path: root/thunderbird-l10n/dsb/localization/dsb/messenger/accountcreation/accountSetup.ftl
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Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/dsb/localization/dsb/messenger/accountcreation/accountSetup.ftl')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/dsb/localization/dsb/messenger/accountcreation/accountSetup.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/dsb/localization/dsb/messenger/accountcreation/accountSetup.ftl
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/dsb/localization/dsb/messenger/accountcreation/accountSetup.ftl
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-setup-tab-title = Konfigurěrowanje konta
+## Header
+account-setup-title = Nastajśo swóju eksistěrujucu e-mailowu adresu
+account-setup-description =
+ Aby swóju aktualnu e-mailowu adresu wužywał, zapódajśo swóje pśizjawjeńske daty.<br/>
+ { -brand-product-name } buźo awtomatiski za funkcioněrujuceju a dopóruconeju serweroweju konfiguraciju pytaś.
+account-setup-secondary-description = { -brand-product-name } buźo awtomatiski za funkcioněrujuceju a dopóruconeju serweroweju konfiguraciju pytaś.
+account-setup-success-title = Konto jo se wuspěšnje załožyło
+account-setup-success-description = Móžośo toś to konto něnto z { -brand-short-name } wužywaś.
+account-setup-success-secondary-description = Zwěžćo pódobne słužby a konfigurěrujśo rozšyrjone kontowe nastajenja, aby dožywjenje pólěpšył.
+## Form fields
+account-setup-name-label = Wašo dopołne mě
+ .accesskey = d
+# Note: "John Doe" is a multiple-use name that is used when the true name of a person is unknown. We use this fake name as an input placeholder. Translators should update this to reflect the placeholder name of their language/country.
+account-setup-name-input =
+ .placeholder = Jan Njeznaty
+account-setup-name-info-icon =
+ .title = Wašo mě, kaž wóno pokažo se drugim luźam
+account-setup-name-warning-icon =
+ .title = Pšosym zapódajśo swójo mě
+account-setup-email-label = E-mailowa adresa
+ .accesskey = E
+account-setup-email-input =
+ .placeholder =
+account-setup-email-info-icon =
+ .title = Waša eksistěrujuca e-mailowa adresa
+account-setup-email-warning-icon =
+ .title = Njepłaśiwa e-mailowa adresa
+account-setup-password-label = Gronidło
+ .accesskey = G
+ .title = Opcionalne, buźo so jano wužywaś, aby se wužywaŕske mě pśespytało
+account-provisioner-button = Wobstarajśo se e-mailowu adresu
+ .accesskey = b
+account-setup-password-toggle-show =
+ .title = Gronidło w lutnem teksće pokazaś
+account-setup-password-toggle-hide =
+ .title = Gronidło schowaś
+account-setup-remember-password = Gronidło se spomniś
+ .accesskey = m
+account-setup-exchange-label = Wašo pśizjawjenje
+ .accesskey = z
+# YOURDOMAIN refers to the Windows domain in ActiveDirectory. yourusername refers to the user's account name in Windows.
+account-setup-exchange-input =
+ .placeholder = YOURDOMAIN\yourusername
+# Domain refers to the Windows domain in ActiveDirectory. We mean the user's login in Windows at the local corporate network.
+account-setup-exchange-info-icon =
+ .title = Domenowe pśizjawjenje
+## Action buttons
+account-setup-button-cancel = Pśetergnuś
+ .accesskey = P
+account-setup-button-manual-config = Manuelnje konfigurěrowaś
+ .accesskey = k
+account-setup-button-stop = Zastajiś
+ .accesskey = Z
+account-setup-button-retest = Znowego testowaś
+ .accesskey = t
+account-setup-button-continue = Dalej
+ .accesskey = D
+account-setup-button-done = Dokóńcone
+ .accesskey = D
+## Notifications
+account-setup-looking-up-settings = Konfiguracija se pśepytujo…
+account-setup-looking-up-settings-guess = Konfiguracija se pyta: Zwucone serwerowe mjenja se wopytuju…
+account-setup-looking-up-settings-half-manual = Konfiguracija se pyta: Serwer se testujo…
+account-setup-looking-up-disk = Konfiguracija se pśespytujo: Instalacija { -brand-short-name }…
+account-setup-looking-up-isp = Konfiguracija se pyta: E-mailowy póbitowaŕ…
+# Note: Do not translate or replace Mozilla. It stands for the public project, not Mozilla Corporation. The database is a generic, public domain facility usable by any client.
+account-setup-looking-up-db = Konfiguracija se pyta: Datowa banka Mozilla ISP…
+account-setup-looking-up-mx = Konfiguracija se pyta: domena dochadajuceje e-maile…
+account-setup-looking-up-exchange = Konfiguracija se pśepytujo: Exchange server…
+account-setup-checking-password = Gronidło se kontrolěrujo…
+account-setup-installing-addon = Dodank se ześěgujo a instalěrujo…
+account-setup-success-half-manual = Slědujuce nastajenja su se pśi testowanju datego serwera namakali:
+account-setup-success-guess = Konfiguracija jo se namakała pśi wopytowanju zwuconych serwerowych mjenjow.
+account-setup-success-guess-offline = Sćo offline. Smy někotare nastajenja wugódali, ale musyśo pšawe nastajenja zapódaś.
+account-setup-success-password = Gronidło w pórěźe
+account-setup-success-addon = Dodank jo se wuspěšnje zainstalěrował
+# Note: Do not translate or replace Mozilla. It stands for the public project, not Mozilla Corporation. The database is a generic, public domain facility usable by any client.
+account-setup-success-settings-db = Konfiguracija jo se namakała w datowej bance Mozilla ISP.
+account-setup-success-settings-disk = Konfigurcija jo se namakała pśi instalěrowanju { -brand-short-name }.
+account-setup-success-settings-isp = Konfiguracija jo se namakała pśi e-mailowem póbitowarju.
+# Note: Microsoft Exchange is a product name.
+account-setup-success-settings-exchange = Konfiguracija jo se namakała za serwer Microsoft Exchange.
+## Illustrations
+account-setup-step1-image =
+ .title = Zachopna konfiguracija
+account-setup-step2-image =
+ .title = Zacytujo se…
+account-setup-step3-image =
+ .title = Konfiguracija jo se namakała
+account-setup-step4-image =
+ .title = Zwiskowa zmólka
+account-setup-step5-image =
+ .title = Konto załožone
+account-setup-privacy-footnote2 = Waše pśizjawjeńske daty budu se jano lokalnje na wašom licadle składowaś.
+account-setup-selection-help = Njejsćo se wěsty, což maśo wubraś?
+account-setup-selection-error = Trjebaśo pomoc?
+account-setup-success-help = Njocośo, co maśo dalej cyniś?
+account-setup-documentation-help = Konfiguraciska dokumentacija
+account-setup-forum-help = Forum pomocy
+account-setup-privacy-help = Pšawidła priwatnosći
+account-setup-getting-started = Prědne kšace
+## Results area
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of available protocols.
+account-setup-results-area-title =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] K dispoziciji stojeca konfiguracija
+ [two] K dispoziciji stojecej konfiguraciji
+ [few] K dispoziciji stojece konfiguracije
+ *[other] K dispoziciji stojecych konfiguracijow
+ }
+account-setup-result-imap-description = Źaržćo swóje zarědniki a mejlki na swójom serwerje synchrone
+account-setup-result-pop-description = Wobchowajśo swóje zastojniki a mejlki na swójom licadle
+# Note: Exchange, Office365 are the name of products.
+account-setup-result-exchange2-description = Serwer Microsoft Exchange abo mrokawine słužby Office 365 wužywaś
+account-setup-incoming-title = Dochadajuce
+account-setup-outgoing-title = Wuchadajuce
+account-setup-username-title = Wužywarske mě
+account-setup-exchange-title = Serwer
+account-setup-result-no-encryption = Žedne koděrowanje
+account-setup-result-ssl = SSL/TLS
+account-setup-result-starttls = STARTTLS
+account-setup-result-outgoing-existing = Eksistěrujucy wuchadny SMTP-serwer wužywaś
+# Variables:
+# $incoming (String): The email/username used to log into the incoming server
+# $outgoing (String): The email/username used to log into the outgoing server
+account-setup-result-username-different = Dochadny: { $incoming }, wuchadny: { $outgoing }
+## Error messages
+# Note: The reference to "janedoe" (Jane Doe) is the name of an example person. You will want to translate it to whatever example persons would be named in your language. In the example, AD is the name of the Windows domain, and this should usually not be translated.
+account-setup-credentials-incomplete = Awtentifikacija njejo se raźiła. Pak zapódane pśizjawjeńske daty su wopacne pak pśidatne wužywaŕske mě jo trěbne za pśizjawjenje. Toś to wužywaŕske mě jo zwětšego pśizjawjenje Windowsoweje domeny z domenu abo bźez domeny (na pśikład jananjeznata abo AD\\jananjeznata).
+account-setup-credentials-wrong = Awtentifikacija njejo se raźiła. Pšosym pśeglědajśo wužywaŕske mě a gronidło
+account-setup-find-settings-failed = { -brand-short-name } njejo mógał nastajenja za wašo e-mailowe konto namakaś.
+account-setup-exchange-config-unverifiable = Konfiguracija njedajo se pśeglědowaś. Jolic wašo wužywaŕske mě a wašo gronidło stej korektnej, jo nejskerjej serwerowy adminsitrator wubranu konfiguraciju za wašo konto znjemóžnił. Wubjeŕśo drugi protokol.
+account-setup-provisioner-error = Zmólka jo nastała, mjaztym až sćo konfigurěrował swójo nowe konto w { -brand-short-name }. Pšosym wopytajśo swójo konto ze swójimi pśizjawjeńskimi datami manuelnje konfigurěrowaś.
+## Manual configuration area
+account-setup-manual-config-title = Manuelna konfiguracija
+account-setup-incoming-server-legend = Dochadny serwer
+account-setup-protocol-label = Protokol:
+account-setup-hostname-label = Hostmě:
+account-setup-port-label = Port:
+ .title = Za awtomatiske namakanje portowy numer na 0 stajiś
+account-setup-auto-description = { -brand-short-name } buźo wopytowaś, póla awtomatiski namakaś, kótarež su prozne.
+account-setup-ssl-label = Zwiskowa wěstota:
+account-setup-outgoing-server-legend = Wuchadny serwer
+## Incoming/Outgoing SSL Authentication options
+ssl-autodetect-option = Awtomatiski namakaś
+ssl-no-authentication-option = Žedno awtentificěrowanje
+ssl-cleartext-password-option = Normalne gronidło
+ssl-encrypted-password-option = Skoděrowane gronidło
+## Incoming/Outgoing SSL options
+ssl-noencryption-option = Žedno
+account-setup-auth-label = Awtentificěrowańska metoda:
+account-setup-username-label = Wužywaŕske mě:
+account-setup-advanced-setup-button = Rozšyrjona konfiguracija
+ .accesskey = R
+## Warning insecure server dialog
+account-setup-insecure-title = Warnowanje!
+account-setup-insecure-incoming-title = Dochadne nastajenja:
+account-setup-insecure-outgoing-title = Wuchadne nastajenja:
+# Variables:
+# $server (String): The name of the hostname of the server the user was trying to connect to.
+account-setup-warning-cleartext = <b>{ $server }</b> koděrowanje njewužywa.
+account-setup-warning-cleartext-details = Njewěste e-mailowe serwery njewužywaju skoděrowane zwiski, aby šćitali waše gronidła a priwatne informacije. Gaž zwězujośo z toś tym serwerom, wy by mógał swójo gronidło a swóje priwatne informacije wótekšyś.
+account-setup-insecure-server-checkbox = Rozmějom rizika
+ .accesskey = R
+account-setup-insecure-description = { -brand-short-name } móžo wam dowóliś, aby wy wótwołał swóju e-mail z pomocu pódanych konfiguracijow. Ale wy by dejał swójogo administratora abo e-mailowego póbitowarja njezgódnych zwiskow dla kontaktěrowaś. Glědajśo <a data-l10n-name="thunderbird-faq-link">cesto stajone pšašanja</a> za dalšne informacije.
+insecure-dialog-cancel-button = Nastajenja změniś
+ .accesskey = N
+insecure-dialog-confirm-button = Wobkšuśiś
+ .accesskey = b
+## Warning Exchange confirmation dialog
+# Variables:
+# $domain (String): The name of the server where the configuration was found, e.g.
+exchange-dialog-question = { -brand-short-name } jo namakał informacije wó konfiguraciji konta na { $domain }. Cośo pókšacowaś a swóje pśizjawjeńske daty wótpósłaś?
+exchange-dialog-confirm-button = Pśizjawjenje
+exchange-dialog-cancel-button = Pśetergnuś
+## Dismiss account creation dialog
+exit-dialog-title = E-mailowe konto njejo skonfigurěrowane
+exit-dialog-description = Cośo napšawdu konfigurěrowański proces pśetergnuś? { -brand-short-name } dajo se hyšći bźez e-mailowego konta wužywaś, ale wjele funkcijow njebuźo k dispoziciji.
+account-setup-no-account-checkbox = { -brand-short-name } bźez e-mailowego konta wužywaś
+ .accesskey = b
+exit-dialog-cancel-button = Dalej konfigurěrowaś
+ .accesskey = D
+exit-dialog-confirm-button = Konfiguracija skóńcyś
+ .accesskey = K
+## Alert dialogs
+account-setup-creation-error-title = Zmólka pśi napóranju konta
+account-setup-error-server-exists = Dochadny serwer južo eksistěrujo.
+account-setup-confirm-advanced-title = Rozšyrjonu konfiguraciju wobkšuśiś
+account-setup-confirm-advanced-description = Toś ten dialog se zacynijo a konto z aktualnymi nastajenjami se załožyjo, lěcrownož konfiguracija jo wopacna. Cośo pókšacowaś?
+## Addon installation section
+account-setup-addon-install-title = Instalěrowaś
+account-setup-addon-install-intro = Dodank tśeśego póbitowarja móžo wam pśistup k wašomu e-mailowemu kontoju na toś tom serwerje zmóžniś:
+account-setup-addon-no-protocol = Toś ten e-mailowy serwer bóžko wótwórjone protokole njepódpěra. { account-setup-addon-install-intro }
+## Success view
+account-setup-settings-button = Kontowe nastajenja
+account-setup-encryption-button = Koděrowanje wót kóńca do kóńca
+account-setup-signature-button = Signaturu pśidaś
+account-setup-dictionaries-button = Słowniki ześěgnuś
+account-setup-address-book-carddav-button = Z CardDAV-adresnikom zwězaś
+account-setup-address-book-ldap-button = Z LDAP-adresnikom zwězaś
+account-setup-calendar-button = Ze zdalonym kalendarjom zwězaś
+account-setup-linked-services-title = Zwěžćo swóje zwězane słužby
+account-setup-linked-services-description = { -brand-short-name } jo namakał druge słužby, kótarež su z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězane.
+account-setup-no-linked-description = Konfigurěrujśo swóje słužby, aby nejwěcej ze swójogo dožywjenja { -brand-short-name } wuwónoźeł.
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of address books found during autoconfig.
+account-setup-found-address-books-description =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } jo namakał { $count } adresnik, kótaryž jo z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězany.
+ [two] { -brand-short-name } jo namakał { $count } adresnika, kótarejž stej z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězanej.
+ [few] { -brand-short-name } jo namakał { $count } adresniki, kotrež su z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězane.
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } jo namakał { $count } adresnikow, kótarež su z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězane.
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of calendars found during autoconfig.
+account-setup-found-calendars-description =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { -brand-short-name } jo namakał { $count } kalešndaŕ, kótaryž jo z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězany.
+ [two] { -brand-short-name } jo namakał { $count } kalendarja, kótarejž stej z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězanej.
+ [few] { -brand-short-name } jo namakał { $count } kalendarje, kótarež su z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězane.
+ *[other] { -brand-short-name } j namakał { $count } kalendarjow, kótarež su z wašym e-mailowym kontom zwězane.
+ }
+account-setup-button-finish = Dokóńcyś
+ .accesskey = D
+account-setup-looking-up-address-books = Adresniki se pytaju…
+account-setup-looking-up-calendars = Kalendarje se pytaju…
+account-setup-address-books-button = Adresniki
+account-setup-calendars-button = Kalendarje
+account-setup-connect-link = Zwězaś
+account-setup-existing-address-book = Zwězany
+ .title = Adresnik jo južo zwězany
+account-setup-existing-calendar = Zwězany
+ .title = Kalendaŕ jo južo zwězany
+account-setup-connect-all-calendars = Wšykne kalendarje zwězaś
+account-setup-connect-all-address-books = Wšykne adresniki zwězaś
+## Calendar synchronization dialog
+calendar-dialog-title = Kalendaŕ zwězaś
+calendar-dialog-cancel-button = Pśetergnuś
+ .accesskey = P
+calendar-dialog-confirm-button = Zwězaś
+ .accesskey = Z
+account-setup-calendar-name-label = Mě
+account-setup-calendar-name-input =
+ .placeholder = Mój kalendaŕ
+account-setup-calendar-color-label = Barwa
+account-setup-calendar-refresh-label = Aktualizěrowaś
+account-setup-calendar-refresh-manual = Manuelnje
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of minutes in the calendar refresh interval.
+account-setup-calendar-refresh-interval =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] Kuždu { $count } minutu
+ [two] Kuždej { $count } minuśe
+ [few] Kužde { $count } minuty
+ *[other] Kužde { $count } minutow
+ }
+account-setup-calendar-read-only = Jano cytajobny
+ .accesskey = J
+account-setup-calendar-show-reminders = Dopomnjeśa pokazaś
+ .accesskey = D
+account-setup-calendar-offline-support = Pódpěra offline
+ .accesskey = P