path: root/zbar/qrcode/rs.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'zbar/qrcode/rs.h')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zbar/qrcode/rs.h b/zbar/qrcode/rs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b47dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zbar/qrcode/rs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+/*Copyright (C) 1991-1995 Henry Minsky (,
+ Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Timothy B. Terriberry (
+ You can redistribute this library and/or modify it under the terms of the
+ GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.*/
+#if !defined(_qrcode_rs_H)
+#define _qrcode_rs_H (1)
+/*This is one of 16 irreducible primitive polynomials of degree 8:
+ x**8+x**4+x**3+x**2+1.
+ Under such a polynomial, x (i.e., 0x02) is a generator of GF(2**8).
+ The high order 1 bit is implicit.
+ From~\cite{MD88}, Ch. 5, p. 275 by Patel.
+ @BOOK{MD88,
+ author="C. Dennis Mee and Eric D. Daniel",
+ title="Video, Audio, and Instrumentation Recording",
+ series="Magnetic Recording",
+ volume=3,
+ publisher="McGraw-Hill Education",
+ address="Columbus, OH",
+ month=Jun,
+ year=1988
+ }*/
+#define QR_PPOLY (0x1D)
+/*The index to start the generator polynomial from (0...254).*/
+#define QR_M0 (0)
+typedef struct rs_gf256 rs_gf256;
+struct rs_gf256 {
+ /*A logarithm table in GF(2**8).*/
+ unsigned char log[256];
+ /*An exponential table in GF(2**8): exp[i] contains x^i reduced modulo the
+ irreducible primitive polynomial used to define the field.
+ The extra 256 entries are used to do arithmetic mod 255, since some extra
+ table lookups are generally faster than doing the modulus.*/
+ unsigned char exp[511];
+/*Initialize discrete logarithm tables for GF(2**8) using a given primitive
+ irreducible polynomial.*/
+void rs_gf256_init(rs_gf256 *_gf, unsigned _ppoly);
+/*Corrects a codeword with _ndata<256 bytes, of which the last _npar are parity
+ bytes.
+ Known locations of errors can be passed in the _erasures array.
+ Twice as many (up to _npar) errors with a known location can be corrected
+ compared to errors with an unknown location.
+ Returns the number of errors corrected if successful, or a negative number if
+ the message could not be corrected because too many errors were detected.*/
+int rs_correct(const rs_gf256 *_gf, int _m0, unsigned char *_data, int _ndata,
+ int _npar, const unsigned char *_erasures, int _nerasures);
+/*Create an _npar-coefficient generator polynomial for a Reed-Solomon code with
+ _npar<256 parity bytes.*/
+void rs_compute_genpoly(const rs_gf256 *_gf, int _m0, unsigned char *_genpoly,
+ int _npar);
+/*Adds _npar<=_ndata parity bytes to an _ndata-_npar byte message.
+ _data must contain room for _ndata<256 bytes.*/
+void rs_encode(const rs_gf256 *_gf, unsigned char *_data, int _ndata,
+ const unsigned char *_genpoly, int _npar);