path: root/sqlglot/
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Diffstat (limited to 'sqlglot/')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/sqlglot/ b/sqlglot/
index c410d11..129a4e6 100644
--- a/sqlglot/
+++ b/sqlglot/
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import typing as t
+import sqlglot.expressions as exp
from sqlglot.errors import ParseError
-from sqlglot.expressions import SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE
from sqlglot.tokens import Token, Tokenizer, TokenType
@@ -36,20 +36,8 @@ class JSONPathTokenizer(Tokenizer):
-JSONPathNode = t.Dict[str, t.Any]
-def _node(kind: str, value: t.Any = None, **kwargs: t.Any) -> JSONPathNode:
- node = {"kind": kind, **kwargs}
- if value is not None:
- node["value"] = value
- return node
-def parse(path: str) -> t.List[JSONPathNode]:
- """Takes in a JSONPath string and converts into a list of nodes."""
+def parse(path: str) -> exp.JSONPath:
+ """Takes in a JSON path string and parses it into a JSONPath expression."""
tokens = JSONPathTokenizer().tokenize(path)
size = len(tokens)
@@ -89,7 +77,7 @@ def parse(path: str) -> t.List[JSONPathNode]:
if token:
return token.text
if _match(TokenType.STAR):
- return _node("wildcard")
+ return exp.JSONPathWildcard()
if _match(TokenType.PLACEHOLDER) or _match(TokenType.L_PAREN):
script = _prev().text == "("
start = i
@@ -100,9 +88,9 @@ def parse(path: str) -> t.List[JSONPathNode]:
if _curr() in (TokenType.R_BRACKET, None):
- return _node(
- "script" if script else "filter", path[tokens[start].start : tokens[i].end]
- )
+ expr_type = exp.JSONPathScript if script else exp.JSONPathFilter
+ return expr_type(this=path[tokens[start].start : tokens[i].end])
number = "-" if _match(TokenType.DASH) else ""
@@ -112,6 +100,7 @@ def parse(path: str) -> t.List[JSONPathNode]:
if number:
return int(number)
return False
def _parse_slice() -> t.Any:
@@ -121,9 +110,10 @@ def parse(path: str) -> t.List[JSONPathNode]:
if end is None and step is None:
return start
- return _node("slice", start=start, end=end, step=step)
- def _parse_bracket() -> JSONPathNode:
+ return exp.JSONPathSlice(start=start, end=end, step=step)
+ def _parse_bracket() -> exp.JSONPathPart:
literal = _parse_slice()
if isinstance(literal, str) or literal is not False:
@@ -136,13 +126,15 @@ def parse(path: str) -> t.List[JSONPathNode]:
if len(indexes) == 1:
if isinstance(literal, str):
- node = _node("key", indexes[0])
- elif isinstance(literal, dict) and literal["kind"] in ("script", "filter"):
- node = _node("selector", indexes[0])
+ node: exp.JSONPathPart = exp.JSONPathKey(this=indexes[0])
+ elif isinstance(literal, exp.JSONPathPart) and isinstance(
+ literal, (exp.JSONPathScript, exp.JSONPathFilter)
+ ):
+ node = exp.JSONPathSelector(this=indexes[0])
- node = _node("subscript", indexes[0])
+ node = exp.JSONPathSubscript(this=indexes[0])
- node = _node("union", indexes)
+ node = exp.JSONPathUnion(expressions=indexes)
raise ParseError(_error("Cannot have empty segment"))
@@ -150,66 +142,56 @@ def parse(path: str) -> t.List[JSONPathNode]:
return node
- nodes = []
+ # We canonicalize the JSON path AST so that it always starts with a
+ # "root" element, so paths like "field" will be generated as "$.field"
+ _match(TokenType.DOLLAR)
+ expressions: t.List[exp.JSONPathPart] = [exp.JSONPathRoot()]
while _curr():
- if _match(TokenType.DOLLAR):
- nodes.append(_node("root"))
- elif _match(TokenType.DOT):
+ if _match(TokenType.DOT) or _match(TokenType.COLON):
recursive = _prev().text == ".."
- value = _match(TokenType.VAR) or _match(TokenType.STAR)
- nodes.append(
- _node("recursive" if recursive else "child", value=value.text if value else None)
- )
+ if _match(TokenType.VAR) or _match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER):
+ value: t.Optional[str | exp.JSONPathWildcard] = _prev().text
+ elif _match(TokenType.STAR):
+ value = exp.JSONPathWildcard()
+ else:
+ value = None
+ if recursive:
+ expressions.append(exp.JSONPathRecursive(this=value))
+ elif value:
+ expressions.append(exp.JSONPathKey(this=value))
+ else:
+ raise ParseError(_error("Expected key name or * after DOT"))
elif _match(TokenType.L_BRACKET):
- nodes.append(_parse_bracket())
- elif _match(TokenType.VAR):
- nodes.append(_node("key", _prev().text))
+ expressions.append(_parse_bracket())
+ elif _match(TokenType.VAR) or _match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER):
+ expressions.append(exp.JSONPathKey(this=_prev().text))
elif _match(TokenType.STAR):
- nodes.append(_node("wildcard"))
- elif _match(TokenType.PARAMETER):
- nodes.append(_node("current"))
+ expressions.append(exp.JSONPathWildcard())
raise ParseError(_error(f"Unexpected {tokens[i].token_type}"))
- return nodes
+ return exp.JSONPath(expressions=expressions)
- "child": lambda n: f".{n['value']}" if n.get("value") is not None else "",
- "filter": lambda n: f"?{n['value']}",
- "key": lambda n: (
- f".{n['value']}" if SAFE_IDENTIFIER_RE.match(n["value"]) else f'[{generate([n["value"]])}]'
- ),
- "recursive": lambda n: f"..{n['value']}" if n.get("value") is not None else "..",
- "root": lambda _: "$",
- "script": lambda n: f"({n['value']}",
- "slice": lambda n: ":".join(
- "" if p is False else generate([p])
- for p in [n["start"], n["end"], n["step"]]
+JSON_PATH_PART_TRANSFORMS: t.Dict[t.Type[exp.Expression], t.Callable[..., str]] = {
+ exp.JSONPathFilter: lambda _, e: f"?{e.this}",
+ exp.JSONPathKey: lambda self, e: self._jsonpathkey_sql(e),
+ exp.JSONPathRecursive: lambda _, e: f"..{e.this or ''}",
+ exp.JSONPathRoot: lambda *_: "$",
+ exp.JSONPathScript: lambda _, e: f"({e.this}",
+ exp.JSONPathSelector: lambda self, e: f"[{self.json_path_part(e.this)}]",
+ exp.JSONPathSlice: lambda self, e: ":".join(
+ "" if p is False else self.json_path_part(p)
+ for p in [e.args.get("start"), e.args.get("end"), e.args.get("step")]
if p is not None
- "selector": lambda n: f"[{generate([n['value']])}]",
- "subscript": lambda n: f"[{generate([n['value']])}]",
- "union": lambda n: f"[{','.join(generate([p]) for p in n['value'])}]",
- "wildcard": lambda _: "*",
+ exp.JSONPathSubscript: lambda self, e: self._jsonpathsubscript_sql(e),
+ exp.JSONPathUnion: lambda self,
+ e: f"[{','.join(self.json_path_part(p) for p in e.expressions)}]",
+ exp.JSONPathWildcard: lambda *_: "*",
-def generate(
- nodes: t.List[JSONPathNode],
- mapping: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Callable[[JSONPathNode], str]]] = None,
-) -> str:
- mapping = MAPPING if mapping is None else mapping
- path = []
- for node in nodes:
- if isinstance(node, dict):
- path.append(mapping[node["kind"]](node))
- elif isinstance(node, str):
- escaped = node.replace('"', '\\"')
- path.append(f'"{escaped}"')
- else:
- path.append(str(node))
- return "".join(path)