path: root/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client
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Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client')
10 files changed, 1343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/aboutdebugging.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/aboutdebugging.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..885a87f993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/aboutdebugging.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the about:debugging UI.
+# Page Title strings
+# Page title (ie tab title) for the Setup page
+about-debugging-page-title-setup-page = Arazketa - Konfigurazioa
+# Page title (ie tab title) for the Runtime page
+# { $selectedRuntimeId } is the id of the current runtime, such as "this-firefox", "localhost:6080", ...
+about-debugging-page-title-runtime-page = Arazketa - Exekuzio-ingurunea / { $selectedRuntimeId }
+# Sidebar strings
+# Display name of the runtime for the currently running instance of Firefox. Used in the
+# Sidebar and in the Setup page.
+about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name = { -brand-shorter-name } hau
+# Sidebar heading for selecting the currently running instance of Firefox
+about-debugging-sidebar-this-firefox =
+ .name = { about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }
+# Sidebar heading for connecting to some remote source
+about-debugging-sidebar-setup =
+ .name = Konfigurazioa
+# Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when USB devices discovery is enabled.
+about-debugging-sidebar-usb-enabled = USB gaituta
+# Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when USB devices discovery is disabled
+# (for instance because the mandatory ADB extension is not installed).
+about-debugging-sidebar-usb-disabled = USB desgaituta
+# Connection status (connected) for runtime items in the sidebar
+aboutdebugging-sidebar-runtime-connection-status-connected = Konektatuta
+# Connection status (disconnected) for runtime items in the sidebar
+aboutdebugging-sidebar-runtime-connection-status-disconnected = Deskonektatuta
+# Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when no device was found.
+about-debugging-sidebar-no-devices = Ez da gailurik aurkitu
+# Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items representing remote runtimes.
+# Clicking on the button will attempt to connect to the runtime.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button = Konektatu
+# Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items when the runtime is connecting.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connecting = Konektatzen…
+# Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items when the connection failed.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connection-failed = Konexioak huts egin du
+# Text displayed in connection warning on sidebar item of the runtime when connecting to
+# the runtime is taking too much time.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connection-not-responding = Konexioa oraindik zain, egiaztatu mezurik dagoen helburuko nabigatzailean
+# Text displayed as connection error in sidebar item when the connection has timed out.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connection-timeout = Konexioa denboraz kanpo
+# Text displayed in sidebar items for remote devices where a compatible browser (eg
+# Firefox) has not been detected yet. Typically, Android phones connected via USB with
+# USB debugging enabled, but where Firefox is not started.
+about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-waiting-for-browser = Nabigatzailearen zain…
+# Text displayed in sidebar items for remote devices that have been disconnected from the
+# computer.
+about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-unplugged = Desentxufatuta
+# Title for runtime sidebar items that are related to a specific device (USB, WiFi).
+about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-name =
+ .title = { $displayName } ({ $deviceName })
+# Title for runtime sidebar items where we cannot get device information (network
+# locations).
+about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-name-no-device =
+ .title = { $displayName }
+# Text to show in the footer of the sidebar that links to a help page
+# (currently:
+about-debugging-sidebar-support = Arazketarako laguntza
+# Text to show as the ALT attribute of a help icon that accompanies the help about
+# debugging link in the footer of the sidebar
+about-debugging-sidebar-support-icon =
+ .alt = Laguntzaren ikonoa
+# Text displayed in a sidebar button to refresh the list of USB devices. Clicking on it
+# will attempt to update the list of devices displayed in the sidebar.
+about-debugging-refresh-usb-devices-button = Berritu gailuak
+# Setup Page strings
+# Title of the Setup page.
+about-debugging-setup-title = Konfigurazioa
+# Introduction text in the Setup page to explain how to configure remote debugging.
+about-debugging-setup-intro = Konfiguratu zure gailua urrunetik arazteko nahi duzun konexio-metodoa.
+# Explanatory text in the Setup page about what the 'This Firefox' page is for
+about-debugging-setup-this-firefox2 = Erabili <a>{ about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }</a> { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en bertsio honetan hedapenak eta zerbitzu-langileak arazteko.
+# Title of the heading Connect section of the Setup page.
+about-debugging-setup-connect-heading = Konektatu gailua
+# USB section of the Setup page
+about-debugging-setup-usb-title = USB
+# Explanatory text displayed in the Setup page when USB debugging is disabled
+about-debugging-setup-usb-disabled = Gaituz gero, Android USB arazketarako beharrezkoak diren osagaiak deskargatu eta gehituko dira { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en.
+# Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page when USB debugging is disabled.
+# Clicking on it will download components needed to debug USB Devices remotely.
+about-debugging-setup-usb-enable-button = Gaitu USB gailuak
+# Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page when USB debugging is enabled.
+about-debugging-setup-usb-disable-button = Desgaitu USB gailuak
+# Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page while USB debugging
+# components are downloaded and installed.
+about-debugging-setup-usb-updating-button = Eguneratzen…
+# USB section of the Setup page (USB status)
+about-debugging-setup-usb-status-enabled = Gaituta
+about-debugging-setup-usb-status-disabled = Desgaituta
+about-debugging-setup-usb-status-updating = Eguneratzen…
+# USB section step by step guide
+about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-dev-menu2 = Gaitu garatzaile-menua zure Android gailuan.
+# USB section step by step guide
+about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-debug2 = Gaitu USB arazketa Android garatzaile-menuan.
+# USB section step by step guide
+about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-debug-firefox2 = Gaitu Firefoxen USB arazketa Android gailuan.
+# USB section step by step guide
+about-debugging-setup-usb-step-plug-device = Konektatu Android gailua zure ordenagailura.
+# Text shown in the USB section of the setup page with a link to troubleshoot connection errors.
+# The link goes to
+about-debugging-setup-usb-troubleshoot = Arazoak USB gailura konektatzerakoan? <a>Arazo-konpontzea</a>
+# Network section of the Setup page
+about-debugging-setup-network =
+ .title = Sareko kokalekua
+# Text shown in the Network section of the setup page with a link to troubleshoot connection errors.
+# The link goes to
+about-debugging-setup-network-troubleshoot = Arazoak sareko kokaleku baten bidez konektatzerakoan? <a>Arazo-konpontzea</a>
+# Text of a button displayed after the network locations "Host" input.
+# Clicking on it will add the new network location to the list.
+about-debugging-network-locations-add-button = Gehitu
+# Text to display when there are no locations to show.
+about-debugging-network-locations-empty-text = Ez da sareko kokalekurik gehitu oraindik.
+# Text of the label for the text input that allows users to add new network locations in
+# the Connect page. A host is a hostname and a port separated by a colon, as suggested by
+# the input's placeholder "localhost:6080".
+about-debugging-network-locations-host-input-label = Ostalaria
+# Text of a button displayed next to existing network locations in the Connect page.
+# Clicking on it removes the network location from the list.
+about-debugging-network-locations-remove-button = Kendu
+# Text used as error message if the format of the input value was invalid in the network locations form of the Setup page.
+# Variables:
+# $host-value (string) - The input value submitted by the user in the network locations form
+about-debugging-network-location-form-invalid = Ostalari baliogabea: "{ $host-value }". Esperotako formatua "ostalari-izena:ataka-zenbakia" da.
+# Text used as error message if the input value was already registered in the network locations form of the Setup page.
+# Variables:
+# $host-value (string) - The input value submitted by the user in the network locations form
+about-debugging-network-location-form-duplicate = Dagoeneko erregistratuta dago "{ $host-value }" ostalaria
+# Runtime Page strings
+# Below are the titles for the various categories of debug targets that can be found
+# on "runtime" pages of about:debugging.
+# Title of the temporary extensions category (only available for "This Firefox" runtime).
+about-debugging-runtime-temporary-extensions =
+ .name = Behin-behineko hedapenak
+# Title of the extensions category.
+about-debugging-runtime-extensions =
+ .name = Hedapenak
+# Title of the tabs category.
+about-debugging-runtime-tabs =
+ .name = Fitxak
+# Title of the service workers category.
+about-debugging-runtime-service-workers =
+ .name = Zerbitzu-langileak
+# Title of the shared workers category.
+about-debugging-runtime-shared-workers =
+ .name = Partekatutako langileak
+# Title of the other workers category.
+about-debugging-runtime-other-workers =
+ .name = Bestelako langileak
+# Title of the processes category.
+about-debugging-runtime-processes =
+ .name = Prozesuak
+# Label of the button opening the performance profiler panel in runtime pages for remote
+# runtimes.
+about-debugging-runtime-profile-button2 = Errendimenduaren profila
+# This string is displayed in the runtime page if the current configuration of the
+# target runtime is incompatible with service workers. "Learn more" points to:
+about-debugging-runtime-service-workers-not-compatible = Zure nabigatzailearen konfigurazioa ez da zerbitzu-langileekin bateragarria. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+# This string is displayed in the runtime page if the remote browser version is too old.
+# "Troubleshooting" link points to
+# { $runtimeVersion } is the version of the remote browser (for instance "67.0a1")
+# { $minVersion } is the minimum version that is compatible with the current Firefox instance (same format)
+about-debugging-browser-version-too-old = Konektatutako nabigatzaileak bertsio zaharra dauka ({ $runtimeVersion }). Onartutako bertsio minimoa ({ $minVersion }) da. Euskarririk gabeko konfigurazioa da hau eta garatzaile-tresnek huts egitea eragin lezake. Mesedez eguneratu konektatutako nabigatzailea. <a>Arazo-konpontzea</a>
+# Dedicated message for a backward compatibility issue that occurs when connecting:
+# from Fx 70+ to the old Firefox for Android (aka Fennec) which uses Fx 68.
+about-debugging-browser-version-too-old-fennec = Firefoxen bertsio honek ezin du Androiderako Firefox (68) araztu. Probak egiteko, Androiderako Firefoxen Nightly bertsioa instalatzea gomendatzen dugu. <a>Xehetasun gehiago</a>
+# This string is displayed in the runtime page if the remote browser version is too recent.
+# "Troubleshooting" link points to
+# { $runtimeID } is the build ID of the remote browser (for instance "20181231", format is yyyyMMdd)
+# { $localID } is the build ID of the current Firefox instance (same format)
+# { $runtimeVersion } is the version of the remote browser (for instance "67.0a1")
+# { $localVersion } is the version of your current browser (same format)
+about-debugging-browser-version-too-recent = Konektatutako nabigatzailea berriagoa da ({ $runtimeVersion }, { $runtimeID } eraikitze-IDa) zure { -brand-shorter-name } ({ $localVersion }, { $localID } eraikitze-IDa) baino. Euskarririk gabeko konfigurazioa da hau eta garatzaile-tresnek huts egitea eragin lezake. Mesedez eguneratu Firefox. <a>Arazo-konpontzea</a>
+# Displayed for runtime info in runtime pages.
+# { $name } is brand name such as "Firefox Nightly"
+# { $version } is version such as "64.0a1"
+about-debugging-runtime-name = { $name } ({ $version })
+# Text of a button displayed in Runtime pages for remote runtimes.
+# Clicking on the button will close the connection to the runtime.
+about-debugging-runtime-disconnect-button = Deskonektatu
+# Text of the connection prompt button displayed in Runtime pages, when the preference
+# "devtools.debugger.prompt-connection" is false on the target runtime.
+about-debugging-connection-prompt-enable-button = Gaitu konexioaren gonbita
+# Text of the connection prompt button displayed in Runtime pages, when the preference
+# "devtools.debugger.prompt-connection" is true on the target runtime.
+about-debugging-connection-prompt-disable-button = Desgaitu konexioaren gonbita
+# Title of a modal dialog displayed on remote runtime pages after clicking on the Profile Runtime button.
+about-debugging-profiler-dialog-title2 = Profil sortzailea
+# Clicking on the header of a debug target category will expand or collapse the debug
+# target items in the category. This text is used as ’title’ attribute of the header,
+# to describe this feature.
+about-debugging-collapse-expand-debug-targets = Tolestu / zabaldu
+# Debug Targets strings
+# Displayed in the categories of "runtime" pages that don't have any debug target to
+# show. Debug targets depend on the category (extensions, tabs, workers...).
+about-debugging-debug-target-list-empty = Ezer ez oraindik.
+# Text of a button displayed next to debug targets of "runtime" pages. Clicking on this
+# button will open a DevTools toolbox that will allow inspecting the target.
+# A target can be an addon, a tab, a worker...
+about-debugging-debug-target-inspect-button = Ikuskatu
+# Text of a button displayed in the "This Firefox" page, in the Temporary Extension
+# section. Clicking on the button will open a file picker to load a temporary extension
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-button = Kargatu behin-behineko gehigarria…
+# Text displayed when trying to install a temporary extension in the "This Firefox" page.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-error = Errorea gertatu da behin-behineko gehigarria instalatzean.
+# Text of a button displayed for a temporary extension loaded in the "This Firefox" page.
+# Clicking on the button will reload the extension.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-reload-button = Berritu
+# Text of a button displayed for a temporary extension loaded in the "This Firefox" page.
+# Clicking on the button will uninstall the extension and remove it from the page.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-remove-button = Kendu
+# Text of a button displayed for a temporary extension loaded in the "This Firefox" page.
+# Clicking on the button will forcefully terminate the extension background script (button
+# only visible in extensions that includes a non-persistent background script, either an
+# event page or a background service worker).
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-terminate-bgscript-button = Amaitu atzeko planoko scripta
+# Message displayed in the file picker that opens to select a temporary extension to load
+# (triggered by the button using "about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-button")
+# manifest.json .xpi and .zip should not be localized.
+# Note: this message is only displayed in Windows and Linux platforms.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-message = Hautatu manifest.json fitxategia edo .xpi/zip artxiboa
+# This string is displayed as a message about the add-on having a temporaryID.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-temporary-id = WebExtension honek behin-behineko IDa du. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+# Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying a link the extension's
+# manifest URL.
+about-debugging-extension-manifest-url =
+ .label = Manifestuaren URLa
+# Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying the extension's uuid.
+# UUIDs look like b293e463-481e-5148-a487-5aaf7a130429
+about-debugging-extension-uuid =
+ .label = Barneko UUIDa
+# Text displayed for extensions (temporary extensions only) in "runtime" pages, before
+# displaying the location of the temporary extension.
+about-debugging-extension-location =
+ .label = Kokalekua
+# Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying the extension's ID.
+# For instance "" or "{ed26ddcb-5611-4512-a89a-51b8db81cfb2}".
+about-debugging-extension-id =
+ .label = Hedapenaren IDa
+# Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying the status of the
+# extension background script.
+about-debugging-extension-backgroundscript =
+ .label = Atzeko planoko scripta
+# Displayed for extension using a non-persistent background page (either an event page or
+# background service worker) when the background script is currently running.
+about-debugging-extension-backgroundscript-status-running = Exekutatzen
+# Displayed for extension using a non-persistent background page when is currently stopped.
+about-debugging-extension-backgroundscript-status-stopped = Geldituta
+# This string is displayed as a label of the button that pushes a test payload
+# to a service worker.
+# Note this relates to the "Push" API, which is normally not localized so it is
+# probably better to not localize it.
+about-debugging-worker-action-push2 = Push
+ .disabledTitle = Zerbitzu Langileen 'push' ekintza desgaituta dago une honetan prozesu anitzeko { -brand-shorter-name }(e)rako
+# This string is displayed as a label of the button that starts a service worker.
+about-debugging-worker-action-start2 = Start
+ .disabledTitle = Zerbitzu Langileen 'start' ekintza desgaituta dago une honetan prozesu anitzeko { -brand-shorter-name }(e)rako
+# This string is displayed as a label of the button that unregisters a service worker.
+about-debugging-worker-action-unregister = Utzi erregistratuta egoteari
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that listen to Fetch events.
+about-debugging-worker-fetch-listening =
+ .label = Fetch
+ .value = 'fetch' gertaerak entzuten
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that do not listen to Fetch events.
+about-debugging-worker-fetch-not-listening =
+ .label = Fetch
+ .value = 'fetch' gertaerak ez dira entzuten
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are currently running (service
+# worker instance is active).
+about-debugging-worker-status-running = Exekutatzen
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are registered but stopped.
+about-debugging-worker-status-stopped = Geldituta
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are registering.
+about-debugging-worker-status-registering = Erregistratzen
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages, to label the scope of a worker
+about-debugging-worker-scope =
+ .label = Esparrua
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages, to label the push service endpoint (url)
+# of a worker
+about-debugging-worker-push-service =
+ .label = Push zerbitzua
+# Displayed as title of the inspect button when service worker debugging is disabled.
+about-debugging-worker-inspect-action-disabled =
+ .title = Zerbitzu Langileak ikuskatzea desgaituta dago une honetan prozesu anitzeko { -brand-shorter-name }(e)rako
+# Displayed as title of the inspect button for zombie tabs (e.g. tabs loaded via a session restore).
+about-debugging-zombie-tab-inspect-action-disabled =
+ .title = Fitxa ez da erabat kargatu eta ezin da ikuskatu
+# Displayed instead of the Main Process debug target when the preference
+# `devtools.browsertoolbox.fission` is true.
+about-debugging-multiprocess-toolbox-name = Multiprozesuko tresna-kutxa
+# Description for the Multiprocess Toolbox target.
+about-debugging-multiprocess-toolbox-description = Helburu-nabigatzailearen prozesu nagusia eta eduki-prozesua
+# Alt text used for the close icon of message component (warnings, errors and notifications).
+about-debugging-message-close-icon =
+ .alt = Itxi mezua
+# Label text used for the error details of message component.
+about-debugging-message-details-label-error = Errorearen xehetasunak
+# Label text used for the warning details of message component.
+about-debugging-message-details-label-warning = Abisuaren xehetasunak
+# Label text used for default state of details of message component.
+about-debugging-message-details-label = Xehetasunak
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/accessibility.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/accessibility.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c08dadae2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/accessibility.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the Accessibility panel.
+accessibility-learn-more = Argibide gehiago
+accessibility-text-label-header = Testu-etiketak eta izenak
+accessibility-keyboard-header = Teklatua
+## Text entries that are used as text alternative for icons that depict accessibility isses.
+## These strings are used in the overlay displayed when running an audit in the accessibility panel
+accessibility-progress-initializing = Hasieratzen…
+ .aria-valuetext = Hasieratzen…
+# This string is displayed in the audit progress bar in the accessibility panel.
+# Variables:
+# $nodeCount (Integer) - The number of nodes for which the audit was run so far.
+accessibility-progress-progressbar =
+ { $nodeCount ->
+ [one] Nodo { $nodeCount } egiaztatzen
+ *[other] { $nodeCount } nodo egiaztatzen
+ }
+accessibility-progress-finishing = Bukatzen…
+ .aria-valuetext = Bukatzen…
+## Text entries that are used as text alternative for icons that depict accessibility issues.
+accessibility-warning =
+ .alt = Abisua
+accessibility-fail =
+ .alt = Errorea
+accessibility-best-practices =
+ .alt = Jardunbide egokienak
+## Text entries for a paragraph used in the accessibility panel sidebar's checks section
+## that describe that currently selected accessible object has an accessibility issue
+## with its text label or accessible name.
+accessibility-text-label-issue-area = Erabili <code>alt</code> atributua <span>href</span> atributua duten <div>area</div> elementuak etiketatzeko. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-dialog = Elkarrizketa-koadroak etiketatu egin beharko lirateke. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-document-title = Dokumentuek <code>title</code> atributua izan behar dute. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-embed = Kapsulatutako edukia etiketatu egin behar da. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-figure = Aukerako epigrafeak dituzten irudiak etiketatu egin beharko lirateke. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-fieldset = <code>fieldset</code> elementuak etiketatu egin behar dira. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-fieldset-legend2 = Erabili <code>legend</code> elementua <span>fieldset</span> elementua etiketatzeko. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-form = Inprimakietako elementuak etiketatu egin behar dira. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-form-visible = Inprimakietako elementuetako testu-etiketak ikusteko modukoak izan behar lirateke. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-frame = <code>frame</code> elementuak etiketatu egin behar dira. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-glyph = Erabili <code>alt</code> atributua <span>mglyph</span> elementuak etiketatzeko. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-heading = Goiburuak etiketatu egin behar dira. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-heading-content = Goiburuetako testu-edukiak ikusteko modukoa izan beharko luke. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-iframe = Erabili <code>title</code> atributua <span>iframe</span> edukia deskribatzeko. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-image = Irudiak dituen edukia etiketatu egin behar da. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-interactive = Elementu interaktiboak etiketatu egin behar dira. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-optgroup-label2 = Erabili <code>label</code> atributua <span>optgroup</span> elementua etiketatzeko. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-toolbar = Tresna-barra bat baino gehiago dagoenean, etiketatu egin behar dira. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+## Text entries for a paragraph used in the accessibility panel sidebar's checks section
+## that describe that currently selected accessible object has a keyboard accessibility
+## issue.
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-semantics = Fokua har dezaketen elementuek esanahi interaktiboa izan behar lukete. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-tabindex = Saiatu ez erabiltzen zero baino handiagoa den balioa <code>tabindex</code> atributurako. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-action = Elementu interaktiboak teklatua erabiliz aktibatzeko modukoak izan behar dute. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-focusable = Elementu interaktiboak fokua hartzeko gai izan behar dira. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-focus-visible = Fokua har dezakeen elementuak agian fokuaren estiloa falta du. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-mouse-only = Klik egin daitezken elementuek esanahi interaktiboa izan behar lukete. <a>Argibide gehiago</a>
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/application.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/application.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..919d22d70a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/application.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the Application panel which is available
+### by setting the preference `devtools-application-enabled` to true.
+### The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in English, or another
+### language commonly spoken among web developers. You want to make that choice consistent
+### across the developer tools. A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the
+### best documentation on web development on the web.
+# Header for the list of Service Workers displayed in the application panel for the current page.
+serviceworker-list-header = Zerbitzu-langileak
+# Text displayed next to the list of Service Workers to encourage users to check out
+# about:debugging to see all registered Service Workers.
+serviceworker-list-aboutdebugging = Ireki <a>about:debugging</a> beste domeinuetako zerbitzu-langileak ikusteko
+# Text for the button to unregister a Service Worker. Displayed for active Service Workers.
+serviceworker-worker-unregister = Kendu erregistroa
+# Text for the debug link displayed for an already started Service Worker. Clicking on the
+# link opens a new devtools toolbox for this service worker. The title attribute is only
+# displayed when the link is disabled.
+serviceworker-worker-debug = Araztu
+ .title = Exekutatzen ari diren zerbitzu-langileak araztu daitezke soilik
+# Alt text for the image icon displayed inside a debug link for a service worker.
+serviceworker-worker-inspect-icon =
+ .alt = Ikuskatu
+# Text for the start link displayed for a registered but not running Service Worker.
+# Clicking on the link will attempt to start the service worker.
+serviceworker-worker-start3 = Hasi
+# Text displayed for the updated time of the service worker. The <time> element will
+# display the last update time of the service worker script.
+serviceworker-worker-updated = Eguneratuta <time>{ DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric", day: "numeric", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric") }</time>
+## Service Worker status strings: all serviceworker-worker-status-* strings are also
+## defined in and should be synchronized with them.
+# Service Worker status. A running service worker is registered, currently executed, can
+# be debugged and stopped.
+serviceworker-worker-status-running = Exekutatzen
+# Service Worker status. A stopped service worker is registered but not currently active.
+serviceworker-worker-status-stopped = Geldituta
+# Text displayed when no service workers are visible for the current page.
+serviceworker-empty-intro2 = Ez da zerbitzu-langilerik aurkitu
+# Link will open
+serviceworker-empty-intro-link = Argibide gehiago
+# Text displayed when there are no Service Workers to display for the current page,
+# introducing hints to debug Service Worker issues.
+# <a> and <span> are links that will open the webconsole and the debugger, respectively.
+serviceworker-empty-suggestions2 = Uneko orriak zerbitzu-langile bat izan beharko balu, <a>Kontsola</a> begira dezakezu erroreen bila edo zerbitzu-langilearen erregistroaren urratsak azter ditzakezu <span>Araztailea</span>n.
+# Suggestion to go to about:debugging in order to see Service Workers for all domains.
+# Link will open about:debugging in a new tab.
+serviceworker-empty-suggestions-aboutdebugging2 = Ikusi beste domeinuetako zerbitzu-langileak
+# Header for the Manifest page when we have an actual manifest
+manifest-view-header = Aplikazioaren manifestua
+# Header for the Manifest page when there's no manifest to inspect
+manifest-empty-intro2 = Ez da web aplikazioaren manifesturik antzeman
+# The link will open
+manifest-empty-intro-link = Ikasi nola gehitzen den manifestua
+# Header for the Errors and Warnings section of Manifest inspection displayed in the application panel.
+manifest-item-warnings = Erroreak eta abisuak
+# Header for the Identity section of Manifest inspection displayed in the application panel.
+manifest-item-identity = Nortasuna
+# Header for the Presentation section of Manifest inspection displayed in the application panel.
+manifest-item-presentation = Aurkezpena
+# Header for the Icon section of Manifest inspection displayed in the application panel.
+manifest-item-icons = Ikonoak
+# Text displayed while we are loading the manifest file
+manifest-loading = Manifestua kargatzen…
+# Text displayed when the manifest has been successfully loaded
+manifest-loaded-ok = Manifestua kargatuta.
+# Text displayed as a caption when there has been an error while trying to
+# load the manifest
+manifest-loaded-error = Errorea gertatu da orria manifestua kargatzean:
+# Text displayed as an error when there has been a Firefox DevTools error while
+# trying to load the manifest
+manifest-loaded-devtools-error = Firefox DevTools errorea
+# Text displayed when the page has no manifest available
+manifest-non-existing = Ez da ikuskatzeko manifesturik aurkitu.
+# Text displayed when the page has a manifest embedded in a Data URL and
+# thus we cannot link to it.
+manifest-json-link-data-url = Manifestua datuen URL batean kapsulatuta dago.
+# Text displayed at manifest icons to label their purpose, as declared
+# in the manifest.
+manifest-icon-purpose = Helburua: <code>{ $purpose }</code>
+# Text displayed as the alt attribute for <img> tags showing the icons in the
+# manifest.
+manifest-icon-img =
+ .alt = Ikonoa
+# Text displayed as the title attribute for <img> tags showing the icons in the
+# manifest. `$sizes` is a user-dependent string that has been parsed as a
+# space-separated list of `<width>x<height>` sizes or the keyword `any`.
+manifest-icon-img-title = Ondorengo tamainak dituen ikonoa: { $sizes }
+# Text displayed as the title attribute for <img> tags showing the icons in the
+# manifest, in case there's no icon size specified by the user
+manifest-icon-img-title-no-sizes = Zehaztu gabeko ikono-tamaina
+# Sidebar navigation item for Manifest sidebar item section
+sidebar-item-manifest = Manifestua
+ .alt = Manifestuaren ikonoa
+ .title = Manifestua
+# Sidebar navigation item for Service Workers sidebar item section
+sidebar-item-service-workers = Zerbitzu-langileak
+ .alt = Zerbitzu-langileen ikonoa
+ .title = Zerbitzu-langileak
+# Text for the ALT and TITLE attributes of the warning icon
+icon-warning =
+ .alt = Abisu-ikonoa
+ .title = Abisua
+# Text for the ALT and TITLE attributes of the error icon
+icon-error =
+ .alt = Errore-ikonoa
+ .title = Errorea
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/compatibility.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/compatibility.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d086b7a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/compatibility.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Messages used as headers in the main pane
+compatibility-selected-element-header = Hautatutako elementua
+compatibility-all-elements-header = Arazo guztiak
+## Message used as labels for the type of issue
+compatibility-issue-deprecated = (zaharkituta)
+compatibility-issue-experimental = (esperimentala)
+compatibility-issue-prefixneeded = (aurrizkia behar du)
+compatibility-issue-deprecated-experimental = (zaharkituta, esperimentala)
+compatibility-issue-deprecated-prefixneeded = (zaharkituta, aurrizkia behar du)
+compatibility-issue-experimental-prefixneeded = (esperimentala, aurrizkia behar du)
+compatibility-issue-deprecated-experimental-prefixneeded = (zaharkituta, esperimentala, aurrizkia behar du)
+## Messages used as labels and titles for buttons in the footer
+compatibility-settings-button-label = Ezarpenak
+compatibility-settings-button-title =
+ .title = Ezarpenak
+## Messages used as headers in settings pane
+compatibility-settings-header = Ezarpenak
+compatibility-target-browsers-header = Helburu-nabigatzaileak
+# Text used as the label for the number of nodes where the issue occurred
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) - The number of nodes where the issue occurred
+compatibility-issue-occurrences =
+ { $number ->
+ [one] Bat-etortze { $number }
+ *[other] { $number } bat-etortze
+ }
+compatibility-no-issues-found = Ez da bateragarritasun-arazorik aurkitu.
+compatibility-close-settings-button =
+ .title = Itxi ezarpenak
+# Text used in the element containing the browser icons for a given compatibility issue.
+# Line breaks are significant.
+# Variables:
+# $browsers (String) - A line-separated list of browser information (e.g. Firefox 98\nChrome 99).
+compatibility-issue-browsers-list =
+ .title =
+ Bateragarritasun-arazoak nabigatzaile hauetan:
+ { $browsers }
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15ac43edf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used in DevTools’ performance-new panel, about:profiling, and
+### the remote profiling panel. There are additional profiler strings in the appmenu.ftl
+### file that are used for the profiler popup.
+perftools-intro-title = Analizatzailearen ezarpenak
+perftools-intro-description =
+ Grabaketek abiarazten dute fitxa berri batean. Datu guztiak
+ lokalki gordetzen dira baina partekatzeko igotzea ere aukera dezakezu.
+## All of the headings for the various sections.
+perftools-heading-settings = Ezarpen guztiak
+perftools-heading-buffer = Bufferraren ezarpenak
+perftools-heading-features = Eginbideak
+perftools-heading-features-default = Eginbideak (gomendatutakoak gaituta lehenespenez)
+perftools-heading-features-disabled = Desgaitutako eginbideak
+perftools-heading-features-experimental = Esperimentala
+perftools-heading-threads = Hariak
+perftools-heading-threads-jvm = JVM hariak
+perftools-heading-local-build = Eraikitze lokala
+perftools-description-intro =
+ Grabaketek <a></a> abiarazten dute fitxa berri batean. Datu guztiak
+ lokalki gordetzen dira baina partekatzeko igotzea ere aukera dezakezu.
+perftools-description-local-build =
+ Zuk makina honetan konpilatutako eraikitze bat analizatzen ari bazara,
+ gehi ezazu zure eraikitzearen objdir-a beheko zerrendan, sinboloen
+ informazioa bilatzeko erabili ahal izan dadin.
+## The controls for the interval at which the profiler samples the code.
+perftools-range-interval-label = Lagin-tartea:
+perftools-range-interval-milliseconds = { NUMBER($interval, maxFractionalUnits: 2) } ms
+# The size of the memory buffer used to store things in the profiler.
+perftools-range-entries-label = Buffer-tamaina:
+perftools-custom-threads-label = Gehitu hari pertsonalizatuak izenez:
+perftools-devtools-interval-label = Tartea:
+perftools-devtools-threads-label = Hariak:
+perftools-devtools-settings-label = Ezarpenak
+## Various statuses that affect the current state of profiling, not typically displayed.
+perftools-status-recording-stopped-by-another-tool = Grabazio hau beste tresna batek gelditu du.
+perftools-status-restart-required = Nabigatzailea berrabiarazi behar da eginbide hau gaitzeko.
+## These are shown briefly when the user is waiting for the profiler to respond.
+perftools-request-to-stop-profiler = Grabazioa gelditzen
+perftools-request-to-get-profile-and-stop-profiler = Profila kapturatzen
+perftools-button-start-recording = Hasi grabatzen
+perftools-button-capture-recording = Kapturatu grabazioa
+perftools-button-cancel-recording = Utzi grabatzeari
+perftools-button-save-settings = Gorde ezarpenak eta itzuli
+perftools-button-restart = Berrabiarazi
+perftools-button-add-directory = Gehitu direktorioa
+perftools-button-remove-directory = Kendu hautatutakoak
+perftools-button-edit-settings = Editatu ezarpenak…
+## These messages are descriptions of the threads that can be enabled for the profiler.
+perftools-thread-gecko-main =
+ .title = Prozesu nagusia, bai guraso- eta eduki-prozesuetarako
+perftools-thread-compositor =
+ .title = Orrian marraztutako elementu desberdinak elkarrekin konposatzen ditu
+perftools-thread-dom-worker =
+ .title = Honek web-langileak eta zerbitzu-langileak maneiatzen ditu
+perftools-thread-renderer =
+ .title = WebRender gaituta dagoenean, OpenGL deiak exekutatzen dituen haria
+perftools-thread-render-backend =
+ .title = WebRender-en RenderBackend haria
+perftools-thread-timer =
+ .title = Denboragailuak maneiatzen dituen haria (setTimeout, setInterval, nsITimer)
+perftools-thread-style-thread =
+ .title = Estiloen kalkulua hainbat haritan banatuta dago
+pref-thread-stream-trans =
+ .title = Sareko jarioaren garraioa
+perftools-thread-socket-thread =
+ .title = Sareko kodeak socket-dei blokeagarriak exekutatzen dituen haria
+perftools-thread-img-decoder =
+ .title = Irudiak deskodetzeko hariak
+perftools-thread-dns-resolver =
+ .title = DNS ebazpena hari honetan gertatzen da
+perftools-thread-task-controller =
+ .title = TaskController hari-putzuko hariak
+perftools-thread-jvm-gecko =
+ .title = Gecko JVM hari nagusia
+perftools-thread-jvm-nimbus =
+ .title = Nimbus esperimentuen SDKren hari nagusiak
+perftools-thread-jvm-default-dispatcher =
+ .title = Kotlin azpirrutinen liburutegirako dispatcher lehenetsia
+perftools-thread-jvm-glean =
+ .title = Glean telemetria SDKren hari nagusiak
+perftools-thread-jvm-arch-disk-io =
+ .title = Kotlin azpirrutinen liburutegirako IO dispatcher-a
+perftools-thread-jvm-pool =
+ .title = Izenik gabeko hari multzoan sortutako hariak
+perftools-record-all-registered-threads = Saihestu goiko hautapenak eta grabatu erregistratutako hari guztiak
+perftools-tools-threads-input-label =
+ .title = Hari-izen hauek komaz bereizitako zerrenda bat dira eta harien analisia gaitzeko erabiltzen da analizatzailean. Haria kontuan har dadin, nahikoa da hari-izena erdizka bat etortzea; zuriuneak errespetatu egiten dira.
+## Onboarding UI labels. These labels are displayed in the new performance panel UI, when
+## preference is true.
+perftools-onboarding-message = <b>Berria</b>: { -profiler-brand-name } orain garatzaile-tresnen zati da. Eskuratu tresna boteretsu berri honi buruzko <a>argibide gehiago</a>.
+perftools-onboarding-close-button =
+ .aria-label = Itxi aurkezpeneko mezua
+## Profiler presets
+# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file
+# devtools/client/performance-new/popup/background.jsm.js
+# The same labels and descriptions are also defined in appmenu.ftl.
+# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file
+# devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.jsm.js
+# The same labels and descriptions are also defined in appmenu.ftl.
+perftools-presets-web-developer-label = Web garapena
+perftools-presets-web-developer-description = Web aplikazio gehienen arazketarako gomendatutako aurrezarpena, eragin negatibo txikiarekin.
+perftools-presets-firefox-label = { -brand-shorter-name }
+perftools-presets-firefox-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en profila egiteko gomendatutako aurrezarpena.
+perftools-presets-graphics-label = Grafikoak
+perftools-presets-graphics-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en programa-errore grafikoak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+perftools-presets-media-label = Multimedia
+perftools-presets-media-description2 = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en audio eta bideo programa-erroreak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+perftools-presets-networking-label = Sarea
+perftools-presets-networking-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en sareko programa-erroreak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+# "Power" is used in the sense of energy (electricity used by the computer).
+perftools-presets-power-label = Energia
+perftools-presets-power-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en energia-erabilpenaren arazoak ikertzeko aurrezarpena, eragin negatibo txikiarekin.
+perftools-presets-custom-label = Pertsonalizatua
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/storage.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/storage.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1647a3bb3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/storage.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the Storage Inspector.
+# Key shortcut used to focus the filter box on top of the data view
+storage-filter-key = CmdOrCtrl+F
+# Hint shown when the selected storage host does not contain any data
+storage-table-empty-text = Ez dago daturik aukeratutako ostalariarentzat
+# Hint shown when the cookies storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-cookies-hint = Ikusi eta editatu cookieak ostalaria aukeratuz. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Ikasi gehiago</a>
+# Hint shown when the local storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-localstorage-hint = Ikusi eta editatu biltegiratze lokala ostalaria aukeratuz. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Ikasi gehiago</a>
+# Hint shown when the session storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-sessionstorage-hint = Ikusi eta editatu saioaren biltegiratzea ostalaria aukeratuz. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Ikasi gehiago</a>
+# Hint shown when the IndexedDB storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-indexeddb-hint = Ikusi eta ezabatu IndexedDB sarrerak datu-basea aukeratuz. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Ikasi gehiago</a>
+# Hint shown when the cache storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-cache-hint = Ikusi eta ezabatu cacheko sarrerak biltegiratzea aukeratuz. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Ikasi gehiago</a>
+# Hint shown when the extension storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-extensionstorage-hint = Ikusi eta editatu hedapene-biltegiratzea ostalaria aukeratuz. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Ikasi gehiago</a>
+# Placeholder for the searchbox that allows you to filter the table items
+storage-search-box =
+ .placeholder = Iragazi elementuak
+# Placeholder text in the sidebar search box
+storage-variable-view-search-box =
+ .placeholder = Iragazi balioak
+# Add Item button title
+storage-add-button =
+ .title = Gehitu elementua
+# Refresh button title
+storage-refresh-button =
+ .title = Berritu elementuak
+# Context menu action to delete all storage items
+storage-context-menu-delete-all =
+ .label = Ezabatu denak
+# Context menu action to delete all session cookies
+storage-context-menu-delete-all-session-cookies =
+ .label = Ezabatu saioko cookie guztiak
+# Context menu action to copy a storage item
+storage-context-menu-copy =
+ .label = Kopiatu
+# Context menu action to delete storage item
+# Variables:
+# $itemName (String) - Name of the storage item that will be deleted
+storage-context-menu-delete =
+ .label = Ezabatu "{ $itemName }"
+# Context menu action to add an item
+storage-context-menu-add-item =
+ .label = Gehitu elementua
+# Context menu action to delete all storage items from a given host
+# Variables:
+# $host (String) - Host for which we want to delete the items
+storage-context-menu-delete-all-from =
+ .label = Ezabatu denak "{ $host }"(e)tik
+## Header names of the columns in the Storage Table for each type of storage available
+## through the Storage Tree to the side.
+storage-table-headers-cookies-name = Izena
+storage-table-headers-cookies-value = Balioa
+storage-table-headers-cookies-expires = Expires / Max-Age
+storage-table-headers-cookies-size = Tamaina
+storage-table-headers-cookies-last-accessed = Azken atzipena
+storage-table-headers-cookies-creation-time = Sortuta
+storage-table-headers-cache-status = Egoera
+storage-table-headers-extension-storage-area = Biltegiratze-eremua
+## Labels for Storage type groups present in the Storage Tree, like cookies, local storage etc.
+storage-tree-labels-cookies = Cookieak
+storage-tree-labels-local-storage = Biltegiratze lokala
+storage-tree-labels-session-storage = Saioko biltegiratzea
+storage-tree-labels-indexed-db = Indexed DB
+storage-tree-labels-cache = Cache-biltegiratzea
+storage-tree-labels-extension-storage = Hedapenen biltegiratzea
+# Tooltip for the button that collapses the right panel in the
+# storage UI when the panel is closed.
+storage-expand-pane =
+ .title = Zabaldu panela
+# Tooltip for the button that collapses the right panel in the
+# storage UI when the panel is open.
+storage-collapse-pane =
+ .title = Tolestu panela
+# String displayed in the expires column when the cookie is a Session Cookie
+storage-expires-session = Saioa
+# Heading displayed over the item value in the sidebar
+storage-data = Datuak
+# Heading displayed over the item parsed value in the sidebar
+storage-parsed-value = Analizatutako balioa
+# Warning notification when IndexedDB database could not be deleted immediately.
+# Variables:
+# $dbName (String) - Name of the database
+storage-idb-delete-blocked = "{ $dbName }" datu-basea ezabatu egingo da konexio guztiak itxi ondoren.
+# Error notification when IndexedDB database could not be deleted.
+# Variables:
+# $dbName (String) - Name of the database
+storage-idb-delete-error = Ezin da "{ $dbName }" datu-basea ezabatu.
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/styleeditor.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/styleeditor.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8019721a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/styleeditor.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+styleeditor-new-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Sortu eta erantsi estilo-orri berria dokumentuari
+ .accesskey = B
+styleeditor-import-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Inportatu eta erantsi badagoen estilo-orri bat dokumentuari
+ .accesskey = I
+styleeditor-filter-input =
+ .placeholder = Iragazi estilo-orriak
+styleeditor-visibility-toggle =
+ .tooltiptext = Txandakatu estilo-orriaren ikusgaitasuna
+ .accesskey = G
+styleeditor-visibility-toggle-system =
+ .tooltiptext = Sistemaren estilo-orriak ezin dira desgaitu
+styleeditor-save-button = Gorde
+ .tooltiptext = Gorde estilo-orri hau fitxategi batera
+ .accesskey = G
+styleeditor-options-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Estilo-editorearen aukerak
+styleeditor-at-rules = At-erregelak
+styleeditor-editor-textbox =
+ .data-placeholder = Idatzi CSSa hemen.
+styleeditor-no-stylesheet = Orri honek ez dauka estilo-orririk.
+styleeditor-no-stylesheet-tip = Beharbada <a data-l10n-name="append-new-stylesheet">estilo-orri berria erantsi</a> nahi duzu?
+styleeditor-open-link-new-tab =
+ .label = Ireki lotura fitxa berrian
+styleeditor-copy-url =
+ .label = Kopiatu URLa
+styleeditor-find =
+ .label = Bilatu
+ .accesskey = B
+styleeditor-find-again =
+ .label = Bilatu berriro
+ .accesskey = r
+styleeditor-go-to-line =
+ .label = Jauzi lerrora…
+ .accesskey = J
+# Label displayed when searching a term that is not found in any stylesheet path
+styleeditor-stylesheet-all-filtered = Ez da aurkitu bat datorren estilo-orririk.
+# This string is shown in the style sheets list
+# Variables:
+# $ruleCount (Integer) - The number of rules in the stylesheet.
+styleeditor-stylesheet-rule-count =
+ { $ruleCount ->
+ [one] erregela { $ruleCount }.
+ *[other] { $ruleCount } erregela.
+ }
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
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--- /dev/null
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for Developer Tools options
+## Default Developer Tools section
+# The heading
+options-select-default-tools-label = Garatzaile-tresna lehenetsiak
+# The label for the explanation of the * marker on a tool which is currently not supported
+# for the target of the toolbox.
+options-tool-not-supported-label = * Ez da onartzen tresna-kutxaren uneko helbururako
+# The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the developer tools
+# added by add-ons. This heading is hidden when there is no developer tool installed by add-ons.
+options-select-additional-tools-label = Gehigarriek instalatutako garatzaile-tresnak
+# The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the default developer
+# tool buttons.
+options-select-enabled-toolbox-buttons-label = Tresna-kutxako botoi erabilgarriak
+# The label for the heading of the radiobox corresponding to the theme
+options-select-dev-tools-theme-label = Itxurak
+## Inspector section
+# The heading
+options-context-inspector = Ikuskatzailea
+# The label for the checkbox option to show user agent styles
+options-show-user-agent-styles-label = Erakutsi nabigatzaile-estiloak
+options-show-user-agent-styles-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, nabigatzaileak kargatzen dituen estilo lehenetsiak erakutsiko dira.
+# The label for the checkbox option to enable collapse attributes
+options-collapse-attrs-label = Moztu DOM atributuak
+options-collapse-attrs-tooltip =
+ .title = Moztu ikuskatzaileko atributu luzeak
+# The label for the checkbox option to enable the "drag to update" feature
+options-inspector-draggable-properties-label = Egin klik eta arrastatu tamainaren balioak editatzeko
+options-inspector-draggable-properties-tooltip =
+ .title = Egin klik eta arrastatu ikuskatzailearen arauen ikuspegiko tamainaren balioak editatzeko.
+## "Default Color Unit" options for the Inspector
+options-default-color-unit-label = Koloreen unitate lehenetsia
+options-default-color-unit-authored = Sortu bezala
+options-default-color-unit-hex = Hamaseitarra
+options-default-color-unit-hsl = HSL(A)
+options-default-color-unit-rgb = RGB(A)
+options-default-color-unit-hwb = HWB
+options-default-color-unit-name = Koloreen izenak
+## Style Editor section
+# The heading
+options-styleeditor-label = Estilo-editorea
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles autocompletion of css in the Style Editor
+options-stylesheet-autocompletion-label = CSSaren osatze automatikoa
+options-stylesheet-autocompletion-tooltip =
+ .title = Osatu automatikoki idatzi ahala CSS propietateak, balioak eta hautatzaileak estiloen editorean
+## Screenshot section
+# The heading
+options-screenshot-label = Pantaila-argazkiaren portaera
+# Label for the checkbox that toggles screenshot to clipboard feature
+options-screenshot-clipboard-only-label = Pantaila-argazkia arbelera soilik
+options-screenshot-clipboard-tooltip2 =
+ .title = Pantaila-argazkia zuzenean arbelean gordetzen du
+# Label for the checkbox that toggles the camera shutter audio for screenshot tool
+options-screenshot-audio-label = Erreproduzitu kamera-obturadorearen soinua
+options-screenshot-audio-tooltip =
+ .title = Kameraren audio-soinua gaitzen du pantaila-argazkia hartzerakoan
+## Editor section
+# The heading
+options-sourceeditor-label = Editorearen hobespenak
+options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-tooltip =
+ .title = Saiatu koska igartzen iturburuaren edukian oinarrituta
+options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-label = Detektatu koska
+options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-tooltip =
+ .title = Txertatu automatikoki ixteko kortxeteak
+options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-label = Autoitxi kortxeteak
+options-sourceeditor-expandtab-tooltip =
+ .title = Erabili zuriune-karaktereak tabulazio-karakterearen ordez
+options-sourceeditor-expandtab-label = Koska zuriuneak erabiliz
+options-sourceeditor-tabsize-label = Tabulazioaren tamaina
+options-sourceeditor-keybinding-label = Tekla-konbinazioak
+options-sourceeditor-keybinding-default-label = Lehenetsia
+## Advanced section
+# The heading (this item is also used in perftools.ftl)
+options-context-advanced-settings = Ezarpen aurreratuak
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles the HTTP cache on or off
+options-disable-http-cache-label = Desgaitu HTTP cachea (tresna-kutxa irekita dagoenean)
+options-disable-http-cache-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, Ezarrita badago, HTTP cachea desgaitu egingo da tresna-kutxa zabalik duten fitxa guztietan. Aukera honek ez die zerbitzu-langileei eragiten.
+# The label for checkbox that toggles JavaScript on or off
+options-disable-javascript-label = Desgaitu JavaScript *
+options-disable-javascript-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, JavaScript desgaituko da uneko fitxan. Fitxa edo tresna-kutxa itxita badaude, ezarpen hau ahaztu egingo da.
+# The label for checkbox that toggles chrome debugging, i.e. the preference
+options-enable-chrome-label = Gaitu nabigatzailearen interfazea eta gehigarriak arazteko tresna-kutxak
+options-enable-chrome-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, hainbat garatzaile-tresna nabigatzailearen testuinguruan erabili (Tresnak > Web garapena > Nabigatzailearen tresna-kutxa bidez) eta gehigarrien kudeatzailetik araztu ahal izango dituzu
+# The label for checkbox that toggles remote debugging, i.e. the devtools.debugger.remote-enabled preference
+options-enable-remote-label = Gaitu urruneko arazketa
+options-enable-remote-tooltip2 =
+ .title = Aukera hau aktibatuz gero, nabigatzaile-instantzia hau urrunetik araztu ahal izango da
+# The label for checkbox that enables F12 as a shortcut to open DevTools
+options-enable-f12-label = Erabili F12 tekla garatzaile-tresnak ireki edo ixteko
+# The label for checkbox that toggles custom formatters for objects
+options-enable-custom-formatters-label = Gaitu formateatzaile pertsonalizatuak
+options-enable-custom-formatters-tooltip =
+ .title = Aukera hau gaituz gero, DOM objektuen formateatzaile pertsonalizatuak zehaztu ahal izango dituzte guneek
+# The label for checkbox that toggles the service workers testing over HTTP on or off.
+options-enable-service-workers-http-label = Gaitu zerbitzu-langileak HTTP bidez (tresna-kutxa irekita dagoenean)
+options-enable-service-workers-http-tooltip =
+ .title = Ezarrita badago, zerbitzu-langileak HTTP bidez erabilgarri egongo dira tresna-kutxa zabalik duten fitxa guztietan.
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles source maps in all tools.
+options-source-maps-label = Gaitu iturburu-mapak
+options-source-maps-tooltip =
+ .title = Aukera hau gaituz gero, iturburuak mapeatu egingo dira tresnetan.
+# The message shown for settings that trigger page reload
+options-context-triggers-page-refresh = * Uneko saioa soilik, orria berritzen du
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/toolbox.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/toolbox.ftl
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These messages are used in the DevTools toolbox.
+## These labels are shown in the "..." menu in the toolbox, and represent different
+## commands such as the docking of DevTools, toggling features, and viewing some
+## external links. Some of the commands have the keyboard shortcut shown next to
+## the label.
+toolbox-meatball-menu-dock-bottom-label = Atrakatu behean
+toolbox-meatball-menu-dock-left-label = Atrakatu ezkerrera
+toolbox-meatball-menu-dock-right-label = Atrakatu eskuinera
+toolbox-meatball-menu-dock-separate-window-label = Leiho bereizia
+toolbox-meatball-menu-splitconsole-label = Erakutsi zatitutako kontsola
+toolbox-meatball-menu-hideconsole-label = Ezkutatu zatitutako kontsola
+toolbox-meatball-menu-settings-label = Ezarpenak
+toolbox-meatball-menu-documentation-label = Dokumentazioa…
+toolbox-meatball-menu-community-label = Komunitatea…
+# This menu item is only available in the browser toolbox. It forces the popups/panels
+# to stay visible on blur, which is primarily useful for addon developers and Firefox
+# contributors.
+toolbox-meatball-menu-noautohide-label = Desgaitu laster-menuak automatikoki ezkutatzea
+toolbox-meatball-menu-pseudo-locale-accented = Gaitu "azentudun" hizkuntza
+toolbox-meatball-menu-pseudo-locale-bidi = Gaitu "bidi" hizkuntza
+## These labels are shown in the top-toolbar in the Browser Toolbox and Browser Console
+toolbox-mode-browser-toolbox-label = Nabigatzailearen tresna-kutxa modua
+toolbox-mode-browser-console-label = Nabigatzailearen kontsola modua
+toolbox-mode-everything-label = Multiprozesua
+toolbox-mode-everything-sub-label = (Motelagoa)
+toolbox-mode-everything-container =
+ .title = Araztu prozesu guztietako dena
+toolbox-mode-parent-process-label = Prozesu gurasoa soilik
+toolbox-mode-parent-process-sub-label = (Azkarra)
+toolbox-mode-parent-process-container =
+ .title = Zentratu soilik prozesu gurasoaren baliabideetan.
+toolbox-always-on-top-enabled2 = Desgaitu beti gainean egoteko modua
+ .title = Garatzaile-tresnak berrabiaraziko ditu
+toolbox-always-on-top-disabled2 = Gaitu beti gainean egoteko modua
+ .title = Garatzaile-tresnak berrabiaraziko ditu
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/tooltips.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/tooltips.ftl
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/eu/localization/eu/devtools/client/tooltips.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for Developer Tools tooltips.
+learn-more = <span data-l10n-name="link">Argibide gehiago</span>
+## In the Rule View when a CSS property cannot be successfully applied we display
+## an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain why
+## the property is not applied.
+## Variables:
+## $property (string) - A CSS property name e.g. "color".
+## $display (string) - A CSS display value e.g. "inline-block".
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako flex edo sareta edukiontzia.
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako flex, sareta edo hainbat zutabetako edukiontzia.
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako flex edo sareta elementua.
+inactive-css-not-grid-item = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako sareta elementua.
+inactive-css-not-grid-container = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako sareta edukiontzia.
+inactive-css-not-flex-item = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako flex elementua.
+inactive-css-not-flex-container = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako flex edukiontzia.
+inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako barne- edo taula-gelaxka motako elementua.
+inactive-css-property-because-of-display = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan <strong>{ $display }</strong> balioa duelako.
+inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated = Motorrak <strong>display</strong> balioa <strong>block</strong>-era aldatu du elementua <strong>flotatzen</strong> dagoelako.
+inactive-css-property-is-impossible-to-override-in-visited = Ezin da <strong>{ $property }</strong> gainidatzi <strong>:visited</strong> mugatzea dela eta.
+inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako kokatutako elementua.
+inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan <strong>overflow:hidden</strong> ez dagoelako ezarrita.
+inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik barneko taula-elementuetan.
+inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik barneko taula-elementuetan, gelaxketan salbu.
+inactive-css-not-table = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ez delako taula bat.
+inactive-scroll-padding-when-not-scroll-container = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ezin delako korritu.
+inactive-css-border-image = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan ezin delako barneko taula-elementuetan aplikatu guraso taula-elementuan <strong>border-collapse</strong> atributuaren balioa <strong>collapse</strong> gisa ezarrita dagoenean.
+inactive-css-ruby-element = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietateak ez du eraginik elementu honetan, 'ruby' elementua delako. Bere tamaina 'ruby' testuaren letra-tamainak zehazten du.
+## In the Rule View when a CSS property cannot be successfully applied we display
+## an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain how
+## the problem can be solved.
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-fix = Saiatu <strong>display: grid</strong> edo <strong>display: flex</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container-fix = Saiatu <strong>display: grid</strong>, <strong>display: flex</strong> edo <strong>columns: 2</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item-fix-3 = Saiatu elementuaren gurasoari <strong>display: grid</strong>, <strong>display: flex</strong>, <strong>display: inline-grid</strong> edo <strong>display: inline-flex</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-grid-item-fix-2 = Saiatu elementuaren gurasoari <strong>display: grid</strong> edo <strong>display: inline-grid</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-grid-container-fix = Saiatu <strong>display: grid</strong> edo <strong>display: inline-grid</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-flex-item-fix-2 = Saiatu elementuaren gurasoari <strong>display: flex</strong> edo <strong>display: inline-flex</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-flex-container-fix = Saiatu <strong>display: flex</strong> edo <strong>display: inline-flex</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell-fix = Saiatu <strong>display: inline</strong> edo <strong>display: table-cell</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-row-or-row-group-fix = Saiatu <strong>display: inline-block</strong> edo <strong>display: block</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-column-or-column-group-fix = Saiatu <strong>display: inline-block</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated-fix = Saiatu <strong>float</strong> kentzen edo <strong>display: block</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box-fix = Saiatu bere <strong>position</strong> propietateari <strong>static</strong> ez den beste balio bat ezartzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow-fix = Saiatu <strong>overflow:hidden</strong> gehitzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-fix = Saiatu bere <strong>display</strong> propietatea <strong>table-cell</strong>, <strong>table-column</strong>, <strong>table-row</strong>, <strong>table-column-group</strong>, <strong>table-row-group</strong> edo <strong>table-footer-group</strong> ez den beste balio batera ezartzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells-fix = Saiatu bere <strong>display</strong> propietatea <strong>table-column</strong>, <strong>table-row</strong>, <strong>table-column-group</strong>, <strong>table-row-group</strong> edo <strong>table-footer-group</strong> ez den beste balio batera ezartzen. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-table-fix = Saiatu gehitzen <strong>display:table</strong> edo <strong>display:inline-table</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-scroll-padding-when-not-scroll-container-fix = Saiatu gehitzen <strong>overflow:auto</strong>, <strong>overflow:scroll</strong> edo <strong>overflow:hidden</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-border-image-fix = Guraso taula-elementuan, kendu propietatea edo aldatu <strong>border-collapse</strong> atributuaren balioa <strong>collapse</strong> ez den beste balio batera. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-ruby-element-fix = Saiatu 'ruby' testuaren <strong>font-size</strong> propietatea aldatzen. { learn-more }
+## In the Rule View when a CSS property may have compatibility issues with other browsers
+## we display an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain why
+## the property is incompatible and the platforms it is incompatible on.
+## Variables:
+## $property (string) - A CSS declaration name e.g. "-moz-user-select" that can be a platform specific alias.
+## $rootProperty (string) - A raw CSS property name e.g. "user-select" that is not a platform specific alias.
+css-compatibility-default-message = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietatea ez dago erabilgarri ondorengo nabigatzaileetan:
+css-compatibility-deprecated-experimental-message = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietatea esperimentala zen eta zaharkituta dago orain W3C estandarretan. Ez dago erabilgarri ondorengo nabigatzaileetan:
+css-compatibility-deprecated-experimental-supported-message = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietatea esperimentala zen eta zaharkituta dago orain W3C estandarretan.
+css-compatibility-deprecated-message = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietatea zaharkituta dago W3C estandarretan. Ez dago erabilgarri ondorengo nabigatzaileetan:
+css-compatibility-deprecated-supported-message = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietatea zaharkituta dago W3C estandarretan.
+css-compatibility-experimental-message = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietatea esperimentala da. Ez dago erabilgarri ondorengo nabigatzaileetan:
+css-compatibility-experimental-supported-message = <strong>{ $property }</strong> propietatea esperimentala da.
+css-compatibility-learn-more-message = <span data-l10n-name="link">Argibide gehiago</span> <strong>{ $rootProperty }</strong> propietateari buruz