path: root/src/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/doc/RE
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index 000000000..4d2cdaba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fluent-bit/lib/onigmo/doc/RE
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+Onigmo (Oniguruma-mod) Regular Expressions Version 6.1.0 2016/12/25
+syntax: ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY (default)
+1. Syntax elements
+ \ escape (enable or disable meta character)
+ | alternation
+ (...) group
+ [...] character class
+2. Characters
+ \t horizontal tab (0x09)
+ \v vertical tab (0x0B)
+ \n newline (line feed) (0x0A)
+ \r carriage return (0x0D)
+ \b backspace (0x08)
+ \f form feed (0x0C)
+ \a bell (0x07)
+ \e escape (0x1B)
+ \nnn octal char (encoded byte value)
+ \xHH hexadecimal char (encoded byte value)
+ \x{7HHHHHHH} wide hexadecimal char (character code point value)
+ \uHHHH wide hexadecimal char (character code point value)
+ \cx control char (character code point value)
+ \C-x control char (character code point value)
+ \M-x meta (x|0x80) (character code point value)
+ \M-\C-x meta control char (character code point value)
+ (* \b as backspace is effective in character class only)
+ * ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL: \o{nnn} (octal char) can be also used.
+3. Character types
+ . any character (except newline)
+ \w word character
+ Not Unicode:
+ alphanumeric and "_".
+ Unicode:
+ General_Category -- (Letter|Mark|Number|Connector_Punctuation)
+ It depends on ONIG_OPTION_ASCII_RANGE option that non-ASCII char
+ includes or not.
+ \W non-word char
+ \s whitespace char
+ Not Unicode:
+ \t, \n, \v, \f, \r, \x20
+ Unicode:
+ 0009, 000A, 000B, 000C, 000D, 0085(NEL),
+ General_Category -- Line_Separator
+ -- Paragraph_Separator
+ -- Space_Separator
+ It depends on ONIG_OPTION_ASCII_RANGE option that non-ASCII char
+ includes or not.
+ \S non-whitespace char
+ \d decimal digit char
+ Unicode: General_Category -- Decimal_Number
+ It depends on ONIG_OPTION_ASCII_RANGE option that non-ASCII char
+ includes or not.
+ \D non-decimal-digit char
+ \h hexadecimal-digit char [0-9a-fA-F]
+ \H non-hexadecimal-digit char
+ Character Property
+ * \p{property-name}
+ * \p{^property-name} (negative)
+ * \P{property-name} (negative)
+ property-name:
+ + works on all encodings
+ Alnum, Alpha, Blank, Cntrl, Digit, Graph, Lower,
+ Print, Punct, Space, Upper, XDigit, Word, ASCII
+ + works on EUC_JP, Shift_JIS, CP932
+ Hiragana, Katakana, Han, Latin, Greek, Cyrillic
+ + works on UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32
+ see UnicodeProps.txt
+ \p{Punct} works slightly different on Unicode encodings and the other
+ encodings. It matches the nine characters "$+<=>^`|~" on non-Unicode
+ encodings (which is the same as [[:punct:]]), but not on Unicode encodings.
+ \p{XPosixPunct} matches the nine characters on Unicode encodings.
+ \R Linebreak
+ Unicode:
+ (?>\x0D\x0A|[\x0A-\x0D\x{85}\x{2028}\x{2029}])
+ Not Unicode:
+ (?>\x0D\x0A|[\x0A-\x0D])
+ \X Extended Grapheme cluster
+ Unicode:
+ See: Unicode Standard Annex #29 UNICODE TEXT SEGMENTATION
+ Not Unicode:
+ (?>\x0D\x0A|(?m:.))
+4. Quantifier
+ greedy
+ ? 1 or 0 times
+ * 0 or more times
+ + 1 or more times
+ {n,m} at least n but no more than m times
+ {n,} at least n times
+ {,n} at least 0 but no more than n times ({0,n})
+ {n} n times
+ reluctant
+ ?? 1 or 0 times
+ *? 0 or more times
+ +? 1 or more times
+ {n,m}? at least n but not more than m times
+ {n,}? at least n times
+ {,n}? at least 0 but not more than n times (== {0,n}?)
+ possessive (greedy and does not backtrack once match)
+ ?+ 1 or 0 times
+ *+ 0 or more times
+ ++ 1 or more times
+ ({n,m}+, {n,}+, {n}+ are possessive op. in ONIG_SYNTAX_JAVA and
+ ex. /a*+/ === /(?>a*)/
+5. Anchors
+ ^ beginning of the line
+ $ end of the line
+ \b word boundary
+ \B non-word boundary
+ \A beginning of string
+ \Z end of string, or before newline at the end
+ \z end of string
+ \G where the current search attempt begins
+6. Character class
+ ^... negative class (lowest precedence)
+ x-y range from x to y
+ [...] set (character class in character class)
+ ..&&.. intersection (low precedence, only higher than ^)
+ ex. [a-w&&[^c-g]z] ==> ([a-w] AND ([^c-g] OR z)) ==> [abh-w]
+ * If you want to use '[', '-', or ']' as a normal character
+ in character class, you should escape them with '\'.
+ POSIX bracket ([:xxxxx:], negate [:^xxxxx:])
+ Not Unicode Case:
+ alnum alphabet or digit char
+ alpha alphabet
+ ascii code value: [0 - 127]
+ blank \t, \x20
+ cntrl
+ digit 0-9
+ graph \x21-\x7E and all of multibyte encoded characters
+ lower
+ print \x20-\x7E and all of multibyte encoded characters
+ punct
+ space \t, \n, \v, \f, \r, \x20
+ upper
+ xdigit 0-9, a-f, A-F
+ word alphanumeric, "_" and multibyte characters
+ Unicode Case:
+ alnum Letter | Mark | Decimal_Number
+ alpha Letter | Mark
+ ascii 0000 - 007F
+ blank Space_Separator | 0009
+ cntrl Control | Format | Unassigned | Private_Use | Surrogate
+ digit Decimal_Number
+ graph [[:^space:]] && ^Control && ^Unassigned && ^Surrogate
+ lower Lowercase_Letter
+ print [[:graph:]] | Space_Separator
+ punct Connector_Punctuation | Dash_Punctuation | Close_Punctuation |
+ Final_Punctuation | Initial_Punctuation | Other_Punctuation |
+ Open_Punctuation | 0024 | 002B | 003C | 003D | 003E | 005E |
+ 0060 | 007C | 007E
+ space Space_Separator | Line_Separator | Paragraph_Separator |
+ 0009 | 000A | 000B | 000C | 000D | 0085
+ upper Uppercase_Letter
+ xdigit 0030 - 0039 | 0041 - 0046 | 0061 - 0066
+ (0-9, a-f, A-F)
+ word Letter | Mark | Decimal_Number | Connector_Punctuation
+ It depends on ONIG_OPTION_ASCII_RANGE option and
+ match non-ASCII char or not.
+7. Extended groups
+ (?#...) comment
+ (?imxdau-imx) option on/off
+ i: ignore case
+ m: multi-line (dot (.) also matches newline)
+ x: extended form
+ character set option (character range option)
+ d: Default (compatible with Ruby 1.9.3)
+ \w, \d and \s doesn't match non-ASCII characters.
+ \b, \B and POSIX brackets use the each encoding's
+ rules.
+ a: ASCII
+ ONIG_OPTION_ASCII_RANGE option is turned on.
+ \w, \d, \s and POSIX brackets doesn't match
+ non-ASCII characters.
+ \b and \B use the ASCII rules.
+ u: Unicode
+ ONIG_OPTION_ASCII_RANGE option is turned off.
+ \w (\W), \d (\D), \s (\S), \b (\B) and POSIX
+ brackets use the each encoding's rules.
+ (?imxdau-imx:subexp)
+ option on/off for subexp
+ (?:subexp) non-capturing group
+ (subexp) capturing group
+ (?=subexp) look-ahead
+ (?!subexp) negative look-ahead
+ (?<=subexp) look-behind
+ (?<!subexp) negative look-behind
+ Subexp of look-behind must be fixed-width.
+ But top-level alternatives can be of various lengths.
+ ex. (?<=a|bc) is OK. (?<=aaa(?:b|cd)) is not allowed.
+ In negative look-behind, capturing group isn't allowed,
+ but non-capturing group (?:) is allowed.
+ \K keep
+ Another expression of look-behind. Keep the stuff left
+ of the \K, don't include it in the result.
+ (?>subexp) atomic group
+ no backtracks in subexp.
+ (?<name>subexp), (?'name'subexp)
+ define named group
+ (Each character of the name must be a word character.)
+ Not only a name but a number is assigned like a capturing
+ group.
+ Assigning the same name to two or more subexps is allowed.
+ (?(cond)yes-subexp), (?(cond)yes-subexp|no-subexp)
+ conditional expression
+ Matches yes-subexp if (cond) yields a true value, matches
+ no-subexp otherwise.
+ Following (cond) can be used:
+ (n) (n >= 1)
+ Checks if the numbered capturing group has matched
+ something.
+ (<name>), ('name')
+ Checks if a group with the given name has matched
+ something.
+ BUG: If the name is defined more than once, the
+ left-most group is checked, but it should be the
+ same as \k<name>.
+ (?~subexp) absence operator (experimental)
+ Matches any string which doesn't contain any string which
+ matches subexp.
+ More precisely, (?~subexp) matches the complement set of
+ a set which .*subexp.* matches. This is regular in the
+ meaning of formal language theory.
+ Similar to (?:(?!subexp).)*, but easy to write.
+ E.g.:
+ (?~abc) matches: "", "ab", "aab", "ccdd", etc.
+ It doesn't match: "abc", "aabc", "ccabcdd", etc.
+ \/\*(?~\*\/)\*\/ matches C style comments:
+ "/**/", "/* foobar */", etc.
+ \A\/\*(?~\*\/)\*\/\z doesn't match "/**/ */".
+ This is different from \A\/\*.*?\*\/\z which uses a
+ reluctant quantifier (.*?).
+ Unlike (?:(?!abc).)*c, (?~abc)c matches "abc", because
+ (?~abc) matches "ab".
+ (?~) never matches.
+ Theoretical backgrounds are discussed in Tanaka Akira's
+ paper and slide (both Japanese):
+ * Absent Operator for Regular Expression
+ * 正規表現における非包含オペレータの提案
+8. Backreferences
+ When we say "backreference a group," it actually means, "re-match the same
+ text matched by the subexp in that group."
+ \n \k<n> \k'n' (n >= 1) backreference the nth group in the regexp
+ \k<-n> \k'-n' (n >= 1) backreference the nth group counting
+ backwards from the referring position
+ \k<name> \k'name' backreference a group with the specified name
+ When backreferencing with a name that is assigned to more than one groups,
+ the last group with the name is checked first, if not matched then the
+ previous one with the name, and so on, until there is a match.
+ * Backreference by number is forbidden if any named group is defined and
+ * ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL: \g{n}, \g{-n} and \g{name} can also be used.
+ If a name is defined more than once in Perl syntax, only the left-most
+ group is checked.
+ backreference with recursion level
+ (n >= 1, level >= 0)
+ \k<n+level> \k'n+level'
+ \k<n-level> \k'n-level'
+ \k<-n+level> \k'-n+level'
+ \k<-n-level> \k'-n-level'
+ \k<name+level> \k'name+level'
+ \k<name-level> \k'name-level'
+ Refer a group on the recursion level relative to the referring position.
+ ex 1.
+ /\A(?<a>|.|(?:(?<b>.)\g<a>\k<b>))\z/.match("reee")
+ /\A(?<a>|.|(?:(?<b>.)\g<a>\k<b+0>))\z/.match("reer")
+ \k<b+0> refers to the (?<b>.) on the same recursion level with it.
+ ex 2.
+ r = Regexp.compile(<<'__REGEXP__'.strip, Regexp::EXTENDED)
+ (?<element> \g<stag> \g<content>* \g<etag> ){0}
+ (?<stag> < \g<name> \s* > ){0}
+ (?<name> [a-zA-Z_:]+ ){0}
+ (?<content> [^<&]+ (\g<element> | [^<&]+)* ){0}
+ (?<etag> </ \k<name+1> >){0}
+ \g<element>
+ __REGEXP__
+ p r.match("<foo>f<bar>bbb</bar>f</foo>").captures
+9. Subexp calls ("Tanaka Akira special")
+ When we say "call a group," it actually means, "re-execute the subexp in
+ that group."
+ \g<0> \g'0' call the whole pattern recursively
+ \g<n> \g'n' (n >= 1) call the nth group
+ \g<-n> \g'-n' (n >= 1) call the nth group counting backwards from
+ the calling position
+ \g<+n> \g'+n' (n >= 1) call the nth group counting forwards from
+ the calling position
+ \g<name> \g'name' call the group with the specified name
+ * Left-most recursive calls are not allowed.
+ ex. (?<name>a|\g<name>b) => error
+ (?<name>a|b\g<name>c) => OK
+ * Calls with a name that is assigned to more than one groups are not
+ allowed in ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY.
+ * Call by number is forbidden if any named group is defined and
+ * The option status of the called group is always effective.
+ ex. /(?-i:\g<name>)(?i:(?<name>a)){0}/.match("A")
+ Use (?&name), (?n), (?-n), (?+n), (?R) or (?0) instead of \g<>.
+ Calls with a name that is assigned to more than one groups are allowed,
+ and the left-most subexp is used.
+10. Captured group
+ Behavior of an unnamed group (...) changes with the following conditions.
+ (But named group is not changed.)
+ case 1. /.../ (named group is not used, no option)
+ (...) is treated as a capturing group.
+ case 2. /.../g (named group is not used, 'g' option)
+ (...) is treated as a non-capturing group (?:...).
+ case 3. /..(?<name>..)../ (named group is used, no option)
+ (...) is treated as a non-capturing group.
+ numbered-backref/call is not allowed.
+ case 4. /..(?<name>..)../G (named group is used, 'G' option)
+ (...) is treated as a capturing group.
+ numbered-backref/call is allowed.
+ where
+ ('g' and 'G' options are argued in ruby-dev ML)
+A-1. Syntax-dependent options
+ (?m): dot (.) also matches newline
+ (?s): dot (.) also matches newline
+ (?m): ^ matches after newline, $ matches before newline
+ (?d), (?l): same as (?u)
+A-2. Original extensions
+ + hexadecimal digit char type \h, \H
+ + named group (?<name>...), (?'name'...)
+ + named backref \k<name>
+ + subexp call \g<name>, \g<group-num>
+A-3. Missing features compared with perl 5.18.0
+ + \N{name}, \N{U+xxxx}, \N
+ + \l,\u,\L,\U, \C
+ + \v, \V, \h, \H
+ + (?{code})
+ + (??{code})
+ + (?|...)
+ + (?[])
+ + (*VERB:ARG)
+ * \Q...\E
+ This is effective on ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL and ONIG_SYNTAX_JAVA.
+A-4. Differences with Japanized GNU regex(version 0.12) of Ruby 1.8
+ + add character property (\p{property}, \P{property})
+ + add hexadecimal digit char type (\h, \H)
+ + add look-behind
+ (?<=fixed-width-pattern), (?<!fixed-width-pattern)
+ + add possessive quantifier. ?+, *+, ++
+ + add operations in character class. [], &&
+ ('[' must be escaped as an usual char in character class.)
+ + add named group and subexp call.
+ + octal or hexadecimal number sequence can be treated as
+ a multibyte code char in character class if multibyte encoding
+ is specified.
+ (ex. [\xa1\xa2], [\xa1\xa7-\xa4\xa1])
+ + allow the range of single byte char and multibyte char in character
+ class.
+ ex. /[a-<<any EUC-JP character>>]/ in EUC-JP encoding.
+ + effect range of isolated option is to next ')'.
+ ex. (?:(?i)a|b) is interpreted as (?:(?i:a|b)), not (?:(?i:a)|b).
+ + isolated option is not transparent to previous pattern.
+ ex. a(?i)* is a syntax error pattern.
+ + allowed unpaired left brace as a normal character.
+ ex. /{/, /({)/, /a{2,3/ etc...
+ + negative POSIX bracket [:^xxxx:] is supported.
+ + POSIX bracket [:ascii:] is added.
+ + repeat of look-ahead is not allowed.
+ ex. /(?=a)*/, /(?!b){5}/
+ + Ignore case option is effective to escape sequence.
+ ex. /\x61/i =~ "A"
+ + In the range quantifier, the number of the minimum is optional.
+ /a{,n}/ == /a{0,n}/
+ The omission of both minimum and maximum values is not allowed.
+ /a{,}/
+ + /{n}?/ is not a reluctant quantifier.
+ /a{n}?/ == /(?:a{n})?/
+ + invalid back reference is checked and raises error.
+ /\1/, /(a)\2/
+ + Zero-width match in an infinite loop stops the repeat,
+ then changes of the capture group status are checked as stop condition.
+ /(?:()|())*\1\2/ =~ ""
+ /(?:\1a|())*/ =~ "a"
+A-5. Features disabled in default syntax
+ + capture history
+ (?@...) and (?@<name>...)
+ ex. /(?@a)*/.match("aaa") ==> [<0-1>, <1-2>, <2-3>]
+ see sample/listcap.c file.
+A-6. Problems
+ + Invalid encoding byte sequence is not checked.
+ ex. UTF-8
+ * Invalid first byte is treated as a character.
+ /./u =~ "\xa3"
+ * Incomplete byte sequence is not checked.
+ /\w+/ =~ "a\xf3\x8ec"
+// END