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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-gd/mobile/overrides/netError.dtd')
-rw-r--r-- | l10n-gd/mobile/overrides/netError.dtd | 118 |
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gd/mobile/overrides/netError.dtd b/l10n-gd/mobile/overrides/netError.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c7c9e0de2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-gd/mobile/overrides/netError.dtd @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> + +<!ENTITY % brandDTD SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd"> +%brandDTD; + +<!ENTITY loadError.label "Duilgheadas le luchdadh na duilleige"> +<!ENTITY retry.label "Feuch ris a-rithist"> + +<!-- Specific error messages --> + +<!ENTITY connectionFailure.title "Cha ghabh ceangal a dhèanamh ris"> +<!ENTITY connectionFailure.longDesc2 "&sharedLongDesc3;"> + +<!ENTITY deniedPortAccess.title "Tha an seòladh seo cuingichte"> +<!ENTITY deniedPortAccess.longDesc ""> + +<!ENTITY dnsNotFound.title "Cha deach am frithealaiche a lorg"> +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (dnsNotFound.longDesc4) This string contains markup including widgets for searching + or enabling wifi connections. The text inside tags should be localized. Do not change the ids. --> +<!ENTITY dnsNotFound.longDesc4 "<ul> <li>Dèan cinnteach nach eil mearachdan litreachaidh san t-seòladh mar <strong>ww</strong>.example.com an àite <strong>www</strong>.example.com</li> <div id='searchbox'> <input id='searchtext' type='search'></input> <button id='searchbutton'>Lorg</button> </div> <li>Mur urrainn dhut duilleag sam bith a luchdadh, thoir sùil air ceangal dàta no WiFi an uidheim agad. <button id='wifi'>Cuir an comas WiFi</button> </li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY fileNotFound.title "Cha deach am faidhle a lorg"> +<!ENTITY fileNotFound.longDesc "<ul> <li>Dèan cinnteach nach eile litrichean mòra no beaga san àite chearr no mearachdan litreachaidh eile.</li> <li>Saoil an deach am faidhle a ghluasad, a sguabadh às no gun deach ainm ùr a chur air?</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY fileAccessDenied.title "Chaidh inntrigeadh dhan fhaidhle a dhiùltadh"> +<!ENTITY fileAccessDenied.longDesc "<ul> <li>Dh’fhaoidte gun deach a thoirt air falbh no a ghluasad no gu bheil bacadh air inntrigeadh an cois ceadan an fhaidhle.</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY generic.title "Mo chreach!"> +<!ENTITY generic.longDesc "<p>Chan urrainn dha &brandShortName; an duilleag seo a luchdadh air sgàth adhbhar air choireigin.</p>"> + +<!ENTITY malformedURI.title "Chan e seòladh dligheach a tha ann"> +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (malformedURI.longDesc2) This string contains markup including widgets for searching + or enabling wifi connections. The text inside the tags should be localized. Do not touch the ids. --> +<!ENTITY malformedURI.longDesc2 "<ul> <li>Bidh seòlaidhean-lìn coltas ri seo mar is trice: <strong>http://www.example.com/</strong></li> <div id='searchbox'> <input id='searchtext' type='search'></input> <button id='searchbutton'>Lorg</button> </div> <li>Dèan cinnteach gun cleachd thu an t-slais cheart (i.e. <strong>/</strong>).</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY netInterrupt.title "Bhris rudeigin a-steach air a' cheangal"> +<!ENTITY netInterrupt.longDesc2 "&sharedLongDesc3;"> + +<!ENTITY notCached.title "Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an sgrìobhainn"> +<!ENTITY notCached.longDesc "<p>Chan eil an sgrìobhainn a dh’iarr thu ri làimh san tasgadan aig &brandShortName;.</p><ul><li>Air sgàth adhbharan tèarainteachd, cha dèan &brandShortName; ath-iarrtas airson sgrìobhainnean cugallach gu fèin-obrachail.</li><li>Briog air “Feuch ris a-rithist” gus iarrtas eile a chur dhan làrach-lìn airson na sgrìobhainne.</li></ul>"> + +<!ENTITY netOffline.title "Am modh far loidhne"> + +<!ENTITY contentEncodingError.title "Mearachd le còdachadh na susbaint"> +<!ENTITY contentEncodingError.longDesc "<ul> <li>Nach leig thu fios air an duilgheadas seo gun fheadhainn aig a bheil an làrach-lìn?</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY unsafeContentType.title "Faidhle de sheòrsa neo-thèarainte"> +<!ENTITY unsafeContentType.longDesc "<ul> <li>Nach leig thu fios air an duilgheadas seo gun fheadhainn aig a bheil an làrach-lìn?</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY netReset.title "Chaidh an ceangal ath-shuidheachadh"> +<!ENTITY netReset.longDesc2 "&sharedLongDesc3;"> + +<!ENTITY netTimeout.title "Dh'fhalbh an ùine air a' cheangal"> +<!ENTITY netTimeout.longDesc2 "&sharedLongDesc3;"> + +<!ENTITY unknownProtocolFound.title "Cha deach an seòladh a thuigsinn"> +<!ENTITY unknownProtocolFound.longDesc "<ul> <li>Dh'fhaodadh gum bi agad bathar-bog a bharrachd a stàladh mus fosgail thu an seòladh seo.</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY proxyConnectFailure.title "Tha am frithealaiche progsaidh a' diùltadh cheanglaichean"> +<!ENTITY proxyConnectFailure.longDesc "<ul> <li>Dèan cinnteach gu bheil na roghainnean progsaidh ceart.</li> <li>Cuir fios gu rianaire an lìonra agad gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil am progsaidh ag obair.</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY proxyResolveFailure.title "Cha ghabh am frithealaiche progsaidh a lorg"> +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (proxyResolveFailure.longDesc3) This string contains markup including widgets for enabling wifi connections. + The text inside the tags should be localized. Do not touch the ids. --> +<!ENTITY proxyResolveFailure.longDesc3 "<ul> <li>Dèan cinnteach gu bheil na roghainnean progsaidh ceart.</li> <li>Dèan cinnteach gu bheil ceangal dàta no WiFi beò aig an uidheam agad. <button id='wifi'>Cuir WiFi an comas</button> </li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY redirectLoop.title "Chan eil an duilleag ag ath-stiùireadh mar bu chòir"> +<!ENTITY redirectLoop.longDesc "<ul> <li>Tachraidh seo uaireannan mur eil briosgaidean an comas no 'gan diùltadh.</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY unknownSocketType.title "Freagairt ris nach robh dùil on fhrithealaiche"> +<!ENTITY unknownSocketType.longDesc "<ul> <li>Dèan cinnteach gu bheil manaidsear na tèarainteachd phearsanta air an t-siostam agad.</li> <li>Dh'fhaodadh seo tachairt an cois rèiteachadh neo-stannardach air an fhrithealaiche.</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY nssFailure2.title "Dh'fhàillig an ceangal tèarainte"> +<!ENTITY nssFailure2.longDesc2 "<ul> <li>Cha ghabh an duilleag a tha thu airson faicinn a shealltainn a chionn 's nach gabh dearbhachd an dàta a fhuaradh a dhearbhadh.</li> <li>Cuir fios gun fheadhainn aig a bheil an làrach-lìn gu bheil a leithid de dhuilgheadas ann.</li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY nssBadCert.title "Dh'fhàillig an ceangal tèarainte"> +<!ENTITY nssBadCert.longDesc2 "<ul> <li>Dh’fhaodadh gur e duilgheadas le rèiteachadh an fhrithealaiche a tha ann no gu bheil cuideigin a’ feuchainn ri gabhail orra gur iadsan am frithealaiche.</li> <li>Ma chaidh agad air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an fhrithealaiche seo roimhe, ’s mathaid nach mair a' mhearachd agus feuch ris a-rithist an ceann tàmaill.</li> </ul>"> + +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (sharedLongDesc3) This string contains markup including widgets for enabling wifi connections. + The text inside the tags should be localized. Do not touch the ids. --> +<!ENTITY sharedLongDesc3 "<ul> <li>Dh’fhaodadh nach eil an làrach seo ri faighinn rè seal no gu bheil e ro thrang. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.</li> <li>Mur urrainn dhut duilleag sam bith a ruigsinn, cuir sùil air ceangal dàta no WiFi an uidheim agad. <button id='wifi'>Cuir WiFi an comas</button> </li> </ul>"> + +<!ENTITY cspBlocked.title "’Ga chasgadh le poileasaidh tèarainteachd susbainte"> +<!ENTITY cspBlocked.longDesc "<p>Chuir &brandShortName; casg air luchdadh na duilleige seo air an dòigh seo a chionn ’s gu bheil poileasaidh tèarainteachd susbainte ann nach eil ’ga cheadachadh.</p>"> + +<!ENTITY corruptedContentErrorv2.title "Mearachd air sgàth susbaint thruaillte"> +<!ENTITY corruptedContentErrorv2.longDesc "<p>Cha ghabh an duilleag a dh’iarr thu a shealltainn a chionn ’s gun deach mearachd a lorg ann an tar-chur an dàta.</p><ul><li>Nach leig thu fios do sheilbheadairean na làraich-lìn mun duilgheadas seo?</li></ul>"> + +<!ENTITY securityOverride.linkText "No ’s urrainn dhut eisgeachd a chur ris…"> +<!ENTITY securityOverride.getMeOutOfHereButton "A-mach às an àite seo leam!"> +<!ENTITY securityOverride.exceptionButtonLabel "Cuir eisgeachd ris…"> + +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (securityOverride.warningContent) - Do not translate the +contents of the <xul:button> tags. The only language content is the label= field, +which uses strings already defined above. The button is included here (instead of +netError.xhtml) because it exposes functionality specific to firefox. --> + +<!ENTITY securityOverride.warningContent "<p>Cha bu chòir dhut eisgeachd a chur ris ma tha thu a' cleachdadh ceangal dhan eadar-lìon anns nach eil earbsa agad buileach no mur eil dùil agad ri rabhadh mun fhrithealaiche seo.</p> <button id='getMeOutOfHereButton'>&securityOverride.getMeOutOfHereButton;</button> <button id='exceptionDialogButton'>&securityOverride.exceptionButtonLabel;</button>"> + +<!ENTITY sslv3Used.title "Chan urrainn dhuinn ceangal tèarainte a dhèanamh"> +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (sslv3Used.longDesc) - Do not translate + "SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION". --> +<!ENTITY sslv3Used.longDesc "Mion-fhiosrachadh: SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION"> + +<!ENTITY weakCryptoUsed.title "Chan eil an ceangal agad tèarainte"> +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (weakCryptoUsed.longDesc) - Do not translate + "SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP". --> +<!ENTITY weakCryptoUsed.longDesc "Mion-fhiosrachadh: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP"> + +<!ENTITY inadequateSecurityError.title "Chan eil an ceangal agad tèarainte"> +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (inadequateSecurityError.longDesc) - Do not translate + "NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY". --> +<!ENTITY inadequateSecurityError.longDesc "<p>Tha <span class='hostname'></span> a’ cleachdadh seann-teicneolas tèarainteachd a tha so-leònte. Cha bhiodh e doirbh do chuideigin dàta a leigeil ris a bha tèarainte ’nad bheachd. Bidh aig rianaire na làraich am frithealaiche a chàradh mus urrainn dhut tadhal air an làrach.</p><p>Còd na mearachd: NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY</p>"> + +<!ENTITY networkProtocolError.title "Mearachd pròtacal an lìonraidh"> +<!ENTITY networkProtocolError.longDesc "<p>Chan urrainn dhuinn an duilleag a dh’iarr thu a shealltainn a chionn ’s gun do mhothaich sinn ri mearachd ann am pròtacal an lìonraidh.</p><ul><li>Cuir fios dha na daoine aig a bheil an làrach-lìn mun duilgheadas seo.</li></ul>"> |