path: root/src/go/plugin/go.d/pkg/prometheus/parse.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/go/plugin/go.d/pkg/prometheus/parse.go')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/go/plugin/go.d/pkg/prometheus/parse.go b/src/go/plugin/go.d/pkg/prometheus/parse.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c7d2eb40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/go/plugin/go.d/pkg/prometheus/parse.go
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+package prometheus
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+const (
+ quantileLabel = "quantile"
+ bucketLabel = "le"
+const (
+ countSuffix = "_count"
+ sumSuffix = "_sum"
+ bucketSuffix = "_bucket"
+type promTextParser struct {
+ metrics MetricFamilies
+ series Series
+ sr selector.Selector
+ currMF *MetricFamily
+ currSeries labels.Labels
+ summaries map[uint64]*Summary
+ histograms map[uint64]*Histogram
+ isCount bool
+ isSum bool
+ isQuantile bool
+ isBucket bool
+ currQuantile float64
+ currBucket float64
+func (p *promTextParser) parseToSeries(text []byte) (Series, error) {
+ p.series.Reset()
+ parser := textparse.NewPromParser(text)
+ for {
+ entry, err := parser.Next()
+ if err != nil {
+ if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
+ break
+ }
+ if entry == textparse.EntryInvalid && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "invalid metric type") {
+ continue
+ }
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse prometheus metrics: %v", err)
+ }
+ switch entry {
+ case textparse.EntrySeries:
+ p.currSeries = p.currSeries[:0]
+ parser.Metric(&p.currSeries)
+ if != nil && ! {
+ continue
+ }
+ _, _, val := parser.Series()
+ p.series.Add(SeriesSample{Labels: copyLabels(p.currSeries), Value: val})
+ }
+ }
+ p.series.Sort()
+ return p.series, nil
+var reSpace = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`)
+func (p *promTextParser) parseToMetricFamilies(text []byte) (MetricFamilies, error) {
+ p.reset()
+ parser := textparse.NewPromParser(text)
+ for {
+ entry, err := parser.Next()
+ if err != nil {
+ if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
+ break
+ }
+ if entry == textparse.EntryInvalid && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "invalid metric type") {
+ continue
+ }
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse prometheus metrics: %v", err)
+ }
+ switch entry {
+ case textparse.EntryHelp:
+ name, help := parser.Help()
+ p.setMetricFamilyByName(string(name))
+ = string(help)
+ if strings.IndexByte(, '\n') != -1 {
+ // convert multiline to one line because HELP is used as the chart title.
+ = reSpace.ReplaceAllString(strings.TrimSpace(, " ")
+ }
+ case textparse.EntryType:
+ name, typ := parser.Type()
+ p.setMetricFamilyByName(string(name))
+ p.currMF.typ = typ
+ case textparse.EntrySeries:
+ p.currSeries = p.currSeries[:0]
+ parser.Metric(&p.currSeries)
+ if != nil && ! {
+ continue
+ }
+ p.setMetricFamilyBySeries()
+ _, _, value := parser.Series()
+ switch p.currMF.typ {
+ case model.MetricTypeGauge:
+ p.addGauge(value)
+ case model.MetricTypeCounter:
+ p.addCounter(value)
+ case model.MetricTypeSummary:
+ p.addSummary(value)
+ case model.MetricTypeHistogram:
+ p.addHistogram(value)
+ case model.MetricTypeUnknown:
+ p.addUnknown(value)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for k, v := range p.metrics {
+ if len(v.Metrics()) == 0 {
+ delete(p.metrics, k)
+ }
+ }
+ return p.metrics, nil
+func (p *promTextParser) setMetricFamilyByName(name string) {
+ mf, ok := p.metrics[name]
+ if !ok {
+ mf = &MetricFamily{name: name, typ: model.MetricTypeUnknown}
+ p.metrics[name] = mf
+ }
+ p.currMF = mf
+func (p *promTextParser) setMetricFamilyBySeries() {
+ p.isSum, p.isCount, p.isQuantile, p.isBucket = false, false, false, false
+ p.currQuantile, p.currBucket = 0, 0
+ name := p.currSeries[0].Value
+ if p.currMF != nil && == name {
+ if p.currMF.typ == model.MetricTypeSummary {
+ p.setQuantile()
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ typ := model.MetricTypeUnknown
+ switch {
+ case strings.HasSuffix(name, sumSuffix):
+ n := strings.TrimSuffix(name, sumSuffix)
+ if mf, ok := p.metrics[n]; ok && isSummaryOrHistogram(mf.typ) {
+ p.isSum = true
+ p.currSeries[0].Value = n
+ p.currMF = mf
+ return
+ }
+ case strings.HasSuffix(name, countSuffix):
+ n := strings.TrimSuffix(name, countSuffix)
+ if mf, ok := p.metrics[n]; ok && isSummaryOrHistogram(mf.typ) {
+ p.isCount = true
+ p.currSeries[0].Value = n
+ p.currMF = mf
+ return
+ }
+ case strings.HasSuffix(name, bucketSuffix):
+ n := strings.TrimSuffix(name, bucketSuffix)
+ if mf, ok := p.metrics[n]; ok && isSummaryOrHistogram(mf.typ) {
+ p.currSeries[0].Value = n
+ p.setBucket()
+ p.currMF = mf
+ return
+ }
+ if p.currSeries.Has(bucketLabel) {
+ p.currSeries[0].Value = n
+ p.setBucket()
+ name = n
+ typ = model.MetricTypeHistogram
+ }
+ case p.currSeries.Has(quantileLabel):
+ typ = model.MetricTypeSummary
+ p.setQuantile()
+ }
+ p.setMetricFamilyByName(name)
+ if p.currMF.typ == "" || p.currMF.typ == model.MetricTypeUnknown {
+ p.currMF.typ = typ
+ }
+func (p *promTextParser) setQuantile() {
+ if lbs, v, ok := removeLabel(p.currSeries, quantileLabel); ok {
+ p.isQuantile = true
+ p.currSeries = lbs
+ p.currQuantile, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
+ }
+func (p *promTextParser) setBucket() {
+ if lbs, v, ok := removeLabel(p.currSeries, bucketLabel); ok {
+ p.isBucket = true
+ p.currSeries = lbs
+ p.currBucket, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
+ }
+func (p *promTextParser) addGauge(value float64) {
+ p.currSeries = p.currSeries[1:] // remove "__name__"
+ if v := len(p.currMF.metrics); v == cap(p.currMF.metrics) {
+ p.currMF.metrics = append(p.currMF.metrics, Metric{
+ labels: copyLabels(p.currSeries),
+ gauge: &Gauge{value: value},
+ })
+ } else {
+ p.currMF.metrics = p.currMF.metrics[:v+1]
+ if p.currMF.metrics[v].gauge == nil {
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].gauge = &Gauge{}
+ }
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].gauge.value = value
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = p.currMF.metrics[v].labels[:0]
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = append(p.currMF.metrics[v].labels, p.currSeries...)
+ }
+func (p *promTextParser) addCounter(value float64) {
+ p.currSeries = p.currSeries[1:] // remove "__name__"
+ if v := len(p.currMF.metrics); v == cap(p.currMF.metrics) {
+ p.currMF.metrics = append(p.currMF.metrics, Metric{
+ labels: copyLabels(p.currSeries),
+ counter: &Counter{value: value},
+ })
+ } else {
+ p.currMF.metrics = p.currMF.metrics[:v+1]
+ if p.currMF.metrics[v].counter == nil {
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].counter = &Counter{}
+ }
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].counter.value = value
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = p.currMF.metrics[v].labels[:0]
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = append(p.currMF.metrics[v].labels, p.currSeries...)
+ }
+func (p *promTextParser) addUnknown(value float64) {
+ p.currSeries = p.currSeries[1:] // remove "__name__"
+ if v := len(p.currMF.metrics); v == cap(p.currMF.metrics) {
+ p.currMF.metrics = append(p.currMF.metrics, Metric{
+ labels: copyLabels(p.currSeries),
+ untyped: &Untyped{value: value},
+ })
+ } else {
+ p.currMF.metrics = p.currMF.metrics[:v+1]
+ if p.currMF.metrics[v].untyped == nil {
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].untyped = &Untyped{}
+ }
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].untyped.value = value
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = p.currMF.metrics[v].labels[:0]
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = append(p.currMF.metrics[v].labels, p.currSeries...)
+ }
+func (p *promTextParser) addSummary(value float64) {
+ hash := p.currSeries.Hash()
+ p.currSeries = p.currSeries[1:] // remove "__name__"
+ s, ok := p.summaries[hash]
+ if !ok {
+ if v := len(p.currMF.metrics); v == cap(p.currMF.metrics) {
+ s = &Summary{}
+ p.currMF.metrics = append(p.currMF.metrics, Metric{
+ labels: copyLabels(p.currSeries),
+ summary: s,
+ })
+ } else {
+ p.currMF.metrics = p.currMF.metrics[:v+1]
+ if p.currMF.metrics[v].summary == nil {
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].summary = &Summary{}
+ }
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].summary.sum = 0
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].summary.count = 0
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].summary.quantiles = p.currMF.metrics[v].summary.quantiles[:0]
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = p.currMF.metrics[v].labels[:0]
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = append(p.currMF.metrics[v].labels, p.currSeries...)
+ s = p.currMF.metrics[v].summary
+ }
+ p.summaries[hash] = s
+ }
+ switch {
+ case p.isQuantile:
+ s.quantiles = append(s.quantiles, Quantile{quantile: p.currQuantile, value: value})
+ case p.isSum:
+ s.sum = value
+ case p.isCount:
+ s.count = value
+ }
+func (p *promTextParser) addHistogram(value float64) {
+ hash := p.currSeries.Hash()
+ p.currSeries = p.currSeries[1:] // remove "__name__"
+ h, ok := p.histograms[hash]
+ if !ok {
+ if v := len(p.currMF.metrics); v == cap(p.currMF.metrics) {
+ h = &Histogram{}
+ p.currMF.metrics = append(p.currMF.metrics, Metric{
+ labels: copyLabels(p.currSeries),
+ histogram: h,
+ })
+ } else {
+ p.currMF.metrics = p.currMF.metrics[:v+1]
+ if p.currMF.metrics[v].histogram == nil {
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].histogram = &Histogram{}
+ }
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].histogram.sum = 0
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].histogram.count = 0
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].histogram.buckets = p.currMF.metrics[v].histogram.buckets[:0]
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = p.currMF.metrics[v].labels[:0]
+ p.currMF.metrics[v].labels = append(p.currMF.metrics[v].labels, p.currSeries...)
+ h = p.currMF.metrics[v].histogram
+ }
+ p.histograms[hash] = h
+ }
+ switch {
+ case p.isBucket:
+ h.buckets = append(h.buckets, Bucket{upperBound: p.currBucket, cumulativeCount: value})
+ case p.isSum:
+ h.sum = value
+ case p.isCount:
+ h.count = value
+ }
+func (p *promTextParser) reset() {
+ p.currMF = nil
+ p.currSeries = p.currSeries[:0]
+ if p.metrics == nil {
+ p.metrics = make(MetricFamilies)
+ }
+ for _, mf := range p.metrics {
+ = ""
+ mf.typ = ""
+ mf.metrics = mf.metrics[:0]
+ }
+ if p.summaries == nil {
+ p.summaries = make(map[uint64]*Summary)
+ }
+ for k := range p.summaries {
+ delete(p.summaries, k)
+ }
+ if p.histograms == nil {
+ p.histograms = make(map[uint64]*Histogram)
+ }
+ for k := range p.histograms {
+ delete(p.histograms, k)
+ }
+func copyLabels(lbs []labels.Label) []labels.Label {
+ return append([]labels.Label(nil), lbs...)
+func removeLabel(lbs labels.Labels, name string) (labels.Labels, string, bool) {
+ for i, v := range lbs {
+ if v.Name == name {
+ return append(lbs[:i], lbs[i+1:]...), v.Value, true
+ }
+ }
+ return lbs, "", false
+func isSummaryOrHistogram(typ model.MetricType) bool {
+ return typ == model.MetricTypeSummary || typ == model.MetricTypeHistogram