confusion matrix: \n" << cv;
- const scalar_type cv_accuracy = sum(diag(cv))/sum(cv);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense cv accuracy: " << cv_accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(cv_accuracy > 0.97);
- }
- }
- void test_sparse_to_dense()
- {
- {
- std::map<unsigned long, double> temp;
- matrix<double,0,1> m, m2;
- m = sparse_to_dense(m);
- DLIB_TEST(m.size() == 0);
- m.set_size(2,1);
- m = 1, 2;
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(m);
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(m,1);
- DLIB_TEST(m2.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(m2(0,0) == 1);
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(m,0);
- DLIB_TEST(m2.size() == 0);
- temp[3] = 2;
- temp[5] = 4;
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(temp);
- m.set_size(6);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0,4;
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == m);
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(temp, 5);
- m.set_size(5);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0;
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == m);
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(temp, 7);
- m.set_size(7);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0,4,0;
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == m);
- std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > > vects;
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > v;
- v.push_back(make_pair(5,2));
- v.push_back(make_pair(3,1));
- v.push_back(make_pair(5,2));
- v.push_back(make_pair(3,1));
- v = make_sparse_vector(v);
- vects.push_back(v);
- vects.push_back(v);
- vects.push_back(v);
- vects.push_back(v);
- DLIB_TEST(max_index_plus_one(v) == 6);
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(v);
- m.set_size(6);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0,4;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m2 == m, m2 << "\n\n" << m );
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(v,7);
- m.set_size(7);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0,4,0;
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == m);
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(v,5);
- m.set_size(5);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0;
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == m);
- v.clear();
- m2 = sparse_to_dense(v);
- DLIB_TEST(m2.size() == 0);
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > mvects = sparse_to_dense(vects);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects.size() == 4);
- m.set_size(6);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0,4;
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[0] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[1] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[2] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[3] == m);
- mvects = sparse_to_dense(vects, 7);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects.size() == 4);
- m.set_size(7);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0,4,0;
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[0] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[1] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[2] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[3] == m);
- mvects = sparse_to_dense(vects, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects.size() == 4);
- m.set_size(5);
- m = 0,0,0,2,0;
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[0] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[1] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[2] == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mvects[3] == m);
- }
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- create_iris_datafile();
- test_sparse_to_dense();
- run_test<std::map<unsigned int, double> >();
- run_test<std::map<unsigned int, float> >();
- run_test<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, float> > >();
- run_test<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double> > >();
- }
- };
- test_data_io a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/directed_graph.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/directed_graph.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b97976b96..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/directed_graph.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/directed_graph.h>
-#include <dlib/graph.h>
-#include <dlib/graph_utils.h>
-#include <dlib/set.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-// This is called an unnamed-namespace and it has the effect of making everything inside this file "private"
-// so that everything you declare will have static linkage. Thus we won't have any multiply
-// defined symbol errors coming out of the linker when we try to compile the test suite.
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the tester
- // should start with "test."
- logger dlog("test.directed_graph");
- template <
- typename directed_graph
- >
- void directed_graph_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - directed_graph is an implementation of directed_graph/directed_graph_kernel_abstract.h
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on directed_graph for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_directed_graph<directed_graph>::value == true);
- directed_graph a, b;
- dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c s;
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == false);
- a.set_number_of_nodes(5);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 5);
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- a.node(i).data = i;
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- a.remove_node(1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- // make sure that only the number with data == 1 was remove
- int count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- count += a.node(i).data;
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).number_of_children() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- a.add_edge(1,1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == true);
- a.add_edge(1,2);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_children() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_parents() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(1).parent(0).index() == 1,"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(1).child(0).index() + a.node(1).child(1).index() == 3,"");
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_children() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_parents() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).index() == 2);
- int val = a.node(1).data;
- a.remove_node(1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 3);
- count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- count += a.node(i).data;
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).number_of_children() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 9-val);
- val = a.add_node();
- DLIB_TEST(val == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- a.node(i).data = i;
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).data == i);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- a.add_edge(0, 1);
- a.add_edge(0, 2);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(a) == false);
- a.add_edge(1, 3);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(a) == true);
- a.add_edge(2, 3);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0, 1));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0, 2));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1, 3));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(2, 3));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(1, 0));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(2, 0));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(3, 1));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(3, 2));
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(0).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(0).number_of_children() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_parents() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).parent(0).index() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_parents() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).parent(0).index() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(3).number_of_parents() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(3).number_of_children() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- a.remove_edge(0,1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(0, 1));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0, 2));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1, 3));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(2, 3));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(1, 0));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(2, 0));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(3, 1));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(3, 2));
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(0).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(0).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_parents() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).parent(0).index() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(3).number_of_parents() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(3).number_of_children() == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).data == i);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- swap(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(0).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(0).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).number_of_parents() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).parent(0).index() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(3).number_of_parents() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(3).number_of_children() == 0);
- b.node(0).child_edge(0) = static_cast<unsigned short>(b.node(0).child(0).index()+1);
- b.node(1).child_edge(0) = static_cast<unsigned short>(b.node(1).child(0).index()+1);
- b.node(2).child_edge(0) = static_cast<unsigned short>(b.node(2).child(0).index()+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(b.node(0).child_edge(0) == b.node(0).child(0).index()+1,
- b.node(0).child_edge(0) << " " << b.node(0).child(0).index()+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(b.node(1).child_edge(0) == b.node(1).child(0).index()+1,
- b.node(1).child_edge(0) << " " << b.node(1).child(0).index()+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(b.node(2).child_edge(0) == b.node(2).child(0).index()+1,
- b.node(2).child_edge(0) << " " << b.node(2).child(0).index()+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(b.node(2).parent_edge(0) == 2+1,
- b.node(2).parent_edge(0) << " " << 2+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(b.node(3).parent_edge(0) == 3+1,
- b.node(3).parent_edge(0) << " " << 3+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(b.node(3).parent_edge(1) == 3+1,
- b.node(3).parent_edge(1) << " " << 3+1);
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(b, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- a.set_number_of_nodes(20);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 20);
- deserialize(a, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(0, 1));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0, 2));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1, 3));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(2, 3));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(1, 0));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(2, 0));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(3, 1));
- DLIB_TEST(!a.has_edge(3, 2));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(0).child_edge(0) == a.node(0).child(0).index()+1,
- a.node(0).child_edge(0) << " " << a.node(0).child(0).index()+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(1).child_edge(0) == a.node(1).child(0).index()+1,
- a.node(1).child_edge(0) << " " << a.node(1).child(0).index()+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(2).child_edge(0) == a.node(2).child(0).index()+1,
- a.node(2).child_edge(0) << " " << a.node(2).child(0).index()+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(2).parent_edge(0) == 2+1,
- a.node(2).parent_edge(0) << " " << 2+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(3).parent_edge(0) == 3+1,
- a.node(3).parent_edge(0) << " " << 3+1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(3).parent_edge(1) == 3+1,
- a.node(3).parent_edge(1) << " " << 3+1);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).data == i);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(0).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(0).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).number_of_parents() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).parent(0).index() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(3).number_of_parents() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(3).number_of_children() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(0).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(0).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_parents() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_parents() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_children() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).child(0).index() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).parent(0).index() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(3).number_of_parents() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(3).number_of_children() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- a.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- a.set_number_of_nodes(10);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- a.add_edge(0,1);
- a.add_edge(1,2);
- a.add_edge(1,3);
- a.add_edge(2,4);
- a.add_edge(3,4);
- a.add_edge(4,5);
- a.add_edge(5,1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- a.remove_edge(5,1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- a.add_edge(7,8);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == false);
- a.add_edge(8,7);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_directed_cycle(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- a.clear();
- /*
- Make a graph that looks like:
- 0 1
- \ /
- 2
- |
- 3
- */
- a.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- a.add_edge(0,2);
- a.add_edge(1,2);
- a.add_edge(2,3);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- a.node(i).data = i;
- graph<int>::kernel_1a_c g;
- create_moral_graph(a,g);
- graph<dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c, dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1a_c>::kernel_1a_c join_tree;
- dlib::set<dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c>::kernel_1b_c sos;
- create_join_tree(g, join_tree);
- DLIB_TEST(is_join_tree(g, join_tree));
- DLIB_TEST(join_tree.number_of_nodes() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(join_tree) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(join_tree) == true);
- unsigned long temp;
- triangulate_graph_and_find_cliques(g,sos);
- temp = 2; s.add(temp);
- temp = 3; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sos.is_member(s));
- s.clear();
- temp = 0; s.add(temp);
- temp = 1; s.add(temp);
- temp = 2; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sos.is_member(s));
- DLIB_TEST(sos.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(sos.is_member(join_tree.node(0).data));
- DLIB_TEST(sos.is_member(join_tree.node(1).data));
- s.clear();
- temp = 0; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(g,s) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_maximal_clique(g,s) == false);
- temp = 3; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(g,s) == false);
- s.destroy(3);
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(g,s) == true);
- temp = 2; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(g,s) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_maximal_clique(g,s) == false);
- temp = 1; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(g,s) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_maximal_clique(g,s) == true);
- s.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(g,s) == true);
- temp = 3; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(g,s) == true);
- temp = 2; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(g,s) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_maximal_clique(g,s) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(g.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- DLIB_TEST( a.node(i).data == (int)i);
- DLIB_TEST(g.has_edge(0,1));
- DLIB_TEST(g.has_edge(0,2));
- DLIB_TEST(g.has_edge(1,2));
- DLIB_TEST(g.has_edge(3,2));
- DLIB_TEST(g.has_edge(0,3) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(g.has_edge(1,3) == false);
- }
- void test_copy()
- {
- {
- directed_graph<int,int>::kernel_1a_c a,b;
- a.set_number_of_nodes(3);
- a.node(0).data = 1;
- a.node(1).data = 2;
- a.node(2).data = 3;
- a.add_edge(0,1);
- a.add_edge(1,0);
- a.add_edge(0,2);
- edge(a,0,1) = 4;
- edge(a,1,0) = 3;
- edge(a,0,2) = 5;
- a.add_edge(0,0);
- edge(a,0,0) = 9;
- copy_graph(a, b);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(0).data == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).data == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).data == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,1) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,1,0) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,2) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,0) == 9);
- }
- {
- directed_graph<int,int>::kernel_1a_c a,b;
- a.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- a.node(0).data = 1;
- a.node(1).data = 2;
- a.node(2).data = 3;
- a.node(3).data = 8;
- a.add_edge(0,1);
- a.add_edge(0,2);
- a.add_edge(2,3);
- a.add_edge(3,2);
- edge(a,0,1) = 4;
- edge(a,0,2) = 5;
- edge(a,2,3) = 6;
- edge(a,3,2) = 3;
- copy_graph(a, b);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(0).data == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).data == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).data == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(3).data == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,1) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,2) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,2,3) == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,3,2) == 3);
- }
- }
- class directed_graph_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a test for the directed_graph object. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework. The command line switch is
- specified as test_directed_graph by passing that string to the tester constructor.
- !*/
- public:
- directed_graph_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_directed_graph",
- "Runs tests on the directed_graph component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_copy();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- directed_graph_test<directed_graph<int,unsigned short>::kernel_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- directed_graph_test<directed_graph<int,unsigned short>::kernel_1a>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/discriminant_pca.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/discriminant_pca.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a7aa61d1..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/discriminant_pca.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.discriminant_pca");
- using dlib::equal;
- class discriminant_pca_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- discriminant_pca_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_discriminant_pca", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the discriminant_pca object.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- thetime = 1407805946;// time(0);
- }
- time_t thetime;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- template <typename dpca_type>
- void test1()
- {
- dpca_type dpca, dpca2, dpca3;
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.in_vector_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.between_class_weight() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.within_class_weight() == 1);
- // generate a bunch of 4 dimensional vectors and compute the normal PCA transformation matrix
- // and just make sure it is a unitary matrix as it should be.
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- dpca.add_to_total_variance(randm(4,1,rnd));
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.in_vector_size() == 4);
- }
- matrix<double> mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(4)));
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(0.9);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(;
- matrix<double> eig;
- dpca.dpca_matrix(mat, eig, 1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(4)));
- // check that all eigen values are grater than 0
- DLIB_TEST(min(eig > 0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(eig.size() ==;
- DLIB_TEST(is_col_vector(eig));
- // check that the eigenvalues are sorted
- double last = eig(0);
- for (long i = 1; i < eig.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last >= eig(i));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> mat = dpca.dpca_matrix_of_size(4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(4)));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> mat = dpca.dpca_matrix_of_size(3);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(3)));
- }
- dpca.set_within_class_weight(5);
- dpca.set_between_class_weight(6);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.in_vector_size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.within_class_weight() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.between_class_weight() == 6);
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(dpca, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(dpca2, sin);
- // now make sure the serialization worked
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.in_vector_size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.within_class_weight() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.between_class_weight() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca2.in_vector_size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca2.within_class_weight() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca2.between_class_weight() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(dpca.dpca_matrix(), dpca2.dpca_matrix(), 1e-10));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat, dpca2.dpca_matrix(1), 1e-10));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(dpca.dpca_matrix(1), mat, 1e-10));
- // now test swap
- dpca2.swap(dpca3);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca2.in_vector_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca2.between_class_weight() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca2.within_class_weight() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca3.in_vector_size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca3.within_class_weight() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca3.between_class_weight() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat, dpca3.dpca_matrix(1), 1e-10));
- DLIB_TEST((dpca3 + dpca3).in_vector_size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST((dpca3 + dpca3).within_class_weight() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST((dpca3 + dpca3).between_class_weight() == 6);
- dpca.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.in_vector_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.between_class_weight() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.within_class_weight() == 1);
- }
- template <typename dpca_type>
- void test2()
- {
- dpca_type dpca, dpca2, dpca3;
- typename dpca_type::column_matrix samp1(4), samp2(4);
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- dpca.add_to_total_variance(randm(4,1,rnd));
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.in_vector_size() == 4);
- // do this to subtract out the variance along the 3rd axis
- samp1 = 0,0,0,0;
- samp2 = 0,0,1,0;
- dpca.add_to_within_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- }
- matrix<double> mat;
- dpca.set_within_class_weight(0);
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(4)));
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.dpca_matrix(1).nr() == 4);
- dpca.set_within_class_weight(1000);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.dpca_matrix(1).nr() == 3);
- // the 3rd column of the transformation matrix should be all zero since
- // we killed all the variation long the 3rd axis
- DLIB_TEST(sum(abs(colm(dpca.dpca_matrix(1),2))) < 1e-5);
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(3)));
- }
- template <typename dpca_type>
- void test3()
- {
- dpca_type dpca, dpca2, dpca3;
- typename dpca_type::column_matrix samp1(4), samp2(4);
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- dpca.add_to_total_variance(randm(4,1,rnd));
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.in_vector_size() == 4);
- // do this to subtract out the variance along the 3rd axis
- samp1 = 0,0,0,0;
- samp2 = 0,0,1,0;
- dpca.add_to_within_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- // do this to subtract out the variance along the 1st axis
- samp1 = 0,0,0,0;
- samp2 = 1,0,0,0;
- dpca.add_to_within_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- }
- matrix<double> mat;
- dpca.set_within_class_weight(0);
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(4)));
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.dpca_matrix(1).nr() == 4);
- dpca.set_within_class_weight(10000);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.dpca_matrix(1).nr() == 2);
- // the 1st and 3rd columns of the transformation matrix should be all zero since
- // we killed all the variation long the 1st and 3rd axes
- DLIB_TEST(sum(abs(colm(dpca.dpca_matrix(1),2))) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(abs(colm(dpca.dpca_matrix(1),0))) < 1e-5);
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(2)));
- }
- template <typename dpca_type>
- void test4()
- {
- dpca_type dpca, dpca2, dpca3;
- dpca_type add_dpca1, add_dpca2, add_dpca3, add_dpca4, sum_dpca;
- typename dpca_type::column_matrix samp1(4), samp2(4), samp;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- samp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- dpca.add_to_total_variance(samp);
- add_dpca4.add_to_total_variance(samp);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.in_vector_size() == 4);
- // do this to subtract out the variance along the 3rd axis
- samp1 = 0,0,0,0;
- samp2 = 0,0,1,0;
- dpca.add_to_within_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- add_dpca1.add_to_within_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- // do this to subtract out the variance along the 1st axis
- samp1 = 0,0,0,0;
- samp2 = 1,0,0,0;
- dpca.add_to_within_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- add_dpca2.add_to_within_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- // do this to add the variance along the 3rd axis back in
- samp1 = 0,0,0,0;
- samp2 = 0,0,1,0;
- dpca.add_to_between_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- add_dpca3.add_to_between_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- }
- matrix<double> mat, mat2;
- sum_dpca += dpca_type() + dpca_type() + add_dpca1 + dpca_type() + add_dpca2 + add_dpca3 + add_dpca4;
- dpca.set_within_class_weight(0);
- dpca.set_between_class_weight(0);
- sum_dpca.set_within_class_weight(0);
- sum_dpca.set_between_class_weight(0);
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat, sum_dpca.dpca_matrix(1), 1e-10));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(4)));
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.dpca_matrix(1).nr() == 4);
- dpca.set_within_class_weight(10000);
- sum_dpca.set_within_class_weight(10000);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.dpca_matrix(1).nr() == 2);
- // the 1st and 3rd columns of the transformation matrix should be all zero since
- // we killed all the variation long the 1st and 3rd axes
- DLIB_TEST(sum(abs(colm(dpca.dpca_matrix(1),2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(abs(colm(dpca.dpca_matrix(1),0))) < 1e-4);
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(mat, mat2=sum_dpca.dpca_matrix(1), 1e-9), max(abs(mat - mat2)));
- // now add the variance back in using the between class weight
- dpca.set_within_class_weight(0);
- dpca.set_between_class_weight(1);
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(4)));
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.dpca_matrix(1).nr() == 4);
- dpca.set_within_class_weight (10000);
- dpca.set_between_class_weight(100000);
- sum_dpca.set_within_class_weight (10000);
- sum_dpca.set_between_class_weight(100000);
- DLIB_TEST(dpca.dpca_matrix(1).nr() == 3);
- // the first column should be all zeros
- DLIB_TEST(sum(abs(colm(dpca.dpca_matrix(1),0))) < 1e-5);
- mat = dpca.dpca_matrix(1);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat*trans(mat), identity_matrix<double>(3)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat, sum_dpca.dpca_matrix(1)));
- }
- template <typename dpca_type>
- void test5()
- {
- dpca_type dpca, dpca2;
- typename dpca_type::column_matrix samp1(4), samp2(4);
- samp1 = 0,0,0,0;
- samp2 = 0,0,1,0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- dpca.add_to_between_class_variance(samp1, samp2);
- dpca2.add_to_total_variance(samp1);
- dpca2.add_to_total_variance(samp2);
- }
- matrix<double> mat, eig;
- dpca.dpca_matrix(mat, eig, 1);
- // make sure the eigenvalues come out the way they should for this simple data set
- DLIB_TEST(eig.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(eig(0) - 1) < 1e-10, abs(eig(0) - 1));
- dpca2.dpca_matrix(mat, eig, 1);
- // make sure the eigenvalues come out the way they should for this simple data set
- DLIB_TEST(eig.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(eig(0) - 0.25) < 1e-10);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- ++thetime;
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- typedef discriminant_pca<sample_type> dpca_type;
- dlog << LINFO << "time seed: " << thetime;
- rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(thetime));
- test5<dpca_type>();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- print_spinner();
- test1<dpca_type>();
- print_spinner();
- test2<dpca_type>();
- print_spinner();
- test3<dpca_type>();
- print_spinner();
- test4<dpca_type>();
- }
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- discriminant_pca_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/disjoint_subsets.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/disjoint_subsets.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2545219cd..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/disjoint_subsets.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/disjoint_subsets.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.disjoint_subsets");
- void test_disjoint_subset()
- {
- print_spinner();
- disjoint_subsets s;
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 0);
- s.set_size(5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == 4);
- unsigned long id = s.merge_sets(1,3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == 4);
- id = s.merge_sets(s.find_set(1),4);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == id);
- unsigned long id2 = s.merge_sets(0,2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == id2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == id2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == id);
- id = s.merge_sets(s.find_set(1),s.find_set(0));
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 5);
- s.set_size(1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- s.set_size(2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == 1);
- id = s.merge_sets(0,1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(id == s.find_set(0));
- DLIB_TEST(id == s.find_set(1));
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 2);
- s.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 0);
- }
- class tester_disjoint_subsets : public tester
- {
- public:
- tester_disjoint_subsets (
- ) :
- tester ("test_disjoint_subsets",
- "Runs tests on the disjoint_subsets component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_disjoint_subset();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/disjoint_subsets_sized.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/disjoint_subsets_sized.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ced68e6..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/disjoint_subsets_sized.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/disjoint_subsets.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.disjoint_subsets_sized");
- void test_disjoint_subsets_sized()
- {
- print_spinner();
- disjoint_subsets_sized s;
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 0);
- s.set_size(5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(2) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(3) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(4) == 1);
- unsigned long id = s.merge_sets(1,3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(1)) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(2) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(3)) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(4) == 1);
- id = s.merge_sets(s.find_set(1),4);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(1)) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(2) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(3)) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(4)) == 3);
- unsigned long id2 = s.merge_sets(0,2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == id2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == id2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(0)) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(1)) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(2)) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(3)) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(4)) == 3);
- id = s.merge_sets(s.find_set(1),s.find_set(0));
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(2) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(3) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(4) == id);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(0)) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(1)) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(2)) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(3)) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(4)) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 5);
- s.set_size(1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(0) == 1);
- s.set_size(2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.find_set(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(1) == 1);
- id = s.merge_sets(0,1);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(id == s.find_set(0));
- DLIB_TEST(id == s.find_set(1));
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(0)) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_size_of_set(s.find_set(1)) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 2);
- s.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get_number_of_sets() == 0);
- }
- class tester_disjoint_subsets_sized : public tester
- {
- public:
- tester_disjoint_subsets_sized (
- ) :
- tester ("test_disjoint_subsets_sized",
- "Runs tests on the disjoint_subsets_sized component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_disjoint_subsets_sized();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/dnn.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/dnn.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d3258b70..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/dnn.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3261 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2015 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <random>
-#include <numeric>
-#include "../dnn.h"
-#include "tester.h"
-#ifndef __INTELLISENSE__
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.dnn");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- float compare_gradients (
- const tensor& t,
- T grad
- )
- {
- float max_error = 0;
- auto p =;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
- {
- max_error = std::max(max_error, std::abs(p[i]-grad(i)));
- }
- return max_error;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_tanh()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor src, dest, gradient_input;
- src = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5, 0));
- dest = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5, 1));
- gradient_input = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5, 2));
- auto grad_src = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- tanh(dest, src);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- resizable_tensor src_grad;
- src_grad.copy_size(src);
- src_grad = 0;
- tanh(dest, src);
- tanh_gradient(src_grad, dest, gradient_input);
- auto grad_error = compare_gradients(src_grad, grad_src);
- dlog << LINFO << "src error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- }
- void test_sigmoid()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor src, dest, gradient_input;
- src = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5, 0));
- dest = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5, 1));
- gradient_input = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5, 2));
- auto grad_src = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- sigmoid(dest, src);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- resizable_tensor src_grad;
- src_grad.copy_size(src);
- src_grad = 0;
- sigmoid(dest, src);
- sigmoid_gradient(src_grad, dest, gradient_input);
- auto grad_error = compare_gradients(src_grad, grad_src);
- dlog << LINFO << "src error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- }
- void test_softmax()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- const long nr = 3;
- const long nc = 3;
- resizable_tensor src(5,5,nr,nr), dest(5,5,nr,nc), gradient_input(5,5,nr,nc);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- // fill like this as a test of the assignment operator.
- gradient_input = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5*nr*nc, 2));
- auto grad_src = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- tt::softmax(dest, src);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- resizable_tensor src_grad;
- src_grad.copy_size(src);
- src_grad = 0;
- tt::softmax(dest, src);
- softmax_gradient(src_grad, dest, gradient_input);
- auto grad_error = compare_gradients(src_grad, grad_src);
- dlog << LINFO << "src error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- resizable_tensor src1 = src;
- resizable_tensor src2 = src;
- resizable_tensor dest1, dest2;
- dest1.copy_size(src);
- dest2.copy_size(src);
- cuda::softmax_all(dest1, src1);
- cpu::softmax_all(dest2, src2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-5, max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))));
- }
- void test_softmax_all()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- const long nr = 3;
- const long nc = 3;
- resizable_tensor src(5,5,nr,nr), dest(5,5,nr,nc), gradient_input(5,5,nr,nc);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- // fill like this as a test of the assignment operator.
- gradient_input = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5*nr*nc, 2));
- auto grad_src = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- tt::softmax_all(dest, src);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- resizable_tensor src_grad;
- src_grad.copy_size(src);
- src_grad = 0;
- tt::softmax_all(dest, src);
- softmax_all_gradient(src_grad, dest, gradient_input);
- auto grad_error = compare_gradients(src_grad, grad_src);
- dlog << LINFO << "src error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- resizable_tensor src1 = src;
- resizable_tensor src2 = src;
- resizable_tensor dest1, dest2;
- dest1.copy_size(src);
- dest2.copy_size(src);
- cuda::softmax_all(dest1, src1);
- cpu::softmax_all(dest2, src2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-5, max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))));
- }
- void test_batch_normalize()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor src, gamma, beta, dest, dest2, dest3, means, vars, gradient_input;
- src = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5, 0));
- gamma = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(1,5, 1));
- beta = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(1,5, 2));
- gradient_input = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(5,5, 3));
- gamma = 1;
- beta = 0;
- resizable_tensor running_means;
- resizable_tensor running_variances;
- batch_normalize(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, vars, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- const double scale = (src.num_samples())/(src.num_samples()-1.0);
- // Turn back into biased variance estimate because that's how batch_normalize() works, so if we want to match it this is necessary.
- running_variances = mat(running_variances)/scale;
- batch_normalize_inference(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest2, src, gamma, beta, running_means, running_variances);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest2)-mat(dest))) < 1e-5, max(abs(mat(dest2)-mat(dest))));
- cpu::batch_normalize_inference(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest3, src, gamma, beta, running_means, running_variances);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest3)-mat(dest))) < 1e-5, max(abs(mat(dest3)-mat(dest))));
- auto grad_src = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- batch_normalize(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, vars, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- auto grad_gamma = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- batch_normalize(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, vars, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- auto grad_beta = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- batch_normalize(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, vars, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- resizable_tensor src_grad, gamma_grad, beta_grad;
- src_grad.copy_size(src);
- gamma_grad.copy_size(gamma);
- beta_grad.copy_size(beta);
- src_grad = 0;
- gamma_grad = 8;
- beta_grad = 8;
- batch_normalize_gradient(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,gradient_input, means, vars, src, gamma, src_grad, gamma_grad, beta_grad);
- auto grad_error = compare_gradients(src_grad, grad_src);
- dlog << LINFO << "src error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- grad_error = compare_gradients(gamma_grad, grad_gamma);
- dlog << LINFO << "gamma error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- grad_error = compare_gradients(beta_grad, grad_beta);
- dlog << LINFO << "beta error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- }
- void test_batch_normalize_conv()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor src(5,5,4,4), gamma, beta, dest, dest2, dest3, means, vars, gradient_input(5,5,4,4);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(gradient_input);
- gamma = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(1,5, 1));
- beta = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(1,5, 2));
- gamma = 1;
- beta = 0;
- resizable_tensor running_means;
- resizable_tensor running_variances;
- batch_normalize_conv(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, vars, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- const double scale = (src.num_samples()****;
- // Turn back into biased variance estimate because that's how
- // batch_normalize_conv() works, so if we want to match it this is necessary.
- running_variances = mat(running_variances)/scale;
- batch_normalize_conv_inference(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest2, src, gamma, beta, running_means, running_variances);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest2)-mat(dest))) < 1e-5);
- cpu::batch_normalize_conv_inference(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest3, src, gamma, beta, running_means, running_variances);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest3)-mat(dest))) < 1e-5);
- auto grad_src = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- batch_normalize_conv(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, vars, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- auto grad_gamma = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- batch_normalize_conv(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, vars, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- auto grad_beta = [&](long idx) {
- auto f = [&](float eps) {
- const float old =[idx];
-[idx] += eps;
- batch_normalize_conv(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, vars, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- float result = dot(gradient_input, dest);
-[idx] = old;
- return result;
- };
- const float eps = 0.01;
- return (f(+eps)-f(-eps))/(2*eps);
- };
- resizable_tensor src_grad, gamma_grad, beta_grad;
- src_grad.copy_size(src);
- gamma_grad.copy_size(gamma);
- beta_grad.copy_size(beta);
- src_grad = 0;
- gamma_grad = 9;
- beta_grad = 9;
- batch_normalize_conv_gradient(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,gradient_input, means, vars, src, gamma, src_grad, gamma_grad, beta_grad);
- auto grad_error = compare_gradients(src_grad, grad_src);
- dlog << LINFO << "src error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- grad_error = compare_gradients(gamma_grad, grad_gamma);
- dlog << LINFO << "gamma error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- grad_error = compare_gradients(beta_grad, grad_beta);
- dlog << LINFO << "beta error: " << grad_error;
- DLIB_TEST(grad_error < 0.001);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_basic_tensor_ops()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest, src(3,4), A(1,4), B(1,4);
- src = 2;
- dest.copy_size(src);
- affine_transform(dest, src, 2, 3);
- dlog << LINFO << mat(dest);
- matrix<float> truth1(3,4), truth2(3,4);
- truth1 = 2;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth1-mat(src))) < 1e-5);
- src *= 2;
- truth1 = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth1-mat(src))) < 1e-5);
- src = 2;
- truth1 = 7;
- truth2 = 7, 10, 7, 7,
- 7, 10, 7, 7,
- 7, 10, 7, 7;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth1-mat(dest))) < 1e-5);
- A = 2;
- B = 3;
-[1] = 3;
-[1] = 4;
- dest = 0;
- affine_transform(dest, src, A, B);
- dlog << LINFO << mat(dest);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth2-mat(dest))) < 1e-5);
- A = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(3,4, 1));
- B = matrix_cast<float>(gaussian_randm(3,4, 2));
- affine_transform(dest, src, A, B);
- dlog << LINFO << mat(dest);
- matrix<float> truth3 = pointwise_multiply(mat(src), mat(A)) + mat(B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth3-mat(dest))) < 1e-5);
- matrix<float> truth4 = pointwise_multiply(mat(A), mat(B));
- tt::multiply(false, A, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth4-mat(A))) < 1e-5);
- truth4 = pointwise_multiply(mat(A), mat(B)) + mat(A);
- tt::multiply(true, A, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth4-mat(A))) < 1e-5);
- matrix<float> truth5 = mat(B) > 0.1;
- dlog << LINFO << truth5;
- threshold(B, 0.1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth5-mat(B))) < 1e-5);
- int cnt = 0;
- for(auto& x : A)
- x = cnt++;
- truth1.set_size(2,2);
- truth2.set_size(2,2);
- truth3.set_size(2,2);
- truth1 = 0,1,2,3;
- truth2 = 4,5,6,7;
- truth3 = 8,9,10,11;
- alias_tensor at(2,2);
- auto A0 = at(A,0);
- auto A4 = at(A,4);
- auto A8 = at(const_cast<const resizable_tensor&>(A),8);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(A0) == truth1);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(at(A,4)) == truth2);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(A8) == truth3);
- A4 += uniform_matrix<float>(2,2,2);
- truth2 += 2;
- DLIB_TEST(mat(A4) == truth2);
- truth1 = trans(reshape_to_column_vector(truth1));
- truth2 = trans(reshape_to_column_vector(truth2));
- truth3 = trans(reshape_to_column_vector(truth3));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(A) == join_cols(truth1,join_cols(truth2,truth3)));
- affine_transform(A,A,1,2);
- truth1 += 2;
- truth2 += 2;
- truth3 += 2;
- DLIB_TEST(mat(at(A,4)) == reshape(truth2,2,2));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(A) == join_cols(truth1,join_cols(truth2,truth3)));
- {
- resizable_tensor dest(3,4);
- resizable_tensor A, B;
- A = dest;
- B = dest;
- tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- dest.set_size(1,4);
- tt::multiply(false, dest, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(mat(A),mat(B))))) < 1e-6);
- A.set_size(1,4);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- matrix<float> AA = join_cols(mat(A),mat(A)); AA = join_cols(mat(A),AA);
- tt::multiply(false, dest, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B))))) < 1e-6);
- tt::multiply(false, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B))))) < 1e-6);
- matrix<float> prevdest = mat(dest);
- tt::multiply(true, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-prevdest-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B))))) < 1e-6);
- dest.set_size(3,4);
- tt::multiply(false, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B)))) < 1e-6);
- prevdest = mat(dest);
- tt::multiply(true, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-prevdest-pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B)))) < 1e-6);
- tt::multiply(false, dest, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B)))) < 1e-6);
- prevdest = mat(dest);
- tt::multiply(true, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-prevdest-pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B)))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor A, B, truth;
- A.set_size(2,3,4,5);
- truth.copy_size(A);
- B.copy_size(A);
- A = 4;
- B = 1;
- truth = 1;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(B)- mat(truth))) < 1e-5);
- memcpy(A, truth);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- mat(truth))) < 1e-5);
- A = 4;
- memcpy(A, truth);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- mat(truth))) < 1e-5);
- A = 4;
- A.device();
- memcpy(A, truth);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- mat(truth))) < 1e-5);
- A = 4;
- A.device();
- B.device();
- memcpy(A, truth);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- mat(truth))) < 1e-5);
- A = 4;
- B.device();
- memcpy(A, truth);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- mat(truth))) < 1e-5);
- A = 4;
- A.host_write_only();
- B.device();
- memcpy(A, truth);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- mat(truth))) < 1e-5);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor A, B;
- A.set_size(11);
- B.copy_size(A);
- A = 4;
- B = 1;
- matrix<float> truth;
- alias_tensor at(5);
- A = 4;
- {
- // non-aliasing test
- auto aA = at(A,5);
- auto aB = at(B,5);
- memcpy(aA, aB);
- truth = {4,4,4,4,4, 1,1,1,1,1, 4};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- truth)) < 1e-5);
- }
- {
- // aliasing test
- auto aA = at(A,1);
- auto aB = at(A,6);
- memcpy(aA, aB);
- truth = {4,1,1,1,1, 4,1,1,1,1, 4};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- truth)) < 1e-5);
- }
- A = 4;
- A.device();
- {
- // non-aliasing test
- auto aA = at(A,5);
- auto aB = at(B,5);
- memcpy(aA, aB);
- truth = {4,4,4,4,4, 1,1,1,1,1, 4};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- truth)) < 1e-5);
- }
- {
- // aliasing test
- auto aA = at(A,1);
- auto aB = at(A,6);
- memcpy(aA, aB);
- truth = {4,1,1,1,1, 4,1,1,1,1, 4};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- truth)) < 1e-5);
- }
- A = 4;
- A.device();
- B.device();
- {
- // non-aliasing test
- auto aA = at(A,5);
- auto aB = at(B,5);
- memcpy(aA, aB);
- truth = {4,4,4,4,4, 1,1,1,1,1, 4};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- truth)) < 1e-5);
- }
- {
- // aliasing test
- auto aA = at(A,1);
- auto aB = at(A,6);
- memcpy(aA, aB);
- truth = {4,1,1,1,1, 4,1,1,1,1, 4};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- truth)) < 1e-5);
- }
- A = 4;
- B.device();
- {
- // non-aliasing test
- auto aA = at(A,5);
- auto aB = at(B,5);
- memcpy(aA, aB);
- truth = {4,4,4,4,4, 1,1,1,1,1, 4};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- truth)) < 1e-5);
- }
- {
- // aliasing test
- auto aA = at(A,1);
- auto aB = at(A,6);
- memcpy(aA, aB);
- truth = {4,1,1,1,1, 4,1,1,1,1, 4};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)- truth)) < 1e-5);
- }
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor A(4,5), B(4);
- tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- float alpha = 1.4;
- float beta = 0.5;
- matrix<float> a(mat(A)), b(mat(B));
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- set_colm(a,c) = beta*colm(a,c) + alpha*b;
- }
- tt::add(beta, A, alpha, B);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(A)-a)) < 1e-6, max(abs(mat(A)-a)));
- beta = 0;
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- set_colm(a,c) = beta*colm(a,c) + alpha*b;
- }
- tt::add(beta, A, alpha, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)-a)) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor A, B;
- A.set_size(2,3,4,5);
- B.set_size(2,3,4,5);
- tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- matrix<float> truth;
- truth = 2*mat(A) + 3*mat(B);
- tt::add(2, A, 3, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)-truth )) < 1e-6);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- truth = 0*mat(A) + 3*mat(B);
- tt::add(0, A, 3, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)-truth )) < 1e-6);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- truth = 1*mat(A) + 0*mat(B);
- tt::add(1, A, 0, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)-truth )) < 1e-6);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- truth = 0*mat(A) + 0*mat(B);
- tt::add(0, A, 0, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)-truth )) < 1e-6);
- B.set_size(1,3,4,5);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- truth = 2*mat(A) + 3*join_cols(mat(B), mat(B));
- tt::add(2, A, 3, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(A)-truth )) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(A.num_samples()==2);
- B.set_size(1,1,4,5);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- matrix<float> temp = join_rows(mat(B), join_rows(mat(B),mat(B)));
- truth = 2*mat(A) + 3*join_cols(temp,temp);
- tt::add(2, A, 3, B);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(A)-truth )) < 1e-6, max(abs(mat(A)-truth )));
- B.set_size(1,3,1,1);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- resizable_tensor AA(A), BB(B);
- tt::add(2, A, 3, B);
- cpu::add(2, AA, 3, BB);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(A)-mat(AA) )) < 1e-6, max(abs(mat(A)-mat(AA) )));
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest1(123,456), dest2(123,456);
- resizable_tensor src1(123,456), src2(123,456);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(src1); tt::affine_transform(src1, src1, 1, 2); src2 = src1; // random in range [2, 3]
- dest1 = exp(mat(src1));
- tt::exp(dest2, src2);
- tt::exp(src2, src2); // should work in place
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-5, max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(src2))) < 1e-5);
- rnd.fill_uniform(src1); tt::affine_transform(src1, src1, 1, 2); src2 = src1; // random in range [2, 3]
- dest1 = log(mat(src1));
- tt::log(dest2, src2);
- tt::log(src2, src2); // should work in place
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(src2))) < 1e-5);
- rnd.fill_uniform(src1); tt::affine_transform(src1, src1, 1, 2); src2 = src1; // random in range [2, 3]
- dest1 = log10(mat(src1));
- tt::log10(dest2, src2);
- tt::log10(src2, src2); // should work in place
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(src2))) < 1e-5);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_scale_channels()
- {
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- resizable_tensor dest1(2,3,4,5), dest2;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(dest1);
- dest2 = dest1;
- resizable_tensor src(2,3,4,5);
- resizable_tensor scales(2,3);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(scales);
- cpu::scale_channels(true, dest1, src, scales);
- cuda::scale_channels(true, dest2, src, scales);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-6);
- cpu::scale_channels(false, dest1, src, scales);
- cuda::scale_channels(false, dest2, src, scales);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-6);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_affine_rect()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 20; ++iter)
- {
- long nr = 1 + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- long nc = 1 + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- resizable_tensor dest1(nr,nc), dest2(nr,nc), src1(nr,nc), src2(nr,nc), src3(nr,nc);
- matrix<float> dest3;
- dest1 = 1;
- dest2 = 1;
- dest3 = mat(dest1);
- src1 = 2;
- src2 = 3;
- src3 = 4;
- point p1(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%nc, rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%nr);
- point p2(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%nc, rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%nr);
- rectangle rect(p1,p2);
- cuda::affine_transform(rect, dest1, src1, src2, src3, 2,3,4);
- cpu::affine_transform(rect, dest2, src1, src2, src3, 2,3,4);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(dest1) == mat(dest2));
- set_subm(dest3,rect) = 2*subm(mat(src1),rect) + 3*subm(mat(src2),rect) + 4*subm(mat(src3),rect);
- DLIB_TEST(dest3 == mat(dest1));
- dest1 = 1;
- tt::affine_transform(rect, dest1, src1, src2, src3, 2,3,4);
- DLIB_TEST(dest3 == mat(dest1));
- }
- }
- void test_conv()
- {
- cuda::tensor_conv conv1;
- cpu::tensor_conv conv2;
- dlib::rand prnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 400; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor data(prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%5+1,
- prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%5+1,
- prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%25+1,
- prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%25+1
- );
- resizable_tensor filters(
- prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%5+1,
- data.k(),
- prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%6+1,
- prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%6+1
- );
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(data);
- rnd.fill_uniform(filters);
- resizable_tensor output1, output2;
- const int stride_y = prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%5+1;
- const int stride_x = prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%5+1;
- int padding_y = prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%(;
- int padding_x = prnd.get_random_32bit_number()%(;
- if (!( <= + 2*padding_y))
- padding_y = (;
- if (!( <= + 2*padding_x))
- padding_x = (;
- conv1.setup(data,filters,stride_y,stride_x,padding_y,padding_x);
- conv1(false, output1, data, filters);
- conv2.setup(data,filters,stride_y,stride_x,padding_y,padding_x);
- conv2(false, output2, data, filters);
- dlog << LINFO << "forward error: "<< max(abs(mat(output1)-mat(output2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(output1)-mat(output2))) < 1e-3, max(abs(mat(output1)-mat(output2)))
- <<"\n\t padding_y: "<< padding_y
- <<"\n\t padding_x: "<< padding_x
- );
- conv1(true, output1, data, filters);
- conv2(true, output2, data, filters);
- dlog << LINFO << "forward error: "<< max(abs(mat(output1)-mat(output2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(output1)-mat(output2))) < 1e-3, max(abs(mat(output1)-mat(output2)))
- <<"\n\t padding_y: "<< padding_y
- <<"\n\t padding_x: "<< padding_x
- );
- resizable_tensor gi, data_gradient1, data_gradient2;
- gi.copy_size(output1);
- rnd.fill_uniform(gi);
- data_gradient1.copy_size(data);
- data_gradient2.copy_size(data);
- data_gradient1 = 1;
- data_gradient2 = 1;
- conv1.get_gradient_for_data(true, gi, filters, data_gradient1);
- conv2.get_gradient_for_data(true, gi, filters, data_gradient2);
- dlog << LINFO << "data gradient error: "<< max(abs(mat(data_gradient1)-mat(data_gradient2)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(data_gradient1)-mat(data_gradient2))) < 1e-3);
- conv1.get_gradient_for_data(false, gi, filters, data_gradient1);
- conv2.get_gradient_for_data(false, gi, filters, data_gradient2);
- dlog << LINFO << "data gradient error: "<< max(abs(mat(data_gradient1)-mat(data_gradient2)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(data_gradient1)-mat(data_gradient2))) < 1e-3);
- resizable_tensor filter_gradient1, filter_gradient2;
- gi.copy_size(output1);
- rnd.fill_uniform(gi);
- filter_gradient1.copy_size(filters);
- filter_gradient2.copy_size(filters);
- filter_gradient1 = 1;
- filter_gradient2 = 1;
- conv1.get_gradient_for_filters(false, gi, data, filter_gradient1);
- conv2.get_gradient_for_filters(false, gi, data, filter_gradient2);
- dlog << LINFO << "filter gradient error: "<< max(abs(mat(filter_gradient1)-mat(filter_gradient2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(filter_gradient1)-mat(filter_gradient2))) < 1e-3, max(abs(mat(filter_gradient1)-mat(filter_gradient2))));
- conv1.get_gradient_for_filters(true, gi, data, filter_gradient1);
- conv2.get_gradient_for_filters(true, gi, data, filter_gradient2);
- dlog << LINFO << "filter gradient error: "<< max(abs(mat(filter_gradient1)-mat(filter_gradient2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(filter_gradient1)-mat(filter_gradient2))) < 2e-3, max(abs(mat(filter_gradient1)-mat(filter_gradient2))));
- }
- }
- void compare_adam()
- {
- float t = 2;
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- resizable_tensor s, m, v, params, params_grad;
- s.set_size(89,90,60,73);
- m.copy_size(s);
- v.copy_size(s);
- params.copy_size(s);
- params_grad.copy_size(s);
- rnd.fill_uniform(s);
- rnd.fill_uniform(m);
- rnd.fill_uniform(v);
- rnd.fill_uniform(params);
- rnd.fill_uniform(params_grad);
- resizable_tensor mm(m), vv(v);
- cpu::compute_adam_update(0,params.size(),s, mm, vv, t, 0.01, 0.001, 0.9, 0.99, params, params_grad);
- matrix<float> s1 = mat(s);
- rnd.fill_uniform(s);
- cuda::compute_adam_update(0,params.size(),s, m, v, t, 0.01, 0.001, 0.9, 0.99, params, params_grad);
- matrix<float> s2 = mat(s);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(s1-s2)) < 1e-6, max(abs(s1-s2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(m)-mat(mm))) < 1e-6, max(abs(mat(m)-mat(mm))));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(v)-mat(vv))) < 1e-6, max(abs(mat(v)-mat(vv))));
- }
- void test_multiply_zero_padded()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- tt::tensor_rand trnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 300; ++iter)
- {
- resizable_tensor dest1(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1);
- resizable_tensor dest2;
- dest2.copy_size(dest1);
- resizable_tensor src1(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1);
- resizable_tensor src2(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(dest1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(dest2);
- trnd.fill_uniform(src1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(src2);
- cpu::multiply_zero_padded(false, dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::multiply_zero_padded(false, dest2, src1, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1) - mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- cpu::multiply_zero_padded(true, dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::multiply_zero_padded(true, dest2, src1, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1) - mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- }
- // make sure we have a test for the case where all tensors have the same
- // dimensions.
- resizable_tensor dest1(3,4,5,6);
- resizable_tensor dest2;
- resizable_tensor src1;
- resizable_tensor src2;
- dest2.copy_size(dest1);
- src1.copy_size(dest1);
- src2.copy_size(dest1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(dest1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(dest2);
- trnd.fill_uniform(src1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(src2);
- cpu::multiply_zero_padded(false, dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::multiply_zero_padded(false, dest2, src1, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1) - mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- cpu::multiply_zero_padded(true, dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::multiply_zero_padded(true, dest2, src1, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1) - mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- }
- void test_add()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- tt::tensor_rand trnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 300; ++iter)
- {
- resizable_tensor dest1(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1);
- resizable_tensor dest2;
- dest2.copy_size(dest1);
- resizable_tensor src1(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1);
- resizable_tensor src2(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(dest1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(dest2);
- trnd.fill_uniform(src1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(src2);
- cpu::add(dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::add(dest2, src1, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1) - mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- }
- // make sure we have a test for the case where all tensors have the same
- // dimensions.
- resizable_tensor dest1(3,4,5,6);
- resizable_tensor dest2;
- resizable_tensor src1;
- resizable_tensor src2;
- dest2.copy_size(dest1);
- src1.copy_size(dest1);
- src2.copy_size(dest1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(dest1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(dest2);
- trnd.fill_uniform(src1);
- trnd.fill_uniform(src2);
- cpu::add(dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::add(dest2, src1, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1) - mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- }
- void test_more_ops(const long nr, const long nc)
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- // We are going to make sure that the CPU implementation of these things matches
- // the CUDA implementation.
- tensor_rand rnd;
- resizable_tensor dest(nr,nc), src(nr,nc), dest2, src2;
- resizable_tensor srcb(nr,nc), srcc(nr,nc), srcb2, srcc2;
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- dest2 = dest; src2 = src;
- cuda::multiply(false, dest, dest, src);
- cpu::multiply(false, dest2, dest2, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- cuda::multiply(true, dest, dest, src);
- cpu::multiply(true, dest2, dest2, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- dest2 = dest; src2 = src;
- cuda::affine_transform(dest, src, 2, 3);
- cpu::affine_transform(dest2, src2, 2, 3);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- rnd.fill_uniform(srcb);
- dest2 = dest; src2 = src; srcb2 = srcb;
- cuda::affine_transform(dest, src, srcb, 2, 3, 4);
- cpu::affine_transform(dest2, src2, srcb2, 2, 3, 4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- rnd.fill_uniform(srcb);
- rnd.fill_uniform(srcc);
- dest2 = dest; src2 = src; srcb2 = srcb; srcc2 = srcc;
- cuda::affine_transform(dest, src, srcb, srcc, 2, 3, 4, 5);
- cpu::affine_transform(dest2, src2, srcb2, srcc2, 2, 3, 4, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- cuda::affine_transform(dest, src, srcb, srcc, 2, 3, 4, 0);
- cpu::affine_transform(dest2, src2, srcb2, srcc2, 2, 3, 4, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- cuda::affine_transform_range(0, dest.size(), dest, src, srcb, srcc, 2, 3, 4);
- cpu::affine_transform_range(0, dest2.size(), dest2, src2, srcb2, srcc2, 2, 3, 4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- if (3 < dest.size())
- {
- dest = 999;
- dest2 = 999;
- cuda::affine_transform_range(3, dest.size()-1, dest, src, srcb, srcc, 2, 3, 4);
- cpu::affine_transform_range(3, dest2.size()-1, dest2, src2, srcb2, srcc2, 2, 3, 4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- cuda::affine_transform_range(dest.size(), dest.size(), dest, src, srcb, srcc, 2, 3, 4);
- cpu::affine_transform_range(dest2.size(), dest2.size(), dest2, src2, srcb2, srcc2, 2, 3, 4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- }
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- rnd.fill_uniform(srcb);
- rnd.fill_uniform(srcc);
- dest2 = dest; src2 = src; srcb2 = srcb; srcc2 = srcc;
- cuda::affine_transform(dest, src, srcb, srcc);
- cpu::affine_transform(dest2, src2, srcb2, srcc2);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- // now exercise code path where the A/B tensors have num_samples()==1
- srcb.set_size(1,nc);
- srcc.set_size(1,nc);
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- rnd.fill_uniform(srcb);
- rnd.fill_uniform(srcc);
- dest2 = dest; src2 = src; srcb2 = srcb; srcc2 = srcc;
- cuda::affine_transform(dest, src, srcb, srcc);
- cpu::affine_transform(dest2, src2, srcb2, srcc2);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(dest),mat(dest2)));
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- src2 = src;
- cuda::threshold(src, 0.5);
- cpu::threshold(src2, 0.5);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mat(src),mat(src2)));
- {
- resizable_tensor dest(3,4);
- resizable_tensor A, B;
- A = dest;
- B = dest;
- rnd.fill_uniform(dest);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- rnd.fill_uniform(B);
- dest.set_size(1,4);
- cuda::multiply(false, dest, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest)-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(mat(A),mat(B))))) < 1e-6, max(abs(mat(dest)-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(mat(A),mat(B))))));
- A.set_size(1,4);
- rnd.fill_uniform(A);
- matrix<float> AA = join_cols(mat(A),mat(A)); AA = join_cols(mat(A),AA);
- cuda::multiply(false, dest, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B))))) < 1e-6);
- cuda::multiply(false, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B))))) < 1e-6);
- matrix<float> prevdest = mat(dest);
- cuda::multiply(true, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-prevdest-sum_rows(pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B))))) < 1e-6);
- dest.set_size(3,4);
- cuda::multiply(false, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B)))) < 1e-6);
- prevdest = mat(dest);
- cuda::multiply(true, dest, B, A);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-prevdest-pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B)))) < 1e-6);
- cuda::multiply(false, dest, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest)-pointwise_multiply(AA,mat(B)))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor invnorms1, invnorms2;
- resizable_tensor data(4,5), out1, out2;
- rnd.fill_uniform(data);
- const double eps = 0.1;
- invnorms2 = reciprocal(sqrt(sum_cols(squared(mat(data))) + eps));
- tt::inverse_norms(invnorms1, data, eps);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(invnorms1)-mat(invnorms2))) < 1e-6);
- out1.copy_size(data);
- tt::scale_rows(out1, data, invnorms1);
- out2 = scale_rows(mat(data), mat(invnorms1));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(out1)-mat(out2))) < 1e-6);
- }
- {
- resizable_tensor a(123,432), b(123,432);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(a);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(b);
- resizable_tensor out;
- dot_prods(out, a,b);
- const matrix<float> truth = sum_cols(pointwise_multiply(mat(a), mat(b)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(out) - truth)) < 1e-4);
- out = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(out) - truth)) > 1e-2);
- dot_prods(false, out, a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(out) - truth)) < 1e-4);
- dot_prods(true, out, a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(out)/2 - truth)) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(out) - truth)) > 1e-2);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void compare_bn_gpu_and_cpu()
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest, dest2;
- resizable_tensor means, means2;
- resizable_tensor invstds, invstds2;
- resizable_tensor running_means, running_means2;
- resizable_tensor running_variances, running_variances2;
- resizable_tensor src(64,20,100,100);
- resizable_tensor gamma(1,20,100,100);
- resizable_tensor beta(1,20,100,100);
- gamma = 2;
- beta = 3;
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- cpu::batch_normalize(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest, means, invstds, 1, running_means, running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- cuda::batch_normalize(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest2,means2,invstds2, 1, running_means2, running_variances2, src, gamma, beta);
- dlog << LINFO << "dest error: "<< max(abs(mat(dest) -mat(dest2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "means error: "<< max(abs(mat(means) -mat(means2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "invstds error: "<< max(abs(mat(invstds) -mat(invstds2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "running_means error: "<< max(abs(mat(running_means) -mat(running_means2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "running_variances error: "<< max(abs(mat(running_variances) -mat(running_variances2)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest) -mat(dest2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(means) -mat(means2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(invstds) -mat(invstds2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(running_means) -mat(running_means2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(running_variances) -mat(running_variances2))) < 1e-4,
- mean(mat(running_variances))
- << "\n" << mean(mat(running_variances2))
- << "\n" << max(abs(mat(running_variances) -mat(running_variances2)))
- << "\n" << mean(abs(mat(running_variances) -mat(running_variances2)))
- );
- // now check that the gradients match as well
- resizable_tensor gradient_input;
- resizable_tensor src_grad, gamma_grad, beta_grad;
- resizable_tensor src_grad2, gamma_grad2, beta_grad2;
- gradient_input.copy_size(dest);
- src_grad.copy_size(src); src_grad = 0; src_grad2 = src_grad;
- gamma_grad.copy_size(gamma); gamma_grad = 0; gamma_grad2 = gamma_grad;
- beta_grad.copy_size(beta); beta_grad = 0; beta_grad2 = beta_grad;
- rnd.fill_uniform(gradient_input);
- cpu::batch_normalize_gradient(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,gradient_input, means, invstds, src, gamma, src_grad, gamma_grad, beta_grad);
- cuda::batch_normalize_gradient(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,gradient_input, means, invstds, src, gamma, src_grad2, gamma_grad2, beta_grad2);
- dlog << LINFO << "src_grad error: " << max(abs(mat(src_grad)-mat(src_grad2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "gamma_grad error: " << max(abs(mat(gamma_grad)-mat(gamma_grad2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "beta_grad error: " << max(abs(mat(beta_grad)-mat(beta_grad2)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(src_grad)-mat(src_grad2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(gamma_grad)-mat(gamma_grad2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(beta_grad)-mat(beta_grad2))) < 1e-4);
- }
- void compare_bn_conv_gpu_and_cpu()
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest, dest2;
- resizable_tensor means, means2;
- resizable_tensor invstds, invstds2;
- resizable_tensor running_means, running_means2;
- resizable_tensor running_variances, running_variances2;
- resizable_tensor src(2,8,10,9);
- resizable_tensor gamma(1,8);
- resizable_tensor beta(1,8);
- gamma = 2;
- beta = 3;
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(src);
- cpu::batch_normalize_conv(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest,means,invstds,1,running_means,running_variances, src, gamma, beta);
- cuda::batch_normalize_conv(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,dest2,means2,invstds2,1,running_means2,running_variances2, src, gamma, beta);
- dlog << LINFO << "dest error: "<< max(abs(mat(dest) -mat(dest2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "means error: "<< max(abs(mat(means) -mat(means2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "invstds error: "<< max(abs(mat(invstds) -mat(invstds2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "running_means error: "<< max(abs(mat(running_means) -mat(running_means2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "running_variances error: "<< max(abs(mat(running_variances) -mat(running_variances2)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest) -mat(dest2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(means) -mat(means2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(invstds) -mat(invstds2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(running_means) -mat(running_means2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(running_variances) -mat(running_variances2))) < 1e-4);
- resizable_tensor gradient_input;
- resizable_tensor src_grad, gamma_grad, beta_grad;
- resizable_tensor src_grad2, gamma_grad2, beta_grad2;
- gradient_input.copy_size(dest);
- src_grad.copy_size(src); src_grad = 0; src_grad2 = src_grad;
- gamma_grad.copy_size(gamma); gamma_grad = 0; gamma_grad2 = gamma_grad;
- beta_grad.copy_size(beta); beta_grad = 0; beta_grad2 = beta_grad;
- rnd.fill_uniform(gradient_input);
- cpu::batch_normalize_conv_gradient(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,gradient_input, means, invstds, src, gamma, src_grad, gamma_grad, beta_grad);
- cuda::batch_normalize_conv_gradient(DEFAULT_BATCH_NORM_EPS,gradient_input, means, invstds, src, gamma, src_grad2, gamma_grad2, beta_grad2);
- dlog << LINFO << "src_grad error: " << max(abs(mat(src_grad)-mat(src_grad2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "gamma_grad error: " << max(abs(mat(gamma_grad)-mat(gamma_grad2)));
- dlog << LINFO << "beta_grad error: " << max(abs(mat(beta_grad)-mat(beta_grad2)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(src_grad)-mat(src_grad2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(gamma_grad)-mat(gamma_grad2))) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(beta_grad)-mat(beta_grad2))) < 1e-4);
- }
- void test_more_ops2()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- tt::tensor_rand trand;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 100; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest1, dest2, src1, src2;
- src1.set_size(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1);
- dest1.copy_size(src1);
- dest2.copy_size(src1);
- src2.set_size(1,src1.k(),1,1);
- trand.fill_uniform(dest1);
- trand.fill_uniform(dest2);
- trand.fill_uniform(src1);
- trand.fill_uniform(src2);
- cpu::multiply_conv(false, dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::multiply_conv(false, dest2, src1, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- cpu::multiply_conv(true, dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::multiply_conv(true, dest2, src1, src2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- // now try it using the other mode of multiply_conv
- src2.copy_size(src1);
- dest1.set_size(1,src1.k(),1,1);
- dest2.set_size(1,src1.k(),1,1);
- trand.fill_uniform(dest1);
- trand.fill_uniform(dest2);
- trand.fill_uniform(src1);
- trand.fill_uniform(src2);
- cpu::multiply_conv(false, dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::multiply_conv(false, dest2, src1, src2);
- float scale = max(abs(mat(dest1)));
- float scalem = mean(abs(mat(dest1)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)))/scale < 1e-4 , max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)))/scale);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)))/scalem < 1e-5 , mean(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)))/scalem);
- matrix<float> prevd2 = mat(dest2);
- cpu::multiply_conv(false, dest1, src1, src2);
- cuda::multiply_conv(true, dest2, src1, src2);
- scale = max(abs(mat(dest1)));
- scalem = mean(abs(mat(dest1)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)+prevd2))/scale < 1e-4 , max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)+prevd2))/scale);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)+prevd2))/scalem < 1e-5 , mean(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)+prevd2))/scalem);
- }
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 100; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest1, dest2, src, A, B;
- src.set_size(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1);
- dest1.copy_size(src);
- dest2.copy_size(src);
- A.set_size(1,src.k(),1,1);
- B.set_size(1,src.k(),1,1);
- trand.fill_uniform(dest1);
- trand.fill_uniform(dest2);
- trand.fill_uniform(src);
- trand.fill_uniform(A);
- trand.fill_uniform(B);
- cpu::affine_transform_conv(dest1, src, A, B);
- cuda::affine_transform_conv(dest2, src, A, B);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2))) < 1e-5);
- }
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 100; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest1, dest2, g;
- g.set_size(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%30+1);
- dest1.set_size(1,g.k(),1,1);
- dest2.set_size(1,g.k(),1,1);
- trand.fill_uniform(dest1);
- trand.fill_uniform(dest2);
- trand.fill_uniform(g);
- cpu::assign_conv_bias_gradient(dest1, g);
- cuda::assign_conv_bias_gradient(dest2, g);
- const float scale = max(abs(mat(dest1)));
- const float scalem = mean(abs(mat(dest1)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)))/scale < 1e-4 , max(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)))/scale);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)))/scalem < 1e-5 , mean(abs(mat(dest1)-mat(dest2)))/scalem);
- }
- }
-#endif // DLIB_USE_CUDA
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_max_pool(
- const int window_height,
- const int window_width,
- const int stride_y,
- const int stride_x,
- const int padding_y,
- const int padding_x
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor A, B, gradient_input;
- A.set_size(4,5,16,7);
- B.copy_size(A);
- gradient_input.copy_size(A);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(A,0,1);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(B,0,1);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(gradient_input,0,1);
- tt::pooling mp;
- mp.setup_max_pooling(window_height,window_width,stride_y,stride_x,padding_y,padding_x);
- mp(A, B);
- // make sure max pooling does what it's spec says it should.
- DLIB_TEST( A.num_samples() == B.num_samples());
- DLIB_TEST( A.k() == B.k());
- DLIB_TEST( == 1+(*padding_y-window_height)/stride_y);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1+(*padding_x-window_width)/stride_x);
- const long x_offset = window_width/2 - padding_x;
- const long y_offset = window_height/2 - padding_y;
- for (long s = 0; s < A.num_samples(); ++s)
- {
- for (long k = 0; k < A.k(); ++k)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(image_plane(A,s,k)(r,c) == max(subm_clipped(image_plane(B,s,k),
- centered_rect(c*stride_x+x_offset,
- r*stride_y+y_offset,
- window_width,
- window_height))),
- "padding: "<< padding_x << " " << padding_y
- << " window size: " << window_width << " " << window_height
- << " stride: " << stride_x << " " << stride_y
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_avg_pool(
- const int window_height,
- const int window_width,
- const int stride_y,
- const int stride_x,
- const int padding_y,
- const int padding_x
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor A, B, gradient_input;
- A.set_size(4,5,16,7);
- B.copy_size(A);
- gradient_input.copy_size(A);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(A,0,1);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(B,0,1);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(gradient_input,0,1);
- tt::pooling mp;
- mp.setup_avg_pooling(window_height,window_width,stride_y,stride_x,padding_y,padding_x);
- mp(A, B);
- // make sure avg pooling does what it's spec says it should.
- DLIB_TEST( A.num_samples() == B.num_samples());
- DLIB_TEST( A.k() == B.k());
- DLIB_TEST( == 1+(*padding_y-window_height)/stride_y);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1+(*padding_x-window_width)/stride_x);
- const long x_offset = window_width/2 - padding_x;
- const long y_offset = window_height/2 - padding_y;
- for (long s = 0; s < A.num_samples(); ++s)
- {
- for (long k = 0; k < A.k(); ++k)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- float expected = mean(subm_clipped(image_plane(B,s,k),
- centered_rect(c*stride_x+x_offset,
- r*stride_y+y_offset,
- window_width,
- window_height)));
- float err = abs(image_plane(A,s,k)(r,c) - expected);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(err < 1e-5, err << " " << expected << " " << image_plane(A,s,k)(r,c));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_layers()
- {
- {
- print_spinner();
- extract_<0,2,2,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- extract_<3,2,1,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- extract_<0,2,1,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- upsample_<1,1> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- upsample_<2,1> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- upsample_<2,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- upsample_<3,3> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- l2normalize_ l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- multiply_ l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- max_pool_<3,3,1,1> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- avg_pool_<3,3,1,1> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- affine_ l(CONV_MODE);
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- affine_ l(FC_MODE);
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- bn_<CONV_MODE> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- bn_<FC_MODE> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- cont_<3,3,3,2,2,0,0> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- cont_<3,3,3,2,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- cont_<3,3,3,1,1> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- cont_<3,3,3,1,1,0,0> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- cont_<3,2,2,2,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- con_<3,2,2,2,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- con_<3,3,3,1,1>l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- con_<3,3,2,1,1> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- con_<2,1,1,1,1> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- con_<3,0,2,2,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- con_<3,2,0,2,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- con_<3,0,0,2,2> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- fc_<1,FC_HAS_BIAS> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- fc_<5,FC_HAS_BIAS> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- fc_<4,FC_NO_BIAS> l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- relu_ l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- prelu_ l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- sig_ l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- htan_ l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- softmax_ l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- softmax_all_ l;
- auto res = test_layer(l);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res, res);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <unsigned long n, typename SUBNET> using rcon = max_pool<2,2,2,2,relu<bn_con<con<n,5,5,1,1,SUBNET>>>>;
- template <unsigned long n, typename SUBNET> using rfc = relu<bn_fc<fc<n,SUBNET>>>;
- void test_tagging(
- )
- {
- typedef loss_multiclass_log<rfc<10,skip1<rfc<84,rfc<120,tag1<rcon<16,rcon<6,input<matrix<unsigned char>>>>>>>>>> net_type;
- net_type net;
- net_type net2(num_fc_outputs(4));
- DLIB_TEST(layer<tag1>(net).num_computational_layers == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(layer<skip1>(net).num_computational_layers == 8+3+3);
- DLIB_TEST(layer<tag1>(net).num_layers == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(layer<skip1>(net).num_layers == 10+3+3+1);
- DLIB_TEST(&layer<skip1>(net).get_output() == &layer<tag1>(net).get_output());
- DLIB_TEST(&layer<skip1>(net).get_output() != &layer<tag1>(net).subnet().subnet().get_output());
- DLIB_TEST(net.subnet().subnet().subnet().layer_details().get_num_outputs() == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(net2.subnet().subnet().subnet().layer_details().get_num_outputs() == 4);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- int N,
- template <typename> class BN,
- int stride,
- typename SUBNET
- >
- using block = BN<con<N,3,3,1,1,relu<BN<con<N,3,3,stride,stride,SUBNET>>>>>;
- template <
- template <int,template<typename>class,int,typename> class block,
- int N,
- template<typename>class BN,
- typename SUBNET
- >
- using residual = add_prev1<block<N,BN,1,tag1<SUBNET>>>;
- template <
- template <int,template<typename>class,int,typename> class block,
- int N,
- template<typename>class BN,
- typename SUBNET
- >
- using residual_down = add_prev2<avg_pool<2,2,2,2,skip1<tag2<block<N,BN,2,tag1<SUBNET>>>>>>;
- template <typename SUBNET> using res = relu<residual<block,8,bn_con,SUBNET>>;
- template <typename SUBNET> using ares = relu<residual<block,8,affine,SUBNET>>;
- template <typename SUBNET> using res_down = relu<residual_down<block,8,bn_con,SUBNET>>;
- template <typename SUBNET> using ares_down = relu<residual_down<block,8,affine,SUBNET>>;
- template <typename SUBNET>
- using pres = prelu<add_prev1<bn_con<con<8,3,3,1,1,prelu<bn_con<con<8,3,3,1,1,tag1<SUBNET>>>>>>>>;
- void test_visit_funcions()
- {
- using net_type2 = loss_multiclass_log<fc<10,
- avg_pool_everything<
- pres<res<res<res_down< // 2 prelu layers here
- tag4<repeat<9,pres, // 9 groups, each containing 2 prelu layers
- res_down<
- res<
- input<matrix<unsigned char>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>;
- net_type2 pnet;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(pnet.num_layers == 131, pnet.num_layers);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(pnet.num_computational_layers == 109, pnet.num_computational_layers);
- std::vector<bool> hit(pnet.num_computational_layers, false);
- size_t count = 0;
- visit_layer_parameter_gradients(pnet, [&](size_t i, tensor& ){hit[i] = true; ++count; });
- for (auto x : hit)
- DLIB_TEST(count == pnet.num_computational_layers);
- count = 0;
- std::vector<bool> hit2(pnet.num_computational_layers, false);
- visit_layer_parameters(pnet, [&](size_t i, tensor& ){hit2[i] = true; ++count; });
- for (auto x : hit2)
- DLIB_TEST(count == pnet.num_computational_layers);
- }
- float tensor_read_cpu(const tensor& t, long i, long k, long r, long c)
- {
- const float* p = + t.k() * * * i +
- * * k + * r + c;
- return *p;
- }
- void test_copy_tensor_cpu()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest(10, 9, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src1(10, 3, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src2(10, 3, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src3(10, 9, 7, 15);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(dest);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src1);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src2);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src3);
- cpu::copy_tensor(false, dest, 0, src1, 0, src1.k()); //full copy src1->dest
- cpu::copy_tensor(false, dest, src1.k(), src2, 0, src2.k()); //full copy src2->dest with offset of src1
- cpu::copy_tensor(false, dest, src1.k() + src2.k(), src3, 3, 3); //partial copy src3 into the rest place of dest
- for (long i = 0; i < dest.num_samples(); ++i)
- {
- for (long k = 0; k < dest.k(); ++k)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- float dest_value = tensor_read_cpu(dest, i, k, r, c);
- // first part is from src1
- if (k < src1.k())
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src1, i, k, r, c);
- DLIB_TEST(src_value == dest_value);
- }
- // second part is from src2
- else if (k < src1.k() + src2.k())
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src2, i, k - src1.k(), r, c);
- DLIB_TEST(src_value == dest_value);
- }
- // third part is from src3
- else
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src3, i, k - src1.k() - src2.k() + 3, r, c);
- DLIB_TEST(src_value == dest_value);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_copy_tensor_add_to_cpu()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest(10, 9, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src1(10, 3, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src2(10, 3, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src3(10, 9, 7, 15);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(dest);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src1);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src2);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src3);
- const resizable_tensor old_dest = dest;
- cpu::copy_tensor(true, dest, 0, src1, 0, src1.k()); //full copy src1->dest
- cpu::copy_tensor(true, dest, src1.k(), src2, 0, src2.k()); //full copy src2->dest with offset of src1
- cpu::copy_tensor(true, dest, src1.k() + src2.k(), src3, 3, 3); //partial copy src3 into the rest place of dest
- for (long i = 0; i < dest.num_samples(); ++i)
- {
- for (long k = 0; k < dest.k(); ++k)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- float old_dest_value = tensor_read_cpu(old_dest, i, k, r, c);
- float dest_value = tensor_read_cpu(dest, i, k, r, c);
- // first part is from src1
- if (k < src1.k())
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src1, i, k, r, c)+old_dest_value;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(src_value - dest_value) < 1e-6);
- }
- // second part is from src2
- else if (k < src1.k() + src2.k())
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src2, i, k - src1.k(), r, c)+old_dest_value;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(src_value - dest_value) < 1e-6);
- }
- // third part is from src3
- else
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src3, i, k - src1.k() - src2.k() + 3, r, c)+old_dest_value;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(src_value - dest_value) < 1e-6);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_copy_tensor_gpu()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest(10, 9, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src1(10, 3, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src2(10, 3, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src3(10, 9, 7, 15);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(dest);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src1);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src2);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src3);
- cuda::copy_tensor(false, dest, 0, src1, 0, src1.k()); //full copy src1->dest
- cuda::copy_tensor(false, dest, src1.k(), src2, 0, src2.k()); //full copy src2->dest with offset of src1
- cuda::copy_tensor(false, dest, src1.k() + src2.k(), src3, 3, 3); //partial copy src3 into the rest place of dest
- for (long i = 0; i < dest.num_samples(); ++i)
- {
- for (long k = 0; k < dest.k(); ++k)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- float dest_value = tensor_read_cpu(dest, i, k, r, c);
- // first part is from src1
- if (k < src1.k())
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src1, i, k, r, c);
- DLIB_TEST(src_value == dest_value);
- }
- // second part is from src2
- else if (k < src1.k() + src2.k())
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src2, i, k - src1.k(), r, c);
- DLIB_TEST(src_value == dest_value);
- }
- // third part is from src3
- else
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src3, i, k - src1.k() - src2.k() + 3, r, c);
- DLIB_TEST(src_value == dest_value);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_copy_tensor_add_to_gpu()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- resizable_tensor dest(10, 9, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src1(10, 3, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src2(10, 3, 7, 15);
- resizable_tensor src3(10, 9, 7, 15);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(dest);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src1);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src2);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(src3);
- const resizable_tensor old_dest = dest;
- cuda::copy_tensor(true, dest, 0, src1, 0, src1.k()); //full copy src1->dest
- cuda::copy_tensor(true, dest, src1.k(), src2, 0, src2.k()); //full copy src2->dest with offset of src1
- cuda::copy_tensor(true, dest, src1.k() + src2.k(), src3, 3, 3); //partial copy src3 into the rest place of dest
- for (long i = 0; i < dest.num_samples(); ++i)
- {
- for (long k = 0; k < dest.k(); ++k)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- float old_dest_value = tensor_read_cpu(old_dest, i, k, r, c);
- float dest_value = tensor_read_cpu(dest, i, k, r, c);
- // first part is from src1
- if (k < src1.k())
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src1, i, k, r, c)+old_dest_value;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(src_value - dest_value) < 1e-6, std::abs(src_value - dest_value));
- }
- // second part is from src2
- else if (k < src1.k() + src2.k())
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src2, i, k - src1.k(), r, c)+old_dest_value;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(src_value - dest_value) < 1e-6);
- }
- // third part is from src3
- else
- {
- float src_value = tensor_read_cpu(src3, i, k - src1.k() - src2.k() + 3, r, c)+old_dest_value;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(src_value - dest_value) < 1e-6);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename SUBNET> using concat_block1 = con<5,1,1,1,1,SUBNET>;
- template <typename SUBNET> using concat_block2 = con<8,3,3,1,1,SUBNET>;
- template <typename SUBNET> using concat_block3 = max_pool<3,3,1,1,SUBNET>;
- template <typename SUBNET> using concat_incept = inception3<concat_block1,concat_block2,concat_block3,SUBNET>;
- void test_concat()
- {
- using namespace dlib::tt;
- print_spinner();
- using net_type = concat_incept<input<matrix<float>>>;
- resizable_tensor data(10, 1, 111, 222);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_gaussian(data);
- net_type net;
- auto& out = net.forward(data);
- auto& b1o = layer<itag1>(net).get_output();
- auto& b2o = layer<itag2>(net).get_output();
- auto& b3o = layer<itag3>(net).get_output();
- resizable_tensor dest(10, 14, 111, 222);
- copy_tensor(false, dest, 0, b1o, 0, b1o.k());
- copy_tensor(false, dest, b1o.k(), b2o, 0, b2o.k());
- copy_tensor(false, dest, b1o.k() + b2o.k(), b3o, 0, b3o.k());
- DLIB_TEST(dest.size() == out.size());
- int error = memcmp(,, dest.size());
- DLIB_TEST(error == 0);
- resizable_tensor gr(10, 14, 111, 222);
- rnd.fill_gaussian(gr);
- resizable_tensor params;
- net.layer_details().backward(gr, net, params);
- auto& b1g = layer<itag1>(net).subnet().get_gradient_input();
- auto& b2g = layer<itag2>(net).subnet().get_gradient_input();
- auto& b3g = layer<itag3>(net).subnet().get_gradient_input();
- resizable_tensor g1(10, 5, 111, 222);
- resizable_tensor g2(10, 8, 111, 222);
- resizable_tensor g3(10, 1, 111, 222);
- copy_tensor(false, g1, 0, gr, 0, g1.k());
- copy_tensor(false, g2, 0, gr, g1.k(), g2.k());
- copy_tensor(false, g3, 0, gr, g1.k() + g2.k(), g3.k());
- DLIB_TEST(g1.size() == b1g.size());
- error = memcmp(,, b1g.size());
- DLIB_TEST(error == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(g2.size() == b2g.size());
- error = memcmp(,, b2g.size());
- DLIB_TEST(error == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(g3.size() == b3g.size());
- error = memcmp(,, b3g.size());
- DLIB_TEST(error == 0);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_simple_linear_regression()
- {
- const int num_samples = 1000;
- ::std::vector<matrix<double>> x(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<float> y(num_samples);
- ::std::default_random_engine generator(16);
- ::std::normal_distribution<float> distribution(0,0.1);
- const float true_intercept = 50.0;
- const float true_slope = 10.0;
- for ( int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii )
- {
- const double val = static_cast<double>(ii)/10;
- matrix<double> tmp(1,1);
- tmp = val;
- x[ii] = tmp;
- y[ii] = (true_intercept + true_slope*static_cast<float>(val) + distribution(generator));
- }
- using net_type = loss_mean_squared<fc<1, input<matrix<double>>>>;
- net_type net;
- layer<1>(net).layer_details().set_bias_learning_rate_multiplier(300);
- sgd defsolver(0,0.9);
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, defsolver);
- trainer.set_learning_rate(1e-5);
- trainer.set_min_learning_rate(1e-6);
- trainer.set_mini_batch_size(50);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(170);
- trainer.train(x, y);
- const float slope = layer<1>(net).layer_details().get_weights().host()[0];
- const float slope_error = abs(true_slope - slope);
- const float intercept = layer<1>(net).layer_details().get_biases().host()[0];
- const float intercept_error = abs(true_intercept - intercept);
- const float eps_slope = 0.05, eps_intercept = 0.1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(slope_error <= eps_slope,
- "Expected slope = " << true_slope << " Estimated slope = " << slope << " Error limit = " << eps_slope);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(intercept_error <= eps_intercept,
- "Expected intercept = " << true_intercept << " Estimated intercept = " << intercept << " Error limit = " << eps_intercept);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_simple_linear_regression_eil()
- {
- print_spinner();
- const int num_samples = 1000;
- ::std::vector<matrix<double>> x(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<float> y(num_samples);
- ::std::default_random_engine generator(16);
- ::std::normal_distribution<float> distribution(0,0.0001);
- const float true_intercept = 50.0;
- const float true_slope = 10.0;
- for ( int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii )
- {
- const double val = static_cast<double>(ii)/10;
- matrix<double> tmp(1,1);
- tmp = val;
- x[ii] = tmp;
- y[ii] = (true_intercept + true_slope*static_cast<float>(val) + distribution(generator));
- }
- using net_type = loss_epsilon_insensitive<fc<1, input<matrix<double>>>>;
- net_type net(0.01);
- layer<1>(net).layer_details().set_bias_learning_rate_multiplier(300);
- sgd defsolver(0,0.9);
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, defsolver);
- trainer.set_learning_rate(1e-5);
- trainer.set_min_learning_rate(1e-8);
- trainer.set_mini_batch_size(50);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(570);
- trainer.train(x, y);
- const float slope = layer<1>(net).layer_details().get_weights().host()[0];
- const float slope_error = abs(true_slope - slope);
- const float intercept = layer<1>(net).layer_details().get_biases().host()[0];
- const float intercept_error = abs(true_intercept - intercept);
- const float eps_slope = 0.01, eps_intercept = 0.1;
- dlog << LINFO << "slope_error: "<< slope_error;
- dlog << LINFO << "intercept_error: "<< intercept_error;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(slope_error <= eps_slope,
- "Expected slope = " << true_slope << " Estimated slope = " << slope << " Error limit = " << eps_slope);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(intercept_error <= eps_intercept,
- "Expected intercept = " << true_intercept << " Estimated intercept = " << intercept << " Error limit = " << eps_intercept);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_simple_linear_regression_with_mult_prev()
- {
- srand(1234);
- print_spinner();
- const int num_samples = 1000;
- ::std::vector<matrix<double>> x(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<float> y(num_samples);
- const float true_slope = 2.0;
- for ( int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii )
- {
- const double val = static_cast<double>(ii-500)/100;
- matrix<double> tmp(1,1);
- tmp = val;
- x[ii] = tmp;
- y[ii] = ( true_slope*static_cast<float>(val*val));
- }
- randomize_samples(x,y);
- using net_type = loss_mean_squared<fc<1, mult_prev1<fc<2,tag1<fc<2,input<matrix<double>>>>>>>>;
- net_type net;
- sgd defsolver(0,0.9);
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, defsolver);
- trainer.set_learning_rate(1e-5);
- trainer.set_min_learning_rate(1e-11);
- trainer.set_mini_batch_size(50);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(2000);
- trainer.train(x, y);
- running_stats<double> rs;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- double val = y[i];
- double out = net(x[i]);
- rs.add(std::abs(val-out));
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "rs.mean(): " << rs.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs.stddev(): " << rs.stddev();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs.max(): " << rs.max();
- DLIB_TEST(rs.mean() < 0.1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_multioutput_linear_regression()
- {
- const int num_outputs = 2;
- const int num_samples = 1000;
- ::std::vector<matrix<double>> x(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<matrix<float>> y(num_samples);
- ::std::default_random_engine generator(16);
- ::std::normal_distribution<float> distribution(0,0.1);
- ::std::normal_distribution<float> slope_distribution(10,5);
- ::std::normal_distribution<float> intercept_distribution(50,10);
- ::std::vector<float> true_intercepts(num_outputs);
- ::std::vector<float> true_slopes(num_outputs);
- for ( int jj = 0; jj < num_outputs; ++jj )
- {
- true_slopes[jj] = slope_distribution(generator);
- true_intercepts[jj] = intercept_distribution(generator);
- }
- matrix<float> ytmp(num_outputs, 1);
- for ( int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii )
- {
- const double val = static_cast<double>(ii)/10;
- matrix<double> tmp(1,1);
- tmp = val;
- x[ii] = tmp;
- for ( int jj = 0; jj < num_outputs; ++jj )
- ytmp(jj, 0) = (true_intercepts[jj] + true_slopes[jj]*static_cast<float>(val) + distribution(generator));
- y[ii] = ytmp;
- }
- using net_type = loss_mean_squared_multioutput<fc<num_outputs, input<matrix<double>>>>;
- net_type net;
- layer<1>(net).layer_details().set_bias_learning_rate_multiplier(900);
- sgd defsolver(0,0.9);
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, defsolver);
- trainer.set_learning_rate(1e-5);
- trainer.set_min_learning_rate(1e-6);
- trainer.set_mini_batch_size(50);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(170);
- trainer.train(x, y);
- float slope_error = 0.0;
- float intercept_error = 0.0;
- const float eps_slope = 0.05, eps_intercept = 0.1;
- for ( int jj = 0; jj < num_outputs; ++jj )
- {
- slope_error += abs(layer<1>(net).layer_details().get_weights().host()[jj] - true_slopes[jj]);
- intercept_error += abs(layer<1>(net).layer_details().get_biases().host()[jj] - true_intercepts[jj]);
- }
- slope_error /= float(num_outputs);
- intercept_error /= float(num_outputs);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(slope_error <= eps_slope,
- "Average absolute slope error = " << slope_error << " Error limit = " << eps_slope);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(intercept_error <= eps_intercept,
- "Average absolute intercept error = " << intercept_error << " Error limit = " << eps_intercept);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_simple_autoencoder()
- {
- print_spinner();
- srand(1234);
- const int output_width = 7;
- const int output_height = 7;
- const int num_samples = 100;
- ::std::vector<matrix<float>> x(num_samples);
- matrix<float> tmp(output_width, output_height);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
- {
- const int model = i % 4;
- for (int r = 0; r < output_height; ++r)
- for (int c = 0; c < output_width; ++c)
- switch (model) {
- case 0: tmp(r, c) = r / output_height; break;
- case 1: tmp(r, c) = c / output_width; break;
- case 2: tmp(r, c) = 1.0 - r / output_height; break;
- case 3: tmp(r, c) = 1.0 - c / output_width; break;
- default: DLIB_TEST_MSG(false, "Invalid model: " << model << " (should be between 0 and 3)");
- }
- x[i] = tmp;
- }
- using net_type = loss_mean_squared_per_pixel<
- cont<1,output_height,output_width,2,2,
- relu<con<4,output_height,output_width,2,2,
- input<matrix<float>>>>>>;
- net_type net;
- const auto autoencoder_error = [&x, &net, &output_height, &output_width]()
- {
- const auto y = net(x);
- double error = 0.0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- for (int r = 0; r < output_height; ++r)
- for (int c = 0; c < output_width; ++c)
- error += fabs(y[i](r, c) - x[i](r, c));
- return error / (x.size() * output_height * output_width);
- };
- // The autoencoder can't be very good before it's been trained
- // (or at least the probability of the reconstruction error
- // being small should be super low; in fact, the error ought to
- // be much higher than 0.01, however since the initialization
- // is random, putting the limit below too high could make the
- // tests fail when other, unrelated tests are added into the
- // sequence)
- const double error_before = autoencoder_error();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(error_before > 0.01, "Autoencoder error before training = " << error_before);
- // Make sure there's an information bottleneck, as intended
- const auto& output2 = dlib::layer<2>(net).get_output();
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(output2.k() == 4);
- sgd defsolver(0,0.9);
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, defsolver);
- trainer.set_learning_rate(0.01);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(1000);
- trainer.train(x, x);
- // Now we should have learned everything there is to it
- const double error_after = autoencoder_error();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(error_after < 1e-6, "Autoencoder error after training = " << error_after);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_learned_params_on_trivial_single_pixel_task()
- {
- print_spinner();
- constexpr uint16_t num_classes = 7;
- constexpr uint16_t true_label = num_classes / 2;
- ::std::vector<matrix<float>> x({ matrix<float,1,1>({ 1 }) });
- ::std::vector<matrix<uint16_t>> y({ matrix<uint16_t,1,1>({ true_label }) });
- using net_type = loss_multiclass_log_per_pixel<con<num_classes,1,1,1,1,input<matrix<float>>>>;
- net_type net;
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, sgd(0,0));
- trainer.set_learning_rate(1e7);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(1);
- trainer.train(x, y);
- const tensor& learned_params = layer<1>(net).layer_details().get_layer_params();
- const float* learned_params_data =;
- for (int is_bias = 0; is_bias <= 1; ++is_bias) {
- for (uint16_t k = 0; k < num_classes; ++k) {
- size_t index = k + is_bias * num_classes;
- DLIB_TEST(index < learned_params.size());
- if (k == true_label) {
- DLIB_TEST(learned_params_data[index] > 1e5);
- }
- else {
- DLIB_TEST(learned_params_data[index] < -1e5);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_activations_on_trivial_single_pixel_task()
- {
- print_spinner();
- constexpr int input_height = 35;
- constexpr int input_width = 27;
- constexpr int output_height = input_height;
- constexpr int output_width = input_width;
- constexpr int num_samples = 7;
- constexpr int num_classes = 5;
- ::std::vector<matrix<float>> x(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<matrix<uint16_t>> y(num_samples);
- matrix<float> xtmp(input_height, input_width);
- matrix<uint16_t> ytmp(output_height, output_width);
- ::std::default_random_engine generator(16);
- ::std::bernoulli_distribution coinflip(0.5);
- using filter_type = con<num_classes,1,1,1,1,input<matrix<float>>>;
- // Define a "truth" filter
- filter_type truth_filter;
- truth_filter(xtmp); // Set up the convolutional layer
- // Generate training data
- for (int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii) {
- // Generate random inputs x
- for (int jj = 0; jj < input_height; ++jj)
- for (int kk = 0; kk < input_width; ++kk)
- xtmp(jj, kk) = coinflip(generator) ? 1.f : -1.f;
- x[ii] = xtmp;
- // Generate target output y by applying the truth filter on x
- const tensor& output = truth_filter(xtmp);
- const float* const out_data =;
- const auto out_element = [&](int row, int column, int k) {
- return out_data[(k * + row) * + column];
- };
- for (int jj = 0; jj < output_height; ++jj) {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < output_width; ++kk) {
- uint16_t label = 0;
- float max_value = out_element(jj, kk, 0);
- for (long k = 1; k < num_classes; ++k) {
- const float value = out_element(jj, kk, k);
- if (value > max_value) {
- label = static_cast<uint16_t>(k);
- max_value = value;
- }
- }
- ytmp(jj, kk) = label;
- }
- }
- y[ii] = ytmp;
- }
- using net_type = loss_multiclass_log_per_pixel<filter_type>;
- net_type net;
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, sgd(0,0));
- trainer.set_learning_rate(1e6);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(1);
- trainer.train(x, y);
- // Feed forward the training samples.
- resizable_tensor temp_tensor;
- net.subnet().to_tensor(&x[0], &x[0] + num_samples, temp_tensor);
- net.subnet().forward(temp_tensor);
- const dimpl::subnet_wrapper<filter_type> wsub(net.subnet());
- const tensor& output_tensor = wsub.get_output();
- const float* const out_data =;
- // Let's have a look at the activations before softmax. They should be pretty high
- // (in terms of absolute value), because the learning task is trivial.
- for (int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii) {
- for (int jj = 0; jj < output_height; ++jj) {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < output_width; ++kk) {
- const uint16_t true_label = y[ii](jj, kk);
- for (long k = 0; k < num_classes; ++k) {
- const size_t index = ((ii * output_tensor.k() + k) * + jj) * + kk;
- DLIB_TEST(index < output_tensor.size());
- if (k == true_label) {
- DLIB_TEST(out_data[index] > 1e4);
- }
- else {
- DLIB_TEST(out_data[index] < -1e4);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_outputs_on_trivial_task()
- {
- print_spinner();
- constexpr int input_height = 7;
- constexpr int input_width = 5;
- constexpr int output_height = input_height;
- constexpr int output_width = input_width;
- constexpr int num_samples = 7;
- constexpr int num_classes = 5;
- constexpr int filter_height = 3;
- constexpr int filter_width = 3;
- ::std::vector<matrix<float>> x(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<matrix<uint16_t>> y(num_samples);
- matrix<float> xtmp(input_height, input_width);
- matrix<uint16_t> ytmp(output_height, output_width);
- ::std::default_random_engine generator(16);
- ::std::bernoulli_distribution coinflip(0.5);
- using filter_type = con<num_classes, filter_height, filter_width, 1, 1, input<matrix<float>>>;
- // Define a "truth" filter
- filter_type truth_filter;
- truth_filter(xtmp); // Set up the convolutional layer
- // Generate training data
- for (int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii) {
- // Generate random inputs x
- for (int jj = 0; jj < input_height; ++jj)
- for (int kk = 0; kk < input_width; ++kk)
- xtmp(jj, kk) = coinflip(generator) ? 1.f : -1.f;
- x[ii] = xtmp;
- // Generate target output y by applying the truth filter on x
- const tensor& output = truth_filter(xtmp);
- const float* const out_data =;
- const auto out_element = [&](int row, int column, int k) {
- return out_data[(k * + row) * + column];
- };
- for (int jj = 0; jj < output_height; ++jj) {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < output_width; ++kk) {
- uint16_t label = 0;
- float max_value = out_element(jj, kk, 0);
- for (long k = 1; k < num_classes; ++k) {
- const float value = out_element(jj, kk, k);
- if (value > max_value) {
- label = static_cast<uint16_t>(k);
- max_value = value;
- }
- }
- ytmp(jj, kk) = label;
- }
- }
- y[ii] = ytmp;
- }
- using net_type = loss_multiclass_log_per_pixel<filter_type>;
- net_type net;
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, sgd(0, 0.9));
- trainer.set_learning_rate(1);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(2000);
- trainer.train(x, y);
- // The learning task is separable, so the net should have no problem
- // getting all the outputs right.
- DLIB_TEST(net(x) == y);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_with_noise_and_pixels_to_ignore()
- {
- // "Semantic segmentation" - see
- // Test learning when some pixels are to be ignored, etc.
- print_spinner();
- constexpr int input_height = 5;
- constexpr int input_width = 7;
- constexpr int output_height = input_height;
- constexpr int output_width = input_width;
- const int num_samples = 1000;
- const int num_classes = 6;
- const double ignore_probability = 0.5;
- const double noise_probability = 0.05;
- ::std::default_random_engine generator(16);
- ::std::bernoulli_distribution ignore(ignore_probability);
- ::std::bernoulli_distribution noise_occurrence(noise_probability);
- ::std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> noisy_label(0, num_classes - 1);
- ::std::vector<matrix<double>> x(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<matrix<uint16_t>> y(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<int> truth_histogram(num_classes);
- matrix<double> xtmp(input_height, input_width);
- matrix<uint16_t> ytmp(output_height, output_width);
- // The function to be learned.
- const auto ground_truth = [num_classes](const matrix<double>& x, int row, int column) {
- double sum = 0.0;
- const int first_column = std::max(0, column - 1);
- const int last_column = std::min(static_cast<int>( - 1), column + 1);
- for (int c = first_column; c <= last_column; ++c) {
- sum += x(row, c);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(sum < num_classes);
- return static_cast<uint16_t>(sum);
- };
- for ( int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii ) {
- for ( int jj = 0; jj < input_height; ++jj ) {
- for ( int kk = 0; kk < input_width; ++kk ) {
- // Generate numbers between 0 and 2.
- double value = static_cast<double>(ii + jj + kk) / 10.0;
- value -= (static_cast<int>(value) / 2) * 2;
- DLIB_TEST(value >= 0.0 && value < 2.0);
- xtmp(jj, kk) = value;
- }
- }
- x[ii] = xtmp;
- for ( int jj = 0; jj < output_height; ++jj ) {
- for ( int kk = 0; kk < output_width; ++kk ) {
- uint16_t truth = ground_truth(x[ii], jj, kk);
- DLIB_TEST(truth < num_classes);
- ++truth_histogram[truth];
- if (ignore(generator)) {
- ytmp(jj, kk) = loss_multiclass_log_per_pixel_::label_to_ignore;
- }
- else if (noise_occurrence(generator)) {
- ytmp(jj, kk) = noisy_label(generator);
- }
- else {
- ytmp(jj, kk) = truth;
- }
- }
- }
- y[ii] = ytmp;
- }
- const int num_total_elements = num_samples * output_height * output_width;
- { // Require a reasonably balanced truth histogram in order to make sure that a trivial classifier is not enough
- const int required_min_histogram_value = static_cast<int>(::std::ceil(num_total_elements / num_classes * 0.375));
- for (auto histogram_value : truth_histogram) {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(histogram_value >= required_min_histogram_value,
- "Histogram value = " << histogram_value << ", required = " << required_min_histogram_value);
- }
- }
- using net_type = loss_multiclass_log_per_pixel<bn_con<con<num_classes,1,input_width,1,1,input<matrix<double>>>>>;
- net_type net;
- sgd defsolver(0,0.9);
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, defsolver);
- trainer.set_learning_rate(0.1);
- trainer.set_min_learning_rate(0.01);
- trainer.set_mini_batch_size(50);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(170);
- trainer.train(x, y);
- const ::std::vector<matrix<uint16_t>> predictions = net(x);
- int num_correct = 0;
- for ( int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii ) {
- const matrix<uint16_t>& prediction = predictions[ii];
- DLIB_TEST( == output_height);
- DLIB_TEST( == output_width);
- for ( int jj = 0; jj < output_height; ++jj )
- for ( int kk = 0; kk < output_width; ++kk )
- if ( prediction(jj, kk) == ground_truth(x[ii], jj, kk) )
- ++num_correct;
- }
- // First some sanity checks.
- const int num_correct_max = num_total_elements;
- DLIB_TEST(num_correct_max == ::std::accumulate(truth_histogram.begin(), truth_histogram.end(), 0));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(num_correct <= num_correct_max,
- "Number of correctly classified elements = " << num_correct << ", max = " << num_correct_max);
- // This is the real test, verifying that we have actually learned something.
- const int num_correct_required = static_cast<int>(::std::ceil(0.9 * num_correct_max));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(num_correct >= num_correct_required,
- "Number of correctly classified elements = " << num_correct << ", required = " << num_correct_required);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_weighted()
- {
- // Train with pixel-specific weights
- print_spinner();
- constexpr int input_height = 5;
- constexpr int input_width = 7;
- constexpr int output_height = input_height;
- constexpr int output_width = input_width;
- const int num_samples = 1000;
- const int num_classes = 6;
- ::std::default_random_engine generator(16);
- ::std::uniform_real_distribution<double> u01(0.0, 1.0);
- ::std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> noisy_label(0, num_classes - 1);
- ::std::vector<matrix<double>> x(num_samples);
- ::std::vector<matrix<uint16_t>> y(num_samples);
- matrix<double> xtmp(input_height, input_width);
- matrix<uint16_t> ytmp(output_height, output_width);
- // Generate input data
- for (int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii) {
- for (int jj = 0; jj < input_height; ++jj) {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < input_width; ++kk) {
- xtmp(jj, kk) = u01(generator);
- ytmp(jj, kk) = noisy_label(generator);
- }
- }
- x[ii] = xtmp;
- y[ii] = ytmp;
- }
- using net_type = loss_multiclass_log_per_pixel_weighted<con<num_classes,1,1,1,1,input<matrix<double>>>>;
- using weighted_label = loss_multiclass_log_per_pixel_weighted_::weighted_label;
- ::std::vector<matrix<weighted_label>> y_weighted(num_samples);
- for (int weighted_class = 0; weighted_class < num_classes; ++weighted_class) {
- print_spinner();
- // Assign weights
- for (int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii) {
- if (weighted_class == 0) {
- y_weighted[ii].set_size(input_height, input_width);
- }
- for (int jj = 0; jj < input_height; ++jj) {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < input_width; ++kk) {
- const uint16_t label = y[ii](jj, kk);
- const float weight
- = label == weighted_class
- ? 1.1f
- : 0.9f;
- y_weighted[ii](jj, kk) = weighted_label(label, weight);
- }
- }
- }
- net_type net;
- sgd defsolver(0,0.9);
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, defsolver);
- trainer.set_learning_rate(0.1);
- trainer.set_min_learning_rate(0.01);
- trainer.set_mini_batch_size(10);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(10);
- trainer.train(x, y_weighted);
- const ::std::vector<matrix<uint16_t>> predictions = net(x);
- int num_weighted_class = 0;
- int num_not_weighted_class = 0;
- for ( int ii = 0; ii < num_samples; ++ii ) {
- const matrix<uint16_t>& prediction = predictions[ii];
- DLIB_TEST( == output_height);
- DLIB_TEST( == output_width);
- for ( int jj = 0; jj < output_height; ++jj )
- for ( int kk = 0; kk < output_width; ++kk )
- if ( prediction(jj, kk) == weighted_class )
- ++num_weighted_class;
- else
- ++num_not_weighted_class;
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(num_weighted_class > num_not_weighted_class,
- "The weighted class (" << weighted_class << ") does not dominate: "
- << num_weighted_class << " <= " << num_not_weighted_class);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_tensor_resize_bilinear(long samps, long k, long nr, long nc, long onr, long onc)
- {
- resizable_tensor img(samps,k,nr,nc);
- resizable_tensor out(samps,k,onr,onc);
- resizable_tensor out2(samps,k,onr,onc);
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- const size_t idx = rnd.get_random_64bit_number()%img.size();
- img = 1;
-[idx] = 2;
- cpu::resize_bilinear(out, img);
- cuda::resize_bilinear(out2, img);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(out)-mat(out2))) < 1e-5);
- resizable_tensor gradient_input;
- gradient_input.copy_size(out);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(gradient_input);
- const float h = 1e-2;
-[idx] = 2;
- cpu::resize_bilinear(out, img);
- float f1 = dot(out, gradient_input);
-[idx] = 2+h;
- cpu::resize_bilinear(out, img);
- float f2 = dot(out, gradient_input);
- const float numerical_grad = (f2-f1)/h;
- dlog << LINFO << "numerical grad: " << numerical_grad;
- resizable_tensor grad, grad2;
- grad.copy_size(img);
- grad = 0.1;
- grad2.copy_size(img);
- grad2 = 0.1;
- cpu::resize_bilinear_gradient(grad2, gradient_input);
- dlog << LINFO << "analytic grad: "<<[idx]-0.1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(numerical_grad -[idx]+0.1) < 1e-2, std::abs(numerical_grad -[idx]+0.1) << " numerical_grad: " << numerical_grad);
- cuda::resize_bilinear_gradient(grad, gradient_input);
- dlog << LINFO << "analytic grad: "<<[idx]-0.1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(numerical_grad -[idx]+0.1) < 1e-2, std::abs(numerical_grad -[idx]+0.1) << " numerical_grad: " << numerical_grad);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(grad)-mat(grad2))) < 1e-5);
- }
- // now test with strided/sub-window calls
- alias_tensor aimg(samps, k, nr-2,nc-2);
- alias_tensor aout(samps, k, onr-2,onc-2);
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- const size_t idx = rnd.get_random_64bit_number()%img.size();
- img = 1;
-[idx] = 2;
- out = 9;
- out2 = 9;
- auto wout = aout(out,*1+1);
- auto wimg = aimg(img,*1+1);
- cpu::resize_bilinear(wout,,*, wimg,,*;
- auto wout2 = aout(out2,*1+1);
- cuda::resize_bilinear(wout2,,*, wimg,,*;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(out)-mat(out2))) < 1e-5);
- resizable_tensor gradient_input;
- gradient_input.copy_size(out);
- tt::tensor_rand rnd;
- rnd.fill_uniform(gradient_input);
- const float h = 1e-2;
-[idx] = 2;
- out = 0;
- wout = aout(out,*1+1);
- wimg = aimg(img,*1+1);
- cpu::resize_bilinear(wout,,*, wimg,,*;
- float f1 = dot(out, gradient_input);
-[idx] = 2+h;
- out = 0;
- cpu::resize_bilinear(wout,,*, wimg,,*;
- float f2 = dot(out, gradient_input);
- const float numerical_grad = (f2-f1)/h;
- dlog << LINFO << "numerical grad: " << numerical_grad;
- resizable_tensor grad, grad2;
- grad.copy_size(img);
- grad = 0.1;
- grad2.copy_size(img);
- grad2 = 0.1;
- auto wgrad2 = aimg(grad2,*1+1);
- auto wgradient_input = aout(gradient_input,*1+1);
- cpu::resize_bilinear_gradient(wgrad2,,*, wgradient_input,,*;
- dlog << LINFO << "analytic grad: "<<[idx]-0.1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(numerical_grad -[idx]+0.1) < 1e-2, std::abs(numerical_grad -[idx]+0.1) << " numerical_grad: " << numerical_grad);
- wgrad2 = aimg(grad,*1+1);
- wgradient_input = aout(gradient_input,*1+1);
- cuda::resize_bilinear_gradient(wgrad2,,*, wgradient_input,,*;
- dlog << LINFO << "analytic grad: "<<[idx]-0.1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(numerical_grad -[idx]+0.1) < 1e-2, std::abs(numerical_grad -[idx]+0.1) << " numerical_grad: " << numerical_grad);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(mat(grad)-mat(grad2))) < 1e-5, max(abs(mat(grad)-mat(grad2))));
- }
- }
- void test_serialization()
- {
- print_spinner();
- using net_type = loss_mean_squared<fc<1, input<matrix<double>>>>;
- net_type net, net2;
- std::ostringstream out;
- serialize(net, out);
- const std::string serialized = out.str();
- std::istringstream in(serialized);
- dlib::deserialize(net2, in);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_loss_dot()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<matrix<float,0,1>> samples;
- std::vector<matrix<float,0,1>> labels;
- const matrix<float> proj = matrix_cast<float>(randm(2,3));
- for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
- {
- // The task is going to be to learn the matrix proj. So we make our
- // training data thusly:
- matrix<float,0,1> x = matrix_cast<float>(randm(3,1));
- matrix<float,0,1> y = normalize(proj*x);
- samples.push_back(x);
- labels.push_back(y);
- }
- using net_type = loss_dot<
- l2normalize<fc_no_bias<2,
- input<matrix<float,0,1>>
- >>>;
- net_type net;
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, sgd(1e-4, 0.9));
- trainer.set_learning_rate(0.01);
- trainer.set_min_learning_rate(0.0000001);
- trainer.set_mini_batch_size(128);
- trainer.set_max_num_epochs(50000);
- trainer.train(samples, labels);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(1-dot(net(samples[i]),labels[i])) < 0.001);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_loss_multimulticlass_log()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::map<string,std::vector<string>> all_labels;
- all_labels["c1"] = {"a", "b", "c"};
- all_labels["c2"] = {"d", "e", "f"};
- // make training data
- std::vector<matrix<float>> samples;
- std::vector<std::map<string,string>> labels;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
- {
- matrix<float> samp(2,3);
- samp = 0;
- samp(0,i) = 1;
- samp(1,j) = 1;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- std::map<string,string> l;
- if (i == 0) l["c1"] = "a";
- if (i == 1) l["c1"] = "b";
- if (i == 2) l["c1"] = "c";
- if (j == 0) l["c2"] = "d";
- if (j == 1) l["c2"] = "e";
- if (j == 2) l["c2"] = "f";
- labels.push_back(l);
- }
- }
- using net_type = loss_multimulticlass_log<
- fc<1,
- input<matrix<float>>
- >>;
- net_type net(all_labels);
- net.subnet().layer_details().set_num_outputs(net.loss_details().number_of_labels());
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, sgd(0.1));
- trainer.set_learning_rate(0.1);
- trainer.set_min_learning_rate(0.00001);
- trainer.set_iterations_without_progress_threshold(500);
- trainer.train(samples, labels);
- auto predicted_labels = net(samples);
- // make sure the network predicts the right labels
- for (size_t i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(predicted_labels[i]["c1"] == labels[i]["c1"]);
- DLIB_TEST(predicted_labels[i]["c2"] == labels[i]["c2"]);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class dnn_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- dnn_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_dnn",
- "Runs tests on the deep neural network tools.")
- {}
- void run_tests (
- )
- {
- // make the tests repeatable
- srand(1234);
- test_tagging();
- test_affine_rect();
- test_conv();
- test_more_ops2();
- test_more_ops(1,1);
- test_more_ops(3,4);
- test_more_ops(4,3);
- test_more_ops(4,1);
- test_more_ops(1,4);
- test_more_ops(10000,4);
- compare_bn_gpu_and_cpu();
- compare_bn_conv_gpu_and_cpu();
- test_add();
- test_multiply_zero_padded();
- compare_adam();
- test_copy_tensor_gpu();
- test_copy_tensor_add_to_gpu();
- test_scale_channels();
- test_tensor_resize_bilinear(2, 3, 6,6, 11, 11);
- test_tensor_resize_bilinear(2, 3, 6,6, 3, 4);
- test_tensor_resize_bilinear(2, 3, 5,6, 12, 21);
- test_max_pool(1,1,2,3,0,0);
- test_max_pool(3,3,1,1,0,0);
- test_max_pool(3,3,2,2,0,0);
- test_max_pool(2,2,2,2,0,0);
- test_max_pool(4,5,3,1,0,0);
- test_avg_pool(1,1,2,3,0,0);
- test_avg_pool(3,3,1,1,0,0);
- test_avg_pool(3,3,2,2,0,0);
- test_avg_pool(2,2,2,2,0,0);
- test_avg_pool(4,5,3,1,0,0);
- test_avg_pool(4,4,2,2,0,0);
- test_avg_pool(4,5,40,50,0,0);
- test_max_pool(2,2,2,3,1,1);
- test_max_pool(3,3,1,1,1,1);
- test_max_pool(3,3,2,2,2,1);
- test_max_pool(2,2,2,2,1,0);
- test_max_pool(4,5,3,1,2,3);
- test_avg_pool(1,1,2,3,0,0);
- test_avg_pool(3,3,1,1,1,2);
- test_avg_pool(3,3,2,2,2,1);
- test_avg_pool(2,2,2,2,1,0);
- test_avg_pool(4,5,3,1,2,4);
- test_avg_pool(4,4,2,2,1,3);
- test_avg_pool(4,5,40,50,0,1);
- test_tanh();
- test_softmax();
- test_softmax_all();
- test_sigmoid();
- test_batch_normalize();
- test_batch_normalize_conv();
- test_basic_tensor_ops();
- test_layers();
- test_visit_funcions();
- test_copy_tensor_cpu();
- test_copy_tensor_add_to_cpu();
- test_concat();
- test_simple_linear_regression();
- test_simple_linear_regression_eil();
- test_simple_linear_regression_with_mult_prev();
- test_multioutput_linear_regression();
- test_simple_autoencoder();
- test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_learned_params_on_trivial_single_pixel_task();
- test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_activations_on_trivial_single_pixel_task();
- test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_outputs_on_trivial_task();
- test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_with_noise_and_pixels_to_ignore();
- test_loss_multiclass_per_pixel_weighted();
- test_serialization();
- test_loss_dot();
- test_loss_multimulticlass_log();
- }
- void perform_test()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "NOW RUNNING TESTS WITH set_dnn_prefer_fastest_algorithms()";
- set_dnn_prefer_fastest_algorithms();
- run_tests();
- dlog << LINFO << "NOW RUNNING TESTS WITH set_dnn_prefer_smallest_algorithms()";
- set_dnn_prefer_smallest_algorithms();
- run_tests();
- }
- } a;
-#endif // __INTELLISENSE__
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/ekm_and_lisf.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/ekm_and_lisf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b6f410177..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/ekm_and_lisf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.ekm_and_lisf");
- class empirical_kernel_map_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- empirical_kernel_map_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_ekm_and_lisf", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the empirical_kernel_map and linearly_independent_subset_finder objects.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- thetime = time(0);
- }
- time_t thetime;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- template <typename T>
- void validate (
- const T& ekm_small,
- const T& ekm_big
- )
- {
- matrix<double> tmat;
- projection_function<typename T::kernel_type> proj;
- ekm_small.get_transformation_to(ekm_big, tmat, proj);
- DLIB_TEST( == ekm_big.out_vector_size());
- DLIB_TEST( == ekm_small.out_vector_size());
- DLIB_TEST((unsigned long)proj.basis_vectors.size() == ekm_big.basis_size() - ekm_small.basis_size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- {
- const typename T::sample_type temp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- DLIB_TEST(length(ekm_big.project(temp) - (tmat*ekm_small.project(temp) + proj(temp))) < 1e-10);
- }
- }
- void test_transformation_stuff()
- {
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- const kernel_type kern(1);
- for (unsigned long n = 1; n < 6; ++n)
- {
- print_spinner();
- for (unsigned long extra = 1; extra < 10; ++extra)
- {
- std::vector<sample_type> samps_small, samps_big;
- linearly_independent_subset_finder<kernel_type> lisf_small(kern, 1000);
- linearly_independent_subset_finder<kernel_type> lisf_big(kern, 1000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- {
- samps_small.push_back(randm(4,1,rnd));
- samps_big.push_back(samps_small.back());
- lisf_big.add(samps_small.back());
- lisf_small.add(samps_small.back());
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < extra; ++i)
- {
- samps_big.push_back(randm(4,1,rnd));
- lisf_big.add(samps_big.back());
- }
- // test no lisf
- {
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm_small, ekm_big;
- ekm_small.load(kern, samps_small);
- ekm_big.load(kern, samps_big);
- validate(ekm_small, ekm_big);
- }
- // test with lisf
- {
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm_small, ekm_big;
- ekm_small.load(lisf_small);
- ekm_big.load(lisf_big);
- validate(ekm_small, ekm_big);
- }
- // test with partly lisf
- {
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm_small, ekm_big;
- ekm_small.load(kern, samps_small);
- ekm_big.load(lisf_big);
- validate(ekm_small, ekm_big);
- }
- // test with partly lisf
- {
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm_small, ekm_big;
- ekm_small.load(lisf_small);
- ekm_big.load(kern, samps_big);
- validate(ekm_small, ekm_big);
- }
- }
- }
- // test what happens if the bigger ekm only has repeated basis vectors
- {
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm_big, ekm_small;
- std::vector<sample_type> samps_big, samps_small;
- sample_type temp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- samps_small.push_back(temp);
- samps_big.push_back(temp);
- samps_big.push_back(temp);
- ekm_big.load(kern, samps_big);
- ekm_small.load(kern, samps_small);
- validate(ekm_small, ekm_big);
- }
- {
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm_big, ekm_small;
- linearly_independent_subset_finder<kernel_type> lisf_small(kern, 1000);
- std::vector<sample_type> samps_big;
- sample_type temp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- lisf_small.add(temp);
- samps_big.push_back(temp);
- samps_big.push_back(temp);
- ekm_big.load(kern, samps_big);
- ekm_small.load(lisf_small);
- validate(ekm_small, ekm_big);
- }
- {
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm_big, ekm_small;
- std::vector<sample_type> samps_big, samps_small;
- sample_type temp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- sample_type temp2 = randm(4,1,rnd);
- samps_small.push_back(temp);
- samps_small.push_back(temp2);
- samps_big.push_back(temp);
- samps_big.push_back(temp2);
- samps_big.push_back(randm(4,1,rnd));
- ekm_big.load(kern, samps_big);
- ekm_small.load(kern, samps_small);
- validate(ekm_small, ekm_big);
- }
- {
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm_big, ekm_small;
- linearly_independent_subset_finder<kernel_type> lisf_small(kern, 1000);
- std::vector<sample_type> samps_big;
- sample_type temp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- sample_type temp2 = randm(4,1,rnd);
- lisf_small.add(temp);
- lisf_small.add(temp2);
- samps_big.push_back(temp);
- samps_big.push_back(temp2);
- samps_big.push_back(temp);
- ekm_big.load(kern, samps_big);
- ekm_small.load(lisf_small);
- validate(ekm_small, ekm_big);
- }
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- ++thetime;
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- //dlog << LINFO << "time seed: " << thetime;
- //rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(thetime));
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- for (int n = 1; n < 10; ++n)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "matrix size " << n;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- // make some samples
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- {
- samples.push_back(randm(4,1,rnd));
- // double up the samples just to mess with the lisf
- if (n > 5)
- samples.push_back(samples.back());
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "samples.size(): "<< samples.size();
- const kernel_type kern(1);
- linearly_independent_subset_finder<kernel_type> lisf(kern, 100, 1e-4);
- unsigned long count = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (lisf.add(samples[i]))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(equal(lisf[lisf.size()-1], samples[i]));
- ++count;
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == lisf.size());
- DLIB_TEST(lisf.size() == (unsigned int)n);
- dlog << LINFO << "lisf.size(): "<< lisf.size();
- // make sure the kernel matrices coming out of the lisf are correct
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::equal(lisf.get_kernel_matrix(), kernel_matrix(kern, lisf), 1e-8));
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::equal(lisf.get_inv_kernel_marix(), inv(kernel_matrix(kern, lisf.get_dictionary())), 1e-8));
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm;
- ekm.load(lisf);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm.basis_size() == lisf.size());
- std::vector<sample_type> proj_samples;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- double err;
- proj_samples.push_back(ekm.project(samples[i], err));
- DLIB_TEST(err <= 1e-4);
- const double error_agreement = std::abs(err - lisf.projection_error(samples[i]));
- dlog << LTRACE << "err: " << err << " error_agreement: "<< error_agreement;
- DLIB_TEST(error_agreement < 1e-11);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- sample_type temp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- double err;
- ekm.project(temp, err);
- const double error_agreement = std::abs(err - lisf.projection_error(temp));
- dlog << LTRACE << "err: " << err << " error_agreement: "<< error_agreement;
- DLIB_TEST(error_agreement < 1e-11);
- }
- // make sure the EKM did the projection correctly
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::equal(kernel_matrix(kern, samples), kernel_matrix(linear_kernel<sample_type>(), proj_samples), 1e-5));
- }
- test_transformation_stuff();
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- empirical_kernel_map_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/elastic_net.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/elastic_net.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0501639..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/elastic_net.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2016 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization/elastic_net.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.elastic_net");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,0,1> basic_elastic_net(
- const matrix<double>& X,
- const matrix<double,0,1>& Y,
- double ridge_lambda,
- double lasso_budget,
- double eps
- )
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT( ==,"");
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- trainer.solve_svm_l2_problem(true);
- const double C = 1/(2*ridge_lambda);
- trainer.set_c(C);
- trainer.set_epsilon(eps);
- trainer.enable_shrinking(true);
- trainer.include_bias(false);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- sample_type temp = trans(rowm(X,r));
- const double xmul = (1/lasso_budget);
- samples.push_back(temp - xmul*Y);
- labels.push_back(+1);
- samples.push_back(temp + xmul*Y);
- labels.push_back(-1);
- }
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type>::optimizer_state state;
- auto df = trainer.train(samples, labels, state);
- auto&& alpha = state.get_alpha();
- matrix<double,0,1> betas(alpha.size()/2);
- for (long i = 0; i < betas.size(); ++i)
- betas(i) = lasso_budget*(alpha[2*i] - alpha[2*i+1]);
- betas /= sum(mat(alpha));
- return betas;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_elastic_net : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_elastic_net (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_elastic_net",
- "Run tests on the elastic_net object.",
- 0
- )
- {
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- matrix<double> w = {1,2,0,4, 0,0,0,0,0, 6, 7,8,0, 9, 0};
- matrix<double> X = randm(w.size(),1000);
- matrix<double> Y = trans(X)*w;
- Y += 0.1*(randm(,;
- double ridge_lambda = 0.1;
- double lasso_budget = sum(abs(w));
- double eps = 0.0000001;
- dlib::elastic_net solver(X*trans(X),X*Y);
- solver.set_epsilon(eps);
- matrix<double,0,1> results;
- matrix<double,0,1> results2;
- for (double s = 1.2; s > 0.10; s *= 0.9)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "s: "<< s;
- // make sure the two solvers agree.
- results = basic_elastic_net(X, Y, ridge_lambda, lasso_budget*s, eps);
- results2 = solver(ridge_lambda, lasso_budget*s);
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(results - results2));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(results - results2)) < 1e-3);
- }
- }
- } a;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/empirical_kernel_map.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/empirical_kernel_map.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 95b085ab3..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/empirical_kernel_map.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.empirical_kernel_map");
- class empirical_kernel_map_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- empirical_kernel_map_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_empirical_kernel_map", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the empirical_kernel_map object.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- // always use the same time so that tests are repeatable
- thetime = 0;//time(0);
- }
- time_t thetime;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- void test_projection_error()
- {
- for (int runs = 0; runs < 10; ++runs)
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- const kernel_type kern(0.2);
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm;
- // generate samples
- const int num = rnd.get_random_8bit_number()%50 + 1;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- samples.push_back(randm(5,1,rnd));
- }
- ekm.load(kern, samples);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm.basis_size() == samples.size());
- double err;
- // the samples in the basis should have zero projection error
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- ekm.project(samples[i], err);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(err) < 1e-13, abs(err));
- }
- // Do some sanity tests on the conversion to distance functions while we are at it.
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- // pick two random samples
- const sample_type samp1 = samples[rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%samples.size()];
- const sample_type samp2 = samples[rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%samples.size()];
- const matrix<double,0,1> proj1 = ekm.project(samp1);
- const matrix<double,0,1> proj2 = ekm.project(samp2);
- distance_function<kernel_type> df1 = ekm.convert_to_distance_function(proj1);
- distance_function<kernel_type> df2 = ekm.convert_to_distance_function(proj2);
- DLIB_TEST(df1.get_kernel() == kern);
- DLIB_TEST(df2.get_kernel() == kern);
- // make sure the norms are correct
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df1.get_squared_norm() -
- trans(df1.get_alpha())*kernel_matrix(df1.get_kernel(),df1.get_basis_vectors())*df1.get_alpha()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df2.get_squared_norm() -
- trans(df2.get_alpha())*kernel_matrix(df2.get_kernel(),df2.get_basis_vectors())*df2.get_alpha()) < 1e-10);
- const double true_dist = std::sqrt(kern(samp1,samp1) + kern(samp2,samp2) - 2*kern(samp1,samp2));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(df1(df2) - true_dist) < 1e-7, abs(df1(df2) - true_dist));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(length(proj1-proj2) - true_dist) < 1e-7, abs(length(proj1-proj2) - true_dist));
- // test distance function operators
- const decision_function<kernel_type> dec1 = ekm.convert_to_decision_function(proj1);
- const decision_function<kernel_type> dec2 = ekm.convert_to_decision_function(proj2);
- DLIB_TEST(dec1.kernel_function == kern);
- DLIB_TEST(dec2.kernel_function == kern);
- distance_function<kernel_type> temp;
- temp = dec1;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(temp.get_squared_norm() - df1.get_squared_norm()) < 1e-10);
- temp = dec2;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(temp.get_squared_norm() - df2.get_squared_norm()) < 1e-10);
- temp = distance_function<kernel_type>(dec1.alpha, dec1.kernel_function, dec1.basis_vectors);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(temp.get_squared_norm() - df1.get_squared_norm()) < 1e-10);
- df1 = dec1;
- temp = df1 + df2;
- decision_function<kernel_type> dec3(temp.get_alpha(), 0, temp.get_kernel(), temp.get_basis_vectors());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(temp.get_squared_norm() -
- trans(temp.get_alpha())*kernel_matrix(temp.get_kernel(),temp.get_basis_vectors())*temp.get_alpha()) < 1e-10);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples.size(); ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(dec3(samples[j]) - (dec1(samples[j]) + dec2(samples[j]))) < 1e-10);
- }
- temp = df1 - df2;
- dec3 = decision_function<kernel_type>(temp.get_alpha(), 0, temp.get_kernel(), temp.get_basis_vectors());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(temp.get_squared_norm() -
- trans(temp.get_alpha())*kernel_matrix(temp.get_kernel(),temp.get_basis_vectors())*temp.get_alpha()) < 1e-10);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples.size(); ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(dec3(samples[j]) - (dec1(samples[j]) - dec2(samples[j]))) < 1e-10);
- }
- temp = 3*(df1 - df2)*2;
- dec3 = decision_function<kernel_type>(temp.get_alpha(), 0, temp.get_kernel(), temp.get_basis_vectors());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(temp.get_squared_norm() -
- trans(temp.get_alpha())*kernel_matrix(temp.get_kernel(),temp.get_basis_vectors())*temp.get_alpha()) < 1e-10);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples.size(); ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(dec3(samples[j]) - 6*(dec1(samples[j]) - dec2(samples[j]))) < 1e-10);
- }
- distance_function<kernel_type> df_empty(kern);
- temp = df_empty + (df1 + df2)/2 + df_empty - df_empty + (df_empty + df_empty) - (df_empty - df_empty);
- dec3 = decision_function<kernel_type>(temp.get_alpha(), 0, temp.get_kernel(), temp.get_basis_vectors());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(temp.get_squared_norm() -
- trans(temp.get_alpha())*kernel_matrix(temp.get_kernel(),temp.get_basis_vectors())*temp.get_alpha()) < 1e-10);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples.size(); ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(dec3(samples[j]) - 0.5*(dec1(samples[j]) + dec2(samples[j]))) < 1e-10);
- }
- }
- // Do some sanity tests on the conversion to distance functions while we are at it. This
- // time multiply one of the projections by 30 and see that it still all works out right.
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- // pick two random samples
- const sample_type samp1 = samples[rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%samples.size()];
- const sample_type samp2 = samples[rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%samples.size()];
- matrix<double,0,1> proj1 = ekm.project(samp1);
- matrix<double,0,1> proj2 = 30*ekm.project(samp2);
- distance_function<kernel_type> df1 = ekm.convert_to_distance_function(proj1);
- distance_function<kernel_type> df2 = ekm.convert_to_distance_function(proj2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(length(proj1-proj2) - df1(df2)) < 1e-7, abs(length(proj1-proj2) - df1(df2)));
- }
- // now generate points with projection error
- for (double i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- sample_type test_point = i*randm(5,1,rnd);
- ekm.project(test_point, err);
- // turn into normal distance rather than squared distance
- err = sqrt(err);
- dlog << LTRACE << "projection error: " << err;
- distance_function<kernel_type> df = ekm.convert_to_distance_function(ekm.project(test_point));
- // the projection error should be the distance between the test_point and the point it gets
- // projected onto
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(df(test_point) - err) < 1e-10, abs(df(test_point) - err));
- // while we are at it make sure the squared norm in the distance function is right
- double df_error = abs(df.get_squared_norm() - trans(df.get_alpha())*kernel_matrix(kern, samples)*df.get_alpha());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( df_error < 1e-10, df_error);
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename kernel_type>
- void test_with_kernel(const kernel_type& kern)
- {
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm, ekm2, ekm3;
- for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
- {
- sample_type samp;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<sample_type> proj_samples;
- print_spinner();
- const int num = rnd.get_random_8bit_number()%200 + 1;
- // make some random samples
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- samples.push_back(randm(4,1,rnd));
- }
- // add on a little bit to make sure there is at least one non-zero sample. If all the
- // samples are zero then empirical_kernel_map_error will be thrown and we don't want that.
- samples.front()(0) += 0.001;
- ekm2.load(kern, samples);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm2.basis_size() == samples.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::equal(ekm2[i] , samples[i]));
- // test serialization
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(ekm2, sout);
- ekm2.clear();
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(ekm3, sin);
- // also test swap
- ekm3.swap(ekm);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm.get_kernel() == kern);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm.out_vector_size() != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm2.out_vector_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm3.out_vector_size() == 0);
- // project all the samples into kernel space
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- proj_samples.push_back(ekm.project(samples[i]));
- }
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(kernel_matrix(kern, samples) - kernel_matrix(linear_kernel<sample_type>(), proj_samples))) < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm.out_vector_size() == proj_samples[0].size());
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- const unsigned long idx1 = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%samples.size();
- const unsigned long idx2 = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%samples.size();
- decision_function<kernel_type> dec_funct = ekm.convert_to_decision_function(proj_samples[idx1]);
- distance_function<kernel_type> dist_funct = ekm.convert_to_distance_function(proj_samples[idx1]);
- // make sure the distances match
- const double dist_error = abs(length(proj_samples[idx1] - proj_samples[idx2]) - dist_funct(samples[idx2]));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( dist_error < 1e-6, dist_error);
- // make sure the dot products match
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dot(proj_samples[idx1],proj_samples[idx2]) - dec_funct(samples[idx2])) < 1e-10);
- // also try the dec_funct with samples that weren't in the original set
- samp = 100*randm(4,1,rnd);
- // make sure the dot products match
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dot(proj_samples[idx1],ekm.project(samp)) - dec_funct(samp)) < 1e-10);
- samp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- // make sure the dot products match
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dot(proj_samples[idx1],ekm.project(samp)) - dec_funct(samp)) < 1e-10);
- }
- proj_samples.clear();
- // now do the projection but use the projection_function returned by get_projection_function()
- projection_function<kernel_type> proj2 = ekm.get_projection_function();
- projection_function<kernel_type> proj;
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- sin.clear();
- sin.str("");
- // test serialization
- serialize(proj2, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(proj, sin);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- proj_samples.push_back(proj(samples[i]));
- }
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(kernel_matrix(kern, samples) - kernel_matrix(linear_kernel<sample_type>(), proj_samples))) < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm.out_vector_size() == proj_samples[0].size());
- DLIB_TEST(proj.out_vector_size() == proj_samples[0].size());
- ekm.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(ekm.out_vector_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm2.out_vector_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm3.out_vector_size() == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- const unsigned long idx1 = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%samples.size();
- const unsigned long idx2 = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%samples.size();
- decision_function<kernel_type> dec_funct = convert_to_decision_function(proj,proj_samples[idx1]);
- // make sure the dot products match
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dot(proj_samples[idx1],proj_samples[idx2]) - dec_funct(samples[idx2])) < 1e-10);
- // also try the dec_funct with samples that weren't in the original set
- samp = 100*randm(4,1,rnd);
- // make sure the dot products match
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dot(proj_samples[idx1],proj(samp)) - dec_funct(samp)) < 1e-10);
- samp = randm(4,1,rnd);
- // make sure the dot products match
- DLIB_TEST(abs(dot(proj_samples[idx1],proj(samp)) - dec_funct(samp)) < 1e-10);
- }
- }
- for (int j = 1; j <= 20; ++j)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "j: " << j;
- sample_type samp, samp2;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples1;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples2;
- print_spinner();
- // make some random samples. At the end samples1 will be a subset of samples2
- for (int i = 0; i < 5*j; ++i)
- {
- samples1.push_back(randm(10,1,rnd));
- samples2.push_back(samples1.back());
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 5*j; ++i)
- {
- samples2.push_back(randm(10,1,rnd));
- }
- // add on a little bit to make sure there is at least one non-zero sample. If all the
- // samples are zero then empirical_kernel_map_error will be thrown and we don't want that.
- samples1.front()(0) += 0.001;
- samples2.front()(0) += 0.001;
- ekm.load(kern, samples1);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples1.size(); ++i)
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::equal(ekm[i] , samples1[i]));
- DLIB_TEST(ekm.basis_size() == samples1.size());
- ekm2.load(kern, samples2);
- DLIB_TEST(ekm2.basis_size() == samples2.size());
- dlog << LTRACE << "ekm.out_vector_size(): " << ekm.out_vector_size();
- dlog << LTRACE << "ekm2.out_vector_size(): " << ekm2.out_vector_size();
- const double eps = 1e-6;
- matrix<double> transform;
- // Make sure transformations back to yourself work right. Note that we can't just
- // check that transform is the identity matrix since it might be an identity transform
- // for only a subspace of vectors (this happens if the ekm maps points into a subspace of
- // all possible ekm.out_vector_size() vectors).
- transform = ekm.get_transformation_to(ekm);
- DLIB_TEST( == ekm.out_vector_size());
- DLIB_TEST( == ekm.out_vector_size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples1.size(); ++i)
- {
- samp = ekm.project(samples1[i]);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(samp - transform*samp) < eps, length(samp - transform*samp));
- samp = ekm.project((samples1[0] + samples1[i])/2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(samp - transform*samp) < eps, length(samp - transform*samp));
- }
- transform = ekm2.get_transformation_to(ekm2);
- DLIB_TEST( == ekm2.out_vector_size());
- DLIB_TEST( == ekm2.out_vector_size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples2.size(); ++i)
- {
- samp = ekm2.project(samples2[i]);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(samp - transform*samp) < eps, length(samp - transform*samp));
- samp = ekm2.project((samples2[0] + samples2[i])/2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(samp - transform*samp) < eps, length(samp - transform*samp));
- //dlog << LTRACE << "mapping error: " << length(samp - transform*samp);
- }
- // now test the transform from ekm to ekm2
- transform = ekm.get_transformation_to(ekm2);
- DLIB_TEST( == ekm2.out_vector_size());
- DLIB_TEST( == ekm.out_vector_size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples1.size(); ++i)
- {
- samp = ekm.project(samples1[i]);
- distance_function<kernel_type> df1 = ekm.convert_to_distance_function(samp);
- distance_function<kernel_type> df2 = ekm2.convert_to_distance_function(transform*samp);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df1(df2) < eps, df1(df2));
- //dlog << LTRACE << "mapping error: " << df1(df2);
- samp = ekm.project((samples1[0] + samples1[i])/2);
- df1 = ekm.convert_to_distance_function(samp);
- df2 = ekm2.convert_to_distance_function(transform*samp);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df1(df2) < eps, df1(df2));
- }
- }
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- ++thetime;
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- dlog << LINFO << "time seed: " << thetime;
- rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(thetime));
- print_spinner();
- test_projection_error();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test with linear kernel";
- test_with_kernel(linear_kernel<sample_type>());
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test with rbf kernel";
- test_with_kernel(radial_basis_kernel<sample_type>(0.2));
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- empirical_kernel_map_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_coder.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_coder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a9a3305..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_coder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/entropy_encoder.h>
-#include <dlib/entropy_decoder.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.entropy_coder");
- namespace entropy_coder_kernel_test_helpers
- {
- template <
- typename encoder,
- typename decoder
- >
- std::string test (
- const std::string& input
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - encodes the data from in and then tries to decode it and returns
- "" if it was successfully decoded else it returns the decoded string
- !*/
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- istringstream sin;
- istringstream in;
- in.str(input);
- const unsigned long max_total = 65535;
- unsigned long counts[256];
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
- {
- counts[i] = 1;
- }
- encoder e;
- DLIB_TEST(e.stream_is_set() == false);
- e.set_stream(sout);
- DLIB_TEST(e.stream_is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(&e.get_stream() == &sout);
- unsigned char ch;
- unsigned long total = 256;
- while (*)&ch,1))
- {
- if (total > max_total)
- {
- total = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j<256; ++j)
- {
- counts[j] >>= 1;
- if (counts[j] == 0)
- counts[j] = 1;
- total += counts[j];
- }
- }
- unsigned long low_count = 0;
- unsigned long high_count;
- for (int i = 0; i < ch; ++i)
- low_count += counts[i];
- high_count = low_count + counts[ch];
- e.encode(low_count,high_count,total);
- ++total;
- counts[ch] += 1;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(e.stream_is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(&e.get_stream() == &sout);
- e.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(e.stream_is_set() == false);
- // *****************************************
- decoder d;
- DLIB_TEST(d.stream_is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == false);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- d.set_stream(sin);
- DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(d.stream_is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(&d.get_stream() == &sin);
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
- {
- counts[i] = 1;
- }
- total = 256;
- for (string::size_type i = 0; i < input.size() ; ++i)
- {
- if (total > max_total)
- {
- total = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j<256; ++j)
- {
- counts[j] >>= 1;
- if (counts[j] == 0)
- counts[j] = 1;
- total += counts[j];
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == false);
- unsigned long target = d.get_target(total);
- DLIB_TEST(target < total);
- DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == true);
- unsigned long low_count;
- unsigned long high_count = 0;
- unsigned long j;
- for (j = 0; high_count <= target; ++j)
- {
- high_count += counts[j];
- }
- --j;
- low_count = high_count - counts[j];
- ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(j);
- sout.rdbuf()->sputn((char*)&ch,1);
- d.decode(low_count,high_count);
- DLIB_TEST(d.get_target_called() == false);
- ++total;
- counts[ch] += 1;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(d.stream_is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(&d.get_stream() == &sin);
- d.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(d.stream_is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sout.str().size() == input.size(),"the test script is buggy");
- if (sout.str() == input)
- return "";
- else
- return sout.str();
- }
- }
- template <
- typename encoder,
- typename decoder
- >
- void entropy_coder_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - encoder is an implementation of entropy_encoder/entropy_encoder_kernel_abstract.h
- - decoder is an implementation of entropy_decoder/entropy_decoder_kernel_abstract.h
- ensures
- - runs tests on encoder and decoder for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- using namespace entropy_coder_kernel_test_helpers;
- dlog << LTRACE << 1;
- print_spinner();
- string temp, temp2;
- srand(static_cast<int>(time(0)));
- for (int k = 0; k < 10000; ++k)
- {
- string temp;
- istringstream sin;
- ostringstream sout;
- decoder d;
- encoder e;
- e.set_stream(sout);
- int num = ::rand() %200;
- unsigned long total[200];
- unsigned long high_count[200];
- unsigned long low_count[200];
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- total[i] = ::rand()%256 + 20;
- high_count[i] = ::rand()%total[i] + 1;
- low_count[i] = ::rand()%high_count[i];
- e.encode(low_count[i],high_count[i],total[i]);
- }
- e.clear();
- sout.rdbuf()->sputc('a');
- sin.str(sout.str());
- d.set_stream(sin);
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long N = d.get_target(total[i]);
- DLIB_TEST(low_count[i] <= N && N < high_count[i]);
- d.decode(low_count[i],high_count[i]);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() != EOF,"num: " << num);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() == 'a',
- "sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() == " << (char)sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() <<
- "\nnum: " << num
- );
- DLIB_TEST(sin.rdbuf()->sbumpc() == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(sin.rdbuf()->sgetc() == EOF);
- } // for (int k = 0; k < 10000; ++k)
- dlog << LTRACE << 2;
- print_spinner();
- // the point of this block is to make sure that the return value
- // from decoder.get_target(total) is a always less than total
- for (int k = 0; k < 20; ++k)
- {
- string temp;
- temp.push_back(static_cast<char>(::rand()&0xff));
- istringstream sin(temp);
- decoder d;
- d.set_stream(sin);
- unsigned long total = ::rand()%256 + 20;
- unsigned long target = d.get_target(total);
- DLIB_TEST(target<total);
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long high_count = ::rand()%total + 1;
- unsigned long low_count = ::rand()%high_count;
- if (high_count <= target)
- high_count = target+1;
- if (low_count > target)
- low_count = target;
- d.decode(low_count,high_count);
- target = d.get_target(total);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(target<total,"target: " << target << " total: " << total);
- }
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << 3;
- for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)
- {
- unsigned long seed1 = 1064644658, seed2 = 1064543921;
- //unsigned long seed1 = 1064682621, seed2 = 1064543921;
- // make array be an array with each element in the range 0 to 255
- // and have the probability of seeing each number in the array
- // not be the same
- //seed1 = static_cast<unsigned long>(time(0));
- srand(seed1 );
- int array[65536];
- for (int i = 0; i < 65536; ++i)
- {
- array[i] = ::rand()%256;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
- {
- int idx = ::rand()%65536;
- int radius = 35;
- if (idx > radius && idx <65536-radius)
- {
- for (int j = idx-radius; j < idx+radius; ++j)
- array[j] = array[idx];
- }
- }
- // test with 3 random strings of length 10000
- // but use the above array to bias the random numbers
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- temp = "";
- //seed2 = static_cast<unsigned long>(time(0));
- srand(seed2 );
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- int a = array[::rand()%65536];
- temp += (unsigned char)a;
- }
- string temp2;
- temp2 = test<encoder,decoder>(temp);
- if (temp2 != "")
- {
- int k = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(temp != temp2);
- while (temp[k] == temp2[k])++k;
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp2 == "","");
- }
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << 4;
- // test with a large string which contains all the same character
- temp = "eeeeeeeeee";
- for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i)
- {
- temp = temp + temp;
- }
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp);
- if (temp != "")
- {
- // crop off all the e's until we find the part that is messed up
- string::size_type pos = temp.find_first_not_of("e");
- temp = temp.substr(pos);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\""); /**/
- dlog << LTRACE << 5;
- print_spinner();
- temp = "davis";
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
- temp = "";
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
- // test for each single character
- for ( int i = 0; i <= 255; ++i)
- {
- temp = (unsigned char)i;
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << 6;
- // test with a long string with the same thing repeated many times
- temp = "davis ";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- temp = temp + temp;
- }
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
- dlog << LTRACE << 7;
- // test with 10 random strings of length 1000
- for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
- {
- temp = "";
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- int a = ::rand()%256;
- temp += (unsigned char)a;
- }
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << 8;
- print_spinner();
- // test with 15 random strings of length 30000
- for (int j = 0; j < 15; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- temp = "";
- unsigned long seed = static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0));
- srand(seed);
- for ( int i = 0; i < 30000; ++i)
- {
- int a = ::rand()%256;
- temp += (unsigned char)a;
- }
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp); DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","seed: " << seed);
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << 9;
- print_spinner();
- // test with a large string which contains all the same character
- temp = " ";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- temp = temp + temp;
- }
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp);
- if (temp != "")
- {
- // crop off all the spacess until we find the part that is messed up
- string::size_type pos = temp.find_first_not_of(" ");
- temp = temp.substr(pos);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == "","decoded string: \"" << temp << "\"");/**/
- dlog << LTRACE << 10;
- // test with a large string which contains a bunch of a's followed by a
- // bunch of z's
- temp = "aaaaaaaa";
- temp2 = "zzzzzzzz";
- for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
- {
- temp = temp + temp;
- temp2 = temp2 + temp2;
- }
- temp += temp2;
- print_spinner();
- temp = test<encoder,decoder>(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == "");
- dlog << LTRACE << 11;
- }
- class entropy_coder_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- entropy_coder_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_entropy_coder",
- "Runs tests on the entropy_coder component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a 1";
- entropy_coder_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder::kernel_1a,
- entropy_decoder::kernel_1a
- >();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c 2";
- entropy_coder_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder::kernel_1a_c,
- entropy_decoder::kernel_1a_c
- >();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a 3";
- entropy_coder_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder::kernel_2a,
- entropy_decoder::kernel_2a
- >();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c 4";
- entropy_coder_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder::kernel_2a_c,
- entropy_decoder::kernel_2a_c
- >();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a 5";
- entropy_coder_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder::kernel_1a,
- entropy_decoder::kernel_1a_c
- >();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c 6";
- entropy_coder_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder::kernel_1a_c,
- entropy_decoder::kernel_1a
- >();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a 7";
- entropy_coder_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder::kernel_2a,
- entropy_decoder::kernel_2a_c
- >();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c 8";
- entropy_coder_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder::kernel_2a_c,
- entropy_decoder::kernel_2a
- >();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_encoder_model.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_encoder_model.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0276cbe77..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/entropy_encoder_model.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/entropy_encoder_model.h>
-#include <dlib/entropy_decoder_model.h>
-#include <dlib/entropy_encoder.h>
-#include <dlib/entropy_decoder.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.entropy_coder_model");
- template <
- typename ee,
- typename ed
- >
- void entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - ee is an implementation of entropy_encoder_model/entropy_encoder_model_kernel_abstract.h
- the alphabet_size for ee is 256
- - ed is an implementation of entropy_decoder_model/entropy_decoder_model_kernel_abstract.h
- the alphabet_size for ed is 256
- - ee and ed must share the same kernel number
- ensures
- - runs tests on ee and ed for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- typedef typename ee::entropy_encoder_type ee_type;
- typedef typename ed::entropy_decoder_type ed_type;
- {
- ee_type ecoder;
- ed_type dcoder;
- ee elen(ecoder);
- ed dlen(dcoder);
- ee elit(ecoder);
- ed dlit(dcoder);
- istringstream sin;
- ostringstream sout;
- ecoder.set_stream(sout);
- unsigned long temp;
- elen.encode(0);
- elit.encode(9);
- elen.encode(0);
- elit.encode(0);
- elen.encode(0);
- elit.encode(4);
- elen.encode(0);
- elit.encode(0);
- elen.encode(0);
- elit.encode(2);
- elen.encode(0);
- elit.encode(0);
- ecoder.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- dcoder.set_stream(sin);
- dlen.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- dlit.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 9);
- dlen.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- dlit.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- dlen.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- dlit.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 4);
- dlen.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- dlit.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- dlen.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- dlit.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 2);
- dlen.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- dlit.decode(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(temp == 0);
- }
- }
- class entropy_encoder_model_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- entropy_encoder_model_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_entropy_coder_model",
- "Runs tests on the entropy_encoder_model and entropy_decoder_model components.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- typedef entropy_encoder::kernel_2a_c ee;
- typedef entropy_decoder::kernel_2a_c ed;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder_model<256,ee>::kernel_1a,
- entropy_decoder_model<256,ed>::kernel_1a>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a";
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder_model<256,ee>::kernel_2a,
- entropy_decoder_model<256,ed>::kernel_2a>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_3a";
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder_model<256,ee>::kernel_3a,
- entropy_decoder_model<256,ed>::kernel_3a>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4a";
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder_model<256,ee>::kernel_4a,
- entropy_decoder_model<256,ed>::kernel_4a>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_4b";
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder_model<256,ee>::kernel_4b,
- entropy_decoder_model<256,ed>::kernel_4b>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_5a";
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder_model<256,ee>::kernel_5a,
- entropy_decoder_model<256,ed>::kernel_5a>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_5c";
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder_model<256,ee>::kernel_5c,
- entropy_decoder_model<256,ed>::kernel_5c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_6a";
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_test<
- entropy_encoder_model<256,ee>::kernel_6a,
- entropy_decoder_model<256,ed>::kernel_6a>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/example.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/example.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf927159..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/example.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-// This is called an unnamed-namespace and it has the effect of making everything
-// inside this file "private" so that everything you declare will have static linkage.
-// Thus we won't have any multiply defined symbol errors coming out of the linker when
-// we try to compile the test suite.
- using namespace test;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("test.example");
- class example_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- example_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_example", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run example tests.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- // This message gets logged to the file debug.txt if the user has enabled logging by
- // supplying the -d option on the command line (and they haven't set the logging level
- // to something higher than LINFO).
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "some message you want to log";
- // This test is considered a success if this function doesn't throw an exception.
- // So we can use the DLIB_TEST_MSG macro to perform our tests since it throws an
- // exception containing a message if its first argument is false.
- // make sure 3 is bigger than 2
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(3 > 2,"This message prints if your compiler doesn't know 3 is bigger than 2");
- // make sure 5 is not equal to 9
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(5 != 9,"This message prints if your compiler thinks 5 is the same as 9");
- // This is a form of test you can use when you don't care about having a message
- DLIB_TEST(5 != 8);
- // If your test takes a long time to run you can also call print_spinner()
- // periodically. This will cause a spinning / character to display on the
- // console to indicate to the user that your test is still running (rather
- // than hung)
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- example_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/example_args.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/example_args.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 573216c79..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/example_args.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-// This is called an unnamed-namespace and it has the effect of making everything
-// inside this file "private" so that everything you declare will have static linkage.
-// Thus we won't have any multiply defined symbol errors coming out of the linker when
-// we try to compile the test suite.
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("test.example_args");
- using namespace test;
- class example_args_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- This particular test requires the user to supply a command line
- argument when they run it.
- !*/
- public:
- example_args_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_example_args", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run example tests with argument.", // the command line argument description
- 1 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {}
- void perform_test (
- const std::string& arg
- )
- {
- // This message gets logged to the file debug.txt if the user has enabled logging by
- // supplying the -d option on the command line (and they haven't set the logging level
- // to something higher than LINFO).
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "some message you want to log";
- dlog << dlib::LINFO << "the argument passed to this test was " << arg;
- // This test is considered a success if this function doesn't throw an exception.
- // So we can use the DLIB_TEST_MSG macro to perform our tests since it throws an
- // exception containing a message if its first argument is false.
- // make sure 3 is bigger than 2
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(3 > 2,"This message prints if your compiler doesn't know 3 is bigger than 2");
- // make sure 5 is not equal to 9
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(5 != 9,"This message prints if your compiler thinks 5 is the same as 9");
- // If your test takes a long time to run you can also call print_spinner()
- // periodically. This will cause a spinning / character to display on the
- // console to indicate to the user that your test is still running (rather
- // than hung)
- print_spinner();
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- example_args_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/examples/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 93bd9a139..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Disable some warnings from gcc when compiling the examples because fixing them would make the
-# examples harder to read.
- add_definitions("-Wno-comment -Wno-unused-parameter")
-add_subdirectory(../../../examples examples_build)
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/face.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/face.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb1a94b6..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/face.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/image_processing/frontal_face_detector.h>
-#include <dlib/image_processing.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include <dlib/base64.h>
-#include <dlib/image_io.h>
-//#include <dlib/gui_widgets.h>
-//#include <dlib/image_processing/render_face_detections.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.face");
- class face_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- face_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_face", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the face detection/landmarking modules.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- void get_test_face_landmark_dataset (
- dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> >& images,
- std::vector<std::vector<full_object_detection> >& objects
- )
- {
- istringstream sin(get_decoded_string());
- images.resize(1);
- objects.resize(1);
- load_dng(images[0], sin);
- pyramid_up(images[0]);
- deserialize(objects[0], sin);
- }
- void perform_test()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > images;
- std::vector<std::vector<full_object_detection> > objects;
- get_test_face_landmark_dataset(images, objects);
- frontal_face_detector detector = get_frontal_face_detector();
- print_spinner();
- shape_predictor_trainer trainer;
- trainer.set_tree_depth(2);
- trainer.set_nu(0.05);
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- shape_predictor sp = trainer.train(images, objects);
- print_spinner();
- // It should have been able to perfectly fit the data
- DLIB_TEST(test_shape_predictor(sp, images, objects) == 0);
- print_spinner();
- // While we are here, make sure the default face detector works
- std::vector<rectangle> dets = detector(images[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(dets.size() == 3);
- /*
- // visualize the detections
- std::vector<full_object_detection> shapes;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < dets.size(); ++j)
- {
- full_object_detection shape = sp(images[0], dets[j]);
- shapes.push_back(shape);
- }
- image_window win(images[0]);
- win.add_overlay(render_face_detections(shapes));
- cin.get();
- */
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'test_faces.dat'
- const std::string get_decoded_string()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'test_faces.dat' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "RFYXmMn7UA64INJ2Umw+YCh5xX6v+y3bqV/1EKP3ZtvdIWxDCoyZ8oJjj/LXTw3PyEMQReTyXO+8";
- sout << "423ExTTLMRLxc5gEI4PK8vLMVWdRjRKldYfFLisH5qk7o6TxYfRXqmch/t4c53UfsUuJuVMvA+nf";
- sout << "05tfgx0Z2VgrlMmvKSxX0VHEjQ3ZVqQl0mLeur1qoMRmcPjYA4QJOvcruwyz/hFpVU8snvsri4QA";
- sout << "hkCrOtvl/iTlLvcWXDM98OXEYLk4vr6z2v73mGGEdbaJFafXOgutY0NRESpJfingJkuZKXNV7fQ8";
- sout << "F1DmHwFM0Izoc3fUyN7+xtLo2LSEH8uohv79wjxdbm71n5kgHb6cnpYiiCLOgqKrK+qJUJG1/OBB";
- sout << "9IORGL6SHrogefDg76m4ayil0lE4pQLa1fKhXGqphdxDMyBXHkOpxA356i5Evk7jZb/AqHUu/hQV";
- sout << "QYOsW20TRhuFfrasrb/Veq10hMZomosAnNb+Uhgnu2Ip4igX6ozJqmCL4NngjEgoXuCA02KzmIqK";
- sout << "fcslrBjyg7WZnF2w7UZXcHoZ0AVijb/ANPUqvq9H4k5WCFh53pwG6oj+CG5N7EXLzt9UHtillGJH";
- sout << "S252/dLvzaNxSq0vDP+Y0IvtKhZgIlmX3duu+L7iJUMinE90OXQFzhwCaOM8oP3Mq+Becgto5Vjb";
- sout << "vv+2xeyrYL9hBfMyPzbBhVWZdaPyI62MGMPjTfmAUmufWm3/Pxey5Jw6MUNX1rfWMXYQTtamdtcE";
- sout << "XmuFGhLCWbnJN2GtlOWu+S0LdWAziktr0mdovdFZTwKnd2Fuf1VeMMHBCgF5D56UK6/JTXO1gPlj";
- sout << "VpavizirUH46rHVnGOFZHWarPKymXyrQ/VhFbVBSOi9UGbsMo9sYNYhvFlzSBN5orNoY+5AP+Y2X";
- sout << "BDw342Vg3YRIZBqaXZ7oOqyDtjFYNf2g7ColnaFrPiYCKg9VQvVQVXvr4Oa6TTryepXylHk11ijw";
- sout << "xYgjiENTDKVuXPLVrAEWZD6wq5+LGbmj1cgh59XgLErkoliKxVeEv4ktXqceCFK9YWljqJZSBxFj";
- sout << "T64N945O47Oek591sfRFYrjebJz3kooaaOQ7lm4BWpW64Am/Od0FIkggSzPUgf+jYrnPdH4oqv3d";
- sout << "NJIXJO8aeCi/WCqgbdgLwpu1MB8cTdbK2TrCbi3sHhQddE6rqZ1XIg25gYTw72q4ZFUHmRrBEgdz";
- sout << "i2xh7qHevCWC9Ht7HrUcLl35/UCcNck/ftiDa/xN3rBJp+cJCyS9ZXScFbgFKYfBau8Dx+JA3ygU";
- sout << "pvYbUP29UeK5hXZoQzC74UKw/liapW8GbR3ZPV+59xmw1b7phyApZfODkDLG5lyTB5Co6vIfmqXp";
- sout << "DSA1I0ZPIk7hJHWtddgvAg6Yv4GhMZs/cn08Z/ZRXYSMw20rA66BeMD+IPFe3MPFPnKsl/qRvXIC";
- sout << "gTmLcjPQ5naBo/3haQg4TjJCBCErTC2JktJE0vRfm8v+1kEFoycTsRfhDZtjMnqmqSiNO3VSbnbb";
- sout << "et/mFvCdd9kqBXQ4VaeYdJwORA7/TocC84G91jlfNRhbY2KW9xHXYYwscfaV5DtPWhyJBEimzLsz";
- sout << "F59UbkO/WOT7HEwJ3p1/ReH6feLrIYwR8OdSeuOUtK2oboodiUmx/if9pyNONd0If9jFGDXvWP/r";
- sout << "dL6NdRh68swmPyiCn7sAwaUbd7PF7K+jqgk3jMDMaoWE6p+aAFK3H/JxRO7th2XvX57uA+RKoXEq";
- sout << "LBJrDkoPGbA5Ctj6KUWknMM62HVIO1SjwZH7ROOlCVbHvDd3JTT6TNs2Lj8g78q6WRMnDVV0L9Q7";
- sout << "S6awjHePvyj9fDn66jpmRxI9TkqNPx0b8tGfOnUoXGKK/WcInBjVd+FYy1SO5FIVZ4JQdiSMgehu";
- sout << "EU7X2yjbdgCtVg+kY3ZgYcCMM72NLdm7+U+qVxzfY9bNtzLRsEDNFL2wnq3DkbRRiHKHswEugXjG";
- sout << "fFfzqjU71sDH3gc1dhOQT456XK0zhmV/62+N+oTxrFY2F/ArALeDiR1q1JOrE1UDzU/ezAZVWS/a";
- sout << "DJ8O9TVZsbOXOU4hAiQ6mR5hh6i5c/zb7jBl6ehNgixrJqguo9PT10P3S6I+IiTG2vHlws4ZoTmz";
- sout << "7iOj1ICCN6ivwPj5+afYScxPGLVujxWTW8ksey8RjSIbH+N9wUEAJAcZAGXo2UrP93uRkdLt/cvi";
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- sout << "BYf6A9riAPhgR68zPz+i+ffpPcgwURCDviqf370nLIqfbDgJSztxXI2MPsHZqypB+VtvuLTq+M2s";
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- sout << "/+gqB0fKl93o50EUVzJbz02rPc/4qVaqfSJLg+HEZUg30PB8wQHb2oWqgL1lYDlqrv5plbK2kJm9";
- sout << "HW9aQfOyX57rBsYi4aljZl5icy/JElsuNanhnTcTvrHQ/9ntw8QqV2PuVesbbaUQSjDRWG6D1uaK";
- sout << "HSYB/6fvMZ+8hy+gq4d/tMKpoCzgERJjJOU+N0vHpKmyZgE0EGkPJwlgev/oxTJtsQndgrNviPkr";
- sout << "ub9ZRkS5uM7Jb+1mKztyVWDdtVvxnvgboNayuS5/VdwlbQezQKEiB8I8UWLsgEJiXg9sgjBaFrv8";
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- sout << "l20/+8EKd8y2f20iP6m1mnKCQ9PUPPhWMfWMkJ21VhKJJDcpKhvQq20O/yqhfxabl+73QZiCS/eR";
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- sout << "MnZlJC28aanAWGoGMcuXgyacFhOWc7I7TTml8jlQv1oDRJU39PQwZZ93HwhhZ2s87wuRYCQdXSH+";
- sout << "pdtb9YblyosciNtYJguXl+2iBdGGIqNAp6oxYj/rI5l0pPY7EUkGEnOzQq/U3zCDPL1tdUymaOh8";
- sout << "+XGYMMo5L34oxvi79Rh4snSaOO5h0fl0aaZES/v/x5QTtQu4H7qwVfWIsOg8ujFFDFeZmmJpb7pc";
- sout << "ff03fNUsHBfS3yf1JvrXhVGDh7byfy8DTFCy07gXUaKJzQJNOjEqX+iu25I+RNxXbfHsRxsWdNEw";
- sout << "6aHRUUb+zThVJGkglO5W/S32SJznnjkHdFu1WXBU/DbM7b/quJTUgWnZRLy6CugMu4I/hp5ArKCh";
- sout << "vekyQySI/9TjOEPEFW37few/H060cZcz1V3DilvOTBrCoItzdjxZB/cmGxPln3mhkPqGr+NsXRdJ";
- sout << "tPMRc91NxvDP1oBnXXEYD418bmxfvqbXZm4Q+bMq07TT5rWABCZ+NFmkgkXryGhfKQWqidxbRenT";
- sout << "8teao4iAbwSHWB/Za5+OPYUS4b2u7OULXqkmbQDnTeJX6ou0VFYUpkXStbtLITLJrvAG0BrMq7G9";
- sout << "09vbgw6e+krF5JHaFXKAgVf3/SlvRrZi6zgPT7wsY1WLGlMAFNAC58UhizDbVV5Xivj/mVxi29s2";
- sout << "tZHKQRshEnuw1KvEp61O4HEnO2dw27v1000YgRz9HtQp9Ra0SsePIjlh8/h5O2VTqJgMlqgAiy9g";
- sout << "l7nvX3Ft3a/K7S8GlVMwM8z4DiSzNf0irgnC/+sVu3ZAy13UiviJTv0gZ6iVL78GdPSqhKq6x8IU";
- sout << "JGX2sbzthVZUpYPm65WjEBKUKsHWIdeAokKh+sS2TGEAo9COawULVwzYttKSY30UlsBLL/ofpjF/";
- sout << "eCWfzunbpZ3MmkXJYVygXCsGgEuxDmWrhcxIF5/pPZDafmaxqHCml/zxew2twDN9lEJV/jqZrwSL";
- sout << "I2awqrzxIp/4TfqYj4C8HOQGb4N246snRl3iH2tvzQZrCg1I2mp1s0+xiHESKtfecHfMt8hbb2QZ";
- sout << "50c/3MAKQb9WatUDqfZuTnnwXMo5vm0Sh9KqLYQj81LFOzKzf1NDil38GSmFGWPsNm7vm8Q6S6BI";
- sout << "MZafbg2gM+ohtKS/u/36ZADS9/bxf90Fzkn5UEjZUOIRBhYowQNilZzHCABNNXFO/5SUzSJqgLIA";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- };
- face_tester a;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/fft.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/fft.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d491e8fb..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/fft.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include <dlib/base64.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.fft");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<complex<double> > rand_complex(long nr, long nc)
- {
- static dlib::rand rnd;
- matrix<complex<double> > m(nr,nc);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = complex<double>(rnd.get_random_gaussian()*10, rnd.get_random_gaussian()*10);
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const std::string get_decoded_string();
- void test_against_saved_good_ffts()
- {
- print_spinner();
- istringstream sin(get_decoded_string());
- matrix<complex<double> > m1, m2;
- matrix<complex<float> > fm1, fm2;
- while (sin.peek() != EOF)
- {
- deserialize(m1,sin);
- deserialize(m2,sin);
- fm1 = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(m1);
- fm2 = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(m2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(fft(m1)-m2)) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(m1-ifft(m2))) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(fft(fm1)-fm2)) < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(fm1-ifft(fm2))) < 1e-7);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_random_ffts()
- {
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- for (int nr = 1; nr <= 128; nr*=2)
- {
- for (int nc = 1; nc <= 128; nc *= 2)
- {
- const matrix<complex<double> > m1 = rand_complex(nr,nc);
- const matrix<complex<float> > fm1 = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(rand_complex(nr,nc));
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ifft(fft(m1))-m1)) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ifft(fft(fm1))-fm1)) < 1e-7);
- matrix<complex<double> > temp = m1;
- matrix<complex<float> > ftemp = fm1;
- fft_inplace(temp);
- fft_inplace(ftemp);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(temp-fft(m1))) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ftemp-fft(fm1))) < 1e-7);
- ifft_inplace(temp);
- ifft_inplace(ftemp);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(temp/temp.size()-m1)) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ftemp/ftemp.size()-fm1)) < 1e-7);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <long nr, long nc>
- void test_real_compile_time_sized_ffts()
- {
- print_spinner();
- const matrix<complex<double>,nr,nc> m1 = complex_matrix(real(rand_complex(nr,nc)));
- const matrix<complex<float>,nr,nc> fm1 = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(real(rand_complex(nr,nc))));
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ifft(fft(complex_matrix(real(m1))))-m1)) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ifft(fft(complex_matrix(real(fm1))))-fm1)) < 1e-7);
- matrix<complex<double>,nr,nc> temp = m1;
- matrix<complex<float>,nr,nc> ftemp = fm1;
- fft_inplace(temp);
- fft_inplace(ftemp);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(temp-fft(m1))) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ftemp-fft(fm1))) < 1e-7);
- ifft_inplace(temp);
- ifft_inplace(ftemp);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(temp/temp.size()-m1)) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ftemp/ftemp.size()-fm1)) < 1e-7);
- }
- void test_random_real_ffts()
- {
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- for (int nr = 1; nr <= 128; nr*=2)
- {
- for (int nc = 1; nc <= 128; nc *= 2)
- {
- const matrix<complex<double> > m1 = complex_matrix(real(rand_complex(nr,nc)));
- const matrix<complex<float> > fm1 = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(real(rand_complex(nr,nc))));
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ifft(fft(complex_matrix(real(m1))))-m1)) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ifft(fft(complex_matrix(real(fm1))))-fm1)) < 1e-7);
- matrix<complex<double> > temp = m1;
- matrix<complex<float> > ftemp = fm1;
- fft_inplace(temp);
- fft_inplace(ftemp);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(temp-fft(m1))) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ftemp-fft(fm1))) < 1e-7);
- ifft_inplace(temp);
- ifft_inplace(ftemp);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(temp/temp.size()-m1)) < 1e-16);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(ftemp/ftemp.size()-fm1)) < 1e-7);
- }
- }
- }
- test_real_compile_time_sized_ffts<16,16>();
- test_real_compile_time_sized_ffts<16,1>();
- test_real_compile_time_sized_ffts<1,16>();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_fft : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_fft (
- ) :
- tester ("test_fft",
- "Runs tests on the fft routines.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_against_saved_good_ffts();
- test_random_ffts();
- test_random_real_ffts();
- }
- } a;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'fft_test_data.dat'
- const std::string get_decoded_string()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'fft_test_data.dat' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "gO1l2wKz8OsyeYMPYcGx6QdBG65vnrB+omgAJ7Bnsuk9vkTw/Y9Y/UZEFXhVf6qnq92QHPLV16Fo";
- sout << "a+IUHNTjoPAfBOTyfb8QRcTj9SaWpxA65+UCJ+5L6x/TEyPKDtB23S0KRpRSdfxBSW9/rnUrkIv7";
- sout << "6i6LWcxKzdsw2WGsRCX1k3t0adQW49m/yb8LV9Loqs7/phzY7HkJ4D2PLtpc6Wyk1qG/h6KQ7nkF";
- sout << "GFkHIoh+xKXhHpqWaSofx8H8m/++H++g0VSPqfQ1ktFz+K8UtiGoyR2GqpP+br47YLXG3WqVU5Km";
- sout << "Di3+IjQoBH2m4jykD926aRvdRrgUH4gZunokl+U6shv20Zm0NL8j4A46/2f++YPGCVBNJJmcJdI7";
- sout << "9RlPL9SFbJ8rnH5bbLvZ2pKZmmbeZN78yzLUhdGwn4DGpf/Zo1fU2YPUjVKkwY6olW4w3tiBl05a";
- sout << "cS1HwBeQjnajqsXNyudbrBkM1Z9XiwM+J5iMsu5ldaJ8iLn30W2Te2RnZhJRHO8MgL7Fn1j0n0Qb";
- sout << "8dB+6aQYv0l/5LQkr5SX6YSRYX5b5rnqhi8IzJKms6dzoyBm97IGTm8pRxtLXcmsk1MvJcHF2gl2";
- sout << "CslQazsl5iIS6fMxEodmlMdwdfIpp/6MqmeIydSHwdyJJZnNPl2p5X+Il5egmwdaSoDQNphPfTaQ";
- sout << "R0Xh3xqsZKgHLKxB14Rsf/R7Eu9ZASTByX3UrEHsSzLSUo9/G+tS3n1iC30Liusksh2Wkt+/QtDy";
- sout << "A1ZX31H5OlSFwCYC/TYitwyl4U9k7WhHBDoT7MdmVTYQEK1dK48nwOhnZa9prE8n3dD40CCe25q3";
- sout << "Qo4VVYc5tBWu1TfTbshvkmHAcp3Gyw/caqq6jdq5Z2BD1b67i/bY66xhmowOFS8xeA7v6tKdkvpp";
- sout << "Rk8FegzVdB72wpw3872T4K+eplMDcCPGkwIieF5pZStWxhGsNOC0p2wvpFvTpQgfNOGUvRt69hsd";
- sout << "xaUEYlWZcY3sfsiOwPGgBUEEv6b+8W7+8Ddj8Nx4wG+bdWozphfz7THbmOeaDM63imIEHmJbZ47I";
- sout << "QgoyzFD5WoWtZ1wMEv4LL+a63B3FzBcvPvdPaa2QEmyiK9yN7GEePs2Fv2A3ymhGw5NeR1dOzAjz";
- sout << "lEQW01p8opk/dpyLO18zj8d+Hn4EnJkKD0p1u+XuLRda8AnRu/WmSOOpyG5EUrUoEyuvbECLbY9X";
- sout << "3AMgzkbxltmZlkyOOwfCGM0yumGYKdz0aGKdyid7ddLMTpQ908dCNLyRgTybdZG9137PQirgX5+O";
- sout << "08T/+L4EIyyrslOYxpUaLm2ASnSUgiivoIJvfnu8IeH2W9fPupY89ioXIYuwZU8f9FDCA9z7peQw";
- sout << "9H6l4PDdDrB7nwQhncpV9FYLkHQLbSgE1VD+eL6Y2k48pI2zUndcoHEZW72NcmK6E8fDvfgbKkYD";
- sout << "m02RiGuj4tvEEsIVuVa29Q0JGO+37n7Mlz7+RMcUMo1pLnh+jibas6R+1LCy7b4ubiKMFB1gvjut";
- sout << "gjMABy1dJxSOdb9xUa0K/Alwwu3MxdkrbTxwqkn0C2JnVV7z9S2I+PWcfZKzcpg8Itzh/ON6I/DE";
- sout << "EGK3s39XhLI2xPg3PE9R9QMaisqxb3FeP1NkBXrLQtuQfrSk+KZk6ArQWVgtem799fxgipQsa5RH";
- sout << "z2Dq9t+pJzNGUnWg5PWzaAY3lWMscn+BIRhsZfDJ3QBtS9Vmib8r2dtYwXi/Q+FhnAHFfcXbhDC3";
- sout << "GHn16aP2PY1sw8KMtfPRAcqY8Ylbr9EQXjWoIYUs0YyX2Ks8ZgibunTPFz/Wu98RVYswMtjubFaJ";
- sout << "jb0pK9S6qoe/w10CAAHqoAfca7uMOxw9trZZmjCf5vF4leH/nDgsNjesYn21rE6rLhSbg8vaZXo5";
- sout << "I/e1uhZlRz4ZNnMlZSnL70Jt0IjuR0YNphCsGZjmvvZ4ihxrcLrHvAcSTJuqW5EARtvjyQWqBKSP";
- sout << "5XhlkrI73Ejvy+Lhv6n6O7+VrfWa/tGRuvvAToS1wPOP1T2oniDXsNlD0QbMnCao+dTWgkTDiNTk";
- sout << "sFxsoN8YjwHqYUAp+hfnu1Vh2ovyemAUmo87vuG7at6f8MgFSuZffmBkGuijKNDDy7OrHoh7+5/+";
- sout << "aOkcvp0pW3ONZ4l6peRNvzaW5DEBTvcZGvRwVCHWII1eGpzeJKaHWvDfLqjaPkFrG5pR7SGCY/9L";
- sout << "73W2U0JCe2h7VjWbCM7hdvJEgYi/mEarVQpt+0P834es6Rm9rsMCbgbrWl7uv35+LVMTHU29Oxln";
- sout << "bDzBUJQs5KIA81IWR3R7D+HuJvpMkAYMF73c1owI7K74SBOsTq1ayC81aNlK7YwOOjZyBqwsQ5sy";
- sout << "zZi0k9AcKRGmTC323o7Tp/n/gkAU3NObTnqPEJitjGloXqrhPvorixBhHXSZy+wgL5R+04KiF1uU";
- sout << "LEFOzJ0zKUMstTB+fgC7D6ZnVEtUq3HEYnmaRRwEhRSgMTLXE8VvnOdo802pMVN5GMCkH299rJm5";
- sout << "Ina8mTwlC9JrNuYHot5KK/Gny4KPyUeS51cifByPwroemwBHe9EmKCkcEJPoDpG3QMaV36aopyJl";
- sout << "GwhZxaZSqbut9XSWr0IMxHUkFeslRB+n/7Vx+xWpDNjQ7JA5S/B0ZW+YBQPcjA3sRQTey25JD4Jy";
- sout << "RsULxNY5e3mjn59fI8OpBOYfNPTt2Jzppm1GDpym0LHuz7KZ6xk6QAyogk+HMjC/5RcQA7zJWDRM";
- sout << "dXC4CXUjrBxVzmm/YHXv76LrsaFdzJgn+/qzlM6IvIgicMhcJl+hA1swTkgcw6JRalJiDqnvapKP";
- sout << "V+T+/X5PSNMswgZURHQJ2l0PkMrUT909pBOC9t4GCsK8k4rYS2o0I0UYfcpm4jMRU5X34zlT8Qv+";
- sout << "GV3mA0oGq1U2dJwArlPX3gI5sZ2Jsw7Qa5edvQNG5GoRb2j2Muo4AkZXXjbx0KEa5leLIhVL4BAE";
- sout << "2GTdbL7T8hUGY3QlRQGwSVAytjUfXg4jCyn9w6ZbxUOu5MDBuCEtrhRSJNKuBLInK3Bh+fr2FshC";
- sout << "T1eDtIFE2EDEaSbLj4NCNWpTFdKMXZ9CQg2VtoVOIJfgKzqAjjcWX8kqWpMFlQgtdTfIqN7gnFit";
- sout << "do/FO0OzLghevyexHdl+Ze+MjITKOF0mTPPMkcIYcINIR1za6q3rLDZg03+GouzYhL8lwM3WAnkg";
- sout << "Qg+NM6reQATKFK3ieOxacZYnIwOR/ZMM/lO/rHY/ZbdAnJHbMBWwRtK1vDi+o+ZgS7EgsDpsmz/l";
- sout << "PguXPK0Ws51OUhIJJ5YDBv+nVPJabxOYV3dU0z49xFpxNTW9pTISo8mKZvLp2D765kExGJ9YKoAx";
- sout << "Hfi6WEg3pFS9YQLNhOZjE4bQThugIWXhi+2OPgqUIUoV5ctSnP5Lv+xhbkZfjnQQQQffrrU4peSz";
- sout << "6CuNEVLuNuG/mc3WEDZwf1HxYv3u9pr7A79QG0EROf23zPzaf5biE9e9xH+ruPApRHM58H2RpxXU";
- sout << "RlkYnfoAUqyvT3Lhhk6ngv8Axhi4otvz7sRiXQmZO7mtzWzsCTkCJoziwRKlD6P6LYnbm4fRYP1M";
- sout << "MvOuW3NhsQNrsDtgMuvqiVQpRzg157ES1i1qnTjJxTD5emK1RljuQEetbGksyetctWdWiEd8ZfSh";
- sout << "DHBJC2FLucmkMt0LHsVPnk4ni055uMRdKPRKjTE2MjpEsxR52xiWR3MtwXiEhH9fZnUl1IdBl3PG";
- sout << "TfLiZ286m4ePm6JOgNM1chtZir+q8pr4ghk/xycWvHmgkqT9dQcFP8iEtlVLCS22/2mS79cTev2r";
- sout << "yE90otp9vibcTnpORzrnLrMhhpmYRTxRjRaHGhwdJYluARJFBBVTMEenK2ubdLOJ8skZjLzPv1dt";
- sout << "9IrO1sNUwrMpEie8PG7D7DzQ7//jdlC/HUZaGKrwj5aMUULi+ZYiBLYoeL4N8ozAK1u3KtXLKlRE";
- sout << "3Akys4Py8+CmrY5qaaDOXZvwl3FF3skmGhx5KValRXrbndqr3Cks0hXglHgNonZh795galZwu0Jp";
- sout << "ww/mTQLCV0djTdEfjXBUnP49zyGXWWsEsl2jfqEAfBDcT4+mMzAUtBSwwPJYXXAJQz45R32MThNb";
- sout << "k21X+rw63QJe0zIbOJepHz3jaedMkj8GKNYBjqzibNqfYelunBUqW0bpi81HYdN5OFY/3GNKgygG";
- sout << "4R5HJaP+x9e1HxehpI/4pKFC+TAIb29uSV5GtkNTb1fYLm0kjeCZNA5GKtf42gBY52N6STl+lcI0";
- sout << "gD+jJ/ogknne3sRtEJEtCFFe1c50oikyJamQbeUO1PcDUBt8Phl1rI/p4PTP+H686usJVhSDY+b5";
- sout << "9CdS6F7XSSDiXlpFl+Esex30fRZ8zAQsTo9oN0sSZUUJKcyVk0dCqw2mHWPpyM6hYKQ3ij1nYjYl";
- sout << "3PzRfFMlu+dgStcBn70jvlEv5pOWXb2OqrN9nJtb29n8jrB2K2nlbcYoPPiQ3yXk+Wpom82LoT5W";
- sout << "F9NeNwwAB4EDWtB96OU6noW8NHJj7NiADQJGvQpk/3JzIzeBJQCxULYJMRJdBKf61+24F791reHa";
- sout << "qrH+rLUrrv05dIPDTUvGW5LQLTTFFa59OmMIu7WJE7Ln6gMIwDw3FXnGFzaWnHlHL/9jJ0zM1FQL";
- sout << "kfK4wTd++GbeI0gsnXWFK0N0kV/FiHm++J4udWwIXZxH7qZCHtwlT/5oGDVujtAtOPag+txUrjVc";
- sout << "G4iLeiPbV/2Vfc2D1oV5/yyXDDii9qrLH6SOOfgvdiJZr7X3uMUIDGO75x5wBDSxr9t3I2CrX2dM";
- sout << "M6kD7U1+bf5QVRbkh3Us4NAhFVnLNEcrm0x9Yx0wRmxPKgJeGGbWi7/BHi8ShIFllizuxuMyfypC";
- sout << "hhzSlxxbYAQwtcC3cHEnyYZAO7HC6hyke+HQJfxAmKyfguGtzEzsiG18XJVruwz7IoOpZS/O71zy";
- sout << "Nv+T8trOhy59ZUAgIsCAAQJYEBWl/T/qFtkE+tITbVRKtHjbxHSeN12OnHFRoKguJYaakTo4qLs0";
- sout << "fr4E4nZUMfjdF7oI7YutegY9TkiJ9ujLJw4pfY1XRtPrRukEl8orypWXq0gErnYO/RVtK3XImrDp";
- sout << "LY5sXH5pNzkqVH9VCl6lh9sg2HWjNwv9bDcDlIhvTL19Mx9yUtx/iQtG/OKy22tW6ByahPNnMNtA";
- sout << "tBVB38RLf6eJr68mhn10Qg68cXxVL7/zEIZd9rUaCo8xCzeFblDNErKfG02JJ6fbQ6M6ZdNez7Q0";
- sout << "x2IYbz2DEk0wHmR7OtA/oTFMvJlyMt+dDWTEpHnvqkbe+veENpxn2WWy3UsumkvhhtzzmLxyD6Sh";
- sout << "mMbMPwgUjvMG51JfRrgMfJzT49z0sebSfzvid/9QV4lNkR7s9nfUJEwAued4S4klRy3LiFdQhjQR";
- sout << "FOZZNqUge8vxVOzVCfS+xsjvnGrd7azt7LJg6wPXFgPfeE2bRlx+8AoRFG7SUpudmm/bkNw+uNgS";
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- sout << "44DdifeZYVqoUrAV3etS4Py0H6OHDtAnFmU7983u/bZ7bpkfvFl97zvms5D5JWuFQ8HZTZikTzIM";
- sout << "uxDpDcxkFz1U24O/WnovgMCipjI6uV39rjWr3qXb3qzc9D7Fp+jh3eg3F9C/SeXY9Ru077P9mAI2";
- sout << "oRgh+2hJ86+1/YdCetlEVgmIVVVGVbcZWLNoHISNo2lnH3fSDcfWTRekNBlvUgiAE49tH+av0SN7";
- sout << "cxjm3vWlWv9Mdt1BvZORAk2sYugBnDJZbB+F53rKioLbUNdlCG2HcjDboLrRnY//cxOlOARg9UYB";
- sout << "N4+HueNJApuqkGhItKHRMKXWXWXKYkyN4PdPicVFpdlxwoeXNWMtNvUbOv9oAox2HwWqFERO9JGa";
- sout << "wSXE2oYyE0+BUUUPq4Bf0HobSR9yOVj2YmgvvEv61uS/7rDiSHElMnyrGnOpy1Jk9Qc7BwDJ4iJt";
- sout << "LH0qQR8w6qXJcDajjLT2dYkzFYj8Hl4iglGCRuFTKjhQLp/E1nium2AS5aSlvk2GwX4SHEnk6nAP";
- sout << "zYbc2wAbehdVW48RzUWWSW62Zckj2YpDSMoHlPJhysfxN5NhGzoBag5D28vAsbmuOYKw+aDDg7/Q";
- sout << "kmGxNMjXuZ8z2dUHAXA04UxRx7P4kIDYHrOPyd1s+V/Nhd2WSodXW+X0N1pC5Wv8EYYeNaUke7h/";
- sout << "8w83XCJ9cHSUO/PTRY8VLd1GX0UFkPb4m3Vgbv2ARqK+ZoZ7t09USLMz9JG9MeD3+J0vL9jShQW3";
- sout << "+4j4G9ZuiIW3VlOu5Qm7jdcLEMzd54mqjC6gYRqTYNP+1P3LtfVY7nhRdxR6S8Zt16B1z+hHtLsY";
- sout << "APWNCR21V6k3R3MjFIit1mBJZDLFFM2OEAYZW+SQ+TkcSueb5xCyFK2gwynzU6l5/CSbaudjWjsE";
- sout << "hpcqZTmHsv+ertehndIaMes/Ihe9ZWf8KJU8sYDn4gV/A/ZXesRLMDtGsTKTywN99GdKi1yX1vpv";
- sout << "ugSgxjMoplA6lZHmz3+sEUepfpLVQxpBQ7OvrZrhBuf8GxgKRC2C9LbdKdq8+qM/qjuNUf4CKz13";
- sout << "OZfp6K89LPJx4Qua2uEKtoa1i4LN3Yt5urZz6CZmlyZR8/jo2e/PBqsKc5zP7SzJdQ3fELngYdUm";
- sout << "HJC7uE6ElkbQWqTUg1Tjm8W2kGmbahkM6eVYps1yVrWqWQvFG/m3IUUrIhtvK5JwzlRfH13GIevg";
- sout << "cyQl2750lWOaewIa3Bni58GNVuR3icSmcf6hZ2PbeEdnnxMW8oHUp/cWMVHmZdG+AA==";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/fhog.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/fhog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 88377bcc1..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/fhog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include <dlib/base64.h>
-#include <dlib/image_io.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.fhog");
- class fhog_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- fhog_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_fhog", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the fhog functions.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- template <typename image_type>
- void test_fhog_interlaced(
- const image_type& img,
- const int sbin,
- const array2d<matrix<float,31,1> >& ref_hog
- )
- {
- array2d<matrix<float,31,1> > hog;
- extract_fhog_features(img, hog, sbin);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(hog[r][c] - ref_hog[r][c])) < 1e-6, max(abs(hog[r][c] - ref_hog[r][c])));
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename image_type>
- void test_fhog_planar(
- const image_type& img,
- const int sbin,
- const array2d<matrix<float,31,1> >& ref_hog
- )
- {
- dlib::array<array2d<float> > hog;
- extract_fhog_features(img, hog, sbin);
- DLIB_TEST(hog.size() == 31);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(hog[0].nr() == max(static_cast<int>(,0),
- hog[0].nr() << " " << max(static_cast<int>(,0));
- DLIB_TEST(hog[0].nc() == max(static_cast<int>(,0));
- DLIB_TEST(hog.size() == 31);
- for (long o = 0; o < (long)hog.size(); ++o)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(hog[o].nr() ==;
- DLIB_TEST(hog[o].nc() ==;
- for (long r = 0; r < hog[o].nr(); ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < hog[o].nc(); ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(hog[o][r][c] - ref_hog[r][c](o)) < 1e-6, std::abs(hog[o][r][c] - ref_hog[r][c](o)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_on_small()
- {
- print_spinner();
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- dlib::array<array2d<float> > hog;
- // do this just to make sure it doesn't crash on small images
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- img.set_size(i,i);
- assign_all_pixels(img, i);
- extract_fhog_features(img, hog);
- DLIB_TEST(hog.size() == 31);
- DLIB_TEST(hog[0].nr() == max(static_cast<int>(,0));
- DLIB_TEST(hog[0].nc() == max(static_cast<int>(,0));
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- img.set_size(i,i+1);
- assign_all_pixels(img, i);
- extract_fhog_features(img, hog);
- DLIB_TEST(hog.size() == 31);
- DLIB_TEST(hog[0].nr() == max(static_cast<int>(,0));
- DLIB_TEST(hog[0].nc() == max(static_cast<int>(,0));
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- img.set_size(i+1,i);
- assign_all_pixels(img, i);
- extract_fhog_features(img, hog);
- DLIB_TEST(hog.size() == 31);
- DLIB_TEST(hog[0].nr() == max(static_cast<int>(,0));
- DLIB_TEST(hog[0].nc() == max(static_cast<int>(,0));
- }
- }
- void test_point_transforms()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 100; ++iter)
- {
- for (int cell_size = 1; cell_size < 10; ++cell_size)
- {
- print_spinner();
- for (long i = -10; i <= 10; ++i)
- {
- for (long j = -10; j <= 10; ++j)
- {
- for (long k = -10; k <= 10; ++k)
- {
- for (long l = -10; l <= 10; ++l)
- {
- rectangle rect(point(i,j), point(k,l));
- const int rows = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%11+1;
- const int cols = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%11+1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rect == image_to_fhog(fhog_to_image(rect,cell_size,rows,cols),cell_size,rows,cols),
- " rows: "<< rows <<
- " cols: "<< cols <<
- " cell_size: "<< cell_size <<
- " rect: "<< rect <<
- " irect: "<<fhog_to_image(rect,cell_size,rows,cols) <<
- " frect: "<< image_to_fhog(fhog_to_image(rect,cell_size,rows,cols),cell_size,rows,cols)
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_point_transforms();
- test_on_small();
- print_spinner();
- // load the testing data
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img;
- array2d<unsigned char> gimg;
- dlog << LINFO << "get_decoded_string_face_dng()";
- istringstream sin(get_decoded_string_face_dng());
- load_dng(img, sin);
- assign_image(gimg, img);
- dlog << LINFO << "get_decoded_string_fhog_feats()";
- sin.str(get_decoded_string_fhog_feats());
- int sbin1, sbin2, gsbin1;
- array2d<matrix<float,31,1> > vhog1, vhog2, gvhog1;
- deserialize(sbin1, sin);
- deserialize(vhog1, sin);
- deserialize(sbin2, sin);
- deserialize(vhog2, sin);
- dlog << LINFO << "get_decoded_string_fhog_grayscale()";
- sin.str(get_decoded_string_fhog_grayscale());
- deserialize(gsbin1, sin);
- deserialize(gvhog1, sin);
- /*
- // code used to generate the saved feature data.
- ofstream fout1("feats1.dat", ios::binary);
- extract_fhog_features(img, vhog1, sbin1);
- extract_fhog_features(img, vhog2, sbin2);
- serialize(sbin1,fout1);
- serialize(vhog1,fout1);
- serialize(sbin2,fout1);
- serialize(vhog2,fout1);
- ofstream fout2("feats2.dat", ios::binary);
- extract_fhog_features(gimg, gvhog1, gsbin1);
- serialize(gsbin1,fout2);
- serialize(gvhog1,fout2);
- */
- // make sure the feature extractor always outputs the same answer
- dlog << LINFO << "1";
- test_fhog_planar(img, sbin1, vhog1);
- dlog << LINFO << "2";
- test_fhog_planar(img, sbin2, vhog2);
- dlog << LINFO << "3";
- test_fhog_planar(gimg, gsbin1, gvhog1);
- dlog << LINFO << "4";
- test_fhog_interlaced(img, sbin1, vhog1);
- dlog << LINFO << "5";
- test_fhog_interlaced(img, sbin2, vhog2);
- dlog << LINFO << "6";
- test_fhog_interlaced(gimg, gsbin1, gvhog1);
- }
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'face.dng'
- const std::string get_decoded_string_face_dng()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'face.dng' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "RFYXmMpdiStV6dVZSJkJX8t7GVavYwTD+Fn11ZjivhnFQyvVJ5t39yJYrK6Qh6K58ovzMlgPiBLV";
- sout << "nd+ZR0JYVCVvwRapp+dznB9SG9dJbBrsYH68k04uOs9ehP8aK4/EXvcZG6s+rL0rnhVAf7SxL7PT";
- sout << "r/11jIuASMa1daKZjAm5Sc1icGXG2FJjO6CxM8mOzWJ1ze69MPD1bz/QYAWtMUqUUIAM0qOPHY0x";
- sout << "T8tdU+Vo6S6E+8dJpV6a6iDdocbp91meDQcT0/kadhC2tmn0eZoNulTn5MtmsmEeuPI2lLLcRJ9P";
- sout << "yt3c/OJIzI8FaDzYG6aWJ/yBQx/DJF0avAlh7V1UmbD8O/dMoF9nUFDwnhGyS6DYfTXxCYgVgoj+";
- sout << "Ik5RLHY0U/DhNTciFaLX41/MyIt0xcGtxhoVcvwkfIigKnYQsYfNpRdUWseRlZ1KYaR4Oc5B2tie";
- sout << "kH3e5AhrY/HtffCah0sf6MBWJEi7CH9AnVLDQefL8Ph+qCWJGf7cGnM/oAaHQCzHIHVi+mK6EBnN";
- sout << "1NDrzbdXmikwYneB3LUZxCLKZmxsFduB2HgiS0A+tTK6IYc+jqCHqz8N6Gw0sSjAK7rrPDTvxhSN";
- sout << "lX3f6E2IDfVmyvk0l3RhuA1PNEh/nlKR+YxcXHyYW4wGf+UfWScAzKGxrHLxLC7LQycCEaCMkU92";
- sout << "SQV5NSSlwKYKACabK6UJ3gGIpvuQK2Aw7VWmC0iLczqgWsX0GKJR0FAcVL9Ed3nV0Wd0s5BkjBsr";
- sout << "RbUKzw11Qu0toj6BNfwXo/5cY2dtjj93a+CBfNrSEuFyJzZU7cn890c9m+q8C41p+wQdf4pFpjcV";
- sout << "8Kz40Fyt8KtxItWSsACIwmUO9h7DGnyGskWBYrxgDV2VVlvuPAnnSCFPkbdsa/pfnohUq0C5a/ii";
- sout << "BjASduPdaBHpjZ64f+TIaXNAGdrFiN61W6e3fOx4fLFlzPQ8szyWuuDh2hIz1FMflbmu6UOEkQji";
- sout << "w+bwDDJ5OUFmY/00+3B0XAFmj7Pt8OQ70lAVLcX5fC553diQJzrrlJ5p9/8+ILln+oleUVJhtp2q";
- sout << "VCZ9XknXLjkQik30M7orOj+tZt7HDgC5sz/wHU5arOL3nIX5IuIHBJRlB8dERZgoPNQlB090rItP";
- sout << "MuT+Hyr/eR7Kcux7Fy2CoMxcIfWEXvxQoolLKC66q4+SFirdMRjXuwbRXrUBbenmBfMMNDAOkQKO";
- sout << "Bi7d8t1wI9ulNbACtqLbmPjW6iabc0yM4g69cZjRx/JYhV5AaykROJxCP6ZKTw+3ddAht8xoyHLN";
- sout << "40rB40fwEXIvv7qxCdCa3h6l6IRV26fOLdcew1G0qjPORcKK1TPhzmneYvhPZ1m0r6KxWNEnYcFq";
- sout << "WhDGNxj/05eBy2qIiIU/KUPhxKyipF0ekgPoCsWT3S8edYjoaIl5cI0TNpNEwKGRLQeOLBDt+MEh";
- sout << "z1yKm0i2jrtxDBpYf5FW/Fln/XJAK6z9yqSDDTDwQleabvRHDH9bc54bLc0TL9g7/eIj9xcshhaB";
- sout << "zbi7baB/yUnI1+0N6CZ45gV3BcD5n2QLiHME8wELveiMxps6MTf3SdKSRZJcnoVfN4AGYqQV42ec";
- sout << "dFB9y8FLZVL3/8rmB+XEu6YoiGcNK6iATLYQfF0GFRrur0Q6bQgdvXv1uZKtNfYfznsAAu/KBdxX";
- sout << "8qskZBMGA3LxJC3j41VW6Fviy+XUxxcmG9ykbf0COJWDul6ZQ7iRI7rn9EpFIYBM1lKzjdC0UFTW";
- sout << "yDWEE+mf9y+RZdlxHdROFj93FNwzSdzNr1yjqHvZHBZYiuArHEuDPXdxqVRePcID4EHzmpDgWFwR";
- sout << "o5qqDxU8e9UYfS8SG545SPZv69SJVJKld5fQLZ4FbcCjv7wTwrOKTROvurKkxopKt1n69BdDA14H";
- sout << "mViSyK22xK/F7/ydjLoqx6aJ8xyNpoUk6XIeJ5Ei2Lhk84VQk9dxzULVy3KsfRUrZCTTi4YiXkHJ";
- sout << "SmQx4NQKqHR2IOgnJBZuNG9J3Fzv3NKhQpmKL0ZbYLXWdKP9FHWUR0x7y8f74Su+GrplBsjh9NIm";
- sout << "QdaKLa3NvJB1TML1/GNcdJVZUuSaX0cQn4bbumvtcENVbC9u99fGnsaS5FOu4AHd3338zLUMy34C";
- sout << "OpJjU1c/IElgyKmaGYlAolgqGU3lixhxPGBhUlXGfHmST2ZWq/l6NxD//HQXRaRUiQGQzWCvhzOO";
- sout << "ywUlVzl9eJ5e5cdLWvffsPRzBgRMrdHJG4TbSuLAREsSD9QEGab3a6y+qa8T3Si/1Ut+Sn2QvPh2";
- sout << "meqqk9g0fRWtrWxcnbUDU6zMlk36L/o/y5inrHdGY+ixIewhI0n4/Nl3wD96SRITcEVSx6K/BVot";
- sout << "+qIP78I6uk+miUF6MW4AnFyCe1wRNyhT48638KIphSQSKdu7TaBndi2DNgFFvWrm6/cPOqkmCzGC";
- sout << "O22uwHyuY9XhafswKLH02+VD24PIS/Fw7JMP+KzvfCHQd4XxxdsISe0/cjwg26ZfGcnULLY2E+dX";
- sout << "LjdgCxNyFBzFTQ4gB4QExF0dHu+SPoo5T3VAojJbYZqIelFY+u2yQDuS4HCUISPkwuLHXHbcBuwg";
- sout << "5TeuFhyBrlwxHQC/OPACmQJREImiqpzrjmh5QipeEgYHK3Zc72tYSeY7eTzS4jj0eRQ8KiNIGSi2";
- sout << "2LjzAfN2Zm7HGbiBtKZVen96E8HLcrd3nSWnizfaLLWTWB3zu9zz9/vFdaa3TlO6BidYsKomTCgB";
- sout << "wy8yMeykE2qbxgrpRqEqmOkrOI9XtTTJIycfAlwBwoFwuqvGIPtFrYmC/MwRMCphg7acSRcjZg81";
- sout << "5IEqpoq9ca7Zc3s4foteVMCJT1A+qmNAJ/j7IoyeX7GnlM3jsqpYt9BmKfbw5Dr2JB9vzroPV++x";
- sout << "UN2VXRPbahjbIvrTULpeBdmlHU0i3Ya8H/C9RY6c2DhImZ1gDjgn0jQ9GC+CsZpiM2xBvfZZGOEu";
- sout << "c8N8pdo2owD8s5q2G5ZCGNdME/AG+iIlb0P00AX+XR8FYhxKb3y50i1giM41mnkKM/WMGFAnpiuo";
- sout << "YordYSi5plePBnxBfd1Iq46PpsD/n/uUTZMHs6TGp1hM6QriyEhOO261HNHoU+n8m1Omz2cfRJyx";
- sout << "AuFLwHSEqvGCSmslmoDpSg2qOaIWK1LWlN+1sYJj18iL4GRM0A5QzXaS0RThqEgmPjeBOkFBjfSO";
- sout << "hB7mb3sDbY49qbN6P48bGV+yF6y34gYAiVkm2NksHzN4ovwg4O6WMQZwEhNk+4gTIzG69jIm6Hbn";
- sout << "2l48A3CYmn8gcjZw39nrlSxpMf7KPkRsdvGmc5Qx9RjP71zH/KJ2TXP0xxzsaGgmqzXfey5l0Hih";
- sout << "XZtfZw8Y28fHBfm3bnIncS4w9S91no+RYMv0aqc9ty7l+Pa28ELwSgQj9eP4u/i5iq/GPmmSxiTd";
- sout << "Si/eeyK1RFJEP4Tv4f3PkV9Js+azu8BbtU+BLO1FBlVg3CzXH5Pc5FMujLdmlqa495hTmi8YW6Et";
- sout << "Fx8dkC80mYFGpVjS+B6pcQLbLBL9gmKzJf4L94/gXZ25BEDob66+XOaRnJ4RkSAN2g6gFJB9lJDh";
- sout << "rLerp3kP/ubPCvcFywuGx3UjJuwFNHE9m62uiaXFU4m04Kc4n7ccHc6hYUkhkY53v2Qb5SDx2qCf";
- sout << "Yg+PWVXujfYrqxRHSwqtV3yX5kMrtYsYpygb7crweOt58BWUa3duyo23UGJHaCwhGwXat6PEC5DQ";
- sout << "2Oe3LVJmc8eYtD97mHKFPhptBl5u2Bztb3zis/oNj1NdMjnDrNuscEAnrpk1CetvHKLglK63Zo/D";
- sout << "rf6SJcmGR2h9g6wAeV7UdsfD6AvteiPj5sl4UuY9x55pP3CTTYklBO1MaDd/XO3A66uMh95RZVGr";
- sout << "VWDd/uKL+rIuI+vKjz8rt80nv3SyUrY9fbftPdK4pBaVnIt73yZrrqv4Zr28H8XpFFQAV9BPlC9o";
- sout << "a8G+AFx/+W2cSfo9r1Uw7npVvRTe6TtIiKagYUmWpx5BfX0VH/VAW0FUh9oiVfx5rm9eaxfSQnD6";
- sout << "7qBINPxsKq+ZDSXni7qfC3J043Le/uL+3XUqsccvEMoU65akKC3lmw1txoUukv92oxyqPX0eOGsB";
- sout << "AU4JdXCldqjU9K3QhyCvv80ZWotGfUr0TlN1LVZqcF2iq3pX1UDOBsPwz9v0QNg8Bmlqy0Vs+MUj";
- sout << "nMCwU9xErzkXLsuVaG+Llk7mmAl7C34BF9O9qSl2kCmbQYoQ87zS7gm/pK7aKGNsICHrar6vlsKo";
- sout << "BJA++/8XKL3nseNZHzq7hKHnOTzagP52MRf+TPXbTVjQPKnCKVAZJcsOlkmuZc7iDnLn4muHDRjg";
- sout << "y09EYcYlFWhLAgsWmatQBsT028ytgMNrQGHDJdjuNkxYfPo+/91ijaaBiey+DgrUVn0fm20k6/Nm";
- sout << "colrwPwHrK3uOdgBn2ysDeUXU8NLMtR94fIL7etQ9tlUuufwrxEL9zYUM8tpks8HDR51xgTwUOVo";
- sout << "DyGFzOdYQRzwi+kkEPEwkpNQbB258d5w9G5eR00P8B/aSjm+w4FU0MsXM0GgPxnQ+gTpS1cezLTn";
- sout << "eelvJYiq/IInLLxoCXycZFPt3WFQqOBpcs6TV/QucjI/5xMZtP3JHUFv16UKPTFI7p9DF+8Ch5HN";
- sout << "gWXCnRSPdYR4ZRid+Xfzi0TvQsXV6u6PaE+H5MpyNMBWhCwxb6FdiLUW0BswGNpHBaFxjB26Qbmv";
- sout << "OW+s0OuXDvKigjQRkeaYawjRAIAN/+CEYR3oUad2HyJ5Ybr/lRlybQuuIqBhuvpkYzszS7BqrxOh";
- sout << "FJYaivT6r3HbHjaJ+Yz/zNW4KsL80zYkPMP7QgcbbSfE2mAavr+ciXdZBqMMUR50sDNLxep9+hoa";
- sout << "ys9wl75QMdx1jn1qn7f04JMSjCyZ7M4bWSyTW7VEr+NBBLmiMzhI6Ufh1iCUpvrIDSQwSDUL88wt";
- sout << "oSiouRbqizt36TldsvFV6afdLgjRrp2cb4vOQBiltwnY06JraGZnsrb4UCfHZhxd8sq/invK9tUd";
- sout << "D3z8hYyLGbS+3LBCK85r74IYvCuhoUp+KobIZPhvWuvdjmmq3SAxIKHNdLC5hnLVMhGJUrckc18H";
- sout << "9zK53uB3QXX6zGKK62Jph4aOdJoDQaPL0K/yHgn9UayEhH/N1uj3Ao39c05puaxzcSotfBeS5+6K";
- sout << "WYyOOMtt5ikKz79qfj6dVWge22fxXUc6yHYfdga0IbYWRocIx+DuyUZnrRQHihNKgYpvF2vhCX/o";
- sout << "R097oHI4ojZFAX/ZWJ7igJvX7ChiwTjK8KDk+vJ4SUd3IHXaiLkkkd9p6tCuc9Lw5jqWiGrrQKuI";
- sout << "7AmGsPFU2EsfOzmwdZctDGXq2/IutVDmwGiucpBKsRN4y12Q1FWKpceVj2q761LfDx2qJoeZKTPZ";
- sout << "jHPdXnGKcWy+DM6GoH9e5jP4CW+HfdHe474bHfLDbP4NE1oF1vdh4NcLy6woi47hg3FS60z+wePD";
- sout << "bWq29WsSwU5oXq58nMxKOBiMcbGFrkOme/Z59Ybi7Cw1+U3nGE3evCFyVMC6g4f/jvCyWF5I3Nm3";
- sout << "OqmkO6fmZ4ahql6C+RwfdRM8A3FllNPgO5riBNX6RA5xKj+JS+OZUrSSN+tUqcgN18IlmLBExEUt";
- sout << "rdG06PKy+WM8Cju3gtbOFX43H4URr9CQcDxWbN6NoqgF8k5a/4+xf7DilfGJg0E2Vu8GG7tmFSU/";
- sout << "LS6gtfLOFyEnQkTzqK8OhVPVLT62cEfCZN9ZY3iKQyZ+VLQhxwarUAgqeNAMXM40NBJqnUIaaTKa";
- sout << "ryhHefUHazhfVgx2+GikVF9wvMobCvvP1qYONlL9EH+ufuLEw1V35BYIIClbrC2uMrnF0H3QbuJQ";
- sout << "ma69tq8TDPkyDLiaczKuAxUzJoj9reJOYGYTxzP7AQKmmEmEZ2cX6+2klWcRXv23XXN8Ypjjnj+d";
- sout << "fTdzxV4kzcHwOYMsI92tadahezCm9uOR0d8p9IH61QQSlUlJw8tX0TpGkNhZpv23STjQhb+uxzAX";
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- sout << "26eq7Je4Ttr1cC/xy452i3pJocbhCqrNUG85RyB5FXHAv6GMvm0rUIa6IyC/kfis+sQsdYkQ8GMQ";
- sout << "wL2s8fdDT6l38N9JbRNwdRv8Xa9QAjwcGNbP2v7tAzM5MyhHW7FImYVAaNAaLbzE8v95zeGpT8Cl";
- sout << "CWronhkcJRab8AKP2UcqAD+mW1hVEAqyDe7oWoZziKa2G5aW2vs/WG0z+NqL1zGvUekDcmJ5L4SK";
- sout << "XgdQgxMb/1k48YqYQZFtQrIqoBbYn4qPeB7i378T5TLcCgB6SldsFdlNzs/czN0doroozh3W+sli";
- sout << "d15Qnv5WMjOinjh0Ybt13wcUzeT2p0ovTtYLoiYAhDeAibydJETLdcozfpXFIJNUSoH6TcLge3tr";
- sout << "0uVP92B1O+n0MibJvLsLUKQ9ueIiHgZb6bUSUixAg89QCDRLCZgkg24DLZ4MMTg7IRfFm2eR2lmJ";
- sout << "Erpe62rf2+JE5JTqU88yn6kLK3bQ9vmaGRZ1NUxibTcdpo4hH91qIldLT+jrdmhrawRjYcRduYGO";
- sout << "WXgjTbgKRTxnqrXwRD4Hl/B1EV6ggYC+jn3LQHaT6bYd1hORmtuLKy9duSHVCNBAZvnto27l+h6g";
- sout << "VbUF8eZasmk+q8Fn83bx7C3eKoHjr6acEUyQxtWVCbmeaMd7h48Mt3Z3r8TyX3DkwQmpClciwpyC";
- sout << "E+pbYEWMZXGOuXPmcHTM/Iky8jNSWyw2lLVQQUzPOJ0v0dtNipYRZqBQCDtSE0JuA3Jo8l00uox2";
- sout << "bH11ErfGplsGZJejPGL8ba90e6xeLwH5oe/GduQ0/Xk4+faqBhy/7TFeexQcFDRCCTrC8+jATm82";
- sout << "vHo+NWJjjDlEI4+F2FOhpRg7MtrrzNP/e+cD++wYeGjkRplbxd5PeyALnjZJ6kghJqFLL3NJ1E4Q";
- sout << "gKmRErg1xWWQzyuDbbXPr5dwwRyZU0gkG0WTwyUy2dFV4KRyn2IbMH6STm+0af96YF0joZzkUroH";
- sout << "ztMN8dWtmQESq6EYQfGlhQzNoBKLXjN3LK4TMWBE+1N5ilXkgv3cnN74RZHdLhEXRJnF29x/DmVQ";
- sout << "qZQ4s31Vk0kqKdQ8tW0rs82+dMMtFv8+P2rYA1GZJQV4P5/TBU36BVetlN+swvULk4XpoqhTTMbx";
- sout << "Oj9tONiyIiJitC3YiCU+G5uL0YETB8nSKrtHRiBD8k7nYj4fbUtSbu9+lKRsVK7kU41mKdBImON1";
- sout << "6Qk0XqAx2DEK4w59khYMRRxOD4u2zZWDVp+Nl7Sd7ihas/vQx5yLXHKmIpjCK3SQYjJz09txIErQ";
- sout << "0wJJZoSxH8efhGsTPuVrbQpGcHLD7bIkWf5kjR9MmOBCmUGgeeGOyi45x0k6Cx+z9oaaTXYcvRtY";
- sout << "M+R8tW5gCLaOPjfbq4QjP6yfYogoaTiSEKOPcMgiOQKrXNiv2ahVBT/lvkm6Q8+IdesGWJtD6xqo";
- sout << "+CC486Du6CFDzAHcnLMk5c3CqDfFGl5Yf68bV4aGm28BaM4vikeKRhm2tULeM7PipfQiI9R9Gy/L";
- sout << "1yZB26qciwCalP4CA2NVjiJut7FZgTF2bO/g0qfvyKsAxMetRTmqALBJi8QvKqAE4i/8gRlTuwgV";
- sout << "x6EGsUPCIcQmD8aJkZgy8+erSAY7MLcnUXu90AC37BLyaOt0tzJKfVRb6cP8wfZHqJneoGSNAA==";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'feats1.dat'
- const std::string get_decoded_string_fhog_feats()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'fhog.feats' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "AXAWQhjCEZzu/U+RFPgnRfCFsyRzQjyOA8TMshjEOL3FZhUZD4amYHfLuNN8NZrJyy2CdiXOWrFH";
- sout << "dTTKsMQkSz9f2VGKE6GCsTcZ+fpbk+d7fBnS2DEUkw5ttiSxj/VsrigkeV0MEUR//EP3/w1uvJad";
- sout << "96PFVeqVf6tEmcuuUbYzViC13lfnps7ftXmic5CwLZ97llqMYpLKgfEIXZpelB2al6PyVAg2FOfe";
- sout << "2L/SzviQ001tYYgx+L2v057L/lJdx2+uOQ7tovbsY0zEBEXTr14ZQW5Wd2lWnj+CrBNQ/4wMQZIV";
- sout << "86X5JV6nl/fxrM3eF5+U6U5cZoZFnn9vRONE0kf6/g6W4Z8qQNL2mJ/M8oKoLGtuaaEjymk0ENRM";
- sout << "0M9GMLrO/qfcH/DHUb/HaK851L5sPuf150ecpIbPmQpxTOpI5XwmvwDAP9BCmLazQWQV85wJJFom";
- sout << "LjT9dNi7eRsV0mNCZDwO9iwUTv6KfAR3Vn4t30X3n3+x+Yhnq5PU/4vu7GJpje25uxICm6+PC9bz";
- sout << "QJC3wiw7jrlF8eRb2kZywIJHWtrN39R1tddENrGZkU8LlPTDcqTqfuwC1HXSt0GKlDRBW42DkSxm";
- sout << "E7yKype2G4bgbSnuf/LKftuWlNXzMP3cDFdChtKJNOws6btgvS014C4UGWe3uNVp9SNAmAFyh+UE";
- sout << "rRTl1w3RNom0yvlee9IP1sB8mOEZn5Rrzo2lCyTm6w49PlLfnS293FxvnpRSSlvqUt1lhzzEh7Wd";
- sout << "YjK90oPWGqvNn/bP1vQW35KlVrc+JT9VlewcZRYJAq2OigVxa9Ao8Gs+fFyh8/Aym6Y3Z6+Y7Xna";
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- sout << "urO85952cv4aI/cJ5tz8S6f1v71F1gIz76zL0UNlkULQf3tqEleTqVF5Q+YKAtov0Tig9xiSuCZN";
- sout << "btjVVpg06zlRqmnRqWpZU4W7uu19MKe6BGoZ08l5K/3UNgucyuUBTGtTGt35QaML+N4WLcTYj90J";
- sout << "41Tlt+OD4C8nZ1ID982h7X+YxmnSdMNnaeM2Lc/h8twOwg11vHf6OSo6st4yjK201O8lH0Lemips";
- sout << "LsO2qhAsF4AcWVG7HKUNh5jMr7TTQ/SPP2qiJ6eglJYLFAlwtCSXRSJFuK93Y3eUtzDpVDh44tDJ";
- sout << "y+Bsa9oWJrBeBouo9DHG20N+wJB3rOVDprmq1ZGfhkSzqmVzPk6motDY/jkPGZ2E8/NIWpXpyU8z";
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- sout << "GW0FheFD0IHXVxaJtTuPeDuMML/YrAqdyzibareHbg2Hn4aS+qhRUcMyemOzrvjhGF23oSXbJqaO";
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- sout << "31HWlbHjMtG9RD3zqkIXwerCkhElWfxG2M9ja1S7M4+0VrS9nT2ngc/n/KZDpinuB3GIOnnaqiqQ";
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- sout << "jvaYU1WlKZhjWcA7fHkUyGchIe+KJE8DcW+huCO5iz6gPWwy3ZURQEW+wYPD4Sp6szOTOPsNKcN/";
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- sout << "zW5dznFYvB8R+LTy2SW4WFvMWzJAlggi1N7w25/rvtnt57E+I5TimCjAKJ5Vcjj/R0DOqX4BNnOK";
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- sout << "73oz5l7AIAIReUzdvMLk5ZbmqdW4JHBR5XBA3rTpAyNEunRi2Ddy1eBt4i8I7GlXaaZ7sVS028ze";
- sout << "VkY4WR/6FJKO8ccbofsJb8BiM8UZdPmkRdEKGgFv13dkq6inmo3S52P5S50mYapa1YKvWCvMHaov";
- sout << "z8BOe6WqptQRGc+vZ4v1vgq40yaWBa9pSTyvntLUKCkQX0qi3ifKhRykXP6SBylckIHs8DfuJqXP";
- sout << "X06djSx/F7IyvBQg90SLa1h5hYRTAchYX1ZgvG7LlSvPp7i+sWCx5D7KpTbF6O7AU8kMPpaRm2wE";
- sout << "RvZ4DCgXdh9Lgw69wRlMfWJEJcV3mOIGDRoBZToyJqgHMDJigCet6NIsD2xvvza5JWPf3DURWRHz";
- sout << "wdVqLXlUivD6/9r290ZcIbdWFMbz2aY9x/ojLrJmAGX/kySItIXsJlDbcvquJWNc6UYrpxurQEku";
- sout << "ejm7E6HjXUPmi9gh2kRkw29A5xIFaugoph9dZSwyCEx2BbqY21hwQ5elfdcvdJD/fe7iiWmfrtxQ";
- sout << "BqVebUOrY5+/vEvMf7EupYK8cxtCb3mvViCR0rGokTwuw7NVuMH6DEJ/zXB7BO/2bPXnr48Q2pmM";
- sout << "pThaXSCJ5Ta1SZqGZRG5pBsUWg8MCQBc/KmDWv5csQlqDJOLvEULRsKdxxcm2wBthRXx97JVHMwe";
- sout << "Tlb1TkjoSIQonMsvU+dRJCW3qhgbR4i0t7wGfbg9YdXG8LiKJHvkpu/IPKHZtaMxOp3O6kl7Lcb+";
- sout << "Zr412Aanu8BN5GP+rW8/C+TjEBG/WeR23iZr6SByC7TCzZwJO25J6mtC1nFxdAUizSmxUfwDwvdE";
- sout << "5WyGMq8TTIHZ9KvKMw/jODKXcviOmLHY9CsPtYXbChnF/fWgQx/ykshrLmtSqFEaOt4YCiPFKQHh";
- sout << "/IjsYqcs0UQeGTk/6tnp8Cewe8A1DAaBEI1RTllobQKLXEUBWAV0VcrVXILhemvApUW0uqu6dSqg";
- sout << "cfv9uvu1BblNEfNmfTcUssCnDQ5c5vFjEB1KESkrBTL+p6bEn2b1bbxQrhiqnVO6mi9anbtBgBU4";
- sout << "lTjSG4KMnsD63xnrLapoU7ReEZxGjsQgm1Af8/lewJajhNOZi3FmDgkb8Lhq2rz8OYy6pwXCEM07";
- sout << "JwMzOWFBZDUA";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'feats2.dat'
- const std::string get_decoded_string_fhog_grayscale()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'fhog.feats' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "AXE4jk6QRzUCNtyVtAwaCkqQk/DMJKm1t48e6FXsZJ/Zfw0Utm0AVwNlJU7O2+XVsftV/yE3zO4S";
- sout << "YG9DY33gIQWV6sw7AGva02FE7zlkRbW3IOyZeG5LYs2r4vGYmZvZuYQJ8CVmkJpGrYioIuqWLyoD";
- sout << "IfAFmt0z7HREwTsGxP9BG6UIXb95jQCGocuoO+MxQNpq3qtMAr+C2xnN3Na+ITiKYUX+zEP+FrWJ";
- sout << "uqsYqhyN4H+1rlYaLhrj0nhUs4+Zp+fn3LZecDsZGeq6KDEIM68rOZAY8WWA/o4x30cQ0P299z2m";
- sout << "7Pl1vRxpN3MdgzkS2zlOpGnrexfA3TK07nFcTK4Lc97t/75JULM85uEo6yYUBjyeY7MPYTHaM0tH";
- sout << "+TGdAqQBf6TbnYya1MK0BM0nVLp4TkMeRZj49erCtZIVaFWOYmufs3LywApX8AQZAsBhU0QA5cQu";
- sout << "G6HKcdTiqxUxbjOIueAxWBbDbGIwUj8URJVh/WVW4TAXnzZu48JvRzif++Xeswz6O8+PXdPVp4BG";
- sout << "TaJv9bBwqV1y7lM/T9FxktP3YIcnbW+ezBUh/logAVeLzCAbYaqChRMUkBizO54DEiA+NBDV5ndu";
- sout << "Iax8NL9DFp1zmO8gdJBZZLgzf6K8ZbRwwKNlLEkVEZGKei3aVIwo7ed0tjG4aEIodgAuoXD8oa4p";
- sout << "t7v3sYbn/Wz94AyvAwFV0M1mAMaXqXhpfJSb5CJsSOyKqUtBBhpS58V6Gsq9M9weuwVHee5JI8PI";
- sout << "bY8WlfQNSVo4JcToIdKPhehz4Ywad3gdX8DhSd+WBT2aMomB71jr3m9CcC9da3oxXjh/jVaN/boQ";
- sout << "oY5UqFGZ7T1b42x79PiIoOY339sKYR9vr7WPDHTouVtas/3hJBkBKwXqKmBbRPU2N4DTgpt+1zFq";
- sout << "nig8prSmjiAh9ofp20Pbl5FbYoIdoOfLgYIluAOuT0XhKxLAwWoNGLBA37bGagSxzXnzlDPpFDZ2";
- sout << "WVdrBwehuD4WhBRxMiTZkzJwhzRkyvsBnO/JqFxXAD5b2CvH9p+3P/czeRv2hRjNZaKHEfdMtIWn";
- sout << "lPR1zWmZ3LTMBR8R2kmAUt50Sikzj2TpzLlBhemvUVAcv0HEdiILnp3eilOx/ee7GzEroOMHuOGe";
- sout << "moxWRB1EHj6h2Ya6TVmMb47SzMwKo7mf1PtZ5JLDk61k6Bv9M0WCDiwxlBwC/PjTxHDsTOWRrSJG";
- sout << "roZ/csy/RQF//nA0f8uKC9HWmGTOsrA6VAVteglGi9k6E9etxvmGCQD2ud2tyz2HSnklJAMutXd+";
- sout << "flvArk1avpvwXGoNgT3EsEicUGOg93vXl1A873vbHtwnycMzAa8NYjZGW/GPROg8yKkbpoxK+Zel";
- sout << "+VP14SvqQDKEYDevoGuQWhsQHhW7bYeSa0bSamm9DFzqK2Ld4/aU7JUHYdaAvAJPIHe3F/N8NcJ1";
- sout << "RE7VoQlrVZXBy33Ly6wwiv1rm8yK4sMdBnNXcxzCyG1NkPsmC/16A08Dy8RV7nJhd1iOJ3gy9BUG";
- sout << "Y4ofrw/XzITd6vL8mIJW2jyrVzW2OPqMWy6IO/7CHz7d3k5+7KTKWkksTRsuAYWDgZtU5Umph0kN";
- sout << "/RRnuBRIe/6KYj5/thAY7yLmGFoy8jhDmIikSP/l/pJhUjjgKk1R+oYHGDJ4FSD2KNfRDQ/xHZb2";
- sout << "++ObYSCHAuhB1HoJBwPcmxkFtxjS047iGXnXo+2nchItcrtifnQTeI0qyV6conJnskM4jfhnKsj7";
- sout << "A7y4owQjOvkDwu0GueuDOTo/9mW2NjAaiHCp8yarSV1dPI1b/XR231+p5IEp1zWzqFr+O3pDAL8F";
- sout << "+eU/vj8taOxtT0CcT0gW2rRr8oTigRWCUGP1hxDBdhJtAa7Q+CuFvmtpjm/4fmbroJ5ZVNA/71FN";
- sout << "yL9DKBmiVTwljf+yRpTGhpMG+xky30zS2R150N93YDDXVT9StjKaOrtLap+9w7BtCvXGdPiyR2QN";
- sout << "g7gqzrz31poE36fAwM4san1jbbTC+eYcTErQ2wXCQkVne3kbVOwErB0ayl7rNqkw5b3gAME4+DnN";
- sout << "IM13kdtxY2WeBND96g2enTmFizxHWFzW2asW4/XqGt8EVmzTB4XM/Ytd+XXaNadRUHh44wiNIhPp";
- sout << "txmIbtkSesyQ4YYSmUYEEcYkZwfcRxHUAGCcnQbSKGLq+N5IcyiLVwhXDfK4fqxH7Oi5DmOwAVmV";
- sout << "kdDQ6GP7wDcrkAQS9s6fL04bNf7rodacAPdX4HwIKa2YykdXWOiQhp6BRxjUG44AVV5fiTGP1WVn";
- sout << "MJKXYzSyY5oN3ADAT5em+cIYYVPnsnZBuUzAjHAw3WYj4VlRIrmP+oPdKPFncEyfTn1G7DbmyaPd";
- sout << "TL3DdB8EDImfZ+A2UMr2i7jynH/fFXzsi2PM9cFKxCsEqG2LGr7KZDP2FFEVvWwIDnvUClj9nrHd";
- sout << "zyioiild+DW6PoYvqFQX4LUf9Jr09RiJuIvz35I/15pBQbSnTxD1RFJwR92k0yA3514jYBAtfLmf";
- sout << "/1refalgDjOyD1ntgp3INSYSbpR3TqNIynWwSJGxq9I5aFJypV3Nq8w2Rn3/kld9nqDaTG79ns13";
- sout << "dwfPOiIZyfdrcxkYOtS4+iijs+YE3JhRKVWMf6ub0cVXttJGORgpzgkSoDWNVZ6O3hVydCziYzoS";
- sout << "RgHUH2Oas+aZK5IF3Z3aaRYc0A+wy/PEx84LRHsAYdPUQJr+bGseC4wScP1Dyc3xpeJSR1V9t2tc";
- sout << "AMbhtwcKGX4j5nGnhxSevKzbCDteEnB23TnSQwbuWYmzhB77V3jpu1Cm2h7FcKGM8vPbAQeRBr1b";
- sout << "+RY95s8hsZGi/USiu4TQ/wHZfEGYcHuVBI920d84pPRVe5EJ8+FzZj+Qy7JwriqLN+7WyUCFdwxn";
- sout << "4B+WXHTe2epBJMQzlE25kKDHKb2lDDv5HzVUlrZK4rEShkPNv8SB3U9u20GTLlHJbM8RDvPkNjmu";
- sout << "U4ZLDSJylDaRHWqgchgMnmX08aprI/o1HbgZ5aiByXAUoHSSGHanyYmW/S0LOW7YZH+jOgxzW68U";
- sout << "lheNnX6Z26RdMe5Xtkd5jx2jXgIT7HADCN8wWdZEVT7FvXRoxtO3nz30cbOim/+IvB2lt//OcTJU";
- sout << "BwkyweuhJtiXZV1yY+X2z3dWBjBXVFWidPMMWjTUIwalo9A91RL6ZS25kuBXKm/BV6X/zAHkY+jB";
- sout << "A7qJGLPe5h6SO3GKPSLv0wE+9G6VIhH2TPLfAd+PpqM+xuUNlWlo5JR6ItOgGHuFdjZeDlISYOID";
- sout << "CJn4zfaU6M4Dmw+m1wsIiyQy4Cw0DcZYUjwStEfLJu7BRyFI55wEbXJr36PRWpvB2wzkI4z1u2yM";
- sout << "7bFvguH0teVxtMwQy9S4lT9JlfX8QEqNRsuxzQprPJqj0ie2cFBrvJ2E0FtcuarikbcYAmC1iYdz";
- sout << "Tc2CRVe60taBHR92AsvuTv5OhCIssVc5W+Lbv5e3S0vLwUprWPhfbth/zNevKNiIeogTJOOTQexo";
- sout << "4EhJ2pf8QSz+ixlWi5ffYKLKSx03wYBZ3fNIhJDP+Y0mz2pd0IyGhxDrMAxYHhPjoEGCfYX6fYz2";
- sout << "XQGQ1eTGvNEATqz2v9HxYBicYAcW4mjEcTqsMHMYcboVgqiLxOD+jOHJqNrw+eiuC2Ucu6muQ2es";
- sout << "Zhbo1UNZO/J9XbsZIKa6t0PX0CSczL02Dti8r5rCQ7yeUgwZFzy5oJSShAuUvBDILXBeDhnuU4W3";
- sout << "eooTvk0lkb8sNAgkUlvHXgdN9jkfQuHqX453IOffB9TnxopLuxS3R6uuRa5ED2pWkL0L5ceftRv3";
- sout << "0T/sMlHmTNoQhcJSoINMf7f+WmHa95iD1HolQNFJaDEUzLV1DfD2mntncFZoJ4zlr+b/94qp8s/n";
- sout << "NM0CyoI4ansElbkkjUs7QQp+43pGXu8sRgg7tva7/3vUwLp3Md+8WkX+uppIhj25nlwfkD6IHxdk";
- sout << "uFNPNgdIikcM463W56CKek7LufT8wQG13mJOMJCObvhW/EU/yb/88hegDxeVJKrWHRyebllsFbZ9";
- sout << "UeEWkJPKdA+YHilgfSX0aFgofCDmmh1k/cO2RPqIGIqZSfT//6lFEDdzPcCLp/kd4oq7qh5Ko7lo";
- sout << "bg4N9n6F90oJI+JFJRLy6bEhZC/7obQlP6FFUUqSpizj18+zTLPUaDpt3/eg9QeXUeKcNlkHYt23";
- sout << "AqzS6PqB9t4bUr+E81QUxpegh5V0M4OPQJbFQ4/rna/AwZVDmGRjJLKzkWUwpnIv7f2+Gl+91ly2";
- sout << "ve9Ube6Jf9h9M/j7kppHRARY4QbXauYAcSp3wRaIueJWx36dMsqgzuYfwHIyuhGS3CbC1EHUZwM5";
- sout << "hgCHFvPGHLM7T7p4w6k0e7n8RZJsDybyDAydW8SfSI6LIeX2st4LOHrdLrpUNPyE9JyuIMCSnPaT";
- sout << "1XnjdWev4jjMeXxa1XWbzy0AQpeQ0UYA4OpqRSu1DyoPWf4IA+bf012m5Im/1BiGF972Ie/6CNvS";
- sout << "niYOfmxxLWTihdMtslxiy53y2MW2iDzLxX5nvUSyKXfO1XUlDJGTd/zfUywZcY8cgI/f1IPzr2Lk";
- sout << "3/YKqkJ2De4IpbixDEkbgAroIaoOZXEGD+yNzXVcyISIhMiKHJERdwVxp4j3duc3M04wrwJMZvtK";
- sout << "lk5jnn+ILhTxcpboq8gge4CbWziUUj9du6mklxZaeYBBpB6CzlVLitesXieA/zl2JnWzRMD7Ho3r";
- sout << "LLSqxh9UeFgjFtb3ilKSHNZH6x1DS0hFhEIA";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- };
- fhog_tester a;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/filtering.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/filtering.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 61dc88440..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/filtering.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/filtering.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.filtering");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename filter_type>
- double test_filter (
- filter_type kf,
- int size
- )
- {
- // This test has a point moving in a circle around the origin. The point
- // also gets a random bump in a random direction at each time step.
- running_stats<double> rs;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- int count = 0;
- const dlib::vector<double,3> z(0,0,1);
- dlib::vector<double,2> p(10,10), temp;
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- // move the point around in a circle
- p += z.cross(p).normalize()/0.5;
- // randomly drop measurements
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.7 || count < 4)
- {
- // make a random bump
- dlib::vector<double,2> pp;
- pp.x() = rnd.get_random_gaussian()/3;
- pp.y() = rnd.get_random_gaussian()/3;
- ++count;
- kf.update(p+pp);
- }
- else
- {
- kf.update();
- }
- // figure out the next position
- temp = (p+z.cross(p).normalize()/0.5);
- const double error = length(temp - rowm(kf.get_predicted_next_state(),range(0,1)));
- rs.add(error);
- dlog << LTRACE << temp << "("<< error << "): " << trans(kf.get_predicted_next_state());
- // test the serialization a few times.
- if (count < 10)
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(kf, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- filter_type temp;
- deserialize(temp, sin);
- kf = temp;
- }
- }
- return rs.mean();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_kalman_filter()
- {
- matrix<double,2,2> R;
- R = 0.3, 0,
- 0, 0.3;
- // the variables in the state are
- // x,y, x velocity, y velocity, x acceleration, and y acceleration
- matrix<double,6,6> A;
- A = 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1;
- // the measurements only tell us the positions
- matrix<double,2,6> H;
- H = 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0;
- kalman_filter<6,2> kf;
- kf.set_measurement_noise(R);
- matrix<double> pn = 0.01*identity_matrix<double,6>();
- kf.set_process_noise(pn);
- kf.set_observation_model(H);
- kf.set_transition_model(A);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(kf.get_observation_model() , H));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(kf.get_transition_model() , A));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(kf.get_measurement_noise() , R));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(kf.get_process_noise() , pn));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(kf.get_current_estimation_error_covariance() , identity_matrix(pn)));
- double kf_error = test_filter(kf, 300);
- dlog << LINFO << "kf error: "<< kf_error;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(kf_error < 0.75, kf_error);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_rls_filter()
- {
- rls_filter rls(10, 0.99, 0.1);
- DLIB_TEST(rls.get_window_size() == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(rls.get_forget_factor() == 0.99);
- DLIB_TEST(rls.get_c() == 0.1);
- double rls_error = test_filter(rls, 1000);
- dlog << LINFO << "rls error: "<< rls_error;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rls_error < 0.75, rls_error);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class filtering_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- filtering_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_filtering",
- "Runs tests on the filtering stuff (rls and kalman filters).")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_rls_filter();
- test_kalman_filter();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_max_factor_graph_nmplp.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_max_factor_graph_nmplp.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2260e92a1..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_max_factor_graph_nmplp.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,787 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <dlib/unordered_pair.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.find_max_factor_graph_nmplp");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlib::rand rnd;
- template <bool fully_connected>
- class map_problem
- {
- /*
- This is a simple 8 node problem with two cycles in it unless fully_connected is true
- and then it's a fully connected 8 note graph.
- */
- public:
- mutable std::map<unordered_pair<int>,std::map<std::pair<int,int>,double> > weights;
- map_problem()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- for (int j = i; j < 8; ++j)
- {
- weights[make_unordered_pair(i,j)][make_pair(0,0)] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- weights[make_unordered_pair(i,j)][make_pair(0,1)] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- weights[make_unordered_pair(i,j)][make_pair(1,0)] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- weights[make_unordered_pair(i,j)][make_pair(1,1)] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- }
- }
- }
- struct node_iterator
- {
- node_iterator() {}
- node_iterator(unsigned long nid_): nid(nid_) {}
- bool operator== (const node_iterator& item) const { return item.nid == nid; }
- bool operator!= (const node_iterator& item) const { return item.nid != nid; }
- node_iterator& operator++()
- {
- ++nid;
- return *this;
- }
- unsigned long nid;
- };
- struct neighbor_iterator
- {
- neighbor_iterator() : count(0) {}
- bool operator== (const neighbor_iterator& item) const { return item.node_id() == node_id(); }
- bool operator!= (const neighbor_iterator& item) const { return item.node_id() != node_id(); }
- neighbor_iterator& operator++()
- {
- ++count;
- return *this;
- }
- unsigned long node_id () const
- {
- if (fully_connected)
- {
- if (count < home_node)
- return count;
- else
- return count+1;
- }
- if (home_node < 4)
- {
- if (count == 0)
- return (home_node + 4 + 1)%4;
- else if (count == 1)
- return (home_node + 4 - 1)%4;
- else
- return 8; // one past the end
- }
- else
- {
- if (count == 0)
- return (home_node + 4 + 1)%4 + 4;
- else if (count == 1)
- return (home_node + 4 - 1)%4 + 4;
- else
- return 8; // one past the end
- }
- }
- unsigned long home_node;
- unsigned long count;
- };
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const
- {
- return 8;
- }
- node_iterator begin(
- ) const
- {
- node_iterator temp;
- temp.nid = 0;
- return temp;
- }
- node_iterator end(
- ) const
- {
- node_iterator temp;
- temp.nid = 8;
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator begin(
- const node_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.home_node = it.nid;
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator begin(
- const neighbor_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.home_node = it.node_id();
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator end(
- const node_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.home_node = 9;
- temp.count = 8;
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator end(
- const neighbor_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.home_node = 9;
- temp.count = 8;
- return temp;
- }
- unsigned long node_id (
- const node_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- return it.nid;
- }
- unsigned long node_id (
- const neighbor_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- return it.node_id();
- }
- unsigned long num_states (
- const node_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- return 2;
- }
- unsigned long num_states (
- const neighbor_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- return 2;
- }
- double factor_value (const node_iterator& it1, const node_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.nid, it2.nid, s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const neighbor_iterator& it1, const node_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.node_id(), it2.nid, s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const node_iterator& it1, const neighbor_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.nid, it2.node_id(), s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const neighbor_iterator& it1, const neighbor_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.node_id(), it2.node_id(), s1, s2); }
- private:
- double basic_factor_value (
- unsigned long n1,
- unsigned long n2,
- unsigned long s1,
- unsigned long s2
- ) const
- {
- if (n1 > n2)
- {
- swap(n1,n2);
- swap(s1,s2);
- }
- return weights[make_unordered_pair(n1,n2)][make_pair(s1,s2)];
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class map_problem_chain
- {
- /*
- This is a chain structured 8 node graph (so no cycles).
- */
- public:
- mutable std::map<unordered_pair<int>,std::map<std::pair<int,int>,double> > weights;
- map_problem_chain()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
- {
- weights[make_unordered_pair(i,i+1)][make_pair(0,0)] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- weights[make_unordered_pair(i,i+1)][make_pair(0,1)] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- weights[make_unordered_pair(i,i+1)][make_pair(1,0)] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- weights[make_unordered_pair(i,i+1)][make_pair(1,1)] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- }
- }
- struct node_iterator
- {
- node_iterator() {}
- node_iterator(unsigned long nid_): nid(nid_) {}
- bool operator== (const node_iterator& item) const { return item.nid == nid; }
- bool operator!= (const node_iterator& item) const { return item.nid != nid; }
- node_iterator& operator++()
- {
- ++nid;
- return *this;
- }
- unsigned long nid;
- };
- struct neighbor_iterator
- {
- neighbor_iterator() : count(0) {}
- bool operator== (const neighbor_iterator& item) const { return item.node_id() == node_id(); }
- bool operator!= (const neighbor_iterator& item) const { return item.node_id() != node_id(); }
- neighbor_iterator& operator++()
- {
- ++count;
- return *this;
- }
- unsigned long node_id () const
- {
- if (count >= 2)
- return 8;
- return nid[count];
- }
- unsigned long nid[2];
- unsigned int count;
- };
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const
- {
- return 8;
- }
- node_iterator begin(
- ) const
- {
- node_iterator temp;
- temp.nid = 0;
- return temp;
- }
- node_iterator end(
- ) const
- {
- node_iterator temp;
- temp.nid = 8;
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator begin(
- const node_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- if (it.nid == 0)
- {
- temp.nid[0] = it.nid+1;
- temp.nid[1] = 8;
- }
- else if (it.nid == 7)
- {
- temp.nid[0] = it.nid-1;
- temp.nid[1] = 8;
- }
- else
- {
- temp.nid[0] = it.nid-1;
- temp.nid[1] = it.nid+1;
- }
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator begin(
- const neighbor_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- const unsigned long nid = it.node_id();
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- if (nid == 0)
- {
- temp.nid[0] = nid+1;
- temp.nid[1] = 8;
- }
- else if (nid == 7)
- {
- temp.nid[0] = nid-1;
- temp.nid[1] = 8;
- }
- else
- {
- temp.nid[0] = nid-1;
- temp.nid[1] = nid+1;
- }
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator end(
- const node_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.nid[0] = 8;
- temp.nid[1] = 8;
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator end(
- const neighbor_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.nid[0] = 8;
- temp.nid[1] = 8;
- return temp;
- }
- unsigned long node_id (
- const node_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- return it.nid;
- }
- unsigned long node_id (
- const neighbor_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- return it.node_id();
- }
- unsigned long num_states (
- const node_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- return 2;
- }
- unsigned long num_states (
- const neighbor_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- return 2;
- }
- double factor_value (const node_iterator& it1, const node_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.nid, it2.nid, s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const neighbor_iterator& it1, const node_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.node_id(), it2.nid, s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const node_iterator& it1, const neighbor_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.nid, it2.node_id(), s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const neighbor_iterator& it1, const neighbor_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.node_id(), it2.node_id(), s1, s2); }
- private:
- double basic_factor_value (
- unsigned long n1,
- unsigned long n2,
- unsigned long s1,
- unsigned long s2
- ) const
- {
- if (n1 > n2)
- {
- swap(n1,n2);
- swap(s1,s2);
- }
- return weights[make_unordered_pair(n1,n2)][make_pair(s1,s2)];
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class map_problem2
- {
- /*
- This is a simple tree structured graph. In particular, it is a star made
- up of 6 nodes.
- */
- public:
- matrix<double> numbers;
- map_problem2()
- {
- numbers = randm(5,3,rnd);
- }
- struct node_iterator
- {
- node_iterator() {}
- node_iterator(unsigned long nid_): nid(nid_) {}
- bool operator== (const node_iterator& item) const { return item.nid == nid; }
- bool operator!= (const node_iterator& item) const { return item.nid != nid; }
- node_iterator& operator++()
- {
- ++nid;
- return *this;
- }
- unsigned long nid;
- };
- struct neighbor_iterator
- {
- neighbor_iterator() : count(0) {}
- bool operator== (const neighbor_iterator& item) const { return item.node_id() == node_id(); }
- bool operator!= (const neighbor_iterator& item) const { return item.node_id() != node_id(); }
- neighbor_iterator& operator++()
- {
- ++count;
- return *this;
- }
- unsigned long node_id () const
- {
- if (home_node == 6)
- return 6;
- if (home_node < 5)
- {
- // all the nodes are connected to node 5 and nothing else
- if (count == 0)
- return 5;
- else
- return 6; // the number returned by the end() functions.
- }
- else if (count < 5)
- {
- return count;
- }
- else
- {
- return 6;
- }
- }
- unsigned long home_node;
- unsigned long count;
- };
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const
- {
- return 6;
- }
- node_iterator begin(
- ) const
- {
- node_iterator temp;
- temp.nid = 0;
- return temp;
- }
- node_iterator end(
- ) const
- {
- node_iterator temp;
- temp.nid = 6;
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator begin(
- const node_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.home_node = it.nid;
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator begin(
- const neighbor_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.home_node = it.node_id();
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator end(
- const node_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.home_node = 6;
- return temp;
- }
- neighbor_iterator end(
- const neighbor_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- neighbor_iterator temp;
- temp.home_node = 6;
- return temp;
- }
- unsigned long node_id (
- const node_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- return it.nid;
- }
- unsigned long node_id (
- const neighbor_iterator& it
- ) const
- {
- return it.node_id();
- }
- unsigned long num_states (
- const node_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- return 3;
- }
- unsigned long num_states (
- const neighbor_iterator&
- ) const
- {
- return 3;
- }
- double factor_value (const node_iterator& it1, const node_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.nid, it2.nid, s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const neighbor_iterator& it1, const node_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.node_id(), it2.nid, s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const node_iterator& it1, const neighbor_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.nid, it2.node_id(), s1, s2); }
- double factor_value (const neighbor_iterator& it1, const neighbor_iterator& it2, unsigned long s1, unsigned long s2) const
- { return basic_factor_value(it1.node_id(), it2.node_id(), s1, s2); }
- private:
- double basic_factor_value (
- unsigned long n1,
- unsigned long n2,
- unsigned long s1,
- unsigned long s2
- ) const
- {
- if (n1 > n2)
- {
- swap(n1,n2);
- swap(s1,s2);
- }
- // basically ignore the other node in this factor. The node we
- // are ignoring is the center node of this star graph. So we basically
- // let it always have a value of 1.
- if (s2 == 1)
- return numbers(n1,s1) + 1;
- else
- return numbers(n1,s1);
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename map_problem>
- double find_total_score (
- const map_problem& prob,
- const std::vector<unsigned long>& map_assignment
- )
- {
- typedef typename map_problem::node_iterator node_iterator;
- typedef typename map_problem::neighbor_iterator neighbor_iterator;
- double score = 0;
- for (node_iterator i = prob.begin(); i != prob.end(); ++i)
- {
- const unsigned long id_i = prob.node_id(i);
- for (neighbor_iterator j = prob.begin(i); j != prob.end(i); ++j)
- {
- const unsigned long id_j = prob.node_id(j);
- score += prob.factor_value(i,j, map_assignment[id_i], map_assignment[id_j]);
- }
- }
- return score;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename map_problem
- >
- void brute_force_find_max_factor_graph_nmplp (
- const map_problem& prob,
- std::vector<unsigned long>& map_assignment
- )
- {
- std::vector<unsigned long> temp_assignment;
- temp_assignment.resize(prob.number_of_nodes(),0);
- double best_score = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 255; ++i)
- {
- temp_assignment[0] = (i&0x01)!=0;
- temp_assignment[1] = (i&0x02)!=0;
- temp_assignment[2] = (i&0x04)!=0;
- temp_assignment[3] = (i&0x08)!=0;
- temp_assignment[4] = (i&0x10)!=0;
- temp_assignment[5] = (i&0x20)!=0;
- temp_assignment[6] = (i&0x40)!=0;
- temp_assignment[7] = (i&0x80)!=0;
- double score = find_total_score(prob,temp_assignment);
- if (score > best_score)
- {
- best_score = score;
- map_assignment = temp_assignment;
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename map_problem>
- void do_test(
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<unsigned long> map_assignment1, map_assignment2;
- map_problem prob;
- find_max_factor_graph_nmplp(prob, map_assignment1, 1000, 1e-8);
- const double score1 = find_total_score(prob, map_assignment1);
- brute_force_find_max_factor_graph_nmplp(prob, map_assignment2);
- const double score2 = find_total_score(prob, map_assignment2);
- dlog << LINFO << "score NMPLP: " << score1;
- dlog << LINFO << "score MAP: " << score2;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(score1 - score2) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(map_assignment1) == mat(map_assignment2));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename map_problem>
- void do_test2(
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<unsigned long> map_assignment1, map_assignment2;
- map_problem prob;
- find_max_factor_graph_nmplp(prob, map_assignment1, 10, 1e-8);
- const double score1 = find_total_score(prob, map_assignment1);
- map_assignment2.resize(6);
- map_assignment2[0] = index_of_max(rowm(prob.numbers,0));
- map_assignment2[1] = index_of_max(rowm(prob.numbers,1));
- map_assignment2[2] = index_of_max(rowm(prob.numbers,2));
- map_assignment2[3] = index_of_max(rowm(prob.numbers,3));
- map_assignment2[4] = index_of_max(rowm(prob.numbers,4));
- map_assignment2[5] = 1;
- const double score2 = find_total_score(prob, map_assignment2);
- dlog << LINFO << "score NMPLP: " << score1;
- dlog << LINFO << "score MAP: " << score2;
- dlog << LINFO << "MAP assignment: "<< trans(mat(map_assignment1));
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(score1 - score2) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(map_assignment1) == mat(map_assignment2));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_find_max_factor_graph_nmplp : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_find_max_factor_graph_nmplp (
- ) :
- tester ("test_find_max_factor_graph_nmplp",
- "Runs tests on the find_max_factor_graph_nmplp routine.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- rnd.clear();
- dlog << LINFO << "test on a chain structured graph";
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- do_test<map_problem_chain>();
- dlog << LINFO << "test on a 2 cycle graph";
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- do_test<map_problem<false> >();
- dlog << LINFO << "test on a fully connected graph";
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- do_test<map_problem<true> >();
- dlog << LINFO << "test on a tree structured graph";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- do_test2<map_problem2>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_max_factor_graph_viterbi.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_max_factor_graph_viterbi.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 82754aefd..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_max_factor_graph_viterbi.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.find_max_factor_graph_viterbi");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlib::rand rnd;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- unsigned long O,
- unsigned long NS,
- unsigned long num_nodes,
- bool all_negative
- >
- class map_problem
- {
- public:
- unsigned long order() const { return O; }
- unsigned long num_states() const { return NS; }
- map_problem()
- {
- data = randm(number_of_nodes(),(long)std::pow(num_states(),(double)order()+1), rnd);
- if (all_negative)
- data = -data;
- }
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const
- {
- return num_nodes;
- }
- template <
- typename EXP
- >
- double factor_value (
- unsigned long node_id,
- const matrix_exp<EXP>& node_states
- ) const
- {
- if (node_states.size() == 1)
- return data(node_id, node_states(0));
- else if (node_states.size() == 2)
- return data(node_id, node_states(0) + node_states(1)*NS);
- else if (node_states.size() == 3)
- return data(node_id, (node_states(0) + node_states(1)*NS)*NS + node_states(2));
- else
- return data(node_id, ((node_states(0) + node_states(1)*NS)*NS + node_states(2))*NS + node_states(3));
- }
- matrix<double> data;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename map_problem
- >
- void brute_force_find_max_factor_graph_viterbi (
- const map_problem& prob,
- std::vector<unsigned long>& map_assignment
- )
- {
- using namespace dlib::impl;
- const int order = prob.order();
- const int num_states = prob.num_states();
- map_assignment.resize(prob.number_of_nodes());
- double best_score = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- matrix<unsigned long,1,0> node_states;
- node_states.set_size(prob.number_of_nodes());
- node_states = 0;
- do
- {
- double score = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < prob.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- score += prob.factor_value(i, (colm(node_states,range(i,i-std::min<int>(order,i)))));
- }
- if (score > best_score)
- {
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < map_assignment.size(); ++i)
- map_assignment[i] = node_states(i);
- best_score = score;
- }
- } while(advance_state(node_states,num_states));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- unsigned long order,
- unsigned long num_states,
- unsigned long num_nodes,
- bool all_negative
- >
- void do_test_()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "order: "<< order
- << " num_states: " << num_states
- << " num_nodes: " << num_nodes
- << " all_negative: " << all_negative;
- for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
- {
- print_spinner();
- map_problem<order,num_states,num_nodes,all_negative> prob;
- std::vector<unsigned long> assign, assign2;
- brute_force_find_max_factor_graph_viterbi(prob, assign);
- find_max_factor_graph_viterbi(prob, assign2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mat(assign) == mat(assign2),
- trans(mat(assign))
- << trans(mat(assign2))
- );
- }
- }
- template <
- unsigned long order,
- unsigned long num_states,
- unsigned long num_nodes
- >
- void do_test()
- {
- do_test_<order,num_states,num_nodes,false>();
- }
- template <
- unsigned long order,
- unsigned long num_states,
- unsigned long num_nodes
- >
- void do_test_negative()
- {
- do_test_<order,num_states,num_nodes,true>();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_find_max_factor_graph_viterbi : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_find_max_factor_graph_viterbi (
- ) :
- tester ("test_find_max_factor_graph_viterbi",
- "Runs tests on the find_max_factor_graph_viterbi routine.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- do_test<1,3,0>();
- do_test<1,3,1>();
- do_test<1,3,2>();
- do_test<0,3,2>();
- do_test_negative<0,3,2>();
- do_test<1,3,8>();
- do_test<2,3,7>();
- do_test_negative<2,3,7>();
- do_test<3,3,8>();
- do_test<4,3,8>();
- do_test_negative<4,3,8>();
- do_test<0,3,8>();
- do_test<4,3,1>();
- do_test<4,3,0>();
- do_test<3,2,1>();
- do_test<3,2,0>();
- do_test<3,2,2>();
- do_test<2,2,1>();
- do_test_negative<3,2,1>();
- do_test_negative<3,2,0>();
- do_test_negative<3,2,2>();
- do_test_negative<2,2,1>();
- do_test<0,3,0>();
- do_test<1,2,8>();
- do_test<2,2,7>();
- do_test<3,2,8>();
- do_test<0,2,8>();
- do_test<1,1,8>();
- do_test<2,1,8>();
- do_test<3,1,8>();
- do_test<0,1,8>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_optimal_parameters.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_optimal_parameters.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f2f5b348..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/find_optimal_parameters.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization/find_optimal_parameters.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.find_optimal_parameters");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class find_optimal_parameters : public tester
- {
- public:
- find_optimal_parameters (
- ) :
- tester ("test_find_optimal_parameters",
- "Runs tests on find_optimal_parameters().")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double,0,1> params = {0.5, 0.5};
- dlib::find_optimal_parameters(4, 0.001, 100, params, {-0.1, -0.01}, {5, 5}, [](const matrix<double,0,1>& params) {
- cout << ".";
- return sum(squared(params));
- });
- matrix<double,0,1> true_params = {0,0};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(true_params - params)) < 1e-10);
- params = {0.1};
- dlib::find_optimal_parameters(4, 0.001, 100, params, {-0.01}, {5}, [](const matrix<double,0,1>& params) {
- cout << ".";
- return sum(squared(params));
- });
- true_params = {0};
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(true_params - params)) < 1e-10);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/geometry.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/geometry.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 505a83d95..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/geometry.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,883 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/geometry.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.geometry");
- void geometry_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the geometry stuff compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- point p1;
- point p2(2,3);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.x() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.y() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.x() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.y() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST((-p2).x() == -2);
- DLIB_TEST((-p2).y() == -3);
- p2 += p2;
- DLIB_TEST(p2.x() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.y() == 6);
- dlib::vector<double> v1 = point(1,0);
- dlib::vector<double> v2(0,0,1);
- p1 = v2.cross(v1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1 == point(0,1));
- DLIB_TEST(p1 != point(1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(p1 != point(1,0));
- p1 = point(2,3);
- rectangle rect1 = p1;
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.width() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.height() == 1);
- p2 = point(1,1);
- rect1 += p2;
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.left() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.right() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.bottom() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.width() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.height() == 3);
- // test the iostream << and >> operators (via string_cast and cast_to_string)
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<point>(" (1, 2 )") == point(1,2));
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<point>(" ( -1, 2 )") == point(-1,2));
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<rectangle>(" [(1, 2 )(3,4)]") == rectangle(1,2,3,4));
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<dlib::vector<double> >(" (1, 2 , 3.5)") == dlib::vector<double>(1,2,3.5));
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<rectangle>(cast_to_string(rect1)) == rect1);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<point>(cast_to_string(p1)) == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<dlib::vector<double> >(cast_to_string(v1)) == v1);
- rectangle rect2;
- // test the serialization code
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(rect1,sout);
- serialize(p1,sout);
- serialize(v1,sout);
- serialize(rect1,sout);
- serialize(p1,sout);
- serialize(v1,sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(rect2,sin);
- deserialize(p2,sin);
- deserialize(v2,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(rect2 == rect1);
- DLIB_TEST(p2 == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(v2 == v1);
- deserialize(rect2,sin);
- deserialize(p2,sin);
- deserialize(v2,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(rect2 == rect1);
- DLIB_TEST(p2 == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(v2 == v1);
- DLIB_TEST(sin.good());
- DLIB_TEST(sin.get() == EOF);
- v1.x() = 1;
- v1.y() = 2;
- v1.z() = 3;
- matrix<double> mv = v1;
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mv(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mv(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(mv(2) == 3);
- set_all_elements(mv,0);
- DLIB_TEST(mv(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(mv(1) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(mv(2) == 0);
- mv(0) = 5;
- mv(1) = 6;
- mv(2) = 7;
- v1 = mv;
- DLIB_TEST(v1.x() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(v1.y() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(v1.z() == 7);
- {
- dlib::vector<double,2> vd2;
- dlib::vector<double,3> vd3;
- dlib::vector<long,2> vl2;
- dlib::vector<long,3> vl3;
- vd2.x() = 2.3;
- vd2.y() = 4.7;
- vd3.z() = 9;
- vd3 = vd2;
- vl2 = vd3;
- vl3 = vd3;
- DLIB_TEST(vd2.z() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(vd3.z() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(vl2.z() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(vl3.z() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(vl2.x() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(vl3.x() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(vl2.y() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(vl3.y() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(vd2.cross(vd3).dot(vd2)) < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(vd3.cross(vd2).dot(vd2)) < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(vd2.cross(vd3).dot(vd3)) < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(vd3.cross(vd2).dot(vd3)) < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(vl2.cross(vl3).dot(vl2)) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(vl3.cross(vl2).dot(vl2)) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(vl2.cross(vl3).dot(vl3)) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(vl3.cross(vl2).dot(vl3)) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST((vd2-vd3).length() < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST(vl2 == vl3);
- vl2.x() = 0;
- vl2.y() = 0;
- vl3 = vl2;
- vl2.x() = 4;
- vl3.y() = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(vl2.cross(vl3).length() == 12);
- DLIB_TEST(vl3.cross(vl2).length() == 12);
- matrix<double> m(3,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6,
- 7,8,9;
- vd3.x() = 2;
- vd3.y() = 3;
- vd3.z() = 4;
- vd3 = m*vd3;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(vd3.x() == 1*2 + 2*3 + 3*4,vd3.x() << " == " << (1*2 + 2*3 + 3*4));
- DLIB_TEST(vd3.y() == 4*2 + 5*3 + 6*4);
- DLIB_TEST(vd3.z() == 7*2 + 8*3 + 9*4);
- (vd3*2).dot(vd3);
- (vd2*2).dot(vd3);
- (vd3*2).dot(vd2);
- (vd2*2).dot(vd2);
- (2*vd3*2).dot(vd3);
- (2*vd2*2).dot(vd3);
- (2*vd3*2).dot(vd2);
- (2*vd2*2).dot(vd2);
- (vd2 + vd3).dot(vd2);
- (vd2 - vd3).dot(vd2);
- (vd2/2).dot(vd2);
- (vd3/2).dot(vd2);
- }
- {
- dlib::vector<double,2> vd2;
- dlib::vector<long,3> vl3;
- vl3.x() = 1;
- vl3.y() = 2;
- vl3.z() = 3;
- vd2.x() = 6.5;
- vd2.y() = 7.5;
- DLIB_TEST((vl3 + vd2).x() == 1+6.5);
- DLIB_TEST((vl3 + vd2).y() == 2+7.5);
- DLIB_TEST((vl3 + vd2).z() == 3+0);
- DLIB_TEST((vl3 - vd2).x() == 1-6.5);
- DLIB_TEST((vl3 - vd2).y() == 2-7.5);
- DLIB_TEST((vl3 - vd2).z() == 3-0);
- }
- {
- dlib::vector<double> v(3,4,5);
- DLIB_TEST((-v).x() == -3.0);
- DLIB_TEST((-v).y() == -4.0);
- DLIB_TEST((-v).z() == -5.0);
- }
- {
- rectangle rect;
- point tl(2,3);
- point tr(8,3);
- point bl(2,9);
- point br(8,9);
- rect += tl;
- rect += tr;
- rect += bl;
- rect += br;
- DLIB_TEST(rect.tl_corner() == tl);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.tr_corner() == tr);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.bl_corner() == bl);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.br_corner() == br);
- }
- {
- point p1, center;
- center = point(3,4);
- p1 = point(10,4);
- DLIB_TEST(rotate_point(center, p1, pi/2) == point(3,7+4));
- center = point(3,3);
- p1 = point(10,3);
- DLIB_TEST(rotate_point(center, p1, pi/4) == point(8,8));
- DLIB_TEST(rotate_point(center, p1, -pi/4) == point(8,-2));
- DLIB_TEST(rotate_point(center, p1, pi/4 + 10*pi) == point(8,8));
- DLIB_TEST(rotate_point(center, p1, -pi/4 + 10*pi) == point(8,-2));
- DLIB_TEST(rotate_point(center, p1, pi/4 - 10*pi) == point(8,8));
- DLIB_TEST(rotate_point(center, p1, -pi/4 - 10*pi) == point(8,-2));
- point_rotator rot(pi/2);
- DLIB_TEST(rot(point(1,0)) == point(0,1));
- DLIB_TEST(rot(point(0,1)) == point(-1,0));
- DLIB_TEST(point(rot.get_m()*(dlib::vector<double,2>(1,0))) == point(0,1));
- DLIB_TEST(point(rot.get_m()*(dlib::vector<double,2>(0,1))) == point(-1,0));
- }
- {
- rectangle rect;
- rect = grow_rect(rect,1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.width() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.height() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.left() == -1);
- DLIB_TEST( == -1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.right() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.bottom() == 0);
- }
- {
- rectangle rect;
- rect = grow_rect(rect,2);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.width() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.height() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.left() == -2);
- DLIB_TEST( == -2);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.right() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.bottom() == 1);
- rect = shrink_rect(rect,1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.width() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.height() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.left() == -1);
- DLIB_TEST( == -1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.right() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.bottom() == 0);
- }
- {
- std::vector< dlib::vector<double> > a;
- dlib::vector<double> v;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- v.x() = rnd.get_random_double();
- v.y() = rnd.get_random_double();
- v.z() = rnd.get_random_double();
- a.push_back(v);
- }
- // This test is just to make sure the covariance function can compile when used
- // on a dlib::vector. The actual test doesn't matter.
- DLIB_TEST(sum(covariance(mat(a))) < 10);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(rectangle() + point(5,4) + point(10,10) == rectangle(5,4,10,10));
- // make sure the center of a centered rectangle is always right
- for (long x = -10; x <= 10; ++x)
- {
- for (long y = -10; y <= 10; ++y)
- {
- for (long w = 0; w < 10; ++w)
- {
- for (long h = 0; h < 10; ++h)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(center(centered_rect(x,y,w,h)) == point(x,y));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_border_enumerator()
- {
- border_enumerator be;
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 0);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,4,4),1);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 1);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,4,4),3);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 1);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,4,4),0);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 0);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,5,5),0);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 0);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,5,5),1);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 4);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,5,5),2);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 4);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,6,6),1);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 8);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,6,6),2);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 9);
- be = border_enumerator(rectangle(4,4,6,6),3);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- array2d<unsigned char> img, img2;
- for (int size = 1; size < 10; ++size)
- {
- for (int bs = 0; bs < 4; ++bs)
- {
- img.set_size(size,size);
- img2.set_size(size,size);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 1);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, 1);
- zero_border_pixels(img2, bs,bs);
- be = border_enumerator(get_rect(img),bs);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(get_rect(img).contains(be.element()) == true,
- get_rect(img) << " " << be.element()
- );
- const point p = be.element();
- img[p.y()][p.x()] = 0;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(img) == mat(img2));
- }
- }
- for (int size = 1; size < 10; ++size)
- {
- for (int bs = 0; bs < 4; ++bs)
- {
- img.set_size(size,size+5);
- img2.set_size(size,size+5);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 1);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, 1);
- zero_border_pixels(img2, bs,bs);
- const point shift(4,5);
- be = border_enumerator(translate_rect(get_rect(img),shift),bs);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(get_rect(img).contains(be.element()-shift) == true,
- get_rect(img) << " " << be.element()
- );
- const point p = be.element()-shift;
- img[p.y()][p.x()] = 0;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(img) == mat(img2));
- }
- }
- for (int size = 1; size < 10; ++size)
- {
- for (int bs = 0; bs < 4; ++bs)
- {
- img.set_size(size+2,size);
- img2.set_size(size+2,size);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 1);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, 1);
- zero_border_pixels(img2, bs,bs);
- const point shift(-4,5);
- be = border_enumerator(translate_rect(get_rect(img),shift),bs);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(get_rect(img).contains(be.element()-shift) == true,
- get_rect(img) << " " << be.element()
- );
- const point p = be.element()-shift;
- img[p.y()][p.x()] = 0;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(img) == mat(img2));
- }
- }
- {
- matrix<bool,4,5> hits, truth;
- const rectangle rect = rectangle(1,1,4,3);
- border_enumerator be(rect, rectangle(2,2, 3, 3));
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 8);
- hits = false;
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(rect.contains(be.element()));
- hits(be.element().y(), be.element().x()) = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 8);
- truth = false;
- truth(1,1) = truth(1,2) = truth(1,3) = truth(1,4) = truth(2,1) =
- truth(3,1) = truth(2,4) = truth(3,4) = true;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(truth == hits, truth << endl << hits);
- be = border_enumerator(rect, rectangle(0,0, 9, 9));
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 0);
- hits = false;
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(rect.contains(be.element()));
- hits(be.element().y(), be.element().x()) = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 0);
- truth = false;
- DLIB_TEST(truth == hits);
- be = border_enumerator(rect, rectangle(0,0, 3, 9));
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 3);
- hits = false;
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(rect.contains(be.element()));
- hits(be.element().y(), be.element().x()) = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 3);
- truth = false;
- truth(1,4) = truth(2,4) = truth(3,4) = true;
- DLIB_TEST(truth == hits);
- be = border_enumerator(rect, rectangle(2,1, 4, 3));
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 3);
- hits = false;
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(rect.contains(be.element()));
- hits(be.element().y(), be.element().x()) = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 3);
- truth = false;
- truth(1,1) = truth(2,1) = truth(3,1) = true;
- DLIB_TEST(truth == hits);
- be = border_enumerator(rect, rectangle(1,1, 5, 2));
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 4);
- hits = false;
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(rect.contains(be.element()));
- hits(be.element().y(), be.element().x()) = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(be.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(be.size() == 4);
- truth = false;
- truth(3,1) = truth(3,2) = truth(3,3) = truth(3,4) = true;
- DLIB_TEST(truth == hits);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_find_affine_transform()
- {
- //typedef dlib::vector<double,2> vect;
- typedef point vect;
- std::vector<vect> from, to;
- from.push_back(vect(0,0));
- to.push_back(vect(0,1));
- from.push_back(vect(0,1));
- to.push_back(vect(1,1));
- from.push_back(vect(1,1));
- to.push_back(vect(1,0));
- from.push_back(vect(1,0));
- to.push_back(vect(0,0));
- point_transform_affine t = find_affine_transform(from,to);
- point_transform_affine tinv = inv(t);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < from.size(); ++i)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "affine transformation error: "<< length(t(from[i])-to[i]);
- DLIB_TEST(length(t(from[i])-to[i]) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(length(tinv(t(from[i]))-from[i]) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(length(t(tinv(from[i]))-from[i]) < 1e-14);
- point_transform_affine temp = t*inv(t);
- DLIB_TEST(length(temp.get_b()) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(temp.get_m() - identity_matrix<double>(2))) < 1e-14);
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(t, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- point_transform_affine t2;
- DLIB_TEST(length(t2(point(2,3)) - point(2,3)) < 1e-14);
- deserialize(t2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(t2.get_m()-t.get_m())) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(t2.get_b()-t.get_b())) < 1e-14);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double projective_transform_pass_rate(const double error_rate)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "projective_transform_pass_rate, error_rate: "<< error_rate;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- running_stats<double> pass_rate;
- for (int rounds = 0; rounds < 1000; ++rounds)
- {
- running_stats<double> rs, rs_true;
- matrix<double> H = 2*(randm(3,3,rnd)-0.5);
- H(0,2) = rnd.get_random_gaussian()*10;
- H(1,2) = rnd.get_random_gaussian()*10;
- H(2,0) = rnd.get_random_double()*2.1;
- H(2,1) = rnd.get_random_double()*2.1;
- H(2,2) = 1 + rnd.get_random_gaussian()*3.1;
- point_transform_projective tran(H);
- point_transform_projective traninv = inv(tran);
- const int num = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%8 + 4;
- std::vector<dlib::vector<double,2> > from_points, to_points;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- dlib::vector<double,2> p = randm(2,1,rnd)*1000;
- from_points.push_back(p);
- to_points.push_back(tran(p) + (randm(2,1,rnd)-0.5)*error_rate);
- DLIB_TEST(length(traninv(tran(p))-p) <= 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(length(tran(traninv(p))-p) <= 1e-5);
- point_transform_projective temp = tran*traninv;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(temp.get_m() - identity_matrix<double>(3))) < 1e-10, temp.get_m());
- temp = traninv*tran;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(temp.get_m() - identity_matrix<double>(3))) < 1e-10, temp.get_m());
- }
- point_transform_projective tran2 = find_projective_transform(from_points, to_points);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < from_points.size(); ++i)
- {
- const double err = length_squared(tran2(from_points[i]) - to_points[i]);
- rs.add(err);
- const double err_true = length_squared(tran(from_points[i]) - to_points[i]);
- rs_true.add(err_true);
- }
- if ( rs.mean() < 0.01)
- {
- pass_rate.add(1);
- }
- else
- {
- dlog << LINFO << " errors: mean/max: " << rs.mean() << " " << rs.max();
- pass_rate.add(0);
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(tran, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- point_transform_projective tran3;
- DLIB_TEST(length(tran3(point(2,3)) - point(2,3)) < 1e-14);
- deserialize(tran3, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(tran3.get_m()-tran.get_m())) < 1e-14);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << " pass_rate.mean(): "<< pass_rate.mean();
- return pass_rate.mean();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- void test_find_similarity_transform()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<dlib::vector<T,2> > from_points, to_points;
- from_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(0,0));
- from_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(0,1));
- from_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(1,0));
- to_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(8,0));
- to_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(6,0));
- to_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(8,2));
- point_transform_affine tform = find_similarity_transform(from_points, to_points);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < from_points.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(length(tform(from_points[i]) - to_points[i]) < 1e-14);
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- void test_find_similarity_transform2()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<dlib::vector<T,2> > from_points, to_points;
- from_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(0,0));
- from_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(0,1));
- to_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(8,0));
- to_points.push_back(dlib::vector<T,2>(6,0));
- point_transform_affine tform = find_similarity_transform(from_points, to_points);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < from_points.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(length(tform(from_points[i]) - to_points[i]) < 1e-14);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_rect_to_drect()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- rectangle rect = centered_rect(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100);
- drectangle drect = rect;
- rectangle rect2 = drect;
- DLIB_TEST(rect2 == rect);
- DLIB_TEST(rect.width() == drect.width());
- DLIB_TEST(rect.height() == drect.height());
- DLIB_TEST(dcenter(rect) == dcenter(drect));
- DLIB_TEST(rect.is_empty() == drect.is_empty());
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_affine3d()
- {
- const dlib::vector<double> x(1,0,0);
- const dlib::vector<double> y(0,1,0);
- const dlib::vector<double> z(0,0,1);
- const dlib::vector<double> e(1,1,1);
- const dlib::vector<double> ex(-1,1,1);
- const dlib::vector<double> ey(1,-1,1);
- const dlib::vector<double> ez(1,1,-1);
- dlib::vector<double> w;
- w = rotate_around_z(pi/2)(x);
- DLIB_TEST(length(w-y) < 1e-12);
- w = rotate_around_z(pi/2)(e);
- DLIB_TEST(length(w-ex) < 1e-12);
- w = rotate_around_y(-pi/2)(x);
- DLIB_TEST(length(w-z) < 1e-12);
- w = rotate_around_y(pi/2)(e);
- DLIB_TEST(length(w-ez) < 1e-12);
- w = rotate_around_x(pi/2)(y);
- DLIB_TEST(length(w-z) < 1e-12);
- w = rotate_around_x(pi/2)(e);
- DLIB_TEST(length(w-ey) < 1e-12);
- w = translate_point(x)(y);
- DLIB_TEST(length(w-x-y) < 1e-12);
- point_transform_affine3d tform;
- tform = rotate_around_x(pi/2)*rotate_around_z(pi/2)*translate_point(x);
- DLIB_TEST(length(tform(dlib::vector<double>())-z) < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(length(inv(tform)(z)) < 1e-12);
- point_transform_affine tform2;
- tform = tform*tform2;// the default tform is the identity mapping so this shouldn't do anything different
- DLIB_TEST(length(tform(dlib::vector<double>())-z) < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(length(inv(tform)(z)) < 1e-12);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class geometry_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- geometry_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_geometry",
- "Runs tests on the geometry stuff.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_affine3d();
- test_rect_to_drect();
- geometry_test();
- test_border_enumerator();
- test_find_affine_transform();
- DLIB_TEST(projective_transform_pass_rate(0.1) > 0.99);
- DLIB_TEST(projective_transform_pass_rate(0.0) == 1);
- test_find_similarity_transform<double>();
- test_find_similarity_transform2<double>();
- test_find_similarity_transform<float>();
- test_find_similarity_transform2<float>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/global_optimization.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/global_optimization.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fee80c81f..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/global_optimization.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/global_optimization.h>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.global_optimization");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_upper_bound_function(double relative_noise_magnitude, double solver_eps)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_upper_bound_function, relative_noise_magnitude="<< relative_noise_magnitude << ", solver_eps=" << solver_eps;
- auto rosen = [](const matrix<double,0,1>& x) { return -1*( 100*std::pow(x(1) - x(0)*x(0),2.0) + std::pow(1 - x(0),2)); };
- dlib::rand rnd;
- auto make_rnd = [&rnd]() { matrix<double,0,1> x(2); x = 2*rnd.get_random_double(), 2*rnd.get_random_double(); return x; };
- std::vector<function_evaluation> evals;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- auto x = make_rnd();
- evals.emplace_back(x,rosen(x));
- }
- upper_bound_function ub(evals, relative_noise_magnitude, solver_eps);
- DLIB_TEST(ub.num_points() == (long)evals.size());
- DLIB_TEST(ub.dimensionality() == 2);
- for (auto& ev : evals)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << ub(ev.x) - ev.y;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(ub(ev.x) - ev.y > -1e10, ub(ev.x) - ev.y);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- auto x = make_rnd();
- evals.emplace_back(x,rosen(x));
- ub.add(evals.back());
- }
- DLIB_TEST(ub.num_points() == (long)evals.size());
- DLIB_TEST(ub.dimensionality() == 2);
- for (auto& ev : evals)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << ub(ev.x) - ev.y;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(ub(ev.x) - ev.y > -1e10, ub(ev.x) - ev.y);
- }
- if (solver_eps < 0.001)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "out of sample points: ";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- auto x = make_rnd();
- dlog << LINFO << ub(x) - rosen(x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(ub(x) - rosen(x) > 1e-10, ub(x) - rosen(x));
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double complex_holder_table ( double x0, double x1)
- {
- // The regular HolderTable function
- //return -std::abs(sin(x0)*cos(x1)*exp(std::abs(1-std::sqrt(x0*x0+x1*x1)/pi)));
- // My more complex version of it with discontinuities and more local minima.
- double sign = 1;
- for (double j = -4; j < 9; j += 0.5)
- {
- if (j < x0 && x0 < j+0.5)
- x0 += sign*0.25;
- sign *= -1;
- }
- // HolderTable function tilted towards 10,10
- return -std::abs(sin(x0)*cos(x1)*exp(std::abs(1-std::sqrt(x0*x0+x1*x1)/pi))) +(x0+x1)/10 + sin(x0*10)*cos(x1*10);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_global_function_search()
- {
- function_spec spec{{-10,-10}, {10,10}};
- function_spec spec2{{-10,-10, -50}, {10,10, 50}};
- global_function_search opt({spec, spec, spec2});
- dlib::rand rnd;
- bool found_optimal_point = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < 400 && !found_optimal_point; ++i)
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<function_evaluation_request> nexts;
- for (int k = 0; k < rnd.get_integer_in_range(1,4); ++k)
- nexts.emplace_back(opt.get_next_x());
- for (auto& next : nexts)
- {
- switch (next.function_idx())
- {
- case 0: next.set( -complex_holder_table(next.x()(0), next.x()(1))); break;
- case 1: next.set( -10*complex_holder_table(next.x()(0), next.x()(1))); break;
- case 2: next.set( -2*complex_holder_table(next.x()(0), next.x()(1))); break;
- default: DLIB_TEST(false); break;
- }
- matrix<double,0,1> x;
- double y;
- size_t function_idx;
- opt.get_best_function_eval(x,y,function_idx);
- /*
- cout << "\ni: "<< i << endl;
- cout << "best eval x: "<< trans(x);
- cout << "best eval y: "<< y << endl;
- cout << "best eval function index: "<< function_idx << endl;
- */
- if (std::abs(y - 10*21.9210397) < 0.0001)
- {
- found_optimal_point = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(found_optimal_point);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_find_max_global(
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- auto rosen = [](const matrix<double,0,1>& x) { return -1*( 100*std::pow(x(1) - x(0)*x(0),2.0) + std::pow(1 - x(0),2)); };
- auto result = find_max_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {2, 2}, max_function_calls(100), 0);
- matrix<double,0,1> true_x = {1,1};
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, max(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_max_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {2, 2}, max_function_calls(100));
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, max(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_max_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {2, 2}, std::chrono::seconds(5));
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, max(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_max_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {2, 2}, {false,false}, max_function_calls(100));
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, max(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_max_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {0.9, 0.9}, {false,false}, max_function_calls(140));
- true_x = {0.9, 0.81};
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen, bounded at 0.9: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, max(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_max_global([](double x){ return -std::pow(x-2,2.0); }, -10, 10, max_function_calls(10), 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "(x-2)^2: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST(result.x.size()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(result.x - 2) < 1e-9);
- print_spinner();
- result = find_max_global([](double x){ return -std::pow(x-2,2.0); }, -10, 1, max_function_calls(10));
- dlog << LINFO << "(x-2)^2, bound at 1: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST(result.x.size()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(result.x - 1) < 1e-9);
- print_spinner();
- result = find_max_global([](double x){ return -std::pow(x-2,2.0); }, -10, 1, std::chrono::seconds(2));
- dlog << LINFO << "(x-2)^2, bound at 1: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST(result.x.size()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(result.x - 1) < 1e-9);
- print_spinner();
- result = find_max_global([](double a, double b){ return -complex_holder_table(a,b);},
- {-10, -10}, {10, 10}, max_function_calls(400), 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "complex_holder_table y: "<< result.y;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(result.y - 21.9210397) < 0.0001, std::abs(result.y - 21.9210397));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_find_min_global(
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- auto rosen = [](const matrix<double,0,1>& x) { return +1*( 100*std::pow(x(1) - x(0)*x(0),2.0) + std::pow(1 - x(0),2)); };
- auto result = find_min_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {2, 2}, max_function_calls(100), 0);
- matrix<double,0,1> true_x = {1,1};
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(min(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, min(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_min_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {2, 2}, max_function_calls(100));
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(min(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, min(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_min_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {2, 2}, std::chrono::seconds(5));
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(min(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, min(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_min_global(rosen, {0.1, 0.1}, {2, 2}, {false,false}, max_function_calls(100));
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(min(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, min(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_min_global(rosen, {0, 0}, {0.9, 0.9}, {false,false}, max_function_calls(100));
- true_x = {0.9, 0.81};
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen, bounded at 0.9: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(min(abs(true_x-result.x)) < 1e-5, min(abs(true_x-result.x)));
- print_spinner();
- result = find_min_global([](double x){ return std::pow(x-2,2.0); }, -10, 10, max_function_calls(10), 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "(x-2)^2: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST(result.x.size()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(result.x - 2) < 1e-9);
- print_spinner();
- result = find_min_global([](double x){ return std::pow(x-2,2.0); }, -10, 1, max_function_calls(10));
- dlog << LINFO << "(x-2)^2, bound at 1: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST(result.x.size()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(result.x - 1) < 1e-9);
- print_spinner();
- result = find_min_global([](double x){ return std::pow(x-2,2.0); }, -10, 1, std::chrono::seconds(2));
- dlog << LINFO << "(x-2)^2, bound at 1: " << trans(result.x);
- DLIB_TEST(result.x.size()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(result.x - 1) < 1e-9);
- print_spinner();
- result = find_min_global([](double a, double b){ return complex_holder_table(a,b);},
- {-10, -10}, {10, 10}, max_function_calls(400), 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "complex_holder_table y: "<< result.y;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(result.y + 21.9210397) < 0.0001, std::abs(result.y + 21.9210397));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class global_optimization_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- global_optimization_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_global_optimization",
- "Runs tests on the global optimization components.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_upper_bound_function(0.01, 1e-6);
- test_upper_bound_function(0.0, 1e-6);
- test_upper_bound_function(0.0, 1e-1);
- test_global_function_search();
- test_find_max_global();
- test_find_min_global();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0651f3049..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/graph.h>
-#include <dlib/graph_utils.h>
-#include <dlib/set.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-// This is called an unnamed-namespace and it has the effect of making everything inside this file "private"
-// so that everything you declare will have static linkage. Thus we won't have any multiply
-// defined symbol errors coming out of the linker when we try to compile the test suite.
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the tester
- // should start with "test."
- logger dlog("test.graph");
- template <
- typename graph
- >
- void graph_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - graph is an implementation of graph/graph_kernel_abstract.h
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on graph for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_graph<graph>::value);
- graph a, b;
- dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c s;
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- a.set_number_of_nodes(5);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == false);
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- a.node(i).data = i;
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- a.remove_node(1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- // make sure that only the number with data == 1 was removed
- int count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- count += a.node(i).data;
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).number_of_neighbors() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).index() == (unsigned int)i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 9);
- a.add_edge(1,1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_neighbors() == 1);
- a.add_edge(1,3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_neighbors() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_neighbors() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(3).number_of_neighbors() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,3));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- a.remove_edge(1,1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(1).number_of_neighbors() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(2).number_of_neighbors() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(3).number_of_neighbors() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,1) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,3));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- swap(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(b) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).number_of_neighbors() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).number_of_neighbors() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(3).number_of_neighbors() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.has_edge(1,1) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.has_edge(1,3));
- DLIB_TEST(b.has_edge(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(b) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- copy_graph_structure(b,b);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- b.add_edge(1,2);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(b) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(b) == false);
- b.add_edge(3,2);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(b) == true);
- b.add_edge(1,1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(b) == false);
- b.add_edge(0,2);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(b) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(b) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < b.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < b.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++j)
- {
- b.node(i).edge(j) = 'c';
- }
- }
- b.node(1).edge(0) = 'a';
- const unsigned long e1 = b.node(1).neighbor(0).index();
- b.node(0).edge(0) = 'n';
- const unsigned long e2 = b.node(0).neighbor(0).index();
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(b, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- a.set_number_of_nodes(10);
- deserialize(a, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < a.node(i).number_of_neighbors(); ++j)
- {
- if ((i == 0 && a.node(i).neighbor(j).index() == e2) ||
- (i == e2 && a.node(i).neighbor(j).index() == 0) )
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).edge(j) == 'n');
- }
- else if ((i == 1 && a.node(i).neighbor(j).index() == e1) ||
- (i == e1 && a.node(i).neighbor(j).index() == 1))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).edge(j) == 'a');
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(i != 0 || a.node(i).neighbor(j).index() != e2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a.node(i).edge(j) == 'c',a.node(i).edge(j));
- }
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,2) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(3,2) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,1) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0,2) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,3) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0,1) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0,3) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0,0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(3,0) == false);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- a.node(i).data = static_cast<int>(i);
- }
- a.remove_node(2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- count = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- if (a.node(i).data == 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).number_of_neighbors() == 0);
- }
- else if (a.node(i).data == 1)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).number_of_neighbors() == 2);
- }
- else if (a.node(i).data == 3)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.node(i).number_of_neighbors() == 1);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false,"this is impossible");
- }
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < a.number_of_nodes(); ++j)
- {
- if ((a.node(i).data == 1 && a.node(j).data == 1) ||
- (a.node(i).data == 1 && a.node(j).data == 3) ||
- (a.node(i).data == 3 && a.node(j).data == 1))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(i,j) == true);
- ++count;
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(i,j) == false);
- }
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(count == 3,count);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == true);
- a.remove_edge(1,1);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- b.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 0);
- a.clear();
- /*
- 1 7
- | / \
- 2 6 0
- \ / |
- 3 /
- / \ /
- 4 5
- */
- a.set_number_of_nodes(8);
- a.add_edge(1,2);
- a.add_edge(2,3);
- a.add_edge(3,4);
- a.add_edge(3,5);
- a.add_edge(3,6);
- a.add_edge(6,7);
- a.add_edge(7,0);
- a.add_edge(0,5);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(a));
- dlib::set<dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c>::kernel_1b_c sos;
- dlib::graph<dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c, dlib::set<unsigned long>::compare_1b_c>::kernel_1a_c join_tree;
- unsigned long temp;
- triangulate_graph_and_find_cliques(a,sos);
- DLIB_TEST(a.number_of_nodes() == 8);
- create_join_tree(a, join_tree);
- DLIB_TEST(join_tree.number_of_nodes() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(join_tree) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(graph_contains_undirected_cycle(join_tree) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(is_join_tree(a, join_tree));
- // check old edges
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(1,2));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(2,3));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(3,4));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(3,5));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(3,6));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(6,7));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(7,0));
- DLIB_TEST(a.has_edge(0,5));
- DLIB_TEST(graph_is_connected(a));
- DLIB_TEST(sos.size() == 6);
- temp = 1; s.add(temp);
- temp = 2; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sos.is_member(s));
- s.clear();
- temp = 2; s.add(temp);
- temp = 3; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sos.is_member(s));
- s.clear();
- temp = 4; s.add(temp);
- temp = 3; s.add(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sos.is_member(s));
- sos.reset();
- while (sos.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(is_clique(a, sos.element()));
- DLIB_TEST(is_maximal_clique(a, sos.element()));
- }
- }
- void test_copy()
- {
- {
- graph<int,int>::kernel_1a_c a,b;
- a.set_number_of_nodes(3);
- a.node(0).data = 1;
- a.node(1).data = 2;
- a.node(2).data = 3;
- a.add_edge(0,1);
- a.add_edge(0,2);
- edge(a,0,1) = 4;
- edge(a,0,2) = 5;
- a.add_edge(0,0);
- edge(a,0,0) = 9;
- copy_graph(a, b);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(0).data == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).data == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).data == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,1) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,2) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,0) == 9);
- }
- {
- graph<int,int>::kernel_1a_c a,b;
- a.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- a.node(0).data = 1;
- a.node(1).data = 2;
- a.node(2).data = 3;
- a.node(3).data = 8;
- a.add_edge(0,1);
- a.add_edge(0,2);
- a.add_edge(2,3);
- edge(a,0,1) = 4;
- edge(a,0,2) = 5;
- edge(a,2,3) = 6;
- copy_graph(a, b);
- DLIB_TEST(b.number_of_nodes() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(0).data == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(1).data == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(2).data == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.node(3).data == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,1) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,0,2) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(edge(b,2,3) == 6);
- }
- }
- class graph_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a test for the graph object. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework. The command line switch is
- specified as test_directed_graph by passing that string to the tester constructor.
- !*/
- public:
- graph_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_graph",
- "Runs tests on the graph component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- graph_test<graph<int>::kernel_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- graph_test<graph<int>::kernel_1a>();
- test_copy();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph_cuts.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph_cuts.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 43ba35c16..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph_cuts.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1217 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/graph_cuts.h>
-#include <dlib/graph_utils.h>
-#include <dlib/directed_graph.h>
-#include <dlib/graph.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/hash.h>
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.graph_cuts");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class dense_potts_problem
- {
- public:
- typedef double value_type;
- private:
- matrix<value_type,0,1> factors1;
- matrix<value_type> factors2;
- matrix<node_label,0,1> labels;
- public:
- dense_potts_problem (
- unsigned long num_nodes,
- dlib::rand& rnd
- )
- {
- factors1 = -7*(randm(num_nodes, 1, rnd)-0.5);
- factors2 = make_symmetric(randm(num_nodes, num_nodes, rnd) > 0.5);
- labels.set_size(num_nodes);
- labels = FREE_NODE;
- }
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const { return; }
- unsigned long number_of_neighbors (
- unsigned long // idx
- ) const { return number_of_nodes()-1; }
- unsigned long get_neighbor_idx (
- unsigned long node_id1,
- unsigned long node_id2
- ) const
- {
- if (node_id2 < node_id1)
- return node_id2;
- else
- return node_id2-1;
- }
- unsigned long get_neighbor (
- unsigned long node_id,
- unsigned long idx
- ) const
- {
- DLIB_TEST(node_id < number_of_nodes());
- DLIB_TEST(idx < number_of_neighbors(node_id));
- if (idx < node_id)
- return idx;
- else
- return idx+1;
- }
- void set_label (
- const unsigned long& idx,
- node_label value
- )
- {
- labels(idx) = value;
- }
- node_label get_label (
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const
- {
- return labels(idx);
- }
- value_type factor_value (unsigned long idx) const
- {
- DLIB_TEST(idx < number_of_nodes());
- return factors1(idx);
- }
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (unsigned long idx1, unsigned long idx2) const
- {
- DLIB_TEST(idx1 != idx2);
- DLIB_TEST(idx1 < number_of_nodes());
- DLIB_TEST(idx2 < number_of_nodes());
- DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor_idx(idx1,idx2) < number_of_neighbors(idx1));
- DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor_idx(idx2,idx1) < number_of_neighbors(idx2));
- return factors2(idx1, idx2);
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class image_potts_problem
- {
- public:
- typedef double value_type;
- const static unsigned long max_number_of_neighbors = 4;
- private:
- matrix<value_type,0,1> factors1;
- matrix<value_type> factors2;
- matrix<node_label,0,1> labels;
- long nr;
- long nc;
- rectangle rect, inner_rect;
- mutable long count;
- public:
- image_potts_problem (
- long nr_,
- long nc_,
- dlib::rand& rnd
- ) : nr(nr_), nc(nc_)
- {
- rect = rectangle(0,0,nc-1,nr-1);
- inner_rect = shrink_rect(rect,1);
- const unsigned long num_nodes = nr*nc;
- factors1 = -7*(randm(num_nodes, 1, rnd));
- factors2 = randm(num_nodes, 4, rnd) > 0.5;
- //factors1 = 0;
- //set_rowm(factors1, range(0, = -1;
- labels.set_size(num_nodes);
- labels = FREE_NODE;
- count = 0;
- }
- ~image_potts_problem()
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "interface calls: " << count;
- dlog << LTRACE << "labels hash: "<< murmur_hash3_128bit(&labels(0), labels.size()*sizeof(labels(0)), 0).first;
- }
- unsigned long number_of_nodes (
- ) const { return; }
- unsigned long number_of_neighbors (
- unsigned long idx
- ) const
- {
- ++count;
- const point& p = get_loc(idx);
- if (inner_rect.contains(p))
- return 4;
- else if (p == rect.tl_corner() ||
- p == rect.bl_corner() ||
- p == rect.tr_corner() ||
- p == rect.br_corner() )
- return 2;
- else
- return 3;
- }
- unsigned long get_neighbor_idx (
- long node_id1,
- long node_id2
- ) const
- {
- ++count;
- const point& p = get_loc(node_id1);
- long ret = 0;
- if (rect.contains(p + point(1,0)))
- {
- if (node_id2-node_id1 == 1)
- return ret;
- ++ret;
- }
- if (rect.contains(p - point(1,0)))
- {
- if (node_id2-node_id1 == -1)
- return ret;
- ++ret;
- }
- if (rect.contains(p + point(0,1)))
- {
- if (node_id2-node_id1 == nc)
- return ret;
- ++ret;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- unsigned long get_neighbor (
- long node_id,
- long idx
- ) const
- {
- ++count;
- const point& p = get_loc(node_id);
- if (rect.contains(p + point(1,0)))
- {
- if (idx == 0)
- return node_id+1;
- --idx;
- }
- if (rect.contains(p - point(1,0)))
- {
- if (idx == 0)
- return node_id-1;
- --idx;
- }
- if (rect.contains(p + point(0,1)))
- {
- if (idx == 0)
- return node_id+nc;
- --idx;
- }
- return node_id-nc;
- }
- void set_label (
- const unsigned long& idx,
- node_label value
- )
- {
- ++count;
- labels(idx) = value;
- }
- node_label get_label (
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const
- {
- ++count;
- return labels(idx);
- }
- value_type factor_value (unsigned long idx) const
- {
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(idx < (unsigned long)number_of_nodes());
- return factors1(idx);
- }
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (unsigned long idx1, unsigned long idx2) const
- {
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(idx1 != idx2);
- DLIB_TEST(idx1 < (unsigned long)number_of_nodes());
- DLIB_TEST(idx2 < (unsigned long)number_of_nodes());
- // make this function symmetric
- if (idx1 > idx2)
- swap(idx1,idx2);
- DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor(idx1, get_neighbor_idx(idx1, idx2)) == idx2);
- DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor(idx2, get_neighbor_idx(idx2, idx1)) == idx1);
- // the neighbor relationship better be symmetric
- DLIB_TEST(get_neighbor_idx(idx1,idx2) < number_of_neighbors(idx1));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(get_neighbor_idx(idx2,idx1) < number_of_neighbors(idx2),
- "\n idx1: "<< idx1 <<
- "\n idx2: "<< idx2 <<
- "\n get_neighbor_idx(idx2,idx1): "<< get_neighbor_idx(idx2,idx1) <<
- "\n number_of_neighbors(idx2): " << number_of_neighbors(idx2) <<
- "\n nr: "<< nr <<
- "\n nc: "<< nc
- );
- return factors2(idx1, get_neighbor_idx(idx1,idx2));
- }
- private:
- point get_loc (
- const unsigned long& idx
- ) const
- {
- return point(idx%nc, idx/nc);
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename potts_model>
- void brute_force_potts_model (
- potts_model& g
- )
- {
- potts_model m(g);
- const unsigned long num = (unsigned long)std::pow(2.0, (double)m.number_of_nodes());
- double best_score = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < m.number_of_nodes(); ++j)
- {
- unsigned long T = (1)<<j;
- T = (T&i);
- if (T != 0)
- m.set_label(j,SINK_CUT);
- else
- m.set_label(j,SOURCE_CUT);
- }
- double score = potts_model_score(m);
- if (score > best_score)
- {
- best_score = score;
- g = m;
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename graph_type>
- void brute_force_potts_model_on_graph (
- const graph_type& g,
- std::vector<node_label>& labels_
- )
- {
- std::vector<node_label> labels;
- labels.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- const unsigned long num = (unsigned long)std::pow(2.0, (double)g.number_of_nodes());
- double best_score = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_nodes(); ++j)
- {
- unsigned long T = (1)<<j;
- T = (T&i);
- if (T != 0)
- labels[j] = SINK_CUT;
- else
- labels[j] = SOURCE_CUT;
- }
- double score = potts_model_score(g,labels);
- if (score > best_score)
- {
- best_score = score;
- labels_ = labels;
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename graph_type>
- void make_random_undirected_graph(
- dlib::rand& rnd,
- graph_type& g
- )
- {
- typedef typename graph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type;
- g.clear();
- const unsigned int num_nodes = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%8;
- g.set_number_of_nodes(num_nodes);
- const unsigned int num_edges = static_cast<unsigned int>(num_nodes*(num_nodes-1)/2*rnd.get_random_double() + 0.5);
- // add the right number of randomly selected edges
- unsigned int count = 0;
- while (count < num_edges)
- {
- unsigned long i = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes();
- unsigned long j = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes();
- if (i != j && g.has_edge(i, j) == false)
- {
- ++count;
- g.add_edge(i, j);
- edge(g, i, j) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- }
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- g.node(i).data = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_gaussian()*200);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_graph_potts_model(
- dlib::rand& rnd
- )
- {
- using namespace std;
- double brute_force_score;
- double graph_cut_score;
- graph<double,double>::kernel_1a_c temp;
- make_random_undirected_graph(rnd,temp);
- {
- std::vector<node_label> labels;
- brute_force_potts_model_on_graph(temp, labels);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": "<< (int)labels[i];
- }
- brute_force_score = potts_model_score(temp, labels);
- dlog << LTRACE << "brute force score: "<< brute_force_score;
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "******************";
- {
- std::vector<node_label> labels;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(temp, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(temp.number_of_nodes() == labels.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": "<< (int)labels[i];
- }
- graph_cut_score = potts_model_score(temp, labels);
- dlog << LTRACE << "graph cut score: "<< graph_cut_score;
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(graph_cut_score == brute_force_score, std::abs(graph_cut_score - brute_force_score));
- dlog << LTRACE << "##################";
- dlog << LTRACE << "##################";
- dlog << LTRACE << "##################";
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename potts_prob>
- void impl_test_potts_model (
- potts_prob& p
- )
- {
- using namespace std;
- double brute_force_score;
- double graph_cut_score;
- {
- potts_prob temp(p);
- brute_force_potts_model(temp);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": "<< (int)temp.get_label(i);
- }
- brute_force_score = potts_model_score(temp);
- dlog << LTRACE << "brute force score: "<< brute_force_score;
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "******************";
- {
- potts_prob temp(p);
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(temp);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": "<< (int)temp.get_label(i);
- }
- graph_cut_score = potts_model_score(temp);
- dlog << LTRACE << "graph cut score: "<< graph_cut_score;
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(graph_cut_score == brute_force_score, std::abs(graph_cut_score - brute_force_score));
- dlog << LTRACE << "##################";
- dlog << LTRACE << "##################";
- dlog << LTRACE << "##################";
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename directed_graph>
- void brute_force_min_cut (
- directed_graph& g,
- unsigned long source,
- unsigned long sink
- )
- {
- typedef typename directed_graph::edge_type edge_weight_type;
- const unsigned long num = (unsigned long)std::pow(2.0, (double)g.number_of_nodes());
- std::vector<node_label> best_cut(g.number_of_nodes(),FREE_NODE);
- edge_weight_type best_score = std::numeric_limits<edge_weight_type>::max();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_nodes(); ++j)
- {
- unsigned long T = (1)<<j;
- T = (T&i);
- if (T != 0)
- g.node(j).data = SINK_CUT;
- else
- g.node(j).data = SOURCE_CUT;
- }
- // ignore cuts that don't label the source or sink node the way we want.
- if (g.node(source).data != SOURCE_CUT ||
- g.node(sink).data != SINK_CUT)
- continue;
- edge_weight_type score = graph_cut_score(g);
- if (score < best_score)
- {
- best_score = score;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_nodes(); ++j)
- best_cut[j] = g.node(j).data;
- }
- }
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g.number_of_nodes(); ++j)
- g.node(j).data = best_cut[j];
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename directed_graph>
- void print_graph(
- const directed_graph& g
- )
- {
- using namespace std;
- dlog << LTRACE << "number of nodes: "<< g.number_of_nodes();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long n = 0; n < g.node(i).number_of_children(); ++n)
- dlog << LTRACE << i << " -(" << g.node(i).child_edge(n) << ")-> " << g.node(i).child(n).index();
- }
- }
- template <typename directed_graph>
- void copy_edge_weights (
- directed_graph& dest,
- const directed_graph& src
- )
- {
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < src.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long n = 0; n < src.node(i).number_of_children(); ++n)
- {
- dest.node(i).child_edge(n) = src.node(i).child_edge(n);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename graph_type>
- void pick_random_source_and_sink (
- dlib::rand& rnd,
- const graph_type& g,
- unsigned long& source,
- unsigned long& sink
- )
- {
- source = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes();
- sink = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes();
- while (sink == source)
- sink = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename dgraph_type>
- void make_random_graph(
- dlib::rand& rnd,
- dgraph_type& g,
- unsigned long& source,
- unsigned long& sink
- )
- {
- typedef typename dgraph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type;
- g.clear();
- const unsigned int num_nodes = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7 + 2;
- g.set_number_of_nodes(num_nodes);
- const unsigned int num_edges = static_cast<unsigned int>(num_nodes*(num_nodes-1)/2*rnd.get_random_double() + 0.5);
- // add the right number of randomly selected edges
- unsigned int count = 0;
- while (count < num_edges)
- {
- unsigned long parent = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes();
- unsigned long child = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%g.number_of_nodes();
- if (parent != child && g.has_edge(parent, child) == false)
- {
- ++count;
- g.add_edge(parent, child);
- edge(g, parent, child) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- // have to have edges both ways
- swap(parent, child);
- g.add_edge(parent, child);
- edge(g, parent, child) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- }
- }
- pick_random_source_and_sink(rnd, g, source, sink);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename dgraph_type>
- void make_random_chain_graph(
- dlib::rand& rnd,
- dgraph_type& g,
- unsigned long& source,
- unsigned long& sink
- )
- {
- typedef typename dgraph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type;
- g.clear();
- const unsigned int num_nodes = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7 + 2;
- g.set_number_of_nodes(num_nodes);
- for (unsigned long i = 1; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- g.add_edge(i,i-1);
- g.add_edge(i-1,i);
- edge(g, i, i-1) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- edge(g, i-1, i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- }
- pick_random_source_and_sink(rnd, g, source, sink);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename dgraph_type>
- void make_random_grid_graph(
- dlib::rand& rnd,
- dgraph_type& g,
- unsigned long& source,
- unsigned long& sink
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - makes a grid graph like the kind used for potts models.
- !*/
- {
- typedef typename dgraph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type;
- g.clear();
- const long nr = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%2 + 2;
- const long nc = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%2 + 2;
- g.set_number_of_nodes(nr*nc+2);
- const rectangle rect(0,0,nc-1,nr-1);
- for (long r = 0; r < nr; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
- {
- const point p(c,r);
- const unsigned long i = p.y()*nc + p.x();
- const point n2(c-1,r);
- if (rect.contains(n2))
- {
- const unsigned long j = n2.y()*nc + n2.x();
- g.add_edge(i,j);
- g.add_edge(j,i);
- edge(g,i,j) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- edge(g,j,i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- }
- const point n4(c,r-1);
- if (rect.contains(n4))
- {
- const unsigned long j = n4.y()*nc + n4.x();
- g.add_edge(i,j);
- g.add_edge(j,i);
- edge(g,i,j) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- edge(g,j,i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- }
- }
- }
- // use the last two nodes as source and sink. Also connect them to all the other nodes.
- source = g.number_of_nodes()-1;
- sink = g.number_of_nodes()-2;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes()-2; ++i)
- {
- g.add_edge(i,source);
- g.add_edge(source,i);
- g.add_edge(i,sink);
- g.add_edge(sink,i);
- edge(g,i,source) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- edge(g,source,i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- edge(g,i,sink) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- edge(g,sink,i) = static_cast<edge_weight_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*50);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename min_cut, typename dgraph_type>
- void run_test_on_graphs (
- const min_cut& mc,
- dgraph_type& g1,
- dgraph_type& g2,
- unsigned long source,
- unsigned long sink
- )
- {
- typedef typename dgraph_type::edge_type edge_weight_type;
- using namespace std;
- dlog << LTRACE << "number of nodes: "<< g1.number_of_nodes();
- dlog << LTRACE << "is graph connected: "<< graph_is_connected(g1);
- dlog << LTRACE << "has self loops: "<< graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g1);
- dlog << LTRACE << "SOURCE_CUT: " << source;
- dlog << LTRACE << "SINK_CUT: " << sink;
- mc(g1, source, sink);
- brute_force_min_cut(g2, source, sink);
- print_graph(g1);
- // make sure the flow residuals are 0 at the cut locations
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g1.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < g1.node(i).number_of_children(); ++j)
- {
- if ((g1.node(i).data == SOURCE_CUT && g1.node(i).child(j).data != SOURCE_CUT) ||
- (g1.node(i).data != SINK_CUT && g1.node(i).child(j).data == SINK_CUT)
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(g1.node(i).child_edge(j) == 0, g1.node(i).child_edge(j));
- }
- }
- }
- // copy the edge weights from g2 back to g1 so we can compute cut scores
- copy_edge_weights(g1, g2);
- DLIB_TEST(g1.number_of_nodes() == g2.number_of_nodes());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g1.number_of_nodes(); ++i)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "node " << i << ": " << (int)g1.node(i).data << ", " << (int)g2.node(i).data;
- if (g1.node(i).data != g2.node(i).data)
- {
- edge_weight_type cut_score = graph_cut_score(g1);
- edge_weight_type brute_force_score = graph_cut_score(g2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "graph cut score: "<< cut_score;
- dlog << LTRACE << "brute force score: "<< brute_force_score;
- if (brute_force_score != cut_score)
- print_graph(g1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(brute_force_score == cut_score,std::abs(brute_force_score-cut_score));
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename min_cut, typename edge_weight_type>
- void test_graph_cuts(dlib::rand& rnd)
- {
- typedef typename dlib::directed_graph<node_label, edge_weight_type>::kernel_1a_c dgraph_type;
- // we will create two identical graphs.
- dgraph_type g1, g2;
- min_cut mc;
- unsigned long source, sink;
- dlib::rand rnd_copy(rnd);
- make_random_graph(rnd,g1, source, sink);
- make_random_graph(rnd_copy,g2, source, sink);
- run_test_on_graphs(mc, g1, g2, source, sink);
- rnd_copy = rnd;
- make_random_grid_graph(rnd,g1, source, sink);
- make_random_grid_graph(rnd_copy,g2, source, sink);
- run_test_on_graphs(mc, g1, g2, source, sink);
- rnd_copy = rnd;
- make_random_chain_graph(rnd,g1, source, sink);
- make_random_chain_graph(rnd_copy,g2, source, sink);
- run_test_on_graphs(mc, g1, g2, source, sink);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_potts_grid_problem
- {
- public:
- test_potts_grid_problem(int seed_) :seed(seed_){}
- int seed;
- long nr() const { return 3;}
- long nc() const { return 3;}
- typedef double value_type;
- value_type factor_value(unsigned long idx) const
- {
- // Copy idx into a char buffer to avoid warnings about violation of strict aliasing
- // rules when murmur_hash3() gets inlined into this function.
- char buf[sizeof(idx)];
- memcpy(buf,&idx,sizeof(idx));
- // now hash the buffer rather than idx.
- return ((double)murmur_hash3(buf, sizeof(buf), seed) - std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max()/2.0)/1000.0;
- }
- value_type factor_value_disagreement(unsigned long idx1, unsigned long idx2) const
- {
- return std::abs(factor_value(idx1+idx2)/10.0);
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename prob_type>
- void brute_force_potts_grid_problem(
- const prob_type& prob,
- array2d<unsigned char>& labels
- )
- {
- const unsigned long num = (unsigned long)std::pow(2.0, (double)*;
- array2d<unsigned char> temp(,;
- unsigned char* data = &temp[0][0];
- double best_score = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < temp.size(); ++j)
- {
- unsigned long T = (1)<<j;
- T = (T&i);
- if (T != 0)
- *(data + j) = SINK_CUT;
- else
- *(data + j) = SOURCE_CUT;
- }
- double score = potts_model_score(prob, temp);
- if (score > best_score)
- {
- best_score = score;
- assign_image(labels, temp);
- }
- }
- }
- void test_inf()
- {
- graph<double,double>::kernel_1a_c g;
- g.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- g.node(0).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(1).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(2).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(3).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- edge(g,0,1) = 1;
- edge(g,1,2) = 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 1;
- edge(g,3,0) = 1;
- std::vector<node_label> labels;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] == 0);
- // --------------------------
- g.node(0).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(1).data = 0;
- g.node(2).data = 0;
- g.node(3).data = -3;
- edge(g,0,1) = 1;
- edge(g,1,2) = 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 1;
- edge(g,3,0) = 1;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] == 0);
- // --------------------------
- g.node(0).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(1).data = 0;
- g.node(2).data = 0;
- g.node(3).data = -0.1;
- edge(g,0,1) = 1;
- edge(g,1,2) = 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 1;
- edge(g,3,0) = 1;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0);
- // --------------------------
- g.node(0).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(1).data = 0;
- g.node(2).data = 0;
- g.node(3).data = -0.1;
- edge(g,0,1) = 1;
- edge(g,1,2) = 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 0;
- edge(g,3,0) = 0;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] == 0);
- // --------------------------
- g.node(0).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(1).data = 0;
- g.node(2).data = 0;
- g.node(3).data = 0.1;
- edge(g,0,1) = 1;
- edge(g,1,2) = 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 0;
- edge(g,3,0) = 0;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0);
- // --------------------------
- g.node(0).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(1).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(2).data = 0;
- g.node(3).data = 0.1;
- edge(g,0,1) = 1;
- edge(g,1,2) = 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 0;
- edge(g,3,0) = 0;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0);
- // --------------------------
- g.node(0).data = -10;
- g.node(1).data = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(2).data = 0;
- g.node(3).data = 0.1;
- edge(g,0,1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- edge(g,1,2) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- edge(g,2,3) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- edge(g,3,0) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0);
- // --------------------------
- g.node(0).data = 10;
- g.node(1).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(2).data = 20.05;
- g.node(3).data = -0.1;
- edge(g,0,1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- edge(g,1,2) = 10;
- edge(g,2,3) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- edge(g,3,0) = 10;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] == 0);
- // --------------------------
- g.node(0).data = 10;
- g.node(1).data = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- g.node(2).data = 20.2;
- g.node(3).data = -0.1;
- edge(g,0,1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- edge(g,1,2) = 10;
- edge(g,2,3) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- edge(g,3,0) = 10;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(g, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[2] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3] != 0);
- }
- struct potts_pair_image_model
- {
- typedef double value_type;
- template <typename pixel_type1, typename pixel_type2>
- value_type factor_value (
- const pixel_type1& ,
- const pixel_type2& v2
- ) const
- {
- return v2;
- }
- template <typename pixel_type>
- value_type factor_value_disagreement (
- const pixel_type& v1,
- const pixel_type& v2
- ) const
- {
- if (v1 == v2)
- return 10;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- };
- void test_potts_pair_grid()
- {
- array2d<int> img1(40,40);
- array2d<double> img2(40,40);
- assign_all_pixels(img1, -1);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, -1);
- img1[4][4] = 1000;
- img2[4][3] = 1;
- img2[4][4] = 1;
- img2[4][5] = 1;
- img2[3][3] = 1;
- img2[3][4] = 1;
- img2[3][5] = 1;
- img2[5][3] = 1;
- img2[5][4] = 1;
- img2[5][5] = 1;
- array2d<unsigned char> labels;
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(make_potts_grid_problem(potts_pair_image_model(),img2,img1), labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "num true labels: " << sum(matrix_cast<int>(mat(labels)!=0));
- DLIB_TEST(sum(matrix_cast<int>(mat(labels)!=0)) == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(matrix_cast<int>(mat(labels)==0)) == (int)img1.size()-9);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[4][3] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[4][4] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[4][5] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3][3] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3][4] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[3][5] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[5][3] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[5][4] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(labels[5][5] != 0);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class graph_cuts_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- graph_cuts_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_graph_cuts",
- "Runs tests on the graph cuts tools.")
- {}
- dlib::rand rnd;
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_potts_pair_grid();
- test_inf();
- for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i)
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> labels, brute_labels;
- test_potts_grid_problem prob(i);
- find_max_factor_graph_potts(prob, labels);
- brute_force_potts_grid_problem(prob, brute_labels);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- bool normal = (labels[r][c] != 0);
- bool brute = (brute_labels[r][c] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(normal == brute);
- }
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << "test_grpah_cuts<short> iter: " << i;
- test_graph_cuts<min_cut,short>(rnd);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << "test_grpah_cuts<double> iter: " << i;
- test_graph_cuts<min_cut,double>(rnd);
- }
- for (int k = 0; k < 300; ++k)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "image_potts_problem iter " << k;
- print_spinner();
- image_potts_problem p(3,3, rnd);
- impl_test_potts_model(p);
- }
- for (int k = 0; k < 300; ++k)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "dense_potts_problem iter " << k;
- print_spinner();
- dense_potts_problem p(6, rnd);
- impl_test_potts_model(p);
- }
- for (int k = 0; k < 300; ++k)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "dense_potts_problem iter " << k;
- print_spinner();
- test_graph_potts_model(rnd);
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph_labeler.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph_labeler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 112873896..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/graph_labeler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/data_io.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.graph_cuts");
- template <
- typename graph_type,
- typename samples_type,
- typename labels_type
- >
- void make_data(
- samples_type& samples,
- labels_type& labels
- )
- {
- //samples.clear();
- //labels.clear();
- std::vector<bool> label;
- graph_type g;
- // ---------------------------
- g.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- label.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- g.node(0).data = 0, 0, 1; label[0] = true;
- g.node(1).data = 0, 0, 1; label[1] = true;
- g.node(2).data = 0, 1, 0; label[2] = false;
- g.node(3).data = 0, 1, 0; label[3] = false;
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- edge(g,0,1) = 1, 1;
- edge(g,1,2) = 1, 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 1, 1;
- edge(g,3,0) = 1, 1;
- samples.push_back(g);
- labels.push_back(label);
- // ---------------------------
- g.clear();
- g.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- label.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- g.node(0).data = 0, 0, 1; label[0] = true;
- g.node(1).data = 0, 0, 0; label[1] = true;
- g.node(2).data = 0, 1, 0; label[2] = false;
- g.node(3).data = 0, 0, 0; label[3] = false;
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- edge(g,0,1) = 1, 0;
- edge(g,1,2) = 0, 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 1, 0;
- edge(g,3,0) = 0, 1;
- samples.push_back(g);
- labels.push_back(label);
- // ---------------------------
- g.clear();
- g.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- label.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- g.node(0).data = 0, 1, 0; label[0] = false;
- g.node(1).data = 0, 1, 0; label[1] = false;
- g.node(2).data = 0, 1, 0; label[2] = false;
- g.node(3).data = 0, 0, 0; label[3] = false;
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- edge(g,0,1) = 1, 0;
- edge(g,1,2) = 0, 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 1, 0;
- edge(g,3,0) = 0, 1;
- samples.push_back(g);
- labels.push_back(label);
- // ---------------------------
- }
- template <
- typename graph_type,
- typename samples_type,
- typename labels_type
- >
- void make_data_sparse(
- samples_type& samples,
- labels_type& labels
- )
- {
- //samples.clear();
- //labels.clear();
- std::vector<bool> label;
- graph_type g;
- typename graph_type::edge_type v;
- // ---------------------------
- g.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- label.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- g.node(0).data[2] = 1; label[0] = true;
- g.node(1).data[2] = 1; label[1] = true;
- g.node(2).data[1] = 1; label[2] = false;
- g.node(3).data[1] = 1; label[3] = false;
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- g.add_edge(3,1);
- v[0] = 1; v[1] = 1;
- edge(g,0,1) = v;
- edge(g,1,2) = v;
- edge(g,2,3) = v;
- edge(g,3,0) = v;
- samples.push_back(g);
- labels.push_back(label);
- // ---------------------------
- g.clear();
- g.set_number_of_nodes(5);
- label.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- g.node(0).data[2] = 1; label[0] = true;
- g.node(1).data[0] = 0; label[1] = true;
- g.node(2).data[1] = 1; label[2] = false;
- g.node(3).data[0] = 0; label[3] = false;
- label[4] = true;
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,4);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- edge(g,0,1)[0] = 1;
- edge(g,1,4)[0] = 1;
- edge(g,1,2)[1] = 1;
- edge(g,2,3)[0] = 1;
- edge(g,3,0)[1] = 1;
- samples.push_back(g);
- labels.push_back(label);
- // ---------------------------
- g.clear();
- g.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- label.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- g.node(0).data[1] = 1; label[0] = false;
- g.node(1).data[1] = 1; label[1] = false;
- g.node(2).data[1] = 1; label[2] = false;
- g.node(3).data[1] = 0; label[3] = false;
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- edge(g,0,1)[0] = 1;
- edge(g,1,2)[1] = 1;
- edge(g,2,3)[0] = 1;
- edge(g,3,0)[1] = 1;
- samples.push_back(g);
- labels.push_back(label);
- // ---------------------------
- }
- template <
- typename graph_type,
- typename samples_type,
- typename labels_type
- >
- void make_data2(
- samples_type& samples,
- labels_type& labels
- )
- {
- //samples.clear();
- //labels.clear();
- std::vector<bool> label;
- graph_type g;
- // ---------------------------
- g.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- label.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- g.node(0).data = 0, 0, 1; label[0] = true;
- g.node(1).data = 0, 0, 1; label[1] = true;
- g.node(2).data = 0, 1, 0; label[2] = false;
- g.node(3).data = 0, 1, 0; label[3] = false;
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- edge(g,0,1) = 1, 1;
- edge(g,1,2) = 1, 1;
- edge(g,2,3) = 1, 1;
- edge(g,3,0) = 1, 1;
- samples.push_back(g);
- labels.push_back(label);
- // ---------------------------
- }
- template <
- typename graph_type,
- typename samples_type,
- typename labels_type
- >
- void make_data2_sparse(
- samples_type& samples,
- labels_type& labels
- )
- {
- //samples.clear();
- //labels.clear();
- std::vector<bool> label;
- graph_type g;
- typename graph_type::edge_type v;
- // ---------------------------
- g.set_number_of_nodes(4);
- label.resize(g.number_of_nodes());
- g.node(0).data[2] = 1; label[0] = true;
- g.node(1).data[2] = 1; label[1] = true;
- g.node(2).data[1] = 1; label[2] = false;
- g.node(3).data[1] = 1; label[3] = false;
- g.add_edge(0,1);
- g.add_edge(1,2);
- g.add_edge(2,3);
- g.add_edge(3,0);
- v[0] = 1; v[1] = 1;
- edge(g,0,1) = v;
- edge(g,1,2) = v;
- edge(g,2,3) = v;
- edge(g,3,0) = v;
- samples.push_back(g);
- labels.push_back(label);
- // ---------------------------
- }
- template <
- typename node_vector_type,
- typename edge_vector_type,
- typename vector_type,
- typename graph_type
- >
- void test1(
- const dlib::array<graph_type>& samples,
- const std::vector<std::vector<bool> >& labels
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "begin test1()";
- structural_graph_labeling_trainer<vector_type> trainer;
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-12);
- graph_labeler<vector_type> labeler = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- // test serialization code for the labeler.
- std::ostringstream sout;
- serialize(labeler, sout);
- std::istringstream sin(sout.str());
- labeler = graph_labeler<vector_type>();
- deserialize(labeler, sin);
- std::vector<bool> temp;
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < samples.size(); ++k)
- {
- temp = labeler(samples[k]);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i)
- {
- const bool true_label = (labels[k][i] != 0);
- const bool pred_label = (temp[i] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(true_label == pred_label);
- }
- }
- matrix<double> cv;
- cv = test_graph_labeling_function(labeler, samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(cv) == 2);
- cv = cross_validate_graph_labeling_trainer(trainer, samples, labels, 4);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(cv) == 2);
- dlog << LINFO << "edge weights: " << trans(sparse_to_dense(labeler.get_edge_weights()));
- dlog << LINFO << "node weights: " << trans(sparse_to_dense(labeler.get_node_weights()));
- }
- class graph_labeling_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- graph_labeling_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_graph_labeling",
- "Runs tests on the graph labeling component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- // test with dense vectors
- {
- typedef matrix<double,3,1> node_vector_type;
- typedef matrix<double,2,1> edge_vector_type;
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> vector_type;
- typedef dlib::graph<node_vector_type, edge_vector_type>::kernel_1a_c graph_type;
- dlib::array<graph_type> samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<bool> > labels;
- make_data<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- test1<node_vector_type,edge_vector_type,vector_type>(samples, labels);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // test with dense vectors and sparse vectors together
- {
- typedef matrix<double,3,1> node_vector_type;
- typedef matrix<double,2,1> edge_vector_type;
- typedef std::map<unsigned long,double> vector_type;
- typedef dlib::graph<node_vector_type, edge_vector_type>::kernel_1a_c graph_type;
- dlib::array<graph_type> samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<bool> > labels;
- make_data<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- test1<node_vector_type,edge_vector_type,vector_type>(samples, labels);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // test with sparse vectors
- {
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > vector_type;
- typedef std::map<unsigned long, double> edge_vector_type;
- typedef std::map<unsigned long, double> node_vector_type;
- typedef dlib::graph<node_vector_type, edge_vector_type>::kernel_1a_c graph_type;
- dlib::array<graph_type> samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<bool> > labels;
- make_data_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- test1<node_vector_type,edge_vector_type,vector_type>(samples, labels);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // test with dense vectors
- {
- typedef matrix<double,3,1> node_vector_type;
- typedef matrix<double,2,1> edge_vector_type;
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> vector_type;
- typedef dlib::graph<node_vector_type, edge_vector_type>::kernel_1a_c graph_type;
- dlib::array<graph_type> samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<bool> > labels;
- make_data2<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- test1<node_vector_type,edge_vector_type,vector_type>(samples, labels);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // test with sparse vectors
- {
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > vector_type;
- typedef std::map<unsigned long, double> edge_vector_type;
- typedef std::map<unsigned long, double> node_vector_type;
- typedef dlib::graph<node_vector_type, edge_vector_type>::kernel_1a_c graph_type;
- dlib::array<graph_type> samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<bool> > labels;
- make_data2_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- test1<node_vector_type,edge_vector_type,vector_type>(samples, labels);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // test with sparse vectors and dense mix
- {
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> vector_type;
- typedef std::map<unsigned long, double> edge_vector_type;
- typedef std::map<unsigned long, double> node_vector_type;
- typedef dlib::graph<node_vector_type, edge_vector_type>::kernel_1a_c graph_type;
- dlib::array<graph_type> samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<bool> > labels;
- make_data2_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- make_data2_sparse<graph_type>(samples, labels);
- test1<node_vector_type,edge_vector_type,vector_type>(samples, labels);
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/gui/CMakeLists.txt b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/gui/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ab3c2b47..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/gui/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# This is a CMake makefile. You can find the cmake utility and
-# information about it at
-# create a variable called target_name and set it to the string "test"
-set (target_name gui)
-add_subdirectory(../.. dlib_build)
-# add all the cpp files we want to compile to this list. This tells
-# cmake that they are part of our target (which is the executable named test)
-add_executable(${target_name} main.cpp )
-# Tell cmake to link our target executable to dlib.
-target_link_libraries(${target_name} dlib::dlib )
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/gui/main.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/gui/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d61aba8c0..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/gui/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,840 +0,0 @@
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "dlib/image_io.h"
-#include "dlib/array2d.h"
-#include "dlib/gui_core.h"
-#include "dlib/assert.h"
-#include "dlib/misc_api.h"
-#include "dlib/image_transforms.h"
-#include "dlib/timer.h"
-#include "dlib/gui_widgets.h"
-#include "dlib/queue.h"
-using namespace dlib;
-using namespace std;
-typedef dlib::array2d<hsi_pixel> image;
-#include "dlib/base64.h"
-class color_box : public draggable
- unsigned char red, green,blue;
- color_box (
- drawable_window& w,
- rectangle area,
- unsigned char red_,
- unsigned char green_,
- unsigned char blue_
- ) :
- draggable(w, MOUSE_WHEEL),
- red(red_),
- green(green_),
- blue(blue_),
- t(*this,&color_box::action)
- {
- rect = area;
- t.set_delay_time(4);
- // t.start();
- set_draggable_area(rectangle(10,10,500,500));
- enable_events();
- }
- ~color_box()
- {
- disable_events();
- }
- void action (
- )
- {
- ++red;
- parent.invalidate_rectangle(rect);
- }
- void draw (
- const canvas& c
- ) const
- {
- if (hidden == false )
- {
- fill_rect(c,rect,rgb_pixel(red,green,blue));
- std::vector<point> poly;
- poly.push_back((rect.tl_corner()+rect.tr_corner())/2);
- poly.push_back((rect.tr_corner()+rect.br_corner())/2);
- poly.push_back((rect.br_corner()+rect.bl_corner())/2);
- poly.push_back((rect.bl_corner()+rect.tl_corner())/2);
- draw_solid_convex_polygon(c,poly,rgb_alpha_pixel(0,0,0,70));
- }
- }
- void on_wheel_up(
- unsigned long state
- )
- {
- if (state == base_window::NONE)
- cout << "up scroll, NONE" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::LEFT)
- cout << "up scroll, LEFT" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::RIGHT)
- cout << "up scroll, RIGHT" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::MIDDLE)
- cout << "up scroll, MIDDLE" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::SHIFT)
- cout << "up scroll, SHIFT" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::CONTROL)
- cout << "up scroll, CONTROL" << endl;
- }
- void on_wheel_down(
- unsigned long state
- )
- {
- if (state == base_window::NONE)
- cout << "down scroll, NONE" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::LEFT)
- cout << "down scroll, LEFT" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::RIGHT)
- cout << "down scroll, RIGHT" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::MIDDLE)
- cout << "down scroll, MIDDLE" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::SHIFT)
- cout << "down scroll, SHIFT" << endl;
- else if (state&base_window::CONTROL)
- cout << "down scroll, CONTROL" << endl;
- }
- void on_window_resized ()
- {
- draggable::on_window_resized();
- }
- timer<color_box> t;
-class win : public drawable_window
- label lbl_last_keydown;
- label lbl_mod_shift;
- label lbl_mod_control;
- label lbl_mod_alt;
- label lbl_mod_meta;
- label lbl_mod_caps_lock;
- label lbl_mod_num_lock;
- label lbl_mod_scroll_lock;
- void on_keydown (
- unsigned long key,
- bool is_printable,
- unsigned long state
- )
- {
- if (is_printable)
- lbl_last_keydown.set_text(string("last keydown: ") + (char)key);
- else
- lbl_last_keydown.set_text(string("last keydown: nonprintable"));
- if (state&base_window::KBD_MOD_SHIFT)
- lbl_mod_shift.set_text("shift is on");
- else
- lbl_mod_shift.set_text("shift is off");
- if (state&base_window::KBD_MOD_CONTROL)
- lbl_mod_control.set_text("control is on");
- else
- lbl_mod_control.set_text("control is off");
- if (state&base_window::KBD_MOD_ALT)
- lbl_mod_alt.set_text("alt is on");
- else
- lbl_mod_alt.set_text("alt is off");
- if (state&base_window::KBD_MOD_META)
- lbl_mod_meta.set_text("meta is on");
- else
- lbl_mod_meta.set_text("meta is off");
- if (state&base_window::KBD_MOD_CAPS_LOCK)
- lbl_mod_caps_lock.set_text("caps_lock is on");
- else
- lbl_mod_caps_lock.set_text("caps_lock is off");
- if (state&base_window::KBD_MOD_NUM_LOCK)
- lbl_mod_num_lock.set_text("num_lock is on");
- else
- lbl_mod_num_lock.set_text("num_lock is off");
- if (state&base_window::KBD_MOD_SCROLL_LOCK)
- lbl_mod_scroll_lock.set_text("scroll_lock is on");
- else
- lbl_mod_scroll_lock.set_text("scroll_lock is off");
- drawable_window::on_keydown(key,is_printable,state);
- }
- void rb_click (
- )
- {
- if (rb.is_checked())
- rb.set_name("radio button checked");
- else
- rb.set_name("radio button");
- rb.set_checked();
- }
- void cb_sb_enabled (
- toggle_button&
- )
- {
- if (sb_enabled.is_checked())
- {
- sb.enable();
- lb.enable();
- b.enable();
- }
- else
- {
- lb.disable();
- sb.disable();
- b.disable();
- }
- if (sb_enabled.is_checked())
- rb.enable();
- else
- rb.disable();
- if (sb_enabled.is_checked())
- tabs.enable();
- else
- tabs.disable();
- if (sb_enabled.is_checked())
- tf.enable();
- else
- tf.disable();
- if (sb_enabled.is_checked())
- tb.enable();
- else
- tb.disable();
- }
- void cb_sb_shown (
- )
- {
- if (sb_shown.is_checked())
- {
- }
- else
- {
- sb.hide();
- tabs.hide();
- lb.hide();
- }
- }
- void tab_change (
- unsigned long new_idx,
- unsigned long
- )
- {
- tab_label.set_text(tabs.tab_name(new_idx));
- }
- void scroll_handler (
- )
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << "scroll bar pos: " << sb.slider_pos();
- sbl.set_text(sout.str());
- }
- void scroll2_handler (
- )
- {
- sb.set_length(sb2.slider_pos());
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << "scroll bar2 pos: " << sb2.slider_pos();
- sbl2.set_text(sout.str());
- scroll_handler();
- }
- void scroll3_handler (
- )
- {
- sb.set_max_slider_pos(sb3.slider_pos());
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << "scroll bar3 pos: " << sb3.slider_pos();
- sbl3.set_text(sout.str());
- scroll_handler();
- }
- void lb_double_click (
- unsigned long
- )
- {
- dlib::queue<unsigned long>::kernel_2a_c sel;
- lb.get_selected(sel);
- sel.reset();
- while (sel.move_next())
- {
- cout << lb[sel.element()] << endl;
- }
- //message_box("list_box",lb[idx]);
- }
- void msg_box (
- )
- {
- message_box("title","you clicked the ok button!\n HURRAY!");
- }
- static void try_this_junk (
- void* param
- )
- {
- win& p = *reinterpret_cast<win*>(param);
- put_on_clipboard( + "\nfoobar");
- }
- void on_set_clipboard (
- )
- {
- create_new_thread(try_this_junk,this);
- //try_this_junk(this);
- }
- static void try_this_junk2 (
- void*
- )
- {
- string temp;
- get_from_clipboard(temp);
- message_box("clipboard",temp);
- }
- void on_get_clipboard (
- )
- {
- create_new_thread(try_this_junk2,this);
- }
- void on_show_msg_click (
- )
- {
- message_box("title","This is a test message.",*this,&win::msg_box);
- }
- void on_menu_help (
- )
- {
- message_box("About","This is the messy dlib gui regression test program");
- }
- ~win()
- {
- close_window();
- }
- void cbox_clicked (
- )
- {
- if (cbox.is_checked())
- cbl.set_text( + " box is checked");
- else
- cbl.set_text("box NOT is checked");
- }
- win (
- ):
- drawable_window(true),
- lbl_last_keydown(*this),
- lbl_mod_shift(*this),
- lbl_mod_control(*this),
- lbl_mod_alt(*this),
- lbl_mod_meta(*this),
- lbl_mod_caps_lock(*this),
- lbl_mod_num_lock(*this),
- lbl_mod_scroll_lock(*this),
- b(*this),
- btn_count(*this),
- btn_get_clipboard(*this),
- btn_set_clipboard(*this),
- btn_show_message(*this),
- cb1(*this,rectangle(100,100,200,200),255,0,0),
- cb2(*this,rectangle(150,150,250,240),0,255,0),
- cbl(*this),
- cbox(*this),
- group1(*this),
- group2(*this),
- group3(*this),
- keyboard_count(1),
- keydown(*this),
- keyup(*this),
- l1(*this),
- l2(*this),
- l3(*this),
- lb(*this),
- leave_count(*this),
- left_down(*this),
- left_up(*this),
- middle_down(*this),
- middle_up(*this),
- mouse_state(*this),
- mt(*this),
- nrect(*this),
- pos(*this),
- rb(*this),
- right_down(*this),
- right_up(*this),
- sb2(*this,scroll_bar::VERTICAL),
- sb3(*this,scroll_bar::VERTICAL),
- sb_enabled(*this),
- sbl2(*this),
- sbl3(*this),
- sbl(*this),
- sb_shown(*this),
- sb(*this,scroll_bar::HORIZONTAL),
- scroll(*this),
- tab_label(*this),
- tabs(*this),
- tf(*this),
- tb(*this),
- mbar(*this)
- {
- bool use_bdf_fonts = false;
- std::shared_ptr<bdf_font> f(new bdf_font);
- if (use_bdf_fonts)
- {
- ifstream fin("/home/davis/source/10x20.bdf");
- f->read_bdf_file(fin,0xFFFF);
- mt.set_main_font(f);
- }
- //mt.hide();
- mt.set_pos(5,200);
- lbl_last_keydown.set_text("?");
- lbl_mod_shift.set_text("?");
- lbl_mod_control.set_text("?");
- lbl_mod_alt.set_text("?");
- lbl_mod_meta.set_text("?");
- lbl_mod_caps_lock.set_text("?");
- lbl_mod_num_lock.set_text("?");
- lbl_mod_scroll_lock.set_text("?");
- lbl_last_keydown.set_pos(20,420);
- lbl_mod_shift.set_pos(20,lbl_last_keydown.bottom()+5);
- lbl_mod_control.set_pos(20,lbl_mod_shift.bottom()+5);
- lbl_mod_alt.set_pos(20,lbl_mod_control.bottom()+5);
- lbl_mod_meta.set_pos(20,lbl_mod_alt.bottom()+5);
- lbl_mod_caps_lock.set_pos(20,lbl_mod_meta.bottom()+5);
- lbl_mod_num_lock.set_pos(20,lbl_mod_caps_lock.bottom()+5);
- lbl_mod_scroll_lock.set_pos(20,lbl_mod_num_lock.bottom()+5);
- lb.set_pos(580,200);
- lb.set_size(200,300);
- if (use_bdf_fonts)
- lb.set_main_font(f);
- dlib::queue<string>::kernel_2a_c qos;
- string a;
- a = "Davis"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "king"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "one"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "two"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "three"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "yo yo yo alsdkjf asfj lsa jfsf\n this is a long phrase"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "four"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "five"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "six"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "seven"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "eight"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "nine"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "ten"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "eleven"; qos.enqueue(a);
- a = "twelve"; qos.enqueue(a);
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- a = "thirteen"; qos.enqueue(a);
- }
- lb.load(qos);
- lb.enable_multiple_select();
- lb.set_double_click_handler(*this,&win::lb_double_click);
- // lb.disable_multiple_select();
- btn_show_message.set_pos(50,350);
- btn_show_message.set_name("message_box()");
- mbar.set_number_of_menus(2);
- mbar.set_menu_name(0,"File",'F');
- mbar.set_menu_name(1,"Help",'H');
-"show msg click",*this,&win::on_show_msg_click,'s'));
-"get clipboard",*this,&win::on_get_clipboard,'g'));
-"set clipboard",*this,&win::on_set_clipboard,'c'));
-"submenu",'m'), submenu);
- submenu.add_menu_item(menu_item_separator());
- submenu.add_menu_item(menu_item_separator());
- submenu.add_menu_item(menu_item_text("show msg click",*this,&win::on_show_msg_click,'s'));
- submenu.add_menu_item(menu_item_text("get clipboard",*this,&win::on_get_clipboard,'g'));
- submenu.add_menu_item(menu_item_text("set clipboard",*this,&win::on_set_clipboard,'c'));
- submenu.add_menu_item(menu_item_separator());
- submenu.add_menu_item(menu_item_separator());
- btn_show_message.set_click_handler(*this,&win::on_show_msg_click);
- btn_get_clipboard.set_pos(btn_show_message.right()+5,;
- btn_get_clipboard.set_name("get_from_clipboard()");
- btn_get_clipboard.set_click_handler(*this,&win::on_get_clipboard);
- btn_get_clipboard.set_style(button_style_toolbar1());
- btn_set_clipboard.set_pos(btn_get_clipboard.right()+5,;
- btn_set_clipboard.set_name("put_on_clipboard()");
- btn_set_clipboard.set_click_handler(*this,&win::on_set_clipboard);
- nrect.set_size(700,500);
- nrect.set_name("test widgets");
- nrect.set_pos(2,mbar.bottom()+2);
- //throw dlib::error("holy crap batman");
- tab_label.set_pos(10,440);
- tabs.set_click_handler(*this,&win::tab_change);
- tabs.set_pos(5,mbar.bottom()+10);
- tabs.set_size(280,100);
- tabs.set_number_of_tabs(3);
- tabs.set_tab_name(0,"davis");
- tabs.set_tab_name(1,"edward");
- tabs.set_tab_name(2,"king alsklsdkfj asfd");
- tabs.set_tab_group(0,group1);
- tabs.set_tab_group(1,group2);
- tabs.set_tab_group(2,group3);
- l1.set_text("group one");
- l2.set_text("group two");
- l3.set_text("group three");
- group1.add(l1,0,0);
- group2.add(l2,20,10);
- group3.add(l3,0,0);
- sb_enabled.set_name("enabled");
- sb_shown.set_name("shown");
- sb_shown.set_checked();
- sb_enabled.set_checked();
- sb_shown.set_click_handler(*this,&win::cb_sb_shown);
- sb_enabled.set_click_handler(*this,&win::cb_sb_enabled);
- sb_shown.set_tooltip_text("I'm a checkbox");
- rb.set_click_handler(*this,&win::rb_click);
- sb3.set_pos(440,mbar.bottom()+10);
- sb3.set_max_slider_pos(300);
- sb3.set_slider_pos(150);
- sb3.set_length(300);
- sb2.set_pos(470,mbar.bottom()+10);
- sb2.set_max_slider_pos(300);
- sb2.set_length(300);
- sb.set_pos(500,mbar.bottom()+10);
- sb.set_max_slider_pos(30);
- sb.set_length(300);
- sb.set_scroll_handler(*this,&win::scroll_handler);
- sb2.set_scroll_handler(*this,&win::scroll2_handler);
- sb3.set_scroll_handler(*this,&win::scroll3_handler);
- sbl.set_pos(540,mbar.bottom()+20);
- sbl2.set_pos(540,mbar.bottom()+40);
- sbl3.set_pos(540,mbar.bottom()+60);
- cbox.set_pos(300,mbar.bottom()+30);
- cbox.set_name("davis king");
- cbox.set_click_handler(*this,&win::cbox_clicked);
- cbl.set_pos(300,cbox.get_rect().bottom()+1);
- cbox.set_checked();
- sb_enabled.set_pos(cbox.get_rect().left(),cbox.get_rect().bottom()+20);
- sb_shown.set_pos(sb_enabled.get_rect().left(),sb_enabled.get_rect().bottom()+2);
- if (use_bdf_fonts)
- rb.set_main_font(f);
- rb.set_name("radio button");
- rb.set_pos(sb_shown.get_rect().left(),sb_shown.get_rect().bottom()+2);
- cb1.set_z_order(10);
- cb2.set_z_order(20);
- pos.set_pos(50,50);
- left_up.set_pos(50,70);
- left_down.set_pos(50,90);
- middle_up.set_pos(50,110);
- middle_down.set_pos(50,130);
- right_up.set_pos(50,150);
- right_down.set_pos(50,170);
- mouse_state.set_pos(50,190);
- leave_count.set_pos(50,210);
- scroll_count = 0;
- scroll.set_pos(50,230);
- btn_count.set_pos(50,250);
- keydown.set_pos(50,270);
- keyup.set_pos(50,290);
- tf.set_pos(50,310);
- tf.set_text("Davis685g@");
- tf.set_width(500);
- tf.set_text_color(rgb_pixel(255,0,0));
- tf.set_enter_key_handler(*this,&win::on_enter_key);
- tf.set_focus_lost_handler(*this,&win::on_tf_focus_lost);
- tb.set_pos(250,400);
- tb.set_text("initial test\nstring");
- tb.set_size(300,300);
- tb.set_text_color(rgb_pixel(255,0,0));
- tb.set_enter_key_handler(*this,&win::on_enter_key);
- tb.set_focus_lost_handler(*this,&win::on_tf_focus_lost);
- button_count = 0;
- count = 0;
- b.set_name("button");
- b.set_pos(540,100);
- b.set_click_handler(*this,&win::on_click);
- b.set_tooltip_text("hurray i'm a button!");
- if (use_bdf_fonts)
- b.set_main_font(f);
- set_size(815,730);
- nrect.wrap_around(
- cbox.get_rect() +
- rb.get_rect() +
- sb_enabled.get_rect() +
- sb_shown.get_rect());
- flip = 0;
- open_file_box(*this,&win::on_open_file);
- open_existing_file_box(*this,&win::on_open_file);
- save_file_box(*this,&win::on_open_file);
- if (use_bdf_fonts)
- {
- tf.set_main_font(f);
- tb.set_main_font(f);
- }
- if (use_bdf_fonts)
- tabs.set_main_font(f);
- }
- void on_enter_key()
- {
- cout << "enter key pressed" << endl;
- }
- void on_tf_focus_lost()
- {
- cout << "text field/box lost focus" << endl;
- }
- void on_open_file (const std::string& file)
- {
- message_box("file opened",file);
- }
- void on_click (
- )
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << "text field: " << tf.text();
- ++button_count;
- btn_count.set_text(sout.str());
- if (flip == 0)
- {
- flip = 1;
- lb.set_size(200,200);
- }
- else if (flip == 1)
- {
- flip = 2;
- lb.set_size(150,200);
- }
- else if (flip == 2)
- {
- flip = 3;
- lb.set_size(150,300);
- }
- else
- {
- flip = 0;
- lb.set_size(200,300);
- }
- }
- button b;
- label btn_count;
- button btn_get_clipboard;
- button btn_set_clipboard;
- button btn_show_message;
- int button_count;
- color_box cb1;
- color_box cb2;
- label cbl;
- check_box cbox;
- int count;
- int flip;
- widget_group group1;
- widget_group group2;
- widget_group group3;
- int keyboard_count;
- label keydown;
- label keyup;
- label l1;
- label l2;
- label l3;
- list_box lb;
- label leave_count;
- label left_down;
- label left_up;
- label middle_down;
- label middle_up;
- label mouse_state;
- mouse_tracker mt;
- named_rectangle nrect;
- label pos;
- radio_button rb;
- label right_down;
- label right_up;
- scroll_bar sb2;
- scroll_bar sb3;
- check_box sb_enabled;
- label sbl2;
- label sbl3;
- label sbl;
- check_box sb_shown;
- scroll_bar sb;
- int scroll_count;
- label scroll;
- label tab_label;
- tabbed_display tabs;
- text_field tf;
- text_box tb;
- menu_bar mbar;
- popup_menu submenu;
-win w;
-int main()
- try
- {
- image_window win;
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(100,100);
- assign_all_pixels(img,0);
- fill_rect(img, rectangle(1,1,1,1), 255);
- fill_rect(img, rectangle(1,3,2,5), 255);
- fill_rect(img, rectangle(4,3,5,4), 255);
- fill_rect(img, rectangle(9,9,13,10), 255);
- win.set_image(img);
- win.add_overlay(image_display::overlay_rect(rectangle(1,1,1,1), rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win.add_overlay(image_display::overlay_rect(rectangle(1,3,2,5), rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win.add_overlay(image_display::overlay_rect(rectangle(4,3,5,4), rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win.add_overlay(image_display::overlay_rect(rectangle(9,9,13,10), rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- w.set_pos (100,200);
- w.set_title("test window");
- w.wait_until_closed();
- }
- catch (exception& e)
- {
- cout << e.what() << endl;
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 94930e629..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/hash.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <dlib/byte_orderer.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.hash");
- template <typename T>
- void to_little (
- std::vector<T>& item
- )
- {
- byte_orderer bo;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < item.size(); ++i)
- bo.host_to_little(item[i]);
- }
- template <typename T>
- void to_little (
- matrix<T>& item
- )
- {
- byte_orderer bo;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- bo.host_to_little(item(r,c));
- }
- }
- }
- // Run the official test for MurmurHash3
- void murmur_hash_test()
- {
- uint8 key[256];
- uint32 hashes[256];
- uint32 final = 0;
- memset(key,0,sizeof(key));
- memset(hashes,0,sizeof(hashes));
- // Hash keys of the form {0}, {0,1}, {0,1,2}... up to N=255,using 256-N as
- // the seed.
- for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- key[i] = (uint8)i;
- hashes[i] = murmur_hash3(key,i,256-i);
- }
- byte_orderer bo;
- bo.host_to_little(hashes);
- final = murmur_hash3(hashes,sizeof(hashes),0);
- // using ostringstream to avoid compiler error in visual studio 2005
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << hex << final;
- dlog << LINFO << "final: "<< sout.str();
- DLIB_TEST(final == 0xB0F57EE3);
- }
- void murmur_hash_128_test()
- {
- uint8 key[256];
- uint64 hashes[256*2];
- uint32 final = 0;
- memset(key,0,sizeof(key));
- memset(hashes,0,sizeof(hashes));
- // Hash keys of the form {0}, {0,1}, {0,1,2}... up to N=255,using 256-N as
- // the seed.
- for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- key[i] = (uint8)i;
- const std::pair<uint64,uint64> temp = murmur_hash3_128bit(key,i,256-i);
- hashes[2*i] = temp.first;
- hashes[2*i+1] = temp.second;
- }
- byte_orderer bo;
- bo.host_to_little(hashes);
- final = static_cast<uint32>(murmur_hash3_128bit(hashes,sizeof(hashes),0).first);
- // using ostringstream to avoid compiler error in visual studio 2005
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << hex << final;
- dlog << LINFO << "final 64: "<< sout.str();
- DLIB_TEST(final == 0x6384BA69);
- }
- void test_murmur_hash_128_4()
- {
- byte_orderer bo;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- uint32 buf[4] = { rnd.get_random_32bit_number(),
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number(),
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number(),
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()
- };
- bo.host_to_little(buf);
- std::pair<uint64,uint64> temp1, temp2;
- // Make sure the 4 integer version of murmur hash does the same thing
- // as the memory block version.
- temp1 = murmur_hash3_128bit(buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
- temp2 = murmur_hash3_128bit(buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]);
- DLIB_TEST( temp1.first == temp2.first);
- DLIB_TEST( temp1.second == temp2.second);
- }
- }
- void test_murmur_hash_128_3()
- {
- byte_orderer bo;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- uint64 buf[2] = { rnd.get_random_64bit_number(),
- rnd.get_random_64bit_number(),
- };
- const uint32 seed = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- bo.host_to_little(buf);
- std::pair<uint64,uint64> temp1, temp2;
- // Make sure the 3 integer version of murmur hash does the same thing
- // as the memory block version.
- temp1 = murmur_hash3_128bit(buf, sizeof(buf), seed);
- temp2 = murmur_hash3_128bit_3(buf[0], buf[1], seed);
- DLIB_TEST( temp1.first == temp2.first);
- DLIB_TEST( temp1.second == temp2.second);
- }
- }
- void test_murmur_hash_64_2()
- {
- byte_orderer bo;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- uint32 val = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- const uint32 seed = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- bo.host_to_little(val);
- uint32 temp1, temp2;
- // Make sure the 2 integer version of murmur hash does the same thing
- // as the memory block version.
- temp1 = murmur_hash3(&val, sizeof(val), seed);
- temp2 = murmur_hash3_2(val, seed);
- DLIB_TEST(temp1 == temp2);
- }
- }
- void test_murmur_hash_64_3()
- {
- byte_orderer bo;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- uint32 buf[2] = {rnd.get_random_32bit_number(),
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()};
- const uint32 seed = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- bo.host_to_little(buf);
- uint32 temp1, temp2;
- // Make sure the 2 integer version of murmur hash does the same thing
- // as the memory block version.
- temp1 = murmur_hash3(&buf, sizeof(buf), seed);
- temp2 = murmur_hash3_3(buf[0], buf[1], seed);
- DLIB_TEST(temp1 == temp2);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uint64 slow_count_bits ( uint64 v)
- {
- uint64 count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
- {
- if (v&1)
- ++count;
- v >>= 1;
- }
- return count;
- }
- uint32 slow_count_bits ( uint32 v)
- {
- uint32 count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
- {
- if (v&1)
- ++count;
- v >>= 1;
- }
- return count;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_hamming_stuff()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- uint32 v = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- uint64 v2 = rnd.get_random_64bit_number();
- DLIB_TEST(slow_count_bits(v) == count_bits(v));
- DLIB_TEST(slow_count_bits(v2) == count_bits(v2));
- }
- DLIB_TEST(hamming_distance((uint32)0x1F, (uint32)0x0F) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(hamming_distance((uint32)0x1F, (uint32)0x1F) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(hamming_distance((uint32)0x1F, (uint32)0x19) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(hamming_distance((uint32)0x2F, (uint32)0x19) == 4);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_hash : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_hash (
- ) :
- tester ("test_hash",
- "Runs tests on the hash routines.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- test_hamming_stuff();
- murmur_hash_test();
- murmur_hash_128_test();
- std::string str1 = "some random string";
- matrix<unsigned char> mat(2,2);
- mat = 1,2,3,4;
- matrix<uint64> mat2(2,3);
- mat2 = 1,2,3,4,5,6;
- to_little(mat2);
- std::vector<unsigned char> v(4);
- v[0] = 'c';
- v[1] = 'a';
- v[2] = 't';
- v[3] = '!';
- std::vector<uint16> v2(4);
- v[0] = 'c';
- v[1] = 'a';
- v[2] = 't';
- v[3] = '!';
- to_little(v2);
- std::map<unsigned char, unsigned char> m;
- m['c'] = 'C';
- m['a'] = 'A';
- m['t'] = 'T';
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(str1): "<< dlib::hash(str1);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(v): "<< dlib::hash(v);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(v2): "<< dlib::hash(v2);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(m): "<< dlib::hash(m);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(mat): "<< dlib::hash(mat);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(mat2): "<< dlib::hash(mat2);
- uint32 ui1 = 123485393;
- uint64 ui2 = ui1;
- ui2 *= ui2;
- ui2 *= ui2;
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(ui1): "<< dlib::hash(ui1);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(ui2): "<< dlib::hash(ui2);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(make_pair(ui2,ui1)): "<< dlib::hash(make_pair(ui2,ui1));
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(make_pair(ui2,ui2)): "<< dlib::hash(make_pair(ui2,ui2));
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(make_pair(ui1,ui1)): "<< dlib::hash(make_pair(ui1,ui1));
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(ui1,3): "<< dlib::hash(ui1,3);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(ui2,3): "<< dlib::hash(ui2,3);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(make_pair(ui2,ui1),3): "<< dlib::hash(make_pair(ui2,ui1),3);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(make_pair(ui2,ui2),3): "<< dlib::hash(make_pair(ui2,ui2),3);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(make_pair(ui1,ui1),3): "<< dlib::hash(make_pair(ui1,ui1),3);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(ui1) == 0x63e272e4);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(ui2) == 0xaf55561a);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(make_pair(ui2,ui1)) == 0x52685376);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(make_pair(ui2,ui2)) == 0xd25d6929);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(make_pair(ui1,ui1)) == 0xeea3b63e);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(ui1,3) == 0x95d1c4c0);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(ui2,3) == 0x6ada728d);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(make_pair(ui2,ui1),3) == 0x2f72a0ff);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(make_pair(ui2,ui2),3) == 0xac1407f0);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(make_pair(ui1,ui1),3) == 0x39ad637a);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(str1) == 0x3ffe6bf6);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(v) == 0xf1af2ca6);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(v2) == 0x63852afc);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(m) == 0xaacc3f6f);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(mat) == 0x3e349da5);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(mat2) == 0x3a95dc52);
- DLIB_TEST(murmur_hash3(&str1[0], str1.size(), 0) == 0x3ffe6bf6);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(str1,1): "<< dlib::hash(str1,1);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(v,3): "<< dlib::hash(v,3);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(v2,3): "<< dlib::hash(v2,3);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(m,4): "<< dlib::hash(m,4);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(mat,5): "<< dlib::hash(mat,5);
- dlog << LINFO << "hash(mat2,6): "<< dlib::hash(mat2,6);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(str1,1) == 0xb17cea93);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(v,3) == 0x7ec9284c);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(v2,3) == 0xb2ce147f);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(m,4) == 0xfa5e7ac2);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(mat,5) == 0x8de27259);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::hash(mat2,6) == 0xb8aa7714);
- DLIB_TEST(murmur_hash3(&str1[0], str1.size(), 1) == 0xb17cea93);
- test_murmur_hash_128_4();
- test_murmur_hash_128_3();
- test_murmur_hash_64_2();
- test_murmur_hash_64_3();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_map.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_map.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 09af09936..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_map.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/hash_map.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.hash_map");
- template <
- typename hash_map
- >
- void hash_map_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - hash_map is an implementation of hash_map/hash_map_kernel_abstract.h and
- is instantiated to map int to int
- ensures
- - runs tests on hash_map for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- print_spinner();
- hash_map test, test2;
- enumerable<map_pair<int,int> >& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- int a,b;
- a = 8;
- b = 94;
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(8) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test[8] == 94);
- a = 53;
- b = 4;
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(53) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test[53] == 4);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test2.size() == 2,test2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(8) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[8] == 94);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(53) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[53] == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(8) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(53) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == test.element().value());
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- test.swap(test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- count = 0;
- test2.reset();
- test2.move_next();
- test2.element().value() = 99;
- DLIB_TEST(test2[test2.element().key()] == 99);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == 99);
- test2.reset();
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2[test2.element().key()] == test2.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == test2.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == test2.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == test2.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == test2.element().value());
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- while (test.size() < 20000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- {
- int* array1 = new int[test.size()];
- int* array2 = new int[test.size()];
- int* tmp1 = array1;
- int* tmp2 = array2;
- // serialize the state of test, then clear test, then
- // load the state back into test.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(test,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test.clear();
- deserialize(test,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- *tmp1 = test.element().key();
- *tmp2 = test.element().value();
- ++tmp1;
- ++tmp2;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- tmp1 = array1;
- tmp2 = array2;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(*tmp1) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test[*tmp1] == *tmp2);
- ++tmp1;
- ++tmp2;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 20000);
- tmp1 = array1;
- tmp2 = array2;
- count = 0;
- while (test.size() > 10000)
- {
- test.remove(*tmp1,a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp1 == a);
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp2 == b);
- ++tmp1;
- ++tmp2;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == *tmp1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == *tmp1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == *tmp1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == *tmp2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == *tmp2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == *tmp2);
- ++tmp1;
- ++tmp2;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- while (test.size() < 20000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- test2.swap(test);
- count = 0;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == test2.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == test2.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == test2.element().key());
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 20000);
- int c = 0;
- while (test2.size()>0)
- {
- test2.remove_any(b,c);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- delete [] array1;
- delete [] array2;
- }
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.element().key()] == test.element().value());
- ++count;
- if (count == 5000)
- break;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- test.reset();
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- }
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- int a = 5;
- int b = 6;
- test.add(a,b);
- a = 7;
- b = 8;
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[7] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(test[5] == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(7));
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5));
- test.destroy(7);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_in_domain(7));
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5));
- test.destroy(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_in_domain(7));
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_in_domain(5));
- }
- }
- class hash_map_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- hash_map_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_hash_map",
- "Runs tests on the hash_map component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- hash_map_kernel_test<hash_map<int,int,14>::kernel_1a>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1b_c";
- hash_map_kernel_test<hash_map<int,int,14>::kernel_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1b";
- hash_map_kernel_test<hash_map<int,int,14>::kernel_1b>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- hash_map_kernel_test<hash_map<int,int,14>::kernel_1b_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1c";
- hash_map_kernel_test<hash_map<int,int,14>::kernel_1c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1c_c";
- hash_map_kernel_test<hash_map<int,int,14>::kernel_1c_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_set.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_set.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 02b665bdb..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_set.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/hash_set.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.hash_set");
- template <
- typename hash_set
- >
- void hash_set_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - hash_set is an implementation of hash_set/hash_set_kernel_abstract.h and
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on hash_set for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- print_spinner();
- hash_set test, test2;
- enumerable<const int>& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- int a,b = 0;
- a = 8;
- test.add(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(8) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- a = 53;
- test.add(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(53) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(8) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(53) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(8) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(53) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- test.swap(test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- count = 0;
- test2.reset();
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- while (test.size() < 20000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- {
- int* array = new int[test.size()];
- int* tmp = array;
- // serialize the state of test, then clear test, then
- // load the state back into test.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(test,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test.clear();
- deserialize(test,sin);
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- *tmp = test.element();
- ++tmp;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- tmp = array;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(*tmp) == true);
- ++tmp;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 20000);
- tmp = array;
- count = 0;
- while (test.size() > 10000)
- {
- test.remove(*tmp,a);
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp == a);
- ++tmp;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- while (test.size() < 20000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- test2.swap(test);
- count = 0;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 20000);
- while (test2.size()>0)
- {
- test2.remove_any(b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- delete [] array;
- }
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- if (count == 5000)
- break;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- test.reset();
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- }
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- int a = 5;
- test.add(a);
- a = 7;
- test.add(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(7));
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5));
- test.destroy(7);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_member(7));
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5));
- test.destroy(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_member(7));
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_member(5));
- }
- }
- class hash_set_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- hash_set_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_hash_set",
- "Runs tests on the hash_set component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- hash_set_kernel_test<hash_set<int,14>::kernel_1a>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- hash_set_kernel_test<hash_set<int,14>::kernel_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1b";
- hash_set_kernel_test<hash_set<int,14>::kernel_1b>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1b_c";
- hash_set_kernel_test<hash_set<int,14>::kernel_1b_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1c";
- hash_set_kernel_test<hash_set<int,14>::kernel_1c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1c_c";
- hash_set_kernel_test<hash_set<int,14>::kernel_1c_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_table.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_table.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f4754835e..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hash_table.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/hash_table.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.hash_table");
- template <
- typename hash_table
- >
- void hash_table_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - hash_table is an implementation of hash_table/hash_table_kernel_abstract.h
- and is instantiated to map ints to ints
- ensures
- - runs tests on hash_table for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- {
- hash_table test(16);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- enumerable<map_pair<int,int> >& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- hash_table test2(16);
- hash_table test3(0);
- hash_table test4(0);
- print_spinner();
- int b;
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- int a = 4;
- b = 5;
- test2.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[4] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[99] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == 5);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(*test[4] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(test[99] == 0);
- test.swap(test2);
- a = 99;
- b = 35;
- test2.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[4] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[99] == 35);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[99] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[949] == 0);
- test2.destroy(4);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[99] == 35);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[99] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[949] == 0);
- test2.destroy(99);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[99] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[949] == 0);
- test2.clear();
- }
- print_spinner();
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- int a;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()%1000;
- int temp = a;
- unsigned long count = test.count(a);
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(temp) == count+1);
- }
- {
- unsigned long count = test.count(3);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- }
- test.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = b = i;
- unsigned long count = test.count(a);
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(i) == count+1);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- if (test.size() > 0)
- {
- int* array = new int[test.size()];
- int* tmp = array;
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- *tmp = test.element().key();
- DLIB_TEST(test[*tmp] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp == test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- ++tmp;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- swap(test,test2);
- // serialize the state of test2, then clear test2, then
- // load the state back into test2.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(test2,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test2.clear();
- deserialize(test2,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- tmp = array;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- ++tmp;
- }
- test2.swap(test);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- count = 0;
- tmp = array;
- while (test.size() > 0)
- {
- test.remove(*tmp,a,b);
- ++tmp;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- delete [] array;
- }
- test.move_next();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- test.remove_any(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- test.clear();
- int* dtmp = new int[10000];
- int* rtmp = new int[10000];
- int* d = dtmp;
- int* r = rtmp;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- *d = a;
- *r = b;
- if (test[a] != 0)
- {
- --i;
- continue;
- }
- test.add(a,b);
- ++d;
- ++r;
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == i+1);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(*test[dtmp[i]] == rtmp[i]);
- }
- delete [] dtmp;
- delete [] rtmp;
- test.clear();
- }}
- print_spinner();
- // now do the same thing as above but with a much smaller hash table
- {
- hash_table test(13);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- enumerable<map_pair<int,int> >& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- hash_table test2(16);
- hash_table test3(0);
- hash_table test4(0);
- int b;
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- int a = 4;
- b = 5;
- test2.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[4] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[99] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == 5);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(*test[4] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(test[99] == 0);
- test.swap(test2);
- a = 99;
- b = 35;
- test2.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[4] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[99] == 35);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[99] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[949] == 0);
- test2.destroy(4);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[99] == 35);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[99] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[949] == 0);
- test2.destroy(99);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[99] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[949] == 0);
- test2.clear();
- }
- print_spinner();
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- int a;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand()%1000;
- int temp = a;
- unsigned long count = test.count(a);
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(temp) == count+1);
- }
- {
- unsigned long count = test.count(3);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- a = 3; test.add(a,b); ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(3) == count);
- }
- test.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = b = i;
- unsigned long count = test.count(a);
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.count(i) == count+1);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- if (test.size() > 0)
- {
- int* array = new int[test.size()];
- int* tmp = array;
- int count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- ++count;
- *tmp = test.element().key();
- DLIB_TEST(test[*tmp] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp == test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- ++tmp;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- swap(test,test2);
- tmp = array;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(*test2[*tmp] == *tmp);
- ++tmp;
- }
- test2.swap(test);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- count = 0;
- tmp = array;
- while (test.size() > 0)
- {
- test.remove(*tmp,a,b);
- ++tmp;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- delete [] array;
- }
- test.move_next();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- test.remove_any(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- test.clear();
- int* dtmp = new int[10000];
- int* rtmp = new int[10000];
- int* d = dtmp;
- int* r = rtmp;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- *d = a;
- *r = b;
- if (test[a] != 0)
- {
- --i;
- continue;
- }
- test.add(a,b);
- ++d;
- ++r;
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == i+1);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(*test[dtmp[i]] == rtmp[i]);
- }
- delete [] dtmp;
- delete [] rtmp;
- test.clear();
- }}
- }
- class hash_table_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- hash_table_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_hash_table",
- "Runs tests on the hash_table component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- hash_table_kernel_test<hash_table<int,int>::kernel_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- hash_table_kernel_test<hash_table<int,int>::kernel_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a";
- hash_table_kernel_test<hash_table<int,int>::kernel_2a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a_c";
- hash_table_kernel_test<hash_table<int,int>::kernel_2a_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hog_image.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hog_image.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 615e4d2ff..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/hog_image.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/image_keypoint.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/pixel.h>
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.hog_image");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_hog_image : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_hog_image (
- ) :
- tester ("test_hog_image",
- "Runs tests on the hog_image object.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(200,200);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 0);
- hog_image<3,3,1,4,hog_signed_gradient,hog_full_interpolation> hog1, hog1_deserialized;
- hog_image<4,4,2,4,hog_signed_gradient,hog_full_interpolation> hog2;
- hog1.load(img);
- hog2.load(img);
- // Just test all the coordinate mapping functions.
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.get_block_rect(0,0).width() == 3*3);
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.get_block_rect(0,0).height() == 3*3);
- DLIB_TEST(hog2.get_block_rect(0,0).width() == 4*4);
- DLIB_TEST(hog2.get_block_rect(0,0).height() == 4*4);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(img).contains(hog1.get_block_rect(0,0)));
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(img).contains(hog1.get_block_rect(,;
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(img).contains(hog2.get_block_rect(0,0)));
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(img).contains(hog2.get_block_rect(,;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- point p(rnd.get_random_16bit_number(), rnd.get_random_16bit_number());
- p.x() -= 20000;
- p.y() -= 20000;
- DLIB_TEST((hog1.feat_to_image_space(hog1.image_to_feat_space(p)) - p).length() <= 3);
- DLIB_TEST((hog2.feat_to_image_space(hog2.image_to_feat_space(p)) - p).length() <= 10);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG((hog1.image_to_feat_space(hog1.feat_to_image_space(p)) - p).length() <= 3,
- p << " " << hog1.feat_to_image_space(p) << " " << hog1.image_to_feat_space(hog1.feat_to_image_space(p)) );
- DLIB_TEST((hog2.image_to_feat_space(hog2.feat_to_image_space(p)) - p).length() <= 10);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.feat_to_image_space(point(0,0)) == point(5,5));
- DLIB_TEST(hog2.feat_to_image_space(point(0,0)) == point(9,9));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.feat_to_image_space(point(1,1)) == point(8,8));
- DLIB_TEST(hog2.feat_to_image_space(point(1,1)) == point(17,17));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.image_to_feat_space(hog1.feat_to_image_space(point(0,0))) == point(0,0));
- DLIB_TEST(hog2.image_to_feat_space(hog2.feat_to_image_space(point(0,0))) == point(0,0));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.image_to_feat_space(hog1.feat_to_image_space(point(1,1))) == point(1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(hog2.image_to_feat_space(hog2.feat_to_image_space(point(1,1))) == point(1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.image_to_feat_space(hog1.feat_to_image_space(point(1,2))) == point(1,2));
- DLIB_TEST(hog2.image_to_feat_space(hog2.feat_to_image_space(point(1,2))) == point(1,2));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1_deserialized.size() != hog1.size());
- DLIB_TEST( !=;
- DLIB_TEST( !=;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(hog1, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(hog1_deserialized, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(hog1_deserialized.size() == hog1.size());
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST(hog1_deserialized(0,2) == hog1(0,2));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1_deserialized.get_block_rect(1,2) == hog1.get_block_rect(1,2));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1_deserialized.image_to_feat_space(hog1_deserialized.feat_to_image_space(point(0,0))) == point(0,0));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1_deserialized.image_to_feat_space(hog1_deserialized.feat_to_image_space(point(1,1))) == point(1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1_deserialized.image_to_feat_space(hog1_deserialized.feat_to_image_space(point(1,2))) == point(1,2));
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.size() > 1);
- DLIB_TEST( > 1);
- DLIB_TEST( > 1);
- hog1.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(hog1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/image.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/image.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f1410cf..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/image.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1903 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/pixel.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
-#include <dlib/image_io.h>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.image");
- void image_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on pixel objects and functions for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- array2d<unsigned char> img1, img2;
- img1.set_size(100,100);
- assign_all_pixels(img1,7);
- assign_image(img2, img1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( == 100 && == 100 &&
- == 100 && == 100,"");
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img1[r][c] == 7);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[r][c] == 7);
- }
- }
- img2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(img2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- assign_image(img2, mat(img1));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( == 100 && == 100 &&
- == 100 && == 100,"");
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img1[r][c] == 7);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[r][c] == 7);
- }
- }
- threshold_image(img1, img2, 4);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img1[r][c] == 7);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[r][c] == on_pixel);
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<hsi_pixel> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c].h = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 1);
- img[r][c].s = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 2);
- img[r][c].i = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_dng(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].h == r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].s == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].i == r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c].red = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 1);
- img[r][c].green = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 2);
- img[r][c].blue = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 3);
- img[r][c].alpha = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 4);
- }
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_dng(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == r*14 + c + 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].alpha == r*14 + c + 4);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img;
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img2, img3;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- img2.set_size(,;
- img3.set_size(,;
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c].red = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 1);
- img[r][c].green = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 2);
- img[r][c].blue = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 3);
- img[r][c].alpha = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 4);
- }
- }
- save_png(img, "test.png");
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_png(img, "test.png");
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, 255);
- assign_all_pixels(img3, 0);
- load_png(img2, "test.png");
- assign_image(img3, img);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == r*14 + c + 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].alpha == r*14 + c + 4);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[r][c].red == img3[r][c].red);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[r][c].green == img3[r][c].green);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[r][c].blue == img3[r][c].blue);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c].red = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 1);
- img[r][c].green = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 2);
- img[r][c].blue = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- save_bmp(img, sout);
- save_dng(img, sout);
- save_bmp(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_dng(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_bmp(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(img[r][c].red == r*14 + c + 1, "got " << (int)img[r][c].red << " but expected " << r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c].red = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 1);
- img[r][c].green = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 2);
- img[r][c].blue = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- save_bmp(img, sout);
- save_dng(img, sout);
- save_bmp(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_dng(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_bmp(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(img[r][c].red == r*14 + c + 1, "got " << (int)img[r][c].red << " but expected " << r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c].red = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 1);
- img[r][c].green = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 2);
- img[r][c].blue = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- save_png(img, "test.png");
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_png(img, "test.png");
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c].red = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 1);
- img[r][c].green = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 2);
- img[r][c].blue = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- save_png(img, "test.png");
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_png(img, "test.png");
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].red == r*14 + c + 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].green == r*14 + c + 2);
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c].blue == r*14 + c + 3);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned short> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = static_cast<unsigned short>(r*14 + c + 0xF0);
- }
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_dng(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == r*14 + c + 0xF0);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned short> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = static_cast<unsigned short>(r*14 + c + 0xF0);
- }
- }
- save_png(img, "test.png");
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_png(img, "test.png");
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == r*14 + c + 0xF0);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c*111);
- }
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- save_bmp(img, sout);
- save_dng(img, sout);
- save_bmp(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_dng(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c*111));
- }
- }
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_bmp(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c*111));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c);
- }
- }
- save_png(img, "test.png");
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_png(img, "test.png");
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == r*14 + c);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- // in this test we will only assign pixel values that can be
- // represented with 8 bits even though we are using a wider pixel type.
- array2d<unsigned short> img;
- img.set_size(14,15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = static_cast<unsigned char>(r*14 + c);
- }
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- save_bmp(img, sout);
- save_dng(img, sout);
- save_bmp(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_dng(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == r*14 + c);
- }
- }
- img.clear();
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- load_bmp(img, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 14);
- DLIB_TEST( == 15);
- for (long r = 0; r < 14; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 15; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img[r][c] == r*14 + c);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned short> img1;
- array2d<unsigned char> img2;
- img1.set_size(10,10);
- assign_all_pixels(img1, 0);
- img1[5][5] = 10000;
- img1[7][7] = 10000;
- equalize_histogram(img1, img2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if ((r == 5 && c == 5) ||
- (r == 7 && c == 7))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img2[r][c] == 255);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(img2[r][c] == 0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(10,10);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 0);
- assign_border_pixels(img, 2,2, 4);
- DLIB_TEST(zeros_matrix<unsigned char>(6,6) == subm(mat(img), rectangle(2,2,7,7)));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(1,10, 4) == rowm(mat(img), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(1,10, 4) == rowm(mat(img), 1));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(1,10, 4) == rowm(mat(img), 8));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(1,10, 4) == rowm(mat(img), 9));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(10,1, 4) == colm(mat(img), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(10,1, 4) == colm(mat(img), 1));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(10,1, 4) == colm(mat(img), 8));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(10,1, 4) == colm(mat(img), 9));
- assign_border_pixels(img, 7, 7, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(10,10, 5) == mat(img));
- assign_border_pixels(img, 37, 47, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(10,10, 5) == mat(img));
- }
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(11,11);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 0);
- assign_border_pixels(img, 2,2, 4);
- DLIB_TEST(zeros_matrix<unsigned char>(7,7) == subm(mat(img), rectangle(2,2,8,8)));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(1,11, 4) == rowm(mat(img), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(1,11, 4) == rowm(mat(img), 1));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(1,11, 4) == rowm(mat(img), 9));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(1,11, 4) == rowm(mat(img), 10));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(11,1, 4) == colm(mat(img), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(11,1, 4) == colm(mat(img), 1));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(11,1, 4) == colm(mat(img), 9));
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(11,1, 4) == colm(mat(img), 10));
- assign_border_pixels(img, 7, 7, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(11,11, 5) == mat(img));
- assign_border_pixels(img, 70, 57, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(uniform_matrix<unsigned char>(11,11, 5) == mat(img));
- }
- }
- template <typename T, typename pixel_type>
- void test_integral_image (
- )
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- array2d<pixel_type> img;
- integral_image_generic<T> int_img;
- int_img.load(img);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- // make 5 random images
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- print_spinner();
- img.set_size(rnd.get_random_16bit_number()%200+1, rnd.get_random_16bit_number()%200+1);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = (int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100;
- }
- }
- int_img.load(img);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- // make 200 random rectangles
- for (int j = 0; j < 500; ++j)
- {
- point p1(rnd.get_random_32bit_number(), rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- point p2(rnd.get_random_32bit_number(), rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- rectangle rect(p1,p2);
- DLIB_TEST(int_img.get_sum_of_area(rect) == sum(subm(matrix_cast<T>(mat(img)), rect)));
- rect = rectangle(p1,p1);
- DLIB_TEST(int_img.get_sum_of_area(rect) == sum(subm(matrix_cast<T>(mat(img)), rect)));
- }
- }
- }
- void test_filtering2(int nr, int nc, dlib::rand& rnd)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_filtering2(): " << nr << " " << nc;
- array2d<float> img(302,301);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- }
- }
- matrix<float> filt = matrix_cast<float>(randm(nr,nc,rnd));
- matrix<float> out = xcorr_same(mat(img),filt);
- matrix<float> out2 = subm(conv(mat(img),flip(filt)),,,,;
- // make sure xcorr_same does exactly what the docs say it should.
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(out-out2)) < 1e-7);
- // Now compare the filtering functions to xcorr_same to make sure everything does
- // filtering in the same way.
- array2d<float> imout(,;
- assign_all_pixels(imout, 10);
- rectangle rect = spatially_filter_image(img, imout, filt);
- border_enumerator be(get_rect(imout),rect);
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(imout[be.element().y()][be.element().x()] == 0);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))) < 1e-5, max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))));
- assign_all_pixels(imout, 10);
- out = 10;
- rect = spatially_filter_image(img, imout, filt,2,true,true);
- be = border_enumerator(get_rect(imout),rect);
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(imout[be.element().y()][be.element().x()] == 10);
- }
- out += abs(xcorr_same(mat(img),filt)/2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))) < 1e-7);
- assign_all_pixels(imout, -10);
- out = -10;
- rect = spatially_filter_image(img, imout, filt,2,false,true);
- be = border_enumerator(get_rect(imout),rect);
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(imout[be.element().y()][be.element().x()] == -10);
- }
- out += xcorr_same(mat(img),filt)/2;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))) < 1e-5, max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))));
- matrix<float> row_filt = matrix_cast<float>(randm(nc,1,rnd));
- matrix<float> col_filt = matrix_cast<float>(randm(nr,1,rnd));
- assign_all_pixels(imout, 10);
- rect = spatially_filter_image_separable(img, imout, row_filt, col_filt);
- out = xcorr_same(tmp(xcorr_same(mat(img),trans(row_filt))), col_filt);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))) < 1e-5, max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))));
- be = border_enumerator(get_rect(imout),rect);
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(imout[be.element().y()][be.element().x()] == 0);
- }
- assign_all_pixels(imout, 10);
- out = 10;
- rect = spatially_filter_image_separable(img, imout, row_filt, col_filt,2,true,true);
- out += abs(xcorr_same(tmp(xcorr_same(mat(img),trans(row_filt))), col_filt)/2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))) < 1e-7,
- max(abs(subm(mat(imout),rect) - subm(out,rect))));
- be = border_enumerator(get_rect(imout),rect);
- while (be.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(imout[be.element().y()][be.element().x()] == 10);
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- void test_filtering(bool use_abs, unsigned long scale )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_filtering(" << use_abs << "," << scale << ")";
- array2d<T> img, img2, img3;
- img.set_size(10,11);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 10);
- matrix<int,3,5> filter2;
- filter2 = 1,1,1,1,1,
- 1,1,1,1,1,
- 1,1,1,1,1;
- assign_all_pixels(img2,3);
- rectangle brect = spatially_filter_image(img, img2, filter2);
- DLIB_TEST(brect == shrink_rect(get_rect(img),,;
- const rectangle rect(2,1,,;
- for (long r = 0; r<; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c<; ++c)
- {
- if (rect.contains(c,r))
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(img2[r][c] == 150, (int)img2[r][c]);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(img2[r][c] == 0,(int)img2[r][c]);
- }
- }
- }
- assign_all_pixels(img2,3);
- assign_all_pixels(img3,3);
- brect = spatially_filter_image(img, img2, filter2);
- DLIB_TEST(brect == shrink_rect(get_rect(img),,;
- matrix<int,1,5> row_filter;
- matrix<int,1,3> col_filter;
- row_filter = 1,1,1,1,1;
- col_filter = 1,1,1;
- spatially_filter_image_separable(img, img3, row_filter, col_filter);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(img2) == mat(img3));
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = rnd.get_random_8bit_number();
- }
- }
- row_filter(0) = ((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100)/10;
- row_filter(1) = ((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100)/10;
- row_filter(2) = ((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100)/10;
- row_filter(3) = ((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100)/10;
- row_filter(4) = ((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100)/10;
- col_filter(0) = ((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100)/10;
- col_filter(1) = ((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100)/10;
- col_filter(2) = ((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number() - 100)/10;
- const matrix<int,3,5> filter = trans(col_filter)*row_filter;
- assign_all_pixels(img2,3);
- assign_all_pixels(img3,3);
- // Just make sure both filtering methods give the same results.
- rectangle brect1, brect2;
- brect1 = spatially_filter_image(img, img2, filter, scale, use_abs);
- brect2 = spatially_filter_image_separable(img, img3, row_filter, col_filter, scale, use_abs);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(img2) == mat(img3));
- DLIB_TEST(brect1 == shrink_rect(get_rect(img),,;
- DLIB_TEST(brect1 == brect2);
- }
- {
- array2d<int> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,4);
- matrix<int> filter(3,3);
- filter = 1;
- assign_all_pixels(img,-1);
- spatially_filter_image(img,img2,filter);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][1] == -9);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][2] == -9);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][3] == 0);
- assign_all_pixels(img,-1);
- spatially_filter_image(img,img2,filter,2,true);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][1] == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][2] == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][3] == 0);
- matrix<int> rowf(3,1), colf(3,1);
- rowf = 1;
- colf = 1;
- assign_all_pixels(img,-1);
- spatially_filter_image_separable(img,img2,rowf,colf);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][1] == -9);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][2] == -9);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][3] == 0);
- spatially_filter_image_separable(img,img2,rowf,colf,1,true);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][1] == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][2] == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][3] == 0);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, 3);
- spatially_filter_image_separable(img,img2,rowf,colf,1,true, true);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][1] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][2] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][3] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(img2[1][1] == 9+3, img2[1][1] );
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][2] == 9+3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][3] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][1] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][2] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][3] == 3);
- }
- {
- array2d<double> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,4);
- matrix<double> filter(3,3);
- filter = 1;
- assign_all_pixels(img,-1);
- spatially_filter_image(img,img2,filter,2);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(img2[1][1] - -4.5) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(img2[1][2] - -4.5) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][3] == 0);
- }
- {
- array2d<double> img, img2;
- img.set_size(3,4);
- img2.set_size(3,4);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, 8);
- matrix<double> filter(3,3);
- filter = 1;
- assign_all_pixels(img,-1);
- spatially_filter_image(img,img2,filter,2, false, true);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][0] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][1] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][2] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[0][3] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][0] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(img2[1][1] - -4.5 - 8) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(img2[1][2] - -4.5 - 8) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[1][3] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][0] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][1] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][2] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(img2[2][3] == 8);
- }
- }
- void test_zero_border_pixels(
- )
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(4,5);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 1);
- zero_border_pixels(img, 2,1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][2] == 1);
- rectangle rect = get_rect(img);
- rect.left()+=2;
- rect.right()-=2;
- rect.bottom()-=1;
- assign_all_pixels(img, 1);
- zero_border_pixels(img, rect);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][2] == 1);
- rect.right()+=1;
- assign_all_pixels(img, 1);
- zero_border_pixels(img, rect);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][3] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][3] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][4] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[0][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[3][2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(img[1][2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(img[2][2] == 1);
- }
- void test_label_connected_blobs()
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(400,401);
- assign_all_pixels(img,0);
- rectangle rect1, rect2, rect3;
- rect1 = centered_rect(99,120, 50,70);
- rect2 = centered_rect(199,80, 34,68);
- rect3 = centered_rect(249,180, 120,78);
- fill_rect(img, rect1, 255);
- fill_rect(img, rect2, 255);
- fill_rect(img, rect3, 255);
- array2d<unsigned char> labels;
- unsigned long num;
- num = label_connected_blobs(img,
- zero_pixels_are_background(),
- neighbors_8(),
- connected_if_both_not_zero(),
- labels);
- DLIB_TEST(num == 4);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- const unsigned char l1 = labels[][rect1.left()];
- const unsigned char l2 = labels[][rect2.left()];
- const unsigned char l3 = labels[][rect3.left()];
- DLIB_TEST(l1 != 0 && l2 != 0 && l3 != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(l1 != l2 && l1 != l3 && l2 != l3);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if (rect1.contains(c,r))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels[r][c] == l1);
- }
- else if (rect2.contains(c,r))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels[r][c] == l2);
- }
- else if (rect3.contains(c,r))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels[r][c] == l3);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels[r][c] == 0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_label_connected_blobs2()
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- img.set_size(400,401);
- assign_all_pixels(img,0);
- rectangle rect1, rect2, rect3;
- rect1 = centered_rect(99,120, 50,70);
- rect2 = centered_rect(199,80, 34,68);
- rect3 = centered_rect(249,180, 120,78);
- fill_rect(img, rect1, 255);
- fill_rect(img, rect2, 253);
- fill_rect(img, rect3, 255);
- array2d<unsigned char> labels;
- unsigned long num;
- num = label_connected_blobs(img,
- nothing_is_background(),
- neighbors_4(),
- connected_if_equal(),
- labels);
- DLIB_TEST(num == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- const unsigned char l0 = labels[0][0];
- const unsigned char l1 = labels[][rect1.left()];
- const unsigned char l2 = labels[][rect2.left()];
- const unsigned char l3 = labels[][rect3.left()];
- DLIB_TEST(l0 != 0 && l1 != 0 && l2 != 0 && l3 != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(l1 != l2 && l1 != l3 && l2 != l3 &&
- l0 != l1 && l0 != l2 && l0 != l3);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if (rect1.contains(c,r))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels[r][c] == l1);
- }
- else if (rect2.contains(c,r))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels[r][c] == l2);
- }
- else if (rect3.contains(c,r))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels[r][c] == l3);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(labels[r][c] == l0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename in_image_type,
- typename out_image_type
- >
- void downsample_image (
- const unsigned long downsample,
- const in_image_type& in_img,
- out_image_type& out_img,
- bool add_to
- )
- {
- out_img.set_size((,
- (;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if (add_to)
- out_img[r][c] += in_img[r*downsample][c*downsample];
- else
- out_img[r][c] = in_img[r*downsample][c*downsample];
- }
- }
- }
- template <
- typename in_image_type,
- typename out_image_type,
- typename EXP1,
- typename EXP2,
- typename T
- >
- void test_spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple (
- const unsigned long downsample,
- const in_image_type& in_img,
- out_image_type& out_img,
- const matrix_exp<EXP1>& row_filter,
- const matrix_exp<EXP2>& col_filter,
- T scale,
- bool use_abs = false,
- bool add_to = false
- )
- {
- out_image_type temp;
- spatially_filter_image_separable(in_img, temp, row_filter, col_filter, scale, use_abs, false);
- downsample_image(downsample, temp, out_img, add_to);
- }
- template <unsigned long downsample>
- void test_downsampled_filtering_helper(long row_filt_size, long col_filt_size)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << "***********************************";
- dlog << LTRACE << "downsample: " << downsample;
- dlog << LTRACE << "row_filt_size: "<< row_filt_size;
- dlog << LTRACE << "col_filt_size: "<< col_filt_size;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- array2d<int> out1, out2;
- for (long nr = 0; nr < 3; ++nr)
- {
- for (long nc = 0; nc < 3; ++nc)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "nr: "<< nr;
- dlog << LTRACE << "nc: "<< nc;
- array2d<unsigned char> img(25+nr,25+nc);
- for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = rnd.get_random_8bit_number();
- }
- }
- matrix<int,0,1> row_filter(row_filt_size);
- matrix<int,0,1> col_filter(col_filt_size);
- row_filter = matrix_cast<int>(10*randm(row_filt_size,1, rnd));
- col_filter = matrix_cast<int>(10*randm(col_filt_size,1, rnd));
- row_filter -= 3;
- col_filter -= 3;
- test_spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple(downsample, img, out1, row_filter, col_filter,1 );
- spatially_filter_image_separable_down(downsample, img, out2, row_filter, col_filter);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(out1) == get_rect(out2));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(out1) == mat(out2));
- test_spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple(downsample, img, out1, row_filter, col_filter,3, true, true );
- spatially_filter_image_separable_down(downsample, img, out2, row_filter, col_filter, 3, true, true);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(out1) == get_rect(out2));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(out1) == mat(out2));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_downsampled_filtering()
- {
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<1>(5,5);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<2>(5,5);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<3>(5,5);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<1>(3,5);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<2>(3,5);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<3>(3,5);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<1>(5,3);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<2>(5,3);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<3>(5,3);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<1>(3,3);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<2>(3,3);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<3>(3,3);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<1>(1,1);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<2>(1,1);
- test_downsampled_filtering_helper<3>(1,1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- void test_segment_image()
- {
- print_spinner();
- array2d<T> img(100,100);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if (c < 50 || r < 50)
- assign_pixel(img[r][c], 0);
- else
- assign_pixel(img[r][c], 255);
- }
- }
- array2d<unsigned long> out;
- segment_image(img, out);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(img) == get_rect(out));
- const unsigned long v1 = out[0][0];
- const unsigned long v2 = out[90][90];
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if (c < 50 || r < 50)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(out[r][c] == v1);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(out[r][c] == v2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- void test_dng_floats(double scale)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "in test_dng_floats";
- print_spinner();
- array2d<T> img(100,101);
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- T val = rnd.get_random_double()*scale;
- img[r][c] = val;
- // Lets the float_details object while we are here doing this stuff.
- float_details temp = val;
- T val2 = temp;
- // for the same type we should exactly reproduce the value (unless
- // it's long double and then maybe it's slightly different).
- if (is_same_type<T,long double>::value)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(val2-val) < scale*std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon());
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(val2 == val);
- }
- float valf = temp;
- double vald = temp;
- long double vall = temp;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(valf-val) < scale*std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(vald-val) < scale*std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(vall-val) < scale*std::numeric_limits<long double>::epsilon());
- }
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- istringstream sin;
- array2d<float> img1;
- array2d<double> img2;
- array2d<long double> img3;
- sin.clear(); sin.str(sout.str());
- load_dng(img1, sin);
- sin.clear(); sin.str(sout.str());
- load_dng(img2, sin);
- sin.clear(); sin.str(sout.str());
- load_dng(img3, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(img) - matrix_cast<T>(mat(img1)))) < scale*std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(img) - matrix_cast<T>(mat(img2)))) < scale*std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(img) - matrix_cast<T>(mat(img3)))) < scale*std::numeric_limits<long double>::epsilon());
- }
- void test_dng_float_int()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "in test_dng_float_int";
- print_spinner();
- array2d<uint16> img;
- assign_image(img, gaussian_randm(101,100)*10000);
- ostringstream sout;
- save_dng(img, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- array2d<double> img2;
- load_dng(img2, sin);
- sout.clear(); sout.str("");
- save_dng(img2, sout);
- sin.clear(); sin.str(sout.str());
- array2d<uint16> img3;
- load_dng(img3, sin);
- // this whole thing should have been totally lossless.
- DLIB_TEST(mat(img) == mat(img3));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- void test_filtering_center (
- dlib::rand& rnd
- )
- {
- array2d<T> img(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100+1);
- matrix<T> filt(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10+1);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100;
- }
- }
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- filt(r,c) = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100;
- }
- }
- array2d<T> out;
- const rectangle area = spatially_filter_image(img, out, filt);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- const rectangle rect = centered_rect(point(c,r),,;
- if (get_rect(out).contains(rect))
- {
- T val = sum(pointwise_multiply(filt, subm(mat(img),rect)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(val == out[r][c],"err: " << val-out[r][c]);
- DLIB_TEST(area.contains(point(c,r)));
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(!area.contains(point(c,r)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- void test_separable_filtering_center (
- dlib::rand& rnd
- )
- {
- array2d<T> img(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100+1);
- matrix<T,1,0> row_filt(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10+1);
- matrix<T,0,1> col_filt(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10+1);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- }
- }
- for (long r = 0; r < row_filt.size(); ++r)
- {
- row_filt(r) = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- }
- for (long r = 0; r < col_filt.size(); ++r)
- {
- col_filt(r) = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- }
- array2d<T> out;
- const rectangle area = spatially_filter_image_separable(img, out, row_filt, col_filt);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- const rectangle rect = centered_rect(point(c,r), row_filt.size(), col_filt.size());
- if (get_rect(out).contains(rect))
- {
- T val = sum(pointwise_multiply(col_filt*row_filt, subm(mat(img),rect)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(val == out[r][c],"err: " << val-out[r][c]);
- DLIB_TEST(area.contains(point(c,r)));
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(!area.contains(point(c,r)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_hough_test()
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img(300,300);
- for (int k = -2; k <= 2; ++k)
- {
- print_spinner();
- running_stats<double> rs;
- array2d<int> himg;
- hough_transform ht(200+k);
- double angle1 = 0;
- double angle2 = 0;
- const int len = 90;
- // Draw a bunch of random lines, hough transform them, then make sure the hough
- // transform detects them accurately.
- for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i)
- {
- point cent = center(get_rect(img));
- point arc = cent + point(len,0);
- arc = rotate_point(cent, arc, angle1);
- point l = arc + point(500,0);
- point r = arc - point(500,0);
- l = rotate_point(arc, l, angle2);
- r = rotate_point(arc, r, angle2);
- angle1 += pi/13;
- angle2 += pi/40;
- assign_all_pixels(img, 0);
- draw_line(img, l, r, 255);
- rectangle box = translate_rect(get_rect(ht),point(50,50));
- ht(img, box, himg);
- point p = max_point(mat(himg));
- DLIB_TEST(himg[p.y()][p.x()] > 255*3);
- l -= point(50,50);
- r -= point(50,50);
- std::pair<point,point> line = ht.get_line(p);
- // make sure the best scoring hough point matches the line we drew.
- double dist1 = distance_to_line(make_pair(l,r), line.first);
- double dist2 = distance_to_line(make_pair(l,r), line.second);
- //cout << "DIST1: " << dist1 << endl;
- //cout << "DIST2: " << dist2 << endl;
- rs.add(dist1);
- rs.add(dist2);
- DLIB_TEST(dist1 < 2.5);
- DLIB_TEST(dist2 < 2.5);
- }
- //cout << "rs.mean(): " << rs.mean() << endl;
- DLIB_TEST(rs.mean() < 0.7);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_extract_image_chips()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // Make sure that cropping a white box out of a larger white image always produces an
- // exact white box. This should catch any bad border effects from a messed up internal
- // cropping.
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- const long nr = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100 + 1;
- const long nc = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100 + 1;
- const long size = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10000 + 4;
- const double angle = rnd.get_random_double() * pi;
- matrix<int> img(501,501), chip;
- img = 255;
- chip_details details(centered_rect(center(get_rect(img)),nr,nc), size, angle);
- extract_image_chip(img, details, chip);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(chip-255))==0,"nr: " << nr << " nc: "<< nc << " size: " << size << " angle: " << angle
- << " error: " << max(abs(chip-255)) );
- }
- {
- // Make sure that the interpolation in extract_image_chip() keeps stuff in the
- // right places.
- matrix<unsigned char> img(10,10), chip;
- img = 0;
- img(1,1) = 255;
- img(8,8) = 255;
- extract_image_chip(img, chip_details(get_rect(img), 9*9), chip);
- DLIB_TEST(chip(1,1) == 195);
- DLIB_TEST(chip(7,7) == 195);
- chip(1,1) -= 195;
- chip(7,7) -= 195;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(matrix_cast<int>(chip)) == 0);
- }
- // Test the rotation ability of extract_image_chip(). Do this by drawing a line and
- // then rotating it so it's horizontal. Check that it worked correctly by hough
- // transforming it.
- hough_transform ht(151);
- matrix<unsigned char> img(300,300);
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- img = 0;
- const int len = 9000;
- point cent = center(get_rect(img));
- point l = cent + point(len,0);
- point r = cent - point(len,0);
- const double angle = rnd.get_random_double()*pi*3;
- l = rotate_point(cent, l, angle);
- r = rotate_point(cent, r, angle);
- draw_line(img, l, r, 255);
- const long wsize = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%350 + 150;
- matrix<unsigned char> temp;
- chip_details details(centered_rect(center(get_rect(img)), wsize,wsize), chip_dims(ht.size(),ht.size()), angle);
- extract_image_chip(img, details, temp);
- matrix<long> tform;
- ht(temp, get_rect(temp), tform);
- std::pair<point,point> line = ht.get_line(max_point(tform));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(line.first.y() == line.second.y()," wsize: " << wsize);
- DLIB_TEST(length(line.first-line.second) > 100);
- DLIB_TEST(length((line.first+line.second)/2.0 - center(get_rect(temp))) <= 1);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class image_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- image_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_image",
- "Runs tests on the image processing objects and functions.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- image_test();
- run_hough_test();
- test_extract_image_chips();
- test_integral_image<long, unsigned char>();
- test_integral_image<double, int>();
- test_integral_image<long, unsigned char>();
- test_integral_image<double, float>();
- test_zero_border_pixels();
- test_filtering<unsigned char>(false,1);
- test_filtering<unsigned char>(true,1);
- test_filtering<unsigned char>(false,3);
- test_filtering<unsigned char>(true,3);
- test_filtering<int>(false,1);
- test_filtering<int>(true,1);
- test_filtering<int>(false,3);
- test_filtering<int>(true,3);
- test_label_connected_blobs();
- test_label_connected_blobs2();
- test_downsampled_filtering();
- test_segment_image<unsigned char>();
- test_segment_image<unsigned short>();
- test_segment_image<double>();
- test_segment_image<int>();
- test_segment_image<rgb_pixel>();
- test_segment_image<rgb_alpha_pixel>();
- test_dng_floats<float>(1);
- test_dng_floats<double>(1);
- test_dng_floats<long double>(1);
- test_dng_floats<float>(1e30);
- test_dng_floats<double>(1e30);
- test_dng_floats<long double>(1e30);
- test_dng_float_int();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- // the spatial filtering stuff is the same as xcorr_same when the filter
- // sizes are odd.
- test_filtering2(3,3,rnd);
- test_filtering2(5,5,rnd);
- test_filtering2(7,7,rnd);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- test_filtering_center<float>(rnd);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- test_filtering_center<int>(rnd);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- test_separable_filtering_center<int>(rnd);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- test_separable_filtering_center<float>(rnd);
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<unsigned char> img(40,80);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 255);
- skeleton(img);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(matrix_cast<int>(mat(img)))/255 == 40);
- draw_line(img, point(20,19), point(59,19), 00);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(matrix_cast<int>(mat(img))) == 0);
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/iosockstream.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/iosockstream.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c68de7bd3..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/iosockstream.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/iosockstream.h>
-#include <dlib/server.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.iosockstream");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class serv : public server_iostream
- {
- virtual void on_connect (
- std::istream& in,
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::string& ,
- const std::string& ,
- unsigned short ,
- unsigned short ,
- uint64
- )
- {
- try
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "serv1: serving connection";
- std::string temp;
- in >> temp;
- DLIB_TEST(temp == "word");
- in >> temp;
- DLIB_TEST(temp == "another");
- out << "yay words ";
- in >> temp;
- DLIB_TEST(temp == "yep");
- }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- error_string = e.what();
- }
- }
- public:
- std::string error_string;
- };
- class serv2 : public server_iostream
- {
- virtual void on_connect (
- std::istream& ,
- std::ostream& out,
- const std::string& ,
- const std::string& ,
- unsigned short ,
- unsigned short ,
- uint64
- )
- {
- try
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "serv2: serving connection";
- out << "one two three four five";
- }
- catch (error& e)
- {
- error_string = e.what();
- }
- }
- public:
- std::string error_string;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test1()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "in test1()";
- serv theserv;
- theserv.set_listening_port(12345);
- theserv.start_async();
- // wait a little bit to make sure the server has started listening before we try
- // to connect to it.
- dlib::sleep(500);
- for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "i: " << i;
- print_spinner();
- iosockstream stream("localhost:12345");
- stream << "word another ";
- std::string temp;
- stream >> temp;
- DLIB_TEST(temp == "yay");
- stream >> temp;
- DLIB_TEST(temp == "words");
- stream << "yep ";
- }
- // Just to make sure the server finishes processing the last connection before
- // we kill it and accidentally trigger a DLIB_TEST().
- dlib::sleep(500);
- if (theserv.error_string.size() != 0)
- throw error(theserv.error_string);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test2()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "in test2()";
- serv2 theserv;
- theserv.set_listening_port(12345);
- theserv.start_async();
- // wait a little bit to make sure the server has started listening before we try
- // to connect to it.
- dlib::sleep(500);
- for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "i: " << i;
- print_spinner();
- iosockstream stream("localhost:12345");
- std::string temp;
- stream >> temp; DLIB_TEST(temp == "one");
- stream >> temp; DLIB_TEST(temp == "two");
- stream >> temp; DLIB_TEST(temp == "three");
- stream >> temp; DLIB_TEST(temp == "four");
- stream >> temp; DLIB_TEST(temp == "five");
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_iosockstream : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_iosockstream (
- ) :
- tester ("test_iosockstream",
- "Runs tests on the iosockstream component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test1();
- test2();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/is_same_object.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/is_same_object.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ed71c5bef..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/is_same_object.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.is_same_object");
- DLIB_MAKE_HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_TEST(has_booya_template, void, template booya<int>, (std::string)const);
- DLIB_MAKE_HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_TEST(has_booya2_template, void, template booya2<int>, (int)const);
- DLIB_MAKE_HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_TEST(has_funct_int, void, funct, (int));
- DLIB_MAKE_HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_TEST(has_funct_double, void, funct, (double));
- DLIB_MAKE_HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_TEST(has_funct_f, float, funct_f, (int));
- class htest
- {
- public:
- template <typename EXP>
- void booya(std::string) const {}
- template <typename EXP>
- void booya2(EXP) const {}
- void funct(double) {}
- };
- class htest2
- {
- public:
- void funct(int) {}
- float funct_f(int) { return 0;}
- };
- void test_metaprog()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(has_booya2_template<htest>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(has_booya2_template<htest2>::value == false);
-#if _MSC_VER > 1600 // there is a bug in visual studio 2010 and older that prevents this test from working
- DLIB_TEST(has_booya_template<htest>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(has_booya_template<htest2>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(has_funct_int<htest>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(has_funct_int<htest2>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(has_funct_double<htest>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(has_funct_double<htest2>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(has_funct_f<htest>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(has_funct_f<htest2>::value == true);
- }
- class is_same_object_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- is_same_object_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_is_same_object", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the is_same_object function.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- struct base {};
- struct derived : public base {};
- template <bool truth>
- void go(const base& a, const base& b)
- {
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(a,b) == truth) ;
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(b,a) == truth) ;
- }
- template <bool truth>
- void go2(const base& a, const derived& b)
- {
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(a,b) == truth) ;
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(b,a) == truth) ;
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- int a, b;
- double d;
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(a,a) == true) ;
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(a,b) == false) ;
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(d,b) == false) ;
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(d,d) == true) ;
- base sb;
- derived sd, sd2;
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(sb,sd) == false) ;
- DLIB_TEST( is_same_object(sd,sb) == false) ;
- go<true>(sd, sd);
- go<false>(sd, sd2);
- go<true>(sb, sb);
- go<false>(sd, sb);
- go2<true>(sd, sd);
- go2<false>(sd2, sd);
- go2<false>(sd, sd2);
- go2<false>(sb, sd);
- test_metaprog();
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- is_same_object_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/isotonic_regression.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/isotonic_regression.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ab46903c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/isotonic_regression.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2018 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <dlib/global_optimization.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.isotonic_regression");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class optimization_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- optimization_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_isotonic_regression",
- "Runs tests on the isotonic_regression object.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int round = 0; round < 100; ++round)
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<double> vect;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- vect.push_back(put_in_range(-1,1,rnd.get_random_gaussian()));
- auto f = [&](const matrix<double,0,1>& x)
- {
- double dist = 0;
- double sum = 0;
- for (long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- sum += x(i);
- dist += (sum-vect[i])*(sum-vect[i]);
- }
- return dist;
- };
- auto objval = [vect](const matrix<double,0,1>& x)
- {
- return sum(squared(mat(vect)-x));
- };
- auto is_monotonic = [](const matrix<double,0,1>& x)
- {
- for (long i = 1; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (x(i-1) > x(i))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- };
- matrix<double,0,1> lower(5), upper(5);
- lower = 0;
- lower(0) = -4;
- upper = 4;
- // find the solution with find_min_global() and then check that it matches
- auto result = find_min_global(f, lower, upper, max_function_calls(40));
- for (long i = 1; i < result.x.size(); ++i)
- result.x(i) += result.x(i-1);
- isotonic_regression mr;
- mr(vect);
- dlog << LINFO << "err: "<< objval(mat(vect)) - objval(result.x);
- DLIB_CASSERT(is_monotonic(mat(vect)));
- DLIB_CASSERT(is_monotonic(result.x));
- // isotonic_regression should be at least as good as find_min_global().
- DLIB_CASSERT(objval(mat(vect)) - objval(result.x) < 1e-13);
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kcentroid.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kcentroid.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c16ab6eca..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kcentroid.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "checkerboard.h"
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.kcentroid");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- struct unopt_sparse_linear_kernel
- {
- typedef typename T::value_type::second_type scalar_type;
- typedef T sample_type;
- typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
- scalar_type operator() (
- const sample_type& a,
- const sample_type& b
- ) const
- {
- return dot(a,b);
- }
- bool operator== (
- const unopt_sparse_linear_kernel&
- ) const
- {
- return true;
- }
- };
- template <typename T>
- struct unopt_linear_kernel
- {
- typedef typename T::type scalar_type;
- typedef T sample_type;
- typedef typename T::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
- scalar_type operator() (
- const sample_type& a,
- const sample_type& b
- ) const
- {
- return trans(a)*b;
- }
- bool operator== (
- const unopt_linear_kernel&
- ) const
- {
- return true;
- }
- };
- bool approx_equal(double a, double b)
- {
- return (std::abs(a-b) < 1000*(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()));
- }
- bool approx_equal(double a, double b, double eps)
- {
- return (std::abs(a-b) < eps);
- }
- template <typename K>
- double dist (
- const K& k,
- const matrix<double,4,1>& a,
- const matrix<double,5,1>& b
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the distance between the a and b vectors in the
- feature space defined by the given kernel k.
- !*/
- {
- const double bias = std::sqrt(k.offset);
- return std::sqrt(length_squared(a-colm(b,0,4)) + std::pow(b(4)-bias,2.0));
- }
- template <typename K>
- double dist (
- const K& k,
- std::map<unsigned long,double> a,
- std::map<unsigned long,double> b
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the distance between the a and b vectors in the
- feature space defined by the given kernel k.
- !*/
- {
- double temp = 0;
- const double bias = std::sqrt(k.offset);
- temp += std::pow(a[0]-b[0],2.0);
- temp += std::pow(a[1]-b[1],2.0);
- temp += std::pow(a[2]-b[2],2.0);
- temp += std::pow(a[3]-b[3],2.0);
- temp += std::pow(bias-b[4],2.0);
- return std::sqrt(temp);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename kernel_type>
- void test_kcentroid_with_linear_kernel(
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - kernel_type::sample_type == a matrix<double,5,1>
- - kernel_type == a kernel that just computes a dot product
- between its inputs. I.e. a linear kernel
- ensures
- - tests the kcentroid object with the given kernel
- !*/
- {
- // Here we declare that our samples will be 2 dimensional column vectors.
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- kernel_type default_kernel;
- kcentroid<kernel_type> test(default_kernel,0.001,20);
- sample_type temp, temp2;
- temp = 2,0,0,0,0;
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "squared_norm(): " << test.squared_norm() ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), 2));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 0));
- // make test store the point(2,0,0,0,0)
- test.train(temp, 0, 1);
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "squared_norm(): " << test.squared_norm() ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(temp), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 4));
- temp = 0,2,0,0,0;
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), std::sqrt(2*2 + 2*2.0)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 4));
- // make test store the point(0,2,0,0,0)
- test.train(temp, 0, 1);
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 4));
- temp = 2,0,0,0,0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), std::sqrt(2*2 + 2*2.0)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 4));
- // make test store the point(1,1,0,0,0)
- test.train(temp, 0.5, 0.5);
- temp = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), std::sqrt(2.0)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 2));
- // make test store the point(1,1,0,3,0)
- temp = 0,0,0,3,0;
- temp2 = 1,1,0,3,0;
- test.train(temp, 1, 1);
- temp = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp = 1,2,3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2-temp)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(temp), length(temp2-temp)));
- // make test store the point(0,1,0,3,-1)
- temp = 1,0,0,0,1;
- test.train(temp, 1, -1);
- temp2 = 0,1,0,3,-1;
- temp = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp = 1,2,3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2-temp)));
- // make test store the -1*point(0,1,0,3,-1)
- temp = 0,0,0,0,0;
- test.train(temp, -1, 0);
- temp2 = -temp2;
- temp = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp = 1,2,-3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2-temp)));
- // make test store the point(0,0,0,0,0)
- temp = 0,0,0,0,0;
- test.train(temp, 0, 0);
- temp2 = 0;
- temp = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp = 1,2,-3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2-temp)));
- // make test store the point(1,0,0,0,0)
- temp = 1,0,0,0,0;
- test.train(temp, 1, 1);
- temp2 = 1,0,0,0,0;
- temp = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.inner_product(test), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp = 1,2,-3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2-temp)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(test), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(test.get_distance_function()), 0));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename kernel_type>
- void test_kcentroid_with_offset_linear_kernel(
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - kernel_type::sample_type == a matrix<double,4,1>
- - kernel_type == a kernel that just computes a dot product
- between its inputs + some constant. I.e. a linear kernel
- wrapped by offset_kernel
- ensures
- - tests the kcentroid object with the given kernel
- !*/
- {
- // Here we declare that our samples will be 2 dimensional column vectors.
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- kernel_type k;
- kcentroid<kernel_type> test(k,0.001,20);
- sample_type temp, temp2, temp3;
- matrix<double,5,1> val, val2;
- const double b = std::sqrt(k.offset);
- temp = 2,0,0,0;
- temp2 = 0;
- val = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- temp2 = 0;
- // make test store the point(0,0,0,0,b)
- val = 0,0,0,0,b;
- test.train(temp2, 0,1);
- temp = 2,0,0,0;
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "squared_norm(): " << test.squared_norm() ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val), 1e-6),
- test.get_distance_function()(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val) << " compare to: " <<
- test(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val)
- );
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- // make test store the point(0,0,0,0,0)
- val = 0,0,0,0,0;
- test.train(temp2, 1,-1);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)),
- test.get_distance_function()(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val) << " compare to: " <<
- test(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val)
- );
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- val2 = 0,1,0,0,b;
- val += val2;
- temp2 = 0,1,0,0;
- // make test store the point val
- test.train(temp2, 1,1);
- temp = 1,0,3,0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val), 1e-7),
- test(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test(test), 0, 1e-7), test(test));
- val2 = 0,1,2.6,8,b;
- val += val2;
- temp2 = 0,1,2.6,8;
- // make test store the point val
- test.train(temp2, 1,1);
- temp = 1,1,3,0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)), test(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.inner_product(test), length_squared(val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(test), 0));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(test.get_distance_function()), 0, 1e-6),
- test.get_distance_function()(test.get_distance_function()));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename kernel_type>
- void test_kcentroid_with_sparse_linear_kernel(
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - kernel_type::sample_type == a std::map<unsigned long,double>
- - kernel_type == a kernel that just computes a dot product
- between its inputs. I.e. a linear kernel
- ensures
- - tests the kcentroid object with the given kernel
- !*/
- {
- // Here we declare that our samples will be 2 dimensional column vectors.
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- kernel_type default_kernel;
- kcentroid<kernel_type> test(default_kernel,0.001,20);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 1" ;
- sample_type temp, temp2;
- temp[0] = 2;
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "squared_norm(): " << test.squared_norm() ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), 2));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 0));
- // make test store the point(2,0,0,0,0)
- test.train(temp, 0, 1);
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "squared_norm(): " << test.squared_norm() ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 4));
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 2" ;
- temp.clear();
- temp[1] = 2;
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), std::sqrt(2*2 + 2*2.0)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 4));
- // make test store the point(0,2,0,0,0)
- test.train(temp, 0, 1);
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 4));
- temp.clear();
- temp[0] = 2;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), std::sqrt(2*2 + 2*2.0)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 4));
- // make test store the point(1,1,0,0,0)
- test.train(temp, 0.5, 0.5);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 3" ;
- temp.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), std::sqrt(2.0)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), 2));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(test), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(test.get_distance_function()), 0));
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 3.1" ;
- // make test store the point(1,1,0,3,0)
- temp.clear(); temp[3] = 3;
- temp2.clear();
- temp2[0] = 1;
- temp2[1] = 1;
- temp2[3] = 3;
- test.train(temp, 1, 1);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 3.2" ;
- temp.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 3.3" ;
- temp[0] = 1;
- temp[1] = 2;
- temp[2] = 3;
- temp[3] = 4;
- temp[4] = 5;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 3.4" ;
- double junk = dlib::distance(temp2,temp);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 3.5" ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), junk) );
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 4" ;
- // make test store the point(0,1,0,3,-1)
- temp.clear();
- temp[0] = 1;
- temp[4] = 1;
- test.train(temp, 1, -1);
- temp2.clear();
- temp2[1] = 1;
- temp2[3] = 3;
- temp2[4] = -1;
- temp.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp[0] = 1;
- temp[1] = 2;
- temp[2] = 3;
- temp[3] = 4;
- temp[4] = 5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dlib::distance(temp2,temp)));
- // make test store the -1*point(0,1,0,3,-1)
- temp.clear();
- test.train(temp, -1, 0);
- temp2[0] = -temp2[0];
- temp2[1] = -temp2[1];
- temp2[2] = -temp2[2];
- temp2[3] = -temp2[3];
- temp2[4] = -temp2[4];
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 5" ;
- temp.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp[0] = 1;
- temp[1] = 2;
- temp[2] = -3;
- temp[3] = 4;
- temp[4] = 5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dlib::distance(temp2,temp)));
- // make test store the point(0,0,0,0,0)
- temp.clear();
- test.train(temp, 0, 0);
- temp2.clear();
- temp.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp[0] = 1;
- temp[1] = 2;
- temp[2] = -3;
- temp[3] = 4;
- temp[4] = 5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dlib::distance(temp2,temp)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(temp), dlib::distance(temp2,temp)));
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 6" ;
- // make test store the point(1,0,0,0,0)
- temp.clear();
- temp[0] = 1;
- test.train(temp, 1, 1);
- temp2.clear();
- temp2[0] = 1;
- temp.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), length(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(temp2)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.inner_product(test), length_squared(temp2)));
- temp[0] = 1;
- temp[1] = 2;
- temp[2] = -3;
- temp[3] = 4;
- temp[4] = 5;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dlib::distance(temp2,temp)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(temp), dlib::distance(temp2,temp)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(test), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(test.get_distance_function()), 0));
- dlog << LDEBUG << "AAAA 7" ;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename kernel_type>
- void test_kcentroid_with_offset_sparse_linear_kernel(
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - kernel_type::sample_type == a std::map<unsigned long,double>
- - kernel_type == a kernel that just computes a dot product
- between its inputs + some constant. I.e. a linear kernel
- wrapped by offset_kernel
- ensures
- - tests the kcentroid object with the given kernel
- !*/
- {
- // Here we declare that our samples will be 2 dimensional column vectors.
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- kernel_type k;
- kcentroid<kernel_type> test(k,0.001,20);
- sample_type temp, temp2, temp3;
- std::map<unsigned long,double> val, val2;
- const double b = std::sqrt(k.offset);
- temp.clear();
- temp[0] = 2;
- temp2.clear();
- val.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- temp2.clear();
- // make test store the point(0,0,0,0,b)
- val.clear();
- val[4] = b;
- test.train(temp2, 0,1);
- temp.clear();
- temp[0] = 2;
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "squared_norm(): " << test.squared_norm() ;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val), 1e-7),
- test.get_distance_function()(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val)
- );
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(test), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(test.get_distance_function()), 0, 1e-6));
- // make test store the point(0,0,0,0,0)
- val.clear();
- test.train(temp2, 1,-1);
- temp.clear();
- temp[0] = 2;
- dlog << LDEBUG << test(temp) ;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "squared_norm(): " << test.squared_norm() ;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)), test(temp) - dist(k,temp,val));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(test), 0));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(test.get_distance_function()), 0));
- val2.clear();
- val2[0] = 0;
- val2[1] = 1;
- val2[2] = 0;
- val2[3] = 0;
- val2[4] = b;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) val[i] += val2[i];
- temp2.clear();
- temp2[1] = 1;
- // make test store the point val
- test.train(temp2, 1,1);
- temp.clear();
- temp[0] = 1;
- temp[2] = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val), 1e-7),
- test(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- val2.clear();
- val2[0] = 0;
- val2[1] = 1;
- val2[2] = 2.6;
- val2[3] = 8;
- val2[4] = b;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) val[i] += val2[i];
- temp2.clear();
- temp2[0] = 0;
- temp2[1] = 1;
- temp2[2] = 2.6;
- temp2[3] = 8;
- // make test store the point val
- test.train(temp2, 1,1);
- temp.clear();
- temp[0] = 1;
- temp[1] = 1;
- temp[2] = 3;
- temp[3] = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test(temp), dist(k,temp,val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test(temp2), dist(k,temp2,val)), test(temp2) - dist(k,temp2,val));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.squared_norm(), length_squared(val)));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.inner_product(test), length_squared(val)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(approx_equal(test(test), 0, 1e-6), test(test));
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(test.get_distance_function()(test.get_distance_function()), 0));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class kcentroid_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- kcentroid_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_kcentroid",
- "Runs tests on the kcentroid components.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- // The idea here is to exercize all the various overloads of the kcentroid object. We also want
- // to exercize the non-overloaded default version. That is why we have these unopt_* linear
- // kernels
- test_kcentroid_with_linear_kernel<linear_kernel<matrix<double,5,1> > >();
- test_kcentroid_with_offset_linear_kernel<offset_kernel<linear_kernel<matrix<double,4,1> > > >();
- test_kcentroid_with_linear_kernel<unopt_linear_kernel<matrix<double,5,1> > >();
- test_kcentroid_with_offset_linear_kernel<offset_kernel<unopt_linear_kernel<matrix<double,4,1> > > >();
- test_kcentroid_with_sparse_linear_kernel<sparse_linear_kernel<std::map<unsigned long,double> > >();
- test_kcentroid_with_offset_sparse_linear_kernel<offset_kernel<sparse_linear_kernel<std::map<unsigned long,double> > > >();
- test_kcentroid_with_sparse_linear_kernel<unopt_sparse_linear_kernel<std::map<unsigned long,double> > >();
- test_kcentroid_with_offset_sparse_linear_kernel<offset_kernel<unopt_sparse_linear_kernel<std::map<unsigned long,double> > > >();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kernel_matrix.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kernel_matrix.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc3a2d2c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kernel_matrix.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.kernel_matrix");
- class kernel_matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- kernel_matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_kernel_matrix", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the kernel_matrix functions.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- kernel_type kern(0.1);
- std::vector<sample_type> vect1;
- std::vector<sample_type> vect2;
- const sample_type samp = randm(4,1);
- sample_type samp2, samp3;
- vect1.push_back(randm(4,1));
- vect1.push_back(randm(4,1));
- vect1.push_back(randm(4,1));
- vect1.push_back(randm(4,1));
- vect2.push_back(randm(4,1));
- vect2.push_back(randm(4,1));
- vect2.push_back(randm(4,1));
- vect2.push_back(randm(4,1));
- vect2.push_back(randm(4,1));
- matrix<double> K;
- K.set_size(vect1.size(), vect2.size());
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- K(r,c) = kern(vect1[r], vect2[c]);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, vect1, vect2)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, mat(vect1), mat(vect2))));
- K.set_size(vect2.size(), vect1.size());
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- K(r,c) = kern(vect2[r], vect1[c]);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, vect2, vect1)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, tmp(kernel_matrix(kern, vect2, vect1))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, mat(vect2), mat(vect1))));
- K.set_size(vect1.size(), vect1.size());
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- K(r,c) = kern(vect1[r], vect1[c]);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, vect1, vect1)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, tmp(kernel_matrix(kern, vect1, vect1))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, vect1)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, tmp(kernel_matrix(kern, vect1))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, mat(vect1), mat(vect1))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, tmp(kernel_matrix(kern, mat(vect1), mat(vect1)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, mat(vect1))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, tmp(kernel_matrix(kern, mat(vect1)))));
- K.set_size(vect1.size(),1);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- K(r,c) = kern(vect1[r], samp);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, vect1, samp)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, mat(vect1), samp)));
- K.set_size(1, vect1.size());
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- K(r,c) = kern(samp, vect1[c]);
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, samp, vect1)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, kernel_matrix(kern, samp, mat(vect1))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, tmp(kernel_matrix(kern, samp, vect1))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(K, tmp(kernel_matrix(kern, samp, mat(vect1)))));
- samp2 = samp;
- samp3 = samp;
- // test the alias detection
- samp2 = kernel_matrix(kern, vect1, samp2);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(samp2, kernel_matrix(kern, vect1, samp)));
- samp3 = trans(kernel_matrix(kern, samp3, vect2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(samp3, trans(kernel_matrix(kern, samp, vect2))));
- samp2 += kernel_matrix(kern, vect1, samp);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(samp2, 2*kernel_matrix(kern, vect1, samp)));
- samp3 += trans(kernel_matrix(kern, samp, vect2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(samp3, 2*trans(kernel_matrix(kern, samp, vect2))));
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- kernel_matrix_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kmeans.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kmeans.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 95c037b77..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/kmeans.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.kmeans");
- dlib::rand rnd;
- template <typename sample_type>
- void run_test(
- const std::vector<sample_type>& seed_centers
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- sample_type samp;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < seed_centers.size(); ++j)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 250; ++i)
- {
- samp = randm(seed_centers[0].size(),1,rnd) - 0.5;
- samples.push_back(samp + seed_centers[j]);
- }
- }
- randomize_samples(samples);
- {
- std::vector<sample_type> centers;
- pick_initial_centers(seed_centers.size(), centers, samples, linear_kernel<sample_type>());
- find_clusters_using_kmeans(samples, centers);
- DLIB_TEST(centers.size() == seed_centers.size());
- std::vector<int> hits(centers.size(),0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- unsigned long best_idx = 0;
- double best_dist = 1e100;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < centers.size(); ++j)
- {
- if (length(samples[i] - centers[j]) < best_dist)
- {
- best_dist = length(samples[i] - centers[j]);
- best_idx = j;
- }
- }
- hits[best_idx]++;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < hits.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(hits[i] == 250);
- }
- }
- {
- std::vector<sample_type> centers;
- pick_initial_centers(seed_centers.size(), centers, samples, linear_kernel<sample_type>());
- find_clusters_using_angular_kmeans(samples, centers);
- DLIB_TEST(centers.size() == seed_centers.size());
- std::vector<int> hits(centers.size(),0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- unsigned long best_idx = 0;
- double best_dist = 1e100;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < centers.size(); ++j)
- {
- if (length(samples[i] - centers[j]) < best_dist)
- {
- best_dist = length(samples[i] - centers[j]);
- best_idx = j;
- }
- }
- hits[best_idx]++;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < hits.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(hits[i] == 250);
- }
- }
- }
- class test_kmeans : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_kmeans (
- ) :
- tester ("test_kmeans",
- "Runs tests on the find_clusters_using_kmeans() function.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "test dlib::vector<double,2>";
- typedef dlib::vector<double,2> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> seed_centers;
- seed_centers.push_back(sample_type(10,10));
- seed_centers.push_back(sample_type(10,-10));
- seed_centers.push_back(sample_type(-10,10));
- seed_centers.push_back(sample_type(-10,-10));
- run_test(seed_centers);
- }
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "test dlib::vector<double,2>";
- typedef dlib::vector<float,2> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> seed_centers;
- seed_centers.push_back(sample_type(10,10));
- seed_centers.push_back(sample_type(10,-10));
- seed_centers.push_back(sample_type(-10,10));
- seed_centers.push_back(sample_type(-10,-10));
- run_test(seed_centers);
- }
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "test dlib::matrix<double,3,1>";
- typedef dlib::matrix<double,3,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> seed_centers;
- sample_type samp;
- samp = 10,10,0; seed_centers.push_back(samp);
- samp = -10,10,1; seed_centers.push_back(samp);
- samp = -10,-10,2; seed_centers.push_back(samp);
- run_test(seed_centers);
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/learning_to_track.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/learning_to_track.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 730c01ba8..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/learning_to_track.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.learning_to_track");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct detection_dense
- {
- typedef struct track_dense track_type;
- matrix<double,0,1> measurements;
- };
- struct track_dense
- {
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> feature_vector_type;
- track_dense()
- {
- time_since_last_association = 0;
- }
- void get_similarity_features(const detection_dense det, feature_vector_type& feats) const
- {
- feats = abs(last_measurements - det.measurements);
- }
- void update_track(const detection_dense det)
- {
- last_measurements = det.measurements;
- time_since_last_association = 0;
- }
- void propagate_track()
- {
- ++time_since_last_association;
- }
- matrix<double,0,1> last_measurements;
- unsigned long time_since_last_association;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct detection_sparse
- {
- typedef struct track_sparse track_type;
- matrix<double,0,1> measurements;
- };
- struct track_sparse
- {
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > feature_vector_type;
- track_sparse()
- {
- time_since_last_association = 0;
- }
- void get_similarity_features(const detection_sparse det, feature_vector_type& feats) const
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> temp = abs(last_measurements - det.measurements);
- feats.clear();
- for (long i = 0; i < temp.size(); ++i)
- feats.push_back(make_pair(i, temp(i)));
- }
- void update_track(const detection_sparse det)
- {
- last_measurements = det.measurements;
- time_since_last_association = 0;
- }
- void propagate_track()
- {
- ++time_since_last_association;
- }
- matrix<double,0,1> last_measurements;
- unsigned long time_since_last_association;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlib::rand rnd;
- const long num_objects = 4;
- const long num_properties = 6;
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > object_properties(num_objects);
- void initialize_object_properties()
- {
- rnd.set_seed("23ja2oirfjaf");
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < object_properties.size(); ++i)
- object_properties[i] = randm(num_properties,1,rnd);
- }
- template <typename detection>
- detection sample_detection_from_sensor(long object_id)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(object_id < num_objects,
- "You can't ask to sample a detection from an object that doesn't exist.");
- detection temp;
- // Set the measurements equal to the object's true property values plus a little bit of
- // noise.
- temp.measurements = object_properties[object_id] + randm(num_properties,1,rnd)*0.1;
- return temp;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename detection>
- std::vector<std::vector<labeled_detection<detection> > > make_random_tracking_data_for_training()
- {
- typedef std::vector<labeled_detection<detection> > detections_at_single_time_step;
- typedef std::vector<detections_at_single_time_step> track_history;
- track_history data;
- // At each time step we get a set of detections from the objects in the world.
- // Simulate 100 time steps worth of data where there are 3 objects present.
- const int num_time_steps = 100;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_time_steps; ++i)
- {
- detections_at_single_time_step dets(3);
- // sample a detection from object 0
- dets[0].det = sample_detection_from_sensor<detection>(0);
- dets[0].label = 0;
- // sample a detection from object 1
- dets[1].det = sample_detection_from_sensor<detection>(1);
- dets[1].label = 1;
- // sample a detection from object 2
- dets[2].det = sample_detection_from_sensor<detection>(2);
- dets[2].label = 2;
- randomize_samples(dets, rnd);
- data.push_back(dets);
- }
- // Now let's imagine object 1 and 2 are gone but a new object, object 3 has arrived.
- for (int i = 0; i < num_time_steps; ++i)
- {
- detections_at_single_time_step dets(2);
- // sample a detection from object 0
- dets[0].det = sample_detection_from_sensor<detection>(0);
- dets[0].label = 0;
- // sample a detection from object 3
- dets[1].det = sample_detection_from_sensor<detection>(3);
- dets[1].label = 3;
- randomize_samples(dets, rnd);
- data.push_back(dets);
- }
- return data;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename detection>
- std::vector<detection> make_random_detections(long num_dets)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(num_dets <= num_objects,
- "You can't ask for more detections than there are objects in our little simulation.");
- std::vector<detection> dets(num_dets);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets.size(); ++i)
- {
- dets[i] = sample_detection_from_sensor<detection>(i);
- }
- randomize_samples(dets, rnd);
- return dets;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename detection>
- void test_tracking_stuff()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef std::vector<labeled_detection<detection> > detections_at_single_time_step;
- typedef std::vector<detections_at_single_time_step> track_history;
- std::vector<track_history> data;
- data.push_back(make_random_tracking_data_for_training<detection>());
- data.push_back(make_random_tracking_data_for_training<detection>());
- data.push_back(make_random_tracking_data_for_training<detection>());
- data.push_back(make_random_tracking_data_for_training<detection>());
- data.push_back(make_random_tracking_data_for_training<detection>());
- structural_track_association_trainer trainer;
- trainer.set_c(1000);
- track_association_function<detection> assoc = trainer.train(data);
- double test_val = test_track_association_function(assoc, data);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( test_val == 1, test_val);
- test_val = cross_validate_track_association_trainer(trainer, data, 5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG ( test_val == 1, test_val);
- typedef typename detection::track_type track;
- std::vector<track> tracks;
- std::vector<detection> dets = make_random_detections<detection>(3);
- assoc(tracks, dets);
- DLIB_TEST(tracks.size() == 3);
- dets = make_random_detections<detection>(3);
- assoc(tracks, dets);
- DLIB_TEST(tracks.size() == 3);
- dets = make_random_detections<detection>(3);
- assoc(tracks, dets);
- DLIB_TEST(tracks.size() == 3);
- dets = make_random_detections<detection>(4);
- assoc(tracks, dets);
- DLIB_TEST(tracks.size() == 4);
- dets = make_random_detections<detection>(3);
- assoc(tracks, dets);
- DLIB_TEST(tracks.size() == 4);
- unsigned long total_miss = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i)
- total_miss += tracks[i].time_since_last_association;
- DLIB_TEST(total_miss == 1);
- dets = make_random_detections<detection>(3);
- assoc(tracks, dets);
- DLIB_TEST(tracks.size() == 4);
- total_miss = 0;
- unsigned long num_zero = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i)
- {
- total_miss += tracks[i].time_since_last_association;
- if (tracks[i].time_since_last_association == 0)
- ++num_zero;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(total_miss == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(num_zero == 3);
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(assoc, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(assoc, sin);
- DLIB_TEST( test_track_association_function(assoc, data) == 1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_learning_to_track : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_learning_to_track (
- ) :
- tester ("test_learning_to_track",
- "Runs tests on the assignment learning code.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- initialize_object_properties();
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "run test_tracking_stuff<detection_dense>()";
- test_tracking_stuff<detection_dense>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run test_tracking_stuff<detection_sparse>()";
- test_tracking_stuff<detection_sparse>();
- }
- }
- } a;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/least_squares.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/least_squares.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c4282ad05..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/least_squares.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include "optimization_test_functions.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib::test_functions;
- logger dlog("test.least_squares");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_with_chebyquad()
- {
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(2);
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2)) < 1e-5);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(2);
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 2 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 2 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 2 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(2);
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(2);
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 2 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 2 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 2 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(4);
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 4 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 4 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 4 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(4));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(4)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(4);
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 4 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 4 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 4 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(4));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(4)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(6);
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 6 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 6 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 6 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(6));
- // the ch variable contains a permutation of what is in chebyquad_solution(6).
- // Apparently there is more than one minimum?. Just check that the objective
- // goes to zero.
- DLIB_TEST(chebyquad(ch) < 1e-10);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(6);
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 6 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 6 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 6 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(6));
- DLIB_TEST(chebyquad(ch) < 1e-10);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(8);
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 8 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 8 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 8 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(8));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(8)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(8);
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- chebyquad_residual,
- derivative(chebyquad_residual),
- range(0,ch.size()-1),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 8 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 8 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "LM chebyquad 8 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(8));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(8)) < 1e-5);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_with_brown()
- {
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,4,1> ch;
- ch = brown_start();
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 300),
- brown_residual,
- derivative(brown_residual),
- range(1,20),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "brown obj: " << brown(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "brown der: " << length(brown_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "brown error: " << length(ch - brown_solution());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(ch - brown_solution()) < 1e-5,length(ch - brown_solution()) );
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,4,1> ch;
- ch = brown_start();
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- brown_residual,
- derivative(brown_residual),
- range(1,20),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM brown obj: " << brown(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM brown der: " << length(brown_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "LM brown error: " << length(ch - brown_solution());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - brown_solution()) < 1e-5);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// These functions are declared here because wrapping the real rosen functions in this
-// way avoids triggering a bug in visual studio 2005 which prevents this code from compiling.
- double rosen_residual_double (int i, const matrix<double,2,1>& m)
- { return rosen_residual(i,m); }
- float rosen_residual_float (int i, const matrix<float,2,1>& m)
- { return rosen_residual(i,m); }
- matrix<double,2,1> rosen_residual_derivative_double (int i, const matrix<double,2,1>& m)
- { return rosen_residual_derivative(i,m); }
- /*
- matrix<float,2,1> rosen_residual_derivative_float (int i, const matrix<float,2,1>& m)
- { return rosen_residual_derivative(i,m); }
- */
- double rosen_big_residual_double (int i, const matrix<double,2,1>& m)
- { return rosen_big_residual(i,m); }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_with_rosen()
- {
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> ch;
- ch = rosen_start<double>();
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- rosen_residual_double,
- rosen_residual_derivative_double,
- range(1,20),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen obj: " << rosen(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen error: " << length(ch - rosen_solution<double>());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - rosen_solution<double>()) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> ch;
- ch = rosen_start<double>();
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- rosen_residual_double,
- rosen_residual_derivative_double,
- range(1,20),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "lm rosen obj: " << rosen(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "lm rosen error: " << length(ch - rosen_solution<double>());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - rosen_solution<double>()) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> ch;
- ch = rosen_start<double>();
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- rosen_residual_double,
- derivative(rosen_residual_double),
- range(1,20),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen obj: " << rosen(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen error: " << length(ch - rosen_solution<double>());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - rosen_solution<double>()) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<float,2,1> ch;
- ch = rosen_start<float>();
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- rosen_residual_float,
- derivative(rosen_residual_float),
- range(1,20),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "float rosen obj: " << rosen(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "float rosen error: " << length(ch - rosen_solution<float>());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - rosen_solution<float>()) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<float,2,1> ch;
- ch = rosen_start<float>();
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- rosen_residual_float,
- derivative(rosen_residual_float),
- range(1,20),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM float rosen obj: " << rosen(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM float rosen error: " << length(ch - rosen_solution<float>());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - rosen_solution<float>()) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> ch;
- ch = rosen_start<double>();
- solve_least_squares_lm(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- rosen_residual_double,
- derivative(rosen_residual_double),
- range(1,20),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM rosen obj: " << rosen(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "LM rosen error: " << length(ch - rosen_solution<double>());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - rosen_solution<double>()) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> ch;
- ch = rosen_big_start<double>();
- solve_least_squares(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 80),
- rosen_big_residual_double,
- derivative(rosen_big_residual_double),
- range(1,2),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen big obj: " << rosen_big(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen big error: " << length(ch - rosen_big_solution<double>());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - rosen_big_solution<double>()) < 1e-5);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class optimization_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- optimization_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_least_squares",
- "Runs tests on the least squares optimization component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_with_chebyquad();
- test_with_brown();
- test_with_rosen();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/linear_manifold_regularizer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/linear_manifold_regularizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e73b1c8d3..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/linear_manifold_regularizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/manifold_regularization.h>
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <dlib/graph_utils_threaded.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.linear_manifold_regularizer");
- template <typename hash_type, typename samples_type>
- void test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh(
- const samples_type& samples
- )
- {
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges1, edges2;
- find_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, cosine_distance(), 2, edges1);
- find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh(samples, cosine_distance(), hash_type(), 2, 6, edges2, 2);
- std::sort(edges1.begin(), edges1.end(), order_by_index<sample_pair>);
- std::sort(edges2.begin(), edges2.end(), order_by_index<sample_pair>);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(edges1.size() == edges2.size(), edges1.size() << " " << edges2.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < edges1.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(edges1[i] == edges2[i]);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(edges1[i].distance() - edges2[i].distance()) < 1e-7,
- edges1[i].distance() - edges2[i].distance());
- }
- }
- template <typename scalar_type>
- void test_knn_lsh_sparse()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- std::vector<std::map<unsigned long,scalar_type> > samples;
- samples.resize(20);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- samples[i][0] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- samples[i][2] = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- }
- test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh<hash_similar_angles_64>(samples);
- test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh<hash_similar_angles_128>(samples);
- test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh<hash_similar_angles_256>(samples);
- test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh<hash_similar_angles_512>(samples);
- }
- template <typename scalar_type>
- void test_knn_lsh_dense()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- std::vector<matrix<scalar_type,0,1> > samples;
- samples.resize(20);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- samples[i].set_size(2);
- samples[i](0) = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- samples[i](1) = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- }
- test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh<hash_similar_angles_64>(samples);
- test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh<hash_similar_angles_128>(samples);
- test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh<hash_similar_angles_256>(samples);
- test_find_k_nearest_neighbors_lsh<hash_similar_angles_512>(samples);
- }
- class linear_manifold_regularizer_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- linear_manifold_regularizer_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_linear_manifold_regularizer", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the linear_manifold_regularizer object.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- seed = 1;
- }
- dlib::rand rnd;
- unsigned long seed;
- typedef matrix<double, 0, 1> sample_type;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- void do_the_test()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- // Declare an instance of the kernel we will be using.
- const kernel_type kern(0.1);
- const unsigned long num_points = 200;
- // create a large dataset with two concentric circles.
- generate_circle(samples, 1, num_points); // circle of radius 1
- generate_circle(samples, 5, num_points); // circle of radius 5
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- find_percent_shortest_edges_randomly(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(0.1, 4), 1, 10000, "random seed", edges);
- dlog << LTRACE << "number of edges generated: " << edges.size();
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm;
- ekm.load(kern, randomly_subsample(samples, 100));
- // Project all the samples into the span of our 50 basis samples
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- samples[i] = ekm.project(samples[i]);
- // Now create the manifold regularizer. The result is a transformation matrix that
- // embodies the manifold assumption discussed above.
- linear_manifold_regularizer<sample_type> lmr;
-, edges, use_gaussian_weights(0.1));
- matrix<double> T = lmr.get_transformation_matrix(10000);
- print_spinner();
- // generate the T matrix manually and make sure it matches. The point of this test
- // is to make sure that the more complex version of this that happens inside the linear_manifold_regularizer
- // is correct. It uses a tedious block of loops to do it in a way that is a lot faster for sparse
- // W matrices but isn't super straight forward.
- matrix<double> X(samples[0].size(), samples.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- set_colm(X,i) = samples[i];
- matrix<double> W(samples.size(), samples.size());
- W = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
- {
- W(edges[i].index1(), edges[i].index2()) = use_gaussian_weights(0.1)(edges[i]);
- W(edges[i].index2(), edges[i].index1()) = use_gaussian_weights(0.1)(edges[i]);
- }
- matrix<double> L = diagm(sum_rows(W)) - W;
- matrix<double> trueT = inv_lower_triangular(chol(identity_matrix<double>( + (10000.0/sum(lowerm(W)))*X*L*trans(X)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "T error: "<< max(abs(T - trueT));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(T - trueT)) < 1e-7);
- print_spinner();
- // Apply the transformation generated by the linear_manifold_regularizer to
- // all our samples.
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- samples[i] = T*samples[i];
- // For convenience, generate a projection_function and merge the transformation
- // matrix T into it.
- projection_function<kernel_type> proj = ekm.get_projection_function();
- proj.weights = T*proj.weights;
- // Pick 2 different labeled points. One on the inner circle and another on the outer.
- // For each of these test points we will see if using the single plane that separates
- // them is a good way to separate the concentric circles. Also do this a bunch
- // of times with different randomly chosen points so we can see how robust the result is.
- for (int itr = 0; itr < 10; ++itr)
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_type> test_points;
- // generate a random point from the radius 1 circle
- generate_circle(test_points, 1, 1);
- // generate a random point from the radius 5 circle
- generate_circle(test_points, 5, 1);
- // project the two test points into kernel space. Recall that this projection_function
- // has the manifold regularizer incorporated into it.
- const sample_type class1_point = proj(test_points[0]);
- const sample_type class2_point = proj(test_points[1]);
- double num_wrong = 0;
- // Now attempt to classify all the data samples according to which point
- // they are closest to. The output of this program shows that without manifold
- // regularization this test will fail but with it it will perfectly classify
- // all the points.
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- double distance_to_class1 = length(samples[i] - class1_point);
- double distance_to_class2 = length(samples[i] - class2_point);
- bool predicted_as_class_1 = (distance_to_class1 < distance_to_class2);
- bool really_is_class_1 = (i < num_points);
- // now count how many times we make a mistake
- if (predicted_as_class_1 != really_is_class_1)
- ++num_wrong;
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(num_wrong == 0, num_wrong);
- }
- }
- void generate_circle (
- std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- double radius,
- const long num
- )
- {
- sample_type m(2,1);
- for (long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- samples.push_back(m);
- }
- }
- void test_knn1()
- {
- std::vector<matrix<double,2,1> > samples;
- matrix<double,2,1> test;
- test = 0,0; samples.push_back(test);
- test = 1,1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = 1,-1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = -1,1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = -1,-1; samples.push_back(test);
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- find_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(), 1, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 4);
- std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), &order_by_index<sample_pair>);
- DLIB_TEST(edges[0] == sample_pair(0,1,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[1] == sample_pair(0,2,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[2] == sample_pair(0,3,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[3] == sample_pair(0,4,0));
- find_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(), 3, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 8);
- find_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(3.9, 4.1), 3, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 4);
- std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), &order_by_index<sample_pair>);
- DLIB_TEST(edges[0] == sample_pair(1,2,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[1] == sample_pair(1,3,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[2] == sample_pair(2,4,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[3] == sample_pair(3,4,0));
- find_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(30000, 4.1), 3, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 0);
- }
- void test_knn1_approx()
- {
- std::vector<matrix<double,2,1> > samples;
- matrix<double,2,1> test;
- test = 0,0; samples.push_back(test);
- test = 1,1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = 1,-1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = -1,1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = -1,-1; samples.push_back(test);
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- find_approximate_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(), 1, 10000, seed, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 4);
- std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), &order_by_index<sample_pair>);
- DLIB_TEST(edges[0] == sample_pair(0,1,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[1] == sample_pair(0,2,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[2] == sample_pair(0,3,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[3] == sample_pair(0,4,0));
- find_approximate_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(), 3, 10000, seed, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 8);
- find_approximate_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(3.9, 4.1), 3, 10000, seed, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 4);
- std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), &order_by_index<sample_pair>);
- DLIB_TEST(edges[0] == sample_pair(1,2,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[1] == sample_pair(1,3,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[2] == sample_pair(2,4,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[3] == sample_pair(3,4,0));
- find_approximate_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(30000, 4.1), 3, 10000, seed, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 0);
- }
- void test_knn2()
- {
- std::vector<matrix<double,2,1> > samples;
- matrix<double,2,1> test;
- test = 1,1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = 1,-1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = -1,1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = -1,-1; samples.push_back(test);
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- find_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(), 2, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 4);
- std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), &order_by_index<sample_pair>);
- DLIB_TEST(edges[0] == sample_pair(0,1,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[1] == sample_pair(0,2,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[2] == sample_pair(1,3,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[3] == sample_pair(2,3,0));
- find_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(), 200, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 4*3/2);
- }
- void test_knn2_approx()
- {
- std::vector<matrix<double,2,1> > samples;
- matrix<double,2,1> test;
- test = 1,1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = 1,-1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = -1,1; samples.push_back(test);
- test = -1,-1; samples.push_back(test);
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- // For this simple graph and high number of samples we will do we should obtain the exact
- // knn solution.
- find_approximate_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(), 2, 10000, seed, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 4);
- std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), &order_by_index<sample_pair>);
- DLIB_TEST(edges[0] == sample_pair(0,1,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[1] == sample_pair(0,2,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[2] == sample_pair(1,3,0));
- DLIB_TEST(edges[3] == sample_pair(2,3,0));
- find_approximate_k_nearest_neighbors(samples, squared_euclidean_distance(), 200, 10000, seed, edges);
- DLIB_TEST(edges.size() == 4*3/2);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- do_the_test();
- ++seed;
- test_knn1_approx();
- test_knn2_approx();
- }
- test_knn1();
- test_knn2();
- test_knn_lsh_sparse<double>();
- test_knn_lsh_sparse<float>();
- test_knn_lsh_dense<double>();
- test_knn_lsh_dense<float>();
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- linear_manifold_regularizer_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/lspi.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/lspi.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 013887115..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/lspi.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2015 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/control.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.lspi");
- template <bool have_prior>
- struct chain_model
- {
- typedef int state_type;
- typedef int action_type; // 0 is move left, 1 is move right
- const static bool force_last_weight_to_1 = have_prior;
- const static int num_states = 4; // not required in the model interface
- matrix<double,8,1> offset;
- chain_model()
- {
- offset =
- 2.048 ,
- 2.56 ,
- 2.048 ,
- 3.2 ,
- 2.56 ,
- 4 ,
- 3.2,
- 5 ;
- if (!have_prior)
- offset = 0;
- }
- unsigned long num_features(
- ) const
- {
- if (have_prior)
- return num_states*2 + 1;
- else
- return num_states*2;
- }
- action_type find_best_action (
- const state_type& state,
- const matrix<double,0,1>& w
- ) const
- {
- if (w(state*2)+offset(state*2) >= w(state*2+1)+offset(state*2+1))
- //if (w(state*2) >= w(state*2+1))
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- void get_features (
- const state_type& state,
- const action_type& action,
- matrix<double,0,1>& feats
- ) const
- {
- feats.set_size(num_features());
- feats = 0;
- feats(state*2 + action) = 1;
- if (have_prior)
- feats(num_features()-1) = offset(state*2+action);
- }
- };
- void test_lspi_prior1()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef process_sample<chain_model<true> > sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- samples.push_back(sample_type(0,0,0,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(0,1,1,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(1,0,0,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(1,1,2,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(2,0,1,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(2,1,3,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(3,0,2,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(3,1,3,1));
- lspi<chain_model<true> > trainer;
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- trainer.set_lambda(0);
- policy<chain_model<true> > pol = trainer.train(samples);
- dlog << LINFO << pol.get_weights();
- matrix<double,0,1> w = pol.get_weights();
- DLIB_TEST(pol.get_weights().size() == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(w(w.size()-1) == 1);
- w(w.size()-1) = 0;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(w) < 1e-12, length(w));
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(0);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(1);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(2);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(3);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(2) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(3) == 1);
- }
- void test_lspi_prior2()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef process_sample<chain_model<true> > sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- samples.push_back(sample_type(0,0,0,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(0,1,1,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(1,0,0,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(1,1,2,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(2,0,1,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(2,1,3,1));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(3,0,2,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(3,1,3,0));
- lspi<chain_model<true> > trainer;
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- trainer.set_lambda(0);
- policy<chain_model<true> > pol = trainer.train(samples);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(0);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(1);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(2);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(3);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(2) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(3) == 0);
- }
- void test_lspi_noprior1()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef process_sample<chain_model<false> > sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- samples.push_back(sample_type(0,0,0,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(0,1,1,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(1,0,0,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(1,1,2,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(2,0,1,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(2,1,3,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(3,0,2,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(3,1,3,1));
- lspi<chain_model<false> > trainer;
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- trainer.set_lambda(0.01);
- policy<chain_model<false> > pol = trainer.train(samples);
- dlog << LINFO << pol.get_weights();
- DLIB_TEST(pol.get_weights().size() == 8);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(0);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(1);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(2);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(3);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(2) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(3) == 1);
- }
- void test_lspi_noprior2()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef process_sample<chain_model<false> > sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- samples.push_back(sample_type(0,0,0,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(0,1,1,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(1,0,0,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(1,1,2,1));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(2,0,1,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(2,1,3,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(3,0,2,0));
- samples.push_back(sample_type(3,1,3,0));
- lspi<chain_model<false> > trainer;
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- trainer.set_lambda(0.01);
- policy<chain_model<false> > pol = trainer.train(samples);
- dlog << LINFO << pol.get_weights();
- DLIB_TEST(pol.get_weights().size() == 8);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(0);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(1);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(2);
- dlog << LINFO << "action: " << pol(3);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(2) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(pol(3) == 0);
- }
- class lspi_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- lspi_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_lspi", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the lspi object.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_lspi_prior1();
- test_lspi_prior2();
- test_lspi_noprior1();
- test_lspi_noprior2();
- }
- };
- lspi_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/lz77_buffer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/lz77_buffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ccbb1a24c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/lz77_buffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/sliding_buffer.h>
-#include <dlib/lz77_buffer.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.lz77_buffer");
- template <
- typename buf
- >
- void lz77_buffer_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - buf is an implementation of lz77_buffer/lz77_buffer_kernel_abstract.h
- ensures
- - runs tests on buf for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- typedef dlib::sliding_buffer<unsigned char>::kernel_1a sbuf;
- buf test(8,20);
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20,test.get_history_buffer_limit());
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20);
- for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- {
- test.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- test.add('a');
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 20);
- test.shift_buffers(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 15);
- unsigned long index, length, temp;
- temp = test.get_lookahead_buffer_size();
- test.find_match(index,length,5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length <= temp,
- "length: " << length <<
- "\ntemp: " << temp);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() <= 15);
- }
- for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20);
- unsigned long a,b, temp = test.get_lookahead_buffer_size();
- test.find_match(a,b,0);
- DLIB_TEST(b <= temp);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 0);
- test.find_match(a,b,5);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20);
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20,);\n";
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- sout.clear();
- unsigned char ch;
- sbuf sbuffer;
- sbuffer.set_size(8);
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.lookahead_buffer(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size()-1) == ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20);
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.lookahead_buffer(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size()-1) == ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20);
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.lookahead_buffer(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size()-1) == ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- // add 17 chars to test so that the lookahead buffer will be full
- for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i)
- {
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.lookahead_buffer(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size()-1) == ch);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 20);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.lookahead_buffer(0) == sbuffer[20]);
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.lookahead_buffer(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size()-1) == ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 20);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 1);
- // add the above text to test and make sure it gives the correct results
- ch = sin.get();
- while (sin)
- {
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.lookahead_buffer(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size()-1) == ch);
- DLIB_TEST(test.history_buffer(0) == sbuffer[21]);
- DLIB_TEST(test.history_buffer(1) == sbuffer[22]);
- ch = sin.get();
- }
- // make sure the contents of lookahead_buffer and history_buffer
- // match what is in sbuffer
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_history_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()+i] == test.history_buffer(i));
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_lookahead_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()-1-i] == test.lookahead_buffer(i));
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1); // do this because we never put anything in sbuffer[0]
- unsigned long match_index, match_length;
- unsigned long ltemp = test.get_lookahead_buffer_size();
- test.find_match(match_index,match_length,0);
- DLIB_TEST(match_length <= ltemp);
- // verify the match with sbuffer
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < match_length; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sbuffer[19-i] == sbuffer[match_index+20-i],i);
- }
- sin.str("");
- sin.clear();
- } // for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- for (int g = 0; g < 8; ++g)
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20);
- sbuf sbuffer;
- sbuffer.set_size(8);
- ostringstream sout;
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20,);\n";
- sout << "DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20,);\n";
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- unsigned char ch;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- }
- // make sure the contents of lookahead_buffer and history_buffer
- // match what is in sbuffer
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_history_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()+i] == test.history_buffer(i));
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_lookahead_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()-1-i] == test.lookahead_buffer(i));
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- unsigned long match_index, match_length;
- unsigned long ltemp = test.get_lookahead_buffer_size();
- test.find_match(match_index,match_length,0);
- DLIB_TEST(match_length <= ltemp);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 20-match_length);
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1); // do this because we never put anything in sbuffer[0]
- // verify the match with sbuffer
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < match_length; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[i+20-match_length] == sbuffer[i+1+match_index+20-match_length]);
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1); // free up sbuffer[0] for new data
- for (int i = 0; i < 7+g*2; ++i)
- {
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- }
- ch = '?';
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- ch = 'a';
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- ch = 'v';
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- ch = 'i';
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- ch = 's';
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- // adjust sbuffer due to the last call to test.find_match()
- // but only if we haven't already added enough (20 or more) chars
- // to fill the lookahead buffer already.
- if (match_length > static_cast<unsigned int>(12+g*2))
- sbuffer.rotate_left(match_length-(12+g*2));
- // make sure the contents of lookahead_buffer and history_buffer
- // match what is in sbuffer
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_history_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()+i] == test.history_buffer(i));
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_lookahead_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()-1-i] == test.lookahead_buffer(i));
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.find_match(match_index,match_length,10+g);
- if (match_length > 0)
- DLIB_TEST(match_length >= static_cast<unsigned int>(10+g) );
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1); // do this because we never put anything in sbuffer[0]
- // verify the match with sbuffer
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < match_length; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[i+20-match_length] == sbuffer[i+1+match_index+20-match_length]);
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1); // free up sbuffer[0] for new data
- } // for (int g = 0; g < 8; ++g)
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- for (int g = 0; g < 200; ++g)
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20);
- sbuf sbuffer;
- sbuffer.set_size(8);
- ostringstream sout;
- int l = ::rand()%500;
- for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
- {
- char temp = static_cast<char>(::rand()%256);
- sout << temp;
- }
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- unsigned char ch;
- for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
- {
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- }
- // make sure the contents of lookahead_buffer and history_buffer
- // match what is in sbuffer
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1);
- // adjust so that sbuffer[19] is the same as lookahead_buffer[0]
- if (test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() < 20)
- sbuffer.rotate_left(20-test.get_lookahead_buffer_size());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_history_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()+i] == test.history_buffer(i));
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_lookahead_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()-1-i] == test.lookahead_buffer(i));
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- unsigned long match_index, match_length;
- unsigned long lookahead_size_before = test.get_lookahead_buffer_size();
- test.find_match(match_index,match_length,0);
- DLIB_TEST(match_length <= lookahead_size_before);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == lookahead_size_before-match_length);
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1); // do this because we never put anything in sbuffer[0]
- // verify the match with sbuffer
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < match_length; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sbuffer[19-i] == sbuffer[match_index+20-i],i);
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1); // free up sbuffer[0] for new data
- } // for (int g = 0; g < 200; ++g)
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- for (int g = 0; g < 300; ++g)
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_history_buffer_limit() == 256-20);
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit() == 20);
- sbuf sbuffer;
- sbuffer.set_size(8);
- ostringstream sout;
- int l = ::rand()%500;
- for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
- {
- char temp = static_cast<char>(::rand()%20);
- sout << temp;
- sout << temp;
- sout << temp;
- sout << temp;
- sout << temp;
- sout << temp;
- }
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- unsigned char ch;
- for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
- {
- ch = sin.get();
- sbuffer[0] = ch; sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- test.add(ch);
- }
- // make sure the contents of lookahead_buffer and history_buffer
- // match what is in sbuffer
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1);
- // adjust so that sbuffer[19] is the same as lookahead_buffer[0]
- if (test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() < 20)
- sbuffer.rotate_left(20-test.get_lookahead_buffer_size());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_history_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()+i] == test.history_buffer(i));
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < test.get_lookahead_buffer_size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sbuffer[test.get_lookahead_buffer_limit()-1-i] == test.lookahead_buffer(i));
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1);
- unsigned long match_index = 0, match_length = 0;
- unsigned long lookahead_size_before = test.get_lookahead_buffer_size();
- unsigned long history_size_before = test.get_history_buffer_size();
- test.find_match(match_index,match_length,2);
- if (match_length != 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(match_index < history_size_before,
- "match_index: " << match_index <<
- "\nhistory_size_before: " << history_size_before);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.get_lookahead_buffer_size() == lookahead_size_before-match_length);
- sbuffer.rotate_right(1); // do this because we never put anything in sbuffer[0]
- // verify the match with sbuffer
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < match_length; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sbuffer[19-i] == sbuffer[match_index+20-i],i);
- }
- sbuffer.rotate_left(1); // free up sbuffer[0] for new data
- } // for (int g = 0; g < 300; ++g)
- }
- class lz77_buffer_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- lz77_buffer_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_lz77_buffer",
- "Runs tests on the lz77_buffer component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- lz77_buffer_kernel_test<lz77_buffer::kernel_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- lz77_buffer_kernel_test<lz77_buffer::kernel_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a";
- lz77_buffer_kernel_test<lz77_buffer::kernel_2a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_2a_c";
- lz77_buffer_kernel_test<lz77_buffer::kernel_2a_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/main.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4800a7211..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <dlib/cmd_line_parser.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace dlib;
-using namespace test;
-typedef cmd_line_parser<char>::check_1a_c clp;
-static logger dlog("test.main");
-int main (int argc, char** argv)
- try
- {
- clp parser;
- parser.add_option("runall","Run all the tests that don't take any arguments.");
- parser.add_option("h","Displays this information.");
- parser.add_option("n","How many times to run the selected tests. The default is 1.",1);
- parser.add_option("d","log debugging statements to file debug.txt.");
- parser.add_option("l","Set the logging level (all, trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal), the default is all.",1);
- parser.add_option("a","Append debugging messages to debug.txt rather than clearing the file at program startup.");
- parser.add_option("q","Be quiet. Don't print the testing progress or results to standard out.");
- unsigned long num = 1;
- // add the options for all the different tests
- testers().reset();
- while (testers().move_next())
- {
- tester& test = *testers().element().value();
- parser.add_option(test.cmd_line_switch(), test.description(), test.num_of_args());
- }
- parser.parse(argc,argv);
- parser.check_option_arg_range("n",1,1000000000);
- const char* singles[] = {"d","l","a","n","h","runall","q"};
- parser.check_one_time_options(singles);
- const char* d_sub[] = {"l","a"};
- const char* l_args[] = {"all", "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal"};
- parser.check_sub_options("d",d_sub);
- parser.check_option_arg_range("l",l_args);
- if (parser.option("n"))
- {
- num = string_cast<unsigned long>(parser.option("n").argument());
- }
- if (parser.option("q"))
- {
- be_verbose = false;
- }
- if (parser.option("h"))
- {
- cout << "Usage: test [options]\n";
- parser.print_options(cout);
- cout << "\n\n";
- return 0;
- }
- ofstream fout;
- if (parser.option("d"))
- {
- if (parser.option("a"))
- else
- set_all_logging_output_streams(fout);
- if (parser.option("l").count() == 0)
- set_all_logging_levels(LALL);
- else if (parser.option("l").argument() == "all")
- set_all_logging_levels(LALL);
- else if (parser.option("l").argument() == "trace")
- set_all_logging_levels(LTRACE);
- else if (parser.option("l").argument() == "debug")
- set_all_logging_levels(LDEBUG);
- else if (parser.option("l").argument() == "info")
- set_all_logging_levels(LINFO);
- else if (parser.option("l").argument() == "warn")
- set_all_logging_levels(LWARN);
- else if (parser.option("l").argument() == "error")
- set_all_logging_levels(LERROR);
- else if (parser.option("l").argument() == "fatal")
- set_all_logging_levels(LFATAL);
- }
- else
- {
- set_all_logging_levels(LNONE);
- }
- unsigned long num_of_failed_tests = 0;
- unsigned long num_of_passed_tests = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "************ Starting Test Run " << i+1 << " of " << num << ". ************";
- // loop over all the testers and see if they are supposed to run
- testers().reset();
- while (testers().move_next())
- {
- tester& test= *testers().element().value();
- const clp::option_type& opt = parser.option(test.cmd_line_switch());
- // run the test for this option as many times as the user has requested.
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < parser.option("runall").count() + opt.count(); ++j)
- {
- // quit this loop if this option has arguments and this round through the loop is
- // from the runall option being present.
- if (test.num_of_args() > 0 && j == opt.count())
- break;
- if (be_verbose)
- cout << "Running " << test.cmd_line_switch() << " " << flush;
- dlog << LINFO << "Running " << test.cmd_line_switch();
- try
- {
- switch (test.num_of_args())
- {
- case 0:
- test.perform_test();
- break;
- case 1:
- test.perform_test(opt.argument(0,j));
- break;
- case 2:
- test.perform_test(opt.argument(0,j), opt.argument(1,j));
- break;
- default:
- cerr << "\n\nThe test '" << test.cmd_line_switch() << "' requested " << test.num_of_args()
- << " arguments but only 2 are supported." << endl;
- dlog << LINFO << "The test '" << test.cmd_line_switch() << "' requested " << test.num_of_args()
- << " arguments but only 2 are supported.";
- break;
- }
- if (be_verbose)
- cout << "\r \r";
- ++num_of_passed_tests;
- }
- catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- if (be_verbose)
- {
- cout << "\n\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
- cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEST FAILED: " << test.cmd_line_switch()
- << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- cout << "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n";
- cout << "Failure message from test: " << e.what() << endl;
- }
- dlog << LERROR << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- dlog << LERROR << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEST FAILED: " << test.cmd_line_switch()
- << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- dlog << LERROR << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- dlog << LERROR << "Failure message from test: " << e.what();
- ++num_of_failed_tests;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "Testing Finished";
- if (num_of_passed_tests == 0 && num_of_failed_tests == 0)
- {
- cout << "You didn't select any tests to run.\n";
- cout << "Try the -h option for more information.\n";
- }
- else if (num_of_failed_tests == 0)
- {
- if (be_verbose)
- {
- cout << "\n\nTesting Finished\n";
- cout << "Total number of individual testing statements executed: "<< number_of_testing_statements_executed() << endl;
- cout << "All tests completed successfully\n\n";
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "Total number of individual testing statements executed: "<< number_of_testing_statements_executed();
- dlog << LINFO << "All tests completed successfully";
- }
- else
- {
- if (be_verbose)
- {
- cout << "\n\nTesting Finished\n";
- cout << "Total number of individual testing statements executed: "<< number_of_testing_statements_executed() << endl;
- cout << "Number of failed tests: " << num_of_failed_tests << "\n";
- cout << "Number of passed tests: " << num_of_passed_tests << "\n\n";
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "Total number of individual testing statements executed: "<< number_of_testing_statements_executed();
- dlog << LWARN << "Number of failed tests: " << num_of_failed_tests;
- dlog << LWARN << "Number of passed tests: " << num_of_passed_tests;
- }
- return num_of_failed_tests;
- }
- catch (exception& e)
- {
- cout << e.what() << endl;
- cout << "\nTry the -h option for more information.\n";
- cout << endl;
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/makefile b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d4d478705..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-# This is the makefile used to build the dlib C++ library's regression test suite
-# on Debian Linux using the gcc compiler.
-# this is the name of the output executable
-TARGET = dtest
-# these are the compile time flags passed to gcc
-CXXFLAGS ?= -ggdb -Wall
-# These are the link time flags passed to gcc
-LFLAGS = -lpthread -lnsl
-# The name of the compiler. If you only have one version of
-# gcc installed then you probably want to change this to just g++
-CXX ?= nice g++
-# Here we list all the cpp files we want to compile
-SRC = main.cpp
-SRC += tester.cpp
-SRC += ../all/source.cpp
-SRC += example.cpp
-SRC += example_args.cpp
-SRC += active_learning.cpp
-SRC += any.cpp
-SRC += any_function.cpp
-SRC += array2d.cpp
-SRC += array.cpp
-SRC += assignment_learning.cpp
-SRC += base64.cpp
-SRC += bayes_nets.cpp
-SRC += bigint.cpp
-SRC += binary_search_tree_kernel_1a.cpp
-SRC += binary_search_tree_kernel_2a.cpp
-SRC += binary_search_tree_mm1.cpp
-SRC += binary_search_tree_mm2.cpp
-SRC += bridge.cpp
-SRC += bsp.cpp
-SRC += byte_orderer.cpp
-SRC += cca.cpp
-SRC += clustering.cpp
-SRC += cmd_line_parser.cpp
-SRC += cmd_line_parser_wchar_t.cpp
-SRC += compress_stream.cpp
-SRC += conditioning_class_c.cpp
-SRC += conditioning_class.cpp
-SRC += config_reader.cpp
-SRC += crc32.cpp
-SRC += create_iris_datafile.cpp
-SRC += data_io.cpp
-SRC += directed_graph.cpp
-SRC += discriminant_pca.cpp
-SRC += disjoint_subsets.cpp
-SRC += ekm_and_lisf.cpp
-SRC += empirical_kernel_map.cpp
-SRC += entropy_coder.cpp
-SRC += entropy_encoder_model.cpp
-SRC += face.cpp
-SRC += fft.cpp
-SRC += fhog.cpp
-SRC += filtering.cpp
-SRC += find_max_factor_graph_nmplp.cpp
-SRC += find_max_factor_graph_viterbi.cpp
-SRC += geometry.cpp
-SRC += graph.cpp
-SRC += graph_cuts.cpp
-SRC += graph_labeler.cpp
-SRC += hash.cpp
-SRC += hash_map.cpp
-SRC += hash_set.cpp
-SRC += hash_table.cpp
-SRC += hog_image.cpp
-SRC += image.cpp
-SRC += iosockstream.cpp
-SRC += is_same_object.cpp
-SRC += kcentroid.cpp
-SRC += kernel_matrix.cpp
-SRC += kmeans.cpp
-SRC += learning_to_track.cpp
-SRC += least_squares.cpp
-SRC += linear_manifold_regularizer.cpp
-SRC += lspi.cpp
-SRC += lz77_buffer.cpp
-SRC += map.cpp
-SRC += matrix2.cpp
-SRC += matrix3.cpp
-SRC += matrix4.cpp
-SRC += matrix_chol.cpp
-SRC += matrix.cpp
-SRC += matrix_eig.cpp
-SRC += matrix_lu.cpp
-SRC += matrix_qr.cpp
-SRC += max_cost_assignment.cpp
-SRC += max_sum_submatrix.cpp
-SRC += md5.cpp
-SRC += member_function_pointer.cpp
-SRC += metaprogramming.cpp
-SRC += mpc.cpp
-SRC += multithreaded_object.cpp
-SRC += numerical_integration.cpp
-SRC += object_detector.cpp
-SRC += oca.cpp
-SRC += one_vs_all_trainer.cpp
-SRC += one_vs_one_trainer.cpp
-SRC += optimization.cpp
-SRC += optimization_test_functions.cpp
-SRC += opt_qp_solver.cpp
-SRC += parallel_for.cpp
-SRC += parse.cpp
-SRC += pipe.cpp
-SRC += pixel.cpp
-SRC += probabilistic.cpp
-SRC += pyramid_down.cpp
-SRC += queue.cpp
-SRC += rand.cpp
-SRC += ranking.cpp
-SRC += read_write_mutex.cpp
-SRC += reference_counter.cpp
-SRC += rls.cpp
-SRC += sammon.cpp
-SRC += scan_image.cpp
-SRC += sequence.cpp
-SRC += sequence_labeler.cpp
-SRC += sequence_segmenter.cpp
-SRC += serialize.cpp
-SRC += set.cpp
-SRC += sldf.cpp
-SRC += sliding_buffer.cpp
-SRC += sockets2.cpp
-SRC += sockets.cpp
-SRC += sockstreambuf.cpp
-SRC += sparse_vector.cpp
-SRC += stack.cpp
-SRC += static_map.cpp
-SRC += static_set.cpp
-SRC += statistics.cpp
-SRC += std_vector_c.cpp
-SRC += string.cpp
-SRC += svm_c_linear.cpp
-SRC += svm_c_linear_dcd.cpp
-SRC += svm.cpp
-SRC += svm_multiclass_linear.cpp
-SRC += svm_struct.cpp
-SRC += svr_linear_trainer.cpp
-SRC += symmetric_matrix_cache.cpp
-SRC += thread_pool.cpp
-SRC += threads.cpp
-SRC += timer.cpp
-SRC += tokenizer.cpp
-SRC += trust_region.cpp
-SRC += tuple.cpp
-SRC += type_safe_union.cpp
-SRC += vectorstream.cpp
-TMP = $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
-OBJ = $(TMP:.c=.o)
-$(TARGET): $(OBJ)
- @echo Linking $@
- @$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(LFLAGS) -o $@
- @echo Build Complete
- @rm -f $(OBJ) $(TARGET)
- @echo All object files and binaries removed
- @echo Running makedepend
- @makedepend -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SRC) 2> /dev/null
- @echo Completed makedepend
-########## Stuff from makedepend #####
-########## type make dep at the command line to rebuild the dependencies #####
-########## Also, DON'T edit the contents of this file beyond this line. #####
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/map.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/map.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6901ddf05..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/map.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/map.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("");
- template <
- typename map
- >
- void map_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - map is an implementation of map/map_kernel_abstract.h and
- is instantiated to map int to int
- ensures
- - runs tests on map for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- map test, test2;
- enumerable<map_pair<int,int> >& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- int a,b;
- a = 8;
- b = 94;
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(8) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test[8] == 94);
- a = 53;
- b = 4;
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(53) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test[53] == 4);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(8) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[8] == 94);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(53) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[53] == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(8) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(53) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(4999) == false);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- int count = 0;
- a = -1;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(a < test.element().key());
- a = test.element().key();
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- test.swap(test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- count = 0;
- a = -1;
- test2.reset();
- test2.move_next();
- test2.element().value() = 99;
- DLIB_TEST(test2[test2.element().key()] == 99);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == 99);
- test2.reset();
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2[test2.element().key()] == test2.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == test2.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == test2.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == test2.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == test2.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(a < test2.element().key());
- a = test2.element().key();
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- while (test.size() < 20000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- // serialize the state of test, then clear test, then
- // load the state back into test.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(test,sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test.clear();
- deserialize(test,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- {
- int* array1 = new int[test.size()];
- int* array2 = new int[test.size()];
- int* tmp1 = array1;
- int* tmp2 = array2;
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == test.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- *tmp1 = test.element().key();
- *tmp2 = test.element().value();
- ++tmp1;
- ++tmp2;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- tmp1 = array1;
- tmp2 = array2;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(*tmp1) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test[*tmp1] == *tmp2);
- ++tmp1;
- ++tmp2;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 20000);
- tmp1 = array1;
- tmp2 = array2;
- count = 0;
- while (test.size() > 10000)
- {
- test.remove(*tmp1,a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp1 == a);
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp2 == b);
- ++tmp1;
- ++tmp2;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == *tmp1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == *tmp1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().key() == *tmp1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == *tmp2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == *tmp2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element().value() == *tmp2);
- ++tmp1;
- ++tmp2;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- while (test.size() < 20000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- test2.swap(test);
- count = 0;
- a = -1;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == test2.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().value() == test2.element().value());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element().key() == test2.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(a < test2.element().key());
- a = test2.element().key();
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 20000);
- a = -1;
- int c = 0;
- while (test2.size()>0)
- {
- test2.remove_any(b,c);
- DLIB_TEST( a < b);
- a = b;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- delete [] array1;
- delete [] array2;
- }
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- b = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_in_domain(a))
- test.add(a,b);
- }
- count = 0;
- a = -1;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a < test.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.element().key()] == test.element().value());
- a = test.element().key();
- ++count;
- if (count == 5000)
- break;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- test.reset();
- count = 0;
- a = -1;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a < test.element().key());
- a = test.element().key();
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- }
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- int a = 5;
- int b = 6;
- test.add(a,b);
- a = 7;
- b = 8;
- test.add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[7] == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(test[5] == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(7));
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5));
- test.destroy(7);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_in_domain(7));
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_in_domain(5));
- test.destroy(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_in_domain(7));
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_in_domain(5));
- }
- }
- class map_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- map_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_map",
- "Runs tests on the map component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- map_kernel_test<dlib::map<int,int>::kernel_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- map_kernel_test<dlib::map<int,int>::kernel_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1b";
- map_kernel_test<dlib::map<int,int>::kernel_1b> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1b_c";
- map_kernel_test<dlib::map<int,int>::kernel_1b_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a3ea5996..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1519 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- logger dlog("test.matrix");
- template <typename type>
- const matrix<type> rand_sp_banded(long n, long bw)
- {
- matrix<type> m = 10 * identity_matrix<type>(n);
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = row; col < min(, row + bw); ++col)
- {
- type r = rnd.get_random_double();
- m(row,col) += r;
- m(col,row) += r;
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
- void matrix_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the matrix stuff compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- typedef memory_manager_stateless<char>::kernel_2_2a MM;
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<complex<double>,2,2,MM> m;
- set_all_elements(m,complex<double>(1,2));
- DLIB_TEST((conj(m) == uniform_matrix<complex<double>,2,2>(conj(m(0,0)))));
- DLIB_TEST((real(m) == uniform_matrix<double,2,2>(1)));
- DLIB_TEST((imag(m) == uniform_matrix<double,2,2>(2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG((sum(abs(norm(m) - uniform_matrix<double,2,2>(5))) < 1e-10 ),norm(m));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,5,5,MM,column_major_layout> m(5,5);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- m = cos(exp(m));
- matrix<double> mi = pinv(m );
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- mi = pinv(m,1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- m = diagm(diag(m));
- mi = pinv(diagm(diag(m)),1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- mi = pinv(m,0);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- m = diagm(diag(m));
- mi = pinv(diagm(diag(m)),0);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(m*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix(m))));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,5,0,MM> m(5,5);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- m = cos(exp(m));
- matrix<double> mi = pinv(m );
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,0,5,MM> m(5,5);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- m = cos(exp(m));
- matrix<double> mi = pinv(m );
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(5,5);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- m = cos(exp(m));
- matrix<double> mi = pinv(m );
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,5,2,MM,column_major_layout> m;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- m = cos(exp(m));
- matrix<double> mi = pinv(m );
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,2>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(5,2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- m = cos(exp(m));
- matrix<double> mi = pinv(m );
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,2>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,5,2,MM,column_major_layout> m;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- m = cos(exp(m));
- matrix<double> mi = trans(pinv(trans(m) ));
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,2>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(5,2);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- m = cos(exp(m));
- matrix<double> mi = trans(pinv(trans(m) ));
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*m,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,2>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<long> a1(5,1);
- matrix<long,0,0,MM,column_major_layout> a2(1,5);
- matrix<long,5,1> b1(5,1);
- matrix<long,1,5> b2(1,5);
- matrix<long,0,1> c1(5,1);
- matrix<long,1,0> c2(1,5);
- matrix<long,0,1,MM,column_major_layout> d1(5,1);
- matrix<long,1,0,MM> d2(1,5);
- for (long i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- a1(i) = i;
- a2(i) = i;
- b1(i) = i;
- b2(i) = i;
- c1(i) = i;
- c2(i) = i;
- d1(i) = i;
- d2(i) = i;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == trans(a2));
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == trans(b2));
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == trans(c2));
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == trans(d2));
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == b1);
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == c1);
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == d1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(a1) == c2);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(b1) == c2);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(c1) == c2);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(d1) == c2);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(a1) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(a2) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(b1) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(b2) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(c1) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(c2) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(d1) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(d2) == 10);
- const matrix<long> orig1 = a1;
- const matrix<long> orig2 = a2;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(a1,sout);
- serialize(a2,sout);
- serialize(b1,sout);
- serialize(b2,sout);
- serialize(c1,sout);
- serialize(c2,sout);
- serialize(d1,sout);
- serialize(d2,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(a2 == orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(b1 == orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(b2 == orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(c1 == orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(c2 == orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(d1 == orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(d2 == orig2);
- set_all_elements(a1,99);
- set_all_elements(a2,99);
- set_all_elements(b1,99);
- set_all_elements(b2,99);
- set_all_elements(c1,99);
- set_all_elements(c2,99);
- set_all_elements(d1,99);
- set_all_elements(d2,99);
- DLIB_TEST(a1 != orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(a2 != orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(b1 != orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(b2 != orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(c1 != orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(c2 != orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(d1 != orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(d2 != orig2);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(a1,sin);
- deserialize(a2,sin);
- deserialize(b1,sin);
- deserialize(b2,sin);
- deserialize(c1,sin);
- deserialize(c2,sin);
- deserialize(d1,sin);
- deserialize(d2,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(a2 == orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(b1 == orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(b2 == orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(c1 == orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(c2 == orig2);
- DLIB_TEST(d1 == orig1);
- DLIB_TEST(d2 == orig2);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,0> a(5);
- matrix<double,0,1> b(5);
- matrix<double,1,5> c(5);
- matrix<double,5,1> d(5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,0> a;
- matrix<double,0,1> b;
- matrix<double,1,5> c;
- matrix<double,5,1> d;
- a.set_size(5);
- b.set_size(5);
- c.set_size(5);
- d.set_size(5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> a(1,5);
- matrix<double> b(5,1);
- set_all_elements(a,1);
- set_all_elements(b,1);
- a = a*b;
- DLIB_TEST(a(0) == 5);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,0,0,MM,column_major_layout> a(6,7);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = r* + c;
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(a,1).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(a,1).nc() ==;
- DLIB_TEST(colm(a,1).nr() ==;
- DLIB_TEST(colm(a,1).nc() == 1);
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST( rowm(a,1)(c) == 1* + c);
- }
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- DLIB_TEST( colm(a,1)(r) == r* + 1);
- }
- rectangle rect(2, 1, 3+2-1, 2+1-1);
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(a).contains(get_rect(a)));
- DLIB_TEST(get_rect(a).contains(rect));
- for (long r = 0; r < 2; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(subm(a,1,2,2,3)(r,c) == (r+1)* + c+2);
- DLIB_TEST(subm(a,1,2,2,3) == subm(a,rect));
- DLIB_TEST(subm_clipped(a,1,2,2,3) == subm(a,rect));
- DLIB_TEST(subm_clipped(a,1,2,2,3) == subm_clipped(a,rect));
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(subm(a,rectangle()).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(subm(a,rectangle()).nc() == 0);
- }
- {
- array2d<double> a;
- a.set_size(6,7);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a[r][c] = r* + c;
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(mat(a),1).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(mat(a),1).nc() ==;
- DLIB_TEST(colm(mat(a),1).nr() ==;
- DLIB_TEST(colm(mat(a),1).nc() == 1);
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST( rowm(mat(a),1)(c) == 1* + c);
- }
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- DLIB_TEST( colm(mat(a),1)(r) == r* + 1);
- }
- for (long r = 0; r < 2; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(subm(mat(a),1,2,2,3)(r,c) == (r+1)* + c+2);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- array2d<double> m;
- m.set_size(5,5);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m[r][c] = r*c;
- }
- }
- matrix<double> mi = pinv(cos(exp(mat(m))) );
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(mi*cos(exp(mat(m))),0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(round_zeros(cos(exp(mat(m)))*mi,0.000001) , identity_matrix<double,5>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<long,5,5,MM,column_major_layout> m1, res;
- matrix<long,2,2> m2;
- set_all_elements(m1,0);
- long res_vals[] = {
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
- 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 1, 0, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2, 0
- };
- res = res_vals;
- set_all_elements(m2, 1);
- set_subm(m1, range(1,2), range(1,2)) = subm(m2,0,0,2,2);
- set_all_elements(m2, 2);
- set_subm(m1, 3,2,2,2) = m2;
- set_colm(m1,4) = trans(rowm(m1,4));
- set_rowm(m1,0) = 9;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m1 == res, "m1: \n" << m1 << "\nres: \n" << res);
- set_subm(m1,0,0,5,5) = m1*m1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m1 == res*res, "m1: \n" << m1 << "\nres*res: \n" << res*res);
- m1 = res;
- set_subm(m1,1,1,2,2) = subm(m1,0,0,2,2);
- long res_vals2[] = {
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
- 0, 9, 9, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2, 0
- };
- res = res_vals2;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m1 == res, "m1: \n" << m1 << "\nres: \n" << res);
- }
- {
- matrix<long,5,5> m1, res;
- matrix<long,2,2> m2;
- set_all_elements(m1,0);
- long res_vals[] = {
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
- 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 1, 0, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2, 0
- };
- res = res_vals;
- set_all_elements(m2, 1);
- set_subm(m1, rectangle(1,1,2,2)) = subm(m2,0,0,2,2);
- set_all_elements(m2, 2);
- set_subm(m1, 3,2,2,2) = m2;
- set_colm(m1,4) = trans(rowm(m1,4));
- set_rowm(m1,0) = 9;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m1 == res, "m1: \n" << m1 << "\nres: \n" << res);
- set_subm(m1,0,0,5,5) = m1*m1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m1 == res*res, "m1: \n" << m1 << "\nres*res: \n" << res*res);
- m1 = res;
- set_subm(m1,1,1,2,2) = subm(m1,0,0,2,2);
- long res_vals2[] = {
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
- 0, 9, 9, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2, 0
- };
- res = res_vals2;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m1 == res, "m1: \n" << m1 << "\nres: \n" << res);
- }
- {
- matrix<long,5,5> m1, res;
- matrix<long,2,2> m2;
- set_all_elements(m1,0);
- long res_vals[] = {
- 9, 0, 3, 3, 0,
- 9, 2, 2, 2, 0,
- 9, 2, 2, 2, 0,
- 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
- 9, 0, 3, 3, 0
- };
- long res_vals_c3[] = {
- 9, 0, 3, 0,
- 9, 2, 2, 0,
- 9, 2, 2, 0,
- 4, 4, 4, 4,
- 9, 0, 3, 0
- };
- long res_vals_r2[] = {
- 9, 0, 3, 3, 0,
- 9, 2, 2, 2, 0,
- 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
- 9, 0, 3, 3, 0
- };
- matrix<long> temp;
- res = res_vals;
- temp = matrix<long,4,5>(res_vals_r2);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_row<2>(res) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_row<2>(res)(3,3) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_row<2>(res).nr() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_row<2>(res).nc() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_row(res,2) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_row(res,2)(3,3) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_row(res,2).nr() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_row(res,2).nc() == 5);
- temp = matrix<long,5,5>(res_vals);
- temp = remove_row(res,2);
- DLIB_TEST((temp == matrix<long,4,5>(res_vals_r2)));
- temp = matrix<long,5,5>(res_vals);
- temp = remove_col(res,3);
- DLIB_TEST((temp == matrix<long,5,4>(res_vals_c3)));
- matrix<long,3,1> vect;
- set_all_elements(vect,1);
- temp = identity_matrix<long>(3);
- temp = temp*vect;
- DLIB_TEST(temp == vect);
- temp = matrix<long,5,4>(res_vals_c3);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_col(res,3) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_col(res,3)(2,3) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_col(res,3).nr() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(remove_col(res,3).nc() == 4);
- set_all_elements(m2, 1);
- set_subm(m1, rectangle(1,1,3,2)) = 2;
- set_all_elements(m2, 2);
- set_subm(m1, 3,2,2,2) = 3;
- set_colm(m1,0) = 9;
- set_rowm(m1,0) = rowm(m1,4);
- set_rowm(m1,3) = 4;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m1 == res, "m1: \n" << m1 << "\nres: \n" << res);
- }
- }
- void matrix_test2()
- {
- print_spinner();
- {
- const double stuff[] = {
- 1, 2, 3,
- 6, 3, 3,
- 7, 3, 9};
- matrix<double,3,3> m(stuff);
- // make m be symmetric
- m = m*trans(m);
- matrix<double> L = chol(m);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(L*trans(L), m));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*inv_lower_triangular((L))), "");
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round_zeros(inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*trans(L),1e-10), identity_matrix<double>(3), 1e-10));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round_zeros(inv_lower_triangular((L))*(L),1e-10) ,identity_matrix<double>(3),1e-10));
- }
- {
- const double stuff[] = {
- 1, 2, 3, 6, 3, 4,
- 6, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3,
- 7, 3, 9, 54.3, 5, 3,
- -6, 3, -3, 1, 2, 3,
- 1, 2, 3, 5, -3, 3,
- 7, 3, -9, 54.3, 5, 3
- };
- matrix<double,6,6> m(stuff);
- // make m be symmetric
- m = m*trans(m);
- matrix<double> L = chol(m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(L*trans(L), m, 1e-10), L*trans(L)-m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*inv_lower_triangular((L))), "");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), trans(inv_lower_triangular(L))*inv_lower_triangular((L))), "");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), trans(inv_lower_triangular(L))*trans(inv_upper_triangular(trans(L)))), "");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(round_zeros(inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*trans(L),1e-10) , identity_matrix<double>(6), 1e-10),
- round_zeros(inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*trans(L),1e-10));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(round_zeros(inv_lower_triangular((L))*(L),1e-10) ,identity_matrix<double>(6), 1e-10),
- round_zeros(inv_lower_triangular((L))*(L),1e-10));
- }
- {
- // Test band chol
- matrix<double> m = rand_sp_banded<double>(10, 3);
- matrix<double> L = chol(m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(L*trans(L), m, 1e-10), L*trans(L)-m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*inv_lower_triangular((L))), "");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), trans(inv_lower_triangular(L))*inv_lower_triangular((L))), "");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), trans(inv_lower_triangular(L))*trans(inv_upper_triangular(trans(L)))), "");
- }
- {
- // Test band chol in column major layout
- matrix<double,10,10,default_memory_manager,column_major_layout> m(rand_sp_banded<double>(10, 3));
- matrix<double> L = chol(m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(L*trans(L), m, 1e-10), L*trans(L)-m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*inv_lower_triangular((L))), "");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), trans(inv_lower_triangular(L))*inv_lower_triangular((L))), "");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), trans(inv_lower_triangular(L))*trans(inv_upper_triangular(trans(L)))), "");
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(3,4), m2;
- m = 1,2,3,4,
- 4,5,6,6,
- 6,1,8,0;
- m2 = m;
- DLIB_TEST(round(m) == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(round_zeros(m) == m2);
- m2 = 0,2,3,4,
- 4,5,6,6,
- 6,0,8,0;
- DLIB_TEST(round_zeros(m,2) == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,6,6> m(identity_matrix<double>(6)*4.5);
- matrix<double> L = chol(m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(L*trans(L), m, 1e-10), L*trans(L)-m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(m), inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*inv_lower_triangular((L))), "");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(round_zeros(inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*trans(L),1e-10) , identity_matrix<double>(6), 1e-10),
- round_zeros(inv_upper_triangular(trans(L))*trans(L),1e-10));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(round_zeros(inv_lower_triangular((L))*(L),1e-10) ,identity_matrix<double>(6), 1e-10),
- round_zeros(inv_lower_triangular((L))*(L),1e-10));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,6,6> m(identity_matrix<double>(6)*4.5);
- m(1,4) = 2;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(inv_upper_triangular(m), inv(m),1e-10), inv_upper_triangular(m)-inv(m));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(inv_lower_triangular(trans(m)), inv(trans(m)),1e-10), inv_lower_triangular(trans(m))-inv(trans(m)));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> a;
- matrix<float> b;
- matrix<int> i;
- a.set_size(1000,10);
- b.set_size(1000,10);
- i.set_size(1000,10);
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = rnd.get_random_double();
- b(r,c) = rnd.get_random_float();
- i(r,c) = r+c*r;
- }
- }
- // make sure the multiply optimizations aren't messing things up
- DLIB_TEST(trans(i)*i == tmp(trans(i)*i));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(trans(a)*a , tmp(trans(a)*a), 1e-11),max(abs(trans(a)*a - tmp(trans(a)*a))));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(trans(b)*b , tmp(trans(b)*b), 1e-3f),max(abs(trans(b)*b - tmp(trans(b)*b))));
- }
- {
- matrix<int,4> i(4,1);
- i(0) = 1;
- i(1) = 2;
- i(2) = 3;
- i(3) = 4;
- matrix<int,4,4> m;
- set_all_elements(m,0);
- m(0,0) = 1;
- m(1,1) = 2;
- m(2,2) = 3;
- m(3,3) = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(diagm(i) == m);
- }
- {
- matrix<int,1,4> i;
- i(0) = 1;
- i(1) = 2;
- i(2) = 3;
- i(3) = 4;
- matrix<int,4,4> m;
- set_all_elements(m,0);
- m(0,0) = 1;
- m(1,1) = 2;
- m(2,2) = 3;
- m(3,3) = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(diagm(i) == m);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> i(4,1);
- i(0) = 1;
- i(1) = 2;
- i(2) = 3;
- i(3) = 4;
- matrix<int> m(4,4);
- set_all_elements(m,0);
- m(0,0) = 1;
- m(1,1) = 2;
- m(2,2) = 3;
- m(3,3) = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(diagm(i) == m);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> i(1,4);
- i(0) = 1;
- i(1) = 2;
- i(2) = 3;
- i(3) = 4;
- matrix<int> m(4,4);
- set_all_elements(m,0);
- m(0,0) = 1;
- m(1,1) = 2;
- m(2,2) = 3;
- m(3,3) = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(diagm(i) == m);
- }
- {
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,5).nc() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,5).nc() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,5).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,5).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(0,5)).nr() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(1,5)).nr() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(0,5)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(1,5)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,2,5).nc() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,2,5).nc() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,2,5).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,2,5).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(0,2,5)).nr() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(1,2,5)).nr() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(0,2,5)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(1,2,5)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,3,6).nc() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,3,5).nc() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,3,5).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,3,5).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(0,3,6)).nr() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(1,3,5)).nr() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(0,3,5)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(1,3,5)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,9,5).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,9,5).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,0).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,0).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,1)(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,5)(0) == 0 && range(0,5)(1) == 1 && range(0,5)(5) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,2,5)(0) == 1 && range(1,2,5)(1) == 3 && range(1,2,5)(2) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST((range<0,5>()(0) == 0 && range<0,5>()(1) == 1 && range<0,5>()(5) == 5));
- DLIB_TEST((range<1,2,5>()(0) == 1 && range<1,2,5>()(1) == 3 && range<1,2,5>()(2) == 5));
- DLIB_TEST((range<0,5>().nc() == 6));
- DLIB_TEST((range<1,5>().nc() == 5));
- DLIB_TEST((range<0,5>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<1,5>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<0,5>()).nr() == 6));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<1,5>()).nr() == 5));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<0,5>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<1,5>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<0,2,5>().nc() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((range<1,2,5>().nc() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((range<0,2,5>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<1,2,5>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<0,2,5>()).nr() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<1,2,5>()).nr() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<0,2,5>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<1,2,5>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<0,3,6>().nc() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((range<1,3,5>().nc() == 2));
- DLIB_TEST((range<0,3,5>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<1,3,5>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<0,3,6>()).nr() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<1,3,5>()).nr() == 2));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<0,3,5>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<1,3,5>()).nc() == 1));
- }
- {
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,0).nc() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,1).nc() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,0).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,1).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,0)).nr() == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,1)).nr() == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,0)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,1)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,2,0).nc() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,2,1).nc() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,2,0).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,2,1).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,2,0)).nr() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,2,1)).nr() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,2,0)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,2,1)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(6,3,0).nc() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,3,1).nc() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,3,0).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,3,1).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(6,3,0)).nr() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,3,1)).nr() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,3,0)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(range(5,3,1)).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,9,1).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,9,1).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,0).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(0,0).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(1,1)(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,0)(0) == 5 && range(5,0)(1) == 4 && range(5,0)(5) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(range(5,2,1)(0) == 5 && range(5,2,1)(1) == 3 && range(5,2,1)(2) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,0>()(0) == 5 && range<5,0>()(1) == 4 && range<5,0>()(5) == 0));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,2,1>()(0) == 5 && range<5,2,1>()(1) == 3 && range<5,2,1>()(2) == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,0>().nc() == 6));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,1>().nc() == 5));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,0>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,1>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,0>()).nr() == 6));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,1>()).nr() == 5));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,0>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,1>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,2,0>().nc() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,2,1>().nc() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,2,0>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,2,1>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,2,0>()).nr() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,2,1>()).nr() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,2,0>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,2,1>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<6,3,0>().nc() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,3,1>().nc() == 2));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,3,0>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((range<5,3,1>().nr() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<6,3,0>()).nr() == 3));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,3,1>()).nr() == 2));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,3,0>()).nc() == 1));
- DLIB_TEST((trans(range<5,3,1>()).nc() == 1));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(4,3);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range(0,3),range(0,0)) == colm(m,0));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range(0,3),range(1,1)) == colm(m,1));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range(0,3),range(2,2)) == colm(m,2));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range(0,0),range(0,2)) == rowm(m,0));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range(1,1),range(0,2)) == rowm(m,1));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range(2,2),range(0,2)) == rowm(m,2));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range(3,3),range(0,2)) == rowm(m,3));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,0,0,2,2) == subm(m,range(0,1),range(0,1)));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,1,1,2,2) == subm(m,range(1,2),range(1,2)));
- matrix<double,2,2> m2 = subm(m,range(0,2,2),range(0,2,2));
- DLIB_TEST(m2(0,0) == m(0,0));
- DLIB_TEST(m2(0,1) == m(0,2));
- DLIB_TEST(m2(1,0) == m(2,0));
- DLIB_TEST(m2(1,1) == m(2,2));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,4,3> m(4,3);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- m(r,c) = r*c;
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range<0,3>(),range<0,0>()) == colm(m,0));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range<0,3>(),range<1,1>()) == colm(m,1));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range<0,3>(),range<2,2>()) == colm(m,2));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range<0,0>(),range<0,2>()) == rowm(m,0));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range<1,1>(),range<0,2>()) == rowm(m,1));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range<2,2>(),range<0,2>()) == rowm(m,2));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,range<3,3>(),range<0,2>()) == rowm(m,3));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,0,0,2,2) == subm(m,range<0,1>(),range<0,1>()));
- DLIB_TEST(subm(m,1,1,2,2) == subm(m,range<1,2>(),range<1,2>()));
- matrix<double,2,2> m2 = subm(m,range<0,2,2>(),range<0,2,2>());
- DLIB_TEST(m2(0,0) == m(0,0));
- DLIB_TEST(m2(0,1) == m(0,2));
- DLIB_TEST(m2(1,0) == m(2,0));
- DLIB_TEST(m2(1,1) == m(2,2));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> a = randm(3,4);
- matrix<double> b = randm(3,4);
- matrix<double> m1, m2;
- m1 = max_pointwise(a,b);
- m2 = min_pointwise(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m1(r,c) == std::max(a(r,c), b(r,c)), m1(r,c) << " : " << a(r,c) << " " << b(r,c));
- DLIB_TEST(m2(r,c) == std::min(a(r,c), b(r,c)));
- }
- }
- }
- {
- matrix<double,4,5> m;
- set_subm(m, range(0,3), range(0,4)) = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(min(m) == max(m) && min(m) == 4);
- set_subm(m,range(1,1),range(0,4)) = 7;
- DLIB_TEST((rowm(m,0) == uniform_matrix<double>(1,5, 4)));
- DLIB_TEST((rowm(m,1) == uniform_matrix<double>(1,5, 7)));
- DLIB_TEST((rowm(m,2) == uniform_matrix<double>(1,5, 4)));
- DLIB_TEST((rowm(m,3) == uniform_matrix<double>(1,5, 4)));
- set_subm(m, range(0,2,3), range(0,2,4)) = trans(subm(m,0,0,3,2));
- DLIB_TEST(m(0,2) == 7);
- DLIB_TEST(m(2,2) == 7);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(m) == 7*5+ 7+7 + 4*(4*5 - 7));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> mat(4,5);
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<double>(4,5,1) == ones_matrix<double>(4,5)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<double>(4,5,1) == ones_matrix(mat)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<double>(4,5,0) == zeros_matrix<double>(4,5)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<double>(4,5,0) == zeros_matrix(mat)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<float>(4,5,1) == ones_matrix<float>(4,5)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<float>(4,5,0) == zeros_matrix<float>(4,5)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<complex<double> >(4,5,1) == ones_matrix<complex<double> >(4,5)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<complex<double> >(4,5,0) == zeros_matrix<complex<double> >(4,5)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<complex<float> >(4,5,1) == ones_matrix<complex<float> >(4,5)));
- DLIB_TEST((uniform_matrix<complex<float> >(4,5,0) == zeros_matrix<complex<float> >(4,5)));
- DLIB_TEST((complex_matrix(ones_matrix<double>(3,3), zeros_matrix<double>(3,3)) == complex_matrix(ones_matrix<double>(3,3))));
- DLIB_TEST((pointwise_multiply(complex_matrix(ones_matrix<double>(3,3)), ones_matrix<double>(3,3)*2) ==
- complex_matrix(2*ones_matrix<double>(3,3))));
- }
- {
- DLIB_TEST(( uniform_matrix<double>(303,303, 3)*identity_matrix<double>(303) == uniform_matrix<double,303,303>(3) ) );
- DLIB_TEST(( uniform_matrix<double,303,303>(3)*identity_matrix<double,303>() == uniform_matrix<double,303,303>(3) ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(2,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 5,6,7;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m(0,0) == 1 && m(0,1) == 2 && m(0,2) == 3 &&
- m(1,0) == 5 && m(1,1) == 6 && m(1,2) == 7,"");
- m = 4;
- DLIB_TEST((m == uniform_matrix<double,2,3>(4)));
- matrix<double,2,3> m2;
- m2 = 1,2,3,
- 5,6,7;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(m2(0,0) == 1 && m2(0,1) == 2 && m2(0,2) == 3 &&
- m2(1,0) == 5 && m2(1,1) == 6 && m2(1,2) == 7,"");
- matrix<double,2,1> m3;
- m3 = 1,
- 5;
- DLIB_TEST(m3(0) == 1 && m3(1) == 5 );
- matrix<double,1,2> m4;
- m4 = 1, 5;
- DLIB_TEST(m3(0) == 1 && m3(1) == 5 );
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(4,1);
- m = 3, 1, 5, 2;
- DLIB_TEST(index_of_min(m) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(index_of_max(m) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(index_of_min(trans(m)) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(index_of_max(trans(m)) == 2);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m1(1,5), m2;
- m1 = 3.0000, 3.7500, 4.5000, 5.2500, 6.0000;
- m2 = linspace(3, 6, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m1, m2));
- m1 = pow(10, m1);
- m2 = logspace(3, 6, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m1, m2));
- }
- {
- matrix<long> m = cartesian_product(range(1,3), range(0,1));
- matrix<long,2,1> c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5;
- c0 = 1, 0;
- c1 = 1, 1;
- c2 = 2, 0;
- c3 = 2, 1;
- c4 = 3, 0;
- c5 = 3, 1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(colm(m,0) == c0, colm(m,0) << "\n\n" << c0);
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,1) == c1);
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,2) == c2);
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,3) == c3);
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,4) == c4);
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,5) == c5);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(2,2), mr(2,2), mr_max(2,2);
- m = 1, 2,
- 0, 4;
- mr = 1, 1.0/2.0,
- 0, 1.0/4.0;
- mr_max = 1, 1.0/2.0,
- std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), 1.0/4.0;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(reciprocal(m), mr));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(reciprocal_max(m), mr_max));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m1, m2;
- m1.set_size(3,1);
- m2.set_size(1,3);
- m1 = 1,2,3;
- m2 = 4,5,6;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(m1, m2) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(m1, trans(m2)) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(trans(m1), m2) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(trans(m1), trans(m2)) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,1> m1, m2;
- m1.set_size(3,1);
- m2.set_size(3,1);
- m1 = 1,2,3;
- m2 = 4,5,6;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(m1, m2) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(m1, trans(m2)) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(trans(m1), m2) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(trans(m1), trans(m2)) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,3> m1, m2;
- m1.set_size(1,3);
- m2.set_size(1,3);
- m1 = 1,2,3;
- m2 = 4,5,6;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(m1, m2) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(m1, trans(m2)) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(trans(m1), m2) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(trans(m1), trans(m2)) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,3> m1;
- matrix<double> m2;
- m1.set_size(1,3);
- m2.set_size(3,1);
- m1 = 1,2,3;
- m2 = 4,5,6;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(m1, m2) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(m1, trans(m2)) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(trans(m1), m2) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(trans(m1), trans(m2)) == 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m1(3,3), m2(3,3);
- m1 = 1;
- m2 = 1;
- m1 = m1*subm(m2,0,0,3,3);
- DLIB_TEST(is_finite(m1));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,1> m1;
- matrix<double> m2(3,3);
- m1 = 1;
- m2 = 1;
- m1 = subm(m2,0,0,3,3)*m1;
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(2,1);
- m = 3,3;
- m /= m(0);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 1);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(2,1);
- m = 3,3;
- m *= m(0);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 9);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(2,1);
- m = 3,3;
- m -= m(0);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 0);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(2,1);
- m = 3,3;
- m += m(0);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(is_finite(m));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(3,3);
- m = 3;
- m(1,1) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- DLIB_TEST(is_finite(m) == false);
- m(1,1) = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- DLIB_TEST(is_finite(m) == false);
- m(1,1) = 2;
- DLIB_TEST(is_finite(m));
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(4,1), mm, mmm;
- mmm = mm = (m = 1,2,3,4);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(m(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(m(3) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(mm == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mmm == m);
- DLIB_TEST(mm(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mm(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(mm(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(mm(3) == 4);
- }
- {
- const long n = 5;
- matrix<double> m1, m2, m3, truth;
- m1 = randm(n,n);
- m2 = randm(n,n);
- rectangle rect1(1,1,3,3);
- rectangle rect2(2,1,4,3);
- truth = subm(m1,rect1)*subm(m2,rect2);
- m3 = mat(&m1(0,0)+6, 3,3, * mat(&m2(0,0)+7, 3,3,;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m3)) < 1e-13);
- }
- {
- const long n = 5;
- matrix<double> m1, m2, m3, truth;
- m1 = randm(n,n);
- m2 = randm(n,n);
- m3 = randm(n,n);
- truth = m1*m2;
- m3 = mat(&m1(0,0),n,n)*mat(&m2(0,0),n,n);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m3)) < 1e-13);
- m3 = 0;
- set_ptrm(&m3(0,0),n,n) = mat(&m1(0,0),n,n)*mat(&m2(0,0),n,n);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m3)) < 1e-13);
- set_ptrm(&m3(0,0),n,n) = m1*m2;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m3)) < 1e-13);
- // now make sure it deals with aliasing correctly.
- truth = m1*m2;
- m1 = mat(&m1(0,0),n,n)*mat(&m2(0,0),n,n);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m1)) < 1e-13);
- m1 = randm(n,n);
- truth = m1*m2;
- set_ptrm(&m1(0,0),n,n) = mat(&m1(0,0),n,n)*mat(&m2(0,0),n,n);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m1)) < 1e-13);
- m1 = randm(n,n);
- truth = m1*m2;
- set_ptrm(&m1(0,0),n,n) = m1*m2;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m1)) < 1e-13);
- m1 = randm(n,n);
- truth = m1+m1*m2;
- set_ptrm(&m1(0,0),n,n) += m1*m2;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m1)) < 1e-13);
- m1 = randm(n,n);
- truth = m1-m1*m2;
- set_ptrm(&m1(0,0),n,n) -= m1*m2;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(truth-m1)) < 1e-13);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,3,default_memory_manager,column_major_layout> a(3,3);
- matrix<double,3,3,default_memory_manager,column_major_layout> m = randm(3,3);
- matrix<double,3,1,default_memory_manager,column_major_layout> b = randm(3,1);
- a = 0;
- set_colm(a,0) = m*b;
- DLIB_TEST(colm(a,0) == m*b);
- a = 0;
- set_rowm(a,0) = trans(m*b);
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(a,0) == trans(m*b));
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(a,0) != m*b);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager,column_major_layout> a(3,3);
- matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager,column_major_layout> m = randm(3,3);
- matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager,column_major_layout> b = randm(3,1);
- a = 0;
- set_colm(a,0) = m*b;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(colm(a,0) , m*b));
- a = 0;
- set_rowm(a,0) = trans(m*b);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(rowm(a,0) , trans(m*b)));
- DLIB_TEST(!equal(rowm(a,0) , m*b));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> a(3,3);
- matrix<double> m = randm(3,3);
- matrix<double> b = randm(3,1);
- a = 0;
- set_colm(a,0) = m*b;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(colm(a,0) , m*b));
- a = 0;
- set_rowm(a,0) = trans(m*b);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(rowm(a,0) , trans(m*b)));
- DLIB_TEST(!equal(rowm(a,0) , m*b));
- }
- }
- class matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_matrix",
- "Runs tests on the matrix component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- matrix_test();
- matrix_test2();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix2.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8de17fc7f..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1158 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.matrix2");
- dlib::rand rnd;
- void matrix_test1 (
- )
- {
- typedef memory_manager_stateless<char>::kernel_2_2a MM;
- print_spinner();
- const double ident[] = {
- 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1 };
- const double uniform3[] = {
- 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 3, 3, 3,
- 3, 3, 3, 3
- };
- const double uniform1[] = {
- 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1
- };
- const double uniform0[] = {
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0
- };
- const int array[] = {
- 42, 58, 9, 1,
- 9, 5, 8, 2,
- 98, 28, 4, 77,
- 9, 2, 44, 88 };
- const int array2[] = {
- 1, 22, 3,
- 4, 52, 6,
- 7, 8, 9 };
- const int array2_r[] = {
- 52, 6, 4,
- 8, 9, 7,
- 22, 3, 1
- };
- const double array_f[] = {
- -0.99,
- 0.99};
- matrix<double,2,1,MM> fm(array_f);
- DLIB_TEST(fm.size() == 2);
- matrix<double> dfm(fm);
- DLIB_TEST(round(fm)(0) == -1);
- DLIB_TEST(round(fm)(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(round(dfm)(0) == -1);
- DLIB_TEST(round(dfm)(1) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(round(dfm).size() == dfm.size());
- const int array3[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
- matrix<double,3,3,MM> m3(array2);
- matrix<double> dm3;
- DLIB_TEST(dm3.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- dm3.set_size(3,4);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(dm3.size() == 3*4);
- dm3.set_size(3,3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- dm3 = m3;
- dm3(0,0)++;
- DLIB_TEST( dm3 != m3);
- dm3 = m3;
- DLIB_TEST( dm3 == m3);
- DLIB_TEST( abs(sum(squared(normalize(dm3))) - 1.0) < 1e-10);
- matrix<double,3,4> mrc;
- mrc.set_size(3,4);
- set_all_elements(mrc,1);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(mrc) == uniform_matrix<double>(3,1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(diag(matrix<double>(mrc)) == uniform_matrix<double>(3,1,1));
- matrix<double,2,3> mrc2;
- set_all_elements(mrc2,1);
- DLIB_TEST((removerc<1,1>(mrc) == mrc2));
- DLIB_TEST((removerc(mrc,1,1) == mrc2));
- matrix<int,3,3> m4, m5, m6;
- set_all_elements(m4, 4);
- set_all_elements(m5, 4);
- set_all_elements(m6, 1);
- DLIB_TEST(squared(m4) == pointwise_multiply(m4,m4));
- DLIB_TEST(cubed(m4) == pointwise_multiply(m4,m4,m4));
- DLIB_TEST(pow(matrix_cast<double>(m4),2) == squared(matrix_cast<double>(m4)));
- DLIB_TEST(pow(matrix_cast<double>(m4),3) == cubed(matrix_cast<double>(m4)));
- matrix<int> dm4;
- matrix<int,0,0,memory_manager_stateless<char>::kernel_2_2a> dm5;
- dm4 = dm4;
- dm4 = dm5;
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- dm4 = m4;
- dm5 = m5;
- DLIB_TEST(dm4 == dm5);
- DLIB_TEST(m4 == m5);
- DLIB_TEST(m6 != m5);
- m4.swap(m6);
- DLIB_TEST(m6 == m5);
- DLIB_TEST(m4 != m5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- matrix<double,4,1> v(array3), v2;
- DLIB_TEST( == 4);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- std::vector<double> stdv(4);
- std_vector_c<double> stdv_c(4);
- dlib::array<double> arr;
- arr.resize(4);
- for (long i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- stdv[i] = stdv_c[i] = arr[i] = i+1;
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv)(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv)(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv)(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv)(3) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv).nr() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv).size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(trans(mat(stdv))*mat(stdv), trans(v)*v));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(trans(mat(stdv))*mat(stdv), tmp(trans(v)*v)));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv_c)(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv_c)(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv_c)(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv_c)(3) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv_c).nr() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv_c).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(stdv_c).size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(trans(mat(stdv_c))*mat(stdv_c), trans(v)*v));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(arr)(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(arr)(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(arr)(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(arr)(3) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(arr).nr() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(arr).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(arr).size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(trans(mat(arr))*mat(arr), trans(v)*v));
- DLIB_TEST(v(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(v(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(v(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(v(3) == 4);
- matrix<double> dv = v;
- DLIB_TEST((trans(v)*v).size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(v)*v).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(v)*dv).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(dv)*dv).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(dv)*v).nr() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(v)*v).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(v)*dv).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(dv)*dv).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(dv)*v).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(v)*v)(0) == 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 + 4*4);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(dv)*v)(0) == 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 + 4*4);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(dv)*dv)(0) == 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 + 4*4);
- DLIB_TEST((trans(v)*dv)(0) == 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 + 4*4);
- dv = trans(dv)*v;
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- dm3 = m3;
- DLIB_TEST(floor(det(m3)+0.01) == -444);
- DLIB_TEST(floor(det(dm3)+0.01) == -444);
- DLIB_TEST(min(m3) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(m3(min_point(m3).y(),min_point(m3).x()) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(min(dm3) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(m3) == 52);
- DLIB_TEST(m3(max_point(m3).y(),max_point(m3).x()) == 52);
- DLIB_TEST(max(dm3) == 52);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(m3) == 112);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(dm3) == 112);
- DLIB_TEST(prod(m3) == 41513472);
- DLIB_TEST(prod(dm3) == 41513472);
- DLIB_TEST(prod(diag(m3)) == 1*52*9);
- DLIB_TEST(prod(diag(dm3)) == 1*52*9);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(diag(m3)) == 1+52+9);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(diag(dm3)) == 1+52+9);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(10000*m3*inv(m3))/10000 , identity_matrix<double,3>()));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(10000*dm3*inv(m3))/10000 , identity_matrix<double,3>()));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(10000*dm3*inv(dm3))/10000 , identity_matrix<double,3>()));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(10000*m3*inv(dm3))/10000 , identity_matrix<double,3>()));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(10000*tmp(m3*inv(m3)))/10000 , identity_matrix<double,3>()));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(10000*tmp(dm3*inv(m3)))/10000 , identity_matrix<double,3>()));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(10000*tmp(dm3*inv(dm3)))/10000 , identity_matrix<double,3>()));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(10000*tmp(m3*inv(dm3)))/10000 , identity_matrix<double,3>()));
- DLIB_TEST(-1*m3 == -m3);
- DLIB_TEST(-1*dm3 == -m3);
- DLIB_TEST(-1*m3 == -dm3);
- DLIB_TEST(-1*dm3 == -dm3);
- DLIB_TEST(m3 == dm3);
- m3(1,1) = 99;
- DLIB_TEST(m3 != dm3);
- m3 = dm3;
- DLIB_TEST(m3 == dm3);
- matrix<double,4,4,MM> mident(ident);
- matrix<double,4,4> muniform0(uniform0);
- matrix<double,4,4> muniform1(uniform1);
- matrix<double,4,4> muniform3(uniform3);
- matrix<double,4,4> m1(array), m2;
- DLIB_TEST( == 4);
- DLIB_TEST( == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(muniform1 + muniform1 + muniform1 == muniform3);
- DLIB_TEST(muniform1*2 + muniform1 + muniform1 - muniform1 == muniform3);
- DLIB_TEST(2*muniform1 + muniform1 + muniform1 - muniform1 == muniform3);
- DLIB_TEST(muniform1 + muniform1 + muniform1 - muniform3 == muniform0);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(muniform3/3 , muniform1));
- DLIB_TEST(v != m1);
- DLIB_TEST(v == v);
- DLIB_TEST(m1 == m1);
- muniform0.swap(muniform1);
- DLIB_TEST((muniform1 == matrix_cast<double>(uniform_matrix<long,4,4,0>())));
- DLIB_TEST((muniform0 == matrix_cast<double>(uniform_matrix<long,4,4,1>())));
- DLIB_TEST((muniform1 == matrix_cast<double>(uniform_matrix<long>(4,4,0))));
- DLIB_TEST((muniform0 == matrix_cast<double>(uniform_matrix<long>(4,4,1))));
- swap(muniform0,muniform1);
- DLIB_TEST((mident == identity_matrix<double,4>()));
- DLIB_TEST((muniform0 == matrix_cast<double>(uniform_matrix<long,4,4,0>())));
- DLIB_TEST((muniform1 == matrix_cast<double>(uniform_matrix<long,4,4,1>())));
- DLIB_TEST((muniform3 == matrix_cast<double>(uniform_matrix<long,4,4,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((muniform1*8 == matrix_cast<double>(uniform_matrix<long,4,4,8>())));
- set_all_elements(m2,7);
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == muniform1*7);
- m2 = array;
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == m1);
- const double m1inv[] = {
- -0.00946427624, 0.0593272941, 0.00970564379, -0.00973323731,
- 0.0249312057, -0.0590122427, -0.00583102756, 0.00616002729,
- -0.00575431149, 0.110081189, -0.00806792253, 0.00462297692,
- 0.00327847478, -0.0597669712, 0.00317386196, 0.00990759201
- };
- m2 = m1inv;
- DLIB_TEST((round(m2*m1) == identity_matrix<double,4>()));
- DLIB_TEST((round(tmp(m2*m1)) == identity_matrix<double,4>()));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(round(m2*10000) == round(inv(m1)*10000),
- round(m2*10000) - round(inv(m1)*10000)
- << "\n\n" << round(m2*10000)
- << "\n\n" << round(inv(m1)*10000)
- << "\n\n" << m2
- << "\n\n" << inv(m1)
- );
- DLIB_TEST(m1 == abs(-1*m1));
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m2) == abs(-1*m2));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(floor(det(m1)+0.01) == 3297875,"\nm1: \n" << m1 << "\ndet(m1): " << det(m1));
- ostringstream sout;
- m1 = m2;
- serialize(m1,sout);
- set_all_elements(m1,0);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(m1,sin);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(round(100000*m1) == round(100000*m2),"m1: \n" << m1 << endl << "m2: \n" << m2);
- set_all_elements(v,2);
- v2 = pointwise_multiply(v, v*2);
- set_all_elements(v,8);
- DLIB_TEST(v == v2);
- DLIB_TEST(v == tmp(v2));
- DLIB_TEST((v == rotate<2,0>(v)));
- m4 = array2;
- m5 = array2_r;
- DLIB_TEST((m5 == rotate<1,1>(m4)));
- m5 = array2;
- DLIB_TEST((m5*2 == pointwise_multiply(m5,uniform_matrix<int,3,3,2>())));
- DLIB_TEST((tmp(m5*2) == tmp(pointwise_multiply(m5,uniform_matrix<int,3,3,2>()))));
- v = tmp(v);
- matrix<double> dm10(10,5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- set_all_elements(dm10,4);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- matrix<double,10,5> m10;
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- set_all_elements(m10,4);
- DLIB_TEST(dm10 == m10);
- DLIB_TEST((clamp<0,3>(dm10) == clamp<0,3>(m10)));
- DLIB_TEST((clamp<0,3>(dm10)(0,2) == 3));
- set_all_elements(dm10,1);
- set_all_elements(m10,4);
- DLIB_TEST(4*dm10 == m10);
- DLIB_TEST(5*dm10 - dm10 == m10);
- DLIB_TEST((16*dm10)/4 == m10);
- DLIB_TEST(dm10+dm10+2*dm10 == m10);
- DLIB_TEST(dm10+tmp(dm10+2*dm10) == m10);
- set_all_elements(dm10,4);
- DLIB_TEST(dm10 == m10);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sum(abs(sigmoid(dm10) -sigmoid(m10))) < 1e-10,sum(abs(sigmoid(dm10) -sigmoid(m10))) );
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> x, l, u, out;
- x = 3,4;
- l = 1,1;
- u = 2,2.2;
- out = 2, 2.2;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(dlib::clamp(x, l, u) , out));
- out = 3, 2.2;
- DLIB_TEST(!equal(dlib::clamp(x, l, u) , out));
- out = 2, 4.2;
- DLIB_TEST(!equal(dlib::clamp(x, l, u) , out));
- x = 1.5, 1.5;
- out = x;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(dlib::clamp(x, l, u) , out));
- x = 0.5, 1.5;
- out = 1, 1.5;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(dlib::clamp(x, l, u) , out));
- x = 1.5, 0.5;
- out = 1.5, 1.0;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(dlib::clamp(x, l, u) , out));
- }
- matrix<double, 7, 7,MM,column_major_layout> m7;
- matrix<double> dm7(7,7);
- dm7 = randm(7,7, rnd);
- m7 = dm7;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(dm7*inv(dm7) - identity_matrix<double>(7))) < 1e-12, max(abs(dm7*inv(dm7) - identity_matrix<double>(7))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(dm7), inv(m7)));
- DLIB_TEST(abs(det(dm7) - det(m7)) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(min(dm7) - min(m7)) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(max(dm7) - max(m7)) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(sum(dm7) - sum(m7)) < 1e-13,sum(dm7) - sum(m7));
- DLIB_TEST(abs(prod(dm7) -prod(m7)) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(diag(dm7) , diag(m7)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(trans(dm7) , trans(m7)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(abs(dm7) , abs(m7)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(round(dm7) , round(m7)));
- DLIB_TEST(matrix_cast<int>(dm7) == matrix_cast<int>(m7));
- DLIB_TEST((rotate<2,3>(dm7) == rotate<2,3>(m7)));
- DLIB_TEST((sum(pointwise_multiply(dm7,dm7) - pointwise_multiply(m7,m7))) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST((sum(pointwise_multiply(dm7,dm7,dm7) - pointwise_multiply(m7,m7,m7))) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG((sum(pointwise_multiply(dm7,dm7,dm7,dm7) - pointwise_multiply(m7,m7,m7,m7))) < 1e-10,
- (sum(pointwise_multiply(dm7,dm7,dm7,dm7) - pointwise_multiply(m7,m7,m7,m7)))
- );
- matrix<double> temp(5,5);
- matrix<double> dsm(5,5);
- matrix<double,5,5,MM> sm;
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,1);
- dsm += dsm;
- sm += sm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == 2*temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == 2*temp);
- temp = dsm*sm + dsm;
- dsm += dsm*sm;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == dsm,temp - dsm);
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,1);
- dsm += dsm;
- sm += sm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == 2*temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == 2*temp);
- temp = dsm*sm + dsm;
- sm += dsm*sm;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == sm,temp - sm);
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,1);
- dsm += dsm;
- sm += sm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == 2*temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == 2*temp);
- temp = sm - dsm*sm ;
- sm -= dsm*sm;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == sm,temp - sm);
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,1);
- dsm += dsm;
- sm += sm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == 2*temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == 2*temp);
- temp = dsm - dsm*sm ;
- dsm -= dsm*sm;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(temp == dsm,temp - dsm);
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,2);
- dsm *= 2;
- sm *= 2;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == temp);
- dsm /= 2;
- sm /= 2;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == temp/2);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == temp/2);
- dsm += dsm;
- sm += sm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == temp);
- dsm += sm;
- sm += dsm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == 2*temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == temp*3);
- dsm -= sm;
- sm -= dsm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == -temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == 4*temp);
- sm -= sm;
- dsm -= dsm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == 0*temp);
- DLIB_TEST(sm == 0*temp);
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,3);
- dsm += sm+sm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == temp);
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,-1);
- dsm -= sm+sm;
- DLIB_TEST(dsm == temp);
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,-1);
- sm -= dsm+dsm;
- DLIB_TEST(sm == temp);
- set_all_elements(dsm,1);
- set_all_elements(sm,1);
- set_all_elements(temp,3);
- sm += dsm+dsm;
- DLIB_TEST(sm == temp);
- // test the implicit conversion to bool stuff
- {
- matrix<float> bt1(3,1);
- matrix<float,3,1> bt2;
- set_all_elements(bt1,2);
- set_all_elements(bt2,3);
- float val = trans(bt1)*bt2;
- DLIB_TEST((float)(trans(bt1)*bt2) == 18);
- DLIB_TEST((float)(trans(bt1)*bt2) != 19);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 18);
- }
- {
- matrix<float,3,1> bt1;
- matrix<float> bt2(3,1);
- set_all_elements(bt1,2);
- set_all_elements(bt2,3);
- float val = trans(bt1)*bt2;
- DLIB_TEST((float)(trans(bt1)*bt2) == 18);
- DLIB_TEST((float)(trans(bt1)*bt2) != 19);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 18);
- }
- {
- matrix<float> bt1(3,1);
- matrix<float> bt2(3,1);
- set_all_elements(bt1,2);
- set_all_elements(bt2,3);
- float val = trans(bt1)*bt2;
- DLIB_TEST((float)(trans(bt1)*bt2) == 18);
- DLIB_TEST((float)(trans(bt1)*bt2) != 19);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 18);
- }
- {
- matrix<float,3,1> bt1;
- matrix<float,3,1> bt2;
- set_all_elements(bt1,2);
- set_all_elements(bt2,3);
- float val = trans(bt1)*bt2;
- DLIB_TEST((float)(trans(bt1)*bt2) == 18);
- DLIB_TEST((float)(trans(bt1)*bt2) != 19);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 18);
- }
- {
- srand(423452);
- const long M = 50;
- const long N = 40;
- matrix<double> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double> u, u2;
- matrix<double> q, q2;
- matrix<double> v, v2;
- matrix<double> a2;
- a2 = tmp(a/2);
- svd2(true,true,a2+a2,u,q,v);
- double err = max(abs(a - subm(u,get_rect(a2+a2))*diagm(q)*trans(v)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( err < 1e-11,"err: " << err);
- using dlib::equal;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(u)*u , identity_matrix<double,M>(), 1e-10)));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(v)*v , identity_matrix<double,N>(), 1e-10)));
- svd2(false,true,a2+a2,u,q,v2);
- svd2(true,false,a2+a2,u2,q,v);
- svd2(false,false,a2+a2,u,q2,v);
- err = max(abs(a - subm(u2,get_rect(a2+a2))*diagm(q2)*trans(v2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( err < 1e-11,"err: " << err);
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(u2)*u2 , identity_matrix<double,M>(), 1e-10)));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(v2)*v2 , identity_matrix<double,N>(), 1e-10)));
- }
- {
- srand(423452);
- const long M = 3;
- const long N = 3;
- matrix<double> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double,M,M> u, u2;
- matrix<double> q, q2;
- matrix<double,N,N> v, v2;
- matrix<double,M,N,MM> a2;
- a2 = tmp(a/2);
- svd2(true,true,a2+a2,u,q,v);
- double err = max(abs(a - subm(u,get_rect(a2+a2))*diagm(q)*trans(v)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( err < 1e-11,"err: " << err);
- using dlib::equal;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(u)*u , identity_matrix<double,M>(), 1e-10)));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(v)*v , identity_matrix<double,N>(), 1e-10)));
- svd2(false,true,a2+a2,u,q,v2);
- svd2(true,false,a2+a2,u2,q,v);
- svd2(false,false,a2+a2,u,q2,v);
- err = max(abs(a - subm(u2,get_rect(a2+a2))*diagm(q2)*trans(v2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( err < 1e-11,"err: " << err);
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(u2)*u2 , identity_matrix<double,M>(), 1e-10)));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(v2)*v2 , identity_matrix<double,N>(), 1e-10)));
- }
- {
- srand(423452);
- const long M = 3;
- const long N = 3;
- matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double,M,M,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> u, u2;
- matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> q, q2;
- matrix<double,N,N,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> v, v2;
- matrix<double,M,N,MM, column_major_layout> a2;
- a2 = tmp(a/2);
- svd2(true,true,a2+a2,u,q,v);
- double err = max(abs(a - subm(u,get_rect(a2+a2))*diagm(q)*trans(v)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( err < 1e-11,"err: " << err);
- using dlib::equal;
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(u)*u , identity_matrix<double,M>(), 1e-10)));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(v)*v , identity_matrix<double,N>(), 1e-10)));
- svd2(false,true,a2+a2,u,q,v2);
- svd2(true,false,a2+a2,u2,q,v);
- svd2(false,false,a2+a2,u,q2,v);
- err = max(abs(a - subm(u2,get_rect(a2+a2))*diagm(q2)*trans(v2)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( err < 1e-11,"err: " << err);
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(u2)*u2 , identity_matrix<double,M>(), 1e-10)));
- DLIB_TEST((equal(trans(v2)*v2 , identity_matrix<double,N>(), 1e-10)));
- }
- {
- srand(423452);
- const long M = 10;
- const long N = 7;
- matrix<double> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double,M,M> u;
- matrix<double> q;
- matrix<double,N,N> v;
- matrix<double,M,N,MM> a2;
- a2 = tmp(a/2);
- svd2(true,true,a2+a2,u,q,v);
- double err = sum(round(1e10*(a - subm(u,get_rect(a2+a2))*diagm(q)*trans(v))));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( err == 0,"err: " << err);
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(u)*u) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,M>()));
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(v)*v) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- }
- }
- void matrix_test2 (
- )
- {
- typedef memory_manager_stateless<char>::kernel_2_2a MM;
- {
- srand(423452);
- const long M = 10;
- const long N = 7;
- matrix<double> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double,M> u(M,N);
- matrix<double> w;
- matrix<double,N,N> v(N,N);
- matrix<double,M,N,MM> a2;
- a2 = tmp(a/2);
- svd(a2+a2,u,w,v);
- DLIB_TEST( sum(round(1e10*(a - u*w*trans(v)))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(u)*u) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(v)*v) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- }
- {
- srand(423452);
- const long M = 1;
- const long N = 1;
- matrix<double> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double,M,N> u;
- matrix<double> w;
- matrix<double,N,N> v;
- matrix<double,M,N> a2;
- a2 = 0;
- a2 = tmp(a/2);
- svd(a2+a2,u,w,v);
- DLIB_TEST( sum(round(1e10*(a - u*w*trans(v)))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(u)*u) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(v)*v) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- }
- {
- srand(53434);
- const long M = 5;
- const long N = 5;
- matrix<double> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double,0,N> u(M,N);
- matrix<double,N,N> w;
- matrix<double> v;
- svd(a,u,w,v);
- DLIB_TEST( sum(round(1e10*(a - u*w*trans(v)))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(u)*u) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(v)*v) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- }
- {
- srand(11234);
- const long M = 9;
- const long N = 4;
- matrix<double,0,0,MM> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double> u;
- matrix<double,0,0,MM> w;
- matrix<double> v;
- svd(a,u,w,v);
- DLIB_TEST( sum(round(1e10*(a - u*w*trans(v)))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(u)*u) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- DLIB_TEST((round(1e10*trans(v)*v) == 1e10*identity_matrix<double,N>()));
- }
- {
- srand(53934);
- const long M = 2;
- const long N = 4;
- matrix<double> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double> u;
- matrix<double> w;
- matrix<double> v;
- svd(a,u,w,v);
- DLIB_TEST( sum(round(1e10*(a - u*w*trans(v)))) == 0);
- }
- {
- srand(53234);
- const long M = 9;
- const long N = 40;
- matrix<double> a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- matrix<double> u;
- matrix<double> w;
- matrix<double> v;
- svd(a,u,w,v);
- DLIB_TEST( sum(round(1e10*(a - u*w*trans(v)))) == 0);
- }
- {
- srand(53234);
- const long M = 9;
- const long N = 40;
- typedef matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> mat;
- mat a(M,N);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = 10*((double)::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- }
- }
- mat u;
- mat w;
- mat v;
- svd(a,u,w,v);
- DLIB_TEST( sum(round(1e10*(a - u*w*trans(v)))) == 0);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> a(3,3);
- matrix<double,3,3> b;
- set_all_elements(a,0);
- a(0,0) = 1;
- a(1,1) = 2;
- a(2,2) = 3;
- b = a;
- DLIB_TEST(diag(a)(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(a)(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(a)(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(a).nr() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(a).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(b)(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(b)(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(b)(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(b).nr() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(diag(b).nc() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pointwise_multiply(a,b)(0,0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(pointwise_multiply(a,b)(1,1) == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(pointwise_multiply(a,b)(2,2) == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(pointwise_multiply(a,b)(1,0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(pointwise_multiply(a,b,a)(1,0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(pointwise_multiply(a,b,a,b)(1,0) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(complex_matrix(a,b)(0,0) == std::complex<double>(1,1));
- DLIB_TEST(complex_matrix(a,b)(2,2) == std::complex<double>(3,3));
- DLIB_TEST(complex_matrix(a,b)(2,1) == std::complex<double>(0,0));
- }
- {
- matrix<complex<double> > m(2,2), m2(2,2);
- complex<double> val1(1,2), val2(1.0/complex<double>(1,2));
- m = val1;
- m2 = val2;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(reciprocal(m) , m2));
- }
- {
- matrix<complex<float> > m(2,2), m2(2,2);
- complex<float> val1(1,2), val2(1.0f/complex<float>(1,2));
- m = val1;
- m2 = val2;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(reciprocal(m) , m2));
- }
- {
- matrix<float,3,1> m1, m2;
- set_all_elements(m1,2.0);
- set_all_elements(m2,1.0/2.0);
- DLIB_TEST(reciprocal(m1) == m2);
- DLIB_TEST((reciprocal(uniform_matrix<float,3,1>(2.0)) == m2));
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(uniform_matrix<float,3,1>(1e-8f)) == uniform_matrix<float,3,1>(0)) );
- set_all_elements(m1,2.0);
- m2 = m1;
- m1(1,0) = static_cast<float>(1e-8);
- m2(1,0) = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(round_zeros(m1) == m2);
- m1 = round_zeros(m1);
- DLIB_TEST(m1 == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<matrix<double,2,2> > m;
- m.set_size(3,3);
- set_all_elements(m,uniform_matrix<double,2,2>(1));
- DLIB_TEST((sum(m) == uniform_matrix<double,2,2>(9)));
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(sqrt(sum(m)) - uniform_matrix<double,2,2>(3)) == uniform_matrix<double,2,2>(0)));
- }
- {
- matrix<int,2,2> m1;
- matrix<int> m2;
- m2.set_size(2,2);
- set_all_elements(m1,2);
- m2 = uniform_matrix<int,2,2>(2);
- m1 = m1 + m2;
- DLIB_TEST((m1 == uniform_matrix<int,2,2>(4)));
- set_all_elements(m1,2);
- set_all_elements(m2,2);
- m1 = m1*m1;
- DLIB_TEST((m1 == uniform_matrix<int,2,2>(8)));
- m1(1,0) = 1;
- set_all_elements(m2,8);
- m2(0,1) = 1;
- m1 = trans(m1);
- DLIB_TEST(m1 == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,2,3> m;
- matrix<double> m2(2,3);
- set_all_elements(m,1);
- DLIB_TEST(mean(m) == 1);
- set_all_elements(m,2);
- DLIB_TEST(mean(m) == 2);
- m(0,0) = 1;
- m(0,1) = 1;
- m(0,2) = 1;
- DLIB_TEST(abs(mean(m) - 1.5) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(variance(m) - 0.3) < 1e-10);
- set_all_elements(m2,1);
- DLIB_TEST(mean(m2) == 1);
- set_all_elements(m2,2);
- DLIB_TEST(mean(m2) == 2);
- m2(0,0) = 1;
- m2(0,1) = 1;
- m2(0,2) = 1;
- DLIB_TEST(abs(mean(m2) - 1.5) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(variance(m2) - 0.3) < 1e-10);
- set_all_elements(m,0);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(variance(m)) < 1e-10);
- set_all_elements(m,1);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(variance(m)) < 1e-10);
- set_all_elements(m,23.4);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(variance(m)) < 1e-10);
- }
- {
- matrix<matrix<double,3,1,MM>,2,2,MM> m;
- set_all_elements(m,uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(1));
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(variance(m)) == uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(0)));
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(mean(m)) == uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(1)));
- m(0,0) = uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(9);
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(variance(m)) == uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(16)));
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(mean(m)) == uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(3)));
- matrix<matrix<double> > m2(2,2);
- set_all_elements(m2,uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(1));
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(variance(m2)) == uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(0)));
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(mean(m2)) == uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(1)));
- m2(0,0) = uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(9);
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(variance(m2)) == uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(16)));
- DLIB_TEST((round_zeros(mean(m2)) == uniform_matrix<double,3,1>(3)));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(4,4), m2;
- m = 1,2,3,4,
- 1,2,3,4,
- 4,6,8,10,
- 4,6,8,10;
- m2 = m;
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,range(0,3)) == m);
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(m,range(0,3)) == m);
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,range(0,0)) == colm(m,0));
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(m,range(0,0)) == rowm(m,0));
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,range(1,1)) == colm(m,1));
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(m,range(1,1)) == rowm(m,1));
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,range(2,2)) == colm(m,2));
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(m,range(2,2)) == rowm(m,2));
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m,range(1,2)) == subm(m,0,1,4,2));
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(m,range(1,2)) == subm(m,1,0,2,4));
- set_colm(m,range(1,2)) = 9;
- set_subm(m2,0,1,4,2) = 9;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- set_colm(m,range(1,2)) = 11;
- set_subm(m2,0,1,4,2) = 11;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double,1,1> m1;
- matrix<double,2,2> m2;
- matrix<double,3,3> m3;
- matrix<double,4,4> m4;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
- {
- m1 = randm(1,1,rnd);
- m2 = randm(2,2,rnd);
- m3 = randm(3,3,rnd);
- m4 = randm(4,4,rnd);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m1*inv(m1) - identity_matrix(m1))) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2*inv(m2) - identity_matrix(m2))) < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m3*inv(m3) - identity_matrix(m3))) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(m4*inv(m4) - identity_matrix(m4))) < 1e-12, max(abs(m4*inv(m4) - identity_matrix(m4))));
- }
- }
- }
- class matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_matrix2",
- "Runs tests on the matrix component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- matrix_test1();
- matrix_test2();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix3.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix3.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b66af638c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix3.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1134 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.matrix3");
- const double eps_mul = 200;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- void check_equal (
- const T& a,
- const U& b
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- typedef typename T::type type;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- type error = std::abs(a(r,c) - b(r,c));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(error < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())*eps_mul, "error: " << error <<
- " eps: " << std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())*eps_mul);
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename T, typename U>
- void c_check_equal (
- const T& a,
- const U& b
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- typedef typename T::type type;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- typename type::value_type error = std::abs(a(r,c) - b(r,c));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(error < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<typename type::value_type>::epsilon())*eps_mul, "error: " << error <<
- " eps: " << std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<typename type::value_type>::epsilon())*eps_mul);
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename T, typename U>
- void assign_no_blas (
- const T& a_,
- const U& b
- )
- {
- T& a = const_cast<T&>(a_);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = b(r,c);
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename type>
- type rnd_num (dlib::rand& rnd)
- {
- return static_cast<type>(10*rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- template <typename type>
- void test_blas( long rows, long cols)
- {
- // The tests in this function exercise the BLAS bindings located in the matrix/matrix_blas_bindings.h file.
- // It does this by performing an assignment that is subject to BLAS bindings and comparing the
- // results directly to an unevaluated matrix_exp that should be equal.
- dlib::rand rnd;
- matrix<type> a(rows,cols), temp, temp2, temp3;
- for (int k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
- {
- for (long r= 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a(r,c) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);
- }
- }
- matrix<type> at;
- at = trans(a);
- matrix<complex<type> > c_a(rows,cols), c_at, c_sqr;
- for (long r= 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- c_a(r,c) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
- }
- }
- c_at = trans(c_a);
- const int size = max(rows,cols);
- c_sqr = 10*matrix_cast<complex<type> >(complex_matrix(randm(size,size,rnd), randm(size,size,rnd)));
- matrix<complex<type> > c_temp(cols,cols), c_temp2(cols,cols);
- const complex<type> i(0,1);
- const type one = 1;
- const type two = 1;
- const type num1 = static_cast<type>(3.6);
- const type num2 = static_cast<type>(6.6);
- const type num3 = static_cast<type>(8.6);
- matrix<complex<type>,0,1> c_cv4(cols), c_cv3(rows);
- matrix<complex<type>,1,0> c_rv4(cols), c_rv3(rows);
- matrix<type,0,1> cv4(cols);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < cv4.size(); ++idx)
- cv4(idx) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < c_cv4.size(); ++idx)
- c_cv4(idx) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
- matrix<type,1,0> rv3(rows);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < rv3.size(); ++idx)
- rv3(idx) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < c_rv3.size(); ++idx)
- c_rv3(idx) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
- matrix<type,0,1> cv3(rows);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < cv3.size(); ++idx)
- cv3(idx) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < c_cv3.size(); ++idx)
- c_cv3(idx) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
- matrix<type,1,0> rv4(cols);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < rv4.size(); ++idx)
- rv4(idx) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);
- for (long idx = 0; idx < c_rv4.size(); ++idx)
- c_rv4(idx) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
- // GEMM tests
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.1";
- check_equal(tmp(at*a), at*a);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(at*a)), trans(at*a));
- check_equal(tmp(2.4*trans(4*trans(at*a) + at*3*a)), 2.4*trans(4*trans(at*a) + at*3*a));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.2";
- check_equal(tmp(trans(a)*a), trans(a)*a);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(a)*a)), trans(trans(a)*a));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.3";
- check_equal(tmp(at*trans(at)), at*trans(at));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(at*trans(at))), trans(at*trans(at)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.4";
- check_equal(tmp(trans(at)*trans(a)), a*at);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(at)*trans(a))), trans(a*at));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.5";
- print_spinner();
- c_check_equal(tmp(conj(trans(c_a))*c_a), trans(conj(c_a))*c_a);
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.5.1";
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(trans(c_a))*c_a)), trans(trans(conj(c_a))*c_a));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.5.2";
- c_check_equal(tmp((conj(trans(c_sqr))*trans(c_sqr))), (trans(conj(c_sqr))*trans(c_sqr)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.5.3";
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(trans(c_sqr))*trans(c_sqr))), trans(trans(conj(c_sqr))*trans(c_sqr)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.6";
- c_check_equal(tmp(c_at*trans(conj(c_at))), c_at*conj(trans(c_at)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.6.1";
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_at*trans(conj(c_at)))), trans(c_at*conj(trans(c_at))));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.6.2";
- c_check_equal(tmp((c_sqr)*trans(conj(c_sqr))), (c_sqr)*conj(trans(c_sqr)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "";
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_sqr)*trans(conj(c_sqr))), trans(c_sqr)*conj(trans(c_sqr)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.6.3";
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(c_sqr)*trans(conj(c_sqr)))), trans(trans(c_sqr)*conj(trans(c_sqr))));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.7";
- c_check_equal(tmp(conj(trans(c_at))*trans(conj(c_a))), conj(trans(c_at))*trans(conj(c_a)));
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(trans(c_at))*trans(conj(c_a)))), trans(conj(trans(c_at))*trans(conj(c_a))));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.8";
- check_equal(tmp(a*trans(rowm(a,1))) , a*trans(rowm(a,1)));
- check_equal(tmp(a*colm(at,1)) , a*colm(at,1));
- check_equal(tmp(subm(a,1,1,2,2)*subm(a,1,2,2,2)), subm(a,1,1,2,2)*subm(a,1,2,2,2));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.9";
- check_equal(tmp(trans(a*trans(rowm(a,1)))) , trans(a*trans(rowm(a,1))));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.10";
- check_equal(tmp(trans(a*colm(at,1))) , trans(a*colm(at,1)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.11";
- check_equal(tmp(trans(subm(a,1,1,2,2)*subm(a,1,2,2,2))), trans(subm(a,1,1,2,2)*subm(a,1,2,2,2)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.12";
- {
- temp = at*a;
- temp2 = temp;
- temp += 3.5*at*a;
- assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + 3.5*at*a);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- temp -= at*3.5*a;
- assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 - at*3.5*a);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- temp = temp + 4*at*a;
- assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + 4*at*a);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- temp = temp - 2.4*at*a;
- assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 - 2.4*at*a);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.13";
- {
- temp = trans(at*a);
- temp2 = temp;
- temp3 = temp;
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.14";
- temp += trans(3.5*at*a);
- assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + trans(3.5*at*a));
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.15";
- temp -= trans(at*3.5*a);
- assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 - trans(at*3.5*a));
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.16";
- temp = trans(temp + 4*at*a);
- assign_no_blas(temp3, trans(temp2 + 4*at*a));
- check_equal(temp, temp3);
- temp2 = temp;
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.17";
- temp = trans(temp - 2.4*at*a);
- assign_no_blas(temp3, trans(temp2 - 2.4*at*a));
- check_equal(temp, temp3);
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.17.1";
- {
- matrix<type> m1, m2;
- m1 = matrix_cast<type>(randm(rows, cols, rnd));
- m2 = matrix_cast<type>(randm(cols, rows + 8, rnd));
- check_equal(tmp(m1*m2), m1*m2);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(m1*m2)), trans(m1*m2));
- m1 = trans(m1);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(m1)*m2), trans(m1)*m2);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(m1)*m2)), trans(trans(m1)*m2));
- m2 = trans(m2);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(m1)*trans(m2)), trans(m1)*trans(m2));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(m1)*trans(m2))), trans(trans(m1)*trans(m2)));
- m1 = trans(m1);
- check_equal(tmp(m1*trans(m2)), m1*trans(m2));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(m1*trans(m2))), trans(m1*trans(m2)));
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.17.5";
- {
- matrix<type,1,0> r;
- matrix<type,0,1> c;
- r = matrix_cast<type>(randm(1, rows+9, rnd));
- c = matrix_cast<type>(randm(rows, 1, rnd));
- check_equal(tmp(c*r), c*r);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(c*r)), trans(c*r));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(r)*trans(c)), trans(r)*trans(c));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(r)*trans(c))), trans(trans(r)*trans(c)));
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "1.18";
- // GEMV tests
- check_equal(tmp(a*cv4), a*cv4);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(a*cv4)), trans(a*cv4));
- check_equal(tmp(rv3*a), rv3*a);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(cv4)*at), trans(cv4)*at);
- check_equal(tmp(a*trans(rv4)), a*trans(rv4));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(a*trans(rv4))), trans(a*trans(rv4)));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(a)*cv3), trans(a)*cv3);
- check_equal(tmp(rv4*trans(a)), rv4*trans(a));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(cv3)*trans(at)), trans(cv3)*trans(at));
- check_equal(tmp(trans(cv3)*a), trans(cv3)*a);
- check_equal(tmp(trans(a)*trans(rv3)), trans(a)*trans(rv3));
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(c_a))*c_cv3), trans(conj(c_a))*c_cv3);
- c_check_equal(tmp(c_rv4*trans(conj(c_a))), c_rv4*trans(conj(c_a)));
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_cv3)*trans(conj(c_at))), trans(c_cv3)*trans(conj(c_at)));
- c_check_equal(tmp(conj(trans(c_a))*trans(c_rv3)), trans(conj(c_a))*trans(c_rv3));
- c_check_equal(tmp(c_rv4*conj(c_at)), c_rv4*conj(c_at));
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_cv4)*conj(c_at)), trans(c_cv4)*conj(c_at));
- dlog << LTRACE << "2.00";
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(conj(c_a))*c_cv3)), trans(trans(conj(c_a))*c_cv3));
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_rv4*trans(conj(c_a)))), trans(c_rv4*trans(conj(c_a))));
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(c_cv3)*trans(conj(c_at)))), trans(trans(c_cv3)*trans(conj(c_at))));
- dlog << LTRACE << "2.20";
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(trans(c_a))*trans(c_rv3))), trans(trans(conj(c_a))*trans(c_rv3)));
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_rv4*conj(c_at))), trans(c_rv4*conj(c_at)));
- c_check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(c_cv4)*conj(c_at))), trans(trans(c_cv4)*conj(c_at)));
- dlog << LTRACE << "6";
- temp = a*at;
- check_equal(temp, a*at);
- temp = temp + a*at + trans(at)*at + trans(at)*sin(at);
- check_equal(temp, a*at + a*at+ trans(at)*at + trans(at)*sin(at));
- dlog << LTRACE << "6.1";
- temp = a*at;
- check_equal(temp, a*at);
- temp = a*at + temp;
- check_equal(temp, a*at + a*at);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << "6.2";
- temp = a*at;
- check_equal(temp, a*at);
- dlog << LTRACE << "6.2.3";
- temp = temp - a*at;
- dlog << LTRACE << "6.2.4";
- check_equal(temp, a*at-a*at);
- dlog << LTRACE << "6.3";
- temp = a*at;
- dlog << LTRACE << "6.3.5";
- check_equal(temp, a*at);
- dlog << LTRACE << "6.3.6";
- temp = a*at - temp;
- dlog << LTRACE << "6.4";
- check_equal(temp, a*at-a*at);
- const long d = min(rows,cols);
- rectangle rect(1,1,d,d);
- temp.set_size(max(rows,cols)+4,max(rows,cols)+4);
- set_all_elements(temp,4);
- temp2 = temp;
- dlog << LTRACE << "7";
- set_subm(temp,rect) = a*at;
- assign_no_blas( set_subm(temp2,rect) , a*at);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- temp = a;
- temp2 = a;
- set_colm(temp,1) = a*cv4;
- assign_no_blas( set_colm(temp2,1) , a*cv4);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- set_rowm(temp,1) = rv3*a;
- assign_no_blas( set_rowm(temp2,1) , rv3*a);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- // Test BLAS GER
- {
- temp.set_size(cols,cols);
- set_all_elements(temp,3);
- temp2 = temp;
- dlog << LTRACE << "8";
- temp += cv4*rv4;
- assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + cv4*rv4);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "8.3";
- temp = temp + cv4*rv4;
- assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + cv4*rv4);
- check_equal(temp, temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "8.9";
- }
- {
- temp.set_size(cols,cols);
- set_all_elements(temp,3);
- temp2 = temp;
- temp3 = 0;
- dlog << LTRACE << "8.10";
- temp += trans(cv4*rv4);
- assign_no_blas(temp3, temp2 + trans(cv4*rv4));
- check_equal(temp, temp3);
- temp3 = 0;
- dlog << LTRACE << "8.11";
- temp2 = temp;
- temp = trans(temp + cv4*rv4);
- assign_no_blas(temp3, trans(temp2 + cv4*rv4));
- check_equal(temp, temp3);
- dlog << LTRACE << "8.12";
- }
- {
- matrix<complex<type> > temp, temp2, temp3;
- matrix<complex<type>,0,1 > cv4;
- matrix<complex<type>,1,0 > rv4;
- cv4.set_size(cols);
- rv4.set_size(cols);
- temp.set_size(cols,cols);
- set_all_elements(temp,complex<type>(3,5));
- temp(cols-1, cols-4) = 9;
- temp2 = temp;
- temp3.set_size(cols,cols);
- temp3 = 0;
- for (long i = 0; i < rv4.size(); ++i)
- {
- rv4(i) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
- cv4(i) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "8.13";
- temp += trans(cv4*rv4);
- assign_no_blas(temp3, temp2 + trans(cv4*rv4));
- c_check_equal(temp, temp3);
- temp3 = 0;
- dlog << LTRACE << "8.14";
- temp2 = temp;
- temp = trans(temp + cv4*rv4);
- assign_no_blas(temp3, trans(temp2 + cv4*rv4));
- c_check_equal(temp, temp3);
- dlog << LTRACE << "8.15";
- }
- set_all_elements(c_temp, one + num1*i);
- c_temp2 = c_temp;
- set_all_elements(c_rv4, one + num2*i);
- set_all_elements(c_cv4, two + num3*i);
- dlog << LTRACE << "9";
- c_temp += c_cv4*c_rv4;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + c_cv4*c_rv4);
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "9.1";
- c_temp += c_cv4*conj(c_rv4);
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + c_cv4*conj(c_rv4));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "9.2";
- c_temp = c_cv4*conj(c_rv4) + c_temp;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + c_cv4*conj(c_rv4));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "9.3";
- c_temp = trans(c_rv4)*trans(conj(c_cv4)) + c_temp;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(c_rv4)*trans(conj(c_cv4)));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "9.4";
- c_temp += conj(c_cv4)*c_rv4;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + conj(c_cv4)*c_rv4);
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "9.5";
- c_temp += conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4);
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "9.6";
- c_temp = conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4) + c_temp;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "9.7";
- c_temp = conj(trans(c_rv4))*trans(conj(c_cv4)) + c_temp;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + conj(trans(c_rv4))*trans(conj(c_cv4)));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10";
- c_temp += trans(c_cv4*c_rv4);
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(c_cv4*c_rv4));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10.1";
- c_temp += trans(c_cv4*conj(c_rv4));
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(c_cv4*conj(c_rv4)));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10.2";
- c_temp = trans(c_cv4*conj(c_rv4)) + c_temp;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(c_cv4*conj(c_rv4)));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10.3";
- c_temp = trans(trans(c_rv4)*trans(conj(c_cv4))) + c_temp;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(trans(c_rv4)*trans(conj(c_cv4))));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10.4";
- c_temp += trans(conj(c_cv4)*c_rv4);
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(conj(c_cv4)*c_rv4));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10.5";
- c_temp += trans(conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4));
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4)));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10.6";
- c_temp = trans(conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4)) + c_temp;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4)));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10.7";
- c_temp = trans(conj(trans(c_rv4))*trans(conj(c_cv4))) + c_temp;
- assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(conj(trans(c_rv4))*trans(conj(c_cv4))));
- c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
- dlog << LTRACE << "10.8";
- print_spinner();
- // Test DOT
- check_equal( tmp(rv4*cv4), rv4*cv4);
- check_equal( tmp(trans(rv4*cv4)), trans(rv4*cv4));
- check_equal( tmp(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)), trans(cv4)*trans(rv4));
- check_equal( tmp(rv4*3.9*cv4), rv4*3.9*cv4);
- check_equal( tmp(trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4)), trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4));
- check_equal( tmp(rv4*cv4*3.9), rv4*3.9*cv4);
- check_equal( tmp(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)*3.9), trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4));
- check_equal( tmp(trans(rv4*cv4)), trans(rv4*cv4));
- check_equal( tmp(trans(trans(rv4*cv4))), trans(trans(rv4*cv4)));
- check_equal( tmp(trans(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4))), trans(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)));
- check_equal( tmp(trans(rv4*3.9*cv4)), trans(rv4*3.9*cv4));
- check_equal( tmp(trans(trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4))), trans(trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4)));
- check_equal( tmp(trans(rv4*cv4*3.9)), trans(rv4*3.9*cv4));
- check_equal( tmp(trans(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)*3.9)), trans(trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4)));
- temp.set_size(1,1);
- temp = 4;
- check_equal( tmp(temp + rv4*cv4), temp + rv4*cv4);
- check_equal( tmp(temp + trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)), temp + trans(cv4)*trans(rv4));
- dlog << LTRACE << "11";
- c_check_equal( tmp(conj(c_rv4)*c_cv4), conj(c_rv4)*c_cv4);
- c_check_equal( tmp(conj(trans(c_cv4))*trans(c_rv4)), trans(conj(c_cv4))*trans(c_rv4));
- c_check_equal( tmp(conj(c_rv4)*i*c_cv4), conj(c_rv4)*i*c_cv4);
- c_check_equal( tmp(conj(trans(c_cv4))*i*trans(c_rv4)), trans(conj(c_cv4))*i*trans(c_rv4));
- c_temp.set_size(1,1);
- c_temp = 4;
- c_check_equal( tmp(c_temp + conj(c_rv4)*c_cv4), c_temp + conj(c_rv4)*c_cv4);
- c_check_equal( tmp(c_temp + trans(conj(c_cv4))*trans(c_rv4)), c_temp + trans(conj(c_cv4))*trans(c_rv4));
- complex<type> tmp = c_rv4*c_cv4;
- DLIB_TEST(abs((tmp + i) - ((c_rv4*c_cv4)(0) + i)) < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())*eps_mul );
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs((rv4*cv4 + 1.0) - ((rv4*cv4)(0) + 1.0))) < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())*eps_mul);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(2,3), m2(6,1);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- m2 = 1,2,3,4,5,6;
- DLIB_TEST(reshape_to_column_vector(m) == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(reshape_to_column_vector(m+m) == m2+m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<int,2,3> m(2,3);
- matrix<int> m2(6,1);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- m2 = 1,2,3,4,5,6;
- DLIB_TEST(reshape_to_column_vector(m) == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(reshape_to_column_vector(m+m) == m2+m2);
- }
- }
- void matrix_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the matrix stuff compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<long> m1(2,2), m2(2,2);
- m1 = 1, 2,
- 3, 4;
- m2 = 4, 5,
- 6, 7;
- DLIB_TEST(subm(tensor_product(m1,m2),range(0,1), range(0,1)) == 1*m2);
- DLIB_TEST(subm(tensor_product(m1,m2),range(0,1), range(2,3)) == 2*m2);
- DLIB_TEST(subm(tensor_product(m1,m2),range(2,3), range(0,1)) == 3*m2);
- DLIB_TEST(subm(tensor_product(m1,m2),range(2,3), range(2,3)) == 4*m2);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << "testing blas stuff";
- dlog << LTRACE << " \nsmall double";
- test_blas<double>(3,4);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << " \nsmall float";
- test_blas<float>(3,4);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << " \nbig double";
- test_blas<double>(120,131);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << " \nbig float";
- test_blas<float>(120,131);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << "testing done";
- }
- {
- matrix<long> m(3,4), ml(3,4), mu(3,4);
- m = 1,2,3,4,
- 4,5,6,7,
- 7,8,9,0;
- ml = 1,0,0,0,
- 4,5,0,0,
- 7,8,9,0;
- mu = 1,2,3,4,
- 0,5,6,7,
- 0,0,9,0;
- DLIB_TEST(lowerm(m) == ml);
- DLIB_TEST(upperm(m) == mu);
- ml = 3,0,0,0,
- 4,3,0,0,
- 7,8,3,0;
- mu = 4,2,3,4,
- 0,4,6,7,
- 0,0,4,0;
- DLIB_TEST(lowerm(m,3) == ml);
- DLIB_TEST(upperm(m,4) == mu);
- }
- {
- matrix<long> m(3,4), row(1,3), col(2,1);
- m = 1,2,3,4,
- 4,5,6,7,
- 7,8,9,0;
- row = 4,5,6;
- col = 3,6;
- DLIB_TEST(rowm(m, 1, 3) == row);
- DLIB_TEST(colm(m, 2, 2) == col);
- }
- {
- std::vector<double> v(34, 8);
- std::vector<double> v2(34, 9);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(&v[0], v.size()) == mat(v));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(&v2[0], v.size()) != mat(v));
- }
- {
- std::vector<long> v(1, 3);
- std::vector<long> v2(1, 2);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(&v[0], v.size()) == mat(v));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(&v2[0], v.size()) != mat(v));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> a(3,3), b(3,3);
- a = 1, 2.5, 1,
- 3, 4, 5,
- 0.5, 2.2, 3;
- b = 0, 1, 0,
- 1, 1, 1,
- 0, 1, 1;
- DLIB_TEST((a>1) == b);
- DLIB_TEST((1<a) == b);
- b = 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1,
- 0, 1, 1;
- DLIB_TEST((a>=1) == b);
- DLIB_TEST((1<=a) == b);
- b = 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0;
- DLIB_TEST((a==2.2) == b);
- DLIB_TEST((a!=2.2) == (b==0));
- DLIB_TEST((2.2==a) == b);
- DLIB_TEST((2.2!=a) == (0==b));
- b = 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0,
- 1, 0, 0;
- DLIB_TEST((a<1) == b);
- DLIB_TEST((1>a) == b);
- b = 1, 0, 1,
- 0, 0, 0,
- 1, 0, 0;
- DLIB_TEST((a<=1) == b);
- DLIB_TEST((1>=a) == b);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> a, b, c;
- a = randm(4,2);
- b += a;
- c -= a;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(a, b));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(-a, c));
- b += a;
- c -= a;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(2*a, b));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(-2*a, c));
- b += a + a;
- c -= a + a;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(4*a, b));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(-4*a, c));
- b.set_size(0,0);
- c.set_size(0,0);
- b += a + a;
- c -= a + a;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(2*a, b));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(-2*a, c));
- }
- {
- matrix<int> a, b, c;
- a.set_size(2, 3);
- b.set_size(2, 6);
- c.set_size(4, 3);
- a = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6;
- b = 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6;
- c = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6,
- 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6;
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,a) == b);
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,abs(a)) == b);
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(trans(a), trans(a)) == trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,a) == c);
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,abs(a)) == c);
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(trans(a),trans(a)) == trans(c));
- }
- {
- matrix<int, 2, 3> a;
- matrix<int, 2, 6> b;
- matrix<int, 4, 3> c;
- a = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6;
- b = 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6;
- c = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6,
- 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6;
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,a) == b);
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,abs(a)) == b);
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(trans(a), trans(a)) == trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,a) == c);
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,abs(a)) == c);
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(trans(a),trans(a)) == trans(c));
- }
- {
- matrix<int, 2, 3> a;
- matrix<int> a2;
- matrix<int, 2, 6> b;
- matrix<int, 4, 3> c;
- a = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6;
- a2 = a;
- b = 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6;
- c = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6,
- 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6;
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,a2) == b);
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a2,a) == b);
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(trans(a2), trans(a)) == trans(b));
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a2,a) == c);
- DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,a2) == c);
- DLIB_TEST(join_rows(trans(a2),trans(a)) == trans(c));
- }
- {
- matrix<int> a, b;
- a.set_size(2,3);
- a = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6;
- b.set_size(3,2);
- b = 1, 2,
- 3, 4,
- 5, 6;
- DLIB_TEST(reshape(a, 3, 2) == b);
- b.set_size(2,3);
- b = 1, 4, 2,
- 5, 3, 6;
- DLIB_TEST(reshape(trans(a), 2, 3) == b);
- }
- {
- matrix<int,2,3> a;
- matrix<int> b;
- a = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6;
- b.set_size(3,2);
- b = 1, 2,
- 3, 4,
- 5, 6;
- DLIB_TEST(reshape(a, 3, 2) == b);
- b.set_size(2,3);
- b = 1, 4, 2,
- 5, 3, 6;
- DLIB_TEST(reshape(trans(a), 2, 3) == b);
- }
- {
- std::vector<int> v(6);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
- v[i] = i;
- matrix<int,2,3> a;
- a = 0, 1, 2,
- 3, 4, 5;
- DLIB_TEST(mat(&v[0], 2, 3) == a);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> a(3,4);
- matrix<int> b(3,1), c(1,4);
- a = 1, 2, 3, 6,
- 4, 5, 6, 9,
- 1, 1, 1, 3;
- b(0) = sum(rowm(a,0));
- b(1) = sum(rowm(a,1));
- b(2) = sum(rowm(a,2));
- c(0) = sum(colm(a,0));
- c(1) = sum(colm(a,1));
- c(2) = sum(colm(a,2));
- c(3) = sum(colm(a,3));
- DLIB_TEST(sum_cols(a) == b);
- DLIB_TEST(sum_rows(a) == c);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(3,3);
- m = 1, 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6,
- 7, 8, 9;
- DLIB_TEST(make_symmetric(m) == trans(make_symmetric(m)));
- DLIB_TEST(lowerm(make_symmetric(m)) == lowerm(m));
- DLIB_TEST(upperm(make_symmetric(m)) == trans(lowerm(m)));
- }
- {
- matrix<int,3,4> a;
- matrix<int> b(3,1), c(1,4);
- a = 1, 2, 3, 6,
- 4, 5, 6, 9,
- 1, 1, 1, 3;
- b(0) = sum(rowm(a,0));
- b(1) = sum(rowm(a,1));
- b(2) = sum(rowm(a,2));
- c(0) = sum(colm(a,0));
- c(1) = sum(colm(a,1));
- c(2) = sum(colm(a,2));
- c(3) = sum(colm(a,3));
- DLIB_TEST(sum_cols(a) == b);
- DLIB_TEST(sum_rows(a) == c);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(3,4), s(3,4);
- m = -2, 1, 5, -5,
- 5, 5, 5, 5,
- 9, 0, -4, -2;
- s = -1, 1, 1, -1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, -1, -1;
- DLIB_TEST(sign(m) == s);
- DLIB_TEST(sign(matrix_cast<double>(m)) == matrix_cast<double>(s));
- }
- }
- void test_matrix_IO()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- print_spinner();
- for (int i = 0; i < 400; ++i)
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- sout.precision(20);
- matrix<double> m1, m2, m3;
- const long r = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7+1;
- const long c = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7+1;
- const long num = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%2+1;
- m1 = randm(r,c,rnd);
- sout << m1;
- if (num != 1)
- sout << "\n" << m1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.3)
- sout << " \n";
- else if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.3)
- sout << " \n\n 3 3 3 3";
- else if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.3)
- sout << " \n \n v 3 3 3 3 3";
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- sin >> m2;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m1,m2), m1 << "\n***********\n" << m2);
- if (num != 1)
- {
- sin >> m3;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m1,m3), m1 << "\n***********\n" << m3);
- }
- }
- {
- istringstream sin(" 1 2\n3");
- matrix<double> m;
- DLIB_TEST(sin.good());
- sin >> m;
- DLIB_TEST(!sin.good());
- }
- {
- istringstream sin("");
- matrix<double> m;
- DLIB_TEST(sin.good());
- sin >> m;
- DLIB_TEST(!sin.good());
- }
- }
- void test_axpy()
- {
- const int n = 4;
- matrix<double> B = dlib::randm(n,n);
- matrix<double> g = dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(n,1,0.0);
- const double tau = 1;
- matrix<double> p = g + tau*dlib::colm(B,0);
- matrix<double> q = dlib::colm(B,0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-q)) < 1e-14);
- p = tau*dlib::colm(B,0);
- q = dlib::colm(B,0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-q)) < 1e-14);
- g = dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(n,n,0.0);
- p = g + tau*B;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-B)) < 1e-14);
- p = g + tau*subm(B,get_rect(B));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-B)) < 1e-14);
- g = dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(2,2,0.0);
- p = g + tau*subm(B,1,1,2,2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-subm(B,1,1,2,2))) < 1e-14);
- set_subm(p,0,0,2,2) = g + tau*subm(B,1,1,2,2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-subm(B,1,1,2,2))) < 1e-14);
- }
- class matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_matrix3",
- "Runs tests on the matrix component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_axpy();
- test_matrix_IO();
- matrix_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix4.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix4.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b83b712..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix4.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1119 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.matrix4");
- void matrix_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the matrix stuff compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,3,3> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,3,1> v = round(10*randm(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,3> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,1,3> v = round(10*randm(1,3));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,1,3> v = round(10*randm(1,3));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,0,3> v = round(10*randm(1,3));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,1,0> v = round(10*randm(1,3));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,3,0> v = round(10*randm(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,0,1> v = round(10*randm(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,3> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,3,0> v = round(10*randm(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,3> m = round(10*randm(3,3));
- matrix<double,0,1> v = round(10*randm(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v) , m*tmp(diagm(v)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v)*m , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v) , tmp(diagm(v))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,5> m = round(10*randm(3,5));
- matrix<double,0,1> v1 = round(10*randm(5,1));
- matrix<double,0,1> v2 = round(10*randm(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v1) , m*tmp(diagm(v1)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v1) , m*tmp(diagm(v1)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v2)*m , tmp(diagm(v2))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v2) , tmp(diagm(v2))*m ));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,5> m = round(10*randm(3,5));
- matrix<double,5,1> v1 = round(10*randm(5,1));
- matrix<double,3,1> v2 = round(10*randm(3,1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( m*diagm(v1) , m*tmp(diagm(v1)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_columns(m,v1) , m*tmp(diagm(v1)) ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( diagm(v2)*m , tmp(diagm(v2))*m ));
- DLIB_TEST(equal( scale_rows(m,v2) , tmp(diagm(v2))*m ));
- }
- }
- void test_stuff()
- {
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double> m(3,3), lr(3,3), ud(3,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6,
- 7,8,9;
- lr = 3,2,1,
- 6,5,4,
- 9,8,7;
- ud = 7,8,9,
- 4,5,6,
- 1,2,3;
- DLIB_TEST(lr == fliplr(m));
- DLIB_TEST(ud == flipud(m));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(3,2), lr(3,2), ud(3,2);
- m = 1,2,
- 3,4,
- 5,6;
- lr = 2,1,
- 4,3,
- 6,5;
- ud = 5,6,
- 3,4,
- 1,2;
- DLIB_TEST(lr == fliplr(m));
- DLIB_TEST(ud == flipud(m));
- }
- {
- matrix<int> a, b;
- a = matrix_cast<int>(round(10*randm(3,3)));
- b = a;
- b *= b;
- DLIB_TEST(b == a*a);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(2,3), m2(2,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- m2 = 3,4,5,
- 6,7,8;
- DLIB_TEST(m + 2 == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(2 + m == m2);
- m += 2;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m -= 2;
- m2 = 0,1,2,
- 3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(m - 1 == m2);
- m -= 1;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m += 1;
- m2 = 5,4,3,
- 2,1,0;
- DLIB_TEST(6 - m == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<float> m(2,3), m2(2,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- m2 = 3,4,5,
- 6,7,8;
- DLIB_TEST(m + 2 == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(2 + m == m2);
- m += 2;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m -= 2;
- m2 = 0,1,2,
- 3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(m - 1 == m2);
- m -= 1;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m += 1;
- m2 = 5,4,3,
- 2,1,0;
- DLIB_TEST(6 - m == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(2,3), m2(2,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- m2 = 3,4,5,
- 6,7,8;
- DLIB_TEST(m + 2 == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(2 + m == m2);
- m += 2;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m -= 2;
- m2 = 0,1,2,
- 3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(m - 1 == m2);
- m -= 1;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m += 1;
- m2 = 5,4,3,
- 2,1,0;
- DLIB_TEST(6 - m == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<int,2,3> m, m2;
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- m2 = 3,4,5,
- 6,7,8;
- DLIB_TEST(m + 2 == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(2 + m == m2);
- m += 2;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m -= 2;
- m2 = 0,1,2,
- 3,4,5;
- DLIB_TEST(m - 1 == m2);
- m -= 1;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m += 1;
- m2 = 5,4,3,
- 2,1,0;
- DLIB_TEST(6 - m == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> m(2,3), m2(3,2);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- m2 = 2,5,
- 3,6,
- 4,7;
- DLIB_TEST(trans(m+1) == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(m)+1 == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(1+trans(m) == m2);
- DLIB_TEST(1+m-1 == m);
- m = trans(m+1);
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m = trans(m-1);
- DLIB_TEST(trans(m+1) == m2);
- m = trans(m)+1;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<double> d(3,1), di(3,1);
- matrix<double> m(3,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6,
- 7,8,9;
- d = 1,2,3;
- di = 1, 1/2.0, 1/3.0;
- DLIB_TEST(inv(diagm(d)) == diagm(di));
- DLIB_TEST(pinv(diagm(d)) == diagm(di));
- DLIB_TEST(inv(diagm(d))*m == tmp(diagm(di))*m);
- DLIB_TEST(m*inv(diagm(d)) == m*tmp(diagm(di)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) + m , tmp(diagm(di)) + m));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m + inv(diagm(d)) , tmp(diagm(di)) + m));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double>(3) == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double,3>() == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((m + 2*identity_matrix<double>(3) == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + 2*identity_matrix<double,3>() == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double>(3)*2 == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double,3>()*2 == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((identity_matrix<double>(3) + m == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((identity_matrix<double,3>() + m == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((2*identity_matrix<double>(3) + m == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((2*identity_matrix<double,3>() + m == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,1> d(3,1), di(3,1);
- matrix<double,3,3> m(3,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6,
- 7,8,9;
- d = 1,2,3;
- di = 1, 1/2.0, 1/3.0;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) , diagm(di)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) , diagm(di)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d))*m , tmp(diagm(di))*m));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m*inv(diagm(d)) , m*tmp(diagm(di))));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(inv(diagm(d)) + m , tmp(diagm(di)) + m),
- (inv(diagm(d)) + m) - (tmp(diagm(di)) + m) );
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m + inv(diagm(d)) , tmp(diagm(di)) + m));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double>(3) == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double,3>() == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((m + 2*identity_matrix<double>(3) == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + 2*identity_matrix<double,3>() == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double>(3)*2 == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double,3>()*2 == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((identity_matrix<double>(3) + m == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((identity_matrix<double,3>() + m == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((2*identity_matrix<double>(3) + m == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((2*identity_matrix<double,3>() + m == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,3> d(1,3), di(1,3);
- matrix<double,3,3> m(3,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6,
- 7,8,9;
- d = 1,2,3;
- di = 1, 1/2.0, 1/3.0;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) , diagm(di)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) , diagm(di)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d))*m , tmp(diagm(di))*m));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m*inv(diagm(d)) , m*tmp(diagm(di))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) + m , tmp(diagm(di)) + m));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m + inv(diagm(d)) , tmp(diagm(di)) + m));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double>(3) == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double,3>() == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((m + 2*identity_matrix<double>(3) == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + 2*identity_matrix<double,3>() == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double>(3)*2 == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double,3>()*2 == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((identity_matrix<double>(3) + m == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((identity_matrix<double,3>() + m == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((2*identity_matrix<double>(3) + m == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((2*identity_matrix<double,3>() + m == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,0> d(1,3), di(1,3);
- matrix<double,0,3> m(3,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6,
- 7,8,9;
- d = 1,2,3;
- di = 1, 1/2.0, 1/3.0;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) , diagm(di)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) , diagm(di)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d))*m , tmp(diagm(di))*m));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m*inv(diagm(d)) , m*tmp(diagm(di))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(inv(diagm(d)) + m , tmp(diagm(di)) + m));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m + inv(diagm(d)) , tmp(diagm(di)) + m));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double>(3) == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double,3>() == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((m + 2*identity_matrix<double>(3) == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + 2*identity_matrix<double,3>() == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double>(3)*2 == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((m + identity_matrix<double,3>()*2 == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((identity_matrix<double>(3) + m == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((identity_matrix<double,3>() + m == m + tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- DLIB_TEST((2*identity_matrix<double>(3) + m == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double>(3))));
- DLIB_TEST((2*identity_matrix<double,3>() + m == m + 2*tmp(identity_matrix<double,3>())));
- }
- {
- matrix<double,3,1> d1, d2;
- d1 = 1,2,3;
- d2 = 2,3,4;
- matrix<double,3,3> ans;
- ans = 2, 0, 0,
- 0, 6, 0,
- 0, 0, 12;
- DLIB_TEST(ans == diagm(d1)*diagm(d2));
- }
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double> d1 = randm(4,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,5,1> d2 = randm(5,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,4,5> m = randm(4,5,rnd);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , diagm(d1)*m*diagm(d2)),
- pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) - diagm(d1)*m*diagm(d2)
- );
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , diagm(d1)*(m*diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , (diagm(d1)*m)*diagm(d2)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*m*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*(m*inv(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (inv(diagm(d1))*m)*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*m*(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*(m*(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , (inv(diagm(d1))*m)*(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (diagm(d1))*m*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (diagm(d1))*(m*inv(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , ((diagm(d1))*m)*inv(diagm(d2))));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double,4,1> d1 = randm(4,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,5,1> d2 = randm(5,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,4,5> m = randm(4,5,rnd);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , diagm(d1)*m*diagm(d2)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , diagm(d1)*(m*diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , (diagm(d1)*m)*diagm(d2)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*m*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*(m*inv(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (inv(diagm(d1))*m)*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*m*(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*(m*(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , (inv(diagm(d1))*m)*(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (diagm(d1))*m*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (diagm(d1))*(m*inv(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , ((diagm(d1))*m)*inv(diagm(d2))));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double,4,1> d1 = randm(4,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,5,1> d2 = randm(5,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,0,0> m = randm(4,5,rnd);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , diagm(d1)*m*diagm(d2)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , diagm(d1)*(m*diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(d1*trans(d2), m) , (diagm(d1)*m)*diagm(d2)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*m*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*(m*inv(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (inv(diagm(d1))*m)*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*m*(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , inv(diagm(d1))*(m*(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply(reciprocal(d1)*trans((d2)), m) , (inv(diagm(d1))*m)*(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (diagm(d1))*m*inv(diagm(d2))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , (diagm(d1))*(m*inv(diagm(d2)))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(pointwise_multiply((d1)*trans(reciprocal(d2)), m) , ((diagm(d1))*m)*inv(diagm(d2))));
- }
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double> m = randm(3,4) + 1;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(1.0/m , reciprocal(m)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(0.0/m , zeros_matrix<double>(3,4)));
- }
- }
- {
- matrix<int> m(2,3);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- matrix<int> M(2,3);
- M = m;
- DLIB_TEST(upperbound(m,6) == M);
- DLIB_TEST(upperbound(m,60) == M);
- DLIB_TEST(lowerbound(m,-2) == M);
- DLIB_TEST(lowerbound(m,0) == M);
- M = 2,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- DLIB_TEST(lowerbound(m,2) == M);
- M = 0,0,0,
- 0,0,0;
- DLIB_TEST(upperbound(m,0) == M);
- M = 1,2,3,
- 3,3,3;
- DLIB_TEST(upperbound(m,3) == M);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,9,5> A = randm(9,5);
- matrix<double> B = A;
- orthogonalize(A);
- orthogonalize(B);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(A,B));
- }
- }
- template <
- long D1,
- long D2,
- long D3,
- long D4
- >
- void test_conv()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << D1 << " " << D2 << " " << D3 << " " << D4;
- matrix<int,D1,D1> a(1,1);
- matrix<int,D2,D2> b(2,2);
- matrix<int,D3,D3> c(3,3);
- matrix<int,D4,D1> d(4,1);
- a = 4;
- b = 1,2,
- 3,4;
- c = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6,
- 7,8,9;
- d = 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4;
- matrix<int> temp(4,4), temp2;
- temp = 1, 4, 7, 6,
- 7, 23, 33, 24,
- 19, 53, 63, 42,
- 21, 52, 59, 36;
- DLIB_TEST(conv(b,c) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(conv(c,b) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr(c,flip(b)) == temp);
- temp.set_size(2,2);
- temp = 23, 33,
- 53, 63;
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(b,c) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_same(b,flip(c)) == temp);
- temp2.set_size(2,2);
- temp2 = 63, 53,
- 33, 23;
- DLIB_TEST(flip(temp) == temp2);
- DLIB_TEST(flip(temp) == fliplr(flipud(temp)));
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(b,c).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(b,c).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(c,b) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_valid(c,flip(b)) == temp);
- temp.set_size(1,1);
- temp = 16;
- DLIB_TEST(conv(a,a) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(a,a) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(a,a) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr(a,a) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_same(a,a) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_valid(a,a) == temp);
- temp.set_size(0,0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv(temp,temp).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv(temp,temp).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(temp,temp).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(temp,temp).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(conv_valid(temp,temp).nr() == 0, conv_valid(temp,temp).nr());
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(temp,temp).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv(c,temp).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv(c,temp).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(c,temp).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(c,temp).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(c,temp).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(c,temp).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv(temp,c).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv(temp,c).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(temp,c).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(temp,c).nc() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(temp,c).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(temp,c).nc() == 0);
- temp.set_size(5,2);
- temp = 1, 2,
- 5, 8,
- 9, 14,
- 13, 20,
- 12, 16;
- DLIB_TEST(conv(b,d) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr(b,flip(d)) == temp);
- temp.set_size(2,2);
- temp = 9, 14,
- 13, 20;
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(b,d) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_same(b,flip(d)) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(b,d).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_valid(b,flip(d)).nr() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(conv_valid(b,d).nc() == 0, conv_valid(b,d).nc());
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_valid(b,flip(d)).nc() == 0);
- temp.set_size(5,5);
- temp = 1, 4, 10, 12, 9,
- 8, 26, 56, 54, 36,
- 30, 84, 165, 144, 90,
- 56, 134, 236, 186, 108,
- 49, 112, 190, 144, 81;
- DLIB_TEST(conv(c,c) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr(c,flip(c)) == temp);
- matrix<int> temp3 = c;
- temp3 = conv(temp3,c);
- DLIB_TEST(temp3 == temp);
- temp3 = c;
- temp3 = conv(c,temp3);
- DLIB_TEST(temp3 == temp);
- temp.set_size(3,3);
- temp = 26, 56, 54,
- 84, 165, 144,
- 134, 236, 186;
- DLIB_TEST(conv_same(c,c) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_same(c,flip(c)) == temp);
- temp3 = c;
- temp3 = conv_same(c,temp3);
- DLIB_TEST(temp3 == temp);
- temp3 = c;
- temp3 = conv_same(temp3,c);
- DLIB_TEST(temp3 == temp);
- temp.set_size(1,1);
- temp = 165;
- DLIB_TEST(conv_valid(c,c) == temp);
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_valid(c,flip(c)) == temp);
- temp3 = c;
- temp3 = conv_valid(c,temp3);
- DLIB_TEST(temp3 == temp);
- temp3 = c;
- temp3 = conv_valid(temp3,c);
- DLIB_TEST(temp3 == temp);
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- matrix<complex<int> > a, b;
- a = complex_matrix(matrix_cast<int>(round(20*randm(2,7,rnd))),
- matrix_cast<int>(round(20*randm(2,7,rnd))));
- b = complex_matrix(matrix_cast<int>(round(20*randm(3,2,rnd))),
- matrix_cast<int>(round(20*randm(3,2,rnd))));
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr(a,b) == conv(a, flip(conj(b))));
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_valid(a,b) == conv_valid(a, flip(conj(b))));
- DLIB_TEST(xcorr_same(a,b) == conv_same(a, flip(conj(b))));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- auto nr1 = rnd.get_integer_in_range(1,30);
- auto nc1 = rnd.get_integer_in_range(1,30);
- auto nr2 = rnd.get_integer_in_range(1,30);
- auto nc2 = rnd.get_integer_in_range(1,30);
- matrix<double> a, b;
- a = randm(nr1,nc1,rnd);
- b = randm(nr2,nc2,rnd);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(xcorr(a,b) - xcorr_fft(a,b))) < 1e-12);
- }
- }
- void test_complex()
- {
- matrix<complex<double> > a, b;
- a = complex_matrix(linspace(1,7,7), linspace(2,8,7));
- b = complex_matrix(linspace(4,10,7), linspace(2,8,7));
- DLIB_TEST(mean(a) == complex<double>(4, 5));
- }
- void test_setsubs()
- {
- {
- matrix<double> m(3,3);
- m = 0;
- set_colm(m,0) += 1;
- set_rowm(m,0) += 1;
- set_subm(m,1,1,2,2) += 5;
- matrix<double> m2(3,3);
- m2 = 2, 1, 1,
- 1, 5, 5,
- 1, 5, 5;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- set_colm(m,0) -= 1;
- set_rowm(m,0) -= 1;
- set_subm(m,1,1,2,2) -= 5;
- m2 = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- matrix<double,1,3> r;
- matrix<double,3,1> c;
- matrix<double,2,2> b;
- r = 1,2,3;
- c = 2,
- 3,
- 4;
- b = 2,3,
- 4,5;
- set_colm(m,1) += c;
- set_rowm(m,1) += r;
- set_subm(m,1,1,2,2) += b;
- m2 = 0, 2, 0,
- 1, 7, 6,
- 0, 8, 5;
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == m);
- set_colm(m,1) -= c;
- set_rowm(m,1) -= r;
- set_subm(m,1,1,2,2) -= b;
- m2 = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(m2 == m);
- // check that the code path for destructive aliasing works right.
- m = 2*identity_matrix<double>(3);
- set_colm(m,1) += m*c;
- m2 = 2, 4, 0,
- 0, 8, 0,
- 0, 8, 2;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m = 2*identity_matrix<double>(3);
- set_colm(m,1) -= m*c;
- m2 = 2, -4, 0,
- 0, -4, 0,
- 0, -8, 2;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m = 2*identity_matrix<double>(3);
- set_rowm(m,1) += r*m;
- m2 = 2, 0, 0,
- 2, 6, 6,
- 0, 0, 2;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m = 2*identity_matrix<double>(3);
- set_rowm(m,1) -= r*m;
- m2 = 2, 0, 0,
- -2, -2, -6,
- 0, 0, 2;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m = identity_matrix<double>(3);
- const rectangle rect(0,0,1,1);
- set_subm(m,rect) += subm(m,rect)*b;
- m2 = 3, 3, 0,
- 4, 6, 0,
- 0, 0, 1;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- m = identity_matrix<double>(3);
- set_subm(m,rect) -= subm(m,rect)*b;
- m2 = -1, -3, 0,
- -4, -4, 0,
- 0, 0, 1;
- DLIB_TEST(m == m2);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,1> a, b;
- a = 2;
- b = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(a,b) == 6);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,1> a;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(1);
- a = 2;
- b = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(a,b) == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(b,a) == 6);
- }
- {
- matrix<double,1,1> a;
- matrix<double,1,0> b(1);
- a = 2;
- b = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(a,b) == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(b,a) == 6);
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- std::vector<int> tovect1(const T& m)
- {
- std::vector<int> temp;
- for (typename T::const_iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i)
- {
- temp.push_back(*i);
- }
- return temp;
- }
- template <typename T>
- std::vector<int> tovect2(const T& m)
- {
- std::vector<int> temp;
- for (typename T::const_iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++)
- {
- temp.push_back(*i);
- }
- return temp;
- }
- template <typename T>
- std::vector<int> tovect3(const T& m_)
- {
- matrix<int> m(m_);
- std::vector<int> temp;
- for (matrix<int>::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i)
- {
- temp.push_back(*i);
- }
- return temp;
- }
- template <typename T>
- std::vector<int> tovect4(const T& m_)
- {
- matrix<int> m(m_);
- std::vector<int> temp;
- for (matrix<int>::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++)
- {
- temp.push_back(*i);
- }
- return temp;
- }
- void test_iterators()
- {
- matrix<int> m(3,2);
- m = 1,2,3,
- 4,5,6;
- std::vector<int> v1 = tovect1(m);
- std::vector<int> v2 = tovect2(m);
- std::vector<int> v3 = tovect3(m);
- std::vector<int> v4 = tovect4(m);
- std::vector<int> v5 = tovect1(m+m);
- std::vector<int> v6 = tovect2(m+m);
- std::vector<int> v7 = tovect3(m+m);
- std::vector<int> v8 = tovect4(m+m);
- std::vector<int> a1, a2;
- for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i)
- {
- a1.push_back(i);
- a2.push_back(i*2);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(v1) - mat(a1))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(v2) - mat(a1))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(v3) - mat(a1))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(v4) - mat(a1))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(v5) - mat(a2))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(v6) - mat(a2))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(v7) - mat(a2))) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(mat(v8) - mat(a2))) == 0);
- }
- void test_linpiece()
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> temp = linpiece(5, linspace(-1, 9, 2));
- DLIB_CASSERT(temp.size() == 1,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(0) - 6) < 1e-13,"");
- temp = linpiece(5, linspace(-1, 9, 6));
- DLIB_CASSERT(temp.size() == 5,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(0) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(1) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(2) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(3) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(4) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- temp = linpiece(4, linspace(-1, 9, 6));
- DLIB_CASSERT(temp.size() == 5,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(0) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(1) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(2) - 1) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(3) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(4) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- temp = linpiece(40, linspace(-1, 9, 6));
- DLIB_CASSERT(temp.size() == 5,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(0) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(1) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(2) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(3) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(4) - 2) < 1e-13,"");
- temp = linpiece(-40, linspace(-1, 9, 6));
- DLIB_CASSERT(temp.size() == 5,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(0) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(1) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(2) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(3) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(4) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- temp = linpiece(0, linspace(-1, 9, 6));
- DLIB_CASSERT(temp.size() == 5,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(0) - 1) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(1) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(2) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(3) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT(std::abs(temp(4) - 0) < 1e-13,"");
- }
- class matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_matrix4",
- "Runs tests on the scale_rows and scale_columns functions.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_iterators();
- test_setsubs();
- test_conv<0,0,0,0>();
- test_conv<1,2,3,4>();
- test_stuff();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- matrix_test();
- test_complex();
- test_linpiece();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_chol.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_chol.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b46c4866d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_chol.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.matrix_chol");
- dlib::rand rnd;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename mat_type>
- const matrix<typename mat_type::type> symm(const mat_type& m) { return m*trans(m); }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename type>
- const matrix<type> randmat(long r, long c)
- {
- matrix<type> m(r,c);
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- m(row,col) = static_cast<type>(rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
- template <typename type, long NR, long NC>
- const matrix<type,NR,NC> randmat()
- {
- matrix<type,NR,NC> m;
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- m(row,col) = static_cast<type>(rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename matrix_type>
- void test_cholesky ( const matrix_type& m)
- {
- typedef typename matrix_type::type type;
- const type eps = 10*max(abs(m))*sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon());
- dlog << LDEBUG << "test_cholesky(): " << << " x " << << " eps: " << eps;
- print_spinner();
- cholesky_decomposition<matrix_type> test(m);
- // none of the matrices we should be passing in to test_cholesky() should be non-spd.
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_spd() == true);
- type temp;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( (temp= max(abs(test.get_l()*trans(test.get_l()) - m))) < eps,temp);
- {
- matrix<type> mat = chol(m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( (temp= max(abs(mat*trans(mat) - m))) < eps,temp);
- }
- matrix<type> m2;
- matrix<type,0,1> col;
- m2 = identity_matrix<type>(;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- m2 = randmat<type>(,5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- m2 = randmat<type>(,1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- col = randmat<type>(,1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(col), col,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- // now make us a non-spd matrix
- if ( > 2)
- {
- matrix<type> sm(lowerm(m));
- sm(1,1) = 0;
- cholesky_decomposition<matrix_type> test2(sm);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test2.is_spd() == false, test2.get_l());
- cholesky_decomposition<matrix_type> test3(sm*trans(sm));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test3.is_spd() == false, test3.get_l());
- sm = sm*trans(sm);
- sm(1,1) = 5;
- sm(1,0) -= 1;
- cholesky_decomposition<matrix_type> test4(sm);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test4.is_spd() == false, test4.get_l());
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void matrix_test_double()
- {
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<double>(1,1,1) + 10*symm(randmat<double>(1,1)));
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<double>(2,2,1) + 10*symm(randmat<double>(2,2)));
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<double>(3,3,1) + 10*symm(randmat<double>(3,3)));
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<double>(4,4,1) + 10*symm(randmat<double>(4,4)));
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<double>(15,15,1) + 10*symm(randmat<double>(15,15)));
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<double>(101,101,1) + 10*symm(randmat<double>(101,101)));
- typedef matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> mat;
- test_cholesky(mat(uniform_matrix<double>(101,101,1) + 10*symm(randmat<double>(101,101))));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void matrix_test_float()
- {
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<float>(1,1,1) + 2*symm(randmat<float>(1,1)));
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<float>(2,2,1) + 2*symm(randmat<float>(2,2)));
- test_cholesky(uniform_matrix<float>(3,3,1) + 2*symm(randmat<float>(3,3)));
- typedef matrix<float,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> mat;
- test_cholesky(mat(uniform_matrix<float>(3,3,1) + 2*symm(randmat<float>(3,3))));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_matrix_chol",
- "Runs tests on the matrix cholesky component.")
- {
- rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(time(0)));
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "seed string: " << rnd.get_seed();
- dlog << LINFO << "begin testing with double";
- matrix_test_double();
- dlog << LINFO << "begin testing with float";
- matrix_test_float();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_eig.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_eig.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fbce6598..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_eig.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.matrix_eig");
- dlib::rand rnd;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename type>
- const matrix<type> randm(long r, long c)
- {
- matrix<type> m(r,c);
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- m(row,col) = static_cast<type>(rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
- template <typename type, long NR, long NC>
- const matrix<type,NR,NC> randm()
- {
- matrix<type,NR,NC> m;
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- m(row,col) = static_cast<type>(rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename matrix_type, typename U>
- void test_eigenvalue_impl ( const matrix_type& m, const eigenvalue_decomposition<U>& test )
- {
- typedef typename matrix_type::type type;
- const type eps = 10*max(abs(m))*sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon());
- dlog << LDEBUG << "test_eigenvalue(): " << << " x " << << " eps: " << eps;
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(test.dim() ==;
- // make sure all the various ways of asking for the eigenvalues are actually returning a
- // consistent set of eigenvalues.
- DLIB_TEST(equal(real(test.get_eigenvalues()), test.get_real_eigenvalues(), eps));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(imag(test.get_eigenvalues()), test.get_imag_eigenvalues(), eps));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(real(diag(test.get_d())), test.get_real_eigenvalues(), eps));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(imag(diag(test.get_d())), test.get_imag_eigenvalues(), eps));
- matrix<type> eig1 ( real_eigenvalues(m));
- matrix<type> eig2 ( test.get_real_eigenvalues());
- sort(&eig1(0), &eig1(0) + eig1.size());
- sort(&eig2(0), &eig2(0) + eig2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(eig1 - eig2)) < eps);
- const matrix<type> V = test.get_pseudo_v();
- const matrix<type> D = test.get_pseudo_d();
- const matrix<complex<type> > CV = test.get_v();
- const matrix<complex<type> > CD = test.get_d();
- const matrix<complex<type> > CM = complex_matrix(m, uniform_matrix<type>(,,0));
- DLIB_TEST( == test.dim());
- DLIB_TEST( == test.dim());
- DLIB_TEST( == test.dim());
- DLIB_TEST( == test.dim());
- // CD is a diagonal matrix
- DLIB_TEST(diagm(diag(CD)) == CD);
- // verify that these things are actually eigenvalues and eigenvectors of m
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(m*V - V*D)) < eps, max(abs(m*V - V*D)) << " " << eps);
- DLIB_TEST(max(norm(CM*CV - CV*CD)) < eps);
- // if m is a symmetric matrix
- if (max(abs(m-trans(m))) < 1e-5)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "m is symmetric";
- // there aren't any imaginary eigenvalues
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(test.get_imag_eigenvalues())) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(diagm(diag(D)) == D);
- // only check the determinant against the eigenvalues for small matrices
- // because for huge ones the determinant might be so big it overflows a floating point number.
- if ( < 50)
- {
- const type mdet = det(m);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(prod(test.get_real_eigenvalues()) - mdet) < std::abs(mdet)*sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon()),
- std::abs(prod(test.get_real_eigenvalues()) - mdet) <<" eps: " << std::abs(mdet)*sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())
- << " mdet: "<< mdet << " prod(eig): " << prod(test.get_real_eigenvalues())
- );
- }
- // V is orthogonal
- DLIB_TEST(equal(V*trans(V), identity_matrix<type>(test.dim()), eps));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(m , V*D*trans(V), eps));
- }
- else
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "m is NOT symmetric";
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m , V*D*inv(V), eps), max(abs(m - V*D*inv(V))));
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename matrix_type>
- void test_eigenvalue ( const matrix_type& m )
- {
- typedef typename matrix_type::type type;
- typedef typename matrix_type::mem_manager_type MM;
- matrix<type,matrix_type::NR, matrix_type::NC, MM, row_major_layout> mr(m);
- matrix<type,matrix_type::NR, matrix_type::NC, MM, column_major_layout> mc(m);
- {
- eigenvalue_decomposition<matrix_type> test(mr);
- test_eigenvalue_impl(mr, test);
- eigenvalue_decomposition<matrix_type> test_symm(make_symmetric(mr));
- test_eigenvalue_impl(make_symmetric(mr), test_symm);
- }
- {
- eigenvalue_decomposition<matrix_type> test(mc);
- test_eigenvalue_impl(mc, test);
- eigenvalue_decomposition<matrix_type> test_symm(make_symmetric(mc));
- test_eigenvalue_impl(make_symmetric(mc), test_symm);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void matrix_test_double()
- {
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double>(1,1));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double>(2,2));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double>(3,3));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double>(4,4));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double>(15,15));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double>(150,150));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double,1,1>());
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double,2,2>());
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<double,3,3>());
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void matrix_test_float()
- {
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float>(1,1));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float>(2,2));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float>(3,3));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float>(4,4));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float>(15,15));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float>(50,50));
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float,1,1>());
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float,2,2>());
- test_eigenvalue(10*randm<float,3,3>());
- }
- template <int dims>
- void test_eigenvalue2()
- {
- for (int seed = 0; seed < 10; ++seed)
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double> H = gaussian_randm(dims,dims,seed);
- H = H*trans(H);
- eigenvalue_decomposition<matrix<double> > eig(H);
- matrix<double> HH = eig.get_pseudo_v()*diagm(eig.get_real_eigenvalues())*trans(eig.get_pseudo_v());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(H - HH))<1e-12, "dims: " << dims << " error: " << max(abs(H - HH)));
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_matrix_eig",
- "Runs tests on the matrix eigen decomp component.")
- {
- //rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(time(0)));
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "seed string: " << rnd.get_seed();
- dlog << LINFO << "begin testing with double";
- matrix_test_double();
- dlog << LINFO << "begin testing with float";
- matrix_test_float();
- test_eigenvalue2<10>();
- test_eigenvalue2<11>();
- test_eigenvalue2<3>();
- test_eigenvalue2<2>();
- test_eigenvalue2<1>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_lu.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_lu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f5425b355..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_lu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.matrix_lu");
- dlib::rand rnd;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename mat_type>
- const matrix<typename mat_type::type> symm(const mat_type& m) { return m*trans(m); }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename type>
- const matrix<type> randmat(long r, long c)
- {
- matrix<type> m(r,c);
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- m(row,col) = static_cast<type>(rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
- template <typename type, long NR, long NC>
- const matrix<type,NR,NC> randmat()
- {
- matrix<type,NR,NC> m;
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- m(row,col) = static_cast<type>(rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename matrix_type>
- void test_lu ( const matrix_type& m)
- {
- typedef typename matrix_type::type type;
- const type eps = 10*max(abs(m))*sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon());
- dlog << LDEBUG << "test_lu(): " << << " x " << << " eps: " << eps;
- print_spinner();
- lu_decomposition<matrix_type> test(m);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_square() == ( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- dlog << LDEBUG << " " << << " " <<;
- type temp;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( (temp= max(abs(test.get_l()*test.get_u() - rowm(m,test.get_pivot())))) < eps,temp);
- if (test.is_square())
- {
- // none of the matrices we should be passing in to test_lu() should be singular.
- DLIB_TEST_MSG (abs(test.det()) > eps/100, "det: " << test.det() );
- dlog << LDEBUG << "big det: " << test.det();
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_singular() == false);
- matrix<type> m2;
- matrix<type,0,1> col;
- m2 = identity_matrix<type>(;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- m2 = randmat<type>(,5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- m2 = randmat<type>(,1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- col = randmat<type>(,1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(col), col,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- // now make us a singular matrix
- if ( > 1)
- {
- matrix<type> sm(m);
- set_colm(sm,0) = colm(sm,1);
- lu_decomposition<matrix_type> test2(sm);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( (temp= max(abs(test2.get_l()*test2.get_u() - rowm(sm,test2.get_pivot())))) < eps,temp);
- // these checks are only accurate for small matrices
- if ( < 100)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test2.is_singular() == true,"det: " << test2.det());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(test2.det()) < eps,"det: " << test2.det());
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void matrix_test_double()
- {
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(2,2));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(1,1));
- test_lu(10*symm(randmat<double>(2,2)));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(4,4));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(9,4));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(3,8));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(15,15));
- test_lu(2*symm(randmat<double>(15,15)));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(100,100));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(137,200));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double>(200,101));
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,2,2>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,1,1>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,4,3>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,4,4>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,9,4>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,3,8>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,15,15>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,100,100>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,137,200>());
- test_lu(10*randmat<double,200,101>());
- typedef matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> mat;
- test_lu(mat(3*randmat<double>(4,4)));
- test_lu(mat(3*randmat<double>(9,4)));
- test_lu(mat(3*randmat<double>(3,8)));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void matrix_test_float()
- {
- // -------------------------------
- test_lu(3*randmat<float>(1,1));
- test_lu(3*randmat<float>(2,2));
- test_lu(3*randmat<float>(4,4));
- test_lu(3*randmat<float>(9,4));
- test_lu(3*randmat<float>(3,8));
- test_lu(3*randmat<float>(137,200));
- test_lu(3*randmat<float>(200,101));
- test_lu(3*randmat<float,1,1>());
- test_lu(3*randmat<float,2,2>());
- test_lu(3*randmat<float,4,3>());
- test_lu(3*randmat<float,4,4>());
- test_lu(3*randmat<float,9,4>());
- test_lu(3*randmat<float,3,8>());
- test_lu(3*randmat<float,137,200>());
- test_lu(3*randmat<float,200,101>());
- typedef matrix<float,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> mat;
- test_lu(mat(3*randmat<float>(4,4)));
- test_lu(mat(3*randmat<float>(9,4)));
- test_lu(mat(3*randmat<float>(3,8)));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_matrix_lu",
- "Runs tests on the matrix LU component.")
- {
- //rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(time(0)));
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "seed string: " << rnd.get_seed();
- dlog << LINFO << "begin testing with double";
- matrix_test_double();
- dlog << LINFO << "begin testing with float";
- matrix_test_float();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_qr.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_qr.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e3c7c4e42..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/matrix_qr.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.matrix_qr");
- dlib::rand rnd;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename mat_type>
- const matrix<typename mat_type::type> symm(const mat_type& m) { return m*trans(m); }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename type>
- const matrix<type> randmat(long r, long c)
- {
- matrix<type> m(r,c);
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- m(row,col) = static_cast<type>(rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
- template <typename type, long NR, long NC>
- const matrix<type,NR,NC> randmat()
- {
- matrix<type,NR,NC> m;
- for (long row = 0; row <; ++row)
- {
- for (long col = 0; col <; ++col)
- {
- m(row,col) = static_cast<type>(rnd.get_random_double());
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename matrix_type>
- void test_qr ( const matrix_type& m)
- {
- typedef typename matrix_type::type type;
- const type eps = 10*max(abs(m))*sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon());
- dlog << LDEBUG << "test_qr(): " << << " x " << << " eps: " << eps;
- print_spinner();
- qr_decomposition<matrix_type> test(m);
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- DLIB_TEST( ==;
- type temp;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( (temp= max(abs(test.get_q()*test.get_r() - m))) < eps,temp);
- // none of the matrices we should be passing in to test_qr() should be non-full rank.
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_full_rank() == true);
- if ( ==
- {
- matrix<type> m2;
- matrix<type,0,1> col;
- m2 = identity_matrix<type>(;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- m2 = randmat<type>(,5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- m2 = randmat<type>(,1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(m2), m2,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- col = randmat<type>(,1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m*test.solve(col), col,eps),max(abs(m*test.solve(m2)- m2)));
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(pinv(m), test.solve(identity_matrix<type>(, eps),
- max(abs(pinv(m) - test.solve(identity_matrix<type>( );
- }
- // now make us a non-full rank matrix
- if ( > 1)
- {
- matrix<type> sm(m);
- set_colm(sm,0) = colm(sm,1);
- qr_decomposition<matrix_type> test2(sm);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( (temp= max(abs(test.get_q()*test.get_r() - m))) < eps,temp);
- if ( < 100)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test2.is_full_rank() == false,"eps: " << eps);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void matrix_test_double()
- {
- test_qr(10*randmat<double>(1,1));
- test_qr(10*randmat<double>(2,2));
- test_qr(10*symm(randmat<double>(2,2)));
- test_qr(10*randmat<double>(4,4));
- test_qr(10*randmat<double>(9,4));
- test_qr(10*randmat<double>(15,15));
- test_qr(2*symm(randmat<double>(15,15)));
- test_qr(10*randmat<double>(100,100));
- test_qr(10*randmat<double>(237,200));
- test_qr(10*randmat<double>(200,101));
- test_qr(10*randmat<double,1,1>());
- test_qr(10*randmat<double,2,2>());
- test_qr(10*randmat<double,4,3>());
- test_qr(10*randmat<double,4,4>());
- test_qr(10*randmat<double,9,4>());
- test_qr(10*randmat<double,15,15>());
- test_qr(10*randmat<double,100,100>());
- typedef matrix<double,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> mat;
- test_qr(mat(3*randmat<double>(9,4)));
- test_qr(mat(3*randmat<double>(9,9)));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void matrix_test_float()
- {
- test_qr(3*randmat<float>(1,1));
- test_qr(3*randmat<float>(2,2));
- test_qr(3*randmat<float>(4,4));
- test_qr(3*randmat<float>(9,4));
- test_qr(3*randmat<float>(237,200));
- test_qr(3*randmat<float,1,1>());
- test_qr(3*randmat<float,2,2>());
- test_qr(3*randmat<float,4,3>());
- test_qr(3*randmat<float,4,4>());
- test_qr(3*randmat<float,5,4>());
- typedef matrix<float,0,0,default_memory_manager, column_major_layout> mat;
- test_qr(mat(3*randmat<float>(5,4)));
- test_qr(mat(3*randmat<float>(9,9)));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class matrix_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- matrix_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_matrix_qr",
- "Runs tests on the matrix QR component.")
- {
- //rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(time(0)));
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "seed string: " << rnd.get_seed();
- dlog << LINFO << "begin testing with double";
- matrix_test_double();
- dlog << LINFO << "begin testing with float";
- matrix_test_float();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/max_cost_assignment.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/max_cost_assignment.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 852418764..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/max_cost_assignment.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.max_cost_assignment");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- std::vector<std::vector<long> > permutations (
- matrix<long,1,0> vals
- )
- {
- if (vals.size() == 0)
- {
- return std::vector<std::vector<long> >();
- }
- else if (vals.size() == 1)
- {
- return std::vector<std::vector<long> >(1,std::vector<long>(1,vals(0)));
- }
- std::vector<std::vector<long> > temp;
- for (long i = 0; i < vals.size(); ++i)
- {
- const std::vector<std::vector<long> >& res = permutations(remove_col(vals,i));
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < res.size(); ++j)
- {
- temp.resize(temp.size()+1);
- std::vector<long>& part = temp.back();
- part.push_back(vals(i));
- part.insert(part.end(), res[j].begin(), res[j].end());
- }
- }
- return temp;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- std::vector<long> brute_force_max_cost_assignment (
- matrix<T> cost
- )
- {
- if (cost.size() == 0)
- return std::vector<long>();
- const std::vector<std::vector<long> >& perms = permutations(range(0,;
- T best_cost = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
- unsigned long best_idx = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < perms.size(); ++i)
- {
- const T temp = assignment_cost(cost, perms[i]);
- if (temp > best_cost)
- {
- best_idx = i;
- best_cost = temp;
- }
- }
- return perms[best_idx];
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_max_cost_assignment : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_max_cost_assignment (
- ) :
- tester ("test_max_cost_assignment",
- "Runs tests on the max_cost_assignment function.")
- {}
- dlib::rand rnd;
- template <typename T>
- void test_hungarian()
- {
- long size = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7;
- long range = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100;
- matrix<T> cost = matrix_cast<T>(randm(size,size,rnd)*range) - range/2;
- // use a uniform cost matrix sometimes
- if ((rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100) == 0)
- cost = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100;
- // negate the cost matrix every now and then
- if ((rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100) == 0)
- cost = -cost;
- std::vector<long> assign = brute_force_max_cost_assignment(cost);
- T true_eval = assignment_cost(cost, assign);
- assign = max_cost_assignment(cost);
- DLIB_TEST(assignment_cost(cost,assign) == true_eval);
- assign = max_cost_assignment(matrix_cast<signed char>(cost));
- DLIB_TEST(assignment_cost(cost,assign) == true_eval);
- cost = matrix_cast<T>(randm(size,size,rnd)*range);
- assign = brute_force_max_cost_assignment(cost);
- true_eval = assignment_cost(cost, assign);
- assign = max_cost_assignment(cost);
- DLIB_TEST(assignment_cost(cost,assign) == true_eval);
- assign = max_cost_assignment(matrix_cast<unsigned char>(cost));
- DLIB_TEST(assignment_cost(cost,assign) == true_eval);
- assign = max_cost_assignment(matrix_cast<typename unsigned_type<T>::type>(cost));
- DLIB_TEST(assignment_cost(cost,assign) == true_eval);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- for (long i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- if ((i%100) == 0)
- print_spinner();
- test_hungarian<short>();
- test_hungarian<int>();
- test_hungarian<long>();
- test_hungarian<int64>();
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/max_sum_submatrix.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/max_sum_submatrix.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b4756ff..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/max_sum_submatrix.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.max_sum_submatrix");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool order_rects (
- const rectangle& a,
- const rectangle& b
- )
- {
- if (a.left() < b.left()) return true;
- else if (a.left() > b.left()) return false;
- if (a.right() < b.right()) return true;
- else if (a.right() > b.right()) return false;
- if ( < return true;
- else if ( > return false;
- if (a.bottom() < b.bottom()) return true;
- else if (a.bottom() > b.bottom()) return false;
- return false;
- }
- void run_test(
- const int num
- )
- {
- static dlib::rand rnd;
- matrix<int> mat, mask;
- mat.set_size(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%1000 + 1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%1000 + 1);
- mask.set_size(,;
- mask = 0;
- mat = -10000;
- std::vector<rectangle> true_rects;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- const int width = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100 + 1;
- const int height = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100 + 1;
- rectangle rect = centered_rect(rnd.get_random_16bit_number(),
- rnd.get_random_16bit_number(),
- width,height);
- rect = get_rect(mat).intersect(rect);
- // make sure this new rectangle doesn't overlap or abut any others
- if (sum(subm(mask,grow_rect(rect,1).intersect(get_rect(mask)))) == 0)
- {
- set_subm(mat, rect) = rnd.get_random_8bit_number()%100 + 1;
- set_subm(mask, rect) = 1;
- true_rects.push_back(rect);
- }
- }
- std::vector<rectangle> res;
- res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, true_rects.size()+10, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == true_rects.size());
- // make sure big rectangles come first
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i+1 < res.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(sum(subm(mat,res[i])) >= sum(subm(mat,res[i+1])));
- }
- // make sure rectangles match
- sort(true_rects.begin(), true_rects.end(), order_rects);
- sort(res.begin(), res.end(), order_rects);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(res[i] == true_rects[i],
- "i: " << i << " res[i]: " << res[i] << " true_rects[i]: " << true_rects[i]);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- void run_test2()
- {
- matrix<T> mat(100,100);
- mat = 1;
- std::vector<rectangle> res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, 0, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == 0);
- res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, 1, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(res[0] == get_rect(mat));
- res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, 3, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(res[0] == get_rect(mat));
- res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, 3, 10);
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(res[0] == get_rect(mat));
- res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, 3, mat.size());
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == 0);
- mat = -1;
- res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, 1, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == 0);
- const rectangle rect1 = rectangle(10,10,40,40);
- const rectangle rect2 = rectangle(35,35,80,80);
- set_subm(mat, rect1) = 2;
- set_subm(mat, rect2) = 1;
- res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, 3, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(res[0] == rect2);
- DLIB_TEST(res[1] == rect1);
- res = max_sum_submatrix(mat, 3, 2*rect1.area() - 2*(rect1.intersect(rect2)).area());
- DLIB_TEST(res.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(res[0] == rect2);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_max_sum_submatrix : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_max_sum_submatrix (
- ) :
- tester ("test_max_sum_submatrix",
- "Runs tests on the max_sum_submatrix() function.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
- run_test(i);
- }
- run_test2<int>();
- run_test2<short>();
- run_test2<signed char>();
- run_test2<float>();
- run_test2<double>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/md5.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/md5.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 15fafac3c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/md5.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/md5.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.md5");
- void md5_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the md5 stuff compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- DLIB_TEST(md5 ("") == "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e");
- DLIB_TEST(md5 ("a") == "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661");
- DLIB_TEST(md5 ("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72");
- DLIB_TEST(md5 ("message digest") == "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0");
- DLIB_TEST(md5 ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b");
- DLIB_TEST(md5 ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") == "d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f");
- DLIB_TEST(md5 ("12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890") == "57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a");
- // make sure the two versions of md5() always agree
- for (int num = 0; num < 2000; ++num)
- {
- std::string temp;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- temp += 'a';
- istringstream str(temp);
- DLIB_TEST(md5(temp) == md5(str));
- }
- }
- class md5_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- md5_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_md5",
- "Runs tests on the md5 component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- md5_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/member_function_pointer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/member_function_pointer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 72aa3aa35..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/member_function_pointer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/member_function_pointer.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.member_function_pointer");
- class mfp_test_helper_other
- {
- public:
- mfp_test_helper_other (
- ): i(-1) {}
- mutable int i;
- void go0 (
- ) { i = 0; }
- void go1 (
- int v1
- ) { i = 1*v1; }
- void go2 (
- int v1,int v2
- ) { i = 2*v1*v2; }
- void go3 (
- int v1,int v2,int v3
- ) { i = 3*v1*v2*v3; }
- void go4 (
- int v1,int v2,int v3,int v4
- ) { i = 4*v1*v2*v3*v4; }
- };
- class mfp_test_helper
- {
- public:
- mfp_test_helper (
- ): i(-1) {}
- mutable int i;
- void go0 (
- ) { i = 0; }
- void go1 (
- int v1
- ) { i = 1*v1; }
- void go2 (
- int v1,int v2
- ) { i = 2*v1*v2; }
- void go3 (
- int v1,int v2,int v3
- ) { i = 3*v1*v2*v3; }
- void go4 (
- int v1,int v2,int v3,int v4
- ) { i = 4*v1*v2*v3*v4; }
- };
- class mfp_test_helper_const
- {
- public:
- mfp_test_helper_const (
- ): i(-1) {}
- mutable int i;
- void go0 (
- ) const { i = 0; }
- void go1 (
- int v1
- ) const { i = 1*v1; }
- void go2 (
- int v1,int v2
- ) const { i = 2*v1*v2; }
- void go3 (
- int v1,int v2,int v3
- ) const { i = 3*v1*v2*v3; }
- void go4 (
- int v1,int v2,int v3,int v4
- ) const { i = 4*v1*v2*v3*v4; }
- };
- template <
- template <typename P1 = void, typename P2 = void, typename P3 = void, typename P4 = void> class mfp,
- typename test_helper
- >
- void member_function_pointer_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - mfp is an implementation of member_function_pointer/member_function_pointer_kernel_abstract.h
- ensures
- - runs tests on mfp for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- test_helper helper;
- mfp<> a0, b0;
- mfp<int> a1, b1;
- mfp<int,int> a2, b2;
- mfp<int,int,int> a3, b3;
- mfp<int,int,int,int> a4, b4;
- mfp<> a0c, b0c;
- mfp<int> a1c, b1c;
- mfp<int,int> a2c, b2c;
- mfp<int,int,int> a3c, b3c;
- mfp<int,int,int,int> a4c, b4c;
- DLIB_TEST(a0c == b0c);
- DLIB_TEST(a1c == b1c);
- DLIB_TEST(a2c == b2c);
- DLIB_TEST(a3c == b3c);
- DLIB_TEST(a4c == b4c);
- DLIB_TEST((a0c != b0c) == false);
- DLIB_TEST((a1c != b1c) == false);
- DLIB_TEST((a2c != b2c) == false);
- DLIB_TEST((a3c != b3c) == false);
- DLIB_TEST((a4c != b4c) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a0.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b0.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a0c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b0c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(!a0 );
- DLIB_TEST(!b0 );
- DLIB_TEST(!a0c);
- DLIB_TEST(!b0c);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b1.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b1c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(!a1 );
- DLIB_TEST(!b1 );
- DLIB_TEST(!a1c);
- DLIB_TEST(!b1c);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b2.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b2c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(!a2);
- DLIB_TEST(!b2);
- DLIB_TEST(!a2c);
- DLIB_TEST(!b2c);
- DLIB_TEST(a3.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b3.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a3c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b3c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(!a3);
- DLIB_TEST(!b3);
- DLIB_TEST(!a3c);
- DLIB_TEST(!b3c);
- DLIB_TEST(a4.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b4.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a4c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b4c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(!a4);
- DLIB_TEST(!b4);
- DLIB_TEST(!a4c);
- DLIB_TEST(!b4c);
- a0.set(helper,&test_helper::go0);
- a0c.set(helper,&test_helper::go0);
- DLIB_TEST(a0.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a0c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b0.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b0c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a0);
- DLIB_TEST(a0c);
- DLIB_TEST(!b0);
- DLIB_TEST(!b0c);
- a0 = a0;
- DLIB_TEST(a0 == a0);
- DLIB_TEST(!(a0 != a0));
- DLIB_TEST(a0.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a0c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b0.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b0c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a0);
- DLIB_TEST(a0c);
- DLIB_TEST(!b0);
- DLIB_TEST(!b0c);
- swap(a0,b0);
- swap(a0c,b0c);
- DLIB_TEST(a0.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a0c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b0.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b0c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(!a0);
- DLIB_TEST(!a0c);
- DLIB_TEST(b0);
- DLIB_TEST(b0c);
- a0 = b0;
- DLIB_TEST(a0 == a0);
- DLIB_TEST(a0 == b0);
- DLIB_TEST(!(a0 != b0));
- DLIB_TEST(a0.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a0c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b0.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b0c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a0 );
- DLIB_TEST(!a0c);
- DLIB_TEST(b0);
- DLIB_TEST(b0c);
- a0.clear();
- a0c.clear();
- b0.clear();
- b0c.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a0.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a0c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b0.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b0c.is_set() == false);
- a1.set(helper,&test_helper::go1);
- a1c.set(helper,&test_helper::go1);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a1c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b1.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b1c.is_set() == false);
- swap(a1,b1);
- swap(a1c,b1c);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b1.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b1c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(!a1);
- DLIB_TEST(!a1c);
- DLIB_TEST(b1);
- DLIB_TEST(b1c);
- a1 = b1;
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == a1);
- DLIB_TEST(a1 == b1);
- DLIB_TEST(!(a1 != b1));
- DLIB_TEST(a1.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a1c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b1.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b1c.is_set() == true);
- a1.clear();
- a1c.clear();
- b1.clear();
- b1c.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b1.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b1c.is_set() == false);
- a2.set(helper,&test_helper::go2);
- a2c.set(helper,&test_helper::go2);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a2c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b2.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b2c.is_set() == false);
- swap(a2,b2);
- swap(a2c,b2c);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b2.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b2c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(!a2);
- DLIB_TEST(!a2c);
- DLIB_TEST(b2);
- DLIB_TEST(b2c);
- if (b2)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(false);
- }
- if (a2c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(false);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(true);
- }
- a2 = b2;
- DLIB_TEST(a2 == a2);
- DLIB_TEST(a2 == b2);
- DLIB_TEST(!(a2 != b2));
- DLIB_TEST(a2.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a2c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b2.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b2c.is_set() == true);
- a2.clear();
- a2c.clear();
- b2.clear();
- b2c.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a2.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b2.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b2c.is_set() == false);
- a3.set(helper,&test_helper::go3);
- a3c.set(helper,&test_helper::go3);
- DLIB_TEST(a3.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a3c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b3.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b3c.is_set() == false);
- swap(a3,b3);
- swap(a3c,b3c);
- DLIB_TEST(a3.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a3c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b3.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b3c.is_set() == true);
- a3 = b3;
- DLIB_TEST(a3 == a3);
- DLIB_TEST(a3 == b3);
- DLIB_TEST(!(a3 != b3));
- DLIB_TEST(a3.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a3c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b3.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b3c.is_set() == true);
- a3.clear();
- a3c.clear();
- b3.clear();
- b3c.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a3.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a3c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b3.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b3c.is_set() == false);
- a4.set(helper,&test_helper::go4);
- a4c.set(helper,&test_helper::go4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a4c.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b4.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b4c.is_set() == false);
- swap(a4,b4);
- swap(a4c,b4c);
- DLIB_TEST(a4.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a4c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b4.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b4c.is_set() == true);
- a4 = b4;
- a4 = b4;
- a4 = b4;
- a4 = b4;
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == a4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == b4);
- DLIB_TEST(!(a4 != b4));
- DLIB_TEST(a4.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a4c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b4.is_set() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b4c.is_set() == true);
- a4.clear();
- a4c.clear();
- b4.clear();
- b4c.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a4.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a4c.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b4.is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b4c.is_set() == false);
- a0.set(helper,&test_helper::go0);
- a0c.set(helper,&test_helper::go0);
- b0 = a0;
- b0c = a0c;
- helper.i = -1;
- a0();
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 0);
- helper.i = -1;
- b0();
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 0);
- helper.i = -1;
- a0c();
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 0);
- helper.i = -1;
- b0c();
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 0);
- a1.set(helper,&test_helper::go1);
- a1c.set(helper,&test_helper::go1);
- b1 = a1;
- b1c = a1c;
- helper.i = -1;
- a1(1);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 1);
- helper.i = -1;
- b1(10);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 1*10);
- helper.i = -1;
- a1c(20);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 1*20);
- helper.i = -1;
- b1c(30);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 1*30);
- a2.set(helper,&test_helper::go2);
- a2c.set(helper,&test_helper::go2);
- b2 = a2;
- b2c = a2c;
- helper.i = -1;
- a2(1,2);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 2*1*2);
- helper.i = -1;
- b2(3,4);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 2*3*4);
- helper.i = -1;
- a2c(5,6);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 2*5*6);
- helper.i = -1;
- b2c(7,8);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 2*7*8);
- a3.set(helper,&test_helper::go3);
- a3c.set(helper,&test_helper::go3);
- b3 = a3;
- b3c = a3c;
- helper.i = -1;
- a3(1,2,3);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 3*1*2*3);
- helper.i = -1;
- b3(4,5,6);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 3*4*5*6);
- helper.i = -1;
- a3c(7,8,9);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 3*7*8*9);
- helper.i = -1;
- b3c(1,2,3);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 3*1*2*3);
- a4.set(helper,&test_helper::go4);
- a4c.set(helper,&test_helper::go4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == a4c);
- b4 = a4;
- b4c = a4c;
- helper.i = -1;
- a4(1,2,3,4);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 4*1*2*3*4);
- helper.i = -1;
- b4(5,6,7,8);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 4*5*6*7*8);
- helper.i = -1;
- a4c(9,1,2,3);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 4*9*1*2*3);
- helper.i = -1;
- b4c(4,5,6,7);
- DLIB_TEST(helper.i == 4*4*5*6*7);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == b4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == b4);
- a4.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a4 != b4);
- DLIB_TEST(!a4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == a4);
- a4 = a4;
- DLIB_TEST(a4 != b4);
- DLIB_TEST(!a4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == a4);
- mfp_test_helper_other other;
- a4.set(other,&mfp_test_helper_other::go4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 != b4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == a4);
- a4.set(helper,&test_helper::go4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == b4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4);
- DLIB_TEST(a4 == a4);
- }
- class member_function_pointer_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- member_function_pointer_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_member_function_pointer",
- "Runs tests on the member_function_pointer component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- member_function_pointer_kernel_test<member_function_pointer,mfp_test_helper>();
- member_function_pointer_kernel_test<member_function_pointer,mfp_test_helper_const>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/metaprogramming.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/metaprogramming.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 344d5ca3a..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/metaprogramming.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/algs.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.metaprogramming");
- void metaprogramming_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on template metaprogramming objects and functions for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(is_signed_type<signed char>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_signed_type<signed short>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_signed_type<signed int>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_signed_type<signed long>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_unsigned_type<signed char>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(is_unsigned_type<signed short>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(is_unsigned_type<signed int>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(is_unsigned_type<signed long>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(is_unsigned_type<unsigned char>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_unsigned_type<unsigned short>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_unsigned_type<unsigned int>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_unsigned_type<unsigned long>::value == true);
- DLIB_TEST(is_signed_type<unsigned char>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(is_signed_type<unsigned short>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(is_signed_type<unsigned int>::value == false);
- DLIB_TEST(is_signed_type<unsigned long>::value == false);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<signed char>::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<signed short>::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<signed int>::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<signed long>::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_unsigned_type<signed char>::value == false);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_unsigned_type<signed short>::value == false);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_unsigned_type<signed int>::value == false);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_unsigned_type<signed long>::value == false);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_unsigned_type<unsigned char>::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_unsigned_type<unsigned short>::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_unsigned_type<unsigned int>::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_unsigned_type<unsigned long>::value == true);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<unsigned char>::value == false);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<unsigned short>::value == false);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<unsigned int>::value == false);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type<unsigned long>::value == false);
- }
- class metaprogramming_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- metaprogramming_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_metaprogramming",
- "Runs tests on the metaprogramming objects and functions.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- metaprogramming_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/mpc.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/mpc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c0a98dd17..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/mpc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2015 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dlib/control.h>
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.mpc");
- template <
- typename EXP1,
- typename EXP2,
- typename T, long NR, long NC, typename MM, typename L
- >
- unsigned long solve_qp_box_using_smo (
- const matrix_exp<EXP1>& _Q,
- const matrix_exp<EXP2>& _b,
- matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L>& alpha,
- matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L>& lower,
- matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L>& upper,
- T eps,
- unsigned long max_iter
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - solves: 0.5*trans(x)*Q*x + trans(b)*x where x is box constrained.
- !*/
- {
- const_temp_matrix<EXP1> Q(_Q);
- const_temp_matrix<EXP2> b(_b);
- //cout << "IN QP SOLVER" << endl;
- //cout << "max eig: " << max(real_eigenvalues(Q)) << endl;
- //cout << "min eig: " << min(real_eigenvalues(Q)) << endl;
- //cout << "Q: \n" << Q << endl;
- //cout << "b: \n" << b << endl;
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT( == &&
- alpha.size() == lower.size() &&
- alpha.size() == upper.size() &&
- is_col_vector(b) &&
- is_col_vector(alpha) &&
- is_col_vector(lower) &&
- is_col_vector(upper) &&
- b.size() == alpha.size() &&
- b.size() == &&
- alpha.size() > 0 &&
- 0 <= min(alpha-lower) &&
- 0 <= max(upper-alpha) &&
- eps > 0 &&
- max_iter > 0,
- "\t unsigned long solve_qp_box_using_smo()"
- << "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function"
- << "\n\t " <<
- << "\n\t " <<
- << "\n\t is_col_vector(b): " << is_col_vector(b)
- << "\n\t is_col_vector(alpha): " << is_col_vector(alpha)
- << "\n\t is_col_vector(lower): " << is_col_vector(lower)
- << "\n\t is_col_vector(upper): " << is_col_vector(upper)
- << "\n\t b.size(): " << b.size()
- << "\n\t alpha.size(): " << alpha.size()
- << "\n\t lower.size(): " << lower.size()
- << "\n\t upper.size(): " << upper.size()
- << "\n\t " <<
- << "\n\t min(alpha-lower): " << min(alpha-lower)
- << "\n\t max(upper-alpha): " << max(upper-alpha)
- << "\n\t eps: " << eps
- << "\n\t max_iter: " << max_iter
- );
- // Compute f'(alpha) (i.e. the gradient of f(alpha)) for the current alpha.
- matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L> df = Q*alpha + b;
- matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L> QQ = reciprocal_max(diag(Q));
- unsigned long iter = 0;
- for (; iter < max_iter; ++iter)
- {
- T max_df = 0;
- long best_r =0;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- if (alpha(r) <= lower(r) && df(r) > 0)
- ;//alpha(r) = lower(r);
- else if (alpha(r) >= upper(r) && df(r) < 0)
- ;//alpha(r) = upper(r);
- else if (std::abs(df(r)) > max_df)
- {
- best_r = r;
- max_df = std::abs(df(r));
- }
- }
- //for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- long r = best_r;
- {
- const T old_alpha = alpha(r);
- alpha(r) = -(df(r)-Q(r,r)*alpha(r))*QQ(r);
- if (alpha(r) < lower(r))
- alpha(r) = lower(r);
- else if (alpha(r) > upper(r))
- alpha(r) = upper(r);
- const T delta = old_alpha-alpha(r);
- // Now update the gradient. We will perform the equivalent of: df = Q*alpha + b;
- for(long k = 0; k <; ++k)
- df(k) -= Q(r,k)*delta;
- }
- if (max_df < eps)
- break;
- }
- //cout << "df: \n" << trans(df) << endl;
- //cout << "objective value: " << 0.5*trans(alpha)*Q*alpha + trans(b)*alpha << endl;
- return iter+1;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace impl_mpc
- {
- template <long N>
- void pack(
- matrix<double,0,1>& out,
- const std::vector<matrix<double,N,1> >& item
- )
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(item.size() != 0,"");
- out.set_size(item.size()*item[0].size());
- long j = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < item.size(); ++i)
- for (long r = 0; r < item[i].size(); ++r)
- out(j++) = item[i](r);
- }
- template <long N>
- void pack(
- matrix<double,0,1>& out,
- const matrix<double,N,1>& item,
- const long num
- )
- {
- out.set_size(item.size()*num);
- long j = 0;
- for (long r = 0; r < num; ++r)
- for (long i = 0; i < item.size(); ++i)
- out(j++) = item(i);
- }
- template <long N>
- void unpack(
- std::vector<matrix<double,N,1> >& out,
- const matrix<double,0,1>& item
- )
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(out.size() != 0,"");
- DLIB_CASSERT((long)out.size()*out[0].size() == item.size(),"");
- long j = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i)
- for (long r = 0; r < out[i].size(); ++r)
- out[i](r) = item(j++);
- }
- }
- template <long S, long I>
- unsigned long solve_linear_mpc (
- const matrix<double,S,S>& A,
- const matrix<double,S,I>& B,
- const matrix<double,S,1>& C,
- const matrix<double,S,1>& Q,
- const matrix<double,I,1>& R,
- const matrix<double,I,1>& _lower,
- const matrix<double,I,1>& _upper,
- const std::vector<matrix<double,S,1> >& target,
- const matrix<double,S,1>& initial_state,
- std::vector<matrix<double,I,1> >& controls // input and output
- )
- {
- using namespace impl_mpc;
- DLIB_CASSERT(target.size() == controls.size(),"");
- matrix<double> K(*controls.size(),*controls.size());
- matrix<double,0,1> M(*controls.size());
- // compute powers of A: Apow[i] == A^i
- std::vector<matrix<double,S,S> > Apow(controls.size());
- Apow[0] = identity_matrix(A);
- for (unsigned long i = 1; i < Apow.size(); ++i)
- Apow[i] = A*Apow[i-1];
- // fill in K
- K = 0;
- for (unsigned long r = 0; r < controls.size(); ++r)
- for (unsigned long c = 0; c <= r; ++c)
- set_subm(K,r*,c*,, = Apow[r-c]*B;
- // fill in M
- set_subm(M,0*,0,,1) = A*initial_state + C;
- for (unsigned long i = 1; i < controls.size(); ++i)
- set_subm(M,i*,0,,1) = A*subm(M,(i-1)*,0,,1) + C;
- //cout << "M: \n" << M << endl;
- //cout << "K: \n" << K << endl;
- matrix<double,0,1> t, v, lower, upper;
- pack(t, target);
- pack(v, controls);
- pack(lower, _lower, controls.size());
- pack(upper, _upper, controls.size());
- matrix<double> QQ(,, RR(,;
- QQ = 0;
- RR = 0;
- for (unsigned long c = 0; c < controls.size(); ++c)
- {
- set_subm(QQ,c*,c*,, = diagm(Q);
- set_subm(RR,c*,c*,, = diagm(R);
- }
- matrix<double> m1 = trans(K)*QQ*K+RR;
- matrix<double> m2 = trans(K)*QQ*(M-t);
- // run the solver...
- unsigned long iter;
- iter = solve_qp_box_using_smo(
- m1,
- m2,
- v,
- lower,
- upper,
- 0.00000001,
- 100000);
- //cout << "iterations: " << iter << endl;
- unpack(controls, v);
- return iter;
- }
- class test_mpc : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_mpc (
- ) :
- tester ("test_mpc",
- "Runs tests on the mpc object.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- // a basic position + velocity model
- matrix<double,2,2> A;
- A = 1, 1,
- 0, 1;
- matrix<double,2,1> B, C;
- B = 0,
- 1;
- C = 0.02,0.1; // no constant bias
- matrix<double,2,1> Q;
- Q = 2, 0; // only care about getting the position right
- matrix<double,1,1> R, lower, upper;
- R = 1;
- lower = -0.2;
- upper = 0.2;
- std::vector<matrix<double,1,1> > controls(30);
- std::vector<matrix<double,2,1> > target(30);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < controls.size(); ++i)
- {
- controls[i] = 0;
- target[i] = 0;
- }
- mpc<2,1,30> solver(A,B,C,Q,R,lower,upper);
- solver.set_epsilon(0.00000001);
- solver.set_max_iterations(10000);
- matrix<double,2,1> initial_state;
- initial_state = 0;
- initial_state(0) = 5;
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double,1,1> control = solver(initial_state);
- for (unsigned long i = 1; i < controls.size(); ++i)
- controls[i-1] = controls[i];
- // Compute the correct control via SMO and make sure it matches.
- solve_linear_mpc(A,B,C,Q,R,lower,upper, target, initial_state, controls);
- dlog << LINFO << "ERROR: " << length(control-controls[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(length(control-controls[0]) < 1e-7);
- initial_state = A*initial_state + B*control + C;
- //cout << control(0) << "\t" << trans(initial_state);
- }
- {
- // also just generally test our QP solver.
- matrix<double,20,20> Q = gaussian_randm(20,20,5);
- Q = Q*trans(Q);
- matrix<double,20,1> b = randm(20,1)-0.5;
- matrix<double,20,1> alpha, lower, upper, alpha2;
- alpha = 0;
- alpha2 = 0;
- lower = -4;
- upper = 3;
- solve_qp_box_using_smo(Q,b,alpha,lower, upper, 0.000000001, 500000);
- solve_qp_box_constrained(Q,b,alpha2,lower, upper, 0.000000001, 50000);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(alpha);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(alpha2);
- dlog << LINFO << "objective value: " << 0.5*trans(alpha)*Q*alpha + trans(b)*alpha;
- dlog << LINFO << "objective value2: " << 0.5*trans(alpha2)*Q*alpha + trans(b)*alpha2;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(alpha-alpha2)) < 1e-7, max(abs(alpha-alpha2)));
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/multithreaded_object.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/multithreaded_object.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 96f8ea26e..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/multithreaded_object.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dlib/threads.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.multithreaded_object");
- dlib::mutex cm;
- int count;
- class test1 : multithreaded_object
- {
- public:
- test1 ()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- clear();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- }
- ~test1 ()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- stop();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- wait();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- }
- private:
- };
- class test2 : private multithreaded_object
- {
- public:
- test2()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- register_thread(*this,&test2::thread);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- clear();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- register_thread(*this,&test2::thread);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- }
- ~test2()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- stop();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- wait();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- }
- private:
- void thread()
- {
- auto_mutex M(cm);
- ++count;
- }
- };
- class test3_c1 : private multithreaded_object
- {
- public:
- test3_c1()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- register_thread(*this,&test3_c1::thread);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- start();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == true);
- }
- ~test3_c1()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- stop();
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- wait();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- }
- private:
- void thread()
- {
- cm.lock();
- ++count;
- cm.unlock();
- // wait until we are supposed to stop
- while (!should_stop())
- dlib::sleep(1);
- }
- };
- class test4_c2 : private multithreaded_object
- {
- public:
- test4_c2()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- register_thread(*this,&test4_c2::thread);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- start();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == true);
- register_thread(*this,&test4_c2::thread);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == true);
- start();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == true);
- start();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == true);
- start();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == true);
- start();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == true);
- pause();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- }
- ~test4_c2()
- {
- try
- {
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(is_running() == false,"is_running(): " << is_running());
- stop();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- wait();
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_registered() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(number_of_threads_alive() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(is_running() == false);
- }
- catch(std::exception& e)
- {
- std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- private:
- void thread()
- {
- auto_mutex M(cm);
- ++count;
- while (!should_stop())
- dlib::sleep(10);
- }
- };
- class test5 : private multithreaded_object
- {
- public:
- test5()
- {
- register_thread(*this,&test5::thread1);
- register_thread(*this,&test5::thread2);
- register_thread(*this,&test5::thread3);
- register_thread(*this,&test5::thread3);
- start();
- }
- ~test5()
- {
- stop();
- wait();
- }
- private:
- void thread1()
- {
- while (!should_stop())
- dlib::sleep(10);
- }
- void thread2()
- {
- while (!should_stop())
- dlib::sleep(10);
- }
- void thread3()
- {
- while (!should_stop())
- dlib::sleep(10);
- }
- };
- void multithreaded_object_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on dlib::multithreaded_object for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- {
- test1 a1;
- test2 a2;
- test3_c1 a3;
- test4_c2 a4;
- test5 a5;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == (i+1)*3);
- print_spinner();
- }
- count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- {
- test1 a1;
- test2 a2;
- test3_c1 a3;
- test4_c2 a4;
- test5 a5;
- dlib::sleep(50);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == (i+1)*3);
- print_spinner();
- }
- }
- class multithreaded_object_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- multithreaded_object_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_multithreaded_object",
- "Runs tests on the multithreaded_object component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- multithreaded_object_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/numerical_integration.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/numerical_integration.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d0e247623..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/numerical_integration.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2013 Steve Taylor (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-// This function test battery is given in:
-// Test functions taken from Pedro Gonnet's dissertation at ETH:
-// Adaptive Quadrature Re-Revisited
-#include <math.h>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <dlib/numeric_constants.h>
-#include <dlib/numerical_integration.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.numerical_integration");
- class numerical_integration_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- numerical_integration_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_numerical_integration",
- "Runs tests on the numerical integration function.",
- 0
- )
- {}
- void perform_test()
- {
- dlog <<dlib::LINFO << "Testing integrate_function_adapt_simpson";
- matrix<double,23,1> m;
- double tol = 1e-10;
- double eps = 1e-8;
- m(0) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg1, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(1) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg2, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(2) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg3, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(3) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg4, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(4) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg5, -1.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(5) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg6, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(6) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg7, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(7) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg8, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(8) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg9, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(9) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg10, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(10) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg11, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(11) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg12, 1e-6, 1.0, tol);
- m(12) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg13, 0.0, 10.0, tol);
- m(13) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg14, 0.0, 10.0, tol);
- m(14) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg15, 0.0, 10.0, tol);
- m(15) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg16, 0.01, 1.0, tol);
- m(16) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg17, 0.0, pi, tol);
- m(17) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg18, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(18) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg19, -1.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(19) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg20, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(20) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg21, 0.0, 1.0, tol);
- m(21) = integrate_function_adapt_simp(&gg22, 0.0, 5.0, tol);
- // Here we compare the approximated integrals against
- // highly accurate approximations generated either from
- // the exact integral values or Mathematica's NIntegrate
- // function using a working precision of 20.
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(0) - 1.7182818284590452354) < 1e-11);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(1) - 0.7000000000000000000) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(2) - 0.6666666666666666667) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(3) - 0.2397141133444008336) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(4) - 1.5822329637296729331) < 1e-11);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(5) - 0.4000000000000000000) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(6) - 2.0000000000000000000) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(7) - 0.8669729873399110375) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(8) - 1.1547005383792515290) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(9) - 0.6931471805599453094) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(10) - 0.3798854930417224753) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(11) - 0.7775036341124982763) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(12) - 0.5000000000000000000) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(13) - 1.0000000000000000000) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(14) - 0.4993633810764567446) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(15) - 0.1121393035410217 ) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(16) - 0.2910187828600526985) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(17) + 0.4342944819032518276) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(18) - 1.56439644406905 ) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(19) - 0.1634949430186372261) < eps);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(m(20) - 0.0134924856494677726) < eps);
- }
- static double gg1(double x)
- {
- return pow(e,x);
- }
- static double gg2(double x)
- {
- if(x > 0.3)
- {
- return 1.0;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- static double gg3(double x)
- {
- return pow(x,0.5);
- }
- static double gg4(double x)
- {
- return 23.0/25.0*cosh(x)-cos(x);
- }
- static double gg5(double x)
- {
- return 1/(pow(x,4) + pow(x,2) + 0.9);
- }
- static double gg6(double x)
- {
- return pow(x,1.5);
- }
- static double gg7(double x)
- {
- return pow(x,-0.5);
- }
- static double gg8(double x)
- {
- return 1/(1 + pow(x,4));
- }
- static double gg9(double x)
- {
- return 2/(2 + sin(10*pi*x));
- }
- static double gg10(double x)
- {
- return 1/(1+x);
- }
- static double gg11(double x)
- {
- return 1.0/(1 + pow(e,x));
- }
- static double gg12(double x)
- {
- return x/(pow(e,x)-1.0);
- }
- static double gg13(double x)
- {
- return sqrt(50.0)*pow(e,-50.0*pi*x*x);
- }
- static double gg14(double x)
- {
- return 25.0*pow(e,-25.0*x);
- }
- static double gg15(double x)
- {
- return 50.0/(pi*(2500.0*x*x+1));
- }
- static double gg16(double x)
- {
- return 50.0*pow((sin(50.0*pi*x)/(50.0*pi*x)),2);
- }
- static double gg17(double x)
- {
- return cos(cos(x)+3*sin(x)+2*cos(2*x)+3*cos(3*x));
- }
- static double gg18(double x)
- {
- return log10(x);
- }
- static double gg19(double x)
- {
- return 1/(1.005+x*x);
- }
- static double gg20(double x)
- {
- return 1/cosh(20.0*(x-1.0/5.0)) + 1/cosh(400.0*(x-2.0/5.0))
- + 1/cosh(8000.0*(x-3.0/5.0));
- }
- static double gg21(double x)
- {
- return 1.0/(1.0+(230.0*x-30.0)*(230.0*x-30.0));
- }
- static double gg22(double x)
- {
- if(x < 1)
- {
- return (x + 1.0);
- }
- else if(x >= 1 && x <= 3)
- {
- return (3.0 - x);
- }
- else
- {
- return 2.0;
- }
- }
- };
- numerical_integration_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/object_detector.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/object_detector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fdb72f520..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/object_detector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1028 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/pixel.h>
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/array.h>
-#include <dlib/set_utils.h>
-#include <dlib/array2d.h>
-#include <dlib/image_keypoint.h>
-#include <dlib/image_processing.h>
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.object_detector");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct funny_image
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- long nr() const { return; }
- long nc() const { return; }
- };
- void swap(funny_image& a, funny_image& b)
- {
- a.img.swap(b.img);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename image_array_type,
- typename detector_type
- >
- void validate_some_object_detector_stuff (
- const image_array_type& images,
- detector_type& detector,
- double eps = 1e-10
- )
- {
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
- {
- std::vector<rectangle> dets = detector(images[i]);
- std::vector<std::pair<double,rectangle> > dets2;
- detector(images[i], dets2);
- matrix<double,0,1> psi(detector.get_w().size());
- matrix<double,0,1> psi2(detector.get_w().size());
- const double thresh = detector.get_w()(detector.get_w().size()-1);
- DLIB_TEST(dets.size() == dets2.size());
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < dets.size(); ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(dets[j] == dets2[j].second);
- const full_object_detection fdet = detector.get_scanner().get_full_object_detection(dets[j], detector.get_w());
- psi = 0;
- detector.get_scanner().get_feature_vector(fdet, psi);
- double check_score = dot(psi,detector.get_w()) - thresh;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(check_score - dets2[j].first) < eps, std::abs(check_score - dets2[j].first) << " check_score: "<< check_score);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class very_simple_feature_extractor : noncopyable
- {
- /*!
- This object is a feature extractor which goes to every pixel in an image and
- produces a 32 dimensional feature vector. This vector is an indicator vector
- which records the pattern of pixel values in a 4-connected region. So it should
- be able to distinguish basic things like whether or not a location falls on the
- corner of a white box, on an edge, in the middle, etc.
- Note that this object also implements the interface defined in dlib/image_keypoint/hashed_feature_image_abstract.h.
- This means all the member functions in this object are supposed to behave as
- described in the hashed_feature_image specification. So when you define your own
- feature extractor objects you should probably refer yourself to that documentation
- in addition to reading this example program.
- !*/
- public:
- inline void load (
- const funny_image& img_
- )
- {
- const array2d<unsigned char>& img = img_.img;
- feat_image.set_size(,;
- assign_all_pixels(feat_image,0);
- for (long r = 1; r+1 <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 1; c+1 <; ++c)
- {
- unsigned char f = 0;
- if (img[r][c]) f |= 0x1;
- if (img[r][c+1]) f |= 0x2;
- if (img[r][c-1]) f |= 0x4;
- if (img[r+1][c]) f |= 0x8;
- if (img[r-1][c]) f |= 0x10;
- // Store the code value for the pattern of pixel values in the 4-connected
- // neighborhood around this row and column.
- feat_image[r][c] = f;
- }
- }
- }
- inline void load (
- const array2d<unsigned char>& img
- )
- {
- feat_image.set_size(,;
- assign_all_pixels(feat_image,0);
- for (long r = 1; r+1 <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 1; c+1 <; ++c)
- {
- unsigned char f = 0;
- if (img[r][c]) f |= 0x1;
- if (img[r][c+1]) f |= 0x2;
- if (img[r][c-1]) f |= 0x4;
- if (img[r+1][c]) f |= 0x8;
- if (img[r-1][c]) f |= 0x10;
- // Store the code value for the pattern of pixel values in the 4-connected
- // neighborhood around this row and column.
- feat_image[r][c] = f;
- }
- }
- }
- inline size_t size () const { return feat_image.size(); }
- inline long nr () const { return; }
- inline long nc () const { return; }
- inline long get_num_dimensions (
- ) const
- {
- // Return the dimensionality of the vectors produced by operator()
- return 32;
- }
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int,double> > descriptor_type;
- inline const descriptor_type& operator() (
- long row,
- long col
- ) const
- /*!
- requires
- - 0 <= row < nr()
- - 0 <= col < nc()
- ensures
- - returns a sparse vector which describes the image at the given row and column.
- In particular, this is a vector that is 0 everywhere except for one element.
- !*/
- {
- feat.clear();
- const unsigned long only_nonzero_element_index = feat_image[row][col];
- feat.push_back(make_pair(only_nonzero_element_index,1.0));
- return feat;
- }
- // This block of functions is meant to provide a way to map between the row/col space taken by
- // this object's operator() function and the images supplied to load(). In this example it's trivial.
- // However, in general, you might create feature extractors which don't perform extraction at every
- // possible image location (e.g. the hog_image) and thus result in some more complex mapping.
- inline const rectangle get_block_rect ( long row, long col) const { return centered_rect(col,row,3,3); }
- inline const point image_to_feat_space ( const point& p) const { return p; }
- inline const rectangle image_to_feat_space ( const rectangle& rect) const { return rect; }
- inline const point feat_to_image_space ( const point& p) const { return p; }
- inline const rectangle feat_to_image_space ( const rectangle& rect) const { return rect; }
- inline friend void serialize ( const very_simple_feature_extractor& item, std::ostream& out) { serialize(item.feat_image, out); }
- inline friend void deserialize ( very_simple_feature_extractor& item, std::istream& in ) { deserialize(item.feat_image, in); }
- void copy_configuration ( const very_simple_feature_extractor& ){}
- private:
- array2d<unsigned char> feat_image;
- // This variable doesn't logically contribute to the state of this object. It is here
- // only to avoid returning a descriptor_type object by value inside the operator() method.
- mutable descriptor_type feat;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename image_array_type
- >
- void make_simple_test_data (
- image_array_type& images,
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& object_locations
- )
- {
- images.clear();
- object_locations.clear();
- images.resize(3);
- images[0].set_size(400,400);
- images[1].set_size(400,400);
- images[2].set_size(400,400);
- // set all the pixel values to black
- assign_all_pixels(images[0], 0);
- assign_all_pixels(images[1], 0);
- assign_all_pixels(images[2], 0);
- // Now make some squares and draw them onto our black images. All the
- // squares will be 70 pixels wide and tall.
- std::vector<rectangle> temp;
- temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(100,100), 70,70));
- fill_rect(images[0],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
- temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(200,300), 70,70));
- fill_rect(images[0],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
- object_locations.push_back(temp);
- temp.clear();
- temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(140,200), 70,70));
- fill_rect(images[1],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
- temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(303,200), 70,70));
- fill_rect(images[1],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
- object_locations.push_back(temp);
- temp.clear();
- temp.push_back(centered_rect(point(123,121), 70,70));
- fill_rect(images[2],temp.back(),255); // Paint the square white
- object_locations.push_back(temp);
- // corrupt each image with random noise just to make this a little more
- // challenging
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r < images[i].nr(); ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < images[i].nc(); ++c)
- {
- typedef typename image_array_type::type image_type;
- typedef typename image_type::type type;
- images[i][r][c] = (type)put_in_range(0,255,images[i][r][c] + 10*rnd.get_random_gaussian());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template <
- typename image_array_type
- >
- void make_simple_test_data (
- image_array_type& images,
- std::vector<std::vector<full_object_detection> >& object_locations
- )
- {
- images.clear();
- object_locations.clear();
- images.resize(3);
- images[0].set_size(400,400);
- images[1].set_size(400,400);
- images[2].set_size(400,400);
- // set all the pixel values to black
- assign_all_pixels(images[0], 0);
- assign_all_pixels(images[1], 0);
- assign_all_pixels(images[2], 0);
- // Now make some squares and draw them onto our black images. All the
- // squares will be 70 pixels wide and tall.
- const int shrink = 0;
- std::vector<full_object_detection> temp;
- rectangle rect = centered_rect(point(100,100), 70,71);
- std::vector<point> movable_parts;
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tr_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).bl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).br_corner());
- temp.push_back(full_object_detection(rect, movable_parts));
- fill_rect(images[0],rect,255); // Paint the square white
- rect = centered_rect(point(200,200), 70,71);
- movable_parts.clear();
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tr_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).bl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).br_corner());
- temp.push_back(full_object_detection(rect, movable_parts));
- fill_rect(images[0],rect,255); // Paint the square white
- object_locations.push_back(temp);
- // ------------------------------------
- temp.clear();
- rect = centered_rect(point(140,200), 70,71);
- movable_parts.clear();
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tr_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).bl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).br_corner());
- temp.push_back(full_object_detection(rect, movable_parts));
- fill_rect(images[1],rect,255); // Paint the square white
- rect = centered_rect(point(303,200), 70,71);
- movable_parts.clear();
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tr_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).bl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).br_corner());
- temp.push_back(full_object_detection(rect, movable_parts));
- fill_rect(images[1],rect,255); // Paint the square white
- object_locations.push_back(temp);
- // ------------------------------------
- temp.clear();
- rect = centered_rect(point(123,121), 70,71);
- movable_parts.clear();
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).tr_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).bl_corner());
- movable_parts.push_back(shrink_rect(rect,shrink).br_corner());
- temp.push_back(full_object_detection(rect, movable_parts));
- fill_rect(images[2],rect,255); // Paint the square white
- object_locations.push_back(temp);
- // corrupt each image with random noise just to make this a little more
- // challenging
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r < images[i].nr(); ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < images[i].nc(); ++c)
- {
- typedef typename image_array_type::type image_type;
- typedef typename image_type::type type;
- images[i][r][c] = (type)put_in_range(0,255,images[i][r][c] + 40*rnd.get_random_gaussian());
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_fhog_pyramid (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_fhog_pyramid()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef scan_fhog_pyramid<pyramid_down<2> > image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- scanner.set_detection_window_size(35,35);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer.set_overlap_tester(test_box_overlap(0,0));
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector, 1e-6);
- }
- {
- std::vector<object_detector<image_scanner_type> > detectors;
- detectors.push_back(detector);
- detectors.push_back(detector);
- detectors.push_back(detector);
- std::vector<rectangle> dets1 = evaluate_detectors(detectors, images[0]);
- std::vector<rectangle> dets2 = detector(images[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(dets1.size() > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(dets2.size()*3 == dets1.size());
- dlib::set<rectangle>::kernel_1a_c d1, d2;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets1.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (!d1.is_member(dets1[i]))
- d1.add(dets1[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets2.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (!d2.is_member(dets2[i]))
- d2.add(dets2[i]);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(d1.size() == d2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(set_intersection_size(d1,d2) == d1.size());
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_1 (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_1()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef hashed_feature_image<hog_image<3,3,1,4,hog_signed_gradient,hog_full_interpolation> > feature_extractor_type;
- typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<2>, feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- const rectangle object_box = compute_box_dimensions(1,35*35);
- scanner.add_detection_template(object_box, create_grid_detection_template(object_box,2,2));
- setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, 9);
- use_uniform_feature_weights(scanner);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer.set_overlap_tester(test_box_overlap(0,0));
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_1_boxes (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_1_boxes()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef hashed_feature_image<hog_image<3,3,1,4,hog_signed_gradient,hog_full_interpolation> > feature_extractor_type;
- typedef scan_image_boxes<feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, 9);
- use_uniform_feature_weights(scanner);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer.set_overlap_tester(test_box_overlap(0,0));
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_1m (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_1m()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<full_object_detection> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef hashed_feature_image<hog_image<3,3,1,4,hog_signed_gradient,hog_full_interpolation> > feature_extractor_type;
- typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<2>, feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- const rectangle object_box = compute_box_dimensions(1,35*35);
- std::vector<rectangle> mboxes;
- const int mbox_size = 20;
- mboxes.push_back(centered_rect(0,0, mbox_size,mbox_size));
- mboxes.push_back(centered_rect(0,0, mbox_size,mbox_size));
- mboxes.push_back(centered_rect(0,0, mbox_size,mbox_size));
- mboxes.push_back(centered_rect(0,0, mbox_size,mbox_size));
- scanner.add_detection_template(object_box, create_grid_detection_template(object_box,1,1), mboxes);
- setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, 9);
- use_uniform_feature_weights(scanner);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer.set_overlap_tester(test_box_overlap(0,0));
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_1_fine_hog (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_1_fine_hog()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef hashed_feature_image<fine_hog_image<3,3,2,4,hog_signed_gradient> > feature_extractor_type;
- typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<2>, feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- const rectangle object_box = compute_box_dimensions(1,35*35);
- scanner.add_detection_template(object_box, create_grid_detection_template(object_box,2,2));
- setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, 9);
- use_uniform_feature_weights(scanner);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer.set_overlap_tester(test_box_overlap(0,0));
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_1_poly (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_1_poly()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef hashed_feature_image<poly_image<2> > feature_extractor_type;
- typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<2>, feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- const rectangle object_box = compute_box_dimensions(1,35*35);
- scanner.add_detection_template(object_box, create_grid_detection_template(object_box,2,2));
- setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, 9);
- use_uniform_feature_weights(scanner);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer.set_overlap_tester(test_box_overlap(0,0));
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_1m_poly (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_1_poly()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<full_object_detection> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef hashed_feature_image<poly_image<2> > feature_extractor_type;
- typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<3>, feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- const rectangle object_box = compute_box_dimensions(1,35*35);
- std::vector<rectangle> mboxes;
- const int mbox_size = 20;
- mboxes.push_back(centered_rect(0,0, mbox_size,mbox_size));
- mboxes.push_back(centered_rect(0,0, mbox_size,mbox_size));
- mboxes.push_back(centered_rect(0,0, mbox_size,mbox_size));
- mboxes.push_back(centered_rect(0,0, mbox_size,mbox_size));
- scanner.add_detection_template(object_box, create_grid_detection_template(object_box,2,2), mboxes);
- setup_hashed_features(scanner, images, 9);
- use_uniform_feature_weights(scanner);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer.set_overlap_tester(test_box_overlap(0,0));
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_1_poly_nn (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_1_poly_nn()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef nearest_neighbor_feature_image<poly_image<5> > feature_extractor_type;
- typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<2>, feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- setup_grid_detection_templates(scanner, object_locations, 2, 2);
- feature_extractor_type nnfe;
- pyramid_down<2> pyr_down;
- poly_image<5> polyi;
- nnfe.set_basis(randomly_sample_image_features(images, pyr_down, polyi, 80));
- scanner.copy_configuration(nnfe);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_1_poly_nn_boxes (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_1_poly_nn_boxes()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef nearest_neighbor_feature_image<poly_image<5> > feature_extractor_type;
- typedef scan_image_boxes<feature_extractor_type> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- feature_extractor_type nnfe;
- pyramid_down<2> pyr_down;
- poly_image<5> polyi;
- nnfe.set_basis(randomly_sample_image_features(images, pyr_down, polyi, 80));
- scanner.copy_configuration(nnfe);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_2 (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_2()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images, object_locations);
- typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down<5>, very_simple_feature_extractor> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- const rectangle object_box = compute_box_dimensions(1,70*70);
- scanner.add_detection_template(object_box, create_grid_detection_template(object_box,2,2));
- scanner.set_max_pyramid_levels(1);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(0);
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- res = cross_validate_object_detection_trainer(trainer, images, object_locations, 3);
- dlog << LINFO << "3-fold cross validation (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- validate_some_object_detector_stuff(images, detector);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class pyramid_down_funny : noncopyable
- {
- pyramid_down<2> pyr;
- public:
- template <typename T>
- dlib::vector<double,2> point_down ( const dlib::vector<T,2>& p) const { return pyr.point_down(p); }
- template <typename T>
- dlib::vector<double,2> point_up ( const dlib::vector<T,2>& p) const { return pyr.point_up(p); }
- template <typename T>
- dlib::vector<double,2> point_down ( const dlib::vector<T,2>& p, unsigned int levels) const { return pyr.point_down(p,levels); }
- template <typename T>
- dlib::vector<double,2> point_up ( const dlib::vector<T,2>& p, unsigned int levels) const { return pyr.point_up(p,levels); }
- rectangle rect_up ( const rectangle& rect) const { return pyr.rect_up(rect); }
- rectangle rect_up ( const rectangle& rect, unsigned int levels) const { return pyr.rect_up(rect,levels); }
- rectangle rect_down ( const rectangle& rect) const { return pyr.rect_down(rect); }
- rectangle rect_down ( const rectangle& rect, unsigned int levels) const { return pyr.rect_down(rect,levels); }
- template <
- typename in_image_type,
- typename out_image_type
- >
- void operator() (
- const in_image_type& original,
- out_image_type& down
- ) const
- {
- pyr(original.img, down.img);
- }
- };
- // make sure everything works even when the image isn't a dlib::array2d.
- // So test with funny_image.
- void test_3 (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_3()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- typedef dlib::array<funny_image> funny_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images_temp;
- funny_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images_temp, object_locations);
- images.resize(images_temp.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images_temp.size(); ++i)
- {
- images[i].img.swap(images_temp[i]);
- }
- typedef scan_image_pyramid<pyramid_down_funny, very_simple_feature_extractor> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- const rectangle object_box = compute_box_dimensions(1,70*70);
- scanner.add_detection_template(object_box, create_grid_detection_template(object_box,2,2));
- scanner.set_max_pyramid_levels(1);
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- res = cross_validate_object_detection_trainer(trainer, images, object_locations, 3);
- dlog << LINFO << "3-fold cross validation (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class funny_box_generator
- {
- public:
- template <typename image_type>
- void operator() (
- const image_type& img,
- std::vector<rectangle>& rects
- ) const
- {
- rects.clear();
- find_candidate_object_locations(img.img, rects);
- dlog << LINFO << "funny_box_generator, rects.size(): "<< rects.size();
- }
- };
- inline void serialize(const funny_box_generator&, std::ostream& ) {}
- inline void deserialize(funny_box_generator&, std::istream& ) {}
- // make sure everything works even when the image isn't a dlib::array2d.
- // So test with funny_image.
- void test_3_boxes (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_3_boxes()";
- typedef dlib::array<array2d<unsigned char> > grayscale_image_array_type;
- typedef dlib::array<funny_image> funny_image_array_type;
- grayscale_image_array_type images_temp;
- funny_image_array_type images;
- std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > object_locations;
- make_simple_test_data(images_temp, object_locations);
- images.resize(images_temp.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images_temp.size(); ++i)
- {
- images[i].img.swap(images_temp[i]);
- }
- typedef scan_image_boxes<very_simple_feature_extractor, funny_box_generator> image_scanner_type;
- image_scanner_type scanner;
- structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> detector = trainer.train(images, object_locations);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- res = cross_validate_object_detection_trainer(trainer, images, object_locations, 3);
- dlog << LINFO << "3-fold cross validation (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(detector, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- object_detector<image_scanner_type> d2;
- deserialize(d2, sin);
- matrix<double> res = test_object_detection_function(d2, images, object_locations);
- dlog << LINFO << "Test detector (precision,recall): " << res;
- DLIB_TEST(sum(res) == 3);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class object_detector_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- object_detector_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_object_detector",
- "Runs tests on the structural object detection stuff.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_fhog_pyramid();
- test_1_boxes();
- test_1_poly_nn_boxes();
- test_3_boxes();
- test_1();
- test_1m();
- test_1_fine_hog();
- test_1_poly();
- test_1m_poly();
- test_1_poly_nn();
- test_2();
- test_3();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/oca.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/oca.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 97881a758..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/oca.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.oca");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_oca : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_oca (
- ) :
- tester ("test_oca",
- "Runs tests on the oca component.")
- {
- }
- void perform_test(
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> w_type;
- w_type w;
- decision_function<linear_kernel<w_type> > df;
- svm_c_linear_trainer<linear_kernel<w_type> > trainer;
- trainer.set_c_class1(2);
- trainer.set_c_class1(3);
- trainer.set_learns_nonnegative_weights(true);
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-12);
- std::vector<w_type> x;
- w_type temp(2);
- temp = -1, 1;
- x.push_back(temp);
- temp = 1, -1;
- x.push_back(temp);
- std::vector<double> y;
- y.push_back(+1);
- y.push_back(-1);
- w_type true_w(3);
- oca solver;
- // test the version without a non-negativity constraint on w.
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 0);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = -0.5, 0.5, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- solver.solve_with_elastic_net(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 0.5);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = -0.5, 0.5, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- print_spinner();
- w_type prior = true_w;
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(20.0, 30.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, prior);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = -0.5, 0.5, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- prior = 0,0,0;
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(20.0, 30.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, prior);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = -0.5, 0.5, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- prior = -1,1,0;
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(20.0, 30.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, prior);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = -1.0, 1.0, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- prior = -0.2,0.2,0;
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(20.0, 30.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, prior);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = -0.5, 0.5, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- prior = -10.2,-1,0;
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(20.0, 30.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, prior);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = -10.2, -1.0, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- print_spinner();
- // test the version with a non-negativity constraint on w.
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 9999);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = 0, 1, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- df = trainer.train(x,y);
- w = join_cols(df.basis_vectors(0), uniform_matrix<double>(1,1,-df.b));
- true_w = 0, 1, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-9, max(abs(w-true_w)));
- print_spinner();
- // test the version with a non-negativity constraint on w.
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 2);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = 0, 1, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- print_spinner();
- // test the version with a non-negativity constraint on w.
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 1);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = 0, 1, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- print_spinner();
- // switching the labels should change which w weight goes negative.
- y.clear();
- y.push_back(-1);
- y.push_back(+1);
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 0);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = 0.5, -0.5, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- print_spinner();
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 1);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = 0.5, -0.5, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- print_spinner();
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 2);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = 1, 0, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- print_spinner();
- solver(make_oca_problem_c_svm<w_type>(2.0, 3.0, mat(x), mat(y), false, 1e-12, 40, max_index_plus_one(x)), w, 5);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- true_w = 1, 0, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- df = trainer.train(x,y);
- w = join_cols(df.basis_vectors(0), uniform_matrix<double>(1,1,-df.b));
- true_w = 1, 0, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-9, max(abs(w-true_w)));
- x.clear();
- y.clear();
- temp = -2, 2;
- x.push_back(temp);
- temp = 0, -0;
- x.push_back(temp);
- y.push_back(+1);
- y.push_back(-1);
- trainer.set_c(10);
- df = trainer.train(x,y);
- w = join_cols(df.basis_vectors(0), uniform_matrix<double>(1,1,-df.b));
- true_w = 0, 1, -1;
- dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- x.clear();
- y.clear();
- temp = -2, 2;
- x.push_back(temp);
- temp = 0, -0;
- x.push_back(temp);
- y.push_back(-1);
- y.push_back(+1);
- trainer.set_c(10);
- df = trainer.train(x,y);
- w = join_cols(df.basis_vectors(0), uniform_matrix<double>(1,1,-df.b));
- true_w = 1, 0, 1;
- dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
- dlog << LINFO << "error: "<< max(abs(w-true_w));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(w-true_w)) < 1e-10);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/one_vs_all_trainer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/one_vs_all_trainer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b928714b2..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/one_vs_all_trainer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.one_vs_all_trainer");
- class test_one_vs_all_trainer : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- test_one_vs_all_trainer (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_one_vs_all_trainer", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the one_vs_all_trainer stuff.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- template <typename sample_type, typename label_type>
- void generate_data (
- std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- std::vector<label_type>& labels
- )
- {
- const long num = 50;
- sample_type m;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // make some samples near the origin
- double radius = 0.5;
- for (long i = 0; i < num+10; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- labels.push_back(1);
- }
- // make some samples in a circle around the origin but far away
- radius = 10.0;
- for (long i = 0; i < num+20; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- labels.push_back(2);
- }
- // make some samples in a circle around the point (25,25)
- radius = 4.0;
- for (long i = 0; i < num+30; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // translate this point away from the origin
- m(0) += 25;
- m(1) += 25;
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- labels.push_back(3);
- }
- }
- template <typename label_type, typename scalar_type>
- void run_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,2,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples, norm_samples;
- std::vector<label_type> labels;
- // First, get our labeled set of training data
- generate_data(samples, labels);
- typedef one_vs_all_trainer<any_trainer<sample_type,scalar_type>,label_type > ova_trainer;
- ova_trainer trainer;
- typedef polynomial_kernel<sample_type> poly_kernel;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> rbf_kernel;
- // make the binary trainers and set some parameters
- krr_trainer<rbf_kernel> rbf_trainer;
- svm_nu_trainer<poly_kernel> poly_trainer;
- poly_trainer.set_kernel(poly_kernel(0.1, 1, 2));
- rbf_trainer.set_kernel(rbf_kernel(0.1));
- trainer.set_trainer(rbf_trainer);
- trainer.set_trainer(poly_trainer, 1);
- randomize_samples(samples, labels);
- matrix<double> res = cross_validate_multiclass_trainer(trainer, samples, labels, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> ans(3,3);
- ans = 60, 0, 0,
- 0, 70, 0,
- 0, 0, 80;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(ans == res, "res: \n" << res);
- // test using a normalized_function with a one_vs_all_decision_function
- {
- poly_trainer.set_kernel(poly_kernel(1.1, 1, 2));
- trainer.set_trainer(poly_trainer, 1);
- vector_normalizer<sample_type> normalizer;
- normalizer.train(samples);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- norm_samples.push_back(normalizer(samples[i]));
- normalized_function<one_vs_all_decision_function<ova_trainer> > ndf;
- ndf.function = trainer.train(norm_samples, labels);
- ndf.normalizer = normalizer;
- DLIB_TEST(ndf(samples[0]) == labels[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(ndf(samples[40]) == labels[40]);
- DLIB_TEST(ndf(samples[90]) == labels[90]);
- DLIB_TEST(ndf(samples[120]) == labels[120]);
- poly_trainer.set_kernel(poly_kernel(0.1, 1, 2));
- trainer.set_trainer(poly_trainer, 1);
- print_spinner();
- }
- one_vs_all_decision_function<ova_trainer> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(df.number_of_classes() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samples[0]) == labels[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samples[90]) == labels[90]);
- one_vs_all_decision_function<ova_trainer,
- decision_function<poly_kernel>, // This is the output of the poly_trainer
- decision_function<rbf_kernel> // This is the output of the rbf_trainer
- > df2, df3;
- df2 = df;
- ofstream fout("df.dat", ios::binary);
- serialize(df2, fout);
- fout.close();
- // load the function back in from disk and store it in df3.
- ifstream fin("df.dat", ios::binary);
- deserialize(df3, fin);
- DLIB_TEST(df3(samples[0]) == labels[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(df3(samples[90]) == labels[90]);
- res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df3, samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(res == ans);
- }
- template <typename label_type, typename scalar_type>
- void run_probabilistic_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,2,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<label_type> labels;
- // First, get our labeled set of training data
- generate_data(samples, labels);
- typedef one_vs_all_trainer<any_trainer<sample_type,scalar_type>,label_type > ova_trainer;
- ova_trainer trainer;
- typedef polynomial_kernel<sample_type> poly_kernel;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> rbf_kernel;
- // make the binary trainers and set some parameters
- krr_trainer<rbf_kernel> rbf_trainer;
- svm_nu_trainer<poly_kernel> poly_trainer;
- poly_trainer.set_kernel(poly_kernel(0.1, 1, 2));
- rbf_trainer.set_kernel(rbf_kernel(0.1));
- trainer.set_trainer(probabilistic(rbf_trainer, 3));
- trainer.set_trainer(probabilistic(poly_trainer, 3), 1);
- randomize_samples(samples, labels);
- matrix<double> res = cross_validate_multiclass_trainer(trainer, samples, labels, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> ans(3,3);
- ans = 60, 0, 0,
- 0, 70, 0,
- 0, 0, 80;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(ans == res, "res: \n" << res);
- one_vs_all_decision_function<ova_trainer> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(df.number_of_classes() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samples[0]) == labels[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samples[90]) == labels[90]);
- one_vs_all_decision_function<ova_trainer,
- probabilistic_function<decision_function<poly_kernel> >, // This is the output of the poly_trainer
- probabilistic_function<decision_function<rbf_kernel> > // This is the output of the rbf_trainer
- > df2, df3;
- df2 = df;
- ofstream fout("df.dat", ios::binary);
- serialize(df2, fout);
- fout.close();
- // load the function back in from disk and store it in df3.
- ifstream fin("df.dat", ios::binary);
- deserialize(df3, fin);
- DLIB_TEST(df3(samples[0]) == labels[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(df3(samples[90]) == labels[90]);
- res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df3, samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(res == ans);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test<double,double>()";
- run_test<double,double>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test<int,double>()";
- run_test<int,double>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test<double,float>()";
- run_test<double,float>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test<int,float>()";
- run_test<int,float>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_probabilistic_test<double,double>()";
- run_probabilistic_test<double,double>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_probabilistic_test<int,double>()";
- run_probabilistic_test<int,double>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_probabilistic_test<double,float>()";
- run_probabilistic_test<double,float>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_probabilistic_test<int,float>()";
- run_probabilistic_test<int,float>();
- }
- };
- test_one_vs_all_trainer a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/one_vs_one_trainer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/one_vs_one_trainer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 70cdefaf9..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/one_vs_one_trainer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.one_vs_one_trainer");
- class test_one_vs_one_trainer : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- test_one_vs_one_trainer (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_one_vs_one_trainer", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the one_vs_one_trainer stuff.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- template <typename sample_type, typename label_type>
- void generate_data (
- std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- std::vector<label_type>& labels
- )
- {
- const long num = 50;
- sample_type m;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // make some samples near the origin
- double radius = 0.5;
- for (long i = 0; i < num+10; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- labels.push_back(1);
- }
- // make some samples in a circle around the origin but far away
- radius = 10.0;
- for (long i = 0; i < num+20; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- labels.push_back(2);
- }
- // make some samples in a circle around the point (25,25)
- radius = 4.0;
- for (long i = 0; i < num+30; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // translate this point away from the origin
- m(0) += 25;
- m(1) += 25;
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- labels.push_back(3);
- }
- }
- template <typename label_type, typename scalar_type>
- void run_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,2,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples, norm_samples;
- std::vector<label_type> labels;
- // First, get our labeled set of training data
- generate_data(samples, labels);
- typedef one_vs_one_trainer<any_trainer<sample_type,scalar_type>,label_type > ovo_trainer;
- ovo_trainer trainer;
- typedef histogram_intersection_kernel<sample_type> hist_kernel;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> rbf_kernel;
- // make the binary trainers and set some parameters
- krr_trainer<rbf_kernel> rbf_trainer;
- svm_nu_trainer<hist_kernel> hist_trainer;
- rbf_trainer.set_kernel(rbf_kernel(0.1));
- trainer.set_trainer(rbf_trainer);
- trainer.set_trainer(hist_trainer, 1, 2);
- randomize_samples(samples, labels);
- matrix<double> res = cross_validate_multiclass_trainer(trainer, samples, labels, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> ans(3,3);
- ans = 60, 0, 0,
- 0, 70, 0,
- 0, 0, 80;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(ans == res, "res: \n" << res);
- // test using a normalized_function with a one_vs_one_decision_function
- {
- trainer.set_trainer(hist_trainer, 1, 2);
- vector_normalizer<sample_type> normalizer;
- normalizer.train(samples);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- norm_samples.push_back(normalizer(samples[i]));
- normalized_function<one_vs_one_decision_function<ovo_trainer> > ndf;
- ndf.function = trainer.train(norm_samples, labels);
- ndf.normalizer = normalizer;
- DLIB_TEST(ndf(samples[0]) == labels[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(ndf(samples[40]) == labels[40]);
- DLIB_TEST(ndf(samples[90]) == labels[90]);
- DLIB_TEST(ndf(samples[120]) == labels[120]);
- trainer.set_trainer(hist_trainer, 1, 2);
- print_spinner();
- }
- one_vs_one_decision_function<ovo_trainer> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(df.number_of_classes() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samples[0]) == labels[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samples[90]) == labels[90]);
- one_vs_one_decision_function<ovo_trainer,
- decision_function<hist_kernel>, // This is the output of the hist_trainer
- decision_function<rbf_kernel> // This is the output of the rbf_trainer
- > df2, df3;
- df2 = df;
- ofstream fout("df.dat", ios::binary);
- serialize(df2, fout);
- fout.close();
- // load the function back in from disk and store it in df3.
- ifstream fin("df.dat", ios::binary);
- deserialize(df3, fin);
- DLIB_TEST(df3(samples[0]) == labels[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(df3(samples[90]) == labels[90]);
- res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df3, samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(res == ans);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test<double,double>()";
- run_test<double,double>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test<int,double>()";
- run_test<int,double>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test<double,float>()";
- run_test<double,float>();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test<int,float>()";
- run_test<int,float>();
- }
- };
- test_one_vs_one_trainer a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/opt_qp_solver.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/opt_qp_solver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa386323..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/opt_qp_solver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,813 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.opt_qp_solver");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_smo
- {
- public:
- double penalty;
- double C;
- double operator() (
- const matrix<double,0,1>& alpha
- ) const
- {
- double obj = 0.5* trans(alpha)*Q*alpha - trans(alpha)*b;
- double c1 = pow(sum(alpha)-C,2);
- double c2 = sum(pow(pointwise_multiply(alpha, alpha<0), 2));
- obj += penalty*(c1 + c2);
- return obj;
- }
- matrix<double> Q, b;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_smo_derivative
- {
- public:
- double penalty;
- double C;
- matrix<double,0,1> operator() (
- const matrix<double,0,1>& alpha
- ) const
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> obj = Q*alpha - b;
- matrix<double,0,1> c1 = uniform_matrix<double>(alpha.size(),1, 2*(sum(alpha)-C));
- matrix<double,0,1> c2 = 2*pointwise_multiply(alpha, alpha<0);
- return obj + penalty*(c1 + c2);
- }
- matrix<double> Q, b;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double compute_objective_value (
- const matrix<double,0,1>& w,
- const matrix<double>& A,
- const matrix<double,0,1>& b,
- const double C
- )
- {
- return 0.5*dot(w,w) + C*max(trans(A)*w + b);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_qp4_test1()
- {
- matrix<double> A(3,2);
- A = 1,2,
- -3,1,
- 6,7;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
- b = 1,
- 2;
- const double C = 2;
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
- alpha = C/2, C/2;
- d = 0;
- solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
- matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
- dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
- dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- w = 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
- true_alpha = 0, 2;
- dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_qp4_test2()
- {
- matrix<double> A(3,2);
- A = 1,2,
- 3,-1,
- 6,7;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
- b = 1,
- 2;
- const double C = 2;
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
- alpha = C/2, C/2;
- d = 0;
- solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
- matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
- dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
- dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- w = 0, 0.25, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
- true_alpha = 0.43750, 1.56250;
- dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_qp4_test3()
- {
- matrix<double> A(3,2);
- A = 1,2,
- -3,-1,
- 6,7;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
- b = 1,
- 2;
- const double C = 2;
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), true_alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
- alpha = C/2, C/2;
- d = 0;
- solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
- matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
- dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
- dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- w = 0, 2, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
- true_alpha = 0, 2;
- dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_qp4_test5()
- {
- matrix<double> A(3,3);
- A = 1,2,4,
- 3,1,6,
- 6,7,-2;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
- b = 1,
- 2,
- 3;
- const double C = 2;
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), true_alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
- alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;
- d = 0;
- solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
- matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
- dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
- dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- w = 0, 0, 0.11111111111111111111;
- dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
- true_alpha = 0, 0.432098765432099, 1.567901234567901;
- dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_qp4_test4()
- {
- matrix<double> A(3,2);
- A = 1,2,
- 3,1,
- 6,7;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(2);
- b = 1,
- 2;
- const double C = 2;
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha(2), d(3), lambda;
- alpha = C/2, C/2;
- solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
- matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
- dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
- const double computed_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- w = 0, 0, 0;
- const double true_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< computed_obj;
- dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< true_obj;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(computed_obj - true_obj) < 1e-8, abs(computed_obj - true_obj));
- }
- void test_qp4_test6()
- {
- matrix<double> A(3,3);
- A = 1,2,4,
- 3,1,6,
- 6,7,-2;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
- b = -1,
- -2,
- -3;
- const double C = 2;
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
- d = 0;
- alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;
- unsigned long iters = solve_qp4_using_smo(A, tmp(trans(A)*A), b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 3000);
- matrix<double,0,1> w = lowerbound(-A*alpha, 0);
- dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
- dlog << LINFO << "lambda: " << trans(lambda);
- dlog << LINFO << "w: " << trans(w);
- const double computed_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- w = 0, 0, 0;
- const double true_obj = compute_objective_value(w,A,b,C);
- dlog << LINFO << "computed obj: "<< computed_obj;
- dlog << LINFO << "with true w obj: "<< true_obj;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(computed_obj - true_obj) < 1e-8,
- "computed_obj: "<< computed_obj << " true_obj: " << true_obj << " delta: "<< abs(computed_obj - true_obj)
- << " iters: " << iters
- << "\n alpha: " << trans(alpha)
- << " lambda: " << trans(lambda)
- );
- }
- void test_qp4_test7()
- {
- matrix<double> A(3,3);
- A = -1,2,4,
- -3,1,6,
- -6,7,-2;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(3);
- b = -1,
- -2,
- 3;
- matrix<double> Q(3,3);
- Q = 4,-5,6,
- 1,-4,2,
- -9,-4,5;
- Q = Q*trans(Q);
- const double C = 2;
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha(3), true_alpha(3), d(3), lambda;
- alpha = C/2, C/2, 0;
- d = 0;
- solve_qp4_using_smo(A, Q, b, d, alpha, lambda, 1e-9, 800);
- dlog << LINFO << "*******************************************************";
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
- true_alpha = 0, 2, 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "true alpha: "<< trans(true_alpha);
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha error: "<< max(abs(alpha-true_alpha));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(alpha-true_alpha)) < 1e-9);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_solve_qp4_using_smo()
- {
- test_qp4_test1();
- test_qp4_test2();
- test_qp4_test3();
- test_qp4_test4();
- test_qp4_test5();
- test_qp4_test6();
- test_qp4_test7();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double max_distance_to(
- const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& a,
- const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& b
- )
- {
- double best_dist = 0;
- for (auto&& aa : a)
- {
- for (auto&& bb : b)
- {
- double dist = length(aa-bb);
- if (dist > best_dist)
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- return best_dist;
- }
- double min_distance_to(
- const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& a,
- const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& b
- )
- {
- double best_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- for (auto&& aa : a)
- {
- for (auto&& bb : b)
- {
- double dist = length(aa-bb);
- if (dist < best_dist)
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- return best_dist;
- }
- double min_distance_to(
- const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& s,
- const matrix<double,0,1>& v
- )
- {
- double best_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- for (auto& x : s)
- {
- double dist = length(v-x);
- if (dist < best_dist)
- {
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- return best_dist;
- }
- double max_distance_to(
- const std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>>& s,
- const matrix<double,0,1>& v
- )
- {
- double best_dist = 0;
- for (auto& x : s)
- {
- double dist = length(v-x);
- if (dist > best_dist)
- {
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- return best_dist;
- }
- void test_find_gap_between_convex_hulls()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> set1, set2;
- const double dist_thresh = 5.47723;
- // generate two groups of points that are pairwise close within each set and
- // pairwise far apart between each set, according to dist_thresh distance threshold.
- bool which = true;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> v = gaussian_randm(15,1,i);
- const auto min_dist1 = min_distance_to(set1,v);
- const auto min_dist2 = min_distance_to(set2,v);
- const auto max_dist1 = max_distance_to(set1,v);
- const auto max_dist2 = max_distance_to(set2,v);
- if (which)
- {
- if ((set1.size()==0 || max_dist1 < dist_thresh) && min_dist2 > dist_thresh )
- {
- set1.push_back(v);
- which = !which;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ((set2.size()==0 || max_dist2 < dist_thresh) && min_dist1 > dist_thresh)
- {
- set2.push_back(v);
- which = !which;
- }
- }
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "set1.size(): "<< set1.size();
- dlog << LINFO << "set2.size(): "<< set2.size();
- // make sure we generated the points correctly.
- dlog << LINFO << "dist_thresh: "<< dist_thresh;
- dlog << LINFO << "max distance between set1 and set1: "<< max_distance_to(set1,set1);
- dlog << LINFO << "max distance between set2 and set2: "<< max_distance_to(set2,set2);
- DLIB_TEST(max_distance_to(set1,set1) < dist_thresh);
- DLIB_TEST(max_distance_to(set2,set2) < dist_thresh);
- dlog << LINFO << "min distance between set2 and set1: "<< min_distance_to(set2,set1);
- DLIB_TEST(min_distance_to(set2,set1) > dist_thresh);
- // It is slightly counterintuitive but true that points picked using the above procedure
- // will have elements of their convex hulls that are much closer together than
- // dist_thresh, even though none of the vertices of the hulls are that close
- // together. This is especially true in high dimensions. So let's use this to
- // test find_gap_between_convex_hulls(). It should be able to find a pair of
- // points in the convex hulls of our sets that are a lot closer together than
- // dist_thresh.
- // First we need to convert the vectors to matrices.
- matrix<double> A, B;
- A.set_size(set1[0].size(), set1.size());
- B.set_size(set2[0].size(), set2.size());
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- set_colm(A,c) = set1[c];
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- set_colm(B,c) = set2[c];
- matrix<double,0,1> c1, c2;
- find_gap_between_convex_hulls(A, B, c1, c2, 0.0001);
- // make sure c1 and c2 are convex combinations.
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(c1)-1) < 1e-8);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(sum(c2)-1) < 1e-8);
- DLIB_TEST(min(c1) >= 0);
- DLIB_TEST(min(c2) >= 0);
- // now test that the points found are close together.
- dlog << LINFO << "dist: "<< length(A*c1 - B*c2);
- DLIB_TEST(length(A*c1 - B*c2) < 4);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 50; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double> Q1, Q2;
- matrix<double,0,1> b1, b2;
- Q1 = randm(4,4,rnd); Q1 = Q1*trans(Q1);
- Q2 = randm(4,4,rnd); Q2 = Q2*trans(Q2);
- b1 = gaussian_randm(4,1, iter*2+0);
- b2 = gaussian_randm(4,1, iter*2+1);
- std::map<unordered_pair<size_t>, matrix<double,0,1>> offdiag;
- if (rnd.get_random_gaussian() > 0)
- offdiag[make_unordered_pair(0,0)] = randm(4,1,rnd);
- if (rnd.get_random_gaussian() > 0)
- offdiag[make_unordered_pair(1,0)] = randm(4,1,rnd);
- if (rnd.get_random_gaussian() > 0)
- offdiag[make_unordered_pair(1,1)] = randm(4,1,rnd);
- std::vector<matrix<double>> Q_blocks = {Q1, Q2};
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> bs = {b1, b2};
- // make the single big Q and b
- matrix<double> Q = join_cols(join_rows(Q1, zeros_matrix(Q1)),
- join_rows(zeros_matrix(Q2),Q2));
- matrix<double,0,1> b = join_cols(b1,b2);
- for (auto& p : offdiag)
- {
- long r = p.first.first;
- long c = p.first.second;
- set_subm(Q, 4*r,4*c, 4,4) += diagm(p.second);
- if (c != r)
- set_subm(Q, 4*c,4*r, 4,4) += diagm(p.second);
- }
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha = zeros_matrix(b);
- matrix<double,0,1> lower = -10000*ones_matrix(b);
- matrix<double,0,1> upper = 10000*ones_matrix(b);
- auto iters = solve_qp_box_constrained(Q, b, alpha, lower, upper, 1e-9, 10000);
- dlog << LINFO << "iters: "<< iters;
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(alpha);
- dlog << LINFO;
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> alphas(2);
- alphas[0] = zeros_matrix<double>(4,1); alphas[1] = zeros_matrix<double>(4,1);
- lower = -10000*ones_matrix(alphas[0]);
- upper = 10000*ones_matrix(alphas[0]);
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> lowers = {lower,lower}, uppers = {upper, upper};
- auto iters2 = solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag(Q_blocks, bs, offdiag, alphas, lowers, uppers, 1e-9, 10000);
- dlog << LINFO << "iters2: "<< iters2;
- dlog << LINFO << "alpha: " << trans(join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]));
- dlog << LINFO << "obj1: "<< 0.5*trans(alpha)*Q*alpha + trans(b)*alpha;
- dlog << LINFO << "obj2: "<< 0.5*trans(join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]))*Q*join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]) + trans(b)*join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]);
- dlog << LINFO << "obj1-obj2: "<<(0.5*trans(alpha)*Q*alpha + trans(b)*alpha) - (0.5*trans(join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]))*Q*join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]) + trans(b)*join_cols(alphas[0],alphas[1]));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(alpha - join_cols(alphas[0], alphas[1]))) < 1e-6, max(abs(alpha - join_cols(alphas[0], alphas[1]))));
- DLIB_TEST(iters == iters2);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(dlib::rand& rnd, double percent_off_diag_present)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(), percent_off_diag_present==" << percent_off_diag_present;
- std::map<unordered_pair<size_t>, matrix<double,0,1>> offdiag;
- std::vector<matrix<double>> Q_blocks;
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> bs;
- const long num_blocks = 20;
- const long dims = 4;
- const double lambda = 10;
- for (long i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double> Q1;
- matrix<double,0,1> b1;
- Q1 = randm(dims,dims,rnd); Q1 = Q1*trans(Q1);
- b1 = gaussian_randm(dims,1, i);
- Q_blocks.push_back(Q1);
- bs.push_back(b1);
- // test with some graph regularization terms
- for (long j = 0; j < num_blocks; ++j)
- {
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < percent_off_diag_present)
- {
- if (i==j)
- offdiag[make_unordered_pair(i,j)] = (num_blocks-1)*lambda*rnd.get_random_double()*ones_matrix<double>(dims,1);
- else
- offdiag[make_unordered_pair(i,j)] = -lambda*rnd.get_random_double()*ones_matrix<double>(dims,1);
- }
- }
- }
- // build out the dense version of the QP so we can test it against the dense solver.
- matrix<double> Q(num_blocks*dims, num_blocks*dims);
- Q = 0;
- matrix<double,0,1> b(num_blocks*dims);
- for (long i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i)
- {
- set_subm(Q,i*dims,i*dims,dims,dims) = Q_blocks[i];
- set_subm(b,i*dims,0,dims,1) = bs[i];
- }
- for (auto& p : offdiag)
- {
- long r = p.first.first;
- long c = p.first.second;
- set_subm(Q, dims*r,dims*c, dims,dims) += diagm(p.second);
- if (c != r)
- set_subm(Q, dims*c,dims*r, dims,dims) += diagm(p.second);
- }
- matrix<double,0,1> alpha = zeros_matrix<double>(dims*num_blocks,1);
- matrix<double,0,1> lower = -10000*ones_matrix<double>(dims*num_blocks,1);
- matrix<double,0,1> upper = 10000*ones_matrix<double>(dims*num_blocks,1);
- auto iters = solve_qp_box_constrained(Q, b, alpha, lower, upper, 1e-9, 20000);
- dlog << LINFO << "iters: "<< iters;
- matrix<double,0,1> init_alpha = zeros_matrix(bs[0]);
- lower = -10000*ones_matrix(bs[0]);
- upper = 10000*ones_matrix(bs[0]);
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> alphas(num_blocks, init_alpha);
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> lowers(num_blocks, lower);
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1>> uppers(num_blocks, upper);
- auto iters2 = solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag(Q_blocks, bs, offdiag, alphas, lowers, uppers, 1e-9, 20000);
- dlog << LINFO << "iters2: "<< iters2;
- const matrix<double> refalpha = reshape(alpha, num_blocks, dims);
- // now make sure the two solvers agree on the outputs.
- for (long r = 0; r < num_blocks; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < dims; ++c)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(refalpha(r,c) - alphas[r](c)) < 1e-6, std::abs(refalpha(r,c) - alphas[r](c)));
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class opt_qp_solver_tester : public tester
- {
- /*
- The idea here is just to solve the same problem with two different
- methods and check that they basically agree. The SMO solver should be
- very accurate but for this problem the BFGS solver is relatively
- inaccurate. So this test is really just a sanity check on the SMO
- solver.
- */
- public:
- opt_qp_solver_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_opt_qp_solver",
- "Runs tests on the solve_qp_using_smo component.")
- {
- thetime = time(0);
- }
- time_t thetime;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- void perform_test(
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- test_solve_qp4_using_smo();
- print_spinner();
- ++thetime;
- //dlog << LINFO << "time seed: " << thetime;
- //rnd.set_seed(cast_to_string(thetime));
- running_stats<double> rs;
- for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
- {
- for (long dims = 1; dims < 6; ++dims)
- {
- rs.add(do_the_test(dims, 1.0));
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
- {
- for (long dims = 1; dims < 6; ++dims)
- {
- rs.add(do_the_test(dims, 5.0));
- }
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "disagreement mean: " << rs.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "disagreement stddev: " << rs.stddev();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.mean() < 0.001, rs.mean());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.stddev() < 0.001, rs.stddev());
- test_find_gap_between_convex_hulls();
- test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag();
- // try a range of off diagonal sparseness. We do this to make sure we exercise both
- // the compact and sparse code paths within the solver.
- test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.001);
- test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.01);
- test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.04);
- test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.10);
- test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 0.50);
- test_solve_qp_box_constrained_blockdiag_compact(rnd, 1.00);
- }
- double do_the_test (
- const long dims,
- double C
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "dims: " << dims;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing with C == " << C;
- test_smo test;
- test.Q = randm(dims, dims, rnd);
- test.Q = trans(test.Q)*test.Q;
- test.b = randm(dims,1, rnd);
- test.C = C;
- test_smo_derivative der;
- der.Q = test.Q;
- der.b = test.b;
- der.C = test.C;
- matrix<double,0,1> x(dims), alpha(dims);
- test.penalty = 20000;
- der.penalty = test.penalty;
- alpha = C/alpha.size();
- x = alpha;
- const unsigned long max_iter = 400000;
- solve_qp_using_smo(test.Q, test.b, alpha, 0.00000001, max_iter);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(sum(alpha) - C) < 1e-13, abs(sum(alpha) - C) );
- dlog << LTRACE << "alpha: " << alpha;
- dlog << LINFO << "SMO: true objective: "<< 0.5*trans(alpha)*test.Q*alpha - trans(alpha)*test.b;
- double obj = find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-13, 5000),
- test,
- der,
- x,
- -10);
- dlog << LINFO << "BFGS: objective: " << obj;
- dlog << LINFO << "BFGS: true objective: "<< 0.5*trans(x)*test.Q*x - trans(x)*test.b;
- dlog << LINFO << "sum(x): " << sum(x);
- dlog << LINFO << x;
- double disagreement = max(abs(x-alpha));
- dlog << LINFO << "Disagreement: " << disagreement;
- return disagreement;
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/optimization.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/optimization.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b47449abe..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/optimization.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1231 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "optimization_test_functions.h"
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.optimization");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool approx_equal (
- double a,
- double b
- )
- {
- return std::abs(a - b) < 100*std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- long total_count = 0;
- template <typename T>
- double apq ( const T& x)
- {
- DLIB_ASSERT( > 1 && == 1,"");
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_matrix<T>::value);
- double temp = 0;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- temp += (r+1)*x(r)*x(r);
- }
- ++total_count;
- return temp + 1/100.0*(x(0) + x(*(x(0) + x(;
- }
- template <typename T>
- T der_apq ( const T& x)
- {
- DLIB_ASSERT( > 1 && == 1,"");
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_matrix<T>::value);
- T temp(;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- temp(r) = 2*(r+1)*x(r) ;
- }
- temp(0) += 1/50.0*(x(0) + x(;
- temp( += 1/50.0*(x(0) + x(;
- ++total_count;
- return temp;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rosenbrock's function. minimum at (1,1)
- double rosen ( const matrix<double,2,1>& x)
- {
- ++total_count;
- return 100*pow(x(1) - x(0)*x(0),2) + pow(1 - x(0),2);
- }
- matrix<double,2,1> der_rosen ( const matrix<double,2,1>& x)
- {
- ++total_count;
- matrix<double,2,1> res;
- res(0) = -400*x(0)*(x(1)-x(0)*x(0)) - 2*(1-x(0));
- res(1) = 200*(x(1)-x(0)*x(0));
- return res;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // negative of Rosenbrock's function. minimum at (1,1)
- double neg_rosen ( const matrix<double,2,1>& x)
- {
- ++total_count;
- return -(100*pow(x(1) - x(0)*x(0),2) + pow(1 - x(0),2));
- }
- matrix<double,2,1> der_neg_rosen ( const matrix<double,2,1>& x)
- {
- ++total_count;
- matrix<double,2,1> res;
- res(0) = -400*x(0)*(x(1)-x(0)*x(0)) - 2*(1-x(0));
- res(1) = 200*(x(1)-x(0)*x(0));
- return -res;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double simple ( const matrix<double,2,1>& x)
- {
- ++total_count;
- return 10*x(0)*x(0) + x(1)*x(1);
- }
- matrix<double,2,1> der_simple ( const matrix<double,2,1>& x)
- {
- ++total_count;
- matrix<double,2,1> res;
- res(0) = 20*x(0);
- res(1) = 2*x(1);
- return res;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double powell ( const matrix<double,4,1>& x)
- {
- ++total_count;
- return pow(x(0) + 10*x(1),2) +
- pow(std::sqrt(5.0)*(x(2) - x(3)),2) +
- pow((x(1) - 2*x(2))*(x(1) - 2*x(2)),2) +
- pow(std::sqrt(10.0)*(x(0) - x(3))*(x(0) - x(3)),2);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// a simple function with a minimum at zero
- double single_variable_function ( double x)
- {
- ++total_count;
- return 3*x*x + 5;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_apq (
- const matrix<double,0,1> p
- )
- {
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> T;
- const double eps = 1e-12;
- const double minf = -10;
- matrix<double,0,1> x(, opt(;
- set_all_elements(opt, 0);
- double val = 0;
- if (p.size() < 20)
- dlog << LINFO << "testing with apq and the start point: " << trans(p);
- else
- dlog << LINFO << "testing with apq and a big vector with " << p.size() << " components.";
- // don't use bfgs on really large vectors
- if (p.size() < 20)
- {
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val = find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), wrap_function(der_apq<T>), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bgfs: got apq in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- gradient_norm_stop_strategy(),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), wrap_function(der_apq<T>), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bgfs(gn): got apq in " << total_count;
- }
- if (p.size() < 100)
- {
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_bobyqa(wrap_function(apq<T>), x, 2*x.size()+1,
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,-1e100),
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,1e100),
- (max(abs(x))+1)/10,
- 1e-6,
- 10000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min_bobyqa(): got apq in " << total_count;
- }
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(lbfgs_search_strategy(10),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), wrap_function(der_apq<T>), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbgfs-10: got apq in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(lbfgs_search_strategy(1),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), wrap_function(der_apq<T>), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbgfs-1: got apq in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), wrap_function(der_apq<T>), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got apq in " << total_count;
- // don't do approximate derivative tests if the input point is really long
- if (p.size() < 20)
- {
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), derivative(wrap_function(apq<T>)), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got apq/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), derivative(wrap_function(apq<T>)), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got apq/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got apq/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(lbfgs_search_strategy(10),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbfgs-10: got apq/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- wrap_function(apq<T>), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , apq(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got apq/noder2 in " << total_count;
- }
- }
- void test_powell (
- const matrix<double,4,1> p
- )
- {
- const double eps = 1e-15;
- const double minf = -1;
- matrix<double,4,1> x, opt;
- opt(0) = 0;
- opt(1) = 0;
- opt(2) = 0;
- opt(3) = 0;
- double val = 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing with powell and the start point: " << trans(p);
- /*
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- powell, derivative(powell,1e-8), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-2),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , powell(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got powell/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- powell, derivative(powell,1e-9), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-2),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , powell(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got powell/noder in " << total_count;
- */
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- powell, x, minf, 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-1),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , powell(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got powell/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(lbfgs_search_strategy(4),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- powell, x, minf, 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-1),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , powell(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbfgs-4: got powell/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(lbfgs_search_strategy(4),
- gradient_norm_stop_strategy(),
- powell, x, minf, 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-1),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , powell(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbfgs-4(gn): got powell/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- powell, x, minf, 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-1),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , powell(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got powell/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_bobyqa(powell, x, 2*x.size()+1,
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,-1e100),
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,1e100),
- (max(abs(x))+1)/10,
- 1e-8,
- 10000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-3),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , powell(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min_bobyqa(): got powell in " << total_count;
- }
- void test_simple (
- const matrix<double,2,1> p
- )
- {
- const double eps = 1e-12;
- const double minf = -10000;
- matrix<double,2,1> x, opt;
- opt(0) = 0;
- opt(1) = 0;
- double val = 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing with simple and the start point: " << trans(p);
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, der_simple, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got simple in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- gradient_norm_stop_strategy(),
- simple, der_simple, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs(gn): got simple in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(lbfgs_search_strategy(3),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, der_simple, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbfgs-3: got simple in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, der_simple, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got simple in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, derivative(simple), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got simple/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(lbfgs_search_strategy(8),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, derivative(simple), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbfgs-8: got simple/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, derivative(simple), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got simple/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got simple/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(lbfgs_search_strategy(6),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbfgs-6: got simple/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- simple, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got simple/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_bobyqa(simple, x, 2*x.size()+1,
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,-1e100),
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,1e100),
- (max(abs(x))+1)/10,
- 1e-6,
- 10000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , simple(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min_bobyqa(): got simple in " << total_count;
- }
- void test_rosen (
- const matrix<double,2,1> p
- )
- {
- const double eps = 1e-15;
- const double minf = -10;
- matrix<double,2,1> x, opt;
- opt(0) = 1;
- opt(1) = 1;
- double val = 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing with rosen and the start point: " << trans(p);
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- rosen, der_rosen, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-7),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got rosen in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- gradient_norm_stop_strategy(),
- rosen, der_rosen, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-7),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs(gn): got rosen in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(lbfgs_search_strategy(20),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- rosen, der_rosen, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-7),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbfgs-20: got rosen in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- rosen, der_rosen, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-7),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got rosen in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- rosen, derivative(rosen,1e-5), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-4),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() bfgs: got rosen/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(lbfgs_search_strategy(5),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- rosen, derivative(rosen,1e-5), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-4),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() lbfgs-5: got rosen/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- rosen, derivative(rosen,1e-5), x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-4),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got rosen/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_using_approximate_derivatives(cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps),
- rosen, x, minf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-4),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min() cg: got rosen/noder2 in " << total_count;
- if (max(abs(p)) < 1000)
- {
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_min_bobyqa(rosen, x, 2*x.size()+1,
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,-1e100),
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,1e100),
- (max(abs(x))+1)/10,
- 1e-6,
- 10000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min_bobyqa(): got rosen in " << total_count;
- }
- }
- void test_neg_rosen (
- const matrix<double,2,1> p
- )
- {
- const double eps = 1e-15;
- const double maxf = 10;
- matrix<double,2,1> x, opt;
- opt(0) = 1;
- opt(1) = 1;
- double val = 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing with neg_rosen and the start point: " << trans(p);
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_max(
- bfgs_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps), neg_rosen, der_neg_rosen, x, maxf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-7),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , neg_rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_max() bfgs: got neg_rosen in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_max(
- lbfgs_search_strategy(5),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps), neg_rosen, der_neg_rosen, x, maxf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-7),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , neg_rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_max() lbfgs-5: got neg_rosen in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_max(
- lbfgs_search_strategy(5),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps), neg_rosen, derivative(neg_rosen), x, maxf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-7),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , neg_rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_max() lbfgs-5: got neg_rosen/noder in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_max_using_approximate_derivatives(
- cg_search_strategy(),
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(eps), neg_rosen, x, maxf);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-7),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , neg_rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_max() cg: got neg_rosen/noder2 in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- val=find_max_bobyqa(neg_rosen, x, 2*x.size()+1,
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,-1e100),
- uniform_matrix<double>(x.size(),1,1e100),
- (max(abs(x))+1)/10,
- 1e-6,
- 10000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(dlib::equal(x,opt, 1e-5),opt-x);
- DLIB_TEST(approx_equal(val , neg_rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "find_max_bobyqa(): got neg_rosen in " << total_count;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_single_variable_function (
- const double p
- )
- {
- const double eps = 1e-7;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing with single_variable_function and the start point: " << p;
- double out, x;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- out = find_min_single_variable(single_variable_function, x, -1e100, 1e100, eps, 1000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(out-5) < 1e-6, out-5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(x) < 1e-6, x);
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min_single_variable(): got single_variable_function in " << total_count;
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- out = -find_max_single_variable(negate_function(single_variable_function), x, -1e100, 1e100, eps, 1000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(out-5) < 1e-6, out-5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(x) < 1e-6, x);
- dlog << LINFO << "find_max_single_variable(): got single_variable_function in " << total_count;
- if (p > 0)
- {
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- out = find_min_single_variable(single_variable_function, x, -1e-4, 1e100, eps, 1000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(out-5) < 1e-6, out-5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(x) < 1e-6, x);
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min_single_variable(): got single_variable_function in " << total_count;
- if (p > 3)
- {
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- out = -find_max_single_variable(negate_function(single_variable_function), x, 3, 1e100, eps, 1000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(out - (3*3*3+5)) < 1e-6, out-(3*3*3+5));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(x-3) < 1e-6, x);
- dlog << LINFO << "find_max_single_variable(): got single_variable_function in " << total_count;
- }
- }
- if (p < 0)
- {
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- out = find_min_single_variable(single_variable_function, x, -1e100, 1e-4, eps, 1000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(out-5) < 1e-6, out-5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(x) < 1e-6, x);
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min_single_variable(): got single_variable_function in " << total_count;
- if (p < -3)
- {
- total_count = 0;
- x = p;
- out = find_min_single_variable(single_variable_function, x, -1e100, -3, eps, 1000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(out - (3*3*3+5)) < 1e-6, out-(3*3*3+5));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(x+3) < 1e-6, x);
- dlog << LINFO << "find_min_single_variable(): got single_variable_function in " << total_count;
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void optimization_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the optimization stuff compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> p;
- print_spinner();
- p.set_size(2);
- // test with single_variable_function
- test_single_variable_function(0);
- test_single_variable_function(1);
- test_single_variable_function(-10);
- test_single_variable_function(-100);
- test_single_variable_function(900.53);
- // test with the rosen function
- p(0) = 9;
- p(1) = -4.9;
- test_rosen(p);
- test_neg_rosen(p);
- p(0) = 0;
- p(1) = 0;
- test_rosen(p);
- p(0) = 5323;
- p(1) = 98248;
- test_rosen(p);
- // test with the simple function
- p(0) = 1;
- p(1) = 1;
- test_simple(p);
- p(0) = 0.5;
- p(1) = -9;
- test_simple(p);
- p(0) = 645;
- p(1) = 839485;
- test_simple(p);
- print_spinner();
- // test with the apq function
- p.set_size(5);
- p(0) = 1;
- p(1) = 1;
- p(2) = 1;
- p(3) = 1;
- p(4) = 1;
- test_apq(p);
- p(0) = 1;
- p(1) = 2;
- p(2) = 3;
- p(3) = 4;
- p(4) = 5;
- test_apq(p);
- p(0) = 1;
- p(1) = 2;
- p(2) = -3;
- p(3) = 4;
- p(4) = 5;
- test_apq(p);
- print_spinner();
- p(0) = 1;
- p(1) = 2324;
- p(2) = -3;
- p(3) = 4;
- p(4) = 534534;
- test_apq(p);
- p.set_size(10);
- p(0) = 1;
- p(1) = 2;
- p(2) = -3;
- p(3) = 4;
- p(4) = 5;
- p(5) = 1;
- p(6) = 2;
- p(7) = -3;
- p(8) = 4;
- p(9) = 5;
- test_apq(p);
- // test apq with a big vector
- p.set_size(500);
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (long i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i)
- {
- p(i) = rnd.get_random_double()*20 - 10;
- }
- test_apq(p);
- print_spinner();
- // test with the powell function
- p.set_size(4);
- p(0) = 3;
- p(1) = -1;
- p(2) = 0;
- p(3) = 1;
- test_powell(p);
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> m;
- m(0) = -0.43;
- m(1) = 0.919;
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::equal(der_rosen(m) , derivative(rosen)(m),1e-5));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(derivative(make_line_search_function(rosen,m,m))(0) -
- make_line_search_function(derivative(rosen),m,m)(0)) < 1e-5,"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(derivative(make_line_search_function(rosen,m,m))(1) -
- make_line_search_function(derivative(rosen),m,m)(1)) < 1e-5,"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(derivative(make_line_search_function(rosen,m,m))(0) -
- make_line_search_function(der_rosen,m,m)(0)) < 1e-5,"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(derivative(make_line_search_function(rosen,m,m))(1) -
- make_line_search_function(der_rosen,m,m)(1)) < 1e-5,"");
- }
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> m;
- m(0) = 1;
- m(1) = 2;
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::equal(der_rosen(m) , derivative(rosen)(m),1e-5));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(derivative(make_line_search_function(rosen,m,m))(0) -
- make_line_search_function(derivative(rosen),m,m)(0)) < 1e-5,"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(derivative(make_line_search_function(rosen,m,m))(1) -
- make_line_search_function(derivative(rosen),m,m)(1)) < 1e-5,"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(derivative(make_line_search_function(rosen,m,m))(0) -
- make_line_search_function(der_rosen,m,m)(0)) < 1e-5,"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(derivative(make_line_search_function(rosen,m,m))(1) -
- make_line_search_function(der_rosen,m,m)(1)) < 1e-5,"");
- }
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> m;
- m = 1,2;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(neg_rosen(m) - negate_function(rosen)(m) ) < 1e-16);
- }
- }
- template <typename der_funct, typename T>
- double unconstrained_gradient_magnitude (
- const der_funct& grad,
- const T& x,
- const T& lower,
- const T& upper
- )
- {
- T g = grad(x);
- double unorm = 0;
- for (long i = 0; i < g.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (lower(i) < x(i) && x(i) < upper(i))
- unorm += g(i)*g(i);
- else if (x(i) == lower(i) && g(i) < 0)
- unorm += g(i)*g(i);
- else if (x(i) == upper(i) && g(i) > 0)
- unorm += g(i)*g(i);
- }
- return unorm;
- }
- template <typename der_funct, typename T>
- double unconstrained_gradient_magnitude_neg_funct (
- const der_funct& grad,
- const T& x,
- const T& lower,
- const T& upper
- )
- {
- T g = grad(x);
- double unorm = 0;
- for (long i = 0; i < g.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (lower(i) < x(i) && x(i) < upper(i))
- unorm += g(i)*g(i);
- else if (x(i) == lower(i) && g(i) > 0)
- unorm += g(i)*g(i);
- else if (x(i) == upper(i) && g(i) < 0)
- unorm += g(i)*g(i);
- }
- return unorm;
- }
- template <typename search_strategy_type>
- double test_bound_solver_neg_rosen (dlib::rand& rnd, search_strategy_type search_strategy)
- {
- using namespace dlib::test_functions;
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double,2,1> starting_point, lower, upper, x;
- // pick random bounds
- lower = rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1, rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1;
- upper = rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1, rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1;
- while (upper(0) < lower(0)) upper(0) = rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1;
- while (upper(1) < lower(1)) upper(1) = rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1;
- starting_point = rnd.get_random_double()*(upper(0)-lower(0))+lower(0),
- rnd.get_random_double()*(upper(1)-lower(1))+lower(1);
- dlog << LINFO << "lower: "<< trans(lower);
- dlog << LINFO << "upper: "<< trans(upper);
- dlog << LINFO << "starting: "<< trans(starting_point);
- x = starting_point;
- double val = find_max_box_constrained(
- search_strategy,
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-16, 500),
- neg_rosen, der_neg_rosen, x,
- lower,
- upper
- );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(val - neg_rosen(x)) < 1e-11, std::abs(val - neg_rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "neg_rosen solution:\n" << x;
- dlog << LINFO << "neg_rosen gradient: "<< trans(der_neg_rosen(x));
- const double gradient_residual = unconstrained_gradient_magnitude_neg_funct(der_neg_rosen, x, lower, upper);
- dlog << LINFO << "gradient_residual: "<< gradient_residual;
- return gradient_residual;
- }
- template <typename search_strategy_type>
- double test_bound_solver_rosen (dlib::rand& rnd, search_strategy_type search_strategy)
- {
- using namespace dlib::test_functions;
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double,2,1> starting_point, lower, upper, x;
- // pick random bounds and sometimes put the upper bound at zero so we can have
- // a test where the optimal value has a bound active at 0 so make sure this case
- // works properly.
- if (rnd.get_random_double() > 0.2)
- {
- lower = rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1, rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1;
- upper = rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1, rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1;
- while (upper(0) < lower(0)) upper(0) = rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1;
- while (upper(1) < lower(1)) upper(1) = rnd.get_random_gaussian()+1;
- }
- else
- {
- upper = 0,0;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() > 0.5)
- upper(0) = -rnd.get_random_double();
- if (rnd.get_random_double() > 0.5)
- upper(1) = -rnd.get_random_double();
- lower = rnd.get_random_double()+1, rnd.get_random_double()+1;
- lower = upper - lower;
- }
- const bool pick_uniform_bounds = rnd.get_random_double() > 0.9;
- if (pick_uniform_bounds)
- {
- double x = rnd.get_random_gaussian()*2;
- double y = rnd.get_random_gaussian()*2;
- lower = min(x,y);
- upper = max(x,y);
- }
- starting_point = rnd.get_random_double()*(upper(0)-lower(0))+lower(0),
- rnd.get_random_double()*(upper(1)-lower(1))+lower(1);
- dlog << LINFO << "lower: "<< trans(lower);
- dlog << LINFO << "upper: "<< trans(upper);
- dlog << LINFO << "starting: "<< trans(starting_point);
- x = starting_point;
- double val;
- if (!pick_uniform_bounds)
- {
- val = find_min_box_constrained(
- search_strategy,
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-16, 500),
- rosen, der_rosen, x,
- lower,
- upper
- );
- }
- else
- {
- val = find_min_box_constrained(
- search_strategy,
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-16, 500),
- rosen, der_rosen, x,
- lower(0),
- upper(0)
- );
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(val - rosen(x)) < 1e-11, std::abs(val - rosen(x)));
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen solution:\n" << x;
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen gradient: "<< trans(der_rosen(x));
- const double gradient_residual = unconstrained_gradient_magnitude(der_rosen, x, lower, upper);
- dlog << LINFO << "gradient_residual: "<< gradient_residual;
- return gradient_residual;
- }
- template <typename search_strategy_type>
- double test_bound_solver_brown (dlib::rand& rnd, search_strategy_type search_strategy)
- {
- using namespace dlib::test_functions;
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double,4,1> starting_point(4), lower(4), upper(4), x;
- const matrix<double,0,1> solution = brown_solution();
- // pick random bounds
- lower = rnd.get_random_gaussian(), rnd.get_random_gaussian(), rnd.get_random_gaussian(), rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- lower = lower*10 + solution;
- upper = rnd.get_random_gaussian(), rnd.get_random_gaussian(), rnd.get_random_gaussian(), rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- upper = upper*10 + solution;
- for (int i = 0; i < lower.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (upper(i) < lower(i))
- swap(upper(i),lower(i));
- }
- starting_point = rnd.get_random_double()*(upper(0)-lower(0))+lower(0),
- rnd.get_random_double()*(upper(1)-lower(1))+lower(1),
- rnd.get_random_double()*(upper(2)-lower(2))+lower(2),
- rnd.get_random_double()*(upper(3)-lower(3))+lower(3);
- dlog << LINFO << "lower: "<< trans(lower);
- dlog << LINFO << "upper: "<< trans(upper);
- dlog << LINFO << "starting: "<< trans(starting_point);
- x = starting_point;
- double val = find_min_box_constrained(
- search_strategy,
- objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-16, 500),
- brown, brown_derivative, x,
- lower,
- upper
- );
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(val - brown(x)) < 1e-14);
- dlog << LINFO << "brown solution:\n" << x;
- return unconstrained_gradient_magnitude(brown_derivative, x, lower, upper);
- }
- template <typename search_strategy_type>
- void test_box_constrained_optimizers(search_strategy_type search_strategy)
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- running_stats<double> rs;
- dlog << LINFO << "test find_min_box_constrained() on rosen";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- rs.add(test_bound_solver_rosen(rnd, search_strategy));
- dlog << LINFO << "mean rosen gradient: " << rs.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "max rosen gradient: " << rs.max();
- DLIB_TEST(rs.mean() < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(rs.max() < 1e-9);
- dlog << LINFO << "test find_min_box_constrained() on brown";
- rs.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- rs.add(test_bound_solver_brown(rnd, search_strategy));
- dlog << LINFO << "mean brown gradient: " << rs.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "max brown gradient: " << rs.max();
- dlog << LINFO << "min brown gradient: " << rs.min();
- DLIB_TEST(rs.mean() < 4e-5);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.max() < 3e-2, rs.max());
- DLIB_TEST(rs.min() < 1e-10);
- dlog << LINFO << "test find_max_box_constrained() on neg_rosen";
- rs.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- rs.add(test_bound_solver_neg_rosen(rnd, search_strategy));
- dlog << LINFO << "mean neg_rosen gradient: " << rs.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "max neg_rosen gradient: " << rs.max();
- DLIB_TEST(rs.mean() < 1e-12);
- DLIB_TEST(rs.max() < 1e-9);
- }
- void test_poly_min_extract_2nd()
- {
- double off;
- off = 0.0; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 0.1; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 0.2; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 0.3; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 0.4; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 0.5; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 0.6; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 0.8; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 0.9; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- off = 1.0; DLIB_TEST(std::abs( poly_min_extrap(off*off, -2*off, (1-off)*(1-off)) - off) < 1e-13);
- }
- void test_solve_trust_region_subproblem_bounded()
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double> H(2,2);
- H = 1, 0,
- 0, 1;
- matrix<double,0,1> g, lower, upper, p, true_p;
- g = {0, 0};
- double radius = 0.5;
- lower = {0.5, 0};
- upper = {10, 10};
- solve_trust_region_subproblem_bounded(H,g, radius, p, 0.001, 500, lower, upper);
- true_p = { 0.5, 0};
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(p-true_p) < 1e-12, p);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class optimization_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- optimization_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_optimization",
- "Runs tests on the optimization component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "test_box_constrained_optimizers(bfgs_search_strategy())";
- test_box_constrained_optimizers(bfgs_search_strategy());
- dlog << LINFO << "test_box_constrained_optimizers(lbfgs_search_strategy(5))";
- test_box_constrained_optimizers(lbfgs_search_strategy(5));
- test_poly_min_extract_2nd();
- optimization_test();
- test_solve_trust_region_subproblem_bounded();
- }
- } a;
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index 1cded50ee..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/optimization_test_functions.cpp
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-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "optimization_test_functions.h"
- Most of the code in this file is converted from the set of Fortran 90 routines
- created by John Burkardt.
- The original Fortran can be found here:
-namespace dlib
- namespace test_functions
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,0,1> chebyquad_residuals(const matrix<double,0,1>& x)
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> fvec(x.size());
- const int n = x.size();
- int i;
- int j;
- double t;
- double t1;
- double t2;
- double th;
- fvec = 0;
- for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
- {
- t1 = 1.0E+00;
- t2 = 2.0E+00 * x(j-1) - 1.0E+00;
- t = 2.0E+00 * t2;
- for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
- {
- fvec(i-1) = fvec(i-1) + t2;
- th = t * t2 - t1;
- t1 = t2;
- t2 = th;
- }
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
- {
- fvec(i-1) = fvec(i-1) / (double) ( n );
- if ( ( i%2 ) == 0 )
- fvec(i-1) = fvec(i-1) + 1.0E+00 / ( (double)i*i - 1.0E+00 );
- }
- return fvec;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double chebyquad_residual(int i, const matrix<double,0,1>& x)
- {
- return chebyquad_residuals(x)(i);
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int& chebyquad_calls()
- {
- static int count = 0;
- return count;
- }
- double chebyquad(const matrix<double,0,1>& x )
- {
- chebyquad_calls()++;
- return sum(squared(chebyquad_residuals(x)));
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,0,1> chebyquad_derivative (const matrix<double,0,1>& x)
- {
- const int n = x.size();
- matrix<double,0,1> fvec = chebyquad_residuals(x);
- matrix<double,0,1> g(n);
- int i;
- int j;
- double s1;
- double s2;
- double t;
- double t1;
- double t2;
- double th;
- for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
- {
- g(j-1) = 0.0E+00;
- t1 = 1.0E+00;
- t2 = 2.0E+00 * x(j-1) - 1.0E+00;
- t = 2.0E+00 * t2;
- s1 = 0.0E+00;
- s2 = 2.0E+00;
- for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
- {
- g(j-1) = g(j-1) + fvec(i-1) * s2;
- th = 4.0E+00 * t2 + t * s2 - s1;
- s1 = s2;
- s2 = th;
- th = t * t2 - t1;
- t1 = t2;
- t2 = th;
- }
- }
- g = 2.0E+00 * g / (double) ( n );
- return g;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,0,1> chebyquad_start (int n)
- {
- int i;
- matrix<double,0,1> x(n);
- for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
- x(i-1) = double ( i ) / double ( n + 1 );
- return x;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,0,1> chebyquad_solution (int n)
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> x(n);
- x = 0;
- switch (n)
- {
- case 2:
- x = 0.2113249E+00, 0.7886751E+00;
- break;
- case 4:
- x = 0.1026728E+00, 0.4062037E+00, 0.5937963E+00, 0.8973272E+00;
- break;
- case 6:
- x = 0.066877E+00, 0.288741E+00, 0.366682E+00, 0.633318E+00, 0.711259E+00, 0.933123E+00;
- break;
- case 8:
- x = 0.043153E+00, 0.193091E+00, 0.266329E+00, 0.500000E+00, 0.500000E+00, 0.733671E+00, 0.806910E+00, 0.956847E+00;
- break;
- default:
- std::ostringstream sout;
- sout << "don't know chebyquad solution for n = " << n;
- throw dlib::error(sout.str());
- break;
- }
- return x;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double> chebyquad_hessian(const matrix<double,0,1>& x)
- {
- const int lda = x.size();
- const int n = x.size();
- double d1;
- double d2;
- matrix<double,0,1> fvec = chebyquad_residuals(x);
- matrix<double,0,1> gvec(n);
- matrix<double> h(lda,n);
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- double p1;
- double p2;
- double s1;
- double s2;
- double ss1;
- double ss2;
- double t;
- double t1;
- double t2;
- double th;
- double tt;
- double tth;
- double tt1;
- double tt2;
- h = 0;
- d1 = 1.0E+00 / double ( n );
- d2 = 2.0E+00 * d1;
- for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
- {
- h(j-1,j-1) = 4.0E+00 * d1;
- t1 = 1.0E+00;
- t2 = 2.0E+00 * x(j-1) - 1.0E+00;
- t = 2.0E+00 * t2;
- s1 = 0.0E+00;
- s2 = 2.0E+00;
- p1 = 0.0E+00;
- p2 = 0.0E+00;
- gvec(0) = s2;
- for (i = 2; i <= n; ++i)
- {
- th = 4.0E+00 * t2 + t * s2 - s1;
- s1 = s2;
- s2 = th;
- th = t * t2 - t1;
- t1 = t2;
- t2 = th;
- th = 8.0E+00 * s1 + t * p2 - p1;
- p1 = p2;
- p2 = th;
- gvec(i-1) = s2;
- h(j-1,j-1) = h(j-1,j-1) + fvec(i-1) * th + d1 * s2*s2;
- }
- h(j-1,j-1) = d2 * h(j-1,j-1);
- for (k = 1; k <= j-1; ++k)
- {
- h(j-1,k-1) = 0.0;
- tt1 = 1.0E+00;
- tt2 = 2.0E+00 * x(k-1) - 1.0E+00;
- tt = 2.0E+00 * tt2;
- ss1 = 0.0E+00;
- ss2 = 2.0E+00;
- for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
- {
- h(j-1,k-1) = h(j-1,k-1) + ss2 * gvec(i-1);
- tth = 4.0E+00 * tt2 + tt * ss2 - ss1;
- ss1 = ss2;
- ss2 = tth;
- tth = tt * tt2 - tt1;
- tt1 = tt2;
- tt2 = tth;
- }
- h(j-1,k-1) = d2 * d1 * h(j-1,k-1);
- }
- }
- h = make_symmetric(h);
- return h;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double brown_residual (int i, const matrix<double,4,1>& x)
- /*!
- requires
- - 1 <= i <= 20
- ensures
- - returns the ith brown residual
- !*/
- {
- double c;
- double f;
- double f1;
- double f2;
- f = 0.0E+00;
- c = double ( i ) / 5.0E+00;
- f1 = x(0) + c * x(1) - std::exp ( c );
- f2 = x(2) + std::sin ( c ) * x(3) - std::cos ( c );
- f = f1*f1 + f2*f2;
- return f;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double brown ( const matrix<double,4,1>& x)
- {
- double f;
- int i;
- f = 0;
- for (i = 1; i <= 20; ++i)
- {
- f += std::pow(brown_residual(i, x), 2);
- }
- return f;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,4,1> brown_derivative ( const matrix<double,4,1>& x)
- {
- double c;
- double df1dx1;
- double df1dx2;
- double df2dx3;
- double df2dx4;
- double f1;
- double f2;
- matrix<double,4,1> g;
- int i;
- g = 0;
- for (i = 1; i <= 20; ++i)
- {
- c = double ( i ) / 5.0E+00;
- f1 = x(0) + c * x(1) - std::exp ( c );
- f2 = x(2) + std::sin ( c ) * x(3) - std::cos ( c );
- df1dx1 = 1.0E+00;
- df1dx2 = c;
- df2dx3 = 1.0E+00;
- df2dx4 = std::sin ( c );
- using std::pow;
- g(0) = g(0) + 4.0E+00 * ( pow(f1,3) * df1dx1 + f1 * pow(f2,2) * df1dx1 );
- g(1) = g(1) + 4.0E+00 * ( pow(f1,3) * df1dx2 + f1 * pow(f2,2) * df1dx2 );
- g(2) = g(2) + 4.0E+00 * ( pow(f1,2) * f2 * df2dx3 + pow(f2,3) * df2dx3 );
- g(3) = g(3) + 4.0E+00 * ( pow(f1,2) * f2 * df2dx4 + pow(f2,3) * df2dx4 );
- }
- return g;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,4,4> brown_hessian ( const matrix<double,4,1>& x)
- {
- double c;
- double df1dx1;
- double df1dx2;
- double df2dx3;
- double df2dx4;
- double f1;
- double f2;
- matrix<double,4,4> h;
- int i;
- h = 0;
- for (i = 1; i <= 20; ++i)
- {
- c = double ( i ) / 5.0E+00;
- f1 = x(0) + c * x(1) - std::exp ( c );
- f2 = x(2) + std::sin ( c ) * x(3) - std::cos ( c );
- df1dx1 = 1.0E+00;
- df1dx2 = c;
- df2dx3 = 1.0E+00;
- df2dx4 = std::sin ( c );
- using std::pow;
- h(0,0) = h(0,0) + 12.0E+00 * pow(f1,2) * df1dx1 * df1dx1 + 4.0E+00 * pow(f2,2) * df1dx1 * df1dx1;
- h(0,1) = h(0,1) + 12.0E+00 * pow(f1,2) * df1dx1 * df1dx2 + 4.0E+00 * pow(f2,2) * df1dx1 * df1dx2;
- h(0,2) = h(0,2) + 8.0E+00 * f1 * f2 * df1dx1 * df2dx3;
- h(0,3) = h(0,3) + 8.0E+00 * f1 * f2 * df1dx1 * df2dx4;
- h(1,0) = h(1,0) + 12.0E+00 * pow(f1,2) * df1dx2 * df1dx1 + 4.0E+00 * pow(f2,2) * df1dx2 * df1dx1;
- h(1,1) = h(1,1) + 12.0E+00 * pow(f1,2) * df1dx2 * df1dx2 + 4.0E+00 * pow(f2,2) * df1dx2 * df1dx2;
- h(1,2) = h(1,2) + 8.0E+00 * f1 * f2 * df1dx2 * df2dx3;
- h(1,3) = h(1,3) + 8.0E+00 * f1 * f2 * df1dx2 * df2dx4;
- h(2,0) = h(2,0) + 8.0E+00 * f1 * f2 * df2dx3 * df1dx1;
- h(2,1) = h(2,1) + 8.0E+00 * f1 * f2 * df2dx3 * df1dx2;
- h(2,2) = h(2,2) + 4.0E+00 * pow(f1,2) * df2dx3 * df2dx3 + 12.0E+00 * pow(f2,2) * df2dx3 * df2dx3;
- h(2,3) = h(2,3) + 4.0E+00 * pow(f1,2) * df2dx4 * df2dx3 + 12.0E+00 * pow(f2,2) * df2dx3 * df2dx4;
- h(3,0) = h(3,0) + 8.0E+00 * f1 * f2 * df2dx4 * df1dx1;
- h(3,1) = h(3,1) + 8.0E+00 * f1 * f2 * df2dx4 * df1dx2;
- h(3,2) = h(3,2) + 4.0E+00 * pow(f1,2) * df2dx3 * df2dx4 + 12.0E+00 * pow(f2,2) * df2dx4 * df2dx3;
- h(3,3) = h(3,3) + 4.0E+00 * pow(f1,2) * df2dx4 * df2dx4 + 12.0E+00 * pow(f2,2) * df2dx4 * df2dx4;
- }
- return make_symmetric(h);
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,4,1> brown_start ()
- {
- matrix<double,4,1> x;
- x = 25.0E+00, 5.0E+00, -5.0E+00, -1.0E+00;
- return x;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,4,1> brown_solution ()
- {
- matrix<double,4,1> x;
- // solution from original documentation.
- //x = -11.5844E+00, 13.1999E+00, -0.406200E+00, 0.240998E+00;
- x = -11.594439905669450042, 13.203630051593080452, -0.40343948856573402795, 0.23677877338218666914;
- return x;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
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@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cmath>
- Most of the code in this file is converted from the set of Fortran 90 routines
- created by John Burkardt.
- The original Fortran can be found here:
-// GCC 4.8 gives false alarms about some variables being uninitialized. Disable these
-// false warnings.
-#if ( defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 8)
- #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
-namespace dlib
- namespace test_functions
- {
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- matrix<double,0,1> chebyquad_residuals(const matrix<double,0,1>& x);
- double chebyquad_residual(int i, const matrix<double,0,1>& x);
- int& chebyquad_calls();
- double chebyquad(const matrix<double,0,1>& x );
- matrix<double,0,1> chebyquad_derivative (const matrix<double,0,1>& x);
- matrix<double,0,1> chebyquad_start (int n);
- matrix<double,0,1> chebyquad_solution (int n);
- matrix<double> chebyquad_hessian(const matrix<double,0,1>& x);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class chebyquad_function_model
- {
- public:
- // Define the type used to represent column vectors
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> column_vector;
- // Define the type used to represent the hessian matrix
- typedef matrix<double> general_matrix;
- double operator() (
- const column_vector& x
- ) const
- {
- return chebyquad(x);
- }
- void get_derivative_and_hessian (
- const column_vector& x,
- column_vector& d,
- general_matrix& h
- ) const
- {
- d = chebyquad_derivative(x);
- h = chebyquad_hessian(x);
- }
- };
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double brown_residual (int i, const matrix<double,4,1>& x);
- /*!
- requires
- - 1 <= i <= 20
- ensures
- - returns the ith brown residual
- !*/
- double brown ( const matrix<double,4,1>& x);
- matrix<double,4,1> brown_derivative ( const matrix<double,4,1>& x);
- matrix<double,4,4> brown_hessian ( const matrix<double,4,1>& x);
- matrix<double,4,1> brown_start ();
- matrix<double,4,1> brown_solution ();
- class brown_function_model
- {
- public:
- // Define the type used to represent column vectors
- typedef matrix<double,4,1> column_vector;
- // Define the type used to represent the hessian matrix
- typedef matrix<double> general_matrix;
- double operator() (
- const column_vector& x
- ) const
- {
- return brown(x);
- }
- void get_derivative_and_hessian (
- const column_vector& x,
- column_vector& d,
- general_matrix& h
- ) const
- {
- d = brown_derivative(x);
- h = brown_hessian(x);
- }
- };
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- matrix<T,2,1> rosen_big_start()
- {
- matrix<T,2,1> x;
- x = -1.2, -1;
- return x;
- }
- // This is a variation on the Rosenbrock test function but with large residuals. The
- // minimum is at 1, 1 and the objective value is 1.
- template <typename T>
- T rosen_big_residual (int i, const matrix<T,2,1>& m)
- {
- using std::pow;
- const T x = m(0);
- const T y = m(1);
- if (i == 1)
- {
- return 100*pow(y - x*x,2)+1.0;
- }
- else
- {
- return pow(1 - x,2) + 1.0;
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- T rosen_big ( const matrix<T,2,1>& m)
- {
- using std::pow;
- return 0.5*(pow(rosen_big_residual(1,m),2) + pow(rosen_big_residual(2,m),2));
- }
- template <typename T>
- matrix<T,2,1> rosen_big_solution ()
- {
- matrix<T,2,1> x;
- // solution from original documentation.
- x = 1,1;
- return x;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- matrix<T,2,1> rosen_start()
- {
- matrix<T,2,1> x;
- x = -1.2, -1;
- return x;
- }
- template <typename T>
- T rosen ( const matrix<T,2,1>& m)
- {
- const T x = m(0);
- const T y = m(1);
- using std::pow;
- // compute Rosenbrock's function and return the result
- return 100.0*pow(y - x*x,2) + pow(1 - x,2);
- }
- template <typename T>
- T rosen_residual (int i, const matrix<T,2,1>& m)
- {
- const T x = m(0);
- const T y = m(1);
- if (i == 1)
- {
- return 10*(y - x*x);
- }
- else
- {
- return 1 - x;
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- matrix<T,2,1> rosen_residual_derivative (int i, const matrix<T,2,1>& m)
- {
- const T x = m(0);
- matrix<T,2,1> d;
- if (i == 1)
- {
- d = -20*x, 10;
- }
- else
- {
- d = -1, 0;
- }
- return d;
- }
- template <typename T>
- const matrix<T,2,1> rosen_derivative ( const matrix<T,2,1>& m)
- {
- const T x = m(0);
- const T y = m(1);
- // make us a column vector of length 2
- matrix<T,2,1> res(2);
- // now compute the gradient vector
- res(0) = -400*x*(y-x*x) - 2*(1-x); // derivative of rosen() with respect to x
- res(1) = 200*(y-x*x); // derivative of rosen() with respect to y
- return res;
- }
- template <typename T>
- const matrix<T,2,2> rosen_hessian ( const matrix<T,2,1>& m)
- {
- const T x = m(0);
- const T y = m(1);
- // make us a column vector of length 2
- matrix<T,2,2> res;
- // now compute the gradient vector
- res(0,0) = -400*y + 3*400*x*x + 2;
- res(1,1) = 200;
- res(0,1) = -400*x;
- res(1,0) = -400*x;
- return res;
- }
- template <typename T>
- matrix<T,2,1> rosen_solution ()
- {
- matrix<T,2,1> x;
- // solution from original documentation.
- x = 1,1;
- return x;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- struct rosen_function_model
- {
- typedef matrix<T,2,1> column_vector;
- typedef matrix<T,2,2> general_matrix;
- T operator() ( column_vector x) const
- {
- return static_cast<T>(rosen(x));
- }
- void get_derivative_and_hessian (
- const column_vector& x,
- column_vector& d,
- general_matrix& h
- ) const
- {
- d = rosen_derivative(x);
- h = rosen_hessian(x);
- }
- };
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/parallel_for.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/parallel_for.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bee40955..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/parallel_for.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/threads.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.parallel_for");
- class assign_element
- {
- public:
- assign_element(
- std::vector<int>& vect_
- ) : vect(vect_){}
- std::vector<int>& vect;
- void go (long i )
- {
- DLIB_TEST( 0 <= i && i < (long)vect.size());
- vect[i] = i;
- }
- void operator() (long i ) const
- {
- DLIB_TEST( 0 <= i && i < (long)vect.size());
- vect[i] = i;
- }
- };
- void test_parallel_for(long start)
- {
- std::vector<int> vect(200,0);
- parallel_for(4, start, vect.size(), assign_element(vect));
- for (long i = 0; i < start; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(vect[i] == 0);
- }
- for (long i = start; i < (long)vect.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(vect[i] == i);
- }
- }
- void test_parallel_for2(long start)
- {
- std::vector<int> vect(200,0);
- assign_element temp(vect);
- parallel_for(4, start, vect.size(), temp, &assign_element::go);
- for (long i = 0; i < start; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(vect[i] == 0);
- }
- for (long i = start; i < (long)vect.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(vect[i] == i);
- }
- }
- struct parfor_test_helper
- {
- mutable std::vector<int> test;
- parfor_test_helper() : test(400,100000)
- {
- }
- void go(long begin, long end)
- {
- for (long i = begin; i < end; ++i)
- test[i] = i;
- }
- void operator()(long begin, long end) const
- {
- for (long i = begin; i < end; ++i)
- test[i] = i;
- }
- void go2(long i)
- {
- test[i] = i;
- }
- };
- struct parfor_test_helper2
- {
- mutable std::vector<int> test;
- parfor_test_helper2() : test(400,100000)
- {
- }
- void operator()(long i) const
- {
- test[i] = i;
- }
- };
- void test_parallel_for_additional()
- {
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for(4, 0, helper.test.size(), helper, &parfor_test_helper::go2);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for(4, 10, helper.test.size(), helper, &parfor_test_helper::go2);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == 100000, helper.test[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_blocked(4, 0, helper.test.size(), helper, &parfor_test_helper::go);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_blocked(4, 10, helper.test.size(), helper, &parfor_test_helper::go);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == 100000, helper.test[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_blocked(4, 0, helper.test.size(), helper);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_blocked(4, 10, helper.test.size(), helper);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == 100000, helper.test[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper2 helper;
- parallel_for(4, 0, helper.test.size(), helper);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper2 helper;
- parallel_for(4, 10, helper.test.size(), helper);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == 100000, helper.test[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_verbose(4, 0, helper.test.size(), helper, &parfor_test_helper::go2);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_verbose(4, 10, helper.test.size(), helper, &parfor_test_helper::go2);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == 100000, helper.test[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_blocked_verbose(4, 0, helper.test.size(), helper, &parfor_test_helper::go);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_blocked_verbose(4, 10, helper.test.size(), helper, &parfor_test_helper::go);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == 100000, helper.test[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_blocked_verbose(4, 0, helper.test.size(), helper);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper helper;
- parallel_for_blocked_verbose(4, 10, helper.test.size(), helper);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == 100000, helper.test[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper2 helper;
- parallel_for_verbose(4, 0, helper.test.size(), helper);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- parfor_test_helper2 helper;
- parallel_for_verbose(4, 10, helper.test.size(), helper);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == 100000, helper.test[i]);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 10; i < helper.test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_CASSERT(helper.test[i] == (long)i, helper.test[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- class test_parallel_for_routines : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_parallel_for_routines (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_parallel_for", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the parallel_for routines.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_parallel_for(0);
- test_parallel_for(30);
- test_parallel_for(50);
- test_parallel_for2(0);
- test_parallel_for2(30);
- test_parallel_for2(50);
- test_parallel_for_additional();
- }
- };
- test_parallel_for_routines a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/parse.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/parse.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b0ea13b1b..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/parse.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.parse");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const unsigned long DET = 0;
- const unsigned long N = 1;
- const unsigned long V = 2;
- const unsigned long NP = 3;
- const unsigned long VP = 4;
- const unsigned long S = 5;
- const unsigned long B = 6;
- const unsigned long G = 7;
- const unsigned long A = 8;
- typedef unsigned long tags;
- template <bool has_glue_term>
- void user_defined_ruleset (
- const std::vector<tags>& words,
- const constituent<tags>& c,
- std::vector<std::pair<tags,double> >& possible_ids
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST(c.begin < c.k && c.k < c.end && c.end <= words.size());
- DLIB_TEST(possible_ids.size() == 0);
- if (c.left_tag == NP && c.right_tag == VP) possible_ids.push_back(make_pair(S,log(0.80)));
- else if (c.left_tag == DET && c.right_tag == N) possible_ids.push_back(make_pair(NP,log(0.30)));
- else if (c.left_tag == VP && c.right_tag == A) possible_ids.push_back(make_pair(VP,log(0.30)));
- else if (c.left_tag == V && c.right_tag == NP)
- {
- possible_ids.push_back(make_pair(VP,log(0.20)));
- possible_ids.push_back(make_pair(B,0.10));
- }
- else if (has_glue_term)
- {
- possible_ids.push_back(make_pair(G, log(0.01)));
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void dotest1()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "in dotest1()";
- std::vector<std::string> words;
- std::vector<tags> sequence;
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- sequence.push_back(DET);
- sequence.push_back(N);
- sequence.push_back(V);
- sequence.push_back(DET);
- sequence.push_back(N);
- sequence.push_back(A);
- words.push_back("The");
- words.push_back("flight");
- words.push_back("includes");
- words.push_back("a");
- words.push_back("meal");
- words.push_back("AWORD");
- }
- std::vector<parse_tree_element<tags> > parse_tree;
- find_max_parse_cky(sequence, user_defined_ruleset<true>, parse_tree);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree.size() != 0);
- std::vector<unsigned long> roots;
- find_trees_not_rooted_with_tag(parse_tree, G, roots);
- DLIB_TEST(roots.size() == 8);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < roots.size(); ++i)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << parse_tree_to_string(parse_tree, words, roots[i]);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree_to_string(parse_tree, words, roots[i]) == "[[The flight] [[includes [a meal]] AWORD]]");
- dlog << LINFO << parse_tree_to_string_tagged(parse_tree, words, roots[i]);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree_to_string_tagged(parse_tree, words, roots[i]) == "[5 [3 The flight] [4 [4 includes [3 a meal]] AWORD]]");
- }
- words.clear();
- sequence.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- sequence.push_back(DET);
- sequence.push_back(N);
- sequence.push_back(V);
- sequence.push_back(DET);
- sequence.push_back(N);
- words.push_back("The");
- words.push_back("flight");
- words.push_back("includes");
- words.push_back("a");
- words.push_back("meal");
- }
- find_max_parse_cky(sequence, user_defined_ruleset<true>, parse_tree);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree.size() != 0);
- const std::string str1 = "[[[The flight] [includes [a meal]]] [[The flight] [includes [a meal]]]]";
- const std::string str2 = "[7 [5 [3 The flight] [4 includes [3 a meal]]] [5 [3 The flight] [4 includes [3 a meal]]]]";
- dlog << LINFO << parse_tree_to_string(parse_tree, words);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree_to_string(parse_tree, words) == str1);
- dlog << LINFO << parse_tree_to_string_tagged(parse_tree, words);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree_to_string_tagged(parse_tree, words) == str2);
- const std::string str3 = "[[The flight] [includes [a meal]]] [[The flight] [includes [a meal]]]";
- const std::string str4 = "[5 [3 The flight] [4 includes [3 a meal]]] [5 [3 The flight] [4 includes [3 a meal]]]";
- dlog << LINFO << parse_trees_to_string(parse_tree, words, G);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_trees_to_string(parse_tree, words, G) == str3);
- dlog << LINFO << parse_trees_to_string_tagged(parse_tree, words, G);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_trees_to_string_tagged(parse_tree, words, G) == str4);
- sequence.clear();
- find_max_parse_cky(sequence, user_defined_ruleset<true>, parse_tree);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree.size() == 0);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void dotest2()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "in dotest2()";
- std::vector<std::string> words;
- std::vector<tags> sequence;
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- sequence.push_back(DET);
- sequence.push_back(N);
- sequence.push_back(V);
- sequence.push_back(DET);
- sequence.push_back(N);
- words.push_back("The");
- words.push_back("flight");
- words.push_back("includes");
- words.push_back("a");
- words.push_back("meal");
- }
- std::vector<parse_tree_element<tags> > parse_tree;
- find_max_parse_cky(sequence, user_defined_ruleset<false>, parse_tree);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree.size() == 0);
- std::vector<unsigned long> roots;
- find_trees_not_rooted_with_tag(parse_tree, G, roots);
- DLIB_TEST(roots.size() == 0);
- words.clear();
- sequence.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- sequence.push_back(DET);
- sequence.push_back(N);
- sequence.push_back(V);
- sequence.push_back(DET);
- sequence.push_back(N);
- words.push_back("The");
- words.push_back("flight");
- words.push_back("includes");
- words.push_back("a");
- words.push_back("meal");
- }
- find_max_parse_cky(sequence, user_defined_ruleset<false>, parse_tree);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree.size() == 0);
- sequence.clear();
- find_max_parse_cky(sequence, user_defined_ruleset<false>, parse_tree);
- DLIB_TEST(parse_tree.size() == 0);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class parse_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- parse_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_parse",
- "Runs tests on the parsing tools.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dotest1();
- dotest2();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pipe.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pipe.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d84dd0d44..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pipe.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/misc_api.h>
-#include <dlib/pipe.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.pipe");
- namespace pipe_kernel_test_helpers
- {
- const unsigned long proc1_count = 10000;
- dlib::mutex m;
- signaler s(m);
- unsigned long threads_running = 0;
- bool found_error;
- inline void add_running_thread (
- )
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- ++threads_running;
- }
- inline void remove_running_thread (
- )
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- --threads_running;
- s.broadcast();
- }
- inline void wait_for_threads (
- )
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- while (threads_running > 0)
- s.wait();
- }
- template <
- typename pipe
- >
- void threadproc1 (
- void* param
- )
- {
- add_running_thread();
- pipe& p = *static_cast<pipe*>(param);
- try
- {
- int last = -1;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < proc1_count; ++i)
- {
- int cur=0;
- DLIB_TEST(p.dequeue(cur) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(last + 1 == cur);
- last = cur;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(p.size() == 0);
- }
- catch(exception& e)
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- found_error = true;
- cout << "\n\nERRORS FOUND" << endl;
- cout << e.what() << endl;
- dlog << LWARN << "ERRORS FOUND";
- dlog << LWARN << e.what();
- p.disable();
- }
- remove_running_thread();
- }
- template <
- typename pipe
- >
- void threadproc2 (
- void* param
- )
- {
- add_running_thread();
- pipe& p = *static_cast<pipe*>(param);
- try
- {
- int last = -1;
- int cur;
- while (p.dequeue(cur))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last < cur);
- last = cur;
- }
- auto_mutex M(m);
- }
- catch(exception& e)
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- found_error = true;
- cout << "\n\nERRORS FOUND" << endl;
- cout << e.what() << endl;
- dlog << LWARN << "ERRORS FOUND";
- dlog << LWARN << e.what();
- p.disable();
- }
- remove_running_thread();
- }
- template <
- typename pipe
- >
- void threadproc3 (
- void* param
- )
- {
- add_running_thread();
- pipe& p = *static_cast<pipe*>(param);
- try
- {
- int last = -1;
- int cur;
- while (p.dequeue_or_timeout(cur,100000))
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last < cur);
- last = cur;
- }
- auto_mutex M(m);
- }
- catch(exception& e)
- {
- auto_mutex M(m);
- found_error = true;
- cout << "\n\nERRORS FOUND" << endl;
- cout << e.what() << endl;
- dlog << LWARN << "ERRORS FOUND";
- dlog << LWARN << e.what();
- p.disable();
- }
- remove_running_thread();
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<typename in_type, typename out_type>
- class PipelineProcessor : private dlib::threaded_object
- {
- public:
- PipelineProcessor(
- dlib::pipe<in_type> & in,
- dlib::pipe<out_type> & out) :
- InPipe(in),
- OutPipe(out),
- InMsg(),
- OutMsg() {
- start();
- }
- ~PipelineProcessor() {
- // signal the thread to stop
- stop();
- wait();
- }
- private:
- dlib::pipe<in_type> & InPipe;
- dlib::pipe<out_type> & OutPipe;
- in_type InMsg;
- out_type OutMsg;
- void thread()
- {
- while (!should_stop()) {
- if(InPipe.dequeue_or_timeout(InMsg, 100))
- {
- // if function signals ready to send OutMsg
- while (!OutPipe.enqueue_or_timeout(OutMsg, 100))
- {
- // try to send until should stop
- if (should_stop())
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- };
- void do_zero_size_test_with_timeouts()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "in do_zero_size_test_with_timeouts()";
- // make sure we can get though this without deadlocking
- for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)
- {
- dlib::pipe<int> in_pipe(10);
- dlib::pipe<float> out_pipe(0);
- {
- PipelineProcessor<int, float> pp(in_pipe, out_pipe);
- int in = 1;
- in_pipe.enqueue(in);
- in = 2;
- in_pipe.enqueue(in);
- in = 3;
- in_pipe.enqueue(in);
- // sleep to make sure thread enqueued
- dlib::sleep(100);
- float out = 1.0f;
- out_pipe.dequeue(out);
- dlib::sleep(100);
- }
- print_spinner();
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename pipe
- >
- void pipe_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - pipe is an implementation of pipe/pipe_kernel_abstract.h and
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on pipe for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- using namespace pipe_kernel_test_helpers;
- found_error = false;
- print_spinner();
- pipe test(10), test2(100);
- pipe test_0(0), test2_0(0);
- pipe test_1(1), test2_1(1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2_0.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2_1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_enqueue_enabled() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_dequeue_enabled() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_enabled() == true);
- test.empty();
- test2.empty();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- test_0.empty();
- test2_0.empty();
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2_0.size() == 0);
- test_1.empty();
- test2_1.empty();
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2_1.size() == 0);
- int a;
- a = 3;
- test.enqueue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- a = 5;
- test.enqueue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- a = 0;
- test.dequeue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- a = 0;
- test.dequeue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- print_spinner();
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "starting normal length pipe tests";
- create_new_thread(&threadproc1<pipe>,&test);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < proc1_count; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test.enqueue(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_enqueue_enabled() == true);
- test.disable_enqueue();
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_enqueue_enabled() == false);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < proc1_count; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test.enqueue(a);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- if (i%2 == 0)
- test2.enqueue(a);
- else
- test2.enqueue_or_timeout(a,100000);
- }
- test2.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(3);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- test2.disable();
- wait_for_threads();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- test2.enable();
- print_spinner();
- create_new_thread(&threadproc3<pipe>,&test2);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc3<pipe>,&test2);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- if (i%2 == 0)
- test2.enqueue(a);
- else
- test2.enqueue_or_timeout(a,100000);
- }
- test2.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- test2.disable();
- wait_for_threads();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "starting 0 length pipe tests";
- create_new_thread(&threadproc1<pipe>,&test_0);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2_0);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2_0);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2_0);
- dlog << LTRACE << "0: 1";
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < proc1_count; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test_0.enqueue(a);
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "0: 2";
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.is_enqueue_enabled() == true);
- test_0.disable_enqueue();
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.is_enqueue_enabled() == false);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < proc1_count; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test_0.enqueue(a);
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "0: 3";
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- if (i%2 == 0)
- test2_0.enqueue(a);
- else
- test2_0.enqueue_or_timeout(a,100000);
- }
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << "0: 4";
- test2_0.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(3);
- DLIB_TEST(test2_0.size() == 0);
- test2_0.disable();
- wait_for_threads();
- DLIB_TEST(test2_0.size() == 0);
- dlog << LTRACE << "0: 5";
- test2_0.enable();
- create_new_thread(&threadproc3<pipe>,&test2_0);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc3<pipe>,&test2_0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- if ((i%100) == 0)
- print_spinner();
- a = i;
- if (i%2 == 0)
- test2_0.enqueue(a);
- else
- test2_0.enqueue_or_timeout(a,100000);
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "0: 6";
- test2_0.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2_0.size() == 0);
- test2_0.disable();
- wait_for_threads();
- DLIB_TEST(test2_0.size() == 0);
- dlog << LTRACE << "0: 7";
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "starting 1 length pipe tests";
- create_new_thread(&threadproc1<pipe>,&test_1);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2_1);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2_1);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc2<pipe>,&test2_1);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < proc1_count; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test_1.enqueue(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_enqueue_enabled() == true);
- test_1.disable_enqueue();
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_enqueue_enabled() == false);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < proc1_count; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test_1.enqueue(a);
- }
- print_spinner();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- if (i%2 == 0)
- test2_1.enqueue(a);
- else
- test2_1.enqueue_or_timeout(a,100000);
- }
- test2_1.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(3);
- DLIB_TEST(test2_1.size() == 0);
- test2_1.disable();
- wait_for_threads();
- DLIB_TEST(test2_1.size() == 0);
- test2_1.enable();
- create_new_thread(&threadproc3<pipe>,&test2_1);
- create_new_thread(&threadproc3<pipe>,&test2_1);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- if (i%2 == 0)
- test2_1.enqueue(a);
- else
- test2_1.enqueue_or_timeout(a,100000);
- }
- test2_1.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2_1.size() == 0);
- test2_1.disable();
- wait_for_threads();
- DLIB_TEST(test2_1.size() == 0);
- }
- test.enable_enqueue();
- test_0.enable_enqueue();
- test_1.enable_enqueue();
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_enabled());
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_enqueue_enabled());
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.is_enabled());
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.is_enqueue_enabled());
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_enabled());
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_enqueue_enabled());
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.max_size() == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.max_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.max_size() == 1);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- a = 1;
- test.enqueue_or_timeout(a,0);
- a = 1;
- test_0.enqueue_or_timeout(a,0);
- a = 1;
- test_1.enqueue_or_timeout(a,0);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.size() == 10,"size: " << test.size() );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test_0.size() == 0,"size: " << test.size() );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test_1.size() == 1,"size: " << test.size() );
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- a = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test.enqueue_or_timeout(a,10) == false);
- a = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.enqueue_or_timeout(a,10) == false);
- a = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.enqueue_or_timeout(a,10) == false);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.size() == 10,"size: " << test.size() );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test_0.size() == 0,"size: " << test.size() );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test_1.size() == 1,"size: " << test.size() );
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- a = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test.dequeue_or_timeout(a,0) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.max_size() == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.max_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.max_size() == 1);
- a = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.dequeue_or_timeout(a,0) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.max_size() == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.max_size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.max_size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a == 1,"a: " << a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.dequeue_or_timeout(a,0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.dequeue_or_timeout(a,0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.dequeue_or_timeout(a,0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.dequeue_or_timeout(a,10) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.dequeue_or_timeout(a,10) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.dequeue_or_timeout(a,10) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_0.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(found_error == false);
- {
- test.enable();
- test.enable_enqueue();
- test.empty();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_enabled() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_enqueue_enabled() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_dequeue_enabled() == true);
- test.disable_dequeue();
- dlog << LINFO << "Make sure disable_dequeue() works right...";
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_dequeue_enabled() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.dequeue(a) == false);
- test.wait_until_empty();
- a = 4;
- test.enqueue(a);
- test.wait_until_empty();
- test.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(4);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.dequeue(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.dequeue_or_timeout(a,10000) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- a = 0;
- test.enable_dequeue();
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_dequeue_enabled() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.dequeue(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 4);
- test_1.wait_until_empty();
- }
- {
- test_1.enable();
- test_1.enable_enqueue();
- test_1.empty();
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_enabled() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_enqueue_enabled() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_dequeue_enabled() == true);
- test_1.disable_dequeue();
- dlog << LINFO << "Make sure disable_dequeue() works right...";
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_dequeue_enabled() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.dequeue(a) == false);
- a = 4;
- test_1.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(4);
- test_1.wait_for_num_blocked_dequeues(0);
- test_1.enqueue(a);
- test_1.wait_until_empty();
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.dequeue(a) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.dequeue_or_timeout(a,10000) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.size() == 1);
- a = 0;
- test_1.enable_dequeue();
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.is_dequeue_enabled() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test_1.dequeue(a) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 4);
- test_1.wait_until_empty();
- }
- }
- class pipe_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- pipe_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_pipe",
- "Runs tests on the pipe component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- pipe_kernel_test<dlib::pipe<int> >();
- do_zero_size_test_with_timeouts();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pixel.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pixel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 40772b130..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pixel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/pixel.h>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <dlib/image_io.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.pixel");
- void pixel_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on pixel objects and functions for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- unsigned char p_gray;
- unsigned short p_gray16;
- long p_int;
- float p_float;
- signed char p_schar;
- rgb_pixel p_rgb,p_rgb2;
- hsi_pixel p_hsi, p_hsi2;
- rgb_alpha_pixel p_rgba;
- lab_pixel p_lab, p_lab2;
- assign_pixel(p_int, 0.0f);
- assign_pixel(p_float, 0.0f);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, -2);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb,0);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi, -4);
- assign_pixel(p_rgba, p_int);
- assign_pixel(p_gray16,0);
- assign_pixel(p_lab,-400);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray16 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_rgba.alpha == 255);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == 128);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == 128);
- assign_pixel(p_gray,10);
- assign_pixel(p_gray16,10);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb,10);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi,10);
- assign_pixel(p_rgba,10);
- assign_pixel(p_lab,10);
- assign_pixel(p_int, -10);
- assign_pixel(p_float, -10);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, -10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == -10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == -10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == -10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray16 == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_rgba.alpha == 255);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == 128);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == 128);
- assign_pixel(p_gray16,12345);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray16 == 12345);
- assign_pixel(p_float,3.141);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == 3.141f);
- = 255;
- = 100;
- = 50;
- p_rgba.alpha = 4;
- assign_pixel(p_gray,p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb,p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgba,p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi,p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_lab,p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_float,p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_int,p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_schar,p_rgb);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == std::numeric_limits<signed char>::max());
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == (255+100+50)/3);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(p_float == (255+100+50)/3, p_float - (255+100+50)/3);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == (255+100+50)/3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 255);
- DLIB_TEST( == 100);
- DLIB_TEST( == 50);
- DLIB_TEST( == 255);
- DLIB_TEST( == 100);
- DLIB_TEST( == 50);
- DLIB_TEST(p_rgba.alpha == 255);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b > 0);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb,0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_hsi);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( > 251 ,(int);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( > 96 && < 104,(int);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( > 47 && < 53,(int);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb,0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( > 251 ,(int);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( > 96 && < 104,(int);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( > 47 && < 53,(int);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi2, p_hsi);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == p_hsi2.h);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == p_hsi2.s);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i == p_hsi2.i);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi,0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i == 0);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == p_hsi2.h);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == p_hsi2.s);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i == p_hsi2.i);
- assign_pixel(p_lab2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == p_lab2.l);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == p_lab2.a);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == p_lab2.b);
- assign_pixel(p_lab,0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == 128);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == 128);
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == p_lab2.l);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == p_lab2.a);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == p_lab2.b);
- assign_pixel(p_rgba, 100);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_float, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_int, 10);
- p_rgba.alpha = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_gray, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 10);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == 10);
- assign_pixel(p_int, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == 10);
- assign_pixel(p_float, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == 10);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- DLIB_TEST( == 10);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi2, p_rgb);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == 0);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(p_hsi.i < p_hsi2.i+2 && p_hsi.i > p_hsi2.i -2,(int)p_hsi.i << " " << (int)p_hsi2.i);
- // this value corresponds to RGB(10,10,10)
- p_lab.l = 7;
- p_lab.a = 128;
- p_lab.b = 128;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_lab2, p_rgb);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == 128);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == 128);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(p_lab.l < p_lab2.l+2 && p_lab.l > p_lab2.l -2,(int)p_lab.l << " " << (int)p_lab2.l);
- assign_pixel(p_lab, 128);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == 128);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == 128);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == 128);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- //Lab midpoint (50,0,0) is not same as RGB midpoint (127,127,127)
- DLIB_TEST( == 119);
- DLIB_TEST( == 119);
- DLIB_TEST( == 119);
- //Lab limit values test
- //red, green, blue, yellow, black, white
- p_lab.l = 84;
- p_lab.a = 164;
- p_lab.b = 56;
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 64);
- DLIB_TEST( == 194);
- p_lab.l = 255;
- p_lab.a = 0;
- p_lab.b = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 255);
- DLIB_TEST( == 255);
- p_lab.l = 0;
- p_lab.a = 255;
- p_lab.b = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 195);
- p_lab.l = 0;
- p_lab.a = 0;
- p_lab.b = 255;
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 45);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- p_lab.l = 255;
- p_lab.a = 255;
- p_lab.b = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 255);
- DLIB_TEST( == 139);
- DLIB_TEST( == 255);
- p_lab.l = 0;
- p_lab.a = 255;
- p_lab.b = 255;
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 132);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- p_lab.l = 255;
- p_lab.a = 0;
- p_lab.b = 255;
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 255);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- p_lab.l = 255;
- p_lab.a = 255;
- p_lab.b = 255;
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 255);
- DLIB_TEST( == 70);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- //RGB limit tests
- = 0;
- = 0;
- = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- = 255;
- = 0;
- = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- = 0;
- = 255;
- = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( < 8);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- DLIB_TEST( < 5);
- = 0;
- = 0;
- = 255;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- = 255;
- = 255;
- = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- DLIB_TEST( < 9);
- = 0;
- = 255;
- = 255;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( < 5);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- = 255;
- = 0;
- = 255;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST(> 252);
- DLIB_TEST( < 6);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- = 255;
- = 255;
- = 255;
- assign_pixel(p_lab, p_rgb);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb2, p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252 );
- DLIB_TEST(> 252);
- DLIB_TEST( > 252);
- assign_pixel(p_rgba, 100);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_float, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_int, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, 10);
- p_rgba.alpha = 128;
- assign_pixel(p_gray, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_float, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_int, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == (100 + 10)/2);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == (100 + 10)/2);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == (100 + 10)/2);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == (100 + 10)/2);
- DLIB_TEST( == (100 + 10)/2);
- DLIB_TEST( == (100 + 10)/2);
- DLIB_TEST( == (100 + 10)/2);
- assign_pixel(p_rgba, 100);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_int, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_float, 10);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_rgba.alpha == 255);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_int, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_float, p_rgba);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_rgba);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 100);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == 100);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == 100);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == 100);
- DLIB_TEST( == 100);
- DLIB_TEST( == 100);
- DLIB_TEST( == 100);
- = 1;
- = 2;
- = 3;
- = 4;
- = 5;
- = 6;
- p_rgba.alpha = 7;
- p_gray = 8;
- p_schar = 8;
- p_int = 8;
- p_float = 8;
- p_hsi.h = 9;
- p_hsi.s = 10;
- p_hsi.i = 11;
- p_lab.l = 10;
- p_lab.a = 9;
- p_lab.b = 8;
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(p_rgb,sout);
- serialize(p_rgba,sout);
- serialize(p_gray,sout);
- serialize(p_schar,sout);
- serialize(p_int,sout);
- serialize(p_float,sout);
- serialize(p_hsi,sout);
- serialize(p_lab,sout);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb,0);
- assign_pixel(p_rgba,0);
- assign_pixel(p_gray,0);
- assign_pixel(p_schar,0);
- assign_pixel(p_int,0);
- assign_pixel(p_float,0);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi,0);
- assign_pixel(p_lab,0);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(p_rgb,sin);
- deserialize(p_rgba,sin);
- deserialize(p_gray,sin);
- deserialize(p_schar,sin);
- deserialize(p_int,sin);
- deserialize(p_float,sin);
- deserialize(p_hsi,sin);
- deserialize(p_lab,sin);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 4);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(p_rgba.alpha == 7);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i == 11);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == 8);
- {
- matrix<double,1,1> m_gray, m_schar, m_int, m_float;
- matrix<double,3,1> m_rgb, m_hsi, m_lab;
- m_gray = pixel_to_vector<double>(p_gray);
- m_schar = pixel_to_vector<double>(p_schar);
- m_int = pixel_to_vector<double>(p_int);
- m_float = pixel_to_vector<double>(p_float);
- m_hsi = pixel_to_vector<double>(p_hsi);
- m_rgb = pixel_to_vector<double>(p_rgb);
- m_lab = pixel_to_vector<double>(p_lab);
- DLIB_TEST(m_gray(0) == p_gray);
- DLIB_TEST(m_float(0) == p_float);
- DLIB_TEST(m_int(0) == p_int);
- DLIB_TEST(m_schar(0) == p_schar);
- DLIB_TEST(m_rgb(0) ==;
- DLIB_TEST(m_rgb(1) ==;
- DLIB_TEST(m_rgb(2) ==;
- DLIB_TEST(m_hsi(0) == p_hsi.h);
- DLIB_TEST(m_hsi(1) == p_hsi.s);
- DLIB_TEST(m_hsi(2) == p_hsi.i);
- DLIB_TEST(m_lab(0) == p_lab.l);
- DLIB_TEST(m_lab(1) == p_lab.a);
- DLIB_TEST(m_lab(2) == p_lab.b);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 4);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(p_rgba.alpha == 7);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i == 11);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == 8);
- assign_pixel(p_gray,0);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi,0);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb,0);
- assign_pixel(p_lab,0);
- vector_to_pixel(p_gray, m_gray);
- vector_to_pixel(p_hsi, m_hsi);
- vector_to_pixel(p_rgb, m_rgb);
- vector_to_pixel(p_lab, m_lab);
- DLIB_TEST( == 1);
- DLIB_TEST( == 2);
- DLIB_TEST( == 3);
- DLIB_TEST( == 4);
- DLIB_TEST( == 5);
- DLIB_TEST( == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(p_rgba.alpha == 7);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.h == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.s == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_hsi.i == 11);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.l == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.a == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(p_lab.b == 8);
- }
- {
- unsigned char p_gray;
- unsigned short p_gray16;
- long p_int;
- float p_float;
- signed char p_schar;
- rgb_pixel p_rgb;
- hsi_pixel p_hsi, p_hsi2;
- rgb_alpha_pixel p_rgba;
- lab_pixel p_lab;
- assign_pixel(p_gray, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_gray16, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_int, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_float, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_hsi, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_lab, 0);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, 100);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_gray);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == 100);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, 200);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_gray);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == std::numeric_limits<signed char>::max());
- assign_pixel(p_int, p_gray);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == 200);
- assign_pixel(p_float, p_gray);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == 200);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_float);
- DLIB_TEST( == 200);
- DLIB_TEST( == 200);
- DLIB_TEST( == 200);
- p_schar = 0;
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_rgb);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == std::numeric_limits<signed char>::max());
- p_schar = -10;
- assign_pixel(p_float, p_schar);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == -10);
- assign_pixel(p_int, p_schar);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == -10);
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_schar);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == -10);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, p_schar);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 0);
- assign_pixel(p_rgb, p_schar);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- DLIB_TEST( == 0);
- assign_pixel(p_gray16, p_schar);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray16 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_float) == -10);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_int) == -10);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_schar) == -10);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_rgb) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_gray16) == 0);
- = 100;
- = 100;
- = 100;
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_rgb) == 100);
- = 1;
- = 2;
- = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_rgb) == 2);
- p_rgba.alpha = 100;
- = 100;
- = 100;
- = 100;
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_rgba) == 100);
- = 1;
- = 2;
- = 3;
- p_rgba.alpha = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_rgba) == 2);
- p_hsi.h = 123;
- p_hsi.s = 100;
- p_hsi.i = 84;
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_hsi) == 84);
- p_lab.l = 123;
- p_lab.a = 100;
- p_lab.b = 84;
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_lab) == 123);
- p_float = 54.25;
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_float) == 54.25);
- assign_pixel(p_gray, p_float);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_gray) == 54);
- assign_pixel_intensity(p_float, -1000);
- assign_pixel_intensity(p_schar, -100);
- assign_pixel_intensity(p_int, -10000);
- assign_pixel_intensity(p_gray, -100);
- = 10;
- = 10;
- = 10;
- p_rgba.alpha = 0;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(get_pixel_intensity(p_rgba) == 10, (int)get_pixel_intensity(p_rgba));
- assign_pixel_intensity(p_rgba, 2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( == 2, (int);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( == 2, (int);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( == 2, (int);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(p_rgba.alpha == 0, (int)p_rgba.alpha);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(get_pixel_intensity(p_rgba) == 2, (int)get_pixel_intensity(p_rgba));
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == -1000);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_float) == -1000);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == -100);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_schar) == -100);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == -10000);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_int) == -10000);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 0);
- assign_pixel_intensity(p_gray, 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(p_gray == 255);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_gray) == 255);
- assign_pixel_intensity(p_float, p_gray);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == 255);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_float) == 255);
- assign_pixel_intensity(p_int, p_gray);
- DLIB_TEST(p_int == 255);
- DLIB_TEST(get_pixel_intensity(p_int) == 255);
- p_float = 1e10;
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_float);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == std::numeric_limits<signed char>::max());
- p_float = -1e10;
- assign_pixel(p_schar, p_float);
- DLIB_TEST(p_schar == std::numeric_limits<signed char>::min());
- double p_double = 1e200;
- assign_pixel(p_float, p_double);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
- p_double = -1e200;
- assign_pixel(p_float, p_double);
- DLIB_TEST(p_float == -std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
- }
- }
- class pixel_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- pixel_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_pixel",
- "Runs tests on the pixel objects and functions.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- pixel_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/probabilistic.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/probabilistic.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a24829a..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/probabilistic.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "checkerboard.h"
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.probabilistic");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_probabilistic : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_probabilistic (
- ) :
- tester ("test_probabilistic",
- "Runs tests on the probabilistic trainer adapter.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef double scalar_type;
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,2,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> x;
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > x_linearized;
- std::vector<scalar_type> y;
- get_checkerboard_problem(x,y, 1000, 2);
- random_subset_selector<sample_type> rx;
- random_subset_selector<scalar_type> ry;
- rx.set_max_size(x.size());
- ry.set_max_size(x.size());
- dlog << LINFO << "pos labels: "<< sum(mat(y) == +1);
- dlog << LINFO << "neg labels: "<< sum(mat(y) == -1);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- rx.add(x[i]);
- ry.add(y[i]);
- }
- const scalar_type gamma = 2.0;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- krr_trainer<kernel_type> krr_trainer;
- krr_trainer.use_classification_loss_for_loo_cv();
- krr_trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(gamma));
- krr_trainer.set_basis(randomly_subsample(x, 100));
- probabilistic_decision_function<kernel_type> df;
- dlog << LINFO << "cross validation: " << cross_validate_trainer(krr_trainer, rx,ry, 4);
- print_spinner();
- running_stats<scalar_type> rs_pos, rs_neg;
- print_spinner();
- df = probabilistic(krr_trainer,3).train(x, y);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (y[i] > 0)
- rs_pos.add(df(x[i]));
- else
- rs_neg.add(df(x[i]));
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "rs_pos.mean(): "<< rs_pos.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs_neg.mean(): "<< rs_neg.mean();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs_pos.mean() > 0.95, rs_pos.mean());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs_neg.mean() < 0.05, rs_neg.mean());
- rs_pos.clear();
- rs_neg.clear();
- print_spinner();
- df = probabilistic(krr_trainer,3).train(rx, ry);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (y[i] > 0)
- rs_pos.add(df(x[i]));
- else
- rs_neg.add(df(x[i]));
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "rs_pos.mean(): "<< rs_pos.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs_neg.mean(): "<< rs_neg.mean();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs_pos.mean() > 0.95, rs_pos.mean());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs_neg.mean() < 0.05, rs_neg.mean());
- rs_pos.clear();
- rs_neg.clear();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pyramid_down.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pyramid_down.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c026a8162..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/pyramid_down.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
-//#include <dlib/gui_widgets.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.pyramid_down");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void test_pyramid_down_grayscale()
- array2d<unsigned char> img, down;
- pyramid_down<2> pyr;
- img.set_size(300,264);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 10);
- pyr(img, down);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(*2 - < 5);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(*2 - < 5);
- rectangle rect1 = get_rect(img);
- rectangle rect2 = pyr.rect_up(get_rect(down));
- double overlap = rect1.intersect(rect2).area() / (double)(rect1 + rect2).area();
- DLIB_TEST(overlap > 0.95);
- rect1 = get_rect(down);
- rect2 = pyr.rect_down(get_rect(img));
- overlap = rect1.intersect(rect2).area() / (double)(rect1 + rect2).area();
- DLIB_TEST(overlap > 0.95);
- DLIB_TEST(min(mat(down)) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(max(mat(down)) == 10);
-void test_pyramid_down_rgb()
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img;
- array2d<bgr_pixel> down;
- pyramid_down<2> pyr;
- img.set_size(231, 351);
- assign_all_pixels(img, rgb_pixel(1,2,3));
- pyr(img, down);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(*2 - < 5);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(*2 - < 5);
- rectangle rect1 = get_rect(img);
- rectangle rect2 = pyr.rect_up(get_rect(down));
- double overlap = rect1.intersect(rect2).area() / (double)(rect1 + rect2).area();
- DLIB_TEST(overlap > 0.95);
- rect1 = get_rect(down);
- rect2 = pyr.rect_down(get_rect(img));
- overlap = rect1.intersect(rect2).area() / (double)(rect1 + rect2).area();
- DLIB_TEST(overlap > 0.95);
- bool pixels_match = true;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- if (down[r][c].red != 1 ||
- down[r][c].green != 2 ||
- down[r][c].blue != 3 )
- {
- pixels_match = false;
- }
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(pixels_match);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template <typename image_type>
-rgb_pixel mean_pixel (
- const image_type& img,
- const rectangle& rect
- long red = 0;
- long green = 0;
- long blue = 0;
- for (long r =; r <= rect.bottom(); ++r)
- {
- for (long c = rect.left(); c <= rect.right(); ++c)
- {
- red += img[r][c].red;
- green += img[r][c].green;
- blue += img[r][c].blue;
- }
- }
- const long n = rect.area();
- return rgb_pixel(red/n, green/n, blue/n);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template <typename pyramid_down_type>
-void test_pyramid_down_rgb2()
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img, img3;
- array2d<unsigned char> img2, img4;
- img.set_size(300,400);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 0);
- rectangle rect1 = centered_rect( 10,10, 14, 14);
- rectangle rect2 = centered_rect( 100,100, 34, 42);
- rectangle rect3 = centered_rect( 310,215, 65, 21);
- fill_rect(img, rect1, rgb_pixel(255,0,0));
- fill_rect(img, rect2, rgb_pixel(0,255,0));
- fill_rect(img, rect3, rgb_pixel(0,0,255));
- pyramid_down_type pyr;
- pyr(img, img2);
- pyr(img, img3);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect1.tl_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect1,2),2).tl_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect1.br_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect1,2),2).br_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect2.tl_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect2,2),2).tl_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect2.br_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect2,2),2).br_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect3.tl_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect3,2),2).tl_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect3.br_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect3,2),2).br_corner()).length()) < 1);
- rect1 = shrink_rect(pyr.rect_down(rect1),1);
- rect2 = shrink_rect(pyr.rect_down(rect2),1);
- rect3 = shrink_rect(pyr.rect_down(rect3),1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.area() > 10);
- DLIB_TEST(rect2.area() > 10);
- DLIB_TEST(rect3.area() > 10);
- /*
- image_window my_window(img);
- image_window win2(img2);
- image_window win3(img3);
- win2.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect1, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win2.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect2, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win2.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect3, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win3.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect1, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win3.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect2, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win3.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect3, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- */
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int)mean(subm(matrix_cast<long>(mat(img2)),rect1)) - 255/3) < 3);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int)mean(subm(matrix_cast<long>(mat(img2)),rect2)) - 255/3) < 3);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int)mean(subm(matrix_cast<long>(mat(img2)),rect3)) - 255/3) < 3);
- assign_image(img4, img);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int)mean(mat(img4)) - mean(mat(img2))) < 2);
- rgb_pixel mean1 = mean_pixel(img3, rect1);
- rgb_pixel mean2 = mean_pixel(img3, rect2);
- rgb_pixel mean3 = mean_pixel(img3, rect3);
- rgb_pixel mean_all_true = mean_pixel(img, get_rect(img));
- rgb_pixel mean_all = mean_pixel(img3, get_rect(img3));
- DLIB_TEST( > 250);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( > 250);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( < 3);
- DLIB_TEST( > 250);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int) - < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int) - < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int) - < 1);
- //my_window.wait_until_closed();
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template <typename pyramid_down_type>
-void test_pyramid_down_grayscale2()
- array2d<unsigned char> img;
- array2d<unsigned char> img2, img4;
- img.set_size(300,400);
- assign_all_pixels(img, 0);
- rectangle rect1 = centered_rect( 10,10, 14, 14);
- rectangle rect2 = centered_rect( 100,100, 34, 42);
- rectangle rect3 = centered_rect( 310,215, 65, 21);
- fill_rect(img, rect1, 255);
- fill_rect(img, rect2, 170);
- fill_rect(img, rect3, 100);
- pyramid_down_type pyr;
- pyr(img, img2);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect1.tl_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect1,2),2).tl_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect1.br_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect1,2),2).br_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect2.tl_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect2,2),2).tl_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect2.br_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect2,2),2).br_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect3.tl_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect3,2),2).tl_corner()).length()) < 1);
- DLIB_TEST(((rect3.br_corner() - pyr.rect_down(pyr.rect_up(rect3,2),2).br_corner()).length()) < 1);
- rect1 = shrink_rect(pyr.rect_down(rect1),1);
- rect2 = shrink_rect(pyr.rect_down(rect2),1);
- rect3 = shrink_rect(pyr.rect_down(rect3),1);
- DLIB_TEST(rect1.area() > 10);
- DLIB_TEST(rect2.area() > 10);
- DLIB_TEST(rect3.area() > 10);
- /*
- image_window my_window(img);
- image_window win2(img2);
- win2.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect1, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win2.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect2, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- win2.add_overlay(image_window::overlay_rect(rect3, rgb_pixel(255,0,0)));
- */
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int)mean(subm(matrix_cast<long>(mat(img2)),rect1)) - 255) <= 3);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int)mean(subm(matrix_cast<long>(mat(img2)),rect2)) - 170) < 3);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int)mean(subm(matrix_cast<long>(mat(img2)),rect3)) - 100) < 3);
- assign_image(img4, img);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((int)mean(mat(img4)) - mean(mat(img2))) < 2);
- //my_window.wait_until_closed();
- // make sure the coordinate mapping is invertible when it should be
- for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l)
- {
- for (long x = -10; x <= 10; ++x)
- {
- for (long y = -10; y <= 10; ++y)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(point(pyr.point_down(pyr.point_up(point(x,y),l),l)) == point(x,y),
- point(x,y) << " " << pyr.point_up(point(x,y),l) << " " << pyr.point_down(pyr.point_up(point(x,y),l),l));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(point(pyr.point_down(point(pyr.point_up(point(x,y),l)),l)) == point(x,y),
- point(x,y) << " " << pyr.point_up(point(x,y),l) << " " << pyr.point_down(point(pyr.point_up(point(x,y),l)),l));
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template <typename pyramid_down_type>
-void test_pyr_sizes()
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 20; ++iter)
- {
- long nr = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10+40;
- long nc = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10+40;
- array2d<unsigned char> img(nr,nc), img2;
- assign_all_pixels(img,0);
- pyramid_down_type pyr;
- pyr(img, img2);
- find_pyramid_down_output_image_size(pyr, nr, nc);
- DLIB_TEST( == nr);
- DLIB_TEST( == nc);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template <typename pyramid_down_type>
-void test_pyramid_down_small_sizes()
- print_spinner();
- // just make sure it doesn't get messed up with small images. This test
- // is only really useful if asserts are enabled.
- pyramid_down_type pyr;
- for (int size = 0; size < 20; ++size)
- {
- array2d<unsigned char> img1(size,size);
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img2(size,size);
- array2d<unsigned char> out1;
- array2d<rgb_pixel> out2;
- assign_all_pixels(img1, 0);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, 0);
- pyr(img1, out1);
- pyr(img2, out2);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_pyramid_down : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_pyramid_down (
- ) :
- tester ("test_pyramid_down",
- "Runs tests on the pyramid_down() function.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- test_pyramid_down_grayscale();
- print_spinner();
- test_pyramid_down_rgb();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<2> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<2> >();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<3> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<3> >();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<4> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<4> >();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<5> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<5> >();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_disable>();";
- test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_disable>();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<9> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_small_sizes<pyramid_down<9> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<2> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<2> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<3> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<3> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<4> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<4> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<5> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<5> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<8> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_rgb2<pyramid_down<8> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<2> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<2> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<3> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<3> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<4> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<4> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<5> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<5> >();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "call test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<6> >();";
- test_pyramid_down_grayscale2<pyramid_down<6> >();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<1>>();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<2>>();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<3>>();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<4>>();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<5>>();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<6>>();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<7>>();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<8>>();
- test_pyr_sizes<pyramid_down<28>>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/queue.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/queue.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index efcdf6054..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/queue.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/queue.h>
-#include <dlib/memory_manager_global.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-// This is called an unnamed-namespace and it has the effect of making everything inside this file "private"
-// so that everything you declare will have static linkage. Thus we won't have any multiply
-// defined symbol errors coming out of the linker when we try to compile the test suite.
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the tester
- // should start with "test."
- logger dlog("test.queue");
- template <
- typename queue
- >
- void queue_sort_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - queue is an implementation of queue/queue_sort_abstract.h
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on queue for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- queue q,q2;
- enumerable<int>& e = q;
- // I will use these DLIB_TEST_MSG macros to assert that conditions are true. If they are
- // false then it means we have detected an error in the queue object. CASSERT
- // will then throw an exception which we will catch at the end of this function and
- // report as an error/failed test.
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- int a = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == false);
- q.sort();
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == false);
- q.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == false);
- q.clear();
- q2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.size() == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- int a = i;
- q.enqueue(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.size() == 10000);
- int g = 0;
- while (q2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(q2.element() == g,g);
- ++g;
- }
- for (int i = 0;i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- int a = 0;
- q2.dequeue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.size() == 0);
- q.clear();
- q2.clear();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LTRACE << "creating big pre-sorted queue";
- q.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- int a = i;
- q.enqueue(a);
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "sorting already sorted queue";
- q.sort();
- dlog << LTRACE << "done sorting, checking the results";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- q.dequeue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == i);
- }
- q.clear();
- dlog << LTRACE << "done with the big pre-sorted queue test";
- q.clear();
- q2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.size() == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
- {
- int a = i;
- q.enqueue(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.size() == 1);
- g = 0;
- while (q2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(q2.element() == g,g);
- ++g;
- }
- for (int i = 0;i < 1; ++i)
- {
- int a = 0;
- q2.dequeue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.size() == 0);
- q.clear();
- q2.clear();
- print_spinner();
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- q.enqueue(a);
- }
- while (q.move_next()) ;
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == false);
- q.sort();
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == true);
- // serialize the state of q, then clear q, then
- // load the state back into q.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(q,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- q.clear();
- deserialize(q,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == true);
- a = 0;
- int last = 0;
- while (q.move_next())
- {
- ++a;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(last <= q.element(),"items weren't actually sorted");
- last = q.element();
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a == 10000,"some items were lost between the sorting and iterating");
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 10000);
- swap(q,q2);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST (q2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(q2.current_element_valid() == false);
- q2.clear();
- q.swap(q2);
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == false);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // try the above code but this time with just one element
- // in the queue
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- q.enqueue(a);
- }
- q.sort();
- a = 0;
- int last = 0;
- while (q.move_next())
- {
- ++a;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(last <= q.element(),"items weren't actually sorted");
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a == 1,"some items were lost between the sorting and iterating");
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == false);
- q.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(q.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(q.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(q.current_element_valid() == false);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- q.clear();
- remover<int>& go = q;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int a = 3;
- q.enqueue(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(go.size() == 100);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int a = 9;
- q.remove_any(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 3);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(go.size() == 0);
- }
- }
- struct factory
- {
- template <typename U>
- struct return_type {
- typedef typename memory_manager<U>::kernel_3c type;
- };
- template <typename U>
- static typename return_type<U>::type* get_instance (
- )
- {
- static typename return_type<U>::type a;
- return &a;
- }
- };
- class queue_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a test for the queue object. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework. The command line switch is
- specified as test_queue by passing that string to the tester constructor.
- !*/
- public:
- queue_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_queue",
- "Runs tests on the queue component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- // There are multiple implementations of the queue object so use
- // the templated function defined above to test them all and report
- // a failed test if any of them don't pass.
- typedef dlib::memory_manager_global<char,factory>::kernel_1a mm;
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_1a_c";
- queue_sort_test<queue<int, mm>::sort_1a_c> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_1a";
- queue_sort_test<queue<int, mm>::sort_1a>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_1b";
- queue_sort_test<queue<int, mm>::sort_1b> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_1b_c";
- queue_sort_test<queue<int, mm>::sort_1b_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_1c";
- queue_sort_test<queue<int, mm>::sort_1c> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_1c_c";
- queue_sort_test<queue<int, mm>::sort_1c_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/rand.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/rand.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index db051c530..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/rand.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include <dlib/hash.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.rand");
- void check_bpp (
- const std::string str
- )
- {
- istringstream rdata;
- ostringstream sout;
- rdata.str(str);
- double compressed_size;
- compress_stream::kernel_1a cs1;
- compress_stream::kernel_2a cs2;
- compress_stream_kernel_1<
- entropy_encoder_model_kernel_5<257,entropy_encoder::kernel_1a,4000000,4>,
- entropy_decoder_model_kernel_5<257,entropy_decoder::kernel_1a,4000000,4>,
- crc32::kernel_1a
- > cs3;
- print_spinner();
- rdata.clear();
- rdata.seekg(0);
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- cs1.compress(rdata,sout);
- compressed_size = sout.str().size();
- compressed_size *= 8;
- compressed_size /= str.size();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(compressed_size >= 8, "order 0 bps: " << compressed_size);
- dlog << LINFO << "order 0: " << compressed_size;
- print_spinner();
- rdata.clear();
- rdata.seekg(0);
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- cs2.compress(rdata,sout);
- compressed_size = sout.str().size();
- compressed_size *= 8;
- compressed_size /= str.size();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(compressed_size >= 8, "order 1 bps: " << compressed_size);
- dlog << LINFO << "order 1: " << compressed_size;
- print_spinner();
- rdata.clear();
- rdata.seekg(0);
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- cs3.compress(rdata,sout);
- compressed_size = sout.str().size();
- compressed_size *= 8;
- compressed_size /= str.size();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(compressed_size >= 8, "order 4 bps: " << compressed_size);
- dlog << LINFO << "order 4: " << compressed_size;
- }
- template <
- typename rand
- >
- void rand_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - rand is an implementation of rand/rand_kernel_abstract.h
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on rand for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- ostringstream seed;
- seed << (unsigned int)time(0);
- ostringstream sout;
- rand r, r2;
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == "");
- r.set_seed(seed.str());
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == seed.str());
- r.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == "");
- swap(r,r2);
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == "");
- r.set_seed(seed.str());
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == seed.str());
- swap(r,r2);
- DLIB_TEST(r2.get_seed() == seed.str());
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == "");
- swap(r,r2);
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == seed.str());
- DLIB_TEST(r2.get_seed() == "");
- print_spinner();
- unsigned long size = 100000;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- uint32 ch = r.get_random_32bit_number();
- sout.write((char*)&ch,4);
- }
- check_bpp(sout.str());
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- print_spinner();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- uint16 ch = r.get_random_16bit_number();
- sout.write((char*)&ch,2);
- }
- check_bpp(sout.str());
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- print_spinner();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- unsigned char ch = r.get_random_8bit_number();
- sout.write((char*)&ch,1);
- }
- check_bpp(sout.str());
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- // make sure the things can serialize right
- {
- r.clear();
- r2.clear();
- for (int i =0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- r.get_random_32bit_number();
- r.get_random_gaussian();
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(r, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(r2, sin);
- for (int i =0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_random_32bit_number() == r2.get_random_32bit_number());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(r.get_random_gaussian() - r2.get_random_gaussian()) < 1e-14);
- }
- }
- // make sure calling clear() and set_seed("") do the same thing
- {
- r.clear();
- r2.set_seed("");
- rand r3;
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == r2.get_seed());
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_seed() == r3.get_seed());
- for (int i =0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- const uint32 num1 = r.get_random_32bit_number();
- const uint32 num2 = r2.get_random_32bit_number();
- const uint32 num3 = r3.get_random_32bit_number();
- DLIB_TEST( num1 == num2);
- DLIB_TEST( num1 == num3);
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename rand_type>
- void test_normal_numbers(
- rand_type& rnd
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test normality";
- double cnt1 = 0; // num <= -1.2
- double cnt2 = 0; // num <= -0.5
- double cnt3 = 0; // num <= 0
- double cnt4 = 0; // num <= 0.5
- double cnt5 = 0; // num <= 1.2
- const unsigned long total = 1000000;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < total; ++i)
- {
- const double r = rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- if (r <= -1.2) cnt1 += 1;
- if (r <= -0.5) cnt2 += 1;
- if (r <= 0) cnt3 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.5) cnt4 += 1;
- if (r <= 1.2) cnt5 += 1;
- }
- cnt1 /= total;
- cnt2 /= total;
- cnt3 /= total;
- cnt4 /= total;
- cnt5 /= total;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt1: "<< cnt1;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt2: "<< cnt2;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt3: "<< cnt3;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt4: "<< cnt4;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt5: "<< cnt5;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt1 - 0.11507) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt2 - 0.30854) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt3 - 0.5) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt4 - 0.69146) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt5 - 0.88493) < 0.001);
- }
- void test_gaussian_random_hash()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_gaussian_random_hash()";
- double cnt1 = 0; // num <= -1.2
- double cnt2 = 0; // num <= -0.5
- double cnt3 = 0; // num <= 0
- double cnt4 = 0; // num <= 0.5
- double cnt5 = 0; // num <= 1.2
- const unsigned long total = 1000000;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < total; ++i)
- {
- const double r = gaussian_random_hash(i,0,0);
- if (r <= -1.2) cnt1 += 1;
- if (r <= -0.5) cnt2 += 1;
- if (r <= 0) cnt3 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.5) cnt4 += 1;
- if (r <= 1.2) cnt5 += 1;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < total; ++i)
- {
- const double r = gaussian_random_hash(0,i,0);
- if (r <= -1.2) cnt1 += 1;
- if (r <= -0.5) cnt2 += 1;
- if (r <= 0) cnt3 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.5) cnt4 += 1;
- if (r <= 1.2) cnt5 += 1;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < total; ++i)
- {
- const double r = gaussian_random_hash(0,0,i);
- if (r <= -1.2) cnt1 += 1;
- if (r <= -0.5) cnt2 += 1;
- if (r <= 0) cnt3 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.5) cnt4 += 1;
- if (r <= 1.2) cnt5 += 1;
- }
- cnt1 /= total*3;
- cnt2 /= total*3;
- cnt3 /= total*3;
- cnt4 /= total*3;
- cnt5 /= total*3;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt1: "<< cnt1;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt2: "<< cnt2;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt3: "<< cnt3;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt4: "<< cnt4;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt5: "<< cnt5;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt1 - 0.11507) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt2 - 0.30854) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt3 - 0.5) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt4 - 0.69146) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt5 - 0.88493) < 0.001);
- }
- void test_uniform_random_hash()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test_uniform_random_hash()";
- double cnt1 = 0; // num <= 0.2
- double cnt2 = 0; // num <= 0.4
- double cnt3 = 0; // num <= 0.6
- double cnt4 = 0; // num <= 0.8
- double cnt5 = 0; // num <= 1.0
- double min_val = 10;
- double max_val = 0;
- const unsigned long total = 1000000;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < total; ++i)
- {
- const double r = uniform_random_hash(i,0,0);
- min_val = min(r,min_val);
- max_val = max(r,max_val);
- if (r <= 0.2) cnt1 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.4) cnt2 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.6) cnt3 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.8) cnt4 += 1;
- if (r <= 1.0) cnt5 += 1;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < total; ++i)
- {
- const double r = uniform_random_hash(0,i,0);
- min_val = min(r,min_val);
- max_val = max(r,max_val);
- if (r <= 0.2) cnt1 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.4) cnt2 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.6) cnt3 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.8) cnt4 += 1;
- if (r <= 1.0) cnt5 += 1;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < total; ++i)
- {
- const double r = uniform_random_hash(0,0,i);
- min_val = min(r,min_val);
- max_val = max(r,max_val);
- if (r <= 0.2) cnt1 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.4) cnt2 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.6) cnt3 += 1;
- if (r <= 0.8) cnt4 += 1;
- if (r <= 1.0) cnt5 += 1;
- }
- cnt1 /= total*3;
- cnt2 /= total*3;
- cnt3 /= total*3;
- cnt4 /= total*3;
- cnt5 /= total*3;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt1: "<< cnt1;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt2: "<< cnt2;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt3: "<< cnt3;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt4: "<< cnt4;
- dlog << LINFO << "cnt5: "<< cnt5;
- dlog << LINFO << "min_val: "<< min_val;
- dlog << LINFO << "max_val: "<< max_val;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt1 - 0.2) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt2 - 0.4) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt3 - 0.6) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt4 - 0.8) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cnt5 - 1.0) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(min_val - 0.0) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(max_val - 1.0) < 0.001);
- }
- void test_get_integer()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- int big_val = 0;
- int small_val = 0;
- const long long maxval = (((unsigned long long)1)<<62) + (((unsigned long long)1)<<61);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i)
- {
- if (rnd.get_integer(maxval) > maxval/2)
- ++big_val;
- else
- ++small_val;
- }
- // make sure there isn't any funny bias
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(big_val/(double)small_val - 1) < 0.001);
- //cout << big_val/(double)small_val << endl;
- }
- class rand_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- rand_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_rand",
- "Runs tests on the rand component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- rand_test<dlib::rand>();
- rand_test<dlib::rand>();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- test_normal_numbers(rnd);
- test_gaussian_random_hash();
- test_uniform_random_hash();
- test_get_integer();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/random_forest.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/random_forest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b3447bf5c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/random_forest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2018 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/random_forest.h>
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include <dlib/base64.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.random_forest");
- const std::string get_decoded_string();
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_random_forest : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_random_forest (
- ) :
- tester ("test_random_forest",
- "Runs tests on the random forest tools.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- istringstream sin(get_decoded_string());
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- deserialize(samples, sin);
- deserialize(labels, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(samples.size() == 506);
- random_forest_regression_trainer<dense_feature_extractor> trainer;
- trainer.set_num_trees(1000);
- trainer.set_seed("random forest");
- std::vector<double> oobs;
- auto df = trainer.train(samples, labels, oobs);
- DLIB_TEST(df.get_num_trees() == 1000);
- auto result = test_regression_function(df, samples, labels);
- // train: 2.239 0.987173 0.970669 1.1399
- dlog << LINFO << "train: " << result;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(result(0) < 2.3, result(0));
- running_stats<double> rs;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < oobs.size(); ++i)
- rs.add(std::pow(oobs[i]-labels[i],2.0));
- dlog << LINFO << "OOB MSE: "<< rs.mean();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.mean() < 10.2, rs.mean());
- print_spinner();
- stringstream ss;
- serialize(df, ss);
- decltype(df) df2;
- deserialize(df2, ss);
- DLIB_TEST(df2.get_num_trees() == 1000);
- result = test_regression_function(df2, samples, labels);
- // train: 2.239 0.987173 0.970669 1.1399
- dlog << LINFO << "serialized train results: " << result;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(result(0) < 2.3, result(0));
- }
- } a;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file './housing_data.dat'
- const std::string get_decoded_string()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file './housing_data.dat' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "AvlDWRK3FGmPtCL8V/RoXQLzsOKukA0zQosjXGZPM6yNf1U5LjdhRVloILZ5baZq5Tj0hLQGf1JY";
- sout << "ggTd0DEbBez7lzvZ6hOBABkJ6U0aZAEeIMUL/K19h5gHhpwdWvcolJA+VbQVD4acLQFxcIgsgN8N";
- sout << "2zjQsQCUkHGSGyop7/xrVZAJS4Nwy8qMWJyjgc/9mZXdDsaPWtSVTeoxpb3d94bDYdrEQ8T0Z6N1";
- sout << "fCXCQo/3bus7NA+FJoOtw23DHMsYnsv+tfvaNzzzX7lc0cRPe8Pi5q9JDBs4Gc5bPh3Hw8QJz3n5";
- sout << "beGJpU1KRHu9vq1zgFuavXvyZ1HQVHLj/yJRm4lL5eUv7CQeULGP9UmIkvVCJTZ4uw6mIFJyPYjN";
- sout << "jjygWMfJ1dnlGpI/ZlaVNJaTEB28tNymV0UKeKb/Sg42s9+wNNQzWMBm5TRvqmplf/0Gx+4Tcmcd";
- sout << "FtUb1pgkz6OB59Ko4L2hsxVQYYZHGpQt6QBMiubW7GVe2g4yWjRhqlQTh2sjceGRi26SFOrD+gnH";
- sout << "9xZlbyKdlKlcT3nVfcKYziLKAjbmr5QIu+W6WR7M+p90CHkDrjkVK0WTSc23kOhuua5feG54aoht";
- sout << "hcViWRpASVPXsKKJcl2yTlZ02uFQak5Lid/znCDmWQk0fjfzEZZNzgoCNVi8xCx68lH4Mjm3MdF4";
- sout << "ExZqX0jsNlxDOwKp7TYIbhfY4/XdzFSi20CtxXbB3knkuggb+ru/u/6lh8rmqwLjsANqb2CWG0EH";
- sout << "32i1/gmtlY54kAYG58GWB89klTnUwRImQv/QjJBrf8TwK0jUOjkrnOWgKWwNsK0jba54750QPal4";
- sout << "SJFvmeBIR52/T2ZsC2iAQGQuod1IZtIfI2pn0dpkdWm/Y3JdelJ/EADtNjJch6maVoamxKmoWlVw";
- sout << "TRoHTIzdsJKtQiewn21H8bFX7HzZ1yE3/iuSEeLPB7T7gnfrtCEEzqAWiUb/t7mXtqBqt6Kdk6By";
- sout << "JZqE0KdtJ7MJ/yV1MHQ94ExDhYI0qaItZVGwyH8ETCzr6xqmue9hPD6SRq3oy+aQKvJxOqFMcqsj";
- sout << "cL+/2S2F1frRgZDGCb6tB3TdMCJDhZoChQNmJ3hyoAdWXrPEysL0TW8LFSIItAylIRljMsXgnMRE";
- sout << "RCkfYPdbweT71k6l7FiaAsqHeKh4w8CxKJkzhJeALEPLz4QvqFt6/DoFmhKTrX4xUk3M/Y+dU/LY";
- sout << "3B/S+e6v9cWuluEGXDzgj/LKBeruPk7hcnhIilMmd3D8sew3tvOdIowxmM67lqW6fwExcK6oKPlT";
- sout << "aDZcttWKTndVEKsUvnZr/PQ8sta49+GGSfkXw/MS0TAjTQ0Wck8wSJ2CMoUGBmVSKLSwEWvdAqdo";
- sout << "lQLDxAVayR3GeKasJshQw69o/3d4JnUOBcU5ZJM0z2D51EDQM3lvmnB9dtiJ2rcypWG53ETvQqYc";
- sout << "S3suPgaDqKmxZbRNvnfuYbG6+qPeHDN6WmdAt9Iw5XWdjlG6u8BGI6+vqY1C8J6pJ2p7ITUVBVCU";
- sout << "NRYyXVhz0PQrzy5jFwbVeRZo3IV/bkPlHV4UujcSEOi67fqk4ixOzA2JsxYzei+Rsp1ahpK3Wmuk";
- sout << "9ZEeqD1/xqqeosV5pvwcXhjjp4UJ0bGY0pEf7w9uDW0aZT+D8prSmTXGjFAQGiSBmfLFw1Yk2CyG";
- sout << "V8RG7/7uxM6qyj9LYsNTGvdyD8DvQNEJ0v7J9IwCihdJAFhuKgqxlmkJx3mz6MiiIC19CuQKR0NC";
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- sout << "VOECSHoLfpSeZPvlm5ibeSN83gFbIG2rsTZ3IlvJjWq82Npzas6p9WVKTEPGS+Ux8nWIBT/enw7o";
- sout << "7KX9phVWQqcYH5IB2waRO+Ke7h6/y696NQMq0R4Xbki9lmjoWNKFtM+GgLygVqxWWWp9iyQFkUQx";
- sout << "7tRJT1da0ImlgCXS/uTTRxvcG9d/E5FMotFa6mA7py7P+eraScFdEHL4J0kA";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/ranking.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/ranking.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f70d8cc..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/ranking.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/dnn.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <map>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.ranking");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- void brute_force_count_ranking_inversions (
- const std::vector<T>& x,
- const std::vector<T>& y,
- std::vector<unsigned long>& x_count,
- std::vector<unsigned long>& y_count
- )
- {
- x_count.assign(x.size(),0);
- y_count.assign(y.size(),0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < y.size(); ++j)
- {
- if (x[i] <= y[j])
- {
- x_count[i]++;
- y_count[j]++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_count_ranking_inversions()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "in test_count_ranking_inversions()";
- dlib::rand rnd;
- std::vector<int> x, y;
- std::vector<unsigned long> x_count, y_count;
- std::vector<unsigned long> x_count2, y_count2;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 5000; ++iter)
- {
- x.resize(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10);
- y.resize(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- x[i] = ((int)rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10) - 5;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < y.size(); ++i)
- y[i] = ((int)rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10) - 5;
- count_ranking_inversions(x, y, x_count, y_count);
- brute_force_count_ranking_inversions(x, y, x_count2, y_count2);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(x_count) == mat(x_count2));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(y_count) == mat(y_count2));
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_prior_test()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<double,3,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_rank_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- ranking_pair<sample_type> data;
- sample_type samp;
- samp = 0, 0, 1; data.relevant.push_back(samp);
- samp = 0, 1, 0; data.nonrelevant.push_back(samp);
- trainer.set_c(10);
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = trainer.train(data);
- trainer.set_prior(df);
- data.relevant.clear();
- data.nonrelevant.clear();
- samp = 1, 0, 0; data.relevant.push_back(samp);
- samp = 0, 1, 0; data.nonrelevant.push_back(samp);
- df = trainer.train(data);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(df.basis_vectors(0));
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors(0)(0) > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors(0)(1) < 0);
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors(0)(2) > 0);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_prior_sparse_test()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef std::map<unsigned long,double> sample_type;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_rank_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- ranking_pair<sample_type> data;
- sample_type samp;
- samp[0] = 1; data.relevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- samp[1] = 1; data.nonrelevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- trainer.set_c(10);
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = trainer.train(data);
- trainer.set_prior(df);
- data.relevant.clear();
- data.nonrelevant.clear();
- samp[2] = 1; data.relevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- samp[1] = 1; data.nonrelevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- df = trainer.train(data);
- matrix<double,0,1> w = sparse_to_dense(df.basis_vectors(0));
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- DLIB_TEST(w(0) > 0.1);
- DLIB_TEST(w(1) < -0.1);
- DLIB_TEST(w(2) > 0.1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void dotest1()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "in dotest1()";
- typedef matrix<double,4,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_rank_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- std::vector<ranking_pair<sample_type> > samples;
- ranking_pair<sample_type> p;
- sample_type samp;
- samp = 0, 0, 0, 1; p.relevant.push_back(samp);
- samp = 1, 0, 0, 0; p.nonrelevant.push_back(samp);
- samples.push_back(p);
- samp = 0, 0, 1, 0; p.relevant.push_back(samp);
- samp = 1, 0, 0, 0; p.nonrelevant.push_back(samp);
- samp = 0, 1, 0, 0; p.nonrelevant.push_back(samp);
- samp = 0, 1, 0, 0; p.nonrelevant.push_back(samp);
- samples.push_back(p);
- trainer.set_c(10);
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = trainer.train(samples);
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: "<< test_ranking_function(df, samples);
- matrix<double,1,2> res;
- res = 1,1;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(test_ranking_function(df, samples), res));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(test_ranking_function(trainer.train(samples[1]), samples), res));
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-13);
- df = trainer.train(samples);
- dlog << LINFO << df.basis_vectors(0);
- sample_type truew;
- truew = -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5;
- DLIB_TEST(length(truew - df.basis_vectors(0)) < 1e-10);
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: "<< test_ranking_function(df, samples);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(test_ranking_function(df, samples), res));
- dlog << LINFO << "cv-accuracy: "<< cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, samples,2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, samples,2)(0) - 0.7777777778) < 0.0001);
- trainer.set_learns_nonnegative_weights(true);
- df = trainer.train(samples);
- truew = 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0;
- dlog << LINFO << df.basis_vectors(0);
- DLIB_TEST(length(truew - df.basis_vectors(0)) < 1e-10);
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: "<< test_ranking_function(df, samples);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(test_ranking_function(df, samples), res));
- samples.clear();
- samples.push_back(p);
- samples.push_back(p);
- samples.push_back(p);
- samples.push_back(p);
- dlog << LINFO << "cv-accuracy: "<< cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, samples,4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, samples,4) , res));
- df.basis_vectors(0) = 0;
- dlog << LINFO << "BAD RANKING:" << test_ranking_function(df, samples);
- DLIB_TEST(test_ranking_function(df, samples)(1) < 0.5);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void dotest_sparse_vectors()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "in dotest_sparse_vectors()";
- typedef std::map<unsigned long,double> sample_type;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_rank_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- std::vector<ranking_pair<sample_type> > samples;
- ranking_pair<sample_type> p;
- sample_type samp;
- samp[3] = 1; p.relevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- samp[0] = 1; p.nonrelevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- samples.push_back(p);
- samp[2] = 1; p.relevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- samp[0] = 1; p.nonrelevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- samp[1] = 1; p.nonrelevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- samp[1] = 1; p.nonrelevant.push_back(samp); samp.clear();
- samples.push_back(p);
- trainer.set_c(10);
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = trainer.train(samples);
- matrix<double,1,2> res;
- res = 1,1;
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: "<< test_ranking_function(df, samples);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(test_ranking_function(df, samples), res));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(test_ranking_function(trainer.train(samples[1]), samples), res));
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-13);
- df = trainer.train(samples);
- dlog << LINFO << sparse_to_dense(df.basis_vectors(0));
- sample_type truew;
- truew[0] = -0.5;
- truew[1] = -0.5;
- truew[2] = 0.5;
- truew[3] = 0.5;
- DLIB_TEST(length(subtract(truew , df.basis_vectors(0))) < 1e-10);
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: "<< test_ranking_function(df, samples);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(test_ranking_function(df, samples), res));
- dlog << LINFO << "cv-accuracy: "<< cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, samples,2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, samples,2)(0) - 0.7777777778) < 0.0001);
- trainer.set_learns_nonnegative_weights(true);
- df = trainer.train(samples);
- truew[0] = 0.0;
- truew[1] = 0.0;
- truew[2] = 1.0;
- truew[3] = 1.0;
- dlog << LINFO << sparse_to_dense(df.basis_vectors(0));
- DLIB_TEST(length(subtract(truew , df.basis_vectors(0))) < 1e-10);
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: "<< test_ranking_function(df, samples);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(test_ranking_function(df, samples), res));
- samples.clear();
- samples.push_back(p);
- samples.push_back(p);
- samples.push_back(p);
- samples.push_back(p);
- dlog << LINFO << "cv-accuracy: "<< cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, samples,4);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(cross_validate_ranking_trainer(trainer, samples,4) , res) );
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename K, bool use_dcd_trainer>
- class simple_rank_trainer
- {
- public:
- template <typename T>
- decision_function<K> train (
- const ranking_pair<T>& pair
- ) const
- {
- typedef matrix<double,10,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> relevant = pair.relevant;
- std::vector<sample_type> nonrelevant = pair.nonrelevant;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < relevant.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < nonrelevant.size(); ++j)
- {
- samples.push_back(relevant[i] - nonrelevant[j]);
- labels.push_back(+1);
- samples.push_back(nonrelevant[i] - relevant[j]);
- labels.push_back(-1);
- }
- }
- if (use_dcd_trainer)
- {
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<K> trainer;
- trainer.set_c(1.0/samples.size());
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- trainer.force_last_weight_to_1(true);
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- return trainer.train(samples, labels);
- }
- else
- {
- svm_c_linear_trainer<K> trainer;
- trainer.set_c(1.0);
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-13);
- trainer.force_last_weight_to_1(true);
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- decision_function<K> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df.b == 0, df.b);
- return df;
- }
- }
- };
- template <bool use_dcd_trainer>
- void test_svmrank_weight_force_dense()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "use_dcd_trainer: "<< use_dcd_trainer;
- typedef matrix<double,10,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- ranking_pair<sample_type> pair;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
- {
- pair.relevant.push_back(abs(gaussian_randm(10,1,i)));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
- {
- pair.nonrelevant.push_back(-abs(gaussian_randm(10,1,i+10000)));
- pair.nonrelevant.back()(9) += 1;
- }
- svm_rank_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- trainer.force_last_weight_to_1(true);
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-13);
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- decision_function<kernel_type> df;
- df = trainer.train(pair);
- matrix<double,1,2> res;
- res = 1,1;
- dlog << LINFO << "weights: "<< trans(df.basis_vectors(0));
- const matrix<double,1,2> acc1 = test_ranking_function(df, pair);
- dlog << LINFO << "ranking accuracy: " << acc1;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(acc1,res));
- simple_rank_trainer<kernel_type,use_dcd_trainer> strainer;
- decision_function<kernel_type> df2;
- df2 = strainer.train(pair);
- dlog << LINFO << "weights: "<< trans(df2.basis_vectors(0));
- const matrix<double,1,2> acc2 = test_ranking_function(df2, pair);
- dlog << LINFO << "ranking accuracy: " << acc2;
- DLIB_TEST(equal(acc2,res));
- dlog << LINFO << "w error: " << max(abs(df.basis_vectors(0) - df2.basis_vectors(0)));
- dlog << LINFO << "b error: " << abs(df.b - df2.b);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(max(abs(df.basis_vectors(0) - df2.basis_vectors(0)))) < 1e-8);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(abs(df.b - df2.b)) < 1e-8);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_dnn_ranking_loss()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<double,2,1> sample_type;
- ranking_pair<sample_type> data;
- sample_type samp;
- // Make one relevant example.
- samp = 1, 0;
- data.relevant.push_back(samp);
- // Now make a non-relevant example.
- samp = 0, 1;
- data.nonrelevant.push_back(samp);
- using net_type = loss_ranking<fc_no_bias<1,input<matrix<float,2,1>>>>;
- net_type net;
- dnn_trainer<net_type> trainer(net, sgd(1.0, 0.9));
- std::vector<matrix<float,2,1>> x;
- std::vector<float> y;
- x.push_back(matrix_cast<float>(data.relevant[0])); y.push_back(1);
- x.push_back(matrix_cast<float>(data.nonrelevant[0])); y.push_back(-1);
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- trainer.set_learning_rate_schedule(logspace(-1, -7, 4000));
- trainer.train(x,y);
- matrix<float> params = mat(net.subnet().layer_details().get_layer_params());
- dlog << LINFO << "params: "<< params;
- dlog << LINFO << "relevant output score: " << net(x[0]);
- dlog << LINFO << "nonrelevant output score: " << net(x[1]);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(params(0) - 1) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(params(1) + 1) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(net(x[0]) - 1) < 0.001);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(net(x[1]) + 1) < 0.001);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_ranking_tools : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_ranking_tools (
- ) :
- tester ("test_ranking",
- "Runs tests on the ranking tools.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_count_ranking_inversions();
- dotest1();
- dotest_sparse_vectors();
- test_svmrank_weight_force_dense<true>();
- test_svmrank_weight_force_dense<false>();
- run_prior_test();
- run_prior_sparse_test();
- test_dnn_ranking_loss();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/read_write_mutex.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/read_write_mutex.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb8bdb84c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/read_write_mutex.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/misc_api.h>
-#include <dlib/threads.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.read_write_mutex");
- class read_write_mutex_tester : public tester, multithreaded_object
- {
- public:
- read_write_mutex_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_read_write_mutex",
- "Runs tests on the read_write_mutex component.")
- {
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_write);
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_write);
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_write);
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_readonly);
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_readonly);
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_readonly);
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_readonly2);
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_readonly2);
- register_thread(*this, &read_write_mutex_tester::thread_readonly2);
- }
- read_write_mutex m;
- dlib::mutex mut;
- int num_write;
- int num_read;
- int max_read;
- bool failure;
- void thread_write ()
- {
- // do this so that the readonly threads can get into their loops first. This way
- // we can see if the mutex lets many readers into their area
- dlib::sleep(250);
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- {
- auto_mutex lock(m);
- mut.lock();
- ++num_write;
- mut.unlock();
- // only one write thread should ever be active at once
- if (num_write != 1)
- {
- failure = true;
- dlog << LERROR << "1";
- }
- dlib::sleep(300);
- // only one write thread should ever be active at once
- if (num_write != 1)
- {
- failure = true;
- dlog << LERROR << "2";
- }
- mut.lock();
- --num_write;
- mut.unlock();
- print_spinner();
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "exit thread_write()";
- }
- void do_readonly_stuff()
- {
- mut.lock();
- ++num_read;
- max_read = max(num_read, max_read);
- mut.unlock();
- if (num_write != 0)
- {
- failure = true;
- dlog << LERROR << "3";
- }
- dlib::sleep(300);
- if (num_write != 0)
- {
- failure = true;
- dlog << LERROR << "4";
- }
- mut.lock();
- max_read = max(num_read, max_read);
- --num_read;
- mut.unlock();
- print_spinner();
- }
- void thread_readonly ()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- {
- auto_mutex_readonly lock(m);
- DLIB_TEST(lock.has_read_lock());
- DLIB_TEST(!lock.has_write_lock());
- do_readonly_stuff();
- lock.lock_readonly();
- DLIB_TEST(lock.has_read_lock());
- DLIB_TEST(!lock.has_write_lock());
- lock.unlock();
- DLIB_TEST(!lock.has_read_lock());
- DLIB_TEST(!lock.has_write_lock());
- lock.lock_readonly();
- DLIB_TEST(lock.has_read_lock());
- DLIB_TEST(!lock.has_write_lock());
- lock.lock_write();
- DLIB_TEST(!lock.has_read_lock());
- DLIB_TEST(lock.has_write_lock());
- lock.lock_write();
- DLIB_TEST(!lock.has_read_lock());
- DLIB_TEST(lock.has_write_lock());
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "exit thread_readonly()";
- }
- void thread_readonly2 ()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- {
- m.lock_readonly();
- auto_unlock_readonly unlock(m);
- do_readonly_stuff();
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "exit thread_readonly2()";
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- num_write = 0;
- num_read = 0;
- max_read = 0;
- failure = false;
- // doing this big block of weird stuff should have no effect.
- {
- m.unlock();
- m.lock_readonly();
- m.lock_readonly();
- m.unlock();
- m.unlock_readonly();
- m.unlock();
- m.unlock_readonly();
- m.unlock();
- m.unlock_readonly();
- m.lock();
- m.unlock_readonly();
- m.unlock_readonly();
- m.unlock();
- }
- // start up our testing threads
- start();
- // wait for the threads to finish
- wait();
- DLIB_TEST(failure == false);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max_read == 6, "max_read: "<< max_read);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/reference_counter.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/reference_counter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 330ceed94..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/reference_counter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/reference_counter.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.reference_counter");
- template <
- typename ref_counter
- >
- void reference_counter_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - ref_counter is an implementation of reference_counter/reference_counter_kernel_abstract.h
- and is instantiated to contain an int
- ensures
- - runs tests on reference_counter for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- ref_counter a, b, c;
- for (long i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- print_spinner();
- for (long j = 0; j < 10000; ++j)
- {
- a.modify() = j;
- b.modify() = j+1;
- c.modify() = j+2;
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == j,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.access() == j+1,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.modify() == j,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.modify() == j+1,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.modify() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == j,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.access() == j+1,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.modify() == j,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.modify() == j+1,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.modify() == j+2,"");
- a = c;
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.access() == j+1,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.modify() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.modify() == j+1,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.modify() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.access() == j+1,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.modify() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.modify() == j+1,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.modify() == j+2,"");
- a = b = c;
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == b.access(),"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == c.access(),"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == b.access(),"");
- a.modify() = j;
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == j,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() != b.access(),"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() != c.access(),"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == b.access(),"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == j,"");
- a = a;
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == j,"");
- c = c;
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.access() == j+2,"");
- swap(a,c);
- DLIB_ASSERT(a.access() == j+2,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(c.access() == j,"");
- DLIB_ASSERT(b.access() == j+2,"");
- }
- }
- }
- class reference_counter_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- reference_counter_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_reference_counter",
- "Runs tests on the reference_counter component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- reference_counter_test<reference_counter<int>::kernel_1a> ();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/rls.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/rls.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c4516ad74..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/rls.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.rls");
- void test_rls()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- running_stats<double> rs1, rs2, rs3, rs4, rs5;
- for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
- {
- for (long num_vars = 1; num_vars < 4; ++num_vars)
- {
- print_spinner();
- for (long size = 1; size < 300; ++size)
- {
- {
- matrix<double> X = randm(size,num_vars,rnd);
- matrix<double,0,1> Y = randm(size,1,rnd);
- const double C = 1000;
- const double forget_factor = 1.0;
- rls r(forget_factor, C);
- for (long i = 0; i < Y.size(); ++i)
- {
- r.train(trans(rowm(X,i)), Y(i));
- }
- matrix<double> w = pinv(1.0/C*identity_matrix<double>( + trans(X)*X)*trans(X)*Y;
- rs1.add(length(r.get_w() - w));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> X = randm(size,num_vars,rnd);
- matrix<double,0,1> Y = randm(size,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,0,1> G(size,1);
- const double C = 10000;
- const double forget_factor = 0.8;
- rls r(forget_factor, C);
- for (long i = 0; i < Y.size(); ++i)
- {
- r.train(trans(rowm(X,i)), Y(i));
- G(i) = std::pow(forget_factor, i/2.0);
- }
- G = flipud(G);
- X = diagm(G)*X;
- Y = diagm(G)*Y;
- matrix<double> w = pinv(1.0/C*identity_matrix<double>( + trans(X)*X)*trans(X)*Y;
- rs5.add(length(r.get_w() - w));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> X = randm(size,num_vars,rnd);
- matrix<double> Y = colm(X,0)*10;
- const double C = 1000000;
- const double forget_factor = 1.0;
- rls r(forget_factor, C);
- for (long i = 0; i < Y.size(); ++i)
- {
- r.train(trans(rowm(X,i)), Y(i));
- }
- matrix<double> w = pinv(1.0/C*identity_matrix<double>( + trans(X)*X)*trans(X)*Y;
- rs2.add(length(r.get_w() - w));
- }
- {
- matrix<double> X = join_rows(randm(size,num_vars,rnd)-0.5, ones_matrix<double>(size,1));
- matrix<double> Y = uniform_matrix<double>(size,1,10);
- const double C = 1e7;
- const double forget_factor = 1.0;
- matrix<double> w = pinv(1.0/C*identity_matrix<double>( + trans(X)*X)*trans(X)*Y;
- rls r(forget_factor, C);
- for (long i = 0; i < Y.size(); ++i)
- {
- r.train(trans(rowm(X,i)), Y(i));
- rs3.add(std::abs(r(trans(rowm(X,i))) - 10));
- }
- }
- {
- matrix<double> X = randm(size,num_vars,rnd)-0.5;
- matrix<double> Y = colm(X,0)*10;
- const double C = 1e6;
- const double forget_factor = 0.7;
- rls r(forget_factor, C);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(r.get_c() - C) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(r.get_forget_factor() - forget_factor) < 1e-15);
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_w().size() == 0);
- for (long i = 0; i < Y.size(); ++i)
- {
- r.train(trans(rowm(X,i)), Y(i));
- rs4.add(std::abs(r(trans(rowm(X,i))) - X(i,0)*10));
- }
- DLIB_TEST(r.get_w().size() == num_vars);
- decision_function<linear_kernel<matrix<double,0,1> > > df = r.get_decision_function();
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df(trans(rowm(X,0))) - r(trans(rowm(X,0)))) < 1e-15);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "rs1.mean(): " << rs1.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs2.mean(): " << rs2.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs3.mean(): " << rs3.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs4.mean(): " << rs4.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs5.mean(): " << rs5.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs1.max(): " << rs1.max();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs2.max(): " << rs2.max();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs3.max(): " << rs3.max();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs4.max(): " << rs4.max();
- dlog << LINFO << "rs5.max(): " << rs5.max();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs1.mean() < 1e-10, rs1.mean());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs2.mean() < 1e-9, rs2.mean());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs3.mean() < 1e-6, rs3.mean());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs4.mean() < 1e-6, rs4.mean());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs5.mean() < 1e-3, rs5.mean());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs1.max() < 1e-10, rs1.max());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs2.max() < 1e-6, rs2.max());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs3.max() < 0.001, rs3.max());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs4.max() < 0.01, rs4.max());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs5.max() < 0.1, rs5.max());
- }
- class rls_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- rls_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_rls",
- "Runs tests on the rls component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_rls();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sammon.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sammon.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5328bd1f6..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sammon.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.sammon");
- std::vector<matrix<double,4,1> > make_test_data4(
- )
- {
- std::vector<matrix<double,4,1> > data;
- matrix<double,4,1> m;
- m = 0,0,0, 0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 1,0,0, 0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 0,1,0, 0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 0,0,1, 0; data.push_back(m);
- return data;
- }
- std::vector<matrix<double,3,1> > make_test_data3(
- )
- {
- std::vector<matrix<double,3,1> > data;
- matrix<double,3,1> m;
- m = 0,0,0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 1,0,0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 0,1,0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 0,0,1; data.push_back(m);
- return data;
- }
- std::vector<matrix<double> > make_test_data3d(
- )
- {
- std::vector<matrix<double> > data;
- matrix<double,3,1> m;
- m = 0,0,0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 1,0,0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 0,1,0; data.push_back(m);
- m = 0,0,1; data.push_back(m);
- return data;
- }
- void runtest()
- {
- sammon_projection s;
- std::vector<matrix<double, 0, 1> > projs = s(make_test_data3(),2);
- running_stats<double> rs1, rs2;
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[1]));
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[2]));
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[3]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[1] - projs[2]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[2] - projs[3]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[3] - projs[1]));
- DLIB_TEST(rs1.stddev()/rs1.mean() < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(rs2.stddev()/rs2.mean() < 1e-4);
- projs = s(make_test_data4(),2);
- rs1.clear();
- rs2.clear();
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[1]));
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[2]));
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[3]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[1] - projs[2]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[2] - projs[3]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[3] - projs[1]));
- DLIB_TEST(rs1.stddev()/rs1.mean() < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(rs2.stddev()/rs2.mean() < 1e-4);
- projs = s(make_test_data3d(),2);
- rs1.clear();
- rs2.clear();
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[1]));
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[2]));
- rs1.add(length(projs[0] - projs[3]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[1] - projs[2]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[2] - projs[3]));
- rs2.add(length(projs[3] - projs[1]));
- DLIB_TEST(rs1.stddev()/rs1.mean() < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(rs2.stddev()/rs2.mean() < 1e-4);
- }
- void runtest2()
- {
- sammon_projection s;
- std::vector<matrix<double, 0, 1> > projs, temp;
- DLIB_TEST(s(projs,3).size() == 0);
- matrix<double,2,1> m;
- m = 1,2;
- projs.push_back(m);
- temp = s(projs,2);
- DLIB_TEST(temp.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(temp[0].size() == 2);
- projs.push_back(m);
- temp = s(projs,1);
- DLIB_TEST(temp.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(temp[0].size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(temp[1].size() == 1);
- }
- void runtest3(int num_dims)
- {
- sammon_projection s;
- std::vector<matrix<double, 0, 1> > projs;
- matrix<double,3,1> m;
- m = 1, 1, 1;
- projs.push_back(m);
- m = 1, 2, 1;
- projs.push_back(m);
- m = 1, 3, 1;
- projs.push_back(m);
- projs = s(projs,num_dims);
- const double d1a = length(projs[0] - projs[1]);
- const double d1b = length(projs[1] - projs[2]);
- const double d2 = length(projs[0] - projs[2]);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(d1a-d1b)/d1a < 1e-8);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(d2/d1a-2) < 1e-8);
- }
- void runtest4(int num_dims)
- {
- sammon_projection s;
- std::vector<matrix<double, 0, 1> > projs;
- matrix<double,3,1> m;
- m = 1, 1, 1;
- projs.push_back(m);
- m = 1, 2, 1;
- projs.push_back(m);
- projs = s(projs,num_dims);
- DLIB_TEST(length(projs[0] - projs[1]) > 1e-5);
- }
- class sammon_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- sammon_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_sammon",
- "Runs tests on the sammon_projection component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- runtest();
- print_spinner();
- runtest2();
- print_spinner();
- runtest3(2);
- print_spinner();
- runtest4(2);
- runtest3(1);
- print_spinner();
- runtest4(1);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/scan_image.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/scan_image.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c3a0115e3..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/scan_image.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "dlib/image_processing.h"
-#include "dlib/test/tester.h"
-#include "dlib/image_transforms.h"
-#include "dlib/pixel.h"
-#include "dlib/array2d.h"
-#include "dlib/array.h"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- using dlib::array;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the tester
- // should start with "test."
- logger dlog("test.scan_image");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename image_type1, typename image_type2>
- void sum_filter_i (
- const image_type1& img,
- image_type2& out,
- const rectangle& rect
- )
- {
- typedef typename image_type1::type pixel_type;
- typedef typename promote<pixel_type>::type ptype;
- integral_image_generic<ptype> iimg;
- iimg.load(img);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- const rectangle temp = translate_rect(rect, point(c,r)).intersect(get_rect(iimg));
- if (temp.is_empty() == false)
- out[r][c] += iimg.get_sum_of_area(temp);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename image_array_type
- >
- void scan_image_i (
- std::vector<std::pair<double, point> >& dets,
- const image_array_type& images,
- const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, rectangle> >& rects,
- const double thresh,
- const unsigned long max_dets
- )
- {
- typedef typename image_array_type::type::type pixel_type;
- typedef typename promote<pixel_type>::type ptype;
- array<integral_image_generic<ptype> > iimg;
- iimg.set_max_size(images.size());
- iimg.set_size(images.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < iimg.size(); ++i)
- iimg[i].load(images[i]);
- dets.clear();
- for (long r = 0; r < images[0].nr(); ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < images[0].nc(); ++c)
- {
- ptype temp = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i)
- {
- rectangle rtemp = translate_rect(rects[i].second,point(c,r)).intersect(get_rect(images[0]));
- if (rtemp.is_empty() == false)
- temp += iimg[rects[i].first].get_sum_of_area(rtemp);
- }
- if (temp > thresh)
- {
- dets.push_back(std::make_pair(temp, point(c,r)));
- if (dets.size() >= max_dets)
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename image_array_type
- >
- void scan_image_old (
- std::vector<std::pair<double, point> >& dets,
- const image_array_type& images,
- const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, rectangle> >& rects,
- const double thresh,
- const unsigned long max_dets
- )
- {
- dets.clear();
- if (max_dets == 0)
- return;
- typedef typename image_array_type::type::type pixel_type;
- typedef typename promote<pixel_type>::type ptype;
- std::vector<std::vector<ptype> > column_sums(rects.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < column_sums.size(); ++i)
- {
- const typename image_array_type::type& img = images[rects[i].first];
- column_sums[i].resize( + rects[i].second.width(),0);
- const long top = -1 + rects[i];
- const long bottom = -1 + rects[i].second.bottom();
- long left = rects[i].second.left()-1;
- // initialize column_sums[i] at row -1
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < column_sums[i].size(); ++j)
- {
- rectangle strip(left,top,left,bottom);
- strip = strip.intersect(get_rect(img));
- if (!strip.is_empty())
- {
- column_sums[i][j] = sum(matrix_cast<ptype>(subm(mat(img),strip)));
- }
- ++left;
- }
- }
- const rectangle area = get_rect(images[0]);
- for (long r = 0; r < images[0].nr(); ++r)
- {
- // set to sum at point(-1,r). i.e. should be equal to sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, point(-1,r))
- // We compute it's value in the next loop.
- ptype cur_sum = 0;
- // Update the first part of column_sums since we only work on the c+width part of column_sums
- // in the main loop.
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i)
- {
- const typename image_array_type::type& img = images[rects[i].first];
- const long top = r + rects[i] - 1;
- const long bottom = r + rects[i].second.bottom();
- const long width = rects[i].second.width();
- for (long k = 0; k < width; ++k)
- {
- const long right = k-width + rects[i].second.right();
- const ptype br_corner = area.contains(right,bottom) ? img[bottom][right] : 0;
- const ptype tr_corner = area.contains(right,top) ? img[top][right] : 0;
- // update the sum in this column now that we are on the next row
- column_sums[i][k] = column_sums[i][k] + br_corner - tr_corner;
- cur_sum += column_sums[i][k];
- }
- }
- for (long c = 0; c < images[0].nc(); ++c)
- {
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i)
- {
- const typename image_array_type::type& img = images[rects[i].first];
- const long top = r + rects[i] - 1;
- const long bottom = r + rects[i].second.bottom();
- const long right = c + rects[i].second.right();
- const long width = rects[i].second.width();
- const ptype br_corner = area.contains(right,bottom) ? img[bottom][right] : 0;
- const ptype tr_corner = area.contains(right,top) ? img[top][right] : 0;
- // update the sum in this column now that we are on the next row
- column_sums[i][c+width] = column_sums[i][c+width] + br_corner - tr_corner;
- // add in the new right side of the rect and subtract the old right side.
- cur_sum = cur_sum + column_sums[i][c+width] - column_sums[i][c];
- }
- if (cur_sum > thresh)
- {
- dets.push_back(std::make_pair(cur_sum, point(c,r)));
- if (dets.size() >= max_dets)
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_test1()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test1()";
- print_spinner();
- array2d<unsigned char> img, temp_img;
- img.set_size(600,600);
- assign_all_pixels(img,0);
- rectangle rect = centered_rect(10,10,5,5);
- dlog << LTRACE << "expected: 10,10";
- fill_rect(img, rect, 255);
- array<array2d<unsigned char> > images;
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, rectangle> > rects;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assign_image(temp_img, img);
- images.push_back(temp_img);
- rects.push_back(make_pair(i,centered_rect(0,0,5,5)));
- }
- std::vector<std::pair<double, point> > dets, dets2, dets3;
- dlog << LTRACE << "best score: "<< sum_of_rects_in_images(images,rects,point(10,10));
- scan_image(dets,images,rects,30000, 100);
- scan_image_i(dets2,images,rects,30000, 100);
- scan_image_old(dets3,images,rects,30000, 100);
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets.size(): "<< dets.size();
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets2.size(): "<< dets2.size();
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets3.size(): "<< dets3.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dets.size() == dets2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(dets.size() == dets3.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets.size(); ++i)
- {
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets["<<i<<"]: " << dets[i].second << " -> " << dets[i].first;
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets2["<<i<<"]: " << dets2[i].second << " -> " << dets2[i].first;
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets3["<<i<<"]: " << dets3[i].second << " -> " << dets3[i].first;
- DLIB_TEST(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets[i].second) == dets[i].first);
- DLIB_TEST(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets2[i].second) == dets2[i].first);
- DLIB_TEST(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets3[i].second) == dets3[i].first);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_test2()
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "run_test2()";
- array2d<unsigned char> img, temp_img;
- img.set_size(600,600);
- assign_all_pixels(img,0);
- rectangle rect = centered_rect(10,11,5,6);
- dlog << LTRACE << "expected: 10,11";
- fill_rect(img, rect, 255);
- array<array2d<unsigned char> > images;
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, rectangle> > rects;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assign_image(temp_img, img);
- images.push_back(temp_img);
- rects.push_back(make_pair(i,centered_rect(0,0,5,5)));
- rects.push_back(make_pair(i,centered_rect(3,2,5,6)));
- }
- std::vector<std::pair<double, point> > dets, dets2, dets3;
- scan_image(dets,images,rects,30000, 100);
- scan_image_i(dets2,images,rects,30000, 100);
- scan_image_old(dets3,images,rects,30000, 100);
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets.size(): "<< dets.size();
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets2.size(): "<< dets2.size();
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets3.size(): "<< dets3.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dets.size() == dets2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(dets.size() == dets3.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets.size(); ++i)
- {
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets["<<i<<"]: " << dets[i].second << " -> " << dets[i].first;
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets2["<<i<<"]: " << dets2[i].second << " -> " << dets2[i].first;
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets3["<<i<<"]: " << dets3[i].second << " -> " << dets3[i].first;
- DLIB_TEST(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets[i].second) == dets[i].first);
- DLIB_TEST(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets2[i].second) == dets2[i].first);
- DLIB_TEST(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets3[i].second) == dets3[i].first);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename pixel_type>
- void run_test3(const double thresh)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "running run_test3("<<thresh<<")";
- dlib::rand rnd;
- rnd.set_seed("235");
- array<array2d<pixel_type> > images;
- images.resize(1);
- images[0].set_size(200,180);
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 50; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- assign_all_pixels(images[0], thresh - 0.0001);
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
- {
- point p1(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%images[0].nc(),
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%images[0].nr());
- point p2(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%images[0].nc(),
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%images[0].nr());
- rectangle rect(p1,p2);
- fill_rect(images[0], rect, static_cast<pixel_type>(rnd.get_random_double()*10 - 5));
- }
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, rectangle> > rects;
- rects.push_back(make_pair(0,centered_rect(0,0,1+rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%40,1+rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%40)));
- rects.push_back(make_pair(0,centered_rect(0,0,1+rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%40,1+rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%40)));
- std::vector<std::pair<double, point> > dets, dets2, dets3;
- scan_image(dets,images,rects,thresh, 100);
- scan_image_i(dets2,images,rects,thresh, 100);
- scan_image_old(dets3,images,rects,thresh, 100);
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets.size(): "<< dets.size();
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets2.size(): "<< dets2.size();
- dlog << LTRACE << "dets3.size(): "<< dets3.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dets.size() == dets2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(dets.size() == dets3.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets.size(); ++i)
- {
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets["<<i<<"]: " << dets[i].second << " -> " << dets[i].first;
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets2["<<i<<"]: " << dets2[i].second << " -> " << dets2[i].first;
- //dlog << LTRACE << "dets3["<<i<<"]: " << dets3[i].second << " -> " << dets3[i].first;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets[i].second) - dets[i].first) < 1e-6,
- "error: "<< sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets[i].second) - dets[i].first
- << " dets["<<i<<"].second: " << dets[i].second
- );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets2[i].second) - dets2[i].first) < 1e-6,
- sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets2[i].second) - dets2[i].first
- );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets3[i].second) - dets3[i].first) < 1e-6,
- "error: "<< sum_of_rects_in_images(images, rects, dets3[i].second) - dets3[i].first
- << " dets3["<<i<<"].first: " << dets3[i].first
- << " dets3["<<i<<"].second: " << dets3[i].second
- );
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename pixel_type>
- void test_sum_filter (
- )
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int k = 0; k < 20; ++k)
- {
- print_spinner();
- array2d<pixel_type> img(1 + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100,
- 1 + rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = static_cast<pixel_type>(100*(rnd.get_random_double()-0.5));
- }
- }
- array2d<long> test1(,;
- array2d<double> test2(,;
- array2d<long> test1_i(,;
- array2d<double> test2_i(,;
- assign_all_pixels(test1, 0);
- assign_all_pixels(test2, 0);
- assign_all_pixels(test1_i, 0);
- assign_all_pixels(test2_i, 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- const long width = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10 + 1;
- const long height = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10 + 1;
- const point p(rnd.get_random_32bit_number(),
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- const rectangle rect = centered_rect(p, width, height);
- sum_filter(img, test1, rect);
- sum_filter(img, test2, rect);
- sum_filter(img, test1_i, rect);
- sum_filter(img, test2_i, rect);
- DLIB_TEST(mat(test1) == mat(test1_i));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(test2) == mat(test2_i));
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename image_type1,
- typename image_type2
- >
- void naive_max_filter (
- const image_type1& img,
- image_type2& out,
- const long width,
- const long height,
- typename image_type1::type thresh
- )
- {
- const rectangle area = get_rect(img);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- const rectangle win = centered_rect(point(c,r),width,height).intersect(area);
- out[r][c] += std::max(dlib::max(subm(mat(img),win)), thresh);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_max_filter(long rows, long cols, long width, long height, dlib::rand& rnd)
- {
- array2d<int> img(rows, cols);
- rectangle rect = centered_rect(0,0, width, height);
- array2d<int> out(,;
- assign_all_pixels(out, 0);
- array2d<int> out2(,;
- assign_all_pixels(out2, 0);
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img[r][c] = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- }
- }
- const int thresh = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- naive_max_filter(img, out2, rect.width(), rect.height(), thresh);
- max_filter(img, out, rect.width(), rect.height(), thresh);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mat(out) == mat(out2),
- "rows: "<< rows
- << "\ncols: "<< rows
- << "\nwidth: "<< width
- << "\nheight: "<< height );
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_max_filter()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 300; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- test_max_filter(0,0,1,1,rnd);
- test_max_filter(0,0,3,1,rnd);
- test_max_filter(0,0,3,3,rnd);
- test_max_filter(0,0,1,3,rnd);
- test_max_filter(1,1,1,1,rnd);
- test_max_filter(2,2,1,1,rnd);
- test_max_filter(3,3,1,1,rnd);
- test_max_filter(3,3,3,3,rnd);
- test_max_filter(3,3,2,2,rnd);
- test_max_filter(3,3,3,5,rnd);
- test_max_filter(3,3,6,8,rnd);
- test_max_filter(20,20,901,901,rnd);
- test_max_filter(5,5,1,5,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,9,9,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,9,9,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,10,10,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,11,10,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,10,11,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,10,21,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,20,10,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,20,10,rnd);
- test_max_filter(50,50,9,9,rnd);
- test_max_filter(20,20,1,901,rnd);
- test_max_filter(20,20,3,901,rnd);
- test_max_filter(20,20,901,1,rnd);
- }
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 200; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- test_max_filter((int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number()%100+1,
- (int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number()%100+1,
- (int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number()%150+1,
- (int)rnd.get_random_8bit_number()%150+1,
- rnd);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_images (
- dlib::rand& rnd,
- array<array2d<unsigned char> >& images,
- long num,
- long nr,
- long nc
- )
- {
- images.resize(num);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
- {
- images[i].set_size(nr,nc);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (long r = 0; r < nr; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
- {
- images[i][r][c] = rnd.get_random_8bit_number();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template <
- typename image_array_type
- >
- void brute_force_scan_image_movable_parts (
- std::vector<std::pair<double, point> >& dets,
- const image_array_type& images,
- const rectangle& window,
- const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, rectangle> >& fixed_rects,
- const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, rectangle> >& movable_rects,
- const double thresh,
- const unsigned long
- )
- {
- dets.clear();
- if (movable_rects.size() == 0 && fixed_rects.size() == 0)
- return;
- for (long r = 0; r < images[0].nr(); ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c < images[0].nc(); ++c)
- {
- const point p(c,r);
- double score = sum_of_rects_in_images_movable_parts(images,
- window,
- fixed_rects,
- movable_rects,
- p);
- if (score >= thresh)
- {
- dets.push_back(make_pair(score,p));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void test_scan_images_movable_parts()
- {
- array<array2d<unsigned char> > images;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 40; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- const int num_images = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%4+1;
- make_images(rnd,images, num_images,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%50+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%50+1
- );
- std::vector<std::pair<double,point> > dets1, dets2;
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, rectangle> > fixed_rects, movable_rects;
- double total_area = 0;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
- {
- fixed_rects.push_back(make_pair(i, centered_rect(
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10-5,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10-5,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10
- )));
- total_area += fixed_rects.back().second.area();
- movable_rects.push_back(make_pair(i, centered_rect(
- 0,
- 0,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10+1
- )));
- total_area += movable_rects.back().second.area();
- }
- const rectangle window = centered_rect(0,0,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15+1,
- rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%15+1);
- dlog << LINFO << "window size: "<< window.width() << ", " << window.height();
- const double thresh = total_area*130;
- const unsigned long max_dets = get_rect(images[0]).area();
- scan_image_movable_parts(dets1,images,window,fixed_rects,movable_rects,thresh, max_dets);
- brute_force_scan_image_movable_parts(dets2,images,window,fixed_rects,movable_rects,thresh, max_dets);
- dlog << LINFO << "max_possible dets: " << max_dets;
- dlog << LINFO << "regular dets: " << dets1.size();
- dlog << LINFO << "brute force: " << dets2.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dets1.size() == dets2.size());
- array2d<double> check(images[0].nr(), images[0].nc());
- assign_all_pixels(check, 1e-300);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets1.size(); ++i)
- {
- const point p = dets1[i].second;
- check[p.y()][p.x()] = dets1[i].first;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets2.size(); ++i)
- {
- const point p = dets2[i].second;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(check[p.y()][p.x()] - dets2[i].first) < 1e-10);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "=======================\n";
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class scan_image_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- scan_image_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_scan_image",
- "Runs tests on the scan_image routine.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_scan_images_movable_parts();
- test_max_filter();
- run_test1();
- run_test2();
- run_test3<unsigned char>(1);
- run_test3<unsigned char>(-1);
- run_test3<double>(1);
- run_test3<double>(-1);
- test_sum_filter<unsigned char>();
- test_sum_filter<double>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa6efdb8..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/sequence.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.sequence");
- template <
- typename seq
- >
- void sequence_sort_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - seq is an implementation of sequence/sequence_sort_aseqract.h is instantiated
- with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on seq for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- print_spinner();
- {
- // this test is to make sure that jumping around via
- // operator[] doesn't corrupt the object
- seq a;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int x = i;
- a.add(a.size(),x);
- }
- int x = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)a.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a[i] >= i,"1");
- // cout << a[i] << endl;
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = i+1; j < a.size(); ++j)
- {
- if ((a[j]+a[i])%3 ==0)
- {
- a.remove(j,x);
- --j;
- }
- }
- }
- //cout << endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)a.size(); ++i)
- {
- // cout << a[i] << endl;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a[i] >= i,"2");
- }
- }
- seq test, test2;
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- enumerable<int>& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(e.current_element_valid() == false);
- for (int g = 0; g < 5; ++g)
- {
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(e.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- int a;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test.add(i,a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 100);
- for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(test.size()); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test[i] == i);
- }
- swap(test,test2);
- a = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- while(test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == a);
- ++a;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- test2.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- a = 0;
- while(test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == a);
- ++a;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- test.add(0,a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1000);
- test.sort();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < test.size()-1; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test[i] <= test[i+1]);
- }
- a = 0;
- while(test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a <= test.element());
- a = test.element();
- }
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test.add(i,a);
- }
- for (int i = 100; i < 200; ++i)
- {
- a = i;
- test.add(i,a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 200);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- // serialize the state of test, then clear test, then
- // load the state back into test.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(test,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test.clear();
- deserialize(test,sin);
- for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test[i] == i);
- }
- a = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == a);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0]==0);
- ++a;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a == 200);
- DLIB_TEST(test[9] == 9);
- test.remove(9,a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(test[9] == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 199);
- test.remove(0,a);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 198);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[9] == 11);
- DLIB_TEST(test[20] == 22);
- }
- {
- test.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int a = 3;
- test.add(0,a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 100);
- remover<int>& go = test;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int a = 9;
- go.remove_any(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 3);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(go.size() == 0);
- }
- }
- class sequence_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- sequence_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_sequence",
- "Runs tests on the sequence component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_1a";
- sequence_sort_test<sequence<int>::sort_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_1a_c";
- sequence_sort_test<sequence<int>::sort_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_2a";
- sequence_sort_test<sequence<int>::sort_2a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sort_2a_c";
- sequence_sort_test<sequence<int>::sort_2a_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence_labeler.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence_labeler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4002d6821..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence_labeler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.sequence_labeler");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const unsigned long num_label_states = 3; // the "hidden" states
- const unsigned long num_sample_states = 3;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct funny_sequence
- {
- std::vector<unsigned long> item;
- unsigned long size() const { return item.size(); }
- };
- funny_sequence make_funny_sequence(const std::vector<unsigned long>& item)
- {
- funny_sequence temp;
- temp.item = item;
- return temp;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class feature_extractor
- {
- public:
- typedef funny_sequence sequence_type;
- unsigned long num_features() const
- {
- return num_label_states*num_label_states + num_label_states*num_sample_states;
- }
- unsigned long order() const
- {
- return 1;
- }
- unsigned long num_labels() const
- {
- return num_label_states;
- }
- template <typename feature_setter, typename EXP>
- void get_features (
- feature_setter& set_feature,
- const sequence_type& x,
- const matrix_exp<EXP>& y,
- unsigned long position
- ) const
- {
- if (y.size() > 1)
- set_feature(y(1)*num_label_states + y(0));
- set_feature(num_label_states*num_label_states +
- y(0)*num_sample_states + x.item[position]);
- }
- };
- class feature_extractor_partial
- {
- public:
- typedef funny_sequence sequence_type;
- unsigned long num_features() const
- {
- return num_label_states*num_label_states + num_label_states*num_sample_states;
- }
- unsigned long order() const
- {
- return 1;
- }
- unsigned long num_labels() const
- {
- return num_label_states;
- }
- template <typename feature_setter, typename EXP>
- void get_features (
- feature_setter& set_feature,
- const sequence_type& x,
- const matrix_exp<EXP>& y,
- unsigned long position
- ) const
- {
- if (y.size() > 1)
- {
- set_feature(y(1)*num_label_states + y(0), 0.5);
- set_feature(y(1)*num_label_states + y(0), 0.5);
- }
- set_feature(num_label_states*num_label_states +
- y(0)*num_sample_states + x.item[position],0.25);
- set_feature(num_label_states*num_label_states +
- y(0)*num_sample_states + x.item[position],0.75);
- }
- };
- bool called_rejct_labeling = false;
- class feature_extractor2
- {
- public:
- typedef funny_sequence sequence_type;
- unsigned long num_features() const
- {
- return num_label_states*num_label_states + num_label_states*num_sample_states;
- }
- unsigned long order() const
- {
- return 1;
- }
- unsigned long num_labels() const
- {
- return num_label_states;
- }
- template <typename EXP>
- bool reject_labeling (
- const sequence_type& ,
- const matrix_exp<EXP>& ,
- unsigned long
- ) const
- {
- called_rejct_labeling = true;
- return false;
- }
- template <typename feature_setter, typename EXP>
- void get_features (
- feature_setter& set_feature,
- const sequence_type& x,
- const matrix_exp<EXP>& y,
- unsigned long position
- ) const
- {
- if (y.size() > 1)
- set_feature(y(1)*num_label_states + y(0));
- set_feature(num_label_states*num_label_states +
- y(0)*num_sample_states + x.item[position]);
- }
- };
- void serialize(const feature_extractor&, std::ostream&) {}
- void deserialize(feature_extractor&, std::istream&) {}
- void serialize(const feature_extractor2&, std::ostream&) {}
- void deserialize(feature_extractor2&, std::istream&) {}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void sample_hmm (
- dlib::rand& rnd,
- const matrix<double>& transition_probabilities,
- const matrix<double>& emission_probabilities,
- unsigned long previous_label,
- unsigned long& next_label,
- unsigned long& next_sample
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - previous_label <
- - ==
- - ==
- - The rows of transition_probabilities and emission_probabilities must sum to 1.
- (i.e. sum_cols(transition_probabilities) and sum_cols(emission_probabilities)
- must evaluate to vectors of all 1s.)
- ensures
- - This function randomly samples the HMM defined by transition_probabilities
- and emission_probabilities assuming that the previous hidden state
- was previous_label.
- - The HMM is defined by:
- - P(next_label |previous_label) == transition_probabilities(previous_label, next_label)
- - P(next_sample|next_label) == emission_probabilities (next_label, next_sample)
- - #next_label == the sampled value of the hidden state
- - #next_sample == the sampled value of the observed state
- !*/
- {
- // sample next_label
- double p = rnd.get_random_double();
- for (long c = 0; p >= 0 && c <; ++c)
- {
- next_label = c;
- p -= transition_probabilities(previous_label, c);
- }
- // now sample next_sample
- p = rnd.get_random_double();
- for (long c = 0; p >= 0 && c <; ++c)
- {
- next_sample = c;
- p -= emission_probabilities(next_label, c);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_dataset (
- const matrix<double>& transition_probabilities,
- const matrix<double>& emission_probabilities,
- std::vector<funny_sequence>& samples,
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> >& labels,
- unsigned long dataset_size
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - ==
- - ==
- - The rows of transition_probabilities and emission_probabilities must sum to 1.
- (i.e. sum_cols(transition_probabilities) and sum_cols(emission_probabilities)
- must evaluate to vectors of all 1s.)
- ensures
- - This function randomly samples a bunch of sequences from the HMM defined by
- transition_probabilities and emission_probabilities.
- - The HMM is defined by:
- - The probability of transitioning from hidden state H1 to H2
- is given by transition_probabilities(H1,H2).
- - The probability of a hidden state H producing an observed state
- O is given by emission_probabilities(H,O).
- - #samples.size() == labels.size() == dataset_size
- - for all valid i:
- - #labels[i] is a randomly sampled sequence of hidden states from the
- given HMM. #samples[i] is its corresponding randomly sampled sequence
- of observed states.
- !*/
- {
- samples.clear();
- labels.clear();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // now randomly sample some labeled sequences from our Hidden Markov Model
- for (unsigned long iter = 0; iter < dataset_size; ++iter)
- {
- const unsigned long sequence_size = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%20+3;
- std::vector<unsigned long> sample(sequence_size);
- std::vector<unsigned long> label(sequence_size);
- unsigned long previous_label = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%num_label_states;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < sample.size(); ++i)
- {
- unsigned long next_label=0, next_sample=0;
- sample_hmm(rnd, transition_probabilities, emission_probabilities,
- previous_label, next_label, next_sample);
- label[i] = next_label;
- sample[i] = next_sample;
- previous_label = next_label;
- }
- samples.push_back(make_funny_sequence(sample));
- labels.push_back(label);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename fe_type>
- void do_test()
- {
- called_rejct_labeling = false;
- matrix<double> transition_probabilities(num_label_states, num_label_states);
- transition_probabilities = 0.05, 0.90, 0.05,
- 0.05, 0.05, 0.90,
- 0.90, 0.05, 0.05;
- matrix<double> emission_probabilities(num_label_states,num_sample_states);
- emission_probabilities = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.5, 0.5,
- 0.5, 0.0, 0.5;
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<funny_sequence> samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> > labels;
- make_dataset(transition_probabilities,emission_probabilities,
- samples, labels, 1000);
- dlog << LINFO << "samples.size(): "<< samples.size();
- // print out some of the randomly sampled sequences
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "hidden states: " << trans(mat(labels[i]));
- dlog << LINFO << "observed states: " << trans(mat(samples[i].item));
- dlog << LINFO << "******************************";
- }
- print_spinner();
- structural_sequence_labeling_trainer<fe_type> trainer;
- trainer.set_c(4);
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.get_c() == 4);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- DLIB_TEST(trainer.get_num_threads() == 4);
- // Learn to do sequence labeling from the dataset
- sequence_labeler<fe_type> labeler = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- std::vector<unsigned long> predicted_labels = labeler(samples[0]);
- dlog << LINFO << "true hidden states: "<< trans(mat(labels[0]));
- dlog << LINFO << "predicted hidden states: "<< trans(mat(predicted_labels));
- DLIB_TEST(mat(labels[0]) == mat(predicted_labels));
- print_spinner();
- // We can also do cross-validation
- matrix<double> confusion_matrix;
- confusion_matrix = cross_validate_sequence_labeler(trainer, samples, labels, 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "cross-validation: ";
- dlog << LINFO << confusion_matrix;
- double accuracy = sum(diag(confusion_matrix))/sum(confusion_matrix);
- dlog << LINFO << "label accuracy: "<< accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(accuracy - 0.882) < 0.01);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<double,0,1> true_hmm_model_weights = log(join_cols(reshape_to_column_vector(transition_probabilities),
- reshape_to_column_vector(emission_probabilities)));
- sequence_labeler<fe_type> labeler_true(true_hmm_model_weights);
- confusion_matrix = test_sequence_labeler(labeler_true, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "True HMM model: ";
- dlog << LINFO << confusion_matrix;
- accuracy = sum(diag(confusion_matrix))/sum(confusion_matrix);
- dlog << LINFO << "label accuracy: "<< accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(accuracy - 0.882) < 0.01);
- print_spinner();
- // Finally, the labeler can be serialized to disk just like most dlib objects.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(labeler, sout);
- sequence_labeler<fe_type> labeler2;
- // recall from disk
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(labeler2, sin);
- confusion_matrix = test_sequence_labeler(labeler2, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "deserialized labeler: ";
- dlog << LINFO << confusion_matrix;
- accuracy = sum(diag(confusion_matrix))/sum(confusion_matrix);
- dlog << LINFO << "label accuracy: "<< accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(accuracy - 0.882) < 0.01);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test2()
- {
- /*
- The point of this test is to make sure calling set_feature() multiple
- times works the way it is supposed to.
- */
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<funny_sequence> samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> > labels;
- matrix<double> transition_probabilities(num_label_states, num_label_states);
- transition_probabilities = 0.05, 0.90, 0.05,
- 0.05, 0.05, 0.90,
- 0.90, 0.05, 0.05;
- matrix<double> emission_probabilities(num_label_states,num_sample_states);
- emission_probabilities = 0.5, 0.5, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.5, 0.5,
- 0.5, 0.0, 0.5;
- make_dataset(transition_probabilities,emission_probabilities,
- samples, labels, 1000);
- dlog << LINFO << "samples.size(): "<< samples.size();
- structural_sequence_labeling_trainer<feature_extractor> trainer;
- structural_sequence_labeling_trainer<feature_extractor_partial> trainer_part;
- trainer.set_c(4);
- trainer_part.set_c(4);
- trainer.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer_part.set_num_threads(4);
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-8);
- trainer_part.set_epsilon(1e-8);
- // Learn to do sequence labeling from the dataset
- sequence_labeler<feature_extractor> labeler = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- sequence_labeler<feature_extractor_partial> labeler_part = trainer_part.train(samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "weight disagreement: "<< max(abs(labeler.get_weights() - labeler_part.get_weights()));
- dlog << LINFO << "max weight magnitude: "<< max(abs(labeler.get_weights()));
- // Both feature extractors should be equivalent.
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(labeler.get_weights() - labeler_part.get_weights())) < 1e-6);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class sequence_labeler_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- sequence_labeler_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_sequence_labeler",
- "Runs tests on the sequence labeling code.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- do_test<feature_extractor>();
- DLIB_TEST(called_rejct_labeling == false);
- do_test<feature_extractor2>();
- DLIB_TEST(called_rejct_labeling == true);
- test2();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence_segmenter.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence_segmenter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index acdcd69be..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sequence_segmenter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.sequence_segmenter");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlib::rand rnd;
- template <bool use_BIO_model_, bool use_high_order_features_, bool allow_negative_weights_>
- class unigram_extractor
- {
- public:
- const static bool use_BIO_model = use_BIO_model_;
- const static bool use_high_order_features = use_high_order_features_;
- const static bool allow_negative_weights = allow_negative_weights_;
- typedef std::vector<unsigned long> sequence_type;
- std::map<unsigned long, matrix<double,0,1> > feats;
- unigram_extractor()
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> v1, v2, v3;
- v1 = randm(num_features(), 1, rnd);
- v2 = randm(num_features(), 1, rnd);
- v3 = randm(num_features(), 1, rnd);
- v1(0) = 1;
- v2(1) = 1;
- v3(2) = 1;
- v1(3) = -1;
- v2(4) = -1;
- v3(5) = -1;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num_features(); ++i)
- {
- if ( i < 3)
- feats[i] = v1;
- else if (i < 6)
- feats[i] = v2;
- else
- feats[i] = v3;
- }
- }
- unsigned long num_features() const { return 10; }
- unsigned long window_size() const { return 3; }
- template <typename feature_setter>
- void get_features (
- feature_setter& set_feature,
- const sequence_type& x,
- unsigned long position
- ) const
- {
- const matrix<double,0,1>& m = feats.find(x[position])->second;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num_features(); ++i)
- {
- set_feature(i, m(i));
- }
- }
- };
- template <bool use_BIO_model_, bool use_high_order_features_, bool neg>
- void serialize(const unigram_extractor<use_BIO_model_,use_high_order_features_,neg>& item , std::ostream& out )
- {
- serialize(item.feats, out);
- }
- template <bool use_BIO_model_, bool use_high_order_features_, bool neg>
- void deserialize(unigram_extractor<use_BIO_model_,use_high_order_features_,neg>& item, std::istream& in)
- {
- deserialize(item.feats, in);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_dataset (
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> >& samples,
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> >& labels,
- unsigned long dataset_size
- )
- {
- samples.clear();
- labels.clear();
- samples.resize(dataset_size);
- labels.resize(dataset_size);
- unigram_extractor<true,true,true> fe;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (unsigned long iter = 0; iter < dataset_size; ++iter)
- {
- samples[iter].resize(10);
- labels[iter].resize(10);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples[iter].size(); ++i)
- {
- samples[iter][i] = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%fe.num_features();
- if (samples[iter][i] < 3)
- {
- labels[iter][i] = impl_ss::BEGIN;
- }
- else if (samples[iter][i] < 6)
- {
- labels[iter][i] = impl_ss::INSIDE;
- }
- else
- {
- labels[iter][i] = impl_ss::OUTSIDE;
- }
- if (i != 0)
- {
- // do rejection sampling to avoid impossible labels
- if (labels[iter][i] == impl_ss::INSIDE &&
- labels[iter][i-1] == impl_ss::OUTSIDE)
- {
- --i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void make_dataset2 (
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> >& samples,
- std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > >& segments,
- unsigned long dataset_size
- )
- {
- segments.clear();
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> > labels;
- make_dataset(samples, labels, dataset_size);
- segments.resize(samples.size());
- // Convert from BIO tagging to the explicit segments representation.
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < labels.size(); ++k)
- {
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labels[k].size(); ++i)
- {
- if (labels[k][i] == impl_ss::BEGIN)
- {
- const unsigned long begin = i;
- ++i;
- while (i < labels[k].size() && labels[k][i] == impl_ss::INSIDE)
- ++i;
- segments[k].push_back(std::make_pair(begin, i));
- --i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <bool use_BIO_model, bool use_high_order_features, bool allow_negative_weights>
- void do_test()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "use_BIO_model: "<< use_BIO_model;
- dlog << LINFO << "use_high_order_features: "<< use_high_order_features;
- dlog << LINFO << "allow_negative_weights: "<< allow_negative_weights;
- std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> > samples;
- std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,unsigned long> > > segments;
- make_dataset2( samples, segments, 100);
- print_spinner();
- typedef unigram_extractor<use_BIO_model,use_high_order_features,allow_negative_weights> fe_type;
- fe_type fe_temp;
- fe_type fe_temp2;
- structural_sequence_segmentation_trainer<fe_type> trainer(fe_temp2);
- trainer.set_c(5);
- trainer.set_num_threads(1);
- sequence_segmenter<fe_type> labeler = trainer.train(samples, segments);
- print_spinner();
- const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > predicted_labels = labeler(samples[1]);
- const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> > true_labels = segments[1];
- /*
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < predicted_labels.size(); ++i)
- cout << "["<<predicted_labels[i].first<<","<<predicted_labels[i].second<<") ";
- cout << endl;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < true_labels.size(); ++i)
- cout << "["<<true_labels[i].first<<","<<true_labels[i].second<<") ";
- cout << endl;
- */
- DLIB_TEST(predicted_labels.size() > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(predicted_labels.size() == true_labels.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < predicted_labels.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(predicted_labels[i].first == true_labels[i].first);
- DLIB_TEST(predicted_labels[i].second == true_labels[i].second);
- }
- matrix<double> res;
- res = cross_validate_sequence_segmenter(trainer, samples, segments, 3);
- dlog << LINFO << "cv res: "<< res;
- DLIB_TEST(min(res) > 0.98);
- make_dataset2( samples, segments, 100);
- res = test_sequence_segmenter(labeler, samples, segments);
- dlog << LINFO << "test res: "<< res;
- DLIB_TEST(min(res) > 0.98);
- print_spinner();
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(labeler, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- sequence_segmenter<fe_type> labeler2;
- deserialize(labeler2, sin);
- res = test_sequence_segmenter(labeler2, samples, segments);
- dlog << LINFO << "test res2: "<< res;
- DLIB_TEST(min(res) > 0.98);
- long N;
- if (use_BIO_model)
- N = 3*3+3;
- else
- N = 5*5+5;
- const double min_normal_weight = min(colm(labeler2.get_weights(), 0, labeler2.get_weights().size()-N));
- const double min_trans_weight = min(labeler2.get_weights());
- dlog << LINFO << "min_normal_weight: " << min_normal_weight;
- dlog << LINFO << "min_trans_weight: " << min_trans_weight;
- if (allow_negative_weights)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(min_normal_weight < 0);
- DLIB_TEST(min_trans_weight < 0);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(min_normal_weight == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(min_trans_weight < 0);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class unit_test_sequence_segmenter : public tester
- {
- public:
- unit_test_sequence_segmenter (
- ) :
- tester ("test_sequence_segmenter",
- "Runs tests on the sequence segmenting code.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- do_test<true,true,false>();
- do_test<true,false,false>();
- do_test<false,true,false>();
- do_test<false,false,false>();
- do_test<true,true,true>();
- do_test<true,false,true>();
- do_test<false,true,true>();
- do_test<false,false,true>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/serialize.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/serialize.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f8b3384b9..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/serialize.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1087 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dlib/compress_stream.h>
-#include <dlib/base64.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/serialize.h>
-#include <dlib/image_transforms.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-namespace dlib
- static bool operator!=(const rgb_pixel& a, const rgb_pixel& b)
- {
- return !( && &&;
- }
- static bool operator!=(const bgr_pixel& a, const bgr_pixel& b)
- {
- return !( && &&;
- }
- static bool operator!=(const hsi_pixel& a, const hsi_pixel& b)
- {
- return !(a.h==b.h && a.s==b.s && a.i==b.i);
- }
- static bool operator!=(const rgb_alpha_pixel& a, const rgb_alpha_pixel& b)
- {
- return !( && && && a.alpha==b.alpha);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- struct test_object
- {
- signed char i1;
- signed short i2;
- signed long i3;
- unsigned char i4;
- unsigned short i5;
- unsigned long i6;
- uint64 i7;
- int64 i8;
- signed char i1_0;
- signed short i2_0;
- signed long i3_0;
- unsigned char i4_0;
- unsigned short i5_0;
- unsigned long i6_0;
- uint64 i7_0;
- int64 i8_0;
- signed char i1_n;
- signed short i2_n;
- signed long i3_n;
- float f1;
- double f2;
- long double f3;
- float f1_inf;
- double f2_inf;
- long double f3_inf;
- float f1_ninf;
- double f2_ninf;
- long double f3_ninf;
- float f1_qnan;
- double f2_qnan;
- long double f3_qnan;
- float f1_snan;
- double f2_snan;
- long double f3_snan;
- std::string s1;
- std::wstring s2;
- int array[10];
- bool b_true;
- bool b_false;
- void set_state_1(
- )
- {
- i1 = 1;
- i2 = 2;
- i3 = 3;
- i4 = 4;
- i5 = 5;
- i6 = 6;
- i7 = 7;
- i8 = 8;
- i1_0 = 0;
- i2_0 = 0;
- i3_0 = 0;
- i4_0 = 0;
- i5_0 = 0;
- i6_0 = 0;
- i7_0 = 0;
- i8_0 = 0;
- i1_n = -1;
- i2_n = -2;
- i3_n = -3;
- f1 = 123.456f;
- f2 = 543.341;
- f3 = 5234234.23;
- f1_inf = numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
- f2_inf = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- f3_inf = numeric_limits<long double>::infinity();
- f1_ninf = -numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
- f2_ninf = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- f3_ninf = -numeric_limits<long double>::infinity();
- f1_qnan = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
- f2_qnan = numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
- f3_qnan = numeric_limits<long double>::quiet_NaN();
- f1_snan = numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
- f2_snan = numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
- f3_snan = numeric_limits<long double>::signaling_NaN();
- s1 = "davis";
- s2 = L"yo yo yo";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- array[i] = i;
- b_true = true;
- b_false = false;
- }
- void set_state_2(
- )
- {
- i1 = 10;
- i2 = 20;
- i3 = 30;
- i4 = 40;
- i5 = 50;
- i6 = 60;
- i7 = 70;
- i8 = 80;
- i1_0 = 5;
- i2_0 = 6;
- i3_0 = 7;
- i4_0 = 8;
- i5_0 = 9;
- i6_0 = 10;
- i7_0 = 11;
- i8_0 = 12;
- i1_n = -13;
- i2_n = -25;
- i3_n = -12;
- f1 = 45.3f;
- f2 = 0.001;
- f3 = 2.332;
- f1_inf = f1;
- f2_inf = f2;
- f3_inf = f3;
- f1_ninf = f1;
- f2_ninf = f2;
- f3_ninf = f3;
- f1_qnan = f1;
- f2_qnan = f2;
- f3_qnan = f3;
- f1_snan = f1;
- f2_snan = f2;
- f3_snan = f3;
- s1 = "";
- s2 = L"";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- array[i] = 10-i;
- b_true = false;
- b_false = true;
- }
- void assert_in_state_1 (
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST (i1 == 1);
- DLIB_TEST (i2 == 2);
- DLIB_TEST (i3 == 3);
- DLIB_TEST (i4 == 4);
- DLIB_TEST (i5 == 5);
- DLIB_TEST (i6 == 6);
- DLIB_TEST (i7 == 7);
- DLIB_TEST (i8 == 8);
- DLIB_TEST (i1_0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST (i2_0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST (i3_0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST (i4_0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST (i5_0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST (i6_0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST (i7_0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST (i8_0 == 0);
- DLIB_TEST (i1_n == -1);
- DLIB_TEST (i2_n == -2);
- DLIB_TEST (i3_n == -3);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f1 -123.456) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f2 - 543.341) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f3 - 5234234.23) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (f1_inf == numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
- DLIB_TEST (f2_inf == numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
- DLIB_TEST (f3_inf == numeric_limits<long double>::infinity());
- DLIB_TEST (f1_ninf == -numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
- DLIB_TEST (f2_ninf == -numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
- DLIB_TEST (f3_ninf == -numeric_limits<long double>::infinity());
- DLIB_TEST (!(f1_qnan <= numeric_limits<float>::infinity() && f1_qnan >= -numeric_limits<float>::infinity() ));
- DLIB_TEST (!(f2_qnan <= numeric_limits<double>::infinity() && f1_qnan >= -numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ));
- DLIB_TEST (!(f3_qnan <= numeric_limits<long double>::infinity() && f1_qnan >= -numeric_limits<long double>::infinity() ));
- DLIB_TEST (!(f1_snan <= numeric_limits<float>::infinity() && f1_qnan >= -numeric_limits<float>::infinity() ));
- DLIB_TEST (!(f2_snan <= numeric_limits<double>::infinity() && f1_qnan >= -numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ));
- DLIB_TEST (!(f3_snan <= numeric_limits<long double>::infinity() && f1_qnan >= -numeric_limits<long double>::infinity() ));
- DLIB_TEST (s1 == "davis");
- DLIB_TEST (s2 == L"yo yo yo");
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST (array[i] == i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST (b_true == true);
- DLIB_TEST (b_false == false);
- }
- void assert_in_state_2 (
- )
- {
- DLIB_TEST (i1 == 10);
- DLIB_TEST (i2 == 20);
- DLIB_TEST (i3 == 30);
- DLIB_TEST (i4 == 40);
- DLIB_TEST (i5 == 50);
- DLIB_TEST (i6 == 60);
- DLIB_TEST (i7 == 70);
- DLIB_TEST (i8 == 80);
- DLIB_TEST (i1_0 == 5);
- DLIB_TEST (i2_0 == 6);
- DLIB_TEST (i3_0 == 7);
- DLIB_TEST (i4_0 == 8);
- DLIB_TEST (i5_0 == 9);
- DLIB_TEST (i6_0 == 10);
- DLIB_TEST (i7_0 == 11);
- DLIB_TEST (i8_0 == 12);
- DLIB_TEST (i1_n == -13);
- DLIB_TEST (i2_n == -25);
- DLIB_TEST (i3_n == -12);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f1 - 45.3) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f2 - 0.001) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f3 - 2.332) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f1_inf - 45.3) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f2_inf - 0.001) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f3_inf - 2.332) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f1_ninf - 45.3) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f2_ninf - 0.001) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f3_ninf - 2.332) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f1_qnan - 45.3) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f2_qnan - 0.001) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f3_qnan - 2.332) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f1_snan - 45.3) < 1e-5);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f2_snan - 0.001) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (abs(f3_snan - 2.332) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST (s1 == "");
- DLIB_TEST (s2 == L"");
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST (array[i] == 10-i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST (b_true == false);
- DLIB_TEST (b_false == true);
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void serialize (
- const test_object& item,
- std::ostream& out
- )
- {
- dlib::serialize(item.i1,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i2,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i3,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i4,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i5,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i6,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i7,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i8,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i1_0,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i2_0,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i3_0,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i4_0,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i5_0,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i6_0,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i7_0,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i8_0,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i1_n,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i2_n,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.i3_n,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f1,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f2,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f3,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f1_inf,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f2_inf,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f3_inf,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f1_ninf,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f2_ninf,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f3_ninf,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f1_qnan,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f2_qnan,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f3_qnan,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f1_snan,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f2_snan,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.f3_snan,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.s1,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.s2,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.array,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.b_true,out);
- dlib::serialize(item.b_false,out);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void deserialize (
- test_object& item,
- std::istream& in
- )
- {
- dlib::deserialize(item.i1,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i2,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i3,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i4,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i5,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i6,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i7,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i8,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i1_0,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i2_0,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i3_0,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i4_0,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i5_0,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i6_0,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i7_0,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i8_0,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i1_n,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i2_n,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.i3_n,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f1,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f2,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f3,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f1_inf,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f2_inf,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f3_inf,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f1_ninf,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f2_ninf,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f3_ninf,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f1_qnan,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f2_qnan,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f3_qnan,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f1_snan,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f2_snan,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.f3_snan,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.s1,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.s2,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.array,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.b_true,in);
- dlib::deserialize(item.b_false,in);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'stuff.bin' but using the old
- // floating point serialization format.
- const std::string get_decoded_string()
- {
- dlib::base64::kernel_1a base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'stuff.bin' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "AVaifX9zEbXa9aocsrcRuvnNrR3WLuuU5eLWiy0UeXmnKXGLKZz8V44gzT4CM6wnCmAHFQug8G3C";
- sout << "4cuLdNgp2ApkeLcvwFNJRENE0ShrRaxEBFEA8nah7vm8B2VmgImNblCejuP5IcDt60EaCKlqiit8";
- sout << "+JGrzYxqBm3xFS4P+qlOROdbxc7pXBmUdh0rqNSEvn0FBPdoqY/5SpHgA2yAcH8XFrM1cdu0xS3P";
- sout << "8PBcmLMJ7bFdzplwhrjuxtm4NfEOi6Rl9sU44AXycYgJd0+uH+dyoI9X3co5b3YWJtjvdVeztNAr";
- sout << "BfSPfR6oAVNfiMBG7QA=";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'stuff.bin' but using the new
- // floating point serialization format.
- const std::string get_decoded_string2()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'stuff.bin' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "AVaifX9zEbXa9aocsrcRuvnNqzZLptZ5mRd46xScCIfX6sq/46hG9JwIInElG50EtJKJY/+jAWit";
- sout << "TpDBWrxBz124JRLsBz62h0D3Tqgnd8zygRx7t33Ybw40o07MrhzNEHgYavUukaPje5by78JIWHgk";
- sout << "l7nb/TK+9ndVLrAThJ4v+GiPT3kh9H1tAAAAAQhbLa06pQjhrnjTXcRox1ZBEAV9/q1zAA==";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the tester
- // should start with "test."
- logger dlog("test.serialize");
- void serialize_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the serialization code for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- ostringstream sout;
- test_object obj;
- obj.set_state_1();
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- serialize(obj, sout);
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- obj.set_state_2();
- obj.assert_in_state_2();
- serialize(obj, sout);
- obj.assert_in_state_2();
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(obj,sin);
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- deserialize(obj,sin);
- obj.assert_in_state_2();
- // now do the same thing as above but deserialize from some stored binary
- // data to make sure the serialized values are portable between different
- // machines
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(get_decoded_string());
- deserialize(obj,sin);
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- deserialize(obj,sin);
- obj.assert_in_state_2();
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(get_decoded_string2());
- deserialize(obj,sin);
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- deserialize(obj,sin);
- obj.assert_in_state_2();
- /*
- // This is the code that produced the encoded data stored in the get_decoded_string() function
- ofstream fout("stuff.bin",ios::binary);
- obj.set_state_1();
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- serialize(obj, fout);
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- obj.set_state_2();
- obj.assert_in_state_2();
- serialize(obj, fout);
- obj.assert_in_state_2();
- */
- test_object obj2;
- obj.set_state_1();
- obj2.set_state_2();
- dlib::serialize("serialization_test.dat") << obj << obj2;
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- obj2.assert_in_state_2();
- obj.set_state_2();
- obj2.set_state_1();
- obj.assert_in_state_2();
- obj2.assert_in_state_1();
- dlib::deserialize("serialization_test.dat") >> obj >> obj2;
- obj.assert_in_state_1();
- obj2.assert_in_state_2();
- }
- template <typename T>
- void test_vector (
- )
- {
- std::vector<T> a, b;
- for (int i = -10; i < 30; ++i)
- {
- a.push_back(i);
- }
- ostringstream sout;
- dlib::serialize(a, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- dlib::deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == b.size());
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == 40);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a[i] == b[i]);
- }
- std::vector<T> c;
- sout.str("");
- dlib::serialize(c, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- dlib::deserialize(a, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(c.size() == 0);
- }
- void test_std_array (
- )
- {
- std::array<int,5> a, b;
- a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- ostringstream sout;
- dlib::serialize(a, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- dlib::deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == b.size());
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == 5);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a[i] == b[i]);
- }
- std::array<int,0> aa, bb;
- sout.str("");
- dlib::serialize(aa, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- dlib::deserialize(bb, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(bb.size() == 0);
- }
- void test_vector_bool (
- )
- {
- std::vector<bool> a, b;
- a.push_back(true);
- a.push_back(true);
- a.push_back(false);
- a.push_back(true);
- a.push_back(false);
- a.push_back(true);
- ostringstream sout;
- dlib::serialize(a, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- dlib::deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == b.size());
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == 6);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a[i] == b[i]);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'matarray.dat'
- const std::string get_decoded_string_matarray_old()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'matarray.dat' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "AW852sEbTIeV+m/wLUcKJKPW+6IclviUWZcFh1daDZ0blDjPNTgPx0Lv56sIEwlG4I6C5OJzJBkZ";
- sout << "PvczLjS7IEKh6eg7amNOyEexsQSgojL1oMe2gDEfkyInUGPJV90sNS0cvp/hIB134V8JCTYUP6vH";
- sout << "9qpegLSIIQG+/NjLWyK2472vC88BJfKgkL3CPLMjQwB3tB928FNLbESDLIvpnb6q9ve68iuoyZZt";
- sout << "z3TTJxHW3MIdgzuhNomvPxfo/Q+7lC/Orj0FewUX90al6DckwzOtLVRidh/ZKpsQsxzJYQGkjdX5";
- sout << "mDzzXKqQb3Y3DnzEmwtRD9CUON3iRv1r26gHWLYorrYA";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- // This function returns the contents of the file 'matarray.dat'
- const std::string get_decoded_string_matarray()
- {
- dlib::base64 base64_coder;
- dlib::compress_stream::kernel_1ea compressor;
- std::ostringstream sout;
- std::istringstream sin;
- // The base64 encoded data from the file 'matarray.dat' we want to decode and return.
- sout << "gO6XH2WGbm8Xaw3a5FJbh3V823W6P2Qk/vHaAAAAARccIppHWdmViaKby7JA5PQvXjYMWUYvXRHv";
- sout << "xPdURZl1un3CT/rjT11Yry0y3+1W7GBmfBJ0gVFKGdiGuqoNAMtmzL/ll3YfEQ7ED7aB33aDTktw";
- sout << "AWVkHT+gqTbKwjP+8YvB3s3ziK640ITOAWazAghKDVl7AHGn+fjq29paBZMczuJofl8FinZUhwa9";
- sout << "Ol5gdAEQa6VZDmJUeo2soTJcEDpkW9LkRmXvjQkyEHfEHQNFDfQq4p2U+dHz4lOKlcj3VzQIeG/s";
- sout << "oxa9KhJND4aQ5xeNUUHUzFBU3XhQHlyDIn/RNdX/ZwA=";
- // Put the data into the istream sin
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decode the base64 text into its compressed binary form
- base64_coder.decode(sin,sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- sout.str("");
- // Decompress the data into its original form
- compressor.decompress(sin,sout);
- // Return the decoded and decompressed data
- return sout.str();
- }
- void setup_mats_and_arrays (
- array2d<int>& a,
- matrix<int>& m,
- array2d<unsigned char>& img1,
- array2d<rgb_pixel>& img2,
- array2d<bgr_pixel>& img3,
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel>& img4,
- array2d<hsi_pixel>& img5
- )
- {
- a.set_size(3,5);
- int cnt = 0;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- a[r][c] = cnt++;
- }
- }
- m = mat(a);
- img1.set_size(3,5);
- img2.set_size(3,5);
- img3.set_size(3,5);
- img4.set_size(3,5);
- img5.set_size(3,5);
- assign_all_pixels(img1, 0);
- assign_all_pixels(img2, 0);
- assign_all_pixels(img3, 0);
- assign_all_pixels(img4, 0);
- assign_all_pixels(img5, 0);
- unsigned char pcnt = 0;
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- rgb_alpha_pixel temp;
- = pcnt++;
- = pcnt++;
- = pcnt++;
- temp.alpha = 150+pcnt++;
- assign_pixel(img1[r][c], temp);
- assign_pixel(img2[r][c], temp);
- assign_pixel(img3[r][c], temp);
- assign_pixel(img4[r][c], temp);
- }
- }
- for (long r = 0; r <; ++r)
- {
- for (long c = 0; c <; ++c)
- {
- img5[r][c].h = pcnt++;
- img5[r][c].s = pcnt++;
- img5[r][c].i = pcnt++;
- }
- }
- }
- void test_deserialize(
- std::istream& fin
- )
- {
- array2d<int> a;
- matrix<int> m;
- array2d<unsigned char> img1;
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img2;
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img3;
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img4;
- array2d<hsi_pixel> img5;
- setup_mats_and_arrays(a,m,img1,img2,img3,img4,img5);
- array2d<unsigned char> img1_;
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img2_;
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img3_;
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img4_;
- array2d<hsi_pixel> img5_;
- matrix<int> m_;
- array2d<int> a_;
- deserialize(a_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(a_) == mat(a));
- deserialize(m_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(m_) == mat(m));
- deserialize(a_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(a_) == mat(a));
- deserialize(m_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(m_) == mat(m));
- deserialize(img1_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img1_) == mat(img1));
- deserialize(img2_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img2_) == mat(img2));
- deserialize(img3_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img3_) == mat(img3));
- deserialize(img4_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img4_) == mat(img4));
- deserialize(img5_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img5_) == mat(img5));
- }
- void test_deserialize_all_array2d(
- std::istream& fin
- )
- {
- array2d<int> a;
- matrix<int> m;
- array2d<unsigned char> img1;
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img2;
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img3;
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img4;
- array2d<hsi_pixel> img5;
- setup_mats_and_arrays(a,m,img1,img2,img3,img4,img5);
- array2d<unsigned char> img1_;
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img2_;
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img3_;
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img4_;
- array2d<hsi_pixel> img5_;
- array2d<int> m_;
- array2d<int> a_;
- deserialize(a_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(a_) == mat(a));
- deserialize(m_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(m_) == mat(m));
- deserialize(a_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(a_) == mat(a));
- deserialize(m_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(m_) == mat(m));
- deserialize(img1_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img1_) == mat(img1));
- deserialize(img2_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img2_) == mat(img2));
- deserialize(img3_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img3_) == mat(img3));
- deserialize(img4_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img4_) == mat(img4));
- deserialize(img5_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img5_) == mat(img5));
- }
- void test_deserialize_all_matrix(
- std::istream& fin
- )
- {
- array2d<int> a;
- matrix<int> m;
- array2d<unsigned char> img1;
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img2;
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img3;
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img4;
- array2d<hsi_pixel> img5;
- setup_mats_and_arrays(a,m,img1,img2,img3,img4,img5);
- matrix<unsigned char> img1_;
- matrix<rgb_pixel> img2_;
- matrix<bgr_pixel> img3_;
- matrix<rgb_alpha_pixel> img4_;
- matrix<hsi_pixel> img5_;
- matrix<int> m_;
- matrix<int> a_;
- deserialize(a_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(a_) == mat(a));
- deserialize(m_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(m_) == mat(m));
- deserialize(a_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(a_) == mat(a));
- deserialize(m_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(m_) == mat(m));
- deserialize(img1_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img1_) == mat(img1));
- deserialize(img2_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img2_) == mat(img2));
- deserialize(img3_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img3_) == mat(img3));
- deserialize(img4_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img4_) == mat(img4));
- deserialize(img5_, fin); DLIB_TEST(mat(img5_) == mat(img5));
- }
- void test_array2d_and_matrix_serialization()
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- array2d<int> a;
- matrix<int> m;
- array2d<unsigned char> img1;
- array2d<rgb_pixel> img2;
- array2d<bgr_pixel> img3;
- array2d<rgb_alpha_pixel> img4;
- array2d<hsi_pixel> img5;
- setup_mats_and_arrays(a,m,img1,img2,img3,img4,img5);
- serialize(a, sout);
- serialize(m, sout);
- serialize(a, sout);
- serialize(m, sout);
- serialize(img1, sout);
- serialize(img2, sout);
- serialize(img3, sout);
- serialize(img4, sout);
- serialize(img5, sout);
- // --------------------
- {
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test_deserialize(sin);
- }
- {
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test_deserialize_all_array2d(sin);
- }
- {
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test_deserialize_all_matrix(sin);
- }
- {
- istringstream sin(get_decoded_string_matarray());
- test_deserialize(sin);
- }
- {
- istringstream sin(get_decoded_string_matarray());
- test_deserialize_all_array2d(sin);
- }
- {
- istringstream sin(get_decoded_string_matarray());
- test_deserialize_all_matrix(sin);
- }
- {
- // Make sure we can still deserialize the serialization
- // format for array2d and matrix objects used by older versions
- // of dlib.
- istringstream sin(get_decoded_string_matarray_old());
- test_deserialize(sin);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_strings()
- {
- string str1 = "stuff";
- char buf[6];
- buf[0] = 0;
- buf[1] = 1;
- buf[2] = 2;
- buf[3] = 0;
- buf[4] = 3;
- buf[5] = 3;
- dlib::serialize("ser_test_string.dat") << str1 << buf << "morestuff" << "";
- string str2, str3, str4;
- char buf2[6];
- memset(buf2,0,sizeof(buf2));
- dlib::deserialize("ser_test_string.dat") >> str2 >> buf2 >> str3 >> str4;
- DLIB_TEST(str2 == "stuff");
- DLIB_TEST(str3 == "morestuff");
- DLIB_TEST(str4 == "");
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[1] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[2] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[4] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[5] == 3);
- ofstream fout("ser_test_string.dat", ios::binary);
- dlib::serialize(str1, fout);
- dlib::serialize(buf, fout);
- dlib::serialize("morestuff", fout);
- fout.close();
- ifstream fin("ser_test_string.dat", ios::binary);
- memset(buf2,0,sizeof(buf2));
- str2.clear();
- str3.clear();
- dlib::deserialize(str2, fin);
- dlib::deserialize(buf2, fin);
- dlib::deserialize(str3, fin);
- DLIB_TEST(str2 == "stuff");
- DLIB_TEST(str3 == "morestuff");
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[1] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[2] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[4] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf2[5] == 3);
- // make sure ramdump() overloads compile and work.
- {
- matrix<double,2,2> a = {1,2,3,4};
- const matrix<double,2,2> b = {3,2,3,4};
- dlib::serialize("ramdump_mat.dat") << ramdump(a) << ramdump(b);
- matrix<double,2,2> A, B;
- dlib::deserialize("ramdump_mat.dat") >> ramdump(A) >> ramdump(B);
- DLIB_TEST(A == a);
- DLIB_TEST(B == b);
- A = 0;
- B = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(A != a);
- DLIB_TEST(B != b);
- ostringstream sout;
- dlib::serialize(ramdump(a), sout);
- dlib::serialize(ramdump(b), sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- dlib::deserialize(ramdump(A), sin);
- dlib::deserialize(ramdump(B), sin);
- DLIB_TEST(A == a);
- DLIB_TEST(B == b);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class serialize_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a test for the serialization . When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework. The command line switch is
- specified as test_serialize by passing that string to the tester constructor.
- !*/
- public:
- serialize_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_serialize",
- "Runs tests on the serialization code.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- serialize_test();
- test_vector<char>();
- test_vector<unsigned char>();
- test_vector<int>();
- test_vector_bool();
- test_array2d_and_matrix_serialization();
- test_strings();
- test_std_array();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/set.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/set.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d3bd374..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/set.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/set.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.set");
- template <
- typename set
- >
- void set_compare_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - set is an implementation of set/set_compare_abstract.h and
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on set for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- set test, test2;
- enumerable<const int>& e = test;
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- int a,b = 0;
- a = 8;
- test.add(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(8) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- a = 53;
- test.add(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(53) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(8) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(53) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.is_member(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(8) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(53) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(0) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(-999) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(4999) == false);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- int count = 0;
- a = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- enumerable<const int>& gogo = test;
- gogo.element();
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(a <= test.element());
- a = test.element();
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- test.swap(test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- count = 0;
- a = -1;
- test2.reset();
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(a < test2.element());
- a = test2.element();
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == true);
- while (test.size() < 20000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- {
- int* array = new int[test.size()];
- int* tmp = array;
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == test.element());
- *tmp = test.element();
- ++tmp;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- // serialize the state of test, then clear test, then
- // load the state back into test.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(test,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- test.clear();
- deserialize(test,sin);
- tmp = array;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(*tmp) == true);
- ++tmp;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 20000);
- tmp = array;
- count = 0;
- while (test.size() > 10000)
- {
- test.remove(*tmp,a);
- DLIB_TEST(*tmp == a);
- ++tmp;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == *tmp);
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == *tmp);
- ++tmp;
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 10000);
- while (test.size() < 20000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- test2.swap(test);
- count = 0;
- a = 0;
- while (test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == test2.element());
- DLIB_TEST(a <= test2.element());
- a = test2.element();
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 20000);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 20000);
- a = -1;
- while (test2.size()>0)
- {
- test2.remove_any(b);
- DLIB_TEST( a < b);
- a = b;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- delete [] array;
- }
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- while (test.size() < 10000)
- {
- a = ::rand();
- if (!test.is_member(a))
- test.add(a);
- }
- count = 0;
- a = -1;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a < test.element());
- a = test.element();
- ++count;
- if (count == 5000)
- break;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- test.reset();
- count = 0;
- a = -1;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a < test.element());
- a = test.element();
- ++count;
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == 10000);
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- }
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test == test2);
- DLIB_TEST((test < test2) == false);
- DLIB_TEST((test2 < test) == false);
- int a = 3, b = 3;
- test.add(a);
- test2.add(b);
- test.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST(test == test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test < test2) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test2 < test) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- a = 2; b = 5;
- test.add(a);
- test2.add(b);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test == test2) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test < test2) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test2 < test) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- a = 8;
- test.add(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test == test2) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test < test2) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test2 < test) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test == test2) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test < test2) == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- test2.move_next();
- DLIB_TEST((test2 < test) == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() && test2.at_start());
- }
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- int a = 5;
- test.add(a);
- a = 7;
- test.add(a);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(7));
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5));
- test.destroy(7);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_member(7));
- DLIB_TEST(test.is_member(5));
- test.destroy(5);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_member(7));
- DLIB_TEST(!test.is_member(5));
- }
- }
- class set_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- set_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_set",
- "Runs tests on the set component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing compare_1a";
- set_compare_test<dlib::set<int>::compare_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing compare_1a_c";
- set_compare_test<dlib::set<int>::compare_1a_c>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing compare_1b";
- set_compare_test<dlib::set<int>::compare_1b> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing compare_1b_c";
- set_compare_test<dlib::set<int>::compare_1b_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sldf.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sldf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ca9a3dd0..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sldf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/data_io.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.sldf");
- class sldf_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- sldf_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_sldf", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the simplify_linear_decision_function routines.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- dlib::rand rnd;
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef std::map<unsigned long,double> sample_type;
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> dense_sample_type;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<dense_sample_type> dense_kernel_type;
- svm_nu_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer;
- linear_trainer.set_nu(0.2);
- svm_nu_trainer<dense_kernel_type> dense_linear_trainer;
- dense_linear_trainer.set_nu(0.2);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- // make an instance of a sample vector so we can use it below
- sample_type sample;
- // Now lets go into a loop and randomly generate 300 samples.
- double label = +1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 300; ++i)
- {
- // flip this flag
- label *= -1;
- sample.clear();
- // now make a random sparse sample with at most 10 non-zero elements
- for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
- {
- int idx = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%100;
- double value = rnd.get_random_double();
- sample[idx] = label*value;
- }
- // Also save the samples we are generating so we can let the svm_c_linear_trainer
- // learn from them below.
- samples.push_back(sample);
- labels.push_back(label);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << " test with sparse samples ";
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors.size() > 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels);
- // save the outputs of the decision function before we mess with it
- std::vector<double> prev_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- prev_vals.push_back(df(samples[i]));
- df = simplify_linear_decision_function(df);
- dlog << LINFO << "df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors.size() == 1);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels);
- // now check that the simplified decision function still produces the same results
- std::vector<double> cur_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- cur_vals.push_back(df(samples[i]));
- const double err = max(abs(mat(cur_vals) - mat(prev_vals)));
- dlog << LINFO << "simplify error: "<< err;
- DLIB_TEST(err < 1e-13);
- }
- // same as above but call simplify_linear_decision_function() two times
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << " test with sparse samples ";
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors.size() > 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels);
- // save the outputs of the decision function before we mess with it
- std::vector<double> prev_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- prev_vals.push_back(df(samples[i]));
- df = simplify_linear_decision_function(df);
- df = simplify_linear_decision_function(df);
- dlog << LINFO << "df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors.size() == 1);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels);
- // now check that the simplified decision function still produces the same results
- std::vector<double> cur_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- cur_vals.push_back(df(samples[i]));
- const double err = max(abs(mat(cur_vals) - mat(prev_vals)));
- dlog << LINFO << "simplify error: "<< err;
- DLIB_TEST(err < 1e-13);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << " test with dense samples ";
- std::vector<dense_sample_type> dense_samples(sparse_to_dense(samples));
- // In addition to the rule we learned with the pegasos trainer lets also use our linear_trainer
- // to learn a decision rule.
- decision_function<dense_kernel_type> dense_df = dense_linear_trainer.train(dense_samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense_df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< dense_df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dense_df.basis_vectors.size() > 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(dense_df, dense_samples, labels);
- // save the outputs of the decision function before we mess with it
- std::vector<double> prev_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dense_samples.size(); ++i)
- prev_vals.push_back(dense_df(dense_samples[i]));
- dense_df = simplify_linear_decision_function(dense_df);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense_df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< dense_df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dense_df.basis_vectors.size() == 1);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(dense_df, dense_samples, labels);
- // now check that the simplified decision function still produces the same results
- std::vector<double> cur_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dense_samples.size(); ++i)
- cur_vals.push_back(dense_df(dense_samples[i]));
- const double err = max(abs(mat(cur_vals) - mat(prev_vals)));
- dlog << LINFO << "simplify error: "<< err;
- DLIB_TEST(err < 1e-13);
- }
- // same as above but call simplify_linear_decision_function() two times
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << " test with dense samples ";
- std::vector<dense_sample_type> dense_samples(sparse_to_dense(samples));
- // In addition to the rule we learned with the pegasos trainer lets also use our linear_trainer
- // to learn a decision rule.
- decision_function<dense_kernel_type> dense_df = dense_linear_trainer.train(dense_samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense_df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< dense_df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dense_df.basis_vectors.size() > 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(dense_df, dense_samples, labels);
- // save the outputs of the decision function before we mess with it
- std::vector<double> prev_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dense_samples.size(); ++i)
- prev_vals.push_back(dense_df(dense_samples[i]));
- dense_df = simplify_linear_decision_function(dense_df);
- dense_df = simplify_linear_decision_function(dense_df);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense_df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< dense_df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dense_df.basis_vectors.size() == 1);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(dense_df, dense_samples, labels);
- // now check that the simplified decision function still produces the same results
- std::vector<double> cur_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dense_samples.size(); ++i)
- cur_vals.push_back(dense_df(dense_samples[i]));
- const double err = max(abs(mat(cur_vals) - mat(prev_vals)));
- dlog << LINFO << "simplify error: "<< err;
- DLIB_TEST(err < 1e-13);
- }
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << " test with sparse samples and a vector normalizer";
- std::vector<dense_sample_type> dense_samples(sparse_to_dense(samples));
- std::vector<dense_sample_type> norm_samples;
- // make a normalizer and normalize everything
- vector_normalizer<dense_sample_type> normalizer;
- normalizer.train(dense_samples);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dense_samples.size(); ++i)
- norm_samples.push_back(normalizer(dense_samples[i]));
- normalized_function<decision_function<dense_kernel_type> > dense_df;
- dense_df.normalizer = normalizer;
- dense_df.function = dense_linear_trainer.train(norm_samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense_df.function.basis_vectors.size(): "<< dense_df.function.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(dense_df.function.basis_vectors.size() > 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(dense_df, dense_samples, labels);
- // save the outputs of the decision function before we mess with it
- std::vector<double> prev_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dense_samples.size(); ++i)
- prev_vals.push_back(dense_df(dense_samples[i]));
- decision_function<dense_kernel_type> simple_df = simplify_linear_decision_function(dense_df);
- dlog << LINFO << "simple_df.basis_vectors.size(): "<< simple_df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(simple_df.basis_vectors.size() == 1);
- dlog << LINFO << "test scores: "<< test_binary_decision_function(simple_df, dense_samples, labels);
- // now check that the simplified decision function still produces the same results
- std::vector<double> cur_vals;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dense_samples.size(); ++i)
- cur_vals.push_back(simple_df(dense_samples[i]));
- const double err = max(abs(mat(cur_vals) - mat(prev_vals)));
- dlog << LINFO << "simplify error: "<< err;
- DLIB_TEST(err < 1e-13);
- }
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- sldf_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sliding_buffer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sliding_buffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 449ea858e..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sliding_buffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/sliding_buffer.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.sliding_buffer");
- template <
- typename buf
- >
- void sliding_buffer_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - buf is an implementation of sliding_buffer/sliding_buffer_kernel_abstract.h
- - buf is instantiated with T=unsigned char
- ensures
- - runs tests on buf for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- buf test;
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- test.set_size(3);
- buf test2;
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 8);
- for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- {
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- test.set_size(2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 4);
- test[0] = 'a';
- test[1] = 's';
- test[2] = 'd';
- test[3] = 'f';
- unsigned long id = test.get_element_id(2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.get_element_index(id)] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'f');
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 0);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[0] == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(test2[1] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test2[2] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test2[3] == 'f');
- swap(test,test2);
- test.rotate_left(4);
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.get_element_index(id)] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'f');
- test.rotate_right(1);
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.get_element_index(id)] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'f');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'a');
- test.rotate_left(1);
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.get_element_index(id)] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'f');
- test.rotate_left(16);
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.get_element_index(id)] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'f');
- test.rotate_left(2);
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.get_element_index(id)] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 'f');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 's');
- test.rotate_left(1);
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.get_element_index(id)] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'f');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'a');
- test.rotate_left(1);
- DLIB_TEST(test[test.get_element_index(id)] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'f');
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 4);
- test[0] = 'x';
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'x');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'f');
- test.rotate_left(1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test[0] == 'f',test[0]);
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 'x');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'd');
- test[0] = 'x';
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'x');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 'x');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 'd');
- test.rotate_left(1);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 'x');
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 'x');
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- test.clear();
- test2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- test.set_size(3);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- test.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- test.rotate_right(1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- test.rotate_left(1);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == true);
- test.reset();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < test.size(); ++i)
- {
- test[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);
- }
- unsigned long count = 0;
- while (test.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == count);
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(count == test.size());
- test2.clear();
- ostringstream sout;
- istringstream sin;
- serialize(test,sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(test2,sin);
- char ch;
- sin >> ch;
- DLIB_TEST( !sin);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == test.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < test.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test[i] == test2[i],
- "\ni: " << i <<
- "\ntest[i]: " << test[i] <<
- "\ntest2[i]: " << test2[i]);
- }
- count = 0;
- while (test.move_next() && test2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test.element() == count);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.element() == count);
- ++count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(test2.size() == count);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == count);
- test2.clear();
- } // for (int g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
- }
- void test_circular_buffer()
- {
- circular_buffer<int> buf;
- DLIB_TEST(buf.size() == 0);
- buf.assign(4, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 0);
- buf.push_back(1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 1);
- buf.push_back(2);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 2);
- buf.push_front(3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 1);
- buf.push_front(4);
- DLIB_TEST(buf.front() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 0);
- buf.assign(4, 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 5);
- buf.push_back(3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 3);
- buf.push_back(2);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 2);
- buf.push_back(1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 1);
- buf.push_back(0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == 0);
- buf.push_back(-1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf.back() == -1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[1] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[3] == -1);
- buf.resize(1);
- buf[0] = 9;
- DLIB_TEST(buf.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 9);
- buf.push_back(1);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 1);
- buf.push_back(4);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 4);
- buf.push_front(3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf[0] == 3);
- buf.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(buf.size() == 0);
- buf.assign(3, 0);
- circular_buffer<int> buf2, buf3;
- buf.push_back(1);
- buf.push_back(2);
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(buf, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(buf2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(buf.size() == buf2.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i)
- DLIB_TEST(buf[i] == buf2[i]);
- buf.swap(buf3);
- DLIB_TEST(buf.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(buf3.size() == buf2.size());
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < buf3.size(); ++i)
- DLIB_TEST(buf3[i] == buf2[i]);
- }
- class sliding_buffer_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- sliding_buffer_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_sliding_buffer",
- "Runs tests on the sliding_buffer component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- sliding_buffer_kernel_test<sliding_buffer<unsigned char>::kernel_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- sliding_buffer_kernel_test<sliding_buffer<unsigned char>::kernel_1a_c>();
- test_circular_buffer();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/smart_pointers.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/smart_pointers.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c2281efda..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/smart_pointers.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-// This is a legacy test for old dlib smart pointers which is excluded
-// from CMakeLists.txt. Including this test will pull legacy smart_pointers.h
-// code which is uncompilable on C++17 compilers
-#include <dlib/smart_pointers.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "tester.h"
-// Don't warn about auto_ptr
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6) || (__GNUC__ > 4))) || \
- (defined(__clang__) && ((__clang_major__ >= 3 && __clang_minor__ >= 4)))
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- bool used_array_delete;
- template <typename T>
- struct test_deleter
- {
- void operator() (T* item) const
- {
- used_array_delete = false;
- delete item;
- }
- };
- template <typename T>
- struct test_deleter<T[]>
- {
- void operator() (T* item) const
- {
- used_array_delete = true;
- delete [] item;
- }
- };
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.smart_pointers");
- int counter = 0;
- struct base
- {
- int num;
- virtual ~base() {}
- };
- struct derived : public base
- {
- derived() { ++counter; }
- ~derived() { --counter; }
- };
- int deleter_called = 0;
- void deleter ( derived* p) { ++deleter_called; delete p; }
- void deleter_base ( base* p) { ++deleter_called; delete p; }
- typedef void (*D)(derived*);
- typedef void (*Db)(base*);
- void smart_pointers_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the smart pointers for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- counter = 0;
- deleter_called = 0;
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 0,counter);
- scoped_ptr<base> p1(new derived);
- scoped_ptr<derived> p2(new derived);
- scoped_ptr<derived> p3;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 2,counter);
- DLIB_TEST(!p3);
- p1->num = 1;
- p2->num = 2;
- DLIB_TEST(p1->num == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p2->num == 2);
- (*p1).num = 3;
- (*p2).num = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(p1->num == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(p2->num == 4);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 2,counter);
- DLIB_TEST(p1);
- DLIB_TEST(p2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 2,counter);
- p1.reset();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 1,counter);
- DLIB_TEST(!p1);
- DLIB_TEST(p2);
- p1.reset(new derived);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 2,counter);
- DLIB_TEST(p1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 2,counter);
- p2.reset();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 1,counter);
- DLIB_TEST(!p2);
- derived* d = new derived;
- p2.reset(d);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.get() == d);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 2,counter);
- DLIB_TEST(p2);
- DLIB_TEST(!p3);
- p2->num = 9;
- swap(p2,p3);
- DLIB_TEST(!p2);
- DLIB_TEST(p3);
- DLIB_TEST(p3->num == 9);
- p2.swap(p3);
- DLIB_TEST(p2);
- DLIB_TEST(!p3);
- DLIB_TEST(p2->num == 9);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 2,counter);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 0,counter);
- {
- base* realp1 = new derived;
- derived* realp2 = new derived;
- dlib::shared_ptr<base> p1(realp1);
- dlib::shared_ptr<derived> p2(realp2,&deleter);
- dlib::shared_ptr<base> p3;
- dlib::shared_ptr<derived> p4;
- DLIB_TEST(p4.get() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p1);
- DLIB_TEST(p2);
- DLIB_TEST(!p3);
- DLIB_TEST(!p4);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.get() == realp1);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.get() == realp2);
- p1->num = 1;
- p2->num = 2;
- DLIB_TEST((*p1).num == 1);
- DLIB_TEST((*p2).num == 2);
- p1.swap(p3);
- DLIB_TEST(!p1);
- DLIB_TEST(p3);
- DLIB_TEST((*p3).num == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p3->num == 1);
- swap(p1,p3);
- DLIB_TEST(p1);
- DLIB_TEST(!p3);
- DLIB_TEST((*p1).num == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1->num == 1);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 2,counter);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p2.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(!p3.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(!p4.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p3.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p4.use_count() == 0);
- dlib::shared_ptr<base> p11(p1);
- DLIB_TEST(!p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p2.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(!p3.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(!p4.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p3.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p4.use_count() == 0);
- dlib::shared_ptr<base> p22(p2);
- DLIB_TEST(!p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(!p2.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(!p3.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(!p4.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.use_count() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(p3.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p4.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p11.get() == realp1);
- DLIB_TEST(p11 == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(p22 == p2);
- DLIB_TEST(p3 == p4);
- DLIB_TEST(p11 != p22);
- DLIB_TEST(p1 != p2);
- DLIB_TEST(p3 != p1);
- DLIB_TEST(p3 != p11);
- DLIB_TEST(p3 != p2);
- p1 = p1 = p1;
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(p1->num == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p11.use_count() == 2);
- p1.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(p1.get() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(p11.use_count() == 1);
- p11 = p2;
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(p11.use_count() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(p11.unique() == false);
- // now p11, p2, and p22 all reference the same thing and the rest are null
- DLIB_TEST_MSG((p11 < p2) == false,"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG((p2 < p11) == false,"");
- DLIB_TEST(get_deleter<D>(p4) == 0);
- p4 = p2;
- DLIB_TEST(get_deleter<D>(p4) != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(get_deleter<D>(p4) == get_deleter<D>(p2));
- DLIB_TEST(get_deleter<D>(p4) == get_deleter<D>(p11));
- DLIB_TEST(get_deleter<int>(p4) == 0);
- realp1 = new derived;
- p1.reset(realp1, &deleter_base);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.get() == realp1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(*get_deleter<Db>(p1) == &deleter_base);
- DLIB_TEST(p1 != p4);
- p4 = dynamic_pointer_cast<derived>(p1);
- DLIB_TEST(!p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(p1 == p4);
- realp1 = new derived;
- p1.reset(realp1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.get() == realp1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(get_deleter<D>(p1) == 0);
- auto_ptr<derived> ap1(new derived);
- auto_ptr<derived> ap2(new derived);
- ap1->num = 35;
- ap2->num = 36;
- DLIB_TEST(ap1.get() != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(ap2.get() != 0);
- p1 = ap2;
- p2 = ap1;
- DLIB_TEST(ap1.get() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(ap2.get() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p2.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(p2.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1->num == 36);
- DLIB_TEST(p2->num == 35);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 0,counter);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(deleter_called == 2,counter);
- dlib::weak_ptr<base> wp4;
- {
- dlib::shared_ptr<derived> p1(new derived, &deleter_base);
- dlib::shared_ptr<derived> p2;
- dlib::shared_ptr<base> p3;
- dlib::weak_ptr<derived> wp1;
- dlib::weak_ptr<base> wp2;
- dlib::weak_ptr<base> wp3;
- dlib::weak_ptr<derived> wp1c(p1);
- dlib::weak_ptr<base> wp2c(p1);
- dlib::weak_ptr<base> wp3c(p2);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1c.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1c.lock() == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1c.expired() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2c.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2c.lock() == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2c.expired() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3c.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3c.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- DLIB_TEST(wp3c.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.lock().use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.lock().unique() == false);
- wp1 = p1;
- wp2 = wp1;
- wp3 = p1;
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.expired() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.expired() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.expired() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.lock() == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.lock() == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.lock() == p1);
- wp3.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique());
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.expired() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.expired() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.lock() == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.lock() == p1);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- p1.reset();
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- p1.reset(new derived);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.use_count() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(p1.unique() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.use_count() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp1.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- DLIB_TEST(wp2.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- DLIB_TEST(wp3.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- DLIB_TEST(wp4.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp4.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- wp4 = p1;
- p3 = p1;
- DLIB_TEST(wp4.expired() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(wp4.lock() == p3);
- bool ok = false;
- try {
- dlib::shared_ptr<base> bad_ptr(wp1);
- } catch (dlib::bad_weak_ptr&)
- {
- ok = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(ok);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(wp4.expired() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(wp4.lock() == dlib::shared_ptr<base>());
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(counter == 0,counter);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(deleter_called == 3,counter);
- {
- scoped_ptr<int[]> a(new int[10]);
- {
- used_array_delete = false;
- scoped_ptr<int[],test_deleter<int[]> > b(new int[10]);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- a[i] = i;
- b[i] = i;
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST(used_array_delete == true);
- {
- used_array_delete = true;
- scoped_ptr<int,test_deleter<int> > c(new int);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(used_array_delete == false);
- scoped_ptr<const int[]> const_a(new int[10]);
- }
- }
- class smart_pointers_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- smart_pointers_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_smart_pointers",
- "Runs tests on the smart pointers.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- smart_pointers_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockets.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockets.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 920fa9402..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockets.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <memory>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <dlib/sockets.h>
-#include <dlib/server.h>
-#include <dlib/misc_api.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-namespace {
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::mutex gm;
- dlib::signaler gs(gm);
- const char magic_num = 42;
- const int min_bytes_sent = 10000;
- int assigned_port;
- logger dlog("test.sockets");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class serv : public server::kernel_1a_c
- {
- public:
- serv (
- ) :
- error_occurred (false),
- got_connections(false)
- {}
- void on_listening_port_assigned (
- )
- {
- auto_mutex M(gm);
- assigned_port = get_listening_port();
- gs.broadcast();
- }
- void on_connect (
- connection& con
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "in serv::on_connect(): got new connection";
- int status;
- int count = 0;
- char buf[100];
- while ((status =,sizeof(buf))) > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < status; ++i)
- {
- if (buf[i] != magic_num)
- {
- tag = 4.0;
- error_occurred = true;
- }
- }
- count += status;
- }
- if (count != min_bytes_sent)
- {
- tag = 5.0;
- error_occurred = true;
- }
- got_connections = true;
- dlog << LINFO << "in serv::on_connect(): on_connect ending";
- }
- bool error_occurred;
- bool got_connections;
- double tag;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class thread_container : public multithreaded_object
- {
- public:
- serv& srv;
- thread_container (
- serv& srv_
- ) : srv(srv_)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- register_thread(*this, &thread_container::thread_proc);
- // start up the threads
- start();
- }
- ~thread_container ()
- {
- // wait for all threads to terminate
- wait();
- }
- void thread_proc (
- )
- {
- try
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "enter thread";
- {
- auto_mutex M(gm);
- while (assigned_port == 0)
- gs.wait();
- }
- int status;
- std::unique_ptr<connection> con;
- string hostname;
- string ip;
- status = get_local_hostname(hostname);
- if (status)
- {
- srv.tag = 1.0;
- srv.error_occurred = true;
- srv.clear();
- dlog << LERROR << "leaving thread, line: " << __LINE__;
- dlog << LERROR << "get_local_hostname() failed";
- return;
- }
- status = hostname_to_ip(hostname,ip);
- if (status)
- {
- srv.tag = 2.0;
- srv.error_occurred = true;
- srv.clear();
- dlog << LERROR << "leaving thread, line: " << __LINE__;
- dlog << LERROR << "hostname_to_ip() failed";
- return;
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "try to connect to the server at port " << srv.get_listening_port();
- status = create_connection(con,srv.get_listening_port(),ip);
- if (status)
- {
- srv.tag = 3.0;
- srv.error_occurred = true;
- srv.clear();
- dlog << LERROR << "leaving thread, line: " << __LINE__;
- dlog << LERROR << "create_connection() failed";
- return;
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "sending magic_num to server";
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < min_bytes_sent; ++i)
- {
- con->write(&magic_num,1);
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "shutting down connection to server";
- close_gracefully(con);
- dlog << LTRACE << "finished calling close_gracefully() on the connection";
- }
- catch (exception& e)
- {
- srv.error_occurred = true;
- dlog << LERROR << "exception thrown in thread_proc(): " << e.what();
- cout << "exception thrown in thread_proc(): " << e.what();
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "exit thread";
- }
- };
- void run_server(serv* srv)
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "calling srv.start()";
- srv->start();
- dlog << LTRACE << "srv.start() just ended.";
- }
- void sockets_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - sockets is an implementation of sockets/sockets_kernel_abstract.h
- is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on sockets for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "starting test";
- serv srv;
- assigned_port = 0;
- dlog << LTRACE << "spawning threads";
- thread_container stuff(srv);
- thread_function thread2(run_server, &srv);
- // wait until all the sending threads have ended
- stuff.wait();
- if (srv.error_occurred)
- {
- dlog << LDEBUG << "tag: " << srv.tag;
- }
- srv.clear();
- dlog << LTRACE << "ending successful test";
- DLIB_TEST( !srv.error_occurred);
- DLIB_TEST( srv.got_connections);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class sockets_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- sockets_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_sockets",
- "Runs tests on the sockets component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- sockets_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockets2.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockets2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3521e751d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockets2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <memory>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/sockets.h>
-#include <dlib/threads.h>
-#include <dlib/array.h>
-// This is called an unnamed-namespace and it has the effect of making everything
-// inside this file "private" so that everything you declare will have static linkage.
-// Thus we won't have any multiply defined symbol errors coming out of the linker when
-// we try to compile the test suite.
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the logger
- // should start with "test."
- dlib::logger dlog("test.sockets2");
- class sockets2_tester : public tester, private multithreaded_object
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- short port_num;
- string data_to_send;
- bool test_failed;
- void write_thread (
- )
- {
- try
- {
- std::unique_ptr<connection> con(connect("", port_num));
- // Send a copy of the data down the connection so we can test our the read() function
- // that uses timeouts in the main thread.
- if (con->write(, data_to_send.size()) != (int)data_to_send.size())
- {
- test_failed = true;
- dlog << LERROR << "failed to send all the data down the connection";
- }
- close_gracefully(con,300000);
- }
- catch (exception& e)
- {
- test_failed = true;
- dlog << LERROR << e.what();
- }
- }
- void no_write_thread (
- )
- {
- try
- {
- std::unique_ptr<connection> con(connect("", port_num));
- // just do nothing until the connection closes
- char ch;
- con->read(&ch, 1);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "silent connection finally closing";
- }
- catch (exception& e)
- {
- test_failed = true;
- dlog << LERROR << e.what();
- }
- }
- public:
- sockets2_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_sockets2", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run sockets2 tests.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- register_thread(*this, &sockets2_tester::write_thread);
- register_thread(*this, &sockets2_tester::write_thread);
- register_thread(*this, &sockets2_tester::write_thread);
- register_thread(*this, &sockets2_tester::write_thread);
- register_thread(*this, &sockets2_tester::write_thread);
- register_thread(*this, &sockets2_tester::no_write_thread);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- run_tests(0);
- run_tests(40);
- }
- void run_tests (
- unsigned long timeout_to_use
- )
- {
- // make sure there aren't any threads running
- wait();
- port_num = 5000;
- test_failed = false;
- print_spinner();
- data_to_send = "oi 2m3ormao2m fo2im3fo23mi o2mi3 foa2m3fao23ifm2o3fmia23oima23iom3giugbiua";
- // make the block of data much larger
- for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
- data_to_send = data_to_send + data_to_send;
- dlog << LINFO << "data block size: " << data_to_send.size();
- std::unique_ptr<listener> list;
- DLIB_TEST(create_listener(list, port_num, "") == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(bool(list));
- // kick off the sending threads
- start();
- dlib::array<std::unique_ptr<connection> > cons;
- std::vector<long> bytes_received(6,0);
- std::unique_ptr<connection> con_temp;
- // accept the 6 connections we should get
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(list->accept(con_temp) == 0);
- cons.push_back(con_temp);
- print_spinner();
- }
- int finished_cons = 0;
- // now receive all the bytes from the sending threads
- while (finished_cons < 5)
- {
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < cons.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (cons[i])
- {
- const int buf_size = 3000;
- char buf[buf_size];
- int status = cons[i]->read(buf, buf_size, timeout_to_use);
- if (status > 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(equal(buf, buf+status, data_to_send.begin()+bytes_received[i]));
- bytes_received[i] += status;
- }
- else if (status == 0)
- {
- // the connection is closed to kill it
- cons[i].reset();
- ++finished_cons;
- }
- }
- }
- print_spinner();
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < bytes_received.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(bytes_received[i] == (long)data_to_send.size() || cons[i]);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "All data received correctly";
- cons.clear();
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(test_failed == false);
- // wait for all the sending threads to terminate
- wait();
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- sockets2_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockstreambuf.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockstreambuf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 519feb2b5..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sockstreambuf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/sockets.h>
-#include <dlib/misc_api.h>
-#include <dlib/sockstreambuf.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::mutex m;
- dlib::signaler s(m);
- bool thread_running;
- logger dlog("test.sockstreambuf");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename ssb>
- struct thread_proc_struct
- {
- static void thread_proc (
- void* param
- )
- {
- listener& list = *static_cast<listener*>(param);
- connection* con;
- list.accept(con);
- ssb buf(con);
- ostream out(&buf);
- char ch;
- char* bigbuf = new char[1000000];
- for (int i = 'a'; i < 'z'; ++i)
- {
- ch = i;
- out << ch << " ";
- }
- out.put('A');
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
- {
- ch = i;
- out.write(&ch,1);
- }
- for (int i = -100; i < 25600; ++i)
- {
- out << i << " ";
- }
- out.put('A');
- for (int i = -100; i < 25600; ++i)
- {
- out.write((char*)&i,sizeof(i));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)
- {
- bigbuf[i] = (i&0xFF);
- }
- out.write(bigbuf,1000000);
- out.put('d');
- out.put('a');
- out.put('v');
- out.put('i');
- out.put('s');
- string tstring = "this is a test";
- int tint = -853;
- unsigned int tuint = 89;
- serialize(tstring,out);
- serialize(tint,out);
- serialize(tuint,out);
- out.flush();
- auto_mutex M(m);
- thread_running = false;
- s.signal();
- dlib::sleep(300);
- delete con;
- delete &list;
- delete [] bigbuf;
- }
- };
- template <typename ssb>
- void sockstreambuf_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - ssb is an implementation of sockstreambuf/sockstreambuf_kernel_abstract.h
- ensures
- - runs tests on ssb for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- char ch;
- vector<char> vbuf;
- vbuf.resize(1000000);
- char* bigbuf = &vbuf[0];
- connection* con;
- print_spinner();
- thread_running = true;
- listener* list;
- if (create_listener(list,0))
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false, "Unable to create a listener");
- }
- create_new_thread(&thread_proc_struct<ssb>::thread_proc,list);
- if (create_connection(con,list->get_listening_port(),""))
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(false, "Unable to create a connection");
- }
- // make sure con gets deleted
- std::unique_ptr<connection> del_con(con);
- ssb buf(con);
- istream in(&buf);
- for (int i = 'a'; i < 'z'; ++i)
- {
- in >> ch;
- char c = i;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(ch == c,"ch: " << (int)ch << " c: " << (int)c);
- }
- in.get();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(in.peek() == 'A', "*" << in.peek() << "*");
- in.get();
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
- {
- char c = i;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(ch == c,"ch: " << (int)ch << " c: " << (int)c );
- }
- for (int i = -100; i < 25600; ++i)
- {
- int n = 0;
- in >> n;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(n == i,"n: " << n << " i:" << i);
- }
- in.get();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(in.peek() == 'A', "*" << in.peek() << "*");
- in.get();
- for (int i = -100; i < 25600; ++i)
- {
- int n;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(n == i,"n: " << n << " i:" << i);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(bigbuf[i] == (char)(i&0xFF));
- }
- DLIB_TEST(in.get() == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(in.get() == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(in.get() == 'v');
- DLIB_TEST(in.get() == 'i');
- DLIB_TEST(in.peek() == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(in.get() == 's');
- in.putback('s');
- DLIB_TEST(in.peek() == 's');
- DLIB_TEST(in.get() == 's');
- string tstring;
- int tint;
- unsigned int tuint;
- deserialize(tstring,in);
- deserialize(tint,in);
- deserialize(tuint,in);
- DLIB_TEST(tstring == "this is a test");
- DLIB_TEST(tint == -853);
- DLIB_TEST(tuint == 89);
- auto_mutex M(m);
- while (thread_running)
- s.wait();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class sockstreambuf_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- sockstreambuf_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_sockstreambuf",
- "Runs tests on the sockstreambuf component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sockstreambuf";
- sockstreambuf_test<sockstreambuf>();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing sockstreambuf_unbuffered";
- sockstreambuf_test<sockstreambuf_unbuffered>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sparse_vector.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sparse_vector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b60b7b3..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/sparse_vector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/sparse_vector.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.sparse_vector");
- void test_sparse_matrix_vector_multiplies()
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- const long size = 30;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter)
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_pair> edges;
- std::vector<ordered_sample_pair> oedges;
- matrix<double> M(size,size);
- M = 0;
- for (long i = 0; i < M.size()/3; ++i)
- {
- const long r = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- const long c = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- const double d = rnd.get_random_gaussian()*10;
- M(r,c) += d;
- oedges.push_back(ordered_sample_pair(r,c,d));
- }
- matrix<double> SM(size,size);
- SM = 0;
- for (long i = 0; i < SM.size()/3; ++i)
- {
- const long r = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- const long c = rnd.get_random_32bit_number();
- const double d = rnd.get_random_gaussian()*10;
- SM(r,c) += d;
- if (r != c)
- SM(c,r) += d;
- edges.push_back(sample_pair(r,c,d));
- }
- const matrix<double> v = randm(size,1);
- matrix<double> result;
- sparse_matrix_vector_multiply(oedges, v, result);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(M*v - result) < 1e-12, length(M*v - result));
- sparse_matrix_vector_multiply(edges, v, result);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(SM*v - result) < 1e-12, length(SM*v - result));
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_sparse_matrix_vector_multiply1()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::map<unsigned long,double> sv;
- sv[2] = 8;
- sv[6] = 2.3;
- matrix<double,10,1> v;
- v = 0;
- v(2) = 8;
- v(6) = 2.3;
- matrix<double,0,1> r1, r2;
- r1 = gaussian_randm(4,10)*v;
- r2 = sparse_matrix_vector_multiply(gaussian_randm(4,std::numeric_limits<long>::max()),sv);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(r1-r2)) < 1e-15);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_sparse_matrix_vector_multiply2()
- {
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > sv;
- sv.push_back(make_pair(6, 1.42));
- sv.push_back(make_pair(3, 5));
- matrix<double,9,1> v;
- v = 0;
- v(3) = 5;
- v(6) = 1.42;
- matrix<double,0,1> r1, r2;
- r1 = gaussian_randm(3,9)*v;
- r2 = sparse_matrix_vector_multiply(gaussian_randm(3,std::numeric_limits<long>::max()),sv);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(r1-r2)) < 1e-15);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_make_sparse_vector_inplace()
- {
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > vect;
- vect.push_back(make_pair(4,1));
- vect.push_back(make_pair(0,1));
- vect.push_back(make_pair(4,1));
- vect.push_back(make_pair(3,1));
- vect.push_back(make_pair(8,1));
- vect.push_back(make_pair(8,1));
- vect.push_back(make_pair(8,1));
- vect.push_back(make_pair(8,1));
- make_sparse_vector_inplace(vect);
- DLIB_TEST(vect.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(vect[0].first == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(vect[1].first == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(vect[2].first == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(vect[3].first == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(vect[0].second == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(vect[1].second == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(vect[2].second == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(vect[3].second == 4);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class sparse_vector_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- sparse_vector_tester (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_sparse_vector", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the sparse_vector routines.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_make_sparse_vector_inplace();
- std::map<unsigned int, double> v;
- v[4] = 8;
- v[2] = -4;
- v[9] = 10;
- DLIB_TEST(max(v) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(min(v) == -4);
- v.clear();
- v[4] = 8;
- v[9] = 10;
- DLIB_TEST(max(v) == 10);
- DLIB_TEST(min(v) == 0);
- v.clear();
- v[4] = -9;
- v[9] = -4;
- DLIB_TEST(max(v) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(min(v) == -9);
- {
- matrix<double> a(2,2), b(2,2);
- a = randm(2,2);
- b = randm(2,2);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(a-b, subtract(a,b)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(a+b, add(a,b)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(a-(b+b), subtract(a,b+b)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(a+b+b, add(a,b+b)));
- }
- {
- std::map<unsigned long,double> a, b, c;
- a[1] = 2;
- a[3] = 5;
- b[0] = 3;
- b[1] = 1;
- c = add(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(c.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[1] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[3] == 5);
- c = subtract(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(c.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[0] == -3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[1] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(c[3] == 5);
- c = add(b,a);
- DLIB_TEST(c.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[1] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[3] == 5);
- c = subtract(b,a);
- DLIB_TEST(c.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[1] == -1);
- DLIB_TEST(c[3] == -5);
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > aa, bb, cc;
- aa.assign(a.begin(), a.end());
- bb.assign(b.begin(), b.end());
- cc = add(aa,bb);
- DLIB_TEST(cc.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[0].first == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[1].first == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[2].first == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[0].second == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[1].second == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[2].second == 5);
- cc = subtract(aa,bb);
- DLIB_TEST(cc.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[0].first == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[1].first == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[2].first == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[0].second == -3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[1].second == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[2].second == 5);
- cc = add(bb,aa);
- DLIB_TEST(cc.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[0].first == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[1].first == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[2].first == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[0].second == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[1].second == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[2].second == 5);
- cc = subtract(bb,aa);
- DLIB_TEST(cc.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[0].first == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[1].first == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[2].first == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[0].second == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[1].second == -1);
- DLIB_TEST(cc[2].second == -5);
- }
- test_sparse_matrix_vector_multiplies();
- test_sparse_matrix_vector_multiply1();
- test_sparse_matrix_vector_multiply2();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> a, b;
- a = gaussian_randm(6,1, 0);
- b = gaussian_randm(6,1, 1);
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > aa, bb;
- assign(aa, a);
- assign(bb, b);
- // dot() does something special when the sparse vectors have entries for
- // each dimension, which is what happens when they are copied from dense
- // vectors. So the point of the tests in this block is to make sure dot()
- // works right in this case.
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(dot(a,b) - dot(aa,bb)) < 1e-14);
- a(3) = 0;
- assign(aa, a);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(dot(a,b) - dot(aa,bb)) < 1e-14);
- }
- }
- };
- sparse_vector_tester a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/stack.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/stack.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b92eaeb9..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/stack.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/stack.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.stack");
- template <
- typename stack
- >
- void stack_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - stack is an implementation of stack/stack_sort_abstract.h
- stack is instantiated with int
- ensures
- - runs tests on stack for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- print_spinner();
- stack a1, a2;
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- swap(a1,a2);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- a1.reset();
- a2.reset();
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- swap(a1,a2);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- a1.clear();
- a2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- swap(a1,a2);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- a1.clear();
- a2.clear();
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int a = (int)i;
- a1.push(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 100);
- int count = 99;
- while (a1.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(a1.element() == count,a1.element() << " : " << count);
- --count;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == false);
- a1.swap(a2);
- count = 99;
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a1.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.size() == 100);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current() == 99);
- a2.reset();
- while (a2.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a2.element() == count--);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == false);
- int b = 4;
- a2.push(b);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current() == 4);
- int c = 0;
- a2.pop(c);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 4);
- // serialize the state of a2, then clear a2, then
- // load the state back into a2.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(a2,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(a2.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- a2.clear();
- deserialize(a2,sin);
- count = 99;
- while (a2.size())
- {
- int a = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(a2.current() == count);
- DLIB_TEST(const_cast<const stack&>(a2).current() == count);
- a2.pop(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == count--);
- }
- a1.clear();
- a2.clear();
- }
- {
- a1.clear();
- remover<int>& go = a1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int a = 3;
- a1.push(a);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(go.size() == 100);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- int a = 9;
- a1.remove_any(a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 3);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(go.size() == 0);
- }
- }
- class stack_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- stack_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_stack",
- "Runs tests on the stack component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- stack_kernel_test<stack<int>::kernel_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- stack_kernel_test<stack<int>::kernel_1a_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/static_map.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/static_map.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 931ae1fae..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/static_map.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/hash_table.h>
-#include <dlib/binary_search_tree.h>
-#include <dlib/static_map.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.static_map");
- template <
- typename map
- >
- void static_map_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - map is an implementation of static_map/static_map_kernel_abstract.h and
- is instantiated to map int to int
- ensures
- - runs tests on map for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- typedef binary_search_tree<int,int>::kernel_2a_c bst;
- typedef hash_table<int,int>::kernel_1a_c ht;
- const unsigned long table_4_max_size = 100;
- const unsigned long tree_max_size = 50000;
- ht table_4(4);
- ht table_8(8);
- bst tree;
- ht table_4b(4);
- ht table_8b(8);
- bst treeb;
- // just do the following to make sure operator[] doesn't hang
- // under some instances
- {
- int g = 1, h = 1;
- treeb.add(g,h);
- map test;
- map test2;
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == true);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 0);
- test.load(treeb);
- DLIB_TEST(test.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 0);
- test2.clear();
- swap(test2,test);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[1] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test2[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[3] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(test[0] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(treeb.size() == 0);
- treeb.clear();
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < table_4_max_size; ++i)
- {
- int a = ::rand()&0xFF;
- int b = a + 1;
- int ab = a;
- int bb = b;
- table_4.add(a,b);
- table_4b.add(ab,bb);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < table_4_max_size; ++i)
- {
- int a = ::rand()&0xF;
- int b = a + 1;
- int ab = a;
- int bb = b;
- table_8.add(a,b);
- table_8b.add(ab,bb);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < tree_max_size; ++i)
- {
- int a = ::rand()&0xFFF;
- int b = a + 1;
- int ab = a;
- int bb = b;
- tree.add(a,b);
- treeb.add(ab,bb);
- }
- map m_4;
- m_4.load(table_4);
- map m_8;
- m_8.load(table_8);
- map m_t;
- m_t.load(tree);
- map e;
- e.load(table_4);
- DLIB_TEST(e.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(e.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(e.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.size() == table_4b.size());
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.size() == table_8b.size());
- DLIB_TEST(m_t.size() == treeb.size());
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(m_t.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(m_t.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.current_element_valid() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(m_t.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(m_t.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(m_t.current_element_valid() == true);
- m_4.reset();
- m_8.reset();
- m_t.reset();
- while (m_4.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST( table_4b[m_4.element().key()] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST( *table_4b[m_4.element().key()] == m_4.element().value());
- }
- // serialize the state of m_4, then clear m_4, then
- // load the state back into m_4.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(m_4,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- m_4.clear();
- deserialize(m_4,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.at_start() == true);
- while (table_4b.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST( m_4[table_4b.element().key()] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST( *m_4[table_4b.element().key()] == table_4b.element().value());
- }
- // serialize the state of m_8, then clear m_8, then
- // load the state back into m_8.
- sout.str("");
- serialize(m_8,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.at_start() == true);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- m_8.clear();
- deserialize(m_8,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.at_start() == true);
- while (m_8.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST( table_8b[m_8.element().key()] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST( *table_8b[m_8.element().key()] == m_8.element().value());
- }
- while (table_8b.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST( m_8[table_8b.element().key()] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST( *m_8[table_8b.element().key()] == table_8b.element().value());
- }
- while (m_t.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST( treeb[m_t.element().key()] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST( *treeb[m_t.element().key()] == m_t.element().value());
- }
- // make sure operator[] doesn't hang
- for (int l = 1; l < 10000; ++l)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(m_t[l+0xFFF] == 0);
- }
- while (treeb.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST( m_t[treeb.element().key()] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST( *m_t[treeb.element().key()] == treeb.element().value());
- }
- m_4.reset();
- m_8.reset();
- m_t.reset();
- int last = 0;
- while (m_4.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= m_4.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(m_4.element().key() + 1 == m_4.element().value());
- last = m_4.element().key();
- }
- last = 0;
- while (m_8.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= m_8.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(m_8.element().key() + 1 == m_8.element().value());
- last = m_8.element().key();
- }
- last = 0;
- while (m_t.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= m_t.element().key());
- DLIB_TEST(m_t.element().key() + 1 == m_t.element().value());
- last = m_t.element().key();
- }
- // this is just to test swap
- m_4.swap(m_8);
- m_4.reset();
- table_4b.reset();
- while (m_8.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST( table_4b[m_8.element().key()] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST( *table_4b[m_8.element().key()] == m_8.element().value());
- }
- while (table_4b.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST( m_8[table_4b.element().key()] != 0);
- DLIB_TEST( *m_8[table_4b.element().key()] == table_4b.element().value());
- }
- }
- class static_map_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- static_map_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_static_map",
- "Runs tests on the static_map component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- static_map_kernel_test<static_map<int,int>::kernel_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- static_map_kernel_test<static_map<int,int>::kernel_1a_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/static_set.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/static_set.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ad864e4a..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/static_set.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/queue.h>
-#include <dlib/static_set.h>
-#include <dlib/set.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.static_set");
- template <
- typename set
- >
- void static_set_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - set is an implementation of static_set/static_set_kernel_abstract.h and
- is instantiated to hold ints
- ensures
- - runs tests on set for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
- typedef queue<int>::kernel_2a_c queue_of_int;
- typedef dlib::set<int>::kernel_1a_c set_of_int;
- queue_of_int q, qb, qc;
- set_of_int ds;
- set S;
- S.load(ds);
- for (int k = 1; k < 1000; ++k)
- {
- q.clear();
- qb.clear();
- qc.clear();
- unsigned long num = k;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- int a = ::rand()&0xFF;
- int b = a;
- int c = a;
- q.enqueue(a);
- qb.enqueue(b);
- qc.enqueue(c);
- }
- set s;
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.at_start());
- DLIB_TEST(s.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.at_start() == false);
- s.load(q);
- DLIB_TEST(s.at_start());
- set se;
- se.load(q);
- DLIB_TEST(se.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(se.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(se.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(se.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(se.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(se.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == qb.size());
- DLIB_TEST(s.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(s.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(s.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.current_element_valid() == true);
- s.reset();
- se.reset();
- swap(se,s);
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(s.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(s.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.move_next() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(s.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(se.size() == qb.size());
- DLIB_TEST(se.at_start() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(se.current_element_valid() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(se.move_next() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(se.at_start() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(se.current_element_valid() == true);
- s.reset();
- se.reset();
- swap(se,s);
- int last = 0;
- while (s.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= s.element());
- last = s.element();
- }
- while (qb.move_next())
- {
- int a;
- qb.dequeue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(s.is_member(a));
- DLIB_TEST(!se.is_member(a));
- // make sure is_member() doesn't hang
- for (int l = 0; l < 100; ++l)
- {
- int a = ::rand();
- s.is_member(a);
- }
- }
- swap(s,se);
- // serialize the state of se, then clear se, then
- // load the state back into se.
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(se,sout);
- DLIB_TEST(se.at_start() == true);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- se.clear();
- deserialize(se,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(se.at_start() == true);
- last = 0;
- while (se.move_next())
- {
- DLIB_TEST(last <= se.element());
- last = se.element();
- }
- DLIB_TEST(s.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(se.size() == qc.size());
- while (qc.move_next())
- {
- int a;
- qc.dequeue(a);
- DLIB_TEST(se.is_member(a));
- DLIB_TEST(!s.is_member(a));
- }
- }
- }
- class static_set_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- static_set_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_static_set",
- "Runs tests on the static_set component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- static_set_kernel_test<static_set<int>::kernel_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- static_set_kernel_test<static_set<int>::kernel_1a_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/statistics.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/statistics.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0394286ad..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/statistics.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.statistics");
- class statistics_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- statistics_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_statistics",
- "Runs tests on the statistics component.")
- {}
- void test_random_subset_selector ()
- {
- random_subset_selector<double> rand_set;
- for (int j = 0; j < 30; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- running_stats<double> rs, rs2;
- rand_set.set_max_size(1000);
- for (double i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- rs.add(i);
- rand_set.add(i);
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < rand_set.size(); ++i)
- rs2.add(rand_set[i]);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "true mean: " << rs.mean();
- dlog << LDEBUG << "true sampled: " << rs2.mean();
- double ratio = rs.mean()/rs2.mean();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(0.96 < ratio && ratio < 1.04, " ratio: " << ratio);
- }
- {
- random_subset_selector<int> r1, r2;
- r1.set_max_size(300);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4000; ++i)
- r1.add(i);
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(r1, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(r2, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(r1.size() == r2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(r1.max_size() == r2.max_size());
- DLIB_TEST(r1.next_add_accepts() == r2.next_add_accepts());
- DLIB_TEST(std::equal(r1.begin(), r1.end(), r2.begin()));
- for (int i = 0; i < 4000; ++i)
- {
- r1.add(i);
- r2.add(i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(r1.size() == r2.size());
- DLIB_TEST(r1.max_size() == r2.max_size());
- DLIB_TEST(r1.next_add_accepts() == r2.next_add_accepts());
- DLIB_TEST(std::equal(r1.begin(), r1.end(), r2.begin()));
- }
- }
- void test_random_subset_selector2 ()
- {
- random_subset_selector<double> rand_set;
- DLIB_TEST(rand_set.next_add_accepts() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(rand_set.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(rand_set.max_size() == 0);
- for (int j = 0; j < 30; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- running_stats<double> rs, rs2;
- rand_set.set_max_size(1000);
- DLIB_TEST(rand_set.next_add_accepts() == true);
- for (double i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- rs.add(i);
- if (rand_set.next_add_accepts())
- rand_set.add(i);
- else
- rand_set.add();
- }
- DLIB_TEST(rand_set.size() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(rand_set.max_size() == 1000);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < rand_set.size(); ++i)
- rs2.add(rand_set[i]);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "true mean: " << rs.mean();
- dlog << LDEBUG << "true sampled: " << rs2.mean();
- double ratio = rs.mean()/rs2.mean();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(0.96 < ratio && ratio < 1.04, " ratio: " << ratio);
- }
- }
- void test_running_cross_covariance ()
- {
- running_cross_covariance<matrix<double> > rcc1, rcc2;
- matrix<double,0,1> xm, ym;
- const int num = 40;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> x = randm(4,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,0,1> y = randm(4,1,rnd);
- xm += x/num;
- ym += y/num;
- if (i < 15)
- rcc1.add(x,y);
- else
- rcc2.add(x,y);
- }
- rnd.clear();
- matrix<double> cov;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> x = randm(4,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,0,1> y = randm(4,1,rnd);
- cov += (x-xm)*trans(y-ym);
- }
- cov /= num-1;
- running_cross_covariance<matrix<double> > rcc = rcc1 + rcc2;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rcc.covariance_xy()-cov)) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rcc.mean_x()-xm)) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rcc.mean_y()-ym)) < 1e-14);
- }
- std::map<unsigned long,double> dense_to_sparse (
- const matrix<double,0,1>& x
- )
- {
- std::map<unsigned long,double> temp;
- for (long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- temp[i] = x(i);
- return temp;
- }
- void test_running_cross_covariance_sparse()
- {
- running_cross_covariance<matrix<double> > rcc1, rcc2;
- running_covariance<matrix<double> > rc1, rc2;
- matrix<double,0,1> xm, ym;
- const int num = 40;
- rc1.set_dimension(4);
- rc2.set_dimension(4);
- rcc1.set_dimensions(4,5);
- rcc2.set_dimensions(4,5);
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> x = randm(4,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,0,1> y = randm(5,1,rnd);
- xm += x/num;
- ym += y/num;
- if (i < 15)
- {
- rcc1.add(x,dense_to_sparse(y));
- rc1.add(x);
- }
- else if (i < 30)
- {
- rcc2.add(dense_to_sparse(x),y);
- rc2.add(dense_to_sparse(x));
- }
- else
- {
- rcc2.add(dense_to_sparse(x),dense_to_sparse(y));
- rc2.add(x);
- }
- }
- rnd.clear();
- matrix<double> cov, cov2;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> x = randm(4,1,rnd);
- matrix<double,0,1> y = randm(5,1,rnd);
- cov += (x-xm)*trans(y-ym);
- cov2 += (x-xm)*trans(x-xm);
- }
- cov /= num-1;
- cov2 /= num-1;
- running_cross_covariance<matrix<double> > rcc = rcc1 + rcc2;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(max(abs(rcc.covariance_xy()-cov)) < 1e-14, max(abs(rcc.covariance_xy()-cov)));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rcc.mean_x()-xm)) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rcc.mean_y()-ym)) < 1e-14);
- running_covariance<matrix<double> > rc = rc1 + rc2;
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rc.covariance()-cov2)) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rc.mean()-xm)) < 1e-14);
- }
- void test_running_covariance (
- )
- {
- dlib::rand rnd;
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > vects;
- running_covariance<matrix<double,0,1> > cov, cov2;
- DLIB_TEST(cov.in_vector_size() == 0);
- for (unsigned long dims = 1; dims < 5; ++dims)
- {
- for (unsigned long samps = 2; samps < 10; ++samps)
- {
- vects.clear();
- cov.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(cov.in_vector_size() == 0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samps; ++i)
- {
- vects.push_back(randm(dims,1,rnd));
- cov.add(vects.back());
- }
- DLIB_TEST(cov.in_vector_size() == (long)dims);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mean(mat(vects)), cov.mean()));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(covariance(mat(vects)), cov.covariance()),
- max(abs(covariance(mat(vects)) - cov.covariance()))
- << " dims = " << dims << " samps = " << samps
- );
- }
- }
- for (unsigned long dims = 1; dims < 5; ++dims)
- {
- for (unsigned long samps = 2; samps < 10; ++samps)
- {
- vects.clear();
- cov.clear();
- cov2.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(cov.in_vector_size() == 0);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samps; ++i)
- {
- vects.push_back(randm(dims,1,rnd));
- if ((i%2) == 0)
- cov.add(vects.back());
- else
- cov2.add(vects.back());
- }
- DLIB_TEST((cov+cov2).in_vector_size() == (long)dims);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(mean(mat(vects)), (cov+cov2).mean()));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(covariance(mat(vects)), (cov+cov2).covariance()),
- max(abs(covariance(mat(vects)) - (cov+cov2).covariance()))
- << " dims = " << dims << " samps = " << samps
- );
- }
- }
- }
- void test_running_stats()
- {
- print_spinner();
- running_stats<double> rs, rs2;
- running_scalar_covariance<double> rsc1, rsc2;
- running_scalar_covariance_decayed<double> rscd1(1000000), rscd2(1000000);
- for (double i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- rs.add(i);
- rsc1.add(i,i);
- rsc2.add(i,i);
- rsc2.add(i,-i);
- rscd1.add(i,i);
- rscd2.add(i,i);
- rscd2.add(i,-i);
- }
- // make sure the running_stats and running_scalar_covariance agree
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(rs.mean() - rsc1.mean_x()) < 1e-10, std::abs(rs.mean() - rsc1.mean_x()));
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs.mean() - rsc1.mean_y()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs.stddev() - rsc1.stddev_x()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs.stddev() - rsc1.stddev_y()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs.variance() - rsc1.variance_x()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs.variance() - rsc1.variance_y()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(rs.current_n() == rsc1.current_n());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rsc1.correlation() - 1) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rsc2.correlation() - 0) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(rs.mean() - rscd1.mean_x()) < 1e-2, std::abs(rs.mean() - rscd1.mean_x()) << " " << rscd1.mean_x());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs.mean() - rscd1.mean_y()) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(rs.stddev() - rscd1.stddev_x()) < 1e-2, std::abs(rs.stddev() - rscd1.stddev_x()));
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs.stddev() - rscd1.stddev_y()) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(rs.variance() - rscd1.variance_x()) < 1e-2, std::abs(rs.variance() - rscd1.variance_x()));
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs.variance() - rscd1.variance_y()) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rscd1.correlation() - 1) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rscd2.correlation() - 0) < 1e-2);
- // test serialization of running_stats
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(rs, sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(rs2, sin);
- // make sure the running_stats and running_scalar_covariance agree
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(rs2.mean() - rsc1.mean_x()) < 1e-10, std::abs(rs2.mean() - rsc1.mean_x()));
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs2.mean() - rsc1.mean_y()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs2.stddev() - rsc1.stddev_x()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs2.stddev() - rsc1.stddev_y()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs2.variance() - rsc1.variance_x()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rs2.variance() - rsc1.variance_y()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(rs2.current_n() == rsc1.current_n());
- rsc1.clear();
- rsc1.add(1, -1);
- rsc1.add(0, 0);
- rsc1.add(1, -1);
- rsc1.add(0, 0);
- rsc1.add(1, -1);
- rsc1.add(0, 0);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(rsc1.covariance() - -0.3) < 1e-10);
- }
- void test_skewness_and_kurtosis_1()
- {
- dlib::rand rnum;
- running_stats<double> rs1;
- double tp = 0;
- rnum.set_seed("DlibRocks");
- for(int i = 0; i< 1000000; i++)
- {
- tp = rnum.get_random_gaussian();
- rs1.add(tp);
- }
- // check the unbiased skewness and excess kurtosis of one million Gaussian
- // draws are both near_vects zero.
- DLIB_TEST(abs(rs1.skewness()) < 0.1);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(rs1.ex_kurtosis()) < 0.1);
- }
- void test_skewness_and_kurtosis_2()
- {
- string str = "DlibRocks";
- for(int j = 0; j<5 ; j++)
- {
- matrix<double,1,100000> dat;
- dlib::rand rnum;
- running_stats<double> rs1;
- double tp = 0;
- double n = 100000;
- double xb = 0;
- double sknum = 0;
- double skdenom = 0;
- double unbi_skew = 0;
- double exkurnum = 0;
- double exkurdenom = 0;
- double unbi_exkur = 0;
- random_shuffle(str.begin(), str.end());
- rnum.set_seed(str);
- for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
- {
- tp = rnum.get_random_gaussian();
- rs1.add(tp);
- dat(i)=tp;
- xb += dat(i);
- }
- xb = xb/n;
- for(int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- {
- sknum += pow(dat(i) - xb,3);
- skdenom += pow(dat(i) - xb,2);
- exkurnum += pow(dat(i) - xb,4);
- exkurdenom += pow(dat(i)-xb,2);
- }
- sknum = sknum/n;
- skdenom = pow(skdenom/n,1.5);
- exkurnum = exkurnum/n;
- exkurdenom = pow(exkurdenom/n,2);
- unbi_skew = sqrt(n*(n-1))/(n-2)*sknum/skdenom;
- unbi_exkur = (n-1)*((n+1)*(exkurnum/exkurdenom-3)+6)/((n-2)*(n-3));
- dlog << LINFO << "Skew Diff: " << unbi_skew - rs1.skewness();
- dlog << LINFO << "Kur Diff: " << unbi_exkur - rs1.ex_kurtosis();
- // Test an alternative implementation of the unbiased skewness and excess
- // kurtosis against the one in running_stats.
- DLIB_TEST(abs(unbi_skew - rs1.skewness()) < 1e-10);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(unbi_exkur - rs1.ex_kurtosis()) < 1e-10);
- }
- }
- void test_randomize_samples()
- {
- std::vector<unsigned int> t(15),u(15),v(15);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
- {
- t[i] = i;
- u[i] = i+1;
- v[i] = i+2;
- }
- randomize_samples(t,u,v);
- DLIB_TEST(t.size() == 15);
- DLIB_TEST(u.size() == 15);
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 15);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
- {
- const unsigned long val = t[i];
- DLIB_TEST(u[i] == val+1);
- DLIB_TEST(v[i] == val+2);
- }
- }
- void test_randomize_samples2()
- {
- dlib::matrix<int,15,1> t(15),u(15),v(15);
- for (long i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
- {
- t(i) = i;
- u(i) = i+1;
- v(i) = i+2;
- }
- randomize_samples(t,u,v);
- DLIB_TEST(t.size() == 15);
- DLIB_TEST(u.size() == 15);
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 15);
- for (long i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
- {
- const long val = t(i);
- DLIB_TEST(u(i) == val+1);
- DLIB_TEST(v(i) == val+2);
- }
- }
- void another_test()
- {
- std::vector<double> a;
- running_stats<double> rs1, rs2;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- rs1.add(i);
- a.push_back(i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(variance(mat(a)) - rs1.variance()) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(stddev(mat(a)) - rs1.stddev()) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(mean(mat(a)) - rs1.mean()) < 1e-13);
- for (int i = 10; i < 20; ++i)
- {
- rs2.add(i);
- a.push_back(i);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(variance(mat(a)) - (rs1+rs2).variance()) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(mean(mat(a)) - (rs1+rs2).mean()) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST((rs1+rs2).current_n() == 20);
- running_scalar_covariance<double> rc1, rc2, rc3;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (double i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- const double a = i + rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- const double b = i + rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- rc1.add(a,b);
- rc3.add(a,b);
- }
- for (double i = 11; i < 20; ++i)
- {
- const double a = i + rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- const double b = i + rnd.get_random_gaussian();
- rc2.add(a,b);
- rc3.add(a,b);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((rc1+rc2).mean_x() - rc3.mean_x()) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((rc1+rc2).mean_y() - rc3.mean_y()) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs((rc1+rc2).variance_x() - rc3.variance_x()) < 1e-13, std::abs((rc1+rc2).variance_x() - rc3.variance_x()));
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((rc1+rc2).variance_y() - rc3.variance_y()) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs((rc1+rc2).covariance() - rc3.covariance()) < 1e-13);
- DLIB_TEST((rc1+rc2).current_n() == rc3.current_n());
- }
- void test_average_precision()
- {
- std::vector<bool> items;
- DLIB_TEST(average_precision(items) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(average_precision(items,1) == 0);
- items.push_back(true);
- DLIB_TEST(average_precision(items) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(average_precision(items,1) - 0.5) < 1e-14);
- items.push_back(true);
- DLIB_TEST(average_precision(items) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(average_precision(items,1) - 2.0/3.0) < 1e-14);
- items.push_back(false);
- DLIB_TEST(average_precision(items) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(average_precision(items,1) - 2.0/3.0) < 1e-14);
- items.push_back(true);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(average_precision(items) - (2.0+3.0/4.0)/3.0) < 1e-14);
- items.push_back(true);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(average_precision(items) - (2.0 + 4.0/5.0 + 4.0/5.0)/4.0) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(average_precision(items,1) - (2.0 + 4.0/5.0 + 4.0/5.0)/5.0) < 1e-14);
- }
- template <typename sample_type>
- void check_distance_metrics (
- const std::vector<frobmetric_training_sample<sample_type> >& samples
- )
- {
- running_stats<double> rs;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples[i].near_vects.size(); ++j)
- {
- const double d1 = length_squared(samples[i].anchor_vect - samples[i].near_vects[j]);
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < samples[i].far_vects.size(); ++k)
- {
- const double d2 = length_squared(samples[i].anchor_vect - samples[i].far_vects[k]);
- rs.add(d2-d1);
- }
- }
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "dist gap max: "<< rs.max();
- dlog << LINFO << "dist gap min: "<< rs.min();
- dlog << LINFO << "dist gap mean: "<< rs.mean();
- dlog << LINFO << "dist gap stddev: "<< rs.stddev();
- DLIB_TEST(rs.min() >= 0.99);
- DLIB_TEST(rs.mean() >= 0.9999);
- }
- void test_vector_normalizer_frobmetric(dlib::rand& rnd)
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<double,0,1> sample_type;
- vector_normalizer_frobmetric<sample_type> normalizer;
- std::vector<frobmetric_training_sample<sample_type> > samples;
- frobmetric_training_sample<sample_type> samp;
- const long key = 1;
- const long dims = 5;
- // Lets make some two class training data. Each sample will have dims dimensions but
- // only the one with index equal to key will be meaningful. In particular, if the key
- // dimension is > 0 then the sample is class +1 and -1 otherwise.
- long k = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
- {
- samp.clear();
- samp.anchor_vect = gaussian_randm(dims,1,k++);
- if (samp.anchor_vect(key) > 0)
- samp.anchor_vect(key) = rnd.get_random_double() + 5;
- else
- samp.anchor_vect(key) = -(rnd.get_random_double() + 5);
- matrix<double,0,1> temp;
- for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
- {
- // Don't always put an equal number of near_vects and far_vects vectors into the
- // training samples.
- const int numa = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%2 + 1;
- const int numb = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%2 + 1;
- for (int num = 0; num < numa; ++num)
- {
- temp = gaussian_randm(dims,1,k++); temp(key) = 0.1;
- //temp = gaussian_randm(dims,1,k++); temp(key) = std::abs(temp(key));
- if (samp.anchor_vect(key) > 0) samp.near_vects.push_back(temp);
- else samp.far_vects.push_back(temp);
- }
- for (int num = 0; num < numb; ++num)
- {
- temp = gaussian_randm(dims,1,k++); temp(key) = -0.1;
- //temp = gaussian_randm(dims,1,k++); temp(key) = -std::abs(temp(key));
- if (samp.anchor_vect(key) < 0) samp.near_vects.push_back(temp);
- else samp.far_vects.push_back(temp);
- }
- }
- samples.push_back(samp);
- }
- normalizer.set_epsilon(0.0001);
- normalizer.set_c(100);
- normalizer.set_max_iterations(6000);
- normalizer.train(samples);
- dlog << LINFO << "learned transform: \n" << normalizer.transform();
- matrix<double,0,1> total;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- samples[i].anchor_vect = normalizer(samples[i].anchor_vect);
- total += samples[i].anchor_vect;
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples[i].near_vects.size(); ++j)
- samples[i].near_vects[j] = normalizer(samples[i].near_vects[j]);
- for (unsigned long j = 0; j < samples[i].far_vects.size(); ++j)
- samples[i].far_vects[j] = normalizer(samples[i].far_vects[j]);
- }
- total /= samples.size();
- dlog << LINFO << "sample transformed means: "<< trans(total);
- DLIB_TEST(length(total) < 1e-9);
- check_distance_metrics(samples);
- // make sure serialization works
- stringstream os;
- serialize(normalizer, os);
- vector_normalizer_frobmetric<sample_type> normalizer2;
- deserialize(normalizer2, os);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(normalizer.transform(), normalizer2.transform()));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(normalizer.transformed_means(), normalizer2.transformed_means()));
- DLIB_TEST(normalizer.in_vector_size() == normalizer2.in_vector_size());
- DLIB_TEST(normalizer.out_vector_size() == normalizer2.out_vector_size());
- DLIB_TEST(normalizer.get_max_iterations() == normalizer2.get_max_iterations());
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(normalizer.get_c() - normalizer2.get_c()) < 1e-14);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(normalizer.get_epsilon() - normalizer2.get_epsilon()) < 1e-14);
- }
- void prior_frobnorm_test()
- {
- frobmetric_training_sample<matrix<double,0,1> > sample;
- std::vector<frobmetric_training_sample<matrix<double,0,1> > > samples;
- matrix<double,3,1> x, near_, far_;
- x = 0,0,0;
- near_ = 1,0,0;
- far_ = 0,1,0;
- sample.anchor_vect = x;
- sample.near_vects.push_back(near_);
- sample.far_vects.push_back(far_);
- samples.push_back(sample);
- vector_normalizer_frobmetric<matrix<double,0,1> > trainer;
- trainer.set_c(100);
- print_spinner();
- trainer.train(samples);
- matrix<double,3,3> correct;
- correct = 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0;
- dlog << LDEBUG << trainer.transform();
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trainer.transform()-correct)) < 1e-8);
- trainer.set_uses_identity_matrix_prior(true);
- print_spinner();
- trainer.train(samples);
- correct = 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 2, 0,
- 0, 0, 1;
- dlog << LDEBUG << trainer.transform();
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(trainer.transform()-correct)) < 1e-8);
- }
- void test_lda ()
- {
- // This test makes sure we pick the right direction in a simple 2D -> 1D LDA
- typedef matrix<double,2,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<unsigned long> labels;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- sample_type s;
- s(0) = i;
- s(1) = i+1;
- samples.push_back(s);
- labels.push_back(1);
- sample_type s1;
- s1(0) = i+1;
- s1(1) = i;
- samples.push_back(s1);
- labels.push_back(2);
- }
- matrix<double> X;
- X.set_size(8,2);
- for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
- X(i,0) = samples[i](0);
- X(i,1) = samples[i](1);
- }
- matrix<double,0,1> mean;
- dlib::compute_lda_transform(X,mean,labels,1);
- std::vector<double> vals1, vals2;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- double val = X*samples[i]-mean;
- if (i%2 == 0)
- vals1.push_back(val);
- else
- vals2.push_back(val);
- dlog << LINFO << "1D LDA output: " << val;
- }
- if (vals1[0] > vals2[0])
- swap(vals1, vals2);
- const double err = equal_error_rate(vals1, vals2).first;
- dlog << LINFO << "LDA ERR: " << err;
- DLIB_TEST(err == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(equal_error_rate(vals2, vals1).first == 1);
- }
- void test_running_stats_decayed()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<double> tmp(300);
- std::vector<double> tmp_var(tmp.size());
- dlib::rand rnd;
- const int num_rounds = 100000;
- for (int rounds = 0; rounds < num_rounds; ++rounds)
- {
- running_stats_decayed<double> rs(100);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i)
- {
- rs.add(rnd.get_random_gaussian() + 1);
- tmp[i] += rs.mean();
- if (i > 0)
- tmp_var[i] += rs.variance();
- }
- }
- // should print all 1s basically since the mean and variance should always be 1.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(1-tmp[i]/num_rounds) < 0.001);
- if (i > 1)
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(1-tmp_var[i]/num_rounds) < 0.01);
- }
- }
- void test_running_scalar_covariance_decayed()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<double> tmp(300);
- std::vector<double> tmp_var(tmp.size());
- std::vector<double> tmp_covar(tmp.size());
- dlib::rand rnd;
- const int num_rounds = 500000;
- for (int rounds = 0; rounds < num_rounds; ++rounds)
- {
- running_scalar_covariance_decayed<double> rs(100);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i)
- {
- rs.add(rnd.get_random_gaussian() + 1, rnd.get_random_gaussian() + 1);
- tmp[i] += (rs.mean_y()+rs.mean_x())/2;
- if (i > 0)
- {
- tmp_var[i] += (rs.variance_y()+rs.variance_x())/2;
- tmp_covar[i] += rs.covariance();
- }
- }
- }
- // should print all 1s basically since the mean and variance should always be 1.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(1-tmp[i]/num_rounds) < 0.001);
- if (i > 1)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(1-tmp_var[i]/num_rounds) < 0.01);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(tmp_covar[i]/num_rounds) < 0.001);
- }
- }
- }
- void test_event_corr()
- {
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(event_correlation(1000,1000,500,2000) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(event_correlation(1000,1000,300,2000) + 164.565757010104) < 1e-11);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(event_correlation(1000,1000,700,2000) - 164.565757010104) < 1e-11);
- DLIB_TEST(event_correlation(10,1000,5,2000) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(event_correlation(1000,10,5,2000) == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(event_correlation(10,1000,1,2000) - event_correlation(1000,10,1,2000)) < 1e-11);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(event_correlation(10,1000,9,2000) - event_correlation(1000,10,9,2000)) < 1e-11);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(event_correlation(10,1000,1,2000) + 3.69672251700842) < 1e-11);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(event_correlation(10,1000,9,2000) - 3.69672251700842) < 1e-11);
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- prior_frobnorm_test();
- dlib::rand rnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- test_vector_normalizer_frobmetric(rnd);
- test_random_subset_selector();
- test_random_subset_selector2();
- test_running_covariance();
- test_running_cross_covariance();
- test_running_cross_covariance_sparse();
- test_running_stats();
- test_skewness_and_kurtosis_1();
- test_skewness_and_kurtosis_2();
- test_randomize_samples();
- test_randomize_samples2();
- another_test();
- test_average_precision();
- test_lda();
- test_event_corr();
- test_running_stats_decayed();
- test_running_scalar_covariance_decayed();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/std_vector_c.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/std_vector_c.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fe7f82514..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/std_vector_c.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/stl_checked.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-// This is called an unnamed-namespace and it has the effect of making everything inside this file "private"
-// so that everything you declare will have static linkage. Thus we won't have any multiply
-// defined symbol errors coming out of the linker when we try to compile the test suite.
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- // Declare the logger we will use in this test. The name of the tester
- // should start with "test."
- logger dlog("test.std_vector_c");
- class std_vector_c_tester : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a test for the std_vector_c object. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework. The command line switch is
- specified as test_std_vector_c by passing that string to the tester constructor.
- !*/
- public:
- std_vector_c_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_std_vector_c",
- "Runs tests on the std_vector_c component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- std::vector<int> c;
- std_vector_c<int> a, b;
- a.push_back(3);
- a.push_back(2);
- a.push_back(1);
- DLIB_TEST(a[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a[1] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(a[2] == 1);
- c = a;
- DLIB_TEST(c[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[1] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(c[2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(c.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(a == c);
- DLIB_TEST(!(a != c));
- DLIB_TEST(a <= c);
- DLIB_TEST(a >= c);
- DLIB_TEST(!(a < c));
- DLIB_TEST(!(a > c));
- swap(b,c);
- DLIB_TEST(b[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b[1] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b[2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(c.size() == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b.size() == 3);
- swap(c,b);
- DLIB_TEST(c[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c[1] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(c[2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(c.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b.size() == 0);
- swap(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(b[0] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b[1] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b[2] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.size() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.size() == 0);
- swap(b,c);
- swap(c,c);
- std_vector_c<int> h(a);
- std_vector_c<int> i(c);
- std::vector<int> j(b);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/string.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/string.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 18f9035c5..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/string.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/string.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.string");
- void string_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on string functions for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- string a = " davis ";
- string A = " DAVIS ";
- string empty = " ";
- dlog << LTRACE << 1;
- double dval;
- int ival;
- bool bval;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(string_cast<int>("5") == 5,string_cast<int>("5"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(string_cast<int>("0x5") == 5,string_cast<int>("0x5"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(string_cast<int>("0xA") == 10,string_cast<int>("0xA"));
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<float>("0.5") == 0.5);
- DLIB_TEST((dval = sa ="0.5") == 0.5);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<std::string>("0.5 !") == "0.5 !");
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<bool>("true") == true);
- DLIB_TEST((bval = sa = "true") == true);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<bool>("false") == false);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<bool>("TRUE") == true);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<bool>("FALSE") == false);
- DLIB_TEST((bval = sa = "FALSE") == false);
- dlog << LTRACE << 2;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(string_cast<int>(L"5") == 5,string_cast<int>("5"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG((ival = sa = L"5") == 5,string_cast<int>("5"));
- dlog << LTRACE << 2.1;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(string_cast<int>(L"0x5") == 5,string_cast<int>("0x5"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(string_cast<int>(L"0xA") == 10,string_cast<int>("0xA"));
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<float>(L"0.5") == 0.5);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<std::string>(L"0.5 !") == "0.5 !");
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<bool>(L"true") == true);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<bool>(L"false") == false);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<bool>(L"TRUE") == true);
- DLIB_TEST((bval = sa = L"TRUE") == true);
- DLIB_TEST(string_cast<bool>(L"FALSE") == false);
- dlog << LTRACE << 3;
- DLIB_TEST(cast_to_string(5) == "5");
- DLIB_TEST(cast_to_string(5.5) == "5.5");
- dlog << LTRACE << 4;
- DLIB_TEST(cast_to_wstring(5) == L"5");
- DLIB_TEST(cast_to_wstring(5.5) == L"5.5");
- dlog << LTRACE << 5;
- DLIB_TEST(toupper(a) == A);
- DLIB_TEST(toupper(A) == A);
- DLIB_TEST(tolower(a) == a);
- DLIB_TEST(tolower(A) == a);
- DLIB_TEST(trim(a) == "davis");
- DLIB_TEST(ltrim(a) == "davis ");
- DLIB_TEST(rtrim(a) == " davis");
- DLIB_TEST(trim(string_cast<wstring>(a)) == L"davis");
- DLIB_TEST(ltrim(string_cast<wstring>(a)) == L"davis ");
- DLIB_TEST(rtrim(string_cast<wstring>(a)) == L" davis");
- DLIB_TEST(trim(a, " ") == "davis");
- DLIB_TEST(ltrim(a, " ") == "davis ");
- DLIB_TEST(rtrim(a, " ") == " davis");
- DLIB_TEST(trim(empty) == "");
- DLIB_TEST(ltrim(empty) == "");
- DLIB_TEST(rtrim(empty) == "");
- DLIB_TEST(trim(string_cast<wstring>(empty)) == L"");
- DLIB_TEST(ltrim(string_cast<wstring>(empty)) == L"");
- DLIB_TEST(rtrim(string_cast<wstring>(empty)) == L"");
- DLIB_TEST(trim(empty, " ") == "");
- DLIB_TEST(ltrim(empty, " ") == "");
- DLIB_TEST(rtrim(empty, " ") == "");
- dlog << LTRACE << 6;
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(wstring(L"davis"), 10) == L" davis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(wstring(L"davis"), 10) == L"davis "));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(wstring(L"davis"), 10) == L" davis "));
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(string("davis"), -10) == "davis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(string("davis"), -10) == "davis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(string("davis"), -10) == "davis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(string("davis"), 10) == " davis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(string("davis"), 10) == "davis "));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(string("davis"), 10) == " davis "));
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(string("davis"), 10, string("*")) == "*****davis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(string("davis"), 10, string("*")) == "davis*****"));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(string("davis"), 10, string("*")) == "**davis***"));
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(string("davis"), 10, string("_-")) == "_-_-_davis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(string("davis"), 10, string("_-")) == "davis_-_-_"));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(string("davis"), 10, string("_-")) == "_-davis_-_"));
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(string("davis"), 10, string("willy wanka")) == "willydavis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(string("davis"), 10, string("willy wanka")) == "daviswilly"));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(string("davis"), 10, string("willy wanka")) == "widaviswil"));
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(string("davis"), 10, "*")) == "*****davis");
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(string("davis"), 10, "*") == "davis*****"));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(string("davis"), 10, "*") == "**davis***"));
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(string("davis"), 10, "_-") == "_-_-_davis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(string("davis"), 10, "_-") == "davis_-_-_"));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(string("davis"), 10, "_-") == "_-davis_-_"));
- DLIB_TEST( (lpad(string("davis"), 10, "willy wanka") == "willydavis"));
- DLIB_TEST( (rpad(string("davis"), 10, "willy wanka") == "daviswilly"));
- DLIB_TEST( (pad(string("davis"), 10, "willy wanka") == "widaviswil"));
- dlog << LTRACE << 7;
- a = "file.txt";
- DLIB_TEST( (left_substr(a,string(".")) == "file"));
- DLIB_TEST( (left_substr(a,".") == "file"));
- DLIB_TEST( (right_substr(a,string(".")) == "txt"));
- DLIB_TEST( (right_substr(a,".") == "txt"));
- DLIB_TEST( (left_substr(a," ") == "file.txt"));
- DLIB_TEST( (right_substr(a," ") == ""));
- DLIB_TEST( (left_substr(a,"") == "file.txt"));
- DLIB_TEST( (right_substr(a,"") == ""));
- wstring ws = L"file.txt";
- DLIB_TEST( (left_substr(ws,wstring(L".")) == L"file"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( (left_substr(ws,L".") == L"file"), L"");
- DLIB_TEST( (right_substr(ws,wstring(L".")) == L"txt"));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( (right_substr(ws,L".") == L"txt"), L"");
- dlog << LTRACE << 8;
- {
- ostringstream sout;
- wchar_t w = 85;
- char c = 4;
- serialize(w,sout);
- serialize(c,sout);
- w = static_cast<wchar_t>(-1);
- serialize(w,sout);
- c = static_cast<char>(-1);
- serialize(c,sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- w = 0;
- c = 0;
- deserialize(w,sin);
- deserialize(c,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(w == 85);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 4);
- deserialize(w,sin);
- deserialize(c,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(w == static_cast<wchar_t>(-1));
- DLIB_TEST(c == static_cast<char>(-1));
- wstring str = L"test string";
- sout.str("");
- serialize(str, sout);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(sout.str());
- str = L"something else";
- deserialize(str,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(str == L"test string");
- }
- }
- void test_split()
- {
- std::vector<string> v;
- string str;
- string delim = " , ";
- v = split(string("one, two,three four")," ,");
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(v[0] == "one");
- DLIB_TEST(v[1] == "two");
- DLIB_TEST(v[2] == "three");
- DLIB_TEST(v[3] == "four");
- v = split(string("one, two,three four"),delim);
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(v[0] == "one");
- DLIB_TEST(v[1] == "two");
- DLIB_TEST(v[2] == "three");
- DLIB_TEST(v[3] == "four");
- v = split(string(""));
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 0);
- v = split(string(" "));
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 0);
- v = split(string(" one two "));
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(v[0] == "one");
- DLIB_TEST(v[1] == "two");
- v = split(string(" one "));
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(v[0] == "one");
- v = split(string("one"));
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(v[0] == "one");
- v = split(string("o"));
- DLIB_TEST(v.size() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(v[0] == "o");
- std::vector<wstring> wv;
- wstring wstr = L"test string";
- wv = split(wstr);
- DLIB_TEST(wv.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(wv[0] == L"test");
- DLIB_TEST(wv[1] == L"string");
- wv = split(wstr,L" ");
- DLIB_TEST(wv.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(wv[0] == L"test");
- DLIB_TEST(wv[1] == L"string");
- wstr = L"Über alle Maßen\u00A0Öttingenstraße";
- wv = split(wstr, L" \u00A0\n\r\t");
- DLIB_TEST(wv.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(wv[0] == L"Ãœber");
- DLIB_TEST(wv[1] == L"alle");
- DLIB_TEST(wv[2] == L"Maßen");
- DLIB_TEST(wv[3] == L"Öttingenstraße");
- wstr = L"test string hah";
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr).first == L"test");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr).second == L"string hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr,L"#").first == L"test string hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr,L"#").second == L"");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(wstr).first == L"test string");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(wstr).second == L"hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(wstr,L"#").first == L"test string hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(wstr,L"#").second == L"");
- wstr = L"";
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr).first == L"");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr).second == L"");
- str = "test string hah";
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str).first == "test");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str).second == "string hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str,"#").first == "test string hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str,"#").second == "");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(str).first == "test string");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(str).second == "hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(str,"#").first == "test string hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(str,"#").second == "");
- str = "";
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str).first == "");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str).second == "");
- wstr = L"test.string.hah";
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr,L".").first == L"test");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr,L".").second == L"string.hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr).first == L"test.string.hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr).second == L"");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(wstr,L".").first == L"test.string");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(wstr,L".").second == L"hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(wstr).first == L"test.string.hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(wstr).second == L"");
- wstr = L"";
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr).first == L"");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(wstr).second == L"");
- str = "test.string.hah";
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str,".").first == "test");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str,".").second == "string.hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str).first == "test.string.hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str).second == "");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(str,".").first == "test.string");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(str,".").second == "hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(str).first == "test.string.hah");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_last(str).second == "");
- str = "";
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str).first == "");
- DLIB_TEST(split_on_first(str).second == "");
- }
- class string_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- string_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_string",
- "Runs tests on the string objects and functions.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- string_test();
- test_split();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b46d44331..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "checkerboard.h"
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.svm");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_clutering (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << " being test_clutering()";
- // Here we declare that our samples will be 2 dimensional column vectors.
- typedef matrix<double,2,1> sample_type;
- // Now we are making a typedef for the kind of kernel we want to use. I picked the
- // radial basis kernel because it only has one parameter and generally gives good
- // results without much fiddling.
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- // Here we declare an instance of the kcentroid object. The first argument to the constructor
- // is the kernel we wish to use. The second is a parameter that determines the numerical
- // accuracy with which the object will perform part of the learning algorithm. Generally
- // smaller values give better results but cause the algorithm to run slower. You just have
- // to play with it to decide what balance of speed and accuracy is right for your problem.
- // Here we have set it to 0.01.
- kcentroid<kernel_type> kc(kernel_type(0.1),0.01);
- // Now we make an instance of the kkmeans object and tell it to use kcentroid objects
- // that are configured with the parameters from the kc object we defined above.
- kkmeans<kernel_type> test(kc);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<sample_type> initial_centers;
- sample_type m;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- print_spinner();
- // we will make 50 points from each class
- const long num = 50;
- // make some samples near the origin
- double radius = 0.5;
- for (long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- }
- // make some samples in a circle around the origin but far away
- radius = 10.0;
- for (long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- }
- // make some samples in a circle around the point (25,25)
- radius = 4.0;
- for (long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
- {
- double sign = 1;
- if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.5)
- sign = -1;
- m(0) = 2*radius*rnd.get_random_double()-radius;
- m(1) = sign*sqrt(radius*radius - m(0)*m(0));
- // translate this point away from the origin
- m(0) += 25;
- m(1) += 25;
- // add this sample to our set of samples we will run k-means
- samples.push_back(m);
- }
- print_spinner();
- // tell the kkmeans object we made that we want to run k-means with k set to 3.
- // (i.e. we want 3 clusters)
- test.set_number_of_centers(3);
- // You need to pick some initial centers for the k-means algorithm. So here
- // we will use the dlib::pick_initial_centers() function which tries to find
- // n points that are far apart (basically).
- pick_initial_centers(3, initial_centers, samples, test.get_kernel());
- print_spinner();
- // now run the k-means algorithm on our set of samples.
- test.train(samples,initial_centers);
- print_spinner();
- const unsigned long class1 = test(samples[0]);
- const unsigned long class2 = test(samples[num]);
- const unsigned long class3 = test(samples[2*num]);
- // now loop over all our samples and print out their predicted class. In this example
- // all points are correctly identified.
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size()/3; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(test(samples[i]) == class1);
- DLIB_TEST(test(samples[i+num]) == class2);
- DLIB_TEST(test(samples[i+2*num]) == class3);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << " end test_clutering()";
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Here is the sinc function we will be trying to learn with the krls
- // object.
- double sinc(double x)
- {
- if (x == 0)
- return 1;
- return sin(x)/x;
- }
- void test_regression (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << " being test_regression()";
- // Here we declare that our samples will be 1 dimensional column vectors. The reason for
- // using a matrix here is that in general you can use N dimensional vectors as inputs to the
- // krls object. But here we only have 1 dimension to make the example simple.
- typedef matrix<double,1,1> sample_type;
- // Now we are making a typedef for the kind of kernel we want to use. I picked the
- // radial basis kernel because it only has one parameter and generally gives good
- // results without much fiddling.
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- // Here we declare an instance of the krls object. The first argument to the constructor
- // is the kernel we wish to use. The second is a parameter that determines the numerical
- // accuracy with which the object will perform part of the regression algorithm. Generally
- // smaller values give better results but cause the algorithm to run slower. You just have
- // to play with it to decide what balance of speed and accuracy is right for your problem.
- // Here we have set it to 0.001.
- krls<kernel_type> test(kernel_type(0.1),0.001);
- rvm_regression_trainer<kernel_type> rvm_test;
- rvm_test.set_kernel(test.get_kernel());
- krr_trainer<kernel_type> krr_test;
- krr_test.set_kernel(test.get_kernel());
- svr_trainer<kernel_type> svr_test;
- svr_test.set_kernel(test.get_kernel());
- svr_test.set_epsilon_insensitivity(0.0001);
- svr_test.set_c(10);
- rbf_network_trainer<kernel_type> rbf_test;
- rbf_test.set_kernel(test.get_kernel());
- rbf_test.set_num_centers(13);
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples2;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- std::vector<double> labels2;
- // now we train our object on a few samples of the sinc function.
- sample_type m;
- for (double x = -10; x <= 5; x += 0.6)
- {
- m(0) = x;
- test.train(m, sinc(x));
- samples.push_back(m);
- samples2.push_back(m);
- labels.push_back(sinc(x));
- labels2.push_back(2);
- }
- print_spinner();
- decision_function<kernel_type> test2 = rvm_test.train(samples, labels);
- print_spinner();
- decision_function<kernel_type> test3 = rbf_test.train(samples, labels);
- print_spinner();
- decision_function<kernel_type> test4 = krr_test.train(samples, labels);
- print_spinner();
- decision_function<kernel_type> test5 = svr_test.train(samples, labels);
- print_spinner();
- // now we output the value of the sinc function for a few test points as well as the
- // value predicted by krls object.
- m(0) = 2.5; dlog << LDEBUG << "krls: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 0.1; dlog << LDEBUG << "krls: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = -4; dlog << LDEBUG << "krls: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 5.0; dlog << LDEBUG << "krls: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 2.5; dlog << LDEBUG << "rvm: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test2(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test2(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 0.1; dlog << LDEBUG << "rvm: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test2(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test2(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = -4; dlog << LDEBUG << "rvm: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test2(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test2(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 5.0; dlog << LDEBUG << "rvm: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test2(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test2(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 2.5; dlog << LDEBUG << "rbf: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test3(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test3(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 0.1; dlog << LDEBUG << "rbf: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test3(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test3(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = -4; dlog << LDEBUG << "rbf: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test3(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test3(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 5.0; dlog << LDEBUG << "rbf: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test3(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test3(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 2.5; dlog << LDEBUG << "krr: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test4(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test4(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 0.1; dlog << LDEBUG << "krr: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test4(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test4(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = -4; dlog << LDEBUG << "krr: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test4(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test4(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 5.0; dlog << LDEBUG << "krr: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test4(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test4(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 2.5; dlog << LDEBUG << "svr: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test5(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test5(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 0.1; dlog << LDEBUG << "svr: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test5(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test5(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = -4; dlog << LDEBUG << "svr: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test5(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test5(m)) < 0.01);
- m(0) = 5.0; dlog << LDEBUG << "svr: " << sinc(m(0)) << " " << test5(m); DLIB_TEST(abs(sinc(m(0)) - test5(m)) < 0.01);
- randomize_samples(samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "KRR MSE and R-squared: "<< cross_validate_regression_trainer(krr_test, samples, labels, 6);
- dlog << LINFO << "SVR MSE and R-squared: "<< cross_validate_regression_trainer(svr_test, samples, labels, 6);
- matrix<double,1,4> cv = cross_validate_regression_trainer(krr_test, samples, labels, 6);
- DLIB_TEST(cv(0) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(cv(1) > 0.99);
- cv = cross_validate_regression_trainer(svr_test, samples, labels, 6);
- DLIB_TEST(cv(0) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(cv(1) > 0.99);
- randomize_samples(samples2, labels2);
- dlog << LINFO << "KRR MSE and R-squared: "<< cross_validate_regression_trainer(krr_test, samples2, labels2, 6);
- dlog << LINFO << "SVR MSE and R-squared: "<< cross_validate_regression_trainer(svr_test, samples2, labels2, 6);
- cv = cross_validate_regression_trainer(krr_test, samples2, labels2, 6);
- DLIB_TEST(cv(0) < 1e-4);
- cv = cross_validate_regression_trainer(svr_test, samples2, labels2, 6);
- DLIB_TEST(cv(0) < 1e-4);
- dlog << LINFO << " end test_regression()";
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_anomaly_detection (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << " begin test_anomaly_detection()";
- // Here we declare that our samples will be 2 dimensional column vectors.
- typedef matrix<double,2,1> sample_type;
- // Now we are making a typedef for the kind of kernel we want to use. I picked the
- // radial basis kernel because it only has one parameter and generally gives good
- // results without much fiddling.
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- // Here we declare an instance of the kcentroid object. The first argument to the constructor
- // is the kernel we wish to use. The second is a parameter that determines the numerical
- // accuracy with which the object will perform part of the learning algorithm. Generally
- // smaller values give better results but cause the algorithm to run slower. You just have
- // to play with it to decide what balance of speed and accuracy is right for your problem.
- // Here we have set it to 0.01.
- kcentroid<kernel_type> test(kernel_type(0.1),0.01);
- svm_one_class_trainer<kernel_type> one_class_trainer;
- one_class_trainer.set_nu(0.4);
- one_class_trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(0.2));
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- // now we train our object on a few samples of the sinc function.
- sample_type m;
- for (double x = -15; x <= 8; x += 1)
- {
- m(0) = x;
- m(1) = sinc(x);
- test.train(m);
- samples.push_back(m);
- }
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = one_class_trainer.train(samples);
- running_stats<double> rs;
- // Now lets output the distance from the centroid to some points that are from the sinc function.
- // These numbers should all be similar. We will also calculate the statistics of these numbers
- // by accumulating them into the running_stats object called rs. This will let us easily
- // find the mean and standard deviation of the distances for use below.
- dlog << LDEBUG << "Points that are on the sinc function:\n";
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m); rs.add(test(m));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m); rs.add(test(m));
- m(0) = -0; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m); rs.add(test(m));
- m(0) = -0.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m); rs.add(test(m));
- m(0) = -4.1; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m); rs.add(test(m));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m); rs.add(test(m));
- m(0) = -0.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m); rs.add(test(m));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) < 2, rs.scale(test(m)));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) < 2, rs.scale(test(m)));
- m(0) = -0; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) < 2, rs.scale(test(m)));
- m(0) = -0.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) < 2, rs.scale(test(m)));
- m(0) = -4.1; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) < 2, rs.scale(test(m)));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) < 2, rs.scale(test(m)));
- m(0) = -0.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) < 2, rs.scale(test(m)));
- const double thresh = 0.01;
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m)+thresh > 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m)+thresh > 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -0; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m)+thresh > 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -0.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m)+thresh > 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -4.1; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m)+thresh > 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m)+thresh > 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -0.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0)); DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m)+thresh > 0, df(m));
- dlog << LDEBUG;
- // Lets output the distance from the centroid to some points that are NOT from the sinc function.
- // These numbers should all be significantly bigger than previous set of numbers. We will also
- // use the rs.scale() function to find out how many standard deviations they are away from the
- // mean of the test points from the sinc function. So in this case our criterion for "significantly bigger"
- // is > 3 or 4 standard deviations away from the above points that actually are on the sinc function.
- dlog << LDEBUG << "Points that are NOT on the sinc function:\n";
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0))+4;
- dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m) << " is " << rs.scale(test(m)) << " standard deviations from sinc.";
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) > 6, rs.scale(test(m)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m) + thresh < 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0))+3;
- dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m) << " is " << rs.scale(test(m)) << " standard deviations from sinc.";
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) > 6, rs.scale(test(m)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m) + thresh < 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -0; m(1) = -sinc(m(0));
- dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m) << " is " << rs.scale(test(m)) << " standard deviations from sinc.";
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) > 6, rs.scale(test(m)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m) + thresh < 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -0.5; m(1) = -sinc(m(0));
- dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m) << " is " << rs.scale(test(m)) << " standard deviations from sinc.";
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) > 6, rs.scale(test(m)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m) + thresh < 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -4.1; m(1) = sinc(m(0))+2;
- dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m) << " is " << rs.scale(test(m)) << " standard deviations from sinc.";
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) > 6, rs.scale(test(m)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m) + thresh < 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -1.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0))+0.9;
- dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m) << " is " << rs.scale(test(m)) << " standard deviations from sinc.";
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) > 6, rs.scale(test(m)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m) + thresh < 0, df(m));
- m(0) = -0.5; m(1) = sinc(m(0))+1;
- dlog << LDEBUG << " " << test(m) << " is " << rs.scale(test(m)) << " standard deviations from sinc.";
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(rs.scale(test(m)) > 6, rs.scale(test(m)));
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(df(m) + thresh < 0, df(m));
- dlog << LINFO << " end test_anomaly_detection()";
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void unittest_binary_classification (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on the svm stuff compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- dlog << LINFO << " begin unittest_binary_classification()";
- print_spinner();
- typedef double scalar_type;
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,2,1> sample_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> x;
- std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > x_linearized;
- std::vector<scalar_type> y;
- get_checkerboard_problem(x,y, 300, 2);
- const scalar_type gamma = 1;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- rbf_network_trainer<kernel_type> rbf_trainer;
- rbf_trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(gamma));
- rbf_trainer.set_num_centers(100);
- rvm_trainer<kernel_type> rvm_trainer;
- rvm_trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(gamma));
- krr_trainer<kernel_type> krr_trainer;
- krr_trainer.use_classification_loss_for_loo_cv();
- krr_trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(gamma));
- svm_pegasos<kernel_type> pegasos_trainer;
- pegasos_trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(gamma));
- pegasos_trainer.set_lambda(0.00001);
- svm_c_ekm_trainer<kernel_type> ocas_ekm_trainer;
- ocas_ekm_trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(gamma));
- ocas_ekm_trainer.set_c(100000);
- svm_nu_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(gamma));
- trainer.set_nu(0.05);
- svm_c_trainer<kernel_type> c_trainer;
- c_trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(gamma));
- c_trainer.set_c(100);
- svm_c_linear_trainer<linear_kernel<matrix<double,0,1> > > lin_trainer;
- lin_trainer.set_c(100000);
- // use an ekm to linearize this dataset so we can use it with the lin_trainer
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm;
- ekm.load(kernel_type(gamma), x);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
- x_linearized.push_back(ekm.project(x[i]));
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> rvm_cv = cross_validate_trainer_threaded(rvm_trainer, x,y, 4, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> krr_cv = cross_validate_trainer_threaded(krr_trainer, x,y, 4, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> svm_cv = cross_validate_trainer(trainer, x,y, 4);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> svm_c_cv = cross_validate_trainer(c_trainer, x,y, 4);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> rbf_cv = cross_validate_trainer_threaded(rbf_trainer, x,y, 10, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> lin_cv = cross_validate_trainer_threaded(lin_trainer, x_linearized, y, 4, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> ocas_ekm_cv = cross_validate_trainer_threaded(ocas_ekm_trainer, x, y, 4, 2);
- print_spinner();
- ocas_ekm_trainer.set_basis(randomly_subsample(x, 300));
- matrix<scalar_type> ocas_ekm_cv2 = cross_validate_trainer_threaded(ocas_ekm_trainer, x, y, 4, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> peg_cv = cross_validate_trainer_threaded(batch(pegasos_trainer,1.0), x,y, 4, 2);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> peg_c_cv = cross_validate_trainer_threaded(batch_cached(pegasos_trainer,1.0), x,y, 4, 2);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LDEBUG << "rvm cv: " << rvm_cv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "krr cv: " << krr_cv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "nu-svm cv: " << svm_cv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "C-svm cv: " << svm_c_cv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "rbf cv: " << rbf_cv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "lin cv: " << lin_cv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "ocas_ekm cv: " << ocas_ekm_cv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "ocas_ekm cv2: " << ocas_ekm_cv2;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "peg cv: " << peg_cv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "peg cached cv: " << peg_c_cv;
- // make sure the cached version of pegasos computes the same result
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(sum(abs(peg_cv - peg_c_cv)) < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()),
- sum(abs(peg_cv - peg_c_cv)) << " \n" << peg_cv << peg_c_cv );
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(rvm_cv) > 0.9, rvm_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(krr_cv) > 0.9, krr_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(svm_cv) > 0.9, svm_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(svm_c_cv) > 0.9, svm_c_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(rbf_cv) > 0.9, rbf_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(lin_cv) > 0.9, lin_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(peg_cv) > 0.9, peg_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(peg_c_cv) > 0.9, peg_c_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(ocas_ekm_cv) > 0.9, ocas_ekm_cv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(ocas_ekm_cv2) > 0.9, ocas_ekm_cv2);
- const long num_sv = trainer.train(x,y).basis_vectors.size();
- print_spinner();
- const long num_rv = rvm_trainer.train(x,y).basis_vectors.size();
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LDEBUG << "num sv: " << num_sv;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "num rv: " << num_rv;
- print_spinner();
- ocas_ekm_trainer.clear_basis();
- const long num_bv = ocas_ekm_trainer.train(x,y).basis_vectors.size();
- dlog << LDEBUG << "num ekm bv: " << num_bv;
- DLIB_TEST(num_rv <= 17);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(num_sv <= 45, num_sv);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(num_bv <= 45, num_bv);
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = reduced2(trainer, 19).train(x,y);
- print_spinner();
- matrix<scalar_type> svm_reduced_error = test_binary_decision_function(df, x, y);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LDEBUG << "svm reduced test error: " << svm_reduced_error;
- dlog << LDEBUG << "svm reduced num sv: " << df.basis_vectors.size();
- DLIB_TEST(mean(svm_reduced_error) > 0.9);
- svm_cv = cross_validate_trainer(reduced(trainer,30), x,y, 4);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "svm reduced cv: " << svm_cv;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(mean(svm_cv) > 0.9, svm_cv);
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors.size() <= 19);
- dlog << LINFO << " end unittest_binary_classification()";
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename kernel_type>
- struct kernel_der_obj
- {
- typename kernel_type::sample_type x;
- kernel_type k;
- double operator()(const typename kernel_type::sample_type& y) const { return k(x,y); }
- };
- template <typename kernel_type>
- void test_kernel_derivative (
- const kernel_type& k,
- const typename kernel_type::sample_type& x,
- const typename kernel_type::sample_type& y
- )
- {
- kernel_der_obj<kernel_type> obj;
- obj.x = x;
- obj.k = k;
- kernel_derivative<kernel_type> der(obj.k);
- DLIB_TEST(dlib::equal(derivative(obj)(y) , der(obj.x,y), 1e-5));
- }
- void test_kernel_derivative (
- )
- {
- typedef matrix<double, 2, 1> sample_type;
- sigmoid_kernel<sample_type> k1;
- radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> k2;
- linear_kernel<sample_type> k3;
- polynomial_kernel<sample_type> k4(2,3,4);
- offset_kernel<sigmoid_kernel<sample_type> > k5;
- offset_kernel<radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> > k6;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- sample_type x, y;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- x = randm(2,1,rnd);
- y = randm(2,1,rnd);
- test_kernel_derivative(k1, x, y);
- test_kernel_derivative(k2, x, y);
- test_kernel_derivative(k3, x, y);
- test_kernel_derivative(k4, x, y);
- test_kernel_derivative(k5, x, y);
- test_kernel_derivative(k6, x, y);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_svm_trainer2()
- {
- typedef matrix<double, 2, 1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- sample_type samp;
- samp(0) = 1;
- samp(1) = 1;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(+1);
- samp(0) = 1;
- samp(1) = 2;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(-1);
- svm_c_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- samp(0) = 1;
- samp(1) = 1;
- dlog << LINFO << "test +1 : "<< df(samp);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samp) > 0);
- samp(0) = 1;
- samp(1) = 2;
- dlog << LINFO << "test -1 : "<< df(samp);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samp) < 0);
- svm_nu_trainer<kernel_type> trainer2;
- df = trainer2.train(samples, labels);
- samp(0) = 1;
- samp(1) = 1;
- dlog << LINFO << "test +1 : "<< df(samp);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samp) > 0);
- samp(0) = 1;
- samp(1) = 2;
- dlog << LINFO << "test -1 : "<< df(samp);
- DLIB_TEST(df(samp) < 0);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class svm_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- svm_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_svm",
- "Runs tests on the svm/kernel algorithm components.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_kernel_derivative();
- unittest_binary_classification();
- test_clutering();
- test_regression();
- test_anomaly_detection();
- test_svm_trainer2();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_c_linear.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_c_linear.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e30d81f7..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_c_linear.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../stl_checked.h"
-#include "../array.h"
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "checkerboard.h"
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.svm_c_linear");
- typedef matrix<double, 0, 1> sample_type;
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, double> > sparse_sample_type;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void run_prior_test()
- {
- typedef matrix<double,3,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- sample_type samp;
- samp = 0, 0, 1; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(+1);
- samp = 0, 1, 0; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(-1);
- trainer.set_c(10);
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- trainer.set_prior(df);
- samples.clear();
- labels.clear();
- samp = 1, 0, 0; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(+1);
- samp = 0, 1, 0; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(-1);
- df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- samp = 0, 0, 1; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(+1);
- matrix<double,1,2> rs = test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << rs;
- DLIB_TEST(rs(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(rs(1) == 1);
- dlog << LINFO << trans(df.basis_vectors(0));
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors(0)(0) > 0);
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors(0)(1) < 0);
- DLIB_TEST(df.basis_vectors(0)(2) > 0);
- }
- void run_prior_sparse_test()
- {
- typedef std::map<unsigned long,double> sample_type;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- sample_type samp;
- samp[0] = 1; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(+1); samp.clear();
- samp[1] = 1; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(-1); samp.clear();
- trainer.set_c(10);
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- trainer.set_prior(df);
- samples.clear();
- labels.clear();
- samp[2] = 1; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(+1); samp.clear();
- samp[1] = 1; samples.push_back(samp); labels.push_back(-1); samp.clear();
- df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- matrix<double,1,2> rs = test_binary_decision_function(df, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << rs;
- DLIB_TEST(rs(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(rs(1) == 1);
- matrix<double,0,1> w = sparse_to_dense(df.basis_vectors(0));
- dlog << LINFO << trans(w);
- DLIB_TEST(w(0) > 0.1);
- DLIB_TEST(w(1) < -0.1);
- DLIB_TEST(w(2) > 0.1);
- }
- void get_simple_points (
- std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- std::vector<double>& labels
- )
- {
- samples.clear();
- labels.clear();
- sample_type samp(2);
- samp = 0,0;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(-1);
- samp = 0,1;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(-1);
- samp = 3,0;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(+1);
- samp = 3,1;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(+1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void get_simple_points_sparse (
- std::vector<sparse_sample_type>& samples,
- std::vector<double>& labels
- )
- {
- samples.clear();
- labels.clear();
- sparse_sample_type samp;
- samp.push_back(make_pair(0, 0.0));
- samp.push_back(make_pair(1, 0.0));
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(-1);
- samp.clear();
- samp.push_back(make_pair(0, 0.0));
- samp.push_back(make_pair(1, 1.0));
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(-1);
- samp.clear();
- samp.push_back(make_pair(0, 3.0));
- samp.push_back(make_pair(1, 0.0));
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(+1);
- samp.clear();
- samp.push_back(make_pair(0, 3.0));
- samp.push_back(make_pair(1, 1.0));
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(+1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_sparse (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test with sparse vectors";
- std::vector<sparse_sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- sample_type samp;
- get_simple_points_sparse(samples,labels);
- svm_c_linear_trainer<sparse_linear_kernel<sparse_sample_type> > trainer;
- trainer.set_c(1e4);
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-11);
- double obj;
- decision_function<sparse_linear_kernel<sparse_sample_type> > df = trainer.train(samples, labels, obj);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "obj: "<< obj;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(obj - 0.72222222222) < 1e-7, obj);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[0]) - (-1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[1]) - (-1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[2]) - (1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[3]) - (1)) < 1e-6);
- // While we are at it, make sure the krr_trainer works with sparse samples
- krr_trainer<sparse_linear_kernel<sparse_sample_type> > krr;
- df = krr.train(samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[0]) - (-1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[1]) - (-1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[2]) - (1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[3]) - (1)) < 1e-6);
- // Now test some of the sparse helper functions
- DLIB_TEST(max_index_plus_one(samples) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(max_index_plus_one(samples[0]) == 2);
- matrix<double,3,1> m;
- m = 1;
- add_to(m, samples[3]);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 1 + samples[3][0].second);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 1 + samples[3][1].second);
- DLIB_TEST(m(2) == 1);
- m = 1;
- subtract_from(m, samples[3]);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 1 - samples[3][0].second);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 1 - samples[3][1].second);
- DLIB_TEST(m(2) == 1);
- m = 1;
- add_to(m, samples[3], 2);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 1 + 2*samples[3][0].second);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 1 + 2*samples[3][1].second);
- DLIB_TEST(m(2) == 1);
- m = 1;
- subtract_from(m, samples[3], 2);
- DLIB_TEST(m(0) == 1 - 2*samples[3][0].second);
- DLIB_TEST(m(1) == 1 - 2*samples[3][1].second);
- DLIB_TEST(m(2) == 1);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_dense (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "test with dense vectors";
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- sample_type samp;
- get_simple_points(samples,labels);
- svm_c_linear_trainer<linear_kernel<sample_type> > trainer;
- trainer.set_c(1e4);
- //trainer.be_verbose();
- trainer.set_epsilon(1e-11);
- double obj;
- decision_function<linear_kernel<sample_type> > df = trainer.train(samples, labels, obj);
- dlog << LDEBUG << "obj: "<< obj;
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(obj - 0.72222222222) < 1e-7, abs(obj - 0.72222222222));
- // There shouldn't be any margin violations since this dataset is so trivial. So that means the objective
- // should be exactly the squared norm of the decision plane (times 0.5).
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(abs(length_squared(df.basis_vectors(0))*0.5 + df.b*df.b*0.5 - 0.72222222222) < 1e-7,
- length_squared(df.basis_vectors(0))*0.5 + df.b*df.b*0.5);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[0]) - (-1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[1]) - (-1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[2]) - (1)) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST(abs(df(samples[3]) - (1)) < 1e-6);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class tester_svm_c_linear : public tester
- {
- public:
- tester_svm_c_linear (
- ) :
- tester ("test_svm_c_linear",
- "Runs tests on the svm_c_linear_trainer.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_dense();
- test_sparse();
- run_prior_test();
- run_prior_sparse_test();
- // test mixed sparse and dense dot products
- {
- std::map<unsigned int, double> sv;
- matrix<double,0,1> dv(4);
- dv = 1,2,3,4;
- sv[0] = 1;
- sv[3] = 1;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(sv,dv) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(dv,sv) == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(dv,dv) == 30);
- DLIB_TEST(dot(sv,sv) == 2);
- sv[10] = 9;
- DLIB_TEST(dot(sv,dv) == 5);
- }
- // test mixed sparse dense assignments
- {
- std::map<unsigned int, double> sv, sv2;
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, double> > sv3;
- matrix<double,0,1> dv(4), dv2;
- dv = 1,2,3,4;
- sv[0] = 1;
- sv[3] = 1;
- assign(dv2, dv);
- DLIB_TEST(dv2.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(dv2(0) == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(dv2(1) == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(dv2(2) == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(dv2(3) == 4);
- assign(sv2, dv);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2[0] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2[1] == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2[2] == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2[3] == 4);
- assign(sv2, sv);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2[0] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(sv2[3] == 1);
- assign(sv3, sv);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[0].second == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[1].second == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[0].first == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[1].first == 3);
- assign(sv3, dv);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3.size() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[0].second == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[1].second == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[2].second == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[3].second == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[0].first == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[1].first == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[2].first == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[3].first == 3);
- assign(sv3, sv);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[0].second == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[1].second == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[0].first == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(sv3[1].first == 3);
- sv.clear();
- assign(sv, sv3);
- DLIB_TEST(sv.size() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(sv[0] == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(sv[1] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(sv[2] == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(sv[3] == 1);
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_c_linear_dcd.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_c_linear_dcd.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 93c99db30..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_c_linear_dcd.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.svm_c_linear_dcd");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_sparse()
- {
- typedef std::map<unsigned long,double> sample_type;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer_cpa;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type>::optimizer_state state;
- const double C = 0.2;
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- // make an instance of a sample vector so we can use it below
- sample_type sample;
- decision_function<kernel_type> df, df2, df3;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // Now lets go into a loop and randomly generate 10000 samples.
- double label = +1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- // flip this flag
- label *= -1;
- sample.clear();
- // now make a random sparse sample with at most 10 non-zero elements
- for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
- {
- int idx = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- double value = rnd.get_random_double();
- sample[idx] = label*value;
- }
- // Also save the samples we are generating so we can let the svm_c_linear_trainer
- // learn from them below.
- samples.push_back(sample);
- labels.push_back(label);
- if (samples.size() > 1)
- {
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_c_class1(C);
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_c_class2(1.5*C);
- linear_trainer.set_c_class1(C/samples.size());
- linear_trainer.set_c_class2(1.5*C/samples.size());
- df = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels, state);
- df2 = linear_trainer_cpa.train(samples, labels);
- df3 = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( dlib::distance(df.basis_vectors(0), df2.basis_vectors(0)) < 1e-8, dlib::distance(df.basis_vectors(0), df2.basis_vectors(0)));
- DLIB_TEST( std::abs(df.b - df2.b) < 1e-8);
- DLIB_TEST( dlib::distance(df.basis_vectors(0), df3.basis_vectors(0)) < 1e-8);
- DLIB_TEST( std::abs(df.b - df3.b) < 1e-8);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_normal_no_bias()
- {
- typedef matrix<double,10,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer_cpa;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type>::optimizer_state state;
- const double C = 1.0;
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- linear_trainer.include_bias(false);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples, samples_explict_bias;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- // make an instance of a sample vector so we can use it below
- sample_type sample;
- decision_function<kernel_type> df, df2, df3;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // Now lets go into a loop and randomly generate 10000 samples.
- double label = +1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- // flip this flag
- label *= -1;
- sample = 0;
- // now make a random sparse sample with at most 10 non-zero elements
- for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
- {
- int idx = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%9;
- double value = rnd.get_random_double();
- sample(idx) = label*value;
- }
- // Also save the samples we are generating so we can let the svm_c_linear_trainer
- // learn from them below.
- samples.push_back(sample);
- labels.push_back(label);
- sample(9) = -1;
- samples_explict_bias.push_back(sample);
- if (samples.size() > 1)
- {
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_c_class1(C);
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_c_class2(1.5*C);
- linear_trainer.set_c_class1(C/samples.size());
- linear_trainer.set_c_class2(1.5*C/samples.size());
- df = linear_trainer.train(samples_explict_bias, labels, state);
- df2 = linear_trainer_cpa.train(samples, labels);
- df3 = linear_trainer.train(samples_explict_bias, labels);
- DLIB_TEST( std::abs(df2.basis_vectors(0)(9)) < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( max(abs(colm(df.basis_vectors(0),0,9) - colm(df2.basis_vectors(0),0,9))) < 1e-6, max(abs(colm(df.basis_vectors(0),0,9) - colm(df2.basis_vectors(0),0,9))));
- DLIB_TEST( std::abs(df.basis_vectors(0)(9) - df2.b) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST( max(abs(df.basis_vectors(0) - df3.basis_vectors(0))) < 1e-6);
- DLIB_TEST( std::abs(df.b - df3.b) < 1e-7);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_normal()
- {
- typedef matrix<double,10,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer_cpa;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type>::optimizer_state state;
- const double C = 1;
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- // make an instance of a sample vector so we can use it below
- sample_type sample;
- decision_function<kernel_type> df, df2, df3;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // Now lets go into a loop and randomly generate 10000 samples.
- double label = +1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- // flip this flag
- label *= -1;
- sample = 0;
- // now make a random sparse sample with at most 10 non-zero elements
- for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
- {
- int idx = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%10;
- double value = rnd.get_random_double();
- sample(idx) = label*value;
- }
- // Also save the samples we are generating so we can let the svm_c_linear_trainer
- // learn from them below.
- samples.push_back(sample);
- labels.push_back(label);
- if (samples.size() > 1)
- {
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_c_class1(C);
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_c_class2(1.5*C);
- linear_trainer.set_c_class1(C/samples.size());
- linear_trainer.set_c_class2(1.5*C/samples.size());
- df = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels, state);
- df2 = linear_trainer_cpa.train(samples, labels);
- df3 = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( max(abs(df.basis_vectors(0) - df2.basis_vectors(0))) < 1e-7, max(abs(df.basis_vectors(0) - df2.basis_vectors(0))));
- DLIB_TEST( std::abs(df.b - df2.b) < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST( max(abs(df.basis_vectors(0) - df3.basis_vectors(0))) < 1e-7);
- DLIB_TEST( std::abs(df.b - df3.b) < 1e-7);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_normal_force_last_weight(bool have_bias, bool force_weight)
- {
- typedef matrix<double,10,1> sample_type;
- dlog << LINFO << "have_bias: "<< have_bias << " force_weight: "<< force_weight;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer_cpa;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type>::optimizer_state state;
- const double C = 1;
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_epsilon(1e-11);
- linear_trainer_cpa.force_last_weight_to_1(force_weight);
- linear_trainer.force_last_weight_to_1(force_weight);
- linear_trainer.include_bias(have_bias);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- // make an instance of a sample vector so we can use it below
- sample_type sample;
- decision_function<kernel_type> df, df2;
- running_stats<double> rs;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // Now lets go into a loop and randomly generate 10000 samples.
- double label = +1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
- {
- // flip this flag
- label *= -1;
- sample = 0;
- // now make a random sparse sample with at most 10 non-zero elements
- for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
- {
- int idx = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%9;
- double value = rnd.get_random_double();
- sample(idx) = label*value + label;
- }
- sample(9) = 4;
- // Also save the samples we are generating so we can let the svm_c_linear_trainer
- // learn from them below.
- samples.push_back(sample);
- labels.push_back(label);
- linear_trainer.set_c(C);
- linear_trainer_cpa.set_c(C*samples.size());
- df = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels, state);
- if (force_weight)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df.basis_vectors(0)(9) - 1) < 1e-8);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df.b) < 1e-8);
- if (samples.size() > 1)
- {
- df2 = linear_trainer_cpa.train(samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG( max(abs(df.basis_vectors(0) - df2.basis_vectors(0))) < 1e-7, max(abs(df.basis_vectors(0) - df2.basis_vectors(0))));
- DLIB_TEST( std::abs(df.b - df2.b) < 1e-7);
- }
- }
- if (!have_bias)
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df.b) < 1e-8);
- for (unsigned long k = 0; k < samples.size(); ++k)
- {
- //cout << "pred: "<< labels[k]*df(samples[k]) << endl;
- rs.add(labels[k]*df(samples[k]));
- }
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(rs.min()-1) < 1e-7, std::abs(rs.min()-1));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_normal_1_sample(double label)
- {
- typedef matrix<double,10,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type>::optimizer_state state;
- const double C = 10;
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- linear_trainer.set_c(C);
- linear_trainer.force_last_weight_to_1(true);
- linear_trainer.include_bias(false);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- // make an instance of a sample vector so we can use it below
- sample_type sample;
- sample = 0;
- sample(0) = -1;
- sample(1) = -1;
- sample(9) = 4;
- samples.push_back(sample);
- labels.push_back(label);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- decision_function<kernel_type> df;
- df = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels);
- if (label > 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df(samples[0])-4) < 1e-8);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df(samples[0])+1) < 1e-8);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_sparse_1_sample(double label)
- {
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,double> > sample_type;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type>::optimizer_state state;
- const double C = 10;
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon(1e-10);
- linear_trainer.set_c(C);
- linear_trainer.force_last_weight_to_1(true);
- linear_trainer.include_bias(false);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- // make an instance of a sample vector so we can use it below
- sample_type sample;
- sample.push_back(make_pair(0,-1));
- sample.push_back(make_pair(1,1));
- sample.push_back(make_pair(9,4));
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- samples.push_back(sample);
- labels.push_back(label);
- decision_function<kernel_type> df;
- df = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels);
- if (label > 0)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df(samples[0])-4) < 1e-8);
- }
- else
- {
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df(samples[0])+1) < 1e-8);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_l2_version ()
- {
- typedef std::map<unsigned long,double> sample_type;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer<kernel_type> linear_trainer;
- linear_trainer.set_c(10);
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon(1e-5);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<double> labels;
- // make an instance of a sample vector so we can use it below
- sample_type sample;
- // Now let's go into a loop and randomly generate 10000 samples.
- double label = +1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- // flip this flag
- label *= -1;
- sample.clear();
- // now make a random sparse sample with at most 10 non-zero elements
- for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
- {
- int idx = std::rand()%100;
- double value = static_cast<double>(std::rand())/RAND_MAX;
- sample[idx] = label*value;
- }
- // Also save the samples we are generating so we can let the svm_c_linear_trainer
- // learn from them below.
- samples.push_back(sample);
- labels.push_back(label);
- }
- decision_function<kernel_type> df = linear_trainer.train(samples, labels);
- sample.clear();
- sample[4] = 0.3;
- sample[10] = 0.9;
- DLIB_TEST(df(sample) > 0);
- sample.clear();
- sample[83] = -0.3;
- sample[26] = -0.9;
- sample[58] = -0.7;
- DLIB_TEST(df(sample) < 0);
- sample.clear();
- sample[0] = -0.2;
- sample[9] = -0.8;
- DLIB_TEST(df(sample) < 0);
- }
- class tester_svm_c_linear_dcd : public tester
- {
- public:
- tester_svm_c_linear_dcd (
- ) :
- tester ("test_svm_c_linear_dcd",
- "Runs tests on the svm_c_linear_dcd_trainer.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test_normal();
- print_spinner();
- test_normal_no_bias();
- print_spinner();
- test_sparse();
- print_spinner();
- test_normal_force_last_weight(false,false);
- print_spinner();
- test_normal_force_last_weight(false,true);
- print_spinner();
- test_normal_force_last_weight(true,false);
- print_spinner();
- test_normal_force_last_weight(true,true);
- print_spinner();
- test_normal_1_sample(+1);
- print_spinner();
- test_normal_1_sample(-1);
- print_spinner();
- test_sparse_1_sample(+1);
- print_spinner();
- test_sparse_1_sample(-1);
- print_spinner();
- test_l2_version();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_multiclass_linear.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_multiclass_linear.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e01d48892..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_multiclass_linear.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include <dlib/data_io.h>
-#include "create_iris_datafile.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <sstream>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.svm_multiclass_trainer");
- class test_svm_multiclass_trainer : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- test_svm_multiclass_trainer (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_svm_multiclass_trainer", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the svm_multiclass_linear_trainer stuff.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- void test_prior ()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<double,4,1> sample_type;
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<int> labels;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- if (i==2)
- ++i;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 5; ++iter)
- {
- sample_type samp;
- samp = 0;
- samp(i) = 1;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- svm_multiclass_linear_trainer<kernel_type,int> trainer;
- multiclass_linear_decision_function<kernel_type,int> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- //cout << "test: \n" << test_multiclass_decision_function(df, samples, labels) << endl;
- //cout << df.weights << endl;
- //cout << df.b << endl;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples2;
- std::vector<int> labels2;
- int i = 2;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 5; ++iter)
- {
- sample_type samp;
- samp = 0;
- samp(i) = 1;
- samples2.push_back(samp);
- labels2.push_back(i);
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(i);
- }
- trainer.set_prior(df);
- trainer.set_c(0.1);
- df = trainer.train(samples2, labels2);
- matrix<double> res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "test: \n" << res;
- dlog << LINFO << df.weights;
- dlog << LINFO << df.b;
- DLIB_TEST((unsigned int)sum(diag(res))==samples.size());
- }
- void test_prior_sparse ()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef std::map<unsigned long,double> sample_type;
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<int> labels;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- if (i==2)
- ++i;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 5; ++iter)
- {
- sample_type samp;
- samp[i] = 1;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- svm_multiclass_linear_trainer<kernel_type,int> trainer;
- multiclass_linear_decision_function<kernel_type,int> df = trainer.train(samples, labels);
- //cout << "test: \n" << test_multiclass_decision_function(df, samples, labels) << endl;
- //cout << df.weights << endl;
- //cout << df.b << endl;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples2;
- std::vector<int> labels2;
- int i = 2;
- for (int iter = 0; iter < 5; ++iter)
- {
- sample_type samp;
- samp[i] = 1;
- samp[i+10] = 1;
- samples2.push_back(samp);
- labels2.push_back(i);
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(i);
- }
- trainer.set_prior(df);
- trainer.set_c(0.1);
- df = trainer.train(samples2, labels2);
- matrix<double> res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << "test: \n" << res;
- dlog << LINFO << df.weights;
- dlog << LINFO << df.b;
- DLIB_TEST((unsigned int)sum(diag(res))==samples.size());
- }
- template <typename sample_type>
- void run_test()
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef typename sample_type::value_type::second_type scalar_type;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<scalar_type> labels;
- load_libsvm_formatted_data("iris.scale",samples, labels);
- DLIB_TEST(samples.size() == 150);
- DLIB_TEST(labels.size() == 150);
- typedef sparse_linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_multiclass_linear_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- trainer.set_c(100);
- trainer.set_epsilon(0.000001);
- randomize_samples(samples, labels);
- matrix<double> cv = cross_validate_multiclass_trainer(trainer, samples, labels, 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "confusion matrix: \n" << cv;
- const scalar_type cv_accuracy = sum(diag(cv))/sum(cv);
- dlog << LINFO << "cv accuracy: " << cv_accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(cv_accuracy > 0.97);
- {
- print_spinner();
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1> dsample_type;
- std::vector<dsample_type> dsamples = sparse_to_dense(samples);
- DLIB_TEST(dsamples.size() == 150);
- typedef linear_kernel<dsample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_multiclass_linear_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
- trainer.set_c(100);
- cv = cross_validate_multiclass_trainer(trainer, dsamples, labels, 4);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense confusion matrix: \n" << cv;
- const scalar_type cv_accuracy = sum(diag(cv))/sum(cv);
- dlog << LINFO << "dense cv accuracy: " << cv_accuracy;
- DLIB_TEST(cv_accuracy > 0.97);
- }
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- create_iris_datafile();
- run_test<std::map<unsigned int, double> >();
- run_test<std::map<unsigned int, float> >();
- run_test<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, float> > >();
- run_test<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, double> > >();
- test_prior();
- test_prior_sparse();
- }
- };
- test_svm_multiclass_trainer a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_struct.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_struct.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 00208c48d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svm_struct.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/svm_threaded.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.svm_struct");
- template <
- typename matrix_type,
- typename sample_type,
- typename label_type
- >
- class test_multiclass_svm_problem : public structural_svm_problem_threaded<matrix_type,
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,typename matrix_type::type> > >
- {
- public:
- typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,scalar_type> > feature_vector_type;
- test_multiclass_svm_problem (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& samples_,
- const std::vector<label_type>& labels_
- ) :
- structural_svm_problem_threaded<matrix_type,
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,typename matrix_type::type> > >(2),
- samples(samples_),
- labels(labels_),
- dims(10+1) // +1 for the bias
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- distinct_labels.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- virtual long get_num_dimensions (
- ) const
- {
- return dims*10;
- }
- virtual long get_num_samples (
- ) const
- {
- return static_cast<long>(samples.size());
- }
- virtual void get_truth_joint_feature_vector (
- long idx,
- feature_vector_type& psi
- ) const
- {
- assign(psi, samples[idx]);
- // Add a constant -1 to account for the bias term.
- psi.push_back(std::make_pair(dims-1,static_cast<scalar_type>(-1)));
- // Find which distinct label goes with this psi.
- const long label_idx = index_of_max(mat(distinct_labels) == labels[idx]);
- offset_feature_vector(psi, dims*label_idx);
- }
- virtual void separation_oracle (
- const long idx,
- const matrix_type& current_solution,
- scalar_type& loss,
- feature_vector_type& psi
- ) const
- {
- scalar_type best_val = -std::numeric_limits<scalar_type>::infinity();
- unsigned long best_idx = 0;
- // Figure out which label is the best. That is, what label maximizes
- // LOSS(idx,y) + F(x,y). Note that y in this case is given by distinct_labels[i].
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < distinct_labels.size(); ++i)
- {
- // Compute the F(x,y) part:
- // perform: temp == dot(relevant part of current solution, samples[idx]) - current_bias
- scalar_type temp = dot(rowm(current_solution, range(i*dims, (i+1)*dims-2)), samples[idx]) - current_solution((i+1)*dims-1);
- // Add the LOSS(idx,y) part:
- if (labels[idx] != distinct_labels[i])
- temp += 1;
- // Now temp == LOSS(idx,y) + F(x,y). Check if it is the biggest we have seen.
- if (temp > best_val)
- {
- best_val = temp;
- best_idx = i;
- }
- }
- assign(psi, samples[idx]);
- // add a constant -1 to account for the bias term
- psi.push_back(std::make_pair(dims-1,static_cast<scalar_type>(-1)));
- offset_feature_vector(psi, dims*best_idx);
- if (distinct_labels[best_idx] == labels[idx])
- loss = 0;
- else
- loss = 1;
- }
- private:
- void offset_feature_vector (
- feature_vector_type& sample,
- const unsigned long val
- ) const
- {
- if (val != 0)
- {
- for (typename feature_vector_type::iterator i = sample.begin(); i != sample.end(); ++i)
- {
- i->first += val;
- }
- }
- }
- const std::vector<sample_type>& samples;
- const std::vector<label_type>& labels;
- std::vector<label_type> distinct_labels;
- const long dims;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename K,
- typename label_type_ = typename K::scalar_type
- >
- class test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer2
- {
- public:
- typedef label_type_ label_type;
- typedef K kernel_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
- typedef multiclass_linear_decision_function<kernel_type, label_type> trained_function_type;
- test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer2 (
- ) :
- C(10),
- eps(1e-4),
- verbose(false)
- {
- }
- trained_function_type train (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& all_samples,
- const std::vector<label_type>& all_labels
- ) const
- {
- scalar_type svm_objective = 0;
- return train(all_samples, all_labels, svm_objective);
- }
- trained_function_type train (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& all_samples,
- const std::vector<label_type>& all_labels,
- scalar_type& svm_objective
- ) const
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(is_learning_problem(all_samples,all_labels),
- "\t trained_function_type test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer2::train(all_samples,all_labels)"
- << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function"
- << "\n\t all_samples.size(): " << all_samples.size()
- << "\n\t all_labels.size(): " << all_labels.size()
- );
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1> w_type;
- w_type weights;
- std::vector<sample_type> samples1(all_samples.begin(), all_samples.begin()+all_samples.size()/2);
- std::vector<sample_type> samples2(all_samples.begin()+all_samples.size()/2, all_samples.end());
- std::vector<label_type> labels1(all_labels.begin(), all_labels.begin()+all_labels.size()/2);
- std::vector<label_type> labels2(all_labels.begin()+all_labels.size()/2, all_labels.end());
- test_multiclass_svm_problem<w_type, sample_type, label_type> problem1(samples1, labels1);
- test_multiclass_svm_problem<w_type, sample_type, label_type> problem2(samples2, labels2);
- problem1.set_max_cache_size(3);
- problem2.set_max_cache_size(0);
- svm_struct_processing_node node1(problem1, 12345, 3);
- svm_struct_processing_node node2(problem2, 12346, 0);
- solver.set_inactive_plane_threshold(50);
- solver.set_subproblem_epsilon(1e-4);
- svm_struct_controller_node controller;
- controller.set_c(C);
- controller.set_epsilon(eps);
- if (verbose)
- controller.be_verbose();
- controller.add_processing_node("", 12345);
- controller.add_processing_node("localhost:12346");
- svm_objective = controller(solver, weights);
- trained_function_type df;
- const long dims = max_index_plus_one(all_samples);
- df.labels = select_all_distinct_labels(all_labels);
- df.weights = colm(reshape(weights, df.labels.size(), dims+1), range(0,dims-1));
- df.b = colm(reshape(weights, df.labels.size(), dims+1), dims);
- return df;
- }
- private:
- scalar_type C;
- scalar_type eps;
- bool verbose;
- mutable oca solver;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename K,
- typename label_type_ = typename K::scalar_type
- >
- class test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer3
- {
- public:
- typedef label_type_ label_type;
- typedef K kernel_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
- typedef multiclass_linear_decision_function<kernel_type, label_type> trained_function_type;
- test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer3 (
- ) :
- C(10),
- eps(1e-4),
- verbose(false)
- {
- }
- trained_function_type train (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& all_samples,
- const std::vector<label_type>& all_labels
- ) const
- {
- scalar_type svm_objective = 0;
- return train(all_samples, all_labels, svm_objective);
- }
- trained_function_type train (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& all_samples,
- const std::vector<label_type>& all_labels,
- scalar_type& svm_objective
- ) const
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(is_learning_problem(all_samples,all_labels),
- "\t trained_function_type test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer3::train(all_samples,all_labels)"
- << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function"
- << "\n\t all_samples.size(): " << all_samples.size()
- << "\n\t all_labels.size(): " << all_labels.size()
- );
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1> w_type;
- w_type weights;
- test_multiclass_svm_problem<w_type, sample_type, label_type> problem(all_samples, all_labels);
- problem.set_max_cache_size(0);
- problem.set_c(C);
- problem.set_epsilon(eps);
- if (verbose)
- problem.be_verbose();
- solver.set_inactive_plane_threshold(50);
- solver.set_subproblem_epsilon(1e-4);
- svm_objective = solver(problem, weights);
- trained_function_type df;
- const long dims = max_index_plus_one(all_samples);
- df.labels = select_all_distinct_labels(all_labels);
- df.weights = colm(reshape(weights, df.labels.size(), dims+1), range(0,dims-1));
- df.b = colm(reshape(weights, df.labels.size(), dims+1), dims);
- return df;
- }
- private:
- scalar_type C;
- scalar_type eps;
- bool verbose;
- mutable oca solver;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename K,
- typename label_type_ = typename K::scalar_type
- >
- class test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer4
- {
- public:
- typedef label_type_ label_type;
- typedef K kernel_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
- typedef multiclass_linear_decision_function<kernel_type, label_type> trained_function_type;
- test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer4 (
- ) :
- C(10),
- eps(1e-4),
- verbose(false)
- {
- }
- trained_function_type train (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& all_samples,
- const std::vector<label_type>& all_labels
- ) const
- {
- scalar_type svm_objective = 0;
- return train(all_samples, all_labels, svm_objective);
- }
- trained_function_type train (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& all_samples,
- const std::vector<label_type>& all_labels,
- scalar_type& svm_objective
- ) const
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(is_learning_problem(all_samples,all_labels),
- "\t trained_function_type test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer4::train(all_samples,all_labels)"
- << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function"
- << "\n\t all_samples.size(): " << all_samples.size()
- << "\n\t all_labels.size(): " << all_labels.size()
- );
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1> w_type;
- w_type weights;
- test_multiclass_svm_problem<w_type, sample_type, label_type> problem(all_samples, all_labels);
- problem.set_max_cache_size(3);
- problem.set_c(C);
- problem.set_epsilon(eps);
- if (verbose)
- problem.be_verbose();
- solver.set_inactive_plane_threshold(50);
- solver.set_subproblem_epsilon(1e-4);
- svm_objective = solver(problem, weights);
- trained_function_type df;
- const long dims = max_index_plus_one(all_samples);
- df.labels = select_all_distinct_labels(all_labels);
- df.weights = colm(reshape(weights, df.labels.size(), dims+1), range(0,dims-1));
- df.b = colm(reshape(weights, df.labels.size(), dims+1), dims);
- return df;
- }
- private:
- scalar_type C;
- scalar_type eps;
- bool verbose;
- mutable oca solver;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <
- typename K,
- typename label_type_ = typename K::scalar_type
- >
- class test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer5
- {
- public:
- typedef label_type_ label_type;
- typedef K kernel_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type;
- typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
- typedef multiclass_linear_decision_function<kernel_type, label_type> trained_function_type;
- test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer5 (
- ) :
- C(10),
- eps(1e-4),
- verbose(false)
- {
- }
- trained_function_type train (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& all_samples,
- const std::vector<label_type>& all_labels
- ) const
- {
- scalar_type svm_objective = 0;
- return train(all_samples, all_labels, svm_objective);
- }
- trained_function_type train (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& all_samples,
- const std::vector<label_type>& all_labels,
- scalar_type& svm_objective
- ) const
- {
- // make sure requires clause is not broken
- DLIB_ASSERT(is_learning_problem(all_samples,all_labels),
- "\t trained_function_type test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer5::train(all_samples,all_labels)"
- << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function"
- << "\n\t all_samples.size(): " << all_samples.size()
- << "\n\t all_labels.size(): " << all_labels.size()
- );
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1> w_type;
- w_type weights;
- const long dims = max_index_plus_one(all_samples);
- trained_function_type df;
- df.labels = select_all_distinct_labels(all_labels);
- multiclass_svm_problem<w_type, sample_type, label_type> problem(all_samples, all_labels, df.labels, dims, 4);
- problem.set_max_cache_size(3);
- problem.set_c(C);
- problem.set_epsilon(eps);
- if (verbose)
- problem.be_verbose();
- solver.set_inactive_plane_threshold(50);
- solver.set_subproblem_epsilon(1e-4);
- svm_objective = solver(problem, weights);
- df.weights = colm(reshape(weights, df.labels.size(), dims+1), range(0,dims-1));
- df.b = colm(reshape(weights, df.labels.size(), dims+1), dims);
- return df;
- }
- private:
- scalar_type C;
- scalar_type eps;
- bool verbose;
- mutable oca solver;
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef matrix<double,10,1> sample_type;
- typedef double scalar_type;
- void make_dataset (
- std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- std::vector<scalar_type>& labels,
- int num,
- dlib::rand& rnd
- )
- {
- samples.clear();
- labels.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
- {
- sample_type samp;
- samp = 0;
- samp(i) = 10*rnd.get_random_double()+1;
- samples.push_back(samp);
- labels.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_svm_struct : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_svm_struct (
- ) :
- tester ("test_svm_struct",
- "Runs tests on the structural svm components.")
- {}
- void run_test (
- const std::vector<sample_type>& samples,
- const std::vector<scalar_type>& labels,
- const double true_obj
- )
- {
- typedef linear_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- svm_multiclass_linear_trainer<kernel_type> trainer1;
- test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer2<kernel_type> trainer2;
- test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer3<kernel_type> trainer3;
- test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer4<kernel_type> trainer4;
- test_svm_multiclass_linear_trainer5<kernel_type> trainer5;
- trainer1.set_epsilon(1e-4);
- trainer1.set_c(10);
- multiclass_linear_decision_function<kernel_type,double> df1, df2, df3, df4, df5;
- double obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5;
- // Solve a multiclass SVM a whole bunch of different ways and make sure
- // they all give the same answer.
- print_spinner();
- df1 = trainer1.train(samples, labels, obj1);
- print_spinner();
- df2 = trainer2.train(samples, labels, obj2);
- print_spinner();
- df3 = trainer3.train(samples, labels, obj3);
- print_spinner();
- df4 = trainer4.train(samples, labels, obj4);
- print_spinner();
- df5 = trainer5.train(samples, labels, obj5);
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "obj1: "<< obj1;
- dlog << LINFO << "obj2: "<< obj2;
- dlog << LINFO << "obj3: "<< obj3;
- dlog << LINFO << "obj4: "<< obj4;
- dlog << LINFO << "obj5: "<< obj5;
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj1 - obj2) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj1 - obj3) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj1 - obj4) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj1 - obj5) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj1 - true_obj) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj2 - true_obj) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj3 - true_obj) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj4 - true_obj) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(obj5 - true_obj) < 1e-2);
- dlog << LINFO << "weight error: "<< max(abs(df1.weights - df2.weights));
- dlog << LINFO << "weight error: "<< max(abs(df1.weights - df3.weights));
- dlog << LINFO << "weight error: "<< max(abs(df1.weights - df4.weights));
- dlog << LINFO << "weight error: "<< max(abs(df1.weights - df5.weights));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(df1.weights - df2.weights)) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(df1.weights - df3.weights)) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(df1.weights - df4.weights)) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(df1.weights - df5.weights)) < 1e-2);
- dlog << LINFO << "b error: "<< max(abs(df1.b - df2.b));
- dlog << LINFO << "b error: "<< max(abs(df1.b - df3.b));
- dlog << LINFO << "b error: "<< max(abs(df1.b - df4.b));
- dlog << LINFO << "b error: "<< max(abs(df1.b - df5.b));
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(df1.b - df2.b)) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(df1.b - df3.b)) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(df1.b - df4.b)) < 1e-2);
- DLIB_TEST(max(abs(df1.b - df5.b)) < 1e-2);
- matrix<double> res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df1, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << res;
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: " << sum(diag(res))/sum(res);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(diag(res)) == samples.size());
- res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df2, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << res;
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: " << sum(diag(res))/sum(res);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(diag(res)) == samples.size());
- res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df3, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << res;
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: " << sum(diag(res))/sum(res);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(diag(res)) == samples.size());
- res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df4, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << res;
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: " << sum(diag(res))/sum(res);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(diag(res)) == samples.size());
- res = test_multiclass_decision_function(df5, samples, labels);
- dlog << LINFO << res;
- dlog << LINFO << "accuracy: " << sum(diag(res))/sum(res);
- DLIB_TEST(sum(diag(res)) == samples.size());
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<scalar_type> labels;
- dlib::rand rnd;
- dlog << LINFO << "test with 100 samples per class";
- make_dataset(samples, labels, 100, rnd);
- run_test(samples, labels, 1.155);
- dlog << LINFO << "test with 1 sample per class";
- make_dataset(samples, labels, 1, rnd);
- run_test(samples, labels, 0.251);
- dlog << LINFO << "test with 2 sample per class";
- make_dataset(samples, labels, 2, rnd);
- run_test(samples, labels, 0.444);
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svr_linear_trainer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svr_linear_trainer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ca1a5442f..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/svr_linear_trainer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <dlib/statistics.h>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/svm.h>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.svr_linear_trainer");
- typedef matrix<double, 0, 1> sample_type;
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, double> > sparse_sample_type;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double sinc(double x)
- {
- if (x == 0)
- return 1;
- return sin(x)/x;
- }
- template <typename scalar_type>
- void test1()
- {
- typedef matrix<scalar_type,0,1> sample_type;
- typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<sample_type> samples;
- std::vector<scalar_type> targets;
- // The first thing we do is pick a few training points from the sinc() function.
- sample_type m(1);
- for (scalar_type x = -10; x <= 4; x += 1)
- {
- m(0) = x;
- samples.push_back(m);
- targets.push_back(sinc(x)+1.1);
- }
- randomize_samples(samples, targets);
- empirical_kernel_map<kernel_type> ekm;
- ekm.load(kernel_type(0.1), samples);
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- samples[i] = ekm.project(samples[i]);
- svr_linear_trainer<linear_kernel<sample_type> > linear_trainer;
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon(0.0001);
- linear_trainer.set_c(30);
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon_insensitivity(0.001);
- matrix<double> res = cross_validate_regression_trainer(linear_trainer, samples, targets, 5);
- dlog << LINFO << "MSE and R-Squared: "<< res;
- DLIB_TEST(res(0) < 1e-4);
- DLIB_TEST(res(1) > 0.99);
- dlib::rand rnd;
- samples.clear();
- targets.clear();
- std::vector<scalar_type> noisefree_targets;
- for (scalar_type x = 0; x <= 5; x += 0.1)
- {
- m(0) = x;
- samples.push_back(matrix_cast<scalar_type>(linpiece(m, linspace(0,5,20))));
- targets.push_back(x*x + rnd.get_random_gaussian());
- noisefree_targets.push_back(x*x);
- }
- linear_trainer.set_learns_nonnegative_weights(true);
- linear_trainer.set_epsilon_insensitivity(1.0);
- decision_function<linear_kernel<sample_type> > df2 = linear_trainer.train(samples, targets);
- print_spinner();
- res = test_regression_function(df2, samples, noisefree_targets);
- dlog << LINFO << "MSE and R-Squared: "<< res;
- DLIB_TEST(res(0) < 0.15);
- DLIB_TEST(res(1) > 0.98);
- DLIB_TEST(df2.basis_vectors.size()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(df2.basis_vectors(0)) >= 0);
- linear_trainer.force_last_weight_to_1(true);
- df2 = linear_trainer.train(samples, targets);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(df2.basis_vectors(0)(samples[0].size()-1) - 1.0) < 1e-14);
- res = test_regression_function(df2, samples, noisefree_targets);
- dlog << LINFO << "MSE and R-Squared: "<< res;
- DLIB_TEST(res(0) < 0.20);
- DLIB_TEST(res(1) > 0.98);
- // convert into sparse vectors and try it out
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, scalar_type> > sparse_samp;
- std::vector<sparse_samp> ssamples;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i)
- {
- sparse_samp s;
- for (long j = 0; j < samples[i].size(); ++j)
- s.push_back(make_pair(j,samples[i](j)));
- ssamples.push_back(s);
- }
- svr_linear_trainer<sparse_linear_kernel<sparse_samp> > strainer;
- strainer.set_learns_nonnegative_weights(true);
- strainer.set_epsilon_insensitivity(1.0);
- strainer.set_c(30);
- decision_function<sparse_linear_kernel<sparse_samp> > df;
- df = strainer.train(ssamples, targets);
- res = test_regression_function(df, ssamples, noisefree_targets);
- dlog << LINFO << "MSE and R-Squared: "<< res;
- DLIB_TEST(res(0) < 0.15);
- DLIB_TEST(res(1) > 0.98);
- DLIB_TEST(df2.basis_vectors.size()==1);
- DLIB_TEST(max(sparse_to_dense(df2.basis_vectors(0))) >= 0);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class tester_svr_linear_trainer : public tester
- {
- public:
- tester_svr_linear_trainer (
- ) :
- tester ("test_svr_linear_trainer",
- "Runs tests on the svr_linear_trainer.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "TEST double";
- test1<double>();
- dlog << LINFO << "TEST float";
- test1<float>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/symmetric_matrix_cache.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/symmetric_matrix_cache.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d93a4daa..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/symmetric_matrix_cache.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <dlib/matrix.h>
-#include <dlib/rand.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- dlib::logger dlog("test.symmetric_matrix_cache");
- class test_symmetric_matrix_cache : public tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a unit test. When it is constructed
- it adds itself into the testing framework.
- !*/
- public:
- test_symmetric_matrix_cache (
- ) :
- tester (
- "test_symmetric_matrix_cache", // the command line argument name for this test
- "Run tests on the symmetric_matrix_cache function.", // the command line argument description
- 0 // the number of command line arguments for this test
- )
- {
- }
- dlib::rand rnd;
- // -----------------------------------
- template <typename EXP1, typename EXP2>
- void test_colm_exp (
- const matrix_exp<EXP1>& m1,
- const matrix_exp<EXP2>& m2
- )
- {
- for (long i = 0; i <; ++i)
- {
- typename colm_exp<EXP1>::type c1 = colm(m1,i);
- typename colm_exp<EXP2>::type c2 = colm(m2,i);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1 , c2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(colm(m1,i) , c2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1 , colm(m2,i)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(colm(m1,i) , colm(m2,i)));
- }
- // Get a bunch of columns at once to test out the reference
- // counting and automatic cache expansion built into the symmetric_matrix_cache.
- // This test verifies that, for example, getting column 3 doesn't stomp on
- // any of the previous columns.
- typename colm_exp<EXP1>::type c1_0 = colm(m1,0);
- typename colm_exp<EXP1>::type c1_1 = colm(m1,1);
- typename colm_exp<EXP1>::type c1_2 = colm(m1,2);
- typename colm_exp<EXP1>::type c1_3 = colm(m1,3);
- typename colm_exp<EXP1>::type c1_4 = colm(m1,4);
- typename colm_exp<EXP1>::type c1_5 = colm(m1,5);
- typename colm_exp<EXP2>::type c2_0 = colm(m2,0);
- typename colm_exp<EXP2>::type c2_1 = colm(m2,1);
- typename colm_exp<EXP2>::type c2_2 = colm(m2,2);
- typename colm_exp<EXP2>::type c2_3 = colm(m2,3);
- typename colm_exp<EXP2>::type c2_4 = colm(m2,4);
- typename colm_exp<EXP2>::type c2_5 = colm(m2,5);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1_0, c2_0));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1_1, c2_1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1_2, c2_2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1_3, c2_3));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1_4, c2_4));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1_5, c2_5));
- }
- // -----------------------------------
- template <typename EXP1, typename EXP2>
- void test_rowm_exp (
- const matrix_exp<EXP1>& m1,
- const matrix_exp<EXP2>& m2
- )
- {
- for (long i = 0; i <; ++i)
- {
- typename rowm_exp<EXP1>::type r1 = rowm(m1,i);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP2>::type r2 = rowm(m2,i);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(r1 , r2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(rowm(m1,i) , r2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(r1 , rowm(m2,i)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(rowm(m1,i) , rowm(m2,i)));
- }
- // Get a bunch of rows at once to test out the reference
- // counting and automatic cache expansion built into the symmetric_matrix_cache.
- // This test verifies that, for example, getting row 3 doesn't stomp on
- // any of the previous rows.
- typename rowm_exp<EXP1>::type r1_0 = rowm(m1,0);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP1>::type r1_1 = rowm(m1,1);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP1>::type r1_2 = rowm(m1,2);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP1>::type r1_3 = rowm(m1,3);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP1>::type r1_4 = rowm(m1,4);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP1>::type r1_5 = rowm(m1,5);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP2>::type r2_0 = rowm(m2,0);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP2>::type r2_1 = rowm(m2,1);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP2>::type r2_2 = rowm(m2,2);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP2>::type r2_3 = rowm(m2,3);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP2>::type r2_4 = rowm(m2,4);
- typename rowm_exp<EXP2>::type r2_5 = rowm(m2,5);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(r1_0, r2_0));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(r1_1, r2_1));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(r1_2, r2_2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(r1_3, r2_3));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(r1_4, r2_4));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(r1_5, r2_5));
- }
- // -----------------------------------
- template <typename EXP1, typename EXP2>
- void test_diag_exp (
- const matrix_exp<EXP1>& m1,
- const matrix_exp<EXP2>& m2
- )
- {
- typename diag_exp<EXP1>::type c1 = diag(m1);
- typename diag_exp<EXP2>::type c2 = diag(m2);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1 , c2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(diag(m1) , c2));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(c1 , diag(m2)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(diag(m1) , diag(m2)));
- }
- // -----------------------------------
- void test_stuff (
- long csize
- )
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlog << LINFO << "csize: "<< csize;
- matrix<double> m = randm(10,10,rnd);
- m = make_symmetric(m);
- DLIB_TEST(equal(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m, csize), matrix_cast<float>(m)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(symmetric_matrix_cache<double>(m, csize), matrix_cast<double>(m)));
- dlog << LINFO << "test colm/rowm";
- for (long i = 0; i <; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(equal(colm(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m, csize),i), colm(matrix_cast<float>(m),i)));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(rowm(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m, csize),i), rowm(matrix_cast<float>(m),i)));
- // things are supposed to be symmetric
- DLIB_TEST(equal(colm(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m, csize),i), trans(rowm(matrix_cast<float>(m),i))));
- DLIB_TEST(equal(rowm(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m, csize),i), trans(colm(matrix_cast<float>(m),i))));
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "test diag";
- DLIB_TEST(equal(diag(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m,csize)), diag(matrix_cast<float>(m))));
- test_colm_exp(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m,csize), matrix_cast<float>(m));
- test_rowm_exp(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m,csize), matrix_cast<float>(m));
- test_diag_exp(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m,csize), matrix_cast<float>(m));
- test_colm_exp(tmp(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m,csize)), tmp(matrix_cast<float>(m)));
- test_rowm_exp(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m,csize), tmp(matrix_cast<float>(m)));
- test_diag_exp(tmp(symmetric_matrix_cache<float>(m,csize)), tmp(matrix_cast<float>(m)));
- }
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- for (int itr = 0; itr < 5; ++itr)
- {
- test_stuff(0);
- test_stuff(1);
- test_stuff(2);
- }
- }
- };
- // Create an instance of this object. Doing this causes this test
- // to be automatically inserted into the testing framework whenever this cpp file
- // is linked into the project. Note that since we are inside an unnamed-namespace
- // we won't get any linker errors about the symbol a being defined multiple times.
- test_symmetric_matrix_cache a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tester.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tester.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fb4d41ac..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tester.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <string>
-#include "tester.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <dlib/threads.h>
-namespace test
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool be_verbose = true;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static dlib::mutex spinner_mutex;
- static dlib::mutex test_count_mutex;
- dlib::uint64 test_count = 0;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlib::uint64 number_of_testing_statements_executed (
- )
- {
- dlib::auto_mutex lock(test_count_mutex);
- return test_count;
- }
- void increment_test_count (
- )
- {
- test_count_mutex.lock();
- ++test_count;
- test_count_mutex.unlock();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void check_test (
- bool _exp,
- long line,
- const char* file,
- const char* _exp_str
- )
- {
- test_count_mutex.lock();
- ++test_count;
- test_count_mutex.unlock();
- if ( !(_exp) )
- {
- std::ostringstream dlib_o_out;
- dlib_o_out << "\n\nError occurred at line " << line << ".\n";
- dlib_o_out << "Error occurred in file " << file << ".\n";
- dlib_o_out << "Failing expression was " << _exp_str << ".\n";
- throw dlib::error(dlib_o_out.str());
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- map_of_testers& testers (
- )
- {
- static map_of_testers t;
- return t;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- tester::
- tester (
- const std::string& switch_name_x,
- const std::string& description_x,
- unsigned long num_of_args_x
- ) :
- switch_name(switch_name_x),
- description_(description_x),
- num_of_args_(num_of_args_x)
- {
- using namespace std;
- if (testers().is_in_domain(switch_name))
- {
- cerr << "ERROR: More than one tester has been defined with the switch '" << switch_name << "'." << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- string temp(switch_name);
- tester* t = this;
- testers().add(temp,t);
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const std::string& tester::
- cmd_line_switch (
- ) const
- {
- return switch_name;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const std::string& tester::
- description (
- ) const
- {
- return description_;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned long tester::
- num_of_args (
- ) const
- {
- return num_of_args_;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void tester::
- perform_test (
- )
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void tester::
- perform_test (
- const std::string&
- )
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void tester::
- perform_test (
- const std::string&,
- const std::string&
- )
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void print_spinner (
- )
- {
- if (be_verbose)
- {
- using namespace std;
- dlib::auto_mutex M(spinner_mutex);
- static int i = 0;
- cout << "\b\b";
- switch (i)
- {
- case 0: cout << '|'; break;
- case 1: cout << '/'; break;
- case 2: cout << '-'; break;
- case 3: cout << '\\'; break;
- }
- cout << " " << flush;
- i = (i+1)%4;
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tester.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tester.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e16647cf5..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tester.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#ifndef DLIB_TESTEr_
-#define DLIB_TESTEr_
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <dlib/map.h>
-#include <dlib/logger.h>
-#include <dlib/assert.h>
-#include <dlib/algs.h>
-#include <typeinfo>
-// ignore the bogus warning about not overloading perform_test() all the way
-#pragma warning (disable: 654)
-#define DLIB_TEST(_exp) check_test(bool(_exp), __LINE__, __FILE__, #_exp)
-#define DLIB_TEST_MSG(_exp,_message) \
- do{increment_test_count(); if ( !(_exp) ) \
- { \
- std::ostringstream dlib_o_out; \
- dlib_o_out << "\n\nError occurred at line " << __LINE__ << ".\n"; \
- dlib_o_out << "Error occurred in file " << __FILE__ << ".\n"; \
- dlib_o_out << "Failing expression was " << #_exp << ".\n"; \
- dlib_o_out << _message << "\n"; \
- throw dlib::error(dlib_o_out.str()); \
- }}while(0)
-namespace test
- class tester;
- typedef dlib::map<std::string,tester*>::kernel_1a_c map_of_testers;
- map_of_testers& testers (
- );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void check_test (
- bool _exp,
- long line,
- const char* file,
- const char* _exp_str
- );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This bool controls any cout statements in this program. Only print to
-// standard out if we should be verbose. The default is true
- extern bool be_verbose;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlib::uint64 number_of_testing_statements_executed (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the total number of DLIB_TEST and DLIB_TEST_MSG
- statements executed since program startup.
- !*/
- void increment_test_count (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - increments number_of_testing_statements_executed()
- !*/
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void print_spinner (
- );
- /*!
- ensures
- - reprints the spinner
- !*/
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class tester
- {
- /*!
- This object represents a generic regression test.
- !*/
- public:
- tester (
- const std::string& switch_name,
- const std::string& description_,
- unsigned long num_of_args_ = 0
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - testers().is_in_domain(switch_name) == false
- ensures
- - #cmd_line_switch() == switch_name
- - #description() == description_
- - #num_of_args() == num_of_args_
- - adds this tester to the testers() map.
- !*/
- virtual ~tester (
- ){}
- const std::string& cmd_line_switch (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the name of the command line switch for this tester.
- !*/
- const std::string& description (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the description of what this tester tests.
- !*/
- unsigned long num_of_args (
- ) const;
- /*!
- ensures
- - returns the number of arguments this test expects
- !*/
- virtual void perform_test (
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - is invoked when number_of_args() == 0
- ensures
- - performs the test and throws an exception
- derived from std::exception if the test fails.
- !*/
- virtual void perform_test (
- const std::string& arg
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - is invoked when number_of_args() == 1
- ensures
- - performs the test and throws an exception
- derived from std::exception if the test fails.
- !*/
- virtual void perform_test (
- const std::string& arg1,
- const std::string& arg2
- );
- /*!
- requires
- - is invoked when number_of_args() == 2
- ensures
- - performs the test and throws an exception
- derived from std::exception if the test fails.
- !*/
- private:
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Implementation Details
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*!
- - switch_name == cmd_line_switch()
- - description_ == description()
- - num_of_args_ == num_of_args()
- - test::tester[switch_name] == this
- !*/
- const std::string switch_name;
- const std::string description_;
- const unsigned long num_of_args_;
- };
-#endif // DLIB_TESTEr_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/thread_pool.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/thread_pool.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ccb346e..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/thread_pool.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/misc_api.h>
-#include <dlib/threads.h>
-#include <dlib/any.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.thread_pool");
- struct some_struct : noncopyable
- {
- float val;
- };
- int global_var = 0;
- struct add_functor
- {
- add_functor() { var = 1;}
- add_functor(int v):var(v) {}
- template <typename T, typename U, typename V>
- void operator()(T a, U b, V& res)
- {
- dlib::sleep(20);
- res = a + b;
- }
- void set_global_var() { global_var = 9; }
- void set_global_var_const() const { global_var = 9; }
- void set_global_var_arg1(int val) { global_var = val; }
- void set_global_var_const_arg1(int val) const { global_var = val; }
- void set_global_var_arg2(int val, int val2) { global_var = val+val2; }
- void set_global_var_const_arg2(int val, int val2) const { global_var = val+val2; }
- void operator()()
- {
- global_var = 9;
- }
- // use an any just so that if this object goes out of scope
- // then var will get all messed up.
- any var;
- void operator()(int& a) { dlib::sleep(100); a = var.get<int>(); }
- void operator()(int& a, int& b) { dlib::sleep(100); a = var.get<int>(); b = 2; }
- void operator()(int& a, int& b, int& c) { dlib::sleep(100); a = var.get<int>(); b = 2; c = 3; }
- void operator()(int& a, int& b, int& c, int& d) { dlib::sleep(100); a = var.get<int>(); b = 2; c = 3; d = 4; }
- };
- void set_global_var() { global_var = 9; }
- void gset_struct_to_zero (some_struct& a) { a.val = 0; }
- void gset_to_zero (int& a) { a = 0; }
- void gincrement (int& a) { ++a; }
- void gadd (int a, const int& b, int& res) { dlib::sleep(20); res = a + b; }
- void gadd1(int& a, int& res) { res += a; }
- void gadd2 (int c, int a, const int& b, int& res) { dlib::sleep(20); res = a + b + c; }
- class thread_pool_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- thread_pool_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_thread_pool",
- "Runs tests on the thread_pool component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- add_functor f;
- for (int num_threads= 0; num_threads < 4; ++num_threads)
- {
- dlib::future<int> a, b, c, res, d;
- thread_pool tp(num_threads);
- print_spinner();
- dlib::future<some_struct> obj;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- c = 3;
- res = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(a==a);
- DLIB_TEST(a!=b);
- DLIB_TEST(a==1);
- tp.add_task(gset_to_zero, a);
- tp.add_task(gset_to_zero, b);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::set_to_zero, c);
- tp.add_task(gset_to_zero, res);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 0);
- tp.add_task(gincrement, a);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::increment, b);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::increment, c);
- tp.add_task(gincrement, res);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 1);
- tp.add_task(&gincrement, a);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::increment, b);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::increment, c);
- tp.add_task(&gincrement, res);
- tp.add_task(gincrement, a);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::increment, b);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::increment, c);
- tp.add_task(gincrement, res);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 3);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::increment, c);
- tp.add_task(gincrement, res);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 4);
- tp.add_task(gadd, a, b, res);
- DLIB_TEST(res == a+b);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 6);
- a = 3;
- b = 4;
- res = 99;
- DLIB_TEST(res == 99);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::add, a, b, res);
- DLIB_TEST(res == a+b);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 7);
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- c = 3;
- res = 88;
- DLIB_TEST(res == 88);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 3);
- tp.add_task(gadd2, a, b, c, res);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 3);
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- c = 3;
- res = 88;
- DLIB_TEST(res == 88);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 3);
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::add2, a, b, c, res);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 6);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 3);
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- c = 3;
- res = 88;
- tp.add_task(gadd1, a, b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 3);
- a = 2;
- tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::add1, a, b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 5);
- val = 4;
- uint64 id = tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::zero_val);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::accum2, 1,2);
- tp.wait_for_all_tasks();
- DLIB_TEST(val == 3);
- id = tp.add_task(*this, &thread_pool_tester::accum1, 3);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(val == 6);
- obj.get().val = 8;
- DLIB_TEST(obj.get().val == 8);
- tp.add_task(gset_struct_to_zero, obj);
- DLIB_TEST(obj.get().val == 0);
- obj.get().val = 8;
- DLIB_TEST(obj.get().val == 8);
- tp.add_task(*this,&thread_pool_tester::set_struct_to_zero, obj);
- DLIB_TEST(obj.get().val == 0);
- a = 1;
- b = 2;
- res = 0;
- tp.add_task(f, a, b, res);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(res == 3);
- global_var = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(&set_global_var);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 9);
- global_var = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(f);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 9);
- global_var = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(f, &add_functor::set_global_var);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 9);
- global_var = 0;
- a = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_arg1, a);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 4);
- global_var = 0;
- a = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task_by_value(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_arg1, a);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 4);
- global_var = 0;
- a = 4;
- b = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_arg2, a, b);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 7);
- global_var = 0;
- a = 4;
- b = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task_by_value(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_arg2, a, b);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 7);
- global_var = 0;
- a = 4;
- b = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_const_arg2, a, b);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 7);
- global_var = 0;
- a = 4;
- b = 3;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task_by_value(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_const_arg2, a, b);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 7);
- global_var = 0;
- a = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_const_arg1, a);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 4);
- global_var = 0;
- a = 4;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task_by_value(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_const_arg1, a);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 4);
- global_var = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task_by_value(f, &add_functor::set_global_var);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 9);
- global_var = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_const);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 9);
- global_var = 0;
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 0);
- id = tp.add_task_by_value(f, &add_functor::set_global_var_const);
- tp.wait_for_task(id);
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 9);
- }
- // add this task just to to perterb the thread pool before it goes out of scope
- tp.add_task(f, a, b, res);
- for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
- {
- print_spinner();
- global_var = 0;
- tp.add_task_by_value(add_functor());
- tp.wait_for_all_tasks();
- DLIB_TEST(global_var == 9);
- a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; d = 0;
- tp.add_task_by_value(add_functor(), a);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; d = 0;
- tp.add_task_by_value(add_functor(8), a, b);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; d = 0;
- tp.add_task_by_value(add_functor(), a, b, c);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 3);
- a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; d = 0;
- tp.add_task_by_value(add_functor(5), a, b, c, d);
- DLIB_TEST(a == 5);
- DLIB_TEST(b == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(c == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(d == 4);
- }
- tp.wait_for_all_tasks();
- // make sure exception propagation from tasks works correctly.
- auto f_throws = []() { throw dlib::error("test exception");};
- bool got_exception = false;
- try
- {
- tp.add_task_by_value(f_throws);
- tp.wait_for_all_tasks();
- }
- catch(dlib::error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST( == "test exception");
- got_exception = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(got_exception);
- dlib::future<int> aa;
- auto f_throws2 = [](int& a) { a = 1; throw dlib::error("test exception");};
- got_exception = false;
- try
- {
- tp.add_task(f_throws2, aa);
- aa.get();
- }
- catch(dlib::error& e)
- {
- DLIB_TEST( == "test exception");
- got_exception = true;
- }
- DLIB_TEST(got_exception);
- }
- }
- long val;
- void accum1(long a) { val += a; }
- void accum2(long a, long b) { val += a + b; }
- void zero_val() { dlib::sleep(20); val = 0; }
- void set_struct_to_zero (some_struct& a) { a.val = 0; }
- void set_to_zero (int& a) { dlib::sleep(20); a = 0; }
- void increment (int& a) const { dlib::sleep(20); ++a; }
- void add (int a, const int& b, int& res) { dlib::sleep(20); res = a + b; }
- void add1(int& a, int& res) const { res += a; }
- void add2 (int c, int a, const int& b, int& res) { res = a + b + c; }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/threads.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/threads.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aeb1a3f9..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/threads.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/misc_api.h>
-#include <dlib/threads.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.threads");
- void test_async()
- {
-#if __cplusplus >= 201103
- print_spinner();
- auto v1 = dlib::async([]() { dlib::sleep(500); return 1; }).share();
- auto v2 = dlib::async([v1]() { dlib::sleep(400); return v1.get()+1; }).share();
- auto v3 = dlib::async([v2](int a) { dlib::sleep(300); return v2.get()+a; },2).share();
- auto v4 = dlib::async([v3]() { dlib::sleep(200); return v3.get()+1; });
- DLIB_TEST(v4.get() == 5);
- print_spinner();
- auto except = dlib::async([](){ dlib::sleep(300); throw error("oops"); });
- bool got_exception = false;
- try
- {
- except.get();
- }
- catch (error&e)
- {
- got_exception = true;
- DLIB_TEST(e.what() == string("oops"));
- }
- DLIB_TEST(got_exception);
- }
- class threads_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- threads_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_threads",
- "Runs tests on the threads component."),
- sm(cm)
- {}
- thread_specific_data<int> tsd;
- rmutex cm;
- rsignaler sm;
- int count;
- bool failure;
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- failure = false;
- print_spinner();
- count = 10;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread1>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread2>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread3>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread4>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread5>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread6>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread7>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread8>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread9>(*this)) failure = true;
- if (!create_new_thread<threads_tester,&threads_tester::thread10>(*this)) failure = true;
- thread(66);
- // this should happen in the main program thread
- if (is_dlib_thread())
- failure = true;
- auto_mutex M(cm);
- while (count > 0 && !failure)
- sm.wait();
- DLIB_TEST(!failure);
- test_async();
- }
- void thread_end_handler (
- )
- {
- auto_mutex M(cm);
- --count;
- if (count == 0)
- sm.signal();
- }
- void thread1() { thread(1); }
- void thread2()
- {
- thread(2);
- if (is_dlib_thread() == false)
- failure = true;
- }
- void thread3() { thread(3); }
- void thread4() { thread(4); }
- void thread5() { thread(5); }
- void thread6() { thread(6); }
- void thread7() { thread(7); }
- void thread8() { thread(8); }
- void thread9() { thread(9); }
- void thread10() { thread(10); }
- void thread (
- int num
- )
- {
- dlog << LTRACE << "starting thread num " << num;
- if (is_dlib_thread())
- register_thread_end_handler(*this,&threads_tester::thread_end_handler);
- = num;
- for (int i = 0; i < 0x3FFFF; ++i)
- {
- if ((i&0xFFF) == 0)
- {
- print_spinner();
- dlib::sleep(10);
- }
- // if this isn't equal to num then there is a problem with the thread specific data stuff
- if ( != num)
- {
- auto_mutex M(cm);
- failure = true;
- sm.signal();
- }
- }
- dlog << LTRACE << "ending of thread num " << num;
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/timer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/timer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ae004a55d..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/timer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/timer.h>
-#include <dlib/timeout.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.timer");
- class timer_test_helper
- {
- public:
- dlib::mutex m;
- int count;
- dlib::uint64 timestamp;
- dlib::timestamper ts;
- timer_test_helper():count(0), timestamp(0){}
- void add()
- {
- m.lock();
- ++count;
- m.unlock();
- }
- void delayed_add()
- {
- dlib::sleep(1000);
- print_spinner();
- add();
- }
- void set_timestamp()
- {
- m.lock();
- timestamp = ts.get_timestamp();
- dlog << LTRACE << "in set_timestamp(), time is " << timestamp;
- dlib::sleep(1);
- print_spinner();
- m.unlock();
- }
- };
- template <
- typename timer_t
- >
- void timer_test2 (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - timer_t is an implementation of dlib/timer/timer_abstract.h is instantiated
- timer_test_helper
- ensures
- - runs tests on timer_t for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- print_spinner();
- timer_test_helper h;
- timer_t t1(h,&timer_test_helper::set_timestamp);
- t1.set_delay_time(0);
- dlog << LTRACE << "t1.start()";
- t1.start();
- dlib::sleep(60);
- print_spinner();
- t1.stop_and_wait();
- dlib::uint64 cur_time = h.ts.get_timestamp();
- dlog << LTRACE << "get current time: " << cur_time;
- // make sure the action function has been called recently
- DLIB_TEST_MSG((cur_time-h.timestamp)/1000 < 30, (cur_time-h.timestamp)/1000);
- }
- }
- template <
- typename timer_t
- >
- void timer_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - timer_t is an implementation of dlib/timer/timer_abstract.h is instantiated
- timer_test_helper
- ensures
- - runs tests on timer_t for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
- {
- timer_test_helper h;
- timer_t t1(h,&timer_test_helper::add);
- timer_t t2(h,&timer_test_helper::add);
- timer_t t3(h,&timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(&t1.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t2.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t3.action_object() == &h);
- t1.set_delay_time(1000);
- t2.set_delay_time(500);
- t3.set_delay_time(1500);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.delay_time() == 500);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.delay_time() == 1500);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(&t1.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t2.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t3.action_object() == &h);
- dlib::sleep(1100);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(h.count == 0);
- t1.stop_and_wait();
- t2.stop_and_wait();
- t3.stop_and_wait();
- dlib::sleep(1100);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(h.count == 0);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.delay_time() == 500);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.delay_time() == 1500);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(&t1.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t2.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t3.action_object() == &h);
- t1.start();
- t2.start();
- t3.start();
- DLIB_TEST(t1.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.delay_time() == 500);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.delay_time() == 1500);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.is_running() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.is_running() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(&t1.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t2.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t3.action_object() == &h);
- t1.stop();
- t2.stop();
- t3.stop();
- DLIB_TEST(t1.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.delay_time() == 500);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.delay_time() == 1500);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t1.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.action_function() == &timer_test_helper::add);
- DLIB_TEST(&t1.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t2.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(&t3.action_object() == &h);
- DLIB_TEST(h.count == 0);
- dlib::sleep(1100);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(h.count == 0);
- for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i)
- {
- t1.start();
- t2.start();
- t3.start();
- DLIB_TEST(t1.is_running() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(t2.is_running() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == true);
- dlib::sleep(1800);
- print_spinner();
- // this should allow the timers to trigger 5 times
- t1.stop();
- t2.stop();
- t3.stop();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 5*i,"h.count: " << h.count << " i: " << i);
- dlib::sleep(1100);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 5*i,"h.count: " << h.count << " i: " << i);
- }
- t1.stop_and_wait();
- h.count = 0;
- t1.start();
- dlib::sleep(300);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- t1.set_delay_time(400);
- dlib::sleep(200);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 1,h.count);
- dlib::sleep(250);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 1,h.count);
- dlib::sleep(100);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 2,h.count);
- t1.set_delay_time(2000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 2,h.count);
- dlib::sleep(1000);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 2,h.count);
- t1.clear();
- h.count = 0;
- t3.start();
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.delay_time() == 1500);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- t3.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- dlib::sleep(200);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST(t3.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(t3.delay_time() == 1000);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- {
- h.count = 0;
- timer_t t4(h,&timer_test_helper::delayed_add);
- t4.set_delay_time(100);
- t4.start();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- dlib::sleep(400);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- t4.stop_and_wait();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 1,h.count);
- DLIB_TEST(t4.is_running() == false);
- }
- {
- h.count = 0;
- timer_t t4(h,&timer_test_helper::delayed_add);
- t4.set_delay_time(100);
- t4.start();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- dlib::sleep(400);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- t4.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(t4.is_running() == false);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- t4.stop_and_wait();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 1,h.count);
- DLIB_TEST(t4.is_running() == false);
- }
- {
- h.count = 0;
- timer_t t5(h,&timer_test_helper::delayed_add);
- t5.set_delay_time(100);
- t5.start();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- dlib::sleep(400);
- print_spinner();
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 0,h.count);
- }
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(h.count == 1,h.count);
- }
- }
- class timer_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- timer_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_timer",
- "Runs tests on the timer component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing timer_heavy with test_timer";
- timer_test<timer_heavy<timer_test_helper> > ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing timer_heavy with test_timer2";
- timer_test2<timer_heavy<timer_test_helper> > ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing timer with test_timer";
- timer_test<timer<timer_test_helper> > ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing timer with test_timer2";
- timer_test2<timer<timer_test_helper> > ();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tokenizer.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tokenizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 95a95a7e1..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tokenizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dlib/tokenizer.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib;
- logger dlog("test.tokenizer");
- template <
- typename tok
- >
- void tokenizer_kernel_test (
- )
- /*!
- requires
- - tok is an implementation of tokenizer_kernel_abstract.h
- ensures
- - runs tests on tok for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- tok test;
- DLIB_TEST(test.numbers() == "0123456789");
- DLIB_TEST(test.uppercase_letters() == "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
- DLIB_TEST(test.lowercase_letters() == "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_identifier_body() == "_" + test.lowercase_letters() +
- test.uppercase_letters() + test.numbers(),"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_identifier_head() == "_" + test.lowercase_letters() +
- test.uppercase_letters(),"");
- DLIB_TEST(test.stream_is_set() == false);
- test.clear();
- DLIB_TEST(test.stream_is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_identifier_body() == "_" + test.lowercase_letters() +
- test.uppercase_letters() + test.numbers(),"");
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.get_identifier_head() == "_" + test.lowercase_letters() +
- test.uppercase_letters(),"");
- tok test2;
- ostringstream sout;
- istringstream sin;
- test2.set_stream(sin);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.stream_is_set());
- DLIB_TEST(&test2.get_stream() == &sin);
- int type;
- string token;
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::END_OF_FILE);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::END_OF_FILE);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::END_OF_FILE);
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(" The cat 123asdf1234 ._ \n test.");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_type() == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_token() == "The");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "The");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "cat");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::NUMBER);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "123","token: " << token);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_type() == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_token() == "asdf1234");
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_type() == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_token() == "asdf1234");
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_type() == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_token() == "asdf1234");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "asdf1234");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == " ","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::CHAR);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == ".","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "_");
- DLIB_TEST(test2.peek_type() == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test2.peek_token() == " ","token: \"" << token << "\"" <<
- "\ntoken size: " << (unsigned int)token.size());
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.stream_is_set() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(test.peek_type() == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(test.peek_token() == " ","token: \"" << token << "\"" <<
- "\ntoken size: " << (unsigned int)token.size());
- test.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == " ","token: \"" << token << "\"" <<
- "\ntoken size: " << (unsigned int)token.size());
- test.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(type == tok::END_OF_LINE,"token: " << token);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "\n","token: " << token);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.stream_is_set() == false);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == " ","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "test","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::CHAR);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == ".","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::END_OF_FILE);
- test2.set_identifier_token("_" + test.uppercase_letters() +
- test.lowercase_letters(),test.numbers() + "_" + test.uppercase_letters()
- +test.lowercase_letters());
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(" The cat 123asdf1234 ._ \n\r test.");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "The");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "cat");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::NUMBER);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "123","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "asdf1234");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == " ","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::CHAR);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == ".","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "_");
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.stream_is_set() == false);
- test.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == " ","token: \"" << token << "\"" <<
- "\ntoken size: " << (unsigned int)token.size());
- test.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(type == tok::END_OF_LINE,"token: " << token);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "\n","token: " << token);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.stream_is_set() == false);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "\r ","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "test","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::CHAR);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == ".","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::END_OF_FILE);
- test2.set_identifier_token(test.uppercase_letters() +
- test.lowercase_letters(),test.numbers() + test.uppercase_letters()
- +test.lowercase_letters());
- sin.clear();
- sin.str(" The cat 123as_df1234 ._ \n test.");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "The");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "cat");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST(token == " ");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::NUMBER);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "123","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "as");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::CHAR);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "_","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "df1234");
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == " ","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::CHAR);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == ".","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::CHAR);
- DLIB_TEST(token == "_");
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test2.stream_is_set() == false);
- test.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == " ","token: \"" << token << "\"" <<
- "\ntoken size: " << (unsigned int)token.size());
- test.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(type == tok::END_OF_LINE,"token: " << token);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "\n","token: " << token);
- swap(test,test2);
- DLIB_TEST(test.stream_is_set() == false);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::WHITE_SPACE);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == " ","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::IDENTIFIER);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == "test","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::CHAR);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(token == ".","token: " << token);
- test2.get_token(type,token);
- DLIB_TEST(type == tok::END_OF_FILE);
- }
- class tokenizer_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- tokenizer_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_tokenizer",
- "Runs tests on the tokenizer component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a";
- tokenizer_kernel_test<tokenizer::kernel_1a> ();
- dlog << LINFO << "testing kernel_1a_c";
- tokenizer_kernel_test<tokenizer::kernel_1a_c>();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tools/CMakeLists.txt b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tools/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index adbd43cb9..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
-add_subdirectory(../../../tools/imglab imglab_build)
-add_subdirectory(../../../tools/htmlify htmlify_build)
-add_subdirectory(../../../tools/convert_dlib_nets_to_caffe convert_dlib_nets_to_caffe_build)
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/trust_region.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/trust_region.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aa2775b9c..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/trust_region.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/optimization.h>
-#include "optimization_test_functions.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "../rand.h"
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- using namespace dlib::test_functions;
- logger dlog("test.trust_region");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- struct neg_rosen_model
- {
- typedef matrix<T,0,1> column_vector;
- typedef matrix<T,0,0> general_matrix;
- T operator() ( column_vector x) const
- {
- return -static_cast<T>(rosen<T>(x));
- }
- void get_derivative_and_hessian (
- const column_vector& x,
- column_vector& d,
- general_matrix& h
- ) const
- {
- d = -matrix_cast<T>(rosen_derivative<T>(x));
- h = -matrix_cast<T>(rosen_hessian<T>(x));
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dlib::rand rnd;
- template <typename T>
- void test_with_rosen()
- {
- print_spinner();
- matrix<T,2,1> ans;
- ans = 1,1;
- matrix<T,2,1> p = 100*matrix_cast<T>(randm(2,1,rnd)) - 50;
- T obj = find_min_trust_region(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-12, 100), rosen_function_model<T>(), p);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(obj) < 1e-10, "obj: " << obj);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(p-ans) < 1e-5, "length(p): " << length(p-ans));
- matrix<T,0,1> p2 = 100*matrix_cast<T>(randm(2,1,rnd)) - 50;
- obj = find_max_trust_region(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-12, 100), neg_rosen_model<T>(), p2);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(std::abs(obj) < 1e-10, "obj: " << obj);
- DLIB_TEST_MSG(length(p-ans) < 1e-5, "length(p): " << length(p-ans));
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_trust_region_sub_problem()
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "subproblem test 1";
- {
- matrix<double,2,2> B;
- B = 1, 0,
- 0, 1;
- matrix<double,2,1> g, p, ans;
- g = 0;
- ans = 0;
- solve_trust_region_subproblem(B,g,1,p, 0.001, 10);
- DLIB_TEST(length(p-ans) < 1e-10);
- solve_trust_region_subproblem(B,g,1,p, 0.001, 1);
- DLIB_TEST(length(p-ans) < 1e-10);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "subproblem test 2";
- {
- matrix<double,2,2> B;
- B = 1, 0,
- 0, 1;
- B *= 0.1;
- matrix<double,2,1> g, p, ans;
- g = 1;
- ans = -g / length(g);
- solve_trust_region_subproblem(B,g,1,p, 1e-6, 20);
- DLIB_TEST(length(p-ans) < 1e-4);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "subproblem test 3";
- {
- matrix<double,2,2> B;
- B = 0, 0,
- 0, 0;
- matrix<double,2,1> g, p, ans;
- g = 1;
- ans = -g / length(g);
- solve_trust_region_subproblem(B,g,1,p, 1e-6, 20);
- dlog << LINFO << "ans: " << trans(ans);
- dlog << LINFO << "p: " << trans(p);
- DLIB_TEST(length(p-ans) < 1e-4);
- }
- return;
- dlog << LINFO << "subproblem test 4";
- {
- matrix<double,2,2> B;
- B = 2, 0,
- 0, -1;
- matrix<double,2,1> g, p, ans;
- g = 0;
- ans = 0, -1;
- solve_trust_region_subproblem(B,g,1,p, 1e-6, 20);
- DLIB_TEST(length(p-ans) < 1e-4);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "subproblem test 5";
- {
- matrix<double,2,2> B;
- B = 2, 0,
- 0, -1;
- matrix<double,2,1> g, p, ans;
- g = 0, 1;
- ans = 0, -1;
- solve_trust_region_subproblem(B,g,1,p, 1e-6, 20);
- DLIB_TEST(length(p-ans) < 1e-4);
- }
- dlog << LINFO << "subproblem test 6";
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- matrix<double,10,10> B;
- B = randm(10,10, rnd);
- B = 0.01*B*trans(B);
- matrix<double,10,1> g, p, ans;
- g = 1;
- solve_trust_region_subproblem(B,g,1,p, 1e-6, 20);
- DLIB_TEST(std::abs(length(p) - 1) < 1e-4);
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test_problems()
- {
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,4,1> ch;
- ch = brown_start();
- find_min_trust_region(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-7, 80),
- brown_function_model(),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "brown obj: " << brown(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "brown der: " << length(brown_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "brown error: " << length(ch - brown_solution());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - brown_solution()) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,2,1> ch;
- ch = rosen_start<double>();
- find_min_trust_region(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-7, 80),
- rosen_function_model<double>(),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen obj: " << rosen(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen der: " << length(rosen_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "rosen error: " << length(ch - rosen_solution<double>());
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - rosen_solution<double>()) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(2);
- find_min_trust_region(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-7, 80),
- chebyquad_function_model(),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 2 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(2)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(4);
- find_min_trust_region(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-7, 80),
- chebyquad_function_model(),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 4 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 4 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 4 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(4));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(4)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(6);
- find_min_trust_region(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-12, 80),
- chebyquad_function_model(),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 6 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 6 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 6 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(6));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(6)) < 1e-5);
- }
- print_spinner();
- {
- matrix<double,0,1> ch;
- ch = chebyquad_start(8);
- find_min_trust_region(objective_delta_stop_strategy(1e-10, 80),
- chebyquad_function_model(),
- ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 8 obj: " << chebyquad(ch);
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 8 der: " << length(chebyquad_derivative(ch));
- dlog << LINFO << "chebyquad 8 error: " << length(ch - chebyquad_solution(8));
- DLIB_TEST(length(ch - chebyquad_solution(8)) < 1e-5);
- }
- }
- class optimization_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- optimization_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_trust_region",
- "Runs tests on the trust region optimization component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- dlog << LINFO << "test with rosen<float>";
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
- test_with_rosen<float>();
- dlog << LINFO << "test with rosen<double>";
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
- test_with_rosen<double>();
- test_trust_region_sub_problem();
- test_problems();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tuple.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tuple.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index da7a18ec8..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/tuple.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/tuple.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.tuple");
- struct s_nil
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator() (
- const T&
- ) const
- {
- }
- };
- struct inc
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator() (
- T& a
- ) const
- {
- a += 1;
- }
- };
- template <typename T>
- void check_const (
- const T& t
- )
- {
- t.template get<0>();
- typedef typename T::template get_type<0>::type type0;
- t.template get<type0>();
- t.template index<type0>();
- }
- template <typename T>
- void check_nonconst (
- T& t
- )
- {
- t.template get<0>();
- typedef typename T::template get_type<0>::type type0;
- t.template get<type0>();
- t.template index<type0>();
- }
- void tuple_test (
- )
- /*!
- ensures
- - runs tests on tuple functions for compliance with the specs
- !*/
- {
- print_spinner();
- using dlib::tuple;
- tuple<> a;
- tuple<int> b;
- tuple<int, float> c;
- a.get<1>();
- a.get<2>();
- a.get<3>();
- a.get<4>();
- a.get<5>();
- check_nonconst(b);
- check_nonconst(c);
- check_const(b);
- check_const(c);
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<tuple<>::get_type<0>::type, null_type>::value));
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<tuple<int>::get_type<0>::type, int>::value));
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<tuple<int,float>::get_type<0>::type, int>::value));
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<tuple<int,float>::get_type<1>::type, float>::value));
- COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type<tuple<int,float>::get_type<2>::type, null_type>::value));
- b.get<0>() = 8;
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<int>() == 8);
- DLIB_TEST(b.index<int>() == 0);
- c.get<0>() = 9;
- DLIB_TEST(c.get<int>() == 9);
- DLIB_TEST(c.index<int>() == 0);
- c.get<1>() = 3.0;
- DLIB_TEST(c.get<float>() == 3.0);
- DLIB_TEST(c.index<float>() == 1);
- {
- typedef tuple<int, short, long> T;
- T a, b;
- a.get<0>() = 1;
- a.get<1>() = 3;
- a.get<2>() = 2;
- b = a;
- inc i;
- s_nil n;
- a.for_each(inc());
- a.for_each(i);
- const_cast<const T&>(a).for_each(s_nil());
- const_cast<const T&>(a).for_each(n);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<0>() == b.get<0>()+2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<1>() == b.get<1>()+2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<2>() == b.get<2>()+2);
- ostringstream sout;
- serialize(a,sout);
- istringstream sin(sout.str());
- deserialize(b,sin);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<0>() == b.get<0>());
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<1>() == b.get<1>());
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<2>() == b.get<2>());
- a.for_index(i,0);
- a.for_index(inc(),1);
- const_cast<const T&>(a).for_index(n,2);
- const_cast<const T&>(a).for_index(s_nil(),0);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<0>() == b.get<0>()+1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<1>() == b.get<1>()+1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<2>() == b.get<2>()+0);
- swap(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<0>() == a.get<0>()+1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<1>() == a.get<1>()+1);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<2>() == a.get<2>()+0);
- }
- }
- class tuple_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- tuple_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_tuple",
- "Runs tests on the tuple object")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- tuple_test();
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/type_safe_union.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/type_safe_union.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a18fa8e1..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/type_safe_union.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <dlib/type_safe_union.h>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.type_safe_union");
- struct can_not_copy: noncopyable {};
- void serialize(const can_not_copy&, std::ostream&) {}
- void deserialize(can_not_copy&, std::istream&) {}
- void swap(can_not_copy&, can_not_copy&) {}
- class test
- {
- private:
- enum kind
- {
- };
- void operator() (float val)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(val == f_val);
- last_kind = FLOAT;
- }
- void operator() (double val)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(val == d_val);
- last_kind = DOUBLE;
- }
- void operator() (char val)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(val == c_val);
- last_kind = CHAR;
- }
- void operator()(std::string& val)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(val == s_val);
- last_kind = STRING;
- }
- void operator()(const std::string& val)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(val == s_val);
- last_kind = STRING;
- }
- // ------------------------------
- friend class type_safe_union<float, double, char, std::string>;
- typedef type_safe_union<float, double, char, std::string> tsu;
- tsu a, b, c;
- float f_val;
- double d_val;
- char c_val;
- std::string s_val;
- kind last_kind;
- public:
- void test_stuff()
- {
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<std::string>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<long>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get_type_id<int>() == -1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get_type_id<float>() == 1);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get_type_id<double>() == 2);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get_type_id<char>() == 3);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get_type_id<std::string>() == 4);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get_type_id<tsu>() == -1);
- f_val = 4.345f;
- a.get<float>() = f_val;
- DLIB_TEST(a.cast_to<float>() == f_val);
- DLIB_TEST(const_cast<const tsu&>(a).cast_to<float>() == f_val);
- bool exception_thrown = false;
- try {a.cast_to<char>(); }
- catch (bad_type_safe_union_cast&) { exception_thrown = true;}
- DLIB_TEST(exception_thrown);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<std::string>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<long>() == false);
- last_kind = NONE;
- const_cast<const tsu&>(a).apply_to_contents(*this);
- DLIB_TEST(last_kind == FLOAT);
- // -----------
- d_val = 4.345;
- a.get<double>() = d_val;
- last_kind = NONE;
- a.apply_to_contents(*this);
- DLIB_TEST(last_kind == DOUBLE);
- // -----------
- c_val = 'a';
- a.get<char>() = c_val;
- last_kind = NONE;
- const_cast<const tsu&>(a).apply_to_contents(*this);
- DLIB_TEST(last_kind == CHAR);
- // -----------
- s_val = "test string";
- a.get<std::string>() = s_val;
- last_kind = NONE;
- a.apply_to_contents(*this);
- DLIB_TEST(last_kind == STRING);
- DLIB_TEST(a.cast_to<std::string>() == s_val);
- exception_thrown = false;
- try {a.cast_to<float>(); }
- catch (bad_type_safe_union_cast&) { exception_thrown = true;}
- DLIB_TEST(exception_thrown);
- // -----------
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<std::string>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<long>() == false);
- // -----------
- a.swap(b);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<std::string>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<long>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<std::string>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<long>() == false);
- last_kind = NONE;
- b.apply_to_contents(*this);
- DLIB_TEST(last_kind == STRING);
- // -----------
- b.swap(a);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<std::string>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<long>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<double>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<std::string>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<long>() == false);
- last_kind = NONE;
- a.apply_to_contents(*this);
- DLIB_TEST(last_kind == STRING);
- last_kind = NONE;
- b.apply_to_contents(*this);
- DLIB_TEST(last_kind == NONE);
- a.get<char>() = 'a';
- b.get<char>() = 'b';
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<char>() == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<char>() == 'b');
- swap(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<char>() == 'b');
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<char>() == 'a');
- // -----------
- a.get<char>() = 'a';
- b.get<std::string>() = "a string";
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<std::string>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<std::string>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<char>() == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<std::string>() == "a string");
- swap(a,b);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.is_empty() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<std::string>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<std::string>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<char>() == 'a');
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<std::string>() == "a string");
- {
- type_safe_union<char, float, std::string> a, b, empty_union;
- ostringstream sout;
- istringstream sin;
- a.get<char>() = 'd';
- serialize(a, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<char>() == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<char>() == 'd');
- sin.clear();
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- a.get<std::string>() = "davis";
- serialize(a, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<std::string>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<std::string>() == "davis");
- sin.clear();
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- serialize(empty_union, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == true);
- }
- {
- type_safe_union<char, float, std::string> a, b, empty_union;
- ostringstream sout;
- istringstream sin;
- a = 'd';
- serialize(a, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<char>() == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<char>() == 'd');
- sin.clear();
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- a = std::string("davis");
- serialize(a, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<std::string>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<std::string>() == "davis");
- sin.clear();
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- serialize(empty_union, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == true);
- }
- {
- typedef type_safe_union<char, float, std::string, can_not_copy> tsu_type;
- tsu_type a('d'), aa(std::string("davis")), b, empty_union;
- ostringstream sout;
- istringstream sin;
- serialize(a, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<char>() == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<char>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(a.get<char>() == 'd');
- DLIB_TEST(aa.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(aa.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(aa.contains<char>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(aa.contains<std::string>() == true);
- sin.clear();
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- serialize(aa, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<int>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<float>() == false);
- DLIB_TEST(b.contains<std::string>() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(b.get<std::string>() == "davis");
- sin.clear();
- sout.clear();
- sout.str("");
- serialize(empty_union, sout);
- sin.str(sout.str());
- deserialize(b, sin);
- DLIB_TEST(b.is_empty() == true);
- a.get<can_not_copy>();
- DLIB_TEST(a.contains<can_not_copy>() == true);
- }
- }
- };
- class type_safe_union_tester : public tester
- {
- public:
- type_safe_union_tester (
- ) :
- tester ("test_type_safe_union",
- "Runs tests on the type_safe_union object")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- test a;
- a.test_stuff();
- }
- }
- } a;
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/vectorstream.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/test/vectorstream.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a955961a2..000000000
--- a/ml/dlib/dlib/test/vectorstream.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (
-// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
-#include <dlib/vectorstream.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include "tester.h"
- using namespace test;
- using namespace dlib;
- using namespace std;
- logger dlog("test.vectorstream");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void test1()
- {
- print_spinner();
- std::vector<char> buf;
- vectorstream s(buf);
- for (int i = -1000; i <= 1000; ++i)
- {
- char ch = i;
- s.put(ch);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(buf.size() == 2001);
- int cnt = -1000;
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i)
- {
- char ch = cnt;
- DLIB_TEST(buf[i] == ch);
- ++cnt;
- }
- for (int i = -1000; i <= 1000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(s.peek() != EOF);
- char ch1 = i;
- char ch2 = s.get();
- DLIB_TEST(ch1 == ch2);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(s.peek() == EOF);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == EOF);
- s.clear();
- s.seekg(6);
- for (int i = -1000+6; i <= 1000; ++i)
- {
- DLIB_TEST(s.peek() != EOF);
- char ch1 = i;
- char ch2 = s.get();
- DLIB_TEST(ch1 == ch2);
- }
- DLIB_TEST(s.peek() == EOF);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == EOF);
- std::string temp;
- temp = "one two three!";
- s.seekg(0);
- buf.clear();
- s.clear();
- serialize(temp, s);
- std::string temp2;
- deserialize(temp2, s);
- DLIB_TEST(temp2 == temp);
- s.put('1');
- s.put('2');
- s.put('3');
- s.put('4');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '1');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '2');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '3');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '4');
- s.putback('4');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '4');
- s.putback('4');
- s.putback('3');
- s.putback('2');
- s.putback('1');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '1');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '2');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '3');
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == '4');
- DLIB_TEST(s.good() == true);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == EOF);
- DLIB_TEST(s.good() == false);
- // make sure seeking to a crazy offset doesn't mess things up
- s.clear();
- s.seekg(1000000);
- DLIB_TEST(s.get() == EOF);
- DLIB_TEST(s.good() == false);
- s.clear();
- s.seekg(1000000);
- char sbuf[100];
-, sizeof(sbuf));
- DLIB_TEST(s.good() == false);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class test_vectorstream : public tester
- {
- public:
- test_vectorstream (
- ) :
- tester ("test_vectorstream",
- "Runs tests on the vectorstream component.")
- {}
- void perform_test (
- )
- {
- test1();
- }
- } a;