path: root/zbar/qrcode/binarize.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'zbar/qrcode/binarize.c')
1 files changed, 646 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zbar/qrcode/binarize.c b/zbar/qrcode/binarize.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a6fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zbar/qrcode/binarize.c
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+/*Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Timothy B. Terriberry (
+ You can redistribute this library and/or modify it under the terms of the
+ GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.*/
+#include "binarize.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "image.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#if 0
+/*Binarization based on~\cite{GPP06}.
+ author="Basilios Gatos and Ioannis E. Pratikakis and Stavros J. Perantonis",
+ title="Adaptive Degraded Document Image Binarization",
+ journal="Pattern Recognition",
+ volume=39,
+ number=3,
+ pages="317-327",
+ month=Mar,
+ year=2006
+ }*/
+#if 0
+/*Applies a 5x5 Wiener filter to the image, in-place, emphasizing differences
+ where the local variance is small, and de-emphasizing them where it is
+ large.*/
+void qr_wiener_filter(unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
+ unsigned *m_buf[8];
+ unsigned *sn2_buf[8];
+ unsigned char g;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ if(_width<=0||_height<=0)return;
+ m_buf[0]=(unsigned *)malloc((_width+4<<3)*sizeof(*m_buf));
+ sn2_buf[0]=(unsigned *)malloc((_width+4<<3)*sizeof(*sn2_buf));
+ for(y=1;y<8;y++){
+ m_buf[y]=m_buf[y-1]+_width+4;
+ sn2_buf[y]=sn2_buf[y-1]+_width+4;
+ }
+ for(y=-4;y<_height;y++){
+ unsigned *pm;
+ unsigned *psn2;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ pm=m_buf[y+2&7];
+ psn2=sn2_buf[y+2&7];
+ for(x=-4;x<_width;x++){
+ unsigned m;
+ unsigned m2;
+ m=m2=0;
+ if(y>=0&&y<_height-4&&x>=0&&x<_width-4)for(i=0;i<5;i++)for(j=0;j<5;j++){
+ g=_img[(y+i)*_width+x+j];
+ m+=g;
+ m2+=g*g;
+ }
+ else for(i=0;i<5;i++)for(j=0;j<5;j++){
+ g=_img[QR_CLAMPI(0,y+i,_height-1)*_width+QR_CLAMPI(0,x+j,_width-1)];
+ m+=g;
+ m2+=g*g;
+ }
+ pm[x+4]=m;
+ psn2[x+4]=(m2*25-m*m);
+ }
+ pm=m_buf[y&7];
+ if(y>=0)for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ int sn2;
+ sn2=sn2_buf[y&7][x+2];
+ if(sn2){
+ int vn3;
+ int m;
+ /*Gatos et al. give the expression
+ mu+(s2-v2)*(g-mu)/s2 ,
+ which we reduce to
+ mu+(s2-v2)*g/s2-(s2-v2)*mu/s2 ,
+ g-(v2/s2)*g+(v2/s2)*mu ,
+ g+(mu-g)*(v2/s2) .
+ However, s2 is much noisier than v2, and dividing by it often gives
+ extremely large adjustments, causing speckle near edges.
+ Therefore we limit the ratio (v2/s2) to lie between 0 and 1.*/
+ vn3=0;
+ for(i=-2;i<3;i++){
+ psn2=sn2_buf[y+i&7];
+ for(j=0;j<5;j++)vn3+=psn2[x+j];
+ }
+ m=m_buf[y&7][x+2];
+ vn3=vn3+1023>>10;
+ sn2=25*sn2+1023>>10;
+ if(vn3<sn2){
+ int a;
+ g=_img[y*_width+x];
+ a=(m-25*g)*vn3;
+ sn2*=25;
+ _img[y*_width+x]=QR_CLAMP255(g+QR_DIVROUND(a,sn2));
+ }
+ else _img[y*_width+x]=(unsigned char)(((m<<1)+25)/50);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(sn2_buf[0]);
+ free(m_buf[0]);
+/*Applies a 3x3 Wiener filter to the image, in-place, emphasizing differences
+ where the local variance is small, and de-emphasizing them where it is
+ large.*/
+void qr_wiener_filter(unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
+ unsigned *m_buf[4];
+ unsigned *sn2_buf[4];
+ unsigned char g;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ if(_width<=0||_height<=0)return;
+ m_buf[0]=(unsigned *)malloc((_width+2<<2)*sizeof(*m_buf));
+ sn2_buf[0]=(unsigned *)malloc((_width+2<<2)*sizeof(*sn2_buf));
+ for(y=1;y<4;y++){
+ m_buf[y]=m_buf[y-1]+_width+2;
+ sn2_buf[y]=sn2_buf[y-1]+_width+2;
+ }
+ for(y=-2;y<_height;y++){
+ unsigned *pm;
+ unsigned *psn2;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ pm=m_buf[y+1&3];
+ psn2=sn2_buf[y+1&3];
+ for(x=-2;x<_width;x++){
+ unsigned m;
+ unsigned m2;
+ m=m2=0;
+ if(y>=0&&y<_height-2&&x>=0&&x<_width-2)for(i=0;i<3;i++)for(j=0;j<3;j++){
+ g=_img[(y+i)*_width+x+j];
+ m+=g;
+ m2+=g*g;
+ }
+ else for(i=0;i<3;i++)for(j=0;j<3;j++){
+ g=_img[QR_CLAMPI(0,y+i,_height-1)*_width+QR_CLAMPI(0,x+j,_width-1)];
+ m+=g;
+ m2+=g*g;
+ }
+ pm[x+2]=m;
+ psn2[x+2]=(m2*9-m*m);
+ }
+ pm=m_buf[y&3];
+ if(y>=0)for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ int sn2;
+ sn2=sn2_buf[y&3][x+1];
+ if(sn2){
+ int m;
+ int vn3;
+ /*Gatos et al. give the expression
+ mu+(s2-v2)*(g-mu)/s2 ,
+ which we reduce to
+ mu+(s2-v2)*g/s2-(s2-v2)*mu/s2 ,
+ g-(v2/s2)*g+(v2/s2)*mu ,
+ g+(mu-g)*(v2/s2) .
+ However, s2 is much noisier than v2, and dividing by it often gives
+ extremely large adjustments, causing speckle near edges.
+ Therefore we limit the ratio (v2/s2) to lie between 0 and 1.*/
+ vn3=0;
+ for(i=-1;i<2;i++){
+ psn2=sn2_buf[y+i&3];
+ for(j=0;j<3;j++)vn3+=psn2[x+j];
+ }
+ m=m_buf[y&3][x+1];
+ vn3=vn3+31>>5;
+ sn2=9*sn2+31>>5;
+ if(vn3<sn2){
+ int a;
+ g=_img[y*_width+x];
+ a=m-9*g;
+ sn2*=9;
+ _img[y*_width+x]=QR_CLAMP255(g+QR_DIVROUND(a,sn2));
+ }
+ else _img[y*_width+x]=(unsigned char)(((m<<1)+9)/18);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(sn2_buf[0]);
+ free(m_buf[0]);
+/*Computes a (conservative) foreground mask using the adaptive binarization
+ threshold given in~\cite{SP00}, but knocking the threshold parameter down to
+ k=0.2.
+ Note on dynamic range: we assume _width*_height<=0x1000000 (24 bits).
+ Returns the average background value.
+ author="Jaakko J. Sauvola and Matti Pietik\"{a}inen",
+ title="Adaptive Document Image Binarization",
+ volume=33,
+ number=2,
+ pages="225--236",
+ month=Feb,
+ year=2000
+ }*/
+static void qr_sauvola_mask(unsigned char *_mask,unsigned *_b,int *_nb,
+ const unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
+ unsigned b;
+ int nb;
+ b=0;
+ nb=0;
+ if(_width>0&&_height>0){
+ unsigned *col_sums;
+ unsigned *col2_sums;
+ int logwindw;
+ int logwindh;
+ int windw;
+ int windh;
+ int y0offs;
+ int y1offs;
+ unsigned g;
+ unsigned g2;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ /*We keep the window size fairly large to ensure it doesn't fit completely
+ inside the center of a finder pattern of a version 1 QR code at full
+ resolution.*/
+ for(logwindw=4;logwindw<8&&(1<<logwindw)<(_width+7>>3);logwindw++);
+ for(logwindh=4;logwindh<8&&(1<<logwindh)<(_height+7>>3);logwindh++);
+ windw=1<<logwindw;
+ windh=1<<logwindh;
+ col_sums=(unsigned *)malloc(_width*sizeof(*col_sums));
+ col2_sums=(unsigned *)malloc(_width*sizeof(*col2_sums));
+ /*Initialize sums down each column.*/
+ for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ g=_img[x];
+ g2=g*g;
+ col_sums[x]=(g<<logwindh-1)+g;
+ col2_sums[x]=(g2<<logwindh-1)+g2;
+ }
+ for(y=1;y<(windh>>1);y++){
+ y1offs=QR_MINI(y,_height-1)*_width;
+ for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ g=_img[y1offs+x];
+ col_sums[x]+=g;
+ col2_sums[x]+=g*g;
+ }
+ }
+ for(y=0;y<_height;y++){
+ unsigned m;
+ unsigned m2;
+ int x0;
+ int x1;
+ /*Initialize the sums over the window.*/
+ m=(col_sums[0]<<logwindw-1)+col_sums[0];
+ m2=(col2_sums[0]<<logwindw-1)+col2_sums[0];
+ for(x=1;x<(windw>>1);x++){
+ x1=QR_MINI(x,_width-1);
+ m+=col_sums[x1];
+ m2+=col2_sums[x1];
+ }
+ for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ int d;
+ /*Perform the test against the threshold T = (m/n)*(1+k*(s/R-1)),
+ where n=windw*windh, s=sqrt((m2-(m*m)/n)/n), and R=128.
+ We don't actually compute the threshold directly, as that would
+ require a square root.
+ Instead we perform the equivalent test:
+ (m/n)*(m/n)*(m2/n-(m/n)*(m/n))/16 > (((1/k)*g-((1-k)/k)*(m/n))*32)**2
+ R is split up across each side of the inequality to maximize the
+ dynamic range available for the right hand side, which requires
+ 31 bits in the worst case.*/
+ /*(m/n)*(1+(1/5)*(sqrt((m2-m*m/n)/n)/128-1)) > g
+ m*(1+(1/5)*(sqrt((m2-m*m/n)/n)/128-1)) > g*n
+ m*sqrt((m2-m*m/n)/n) > 5*g*n-4*m<<7
+ m*m*(m2*n-m*m) > (5*g*n-4*m<<7)**2*n*n || 5*g*n-4*m < 0 */
+ g=_img[y*_width+x];
+ d=(5*g<<logwindw+logwindh)-4*m;
+ if(d>=0){
+ unsigned mm;
+ unsigned mms2;
+ unsigned d2;
+ mm=(m>>logwindw)*(m>>logwindh);
+ mms2=(m2-mm>>logwindw+logwindh)*(mm>>logwindw+logwindh)+15>>4;
+ d2=d>>logwindw+logwindh-5;
+ d2*=d2;
+ if(d2>=mms2){
+ /*Update the background average.*/
+ b+=g;
+ nb++;
+ _mask[y*_width+x]=0;
+ }
+ else _mask[y*_width+x]=0xFF;
+ }
+ else _mask[y*_width+x]=0xFF;
+ /*Update the window sums.*/
+ if(x+1<_width){
+ x0=QR_MAXI(0,x-(windw>>1));
+ x1=QR_MINI(x+(windw>>1),_width-1);
+ m+=col_sums[x1]-col_sums[x0];
+ m2+=col2_sums[x1]-col2_sums[x0];
+ }
+ }
+ /*Update the column sums.*/
+ if(y+1<_height){
+ y0offs=QR_MAXI(0,y-(windh>>1))*_width;
+ y1offs=QR_MINI(y+(windh>>1),_height-1)*_width;
+ for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ g=_img[y0offs+x];
+ col_sums[x]-=g;
+ col2_sums[x]-=g*g;
+ g=_img[y1offs+x];
+ col_sums[x]+=g;
+ col2_sums[x]+=g*g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(col2_sums);
+ free(col_sums);
+ }
+ *_b=b;
+ *_nb=nb;
+/*Interpolates a background image given the source and a conservative
+ foreground mask.
+ If the current window contains no foreground pixels, the average background
+ value over the whole image is used.
+ Note on dynamic range: we assume _width*_height<=0x8000000 (23 bits).
+ Returns the average difference between the foreground and the interpolated
+ background.*/
+static void qr_interpolate_background(unsigned char *_dst,
+ int *_delta,int *_ndelta,const unsigned char *_img,const unsigned char *_mask,
+ int _width,int _height,unsigned _b,int _nb){
+ int delta;
+ int ndelta;
+ delta=ndelta=0;
+ if(_width>0&&_height>0){
+ unsigned *col_sums;
+ unsigned *ncol_sums;
+ int logwindw;
+ int logwindh;
+ int windw;
+ int windh;
+ int y0offs;
+ int y1offs;
+ unsigned b;
+ unsigned g;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ b=_nb>0?((_b<<1)+_nb)/(_nb<<1):0xFF;
+ for(logwindw=4;logwindw<8&&(1<<logwindw)<(_width+15>>4);logwindw++);
+ for(logwindh=4;logwindh<8&&(1<<logwindh)<(_height+15>>4);logwindh++);
+ windw=1<<logwindw;
+ windh=1<<logwindh;
+ col_sums=(unsigned *)malloc(_width*sizeof(*col_sums));
+ ncol_sums=(unsigned *)malloc(_width*sizeof(*ncol_sums));
+ /*Initialize sums down each column.*/
+ for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ if(!_mask[x]){
+ g=_img[x];
+ col_sums[x]=(g<<logwindh-1)+g;
+ ncol_sums[x]=(1<<logwindh-1)+1;
+ }
+ else col_sums[x]=ncol_sums[x]=0;
+ }
+ for(y=1;y<(windh>>1);y++){
+ y1offs=QR_MINI(y,_height-1)*_width;
+ for(x=0;x<_width;x++)if(!_mask[y1offs+x]){
+ col_sums[x]+=_img[y1offs+x];
+ ncol_sums[x]++;
+ }
+ }
+ for(y=0;y<_height;y++){
+ unsigned n;
+ unsigned m;
+ int x0;
+ int x1;
+ /*Initialize the sums over the window.*/
+ m=(col_sums[0]<<logwindw-1)+col_sums[0];
+ n=(ncol_sums[0]<<logwindw-1)+ncol_sums[0];
+ for(x=1;x<(windw>>1);x++){
+ x1=QR_MINI(x,_width-1);
+ m+=col_sums[x1];
+ n+=ncol_sums[x1];
+ }
+ for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ if(!_mask[y*_width+x])g=_img[y*_width+x];
+ else{
+ g=n>0?((m<<1)+n)/(n<<1):b;
+ delta+=(int)g-_img[y*_width+x];
+ ndelta++;
+ }
+ _dst[y*_width+x]=(unsigned char)g;
+ /*Update the window sums.*/
+ if(x+1<_width){
+ x0=QR_MAXI(0,x-(windw>>1));
+ x1=QR_MINI(x+(windw>>1),_width-1);
+ m+=col_sums[x1]-col_sums[x0];
+ n+=ncol_sums[x1]-ncol_sums[x0];
+ }
+ }
+ /*Update the column sums.*/
+ if(y+1<_height){
+ y0offs=QR_MAXI(0,y-(windh>>1))*_width;
+ y1offs=QR_MINI(y+(windh>>1),_height-1)*_width;
+ for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ if(!_mask[y0offs+x]){
+ col_sums[x]-=_img[y0offs+x];
+ ncol_sums[x]--;
+ }
+ if(!_mask[y1offs+x]){
+ col_sums[x]+=_img[y1offs+x];
+ ncol_sums[x]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(ncol_sums);
+ free(col_sums);
+ }
+ *_delta=delta;
+ *_ndelta=ndelta;
+/*Parameters of the logistic sigmoid function that defines the threshold based
+ on the background intensity.
+ They should all be between 0 and 1.*/
+#define QR_GATOS_Q (0.7)
+#define QR_GATOS_P1 (0.5)
+#define QR_GATOS_P2 (0.8)
+/*Compute the final binarization mask according to Gatos et al.'s
+ method~\cite{GPP06}.*/
+static void qr_gatos_mask(unsigned char *_mask,const unsigned char *_img,
+ const unsigned char *_background,int _width,int _height,
+ unsigned _b,int _nb,int _delta,int _ndelta){
+ unsigned thresh[256];
+ unsigned g;
+ double delta;
+ double b;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ /*Construct a lookup table for the thresholds.
+ This bit uses floating point, but doesn't need to do much calculation, so
+ emulation should be fine.*/
+ b=_nb>0?(_b+0.5)/_nb:0xFF;
+ delta=_ndelta>0?(_delta+0.5)/_ndelta:0xFF;
+ for(g=0;g<256;g++){
+ double d;
+ d=QR_GATOS_Q*delta*(QR_GATOS_P2+(1-QR_GATOS_P2)/
+ (1+exp(2*(1+QR_GATOS_P1)/(1-QR_GATOS_P1)-4*g/(b*(1-QR_GATOS_P1)))));
+ if(d<1)d=1;
+ else if(d>0xFF)d=0xFF;
+ thresh[g]=(unsigned)floor(d);
+ }
+ /*Apply the adaptive threshold.*/
+ for(y=0;y<_height;y++)for(x=0;x<_width;x++){
+ g=_background[y*_width+x];
+ /*_background[y*_width+x]=thresh[g];*/
+ _mask[y*_width+x]=(unsigned char)(-(g-_img[y*_width+x]>thresh[g])&0xFF);
+ }
+ /*{
+ FILE *fout;
+ fout=fopen("thresh.png","wb");
+ image_write_png(_background,_width,_height,fout);
+ fclose(fout);
+ }*/
+/*Binarizes a grayscale image.*/
+void qr_binarize(unsigned char *_img,int _width,int _height){
+ unsigned char *mask;
+ unsigned char *background;
+ unsigned b;
+ int nb;
+ int delta;
+ int ndelta;
+ /*qr_wiener_filter(_img,_width,_height);
+ {
+ FILE *fout;
+ fout=fopen("wiener.png","wb");
+ image_write_png(_img,_width,_height,fout);
+ fclose(fout);
+ }*/
+ mask=(unsigned char *)malloc(_width*_height*sizeof(*mask));
+ qr_sauvola_mask(mask,&b,&nb,_img,_width,_height);
+ /*{
+ FILE *fout;
+ fout=fopen("foreground.png","wb");
+ image_write_png(mask,_width,_height,fout);
+ fclose(fout);
+ }*/
+ background=(unsigned char *)malloc(_width*_height*sizeof(*mask));
+ qr_interpolate_background(background,&delta,&ndelta,
+ _img,mask,_width,_height,b,nb);
+ /*{
+ FILE *fout;
+ fout=fopen("background.png","wb");
+ image_write_png(background,_width,_height,fout);
+ fclose(fout);
+ }*/
+ qr_gatos_mask(_img,_img,background,_width,_height,b,nb,delta,ndelta);
+ free(background);
+ free(mask);
+/*The above algorithms are computationally expensive, and do not work as well
+ as the simple algorithm below.
+ Sauvola by itself does an excellent job of classifying regions outside the
+ QR code as background, which greatly reduces the chance of false alarms.
+ However, it also tends to over-shrink isolated black dots inside the code,
+ making them easy to miss with even slight mis-alignment.
+ Since the Gatos method uses Sauvola as input to its background interpolation
+ method, it cannot possibly mark any pixels as foreground which Sauvola
+ classified as background, and thus suffers from the same problem.
+ The following simple adaptive threshold method does not have this problem,
+ though it produces essentially random noise outside the QR code region.
+ QR codes are structured well enough that this does not seem to lead to any
+ actual false alarms in practice, and it allows many more codes to be
+ detected and decoded successfully than the Sauvola or Gatos binarization
+ methods.*/
+/*A simplified adaptive thresholder.
+ This compares the current pixel value to the mean value of a (large) window
+ surrounding it.*/
+unsigned char *qr_binarize(const unsigned char *_img, int _width, int _height)
+ unsigned char *mask = NULL;
+ if (_width > 0 && _height > 0) {
+ unsigned *col_sums;
+ int logwindw;
+ int logwindh;
+ int windw;
+ int windh;
+ int y0offs;
+ int y1offs;
+ unsigned g;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ mask = (unsigned char *)malloc(_width * _height * sizeof(*mask));
+ /*We keep the window size fairly large to ensure it doesn't fit completely
+ inside the center of a finder pattern of a version 1 QR code at full
+ resolution.*/
+ for (logwindw = 4; logwindw < 8 && (1 << logwindw) < (_width + 7 >> 3);
+ logwindw++)
+ ;
+ for (logwindh = 4; logwindh < 8 && (1 << logwindh) < (_height + 7 >> 3);
+ logwindh++)
+ ;
+ windw = 1 << logwindw;
+ windh = 1 << logwindh;
+ col_sums = (unsigned *)malloc(_width * sizeof(*col_sums));
+ /*Initialize sums down each column.*/
+ for (x = 0; x < _width; x++) {
+ g = _img[x];
+ col_sums[x] = (g << logwindh - 1) + g;
+ }
+ for (y = 1; y < (windh >> 1); y++) {
+ y1offs = QR_MINI(y, _height - 1) * _width;
+ for (x = 0; x < _width; x++) {
+ g = _img[y1offs + x];
+ col_sums[x] += g;
+ }
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < _height; y++) {
+ unsigned m;
+ int x0;
+ int x1;
+ /*Initialize the sum over the window.*/
+ m = (col_sums[0] << logwindw - 1) + col_sums[0];
+ for (x = 1; x < (windw >> 1); x++) {
+ x1 = QR_MINI(x, _width - 1);
+ m += col_sums[x1];
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < _width; x++) {
+ /*Perform the test against the threshold T = (m/n)-D,
+ where n=windw*windh and D=3.*/
+ g = _img[y * _width + x];
+ mask[y * _width + x] = -(g + 3 << logwindw + logwindh < m) &
+ 0xFF;
+ /*Update the window sum.*/
+ if (x + 1 < _width) {
+ x0 = QR_MAXI(0, x - (windw >> 1));
+ x1 = QR_MINI(x + (windw >> 1), _width - 1);
+ m += col_sums[x1] - col_sums[x0];
+ }
+ }
+ /*Update the column sums.*/
+ if (y + 1 < _height) {
+ y0offs = QR_MAXI(0, y - (windh >> 1)) * _width;
+ y1offs = QR_MINI(y + (windh >> 1), _height - 1) * _width;
+ for (x = 0; x < _width; x++) {
+ col_sums[x] -= _img[y0offs + x];
+ col_sums[x] += _img[y1offs + x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(col_sums);
+ }
+#if defined(QR_DEBUG)
+ {
+ FILE *fout;
+ fout = fopen("binary.png", "wb");
+ image_write_png(_img, _width, _height, fout);
+ fclose(fout);
+ }
+ return (mask);
+#if defined(TEST_BINARIZE)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "image.c"
+int main(int _argc, char **_argv)
+ unsigned char *img;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ if (_argc < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <image>.png\n", _argv[0]);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /*width=1182;
+ height=1181;
+ img=(unsigned char *)malloc(width*height*sizeof(*img));
+ for(y=0;y<height;y++)for(x=0;x<width;x++){
+ img[y*width+x]=(unsigned char)(-((x&1)^(y&1))&0xFF);
+ }*/
+ {
+ FILE *fin;
+ fin = fopen(_argv[1], "rb");
+ image_read_png(&img, &width, &height, fin);
+ fclose(fin);
+ }
+ qr_binarize(img, width, height);
+ /*{
+ FILE *fout;
+ fout=fopen("binary.png","wb");
+ image_write_png(img,width,height,fout);
+ fclose(fout);
+ }*/
+ free(img);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;