path: root/ml/dlib/dlib/threads
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Diffstat (limited to 'ml/dlib/dlib/threads')
40 files changed, 8575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6aa947bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_AsYNC_CPP_
+#define DLIB_AsYNC_CPP_
+// C++11 things don't work in old versions of visual studio
+#if !defined( _MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
+#include "async.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "../string.h"
+#include <thread>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace impl
+ {
+ unsigned long default_num_threads()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ char* nt = getenv("DLIB_NUM_THREADS");
+ if (nt)
+ return string_cast<unsigned long>(nt);
+ } catch(string_cast_error&) {}
+ return std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ thread_pool& default_thread_pool()
+ {
+ static thread_pool tp(impl::default_num_threads());
+ return tp;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_AsYNC_CPP_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc6fe5575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_AsYNC_Hh_
+#define DLIB_AsYNC_Hh_
+// C++11 things don't work in old versions of visual studio
+#if !defined( _MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
+#include "async_abstract.h"
+#include "thread_pool_extension.h"
+#include <future>
+#include <functional>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace impl
+ {
+ template <typename T> struct selector {};
+ template <typename T, typename U, typename V>
+ void call_prom_set_value(
+ T& prom,
+ U& fun,
+ selector<V>
+ )
+ {
+ prom.set_value(fun());
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename U>
+ void call_prom_set_value(
+ T& prom,
+ U& fun,
+ selector<void>
+ )
+ {
+ fun();
+ prom.set_value();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ thread_pool& default_thread_pool();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename Function,
+ typename ...Args
+ >
+ std::future<typename std::result_of<Function(Args...)>::type> async(
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ Function&& f,
+ Args&&... args
+ )
+ {
+ auto prom = std::make_shared<std::promise<typename std::result_of<Function(Args...)>::type>>();
+ std::future<typename std::result_of<Function(Args...)>::type> ret = prom->get_future();
+ using bind_t = decltype(std::bind(std::forward<Function>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ auto fun = std::make_shared<bind_t>(std::bind(std::forward<Function>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ tp.add_task_by_value([fun, prom]()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ impl::call_prom_set_value(*prom, *fun, impl::selector<typename std::result_of<Function(Args...)>::type>());
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ prom->set_exception(std::current_exception());
+ }
+ });
+ return std::move(ret);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename Function,
+ typename ...Args
+ >
+ std::future<typename std::result_of<Function(Args...)>::type> async(
+ Function&& f,
+ Args&&... args
+ )
+ {
+ return async(default_thread_pool(), std::forward<Function>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "async.cpp"
+#endif // DLIB_AsYNC_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9fa1e458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/async_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "thread_pool_extension_abstract.h"
+#include <future>
+#include <functional>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ thread_pool& default_thread_pool(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a reference to a global thread_pool. If the DLIB_NUM_THREADS
+ environment variable is set to an integer then the thread pool will contain
+ DLIB_NUM_THREADS threads, otherwise it will contain
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency() threads.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename Function,
+ typename ...Args
+ >
+ std::future<typename std::result_of<Function(Args...)>::type> async(
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ Function&& f,
+ Args&&... args
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - f must be a function and f(args...) must be a valid expression.
+ ensures
+ - This function behaves just like std::async(std::launch::async, f, args)
+ except that instead of spawning a new thread to process each task it submits
+ the task to the provided dlib::thread_pool. Therefore, dlib::async() is
+ guaranteed to use a bounded number of threads unlike std::async(). This also
+ means that calls to dlib::async() will block if there aren't any free threads
+ in the thread pool.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename Function,
+ typename ...Args
+ >
+ std::future<typename std::result_of<Function(Args...)>::type> async(
+ Function&& f,
+ Args&&... args
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - Calling this function is equivalent to directly calling async(default_thread_pool(), f, args...)
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_AsYNC_ABSTRACT_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_mutex_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_mutex_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..595c1b176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_mutex_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel.h"
+#include "rmutex_extension.h"
+#include "read_write_mutex_extension.h"
+#include "auto_mutex_extension_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class auto_mutex
+ {
+ /*!
+ - if (m != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by m is locked
+ - if (r != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by r is locked
+ - if (rw != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by rw is locked
+ - exactly one of r, m, or rw is not 0.
+ - if (m != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by m is locked
+ - if (r != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by r is locked
+ - if (rw != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by rw is locked
+ - exactly one of r, m, or rw is not 0.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ explicit auto_mutex (
+ const mutex& m_
+ ) : m(&m_),
+ r(0),
+ rw(0)
+ {
+ m->lock();
+ }
+ explicit auto_mutex (
+ const rmutex& r_
+ ) : m(0),
+ r(&r_),
+ rw(0)
+ {
+ r->lock();
+ }
+ explicit auto_mutex (
+ const read_write_mutex& rw_
+ ) : m(0),
+ r(0),
+ rw(&rw_)
+ {
+ rw->lock();
+ }
+ void unlock()
+ {
+ if (m != 0)
+ {
+ m->unlock();
+ m = 0;
+ }
+ else if (r != 0)
+ {
+ r->unlock();
+ r = 0;
+ }
+ else if (rw != 0)
+ {
+ rw->unlock();
+ rw = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ~auto_mutex (
+ )
+ {
+ unlock();
+ }
+ private:
+ const mutex* m;
+ const rmutex* r;
+ const read_write_mutex* rw;
+ // restricted functions
+ auto_mutex(auto_mutex&); // copy constructor
+ auto_mutex& operator=(auto_mutex&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class auto_mutex_readonly
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit auto_mutex_readonly (
+ const read_write_mutex& rw_
+ ) : rw(rw_), _has_write_lock(false), _has_read_lock(true)
+ {
+ rw.lock_readonly();
+ }
+ ~auto_mutex_readonly (
+ )
+ {
+ unlock();
+ }
+ void lock_readonly (
+ )
+ {
+ if (!_has_read_lock)
+ {
+ unlock();
+ rw.lock_readonly();
+ _has_read_lock = true;
+ }
+ }
+ void lock_write (
+ )
+ {
+ if (!_has_write_lock)
+ {
+ unlock();
+ rw.lock();
+ _has_write_lock = true;
+ }
+ }
+ void unlock (
+ )
+ {
+ if (_has_write_lock)
+ {
+ rw.unlock();
+ _has_write_lock = false;
+ }
+ else if (_has_read_lock)
+ {
+ rw.unlock_readonly();
+ _has_read_lock = false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool has_read_lock (
+ ) { return _has_read_lock; }
+ bool has_write_lock (
+ ) { return _has_write_lock; }
+ private:
+ const read_write_mutex& rw;
+ bool _has_write_lock;
+ bool _has_read_lock;
+ // restricted functions
+ auto_mutex_readonly(auto_mutex_readonly&); // copy constructor
+ auto_mutex_readonly& operator=(auto_mutex_readonly&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_mutex_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_mutex_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1990c834e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_mutex_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "rmutex_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "read_write_mutex_extension_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class auto_mutex
+ {
+ /*!
+ The mutex given in the constructor is locked and associated with this
+ object.
+ This object represents a mechanism for automatically locking and unlocking
+ a mutex object.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ explicit auto_mutex (
+ const mutex& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - m will be locked
+ !*/
+ explicit auto_mutex (
+ const rmutex& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - m will be locked
+ !*/
+ explicit auto_mutex (
+ const read_write_mutex& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - m will be locked via m.lock() (i.e. a write lock will be obtained)
+ !*/
+ void unlock(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (unlock() has not already been called) then
+ - The mutex associated with *this has been unlocked. This is useful if
+ you want to unlock a mutex before the auto_mutex destructor executes.
+ !*/
+ ~auto_mutex (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ - calls unlock()
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ auto_mutex(auto_mutex&); // copy constructor
+ auto_mutex& operator=(auto_mutex&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class auto_mutex_readonly
+ {
+ /*!
+ The mutex given in the constructor is locked using a read-only lock and
+ associated with this object.
+ This object represents a mechanism for automatically locking and unlocking
+ a read_write_mutex object. In particular, a readonly lock is used.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ explicit auto_mutex_readonly (
+ const read_write_mutex& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - a readonly lock will be obtained on m using m.lock_readonly()
+ - #has_read_lock() == true
+ !*/
+ ~auto_mutex_readonly (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ - the mutex associated with *this has been unlocked
+ !*/
+ bool has_read_lock (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns true if this object has called read_write_mutex::lock_readonly()
+ on its associated mutex and has yet to release that lock.
+ !*/
+ bool has_write_lock (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns true if this object has called read_write_mutex::lock() on its
+ associated mutex and has yet to release that lock.
+ !*/
+ void lock_readonly (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - This function converts the lock on the associated mutex into a readonly lock.
+ Specifically:
+ if (!has_read_lock()) then
+ - if (has_write_lock()) then
+ - unlocks the associated mutex and then relocks it by calling
+ read_write_mutex::lock_readonly()
+ - else
+ - locks the associated mutex by calling read_write_mutex::lock_readonly()
+ - #has_read_lock() == true
+ - Note that the lock switch is not atomic. This means that whatever
+ resource is protected by the mutex might have been modified during the
+ call to lock_readonly().
+ !*/
+ void lock_write (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - This function converts the lock on the associated mutex into a write lock.
+ Specifically:
+ if (!has_write_lock()) then
+ - if (has_read_lock()) then
+ - unlocks the associated mutex and then relocks it by calling
+ read_write_mutex::lock()
+ - else
+ - locks the associated mutex by calling read_write_mutex::lock()
+ - #has_write_lock() == true
+ - Note that the lock switch is not atomic. This means that whatever
+ resource is protected by the mutex might have been modified during the
+ call to lock_write().
+ !*/
+ void unlock (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (has_read_lock() || has_write_lock()) then
+ - unlocks the associated mutex. This is useful if you want to unlock a
+ mutex before the auto_mutex_readonly destructor executes.
+ - #has_read_lock() == false
+ - #has_write_lock() == false
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ auto_mutex_readonly(auto_mutex_readonly&); // copy constructor
+ auto_mutex_readonly& operator=(auto_mutex_readonly&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_unlock_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_unlock_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd1d4db9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_unlock_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel.h"
+#include "rmutex_extension.h"
+#include "read_write_mutex_extension.h"
+#include "auto_unlock_extension_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class auto_unlock
+ {
+ /*!
+ - if (m != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by m is locked
+ - if (r != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by r is locked
+ - if (rw != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by rw is locked
+ - exactly one of r, m, or rw is not 0.
+ - if (m != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by m is locked
+ - if (r != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by r is locked
+ - if (rw != 0) then
+ - the mutex pointed to by rw is locked
+ - exactly one of r, m, or rw is not 0.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ explicit auto_unlock (
+ const mutex& m_
+ ) : m(&m_),
+ r(0),
+ rw(0)
+ {}
+ explicit auto_unlock (
+ const rmutex& r_
+ ) : m(0),
+ r(&r_),
+ rw(0)
+ {}
+ explicit auto_unlock (
+ const read_write_mutex& rw_
+ ) : m(0),
+ r(0),
+ rw(&rw_)
+ {}
+ ~auto_unlock (
+ )
+ {
+ if (m != 0)
+ m->unlock();
+ else if (r != 0)
+ r->unlock();
+ else
+ rw->unlock();
+ }
+ private:
+ const mutex* m;
+ const rmutex* r;
+ const read_write_mutex* rw;
+ // restricted functions
+ auto_unlock(auto_unlock&); // copy constructor
+ auto_unlock& operator=(auto_unlock&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class auto_unlock_readonly
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit auto_unlock_readonly (
+ const read_write_mutex& rw_
+ ) :
+ rw(rw_)
+ {}
+ ~auto_unlock_readonly (
+ )
+ {
+ rw.unlock_readonly();
+ }
+ private:
+ const read_write_mutex& rw;
+ // restricted functions
+ auto_unlock_readonly(auto_unlock_readonly&); // copy constructor
+ auto_unlock_readonly& operator=(auto_unlock_readonly&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_unlock_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_unlock_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f947d4879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/auto_unlock_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "rmutex_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "read_write_mutex_extension_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class auto_unlock
+ {
+ /*!
+ The mutex given in the constructor is associated with this object.
+ This object represents a mechanism for automatically unlocking
+ a mutex object. It is useful when you already have a locked mutex
+ and want to make sure it gets unlocked even if an exception is thrown
+ or you quit the function at a weird spot.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ explicit auto_unlock (
+ const mutex& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - does not modify m in any way
+ !*/
+ explicit auto_unlock (
+ const rmutex& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - does not modify m in any way
+ !*/
+ explicit auto_unlock (
+ const read_write_mutex& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - does not modify m in any way
+ !*/
+ ~auto_unlock (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ - calls unlock() on the mutex associated with *this
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ auto_unlock(auto_unlock&); // copy constructor
+ auto_unlock& operator=(auto_unlock&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class auto_unlock_readonly
+ {
+ /*!
+ The mutex given in the constructor is associated with this object.
+ This object represents a mechanism for automatically unlocking
+ a read_write_mutex object. It is useful when you already have a locked mutex
+ and want to make sure it gets unlocked even if an exception is thrown
+ or you quit the function at a weird spot. Note that the mutex
+ is unlocked by calling unlock_readonly() on it.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ explicit auto_unlock_readonly (
+ const read_write_mutex& m
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - does not modify m in any way
+ !*/
+ ~auto_unlock_readonly (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ - calls unlock_readonly() on the mutex associated with *this
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ auto_unlock_readonly(auto_unlock_readonly&); // copy constructor
+ auto_unlock_readonly& operator=(auto_unlock_readonly&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/create_new_thread_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/create_new_thread_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f419b6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/create_new_thread_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "create_new_thread_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "../threads.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ void (T::*funct)()
+ >
+ inline void dlib_create_new_thread_helper (
+ void* obj
+ )
+ {
+ T* o = static_cast<T*>(obj);
+ (o->*funct)();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ void (T::*funct)()
+ >
+ inline bool create_new_thread (
+ T& obj
+ )
+ {
+ return create_new_thread(dlib_create_new_thread_helper<T,funct>,&obj);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/create_new_thread_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/create_new_thread_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43fbc474d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/create_new_thread_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ void (T::*funct)()
+ >
+ bool create_new_thread (
+ T& obj
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - creates a new thread and calls obj.*funct() from it.
+ - returns true upon success and false upon failure to create the new thread.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..def4af5f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "multithreaded_object_extension.h"
+#include "create_new_thread_extension.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ multithreaded_object::
+ multithreaded_object (
+ ):
+ s(m_),
+ is_running_(false),
+ should_stop_(false),
+ threads_started(0)
+ {
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ multithreaded_object::
+ ~multithreaded_object (
+ )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(number_of_threads_alive() == 0,
+ "\tmultithreaded_object::~multithreaded_object()"
+ << "\n\tYou have let a multithreaded object destruct itself before terminating its threads"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+ assert(false);
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void multithreaded_object::
+ clear (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ stop();
+ wait();
+ dead_threads.clear();
+ is_running_ = false;
+ should_stop_ = false;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool multithreaded_object::
+ is_running (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ return is_running_;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ unsigned long multithreaded_object::
+ number_of_threads_registered (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ return thread_ids.size() + dead_threads.size();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ unsigned long multithreaded_object::
+ number_of_threads_alive (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ return threads_started;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void multithreaded_object::
+ wait (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(thread_ids.is_in_domain(get_thread_id()) == false,
+ "\tvoid multithreaded_object::wait()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from one of the threads registered in this object"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ while (threads_started > 0)
+ s.wait();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void multithreaded_object::
+ start (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ const unsigned long num_threads_registered = dead_threads.size() + thread_ids.size();
+ // start any dead threads
+ for (unsigned long i = threads_started; i < num_threads_registered; ++i)
+ {
+ if (create_new_thread<multithreaded_object,&multithreaded_object::thread_helper>(*this) == false)
+ {
+ should_stop_ = true;
+ is_running_ = false;
+ throw thread_error();
+ }
+ ++threads_started;
+ }
+ is_running_ = true;
+ should_stop_ = false;
+ s.broadcast();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void multithreaded_object::
+ pause (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ is_running_ = false;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void multithreaded_object::
+ stop (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ should_stop_ = true;
+ is_running_ = false;
+ s.broadcast();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool multithreaded_object::
+ should_stop (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(thread_ids.is_in_domain(get_thread_id()),
+ "\tbool multithreaded_object::should_stop()"
+ << "\n\tYou can only call this function from one of the registered threads in this object"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ while (is_running_ == false && should_stop_ == false)
+ s.wait();
+ return should_stop_;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ multithreaded_object::raii_thread_helper::
+ raii_thread_helper(
+ multithreaded_object& self_,
+ thread_id_type id_
+ ) : self(self_), id(id_){}
+ multithreaded_object::raii_thread_helper::
+ ~raii_thread_helper()
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(self.m_);
+ if (self.thread_ids.is_in_domain(id))
+ {
+ mfp temp;
+ thread_id_type id_temp;
+ self.thread_ids.remove(id,id_temp,temp);
+ // put this thread's registered function back into the dead_threads queue
+ self.dead_threads.enqueue(temp);
+ }
+ --self.threads_started;
+ // If this is the last thread to terminate then
+ // signal that that is the case.
+ if (self.threads_started == 0)
+ {
+ self.is_running_ = false;
+ self.should_stop_ = false;
+ self.s.broadcast();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void multithreaded_object::
+ thread_helper(
+ )
+ {
+ mfp mf;
+ thread_id_type id = get_thread_id();
+ // this guy's destructor does all the necessary cleanup in this function
+ raii_thread_helper raii(*this, id);
+ // if there is a dead_thread sitting around then pull it
+ // out and put it into mf
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ if (dead_threads.size() > 0)
+ {
+ dead_threads.dequeue(mf);
+ mfp temp(mf);
+ thread_ids.add(id,temp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mf.is_set())
+ {
+ // call the registered thread function
+ mf();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dd37fdcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "multithreaded_object_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "threads_kernel.h"
+#include "auto_mutex_extension.h"
+#include "rmutex_extension.h"
+#include "rsignaler_extension.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../assert.h"
+#include "../map.h"
+#include "../member_function_pointer.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class multithreaded_object
+ {
+ /*!
+ - is_running_ == false
+ - should_stop_ == false
+ - thread_ids.size() == 0
+ - dead_threads.size() == 0
+ - threads_started == 0
+ - number_of_threads_registered() == thread_ids.size() + dead_threads.size()
+ - number_of_threads_alive() == threads_started
+ - is_running() == is_running_
+ - should_stop() == should_stop_
+ - thread_ids == a map of current thread ids to the member function
+ pointers that that thread runs.
+ - threads_started == the number of threads that have been spawned to run
+ thread_helper but haven't ended yet.
+ - dead_threads == a queue that contains all the member function pointers
+ for threads that are currently registered but not running
+ - m_ == the mutex used to protect all our variables
+ - s == the signaler for m_
+ !*/
+ public:
+ multithreaded_object (
+ );
+ virtual ~multithreaded_object (
+ ) = 0;
+ void clear (
+ );
+ bool is_running (
+ ) const;
+ unsigned long number_of_threads_alive (
+ ) const;
+ unsigned long number_of_threads_registered (
+ ) const;
+ void wait (
+ ) const;
+ void start (
+ );
+ void pause (
+ );
+ void stop (
+ );
+ protected:
+ bool should_stop (
+ ) const;
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ void register_thread (
+ T& object,
+ void (T::*thread)()
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ try
+ {
+ mfp mf;
+ mf.set(object,thread);
+ dead_threads.enqueue(mf);
+ if (is_running_)
+ start();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ is_running_ = false;
+ should_stop_ = true;
+ s.broadcast();
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ class raii_thread_helper
+ {
+ public:
+ raii_thread_helper(multithreaded_object& self_, thread_id_type id_);
+ ~raii_thread_helper();
+ multithreaded_object& self;
+ thread_id_type id;
+ };
+ void thread_helper(
+ );
+ typedef member_function_pointer<> mfp;
+ rmutex m_;
+ rsignaler s;
+ map<thread_id_type,mfp,memory_manager<char>::kernel_2a>::kernel_1a thread_ids;
+ queue<mfp,memory_manager<char>::kernel_2a>::kernel_1a dead_threads;
+ bool is_running_;
+ bool should_stop_;
+ unsigned long threads_started;
+ // restricted functions
+ multithreaded_object(multithreaded_object&); // copy constructor
+ multithreaded_object& operator=(multithreaded_object&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "multithreaded_object_extension.cpp"
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7862b78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/multithreaded_object_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class multithreaded_object
+ {
+ /*!
+ - is_running() == false
+ - number_of_threads_alive() == 0
+ - number_of_threads_registered() == 0
+ This object represents a multithreaded object. It is similar to
+ the threaded_object except it allows you to have many threads in a
+ single object rather than just one. To use it you inherit from it
+ and register the member functions in your new class that you want
+ to run in their own threads by calling register_thread(). Then when
+ you call start() it will spawn all the registered functions
+ in their own threads.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ multithreaded_object (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create threading objects.
+ !*/
+ virtual ~multithreaded_object (
+ ) = 0;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - number_of_threads_alive() == 0
+ (i.e. in the destructor for the object you derive from this one you
+ must wait for all the threads to end.)
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed.
+ !*/
+ void clear(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this has its initial value
+ - blocks until all threads have terminated
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or dlib::thread_error
+ if an exception is thrown then *this is unusable
+ until clear() is called and succeeds
+ !*/
+ bool is_running (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (number_of_threads_alive() > 0 && the threads are currently supposed to be executing) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ unsigned long number_of_threads_alive (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of threads that are currently alive (i.e.
+ the number of threads that have started but not yet terminated)
+ !*/
+ unsigned long number_of_threads_registered (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of threads that have been registered by
+ calls to register_thread()
+ !*/
+ void wait (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from one of this object's threads
+ ensures
+ - if (number_of_threads_alive() > 0) then
+ - blocks until all the threads in this object have terminated
+ (i.e. blocks until number_of_threads_alive() == 0)
+ !*/
+ void start (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #number_of_threads_alive() == number_of_threads_registered()
+ - #is_running() == true
+ - #should_stop() == false
+ - all the threads registered are up and running.
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or dlib::thread_error
+ If either of these exceptions are thrown then
+ #is_running() == false and should_stop() == true
+ !*/
+ void pause (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #is_running() == false
+ !*/
+ void stop (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #should_stop() == true
+ - #is_running() == false
+ !*/
+ protected:
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ void register_thread (
+ T& object,
+ void (T::*thread)()
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - (object.*thread)() forms a valid function call
+ - the thread function does not throw
+ ensures
+ - registers the member function pointed to by thread as one of the threads
+ that runs when is_running() == true
+ - #number_of_threads_registered() == number_of_threads_registered() + 1
+ - if (is_running() == true)
+ - spawns this new member function in its own thread
+ - #number_of_threads_alive() += number_of_threads_alive() + 1
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or dlib::thread_error
+ If either of these exceptions are thrown then
+ #is_running() == false and should_stop() == true
+ !*/
+ bool should_stop (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is only called from one of the registered threads in this object
+ ensures
+ - if (is_running() == false && should_stop() == false) then
+ - blocks until (#is_running() == true || #should_stop() == true)
+ - if (this thread is supposed to terminate) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ multithreaded_object(multithreaded_object&); // copy constructor
+ multithreaded_object& operator=(multithreaded_object&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/parallel_for_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/parallel_for_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60b64b1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/parallel_for_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_PARALLEL_FoR_Hh_
+#define DLIB_PARALLEL_FoR_Hh_
+#include "parallel_for_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "thread_pool_extension.h"
+#include "../console_progress_indicator.h"
+#include "async.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace impl
+ {
+ template <typename T>
+ class helper_parallel_for
+ {
+ public:
+ helper_parallel_for (
+ T& obj_,
+ void (T::*funct_)(long)
+ ) :
+ obj(obj_),
+ funct(funct_)
+ {}
+ T& obj;
+ void (T::*funct)(long);
+ void process_block (long begin, long end)
+ {
+ for (long i = begin; i < end; ++i)
+ (obj.*funct)(i);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ class helper_parallel_for_funct
+ {
+ public:
+ helper_parallel_for_funct (
+ const T& funct_
+ ) : funct(funct_) {}
+ const T& funct;
+ void run(long i)
+ {
+ funct(i);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ class helper_parallel_for_funct2
+ {
+ public:
+ helper_parallel_for_funct2 (
+ const T& funct_
+ ) : funct(funct_) {}
+ const T& funct;
+ void run(long begin, long end)
+ {
+ funct(begin, end);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long, long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ if (tp.num_threads_in_pool() != 0)
+ {
+ const long num = end-begin;
+ const long num_workers = static_cast<long>(tp.num_threads_in_pool());
+ // How many samples to process in a single task (aim for chunks_per_thread jobs per worker)
+ const long block_size = std::max(1L, num/(num_workers*chunks_per_thread));
+ for (long i = 0; i < num; i+=block_size)
+ {
+ tp.add_task(obj, funct, begin+i, begin+std::min(i+block_size, num));
+ }
+ tp.wait_for_all_tasks();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Since there aren't any threads in the pool we might as well just invoke
+ // the function directly since that's all the thread_pool object would do.
+ // But doing it ourselves skips a mutex lock.
+ (obj.*funct)(begin, end);
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long, long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ thread_pool tp(num_threads);
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, obj, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::helper_parallel_for_funct2<T> helper(funct);
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, helper, &impl::helper_parallel_for_funct2<T>::run, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ thread_pool tp(num_threads);
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ parallel_for_blocked(default_thread_pool(), begin, end, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::helper_parallel_for<T> helper(obj, funct);
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, helper, &impl::helper_parallel_for<T>::process_block, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ thread_pool tp(num_threads);
+ parallel_for(tp, begin, end, obj, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::helper_parallel_for_funct<T> helper(funct);
+ parallel_for(tp, begin, end, helper, &impl::helper_parallel_for_funct<T>::run, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ thread_pool tp(num_threads);
+ parallel_for(tp, begin, end, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ parallel_for(default_thread_pool(), begin, end, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace impl
+ {
+ template <typename T>
+ class parfor_verbose_helper
+ {
+ public:
+ parfor_verbose_helper(T& obj_, void (T::*funct_)(long), long begin, long end) :
+ obj(obj_), funct(funct_), pbar(end-begin)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ wrote_to_screen = pbar.print_status(0);
+ }
+ ~parfor_verbose_helper()
+ {
+ if (wrote_to_screen)
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ mutable long count;
+ T& obj;
+ void (T::*funct)(long);
+ mutable console_progress_indicator pbar;
+ mutable bool wrote_to_screen;
+ mutex m;
+ void operator()(long i) const
+ {
+ (obj.*funct)(i);
+ {
+ auto_mutex lock(m);
+ wrote_to_screen = pbar.print_status(++count) || wrote_to_screen;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ class parfor_verbose_helper3
+ {
+ public:
+ parfor_verbose_helper3(T& obj_, void (T::*funct_)(long,long), long begin, long end) :
+ obj(obj_), funct(funct_), pbar(end-begin)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ wrote_to_screen = pbar.print_status(0);
+ }
+ ~parfor_verbose_helper3()
+ {
+ if (wrote_to_screen)
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ mutable long count;
+ T& obj;
+ void (T::*funct)(long,long);
+ mutable console_progress_indicator pbar;
+ mutable bool wrote_to_screen;
+ mutex m;
+ void operator()(long begin, long end) const
+ {
+ (obj.*funct)(begin, end);
+ {
+ auto_mutex lock(m);
+ count += end-begin;
+ wrote_to_screen = pbar.print_status(count) || wrote_to_screen;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ class parfor_verbose_helper2
+ {
+ public:
+ parfor_verbose_helper2(const T& obj_, long begin, long end) : obj(obj_), pbar(end-begin)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ wrote_to_screen = pbar.print_status(0);
+ }
+ ~parfor_verbose_helper2()
+ {
+ if (wrote_to_screen)
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ mutable long count;
+ const T& obj;
+ mutable console_progress_indicator pbar;
+ mutable bool wrote_to_screen;
+ mutex m;
+ void operator()(long i) const
+ {
+ obj(i);
+ {
+ auto_mutex lock(m);
+ wrote_to_screen = pbar.print_status(++count) || wrote_to_screen;
+ }
+ }
+ void operator()(long begin, long end) const
+ {
+ obj(begin, end);
+ {
+ auto_mutex lock(m);
+ count += end-begin;
+ wrote_to_screen = pbar.print_status(count) || wrote_to_screen;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper<T> helper(obj, funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for(tp, begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper<T> helper(obj, funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for(num_threads, begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper2<T> helper(funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for(tp, begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper2<T> helper(funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for(num_threads, begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper2<T> helper(funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for(begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long,long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper3<T> helper(obj, funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long,long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper3<T> helper(obj, funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for_blocked(num_threads, begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper2<T> helper(funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper2<T> helper(funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for_blocked(num_threads, begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ )
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(begin <= end && chunks_per_thread > 0,
+ "\t void parallel_for_blocked_verbose()"
+ << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
+ << "\n\t begin: " << begin
+ << "\n\t end: " << end
+ << "\n\t chunks_per_thread: " << chunks_per_thread
+ );
+ impl::parfor_verbose_helper2<T> helper(funct, begin, end);
+ parallel_for_blocked(begin, end, helper, chunks_per_thread);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_PARALLEL_FoR_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/parallel_for_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/parallel_for_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffd2e0c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/parallel_for_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "thread_pool_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "async_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long, long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This is a convenience function for submitting a block of jobs to a thread_pool.
+ In particular, given the half open range [begin, end), this function will
+ split the range into approximately tp.num_threads_in_pool()*chunks_per_thread
+ blocks, which it will then submit to the thread_pool. The given thread_pool
+ will then call (obj.*funct)() on each of the subranges.
+ - To be precise, suppose we have broken the range [begin, end) into the
+ following subranges:
+ - [begin[0], end[0])
+ - [begin[1], end[1])
+ - [begin[2], end[2])
+ ...
+ - [begin[n], end[n])
+ Then parallel_for_blocked() submits each of these subranges to tp for
+ processing such that (obj.*funct)(begin[i], end[i]) is invoked for all valid
+ values of i. Moreover, the subranges are non-overlapping and completely
+ cover the total range of [begin, end).
+ - This function will not perform any memory allocations or create any system
+ resources such as mutex objects.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long, long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is equivalent to the following block of code:
+ thread_pool tp(num_threads);
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, obj, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ - begin <= end
+ ensures
+ - This is a convenience function for submitting a block of jobs to a
+ thread_pool. In particular, given the range [begin, end), this function will
+ split the range into approximately tp.num_threads_in_pool()*chunks_per_thread
+ blocks, which it will then submit to the thread_pool. The given thread_pool
+ will then call funct() on each of the subranges.
+ - To be precise, suppose we have broken the range [begin, end) into the
+ following subranges:
+ - [begin[0], end[0])
+ - [begin[1], end[1])
+ - [begin[2], end[2])
+ ...
+ - [begin[n], end[n])
+ Then parallel_for_blocked() submits each of these subranges to tp for
+ processing such that funct(begin[i], end[i]) is invoked for all valid values
+ of i.
+ - This function will not perform any memory allocations or create any system
+ resources such as mutex objects.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is equivalent to the following block of code:
+ thread_pool tp(num_threads);
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked (
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is equivalent to the following block of code:
+ parallel_for_blocked(default_thread_pool(), begin, end, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is equivalent to the following function call:
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, [&](long begin_sub, long end_sub)
+ {
+ for (long i = begin_sub; i < end_sub; ++i)
+ (obj.*funct)(i);
+ }, chunks_per_thread);
+ - Therefore, this routine invokes (obj.*funct)(i) for all i in the range
+ [begin, end). However, it does so using tp.num_threads_in_pool() parallel
+ threads.
+ - This function will not perform any memory allocations or create any system
+ resources such as mutex objects.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is equivalent to the following block of code:
+ thread_pool tp(num_threads);
+ parallel_for(tp, begin, end, obj, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is equivalent to the following function call:
+ parallel_for_blocked(tp, begin, end, [&](long begin_sub, long end_sub)
+ {
+ for (long i = begin_sub; i < end_sub; ++i)
+ funct(i);
+ }, chunks_per_thread);
+ - Therefore, this routine invokes funct(i) for all i in the range [begin, end).
+ However, it does so using tp.num_threads_in_pool() parallel threads.
+ - This function will not perform any memory allocations or create any system
+ resources such as mutex objects.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is equivalent to the following block of code:
+ thread_pool tp(num_threads);
+ parallel_for(tp, begin, end, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for (
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is equivalent to the following block of code:
+ parallel_for(default_thread_pool(), begin, end, funct, chunks_per_thread);
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for() routine defined above except
+ that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in executing the
+ parallel for loop.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for() routine defined above except
+ that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in executing the
+ parallel for loop.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for() routine defined above except
+ that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in executing the
+ parallel for loop.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for() routine defined above except
+ that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in executing the
+ parallel for loop.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_verbose (
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for() routine defined above except
+ that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in executing the
+ parallel for loop.
+ - It will also use the default_thread_pool().
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long,long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for_blocked() routine defined
+ above except that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in
+ executing the parallel for loop.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long,long),
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for_blocked() routine defined
+ above except that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in
+ executing the parallel for loop.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ thread_pool& tp,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for_blocked() routine defined
+ above except that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in
+ executing the parallel for loop.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ unsigned long num_threads,
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for_blocked() routine defined
+ above except that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in
+ executing the parallel for loop.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void parallel_for_blocked_verbose (
+ long begin,
+ long end,
+ const T& funct,
+ long chunks_per_thread = 8
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - begin <= end
+ - chunks_per_thread > 0
+ ensures
+ - This function is identical to the parallel_for_blocked() routine defined
+ above except that it will print messages to cout showing the progress in
+ executing the parallel for loop.
+ - It will also use the default_thread_pool()
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/posix.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/posix.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7226743e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/posix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_2.h"
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/read_write_mutex_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/read_write_mutex_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20e5d5ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/read_write_mutex_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel.h"
+#include "read_write_mutex_extension_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class read_write_mutex
+ {
+ /*!
+ - max_locks == defined by constructor
+ - available_locks == max_locks
+ - write_lock_in_progress == false
+ - write_lock_active == false
+ - Each time someone gets a read only lock they take one of the "available locks"
+ and each write lock takes all possible locks (i.e. max_locks). The number of
+ available locks is recorded in available_locks. Any time you try to lock this
+ object and there aren't available locks you have to wait.
+ - max_locks == max_readonly_locks()
+ - if (some thread is on the process of obtaining a write lock) then
+ - write_lock_in_progress == true
+ - else
+ - write_lock_in_progress == false
+ - if (some thread currently has a write lock on this mutex) then
+ - write_lock_active == true
+ - else
+ - write_lock_active == false
+ !*/
+ public:
+ read_write_mutex (
+ ) : s(m),
+ max_locks(0xFFFFFFFF),
+ available_locks(max_locks),
+ write_lock_in_progress(false),
+ write_lock_active(false)
+ {}
+ explicit read_write_mutex (
+ unsigned long max_locks_
+ ) : s(m),
+ max_locks(max_locks_),
+ available_locks(max_locks_),
+ write_lock_in_progress(false),
+ write_lock_active(false)
+ {
+ // make sure requires clause is not broken
+ DLIB_ASSERT(max_locks > 0,
+ "\t read_write_mutex::read_write_mutex(max_locks)"
+ << "\n\t You must give a non-zero value for max_locks"
+ << "\n\t this: " << this
+ );
+ }
+ ~read_write_mutex (
+ )
+ {}
+ void lock (
+ ) const
+ {
+ m.lock();
+ // If another write lock is already in progress then wait for it to finish
+ // before we start trying to grab all the available locks. This way we
+ // don't end up fighting over the locks.
+ while (write_lock_in_progress)
+ s.wait();
+ // grab the right to perform a write lock
+ write_lock_in_progress = true;
+ // now start grabbing all the locks
+ unsigned long locks_obtained = available_locks;
+ available_locks = 0;
+ while (locks_obtained != max_locks)
+ {
+ s.wait();
+ locks_obtained += available_locks;
+ available_locks = 0;
+ }
+ write_lock_in_progress = false;
+ write_lock_active = true;
+ m.unlock();
+ }
+ void unlock (
+ ) const
+ {
+ m.lock();
+ // only do something if there really was a lock in place
+ if (write_lock_active)
+ {
+ available_locks = max_locks;
+ write_lock_active = false;
+ s.broadcast();
+ }
+ m.unlock();
+ }
+ void lock_readonly (
+ ) const
+ {
+ m.lock();
+ while (available_locks == 0)
+ s.wait();
+ --available_locks;
+ m.unlock();
+ }
+ void unlock_readonly (
+ ) const
+ {
+ m.lock();
+ // If this condition is false then it means there are no more readonly locks
+ // to free. So we don't do anything.
+ if (available_locks != max_locks && !write_lock_active)
+ {
+ ++available_locks;
+ // only perform broadcast when there is another thread that might be listening
+ if (available_locks == 1 || write_lock_in_progress)
+ {
+ s.broadcast();
+ }
+ }
+ m.unlock();
+ }
+ unsigned long max_readonly_locks (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return max_locks;
+ }
+ private:
+ mutex m;
+ signaler s;
+ const unsigned long max_locks;
+ mutable unsigned long available_locks;
+ mutable bool write_lock_in_progress;
+ mutable bool write_lock_active;
+ // restricted functions
+ read_write_mutex(read_write_mutex&); // copy constructor
+ read_write_mutex& operator=(read_write_mutex&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/read_write_mutex_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/read_write_mutex_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18672b057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/read_write_mutex_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class read_write_mutex
+ {
+ /*!
+ read_write_mutex is in the fully unlocked state
+ This object represents a mutex intended to be used for synchronous
+ thread control of shared data. When a thread wants to access some
+ shared data it locks out other threads by calling lock() and calls
+ unlock() when it is finished.
+ This mutex also has the additional ability to distinguish between
+ a lock for the purposes of modifying some shared data, a write lock,
+ and a lock for the purposes of only reading shared data, a readonly
+ lock. The lock() and unlock() functions are used for write locks while
+ the lock_readonly() and unlock_readonly() are for readonly locks.
+ The difference between a readonly and write lock can be understood as
+ follows. The read_write_mutex will allow many threads to obtain simultaneous
+ readonly locks but will only allow a single thread to obtain a write lock.
+ Moreover, while the write lock is obtained no other threads are allowed
+ to have readonly locks.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ read_write_mutex (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - max_readonly_locks() == 0xFFFFFFFF
+ (i.e. about 4 billion)
+ throws
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create the read_write_mutex.
+ !*/
+ explicit read_write_mutex (
+ unsigned long max_locks
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - max_locks > 0
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - max_readonly_locks() == max_locks
+ throws
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create the read_write_mutex.
+ !*/
+ ~read_write_mutex (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - *this is not locked
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ !*/
+ void lock (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - The thread calling this function does not have any kind of lock on this
+ object
+ ensures
+ - if (there is any kind of lock on *this) then
+ - the calling thread is put to sleep until a write lock becomes available.
+ Once available, a write lock is obtained on this mutex and this function
+ terminates.
+ - else
+ - a write lock is obtained on this mutex and the calling thread is not put to sleep
+ !*/
+ void unlock (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (there is a write lock on *this) then
+ - #*this is unlocked (i.e. other threads may now lock this object)
+ - else
+ - the call to unlock() has no effect
+ !*/
+ unsigned long max_readonly_locks (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the maximum number of concurrent readonly locks this object will allow.
+ !*/
+ void lock_readonly (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - The thread calling this function does not already have a write
+ lock on this object
+ ensures
+ - if (there is a write lock on *this or there are no free readonly locks) then
+ - the calling thread is put to sleep until there is no longer a write lock
+ and a free readonly lock is available. Once this is the case, a readonly
+ lock is obtained and this function terminates.
+ - else
+ - a readonly lock is obtained on *this and the calling thread is not put
+ to sleep. Note that multiple readonly locks can be obtained at once.
+ !*/
+ void unlock_readonly (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (there is a readonly lock on *this) then
+ - one readonly lock is removed from *this.
+ - else
+ - the call to unlock_readonly() has no effect.
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ read_write_mutex(read_write_mutex&); // copy constructor
+ read_write_mutex& operator=(read_write_mutex&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rmutex_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rmutex_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7bf998be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rmutex_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel.h"
+#include "rmutex_extension_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class rmutex
+ {
+ /*!
+ count == 0
+ thread_id == 0
+ - count == lock_count()
+ - if (no thread currently has a lock on this mutex) then
+ - count == 0
+ - else
+ - count == the number of times the thread that owns this mutex has
+ called lock()
+ - thread_id == the id of this thread.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ rmutex (
+ ) : s(m),
+ thread_id(0),
+ count(0)
+ {}
+ ~rmutex (
+ )
+ {}
+ unsigned long lock_count (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return count;
+ }
+ void lock (
+ unsigned long times = 1
+ ) const
+ {
+ const thread_id_type current_thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ m.lock();
+ if (thread_id == current_thread_id)
+ {
+ // we already own this mutex in this case
+ count += times;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // wait for our turn to claim this rmutex
+ while (count != 0)
+ s.wait();
+ count = times;
+ thread_id = current_thread_id;
+ }
+ m.unlock();
+ }
+ void unlock (
+ unsigned long times = 1
+ ) const
+ {
+ const thread_id_type current_thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ m.lock();
+ if (thread_id == current_thread_id)
+ {
+ if (count <= times)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ s.signal();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ count -= times;
+ }
+ }
+ m.unlock();
+ }
+ private:
+ mutex m;
+ signaler s;
+ mutable thread_id_type thread_id;
+ mutable unsigned long count;
+ // restricted functions
+ rmutex(rmutex&); // copy constructor
+ rmutex& operator=(rmutex&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rmutex_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rmutex_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..144dbf4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rmutex_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class rmutex
+ {
+ /*!
+ rmutex is in the unlocked state
+ This object represents a recursive mutex intended to be used for synchronous
+ thread control of shared data. When a thread wants to access some
+ shared data it locks out other threads by calling lock() and calls
+ unlock() when it is finished.
+ The difference between this and the normal mutex object is that it is safe to
+ call lock() from a thread that already has a lock on this mutex. Doing
+ so just increments a counter but otherwise has no effect on the mutex.
+ Note that unlock() must be called for each call to lock() to release the
+ mutex.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ rmutex (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ throws
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create the rmutex.
+ !*/
+ ~rmutex (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - *this is not locked
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ !*/
+ unsigned long lock_count (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - the calling thread has a lock on this mutex
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of times the thread has called lock()
+ !*/
+ void lock (
+ unsigned long times = 1
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (*this is currently locked by another thread) then
+ - the thread that called lock() on *this is put to sleep until
+ it becomes available.
+ - #lock_count() == times
+ - if (*this is currently unlocked) then
+ - #*this becomes locked and the current thread is NOT put to sleep
+ but now "owns" #*this
+ - #lock_count() == times
+ - if (*this is locked and owned by the current thread) then
+ - the calling thread retains its lock on *this and isn't put to sleep.
+ - #lock_count() == lock_count() + times
+ !*/
+ void unlock (
+ unsigned long times = 1
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (*this is currently locked and owned by the thread calling unlock) then
+ - if (lock_count() <= times ) then
+ - #*this is unlocked (i.e. other threads may now lock this object)
+ - else
+ - #*this will remain locked
+ - #lock_count() == lock_count() - times
+ - else
+ - the call to unlock() has no effect
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ rmutex(rmutex&); // copy constructor
+ rmutex& operator=(rmutex&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rsignaler_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rsignaler_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfb5a7ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rsignaler_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "rsignaler_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "rmutex_extension.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class rsignaler
+ {
+ public:
+ rsignaler (
+ const rmutex& associated_mutex
+ ) :
+ assoc_mutex(associated_mutex),
+ s(m)
+ {}
+ ~rsignaler (
+ )
+ {}
+ void wait (
+ ) const
+ {
+ m.lock();
+ const unsigned long lock_count = assoc_mutex.lock_count();
+ assoc_mutex.unlock(lock_count);
+ s.wait();
+ m.unlock();
+ assoc_mutex.lock(lock_count);
+ }
+ bool wait_or_timeout (
+ unsigned long milliseconds
+ ) const
+ {
+ m.lock();
+ const unsigned long lock_count = assoc_mutex.lock_count();
+ assoc_mutex.unlock(lock_count);
+ bool res = s.wait_or_timeout(milliseconds);
+ m.unlock();
+ assoc_mutex.lock(lock_count);
+ return res;
+ }
+ void signal (
+ ) const
+ {
+ m.lock();
+ s.signal();
+ m.unlock();
+ }
+ void broadcast (
+ ) const
+ {
+ m.lock();
+ s.broadcast();
+ m.unlock();
+ }
+ const rmutex& get_mutex (
+ ) const { return assoc_mutex; }
+ private:
+ const rmutex& assoc_mutex;
+ mutex m;
+ signaler s;
+ // restricted functions
+ rsignaler(rsignaler&); // copy constructor
+ rsignaler& operator=(rsignaler&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rsignaler_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rsignaler_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae5f450d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/rsignaler_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "rmutex_extension_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class rsignaler
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object represents an event signaling system for threads. It gives
+ a thread the ability to wake up other threads that are waiting for a
+ particular signal.
+ Each rsignaler object is associated with one and only one rmutex object.
+ More than one rsignaler object may be associated with a single rmutex
+ but a signaler object may only be associated with a single rmutex.
+ You must guard against spurious wakeups. This means that a thread
+ might return from a call to wait even if no other thread called
+ signal. This is rare but must be guarded against.
+ Also note that this object is identical to the signaler object
+ except that it works with rmutex objects rather than mutex objects.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ rsignaler (
+ const rmutex& associated_mutex
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - #get_mutex() == associated_mutex
+ throws
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create the signaler.
+ !*/
+ ~rsignaler (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ !*/
+ void wait (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - get_mutex() is locked and owned by the calling thread
+ ensures
+ - atomically unlocks get_mutex() and blocks the calling thread
+ - calling thread may wake if another thread calls signal() or broadcast()
+ on *this
+ - when wait() returns the calling thread again has a lock on get_mutex()
+ !*/
+ bool wait_or_timeout (
+ unsigned long milliseconds
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - get_mutex() is locked and owned by the calling thread
+ ensures
+ - atomically unlocks get_mutex() and blocks the calling thread
+ - calling thread may wake if another thread calls signal() or broadcast()
+ on *this
+ - after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed the calling thread
+ will wake once get_mutex() is free
+ - when wait returns the calling thread again has a lock on get_mutex()
+ - returns false if the call to wait_or_timeout timed out
+ - returns true if the call did not time out
+ !*/
+ void signal (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (at least one thread is waiting on *this) then
+ - at least one of the waiting threads will wake
+ !*/
+ void broadcast (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - any and all threads waiting on *this will wake
+ !*/
+ const rmutex& get_mutex (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a const reference to the rmutex associated with *this
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ rsignaler(rsignaler&); // copy constructor
+ rsignaler& operator=(rsignaler&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_function_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_function_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ecdd6520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_function_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include <memory>
+#include "thread_function_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "threads_kernel.h"
+#include "auto_mutex_extension.h"
+#include "threaded_object_extension.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class thread_function : private threaded_object
+ {
+ class base_funct
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void go() = 0;
+ virtual ~base_funct() {}
+ };
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ class super_funct_4 : public base_funct
+ {
+ public:
+ super_funct_4 ( F funct, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) :
+ f(funct),
+ a1(arg1),
+ a2(arg2),
+ a3(arg3),
+ a4(arg4)
+ {
+ }
+ void go() { f(a1, a2, a3, a4); }
+ F f;
+ T1 a1;
+ T2 a2;
+ T3 a3;
+ T4 a4;
+ };
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+ class super_funct_3 : public base_funct
+ {
+ public:
+ super_funct_3 ( F funct, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3):
+ f(funct),
+ a1(arg1),
+ a2(arg2),
+ a3(arg3)
+ {
+ }
+ void go() { f(a1, a2, a3); }
+ F f;
+ T1 a1;
+ T2 a2;
+ T3 a3;
+ };
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2>
+ class super_funct_2 : public base_funct
+ {
+ public:
+ super_funct_2 ( F funct, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) :
+ f(funct),
+ a1(arg1),
+ a2(arg2)
+ {
+ }
+ void go() { f(a1, a2); }
+ F f;
+ T1 a1;
+ T2 a2;
+ };
+ template <typename F, typename T>
+ class super_funct_1 : public base_funct
+ {
+ public:
+ super_funct_1 ( F funct, T arg) : f(funct), a(arg)
+ {
+ }
+ void go() { f(a); }
+ F f;
+ T a;
+ };
+ template <typename F>
+ class super_funct_0 : public base_funct
+ {
+ public:
+ super_funct_0 ( F funct) : f(funct)
+ {
+ }
+ void go() { f(); }
+ F f;
+ };
+ public:
+ template <typename F>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct
+ )
+ {
+ f.reset(new super_funct_0<F>(funct));
+ start();
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename T>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct,
+ T arg
+ )
+ {
+ f.reset(new super_funct_1<F,T>(funct,arg));
+ start();
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct,
+ T1 arg1,
+ T2 arg2
+ )
+ {
+ f.reset(new super_funct_2<F,T1,T2>(funct, arg1, arg2));
+ start();
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct,
+ T1 arg1,
+ T2 arg2,
+ T3 arg3
+ )
+ {
+ f.reset(new super_funct_3<F,T1,T2,T3>(funct, arg1, arg2, arg3));
+ start();
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct,
+ T1 arg1,
+ T2 arg2,
+ T3 arg3,
+ T4 arg4
+ )
+ {
+ f.reset(new super_funct_4<F,T1,T2,T3,T4>(funct, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4));
+ start();
+ }
+ ~thread_function (
+ )
+ {
+ threaded_object::wait();
+ }
+ bool is_alive (
+ ) const
+ {
+ return threaded_object::is_alive();
+ }
+ void wait (
+ ) const
+ {
+ threaded_object::wait();
+ }
+ private:
+ void thread ()
+ {
+ f->go();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<base_funct> f;
+ // restricted functions
+ thread_function(thread_function&); // copy constructor
+ thread_function& operator=(thread_function&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_function_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_function_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65ea998ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_function_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class thread_function
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object represents a thread on a global C++ function or function
+ object. That is, it allows you to run a function in its own thread.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ template <typename F>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - the function funct has been started in its own thread
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create threading objects.
+ !*/
+ template <typename F, typename T1>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct,
+ T1 arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - A thread has been created and it will call funct(arg1)
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create threading objects.
+ !*/
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct,
+ T1 arg1,
+ T2 arg2
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - A thread has been created and it will call funct(arg1, arg2)
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create threading objects.
+ !*/
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct,
+ T1 arg1,
+ T2 arg2,
+ T3 arg3
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - A thread has been created and it will call funct(arg1, arg2, arg3)
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create threading objects.
+ !*/
+ template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ thread_function (
+ F funct,
+ T1 arg1,
+ T2 arg2,
+ T3 arg3,
+ T4 arg4
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - A thread has been created and it will call funct(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create threading objects.
+ !*/
+ ~thread_function (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed.
+ - blocks until is_alive() == false
+ !*/
+ bool is_alive (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (this object's thread has yet to terminate) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ void wait (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_alive() == true) then
+ - blocks until this object's thread terminates
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ thread_function(thread_function&); // copy constructor
+ thread_function& operator=(thread_function&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00d99b910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "thread_pool_extension.h"
+#include <memory>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ thread_pool_implementation::
+ thread_pool_implementation (
+ unsigned long num_threads
+ ) :
+ task_done_signaler(m),
+ task_ready_signaler(m),
+ we_are_destructing(false)
+ {
+ tasks.resize(num_threads);
+ threads.resize(num_threads);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i)
+ {
+ threads[i] = std::thread([&](){this->thread();});
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void thread_pool_implementation::
+ shutdown_pool (
+ )
+ {
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ // first wait for all pending tasks to finish
+ bool found_task = true;
+ while (found_task)
+ {
+ found_task = false;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // If task bucket i has a task that is currently supposed to be processed
+ if (tasks[i].is_empty() == false)
+ {
+ found_task = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_task)
+ task_done_signaler.wait();
+ }
+ // now tell the threads to kill themselves
+ we_are_destructing = true;
+ task_ready_signaler.broadcast();
+ }
+ // wait for all threads to terminate
+ for (auto& t : threads)
+ t.join();
+ threads.clear();
+ // Throw any unhandled exceptions. Since shutdown_pool() is only called in the
+ // destructor this will kill the program.
+ for (auto&& task : tasks)
+ task.propagate_exception();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ thread_pool_implementation::
+ ~thread_pool_implementation()
+ {
+ shutdown_pool();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ unsigned long thread_pool_implementation::
+ num_threads_in_pool (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ return tasks.size();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void thread_pool_implementation::
+ wait_for_task (
+ uint64 task_id
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ if (tasks.size() != 0)
+ {
+ const unsigned long idx = task_id_to_index(task_id);
+ while (tasks[idx].task_id == task_id)
+ task_done_signaler.wait();
+ for (auto&& task : tasks)
+ task.propagate_exception();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void thread_pool_implementation::
+ wait_for_all_tasks (
+ ) const
+ {
+ const thread_id_type thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ bool found_task = true;
+ while (found_task)
+ {
+ found_task = false;
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // If task bucket i has a task that is currently supposed to be processed
+ // and it originated from the calling thread
+ if (tasks[i].is_empty() == false && tasks[i].thread_id == thread_id)
+ {
+ found_task = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_task)
+ task_done_signaler.wait();
+ }
+ // throw any exceptions generated by the tasks
+ for (auto&& task : tasks)
+ task.propagate_exception();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool thread_pool_implementation::
+ is_worker_thread (
+ const thread_id_type id
+ ) const
+ {
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < worker_thread_ids.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (worker_thread_ids[i] == id)
+ return true;
+ }
+ // if there aren't any threads in the pool then we consider all threads
+ // to be worker threads
+ if (tasks.size() == 0)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void thread_pool_implementation::
+ thread (
+ )
+ {
+ {
+ // save the id of this worker thread into worker_thread_ids
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ thread_id_type id = get_thread_id();
+ worker_thread_ids.push_back(id);
+ }
+ task_state_type task;
+ while (we_are_destructing == false)
+ {
+ long idx = 0;
+ // wait for a task to do
+ { auto_mutex M(m);
+ while ( (idx = find_ready_task()) == -1 && we_are_destructing == false)
+ task_ready_signaler.wait();
+ if (we_are_destructing)
+ break;
+ tasks[idx].is_being_processed = true;
+ task = tasks[idx];
+ }
+ std::exception_ptr eptr = nullptr;
+ try
+ {
+ // now do the task
+ if (task.bfp)
+ task.bfp();
+ else if (task.mfp0)
+ task.mfp0();
+ else if (task.mfp1)
+ task.mfp1(task.arg1);
+ else if (task.mfp2)
+ task.mfp2(task.arg1, task.arg2);
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ eptr = std::current_exception();
+ }
+ // Now let others know that we finished the task. We do this
+ // by clearing out the state of this task
+ { auto_mutex M(m);
+ tasks[idx].is_being_processed = false;
+ tasks[idx].task_id = 0;
+ tasks[idx].bfp.clear();
+ tasks[idx].mfp0.clear();
+ tasks[idx].mfp1.clear();
+ tasks[idx].mfp2.clear();
+ tasks[idx].arg1 = 0;
+ tasks[idx].arg2 = 0;
+ tasks[idx].eptr = eptr;
+ task_done_signaler.broadcast();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ long thread_pool_implementation::
+ find_empty_task_slot (
+ ) const
+ {
+ for (auto&& task : tasks)
+ task.propagate_exception();
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (tasks[i].is_empty())
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ long thread_pool_implementation::
+ find_ready_task (
+ ) const
+ {
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (tasks[i].is_ready())
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint64 thread_pool_implementation::
+ make_next_task_id (
+ long idx
+ )
+ {
+ uint64 id = tasks[idx].next_task_id * tasks.size() + idx;
+ tasks[idx].next_task_id += 1;
+ return id;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ unsigned long thread_pool_implementation::
+ task_id_to_index (
+ uint64 id
+ ) const
+ {
+ return static_cast<unsigned long>(id%tasks.size());
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint64 thread_pool_implementation::
+ add_task_internal (
+ const bfp_type& bfp,
+ std::shared_ptr<function_object_copy>& item
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ const thread_id_type my_thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ // find a thread that isn't doing anything
+ long idx = find_empty_task_slot();
+ if (idx == -1 && is_worker_thread(my_thread_id))
+ {
+ // this function is being called from within a worker thread and there
+ // aren't any other worker threads free so just perform the task right
+ // here
+ M.unlock();
+ bfp();
+ // return a task id that is both non-zero and also one
+ // that is never normally returned. This way calls
+ // to wait_for_task() will never block given this id.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // wait until there is a thread that isn't doing anything
+ while (idx == -1)
+ {
+ task_done_signaler.wait();
+ idx = find_empty_task_slot();
+ }
+ tasks[idx].thread_id = my_thread_id;
+ tasks[idx].task_id = make_next_task_id(idx);
+ tasks[idx].bfp = bfp;
+ tasks[idx].function_copy.swap(item);
+ task_ready_signaler.signal();
+ return tasks[idx].task_id;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool thread_pool_implementation::
+ is_task_thread (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ return is_worker_thread(get_thread_id());
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // DLIB_THREAD_POOl_CPPh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc2e1782c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1392 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#ifndef DLIB_THREAD_POOl_Hh_
+#define DLIB_THREAD_POOl_Hh_
+#include <exception>
+#include <memory>
+#include <thread>
+#include "thread_pool_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "multithreaded_object_extension.h"
+#include "../member_function_pointer.h"
+#include "../bound_function_pointer.h"
+#include "threads_kernel.h"
+#include "auto_mutex_extension.h"
+#include "../uintn.h"
+#include "../array.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class thread_pool_implementation;
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class future
+ {
+ /*!
+ - task_id == 0
+ - tp.get() == 0
+ - is_ready() == (tp.get() == 0)
+ - get() == var
+ - if (tp.get() != 0)
+ - tp == a pointer to the thread_pool_implementation that is using this future object
+ - task_id == the task id of the task in the thread pool tp that is using
+ this future object.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ future (
+ ) : task_id(0) {}
+ future (
+ const T& item
+ ) : task_id(0), var(item) {}
+ future (
+ const future& item
+ ) :task_id(0), var(item.get()) {}
+ ~future (
+ ) { wait(); }
+ future& operator=(
+ const T& item
+ ) { get() = item; return *this; }
+ future& operator=(
+ const future& item
+ ) { get() = item.get(); return *this; }
+ operator T& (
+ ) { return get(); }
+ operator const T& (
+ ) const { return get(); }
+ T& get (
+ ) { wait(); return var; }
+ const T& get (
+ ) const { wait(); return var; }
+ bool is_ready (
+ ) const { return tp.get() == 0; }
+ private:
+ friend class thread_pool;
+ inline void wait () const;
+ mutable uint64 task_id;
+ mutable std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation> tp;
+ T var;
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void swap (
+ future<T>& a,
+ future<T>& b
+ ) { dlib::exchange(a.get(), b.get()); }
+ // Note that dlib::exchange() just calls std::swap. I'm only using it because
+ // this works around some bugs in certain compilers.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T> bool operator== (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() == b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator!= (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() != b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator<= (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() <= b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator>= (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() >= b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator< (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() < b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator> (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() > b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator== (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() == b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator== (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a == b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator!= (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() != b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator!= (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a != b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator<= (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() <= b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator<= (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a <= b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator>= (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() >= b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator>= (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a >= b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator< (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() < b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator< (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a < b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator> (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() > b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator> (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a > b.get(); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class thread_pool_implementation
+ {
+ /*!
+ - num_threads_in_pool() == tasks.size()
+ - if (the destructor has been called) then
+ - we_are_destructing == true
+ - else
+ - we_are_destructing == false
+ - is_task_thread() == is_worker_thread(get_thread_id())
+ - m == the mutex used to protect everything in this object
+ - worker_thread_ids == an array that contains the thread ids for
+ all the threads in the thread pool
+ !*/
+ typedef bound_function_pointer::kernel_1a_c bfp_type;
+ friend class thread_pool;
+ explicit thread_pool_implementation (
+ unsigned long num_threads
+ );
+ public:
+ ~thread_pool_implementation(
+ );
+ void wait_for_task (
+ uint64 task_id
+ ) const;
+ unsigned long num_threads_in_pool (
+ ) const;
+ void wait_for_all_tasks (
+ ) const;
+ bool is_task_thread (
+ ) const;
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)()
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ const thread_id_type my_thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ // find a thread that isn't doing anything
+ long idx = find_empty_task_slot();
+ if (idx == -1 && is_worker_thread(my_thread_id))
+ {
+ // this function is being called from within a worker thread and there
+ // aren't any other worker threads free so just perform the task right
+ // here
+ M.unlock();
+ (obj.*funct)();
+ // return a task id that is both non-zero and also one
+ // that is never normally returned. This way calls
+ // to wait_for_task() will never block given this id.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // wait until there is a thread that isn't doing anything
+ while (idx == -1)
+ {
+ task_done_signaler.wait();
+ idx = find_empty_task_slot();
+ }
+ tasks[idx].thread_id = my_thread_id;
+ tasks[idx].task_id = make_next_task_id(idx);
+ tasks[idx].mfp0.set(obj,funct);
+ task_ready_signaler.signal();
+ return tasks[idx].task_id;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long arg1
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ const thread_id_type my_thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ // find a thread that isn't doing anything
+ long idx = find_empty_task_slot();
+ if (idx == -1 && is_worker_thread(my_thread_id))
+ {
+ // this function is being called from within a worker thread and there
+ // aren't any other worker threads free so just perform the task right
+ // here
+ M.unlock();
+ (obj.*funct)(arg1);
+ // return a task id that is both non-zero and also one
+ // that is never normally returned. This way calls
+ // to wait_for_task() will never block given this id.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // wait until there is a thread that isn't doing anything
+ while (idx == -1)
+ {
+ task_done_signaler.wait();
+ idx = find_empty_task_slot();
+ }
+ tasks[idx].thread_id = my_thread_id;
+ tasks[idx].task_id = make_next_task_id(idx);
+ tasks[idx].mfp1.set(obj,funct);
+ tasks[idx].arg1 = arg1;
+ task_ready_signaler.signal();
+ return tasks[idx].task_id;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long,long),
+ long arg1,
+ long arg2
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ const thread_id_type my_thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ // find a thread that isn't doing anything
+ long idx = find_empty_task_slot();
+ if (idx == -1 && is_worker_thread(my_thread_id))
+ {
+ // this function is being called from within a worker thread and there
+ // aren't any other worker threads free so just perform the task right
+ // here
+ M.unlock();
+ (obj.*funct)(arg1, arg2);
+ // return a task id that is both non-zero and also one
+ // that is never normally returned. This way calls
+ // to wait_for_task() will never block given this id.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // wait until there is a thread that isn't doing anything
+ while (idx == -1)
+ {
+ task_done_signaler.wait();
+ idx = find_empty_task_slot();
+ }
+ tasks[idx].thread_id = my_thread_id;
+ tasks[idx].task_id = make_next_task_id(idx);
+ tasks[idx].mfp2.set(obj,funct);
+ tasks[idx].arg1 = arg1;
+ tasks[idx].arg2 = arg2;
+ task_ready_signaler.signal();
+ return tasks[idx].task_id;
+ }
+ struct function_object_copy
+ {
+ virtual ~function_object_copy(){}
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct function_object_copy_instance : function_object_copy
+ {
+ function_object_copy_instance(const T& item_) : item(item_) {}
+ T item;
+ virtual ~function_object_copy_instance(){}
+ };
+ uint64 add_task_internal (
+ const bfp_type& bfp,
+ std::shared_ptr<function_object_copy>& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - adds a task to call the given bfp object.
+ - swaps item into the internal task object which will have a lifetime
+ at least as long as the running task.
+ - returns the task id for this new task
+ !*/
+ uint64 add_task_internal (
+ const bfp_type& bfp
+ ) { std::shared_ptr<function_object_copy> temp; return add_task_internal(bfp, temp); }
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - adds a task to call the given bfp object.
+ - returns the task id for this new task
+ !*/
+ void shutdown_pool (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - causes all threads to terminate and blocks the
+ caller until this happens.
+ !*/
+ private:
+ bool is_worker_thread (
+ const thread_id_type id
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - m is locked
+ ensures
+ - if (thread with given id is one of the thread pool's worker threads or num_threads_in_pool() == 0) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ void thread (
+ );
+ /*!
+ this is the function that executes the threads in the thread pool
+ !*/
+ long find_empty_task_slot (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - m is locked
+ ensures
+ - if (there is currently a empty task slot) then
+ - returns the index of that task slot in tasks
+ - there is a task slot
+ - else
+ - returns -1
+ !*/
+ long find_ready_task (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - m is locked
+ ensures
+ - if (there is currently a task to do) then
+ - returns the index of that task in tasks
+ - else
+ - returns -1
+ !*/
+ uint64 make_next_task_id (
+ long idx
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - m is locked
+ - 0 <= idx < tasks.size()
+ ensures
+ - returns the next index to be used for tasks that are placed in
+ tasks[idx]
+ !*/
+ unsigned long task_id_to_index (
+ uint64 id
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - m is locked
+ - num_threads_in_pool() != 0
+ ensures
+ - returns the index in tasks corresponding to the given id
+ !*/
+ struct task_state_type
+ {
+ task_state_type() : is_being_processed(false), task_id(0), next_task_id(2), arg1(0), arg2(0), eptr(nullptr) {}
+ bool is_ready () const
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_empty() == false && no thread is currently processing this task) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ {
+ return !is_being_processed && !is_empty();
+ }
+ bool is_empty () const
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (this task state is empty. i.e. it doesn't contain a task to be processed) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ {
+ return task_id == 0;
+ }
+ bool is_being_processed; // true when a thread is working on this task
+ uint64 task_id; // the id of this task. 0 means this task is empty
+ thread_id_type thread_id; // the id of the thread that requested this task
+ uint64 next_task_id;
+ long arg1;
+ long arg2;
+ member_function_pointer<> mfp0;
+ member_function_pointer<long> mfp1;
+ member_function_pointer<long,long> mfp2;
+ bfp_type bfp;
+ std::shared_ptr<function_object_copy> function_copy;
+ mutable std::exception_ptr eptr; // non-null if the task threw an exception
+ void propagate_exception() const
+ {
+ if (eptr)
+ {
+ auto tmp = eptr;
+ eptr = nullptr;
+ std::rethrow_exception(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ array<task_state_type> tasks;
+ array<thread_id_type> worker_thread_ids;
+ mutex m;
+ signaler task_done_signaler;
+ signaler task_ready_signaler;
+ bool we_are_destructing;
+ std::vector<std::thread> threads;
+ // restricted functions
+ thread_pool_implementation(thread_pool_implementation&); // copy constructor
+ thread_pool_implementation& operator=(thread_pool_implementation&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class thread_pool
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object is just a shell that holds a std::shared_ptr
+ to the real thread_pool_implementation object. The reason for doing
+ it this way is so that we can allow any mixture of destruction orders
+ between thread_pool objects and futures. Whoever gets destroyed
+ last cleans up the thread_pool_implementation resources.
+ !*/
+ typedef bound_function_pointer::kernel_1a_c bfp_type;
+ public:
+ explicit thread_pool (
+ unsigned long num_threads
+ )
+ {
+ impl.reset(new thread_pool_implementation(num_threads));
+ }
+ ~thread_pool (
+ )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ impl->shutdown_pool();
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "An unhandled exception was inside a dlib::thread_pool when it was destructed." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "It's what string is: \n" << e.what() << std::endl;
+ using namespace std;
+ assert(false);
+ abort();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "An unhandled exception was inside a dlib::thread_pool when it was destructed." << std::endl;
+ using namespace std;
+ assert(false);
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ void wait_for_task (
+ uint64 task_id
+ ) const { impl->wait_for_task(task_id); }
+ unsigned long num_threads_in_pool (
+ ) const { return impl->num_threads_in_pool(); }
+ void wait_for_all_tasks (
+ ) const { impl->wait_for_all_tasks(); }
+ bool is_task_thread (
+ ) const { return impl->is_task_thread(); }
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)()
+ )
+ {
+ return impl->add_task(obj, funct);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long arg1
+ )
+ {
+ return impl->add_task(obj, funct, arg1);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long,long),
+ long arg1,
+ long arg2
+ )
+ {
+ return impl->add_task(obj, funct, arg1, arg2);
+ }
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object
+ )
+ {
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_function<F>::value == false);
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_pointer_type<F>::value == false);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(function_object);
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename F>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>(function_object);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item);
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)() const
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj,funct);
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)() const
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item,funct);
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)()
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item,funct);
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ return id;
+ }
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)()
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(funct);
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ return id;
+ }
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ )
+ {
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_function<F>::value == false);
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_pointer_type<F>::value == false);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(function_object,arg1.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>(function_object);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, arg1.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1),
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj,funct,arg1.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1),
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item,funct,arg1.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj,funct,arg1.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item,funct,arg1.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)(T1),
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(funct,arg1.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ )
+ {
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_function<F>::value == false);
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_pointer_type<F>::value == false);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(function_object, arg1.get(), arg2.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>(function_object);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, arg1.get(), arg2.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)(T1,T2),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ )
+ {
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_function<F>::value == false);
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_pointer_type<F>::value == false);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(function_object, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>(function_object);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)(T1,T2,T3),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ )
+ {
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_function<F>::value == false);
+ COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_pointer_type<F>::value == false);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(function_object, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get(), arg4.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg4.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<F>(function_object);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get(), arg4.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the future to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg4.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get(), arg4.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg4.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get(), arg4.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg4.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(obj, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get(), arg4.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg4.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ )
+ {
+ thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>* ptr = 0;
+ ptr = new thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy_instance<const T>(obj);
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation::function_object_copy> function_copy(ptr);
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(ptr->item, funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get(), arg4.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp, function_copy);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg4.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ )
+ {
+ bfp_type temp;
+ temp.set(funct, arg1.get(), arg2.get(), arg3.get(), arg4.get());
+ uint64 id = impl->add_task_internal(temp);
+ // tie the futures to this task
+ arg1.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg2.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg3.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ arg4.task_id = id;
+ = impl;
+ return id;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<thread_pool_implementation> impl;
+ // restricted functions
+ thread_pool(thread_pool&); // copy constructor
+ thread_pool& operator=(thread_pool&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ void future<T>::
+ wait (
+ ) const
+ {
+ if (tp)
+ {
+ tp->wait_for_task(task_id);
+ tp.reset();
+ task_id = 0;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "thread_pool_extension.cpp"
+#endif // DLIB_THREAD_POOl_Hh_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba54a7546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_pool_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "../uintn.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class future
+ {
+ /*!
+ - is_ready() == true
+ This object represents a container that allows you to safely pass objects
+ into the tasks performed by the thread_pool object defined below. An
+ example will make it clear:
+ // Suppose you have a global function defined as follows
+ void add (int a, int b, int& result) { result = a + b; }
+ // Also suppose you have a thread_pool named tp defined somewhere.
+ // Then you could do the following.
+ future<int> a, b, result;
+ a = 3;
+ b = 4;
+ // this function call causes another thread to execute a call to the add() function
+ // and passes in the int objects contained in a, b, and result
+ tp.add_task(add,a,b,result);
+ // This line will wait for the task in the thread pool to finish and then print the
+ // value in the result integer. So it will print a 7.
+ cout << result << endl;
+ !*/
+ public:
+ future (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - The object of type T contained in this future has
+ an initial value for its type.
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ !*/
+ future (
+ const T& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #get() == item
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ !*/
+ future (
+ const future& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (item.is_ready() == false) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the thread processing the task related
+ to the item future has finished.
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ - #item.is_ready() == true
+ - #get() == item.get()
+ !*/
+ ~future (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_ready() == false) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the thread processing the task related
+ to this future has finished.
+ !*/
+ bool is_ready (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (the value of this future may not yet be ready to be accessed because it
+ is in use by a task in a thread_pool) then
+ - returns false
+ - else
+ - returns true
+ !*/
+ future& operator=(
+ const T& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_ready() == false) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the thread processing the task related
+ to this future has finished.
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ - #get() == item
+ - returns *this
+ !*/
+ future& operator=(
+ const future& item
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_ready() == false || item.is_ready() == false) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the threads processing the tasks related
+ to this future and the item future have finished.
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ - #item.is_ready() == true
+ - #get() == item.get()
+ - returns *this
+ !*/
+ operator T& (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_ready() == false) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the thread processing the task related
+ to this future has finished.
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ - returns get()
+ !*/
+ operator const T& (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_ready() == false) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the thread processing the task related
+ to this future has finished.
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ - returns get()
+ !*/
+ T& get (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_ready() == false) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the thread processing the task related
+ to this future has finished.
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ - returns a non-const reference to the object of type T contained inside this future
+ !*/
+ const T& get (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (is_ready() == false) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the thread processing the task related
+ to this future has finished.
+ - #is_ready() == true
+ - returns a const reference to the object of type T contained inside this future
+ !*/
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void swap (
+ future<T>& a,
+ future<T>& b
+ ) { std::swap(a.get(), b.get()); }
+ /*!
+ provides a global swap function
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The future object comes with overloads for all the usual comparison operators.
+ template <typename T> bool operator== (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() == b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator!= (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() != b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator<= (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() <= b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator>= (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() >= b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator< (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() < b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator> (const future<T>& a, const future<T>& b) { return a.get() > b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator== (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() == b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator== (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a == b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator!= (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() != b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator!= (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a != b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator<= (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() <= b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator<= (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a <= b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator>= (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() >= b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator>= (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a >= b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator< (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() < b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator< (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a < b.get(); }
+ template <typename T> bool operator> (const future<T>& a, const T& b) { return a.get() > b; }
+ template <typename T> bool operator> (const T& a, const future<T>& b) { return a > b.get(); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class thread_pool
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object represents a fixed size group of threads which you can
+ submit tasks to and then wait for those tasks to be completed.
+ Note that setting the number of threads to 0 is a valid way to
+ use this object. It causes it to not contain any threads
+ at all. When tasks are submitted to the object in this mode
+ the tasks are processed within the calling thread. So in this
+ mode any thread that calls add_task() is considered to be
+ a thread_pool thread capable of executing tasks.
+ This object is also implemented such that no memory allocations occur
+ after the thread_pool has been constructed so long as the user doesn't
+ call any of the add_task_by_value() routines. The future object also
+ doesn't perform any memory allocations or contain any system resources
+ such as mutex objects.
+ Note that if an exception is thrown inside a task thread and is not caught
+ then the exception will be trapped inside the thread pool and rethrown at a
+ later time when someone calls one of the add task or wait member functions
+ of the thread pool. This allows exceptions to propagate out of task threads
+ and into the calling code where they can be handled.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ explicit thread_pool (
+ unsigned long num_threads
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #num_threads_in_pool() == num_threads
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create threading objects.
+ !*/
+ ~thread_pool(
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - blocks until all tasks in the pool have finished.
+ - If one of the threads has generated an exception but it hasn't yet been
+ rethrown to the caller (e.g. by calling wait_for_all_tasks()) then the
+ program will be terminated. So make sure you handle all the possible
+ exceptions from your tasks.
+ !*/
+ bool is_task_thread (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (the thread calling this function is one of the threads in this
+ thread pool or num_threads_in_pool() == 0) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ unsigned long num_threads_in_pool (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns the number of threads contained in this thread pool. That is, returns
+ the maximum number of tasks that this object will process concurrently.
+ !*/
+ template <typename F>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - function_object() is a valid expression
+ ensures
+ - makes a copy of function_object, call it FCOPY.
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls FCOPY() within the calling thread and returns when it finishes
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls FCOPY().
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)()
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ - obj will not go out of scope until after the task has completed (i.e.
+ this function passes obj to the task by reference. If you want to avoid
+ this restriction then use add_task_by_value())
+ ensures
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls (obj.*funct)() within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes.
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls (obj.*funct)()
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)()
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ ensures
+ - makes a copy of obj, call it OBJ_COPY.
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls (OBJ_COPY.*funct)() within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes.
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls (OBJ_COPY.*funct)().
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long),
+ long arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ - obj will not go out of scope until after the task has completed (i.e.
+ this function passes obj to the task by reference. If you want to avoid
+ this restriction then use add_task_by_value())
+ ensures
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls (obj.*funct)(arg1) within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls (obj.*funct)(arg1)
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(long,long),
+ long arg1,
+ long arg2
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ - obj will not go out of scope until after the task has completed (i.e.
+ this function passes obj to the task by reference. If you want to avoid
+ this restriction then use add_task_by_value())
+ ensures
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls (obj.*funct)(arg1,arg2) within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls (obj.*funct)(arg1,arg2)
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ void wait_for_task (
+ uint64 task_id
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (there is currently a task with the given id being executed in the thread pool) then
+ - the call to this function blocks until the task with the given id is complete
+ - else
+ - the call to this function returns immediately
+ !*/
+ void wait_for_all_tasks (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - the call to this function blocks until all tasks which were submitted
+ to the thread pool by the thread that is calling this function have
+ finished.
+ !*/
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - function_object(arg1.get()) is a valid expression
+ (i.e. The A1 type stored in the future must be a type that can be passed into the given function object)
+ - function_object will not go out of scope until after the task has completed (i.e.
+ this function passes function_object to the task by reference. If you want to avoid
+ this restriction then use add_task_by_value())
+ ensures
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls function_object(arg1.get()) within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls function_object(arg1.get()).
+ - #arg1.is_ready() == false
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename F, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - function_object(arg1.get()) is a valid expression
+ (i.e. The A1 type stored in the future must be a type that can be passed into the given function object)
+ ensures
+ - makes a copy of function_object, call it FCOPY.
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls FCOPY(arg1.get()) within the calling thread and returns when it finishes
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls FCOPY(arg1.get()).
+ - #arg1.is_ready() == false
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1),
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ - (obj.*funct)(arg1.get()) must be a valid expression.
+ (i.e. The A1 type stored in the future must be a type that can be passed into the given function)
+ - obj will not go out of scope until after the task has completed (i.e.
+ this function passes obj to the task by reference. If you want to avoid
+ this restriction then use add_task_by_value())
+ ensures
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls (obj.*funct)(arg1.get()) within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls (obj.*funct)(arg1.get()).
+ - #arg1.is_ready() == false
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1),
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ - (obj.*funct)(arg1.get()) must be a valid expression.
+ (i.e. The A1 type stored in the future must be a type that can be passed into the given function)
+ ensures
+ - makes a copy of obj, call it OBJ_COPY.
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls (OBJ_COPY.*funct)(arg1.get()) within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes.
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls (OBJ_COPY.*funct)(arg1.get()).
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ - (obj.*funct)(arg1.get()) must be a valid expression.
+ (i.e. The A1 type stored in the future must be a type that can be passed into the given function)
+ - obj will not go out of scope until after the task has completed (i.e.
+ this function passes obj to the task by reference. If you want to avoid
+ this restriction then use add_task_by_value())
+ ensures
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls (obj.*funct)(arg1.get()) within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls (obj.*funct)(arg1.get()).
+ - #arg1.is_ready() == false
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ - (obj.*funct)(arg1.get()) must be a valid expression.
+ (i.e. The A1 type stored in the future must be a type that can be passed into the given function)
+ ensures
+ - makes a copy of obj, call it OBJ_COPY.
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls (OBJ_COPY.*funct)(arg1.get()) within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes.
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls (OBJ_COPY.*funct)(arg1.get()).
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ template <typename T1, typename A1>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)(T1),
+ future<A1>& arg1
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - funct == a valid function pointer
+ - (funct)(arg1.get()) must be a valid expression.
+ (i.e. The A1 type stored in the future must be a type that can be passed into the given function)
+ ensures
+ - if (is_task_thread() == true and there aren't any free threads available) then
+ - calls funct(arg1.get()) within the calling thread and returns
+ when it finishes
+ - else
+ - the call to this function blocks until there is a free thread in the pool
+ to process this new task. Once a free thread is available the task
+ is handed off to that thread which then calls funct(arg1.get()).
+ - #arg1.is_ready() == false
+ - returns a task id that can be used by this->wait_for_task() to wait
+ for the submitted task to finish.
+ !*/
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // The remainder of this class just contains overloads for add_task() and add_task_by_value()
+ // that take up to 4 futures (as well as 0 futures). Their behavior is identical to the above
+ // add_task() and add_task_by_value() functions.
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ );
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ );
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ );
+ template <typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)(T1,T2),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2
+ );
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ );
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ );
+ template <typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)(T1,T2,T3),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3
+ );
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ );
+ template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const F& function_object,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ );
+ template <typename T, typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4) const,
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ );
+ template <typename T1, typename A1,
+ typename T2, typename A2,
+ typename T3, typename A3,
+ typename T4, typename A4>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)(T1,T2,T3,T4),
+ future<A1>& arg1,
+ future<A2>& arg2,
+ future<A3>& arg3,
+ future<A4>& arg4
+ );
+ // --------------------
+ template <typename F>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ F& function_object
+ );
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)() const,
+ );
+ template <typename T>
+ uint64 add_task_by_value (
+ const T& obj,
+ void (T::*funct)() const
+ );
+ uint64 add_task (
+ void (*funct)()
+ );
+ // --------------------
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ thread_pool(thread_pool&); // copy constructor
+ thread_pool& operator=(thread_pool&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_specific_data_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_specific_data_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b5339200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_specific_data_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "thread_specific_data_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "../binary_search_tree.h"
+#include "auto_mutex_extension.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class thread_specific_data
+ {
+ /*!
+ - for all valid ID:
+ (*items[ID]) == pointer to the data for thread with id ID
+ !*/
+ public:
+ thread_specific_data (
+ )
+ {
+ thread_end_handler_calls_left = 0;
+ }
+ ~thread_specific_data (
+ )
+ {
+ // We should only call the unregister_thread_end_handler function if there are
+ // some outstanding callbacks we expect to get. Otherwise lets avoid calling it
+ // since the dlib state that maintains the registered thread end handlers may have
+ // been destructed already (since the program might be in the process of terminating).
+ bool call_unregister = false;
+ m.lock();
+ if (thread_end_handler_calls_left > 0)
+ call_unregister = true;
+ m.unlock();
+ if (call_unregister)
+ unregister_thread_end_handler(const_cast<thread_specific_data&>(*this),&thread_specific_data::thread_end_handler);
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ items.reset();
+ while (items.move_next())
+ {
+ delete items.element().value();
+ }
+ }
+ inline T& data (
+ ) { return get_data(); }
+ inline const T& data (
+ ) const { return get_data(); }
+ private:
+ T& get_data (
+ ) const
+ {
+ thread_id_type id = get_thread_id();
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ T** item = items[id];
+ if (item)
+ {
+ return **item;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // register an end handler for this thread so long as it is a dlib created thread.
+ T* new_item = new T;
+ bool in_tree = false;
+ try
+ {
+ T* temp_item = new_item;
+ thread_id_type temp_id = id;
+ items.add(temp_id,temp_item);
+ in_tree = true;
+ if (is_dlib_thread(id))
+ {
+ register_thread_end_handler(const_cast<thread_specific_data&>(*this),&thread_specific_data::thread_end_handler);
+ ++thread_end_handler_calls_left;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ if (in_tree)
+ {
+ items.destroy(id);
+ }
+ delete new_item;
+ throw;
+ }
+ return *new_item;
+ }
+ }
+ void thread_end_handler (
+ )
+ {
+ const thread_id_type id = get_thread_id();
+ thread_id_type junk = 0;
+ T* item = 0;
+ auto_mutex M(m);
+ --thread_end_handler_calls_left;
+ if (items[id])
+ {
+ items.remove(id,junk,item);
+ delete item;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable typename binary_search_tree<thread_id_type,T*>::kernel_2a items;
+ mutex m;
+ mutable long thread_end_handler_calls_left;
+ // restricted functions
+ thread_specific_data(thread_specific_data&); // copy constructor
+ thread_specific_data& operator=(thread_specific_data&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_specific_data_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_specific_data_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03fb9ddaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/thread_specific_data_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ class thread_specific_data
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object represents a container of thread specific data. When
+ a thread calls the data() member function it gets a reference to a T object
+ that is specific to its own thread. Each subsequent call to data() from that
+ thread returns the same instance. Also note that when a thread ends
+ the instance of its data() object gets destroyed and freed (if the thread
+ was created by the dlib library). So any pointers or references to the object
+ will be invalid after the thread has ended.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ thread_specific_data (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ !*/
+ ~thread_specific_data (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed. This includes
+ all the thread specific data returned by the data() functions.
+ !*/
+ T& data (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (the calling thread has NOT called this->data() before) then
+ - constructs an instance of T that is specific to the calling
+ thread.
+ - returns a reference to the T instance that was constructed for
+ the calling thread.
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or any exception thrown by T's constructor
+ If an exception is thrown then the call to data() will have
+ no effect on *this.
+ !*/
+ const T& data (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (the calling thread has NOT called this->data() before) then
+ - constructs an instance of T that is specific to the calling
+ thread.
+ - returns a const reference to the T instance that was constructed for
+ the calling thread.
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or any exception thrown by T's constructor
+ If an exception is thrown then the call to data() will have
+ no effect on *this.
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ thread_specific_data(thread_specific_data&); // copy constructor
+ thread_specific_data& operator=(thread_specific_data&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7326c11d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threaded_object_extension.h"
+#include "create_new_thread_extension.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ threaded_object::
+ threaded_object (
+ ):
+ s(m_),
+ id1(0),
+ is_running_(false),
+ is_alive_(false),
+ should_stop_(false),
+ id_valid(false)
+ {
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ threaded_object::
+ ~threaded_object (
+ )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_alive() == false,
+ "\tthreaded_object::~threaded_object()"
+ << "\n\tYou have let a threaded object destruct itself before terminating its thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+ assert(false);
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool threaded_object::
+ is_running (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tbool threaded_object::is_running()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return is_running_;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool threaded_object::
+ is_alive (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tbool threaded_object::is_alive()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return is_alive_;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threaded_object::
+ wait (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tvoid threaded_object::wait()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ while (is_alive_)
+ s.wait();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threaded_object::
+ start (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tvoid threaded_object::start()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ if (is_alive_ == false)
+ {
+ if (create_new_thread<threaded_object,&threaded_object::thread_helper>(*this) == false)
+ {
+ is_running_ = false;
+ throw thread_error();
+ }
+ }
+ is_alive_ = true;
+ is_running_ = true;
+ should_stop_ = false;
+ s.broadcast();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threaded_object::
+ restart (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tvoid threaded_object::restart()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ if (is_alive_ == false)
+ {
+ if (create_new_thread<threaded_object,&threaded_object::thread_helper>(*this) == false)
+ {
+ is_running_ = false;
+ throw thread_error();
+ }
+ should_respawn_ = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ should_respawn_ = true;
+ }
+ is_alive_ = true;
+ is_running_ = true;
+ should_stop_ = false;
+ s.broadcast();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threaded_object::
+ set_respawn (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tvoid threaded_object::set_respawn()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ should_respawn_ = true;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool threaded_object::
+ should_respawn (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tbool threaded_object::should_respawn()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ return should_respawn_;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threaded_object::
+ pause (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tvoid threaded_object::pause()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ is_running_ = false;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threaded_object::
+ stop (
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(id1 != get_thread_id() || id_valid == false,
+ "\tvoid threaded_object::stop()"
+ << "\n\tYou can NOT call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ should_stop_ = true;
+ is_running_ = false;
+ should_respawn_ = false;
+ s.broadcast();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool threaded_object::
+ should_stop (
+ ) const
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_alive_ && id1 == get_thread_id() && id_valid == true,
+ "\tbool threaded_object::should_stop()"
+ << "\n\tYou can only call this function from the thread that executes threaded_object::thread"
+ << "\n\tthis: " << this
+ );
+ while (is_running_ == false && should_stop_ == false)
+ s.wait();
+ return should_stop_;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threaded_object::
+ thread_helper(
+ )
+ {
+ id1 = get_thread_id();
+ id_valid = true;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ m_.lock();
+ should_respawn_ = false;
+ m_.unlock();
+ thread();
+ auto_mutex M(m_);
+ if (should_respawn_)
+ continue;
+ id_valid = false;
+ is_alive_ = false;
+ is_running_ = false;
+ should_stop_ = false;
+ s.broadcast();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcf00daea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threaded_object_extension_abstract.h"
+#include "threads_kernel.h"
+#include "auto_mutex_extension.h"
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include "../assert.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class threaded_object
+ {
+ /*!
+ - is_running_ == false
+ - is_alive_ == false
+ - should_stop_ == false
+ - should_respawn_ == false
+ - id_valid == false
+ - id1 == get_main_thread_id()
+ - is_running() == is_running_
+ - is_alive() == is_alive_
+ - should_stop() == should_stop_
+ - should_respawn() == should_respawn_
+ - if (when thread() is executing) then
+ - id1 == the id of the running thread
+ - id_valid == true
+ - else
+ - id1 == an undefined value
+ - id_valid == false
+ - m_ == the mutex used to protect all our variables
+ - s == the signaler for m_
+ !*/
+ public:
+ threaded_object (
+ );
+ virtual ~threaded_object (
+ );
+ bool is_running (
+ ) const;
+ bool is_alive (
+ ) const;
+ void wait (
+ ) const;
+ void start (
+ );
+ void restart (
+ );
+ void set_respawn (
+ );
+ bool should_respawn (
+ ) const;
+ void pause (
+ );
+ void stop (
+ );
+ protected:
+ bool should_stop (
+ ) const;
+ private:
+ void thread_helper(
+ );
+ virtual void thread (
+ ) = 0;
+ mutex m_;
+ signaler s;
+ thread_id_type id1;
+ bool is_running_;
+ bool is_alive_;
+ bool should_stop_;
+ bool should_respawn_;
+ bool id_valid;
+ // restricted functions
+ threaded_object(threaded_object&); // copy constructor
+ threaded_object& operator=(threaded_object&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "threaded_object_extension.cpp"
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32a8fbc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threaded_object_extension_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2007 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class threaded_object
+ {
+ /*!
+ - is_running() == false
+ - is_alive() == false
+ - should_respawn() == false
+ This object represents a simple threaded object. To use it you inherit
+ from it and define the thread() function. Then when you call start()
+ it will spawn a thread that calls this->thread().
+ !*/
+ public:
+ threaded_object (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create threading objects.
+ !*/
+ virtual ~threaded_object (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is_alive() == false
+ (i.e. in the destructor for the object you derive from this one you
+ must wait for this->thread() to end.)
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed.
+ !*/
+ bool is_running (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - if (is_alive() && this->thread() is currently supposed to be executing) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ bool is_alive (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - if (this->thread() has been called by some thread and has yet to terminate) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ void wait (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - if (is_alive() == true) then
+ - blocks until this->thread() terminates
+ !*/
+ void start (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - #is_alive() == true
+ - #is_running() == true
+ - #should_stop() == false
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or dlib::thread_error
+ If either of these exceptions are thrown then
+ #is_alive() == false and #is_running() == false
+ !*/
+ void set_respawn (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - #should_respawn() == true
+ !*/
+ bool should_respawn (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - returns true if the thread will automatically restart upon termination and
+ false otherwise. Note that every time a thread starts it sets should_respawn()
+ back to false. Therefore, a single call to set_respawn() can cause at most
+ one respawn to occur.
+ !*/
+ void restart (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - This function atomically executes set_respawn() and start(). The precise meaning of this
+ is defined below.
+ - if (is_alive()) then
+ - #should_respawn() == true
+ - else
+ - #should_respawn() == false
+ - #is_alive() == true
+ - #is_running() == true
+ - #should_stop() == false
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc or dlib::thread_error
+ If either of these exceptions are thrown then
+ #is_alive() == false and #is_running() == false
+ !*/
+ void pause (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - #is_running() == false
+ !*/
+ void stop (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is not called from this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - #should_stop() == true
+ - #is_running() == false
+ - #should_respawn() == false
+ !*/
+ protected:
+ bool should_stop (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is only called from the thread that executes this->thread()
+ ensures
+ - calls to this function block until (#is_running() == true || #should_stop() == true)
+ - if (this thread is supposed to terminate) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+ private:
+ virtual void thread (
+ ) = 0;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - is executed in its own thread
+ - is only executed in one thread at a time
+ throws
+ - does not throw any exceptions
+ !*/
+ // restricted functions
+ threaded_object(threaded_object&); // copy constructor
+ threaded_object& operator=(threaded_object&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77cb16d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "../platform.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "windows.h"
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include "posix.h"
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_1.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb36b8d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "../platform.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "threads_kernel_1.h"
+#include <process.h>
+namespace dlib
+ namespace threads_kernel_shared_helpers
+ {
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ struct info
+ {
+ void* param;
+ void (*funct)(void*);
+ };
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ unsigned int __stdcall thread_starter (
+ void* param
+ )
+ {
+ info* alloc_p = static_cast<info*>(param);
+ info p = *alloc_p;
+ delete alloc_p;
+ p.funct(p.param);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool spawn_thread (
+ void (*funct)(void*),
+ void* param
+ )
+ {
+ info* p;
+ try { p = new info; }
+ catch (...) { return false; }
+ p->funct = funct;
+ p->param = param;
+ unsigned int garbage;
+ HANDLE thandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex (NULL,0,thread_starter,p,0,&garbage);
+ // make thread and add it to the pool
+ // return false if _beginthreadex didn't work
+ if ( thandle == 0)
+ {
+ delete p;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // throw away the thread handle
+ CloseHandle(thandle);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+#endif // WIN32
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_1.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_1.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..586a21b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#error "DLIB_ISO_CPP_ONLY is defined so you can't use this OS dependent code. Turn DLIB_ISO_CPP_ONLY off if you want to use it."
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include "../windows_magic.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "../algs.h"
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <chrono>
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef DWORD thread_id_type;
+ inline thread_id_type get_thread_id (
+ )
+ {
+ return GetCurrentThreadId();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // mutex object
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // forward declaration of signaler
+ class signaler;
+ class mutex
+ {
+ public:
+ mutex (
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ ~mutex (
+ ) { }
+ void lock (
+ ) const { cs.lock(); }
+ void unlock (
+ ) const { cs.unlock(); }
+ private:
+ friend class signaler;
+ mutable std::mutex cs;
+ // restricted functions
+ mutex(mutex&); // copy constructor
+ mutex& operator=(mutex&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // signaler object
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class signaler
+ {
+ public:
+ signaler (
+ const mutex& associated_mutex
+ ) :
+ m(associated_mutex)
+ {
+ }
+ ~signaler (
+ ) { }
+ void wait (
+ ) const
+ {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> cs(m.cs, std::defer_lock);
+ cv.wait(cs);
+ }
+ bool wait_or_timeout (
+ unsigned long milliseconds
+ ) const
+ {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> cs(m.cs, std::defer_lock);
+ auto status = cv.wait_until(cs, std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(milliseconds));
+ return status == std::cv_status::no_timeout;
+ }
+ void signal (
+ ) const
+ {
+ cv.notify_one();
+ }
+ void broadcast (
+ ) const
+ {
+ cv.notify_all();
+ }
+ const mutex& get_mutex (
+ ) const { return m; }
+ private:
+ mutable std::condition_variable cv;
+ const mutex& m;
+ // restricted functions
+ signaler(signaler&); // copy constructor
+ signaler& operator=(signaler&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace threads_kernel_shared_helpers
+ {
+ bool spawn_thread (
+ void (*funct)(void*),
+ void* param
+ );
+ /*!
+ is identical to create_new_thread() but just doesn't use any thread pooling.
+ !*/
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "threads_kernel_shared.h"
+#include "threads_kernel_1.cpp"
+#endif // DLIB_THREADS_KERNEl_1_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_2.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06fb80d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "../platform.h"
+#ifdef POSIX
+#include "threads_kernel_2.h"
+namespace dlib
+ namespace threads_kernel_shared_helpers
+ {
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ struct info
+ {
+ void* param;
+ void (*funct)(void*);
+ };
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void* thread_starter (
+ void* param
+ )
+ {
+ info* alloc_p = static_cast<info*>(param);
+ info p = *alloc_p;
+ delete alloc_p;
+ // detach self
+ pthread_detach(pthread_self());
+ p.funct(p.param);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool spawn_thread (
+ void (*funct)(void*),
+ void* param
+ )
+ {
+ info* p;
+ try { p = new info; }
+ catch (...) { return false; }
+ p->funct = funct;
+ p->param = param;
+ pthread_t thread_id;
+ if ( pthread_create (&thread_id, 0, thread_starter, p) )
+ {
+ delete p;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+#endif // POSIX
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_2.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_2.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..209142131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#error "DLIB_ISO_CPP_ONLY is defined so you can't use this OS dependent code. Turn DLIB_ISO_CPP_ONLY off if you want to use it."
+#include "threads_kernel_abstract.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "../algs.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef pthread_t thread_id_type;
+ inline thread_id_type get_thread_id (
+ )
+ {
+ return pthread_self();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // mutex object
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // forward declaration of signaler
+ class signaler;
+ class mutex
+ {
+ // give signaler access to hMutex
+ friend class signaler;
+ public:
+ mutex (
+ )
+ {
+ if (pthread_mutex_init(&myMutex,0))
+ {
+ throw dlib::thread_error(ECREATE_MUTEX,
+ "in function mutex::mutex() an error occurred making the mutex"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ ~mutex (
+ ) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&myMutex); }
+ void lock (
+ ) const { pthread_mutex_lock(&myMutex); }
+ void unlock (
+ ) const { pthread_mutex_unlock(&myMutex); }
+ private:
+ mutable pthread_mutex_t myMutex;
+ // restricted functions
+ mutex(mutex&); // copy constructor
+ mutex& operator=(mutex&); // assignement opertor
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // signaler object
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class signaler
+ {
+ public:
+ signaler (
+ const mutex& assoc_mutex
+ ) :
+ associated_mutex(&assoc_mutex.myMutex),
+ m(assoc_mutex)
+ {
+ if (pthread_cond_init(&cond,0))
+ {
+ throw dlib::thread_error(ECREATE_SIGNALER,
+ "in function signaler::signaler() an error occurred making the signaler"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ ~signaler (
+ ) { pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); }
+ void wait (
+ ) const
+ {
+ pthread_cond_wait(&cond,associated_mutex);
+ }
+ bool wait_or_timeout (
+ unsigned long milliseconds
+ ) const
+ {
+ timespec time_to_wait;
+ timeval curtime;
+ gettimeofday(&curtime,0);
+ // get the time and adjust the timespec object by the appropriate amount
+ time_to_wait.tv_sec = milliseconds/1000 + curtime.tv_sec;
+ time_to_wait.tv_nsec = curtime.tv_usec;
+ time_to_wait.tv_nsec *= 1000;
+ time_to_wait.tv_nsec += (milliseconds%1000)*1000000;
+ time_to_wait.tv_sec += time_to_wait.tv_nsec/1000000000;
+ time_to_wait.tv_nsec = time_to_wait.tv_nsec%1000000000;
+ if ( pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond,associated_mutex,&time_to_wait) == ETIMEDOUT)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ void signal (
+ ) const { pthread_cond_signal(&cond); }
+ void broadcast (
+ ) const { pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond); }
+ const mutex& get_mutex (
+ ) const { return m; }
+ private:
+ pthread_mutex_t* const associated_mutex;
+ mutable pthread_cond_t cond;
+ const mutex& m;
+ // restricted functions
+ signaler(signaler&); // copy constructor
+ signaler& operator=(signaler&); // assignement opertor
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace threads_kernel_shared_helpers
+ {
+ bool spawn_thread (
+ void (*funct)(void*),
+ void* param
+ );
+ /*!
+ is identical to create_new_thread() but just doesn't use any thread pooling.
+ !*/
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "threads_kernel_shared.h"
+#include "threads_kernel_2.cpp"
+#endif // DLIB_THREADS_KERNEl_2_
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_abstract.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_abstract.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d88d37dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_abstract.h
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /*!
+ When threads end they go into a global thread pool and each waits there
+ for 30 seconds before timing out and having its resources returned to the
+ operating system. When create_new_thread() is called it first looks in the
+ thread pool to see if there are any threads it can snatch from the pool, if
+ not then it makes a new one.
+ Note that whenever I say something happens when a thread "terminates" or "ends"
+ I mean "when it returns to the thread pool." From the client programmer point
+ of view a thread terminates/ends when it returns to the dlib thread pool and you
+ shouldn't and indeed don't need to know when it actually gets its resources
+ reclaimed by the operating system.
+ If you want to change the timeout to a different value you can #define
+ DLIB_THREAD_POOL_TIMEOUT to whatever value (in milliseconds) that you like.
+ Unless specified otherwise, nothing in this file throws exceptions.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ thread_id_type get_thread_id (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a unique id for the calling thread. Note that while the id is unique
+ among all currently existing threads it may have been used by a previous
+ thread that has terminated.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool is_dlib_thread (
+ thread_id_type id = get_thread_id()
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (the thread with the given id was spawned by a call to
+ dlib::create_new_thread) then
+ - returns true
+ - else
+ - returns false
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ void register_thread_end_handler (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*handler)()
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - handler == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ - handler does not throw
+ - handler does not call register_thread_end_handler()
+ - handler does not block
+ - is_dlib_thread() == true (i.e. the calling thread was spawned by dlib::create_new_thread())
+ ensures
+ - let ID == the thread id for the thread calling register_thread_end_handler()
+ - (obj.*handler)() will be called when the thread with thread id ID is
+ terminating and it will be called from within that terminating thread.
+ (i.e. inside the handler function get_thread_id() == ID == the id of the
+ thread that is terminating. )
+ - each call to this function adds another handler that will be called when
+ the given thread terminates. This means that if you call it a bunch of
+ times then you will end up registering multiple handlers (or single
+ handlers multiple times) that will be called when the thread ends.
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ If this exception is thrown then the call to this function had no effect.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ void unregister_thread_end_handler (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*handler)()
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - handler == a valid member function pointer for class T
+ ensures
+ - Undoes all previous calls to register_thread_end_handler(obj,handler).
+ So the given handler won't be called when any threads end.
+ throws
+ - std::bad_alloc
+ If this exception is thrown then the call to this function had no effect.
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool create_new_thread (
+ void (*funct)(void*),
+ void* param
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - creates a new thread for the function pointed to by funct
+ - passes it param as its parameter. (i.e. calls funct(param) from the new thread)
+ - returns true upon success and false upon failure to create the new thread
+ !*/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // mutex object
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class mutex
+ {
+ /*!
+ mutex is in the unlocked state
+ This object represents a mutex intended to be used for synchronous
+ thread control of shared data. When a thread wants to access some
+ shared data it locks out other threads by calling lock() and calls
+ unlock() when it is finished.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ mutex (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ throws
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create the mutex.
+ !*/
+ ~mutex (
+ );
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - *this is not locked
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ !*/
+ void lock (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - the thread calling lock() does not already have a lock on *this
+ ensures
+ - if (*this is currently locked by another thread) then
+ - the thread that called lock() on *this is put to sleep until
+ it becomes available
+ - if (*this is currently unlocked) then
+ - #*this becomes locked and the current thread is NOT put to sleep
+ but now "owns" #*this
+ !*/
+ void unlock (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - the thread calling unlock() already has a lock on *this
+ ensures
+ - #*this is unlocked (i.e. other threads may now lock this object)
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ mutex(mutex&); // copy constructor
+ mutex& operator=(mutex&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // signaler object
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class signaler
+ {
+ /*!
+ This object represents an event signaling system for threads. It gives
+ a thread the ability to wake up other threads that are waiting for a
+ particular signal.
+ Each signaler object is associated with one and only one mutex object.
+ More than one signaler object may be associated with a single mutex
+ but a signaler object may only be associated with a single mutex.
+ You must guard against spurious wakeups. This means that a thread
+ might return from a call to wait even if no other thread called
+ signal. This is rare but must be guarded against.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ signaler (
+ const mutex& associated_mutex
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - #*this is properly initialized
+ - #get_mutex() == associated_mutex
+ throws
+ - dlib::thread_error
+ the constructor may throw this exception if there is a problem
+ gathering resources to create the signaler.
+ !*/
+ ~signaler (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - all resources allocated by *this have been freed
+ !*/
+ void wait (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - get_mutex() is locked and owned by the calling thread
+ ensures
+ - atomically unlocks get_mutex() and blocks the calling thread
+ - calling thread may wake if another thread calls signal() or broadcast()
+ on *this
+ - when wait() returns the calling thread again has a lock on get_mutex()
+ !*/
+ bool wait_or_timeout (
+ unsigned long milliseconds
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ requires
+ - get_mutex() is locked and owned by the calling thread
+ ensures
+ - atomically unlocks get_mutex() and blocks the calling thread
+ - calling thread may wake if another thread calls signal() or broadcast()
+ on *this
+ - after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed the calling thread
+ will wake once get_mutex() is free
+ - when wait returns the calling thread again has a lock on get_mutex()
+ - returns false if the call to wait_or_timeout timed out
+ - returns true if the call did not time out
+ !*/
+ void signal (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (at least one thread is waiting on *this) then
+ - at least one of the waiting threads will wake
+ !*/
+ void broadcast (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - any and all threads waiting on *this will wake
+ !*/
+ const mutex& get_mutex (
+ ) const;
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a const reference to the mutex associated with *this
+ !*/
+ private:
+ // restricted functions
+ signaler(signaler&); // copy constructor
+ signaler& operator=(signaler&); // assignment operator
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_shared.cpp b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_shared.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e81193e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_shared.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_shared.h"
+#include "../assert.h"
+#include "../platform.h"
+#include <iostream>
+// default to 30000 milliseconds
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// threader functions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace threads_kernel_shared
+ {
+ bool thread_pool_has_been_destroyed = false;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ struct threader_destruct_helper
+ {
+ // cause the thread pool to begin its destruction process when
+ // global objects start to be destroyed
+ ~threader_destruct_helper()
+ {
+ thread_pool().destruct_if_ready();
+ }
+ };
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ threader& thread_pool (
+ )
+ {
+ static threader* thread_pool = new threader;
+ static threader_destruct_helper a;
+ return *thread_pool;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool threader::
+ is_dlib_thread (
+ thread_id_type id
+ )
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(data_mutex);
+ return thread_ids.is_member(id);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ threader::
+ threader (
+ ) :
+ total_count(0),
+ function_pointer(0),
+ pool_count(0),
+ data_ready(data_mutex),
+ data_empty(data_mutex),
+ destruct(false),
+ destructed(data_mutex),
+ do_not_ever_destruct(false)
+ {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // Trying to destroy the global thread pool when we are part of a DLL and the
+ // DLL is being unloaded can sometimes lead to weird behavior. For example, in
+ // the python interpreter you will get the interpreter to hang. Or if we are
+ // part of a MATLAB mex file and the file is being unloaded there can also be
+ // similar weird issues. So when we are using dlib on windows we just disable
+ // the destruction of the global thread pool since it doesn't matter anyway.
+ // It's resources will just get freed by the OS. This is even the recommended
+ // thing to do by Microsoft (
+ //
+ // As an aside, it's worth pointing out that the reason we try and free
+ // resources on program shutdown on other operating systems is so we can have
+ // clean reports from tools like valgrind which check for memory leaks. But
+ // trying to do this on windows is a lost cause so we give up in this case and
+ // follow the Microsoft recommendation.
+ do_not_ever_destruct = true;
+#endif // WIN32
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ threader::
+ ~threader (
+ )
+ {
+ data_mutex.lock();
+ destruct = true;
+ data_ready.broadcast();
+ // wait for all the threads to end
+ while (total_count > 0)
+ destructed.wait();
+ thread_pool_has_been_destroyed = true;
+ data_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threader::
+ destruct_if_ready (
+ )
+ {
+ if (do_not_ever_destruct)
+ return;
+ data_mutex.lock();
+ // if there aren't any active threads, just maybe some sitting around
+ // in the pool then just destroy the threader
+ if (total_count == pool_count)
+ {
+ destruct = true;
+ data_ready.broadcast();
+ data_mutex.unlock();
+ delete this;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There are still some user threads running so there isn't
+ // much we can really do. Just let the program end without
+ // cleaning up threading resources.
+ data_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void threader::
+ call_end_handlers (
+ )
+ {
+ reg.m.lock();
+ const thread_id_type id = get_thread_id();
+ thread_id_type id_copy;
+ member_function_pointer<> mfp;
+ // Remove all the member function pointers for this thread from the tree
+ // and call them.
+ while (reg.reg[id] != 0)
+ {
+ reg.reg.remove(id,id_copy,mfp);
+ reg.m.unlock();
+ mfp();
+ reg.m.lock();
+ }
+ reg.m.unlock();
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool threader::
+ create_new_thread (
+ void (*funct)(void*),
+ void* param
+ )
+ {
+ // get a lock on the data mutex
+ auto_mutex M(data_mutex);
+ // loop to ensure that the new function pointer is in the data
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // if the data is empty then add new data and quit loop
+ if (function_pointer == 0)
+ {
+ parameter = param;
+ function_pointer = funct;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // wait for data to become empty
+ data_empty.wait();
+ }
+ }
+ // get a thread for this new data
+ // if a new thread must be created
+ if (pool_count == 0)
+ {
+ // make thread and add it to the pool
+ if ( threads_kernel_shared_helpers::spawn_thread(thread_starter, this) == false )
+ {
+ function_pointer = 0;
+ parameter = 0;
+ data_empty.signal();
+ return false;
+ }
+ ++total_count;
+ }
+ // wake up a thread from the pool
+ else
+ {
+ data_ready.signal();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void thread_starter (
+ void* object
+ )
+ {
+ // get a reference to the calling threader object
+ threader& self = *static_cast<threader*>(object);
+ {
+ auto_mutex M(self.data_mutex);
+ // add this thread id
+ thread_id_type thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ self.thread_ids.add(thread_id);
+ // indicate that this thread is now in the thread pool
+ ++self.pool_count;
+ while (self.destruct == false)
+ {
+ // if data is ready then process it and launch the thread
+ // if its not ready then go back into the pool
+ while (self.function_pointer != 0)
+ {
+ // indicate that this thread is now out of the thread pool
+ --self.pool_count;
+ // get the data for the function call
+ void (*funct)(void*) = self.function_pointer;
+ void* param = self.parameter;
+ self.function_pointer = 0;
+ // signal that the data is now empty
+ self.data_empty.signal();
+ self.data_mutex.unlock();
+ // Call funct with its intended parameter. If this function throws then
+ // we intentionally let the exception escape the thread and result in whatever
+ // happens when it gets caught by the OS (generally the program is terminated).
+ funct(param);
+ self.call_end_handlers();
+ self.data_mutex.lock();
+ // indicate that this thread is now back in the thread pool
+ ++self.pool_count;
+ }
+ if (self.destruct == true)
+ break;
+ // if we timed out and there isn't any work to do then
+ // this thread will quit this loop and end.
+ if (self.data_ready.wait_or_timeout(DLIB_THREAD_POOL_TIMEOUT) == false &&
+ self.function_pointer == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ // remove this thread id from thread_ids
+ thread_id = get_thread_id();
+ self.thread_ids.destroy(thread_id);
+ // indicate that this thread is now out of the thread pool
+ --self.pool_count;
+ --self.total_count;
+ self.destructed.signal();
+ } // end of auto_mutex M(self.data_mutex) block
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool is_dlib_thread (
+ thread_id_type id
+ )
+ {
+ return threads_kernel_shared::thread_pool().is_dlib_thread(id);
+ }
+ bool is_dlib_thread (
+ )
+ {
+ return is_dlib_thread(get_thread_id());
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_shared.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_shared.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4526e8db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/threads_kernel_shared.h
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+// this file should be included at the bottom of one of the thread kernel headers for a
+// specific platform.
+//#include "../threads.h"
+#include "auto_mutex_extension.h"
+#include "../binary_search_tree.h"
+#include "../member_function_pointer.h"
+#include "../memory_manager.h"
+#include "../queue.h"
+#include "../set.h"
+#include "../test_for_odr_violations.h"
+namespace dlib
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace threads_kernel_shared
+ {
+ void thread_starter (
+ void*
+ );
+ class threader
+ {
+ /*!
+ - pool_count == 0 and
+ - data_ready is associated with the mutex data_mutex
+ - data_empty is associated with the mutex data_mutex
+ - destructed is associated with the mutex data_mutex
+ - destruct == false
+ - total_count == 0
+ - function_pointer == 0
+ - do_not_ever_destruct == false
+ - data_ready is associated with the mutex data_mutex
+ - data_empty is associated with the mutex data_mutex
+ - data_ready == a signaler used signal when there is new data waiting
+ to start a thread with.
+ - data_empty == a signaler used to signal when the data is now empty
+ - pool_count == the number of suspended threads in the thread pool
+ - total_count == the number of threads that are executing anywhere. i.e.
+ pool_count + the ones that are currently running some user function.
+ - if (function_pointer != 0) then
+ - parameter == a void pointer pointing to the parameter which
+ should be used to start the next thread
+ - function_pointer == a pointer to the next function to make a
+ new thread with
+ - if (the destructor is running) then
+ - destruct == true
+ - else
+ - destruct == false
+ - thread_ids is locked by the data_mutex
+ - thread_ids == a set that contains the thread id for each thread spawned by this
+ object.
+ !*/
+ public:
+ threader (
+ );
+ ~threader (
+ );
+ void destruct_if_ready (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - if (there are no threads currently running and we haven't set do_not_ever_destruct) then
+ - calls delete this
+ - else
+ - does nothing
+ !*/
+ bool create_new_thread (
+ void (*funct)(void*),
+ void* param
+ );
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ void unregister_thread_end_handler (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*handler)()
+ )
+ {
+ member_function_pointer<> mfp, junk_mfp;
+ mfp.set(obj,handler);
+ thread_id_type junk_id;
+ // find any member function pointers in the registry that point to the same
+ // thing as mfp and remove them
+ auto_mutex M(reg.m);
+ reg.reg.reset();
+ while (reg.reg.move_next())
+ {
+ while (reg.reg.current_element_valid() && reg.reg.element().value() == mfp)
+ {
+ reg.reg.remove_current_element(junk_id, junk_mfp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ void register_thread_end_handler (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*handler)()
+ )
+ {
+ thread_id_type id = get_thread_id();
+ member_function_pointer<> mfp;
+ mfp.set(obj,handler);
+ auto_mutex M(reg.m);
+ reg.reg.add(id,mfp);
+ }
+ bool is_dlib_thread (
+ thread_id_type id
+ );
+ private:
+ friend void thread_starter (
+ void*
+ );
+ void call_end_handlers (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - calls the registered end handlers for the calling thread and
+ then removes them from reg.reg
+ !*/
+ // private data
+ set<thread_id_type,memory_manager<char>::kernel_2b>::kernel_1b_c thread_ids;
+ unsigned long total_count;
+ void* parameter;
+ void (*function_pointer)(void*);
+ unsigned long pool_count;
+ mutex data_mutex; // mutex to protect the above data
+ signaler data_ready; // signaler to signal when there is new data
+ signaler data_empty; // signaler to signal when the data is empty
+ bool destruct;
+ signaler destructed; // signaler to signal when a thread has ended
+ bool do_not_ever_destruct;
+ struct registry_type
+ {
+ mutex m;
+ binary_search_tree<
+ thread_id_type,
+ member_function_pointer<>,
+ memory_manager<char>::kernel_2a
+ >::kernel_2a_c reg;
+ };
+ // stuff for the register_thread_end_handler
+ registry_type reg;
+ // restricted functions
+ threader(threader&); // copy constructor
+ threader& operator=(threader&); // assignement opertor
+ };
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ threader& thread_pool (
+ );
+ /*!
+ ensures
+ - returns a reference to the global threader object
+ !*/
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ extern bool thread_pool_has_been_destroyed;
+ }
+ bool is_dlib_thread (
+ thread_id_type id
+ );
+ bool is_dlib_thread (
+ );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline bool create_new_thread (
+ void (*funct)(void*),
+ void* param
+ )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // now make this thread
+ return threads_kernel_shared::thread_pool().create_new_thread(funct,param);
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc&)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ inline void register_thread_end_handler (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*handler)()
+ )
+ {
+ DLIB_ASSERT(is_dlib_thread(),
+ "\tvoid register_thread_end_handler"
+ << "\n\tYou can't register a thread end handler for a thread dlib didn't spawn."
+ );
+ threads_kernel_shared::thread_pool().register_thread_end_handler(obj,handler);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template <
+ typename T
+ >
+ inline void unregister_thread_end_handler (
+ T& obj,
+ void (T::*handler)()
+ )
+ {
+ // Check if the thread pool has been destroyed and if it has then don't do anything.
+ // This bool here is always true except when the program has started to terminate and
+ // the thread pool object has been destroyed. This if is here to catch other global
+ // objects that have destructors that try to call unregister_thread_end_handler().
+ // Without this check we get into trouble if the thread pool is destroyed before these
+ // objects.
+ if (threads_kernel_shared::thread_pool_has_been_destroyed == false)
+ threads_kernel_shared::thread_pool().unregister_thread_end_handler(obj,handler);
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "threads_kernel_shared.cpp"
diff --git a/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/windows.h b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/windows.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7c775950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ml/dlib/dlib/threads/windows.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (
+// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "threads_kernel_1.h"